Kirpal Singh - God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Kirpal Singh - God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Kirpal Singh - God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Kirpal Singh
God-Power, Christ-Power,
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
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God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Dear Friends:
I have the great pleasure to address you on the evening of this day
which is considered most sacred among the Christians. Today we
are celebrating in sweet remembrance the Christ Who appeared
at the pole of Jesus.
Thousands of other men are born daily, in all countries, in all towns,
but not very many remember their births and deaths; yet the lives
of the Masters, so few in number, can never be forgotten.
Christ was born as Jesus. Jesus was the Human Pole at Which the
Christ-Power manifested Itself, and the Christ-Power never dies.
Once that Power takes possession of us or takes us under His care,
He does not leave us.
Christ said,
St Matthew 28:20
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
When I came here on my last visit in 1955, people asked me:
I asked them:
If He has not left us, then where does the question of coming back
arise? The reason we ask these things is because, perhaps, we have
not gone far enough into the mystery of Christ.
Thus, have you ever considered Who is the One Who points the
Way back to God and Who at times refers to Himself as –
St John 10:30
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
I am the Light.
St John 8:12
I am the Way.
St John 14:6
All Masters tell us that the Incarnated Masters are all Children of
Light. They are all Sons of God, and whoever follows Them, meets
God, for he is given contact with God. Masters have been coming
from time to time; and to all intents and purposes, outwardly, They
appear to be men. They were born the same way and Their bodies
are constructed the same way. What then is the difference between
such a Personality and the average man? It is in His being a Con-
scious Co-Worker of the Divine Plan, for He sees it is the Father
working through Him.
St Matthew 16:15-16
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Jesus told Peter:
St Matthew 16:17
Have I been so long with you and yet you never saw that
it was the Father working through me?
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
These statements are paraphrased from the Bible to make the pur-
pose of them clear.
During a talk I gave last month at the Unity Temple in Los Angeles,
I expressed these thoughts and then asked the minister for his
opinion, which I wanted to hear – not because I was doubtful, but
because men are evolving and awakening to the Truth.
He answered:
Then he explained:
And continued:
Do you comprehend?
There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty; demand and
supply is the law of nature, and where fire burns, oxygen comes to
help. When man has hunger for God in his heart, God manifests
Himself at some Human Pole to guide the child-humanity.
St Matthew 11:27
As I told you, this Christ-Power existed ever since the world began
and has manifested Itself from time to time at the Human Pole of
the various Masters. We can recognise this fact through the study
of comparative religions, where we shall find the same teachings
given by the Masters of all religions and the same assertions made
by Them.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
That’s all right, I said, but if other Masters also uttered the same
words, how would you consider them? I then quoted what other
Masters had said in Their own languages in Their own times.
The Son and the Father are dyed in the same colour and
the Father and the Son have taken up the same business.
Many others as well spoke the same. This is only to evidence that
Christ lived even before He entered the sinless body of the mother.
We have regard for that perpetual Christ-Power which existed before
birth and continues after it, and for the Sonship that is perpetual.
That Power lies in every heart and is revealed when a Human Pole at
Which the Power is manifest, meets us and gives us a contact with
God. No son of man, no human, can do it, except the manifested
God-Power in some Human Pole.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
What is the purpose of the celebration of such birthdays?
Christ said,
St John 14:19
St John 6:48-51
God is Light; God is Life; God is Love. What was this Bread of Life
He gave ?
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
In another instance, Jesus went to a well to have a drop of water.
You people have no dealings with us; why then are you
asking me for water?
Jesus answered:
If you knew Who was asking for water, you would have
asked for, and I would have given you the Living Water
of Life. This water which you carry quenches thirst for a
while, yet one is again thirsty; but whoever drinks of the
Living Water which I give, will never thirst.
Let us go a little further into it. Who was Christ? Blessed is the
Human Pole at Which Christ appears. He behaved like a man; He
behaved also like God. He behaved like an average man and His
greatness lies in this fact. In His Grace, He behaved both ways – as
a man and as God.
St John 1:14
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
What is Word? Word is definable as the Word Which has made all
St John said,
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God and the Word was God.
St John 1:1
Psalms 119:89
This is what Jesus referred to as the Bread of Life which has come
from heaven.
Psalm 119 :105
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Jesus expressly said:
St John 8 :12
They said that the Word was personified in Human Form Which
guided the embodied souls and gave them contact back to God.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
I have respect for all Human Poles at Which that Christ-Power
dwells from time to time.
