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Effect of Tempering Pass On HSLA-80 Steel HAZ Microstructures

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Cruz-Crespo Suppment October 2013_Layout 1 9/13/13 4:39 PM Page 304

Effect of Tempering Pass on HSLA-80

Steel HAZ Microstructures
Continuous cooling transformation diagrams devised from a simulated thermal
cycle were applied over a high-temperature, modified Nb-bearing
steel microstructure



The alloying system and thermal history of the hot rolling process applied to highstrength low-alloy steels (HSLA) leads to a very particular behavior of these materials under welding thermal cycles. In this work, microstructures and hardness of a graincoarsened heat-affected zone (HAZ) were analyzed from API 5L X80 Nb
microalloyed steel specimens after undergoing simulated thermal cycles to represent
both first and tempering passes. The first thermal cycle for each sample reached the
peak temperature of 1350C, while the second was of 950C. Using the different cooling curves imposed by the simulator, a continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram was raised for both conditions. The predominant microstructure for the first
thermal cycle was granular bainitic ferrite at low cooling rates, but it changed into
bainitic ferrite as cooling rate increases, reaching some presence of martensite at the
highest cooling rates. The microstructure in the second thermal cycle is quasi-polygonal ferrite at low cooling rates and bainitic ferrite at the fastest cooling rates. However, the hardness did not exceed 300 HV in any case and the hardness measured was
even lower in the simulated tempering pass specimens. These results indicate that this
steel has high weldability and no special techniques, such as preheating, need to be
employed to prevent cold cracking. However, the study suggests the need for future
work on aging of precipitates in this grain-refined region due to the tempering pass.

Microalloyed steels of high strength
and low alloy (HSLA) have an excellent
combination of properties (high yield
strength, toughness, and weldability) due
to their unique characteristics of small
grain sizes achieved through very low contents of alloy elements and thermomechanical treatment. Thus, Almeida et al.
(Ref. 1), who is also supported by other
authors such as Jing-Hong et al. (Ref. 2),
refers to the tendency of increasing application of HSLA steels where weight reduction is required (through wall thickness reduction), while ensuring high
weldability, which is required for field
welding. The trend in the development of
these steels for piping (API 5L X-60, X-80,
X-100 steel, according to the classification
of the American Petroleum Institute) is
([email protected]) are with the Center
for Research and Development of Welding
Processes, Federal University of Uberlandia,

304-s OCTOBER 2013, VOL. 92

closely linked to industrial demand for increasing the diameters and work pressure
in pipelines.
The continuous improvement in the
properties of the HSLA steels has been
achieved by the presence of a very low content of alloying elements, such as Nb, Ti,
and V, and a thermomechanically controlled treatment during rolling, which
(both) contributes to a decrease in grain
size. Other important factors, as reported
by Jing-Hong et al. (Ref. 2), are the formation of desired microstructures and
precipitates (acicular ferrite and bainite,
which may also appear with retained

High-Strength Low-Alloy
Nb-Microalloyed Steel
Thermal Cycle
Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ)
Tempering Pass

martensite/austenite (MA) constituents).

On the other hand, since welding
processes are employed in applications
using steels from the API 5L class, it is evident that the influence of the thermal cycles
on the heat-affected zone (HAZ) microstructures is of vital importance, especially in the region of coarsened grains. This
has resulted in a large number of papers focused on the study of this area. Das (Ref. 3)
suggested that the refinement of the microstructure near the weld interface is very
effective in improving the HAZ toughness
of microalloyed steels, which is achieved by
delaying the austenite grain growth, with
the transformation to acicular ferrite and
formation of precipitates or inclusions
within the austenite grains. For his part,
Moeinifar et al. (Ref. 4) addressed the effect of thermal cycling in X-80 steel, showing that the heat input in the submerged arc
welding (SAW) process (leading to different thermal cycles) has a significant influence on the microstructure and hardness of
the coarse-grain HAZ. With similar results,
Mohandas et al. (Ref. 5) provided a comparative study of the behavior of HAZ microstructure and properties for three steels
of different compositions with the shielded
metal arc welding (SMAW), gas tungsten
arc welding (GTAW), and gas metal arc
welding (GMAW) processes, relating the
process energy input to the microstructure
and properties of the HAZ.
Zhang et al. (Ref. 6) obtained, in a comparative study of two HSLA steels with and
without niobium, based on the physical simulation of thermal cycles in a Gleeble simulator, a microstructure with grain boundary
ferrite, acicular ferrite, and degenerate
pearlite at low cooling rates applied in the
no Nb steel specimens, while bainite is
formed at fast cooling rates. For the specimens of the Nb-bearing steel, the referred
authors obtained granular bainite as a dominant microstructure over a wide range of
cooling rates, with martensite appearing at
very fast cooling rates. Although for cooling
rates slower than 32C/s, the initial transformation temperature decreases by about
20C in the presence of niobium. Zhang et
al. (Ref. 7), in another article, addressed the

