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The detail study of medicines originated from natural sources is described as
Medicinal plants
Plants containing inborn potentially active ingredients used to cure disease or relieve
pain are called medicinal plants (Okigbo et al., 2008). Plants play a therapeutic and
restorative role in protecting human beings from the adverse effects of diseases and other
complications, thus considered to have a beneficial role in healthcare system. That is the
reason that large proportion of population of the developing countries still rely on herbal
medicines. Despite their importance, medicinal plants are seldom handled within an
organized manner and most are of them are exploited with little or no respect for the future
(Srivastava et al., 1996; Nair et al., 2005). Significant increase in medicinal plants usage has
been recorded continuously both for traditional users and pharmaceutical industry.
Medicinal plants provide opportunities for biological screening, methods useful for the
industry and trends in the pharmacological investigations of natural products (Ozturk &
Ozturk, 2008). Plants are the natural and most easy accessible source of theurapeutically
active biological principles, thus there is a dire need to screen out plant for development of
new drugs. For this purpose plants have been assayed widely but still large number of them
has not arrived to the conventional health care system (Esimone et al, 2003; Bhattarai et al.,
2006). Therefore, search for new drugs from microorganisms, fungi, plants and animals
must be persistent and these can be the sources of innovative and prevailing restorative
agents for newer, safer and accessible drugs (Lindequist et al., 2005). Now a day, due to
advancement of modern and new sophisticated methods, plant scientists are taking more
intrust in exploring new drugs from natural and biologically active compounds of the plants,
which could be serve as inexhaustible resources for pharmaceutical industries (Yakuba
et al., 2007).
Pakistan has a unique position among developing countries, having about 6000 taxa
of angiospermic plants including a variety of medicinal plants due to variation in
topographic conditions (Rahim & Hasnain, 2010). Moreover it is interesting to say that
about 50% of the population in Pakistan is being treated with local herbal preparations by
almost 50,000 hakims (traditional herbal practitioners) (Zaidi, 2006). More than 350 herbal
items (as whole herbs or with specific parts) have been reported, which are used in Unani
herbal preparations by various Dawakhanas (herbal drugs manufacturing laboratories) in
Pakistan (Ahmad et al., 2008). Pakistani flora offers great opportunity for the discovery of
new bioactive compounds for various ailments (Haq, 1983).
Phytosociology is a sub discipline of plant ecology that describes the co-occurrence
of plant species in communities (Ewald, 2003). Vegetation and soil characteristics are so
interacted and inter-dependent that they become indicative of each other. A habitat under
certain existing ecological conditions would permit plants being adjusted to these
conditions, thus soil-plant relationship becomes so close that plants reveal the ecological
situation of the inhabited locality (Anonymous, 1991; Boggs, 2000). Vegetation diversity is
primarily determined by a combination of interacting physical and chemical factors like
water temperature, solar radiation, current flow velocity, which play a major role in
determining floristic diversity in a given area (Hinterlang, 1992). The physicochemical
analysis of the soil and its interpretation is a significant symptomatic tool to explore the
interrelationship of elemental concentration of plants and soils (Itoh et al., 2007). Many
plants grow equally in many localities having similar ecological conditions, and as these
conditions alter in an area, the cultivation and collection of a medicinal plant may change
accordingly (Evans, 2002). The level of essential elements in plants is dependent on
geochemical characteristics of the soil and on the form of their bond with the components of
the soil. Plants obtain these elements through roots (Bin et al., 2001).
The traditional uses of plants in native cultures are manifold and very diverse. Many
people still depend on plants for their economy, medicine, food, construction material, fire
wood, dyes, ornamentals purposes etc. The aim of the ethnobotanical study is to create a
better understanding of the local uses, to make improved use of resources, to find new ways
for transferring this knowledge to future generations and to search for new pharmaceuticals
to be used in biomedicine (Kufer et al., 2005). Similarly ethnobotanical knowledge
establishes priorities in the local communities and assists taxonomist, ecologists,
pharmacologists, watershed and wild life managers in their efforts for improving the
economic status of the area (Ibrar et al., 2007). Ethnobotany is the knowledge of plants
usage by the native people and their usefulness as understood to the people of a particular
ethnic group, since information concerning a particular plant varies from one ethnic group to
another (Tor-Anyiin et al, 2003; Igoli et al, 2005). An immense knowledge can be
accumulated about the usage of plants against different illnesses, in areas where plants are
still of immense significance (Diallo et al, 1999). Ethnobotanical survey encourages the
persistent search of natural products from plant for pharmaceutical preparations and is one
of the major significant approaches to select plants for pharmacological screening (Igoli et
al., 2005).
