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An Major Qualifying Project Submitted to the Faculty of the
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Science
Justin Gostanian,
Computer Science Major
Erick Read,
Robotic Engineering Major

April 26, 2012

Michael A. Gennert, Project Advisor

This report is the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of
completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its web site without editorial
or peer review.

This Project is on the design, construction, and testing of a robot to climb trees to detect
Asian Longhorn Beetle infestation. The primary goal was to design and build a robot that could
successfully climb a tree. After researching existing climbing robot designs, a robot prototype was
built using concepts from the existing designs. The prototype was then tested to determine the
effectiveness of the design. The prototype proved to be partially successful, being capable of
gripping a tree and staying on, but could not move. Though not entirely successful, the project
identified many important aspects in a tree climbing robot's design.

The team would like to acknowledge the many people who contributed their efforts to
helping the team construct this project and make it through the challenging research process:
Professor Michael Gennert for advising the project; Benzun Pious Wisely and Ming Luo for their
assistance in building the robot and providing design ideas; Dr. Clint McFarland and Donna
Fernandez for providing the team with information on the Asian Longhorn Beetle; and Alfred A.
Rizzi for providing the team with design details and other information on RiSE. We would also like
to thank Edward Read who helped in the machining and construction of various components of the

Table of Contents
Table of Figures....................................................................................................................................5
Executive Summery..............................................................................................................................7
I. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................9
II. Background....................................................................................................................................11
A. RiSE v2.....................................................................................................................................11
B. RiSE v3.....................................................................................................................................13
C. Kamanbar................................................................................................................................14
D. Inchworm Design......................................................................................................................16
III. Design...........................................................................................................................................17
A. Locomotion...............................................................................................................................18
i. Four Legs..............................................................................................................................18
ii. Six Legs................................................................................................................................18
iii. Centipede.............................................................................................................................19
iv. Inchworm.............................................................................................................................19
v. Flight.....................................................................................................................................20
vi. Wheels..................................................................................................................................22
B. Grip Method..............................................................................................................................23
i. Spike......................................................................................................................................23
ii. Bird Foot...............................................................................................................................23
C. Size............................................................................................................................................25
D. Final Design..............................................................................................................................26
i. Servos.....................................................................................................................................29
ii. Microcontroller.....................................................................................................................30
iii. Software...............................................................................................................................31
IV. Results...........................................................................................................................................34
V. Conclusion and Future Research....................................................................................................37
References .........................................................................................................................................41

Table of Figures
Illustration 1: Beetle with an emergence hole......................................................................................9
Illustration 2: RiSE v2........................................................................................................................12
Illustration 3: RiSE v3........................................................................................................................13
Illustration 4: Mechanical structure of Kamanbar............................................................................14
Illustration 5: Kamanbar's software architecture..............................................................................15
Illustration 6: Treebot.........................................................................................................................16
Illustration 7: Inchworm design..........................................................................................................20
Illustration 8: RC Helicopter..............................................................................................................21
Illustration 9: Wheeled Robot Climbing a Coconut Tree...................................................................22
Illustration 10: A Bird Foot Gripping a Test Tree...............................................................................24
Illustration 11: Weight Budget............................................................................................................27
Illustration 12: Torque output of Servos.............................................................................................27
Illustration 13: 4 Leg Design..............................................................................................................28
Illustration 14: 6 Leg Design..............................................................................................................28
Illustration 15: The Software Architecture.........................................................................................32
Illustration 16: The Conceptual GUI..................................................................................................35
Illustration 17: The Platform gripping a sample tree..........................................................................37
Illustration 18: The working GUI tests were done in.........................................................................40

Justin Gostanian
II.A. RiSE v2
II.B. RiSE v3
II.C. Kamanbar
II.D. Inchworm Design
III.D.ii. Microcontroller
III.D.iii. Software
IV. Results
V. Conclusion and Future Research
Erick Read
I. Introduction
III. Design.A.i. Four Legs
III. Design.A.ii. Six Legs
III. Design.A.iii. Centipede
III. Design.A.iv. Inchworm
III. Design.A.v. Flight
III. Wheels
III. Design.B.i. Spike
III. Design.B.i. Bird Foot
III. Design.C. Size
III. Design.D.i. Servos

Executive Summery
The purpose of this MQP was to design and build a robot capable of climbing a tree to
identify signs of the Asian Longhorn Beetle (ALB). The ALB is an invasive insect species that
poses a serious threat to North American hardwood industry. Our project was on the development
of a robotic system that can be used by a serveyor to reduce the risk and errors faced by the current
method. We met with the USDA to identify the problems that they currently faced in searching for
infestations in the Worcester area. We used the information that we received from the USDA to
create a list of requirements that would be used as the baseline for the construction of the robot.
After determining the features needed on the robot, research into how to design and build a robot
that could fulfill the requirements was done.
Before we could start the design of our robot we decided that it would be beneficial to
research existing tree climbing robots. In our research we looked at many different designs to see
what were the most common and effective ways people used to develop tree climbing robots. In our
research we found that there were many modes of locomotion that various people had implemented
in there own designs. RiSE by Boston Dynamics was primary inspiration for our design, but we
also looked at alternatives. Ideas like an inchworm design and even flight were considered, but
ultimately, a legged design was considered best for the requirements we were given.
Another major design decision that we had to overcome after choosing to use a legged robot
was how we would attach the legs of the robots to the tree. After talking with Alfred Rizzi from
Boston Dynamics and seeing the different methods that they implemented in the various RiSE
projects we came up with two basic design choices. The first design was a simple spike that would
be attached to the end of the leg and could be driven into the surface the robot was climbing. The
second method would require the design of an entire foot that would be attached to each leg and
would allow for the robot to anchor itself to where ever it placed the foot.