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effect of niobium on the microstructure, on

the coarse-grained HAZ properties, and on
the starting transformation temperature
under the effect of different energy inputs.
Shome (Ref. 8), while also using simulation,
established that the peak temperature
makes the austenitic grain size increase linearly, influencing the HAZ structure and
While it is true that the effects of the
chemical composition and welding energy
on the resulting microstructure of the
coarse region of the microalloyed steel
HAZ have been relatively well studied,
specialized literature shows little or no
data regarding the effect of the tempering pass on the coarse region. The main
reason for this is that the coarse-grained
region is always of concern in studies on
weldability of structural steels, as a region
susceptible to loss of toughness and as
being a facilitator of hydrogen cracking.
The microstructure refined by the tempering pass technique is usually quite
beneficial for reducing hardenability and
increasing toughness. In addition to not
being known in detail, the microstructure
resulting in the refined region can be expected for steels with higher contents of
Nb to present aging of the precipitates.
Therefore, the objective of this study was
to evaluate the microstructural formation
of a tempering pass on the coarse-grained
region of the HAZ of Nb microalloyed
HSLA-80 steel, through simulating welding thermal cycles from a first pass followed by a tempering pass.

Materials and Methods

The methodology approach of this work
was the imposition of thermal cycles repre-

senting welding with

through simulation on
samples of a microalloyed steel of high
strength (HSLA), Type
API 5L X80, composition being reported in
Table 1. The coarsegrained region of the
HAZ was initially simulated, assuming a peak
temperature of 1350C
and cooling rates ranging from 3 to 130C/s.
Half of the specimens
that underwent this
simulation were heated
again to 950C to simu- Fig. 3 Cooling and heating curves experienced by the specimens to simulate the various thermal cycles imposed by the second bead on the region of
late the effect of heat the coarse-grain HAZ of the precedent bead (peak temperature = 950C) for
treatment that is car- different diameters of the central part of the specimens: d = 10 mm (8/5 =
ried out by a second 3.7C/s); d = 9 mm (8/5 = 5.3C/s); d = 8 mm (8/5 = 15.5C/s); d = 7 mm
bead over the region of (8/5 = 52.2C/s); d = 6 mm (8/5 = 95.2C/s); d = 5 mm (8/5 = 151.5C/s).
HAZ (CGHAZ) of a
precedent bead (tempering pass).
austenite at relatively low temperatures
As shown in Fig. 1, the base metal has a
(probably composed of bainite and MA mimicrostructure with high prevalence of
croconstituent). This microstructure patpolygonal ferrite. Alongside the polygonal
tern coincides with that reported by Jingferrite, dark-etching regions are present, reHong et al. (Ref. 2), Cizek et al. (Ref. 9), and
sulting from transformations of the residual
Bott et al. (Ref. 10), who deal with the char-

Table 1 Chemical Composition of the Nb Microalloyed Steel (API 5L X-80), in % Mass























V + Nb + Ti



Fig. 2 Cooling and heating curves experienced by the specimens to simulate the various thermal cycles of the first pass in the region of the coarse grain
HAZ (peak temperature = 1350C) for different diameters of the central part
of the specimens: d = 10 mm (8/5 = 3.4C/s); d = 9 mm (8/5 = 3.8C/s); d
= 8 mm (8/5 = 5.4C/s); d = 7 mm (8/5 = 13.9C/s); d = 6 mm (8/5 =
51C/s); d = 5 mm (8/5 = 126.6C/s).

Fig. 1 HSLA microstructure of the Nb microalloyed steel (API 5L X-80).

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A1 peak = 1350 and 8/5 =3.4 C/s

A2 peak = 950 and 8/5 =3.7 C/s

B1 peak = 1350 and 8/5 = 3.8 C/s)

B2 peak = 950 and 8/5 = 5.3 C/s

C1 peak = 1350 and 8/5 = 5.4 C/s

C2 peak = 950 and 8/5 = 15.5 C/s

D1 peak = 1350 and 8/5 = 13.9 C/s

D2 peak = 950 and 8/5 = 52.2 C/s

E1 peak = 1350 and 8/5 = 51.0 C/s

E2 peak = 950 and 8/5 = 95.2 C/s

F1 peak = 1350 and 8/5 = 126.6 C/s

F2 peak = 950 and 8/5 = 151.1 C/s

Fig. 4 Corresponding microstructures for the first cycle (A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1 ) and second cycle (A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2) with different cooling rates (different specimen diameters), where q = quasi-polygonal ferrite, B = granular bainitic ferrite, Bo = bainitic ferrite, W = Widmanstatten ferrite, M =
martensite [microconstituent nomenclatures based on Krauss and Thompson (Ref. 18)].