Pharmacognostic study
In the last few decades there has been an enormous development in the field of
herbal medicine. It gets commercializing in developing and developed countries due to its
natural derivation and less significant side effects. Herbal drugs play a significant role in
health care programs, especially in developing countries (Mulla & Swamy, 2010). Because
of the popularity, herbal praparations for various ailments are now being prepared on a large
scale in mechanical units, where availability of good quality and authentic raw materials,
availability of standards, appropriate standardization procedure of drugs and formulations,
quality control parameter etc are some of the problems facing by the manufacturer. Due to
these discrepancies, it is now necessary to make efforts for the plants materials
standardization, to be used as medicine. This standardization procedure can be achieved by
stepwise pharmacognostic assessment (Ali et al., 2005; Agarwal, 2005).
Despite the modern techniques, standerdization and authentication of plant drugs by
pharmacognostic procedures is more trustworthy. The morphological and anotomical
description of a medicinal plant is the first step towards standardization of plant materials
and should be carried out before the commencement of any experimental procedure for the
detection of adulterations and impurities (WHO, 1995).
1.5.1. Standardization of herbal drugs
Recently there is an increased trend to the manufacturing and utilization of herbal
products but the key issue in these drug and medicines is standardization. Standardization
is the process of producing herbal medicines or extracts in which product potency is
guaranteed through consistency of active compound at a satisfied level. This process
requires high skill of phytochemical analysis and technology to assess quality control
(Fernandez-Bolanos et al., 2006). Standardization of medicinal plants due to their potential
therapeutic significance is an indispensable necessity for the whole plant, plant parts or their
extracts in order to authenticate quality control (Venkatesh et al., 2004).
Plants are referred to as Gods own pharmacy (Treben, 1986), and serves as raw
material for important drugs in modern medicine system (Singh et al., 2002). Plant origin
drugs are used as whole plant or part of it or in the form of plant extract. Therefore, there is
dire need to standardize and utilize medicinal plants, which show appropriate biological
effect (Sofowora, 1982). Knowledge about medicinal plants has exploded due to long and
quantitative microscopy are also used for drug evaluation. Linear measurments includes size
of starch grain, length and width of fibers, trichome etc. Stomatal number, stomatal index,
vein islet number, vein termination number and palisade ratio are the leaf constants, widely
employed in the microscopic evaluation of crude leaf drugs (Jarald & Jarald, 2007).
1.5.4. Phytochemical analysis
Phytochemicals are plant derived chemicals, beneficial to human health and having
the capability of disease prevention (Chung et al., 1998). Secondary metabolites from plants
are an important source of drugs since ancient times and now almost 50% of the practical
drugs used are derived from natural sources (Wang et al., 2008a). Secondary metabolites of
plants like alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones, cardiac glycosides and
cyanogenic glycosides etc are of pivotal importance. Chemical evaluation of the plants for
secondary metabolites includes qualitative, quantitative and biochemical tests. Qualitative
chemical tests are carried out for identification of various phytoconstituents. Similarly
quantitative and biochemical tests are also of the prime importance in drugs evaluation
(Rangari, 2002) for the detection of inferior or exhausted materials or substitution by of a
worthless article (Jarald & Jarald, 2007).
1.5.5. Physicochemical analysis
Physicochemical characteristics of powder drug assess the estimation of amount of
impurities like earthy and other particles present in the drug. Some of the characteristic
physicochemical analyses in this category are,
a. Ash values
Ashing is an important tool for detecting of adulteration in crude drugs. Different
types of ash values are used for detection of crude drugs like total ash, acid insoluble ash
and water soluble ash. Total ash value is useful for detection of any siliceous contamination,
chalk powder, lime or other earthy matter. Acid insoluble ash is used to detect excessive
earthy materials, which has varying amount of calcium oxalate crystals in the cells while
water soluble ash is used to detect the presence of water exhausted material (Jarald & Jarald,
b. Extractive values
Extractive values play an imperative role in the evaluation of the crude drugs.