We also considered the size of the robot. The size dictates the design restraints of a lot of
other parts. The overall height affects the length that the legs should be as well as the amount of
room we have for the essential electronics. The overall size of the robot also affects the size of the
servos that we have to choose to move it. We decided to make the robot nine inches long so that
each leg will be able to move along a ninety degree arc and still not hit any of the other legs.
For our final design choice, we decided on a six legged design. We chose this design
because in our design process, we found the most benefit for cost. A six legged design would allow
for easy construction and proof of concept on a small budget. It was also one of the favored designs
that we found in our research with the RiSE project.
We also planned out the software architecture. The software of the robot serves three
purposes. Firstly, it must function as the control system for the robot. Secondly, it must facilitate
communication between the robot and the controller. Finally, the software must display the camera
output to the user. Wealso decided a GUI would be necessary to make the system easy to use.
We made significant progress on the requirements we set out for ourselves for this revision
of the project. Since our final presentable did not have a feedback system created and implemented
we did not feel comfortable calling it a robot. We did this because we felt that anything that could
not take in information from its surroundings and use them to alter the platforms actions was not
truly considered a robot. This did not stop us from testing the platform we created against the
requirements we set out to complete at the beginning of the project. The final revision that we
tested for our platform was able to hold onto a tree.
This project leaves a lot to be answered. A future MQP could stem off from any part of our
current project. Further research into the mechanical design of the legs or body would allow for the
final project to be more effective in completing our list of requirements. Further work in a control
system would allow for the robot to react to its surrounding and allow for easier and more intuitive
controls for the end user.

I. Introduction
The purpose of this Major Qualifying Project (MQP) was to design and build a robot
capable of climbing a tree to identify signs of the Asian Longhorn Beetle (ALB). The ALB is an
invasive insect species that poses a serious threat to North American hardwood industry. [2] In order
to identify signs of an ALB infestation extensive surveys must be contucted by human climbers.
This is a slow, error prone, hazardous, and expensive process. [6] The ALB and the exit hole that
surveyors look for to show signs of infestation are shown in figure 1.

Illustration 1: Beetle with an emergence hole, Image supplied courtesy of Dr. Clint McFarland,

Our project was on the development of a robotic system that can be used by a serveyor to
reduce the risk and errors faced by the current method. We met with the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA) to identify the problems that they currently faced in searching for
infestations in the Worcester area. We used the information that we received from the USDA to
create a list of requirements that would be used as the baseline for the construction of the robot. For

instance, one of the major problems the USDA had with identifying ALB was searching trees near
power lines or in other dangerous areas, such as cliff sides.
Features they requested included:
-Ease of use. They wanted use of the robot to be something that could be easily learned, so
it would not slow down ALB inspection rate.
-Work safe. They wanted the system to have fail safes implemented to ensure no potential
harm to USDA operators in the field.
-Minimal damage to tree. They did not want the robot to inflict any serious harm on the tree
it was climbing.
-Navigation around branches. They needed to robot to be able to find its way around
branches, so inspections could be complete. First signs of ALB infestation is in the canopy
of the tree. [6]
After determining the features needed on the robot, research into how to design and build a
robot that could fulfill the requirements was done. The primary source of information on robotic
climbers was RiSE, designed by Boston Dynamics. There were two versions of RiSE that were
extensively researched. The first was a general purpose climbing robot. The second was
specifically designed for climbing cylindrical objects, such as telephone poles. Multiple forms of
climbing robots were also researched, such as an inchworm design and RC helicopters.
After comparing various design ideas the group determined that a six legged modular design
would best suit the requirements of the project. There were three major design areas that we had to
focus on in the implementation of our robot: the mechanical aspect, the software aspect, and the
electronics aspect. The mechanical design focused mainly on the construction of the legs and the
robots ability to hold onto the tree. Size and overall weight were also issues that had to be
considered before construction could be started. The proper electronics had to be determined to
control the servos in the legs. A micro-controller was needed to communicate between the servo


controller for the legs and the user on the ground. The software consisted of the control system and
a user interface. The control is facilitated through serial communication. For the user interface, it
was decided that a GUI would be necessary to ensure that the system was easy to use.
Once the system was built, it was tested, though certain difficulties appeared in testing. The
robot had difficultly lifting its arms, meaning structural changes were necessary if the robot were to
ever climb. Also, without feedback, it was not possible to measure any force on the servos. This
made programming the control software difficult, as all the the software was capable of doing was
sending commands to move the servos in a set pattern. Despite these problems, the robot was able
to securely grip a tree with four points of contact.
There is much room for improvement in this robotic system. Further work can be done on
the leg design to make it possible to climb. The shape and strength of the legs could be redesigned
to make the legs smaller and lighter. Changes to the power system or placement to the motors could
also be experimented with. The control system needs to be changed to take feedback into account.
The GUI and computer vision aspects of the project are also areas that can be improved upon.

II. Background
Before we could start the design of our robot we decided that it would be beneficial to
research existing tree climbing robots. In our research we looked at many different designs to see
what was the most common and effective ways people used to develop tree climbing robots. In our
research we found that there were many modes of locomotion that various people had implemented
in there own designs. We also researched the different ways in which these designs were able to grip
their surroundings. These ideas would lay out the basic design that we would eventually follow in
our own project.

