Load Shedding

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What is Load Shedding

For the sake simplicity, a balanced power system is one in which Demand
And Supply of power are completely matched. To predict Demand and to
Supply power to achieve balance power system is impractical and impossible
in today world because of uncertainity and unstability of load and
transmission system. Different methods are used for loadforecasting by
utilities e.g utility measure power over 15 minutes intervals and predict the
load for next 15 minutes.
Loadshedding is a emergency control action taken to maintain the
stabilty of power system to shutdown load to achieve desired system
frequency and voltage.
In the peak hours, sharp rise in load occurs and system frequency and
voltage declines at fast rate ,to prevent power system spinning reserves
plays important role to supply excess power.But if load demand is higher than
the availible power the situation is intense and emergency load shedding is
necessary to save the system.Electrical load consist of both Active and
Reactive load,excess in Active load causes system Frequency to decline and
excess of Reactive load hurts the Voltage.LS(Loadshedding) continues to
shut load until equilibrium is achieved in preset time else system will collapse
causing Blackout.

Load Shedding Methods

Most of load shedding existing techniques used Voltage and Frequency via
UFLS(Under Frequency Load Shedding),UVLS(Under Voltage Load Shedding)
methodologies.UFLS and UVLS work without any co-ordination in power

i)Under frequency Load shedding

In this technique the under frequency relay is used which continuosly
monitors the system frequency.As long as frequency above the threshold
pick-up value the relay works normally.But is frequency falls below pick-up
value the relay trips the breakers that feeds the load.The techniques involve
following steps.
1: Amount of load need to shut in each step
2: Delay between steps
3: Location of shed load

ii)Under voltage Load shedding

This technique works in similar manner as UFLS but the difference is that it
do so on the basis of Voltage rather than frequency.

There are various schemes for UFLS/UVLS namely

1:Static Load Shedding
2:Dynamic Load Shedding
4:Half Adaptive

Static or Fixed Load Shedding

Static load shedding curtails constant block of load at every stage. The
calculation of time to shed the load is acquired from the system overload and
rate of change of frequency. In static load shedding scheme, it is better to
have more stages, but with smaller load in each stage, to minimize
overshedding. Moreover, tripping a big block of load at one timewill have a
large impact on an already weakened system.However the drawback is that it
takes longer time to stabilize the frequency.

Dynamic Load Shedding

Dynarmc load shedding on the other hand curtails dynamic amount of load at
each stage by taking into account the magnihlde of disturbance, voltage and
frequencycharacteristic of the system at each stage. This allows for the
shedding of larger load for larger system imbalance,andsmaller load for
smaller system imbalance.

Traditional LS
In the traditional approach, when the frequency is lower than the first setting
value, the first level of load shedding will be implemented. If the frequency
continues to decline, it is clear that the first load shed amount is insufficient.
When the frequency is lower than the second setting value, the second stage
of load shedding will be implemented. If the frequency continues to decline,
the further load shed stages will be activated until the normal frequency
value is restored. However, the load amount to be shed is determined in the
case of serious events. Therefore, when the frequency declines to its first
shed level, the load that is shed is often excessive for the particular event.

Half Adaptive
The half adaptive approach is similar to the traditional approach to some
extent. However, the specific amount of load to be shed is determined in
terms of the measuring value of the rate of change of frequency (ROCOF).


The adaptive approach is an improved and yet more reasonable algorithm.

The frequency response model is built on the basis of the frequency
differential equation and the rotor motion equation in this approach. Based on
the variations of frequency,the amount of load to be shed by the adaptive
approach can be determined more accurately.

Requirments For Load Shedding Schemes

An optimal scheme requires thurough understanding of power
components,transient stabiltiy and magnitude of disturbance in system.A
brief list is given below
1:Pre-Fault Condition
a) Total system demand
b) Amount of power exported to grid
c) Generation of each generating unit
d) Configuration and topology of generating unit
e) Spinning reserve of each generating unit
f) System configuration i-e tie-lie numbers,tie-line status and power
flow,transformer and feeder status load etc)
2:Post-Fault Condition
a) New Load Demand
b) Remaining generation from on-site generation
c) Spinning reserve remaining for each unit
d) Time to bring up spinning reserve
e) New system configuration
3:Type and duration for distubance and fault
a) Electrical or mechanical fault
b) Load addition impact
c) Complete or partial loss generation on-site or grid
d) Location of disturbance
e) Subsequent network disturbances
4:System transient response to disturbance
a) System frequency decline and rate of change
b) System voltage response to disturbance
c) Operation of protective device
5:Dynamic behavior of system after the fault
6:A communication and control network for continuos monitoring of power
flow,analysis and resoration of system after the fault.

Load shedding serves as ultimate guard to protect system from induced
disturbance by using UFLS/UVLS schemes.Most of techniques used in LS
schemes are broadly classified as Static and Dynamic (adaptive) LS.Each

techinique have their unique Pros and Cons.Like Dynamic is more

fast,accurate than static one ,whereelse it static costs less than dynamic
one.LS techniques based on adaptive and time optimal algorithm are more
realiable than traditional UFLS,UVLS and PLC load shedding.Main factors
which make a LS scheme appropriates includes minimized load
curtailment,less time delay,less under frequency and over frequency
conditions and above all identifying the Zone creating the Disturbance with in
quick time enough to stop Frequency Decline to prevent system from
collapsing.Load shedding scheme based on both Voltage and Frequency is
more close to practical system thus achieve better results.

1: Intelligent Load Shedding Need for a Fast and Optimal Solution By
Shervin Shokooh,Tanuj Khandelwal, Dr. Farrokh Shokooh, Jacques
Tastet ,Dr. JJ Dai
2: Static and Dynamic Under-frequency Load
Shedding: A Comparison
A. A. Mohd Zin, Senior Member, IEEE, H. Mohd Hafcz, Member, IEEE
and W. K. Wong
3: Modified Adaptive load Shedding H.A.RAKHSHANI, A.R.HEIDARI,
Islamic Azad University Zabol Branch, Zabol, IRAN,
[email protected]
Engineering Department University of Zabol, Zabol, IRAN,
[email protected]
4:Power Load Shedding Simulation And
Rudnick,Armengol Blanco,Celzo Gonzalez



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