Extraction with different solvents assures various types of adulteration and exhausted
materials e.g. Alcohol and water soluble extractive values are indicative of the presence of
the adulterants, defective processing and poor quality of the drug. Petroleum ether soluble
extractive value indicates lipid contents present in crude drug (Madhavan et al., 2009;
Kokate, 1994).
c. Fluorescence study
Fluorescence phenomenon exhibited by plant powder or extract is primarily due to its
chemical composition. The same material may appear dissimilar in different wavelength of
light. Some constituents of the extract show fluorescence in the visible range in daylight
while some florescence only in ultra violet light. If substances do not show fluorescence
phenomena, then they may be made fluorescent by applying various reagents to their
decomposition products or their derivatives. Through this technique some crude drugs are
often assessed qualitatively for standardization. Fluorescence study therefore can be used as
a finger print for crude drug identification (Ansari, 2006; Reddy & Chaturvedi. 2010).
Elemental analysis
Trace elements have both therapeutic and restorative role in combating against
various health problems. There is a great opportunity to make use of the curative and
preventive role of various trace elements like Cu, Zn, Cr etc (Kaneez et al., 1998). Mineral
elements though make a small proportion of total chemical composition and body weight of
the plant materials, but their physiological importance especially metabolic process and
pharmacological activities cannot be ignored (Bamiro et al., 1995).
e. Nutritional analysis.
Plants are considered as basic nutritional source as they contain protein,
carbohydrates, fats and oils, minerals, vitamins, and water, obligatory for growth and
development in man and animals. These phytochemicals have been considered of crucial
nutritional importance in the prevention of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease,
cancer, and diabetics (Aruoma, 2003). Some plants chemicals have been regarded as anti
nutritional or antioxidants but have potentials to reduce the risk of several deadly diseases in
elements, vitamins and water are the essential nutrients, which contribute to caloric and
metabolic requirements of human (Underwood, 1977). Proteins in seeds both qualitatively
and quantitatively are of utmost significance in the selection of plants for their nutritional
values, taxonomic classification and nutrition promotion programs (Siddique, 1998).
Most countries in the world have been facing malnutrition problems especially
proteins deficiency in human food and animal feed. Now a days, the need for good quality
of proteins has been increasing due to high population growth rate. Similar situation also has
been prevailing in Pakistan where the protein gap might be increased unless well-planned
programs are launched to cope the situation (Nisar et al., 2009). It is therefore very essential
to raise protein production by utilizing all the available resources. Efforts have been made
conventionally to increase production; new chemical and biological techniques have been
employed in recent years to enhance protein yields in foods and feeds (Shah & Khalil,
1988). Similarly high carbohydrate and crude fiber contents suggest the suitability of plant
as animal feed (Abighor et al., 1997).
Essential oil
The volatile oils also known as essential oils can be defined as the oils entirely or
almost entirely volatile without decomposition. The essential oils can be produced in
flowers, buds, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds and roots etc. These oils are stored in cavities,
channels, secretary cells and epidermal cells (Jarald & Jarald, 2007; Hussain et al., 2008a).
Almost all odoriferous plants yield essential oils. Essential oils can be extracted from fresh,
partially dehydrated or dried plant materials (Asekun et al., 2007; Hussain et al., 2008b).
Essential oils have very complex and highly variable chemical compositions, being a
mixture of organic volatile substances with different concentrations (Burt, 2004; Bakkali et
al., 2008). Some of the essential oils or their bioactive components like limonene, carvone,
geranyl acetate are useful in toothpaste and other hygienic products preparations. These
components are also useful as additives and preservatives, also exhibit biological activities
especially antimicrobial, since ancient times. Recently essential oils are also used in
aromatherapy in various body complications (Amvam et al., 1998; Silva et al.,, 2000;
Hajhashemi et al., 2003). Chemically essential oil contains palmitic acid, myristic acids,
Fixed oil
Fats and oils are the highest source of energy per unit weight whether it is of animal,
vegetable or marine origin represent. Although these are the prime source of reserved
energy, fats deposit insulates the body against heat loss and protects vital organs from
mechanical injury. Fixed oils are important source of food for man and are also extensively
used in nutritional, cosmetic and other industries (Ranken & Kill, 1993). Seed oils are
significant sources of dietary oils, industrial and pharmaceutical products. The
characteristics features of oils from various sources depend mainly on their composition and
other physicochemical characteristics (Mohammed & Jorf-Thomas, 2003).