A. RiSE v2
RiSE, a climbing robot developed by Boston Dynamics was one of the primary inspirations


for TreeBot. RiSE has two different completed versions, with v2 being a general purpose climbing
robot, capable of climbing walls, trees, and fences. The robot uses different toe models for different
To climb trees, it uses curved needles that penetrate the bark of the tree the robot is climbing
on. The robot changes its posture to conform to the curvature of the climbing surface. A common
problem that the RiSE project kept running into was the robot pitching backward. To prevent this
problem, RiSE used a tail that would allow for the robot to produce a rotational moment closer to
the top of the robot. This allowed the robot to continue to have the surface it was climbing in reach
and would not pitch backward away from the surface it was climbing. Unfortunately, when the
robots turned on a surface like a tree, the tail could not provide any aid since the curvature of the
tree did not give anything for the rigid tail to push against.

Illustration 2: RiSE v2 [3]

As Figure 2 shows, RiSE v2 has six legs, each powered by a pair of electric motors. Each
leg has two degrees of freedom, which Boston Dynamic's describes as severely underactuated and
must rely upon tuned compliances, built into its leg and foot structures, to be able to properly hold
onto climbing surfaces. [10] At minimum, three legs are always gripping the surface of the object

RiSE is climbing. This assures that the robot always has a secure attachment to the surface.
The robot also has an onboard computer that controls leg motion, manages communication, and
services sensors.[3] The robot is controlled remotely by a laptop connected to the robots computer
by a wireless Ethernet connection. A human operator manually controls the motion of the robot.

B. RiSE v3
RiSE v3 is a legged robot designed to be specialized for dynamic, high-speed climbing of a
uniformly convex cylindrical structure, such as an outdoor telephone pole. The robot has four
powerful legs, each with two actuators. Each leg contains two active degrees of freedom, attached
to a body with an additional central degree of freedom to change posture. The robots centralized
body degree of freedom allows the robot pitch to be adjusted during climbing. With an adjustable
body, combined with the four actuated legs, the robot has kinematic freedom and range of motion to
allow effective climbing of poles.[5] As can be seen in figure 3, there two degrees of freedom on
each leg, oriented in the hip abductor and in the traction directions, carving a near cylindrical shape
for each toes workspace, relative to the body.

Illustration 3: RiSE v3 [5]


The prototype of RiSE v3 has few sensors other than joint proprioception (magnetic
encoders), thus precluding the use of sensor-based feedback such as the force-sensitive controller.
For climbing a wooden telephone pole, the robot used sharp claws that penetrate the wood. The
claws used for the robot are engineered from surgical needles, and are sufficiently sharp for the
task. Front claws, with the fore legs wrapping around the pole, are angled to align with the
expected ground reactions forces, angled inward and slightly downward. Hind claws angle down to
dig straight into the wood when generating thrust upward. This claw design ensures a strong grip,
as both the front and hind claws push downward with gravity. The claws being angled inward also
assist in assuring a secure grip.

C. Kamanbar
Another example of a tree climbing robot, created by research group in Brazil, used a
chameleon as a biological example. The mechanical structure, as shown in figure 4, of their
platform consists of a central rigid body with four legs, identical and symmetrically distributed.
Each leg comprises three links connected by two rotating joints, and it is connected to the central
body by a third rotating joint. Each leg also has a paw, which is forked just as the chameleons, but
with only two fingers, one on each side, for simplification purposes. The paw connects to the leg by
a rotating joint, and also has another motor and reduction group that provides for its opening and


Illustration 4: Mechanical structure of Kamanbar [8]

closing movements.[8]
The team also detailed the control software architecture, as shown in figure 5. [8] Their
design has seven modules, each that manage different parts of the robot, but are layered and
communicate with one another. The support system controls energy distribution to the platforms
electronic and electro-mechanic hardware, and monitors energy consumption as well. Actuators
control system is responsible for controlling the motors, and also for controlling the movements of
the legs. Both of these systems are linked to the general control system, which controls all the
robot's movements, sending the necessary commands to the actuators control system. There is also
a communication system that is responsible for the communication interfaces existing in the
platform, managing communications via Wi-fi and Bluetooth. Next, the environmental inspection
system gathers data from the installed sensors, and also controls any additional hardware necessary
for that purpose as well.

Illustration 5: Kamanbar's software architecture [8]

Lastly, there is the mission control system. This system is the main module, the highest
hierarchical level of the platform. It is responsible for receiving commands via the communications
system, and for distributing them to the systems involved. It also stores information on the general
status of the platform. The designers also explain the electronics architecture. The design for a

single joint take three components: a DC motor, a potentiometer and a micro switch. As the robot
has four legs, they opted for distributing the control individually to each one of them. Thus, each leg
control module needed four groups, namely, three for the joints, and one for controlling the opening
and closing of the claw. They then developed a motor control board for this specific purpose. [8]

D. Inchworm Design
This inchworm design named Treebot, developed by a team at The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, is a robot whose movement is biologically inspired by that of an inchworm. As seen in
Figure 6, the gate of this inchworm design involves the use of a set of flexible linear actuators
connected to two gripping claws. [1]

Illustration 6: Treebot [1]

While the robot firmly grips a trunk or branch with one claw, the other claw reaches and feels for a
safe and secure location to grip on the tree. After finding a position, and securing a grip with the the
searching claw, the claw previously used for gripping is safely released, and the process starts over.

Notably, the claw has four fingers, to ensure it can strongly grip the tree.
Treebot uses sensors that to determine a tree's shape to allow the robot to adjust its hold on
the surface and navigate its way up tree trunks and over branches. Treebot possesses a certain level
of autonomous climbing ability, to reduce the complexity of controlling the robot by users. The
user simply requests the robot move in a general direction, and the robot's control system
determines the location to move. To do this, the robot uses tactile sensors, which allow the robot to
feel for the tree's shape. Using this form of feedback instead of visual feedback has three major
advantages. Firstly, it allows the robot to save power. The robot runs on a small battery charge, and
cameras would exhaust the charge very quickly. Secondly, processing the visual feedback is
computationally expensive, meaning the robot would likely require a faster, and likely heavier and
more power-consumptive, on-board computer. This form of feedback allows for much faster
computation. Lastly, visual feedback's accuracy can be influenced by lighting conditions.
Considering lighting conditions can vary significantly outdoors, this is a serious disadvantage.

