Vesicular and Cell Membrane Transporters.: Atpase From Inside
Vesicular and Cell Membrane Transporters.: Atpase From Inside
Vesicular and Cell Membrane Transporters.: Atpase From Inside
Glu transporters Vesicular ACh GAT1/2/3 VGAT (vesicular Vesicular DAT V NET V SET Synaptic DAT Synaptic NET Synaptic 5HT V HA Synaptic
Transporter GAT) HA
Structure 1 Na Dependent: ATP transporter 1/3 = neuronal, ATPase outside ATPase outside ATPase 2xNa, 1xCl VMAT AAAT
EAAC-1 ATPase from glial 1H/1DA Mg req outside, are needed to
GLT-1 inside 2 = pia, Mg not req 1H/1NE Mg not req get 1xDA back
GLAST 2H per ACh arachnoid into the cell.
2 Na and H Dep pumped in. Na gradient is
Gln-T generated by
3 Mg and H Dep Na/K ATPase
VGluT (ATPase?) (blocked by
Atenolol) Butoxamine
Serotoni 5HT1 5HT2 5HT3 5HT4-like 5HT5
n Rs
Partial 5HT2a
Tissue 5HT1b 5HT1d
Rodent neuronal Human neuronal
Auto Rs
Auto Rs (↓NT release)
Sm.muscle constr.
Sm.muscle constr
Metabotropic fxns:
Metabotropic Class I: mGluR1/5: Gi/o: M1/3/5: Gq D1/5: Gs A1:Gq → sm.muscle HT1: Gi H1:Gq
effector fxn
Gq/o = PLC + by-Iahp block Gi a-sub→AC down M2/4: Gi D2/3/4: Gi and by-sub contraction HT2: Gq Postsynaptic: Waking state,
Class I activates neighboring NMDA Rs =cAMP↓ M3: Sm.muscle contraction: ↓VDCC, VDKC, CDKC HT3: cation Arousal, Appetite↓
via PKC/CAM KII + block Iahp By-sub→ block PostS L IP3 Ca release A2: Gi → sm.muscle HT4-like: Gs H2: Gs
=↑excitability VDCC = ↓Ca-dep AP Activation T VDCC contraction + A2a Postsynaptic: Waking state,
Activate PLA2 → headache via By-sub→ block PreS P/Q M2: Cardiac muscle AutoRs = inhibition of learning and memory.
ara.acid. VDCC = ↓NT release = GIRK activation by Gi by-sub: NT release via by-sub H3:Gi
Presynaptic Rs block N type Ca via by- IPSC↓ (if AutoRs) slow IPSPs blockage of VDCC. Presynaptic:→
sub→ NT↓. By-sub → activate M1/3: B: Gs→ cardiac muscle AutoRs→ decrease NT
mGluR1 induce LTD of parallel GIRK/↑IPSC. Strong and AfterDPLZ: Ca spikes contraction release via by-sub inhibition
fiber/Purkinje cell synapse. long (1/2sec) duration of Activation T VDCC via Gq of VDCC
K current positive to by-sub Postsynaptic
Class II: mGluR2/3 -80mV. Prylation of Block HVA VDCC via Gq H4: Gi
Gi/o = cAMP down GABAbRs ↑ by-sub a-sub Postsynaptic.
GIRK activated dissociation and GIRK M1/3/5:
Ca channels blocked activation. Im is letting K out at rest
Can enhance Glu release via auto-Rs. Block via Gq a-sub activation
of PKC→ prylation shut and
Class III: mGluR4,6-8 Calcineurin = open again
Gi/o =cAMP down M1/5:
GIRK activated Block ISAHP via Gq a-sub
Ca channels blocked Thus, anti-AChE elements
(metrifonate) will↑ ACh
concentration and block
normal Isahp via mAChRs.
AGO: Class I GABA ALL: ACh, Carbachol, ALL: DA/Apomorphine ALL: Histamine
Glu/Ibotenate/DHPG Baclofen Muscarine, Oxotremorine, D1/5: Dihydrexidine H2: Dimaprit(↑digestion)
Class II M5:Pilocarpine D2/3/4: H3: Proxyfan(partial,
Glu/NAAG Bromocriptine ↑AutoRs)
Class III D2/3: H3/4: Imetit
Glu/AP4 Pramipexole/Ropinirole
ANT Class I Phaclofen ALL: Atropine, Scopolamine ALL: Spiperone H1: Dimenhydrinate /Meclizine/
CPG Saclofen/2-OH Saclofen M1: Pirenzepine D1: Ecopipam Promethazine→ motion sick,
Class II Ptx – “noncompetitive M2: Gallamine (attenuation of Doxylamine →sleep pill
EthGlu ANT”, inactivates ADP-Gi M3: 4-DAMP cocaine affects) Cetirizine,
Class III M4: Tropicamide D2/3: Amisulpride Chlorpheniramine
MAP4 D2/3/4: Loratadine
Trifluoperazine, Diphedramine
Haloperidol Inverse Agonist:
Risperidone H2: Cimetidine
H3: Clobenpropit, thioperamide
AGO: Generalized anxiety disorder + AGO: muscle relaxant AGO: Pilocarpine: Glaucoma= AGO: anti-Parkinson’s AGO: AGO:1a=anxiolyti AGO: ↑CA1 excitability by
Schizophrenia sphincter pupil contraction= and anti-RLS A2=Hallucinogenic/Psyc c; blocking Iahp
more humour outflow. ANT: hostimulants 2a= psychedelic ANT: Nootropic and dietary
ANT: M2: slow heart rate Antipsychotics/Neurol ANT: Antihypertensive 2c=satiety benefits.
M3 pupil dilation (atropine) eptic, esp. D2 ANT. NET blockers: stimulants
AChE blockers: Alzheimers DAT blockers: Antidepressants/ADHD/ ANT:
Psychostimulants/ADH Anxiolytic 5HT2a=antischiz
D treatment ophrenic.
(Methylphenidate) 5HT3=antiemetic
SERT blockers: