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Tomorrows Cancer Cures

25 secret therapies from
around the world

Allan Spreen, M.D.
Roni Enten, M.Sc., health researcher


Health Sciences Institute

Baltimore, Maryland



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Tomorrows Cancer Cures

25 secret therapies from around the world

Allan Spreen, M.D.
Roni Enten, M.Sc., health researcher

Published by Health Sciences Institute

Copyright 2009 by Health Sciences Institute

All Rights Reserved

ISBN 978-1-891434-41-9
Printed in the United States of America
Cover design by Nicole Mellott
Book design by Gerrit Wessendorf
Health Sciences Institute
702 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201

No part of this book, unless otherwise noted, may be copied or reproduced by any means for any reason without the written consent of the
publisher. The information contained herein is obtained from sources
believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed.



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Tomorrows Cancer Cures

25 secret therapies from around the world

Allan Spreen, M.D.
Roni Enten, M.Sc., health researcher

Health Sciences Institute

Baltimore, Maryland

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All material in this publication is provided for information only
and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No
action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any
matter relating to their health and well-being.
The information and opinions provided in this book are believed
to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to
the author, but readers who fail to consult with appropriate health
authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not
responsible for errors or omissions.






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Chapter 1
Know the Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2
The Eggplant Cure from Down Under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chapter 3
A Fruitful Gift from the Amazon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 4
Ancient Anti-Cancer Protection from the
Orient: Chinese Happy Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter 5
Dr. Budwigs Cancer-Defying Diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 6
The Acid-Squelching Combo that
Helps Your Blood Repel Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chapter 7
A Nutrition Revolution:
Dr. Gersons Cancer Detox Diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Chapter 8
More than Just a Christmas Kiss:
Wiping Out Cancer with Mistletoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Chapter 9
Killing Cancer with Curcumin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57



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Chapter 10
Ayurvedas Triumphant Cancer-Fighting Trio . . . . . . . . . 61
Chapter 11
Killing the Fungus Among Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Chapter 12
The Long Life Diet for Beating Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Chapter 13
Natures Secret Cancer-Fighting Vitamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Chapter 14
An Endangered Medicine from the
Taiwanese Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Chapter 15
The Poisonous Plant Killing Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Chapter 16
Albarin: The Incredible, Injectable Cancer Cure . . . . . . 101
Chapter 17
Cancer Treatments New Frontier:
Gene-Targeted Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Chapter 18
The Herbal Salve That Saved an Astronaut . . . . . . . . . . 113
Chapter 19
Nurse Caisses Anti-Cancer Herbal Brew . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Chapter 20
The Cancer-Killing Supervitamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131




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Chapter 21
Finding the Cancer Cachexia Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Chapter 22
Citrus Peels Provide Powerful Cancer Protection . . . . . 145
Chapter 23
Packing a Powerful Anti-Cancer Punch
with Paw Paw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Chapter 24
The Citrus Secret Stopping Metastasis in
Its Tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Chapter 25
The Cutting Edge of Cancer Treatment:
Immunotherapies from Around the World. . . . . . . . . . . 157
Chapter 26
Giving Patients a Shot at a Cancer-Free Future . . . . . . . 161
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163






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Dear Friends,
As a medical doctor and true believer in our freedom to choose our
individual methods of treatment and healing, there is no question in
my mind that were in desperate need today of viable alternatives to
modern medicines cancer treatments. The rates of cancer are rising
across the globe at a frightening rate, and contrary to what were told in
the popular press, we are NOT winning the war on cancer. More and
more people are getting diagnosed with cancer every day across the
world, and here in the United States we dont even rank in the top 40
countries when it comes to health and longevity. The long-standing,
conventional anti-cancer methods (aka: cut, poison and burn) that are
still being used are holding actions at best, and signify the failure of
orthodox medicine to really address our health needs and heal cancer.
Cancer Cures from around the World is my response to this need
for alternatives, a collection of what Ive found to be the best and most
cutting edge cancer cures from around the world.
For some of you, the books title may stir up some skepticism, since
weve been told over and over again that theres no cure for this terrible disease. But just because mainstream medicine hasnt found one
yet doesnt mean it doesnt exist. My research has shown that that
there are dozens of cures for cancer out theretrue curesand very
rarely are conventional therapies such as chemo or radiation involved.
In fact, my very first experience with the power of alternative cancer
therapies occurred very early on in my nutritional practice. One day, a
very upset gentleman brought his limping son into my office, an early
teen with a huge, firm growth in his knee that had been diagnosed a
bone sarcoma. His prognosis was so bad that his only conventional
option was a treatment that the doctors admitted was experimental!
The family had been told that if they wanted to try this therapy, the
needed to do it soon, because if it didnt work, the only way to save the
boys life would be to amputate his leg. They were understandably
scared and had come to see me ask my opinion of a Canadian herbal




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cancer treatment theyd heard about. To be honest, at the time, it was

far over my head for such a case, and I told him so.
A few years later, a kid I didnt recognize sauntered into my office. He
was tall, appeared healthy, and was walking normally. His father then
stuck his head in to remind me who this kid was, and to tell me about
the familys success with the Canadian herbs. I examined the boys
knee and couldnt tell a difference between it and the other knee
I already believed in nutrition, and in the power of herbs, but
THAT certainly got my attention!
So, after many years of research and using these time-tested therapies in many of my patients, Ive put them all together into one
In this compilation, youll read about the amazing stories behind
many natural cancer cures, along with the most essential research
about each one. Youll find everything from a formula made from one
of the main ingredients in rocket fuel, to a soup brewed from a common roadside plant, to a skin cancer cure made from eggplant. There
are special diets which restore the body to health and kill cancer
along the way, and even herbal cancer preventatives used in certain
cultures (many of which serve as cures, too). In addition, youll find
my opinions (because I do have a few!) on these treatments and finally, where to find them.
Since your health is your personal business and responsibility, I
urge you to always do your homework on any treatment youre considering trying, and most importantly, ALWAYS consult with your
doctor before undertaking any new therapy, so you can ensure the
best possible outcomes.
I wish you a fruitful and successful journey towards optimal health
and wellness!
Yours in good health,
Dr. Allan Spreen



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Chapter 1 Know the Enemy

Know the Enemy


ts been called the disease of our time, and the C-word does
seem to be everywhere we look these days. Just turn on your TV
and youll find the media is plastered with celebs and politicians
whove just discovered they have it and even we, our closest
friends, and our relatives are not immune. Though in 1971,
President Nixon had already announced the War on Cancer and
promised us a cure by the 1977 bicentennial, in each year since,
more Americans have died of cancer than the year before.
In fact, cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. In 2007,
7.9 million people died of cancer. Statistics show that in the United
States alone, 1,500 people die of cancer every dayand one in
three people are living with it. The five-year survival rate for all
cancers diagnosed between 1996 and 2003 was only 66 percent,
and if youre between the ages of 15 and 40, brace yourself: Since
1975, cancer survival rates have not improved at all for your age
group. I know that with these numbers, each and every one of us
has been affected in a personal way by cancer, whether its a neighbor, a parent, or ourselves. Its up to us to take a closer look at
whyand what we can do about it.(1,2)



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Tomorrows Cancer Cures TODAY 25 secret therapies from around the world

Before we look at why so many people are dying of cancer, lets

be sure we understand some of the basics of the disease.

Understanding Cancer
As you may have guessed, cancer is a topic thats fraught with
scientific information. In this first chapter, Ive compiled some of
the key information youll need in order to feel comfortable with
the subject matter as you begin to read this book. That said, you
should feel free to refer back to this material whenever youd like to
refresh your memory.
By definition, cancer is a fundamental failure of the body to regulate its own metabolism and clean up unhealthy, mutated cells.
Cancer is also known as a malignant neoplasm (malignant
means bad, and benign means good, or non-cancerous).
Interestingly, the very process of cancerthe uncontrolled duplication of cellsis quite natural and much like the process that a fetus
undergoes when it is forming in the womb, and similar to when
you injure yourself and your body has to heal by rebuilding skin
cells or other tissues. In fact, cancer is the name given to a normal
metabolic function that has become abnormal when it is no longer
controlled by the bodys immune system.(3)
Nevertheless, we cant expect our body to do its normal cleanup when we burden it with abnormal stress and toxins, can we?
Well, we shouldnt, but many of us do anyway, and the mutations
that most often lead to cancer are the effects of carcinogens, like
tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agentsand as
youll learn, a toxic diet. And when mutated cancer cells start
duplicating wildly, they can ultimately affect the healthy functioning of the body and become a serious threat to our lives.



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Chapter 1 Know the Enemy

Cancer Staging and Classification

Now that you know how cancer comes about, its important to
know how its diagnosed. At the time of diagnosis, cancer is typically staged by doctors, based on exams and testing. Staging
describes the severity of an individuals disease based on the development of the original tumor and the extent to which the disease
has spread in the body. This also helps the doctor determine which
type of treatment to use.
The four stages of cancer are:
Stage 0: Carcinoma in situ (early cancer that is present only in
the layer of cells in which it began).
Stage I, II, III: The higher the number, the more extensive the
disease (i.e. greater tumor size, and/or spread of the cancer to
nearby lymph nodes and/or organs adjacent to the primary tumor).
Stage IV: The cancer has spread to another organ or metastasized(4)
Cancers are also classified by the type of the tumor. Examples of
general categories include:
Carcinoma: Malignant tumors derived from surface (epithelial)
cells. The most common cancers fall into this group, including
breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancer.
Sarcoma: Malignant tumors derived from connective tissue cells.
Lymphoma and leukemia: Malignancies derived from bloodforming cells(4)

Conventional Treatment Options: A Lethal Triad

Though the American Cancer Society claims that cancer



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patients are now surviving longer thanks to conventional therapy,

the truth is that people are not living longer after they get cancer
theyre living longer after theyre diagnosed with cancer.
With modern diagnostic techniques, its possible to identify
cancer at an earlier stage than before. Once diagnosed, cancer
patients begin a treatment course that typically involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Research has
shown that, unfortunately, in most cases, this lethal triad often
makes a patient sicker rather than better.(5)

Questioning Chemotherapy
Though its known as modern medicine, the first member of
the lethal triad, chemotherapy (chemo, for short) is really the use
of chemical agents to stop cancer cells from growing, with the
hope of killing a persons cancer before killing the patient himself.
Chemo drugs are designed to kill all of your bodys fast-growing
cells, whether cancerous or not, and all the cells caught in the act
of division are systematically poisoned. Im sure youre already
familiar with the awful side effects of chemo, which include hair
loss, violent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, impotence, sterility, extreme pain, fatigue, immune-system destruction, cancer, and
Just one of the disturbing facts about this therapy is that many
conventional oncologists (doctors who specialize in treating cancer) give chemotherapy to cancer patients near the end of their
lives, even if their type of cancer is known to be unresponsive to
the drugs. And, according to a study reported at a recent annual
meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists,
chemotherapy is much more expensive ($38,308) for treatment of a
patient in the final year of life as compared to the $27,567 a patient
pays when not in the final year of life.(6) So not only does chemo



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Chapter 1 Know the Enemy

NOT do these patients any good, but it actually costs them and
their families more than their previous treatments.

Radiation Rationale
It seems unusual that a therapy which causes cancer is also used
on a regular basis to treat it, but this is exactly the case with radiation or radiotherapy. The rationale behind radiotherapy is the same
as with surgery, with the objective being to remove the tumor by
burning it away (rather than cutting it out). But, as with chemo, it
is primarily non-cancer cells that are destroyed during radiation.
The average tumor is composed of both cancerous and non-cancerous cells, and radiation is actually more destructive to non-cancerous cells than to cancer cells. So it does reduce tumor size, but
in the process, it also increases malignancy.(5) And the most frustrating part is that the more malignant the tumor, the more resistant it is to the treatment.
Even if it does destroy cancer cells, the radiation damages the
immune system so severely in the process that its common for the
cancer to soon return and spread quickly. Whats worse, on average, theres little solid evidence that radiation actually improves the
patients chances for survival.(7)

Second-Guessing Surgery
Finally, we come to the last member of the lethal triadsurgery.
In some cases, it seems the most effective way to eliminate a
patients cancer is to simply remove it surgically, but there are several things to consider with this type of treatment, too.
First and foremost, there are always risks involved when youre
removing a portion of the body, not to mention the pain of recov-



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ery. Second, in many cases its not until after surgery that metastasis often begins. This happens because surgery disturbs the tumor
and causes cells to break away and infect other organ systems. And
once the cancer has spread, surgery is generally useless (although it
may relieve symptoms caused by a large mass pressing against a
nerve or organ).
Remember, cancer is a systemic disease, so cutting is rarely the

The Elusive Cancer Cure:

FDA & Big Pharmas Conflict of Interest
In the last 30 years the U.S. has poured $30 billion into finding
the cure for cancer. Yet, were still only offered the three options
just discussedcancer treatments with pretty grim outcomes. Did
you ever stop to wonder why it is that with all of this money being
spent on research, weve been offered very little in terms of
Now consider another fact: A big chunk of Big Pharmas profit
comes from these cancer treatments.(8, 9)
It goes without saying, then, that with these kinds of profits Big
Pharma wont allow anything to stand in the way of their drug
salesand this is where the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
comes in handy.
Under the guise of protecting American citizens, the FDA
(along with a variety of other cancer-related government agencies,
which youll read about throughout this book) can do quite a bit to
clamp down on any threats to Big Pharmas profits. For example,
the FDA has made the testing and approval process for new cancer
treatments so expensive that theres virtually no way any natural



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Chapter 1 Know the Enemy

Research Methods 101

In reality, theres lots of research out there on cancer treatments,
both alternative and conventional. In every chapter, for every treatment, Ive included lots of studies and its important to be able to
understand some of the key terminology in the research world. Here
are some key pointers for you:
Randomized Clinical trial (RCT): The gold standard of study
designs in medicine, its considered the most reliable form of scientific evidence in healthcare. RCTs involve the random allocation of different interventions (or treatments) to subjects.
Double-blind: In a double-blind trial, one researcher allocates a
series of numbers to various treatments being tested in the study.
Then another researcher is told the numbers, but not what they have
been allocated to. That researcher then distributes the treatments to
the study participants. This way, neither the researcher nor the
patients enter into the trial with any pre-conceived notions about
which patients should experience particular outcomes.
Placebo-controlled: Refers to a clinical study in which one group
of patients receives a placebo.
Cross sectional study: Involves the observation of a subset of
the overall population of a larger study.
In vivo: Refers to the test being done in a living subject.
In vitro: Refers to the test being done outside of a living organism, like in a test tube.

product manufacturer can afford to get a natural treatment

approved. Tightly monitored clinical trials are essential to determine safety and effectiveness before a medicine hits the market.



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Today, most of those tests are underwritten by the drug makers.

And on top of all that, theres a general disinterest from the pharmaceutical companies in a natural products, which, since they cant
be patented, will never bring them the big bucks theyre looking
It comes as no surprise that the FDA and NCI (National Cancer
Institute) claim there is no scientific evidence for alternative
treatments: Theres no budget for proper research and clinical trials for them. Youll see when you begin reading the amazing stories
of cancer cures from around the world, that in the very few cases
when research was actually done on alternative treatments, the
studies were often mysteriously skewed to taint results, and consequently the names of these therapies were stained in the eyes of
the public. This lack of scientific evidence for alternative treatments has also given government agencies the excuse to, in many
cases, suppress and harass alternative treatment practitioners.(11)

Stepping Outside the Matrix:

Alternative Cancer Treatments
Yes, the truth about the cancer industry today is downright
shocking, but its nothing new. Many of the most important
advances in history have come from outsiders such as Galileo,
Pasteur, Fleming, and others (some of whom youll be reading
about shortly) whose ideas were originally considered to be scandalous by the establishment. Though the value of their theories
was realized later, the period between discovery and acceptance is
often a long one, and, unfortunately, many people suffer while the
medical establishment slowly accepts positive new evidence.
The good news is that there is a growing movement of people
out there who have found this suppression of treatments to be



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Chapter 1 Know the Enemy

unacceptable, and have begun to think outside the box in terms of

their own healthcare choices and approaches, so, if youve picked
up this book, youre not alone! A recent national study estimated
64 percent of cancer patients to be using alternative therapies and
another recent survey at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the
worlds largest with 13,000 patients, found an astounding 83 percent to be using alternatives.(12)
It is in response to this great desire for alternatives to conventional cancer treatments that I have researched and compiled for
you what Ive found to be the cutting-edge alternative treatments
for cancer from around the world. From antineoplastons to mistletoe, from India to Canada, this incredible collection of viable alternatives is proof that the choice of treatment and the power to heal
is still in our hands.



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Chapter 2 The Eggplant Cure from Down Under


The Eggplant Cure

from Down Under

onsidering the millions of dollars that are poured into cancer

research each year, its hard to imagine a real cure originating from
cattle herders in Australia. Yet, 25 years ago, thats exactly how Dr.
Bill Cham discovered and developed one of the latest and greatest
cures for skin cancer.
The Eggplant Cure or BEC-5, works nearly every time its used
for the two most common forms of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), without harming
normal skin in any way. In fact, 70,000 Australians have already
cured their skin cancers with BEC-5, with virtually no side effects
and without any of the disfigurement often caused by surgery.

Cow-Inspired Cancer Cure

It was in the late 1970s in Brisbane, Australia, that Dr. Bill
Cham was first introduced to the Devils Apple plant by a local veterinarian, Merv Gilliver. He explained to Cham that farmers there
were using the juices of the fruit of Devils Apple to treat cancers




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growing in the eyes of their cattle.(1) Dr. Cham promptly began his
research on the Devils Apple plant, and, eventually, he discovered
that it contained cytotoxic (cell-killing) alkaloids with anticancer
Cham later found that these alkaloids also existed in the more
familiar eggplant. Before too long, the doctors extensive skin cancer trials resulted in a formula now known as Curaderm BEC-5.

How It Works
BEC-5 is actually a mixture of molecules that are very similar to
human cholesterol. By themselves, these molecules, called solasonine and solamargine, dont have anti-cancer activity because they
cant penetrate into cells, cancerous or normal. In order for them
to be effective, they need to be able to get inside the cells.
Enter glycosides, a term used to describe molecules with various simple sugars attached to them. One particular glycoside called
rhamnose can selectively latch on to receptors present only in the
cell membranes of skin cancer and actinic keratosis (a scaly, crusty
precursor to skin cancer). As it happens, rhamnose is also found in
eggplant. So, when theyre combined with rhamnose, the solasonine and solamargine can get into cancer cells where they kill them
by destroying their lysosomes (sacks of powerful enzymes that,
when ruptured, can eat up any cell from within).