III. Design
Since this is the first time that this project has been offered at WPI we had to determine what
would be the best design for first generation project that could continued to worked on in the future.
To do this we brainstormed multiple ideas that we thought could meet the requirements we set at the
beginning of the project. There were five major decisions that had to be made before construction of
the robot could take place. First we had to decide about the overall design of our robot before we
could start design and construction of its various parts. After a choice was made for the overall
design we started the design of the various components needed to complete the design. These
various components were broken down into leg design, grip method, size, motors, electronics, and


A. Locomotion
i. Four Legs
The most basic design we saw in our research was a four legged design. Four legs were
attached to the body and one leg at a time is used to climb in most cases. By using only four legs on
our robot, we reduced the amount of weight and power that the robot will need to run. Compared to
a six legged robot, we lose the weight of two whole legs which includes the six servos that would
also be used with the robot. A four legged design also allows for the robot to have the potential to
move each leg further with each step.
Using a four legged design does pose some problems though. In order to keep three legs in
contact with the tree for safety reasons, only one leg is allowed to move at a time. Moving up the
tree like this means that the robot will move slowly compared to similar designs with less legs. This
is due to the fact that since we must keep at least three points of contact with the tree while climbing
for safety reasons, thus we only have one free leg to move at a time. Since only one leg can move at
a time, it takes the combined time of each leg moving to find the speed at which the robot could
climb. Other designs can achieve faster movements by having more legs and being able to move
multiple legs at the same time while still meeting the base safety requirements.

ii. Six Legs

A six legged design allows for the robot to keep three points of contact with a tree while also
being able to move the other three legs up. This allows the walking cadence of a robot with six legs
to be much faster but creates more dynamic problems. If a robot with this design only keeps three
points of contact with the tree, all the legs can be moved in only two steps. Having more legs on the
robot means that the robot will weigh more and take more energy to move the same distance as a
four legged design. Putting more legs on a body the same size also means that the legs cannot move
as far without hitting each other. By adding an extra leg to each side, we lose vertical distance that
each leg could contribute in each step.

There were many design choices that we considered when we started to think about the final
design requirements of the robot. Each of the designs all had problems with there basic design that
we were not able to over come due to either cost, time, or design requirements.

iii. Centipede
One of the designs that we discussed early in the project was a segmented robot with two
legs per segment. The design was based on that of a centipede and we thought that it was interesting
because the design would allow for us to easily navigate the tree. We quickly found out that the
design would not be suitable for our project though because of the amount of moving parts and size
the robot would need to be quite large, and it would not be possible to create with the resources and
time that we had available to us. Another issue for this design would be how to control the robots
movements. With so many moving parts, it would be hard to have someone new learn to properly
control the robot and navigate it up a tree with little experience.
This robot would allow for multiple points of contact with the tree while it walks. However,
it requires a lot of small segmented moving parts to properly work. This was the limiting factor in
our decision to not use this design. The control system that would have to be implemented to use
this design would have been complicated and large to keep track of each segment of the robot and
position and stress on its legs. This design would also require a large number of motors and a large
power supply to keep the legs with enough power to move and grip the tree. Since one of our basic
requirements for the robot was to be able to climb to the tree's canopy under its own power we
decided that this design would be too taxing on the power supply to use.

iv. Inchworm
One of the designs that we looked at while researching was an inchworm design that
centered around a sliding body and two claws. We like the simplicity of this design and the way that
the feet of this robot could make a solid footing on the surface it was climbing. As the robot


alternates between the feet that it uses to grip the tree the telescoping body moved the body either
up or down the tree. Figure 7 shows the gate of this type of robot. [11]

Illustration 7: Inchworm design [11]

Although this design allows for an easy gate, to scale a completely vertical obstacle in order
to control which direction the robot moves in is very tricky. In figure 7, you can see that the team
used a segmented spine to get around this issue. As each segment of the spine is pulled against at
different tensions the foot being positioned can be placed in multiple positions and orientations.
Although this was a design characteristic that we desired being able to see the placement of both
feet and watch make sure they are set in a good position before moving on in the gate was very
difficult. We also could not determine an easy way to have a user control a robot of this design.
Which would not allow for easy training of personnel to use the robot.

v. Flight
Making a flying robot was briefly considered. The basis for this idea was remote-controlled
(RC) helicopters. It may have been possible to build a robot similar to these toys and mount a
camera to it. Figure 8 shows a sample RC helicopter flying its own power. The idea was dropped


because if we wanted to make the robot autonomous it would have taken a lot of programming to
avoid the branches, and if we opted to have the robot remote-controlled the skill of the operator
would have to be much higher than the skill required to use a climbing robot.