acterization of steels of similar composition

to the present work. Those authors stated
the existence of MA microconstituent associated with the ferritic grain boundaries,
which were revealed only under electron
microscopy. Other authors, such as
Almeida et al. (Ref. 1), Gorni and Mei (Ref.
11), and Shanmugam et al. (Ref. 12), report
having found, by means of electron microscopy, some presence of bainite together
306-s OCTOBER 2013, VOL. 92

with ferrite in steels with compositions relatively similar to those shown in Table 1.
These authors associate this fact with
the synergistic effect that presents itself
for particular relations of microalloying
elements. An important group of authors,
such as Mishra (Pathak) et al. (Ref. 13)
and Moon et al. (Ref. 14), also confirmed
the phases and microconstituents already
mentioned in the microstructure of steels

of similar composition to that in the present study, together with the presence of
niobium-rich precipitates associated with
the grain boundaries, which undoubtedly
contribute to the high mechanical resistance of these steels.
The simulating of the thermal cycling
was performed using a simple equipment
design (described in Vilarinho and Araujo
(Ref. 15)) based on the Joule effect, which

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Fig. 6 CCT diagrams resulting from the first thermal cycle (simulating the coarse-grain HAZ region):
The martensite starting temperature (Ms 465C) is
a predicted value, calculated from Andrewss equation Ms(C) = 539 423 C 30.4 Mn 17.7 Ni
12.1 Cr 7.5 Mo, employed by Zhang et al. (Ref. 7).

enables rapid heating of specimens and allows for natural cooling of the specimens
with the aid of aluminum heat sinks that
also function as support and electrical
contact. An electronic controlling device
disconnects the power source when the
preregulated temperature at the center of
the test pieces is reached. The thermocouple placed in the center of the sample
also records the cooling, which due to the
small dimensions of the sensor (Type K,
diameter 0.5 mm) and the characteristics
of continuous natural cooling can detect
the starting and finishing points of the
metallurgical transformations.
The specimens were cylindrical, 150
mm long, with 10 mm diameter at the extremes. In the central part, along a 10-mm
length, different diameters (510 mm)
were machined, allowing for variances in
the cooling rate over a wide range. These
geometric measures were determined by
the finite element method (Ansys) for the
desired cooling rates. One disadvantage of
this technique is that in order to obtain
very fast cooling rates, the specimen diameter has to be small, and likewise the

material volume from which the thermal

cycle is measured. This characteristic
makes the sensitivity of the method lower
to detect activation energy for the starting
and finishing of transformations. Crosssections of the specimens under different
cooling rates were cut in the central region
for metallographic analysis (2% Nital
etching) and microhardness (10 indentations with a load of 500 g and a load application time of 10 s).
To determine the starting and finishing
points of the transformations, a differential analysis has been used, as described by
Zachrisson (Ref. 16). This analysis consists of performing a regression of a part
of the experimental cooling curves (the
curve that best fits is the exponential type
Treg = aebt + cedt, where a, b, c, and d are
coefficients obtained by regression analysis and where t is the time) and extrapolate it so as to include temperatures
below transformation. The difference between the thermal cycle experimental
curve (T = f(t)) and the regression curve
in the region where deviation is perceived
(D(T)i = Ti Tregi) is plotted in relation

Fig. 7 CCT diagrams resulting from the second

thermal cycle (simulating the refinement of the coarsened-grain region of the HAZ-tempering pass): The
martensite starting temperature (Ms 465C) is a
predicted value, calculated from Andrewss equation
Ms(C) = 539 423 C 30.4 Mn 17.7 Ni 12.1
Cr 7.5 Mo, employed by Zhang et al. (Ref. 7).

to temperature, thereby obtaining the

temperatures of the transformations. A
similar technique was successfully applied
by Alexandrov and Lippold (Ref. 17), but
rather than using determined exponential
equations as reference thermal cycles,
they used calculated (analytic formulas or
numerical modeling) ones for generating
the references.