of herbal oils in daily life. Physicochemical properties of oil like colour, odour, density,
specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, acid value, iodine value, saponification
value etc indirectly influence the quality of both essential and fixed oils. The commercial
significance of oils mostly depends on these physicochemical properties, which provide
baseline data to establish its appropriateness for human consumption (Bamgboye &
Adejumo, 2010; Parthiban et al., 2011). Viscosity is a measure of resistance of a fluid to
deform under shear stress. It is commonly perceived as thickness, or resistance to pouring.
Viscosity describes a fluid's internal resistance to flow and may be thought of as a measure
of fluid friction. It determines the rheological proprieties of these oils. (Kimbonguila et al.,
The refractive index is the degree of the deflection of light beam that occurs when it
passes from one transparent medium to the other. It increases with increase in number of
carbon atoms and length of the carbon chains. Therefore, the refractive index determines
evidences that the sample might be unsaturated long carbon chain (Pearson, 1976).
The iodine value is useful tool, through which drying properties of oils can be
detected (Akinhanmi et al., 2008). The high iodine value of oils indicates the high content of
unsaturation, suggesting the usefulness of oils as drying agent for the manufacturing of oil
paints, varnishes, cosmetics and for cocking oil manufacturing index (Adelaja, 2006). The
iodine value is also an index of assessing the ability of oil to go rancid. It is also used for
determining the level of oxidative deterioration of the oil by enzymatic or chemical
oxidation (Dawodu & Omole, 2009).
Acid value is an important physicochemical property index of oil which is used to
determine the quality, age, edibility and suitability of oil for industrial use such as paint
(Akubugwo et al., 2008). This value is used to measure the extent of glycerides in the oil,
which have been decomposed by lipase and other physical factors such as light and heat
(Demian, 1990).
Saponification value is an index of average molecular mass of various fatty acids in
oil samples. The lower value of saponification means molecular weight of fatty acids is
lower and has lower limit of use in industry (Denniston et al., 2004). The saponification
value suggests the usefulness of oil in production of lather shaving cream, liquid soap, and
shampoos (Oderinde et al., 2009).
Plants are among the most common and accessible sources of potentially active
kidney and liver functions with the passage of time (Lapshina et al., 2006; Zakir et al.,
2008). In addition they have also been proved unfit during pregnancy (Larmer, 1985). In
Comparison to synthetic drugs, drugs of plant origin are considered to be non toxic with no
or very few side reactions (Momoin, 1987).
1.9.4. Antipyretic activities
Pyrexia or fever is not disease itself but is a secondary impact of infections,
malignancy or other unhealthy situation. It is the bodys natural defence system to create
unsuitable environment for the survival of infectious agents or damaged tissues
(Chattopadhyay et al., 2005). Normally the infected or injured tissue starts the formation of
cytokinens (pro-inflammatory mediators) which stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandin E2
(PGE2) near the hypothalamus area which triggers the hypothalamus, thus raise the body
temperature (Spacer & Breder, 1994). Antipyretic activity of large number of plants or their
natural products assess to guide the isolation and purification of easily available biologically
active principles (Amole & Onbanjo, 1999).
Cytotoxic activities
Screening of plants, active compounds leads to the innovation of new drugs which
are efficient in protecting and curing various damaging diseases including cancer (Amara et
al., 2008). Artemia salina, the brine shrimp, is an invertebrate inhabiting saline aquatic and
marine environment and is an important component of energy flow of marine ecosystem. It is
considered to be an important laboratory tool for bioassay to determine the toxicity by
calculating the medium lethality concentration LC50, which has been reported for large
number of toxins and extracts from plants (Meyer et al., 1982; Lagadic & Caquet, 1998).