You will find very specific teachings from the Masters. They taught
first of all that the Highest Aim of a man’s life is God first, and the
world next. We live, however, for the world first and God next, and
we have faith in God only insofar as we get worldly things from
Him. If sometimes for some reason or other we do not receive those
things, then our faith is broken.
Jesus said:
St Luke 17:20-21
St John 4 :24
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
God does not reside in temples made by man, but in the God-made
temple of the Man-body. Within that Man-body temple, Jesus
St John 11: 26
He did not refer to the outer son of man, the perceptible body,
but to the Inner, which gave Light and was the Way back to God
through Love.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
should live up to them daily. We should see the same Christ-Power
in ourselves. It is in everyone and It is to be developed through the
help given wherever It manifests – call It by any name you like.
Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God could be had only by enter-
ing within the Man-body or the True Temple of God. God is the
Controlling Power sustaining us in the body. The import of these
teachings is that so long as we are in the body, we are identified
with the body and outside things, causing us to forget our Inner
Selves and fall under a grand delusion. How can we be liberated
from this delusion?
Life withdraws from the feet and rises to the back of the eyes and
then darkness appears. While living, you can learn how to rise above
the senses, withdraw from the outside to the back of the eyes, which
is the seat of the soul in the body, and have your Inner Eye opened.
You can see the Light of God, that Light of God Which was personi-
fied and called Christ-Power, Guru-Power, or Master-Power.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Jesus told Nicodemus,
Jesus replied:
Our first birth is in the man-body; the second birth is that of being
born anew into the Beyond when we learn to die while living. This
birth is called the Birth in Christ, Birth in Guru-Power or Birth in
God-Power. You must live and die in God-Power. You must be born
in Christ, in the Guru-Power or God-Power. Simple wearing of the
outer badges of certain schools of thought or performing specific
rites and rituals does not make you be born in Christ. Such practices
or beliefs may be the preparation of the ground for being born in
Christ, but this Birth can be had only if you take up the cross daily.
Man-body is the cross.
I was very happy to learn from the newspapers today that Pope Paul
is making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
that memory. I read that he will go down to Jerusalem, take a wood-
en cross over his shoulders and walk on the ground where Christ
walked one day.
no man knows the Father except the Son, and the one to
whom the Son reveals Him.
St Matthew 11:27
That Son is the Light of God Which exists forever. Son-ship continues.
The sum of all that I have to convey to you is that Christ lived as
the Man-body of Jesus, at Whose Pole He appeared, and that He
resides in every heart. Yet He cannot be realised by mere feelings,
by mere emotions, by merely drawing inferences, or by intellectual
wrestling to arrive at a conclusion. It is a matter of seeing God –
Who He is.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Christ said,
St John 8:12
Jesus said,
The Light of the body is the eye: If thine eye be single, thy
whole body shall be full of Light.
St Matthew 6:22
Even a blind man without eyes to see the physical has that Single
Eye but it is closed. We can only see Him, the God-in-action-Power,
Which is the Light called Christ, when we shut the doors of the
temple of our body and our eye becomes single.
Our attention has become diffused upon the outside world through
the bodily doors of the two eyes, the two nostrils, the two ears, the
mouth, the excretory and genital organs, and it has identified itself
with them. We have to withdraw our attention from the outside,
enter within the laboratory of the Man-body which is the True
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Temple of God and rise to the back of the eyes, where the seat of
the soul is located in the body. There lies the tenth door where the
eyes become single and where we find the Light of God. There we
see the Christ in expression.
Jesus said that we must have the Bread of Life and the Water of Life.
That Bread of Life and Water of Life lie in the actual contact with
the God-into-Expression-Power of Light and Music of the Spheres.
At any Human Pole at Which the God-Power is made manifest, that
manifested God-Power is competent to raise our souls – bound
under mind and outgoing faculties, and identified with them – and
open the Inner Eye to see the Light of God and open the Inner Ear
to hear the Voice of God.
This is referred to by Guru Nanak and the other Masters Who say
that we are fortunate to have the Man-body and that the purpose
of having it is to obtain the Bread of Life and the Water of Life –
the True Elixir of Life Everlasting, for whoever drinks of It shall
never die.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Remain in any religion you like, but for the Bread and Water of
Life, go to a Master Who is the Human Pole of the God-Power or
Christ-Power, for no son of man can give you Everlasting Life.