Results and Discussion

Thermal Cycles of the Coarse-Grain
Region of the HAZ during the First and
Tempering Passes

The curves of thermal cycles to simulate the effect of the first bead (peak temperatures 1350C) are shown in Fig. 2.
Analogously, the thermal cycles to simulate the effect of a second weld pass (peak
temperature of 950C), that is, the overheating of a region affected by the heat of
the precedent pass (coarse-grain region
of the HAZ, in this case), are shown in
Fig. 3. Inflections in the curves shown in
Figs. 2 and 3 are observed (more distinct

Table 2 Resulting Cooling Rates between 800 and 500C (8/5) that the Specimens Experienced after Heating up to 1350 and 950C, to
Simulate a First Pass and the Subsequent Effect of a Tempering Pass, Respectively, under Different Simulated Heat Inputs
Specimen center diameters (mm)

Cooling rate (8/5) from first

pass CGHAZ simulation

Cooling rate (8/5) from tempering

pass simulation on the CGHAZ




Note: Cooling rates after heating up to 1350C to simulate a first pass and then heating the same specimen to 950C to simulate the effect of a subsequent tempering



Fig. 5 Microhardness after both the first and second thermal cycles as a function of the cooling rate
between 800 and 500C.

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for slower cooling rates, justified mainly

because of a larger metal volume in the
region of temperature measurements
and a not high enough dynamic response
from the thermocouple 0.5-mm wires).
These are characteristics of the activation
energy for the start and finish of the
transformation in ferritic steels. The
cooling rates (8/5) in the range of temperatures from 800 to 500C are summarized in Table 2 and also reported in the
captions of the thermal cycle plots.
As seen, the cooling rates become
proportionately faster for the thermal
cycle with peak temperature of 950C
compared to the first cycle with peak
temperature of 1350C. Such behavior is
typical of simulations as in the present
work (less heat to dissipate), but that
should also be observed in an actual
welding setting.
Influence of the First and Second
Thermal Cycles on the Microstructure of
the Coarse Region HAZ


The difference in behavior of the transformations during cooling of the specimens with different cooling rates leads to
variations in the microstructure of some
with regard to others. (The microstructure
identification in this work was based on a
nomenclature for ferritic microconstituents taken from the Atlas for Bainitic
Microstructures, developed by the Iron and
Steel Institute of Japan Bainite Committee and described by Krauss and Thompson (Ref. 18).) It is important to mention
that microconstituent nomenclature for
carbon steel HAZ is still not standardized,
but a discussion in this direction or any
proposal of microstructure nomenclature
is out of focus for this paper. Figure 4
shows, side by side, the microstructures of
the specimens under different thermal cycles, at 1350C (simulating the first pass)
on the left, and 950C (simulating the tempering pass) on the right. In relation to the
original microstructure of steel (Fig. 1),
one perceives greater grain sizes in the region heated to 1350C (Fig. 4, left). The
grain growth for this type of steel resulting
from a range of peak temperatures has
been studied by Kuziak et al. (Ref. 19) and
Shome (Ref. 8), for whom up to a temperature of about 1100C the austenite grain
practically does not grow, but then increases almost linearly at a high rate. This
phenomenon could be motivated by the
dissolution of the precipitates rich in Nb as
a function of the elapsed time at temperatures above 1100C. In contrast, Ivanov et
al. (Ref. 20) show a gradual growth of the
grain at peak temperature.
Figure 4A1 and Fig. 4B1 show the microstructure of the coarse-region HAZ
with slow cooling (3.4 and 3.8C/s), characterized by the predominant presence of