Illustration 8: RC Helicopter [9]

This design would be very difficult to use in a heavily wooded area which would mean that the
design would not be an effective solution for the problem we were faced with. Although it would be
the simplest and fastest way to use per-existing technology to get a camera to the top of a tree,
because of the skill required to use the system and limitations of where it could effectively be used,
it was decided that we could not use this design and it was removed from the list of possible
This design would allow for the fastest assent up a tree that is in an open area. It would also
be the easiest to design and test because there are many various kits that are sold and can carry
additional payloads. The major issue that we ran into with this design was it would be to difficult to
implement under the conditions of this project. Most RC Helicopters are fairly heavy and also
require a mixed fuel source of gasoline and oil that would have to be hiked in with in addition. RC


helicopters are also hard to learn how to control and would require a lot of time to properly train
surveyors how to use. The final reason why we decided that this would not be a suitable solution to
our problem was that the RC helicopter would not be able to get close to branches without a high
chance of crashing. Since operating close to trees and being able to avoid branches was a necessary
requirement for our robot we decided that this method would not be suitable for the problem that we
were trying to solve.

vi. Wheels
Wheeled robots were another design choice that we looked at that would allow for fast
ascension up and down a tree. This method requires the robot to hold onto the circumference of the

Illustration 9: Wheeled Robot Climbing a Coconut Tree [4]

tree as it climbs. Using wheels, the robot can climb a tree that has no branches and a similar
circumference from the base to the canopy. Figure 9 shows a robot of this type climbing a coconut
tree. [4] This is the simplest design that we came across in our research and was found in use by
hobbyists in many places. Although this idea is simple to implement and test, it was determined
that it would not be effective for overcoming the problem we were trying to solve. In the
requirements we needed to be able to climb a tree of varying widths and be able to navigate around

Since this design doesnt allow us to meet either of these requirements we decided that it
was not worth further pursuing this design choice. The following image shows a wheeled robot
climbing a coconut tree. Robots like this are used primarily in situations where there is no need to
worry about avoiding limbs or branches. Four skates are held together against the tree with a rubber
band. The user on the ground tells the wheels on the skate which way to turn and the robot climbs in
which ever direction it is told too.

B. Grip Method
Another major design decision that we had to overcome after choosing to use a legged robot
was how we would attach the legs of the robots to the tree. After talking with Alfred Rizzi from
Boston Dynamics and seeing the different methods that they implemented in the various RiSE
projects we cane up with two basic design choices. The first design was a simple spike that would
be attached to the end of the leg and could be driven into the surface the robot was climbing. The
second method would require the design of an entire foot that would be attached to each leg and
would allow for the robot to anchor itself to where ever it placed the foot.
i. Spike
This method of gripping the tree uses a spike on the end of the leg to act as a way of
attaching the robot to the tree. The robot uses its leg to drive a small spike into the surface of
whatever obstacle it is climbing. The weight of the robot is then held by the leg and the point of
contact between the spike and the surface. This idea is similar to the design that was implemented in
v3 of the RiSE project. Based off of the idea of how insects and clawed creatures climb objects it is
the simplest design to implement since the design doesnt require the addition of more motors or
mechanisms to work.
ii. Bird Foot


This method would require a mechanism that would mimic the foot structure of birds or
some reptiles to hold onto the tree. The design utilizes toes to get a sturdy grip on the tree at the
center of the foot. This allows the leg to have a sturdy anchor to the tree. Being able to anchor the
foot to the tree in this way would allow for the robot to move around the point of contact with more

Illustration 10: A Bird Foot Gripping a Test Tree

ease not having to worry about applying equal force from the other side of the body to hold on.
Figure 10 shows an example of a bird foot design gripping a tree. Although this method would give
the robot greater stability and a firmer grip on the tree surface, it presented a large list of problems.
Because this method requires separate motors and controllers for each foot that is
implemented it was decided that it would be difficult to add another part to the robot that would
need its own testing. Along with that and not wanting to tax our power supply more we decided that
implementing this design would cause more problems than it would solve. Because of this, we
decided to use the simpler method of using a spike instead. This decision also meant that we would
not have to worry about having a control system to identify how the foot is placed on the tree and if
the foot was securely attached making the controls to use the robot much simpler to use.

C. Size
The size of the robot dictates the design restraints of a lot of other parts. The overall height
affects the length that the legs can be as well as the amount of room we have for the essential
electronics. The overall size of the robot also affects the size of the servos that we have to choose to
move it. We decided to make the robot nine inches long so that each leg will be able to move along
a ninety degree arc and still not hit any of the other legs. This also means that the robot will be able
to move about two inches every time it completes its gate for moving.
There are many different advantages and disadvantages for having a larger or smaller robot.
As a robot gets smaller it can treat the object it is climbing as more of a flat surface. Although this
simplifies the problem of having a robot maneuver of a tree it creates a whole new list of problems.
The size of the electrical components would require that they be special ordered and would
probably require a special power rating. This would mean that the electronics use to control those
motors would also have to be custom made. Because of this we had to make sure that our design
was large enough that we would have access to parts that could be easily produced and used to
reduce the time that it would take to get the parts and construct the robot. The other side of the
spectrum is a robot more of the size of the RiSE project. The issue with robots this size is they are
heavier and so need larger motors, power supplies, and more complicated electronics to run. Both of
these options are outside of our scope for this project because of our limited resources and time for
Overall, length of the robot affects many of the aspects of how the robot will function. The
length of the robot determines how close the legs have to be and for long the leg segments can be.
Length also determines the surface area of the body and how much room we have to mount
important hardware to the robot. Make the robot to long and it will not be able to navigate up the
tree without coming into contact with some kind of obstacle. Make the robot to short and you wont
have enough room on the robot to mount essential hardware and keep the center of mass close


enough to the tree. Our group worked to try and find a happy medium that could easily be obtained
and tested with resources that we had available to us.
When we met with Alfred A. Rizzi at Boston Dynamics we discussed the importance of the
total weight of the robot. The major issue with weight is that the heavier the robot becomes the
larger motors they need to move. By increasing the size of the motor, we must also increase the
amount of power that can be supplied to each motor. Since continually increasing the size of the
motor and power supply would not give us useable results, instead we tried to find a compromise
between the weight of the motors, the power source, and the rest of the electrical and structural
parts of the robot. It was suggested that we aim for a robot that breaks its weight down into three
equal sized portions in order to be successful. The motors, power source, and the rest of the robot
should each weigh approximately one third of the total weight of the robot. If one part weighs more
than the rest, it would be possible that the robot may not be able to function.

