Biology I: Teacher: Some Teacher E-Mail
Biology I: Teacher: Some Teacher E-Mail
Biology I: Teacher: Some Teacher E-Mail
Course Description
Literally, Biology means the study of life. Our biology students will study what living organisms are, and
the organisms similarities and differences. Our students will investigate how all living organisms interact
with each other and their environment. The students will also learn how scientists work, the scientific
method, so that they could look at a problem objectively, and make intelligent decisions concerning
biological issues.
Grading Policy
Lessons............................................................................................................................. 25%
Projects............................................................................................................................. 15%
Quizzes............................................................................................................................. 25%
Tests................................................................................................................................. 35%
Semester Exam.................................................................................... 15% of overall average
Tutoring/Make-up Work
Tuesday and Thursday
Lab Fees
The student will be responsible for paying a $10.00 fee per year.
Turning in Work
It is not the teachers responsibility to remind students to turn in work.
I do not count off for late work. However, a zero will be given in the grade book for that
assignment until the work is turned in. If the work is never turned in, the 0 will remain in
the grade book as a final grade for that assignment.
Make up Work
It is not the teachers responsibility to remind students that they need to make up work.
When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to check with the teacher for makeup work and due
dates for the work. This should be done the day the student returns.
Most problems will generally be handled by communication between the teacher, the student, and
the parents.
If the student persists with inappropriate behavior after counseling, referral to their assistant principal
will follow.
Problems that result in immediate referral to an assistant principal, lowering of conduct grade and
parent contact are:
Cheating will result in a zero for all parties involved without the opportunity for make-up.
Classroom Etiquette
We have 30 computers in the lab (Dell w/ flat screen monitors and an optical sensor USB mouse using
Microsoft Office XP).
The rules noted below will be followed by all students using the computers and discipline action will
result when any of the guidelines are broken. Parents/guardians will be called and the student will
receive a consequence for their action(s), based on the infraction(s) and seriousness of the broken
guideline. If required, students will be referred to his/her assistant principal.
1. Students will NOT alter programs on the computer in anyway!
Students are not to go into any part of the program without teacher instruction or
teacher permission.
Students are not to make any changes or write any program, executable files, batch
files, or command files.
Students are not allowed to change passwords or to go into any program, software, or
system not assigned to be used by the class.
2. Students are not allowed to work in any program not assigned in their class.
Software programs or games are not to be brought into the classroom from outside or
loaded on classroom computers.
3. Any damage or loss of equipment, books or materials will be charged back to the student.
4. Leave all classroom equipment and furniture in the computer lab.
Do not move any equipment or furniture.
Network wiring, computer cables, and power cables connecting computers and
electricity are not to be tampered with.
Workstation tables or computers should not be pushed or jolted.
The computer monitor control knobs are not to be moved or settings changed without
permission from the teacher.
5. Assignments are not to be shared, borrowed, printed or used by any other student.
6. NO food or drinks are allowed in the computer lab.
7. NO hair combing, putting on makeup, use of fingernail polish, perfume, cologne, hand
lotion, etc. is allowed in the computer lab.
8. Classroom sets of books or handouts are to be kept at the assigned computer.
The sets will be numbered and will correspond to the computer that is being used by
the student.
If a set is missing, or not put in the proper place, the last person using the computer will
be held responsible.
9. Students will always sit at their assigned computer.
10. Students must clean up their work area.
All equipment and furniture will be left ready for the next class.
Chairs are to be pushed under the worktables at the end of class.
11. Students must report all equipment problems (hardware and software) to their teacher
(Student signature required)
I understand and agree to accept the grading policy, and guidelines for the Keyboarding class and
computer lab. I also understand and agree that my child will be held accountable for his/her behavior
and shall be subject to disciplinary action if necessary.
(Parent signature required)
___________________________ _________________________
(Home phone)
(Work phone)
It is the policy of the Some School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or
handicap in its education programs, services or activities.