308-s OCTOBER 2013, VOL. 92

granular bainitic ferrite (B). This result is

consistent with those reported by Zhang et
al. (Refs. 6, 7), Gorni and Mei (Ref. 11),
and Ivanov et al. (Ref. 20), who obtained
CCT diagrams for steels with relatively
similar compositions to that of the present
work, where the transformation from
austenite to bainite is predominant. And
for the cooling rate of 5.4C/s, shown on
the microstructure (Fig. 4C1), alongside
the granular bainitic ferrite (B) there is
the presence of bainitic ferrite of type Bo
and Widmansttten ferrite (W). For even
faster cooling rates (13.9 to 51.0C/s), the
presence of bainitic ferrite of type Bo is
even more visible (Fig. 4D1 and E1). In
the case of 4D1, there is still some granular bainitic ferrite B. Whenever a peak
temperature above the dissolution of the
niobium-rich precipitates is reached,
which, according to Zhang et al. (Ref. 6)
and Moeinifar et al. (Ref. 4), is less than
1200C, this element (Nb), in solid solution for such cooling rates, obstructs the
kinetics of ferrite grain formation. This
happens because solute drags at the
austenite grain boundary, thereby promoting the formation of bainitic ferrite
type Bo. In the particular case of the cooling rate of 126.6C/s, Fig. 4F1 shows the
presence of martensite (M) mixed with
bainitic ferrite type Bo. The presence of
bainitic ferrite (Bo) with martensite
(M) in the microstructure at faster cooling rates is consistent with that reported by
Zhang et al. (Ref. 6) and Ivanov et al. (Ref.
20), who show a CCT diagram (obtained
for a steel composition relatively similar to
the present study) with martensitic transformation at lower temperatures when the
cooling rate exceeds 50C/s.
According to the manifestation of a
large number of authors, among them Shi
and Han (Ref. 21), transformation of
austenite to bainite takes place during the
cooling process experienced by the different specimens (different cooling rates).
This occurs through a migration of carbon
into the interior of the austenite grains,
thereby stabilizing the austenite and favoring martensite transformation at lower
temperatures, which leads to the appearance of MA microconstituent. These authors show that to the extent that t8/5 increases (with decreasing cooling rate) the
MA fraction increases.
The microstructures corresponding to
the coarse region HAZ after undergoing a
second thermal cycle with different cooling
rates are shown to the right in Fig. 4. The
peak temperature reached the normalization temperature (grain refinement) for the
steel under study, considering the high heating rates. In all cases, there is a tendency toward the formation of a finer microstructure as compared to the first heat cycle, as
would be expected by the thermal history
imposed (even considering starting the

transformation from coarse grains, the

comparison with Fig. 1 shows the grains will
be as fine as those of the base metal, suggesting the action of restriction to grain
If one compares the microstructure of
Fig. 4A2, corresponding to the slowest
cooling rate of the second thermal cycle,
with that of Fig. 1, corresponding to the
base metal, a high similarity is noted. This
microstructure is characterized by a high
predominance of quasi-polygonal ferrite
(q). In such cases, the most notable difference is that, in the base metal (Fig. 1),
the grains have a certain orientation due
to the effect of the controlled thermomechanical rolling process and the ferrite
grain boundaries are smooth and continuous, in that for the lowest cooling rate in
the second cycle (Fig. 4A2) the grains
present irregular grain boundaries.
The presence of quasipolygonal ferrite
(q) is noted in the microstructure after
the second cycle at low cooling rates
Fig. 4A2, B2, and C2. In the particular
case of 4C2 (cooling rates of 15.5C/s)
alongside the quasipolygonal ferrite (q)
is the presence of granular bainitic ferrite
(B). For faster cooling rates (52.2C/s),
the microstructure is granular bainitic ferrite (B) mixed with bainitic ferrite type
Bo Fig. 4D2. And for cooling rates of
95.2 and 151.2C/s, the microstructure is
predominantly bainitic ferrite (Bo)
Fig. 4E2 and 4F2. The fact that no martensite appears in the microstructure (Fig.
4F2), despite a faster cooling rate
(151.5C/s) than in the first cycle
(126.6C/s), is explained, according to
Shome and Mohanty (Ref. 22), as the reduction of austenite grain size in the sample under the second thermal cycle, which
reduces the hardenability.
The Influence of the First and Second
Thermal Cycles on the Microhardness of
the Coarse-Region HAZ

The microhardness values obtained for

the HAZ grain-coarsened region, corresponding to different cooling rates between 800 and 500C during the thermal
cycles simulating the first bead and the
tempering pass, are shown in Fig. 5. It becomes evident that, in general, the microhardness tends to increase with an increase in the cooling rate, which is
explained mainly by the modifications undergone in the microstructure, which are
covered in detail in the previous section.
(The effect of grain sizes on hardness, i.e.,
a faster cooling rate would lead to smaller
grains, which, in turn, usually present
greater hardness, cannot be neglected in
this analysis, yet with less significance,
considering the fact that the found hardness for the tempering pass is lower than
that of the first pass, although the temper-

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nance of granular bainitic ferrite (B) in