Kicking Away Cancer

The first reported study on BEC-5 compared its effects to a
placebo on two different types of skin cancerbasal cell and squamous cell, as well as actinic keratosis. All 28 of the patients using
BEC-5 had complete regression of all of their basal cell cancers in




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Chapter 2 The Eggplant Cure from Down Under

13 weeks or less, while none of the patients in the placebo group

had any improvement. In addition, 20 of the subjects with squamous cell cancers using BEC-5 had complete regression of their
cancers in 11 weeks or less. And 100 percent of the actinic keratosis group also experienced complete regression, in just a single
monthor less.(2)
In another study which used a slightly different version of BEC
called BEC-2 on 13 subjects, 83 percent of cancers completely
regressed in less than two months.
In 2002, two doctors from the Dermatology Department of the
Royal London Hospital who used BEC-5 to treat basal cell carcinoma in some of their patients reported that in both trials they conducted, approximately 78 percent of the subjects experienced complete regression within eight weeks with twice daily use. Only a few
patients reported skin irritation and redness.
They concluded that BEC-5 is a safe, effective topical preparation and called it an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment and a
cost-effective option for both primary and secondary skin cancer
care. And follow-up research on patients who have used BEC-5
shows that once their cancer or actinic keratosis goes away, it
doesnt recur.(3)

The Curaderm Clamp-down

While Dr. Chams Curaderm product used to be available over
the counter in Australia, it didnt take long for the dermatologists
in Australia to lobby against its use, forcing the government to put
it on the prescription-only list (and in Australia, if a product is
only available by prescription, its not allowed to be advertisedso
the Australian public didnt even know the stuff existed!).
Recently, though, the product obtained approval from the Health




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Department in Vanuatu (in the South Pacific) to be classified as an

over-the-counter preparation for the treatment of non-melanoma
skin cancers.

5 Things You Should Know About Skin Cancer

Here are five main factors that influence your risk of skin cancer:
1. Skin pigment and ability to tan
2. Heredity
3. Exposure to chemicals
4. Amount of exposure to sunlight
5. Being on an immuno-suppressive drug following
an organ transplant
So what can you do to prevent it? Steer clear of too many UV
rays and chemicals. Your skin will thank you.

You can find Dr. Chams product online at

and treatment consultants are available at (602)490-8030.
According to Dr. Cham, BEC-5 is effective at extremely lowdoses and is safe to use very frequently. Its typically applied at least
twice daily to the skin and much more frequentlyup to 10 times
dailyif rapid tumor regression is required.
Remember, though, that even though these study results are
very promising, its important to consult with a physician before
trying BEC-5. And since skin cancer (especially squamous cell cancer) can be very dangerous if neglected, its best to consult a dermatologist, too.




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Chapter 3 A Fruitful Gift from the Amazon


A Fruitful Gift from

the Amazon

riginally from the warmest and most tropical parts of

South America, graviola has a long history. In fact, if youve been
to Central or South Americaor even Miamiyou may have seen
the fruit (also called Guanabana, Annona or Brazilian Cherimoya)
sold in local markets or even eaten its fruit. But graviola has many
medicinal uses in countries like Brazil, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, and
Panama where people use it to treat everything from diarrhea and
dysentery to asthma and increasing the flow of mothers milk.
From a nutritional perspective, the fruit is high in fructose and
contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin
B2, which everyone could use more of.(1)
But recently Western scientists have discovered that the graviola tree has another big surprise in storethe ability to kill cancer
cells and slow the growth of tumors.
Ive summed up some of the key information and research
available on this incredible tree below, and I think youll quickly
see why graviola is affecting the future of cancer treatment for the




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Amazing Acetogenins
Western scientists first got their hands on graviola in the 1940s
and since then, the tree has been studied in more than 20 in vitro
laboratory trials. (Actually, some of the first references to graviola
in the United States were made by the National Cancer Institute,
or NCI). Most of the research focuses on a set of chemicals called
Annonaceous acetogenins, which graviola produces in its leaf,
stem, bark, and fruit seeds. Researchers have identified over 40
naturally occurring acetogenins in graviola. And in 1976 the NCIs
plant-screening program revealed that graviola leaves and stems
are effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells and have a
very strong ability to prevent abnormal cellular divisionwhich is
what causes cancer.(1,2)
The most recent study conducted at Catholic University in
South Korea revealed that two chemicals extracted from graviola
seeds showed selective cytotoxicity comparable with Adriamycin
(a pretty intense chemotherapy drug thats also called doxorubicin)
for breast and colon cancer cells. Unlike chemotherapy drugs,
which indiscriminately seek and destroy all actively reproducing
cellseven normal hair and stomach cells, causing those devastating side effects like hair loss and severe nausea that we so often see
with the treatmentgraviola has actually been shown to selectively
target the enemy cells and leave all healthy and normal cells
Another study, published in the Journal of Natural Products,
showed that graviola is not only comparable to Adriamycin, but
dramatically outperforms it in laboratory tests. The results of the
study showed that one of the chemicals found in graviola selectively killed colon cancer cells at 10,000 times the potency of
Even more promising is the ongoing research at Purdue




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University (supported by a grant from the National Cancer

Institute) which recently found that leaves from the graviola tree
killed cancer cells among six human-cell lines and were especially
effective against prostate and pancreatic cancer cells. A separate
study at Purdue showed that extracts from the graviola leaves are
extremely effective in isolating and killing lung cancer cells.(1,4)

Big Pharma Strikes Again

Of course, the NCI and prominent universities arent the only
ones interested in this miraculous cancer-killing plant. One billiondollar drug company in the United States (that shall remain
unnamed) tried for nearly seven years to synthesize two of the
trees most powerful anti-cancerous chemicals, pouring money and
resources into testing, and were shocked by the results that graviola really was a cancer-killing dynamo. But this pharmaceutical
company ran into a rather big problem: After years of trying to isolate and create man-made duplicates of the two most powerful
chemicals, they hit a brick wall and werent able to. So their testing
came to a halt, they shelved the project, and refused to publish
their findings in an independent journal.
But one of the drug companys employees couldnt live with that,
so that person secretly contacted Raintree Nutrition, a company
dedicated to harvesting plants from the Amazon and informing
people about their amazing healing properties. Researchers at
Raintree went into high gear and began to investigate all the studies
that had been published on graviola and quickly made it available to
the public.(1,2)

Out of the Forest and Up the Mountain

Recently, an even newer species of graviola called Mountain




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Graviola has been discovered. Its strikingly similar in appearance

to the original species of graviola but its fruit is too sour to be edible. Studies have revealed that although the sweeter graviola delivers potent curative properties, the less-palatable Mountain
Graviola has at least 25 novel acetogenins that you wont find in its
relative. It also has even more of the acetogenin annonacin, which
has been the focus of most of the published studies due to its
demonstrated cancer-fighting abilities and lack of toxicity.
Unlike its counterpart, Annona muricata, research on the specific components of Mountain Graviola has only begun to pick up
in the last few years. Among the first published pieces was a pair
of studies conducted in 2001 and 2002, in which Japanese scientists isolated novel acetogenins from Mountain Graviola to test
their cytotoxicity against lung cancer cell lines, in-vitro. The
chemotherapy drug Adriamycin was used as a control and results
showed that several of these unique compounds (with a specific
focus on the acetogenin montanacin) demonstrated potency in
tumor growth inhibition that was comparable to the powerful, but
very toxic, drug.
Additional compelling evidence has detailed Mountain
Graviolas specific cytotoxicity against liver and ovarian cancer, as
demonstrated by the string of studies conducted by a research
team from Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan. One of these
trials, done in 2004, tested a range of nine new acetogenins present
in Mountain Graviola. Findings demonstrated that the isolated
compounds acted selectively against certain human ovarian and
liver cancer cell lines.
And in another study conducted by the same research team in
2005, two types of acetogenins were isolated from Mountain
Graviola and were tested against eight human cancer cell lines.
The compounds demonstrated moderate activity against six of
these cancerous cell lines, but the effects were significantly more




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Chapter 3 A Fruitful Gift from the Amazon

powerful when the graviola was pitted against ovarian and liver
cancer cells lines.(1)

Case History: Daryls Story

I want to take a step away from all of this heavy science for a
minute and tell you about a graviola case history which involved an
executive named Daryl at a high-tech company in Texas. Daryl came
across Raintree when he began exploring alternative treatments to
cure his prostate cancer. A sonogram and biopsy confirmed that Daryl
had more than 20 tumors in his prostate. One doctor recommended
surgery. But Daryl thought a cure using this common conventional
treatment would come at too great a cost. He didnt want to suffer
from impotence and incontinence for the rest of his life. Instead, he
agreed to a far less invasive round of hormonal therapy (to shrink the
size of his prostate) and began a rigorous supplement regimen that
centered around graviola.
Within two months, Daryls PSA level had dropped from 4.1 to 0.00
[Note: For those who dont know, PSA is produced by the normal
prostate. Too high a PSA may spell trouble. The probability of cancer
increases as PSA increases. A PSA under 4 is usually considered normal. Over 10 is high. Between 4 and 10 a troubling gray area and usually results in having a biopsy done]. A sonogram and several other
gamma-ray tests later confirmed that all the malignant tumors inside
his prostate had disappeared.(1)

Where to Find It
From a clinical standpoint, graviola still has a long way to go, as
its compounds have only been studied in a test tube. Despite the




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mounting collection of laboratory tests and anecdotal reports

about this cancer-fighting dynamo, graviola may always remain an
underground therapy. Because it is a natural product, it cant be
patentedand without the promise of exclusive sales and high
profitability, it will likely never again draw the attention of a major
drug company or research lab, so we may never see a double-blind
clinical study on it. Nevertheless, theres no doubt that the research
and anecdotal accounts that are available about graviola are very
exciting, and if youve been diagnosed with cancer, you and your
doctor should look at all the available treatment optionsincluding this one.
Graviola is available from Raintree Nutrition by calling
(800)780-5902 or by visiting
Of course, I encourage you, as always, to consult with your doctor before beginning any new therapy, especially when treating




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Chapter 3 A Fruitful Gift from the Amazon

New Formulation of Rain Forest Herbs Targets Leukemia

As an anti-cancer supplement, graviola has shown incredible promise, but it has failed to show results against one major condition. It is
powerless against leukemia.
So Raintree Nutrition has developed Ntense-2an anti-cancer formula that may help prevent leukemia relapses by stimulating the
immune system. Ntense-2 contains some of the same ingredients as the
original N-Tense, such as the immune system enhancers mullaca and cats
claw. Both products also contain vassourinha, which inhibits tumor
growth. But in place of graviola, Ntense-2 contains three other natural
cancer-fighters that show promise in the battle against leukemia.
The National Cancer Institute has known about simarubas potent
anti-amebic activity for 40 years, but it wasnt until 1978 that in vitro
(test tube) research showed that it also contains dehydroglaucarubinone, which significantly inhibits the growth of lymphocytic leukemia.(2)
Dehydroglaucarubinone is part of a group of phytochemicals called
quassinoids. As research continued, scientists discovered additional
quassinoids in simaruba that had antileukemic activity.(5) To date, there
have been no human studies on this herb, although a few animal studies support the results of the in vitro tests.
This plant fights cancer by directly attacking malignant cells. (6)
According to Raintree Nutrition, research shows it also enhances the
immune system by stimulating natural killer cell activity and increasing
the production of interleukin-2, a protein that further enhances immunity. One of the constituents of anamu is coumarin, which may be a concern for those taking blood-thinning drugs. Coumarin can enhance the
effects of blood thinning medications and increase the risk of bleeding.
Brazilian peppertree
Also known as mastic tree and Jesuits balsam, the Brazilian peppertree is a potent antimicrobial agent which works against a wide
range of bacteria and viruses.(7) According to Raintree, in vitro tests show
it is effective against a specific type of cancer cell that can be found in
cancers of the throat, esophagus, and other areas, in addition to exhibiting general anticancer activity.




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Chapter 4 Ancient Anti-Cancer Protection from the Orient: The Chinese Happy Tree

Ancient Anti-Cancer
Protection from the Orient:
The Chinese Happy Tree


s you may have already guessed, the Chinese Happy Tree

can do much more than lift your downtrodden spirits. In fact, it
has been used in China and Tibet for centuries to cure everything
from colds and psoriasis to diseases of the liver, gallbladder, spleen,
and stomach.
Though its been around for literally ages, western scientists
only recently got their hands on this powerhouse of an ancient
botanical and discovered that some of its phytochemical components can also precisely target and destroy certain types of cancer
cells. In fact, more than one pharmaceutical company has devoted
quite a bit of effort to isolating and replicating its active components and, today, the Chinese Happy Tree is available to many cancer patients in pharmaceutical form.
Sounds like a fairy tale, I know, but lets take off our rose-colored glasses for a moment, friends. Theres much more to this
trees story than meets the eye.

A Bit of History
The Chinese Happy Tree is native only to China and Tibet, and



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its known as Camptotheca acuminata in the scientific community.

Its been used since ancient times in traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM) for its numerous healing properties.(1)
Camptothecas anticancer properties were first discovered by
Dr. Monroe E. Wall from the USDA in 1958. Shortly thereafter in
1966, Wall and other researchers isolated camptothecin, a cytotoxic alkaloid, from the bark and stems of the tree. They found that
camptothecin could inhibit the DNA enzyme topoisomerase I,
which appears to stunt the growth of cancerous tumors.(2,3)
Researchers wanted to harness this powerful compounds anticancer activity as quickly as possible, and, in the early 70s, a camptothecin analog called camptothecin sodium was tested on gastrointestinal cancer patients in clinical trials. Unfortunately, the
patients suffered from such severe side effects that the studies were
ultimately discontinued.
Not discouraged by these initial results, researchers continued
to work on developing drugs from the Chinese Happy Tree, aiming
for fewer side effects. Today, after decades of extensive trials, several relatively safe and effective water-soluble semi-synthetic
analogs of Camptothecin have been developed by Big Pharma,
including Camptosar by Pharmacia, Hycamtin by
GlaxoSmithKline, and CPT11 by Aventis. In fact, worldwide sales
of these drugs have collectively reached about $1 billion annually.
Most recently, scientists at the B.C. Cancer Agency in
Vancouver, Canada have developed a drug called Irinophore C
which has proved remarkably better in therapeutic effect and less
toxic compared to Camptosar and its now ready for testing in
humans. Unlike Camptosar, the B.C. Cancer Agency scientists say
Irinophore C uses a drug delivery system that doesnt release its
load until it gets to the cancer site.
To date, the FDA has approved both Topotecan, used to treat




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Chapter 4 Ancient Anti-Cancer Protection from the Orient: The Chinese Happy Tree

ovarian and small lung cancers as well as Irinotecan, which is used

to treat metastatic colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of
cancer deaths in the United States.(4)

Take Home Message

Its true that many people have benefited from the isolation of
camptothecin from the Chinese Happy Tree as well as the new
availability of these medications for the treatment of various types
of cancers, but its important to keep in mind that any time we isolate one of natures healing chemicals from its whole-plant source
and attempt to make a synthetic version, more often than not,
were faced with unwanted side effects. Not only that, but scientists
may be missing out on other important compounds in the whole
plant source that contribute to its anti-cancer and other healing
In addition, up until recently, the raw material being used to
make these medications and drugs came only from the C. acuminata trees, and the intensive harvesting by the pharmaceutical
industry has threatened the population of these trees in China. In
fact, its estimated that less than 4,000 Chinese Happy Trees
remain in the wild in China!(4) So friends, while its great that the
Chinese Happy Tree is available to cancer patients in pharmaceutical form, weve still got a long way to go in terms of maximizing its
use in cancer treatment.




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Another Traditional Chinese Cancer Cure
Juzen-taiho-to is actually an ancient Chinese medicine, and was
adopted by Japanese physicians during the Kamakura dynasty
(1192-1333 AD). Following extensive clinical experience and pharmacological examination, the Japanese came to regard Juzentaiho-to as a strengthening tonic for the ill and the elderly. The formulation contains the following 10 herbs, each of which has a long
history and strong reputation for its healing properties.
1. Astragalus root (Astragali Radix)An antiviral agent and
general immune enhancer used in traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM) to ease night sweats, fatigue, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.
Reportedly, it helps counteract the immune-suppressing effects of
cancer treatments like chemotherapy. It also helps lower blood
pressure, improve circulation, and prevent heart disease.
2. Atractylodes Rhizome (Atractylodis Rhizoma)A littleknown TCM botanical grown mainly in Inner Mongolia, this thistle
has been used to treat digestive problems, diarrhea, bloating,
fatigue, as well as pain in the joints or extremities.
3. Chuangxiong (Cnidium Rhizome)A TCM herb used to
promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
4. Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomi Cortex)Used in TCM to treat
diarrhea, influenza, and parasitic worms. Cinnamon is currently
taken to ease indigestion and stimulate appetite.
5. Dong quai (Angelicae Radix)In TCM, dong quai is often
taken as a menopause supplement (to relieve such conditions as
such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness) and as a blood tonic (to
regulate blood sugar and pressure, and to prevent blood clots and
anemia). Studies have produced conflicting results on its efficacy
and have suggested that it may work better in multi-herb formulas.


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Another Traditional Chinese Cancer Curecontinued
6. Panax ginseng (Ginseng Radix)Traditionally, ginseng has
been used to strengthen digestion, improve lung function, calm
the spirit, and increase overall energy. Modern medical research has
documented its potential to strengthen immunity against colds,
flus and other infections; to stimulate the mind and foster a sense
of wellbeing; and to help control diabetes and improve physical
7. Hoelen (Hoelen)A botanical that reportedly acts as a
diuretic and sedative, and a moderator of high blood sugar.
8. Licorice (Glycyrrhizae Radix)Licorice has demonstrated
abilities to act as an anti-inflammatory, cough suppressant, and
anti-viral agent. It appears to increase blood flow in the stomach,
possibly preventing ulcers.
Recently, it has also been suggested as a possible treatment for
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), since it mimics the action of adrenal hormones that are underactive in CFS patients. Licorice, however, contains glycyrrhiza, which can cause fluid retention, increased
blood pressure, and loss of potassium.
9. Peony root (Paeoniae Radix)Considered a blood tonic, it
is used to correct imbalances in the blood, including poisoning,
anemia, and poor circulation. It is not recommended for people
with weakened livers.
10. Rehmannia root (Rehmanniae Radix)An ancient
Oriental botanical used to lower blood pressure and cholesterol,
improve blood flow in the brain, and ease weakness. Some reports
suggest it might even help avoid premature graying and baldness.