The greatness of the Master lies not in His advising you how to say
prayers or perform certain rites and rituals – any man can give
lectures after a little training – but in the fact that He is able to give
you a sitting in which your soul is first withdrawn from the outside
and then raised above the senses; your Inner Eye is opened and you
see the Light of God and your Inner Ear is opened and you hear
the Voice of God; you testify yourself that it is so.
Through the parallel study of religions you will find the same
Truth imparted by almost all Masters, in Their own languages, of
I die daily.
1 Corinthians 15 :31
Other Masters say:
That death is the withdrawal of the soul from the physical body and
rising above it into the Beyond; that is, into the Kingdom of God
where you are reborn.
St John 3:7
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
These are the teachings given by all Masters from time to time. The
difficulty in truly experiencing them, however, lies in the way that
our souls are under the command of mind, and mind is under the
command of the outgoing faculties. We have abandoned ourselves
to the pleasures of the outside world so completely that we have
identified ourselves with them, and we remain awake on the out-
side but asleep from within. You must know that the God-Power is
keeping us in the body and, if you are to find this Power, you have
to invert and withdraw behind the eyes, and gaze into the dark
expanse before you. When you are able to see within that expanse,
you will also see the actual God-Power everywhere.
Here is how we can find the Christ already within us. First enter
the laboratory of the Man-body, the True Temple of God, then rise
above it until we leave all else behind and enter the Kingdom of
God. There are so many mansions in the House of our Father; the
macrocosm is in the microcosm of the Man-body, and consists of
physical, astral, causal, and super-causal planes, and beyond all these
are the pure Spiritual Planes, the True Home of our Father.
The first step thus starts when we rise and are reborn above the Iron
Curtain of this physical body. If anyone can rise above by himself,
blessed is he; but if not …
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
In the true terminology of the Saints or Masters, a blind man is
defined, not as one who has no eyes in his head, but as one whose
Inner Eye is closed. Those who do not see the Light of God are
all, excuse me, blind. When they come to a Master and He gives
them a sitting, the Inner Eye is opened and they see the Light of
God. When they return, they are men with the Inner Eye opened.
Similarly, before going to a Master, a man is deaf. When the Master
gives him a sitting, he begins to hear the Music of the Spheres and
he becomes aware.
These are the Gifts of God. The greatness of the Master lies in His
competency to give you the Bread and the Water of Life and to help
you to be reborn – to open the Inner Eye to see the Light of God
and to open the Inner Ear to hear the Voice of God.
There were few such Personalities in the past, and even now there
are few; but the world is not without Them. All humanity are the
children of these Masters. The same God-Power, Christ-Power, has
worked ever since the world began and continues for those children
who are hungry and seek the Truth. When that hunger and thirst
arises in anyone, God Who resides in every heart makes arrange-
ments to bring him to wherever he can be duly contacted with his
own Self. Can any son of man do it? No. Only the God manifested
in Him has that Power. Such a person is called a Master.
Blessed are ye who see things that the old prophets and
righteous men could not see, who hear things which the
old prophets and righteous men could not hear.
St Matthew 13:16-17
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
These are references in the Scriptures that our Eyes are sealed and
our Ears are sealed, and that unless these seals are broken, we cannot
see the Light of God and hear the Voice of God.
He answered:
Those eyes are different, and are other than the eyes of
flesh and bone, which can see the Light of God.
Another Saint, Shamas-i-Tabrez, said,
We must be able to see God with our own Eyes and we must
be able to hear the Voice of God with our own Ears.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Jesus, in the Sermon of the Mount, said:
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
St Matthew 5:8
Christ and other Masters have grieved that although They have seen,
that They can bear testimony to It, yet the people have not believed
Them. Masters see and then not only say but are competent to give
us an actual specific experience.
Purity of life is required. You will find that chastity is life and se-
xuality is death. This body is born of corruptible seed and we are
born into the Beyond by the incorruptible seed. We should examine
these scriptural references to find their Truth. The Man-body is the
highest in all creation and blessed are we that we have the Man-body.
The Highest Aim before us is to know God.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Guru Nanak said:
We have due deference for all Masters Who came in the past, and
great respect for all Scriptures for they are worth tons of gold and
emeralds; but we do need Someone Who knows the Way and can
open our Inner Eye to see the Light of God.
The lives of Christ and all Masters are examples of putting God
first. The Kingdom of God is within you. You cannot have It by
observation. You can have It only by learning to die while alive, for
you enter the Kingdom of God only when you are reborn. In the
East they say you have to be twice-born, but reborn or twice-born
amounts to the same thing.
