MMP 03 Pre-Flight Checklist

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The Millionaire Master Plan ~ Playbook 01

Pre-flight! Checklist

Airline pilots would not dream of taking off without completing

their pre-flight checklist. This isnt something that happens once in
a while. Its something that happens every single flight, without

This is the Wealth Spectrum pre-flight checklist. Use it to remind yourself of

the steps at each level of the spectrum, and use it regularly enough that it
becomes habit. Most loss of wealth comes from carelessness, where we stray
off from our flightpath (or forget to set one) and stop looking at our
instruments. We cant predict all the external conditions and internal
challenges on our flight, but we can be equipped with the flightpath, flightdeck
and controls to constantly correct ourselves and stay on course.

The purpose of this pre-flight checklist is to keep you on path and on purpose.
You will find all the steps up to your Spectrum level to be relevant and
necessary to stay on course. You will find the steps above your level to not be
so relevant, but an awareness of them helps on the next step of your journey.

Each step of the checklist goes into much deeper detail within each mission in
GeniusU. Use this checklist to highlight your blind spots and areas of focus,
and bring these up on our calls so we can tackle them together. Remember
that it is easy to get lost in the challenges, successes, distractions and
opportunities of the level you are on and forget to cover earlier bases like
aligning to your flightpath or measuring your money.

We cover the first six levels in the first two prisms of the Wealth
Spectrum in this checklist:

The Foundation Prism This is mastery of the wealth

flowing through our life: Our ability to create an abundant
flow of value and money through our life regardless of
market conditions.


The Enterprise Prism This is mastery of the wealth

flowing through our markets: Our ability to manage
investments and enterprises effectively to flow value and
money through our teams and markets.


MMP Playbook 01 ~ Pre-flight Checklist

Seven Sections in the Check List


Here are the seven sections in the checklist:

1. Flight Plan


Before taking off, you need to be clear where you want to go.
This is your destination and flight path, with a life design that
inspires you in all areas of your life.

2. To Red Level: Measuring and Managing Flow

Before getting busy with business, the most important step is to

know what your personal financial milestones are, ensuring you
are growing a positive net flow each month.

3. To Orange Level: Adding Personal Flow

Connecting your personal passion and purpose to your flight

path is like connecting the fuel to the engine. Without these
steps, you wont have the fuel to reach your destination.

4. To Yellow Level: Connecting to Market Flow

Being clear on your position and how you relate to your market
puts you on the map. These are the steps to convert your time
into money, and to tap in to the flow of the markets.

5. To Green Level: Connecting to Team Flow

The steps to profitable teams that can run without you are very
different from the steps you took to manage the entire business
yourself. These are the steps to take you to green level.

6. To Blue Level: Conducting Multiple Streams
These are the steps for shifting from a team focus to an asset
focus, and from profit to portfolio. To move to blue level, these
steps are vital to keep your multiple streams in flow.

7. To Indigo Level: Leading Market Flow


The music of the markets is created at the three levels of the

Alchemy prism. These are the steps that gain you entry to these
top levels, where you move from pilot to weathermaker.

MMP Playbook 01 ~ Pre-flight Checklist


Pre-flight Check List

Regardless of which level you are currently at, begin the checklist from the
beginning each time you run through it. Without doubt, when you lose your
way or lose momentum it will be as a result of missing a check on a point
earlier in the checklist. Return to this checklist often. When you get started,
check in every week until you have set up a rhythm and habit which ensures
youve got all checks covered.

1. Flight Plan



1A. I have a written, inspiring Future Vision of where I will be

that is visible and front-of-mind

1B. I have a Flight Path that gives me monthly personal and

financial milestones to achieve my Future Vision

1C. I follow a rhythm to review my Future Vision and Flight

Path to ensure I self-correct and stay on track

2. Infrared to Red Level: Measuring and Managing Flow
Measure your Money





2A. I have a system to measure my personal finances every

month and know what my monthly net income is

2B. I have a simple monthly forecast and actuals for my

personal finances that allow me to track my progress

2C. I have a banking system and review system to ensure I

am always aware of my personal financial position


Commit to Conduct

2D. I have designed my relationships, environment, spaces

and travel to keep me in flow and at my best

2E. I follow a rhythm to plan my time and activities every year,

month and week that keeps me balanced and inspired

2F. I have a daily rhythm that energises me in mind, body,

spirit and keeps me in good health and vitality


MMP Playbook 01 ~ Pre-flight Checklist


Do your Duty

2G. I put the actions that align to my Flight Path as my first

priority and I commit to these actions daily









2H. I am disciplined in managing my distractions and

emotions and I am surrounded by people who support my

2K. I ensure I seek out answers and support, and I have the
courage to act in the face of uncertainty