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Chapter 5 Dr. Budwigs Cancer-Defying Diet


Dr. Budwigs
Cancer-Defying Diet

I have the answer to cancer, but American

doctors wont listen. They come here and observe
my methods and are impressed. Then they want
to make a special deal so they can take it home
and make a lot of money. I wont do it, so Im
blackballed in every country
Dr. Johanna Budwig

n 1951, German biochemist Dr. Johanna Budwig introduced a

diet to the world that has since helped cure the most hopeless cancer patients by providing them with a nutrient-packed combo that
fills in deficiencies and recharges nearly-dead metabolisms. Based
on a simple formula of omega 3 fatty acids and sulfur-rich protein,
the Budwig Diet is a hard-science based protocol that has healed
thousands and brought new hope to sick people who thought they
had lost theirs.
I admit, the idea of a diet based on flax oil and cottage cheese is
less than enticing to most, and certainly seems an amusing addition to a book on cancer treatments from around the world. But




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the diet developed by Dr. Budwig has helped many people recover
from cancer and other chronic diseases. And her success indicates
that this dynamic duo actually has the potential to save your life.

Johanna Budwigs Theory

Dr. Johanna Budwig was an expert on fats and oils and was
schooled in pharmaceutical science, physics, botany, and biology,
as well. In 1952, Dr. Budwig, who, at the time, was the German
Central Governments Senior Expert for fats and pharmaceutical
drugs, presented her research on the awful effects of commercially
processed fats and oils on the cells in our body. While we all know
already how fats clog our arteries and lead to heart attacks, what
most people dont know is that these same fats are also very dangerous for our overall health.
All cells fire electrically and Dr. Budwig found that these same
commercially processed fats and oils can lower the voltage in our
cells, resulting in chronic diseases like cancer.
More specifically, Dr Budwig showed that when unsaturated
fats have been chemically treated, their unsaturated qualities are
destroyed and their field of electrons is removed, destroying the
fats ability to associate with proteins and to dissolve in the waterbased fluids of our bodies.
So how does all this this relate to cancer? Well, Dr Budwig also
noted that tumors often form in areas of the body which normally
host many growth processes, such as in the skin and the GI tract,
and the lack of electron- rich, highly unsaturated fats disturbs
proper cell growth, ultimately resulting in the formation of tumors.
But Dr. Budwig discovered that a few simple foods can help fix
the stagnated growth processes in our cells. She found that when
you combine flaxseed oil, with its powerful healing nature of




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Chapter 5 Dr. Budwigs Cancer-Defying Diet

essential electron-rich unsaturated fats, plus cottage cheese, which

is rich in sulfur protein, it produces a chemical reaction which
makes the oil water soluble and easily absorbed into the cell membranes.(1)

The Facts on Flax

Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil contain substances that promote
good health, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential
fatty acid that is beneficial for heart disease, inflammatory bowel
disease, arthritis, and a variety of other health conditions. In addition to ALA, flaxseeds also contains a group of chemicals called
lignans which appear to play a role in the prevention of cancer.(2)
In fact, researchers have found that a diet supplemented with
flaxseed may reduce the formation, growth, or spread of prostate,
breast, and skin cancers (melanoma) in mice. Flaxseed was also
shown to reduce the formation of precancerous colon polyps in a
study of rats. And, in a small study of 15 men, it was found that a
low-fat diet along with flaxseed lowered blood prostate specific
antigen (PSA) levels and slowed the growth of benign prostate
cells, suggesting that it might be useful in reducing risk of prostate
Another study on 25 men with prostate cancer found that a
low-fat diet along with ground flaxseed reduced serum testosterone, slowed the growth rate of cancer cells, and increased the
death rate of cancer cells.(3)
Yet another study on the effects of dietary fats on breast cancer
growth and metastasis, found that tumor growth was much slower
in the flaxseed oil group, compared with mice fed a standard diet.(4)




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The Budwig Diet Protocol

Of course, there are a few things you should know before
embarking on your own Budwig adventure. First, when buying
your flaxseed oil, head for the refrigerated section of your health
food store first and try to avoid the high-lignan flaxseed oils
(refrigerated, non-high-lignan versions taste better).
Also, as with all cancer diets, you should avoid sugar, animal
fats, meats, margarine, butter, salad dressing oils (except extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar or lemon), and all foods high in
preservatives, as they are toxic to the body and impede healing.
And one other unusual, but important aspect to the Budwig diet
is to avoid leftovers. Foods should be prepared fresh and eaten
soon after preparationwithin 15 to 20 minutesto get the
health-giving electrons and enzymes.

Get Budwig Benefits Even with Lactose Intolerance

If you are lactose intolerant and want to try the Budwig Diet,
consider using the following alternatives to cottage cheese:


Use raw milk and raw milk products if you can get them

Use goats milk instead of cows milk products

Use organic kefir

Take the enzyme Lactase with cottage cheese

Try Nancys Cottage Cheese which is made with lactic


Strain kefir through fine muslin cloth to make kefir

quark, which has a cream cheese consistency



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Chapter 5 Dr. Budwigs Cancer-Defying Diet

In general, the cottage cheese, flaxseed oil formula involves

mixing 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with one tablespoon of oil.
The daily recommendation is for 6-8 tablespoons of oil, but Dr.
Budwig recommends working your way up to the full daily
amount. (Those with pancreatic cancer may have to work up very
slowly, just 1 teaspoon at a time.)
Now, before you worry that youll have to live on flaxseed and
cottage cheese alone, let me put your mind at ease. These are the
primary healers, but theyre not the only foods youre allowed to
eat. Dr. Budwig encourages lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts,
and whole grains as well. Extras like cocoa, organic shredded
coconut, and cinnamon even make the list.

Patience and Persistence Pay Off

Dr Budwig is careful to point out that her diet takes time to
work: It may take up to six months to see results. She also says that
even after cancer has resolved itself, its important to continue taking a maintenance dose of approximately 1 tbsp of the oil per one
hundred pounds of body weight, to prevent reoccurrence. And, of
course, you should also be sure to check in with your doctor before
making any dietary changes.
For more information on Dr. Budwig and her diet, you may
want to check out the following books:

Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart

Infarction, Cancer, and Other Diseases

The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook

CancerThe Problem and the Solution




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Chapter 6 The Acid-Squelching Combo that Helps Your Blood Repel Cancer

The Acid-Squelching
Combo that Helps Your
Blood Repel Cancer


magine a cancer treatment so powerful it could bring a comatose patient back to consciousness in a matter of daysand needing only $70 per month to get it. This very miracle does exist, and
its been around since the 1930s, when Dr. Hans Nieper began
using cesium chloride to treat his patients in Germany. It was Dr.
Keith Brewer, though, who took this therapy to the next level by
combining it with a chemical called dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO.
Cesium is natures most alkaline metal and when its combined
with DMSO, it directly targets cancer cells, stopping the metastasis
of the cancer, shrinking tumor masses within weeks, and stopping
the pain of cancer within 24-48 hours.
This amazing protocol is touted by many alternative practitioners as one of the most effective treatments for bone and brain cancers and other fast-growing cancers too. Read on to learn more
about this incredible cancer treatment combo

The Secrets in the Water

Conventional medicine has a lot to learn from the populations




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of the world that havent yet been touched by Western civilization

about how to maintain vibrant wellness and health. Many of these
populations boast very low incidences of cancer, and it so happens
that in the environments where they live, there are high levels of
strong alkaline minerals in the water supplies. For example, the
Hopi Indians water contains rubidium and potassium and the
Hunzas of northern Pakistan have water high in cesium and potassium. Its this high mineral content that keeps their blood alkalinean internal environment that cancer steers clear of.
Around 1900, this concept of an alkali (low acidic) therapy for
treating cancer was developed in the West, and though it worked
quite well for cancer, it was forgotten about when only a few practitioners were willing to face the opposition that the medical establishment directed towards them. But one brave German practitioner, Dr. Hans Nieper, believed strongly in the use of strong alkali
such as cesium chloride. In fact, in his Hannover, Germany practice, Dr. Nieper used this therapy to treat hundreds of cancer
patients, including many celebrities, executives, and even a U.S.
Dr. Nieper found that when cesium is taken up by cancer cells,
it raises the pH of the cells and kills them. Then, they are eliminated by the body.
Cesium chloride selectively targets cancer by taking advantage
of the fact that most types of tumor cells need much more glucose
than normal cells. In order to get more glucose into the cancer
cells, the sodium-potassium (Na-K) pumps on the cell wall must
run 20 times faster than normal, pumping more sodium out and
more potassium in. Since cesium acts like potassium, the Na-K
pump brings lots of it into the cells. But once cesium is in the cell,
it cant get out because it blocks the channels through which potassium leaves. This buildup of cesium then kills the cancerous cell.(2)




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Chapter 6 The Acid-Squelching Combo that Helps Your Blood Repel Cancer

The addition of DMSO allows the cesium chloride to target the

cancer cells even more effectively since its what is known as a
super-solvent. DMSO also has the ability to penetrate every single
cell of the body, and whatever is administered with DMSO tends to
bind with it and get carried to the inside of cells along with it
which makes the treatment even more powerful.(3)

How the Cancer Society Dropped the Ball on This

Cancer Breakthrough
One of the most important studies on cesium chloride was conducted by Dr. H.E. Sartori, who began his research in April 1981 at
Life Sciences Universal Medical Clinics in Rockville, MD. His subjects were 50 patients with widespread metastatic tumor deposits
that represented a variety of cancersincluding breast, colon,
prostate, pancreatic, lung, and liver. Forty-seven of these 50
patients had already completed surgery, radiation, and multiple
courses of chemotherapy before trying the cesium.
But after treatment with cesium chloride, approximately 50 percent of the patients survivedincluding the three patients who
were comatose when the therapy was initiated. Pain also disappeared in all patients within one to three days of beginning the
cesium therapy. Thirteen patients did pass away within the first
two weeks of therapy, however autopsy results in each of these 13
showed a reduction in tumor mass size.(4)
Even the American Cancer Society (ACS) has concluded that
studies conducted in several experimental tumor models in the
1980s found that the use of cesium chloride led to less tumor
growth and fewer deaths of certain tumor-bearing mice such as
those with sarcoma or breast cancer.(5) Furthermore, they noted
that recent research in rats has shown that DMSO may deserve




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further study as a drug carrier used to enhance the effectiveness of

some chemotherapy agents for the treatment of bladder cancer.
Studies done in animals since 1988 have found that adding DMSO
to some chemotherapy drugs helped the bladder absorb them better. Research has also shown that DMSO does appear to have some
effect in reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation, as well as some
other properties that may make it useful in treating certain condition.(3)
What this revelation from the ACS says to me is that (at the
VERY least) someone there has most seriously dropped the ball,
as they say. That such a therapyadmittedly effective in animal
studies and lacking in serious side effectswould be known to
conventional medicine for so many decades, and subsequently
ignored, seems to me to smack of some serious negligence (or
worse) on someones part. But, I digress...

The Cesium Chloride & DMSO Protocol

If you decide to try it, the cesium chloride and DMSO combo
can be used topically or orally. The protocol can be self-administered, but I strongly suggest that you opt to do it under the guidance of an experienced professional.
If using the duo topically, it can be applied to the skin in a localized area (such as the abdomen) using a spray bottle. You should
know, though, that DMSO is sulfur-based and has a pungent sulfur
smell that is definitely noticeableand not very pleasant.(3)
Cesium chloride supplements are also available in pill form in a
wide range of doses. Keep in mind, though, that cesium chloride
along with a high pH diet causes potassium depletion, so its essential to get plenty of potassium (from food and supplements) while
youre on the protocol.




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Chapter 6 The Acid-Squelching Combo that Helps Your Blood Repel Cancer

The recommended dosage of Cesium chloride is 1-6 g/day.

Most patients take 3 g a day, always with food. Below is one version of a cesium chloride protocol, but as always, DO consult with
an experienced practitioner before starting!
Breakfast: Cesium chloride (1 gram), vitamin C (1,000
milligrams), zinc (25 - 30 milligrams), one potassium
capsule as prescribed by a physician
Lunch: Vitamin C (1,000 milligrams)
Dinner: Cesium chloride (1 gram), vitamin C (1,000
Before bed, after eating two slices of bread: Cesium
chloride (1 gram), vitamin C (1,000 milligrams)

Side Effects & Important Notes

As mentioned above, youll need to supplement potassium in
your diet to increase your blood potassium levels. However, if your
serum potassium gets too high, then hyperkalemia (excess potassium) can result, so be sure to have this delicate balance of serum
potassium checked every couple of weeks to avoid damage to your
kidneys if you choose to try this treatment. Cesium chloride does
stay in your body for a couple of months even after you stop taking
it, so be sure to continue potassium supplementation for a couple
of months after you discontinue cesium therapy.
Since cesium chloride and DMSO cause the death of many cancer cells at once, your bodys ability to process and eliminate the
byproducts of this massive cellular death may cause a detoxification reaction which results in flu like symptoms, headache, nausea, and skin rash. For some people, the herb milk thistle can be
very helpful to the liver in the elimination of toxins.(4)




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In rare cases, cesium capsules can cause perforation of the

stomach or small intestine if the capsules become positioned
against the wall of either organ. This is the reason cesium must
always be taken with food. Personally, I would use the liquid form
of cesium to avoid this problem altogether.
Another condition observed after cesium therapy is a striking
rise in blood uric acid levels caused by the release of DNA from all
of the dead cancer cells (DNA is metabolized into uric acid). This
has the potential to cause decreased kidney function because large
amounts of uric acid appearing in kidney tubules can form crystals
that block the tubules. This can be prevented by using the pharmaceutical drug Xyloprim (allopurinol) before and with cesium treatment, so that excessively high values of uric acid do not build up.(4)
I must also mention that in a small number of people, cesium
chloride has also been linked with ventricular tachycardia, a rapid
and irregular heartbeat that can lead to sudden cardiac death.(2)
Also, several physicians that the administration of just .5 g per
day of cesium can actually enhance the rate of tumor growth, since
this low amount raises a cells pH into the high mitosis, or cell
division, range. But the data so far reveal that any quantity of 3.0 g
or above will be effective for cancer.(2)
And one more important note for brain cancer patients: Brain
cancer presents a difficult problem for any cancer treatment,
whether orthodox or alternative. When a cancer cell is dying, from
whatever cause, it can create inflammation in the brain which can
cause a seizure, so it is even more important for you to solicit the
care of a knowledgeable practitioner to support you during this
This seems like a long list of caveats, but if youre interested in
trying cesium chloride, getting the help you need may only be a




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Chapter 6 The Acid-Squelching Combo that Helps Your Blood Repel Cancer

phone call or mouse-click away. Check out the professional support from or (800)760-4947.
Cesium Chloride and DMSO can be purchased through the following resources:




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Chapter 7 A Nutrition Revolution: Max Gersons Cancer Detox Diet


A Nutrition Revolution:

Max Gersons Cancer

Detox Diet

o you remember the famous words of Hippocrates who

once advised that we let food be our medicine? Well, theres a
growing movement of people out there who have made this piece
of ancient wisdom their mantra, taking the age-old advice literallyand reversing their cancer as a result. The wise Hippocrates,
also known as the Father of Medicine, was referring to mostly
fruits and vegetables as the cure for our ills, and back in 1920s, a
German doctor named Max Gerson pioneered a revolutionary diet
based on this philosophy that quickly revealed itself to be a potent
nutritional and metabolic therapyand a cure for cancer.
For over 60 years, the Gerson therapy has blended a diet of
organic fruits and vegetables and fresh juices with special detoxification methods to help thousands of people recover from cancer.
Of course, this success came much to the dismay of the FDA and
the American Medical Association (AMA), who turned on the heat
and harassed Gerson as his discovery became publicized, even
threatening to squash his incredible findings.
But against all odds, the Gerson therapy has survived and
thrivedand the diet, along with the great doctors legacy, live on




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through Gersons daughter, Charlotte, and the Gerson clinic in

Tijuana, Mexico. The facility serves both as a testament to the
therapys power to heal cancer, and a beacon of hope for patients
across the globe.