D. Final Design
For our final design choice, we decided on a six legged design. We chose this design
because in our design process, we found the most benefit for cost. A six legged design would allow
for easy construction and proof of concept on a small budget. It was also one of the favored designs
that we found in our research with the RiSE project. We chose to listen to the advice of Alfred A.
Rizzi when designing our robot and create a weight budget. By doing this we could predict whether
our motors would be sufficient for the project. If the torque output by the servos was greater than
the predicted weight of the robot then we could proceed ahead with ordering parts we knew would
work. The servos that we selected were rated to produce 2.4 kg/cm of torque. As shown in figure
10, we predicted that the total weight of the robot to be approximately 1533 grams. Figure 11
shows the torque output of the servos.


Illustration 11: Weight Budget

With the predetermined weights it was determined that the selected servos would be able to
hold the robot to a tree with maximum distance between the claw and the joint of 14.3 cm or about
5.5". We decided to make the upper and lower leg segments out of L-channel aluminum of the same
length. Using this design, we decided to make the upper and lower leg lengths both 3". This makes
the distance r max with the knee at a right angle to be less than the maximum distance that the
servos could support.

Illustration 12: Torque output of Servos

In planning the construction of the robot be plan to used 1/8 aluminum L-channel, in
construction we found that 1/16 aluminum L channel would be easier to machine and would be

sufficient for the strength we needed. This also reduced the overall weight of the robot and added
more room on our weight budget for future hardware. The body of the robot was a piece of 1/8
plexiglass cut into a rectangle with the outer dimensions 8 x 12. Six rectangular holes were cut

Illustration 13: 4 Leg Design

into the plexiglass for servos so that the legs could be mounted to the body. Since the servos are
only bolted, this design allows for the quick removal of legs for maintenance and modularity.
The figures 13 and 14 show the designs that were created in autocad to build the robot. As
we designed the robot we kept modularity in mind and created both designs to be of similar size and
shape with only the amount of legs differing.

Illustration 14: 6 Leg Design


In the end we decided to use a modular design that would allow for a change between both
four and six legged designs. This would allow for testing of either setup and allow for only simple
actions needed to switch between the two. The reason for the choice of the legged designs over
there competitors was the simpleness of the design as well as simplicity for use. We decided that it
would be less complicated to teach a user how to control a four or six legged robot than it would to
control a helicopter or a caterpillar.
If we chose to use a six legged design to achieve greater results in both safety and speed
than a four legged design could have offered. The ability to have three points of contact with the
tree and still be able to move half of the legs is a huge bonus. Although the six legged setup does
have a list of disadvantages that we have to be prepared for. More legs will mean that the robot is
heavier and will consume more power while running. We will also need a servo controller that is
large enough to run all of the servos simultaneously.
i. Servos
We decided to use a metal gear micro servo to move the arms of the robot. Servos were
chosen over motors because they gave us the ability to know there position without having to add
additonal hardware. The reason behind using servos over motors was that we can start the robot
knowing the position of each servo so we can continually monitor the arrangement of the leg. We
decided that this would give us more control over the position the legs and know there definite
position without any error that could be created by using a motor with either an encoder and a
motor. The micro servo we looked at were designed to output a large amount of torque for their
weight. This was needed so that the servo could be used to lift the robot without having to take up a
large portion of the robots weight with motors and hardware needed to track their position. The
decision to use metal gear servos was made out of the decision to not want to have to deal with
plastic gears in the servos becoming stripped or warped and making the servos unusable. These
servos also had much lower torque ratings and were discounted from use for these reasons.


Motors along with encoders or potentiometers were another option that was discussed.
Motors produced more torque and used the same amount of power. The use of motors require some
other external device like an encoder to measure the angular distance moved which would increase
the weight of the robot. The accuracy of the angle would also be determined by the control device.
Servos allowed for this issue to be removed because encoders are not a necessary
requirement for our use of the servo. Another important reason why motors and encoders were not
chosen was the limited number of I/O ports and power that the other on board electronics. In order
to run eighteen motors and encoders there would need to be an even larger number of dedicated I/O
pins, this would cause problems for our choice of microprocessor and power supply.
ii. Microcontroller
We opted on using an Arduino microcontroller for two reasons. First, because of the low
cost. For a numerical comparison, the Arduino Uno board costs only about $30. Another controller
we were considering, the DyIO made by Neuron Robotics, costs $150. Both controllers would be
able to accomplish the servo control needed for this project, but Arduino could do so for a fraction
of the price. The Arduino Uno was picked over other Arduino hardware because it had all that we
needed, and the other microcontrollers had extra accessories that would not help us. Table 1 below
shows the different microcontrollers that were considered and a cost comparison between them.

Arduino Uno
Arduino Nano 3.0
Netduino Plus
Arduino Mega 2560


Table 1: Cost Comparison of Microcontrollers

Arduino was also a good decision for a microcontroller because it is easy to use from a
programming perspective. Ardunio has its own IDE that comes with its own C/C++ library, which

makes many common input/output operations much easier. Arduino programs are written in C/C++.
Users only need define two functions to make a runnable program. First, setup() a function run
once at the start of a program that can initialize settings. Second, loop() a function called
repeatedly until the board powers off. The Ardunio library includes various functions for controlling
servos that will be useful for this project.

iii. Software
The software of the robot serves three purposes. Firstly, it must function as the control
system for the robot. Secondly, it must facilitate communication between the robot and the
controller. Finally, the software must display the camera output to the user. Figure 15 shows the
Software Architecture of the system.