3. Red to Orange Level: Adding Personal Flow
Pinpoint your Passion

3A. I have a Passion Board of activities, people and things

that electrifies and inspires my Flight Path and daily life

3B. I have a list of the companies and people I connect with

who are in flow and share the same passions as me

3C. I ensure that I have designed my rhythm and the people I

work with to keep me aligned in my passion and purpose


Set your Standards

3D. I have a Standards Sheet of the new higher standards I

have set and the old standards I will no longer settle for

3E. I seek out and surround myself with people who are living
at the same standards that I have chosen for myself

3F. I ensure I have designed my life to suit my profile and

strengths, so that I stay in my flow


Follow the Flow

3G. I have connected with companies and people in flow that I

am earning positive cashflow from, earning as I learn

3H. I am investing my time in connecting with the people and

opportunities in my chosen industry to grow my flow

3K. I am measuring the growth in my knowledge and network

and have clear pathways to deliver my value

MMP Playbook 01 ~ Pre-flight Checklist

4. Orange to Yellow Level: Connecting to Market Flow


Identify your Identity









4A. I have a clear path to my ideal identity with role models to

follow and a clear identity today that I can express

4B. I have a reputation in my niche as a distinct leader in my

field that creates attraction in business and opportunities

4C. I have aligned all my actions, messaging and marketing to

reflect clearly my identity to my market and the world


Master your Market

4D. I have sized my market, I know my competitors and what

my unique market position and market share is and will be

4E. I have segmented my market and designed my time and

business around the different needs of my customers

4F. I have systems and a rhythm that keeps me close to my

customers, my competitors and the market shapers


Monetize your Moment

4G. I have outsourced or automated all my business

processes so I can focus on profitable promotions

4H. I have an annual schedule of promotion plans that links to

my monthly profit & loss and cash flow forecasts

4K. I have aligned my team and partners to a weekly rhythm

of results, testing and measuring based on our promotions

5. Yellow to Green Level: Connecting to Team Flow
Establish your Enterprise
5A. We have a compelling and unique Enterprise Promise that
creates attraction of customers and resources

5B. We have a business model that affords a leadership team

and a Team Charter with a clear flight path for the team

5C. I have selected and empowered a leadership team to lead

the company with clear milestones and financial targets

MMP Playbook 01 ~ Pre-flight Checklist


Refine your Rhythm





5D. We have an annual rhythm of review and renew for our

plan, promotions, projects and processes

5E. I have a rhythm that keeps me in flow while the team has
a weekly and daily rhythm that keeps each member in flow

5F. We have a flight deck with all measures and milestones,

and we have a system to keep on our flight path


Synchronize your Steps

5G. We have an understanding of our profiles and strengths,

and have fit our positions to our profiles to stay in flow

5H. We are aware of the stage of enterprise we are in, and we

are keeping to a frequency of action that suits the stage

5K. We are aware of the stage of industry and are managing

our expectations and promotions based on the season

6. Green to Blue Level: Orchestrating Multiple Streams
Anchor your Authority





6A. I have a cash generating asset portfolio that is the anchor

of my wealth and grows in line with my flight path

6B. I have a trust structure and team that all my assets and
enterprises flow to and are measured in

6C. I am an established authority in my industry and attract

high level leaders to manage my assets and enterprises


Perfect your Processes

6D. All my assets and enterprises share the same process of

review and renew, taking little of my own time

6E. I have one common process and criteria for buying,

holding or selling my assets and enterprises

6F. I have a system to assess new opportunities and talent,

and to keep me at the right place, right time


MMP Playbook 01 ~ Pre-flight Checklist

Build your Balance









6G. I have a rhythm to maintain a balance of time across all

areas of my portfolio, and add value where needed most

6H. I hold a long term view on my industry and assets and

have processes to keep me up-to-date with everything

6K. I keep a balance between my life, portfolio, and roles at

different levels of the spectrum to keep vital and versatile

7. Blue to Indigo Level: Leading Market Flow
Trump your Trust

7A. I generate a significant portion of my cash flow and assets

as a direct result of my brand value and reputation

7B. I am a leader in my industry and am the first to receive the

top opportunities that arise in my market

7C. I manage my time between my platform delivering my

purpose, my portfolio, and my private life


Capitalize your Currency

7D. I have public listed or tradable assets that enable me to

generate new cash easily and quickly

7E. I have a list of financiers, investors and specialists that I

draw on to access additional resources and talent

7F. I have capital value beyond my fixed assets that generates

significant cash in my portfolio


Connect your Community

7G. I have a process to manage my responsibility to the larger

community that is attracted to the flow I lead

7H. I have a system to review and renew measurable progress

on the resources I attract and the causes that I support

7K. I have a structure to manage the message and media by

which my community connects and orchestrates flow

MMP Playbook 01 ~ Pre-flight Checklist

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