The Great Gerson

Dr. Max Gersons fascination with healing diets began with his
pursuit of a cure for his own migraines. After years of intensive
research, he developed what he found to be the perfect migrainehealing diet. But, soon after, Gerson discovered his diet could also
cure skin tuberculosis. He went on to successfully treat numerous
skin TB patients, even establishing a special treatment program at
the Munich University Hospital, where a clinical trial found that
446 out of 450 skin tuberculosis patients on the Gerson diet recovered completely. Dr. Gerson and Dr. Sauerbruch, a famous surgeon,
published their findings in leading medical journals and established the Gerson therapy as the first cure for skin tuberculosis.(1)
Dr. Gersons success quickly gained the attention of Nobel Prize
winner, Albert Schweitzer, M.D., whose wife was cured of lung
tuberculosis with the diet therapy after all conventional treatments
had failed her. Dr. Schweitzer, whose own Type II diabetes was also
cured by the Gerson treatment, later observed the successful application of the dietary therapy to heart disease, kidney failure, and
finallycancer. After Dr. Gerson immigrated to America in the
1930s, he treated hundreds of terminal cancer patients and incredibly, only eight years later, presented his recovered patients before

The Theory Behind the Therapy

Before moving forward, I want to take a minute to make sure
you understand the connection between diet and cancer. When the




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Chapter 7 A Nutrition Revolution: Max Gersons Cancer Detox Diet

body cant properly process foods and when defenses are low, we
get sick. But what causes our metabolism to go haywire in the first
place? Poor nutrition, exposure to chemicals, and cooking methods
that destroy nutrients are just a few of the reasons our bodies get
bogged down. And Max Gerson believed these reasons, plus a
combination of degenerated liver and pancreatic functions, cause
the bodys immune system to break down, giving cancer a perfect
opportunity to flourish. He also believed cancer could be controlled in the presence of a healthy liver and with a proper balance
of sodium and potassium in the body.
Gerson hypothesized that a sick body quickly becomes overtaken by sodiumbut with the implementation of the Gerson diet,
potassium could be built up and sodium could be excreted, thus
returning us to our natural balance.
So, the Gerson Diet is a metabolic therapy that includes detoxification and nutritional replacement, and stimulates the proper
immune function that naturally dissolves tumors. Nutritional
replacement in this case is achieved by following a diet rich in
whole, natural, and organic foods like whole grains, vegetables, and
fruitsand no foods with additives or preservatives like coffee,
white flour, and sugar.
Vitamins, minerals and enzymes are also added to the therapy
all serving to help the immune system to properly deal with toxins
produced by tumors. Enemas, gallbladder flushes, herbal teas and
lots of fresh juices are other powerful ways that detoxification is
achieved in Gerson therapy.(2)
When he first developed it, Dr. Gersons therapy was so far
ahead of its time that it was nearly impossible to explain in scientific terms how it could cure both chronic and infectious diseases.
Since the Gerson diet is naturally high in vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, micro-nutrients, and fluids and extremely low in sodium




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and fats, its been theorized that the diet serves to boost your
bodys immune system to heal itself of disease. Though the philosophy is simple, the actual therapy is a bit more elaborate.(3)
Considered quite an eccentric concept at the time, only a few
peer-reviewed journals were receptive to Gersons idea that diet
could affect health, but he continued to publish articles on his
therapy along with case histories of patients that had been cured.
In fact, Gersons first publication on the topic of cancer in 1945,
was almost 40 years before the adoption of the current official U.S.
National Cancer Institute program on diet, nutrition, and cancer.
And in 1958, after 30 years of clinical experimentation, Gerson
finally published A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases, which
details the theories, treatment, and his results.(4,5)

Clash with the FDA and AMA

Shortly after he arrived in the United States from Germany,
Max Gerson found himself on the bad side of Morris Fishbein, the
editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),
after formally stating his anti-tobacco stance (its no wonder
Fishbein was upset, when you consider that Phillip Morris was
JAMAs chief source of advertising at the time!)
In addition, Dr. Gerson came forward with his cancer successes
to the government and ignored the formal stance of the AMA that
there is no connection between cancer and diet.
Not long after he presented the U.S. Senate with his cancer successes, the medical director of New Yorks Gotham Hospital called
his recoveries miracles and an independent doctor who reviewed
Gersons records for Congress stated that relief of severe pain was
achieved in about 90 percent of cases. Despite these testimonies in
his favor, shortly thereafter, Gerson was openly attacked in writing in




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Chapter 7 A Nutrition Revolution: Max Gersons Cancer Detox Diet

JAMA, expelled from the New York medical society, and deprived of
all hospital affiliations and even malpractice insurance.(6)

The Gerson Legacy: Recent Research

In the 20 plus years since his death, even more studies on the
Gerson therapy have been published, providing continued validation of this incredible breakthrough. In 1990, a study of a diet regimen similar to the Gerson therapy was done in Austria where
patients received standard treatment along with the special diet.
The authors found that the diet appeared to help patients live
longer than usual and have fewer side effects.(5)
More recently, in 1995, a retrospective study set in a Tijuana
hospital found five-year survival rates of melanoma patients using
the Gerson therapy to be considerably higher than normal.(7)
Finally, in 2007, the University of Manchester analyzed six case
studies of patients with cancer that followed the Gerson therapy.
They found that the regimen had positive physical and psychological effects on the subjects.(9)
Incredibly, in 200121 years after Gersons deathJAMA published an article suggesting that the AMA had staged a Grand
Conspiracy against the Cure of Cancer. The author of the article,
William Regelsen, claimed that inappropriate judgmentsresulted
in injury to good observations, and went on to defend the results
and scientific basis of the Gerson therapy. The government even
contracted Dr. Patricia Spain Ward of the University of Chicago to
investigate the Gerson therapy, and she came to the conclusion
that the therapy was one of the greatest innovations in the history
of cancer therapy.
But, again, despite the scientific findings in its favor, the Gerson
diet continues to be shunned in this country. Though the Gerson




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Clinic continues today, under the leadership of Charlotte Gerson in

Tijuana, any doctor who chooses to use the therapy in the USA is
at risk of losing their license.

You Are What You Eat

So what, you ask, does a typical day look like for someone on
the Gerson therapy regimen? Overall, it includes:

13 total glasses of fresh, raw carrot/apple and

green-leaf juices prepared hourly from fresh,
organic fruits and vegetables.

3 full vegetarian meals, which typically include

salad, cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, vegetable soup, and juice.

Fresh fruit and fresh fruit dessert is available at

all hours for snacking, in addition to the regular

A Typical Day on the Gerson Diet


1 glass orange juice

Large portion oatmeal (without milk)




1 glass carrot-apple juice



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Chapter 7 A Nutrition Revolution: Max Gersons Cancer Detox Diet

Raw vegetable salad

2 cups Hippocrates soup

1 large baked potato

Cooked vegetables


fruit (stewed or raw)


6 additional carrot-apple juices

5 green juices

fruit & vegetables

Extra Supplements and Detoxification

Aside from the diet itself, another very important piece of the
Gerson Therapy is detoxification of the tissues and blood, and
when youre healing the Gerson way, first and foremost come coffee enemas. It may sound a bit unusual, but patients have long
reported that the enemas decrease pain and make for faster healing. Dr. Gerson found that enzymes within the gut wall and liver
are stimulated by the enemas, and bile flow is increased as well,
enhancing the bodys ability to eliminate toxic residues from the
environment, drugs, and chemo, as well as tumors and other diseased tissue.
Castor oil packs are also used to stimulate bile flow and
enhance the livers ability to filter blood, and digestive enzymes are
taken to enhance absorption of nutrients and assist in the elimination of damaged tissue. When necessary, supplemental potassium,




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Tomorrows Cancer Cures TODAY 25 secret therapies from around the world

It All Boils Down to Good Health

One of the key ingredients in the Gerson diet is Hippocrates
Soup. There are several variations, such as the addition of more garlic or herbs, so feel free to experiment to your liking. Just bear in
mind that this is a great detox idea, and not by itself any treatment
for cancer.
Step 1:
Chop, but do not peel, the following vegetables:
1 medium celery knob
1 1/2 lbs tomatoes
1 medium parsley root
2 medium onions
garlic as desired
1 lb potatoes
2 small leeks
Place all vegetables into a large pot. Cover with purified, distilled water. Simmer slowly for 2-3 hours. Toss out the vegetables
and keep broth. This makes about 4 quarts of soup stock.
Step 2:
Strain 1 quart of stock, then add the following fresh, chopped
1 cup leeks
1/2 cup onion
1/2 cup tomatoes
2 cups potatoes
2 cup parsley root
1 cup carrots
1 cup celery root (or celery stalks)
Add vegetables to the stock, simmer slowly, until the potatoes
are soft. Can be served as-is or after being ground through a food
mill or pureed in a blender.


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Chapter 7 A Nutrition Revolution: Max Gersons Cancer Detox Diet

Lugols solution (a source of iodine), vitamin B12, thyroid hormone, and injectable crude liver extract are also used. Remember:
its always best to attempt any and all of these therapeutic components only under the proper guidance.(1)

The Gerson Diet Moves into the 21st Century with

the Raw Food Movement
Though its still not entirely clear how the therapy works, one
thing is pretty certain, friends: a diet filled with lots of fresh and
organic fruits and vegetables is clearly the way to go for optimum
health, whether or not youre battling cancer. And part of the legacy
of Max Gerson, plus all of the emerging clinical evidence before us,
makes for a hot trend in healthy and healing diets called Raw
Foodism or the Raw Food Movement.
A raw food diet, by definition, includes food that is eaten raw,
or uncooked as its believed that essential nutrients are destroyed
when certain foods are cooked. But if theyre consumed in their
original form, they will retain all of their original nutrients. In such
foods, the enzymes are still fully functional and provide a wider
range of health benefits.(10)
Many raw foodists keep their diets diverse with nifty kitchen
tools like a blender or food processor and a dehydrator to bake
breads and snacks at low temperatures to ensure the viability of the
enzymes is maintained. Reports of increased energy and vitality,
weight loss and clearer skin on a raw or mostly raw diet, are common, not to mention more profound health benefits.
If you do want to make the switch, just remember: raw takes
some getting used to and its best to start by adding one raw meal a
day and progressing slowly until you reach your goal (often about
70 to 90 percent raw). Also, be sure to plan your meals carefully to
ensure a well-balanced diet.




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Raw Lettuce Wraps

2 very ripe avocados
3 tomatoes, diced
1/2 jalapeno pepper, diced
2 tbsp yellow onion, diced
3 cloves fresh garlic, minced
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
kernels from one ear raw organic corn
2 tsp fresh lime juice
6-8 large romaine lettuce leaves

In a medium sized bowl, mash the avocado.

Add remaining ingredients and stir until well mixed.

Spread 2-3 tablespoons of this mixture onto lettuce

leaves and wrap. Enjoy!(11)

True to its name, Raw Foodism is an ism for a reason

because its truly a way of life. And like anything worthwhile, healing takes time and commitment. When you approach it in this way,
rest assured youll reap the best rewards.

Where to Find the Gerson Therapy

While many patients have made full recoveries practicing the
Gerson Therapy on their own, for best results, its best to start
treatment at a Gerson Institute licensed treatment center. To contact the Gerson Institute in Mexico from within the U.S. call
1-888-4GERSON, outside the U.S. please phone (619)685-5353.




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Chapter 8 More than Just a Christmas Kiss: Wiping Out Cancer with Mistletoe


More than Just a Christmas Kiss:

Wiping Out Cancer with


k, I know what youre thinking: Mistletoe? Yeah right!

But the truth is that this familiar plant has a lot more to it than just
the amorous yuletide ritual. Recently popularized by actress
Suzanne Somers who used the herb instead of chemotherapy to
treat her breast cancer, mistletoe, known to the ancients as all
heal, has long been used by herbalists to treat a variety of health
problems, including headaches, lung disease, internal bleeding,
nervous conditionsand even cancerous tumors.
In fact, mistletoe is available commercially in Europe as we
speak, under a variety of names, to kill cancers of the colon, stomach, breast, and lung. In European countries Mistletoe is often preferred over conventional treatments because of its ability to help
repair DNA damage caused by cancer, and to prevent the spread of
cancer. Many cancer patients worldwideand particularly in
Germanyeven use it together with radiation, chemotherapy or

Herbal Immortality
Mistletoe has long appeared in the folklore of the Ancient




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Greeks and Druids as a cure-all and may have been used in the
solstice-related rites in Druidic Britain as a symbol of immortality.
Early in the 20th century, naturalist Rudolf Steiner developed the
first extracts of mistletoe for injection. He theorized that it might
help treat cancer because, like cancer, mistletoe is a parasitic
growth that eventually kills its host. Steiners instinct proved to be
right on: Over the years, about 1,000 in vitro studies have shown
that mistletoe or its main constituents do have some significant
anticancer activity.(1)
According to these studies, mistletoe has the ability to kill various types of cancer cells while simultaneously stimulating the
immune system, thus fighting progression of the disease.
There are actually more than eight decades of research to support the use of mistletoe as a cancer treatment. In the 1970s, doctors found that 547 breast cancer patients using mistletoe after
tumor removal had significantly increased survival rates when
compared with patients receiving only conventional treatment.
Other studies involving many other types of cancers show that
mistletoe is at least as effective as mainstream cures, but without
any known side effects, unlike radiation and chemotherapy.
Most recently, the Institute for Preventive Medicine in Germany
published the results of a study involving more than 1,668 cancer
patients treated with mistletoe. Patients taking the herb had up to
a 56 percent higher survival rate than the control group. Probably
the most interesting part of this study was the variety of cancers
affected, which included colorectal, stomach, breast, and lung.(3)
And a 2003 review on mistletoe identified 23 studies testing its
efficacy, and 12 of the 23 showed one or more statistically significant, positive results, while another seven studies showed at least
one positive trendpretty incredible stats.(4)




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Chapter 8 More than Just a Christmas Kiss: Wiping Out Cancer with Mistletoe

Making Mistletoe Your Cancer Weapon of Choice

But treatment with mistletoe isnt quite as simple as some
other herbal treatments. Unfortunately, you cant simply brew up a
cup of mistletoe tea to enjoy by the holiday fire. Although mistletoe is available in the U.S. in herb form, its important not to selftreat with it, as the fruit of many varieties of mistletoe are actually
poisonous if ingested. Besides, the most effective mistletoe therapies are usually given by injection into the muscle (intramuscular,
or IM), beneath the skin (subcutaneous, or Sub-Q), or into a vein
(intravenous, or IV). In most reported studies, injections under
the skin were given 2 to 3 times a week for various lengths of
time.(2) And its important to be aware that injectable forms of
mistletoe are currently illegal in the U.S. (they are pending FDA
approval). However, as I mentioned at the beginning of this
chapter, European doctors have been using it to treat cancer for
some time now.(5)
In Europe, mistletoe is marketed under various brand names,
including Iscador, Eurixor, Helixor, Isorel, Iscucin, and Plenosol.
All of these products are prepared from Viscum album
Loranthaceae (Viscum album L. or European mistletoe) and are
not available commercially in the United States.(2) Iscador is the
most frequently used complementary mistletoe cancer treatment
in the world, and without any promotion it has become the most
widely recognized mistletoe cancer medicine in Switzerland and
Germany, where 60 percent of all cancer patients are now prescribed mistletoe at some point in their treatment. It is also
approved by Germanys Commission E as palliative therapy for
malignant tumors (for treatment of symptoms, not as a cure for
the disease).
Fortunately, there are very few side effects from Iscador, and it
can be used in conjunction with other medications, too.(6) But




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proper use of Iscador requires a prescription, a doctors supervision, and a good travel agent! For a list of Iscador treatment clinics,
contact: Weleda North America by calling (800)241-1030 x5550 or




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Chapter 9 Killing Cancer with Curcumin


Killing Cancer
with Curcumin

fter you read this chapter, you may find yourself asking for
extra curry with your chicken and veggies the next time you dine
out at your favorite Indian restaurantand with very good reason.
One of the main ingredients in Indian curries has had a recent
boom in popularity in the West due to the ever-mounting collection of research on its health benefitsincluding that of a cancer

Turmerics Healing Roots

The history of the spice turmeric, whose main active component is called curcumin, is diverse and well-documented.
Curcumin is actually part of the ginger family and it is made by
grinding the roots of a large-leafed Asian plant known as Curcuma
Longa. The spice itself has been used by the people of India and
Asia for centuries and many of its usesfrom treating cuts and
sores to more serious chronic diseasesare described in ancient
Indian medical texts.(1)




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Recently, there has been a surge in research on this spicy, golden-colored powerhouse and Ive collected some especially interesting results right here for you to check out.
According to University of Chicago scientists, curcumin inhibits
a cancer-provoking bacteria (H. pylori) associated with gastric and
colon cancer. And biochemists in China reported in January 2007
that curcumin reduces a gene responsible for starting up prostate
cancer, and could also reduce hormone receptor sensitivity to this
Curcumin also appears to be able to suppress the formation of
tumors as well as protect against the DNA damage that causes cancer. One 2000 study found that the risk of tumor development in
rats following exposure to X-ray dropped from 70.3 percent to
18.5 percent after receiving just 1 percent curcumin (turmeric
extract) in their diet.(4)
Research done on breast cancer cells resistant to the common
cancer drug Taxol showed that curcumin was also able to suppress
proteins responsible for metastasis and enhance cancer cell apoptosis (pre-programmed cell death or cell suicide)an exciting
discovery that holds great potential for cancer treatment.(5)

Tips for Cooking With Turmeric


Known also as Indian saffron, turmeric is an important ingredient in curry mixes and chutneys.

It goes well with chicken, duck, turkey, vegetables, rice, and

salad dressing

Turmeric is extremely pungent, and gets stronger when cooked

A little goes a long way, so use it sparingly when experimenting



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Chapter 9 Killing Cancer with Curcumin

As a quick reminder, free radicals are byproducts of everyday

living and breathing, but are produced much more during exercise
and exposure to smoke and chemicals. Their accumulation is largely responsible for aging and the development of health conditions
such as cancer, along with other chronic diseases. Antioxidants, on
the other hand, are the good guys meant to protect us from these
free radicals. New research has also shown that curcumin is able to
normalize antioxidant enzyme activities like superoxide dismutase
(SOD) and glutathione peroxidase in the liver and blood cells of
mice which means it may also hold great promise as a cancer preventative, too.(6)

A Golden Cancer Cure?

Curcumin is clearly an herbal hot topic thats already got great
potential for cancer treatment, but until more human clinical trials
can give us more information on its use in cancer protocols, I think
curcumin is best used as part of a preventative protocol.
If youre looking to pack in a bit more curcumin than you could
eat with your daily meals, you may want to consider adding it to
your protocol in capsules. Here are a few companies where I found
it available, but there are many out there to choose from:
Vitamin Research Products: (800)877-2447 (800)381-0759 (866)328-1171
Remember to always consult with your doctor before adding
anything new to your diet or supplement program.




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Chapter 10 Ayurvedas Triumphant Cancer-Fighting Herbal Trio


Triumphant CancerFighting Herbal Trio


No mother?
Dont worry as long as you have Triphala
Indian folk saying

heres some serious wisdom in this old Indian saying about

Triphala. Its been said in India that each of the three herbal fruits
in the Triphala blend care for the body as a mother would care for
her own childpromoting internal cleansing and removing toxins
while at the same time acting as a total body tonic for improving
digestion and assimilation.
Triphala is a healing powerhouse in western medical terms as
well, effectively reducing cholesterol, improving circulation, reducing high blood pressure, improving liver function, and even possessing anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. Most recently,
scientists have discovered that Triphala can slow the growth of pancreatic cancer tumors too, an amazing finding thats elevating this
Ayurvedic tonic to a whole new level both in the East and the West.