Illustration 15: The Software Architecture

The control system is designed to move the robot's servos to enable it to climb. The entire
system the user's computer, a microcontroller, and a servo controller. The user gives input from


their computer, using an application that sends a request to the microcontroller to move the robot in
a specified direction. The microcontroller then sends a request to the servo controller to move the
servos to the specified positions. The positions based on what direction the user requests the robot
to move. There is currently no feedback built into the system, so servo movements are simply perdetermined patterns. This makes gripping the tree impossible in some cases.
All requests, both from the computer to microcontroller and from the microcontroller to the
servo controller, and facilitated by serial communication. The physical connection between the
computer and the microcontroller is made using the Arduino's USB serial port. The software
connection is made using Arduino's Serial library, which is specifically designed for
communication between the Arduino board and a computer or other devices. The function
Serial.begin(speed), is used to initialize a serial port, with speed being the baud rate. Typically, as is
the case with this program, this function is called in the setup() function, which is run when the
Arduino is switched on, as opposed to the loop() function that is run continually until the Arduino is
turned off. After the serial port is initialized, Serial.available() is used to determine if there is data
to be read from the serial port. Serial.available() returns the number of bytes that are available to be
read, so this function is called in a conditional inside loop(). When available input is detected, the
conditional actives. This program waits for input from the laptop controller, so once detected, it
uses, which returns the first byte of incoming serial data. A single byte is all that is
needed different move commands can be distinguished by relating them to different characters.
Another conditional statement is used to compare the byte to the ASCII values of characters
corresponding to different move directions. After determining the direction of movement, the
microcontroller sends out a signal using the Serial.write(val) function. Until read, which only takes
in 1 byte, write can send out many. Due to a limitation on the Arduino Uno board, the signal is
actually sent to both the laptop and servo controller, but the laptop simply throws away the data
since it is only relevant to the servo controller.


The Arduino board is connected to servo controller using the TX and RX lines on the servo
controller and to get the servo controller to move a servo, the Arduino uses the Pololu protocol set
target to specify the servo and desired position. The Pololu must receive a message prefaced by
0xAA (or 170 in decimal) to understand it. The full format for he protocol is:
0xAA, device number, 0x04, channel number, target low bits, target high bits

As stated above, the initial 2 bytes are necessary parts of the Pololu protocol. The device number is
a configuration parameter that can be changed, and exists for projects that require many servo
controllers all connected to one device. In the case of this project, the device number of the servo
controller was left at 12 - the default. Channel number is the number of the servo that will be
moved. The target represents the pulse width to transmit in units of quarter-microseconds.
The visual system is separate from the rest of the system. A wireless webcam is attached to
the front of the robot, and its video feed is sent back to the computer like any other webcam. The
application developed for the robot outputs frames from this webcam using an open source library
called OpenCV. OpenCV is used in the field of computer vision and allows for future projects to
implement image analysis. The library contains many functions for image analysis, but for this
project, only the basic functionality was used to allow the camera to work. OpenCV integrates well
with Qt, the library used for the GUI.
Though it was not complete, a GUI was designed. Having a GUI was determined to be
important as one of the design requirements was that it was easy to use. The GUI was to display the
output from the webcam and include the various movement options. The GUI was to be designed
using Qt Creator, as the latest versions of OpenCV interface easily with Qt.


Illustration 16: The Conceptual GUI

As can be seen in figure 16, the GUI prominently displays the output from the camera in the center
of the window. It was determined because the visual feedback is the most important aspect for the
user, it should be the object of focus. The movement buttons are arranged in logical positioning
based on direction. An additional feature is the automove buttons. This allows the user to have
the robot constantly move in the selected direction until the stop automove button is pressed.
This removes the trouble of having to continually enter individual move commands at the end of
every single gate.

IV. Results
There were a long list of requirements that we set out to complete at the beginning of the
project that were given to us by to our contacts at the USDA. This list is for the final robot that they
would like to implement in their organization. The requirements that were created were put in place
to make sure that the product would be able to complete the goal while not putting the surveyors or

tree's that are being surveyed in harm.

The major requirements are as follows:
The robot must be able to carry itself and a camera to the canopy of a tree and be able to
The robot must be able to be controlled by a user with little to no previous instructions and
with intuitive controls.
The robot must not deal any substantial damage to the tree that it is surveying.
The robot must also be able to navigate around branches and other limbs.
The robot must also have safety standards built in to reduce the chance of injury to
The robot must be small light and portable so that a single person can carry it to the survey
sight and set it up without assistance.

These are all of the major requirements that are required for the final product to be able to
complete. Since this was the first time the project was offered it would be difficult to create a
product that would be able to full fill each of the requirements. we decided on a separate list of
measurements to test the platform we created against. This list reflected the major list of
requirements that was set out for the project but made what we set out to accomplish more
Create a robot that can grip a tree with three feet
Create a robot that is able to walk to simulate the gate used in climbing a tree.
Create a basic user interface that can be implemented and used in the final design.


Be able to get video feedback from the robot that can be used to identify signs of the ALB.