the microstructure of the coarse-grained
region of the HAZ, obtained microhardness values near the maximum range for
this already mentioned microconstituent
(around 240 HV). The difference between
the microhardness values for granular
bainitic ferrite (B) obtained by these authors and those obtained in the present
work is related to the higher carbon content in the steel for the aforementioned
For the highest cooling rates (51.0C/s
and 126.6C/s) during the first thermal
cycle, the growth of the microhardness
(Fig. 5) is undoubtedly linked to the high
presence of bainitic ferrite (Bo) (Fig.
4E1), bainitic ferrite (Bo), and martensite
(M) Fig. 4F1. Such an increase in the
microhardness together with an increase
in the cooling rate could also be related to
increasing the volume fraction of the MA
microconstituent. As such, Moeinifar et
al. (Ref. 4) concluded that increasing the
cooling rate increases the fraction of the
MA microconstituent, which, in this case,
plays a governing role on the hardness
progress in the region of the coarse grain
in the HAZ.
Zhang et al. (Ref. 6) state that martensite (M) presents microhardness values
of 320 to 340 HV, which were not reached
in this work, even for the highest cooling
rate (126.6C/s) during the first thermal
cycle Fig. 5. Ivanov et al. (Ref. 20) declared the presence of martensite for high
cooling rates, obtaining a microhardness
value of around 325 HV at 50C/s, when
the peak temperature is 1350C. Such a
high value in microhardness obtained by
the above authors, in relation to this work,
is primarily related to the higher carbon
content (0.06%) compared to that reported in Table 1.
From Fig. 5, the second thermal cycle
(simulated tempering pass) also leads to
an increased microhardness as the cooling
rate is faster, consistent with the modifications undergone in the microstructure
(Fig. 4A2F2). Such an increase in the microhardness could also be related to the
possible increase in the volume fraction of
the MA microconstituent. When comparing microhardness as a function of cooling
rate between conditions after the first
cycle and after the second cycle, it is clear
that there is regularity in behavior between the two conditions, but lower values
for the second thermal cycle (the difference becomes more evident as the cooling
rate increases). The parabolic character
obtained for the microhardness, both after
the first thermal cycle and the second, is
completely coincident with results obtained by Gorni and Mei (Ref. 11). The
decrease in microhardness is a general indication that the second thermal cycle has
a positive effect on the coarse-grained

HAZ region. This confirms the reduction

of hardenability due to the finer granularity achieved in the recrystallization zone of
the coarse HAZ under the second cycle.
Obtaining Continuous Cooling
Transformation (CCT) Curves for the First
and Second Thermal Cycles of the
Coarse-Region HAZ

After thermal cycling of Figs. 2 and 3,

the continuous cooling transformation diagrams referring to the first and the second thermal cycles were obtained, as seen
in Figs. 6 and 7. In Fig. 6, it can be seen
that the changes during the first thermal
cycle occur at temperatures lower than
those reported by several authors for API
X80 steels, amongst them Zhang and Farrar (Ref. 23), Zhao et al. (Ref. 24), Stalheim et al. (Ref. 25), Cizek et al. (Ref. 26),
Jing-Hong et al. (Ref. 2), and Liu et al.
(Ref. 27). However, these authors have
worked with diagrams related to thermal
treatment processes, from which it follows
that the heating is slower and with longer
elapsed time in the austenitic region. This
drop in temperature of phase transformation in the case of thermal cycles of the
HAZ has been reported by Zhang et al.
(Ref. 6). Zhang et al. also showed that as
one increases the cooling rate there is a
further decrease in the transformation
temperature, due to lower elapsed times
above 900C, limiting the diffusive
processes of phase transformation. According to Zhang et al. (Ref. 6), and Gorni
and Mei (Ref. 11), as the cooling rate between 800 and 500C grows there is also
an improvement in the stability of the
austenite, which lowers the transformation temperature.
In total agreement with the CCT diagram of Fig. 6, the curves of Fig. 2 suggest
that diffusional transformations (austenite to bainite) take place for any cooling
rate (manifested by sensitive variation of
latent heat, causing deflection in the
recorded thermal cycle). As observed in
Fig. 2, deflections were not observed only
in the curve of the fastest cooling rate.
Latent heat of austenite to martensite
transformation is not well divulged in
current literature. Radaj (Ref. 28, p. 292)
cites other sources to say that the latent
heat of the austenite-pearlite transformation is 92 J/g and the latent heat of the
austenite-martensite transformation is
83 J/g for a 1.2% C. Even considering the
higher content of C and no data provided
for austenite-bainite transformation, the
differences in the figure are not remarkable to eliminate the deflection. In addition, Alexandrov and Lippold (Ref. 17)
detected this transformation measuring
in-situ weld metal continuous cooling
transformation. Thus, the main reason
for not detecting the latent heat of an
austenite to martensite transformation in