Ayurvedas Golden Blend

Triphala is probably the most popular of the Ayurvedic herbal




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formulas, since it is not only an effective laxative with high nutritional value, but also cleanses and detoxifies without depleting the
bodys reserves. The blend also possesses chemical compounds
called anthroquinones which help stimulate bile flow and peristalsis, the wave-like movement of the intestines. In addition, Triphala
has high vitamin C content, contains linoleic oil (omega 6) as well
as other important nutrients.
In 2006, scientists found that Triphala had the ability to induce
cytotoxicity in tumor cells, but spares normal cells. Similarly, a
December 2005 report in the Journal of Experimental and Clinical
Cancer Research noted that Triphala was effective in reducing the
incidence of tumors in and increasing the antioxidant status of
Another report from 2005 found that Triphala showed a significant cytotoxic (cell-killing) effect on cancer cell-lines, which may be
due to the action of gallic acid, a major polyphenol in Triphala. The
same authors had previously reported that Triphala had promising
antimutagenic/anticarcinogenic potential as well, which means it
could be great for blasting away cancer cells before they spread.(2)
A more recent study from the University of Pittsburgh Cancer
Institute suggests that Triphala has cancer-fighting properties that
prevent or slow the growth of pancreatic cancer tumors implanted
in mice. This study found that Triphala caused pancreatic cancer
cells to die through apoptosis, or programmed cell death (the bodys
normal method of disposing of damaged or unneeded cells), with
no side effects. Dr. Srivastava and his colleagues found that the
mice that received Triphala had increased levels of apoptosis-associated proteins and significantly smaller tumor sizes compared to
the control group; Triphala-treated tumors were also half the size of
tumors in untreated mice.(3)




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Chapter 10 Ayurvedas Triumphant Cancer-Fighting Herbal Trio

Trying Triphala
Traditionally, Triphala is taken a tonic. You prepare it by stirring
2 or 3 grams of the powder into warm water and drinking it each
evening (though you can also divide the doses and take just 1 gram
two or three times a day). But be forewarned that it has a rather
unique taste that not everyone loves. Luckily, its also available in
tablet or capsule form. Generally, the dose is two tablets one to
three times daily or four to six tablets one time daily. You should
increase or decrease the dose according to your bowel movements
(meaning: cut back if you start to pass too much).
Since there are no other problems associated with using
Triphala, the dose can be adjusted upwards from the suggested
amount for more anti-cancer properties. Bear in mind, of course,
that close monitoring by your personal health care practitioner is a
Triphala is available in the U.S. from a few different sources. The
powder can be purchased in most Indian food import stores in larger cities and tablets are currently manufactured and distributed by
Planetary Herb Formulas, Banyan Botanicals, and several other
With all of the amazing data emerging along with its years of use
by populations in India, Triphala has definitely stood the test of
time and is more than worthy of our attention as a potential addition to a cancer prevention and potential treatment protocol.
Remember that even when Big Pharma tries to get its hands on
herbals and boil them down to a single active compound, there are
always key active components that are overlooked, which is why
more often than not, herbs are best taken in their natural form. We
cant put a patent on Mother Nature, and she surely knows best. I
say, for now, lets sit back and enjoy Triphala as the incredible health
tonic that the people of India have known and loved for centuries...




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Chapter 11 Killing the Fungus Among Us


Killing the Fungus

Among Us


The question that many people ask themselves is why, after so many years of study and
research, has cancer not yet been defeated? The
problem is indeed scientific, but in my opinion it
is even more a problem of a cultural and social
nature as it represents the very structure of
knowledge at the world levela structure that
prevents that freedom of thought and creativity
that is capable of finding the right solutions.
Dr. Tullio Simoncini(1)

ould you imagine a cure for cancer sitting right in your own
kitchen cupboard? If you ask oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini from
Rome, Italy, hell tell you exactly thatthat tumors can be completely dissolved with the power of a compound thats a fixture in
almost every pantry: plain old sodium bicarbonate, also known as
baking soda.
Weve known for years that sodium bicarbonate can kill all sorts
of fungi and microorganisms, and in the early 1990s Dr. Simoncini




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discovered that it can neutralize tumor masses, too. In fact, for the
last 15 years, sodium bicarbonate treatment has helped hundreds
of patients overcome various forms of cancer. Even better, the
treatment is incredibly inexpensive and has no side effects. So why
havent we heard more about this remarkable breakthrough?
Well, based on what youve read so far, youve probably guessed
that where there are no big bucks to be earned, Big Pharmas back
is sharply turned. But lucky for us, word is spreading about sodium
bicarbonate treatment, and its already available in some clinics in
the USA, offering a ray of light in the cancer fight.

Candida Acts as Cancer Glue

In his scientific research, Dr. Simoncini found that all solid cancers are bound together by a fungus, which produces an acid-based
glue that holds cancer cells together. The name of that fungus?
None other than Candida albicans, the common cause of many
yeast infections.
Specifically, Dr. Simoncini found out that Candida plays a vital
role in cancers ability to survive, by making toxins that impair a
cells ability to self-destruct while allowing mutated cells to replicate into full-blown cancer. When Candida becomes intertwined
with tumors, it stays alive along with the cancer. So, according to
Dr. Simoncini, the trick to destroying cancer is to blast away the
fungus that supports it.
Now, you would think that if its as simple as a yeast infection,
then doctors should be able to knock it out with an anti-fungal
drug, right? Unfortunately, according to Dr. Simoncini, its not
quite that simple.
Since the era of antibiotics began, fungi have literally been forgotten to the point where not only is our technology lacking accu-




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Chapter 11 Killing the Fungus Among Us

rate testing for fungal infections, but Candida is also resistant to

our anti-fungal drugs.(2)

The Cancer-Fungus Connection

Theres some interesting research out there to support Dr.
Simoncinis Candida-cancer theory, too. For example, the late
Milton White, M.D., who believed that cancer is a chronic, intracellular, infectious, biologically induced spore (fungus) transformation disease, found fungus in every sample of cancer tissue that he
studied. In addition, just a few years back, in 1999, Meinolf
Karthaus, M.D., saw three different children with leukemia suddenly go into remission after getting a megadose of a triple antifungal drug cocktail.(3,4)
Youre probably wondering where all of this fungus comes from.
Well, to figure out whats going on inside our bodies, I believe its
always smartest to first take a look at what were putting in them.
And surely the typical American diet is far from ideal. In fact, most
American diets are based on foods that Candida just love to feast
on. In addition, certain refined grains are commonly contaminated
with cancer-causing fungal poisons which can make the problem

Top 10 Ways to Kick Candida: Foods to Avoid

refined sugar

white bread and pastries

condiments like ketchup

and mustard

mushrooms and yeast

alcoholic beverages

aged cheeses

cold cuts and preserved


melons or excessive
amounts of any fruit

all leftovers

peanuts and roasted nuts




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worse.(5) Of course, antibiotics also play a big role in welcoming

Candida, since they destroy the normal, protective bacteria that
live in the gut, allowing intestinal yeast and fungi to grow
unchecked. All of this can lead to immune suppression, symptoms
of any autoimmune disease, or even cancer.

The $3 Cancer Cure

So what, you ask, does the baking soda in my kitchen cabinet
have to do with Candida? Well, according to Dr. Simoncini, all
cancerous tumors are highly acidic and lack oxygen, mainly a result
of fungus activity in the body that has gotten out of control. Baking
soda is what chemists call a base, and it has the powerful ability to
neutralize a highly acidic tumor mass, and stop tumor growth.
Sodium bicarbonate administered directly to a neoplastic mass by
injection into selected arteries leading to the site of the tumor
destroys the fungal colonies living in it, stopping tumor growth
without negatively affecting the rest of you.(6)
According to Dr. Simoncini, an at-home, ingestible version of
baking soda treatment can be used (with the supervision of your
doctor, of course) in certain types of cancer limited to a particular
organ (i.e., it should not be affecting the surrounding tissue), such
as the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and rectum. If you
want to try it, be sure to use only an aluminum-free baking soda
like Bobs Red Mill or a pharmaceutical grade. Take 1 teaspoon of
baking soda with a glass of water in the morning and 1 in the
evening every day for one month.(7)
In all other cases, though, you should opt for the infusions mentioned aboveand the assistance of a doctor is mandatory for
these. But while its a bit more involved than the at-home version
of baking soda therapy, Dr. Simoncini has reported that many cases
of brain, bladder, breast, spleen, liver, lung, prostate, stomach, pan-




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Chapter 11 Killing the Fungus Among Us

creatic, and other cancers have resolved with the IV treatment. In

general, he has found that if the fungi are sensitive to the sodium
bicarbonate and the tumor size is below 3 cm, the response will be
around 90 percent. In terminal cases, the response is around 50
percent when the patient is in reasonable condition (for more
advanced terminal patients it is of course a smaller percentage).(8)
The Simoncini treatment protocol involves 500 cc of a 5 percent
bicarbonate solution given intravenously over one hour, six days a
week, or in the case of localized, accessible tumors (like those
found in breast cancer), the solution can be injected directly at the
site. Many of Dr. Simoncinis colleagues have modified his protocol
to include alternating weeks of bicarbonate with infusions of highdose intravenous vitamin C six days a week. Amazingly, many have
found that this approach only takes six weeks to get rid of many
I believe theres some good science behind Dr. Simoncinis treatment and dont see any harm in alkalinizing the body a bit with
some sodium bicarbonate. There are several clinics out there
which offer this treatment. To learn more about one of these clinics, visit
Of course, as with every treatment in this book, do consult with
your doctor before implementing any new treatment.




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Chapter 12 The Long Life Diet for Beating Cancer


The Long Life Diet

for Beating Cancer


acrobiotic literally means long life in Ancient Greek.

Since the time of Hippocrates, philosophers and physicians from
many parts of the world have used the term to signify living in harmony with nature. The philosophy of macrobiotics is based on the
idea of achieving balance. Years later, in the 1930s, a Japanese
philosopher named George Ohsawa developed a diet protocol
based on these principles.
Ohsawa believed that macrobiotic diets could cure cancer and
other serious illnesses by attempting to balance the excess Yin and
Yang energies in a persons life, which he asserted are at the foundation of many different types of cancer. Although the macrobiotic
dietary guidelines are only one aspect of a larger philosophical and
spiritual system, its the diet part thats drawn the most attention in
the West.(1)
Its popularity in the U.S. began in the 1960s but the diet really
came to center stage in the 1980s, when a physician and president
of Philadelphia Hospital, Anthony Sattilaro, published a book
about how following a macrobiotic diet helped him beat prostate




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cancer. Since then, macrobiotic diets have been used by hundreds

of people to treat cancer.

Back to Basics
Like other anti-cancer diets, the macrobiotic diet is based on
dietary principles of simplicity and avoidance of toxins that come
from eating dairy products, meats, and oily foods.
The standard macrobiotic diet today consists of:

50 to 60 percent organically grown whole grains

20 to 25 percent locally and organically grown

fruits and vegetables

5 to 10 percent soups made with vegetables, seaweed, grains, beans, and miso (a fermented soy

Other elements of the diet include occasional helpings of fresh,

white-meat fish, nuts, seeds, pickles, Asian condiments, and nonstimulating and non-aromatic teas.
The diet excludes vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, asparagus, spinach, beets, zucchini, and avocados
and advises against eating fruits that do not grow locally, such as
bananas, pineapples, and other tropical fruits. The use of dairy
products, eggs, coffee, sugar, stimulant and aromatic herbs, red
meat, poultry, and processed foods is also discouraged.
The macrobiotic philosophy also says that fluid intake should be
governed by thirst and then only teas made from roasted grains,
dandelion greens, or the cooking water of soba noodles are generally considered acceptable. Drinking and cooking water must be
purified and there are specific guidelines for cooking food, along




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Chapter 12 The Long Life Diet for Beating Cancer

with rules about what types of pots, pans, and utensils should be

Some Macro Extras

Macrobiotic dieters do not cook with microwaves or electricity,

nor do they consume vitamin or mineral supplements, or heavily processed foods.

Macrobiotic food is always chewed until it is fluid in order to

help with digestion and since food is thought to be sacred, it is
always prepared in a peaceful setting.

To maintain proper yin/yang balance, all extremely yang foods

and all extremely yin foods should be avoided. All animal foods,
including eggs and dairy products, are believed to have a strong
yang quality. Extremely yin foods and beverages include refined
sugars, chocolate, tropical fruits, soda, fruit juice, coffee, and hot

In addition, all foods processed with artificial colors, flavors, or

preservatives must be avoided.

According to macrobiotic proponents, living within the natural

order means eating only what is necessary for ones condition
and desires, and learning to adjust in a peaceful way to lifes

We already know, based on a number of population-based studies, that a low-fat, plant-based diet using whole grains, legumes,
vegetables, and fruit is the healthiest for cancer prevention and
preventing cancer recurrence. Though the therapeutic benefits of
macrobiotic diets havent been studied extensively, they do encompasses many of these elements. And proponents of the diet often
point to the results of a 1993 study involving patients with pancre-




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atic cancer where 52 percent of those who followed a macrobiotic

diet were still alive after one year, compared to only 10 percent of
those who made no dietary changes.(4)
Another piece of interesting evidence in favor of macrobiotics is
the population-based study which reported that cancer of the lung,
breast, and colon increased two to three times among Japanese
women between 1950 and 1975. During that period, milk consumption increased 15-fold, meat, eggs, and poultry consumption
rose seven and a half times and rice consumption dropped by 70
Heres a quick outline of some of the foods you would include in a
macrobiotic diet:


Whole grains: brown rice, barley, millet, oats,

corn, rye, whole wheat, and buckwheat. These are
believed to be the most balanced foods on the
yin/yang continuum. Only small portions of pasta
and bread from refined flour may be eaten.

Fresh vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower,

kale, bok choy, collards, mustard greens, turnips,
turnip greens, onion, daikon radish, acorn squash,
butternut squash, and pumpkin. Vegetables to be
eaten occasionally (two to three times per week)
include celery, iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, snow
peas, and string beans. Up to 1/3 of the total vegetable intake can be raw. Otherwise, vegetables
should be lightly steamed, boiled, baked, or
sauted with a small amount of unrefined cooking
oil (preferably corn or sesame).

Beans and sea vegetables: adzuki beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), lentils, and tofu. Sea veg-



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Chapter 12 The Long Life Diet for Beating Cancer

etables, including wakame, hijiki, kombu, and

nori, are rich in many vitamins and minerals, and
are typically a part of each meal.

Soups and broths: soups containing miso (soy

bean paste), vegetables, and beans are acceptable.

Nuts and seeds: include a few servings each

week in moderation. Seeds and nuts can be lightly
roasted and salted with sea salt or shoyu.

Fresh fish: halibut, flounder, cod, or sole are permissible. Fish or seafood are eaten with horseradish, wasabi, ginger, mustard, or grated daikon to
help the body detoxify the chemicals in them (see
the sidebar on page 76).

Fruit: local fruit can be consumed several times a

week, including apples, pears, peaches, apricots,
grapes, berries, melons, and other fruit. Tropical
fruit such as mango, pineapple, and papaya is
usually avoided.

Desserts: naturally sweet foods such as apples,

squash, adzuki beans, and dried fruit. Natural
sweeteners such as rice syrup, barley malt, and
amazake can be used in moderation, approximately two to three times per week. Sugar, honey,
molasses, chocolate, carob, and other sweeteners
are avoided.

Oils: one of the most common oils used is dark

sesame oil. Other oils that are recommended are
light sesame oil, corn oil, and mustard seed oil.




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Soy: tofu and other soy-based products.

Proponents of the diet say that the high phytoestrogens in the foods may help to balance female
hormones and prevent breast cancer but the jury
is still out on how much soy we should be eating
these days, so dont overdo it.

Condiments and seasonings: natural sea salt,

shoyu, brown rice vinegar, umeboshi vinegar,
umeboshi plums, grated ginger root, fermented
pickles, gomashio (roasted sesame seeds), roasted
seaweed, and sliced scallions.(6)

Eating Your Way to a Long, Cancer-free Life

Although the studies are few and far between, we can be pretty
sure that a plant-based macrobiotic diet is preferable to the high-

Go Fish
Some people following macrobiotic diets consume fish on occasion, but due to the toxic chemicals in fish and shellfish (found at concentrations as high as 9 million times the levels in the polluted water
in which they swim), its probably best for cancer patients to avoid
fish altogether.
Mercury (which occurs in especially high levels in tuna and swordfish) and pesticides, such as DDT, PCBs, and dioxin, have been linked
to cancers and many other health problems. Avoiding fish eliminates
half of all mercury exposure and reduces intake of other toxins as
well. Id suggest that if you choose to follow a macrobiotic diet, stick
with a plant-based diet along with the other lifestyle guidelines.(8)




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Chapter 12 The Long Life Diet for Beating Cancer

saturated-fat, refined-sugar-filled, processed-meat-laden standard

American fare. Macrobiotic diets emphasize foods that tend to be
lacking in the North American diet such as fiber-rich whole grains,
vegetables, and beans.
Its important to mention, though, that the diet is restrictive and
may be lacking in certain nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B12,
iron, magnesium, and calcium, so if you decide to try this diet,
keep an eye on your energy levels and if they dip to low, consult
with your doctor or nutritionist.
As those of you who know my philosophy are aware, Im very
much an advocate of nutrient supplementation. However, much of
that stance is based on the fact that our Standard American Diet
(SAD) is so woefully deficient (and chemical-packed), that supplements are far more necessary than in a diet built on the premise
that everything must be natural, close-to-home, not microwaved,
etc. Though Im still a dyed-in-the-wool vitamin nut, for those
who are not, its worth being aware of the macrobiotic approach.




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Chapter 13 Natures Secret Cancer-Fighting Vitamin


Natures Secret


ver 150 years ago, two French chemists discovered a natural compound in bitter almonds and certain fruit pits which would
become the source of one of the most controversial alternative
cancer treatments to date.
Laetrile, also known as amygdalin, originates from the seeds of
plants in the Prunus rosacea family and has been used to cure cancer for centuries. In fact, it dates way back to the Ancient Chinese
who used it in its natural form by consuming bitter almonds to
cure tumors.
Scientific studies have since revealed that this incredible compound is actually able to kill cancer cells while keeping healthy
cells unharmed, using selective toxicitysomething chemo and
radiation cannot do. Even more incredible is that doctors who treat
their patients with Laetrile boast a near 100 percent recovery rate.
Although Laetrile has been the subject of numerous studies
which have proven its great efficacy in fighting cancer, in the early
1980s, the NCI launched a vicious attack of propaganda against it.
As a result, it was never submitted for FDA approval, nor is it




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available anymore in the United States. But it is still available in

Mexico and thousands with cancer who have been told they have
only months to live flock there each year to receive their Laetrile
therapy. And, believe it or not, many have recovered and are now
living normal lives.
Much to the dismay of the American Medical Association
(AMA) and the other cancer organizations who tried to pull the
rug from underneath Laetrile and dub it a fraud, this amazing
treatment continues to be a blessing for the many who have made
Laetrile their weapon of choice against cancerand won.

