Fchelraks Tomb
Fchelraks Tomb
Fchelraks Tomb
By Paul Jaquays
From The Dungeoneer
The players see a large ( 10) black, iron door. Engraved in golden, Archaic, Lawful script
is the following--"Know ye that this is the tomb of F'Chelrak. Enter with fear and
trembling..... But ware ye, as "Chelrak would leave again.' Only a person with a read
languages spell or helm will be able to read more than a few words.
Passing through the portal causes a special fear spell to be cast. Characters who fan to
make the saving throw will run in fear of any creature whose language they speak.
Behind the doors is a 15ft. square landing with 15ft. wide stairs opposite the door, going
down at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. The stairs go down for 100 ft.
However, there is a 33% chance that the stair will turn in a slide for every turn that
someone is on it.
LEFT URN: Contains a giant Cobra I 8 hits). Player will die in 1 turn if bitten
Treasure: 500 in gold and 10 gems at 10 g. p. a piece.
RIGHT URN: Contains 10 vipers (1 hit) Die in 4 turns if bitten and not treated.
Treasure: 100 in gold and a golden chain, 4 ft. long, if worn as a belt, it
will protect this wearer from magic jarring
ROOM 1 - Crypt vault, walls are covered with four gray oozes. A large slab of stone juts
out from the far wall (A). On it are two plaques of bronze with writing on them
(Common). On the floor in front of the vertical slab is a 5" X 10' slab of black stones,
upon which lies a carved stone statue of an old man in robes (B).
(A) - Upon this vertical slab are the two plaques, one to the right of the black slab
and the other to the left. The left slab has written on it " Read this and weep". The
right plaque says Here lies F'Chelrak... the gates of death are not locked for
The plaques will push aside and reveal little nooks.
LEFT PLAQUE - Reveals- A skull which casts a hold person spell and then an ESP
spell to give directions to his victim.
RIGHT PLAQUE- reveals A skeleton key that will unlock the box holding F'Chelrak's
(B) To open this slab into the under-world the directions on the left plaque must be
followed. read the words and weep. If this is done the black slab will slide to the
right and a deep 5'Xl0' pit will be revealed.
(C-L) Each one of these is a secret closet containing a skeleton (8 hits) right band
plaque will cause these little monsters to be released. closet C has a +2 magic
sword with no intelligence.
ROOM 2- An emoter chamber with two exits, one up the shaft and the other in the east
CHART 3 (horizontal cross-section/map)
ROOM 2- (see chart two)
ROOM 3- In this room are 10 gremlins, the floor is covered with 225, one foot square,
stone tiles of 40 encumbrance points each. On the back of three of them is
writing. Two are the equivalent of scrolls and the other is a map. Scroll 1:
Illusionist spells written in Lammasu, Detect Magic (2), Confusion (4), and Gaze
Reflection (1). Scroll 2: Curse, Polymorph into Monster. Scroll 3: Map, written in
gnome. Leads to FCheraks resting place. For the treasure listed see chart 4, f.
ROOM 4- Contains 3 nasty mantichora, (49,40,32) The floor is covered in straw and
debris. Under the star is the monsters treasure of 6000 gp. Gold is in the NE
corner of the room. The room also has two secret doors.
Room 5- This room is lined with 11 draped objects, each approximately 6 feet tall and
indistinguishable from the other. They are draped with dusty sheets. Sheets have a
20% chance of disintegrating when touched. If left discarded on the floor, they will
attack and try to smother and constrict anyone in the room. A 10% chance of a
wight occupying the sheet after it is discarded.
#1- A man with face of mask of fear, revealer and all within 5 must make
a saving throw vs magic or they will be in fear of all monsters until a
remove curse or a dispel magic is made.
#2- A sculpture of a Medusa- 30% chance of the revealer becoming stone.
#3- Statue of a gorgeous woman (18 Charisma) Saving throw vs magic.
10% chance of changing sex, 80% chance of becoming charmed and
doing nothing until it wears off, 10% chance that she will come to life and
be the slave/lover of the one who freed her.
#4- An orc. Player will learn/lose (lose only if he already knows the
language) the ability to speak orc, goblin, hobgoblin and koldbold.
#5- A large glob-like shape with a silvery glob of metal on a chain around
where its neck would be. This necklace gives the player the ability to
polymorph, gaining all the creatures special abilities, into any of the globlike creatures (gray ooze, ochre jelly, black pudding, etc.) However, it only
works ten times and on the last time the player remains as what he
changed into permanently. The wearer determines how long he will stay
changed. On the last change the wearer also loses his intelligence.
#6- A robed man. It will give (1-6) or take away (7-10) one spell to magicusers or clerics. Roll to determine the level of the spell or which spell is
#7- An entling. Has a ring that blends in with its finger. Control plants.