Illustration 17: The Platform gripping a sample tree

We made significant progress on the requirements we set out for ourselves for this revision
of the project. Since our final presentable did not have a feedback system created and implemented
we did not feel comfortable calling it a robot. We did this because we felt that anything that could
not take in information from its surroundings and use them to alter the platforms actions was not
truly considered a robot. This did not stop us from testing the platform we created against the
requirements we set out to complete at the beginning of the project.
As seen in figure 17, the final revision that we tested for our platform was able to hold onto
a tree. This proved that our design was able to hold its own weight on a tree and could be controlled
to climb. Our final product did not unfortunately have much time to be extensively tested. Power
consumption was much higher than originally anticipated while using servo's and required an off

board power supply capable of supplying a minimum of 8 amps of power. This number was
determined from the found current draw of about 1 amp per servo while it was held under stress. It
was determined that if 4 servos were holding the knee in position and another 4 servos were
exerting the force needed to hold the robot all the servos together would pull around 8 amps of
current total. Due to this issue we were not able to have an on board power source and so was not
able to make any headway of getting a self powered robot to climb a tree. While the robot could
securely grip the tree, as shown in figure 17, the robot did not have the strength to actually climb.
Regarding the requirement that The robot must be able to be controlled by a user with little
to no previous instructions and with intuitive controls, we did not quite reach our goal, but picked
a robot design that would not require significant skill on the part of the user. A basic user interface
was proposed, which should ensure that the robot will not take much training to use. This would at
least fulfill the revised requirement of Create a basic user interface that can be implemented and
used in the final design.
The webcam also worked adequately and the software was able to display the output from
the camera with no problems. Using OpenCV to display the visual feedback allows for a variety of
improvements to be made to the software. The webcam itself is also high resolution at 1280 x
1024, allowing a user to identify signs of ALB infestation. This allows for the user to identify signs
of ALB infestation.

V. Conclusion and Future Research

This project leaves a lot to be answered. A future MQP could stem off from any part of our
current project. Further research into the mechanical design of the legs or body would allow for the
final project to be more effective in completing our list of requirements. Further work in a control
system would allow for the robot to react to its surrounding and allow for easier and more intuitive
controls for the end user. Continued research into automated hole detection would also benefit the
project allowing the error of identifying signs of the ALB to be reduced.


The design of the legs is something that could be explored in great detail by future projects.
The shape and strength of the legs could be redesigned to make them smaller and lighter possibly
allowing for the robot to climb around obstacles that our current platform could not navigate.
Research on this could also look into designs that would allow for more force to be applied to the
leg allowing for heavier payloads to be carried.
The placement of the motors could also prove to be an interesting project allowing the group
to determine how the best way to control the leg is. It is possible a pulley system would be
preferable to the servo method that we used in our first generation of the robot. Alternatively,
having the motors located more centrally on the robot could have a positive effect on the design by
freeing up room on the legs. An issue we ran into when trying to test the six legged design and the
servos from one leg would collide with other legs. And how long would the pulley system last
before stress on the cables used in the pulleys created issues with stress or stretching.
This project could also look into which is a better method of powering the legs of the robot
either motors or servos. This would help determine what the best direction for future generations to
go in would be. Knowing the benefits of both servos and motors for this application would allow
for better controllers to be implemented. Since each method would require its own different type of
control system to allow for feedback to be implemented into the robot. Currently, our robot does not
have any way of sensing the stress on the servos. In the future, it will be important to the
implementation of this robot that it be able to understand its surroundings. Depending on what
method is used to power the legs, it will be important that future groups think about how they will
receive information from the robot. After the design of the legs is completed and there is a better
understanding of the power source that will be used in this project, it will critical that a good system
is put in place to watch over the movements and actions of the robot.
Future groups could look into the benefits of having a segmented body or a tail to add extra
stability to the robot. When we talked to Alfred Rizzi of Boston Dynamics, he suggested that there


were some benefits to using a segmented body. Due to our time restrictions, we decided to use a
solid body design but a segmented body may give extra maneuverability to a robot while it climbs
allowing it to place its feet and navigate around a tree with greater ease.
The GUI must also be improved. The current working GUI, as shown in figure 18, is simply
a output from the camera and the commands are entered from a console.

Illustration 18: The working GUI tests were done in.

The future idea for a GUI would be to design the GUI in an environment like Qt. One of the
requirements of the USDA was to make the system easy to use. A console interface with text
commands would likely not be considered easy to use. A GUI would allow click-able buttons,
which would be much more intuitive. More features would also add to the usefulness of the GUI.
The prospective users of the software would need to be asked what features would be helpful. Tests
could be done on different GUI designs to determine which designs users respond best to.
Implementation of vSLAM and automated hole detection into the currently existing software
would be the next step in improving the computer vision in the robot's software. VSLAM is short
for Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. It is a family of computer vision algorithms
used for mapping and generating 3D information from image and distance/depth data. It has been
applied to generating a dense map of world objects. [7] vSLAM was initially developed for


mapping building interiors, including rooms and hallways. In these applications, the robot is
looking outward, through freespace. In this application, the robot is looking inward, toward the tree,
essentially requiring an inside-out approach to vSLAM. Thus, the vSLAM algorithm would need
to be tailored for its application in scansorial robotics for mapping the tree surface. There are
additional challenges to implementing vSLAM on tree surfaces. One is the need for a dense depth
map. As we detect many feature points for matching, performing accurate correspondences becomes
more difficult. A trees curvature also provides an interesting challenge as it provides views of the
same point from different angles and the common assumption of planar surfaces does not hold.
Another idea for an improvement to the Computer Vision aspect of this problem would be to
implement automatic hole detection. In the current state, the interface merely displays the output
from the camera. In the future, a useful feature would be to display the possibility of a hole made by
the ALB. This would require an algorithm to identify the distinct shape of the hole from various
possible angles.


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[8] Reinaldo de Bernardi and Jos Jaime da Cruz (2008). A Tree-Climbing Robot Platform:
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