Seeds of History
Amygdalin was first used as an anticancer treatment in Russia
back in 1845, but its first recorded use for treating cancer in the
United States was in the early 1920s. Shortly afterwards, the formula was deemed too toxic by the medical establishment, and
amygdalin was abandoned. Luckily, years laterin the 1950sthe
compound resurfaced and was dubbed Laetrile by the father-son
team of Ernest T. Krebs Sr., M.D., and E.T. Krebs Jr. (Laetrile is
actually a contraction of the more formal name of purified
Amygdalin: laevo-mandelonitrile-glucoside.)
The Krebses found Laetrile to be a member of a group of chemicals called nitrilosides, also sometimes called vitamin B17. These
compounds are essentially non-toxic and are found in many edible
The Krebs team theorized that vitamin B17 plays a critical role
in keeping the human body free from cancer. In other words, they
believed that B17 deficiency is the root cause of cancer, similar to
how vitamin C deficiency causes the disease scurvy. But just as
someone with scurvy requires higher amounts of vitamin C even




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Chapter 13 Natures Secret Cancer-Fighting Vitamin

after the disease has gone away, so the Krebses also asserted that
Laetrile was not a cure for cancer, but rather a form of cancer control which would need to be taken indefinitely, even after the original cancer went away.(1)

The Truth Behind the Controversy

The way Laetrile works in the body is actually a big part of the
controversy that surrounds it. You see, Laetrile molecules actually
contain cyanide. In fact, thats what kills the cancer. When Laetrile
meets up with a cancer cell, the cancer cells major enzyme combines with it and causes a chemical reaction that releases the
cyanide and kills the cancer cell. Many opponents of Laetrile will
tell you that the cyanide it contains can be very dangerouseven
deadly. But the truth is, the cyanide is only deadly to cancerous
In fact, when Laetrile comes into contact with normal, healthy
cells they release an enzyme that breaks it down into two byproducts which are actually beneficial and even help your body produce
vitamin B12. And any excess of these byproducts is expelled from
the body via the kidneys.
This process is known as selective toxicity, which means that
Laetrile can select which cells it wants to kill.(2)
It is important, however to avoid taking probiotics when taking
Laetrile orally, since these good bacteria can sometimes make this
conversion to cyanide if taken in excess.(3)

B17 Backed by Research

The evidence in favor of Laetrile as an effective cancer treat-




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ment comes from three different sets of research data: epidemiological, animal tests, and human clinical use by experienced doctors.
The epidemiological, or population-based, evidence for Laetrile
comes from tribes such as those in West Pakistan, the aboriginal
Eskimaux, and the tribes of South Africa and South America,
where cancer tends to be rare compared to the high rates present
in America and Europe. These indigenous populations live on a
native diet based on fruits and vegetables which contains as much
as 250 to 3,000 mg of nitrilosides (the same family of chemical
compounds that Laetrile is a member of ) in a daily ration. To put
that into perspective, the diets you and I are used to in the West
provide more like an average of 2 mg of nitrilosides a day. While
we dont know for sure whether the Laetrile can be credited with
the vibrant health of the indigenous people in the areas listed
above, theres definitely much more nitriloside consumption going
on with these folks, and theres no question anyway that a diet rich
in fruits and vegetables, including those rich in Laetrile, and the
nutrients they pack, are an essential part of beating any cancer.(4)
The animal studies on Laetrile have some clearer evidence on
its anti-cancer effect. In 1977, Dr. Vern L. van Breeman at
Salisbury State College, Maryland, added apricot kernels (which
are naturally rich in Laetrile) to the standard food of mice bred to
develop breast cancer and leukemia. They found that these mice
had increased survival times as opposed to those that did not get
the Laetrile in their diets. When Dr. van Breeman reported his
early findings, seven of the animals in the leukemia control group
and five in the breast cancer control group had died, while none of
the mice eating the apricot kernels had. In fact, the leukemia-prone
mice that ate apricot kernels lived up to 50 percent longer than
would normally be expected.(5)
Yet another study found that Laetrile more than doubled the




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Chapter 13 Natures Secret Cancer-Fighting Vitamin

survival time for patients with inoperable lung cancer. And, in a

third study, Laetrile injected into lab animals in dosages of 500
mg/kg resulted in a 70 percent increase in survival time compared
to the controls.(6)

Foods that Naturally Contain Laetrile

The Mexican doctors using Laetrile in their practices say that
eating a diet high in B17 will help keep cancer at bay. Heres a list of
the top Laetrile foods:

Fruit Seeds: apple seeds, millet seeds, plum kernels,

apricot kernels, cherry kernels, peach kernels

Berries: blackberries, boysenberries cranberries, currants,

gooseberries, huckleberries, raspberries, strawberries

Grains: brown rice, buckwheat, millet, barley

Nuts and Seeds: cashews, flax seeds, macadamia nuts,

pecans, walnuts, bitter almond

Beans: fava beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, lima beans,

mung beans

Vegetables: spinach, alfalfa, watercress, yams, beet tops,

bamboo shoots

Other: sorghum cane syrup, brewers yeast(7)

The Big B17 Cover-Up

Perhaps the most important studies on Laetrile come from veteran cancer researcher, Kanematsu Sugiura of the Sloan Kettering
Institute, who performed three sets of experiments on Laetrile
between September 1972 and June 1973 on mice with mammary




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tumors. Ralph Moss, who was the assistant director of public

affairs at Sloan Kettering at the time, recalled that
Kanematsu Sugiuraastonished me when he
told me he was working on Laetrile (B17), at the
time it was the most controversial thing in cancer....We in public affairs were giving out statements
that Laetrile was worthless, it was quackery, and
people should not abandon proven therapies....He
took down lab books and showed me that in fact,
Laetrile is dramatically effective in stopping the
spread of cancer. The animals were genetically programmed to get breast cancer and about 80-90% of
them normally get spread of the cancer from the
breast to the lungs which is a common route in
humans also, for how people die of breast cancer,
and instead when they gave the animals Laetrile by
injection only 10-20% of them got lung metastases.
And these facts were verified by many people,
including the pathology department.
When he concluded his studies, Suguira released an internal
report to his colleagues at Sloan-Kettering that said the results
clearly show that Amygdalin significantly inhibits the appearance
of lung metastases in mice bearing spontaneous mammary tumors
and increases significantly the inhibition of the growth of the primary tumor over the appearance of inhibition in the untreated
But not surprisingly, these results werent to the liking of the big
dogs at Sloan-Kettering, who suppressed the true results. In 1982
the results of Phase I and II trials on Laetrile involving 178 patients
with advanced cancers were published in the New England Journal
of Medicine and Laetrile was officially labeled there as ineffective
as a treatment for cancer.




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Chapter 13 Natures Secret Cancer-Fighting Vitamin

And when Ralph Moss held a press conference to publicize the

suppressed results of the Laetrile studies, he was fired the next day
for failing to carry out his most basic job responsibility.(2,8,9)
With Moss gone, the ineffective label stuck. And in 1974, the
American Cancer Society officially labeled Laetrile as quackery.
But advocates for Laetrile still dispute this label and claim that
financial motivations tainted the researchsomething weve unfortunately come across time and time again in the world of cancer
Laetrile advocates pointed out that 66 percent of the patients
selected for the trial had already been subjected to toxic
chemotherapy, which can negate the effects of Laetrile. Critics of
the NEJM study also questioned the quality of the Laetrile used in
the trial. Some reports even claim that the substance used in the
study didnt contain any Amygdalin at all! In an effort to ensure a
proper trial, one of the clinics using Laetrile had even offered to
provide free treatments for the study. But the offer was refused.
So while Laetrile is currently used as an anticancer treatment all
over the world, it is not approved in the United States as a treatment for cancer. In fact, the FDA actually seeks jail sentences for
vendors selling Laetrile as a cancer treatment, calling it a highly
toxic product that has not shown any effect on treating cancer.
However, in certain U.S. states the use of Laetrile is authorized
for purposes other than treating cancer. In Montana, a doctor may
actually prescribe it as a dietary supplement to a patient not suffering from a known disease or illness, while in Indiana a physician
who has signed a written informed request can prescribe or
administer Amygdalin in place of, or as an adjunct to, accepted
therapies for the treatment of a malignancy, a disease, an illness, or
a physical condition of a patient. But for outright Laetrile cancer
treatment, your best bet is to travel to one of the hospitals in




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Mexico where its given regularly, such as the Oasis of Hope

Hospital (888-500-HOPE;
If youre interested in learning more about Laetrile therapy, I
suggest reading The Ultimate Guide to B17 Metabolic Therapy.(10)

More Secrets to Laetriles Success

Many practitioners who treat with Laetrile recommend the use of
certain nutrients that are necessary for Laetrile to work properly.
These include zinc, vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Pancreatic or
proteolytic enzymes are also a typical addition to the Laetrile protocol, but its essential that you seek guidance from a practitioner who
is a Laetrile expert before beginning the treatment and supplements
for specific dosages.




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Chapter 14 An Endangered Medicine from the Taiwanese Mountains


An Endangered
Medicine from the
Taiwanese Mountains


nless you live in Taiwan, youve probably never even heard

of Antrodia camphorata. I certainly hadntwhich took me by surprise, considering the fact that cancer-fighting mushrooms like this
one are such a hot topic in natural medicine these days. But in the
course of my research, the reasons for its obscurity became clear as
day. Like a lot of the cures Ive shared with you, theres a big catch.
You see, this particular mushroom is practically extinct. So why
am I telling you about a cure that you may never get your hands
on? Well, with the sweeping advances in cultivating technologies
over the past decade, scientists at Taipeis Well Shine
Biotechnology Development have discovered a way to grow this
mushroom in mass and unlike those who have tried before them,
theyve produced a product that is nearly a perfect genetic match
(99.97 percent, to be exact) to wild Antrodia camphorata.

The Price of Protecting this Miracle Healer

Antrodia camphorata grows in the remote Taiwanese mountainside, as high as 1,500 meters above sea level, where the upper




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branches of the slow-growing Cinnamomum kanehirai Hay tree

are its sole hosts. But this fungis towering natural habitat isnt the
only thing that makes it nearly impossible to findthe Hay tree
also happens to yield the best-quality lumber in the country. So
much so, in fact, that the fragile species is now teetering toward
extinctiona trend that led to its current protected status, which
the Taiwanese government put into place 25 years ago. Today, in
Taiwan, harvesting this wild cancer miracle at the expense of its
endangered host is criminal and it therefore comes as no surprise
that specimens of the mushroom are so rare that they sell for the
equivalent of $600 an ounce.
But it hasnt always been so rare.
It was 1773 when the famous Chinese doctor Wu-Sha arrived at
Formosa, the main island of Taiwan. At the time, many local
inhabitants were plagued by alcoholism, and Dr. Wu immediately
observed unusually high incidence of headaches, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and other complications of the disease. But more perplexing
was the swiftness with which the Formosans recoveredan anomaly that, he would later discover, was directly linked to the peoples
reliance on Antrodia camphorata.
Dr. Wus future studies revealed that Antrodia camphorata was
far more effective than any of the other herbs typically used in
Traditional Chinese Medicineespecially against pain, bacterial
infections, poisons, liver failure, and cancer.
With this lengthy folk history, its a wonder that the mushrooms
scientific name wasnt even confirmed until 1997and that the
majority of formal studies on this mushroom have only been performed in the last 10 years. But despite its slow start, research on
Antrodia camphorata continues to pick up steam. In fact, I dug up
lots of studies documenting its powerful effects against conditions
like inflammation and toxicityand most notably, its ability to target, revert, and even destroy cancer cells.




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Chapter 14 An Endangered Medicine from the Taiwanese Mountains

A Taiwanese Cancer Wipeout

The first published studies on Antrodia camphorata came in the
early 2000s, and most primarily demonstrated the extracts antioxidant and liver-protecting qualities. In one study, researchers
from Taipei Medical University compared preparations of Antrodia
camphorata to an isolated flavonoid found in milk thistle called
silymarin, a popular treatment for liver toxicity and cirrhosis.
Results showed that the mushroom stood up to the powerful
flavonoid and offered significant liver protection to mice that were
treated with itmost likely, the scientists theorized, due to its
strong free radical scavenging abilities.(1)
Later research served as further confirmation for these early
findingsonly in these instances, studies revealed that the extract
wasnt just preventing liver damage, but was actually inducing
apoptosis in several human liver cancer lines and inhibiting cancer
cell growth.(2,3) But liver cancer cells werent the only ones that
extracts of Antrodia camphorata stood up to in the laboratory.
Research conducted as recently as 2008 has shown that this fungus can not only prevent metastasis in bladder cancer cell lines(4),
breast cancer cell lines(5), leukemia cell lines(6), and lung cancer cell
lines(7)it can even reverse and obliterate them.
The mechanism for Antrodias unparalleled healing powers, scientists propose, is its remarkably high composition of naturally
occurring polysaccharides, adenosine, chitin, superoxide dismutase, vitaminsand an especially huge quantity of cancer-fighting
plant compounds called triterpenoids. The popular medicinal
mushroom Ganoderma lucidum, for example, boasts about 20 to
50 different forms of this particular compound (at a total content
of about 1 to 3 percent). But chemical analysis shows that Antrodia
camphorata contains over 200 different kinds of triterpenoids,
resulting in a total content of about 20 to 45 percentthats nearly
50 times greater.



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A Miracle Mushroom With Only One Source

This research is just a small sampling of whats out thereso its
easy to see why Antrodia camphoratas widening availability, both
in the U.S. and abroad, is such a huge breakthrough. And with all
of this hard science, its only a matter of time before the market is
flooded with versions of the mushroom, right? Well, not exactly.
According to Roland Li, from the Khong Guan Corporation
also the man who spearheaded this products U.S. launch, there are
two ways to produce fungus in a laboratory. Using a liquid medium
(aqua-culture), you can replicate the mushrooms mycelium (a
web-like structure on which the actual fruit grows) but not the
fruit itself. Earlier attempts at reproducing the elusive mushroom
usually took this form. With this method, however, its far too difficult to yield an amount suitable for mass production and sale
much less a product with the amount of triterpenoids necessary to
make for a bonafide natural cancer killer.
But this problem has been solved with the innovation of solidculturinga process that Well Shine Development has perfected.
In this case, scientists grow the actual fruiting body of the mushroom. And when matched with a pristinely controlled environment, the result is a product that is the closest thing available to
wild Antrodia camphorata in triterpenoid content, and consequently, disease-fighting capacity too.
Well Shine is the only company in the world to have mastered
the patented culturing technique and after extensive toxicity and
safety testing, we now have access to the same supplement successfully used as a complementary cancer therapy in Taiwan for almost
a decade now. Their product, called Vitalsil, is 100 percent solidcultured Antrodia camphorata, and its now being imported exclusively by Khong Guan Corporation.




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Chapter 14 An Endangered Medicine from the Taiwanese Mountains

Ill end with one word of cautionand its one that you might
have already guessed by now: Vitalsils price is on the steep side.
The recommended dosage is two to three capsules one to four
times a dayand at $138 per 60-capsule bottle, you could be
shelling out quite a bit to include this mushroom in your daily supplement regimen. But the effects may be well worth the cost.




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Chapter 15 The Poisonous Plant Killing Cancer


The Poisonous
Plant Killing Cancer


espite being known to many as one of the most poisonous

plants around, oleander has actually been used for centuries as a
potent herbal medicine to heal a variety of health conditions. And
in the 1970s, the famous plant took on a new role in Turkey, when
Dr. Huseyin Ozel discovered he could treat advanced and inoperable cancer with it. Again and again, Dr. Ozel treated cancer cases
that were pronounced terminal and with no hope for recovery, and
gave people a new chance at life with the help of oleander extract.
After further research and scientific presentations to the medical community, Dr. Ozel even took out a patent on the plant, and
called it Anvirzel with the hopes of making it available to the
world. Ironically, though, it was Dr. Ozels great success that led to
long periods of controversy from the Turkish medical establishment, and many even tagged him a charlatan.
But when scores of patients rose up to testify about how they
had been cured with oleander extract when all other treatment
options had failed, the truth of Dr. Ozels successes prevailed. Of
course, the FDA feels very differently about Oleanderbut today,
this remedy is available and thriving outside the U.S. as a viable




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treatment for cancer, vouching again for wonders and incredible

staying power of Mother Nature.

Ancient Folk Remedy

The name oleander refers to two plant species, Nerium oleander (common oleander) and Thevetia peruviana (yellow oleander),
which both grow in temperate climates throughout the world. The
plant has a long history. In the 15th century BC, the Mesopotamians
knew of the healing properties of oleander and the Babylonians
used a mixture of oleander and licorice to treat hangovers. Pliny
the Elder of ancient Greece wrote about the appearance and properties of oleander, and Arab physicians were the first to use oleander as a cancer treatment in the 8th century AD.
Dr. Huseyin Ozel first discovered the plants use when he
observed local villagers in Turkey who lived in high altitudes,
drinking an oleander folk remedy against leukemia. Feeling he had
determined the cause of the villagers good health, Dr. Ozel became
intrigued with the plant and began to prepare and work with various extracts of oleander himself in 1966 while he was the head of
the surgical department at Mugla State Hospital of Turkey.(1)

Dr. Os Oleander Studies

Once hed conducted animal sturies that determined the toxicology and effects of Nerium oleander extract (or NOE), Dr. Ozel
conducted further experiments and developed his treatment until
he eventually began tests on terminal human cases (by law, he
could not treat patients with an experimental drug, such as NOE,
unless they had exhausted all other conventional treatment methods with no response or were diagnosed as advanced stage, terminal cases).