The first birth is in the physical body and the second is into the Be-
yond. The Masters were competent to give an experience of how to
rise above body consciousness, and disclosed the mantra meaning
to rise above the physical, astral, and causal bodies, to see the Son
of Light – the Light of the Sun – already ablaze within you.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
(The Master here refers to the Gayatri-Mantra, which is given by
the priests of Hindu religion to the eight to ten years old children.
In Surat Shabd Yoga, the Path of the Saints, no Mantra is given.)
Love God with all thy heart, with all thy strength, and
love thy neighbour and all creation.
On the wings of Love we can fly to heaven, but with the chastity
of life.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
wife should help each other to know God and to fulfil the Highest
Aim of man’s life. One duty may be that of begetting children, but,
bear in mind, that is not 100 % of our duties. The Scriptures say that
husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the Church.
They have contact with God and are the mouthpieces of God. They
speak as inspired from God rather than from the level of the intel-
lect, feelings, emotions, or by drawing inferences. They see and say
and ask you to become.
They say:
We have great respect for all Masters, all Sons of men or Human
Poles at Which that God-Power, Guru-Power, or Christ-Power
worked, and continues to work, to guide the child-humanity. We
are blessed.
I wish you Happy Christmas, but in the way that I have advocated
to be the True Celebration of Christmas Day. Understand Who
the Masters were, Their teachings of how to learn to die, how to be
reborn, how to open the Inner Eye and see the Light of God.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
I have had the great pleasure to present to you for your consideration
this Christmas Night, truths which I have come to know through
experience and by study of comparative religion.
As I said previously,
Unless you sit at the feet of some Human Pole at which the God-
Power has manifested Itself, the purpose of your joining various
schools of thought has not been served, because you want to see
Kirpal Singh
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Jesus Christ was essentially a man of the East, and His teachings are
imbued with oriental mysticism. It is even speculated that He spent
many of His early years – on which the Gospels are silent – in India,
and learned much from the Yogins and the Buddhist monks, in His
travels from place to place. He perhaps even started His teachings
right in India and may have had a foretaste of persecution from
the Brahminical order and the so-called high class social circles for
His catholicity of vision, for He did not believe in class barriers and
preached the equality of man.
St Matthew 5:17
Let us examine some of the pertinent saying which reveal that Jesus
was conversant with the ancient religious thought and practised
the Path of the Masters of the Audible Life Current, saying which
are often ignored or misconstrued by those studying His teachings
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
The Light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be
single, thy whole body shall be full of Light. But if thine
eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If
therefore the Light that is in thee be darkness, how great
is that darkness.
St Matthew: 6 :22-23
Obviously, the eye refers to the Single Eye and the words if thine
eye be single, mean concentrated awareness within at the centre
between and at the back of the eyes. Again, the words if thine eye
be evil refer to a state of mental dispersion without, as opposed to
concentration within, and the result will certainly be darkness –
darkness born of ignorance about the True and Real Values of life,
for this is the greatest ill of the soul.
St Luke 2 :35
St Matthew 10 : 27
Here are the words of advice from Jesus to His elect, the chosen
few, viz., to carry to the people openly, in Light, the significance
of what they heard in darkness, that is in secret meditation, and to
tell of the Divine Melody that they heard in the ear by means of
transcendental hearing.
St Matthew 13:14
For verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous
men desired to see those things which ye see, and have not
seen Them; and to hear those things which ye hear; and
have not heardTthem.
St Matthew 13:17
St Luke 10 : 24
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Like other seers, Jesus gave a mystical experience to His sincere
disciples. To the multitude, He always talked in parables, like those
of the mustard seed, the fig tree, the ten virgins, etc., with which
the Gospels abound.
St Mark 4 :14-20
Then Jesus said unto His disciples, If any man will come
after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and
follow me. For whosever will save his life shall lose it; and
whosever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what
is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and
lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange
for his soul?
St Matthew 16:24-26
It means one has to sacrifice the outer man, consisting of the flesh
and the carnal mind, for the sake of the Inner Man or soul. In other
words, he has to exchange the life of the senses for the life of the spirit.
