New Century Clinic Assignment2
New Century Clinic Assignment2
New Century Clinic Assignment2
2. You are planning a preliminary investigation of Dr. Jones's request. For each
step, describe the steps you will take, the methods you will use, and the
information you will seek. Also explain how you plan to define the project's
scope and why this task is so important.
To have a clear view, I will review the organization chart so that I can
understand how many persons are there and how do they communicate with
each other. Gathers information regarding their systems by interacting with
their employees such as what problems they faced. After collecting the data
from employees, I would analysis the problems and suggests the best
solutions to fix those problems. The different steps to do preliminary
investigation are:
Step1: In the first step understand the problem of the clinic and develop a
business profile to find out which departments, users and processes are
Step2: In the second project scope should be explain the project scope and
constraints like hardware, software, time and costs involves.
Step3: In the third step view the organization charts, conduct interviews and
observe documentations and operations.
Step4: In the fourth step determine the feasibility.
Step5: In the fifth step estimate the time and cost to complete the new
system development process.
Step6: In the sixth step results and recommendations to the clinic.
3. Based on what you know about New Century, conduct a feasibility study that
includes operational, technical, economic, and schedule feasibility. Describe
the results in detail, and explain how you reached your conclusions.
During the feasibility study, series of tests are conducted according to the
system requirements and check whether it is good and comfortable to carry
on further development process. In order to evaluate the feasibility study
questions should be asked about the current systems to the staff. Feasibility
study includes operational, technical, economic and schedule feasibility.
Operational Feasibility: Operational feasibility means that proposed
system will be used productively after it is developed. A system
should be developed which combines EMR, CPOE and CDSS systems. If
users faces any problems with the new system, it will not give the
expected results. Therefore after reviewing the user demand, system
should be developed and implemented so that the system will be used
more efficiently.
Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility means the resources
required develop, purchase, install and operate system. When
evaluating the technical feasibility analyst should ask the management
whether they can manage the resources, hardware and software to
implement the system.
Economic Feasibility: Economic feasibility means that the estimated
benefits of proposed system will be more than the estimated costs i.e.
total cost of ownership, which includes maintenance and support costs.
During the development and implementation process the estimated
prices can be increased or decreased.
Schedule Feasibility: Schedule feasibility means that a project can
be implemented in a reasonable time frame. During the evaluation
time analyst must consider time and cost. By revamping the current
system new features can be added and this reduces the time and cost.
During the evaluation of feasibility identify the system requests which
are not feasible, sometimes during the development time cost and time may
increase or decrease. Therefore it is an ongoing procedure which should be
performed throughout the development process.
4. Prepare a brief preliminary investigation report for Dr. Jones. Before you begin
this task, you should review the sample report in this chapter, and visit Part A
of the Systems Analyst's Toolkit, which provides suggestions for oral and
written presentations.
I should understand the clinic organization structure by collecting the
information from the human resource department, doctors and other staff
who are involved in the administration duties by interviewing them. Collects
the documents regarding current systems, asks the users about systems and
observes the system operations. After that I should recommend a system
which combines all the elements of their day to day activities and prevents
them from errors and which is easy during the training process for the staff.