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Chapter 15 The Poisonous Plant Killing Cancer

After initial success in treating human cancer patients with

NOE, Dr. Ozel began to discuss his findings with other professionals in his field, and sought analysis of the extract from Turkish laboratories to understand the empirical results, but they were unable
to characterize the extracted compounds.
At a medical conference where he presented his findings, the
response from the scientific community was weak, to say the least.
Their skepticism was mainly due to the fact that Dr. Ozels presentation contradicted what little literature there was on the oleander
species. However, Dr. Ozel was undaunted by the lack of support
for the ideas presented and continued his research as patients continued to seek treatment.
Tests performed in Europe in 1986 and 1987 proved the effect
of NOE on the immune system as well as cancer. In fact, these
studies showed that it was at least six times as potent as the most
active commercially available immune-stimulants. In 1988, a
research team was formed at Munich University Pharmacology
Institute to isolate the active components contained in NOE, and
several compounds were identified that might be responsible for
some part of the immune activity.
In July 1990, the initial results were presented at the symposium
of Biology and Chemistry of Active Natural Substances (BACANS)
which was held in Bonn, Germany. Interestingly, no single component of the extract was found to be the sole source of oleanders
benefits. Instead, its benefits are induced by a complex mixture of
components in the extract, acting together or synergistically, to
balance the immune system.(1)

The Long Journey Toward Approval

Dr. Ozel soon took out a patent on NOE, calling it Anvirzel. Un-




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fortunately, since Ozel had claimed that oleander was a cure for
cancer, and since his extract was patented and given a trademark,
the FDA considers oleander an unproven medicine. And because
of the toxicity of the raw oleander plant, NOE must have its safety
and effectiveness proven before the FDA will allow its use even as
an herbal supplement.
Today, the lengthy and costly three-phase FDA trial process for
approval of Anvirzel or any other oleander extract has a long way
to go, although millions of investor dollars are counting on it ultimately being approved. In 2000, Ozelle Pharmaceuticals had successful phase I FDA trials conducted on Anvirzel, but ran into
financial problems and had to reorganize.
The bottom line is that it could be years, if ever, before an oleander-based medicine gets FDA approval due to the fact is that it
takes hundreds of millions of dollars to get a new drug successfully
through all the FDA trials.(1)
But another company, Phoenix Biotech, has obtained a patent
for Anvirzel in Honduras and for the past eight years, the Salud
Integral clinic in that country has successfully treated numerous
patients (many of whom travel from the U.S.) with it.

Studies are Still Going Strong

I recently found some newer research on oleander, which only
strengthens the case for its growing anti-cancer reputation. In a
2000 study, it was found that the NOE Anvirzel induces cell death
in human cancer cells.(2) Another study published recently in peerreviewed journals showed that an aqueous extract of the oleander
plant induced and increased autophagy in pancreatic cancer cells.
Autophagy is a process in which a cell destroys proteins and other
substances in its cytoplasm (the fluid inside the cell membrane but




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Chapter 15 The Poisonous Plant Killing Cancer

outside the nucleus), which may lead to cell death, as in the study
with pancreatic cancer cells.(3)
So, we basically can say that oleander helps to treat cancer by:

Boosting the immune system

Causing apoptosis, or normal cell death, in

cancer cells

Enhancing autophagic cancer cell death (as

tested on pancreatic cancer cells)

Oleander also enhances chemo and radiation and when used

along with either one, and it either eliminates or greatly lessens all
known side effects of chemo and those of radiation (with the
exception being hair loss when the chemo drug of choice is

Two Ways to Take Oleander

There are two ways to take oleander as a treatment for cancer.
Let me stress, though, that the preferred way is to take it as a capsule or extract. These versions have already been formulated to be
at a safe level for humans, but are toxic to cancer cells.(4) But, if you
like, you can make your own oleander remedy, known as oleander
soup at home (see page 99 for recipe). Either way, before you
decide, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor first
before beginning to take oleander.
If you do decide to take Oleander soup, begin with to of a
teaspoon two or three times a day after meals. Work your dose up
slowly, a week at a time, until you reach 1 tablespoon three times a
day after meals.
Side effects are normally fairly mild, especially when compared




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to standard chemo or radiation therapy side effects, and vary from

one individual to another. In fact, some people dont experience
side effects at all. But when they do occur, they typically include
mild fever, headache, diarrhea, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
Usually these effects go away in a couple of weeks, as the body
adjusts to the oleander soup. After a month or so, perhaps less, you
should be up to tolerating the full dose (1 tablespoon, three times
per day) with minimum reaction. But remember, once a disease
like cancer is stopped, it can return so you might want to think
about continuing smaller maintenance dosages.(1)

A Few More Words of Caution on Oleander

Raw oleander plant is extremely toxic. But there have been no
verified reports of serious adverse reactions or side-effects due to
properly prepared oleander extract taken according to directions.
Still, oleander soup should only be used under medical supervision, preferably that of someone well-versed in herbal and integrative medicine.(1)
Most herbs can be taken with oleander, however, because oleander makes your heart work harder, you should avoid herbs that
contain cardiac glycosides or that have blood thinning properties.
Likewise, oleander is compatible with virtually all medicines and
chemo, the only exceptions being digitalis and blood thinning
agents such as Warfarin and Coumadin.
It is important to stress that anyone who makes the home version should make absolutely certain that the plant(s) they use have
not been contaminated with pesticides or other chemicals. If you
feel a tingling or numbing sensation when the extract is touched to
your lips, it is a sign of contamination (most likely by the pesticide




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Chapter 15 The Poisonous Plant Killing Cancer

Soups On!
Making oleander soup is a delicate process, and to ensure your safety, its
absolutely critical that you follow the steps outlined below EXACTLY.
1. Wear rubber gloves. Any part of the plant can be used, but trimming the new growth 6 to 8 inches from the tips will ensure that
the plant lives. Avoid touching the cut ends of the plant and be
sure to wear thick rubber gloves (without them, the sap will penetrate skin and is toxic).
2. Place the plant trimmings into a large stainless steel pot.
3. Fill the pot with water, completely covering trimmings. Pack the
oleander down into the water, making sure the water level is at
least two inches from the top, so it wont boil over.
4. Place the lid on the pot and cook the oleander at a slow, rolling
boil with the lid on for 3.5 to 4 hours.
5. Remove plant material with tongs and discard carefully.
6. Boil the remaining liquid again for another 2 to 3 hours, reducing the
liquid to about 30 percent of what was originally in the pot. (It
should be about the same consistency as chicken soup broth.)
7. Keeping the pot covered, let the remaining liquid cool for about
2 hours until it reaches room temperature.
8. Line four plastic colanders with a layer of paper towels, then
stack each of the colanders on top of one another and place a 2quart pan or bowl underneath.
9. Once the broth is cool, use a soup ladle to slowly pour the it into
the stacked, lined colanders.
10. Change the paper towel filters in each of the colanders and then
repeat the filtering process one more time.
11. To preserve the end product, mix it with 80 proof vodka or apple
cider vinegar (organic non-distilled is by far the best) in a 50/50
ratio. This will extend its shelf life by at least six months.
12. Using a funnel, pour the mixture into 20-oz. bottles (you can use
empty plastic water bottles, though brown glass bottles are a bit
better). Screw the caps on tightly, and put the bottles in the refrigerator. Avoid exposing the bottles to direct sunlight.(1)
** Please note that the above recipe should not be consumed without the
approval of a medical doctor.




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Chapter 16 Albarin: The Incredible, Injectable Cancer Cure


The Incredible,
Injectable Cancer Cure


f you want my opinion, friends, aloe vera is one of the most

impressive herbs out there today. Although it originally comes
from East and South Africa, the earliest known references for the
medicinal use of aloe comes from the ancient Egyptians who used
it as a treatment for cuts, burns, and skin irritations. Beginning in
the 1930s, aloe was used frequently for the treatment of minor skin
ailments and for skin reactions from radiation burns.(1) But this
single plant also offers amazing relief for constipation, psoriasis,
frostbite, ulcerative colitis, and diabetes, too.
There are all sorts of studies on the uses of aloe, but more
recent ones suggest that some components of aloe may also have
anti-cancer effects by inhibiting an increase in cell numbers and
inducing apoptosis (cell suicide) in human cancer cell lines. Along
with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, thats a
pretty impressive portfolio.
It was the amazing anti-cancer and immune boosting properties
that inspired nutritionist Joe DiStephano and his partner,
osteopath Dr. Daniel Mayer, to use aloe in their practice. They
used an injectable form of aloe to treat the many cancer patients




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that came to them after all other treatments had failedand it

worked with great success. Many patients with no hope left were
being given another chance to live with their injectable aloe
formula, called Albarin.
But one day in 2002, tipped off by local oncologists who felt the
Albarin was a threat to their livelihood, the FDA tried to put an
end to the healingand succeeded. Though this incredible treatment is no longer available in the U.S., fortunately there are other
aloe products out there that offer similar effects, and like Albarin,
may help keep cancer at bay.(2)

Kicking Your Immunity into High Gear

Recent studies suggest that some of the components of aloe,
such as acemannan and aloeride may have immune-modulating
(balancing to the immune system) and anti-cancer effects. Aloe is
thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties(2)
and in addition, aloe vera has been shown to be effective against
cancer in animals. In fact, in 1992, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture actually approved the use of aloe vera for the treatment of soft tissue cancer in animals as well as feline leukemia.
Aloe also helps to lower the damage done to the body by treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, which destroy healthy
immune system cells that are very important for the bodys recovery. With the use of aloe vera, the immune system gets a boost,
tumors shrink, and metastases are reduced so the cancer does not
Some opponents of aloe claim that too much can be toxic. But
in 1997 a study was conducted at the University of San Antonio to
observe any negative effects of daily aloe consumption. Rather than
exhibiting negative effects, test animals receiving daily aloe showed




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Chapter 16 Albarin: The Incredible, Injectable Cancer Cure

a remarkable reduction in leukemia, heart disease, and kidney disease. They concluded that there was no indication of harm done to
the ratseven at high levels. The aloe-drinking animals actually
lived 25 percent longer than those in the control group.(3)
Yet another study published in 1995 showed that aloe vera
compounds called polysaccharides exhibited potent macrophageactivating capability, including producing increased volumes of
nitric oxide (which has antitumor potential). And the list goes on
and on.(4)

The Father of Aloe Vera and the FDA Raid

Ivan E. Danhof, Ph.D., M.D. is known as the worlds leading
expert on aloe vera and has over 30 years of laboratory research
and extensive practical experience. Dr. Danhof has become recognized as one of the worlds foremost experts on medically active
herbal molecules, especially the functional components in aloe
vera. After more than 20 years of research, Danhof developed the
intravenous aloe vera preparation called Albarin. Not only has Dr.
Danhoff published more than 80 research papers and served as a
consultant to several pharmaceutical research institutes, he has
also been a consultant to the FDA, serving on review panels and
committees dealing primarily with gastrointestinal drugs.
Nutritionist Joe Di Stefano and osteopath Dr. Daniel Mayer had
been using Albarin in their practice and observed that it appeared
to be prolonging survival time of cancer patients in their clinic.
Their use of Albarin with their clinic patients was also part of a
program that was integral to the investigational new drug (IND)
application for the Albarin treatment that Dr. Danhof had submitted to the FDA. DiStefano and Mayer observed that Albarin was
causing tumor shrinkage, significant pain relief and increased energy levels and that advanced patients were achieving remission at an




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incredible rate of up to 94 percent.

But all was about to change.
In October of 2001, Joe Di Stefano exited his clinic at midnight
after a long day and caught two strangers with rubber gloves on,
sifting through his garbage dumpster and trespassing on his property without a search warrant. It turned out that these were FDA
agents seeking evidence to obtain a search warrant against Joe Di
Stefanos clinic. One week later, 120 agents from the FDA, DEA,
Customs, U.S. Marshalls Service, Florida Department of Law
Enforcement, and the Hillsborough County Sheriff s Office raided
the Tampa and St. Petersburg clinics of Joe DiStefano and Dr.
Mayer as well as Joe DiStefanos home. They warned the patients
being treated at the clinic that it would be their last treatment with

Alternatives to Albarin
Since the raids on the Florida clinics of DiStefano and Mayer,
Albarin is no longer available for use in the U.S. Although it is a
terrible shame that we dont have Albarin, fortunately there are
other non-IV, aloe-based treatments available that are designed
based on the research of Dr. Danhof and with principles similar to
the Albarin. Ive listed a few of these products here:
Aloe Vera Acemannan: Aloe Vera Acemannan is extracted
from the species of aloe shown to have one of the highest levels of
polymannan content (polymannans are the premium aloe nutrients). You can learn more about it at
Serovera: This product contains the same Aloe Mucilaginous
Polysaccharides that Albarin did. Each capsule contains 375mg of
AMP extracted and freeze-dried under a controlled environment.
To learn more about it, call (877)737-6267.(7)




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Chapter 17 Cancer Treatments New Frontier: Gene-Targeted Therapy


Cancer Treatments New Frontier:



ve brought you some fascinating research on potential cancer

cures from all corners of the world, but one of the most promising
alternative treatments by far comes from a doctor in Houston,
Texas. Its called Antineoplaston therapy and although it sounds
more like something out of a science fiction novel, this breakthrough actually works together with the bodys inborn biochemical defense system to convert cancerous cells back to normal
Since his amazing discovery, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has been
treating cancer patients successfully in his Houston clinic for the
past 30 yearswith no help from the FDA or Big Pharma. In fact,
theyve both spent the last 30 years trying to stymie the approval of
this incredible treatment. Despite the many roadblocks hes
encountered along the way, Dr. Burzynskis safe and non-toxic
treatment for cancer is available and giving new hope to cancer
patients everywhere.

The Body Itself Has the Treatment for Cancer

Antineoplastons are actually short chains of amino acids or pro-




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tein building blocks called peptides, derived from two or more

amino acids. According to Dr. Burzynski, these peptides act as
molecular switches, which turn off the life processes in cancer cells
and force them to die through programmed cell deathor commit
cell suicide.
Unlike chemo and radiation, which destroy all of your cells
good and bad Antineoplastons work to target cancer cells only
and leave your healthy cells alone.
Obviously what we know about cancer today is quite different
than what we knew several years ago, says Dr. Burzynski. From
the very beginning I theorized that they turn on the genes that fight
cancer, known as tumor-suppressor genes, and turn off oncogenes,
so this waswhen I realized that cancer is a genetic disease.
Dr. Burzynski later found that Antineoplastons could be divided
into two groups: those with broad-spectrum activity against cancer,
and those with effects against certain types of cancer.(2)

FDA Roadblocks
While Dr. Burzynskis incredible Antineoplaston discovery was
made over 30 years ago, clinical trials on the therapy only began in
1995, and it comes as no surprise that the FDA and Big Pharma
played a big part in slowing down recognition and approval over
the years. In fact, Dr. Burzynski himself shared the following:
They did whatever they could to slow me down
and tried to put me to prison for life, and one of the
reasons wassome of the people making decisions
about our treatment were working for the pharmaceutical companies which were trying to steal what
we had. The government, together with pharmaceutical companies, was simply trying to steal my




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Chapter 17 Cancer Treatments New Frontier: Gene-Targeted Therapy

patentsand there is no secret about it. The guys

from the FDA who did a lot of wrong things are no
longer working at the FDA. The pharmaceutical
company trying to steal my invention and patents
went bankrupt and some of the insurance companiesalso had problems. So we did quite well in an
extremely difficult circumstance.(2)
Dr. Burzynski even encountered resistance from fellow medical
doctors who were threatened by his discovery. Though some congratulated him on his work, others reported me to the Texas
Medical Board, saying that I was using medicine that was not
advised for this type of cancer, even though the patient responded
greatly to the treatment. [In] every way I encountered a lot of
resistanceFinally I was sued and filed a lawsuit against the United
States and wonI still encounter a lot of resistance from the
Government [but] they are forced to work with me under the pressure of public opinion.
In spite of the FDAs resistance and the threats of certain pharmaceutical companies, today Dr. Burzynskis clinic is the site of
FDA-run clinical trials which have already reached Stage 3, the
final step before government approval in the United States. In fact,
four of the Antineoplaston-based medicines created by Dr.
Burzynski are in the final stages of the approval process and two
are already approved for use in other medical conditions and are
available as prescription medications in the U.S. under the names
phenylbutyrate and phenylacetate.(3)

A Personalized Approach:
Get Treated for YOUR Cancer
According to Dr. Burzynski, the goal of cancer treatment is to
treat the disease that has resulted from changes in your genes dur-




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ing everyday life. How do they treat those changes? By disrupting a

network of about a hundred genes (out of approximately 2,400)
which are involved in a typical cancer case. This, in a nutshell, is
the function of Antineoplastons and the personalized therapy
being used at the Burzynski Clinic today.
Right now, full Antineoplaston therapy is only available by IV to
patients who qualify to enter one of the FDA clinical trials being
conducted on the therapy. As of this books publication, there are
17 open clinical trials on Antineoplastons, encompassing a wide
range of cancer types in both children and adults and all are being
supervised and monitored by the FDA.(3)
If you dont qualify to enter a clinical trial, you still have the
option to receive personalized treatment, which includes
Antineoplaston therapy administered as phenylbutyrate and
phenylacetate in oral tablet form, combined with one or more
gene-targeted medications which work on between 2-14 genes.
Youll get specific testing to determine which medications is the
best match for you. This combination, plus the proper supplements and diet, provides you with broad-spectrum coverage. Then,
adding two or three other powerful medications knocks out and
speeds up tumor elimination.
This sort of personalized approach is almost unheard of in conventional cancer treatments where doctors pretty much treat your
cancer, not YOUand treat every cancer of a certain type in the
same way. Not to mention the fact that Antineoplastons have very
manageable side effects, if any (some people feel a bit thirstier and
some get a rashno comparison to the side effects from chemo
and radiation!).
According to Dr. Burzynski, gene-targeted therapeutics selected based on genetic testing and used in combination yield total
results from the synergistic activity of all medications. The indis-




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Chapter 17 Cancer Treatments New Frontier: Gene-Targeted Therapy

criminate use of expensive gene-targeted therapeutics without

identification of proper candidates for treatments costs numerous
human lives and billions of dollars spent on useless medications,
which could help other patients who are good candidates.
In other words, the proper medications for disrupting cancer
genes already exist if oncologists would just learn to use them
Of the two forms of treatment (oral and IV), Dr. Burzynski
prefers to administer Antineoplastons intravenously along with
gene-targeted therapy, but, with the state of affairs today, he
lamented that unfortunately this is a weird period of time when
we have more like totalitarian medicine, so the way I see the
patients is more or less dictated by the bureaucrats.(2) So, most
often, the oral approach is used.

Good Nutrition to Fit Your Genes

Today, the Burzynski Clinic offers alternative cancer treatments
for over 50 different types of cancer, including colon, pulmonary,
breast, prostate, head and neck, ovarian, pancreatic, esophageal,
hepatic, renal, bladder, brain, malignant melanoma, lymphoma,
and many others. In addition to Antineoplastons and gene-targeted medications, the Burzynski Clinic has dietary specialists on staff
to recommend specific diets according to your individual genetic
The Burzynski team also recommends taking supplements like
curcumin (see Chapter 9) that help keep tumor suppressor genes
functioning normally. Dr. Burzynski believes that in the future,
[diet and supplements] should be personalized toobegin[ning]
with screening of genetic activity in a particular patient and then
designing the proper plan for that patientour task will be to




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impede these genes with diet and proper supplements before the
cancer will happen.