Again, the Love of God is to be made a ruling passion in life:
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
St Matthew 22:37
St Mark 12:30
St Matthew 22:37-40
St Mark 12:30-31
St Luke 10:27
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
The principle of Love is still further amplified as follows:
St Matthew 5:44
St Matthew 5:48
In St Luke, Chapter Three, we are told that the Word of God came to
John son of Zacharias in the wilderness, and John while preaching
the wondering crowd,
St Luke 3:2-3, 16
We have to mark carefully the words baptise by the Holy Ghost and
fire, for one refers to the heavenly music, the Holy Word, and the other
is symbolic of the heavenly Light, and these are the twin principles
of Sound and Light, the primal manifestations of Godhead, or God’s
Power behind the entire creation.
The Way to the Kingdom of God can be opened unto him who
knows how to ask for it, how to seek it out and how to knock at the
gate. In these three simple words, St Matthew in Chapter Seven
and St Luke in Chapter Eleven have summed up what the aspirant
has to do. Unfortunately, we do not yet know where the gate to be
knocked at lies.
St Matthew 7:13-14
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
St Luke elaborates on this theme in Chapter 18:15-17, for when the
disciples rebuked them that had brought infants along, Jesus called
them unto Him and said,
Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of
such (like-minded) is the Kingdom of God.
He begins His gospel with the memorable words, the intrinsic signifi-
cance of which few have cared to grasp:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God. All things were
made by Him; and without Him was not anything made
that was made.
In Him was life; and the life was the Light of men. And the
Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended
it not … That was the True Light, which lighteth every
man that cometh into the world.
He was in the world and the world was made by Him, and
the world knew Him not …
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.
St John 3:3, 5, 7
Jesus compares the one born of the spirit with the wind which
bloweth where it listeth, for thou hearest the sound there of,
but canst not tell where it cometh, and whither it goeth.
St John 3:8
living water,
everlasting life.
St John 4:10, 14
Bread of life,
and asks His disciples to eat
St John 6:53
These in brief are the essential teachings of Christ, the Master Christian,
but not of institutional Christianity.
Of all the mystical teaching of Christ, we now find but the symbolic
lighting of candles in the churches and the ceremonial ringing of the
big bell at the time of service. Few, if any, know the real significance
behind these rituals, which are the outward representations of the
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
twin principles of Light and Sound, or the primordial manifesta-
tion of the Godhead, responsible for all that exists in the Universe,
seen and unseen.
Some of the great church dignitaries, when asked, say that the bell is
pulled simply to call men to the prayer, and that to speak of God as
the Father of Lights (James 1:17), is but a figurative form of speech
to denote His Greatest Gifts – of the lights of reason and intellect.
With hardly any experience of the Inner Truth, they take the words
literally and try to explain things theoretically.
St John 8:12
It is only the awakened souls the Masters of Truth, in living touch
with the Reality, Who hold the key to the Kingdom of the Spirit
and can draw forth an individual, now completely lost in the life
of the senses, and rediscover for him the great heritage of All-life
and All-light, for then it is said that,
The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the
deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap
as an hart, and then the tongue of the dumb sing; for in
the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the
Isaiah 35:5-6
We are content only with the ethical side of His teachings, which of
course was a necessary accompaniment to the Spiritual. The ethical
tenets have been widely propagated and have even been assidu-
ously kept alive, for they mark a great advance indeed in the moral
scales of human values since the days of Moses. But by themselves,
they fail to account for declarations like those about the Day of
Judgment, or Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, or God
is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and
in Truth. If such sayings were to be taken in their literal sense, it
would be to reduce them to reduce them to meaninglessness. The
Day of Judgment has failed to come, in spite of the prophecy of its
proximity, and either Christ was speaking in ignorance or we have
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
failed to comprehend His real meaning. There is behind whatever
He said always an Inner Meaning that is clear to those who had the
same mystic experiences, but baffle those who attempt to interpret
it in terms of intellect or even intuition. Not having direct Inner
Perception – not to be confounded with philosophic speculation
or intuitive insight –, we attempt to interpret the significance of the
teaching left to us in terms of our own limited experience.
We easily forget that when Jesus said that He was the Light of the
world, the Son of God, and One Who would not leave or forsake
His disciples even unto the ends of the world, He spoke not in His
mortal capacity, but like all other Great Masters, as One Who had
merged with the Word and become one with It. Forgetting this,
instead of following Him on the Spiritual Path He showed, we think
of Him as a scapegoat for bearing our sins and as means of evading
the Inner Spiritual Challenge.
God-Power, Christ-Power, Master-Power
Naam is available for all those truly longing to reach God.
With the Grace of the one God and the God working through
our Master Kirpal Singh, initiation into Sant Mat, the
Surat Shabd Yoga, is still nowadays given as a free gift.
Reprint permitted