ing grain size is smaller.) Such behavior

has been reported by a large number of authors for steels of similar composition to
that used in the present work, including
such authors as Zhang et al. (Ref. 6),
Gorni and Mei (Ref. 11), Cizek et al. (Ref.
9), and Ivanov et al. (Ref. 20), which is obviously also justified based on the changes
in the microstructure. In the particular
case of Gorni and Meis work, one obtains
the behavior of the Vickers hardness as a
function of cooling rate on a logarithmic
scale, showing that a steel of lower carbon
content (0.04%) hardness is practically
constant for low values of cooling rate,
growing for faster cooling rates, acquiring
a parabolic character, similar to that
shown in Fig. 5 of this work.
The microhardness of the base metal
(218 5 HV0.5) is slightly superior to that
obtained after the thermal cycles simulating the first pass with slow cooling rate
(208 3 HV0.5, 211 3 HV0.5, 206 4
HV0.5, 213 3 HV0.5, corresponding to
3.4, 3.8, 5.4, and 13.9C/s, respectively
Fig. 5). This fact is more associated with
the elapsed time at high temperatures,
above the dissolution temperature of the
Nb-rich precipitates, than with the cooling
rates between 800 and 500C. After a sufficient elapsed time at high temperatures
for dissolution to occur, the cooling rate is
such that it prevents the diffusive process
and the reprecipitation on the grain
boundary, which make a significant hardening effect. The loss of the hardening effect of the precipitates is not fully compensated for by the hardening effect of the
transformation, which takes place upon
cooling due to the thermal cycle.
Interestingly, the particular case of
specimen microhardness under the cooling rate of 5.4C/s during the first thermal
cycle, which although statistically similar
to the specimens with slower rates, is
slightly lower in terms of its average value.
If observed in detail in the microstructure
of Fig. 4A1, B1, and C1, one can perceive
that, alongside the granular bainitic ferrite
(B), bainitic ferrite (Bo), and Widmansttten ferrite (W) microstructures
appeared in the form of coarse plates for
the lowest cooling rate (5.4C/s), causing a
softening. However, it is appropriate to reiterate that the softening of the metal is
not significant from the point of view of
the statistical value variability.
Zhang et al. (Ref. 6) suggest that the
hardness of the granular bainitic ferrite
(B) ranges between 210 and 240 HV, so
the microhardness values obtained for
specimens with slower cooling rates (3.4,
3.8, 5.4, and 13.9C/s) in the first heat
cycle (Fig. 5) fully correspond to the presence of granular bainitic ferrite (B) observed for these specimens in Fig. 4A1,
B1, C1, and D1. For their part, Moeinifar
et al. (Ref. 4), who reported the predomi-

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the cooling curves might be the limitation

of the simulation (low metal volume in
the region of temperature measurements
and not too fast dynamic response from
the thermocouple).
Upon analysis of microstructure resulting from transformations (Fig.
4A1F1), the presence of bainite is declared in all specimens (coarse HAZ during the first thermal cycle). This result is
also coincident with those reported by
Zhang et al. (Ref. 6), Gorni and Mei
(Ref. 11), and Ivanov et al. (Ref. 20), who
obtained CCT diagrams for steels of relatively similar composition to the present work, where the transformation from
austenite to bainite was predominant.
The presence of martensite (M), (Fig.
4F1) evidenced by hardness close to 300
HV and by the martensite starting temperature line in Fig. 6, may be possible if
together with bainitic ferrite (Bo) in the
microstructure, the curve deflection is
still present. This is consistent with that
reported by Gorni and Mei (Ref. 11) and
Zhang et al. (Ref. 6) for steels similar to
the one in this work. From these authors,
the martensitic transformation defined is
based either on the microstructure and
hardness, in the case of Zhang et al. (Ref.
6), or established in calculated (predicted) CCT diagrams, as in the case of
Gorni and Mei (Ref. 11) at a constant
temperature. For their part, Ivanov et al.
(Ref. 20) also obtained a CCT diagram
that shows the martensitic transformation temperature for high cooling rates,
without declaring how they define this
temperature. Zhang et al. (Ref. 6) and
Ivanov et al. (Ref. 20) show the martensitic transformation as being possible
when the cooling rate exceeds 50C/s,
which is in line with the present work. If
one compares the CCT diagram representing the coarse-grain HAZ as for the
first pass (Fig. 6) with that obtained according to the second thermal tempering
pass cycle (Fig. 7), one can see that in this
last mentioned there also appears a
transformation of austenite to ferrite
curve at low cooling rates, which obviously occurs with a higher level of diffusion. Data from Gorni and Mei (Ref. 11)
coincide with this result, which states the
ferrite transformation at low cooling
rates, below 0.5C/s. The difference in
cooling rates at which this transformation occurred in the referred work and in
this present work may be linked to a high
retention in the austenite region, which
undoubtedly increases the stability of
this phase. Also, Ivanov et al. (Ref. 20)
agree with the possible occurrence of
ferrite transformation, while reporting a
CCT diagram where this transformation
is reflected even at cooling rates above
50C/s, which could be associated primarily with higher carbon content (0.06%)