Brine shrimp (A. salina nauplii) lethality bioassay is used as a convenient source for
screening bioactive natural products to ascertain the cytotoxic potential. Brine shrimp
lethality assay was described in literature (McLaghlin et al., 1988) and is considered to be a
useful tool for preliminary assessment for the detection of cytotoxicity by plant extract,
heavy metals, cyanobacteria toxins etc (Moshafi et al., 2009).
Antimicrobial activities
Microbial infections are observed to be a significant cause of mortality and
morbidity in spite of advancement in synthetic medicine and new antifungal agents (McNeil
et al., 2001). Since microbial strains with multiple antibiotic resistances are increasing
worldwide, and have created such a situation that common and less expensive
antimicrobial agents are losing efficacy against microorganisms (Montefore et al., 1989).
Herbal drugs are now considered as an alternative in such situations (Sofowora, 1993).
Now it is of great importance to explore effective treatments of microbes. Researchers are
therefore are taking much attention in folk medicine in search of better drugs against
microbial infections (Srinivasan et al., 2001).
Family description
Rutaceae is a large family including both cultivated and wild plants comprising 150
genera and 1200 species, mostly distributed in the subtropical tropical and tropical regions
of Mediterranean countries, North America, Australia, South East Asia, and South Africa
(Hassan-Ud-Din & Ghazanfar, 1980). These are strongly aromatic having essential oils. In
Pakistan this family is represented by 11 genera and 27 species, most of which have been
naturalized and hybridized for ornamental, medicinal and edible purposes (Hassan-Ud-Din
& Ghazanfar, 1980). In present study Skimmia (represented in Pakistan by a single species
bearing grayish green dichotomous branches., leaves whorled in terminal clusters, with a
citrus-leaf odour, glabrous, glossy, oblanceolate to lanceolate in appearance with entire
margins and attenuate base. Adaxial surface is shiny with translucent oil glands. Midrib vein
is slender, secondary veins hardly distinguishable. Flowers are sub sessile having greenishwhite color. A calyx whorl is five lobed, obtuse and persistent. Petals oblong and white in
color. Stamen 5, about as long as the petals, glabrous, absent in female flower. Ovary ovoid,
2-5-locular with oil glands, style short with small stigma. Fruit is ovoid berry, bright red
(Hassan-Ud-Din & Ghazanfar, 1980).
Flowering period: April to late June.
Synonym: Limonia laureola DC.
Common name: Ner (English)
Local names: In India: Shimshar, patti, dhoop, kasturi, Pathra, Chumlani (Chauhan,
In Pakistan: Namer, Nazar Panra (Pashto) Patar, Barru (Kashmiri), Ner (Gujri), Nera
(Hindko), Sheshar (Punjabi) (Shah & Khan, 2006).
Taxonomic position
Ethnobotanical uses
The leaves are used medicinally. When crushed, the leaves give a musky odour due
usually with prickles. Leaves are compound, imparipinnate with 3-7 foliolate and pellucidpunctate. Petiole and rachis are winged. Leaflets are sessile, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate with
crenate or entire margins. Flowers born axiliary, minute and polygamous. Calyx 6-8-acute
lobed. Petals absent. Male flowers with 6-8 stamens with rudimentary ovary. Female
flowers with 1-3 carpels. Ovary 1-3 locular. Fruit small drupes with red color, splitting into
two when ripe. Seed are rounded and shining black (Hassan-Ud-Din & Ghazanfar, 1980).
Synonym: Z. alatum Roxb.
Ethnobotanical uses
Z. armatum is used locally as medicinal plants and fuel wood species. Fruits and
seeds are edible and used as potherb species (Haq et al, 2010). The plant is used for
Pneumonia and tick infestation (Sindhu et al., 2010). Young shoots are used as toothbrush
and useful for curing gum diseases. Fruit is used for toothache, dyspepsia, as a carminative
and stomach ache. Seeds are used as condiment and flavoring agent. Wood is used to make
walking sticks (Arshad & Ahmad, 2004; Abbasi et al., 2010). Powdered fruit is mixed with
Mentha spp and table salt, eaten with boiled egg for chest infection and digestive problems
(Islam et al, 2006, Sher et al., 2011).