#8- A great stone face. Make a saving throw vs magic. Failure to make the
throw by the revealer results in one of the following:
1. Become invisible permanently/dispell magic to reverse ( if reversed,
player may never become invisible again by any means).
2. Polymorph into a monster for 10 turns.
3. Receive 2000 experience points.
4. Become two people. All things except magic duplicated.
roll six sided die for the # of things happening (1-4 =1/ 5-6 = 2).
Roll again to determine exactly what happens.
1. One male the other female
2. one evil the other good
3. One pure white the other black
After two weeks, one of the two will disappear. Roll to determine which one.
It wont necessarily be the original one who remains!!
5. Constitution up 1 point.
6. Infravisions/remove infravision
7. Become one foot taller (no pluses received for growth. Everything
grows except for weapons and magic).
8. Insane for one hour
9. 100 pieces of platinum in two bags appears.
10. All weapons turn to rubber.
#9- A man with a spear, Spear is one of Backbiting.
#10- Death- Failure to make a saving throw vs magic on this one results in
both the statue and the revealer with all his apparel (exception: Artifacts) to
turn into dust. No resurrection is possible.
#11. A shield-shaped mirror of life trapping with one life trapped inside of
it. There are chaotic runes on the back of it that say: The shield of Morac,
look not in or there dwell forever. This item is a relic. (see ELDRITCH
WIZARDY, Artifacts and relics). Special powers: ID, IIU, IIIL, IVE, VJ. The last
space in this mirror is reserved for its wielder, once he is trapped all others
in the mirror are released. This is the only way that the trapped may be
released, since the mirror is unbreakable. (MORAC: s 15, i 12, w 10, d 16,
c 17, ch 14. 70 hits, 9th level chaotic evil lord. +2 chaotic, dumb sword.
+1 plate mail). The shield acts as a +2 shield.
Behind this shield lies a Spectre who is the sleeping guardian of the room.
Removal of the shield releases him. He has maximum hits and prefers not
to debate about things.
A- Sheer 100 foot shaft going up.
B- This is a ten foot deep pit. The bottom is filled with 20 vipers. If a player thinks about
it, have him make a saving throw of his dexterity +1 to either grab an edge or dive away
from it. Opens as a regular trap.
C- This is a secret door with a 100 foot shaft going down behind it. The bottom 60 feet
of the shaft is filled with an inflammable vapor that will have an 80% chance of
exploding and killing any within the shat (20 hit dice) At the bottom there is a gem worth
25,000 gp and a 1000 pieces of platinum. Walls at the bottom are also covered with a
gray ooze.
D- A dead end passage way. If the wall is searched carefully, there is a chance (same as
for finding a secret door) that a 1000 gp gem and a ring of +1 magic will be found.
E- A secret shaft with handholds that leads to the wizards tomb directly!
F- A secret door. Upon passing through this door, players must make a saving throw vs
magic. Failure to make this throw will cause a water-breathing spell to be cast upon the,.
This is one throw that they wont want to miss.
G- A secret door that leads to the room of draped objects.
H- This is a trap door in the floor that swings open on a one or two when crossed. It
opens into a 10 foot deep pit with nothing in it but a few skeletons (the kind that are
really dead!!). The trap swings shut again and cannot be opened from the inside.
If the podium upon which the remains of the wizard lie is moved, then beneath it a small.
shallow pit will be found with the wizards other treasure in it. It contains a dagger +2.
+3 against orcs, goblins and koldbolds, potion of delusion 10 charges, ring of paranoia.
The user of the ring becomes the toy of the referee, seeing himself being attacked by
huge monsters that may in reality be his friends. The ring is not removable. A staff of
withering 43 charges left.
SPELLS written in the book (the cover has explosive runes written on it)
1.Read Magic
2. Detect Invisible
Read Languages
Phant. forces
Magic missiles
Charm person
Continual light
5. Magic jar
6. Reincarnation
Stone to flesh
Rock to mud
Conjure elemental
3. Fireball
4. Polymorph self
Hold person
Remove Curse
Dispel magic
Wall of fire
Water breathing
Explosive runes
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also. The next thing he noticed was that due to the nature of the construction material, non-flaming weapons
would have a 10% chance of becoming temporarily
stuck in the golem and a 75% chance of becoming permently stuck. If the weapon is only temporarily stuck
the assialant must take time out to pry loose his wea:
pon, (if he dares). Flaming weapons only have a 15%
chance of the flame being smothered by the melted
wax. Missiles only have a 5% chance of doing damage
because of the absorping power of wax. Also, he found
that it could not be killed by hacking. It couJd only be
maimed. A cold spell will increase its Armor Class to
o and slow its movement to 4". If, however, it is given
one healthy blow, it will shatter and die.
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No.Appearing 2-200
Armor Class 6
Move 6
Hit Dice 1/2
%in Lair 50
Treasure Type D
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