310-s OCTOBER 2013, VOL. 92

in relation to that of the present work

Bainitic transformation for the second
thermal cycle (tempering pass) (Fig. 7) occurs at higher temperatures than in the
first Fig. 6. The foregoing is also related
to the elapsed time in the austenitic region. In the first cycle, there is more time
spent in the austenitic region than in the
second due to a higher peak temperature
(1350C for the first cycle and 950C for
the second) leading to increased solubility
and slow transformation temperatures
during cooling. The presence of martensite in the tempering pass would not be
possible within the cooling range under investigation (Fig. 7), which agrees with the
microstructures obtained Fig. 4.
It is important to point out that Andrewss equation for MS temperature prediction used in Figs. 6 and 7 was not developed for steels with such a low-C
content. However, Capdevila (Ref. 29)
points out that although the relationship
between the martensite start transformation temperature and steel composition
has been investigated previously by several researchers (for instance, Grange and
Stewart, 1946; Payson and Savage, 1944;
and Kung and Rayment, 1978), it was the
study by Andrews (1965) that has proved
to be the most reliable, because it considered the largest number of samples. Sourmaila and Garcia-Mateo (Ref. 30) show a
comparison between their proposed neutral network model results and the predictions from Andrews and concluded that
the neural network model performs at
least equally as well as the thermodynamic
approach. Applying Sourmaila and Garcia-Mateos model for the steel of this
work, a very similar MS temperature was
found, i.e., 460C.

General Discussion
Considering the different behaviors
between metallurgical characteristics (microstructure and hardness) when applied
to a first cycle peak temperature of 1350C
and a second cycle on the coarse-grained
zone formed (peak temperature of
900C), this can be explained by the theory
and supported by results from other authors, demonstrating the validity of the applied simulation. The possibility of working with natural cooling in the region of
study and application of the technique of
differential analysis made it possible to
draw up CCT diagrams for different thermal experiences undergone by the steel,
similar to what happens in welding.
The CCT diagrams show that for the
microstructure of the coarse-grained
HAZ zone, either the primary formation
(simulating the first pass) or recrystallization (simulating a second pass or tempering pass) are mainly granular bainitic fer-

rite (B) or bainitic ferrite (Bo). There is

a perceived improvement in properties of
the coarse HAZ region when tempered by
reducing the grain size and decrease in
hardness (the hardenability is lower),
showing that the steel in question also has
high weldability. From the standpoint of
hardness, which according to Ivanov et al.
(Ref. 20) has a direct relationship with the
mechanical properties for HSLA steels,
only a very high cooling rate, greater than
100C/s, puts the union at risk due to hydrogen-assisted cold cracking initiated in
the HAZ. That is, the material could be
welded by a very large range of processes
and parameters, and no preheating procedure is needed.
Continuous cooling transformation
diagrams could be obtained for other regions of the HAZ (including HAZ in the
bead metal recrystallized by precedent
passes), facilitating the programming of
sequences of passes to optimize the joint
properties. On the other hand, although
it was not verified in the work, carbonitride precipitates or the forming of microconstituent MA could happen, especially in HAZ regions in which the
temperature was below the dissolution
temperatures for Nb-bearing precipitates. These microconstituents can deteriorate properties of the HAZ, especially
concerning toughness. This means that,
despite the high weldability demonstrated by this study for this steel, further
investigation on all regions of the HAZ is
advised and possible with the same experimental approach.

1. The system used to evaluate the effect
of thermal cycling on the microstructure
formation of the HAZ of a HSLA steel
(simulator and method of differential analysis of cooling curve) was effective and practical, sensitive enough to produce CCT diagrams of different regions of the HAZ.
2. For the CCT diagrams of the original
HAZ (the first heat cycle) of the steel under
study, the microstructure is predominantly
granular bainitic ferrite (B) at low cooling
rates, but is transformed into bainitic ferrite
(Bo), to the extent that increases in the
cooling rate made it finer. Even for very
high cooling rates, the microstructure is predominantly bainitic ferrite (Bo) with the
presence of martensite. In all cases, the microhardness is less than 300 HV, qualifying
the steel studied as of good weldability.
3. From the point of view of the basic microstructure, the CCT diagram shows that
the recrystallized region (simulating the
temperature for a second pass) further improved the weldability of the material under
study, by refining the grain while reducing
the hardness, even though not significantly
altering the type of microstructure.


The authors thank engineers Lucia

Basilio P. de Souza and Ivy Jorge Franco
for their support in performing the thermal simulation of the specimens. They
also are pleased to thank the Brazilian
agency CAPES, which, by means of project No. 059/2009, financially supported
the experimental work and enabled interaction between the researchers involved.
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