Are Antineoplastons THE Cure for Cancer?

As Ive told you before, labeling anything a cure for all cancer is
a near-impossible feat since the term, cancer is an umbrella
which holds beneath it many different types of diseases. But, for
many patients, Antineoplaston and personalized therapy may hold
the key to a full recovery.
Some of the best success seen with Antineoplastons have been
in the most common type of brain tumor in children, astrocytomas, where the failure rate is only 7 percent. That means 93 percent of patients with this type of tumor respond well to
Antineoplaston therapy. And between 60 and 70 percent of these
patients will either get rid of their tumors completely orat the
very leasthave them shrink by more than 50 percent.
There is also a 60 percent response rate with breast cancer. And
with prostate cancer, the success rate is a whopping 91 percent.
These are incredible stats but remember, its important to keep in
mind that they can give you only approximate information, since
every patient must be treated individually.

The Future of Cancer Treatment

Antineoplaston therapy has been around for over 30 years, and,
aside from the mountain of scientific evidence in its favor, there
are hundreds and hundreds of real people who are alive and well
today, here to tell their success and recovery stories thanks to Dr.
Burzynskis brilliant discovery. Antineoplastons are celebrated
today by people who have been cancer-free for 10, 20 and 30




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Chapter 17 Cancer Treatments New Frontier: Gene-Targeted Therapy

yearsWe still have patients whom we cannot help, but a good

number of patients can get rid of their cancer and this can be done
Amazingly, Dr. Burzynski has been able to work within the system despite the impossible odds that were once against him, and
FDA approval is just a step away. Since a big part of the future of
cancer treatment is on the genetic level, Antineoplastons are definitely ahead of the game and may one day leave traditional therapies like chemo and radiation by the wayside.
According to Dr. Burzynski, the conventional treatments for
cancer are archaic and since radiation is over one hundred years
of age [invented] when the knowledge of cancer was at its infancy
[and] chemo was introduced over 60 years agowe can compare it
to the middle ages of medicine and they will [both] disappear in
the next 10 years or so.
If the amazing results hes achieved with Antineoplaston therapy
are any indication, he could very well be right.
If youre interested in receiving Antineoplaston therapy or Dr.
Burzynskis personalized cancer therapy, contact the info-line at
the Burzynski Clinic by calling (713)335-5697. A cancer information specialist will help to assess whether the treatment is right for
you and how you should proceed. For general information, visit
There are also two great books about Dr. Burzynski and
Antineoplaston therapy you may want to consider reading:
Galileos Lawyer by Richard A. Jaffe and The Burzynski
Breakthrough by Thomas D. Elias.




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Chapter 18 The Herbal Salve that Saved an Astronaut


The Herbal Salve

that Saved an


There are people in this worldand Im one

of themwho know that most cancers pose a
medical challenge no greater than curing athletes foot. The official establishments success in
sustaining the Great Cancer Ruse as a leading
cash cow has killed untold tens of millions of people. It presents a medical, social, political, and
economic scandal of the highest magnitudeone
for which I challenge anyone to find an equal.
Greg Caton, herbalist and
formulator of Cansema

o you believe in synchronicity?

You know, the things in life that seem to have no relation at all,
but end up being meaningful in a truly extraordinary way? If not,
what youre about to read will undoubtedly change your mind. the
story of herbalist Greg Caton, his product, Cansema, and that of
scientist and former United States astronaut, Dr. Brian OLeary,
who recently experienced an extraordinary recovery from skin
cancer by using it.
According to Dr. Brian OLeary, he has recently joined the ranks




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of those that have been successfully treated with Cansema, a formula with a 100-year history of curing skin cancer. But, again,
despite its efficacy, Cansema and its creator, Greg Caton, have long
been subject to a world of harassment and suppression, emphasizing for us what weve learned to be true time and time again: When
a formula cant be patented, no drug company will even look in its
direction. Actually, the very existence of Cansema is such a powerful threat to the cancer industry that theyve tried nearly everything in their power to stop its use, including an overwhelming
attempt to destroy the life of the man who formulated it.
But before we get into that, lets go back to the story of Dr.
Brian OLeary.

Sidestepping Surgery
Dr. OLeary had been suffering with an incurable lesion on his
back for three years, and the pain was getting progressively worse
over time. Left with no choice but to schedule a biopsy, he was told
by doctors that his lesion was actually basal cell carcinomaand it
would have to be removed.
Ive had surgery before in my life and I know its not very pleasant, he said. Doctors usually underestimate the side effects of surgery andit was only with great reluctance that I agreed to it.
Just three days before he was due to go in for the operation that
would remove a large portion of his back tissue, OLeary got an
unexpected visit from a friend of a friend. It was herbalist Greg
Catonwho just happened to be the creator of an alternative skin
cancer salve called Cansema. After a long conversation with Caton
and some further research, Dr. OLeary decided to go with his gut:
He cancelled the surgery and tried the salve.
According to OLeary, It seemed to selectively seek out the




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cancer cells and attack them. And although it took three applications over a period of about three months, now its virtually all
Amazingly spared from surgery and the potential for continuing
years of pain, Dr. OLeary feels immense gratitude for having had
the option to use Cansema. Right now, he said, Im feeling pretty
good and quite healed! The thing on my back isnothing like it
was before I started taking the Cansemathis treatment worked so
well that I didnt have to have surgery so thats basically myvery
happy story.(1)

Cansemas Long Healing History

So what, you ask, is this incredible formula and where on Earth
did it come from? Well, Cansema has quite a story in its own
right, one that started back in the 16th century with Paracelsus,
who used a formula made of sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride), along with fuligo (wood soot), and orpiment (arsenic sulfide)
to treat skin cancers and wounds.(2)
Later, in the mid-19th century when Native American herbs
became very popular in Europe, Dr. J.W. Fell, from the Middlesex
Hospital in London, developed a paste made of bloodroot, zinc
chloride, flour, and water which he found, if applied to a malignant
growth, generally destroyed the tumor within two to four weeks.(3)
The late Dr. Raymond Christopher also created and used a similar ointment that contained potent anti-cancer herbs such as poke
root and black walnut bark, which was used to draw out cancers
and tumors from the skin.
These original skin-cancer salve formulas all contain a compound called zinc chloride, plus one or more medicinal herbs with
anti-microbial properties, like bloodroot, bittersweet, ginger root,




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galanga, and even capsicum (from cayenne pepper), which puts

them into a category called escharotics. Though the root of the
word escharotic means burning, (the word is usually used in
conventional medicine to describe the effects of a skin burn caused
by acid or other chemicals) no actual burning occurs with
Cansema use. In fact, this formula has the incredible ability to differentiate between cancerous cells and healthy cells, and seeks out
and destroys the cancer while leaving healthy tissue alone. And
within less than two months, the cancer disappears.(4)

Caton, Cansema, and the FDA Clash

Greg Caton had years of involvement in the alternative medicine business along with a particular passion for unique herbal
formulas, but it was only in 1990 that his life changed in one
moment that he, like OLeary, feels was synchronicity.
One day, while going about his business, he was approached by a
fellow businessman who had heard about a zinc chloride and
bloodroot formula that cured cancer from another complete

The Sum of Its Parts

Bloodroot (Sanguinarea canadensis) is an eastern North American
woodland herb that was commonly used to treat cancer by Native
Americans. It is as a primary ingredient in most escharotic salves and
pastes and has been found to possess powerful anti-cancer properties.
The more controversial ingredient in Cansema is zinc chloride.
Although it can cause serious burns if applied in high concentrations,
the quantities of zinc chloride in Cansema are too small to cause such
damage. In fact, Cansema is very selective in its action: It is lethal for
cancerous tissue and only mildly irritating to healthy skin.(3)




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stranger who hed struck up a random conversation with at a gas

Though there was seemingly no relation at the time, it was an
event that, similar to his future meeting with Dr. OLeary, would

How it Works
There are six steps involved in Cansema treatment. Fair warning to
those of you who are squeamishthey are a bit graphic.
1. Eschar formation: After application of Cansema, the cancerous
lesion forms into a scab, or eschar. The cancer is completely
dead, but the healing process has only begun.
2. Edema & isolation: There is a buildup of antibodies and blood
serum in the surrounding tissue, which causes a reddening and
general puffiness (but this varies from case to case). The eschar
becomes better defined from the surrounding, healthy, noncancerous tissue.
3. Eschar containment: The eschar begins to dry up like a scab.
As healthy skin is formed underneath the eschar, it is slowly
ejected from the body and the redness disappears.
4. Eschar expulsion: The entire eschar gets ejected naturally by
the body when the last connective skin tissue beneath it is broken or deteriorates.
5. Decavitation: A pit-like area remains where the tumor was
ejected. Since the skin layers have not completely formed, the
area can look extremely raw and unprotected. Vitamin E or
petroleum jelly is applied to minimize scarring and aid the healing process.
6. Final healing: The epidermal layers re-grow and usually there is
minimal scarring and discoloration.




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become meaningful in an extraordinary way. Indeed, shortly thereafter, Caton and his wife started a supplement company called
Alpha Omega Labs which, among other products, manufactured
the very escharotic formula the businessman had mentioned to
him previously. And over the next 10+ years, Cansema helped cure
thousands of cancer cases.(2)
Its rare that a product with such incredible success goes unnoticed for too long by the FDAand in the case of Cansema, the
FDA not only took notice, but they also used two previous civil
lawsuits that had been filed against Alpha Omega Labs as justification to raid Catons home and arrest him.
But according to Caton, even without the two lawsuits,
Cansema never stood a chance to be approved for use as a cancer
treatment by the FDA, a status which can only be obtained if a
pharmaceutical company submits a new drug application and successfully completes a process that costs hundreds of millions of
As he sees it, modern medicine is built around the phony conceptthat the things that are most curative are in instances where
you can point to a singular molecular entity that does the job. We
know as herbalists that there are combinations of chemicals and
subtle energies that work in synergistic fashions to produce the
desired whether we did or did not make a claim [to cure
cancer] with Cansema it would never, never, never get approval.

Freedom to Heal
Today, Greg Caton lives in Ecuador and works with practitioners who treat advanced cancer patients with proven alternative
techniques. Under Article 44 of Ecuadors Constitution, citizens




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have broad latitude to choose the systems of health care they

wantfreedoms that Americans can only dream of.
Caton explained that in almost everyarea of health care, the

The Cases Against Cansema

The first civil case against Greg Caton involved a woman from Texas
who claimed that she had been burned by an Alpha Omega Labs
product called H3O that her surgeon had used on her to speed up the
wound healing process during post-op. According to Caton, the product didnt possess the properties necessary to inflict the injury, and
when Catons insurance company refused to pay the woman, she went
right to the FDA for help. And help she got. She received a total of
$500,000 from insurance companies representing Caton, the surgeon,
and the hospital.(2)
In the second case, a nurse in Indiana sued Alpha Omega Labs
claiming that either Cansema or another product took (her) nose off,
although she also testified that one or the other product cured her
cancer. Stillthe insurance company settled the case for $800,000 as a
result of the FDAs criminal charges against Caton.
Needless to say, these cases initially caused a media frenzy, and
shortly afterwards, Caton got a knock on the door from FBI agents,
who arrested him and charged him for a completely unrelated crime
(firearms possessionincluding an heirloom shotgun that his wifes
grandfather had passed down to hersomething which clearly had
nothing to do with the cases). Eight months later, the charge was
dropped and replaced with FDA charges, primarily based on this
nurse who said that her nose got burned off by using a product we
sold called H3O.
Two months later, the FDAs victim stated in her sworn deposition
that she never even applied the H3O, and that she originally purchased it with the intent to try to win money from a lawsuit!




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The Legality of Cansema

In most countries of the world, Cansema is completely legal as a
cancer remedy, but in most Western countries one cannot technically
say what it does or what its for (i.e., make a claim) because of the
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, or DSHEA.
So, although Cansema is an effective topical skin cancer salve,
Cansema is not an approved drug as defined by the U.S. Food & Drug
Administration, or any of its European counterparts, therefore its illegal for a company inside the U.S. to sell a product like Cansema as a
cancer remedy, despite its history of effectiveness.

indigenous communities trust their own people more than they do

outsiderswhen a patient is ill, whether a high paid NY attorney
or a simple compesino living in the jungle, they want reliefthey
want results.
Caton also believes strongly in the link between nutrition and
cancer and recommends the approach of Dr. Max Gerson (see
Chapter 7), along with a variety of different herbal remedies. He
believes that the modern diets are substantially deficient in natural
minerals, vitamins, essential oils, and nutritional compounds and
vital energies that modern science has not discovered, recognized
or cannot even articulate.
Caton also recommends colon hydrotherapy, or high colonics,
to most of his customers, believing that no matter what you do to
help a cancer patient, if they are wallowing in their own filth internally youre not going to help unless part of what youre doing is
addressing these toxicity issues. He noted that the modern diet is
significantly depleted in fiber andone of the casualties of the way




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we eat is that the colon tends to suffer as a result and is more likely
to get impacted. He has found that this therapy is particularly
important when the patient has already gone through conventional
cancer treatments. When the hospitals finish using chemo and
radiation, we find that peoples colons are in horrific states and
need to be repaired and detoxified.(6)

Where to Find This Miracle Salve

Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you dont live in
Ecuador, and chances are, its not your first choice for your next
vacation. But that doesnt mean you cant get your hands on
Cansema. Currently, there are four versions of the Cansema formula (the original, plus a penetrating deep tissue, iodine, and
veterinary variation). Additionally, there are two internal variations
of Cansema (the original Cansema Tonic I) and a formula without
zinc (Cansema Tonic III). The company has since discontinued
Cansema in capsule form.
Remember that although Cansema is designed for self-administration, this is no replacement for proper medical advice which I
recommend you seek, as always. You should also keep in mind that
the application of Cansema can produce some pain, so you may
want to be sure you have some sort of painkiller readily available
before beginning to use it.
For more information on Cansema, contact Alpha Omega Labs
by calling (305)851-2308, or visit
Though Cansema has had a long and difficult journeyand
theres still a long way to gothe persistence of people like Caton
has paved the way for a future that will hopefully be a bit brighter
for the world of cancer treatment.




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Chapter 19 Nurse Caisses Anti-Cancer Herbal Brew


Nurse Caisses AntiCancer Herbal Brew


Tremendous sums have been raised and

appropriated for official cancer research during the
past 50 years, with almost nothing new or productive discovered. It would make these foundations
look pretty silly, if an obscure Canadian nurse
discovered an effective treatment for cancer!
Rene Caisse

ne of the true originals in our eclectic collection of alternative cancer cures from around the world is an ancient Native
American concoction thats been used for hundreds of years to
fight cancerand the story behind it is quite extraordinary.
Im talking about Essiac tea, a blend of powerful herbs discovered by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse to be a potent weapon against
cancer of all kinds. In her day, Nurse Caisse had such success with
Essiac that she even came to be known as Canadas Cancer Nurse,
treating thousands of patients who came from far and wide to
receive treatment with her then-secret herbal formula.
Despite years of success in beating cancer, conventional medicine never gave its stamp of approval to Essiacs efficacy, and the




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Canadian government repeatedly attempted to halt its use.

Nevertheless, the clinical evidence collected by Caisse and many
others that has mounted over the years has clearly shown us the
power of this synergistic herbal blend.

An Incredible Herbal Discovery

It all started back in 1922, when Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse
noticed some scar tissue on the breast of an elderly woman in her
carethe result of cancer that she had been diagnosed with years
before. When asked about her scar, the elderly woman explained to
her nurse that she shunned the idea of breast surgery and did not
have the money for it anyway, and to her luck, shortly thereafter, she
met an old Indian medicine man who told her that he could cure this
same breast cancer with an herbal tea. She boldly decided to take his
advice as well as his tea, and nearly 30 years later, she was alive and
well enough to pass on the list of powerful herbs to Caisse.
The list sat on Caisses desk until a year later, when during a
leisurely garden stroll, a retired doctor friend told Caisse that if more
people would use the herb sheep sorrel, there would be little cancer
in the world. Remembering the same common herb from the old
medicine mans blend, Nurse Caisse decided she would test this
herbal tea on herself if she ever developed cancer. But her opportunity came sooner than expected: Caisses aunt developed stomach cancer and was given only six months to live by her doctors, who had
nothing else to offer her in terms of treatment.
With nothing to lose, Caisse gave her aunt the herbal tea treatment with her doctors consentand the result? Her aunt lived for 21
more years, cancer-free.
Caisse later gave the tea to her own 72-year-old mother who
was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver and given only




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days to live, and she too enjoyed life cancer-free for another 18
years after taking the herbal tea.(1)

The Essiac Formula

The original list given to Nurse Caisse by the elderly woman
included eight different herbs and over the years, she was able to perfect a formula based on this list by testing various herbal combinations
on lab mice and on human cancer patients. The original formula
included: burdock root, slippery elm inner bark, sheep sorrel, Indian
rhubarb root, watercress, blessed thistle, red clover, and kelp, but after
much research, Caisse was able to reduce her tea to four main herbs
that she found to be the most effective for treating cancer: burdock
root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm and Indian rhubarb. She named her
formula Essiacor Caisse spelled backwards.
Soon thereafter, Nurse Caisse opened and ran a cancer clinic
under the supervision and observation of a number of doctors, and
treated thousands of patients with her secret Essiac formula. She and
the doctors worked hard to discover which herb was most effective in
reducing tumors, by administering injections of each of the separate
herbs. When they pinpointed the tumor-reducing herb, they gave it
to patients by injection and the three others were given to patients as
a tea to detoxify the body.
Nurse Caisse treated thousands of cancer patients with Essiac,
free of charge, and her treatments were so effective that in 1938,
55,000 signatures were compiled for a petition presented to the
Ontario legislature to authorize her to practice medicine in
Ontario in the treatment of cancer. The bill failed to pass by just
three votes and that same year, Canadian medical authorities
investigated her clinic, promptly pronouncing Essiac ineffective.(1)
Apparently, control of the medical system by influential powersthat-be isnt restricted to just the United States!




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Pressure from the Medical Establishment

Caisse herself was not initially aware at the time of the control that
the medical and pharmaceutical establishment possessed, stating herself that I did not know then of an organized effort to keep a cancer
cure from being discovered, especially by an independent researcher
not affiliated with any organization supported by private or public
funds. For us, it comes as no surprise that the medical establishment
was such a threat to Caisse, since Essiac is cheap and non-toxic. And
the fact that she took no money for her treatments didnt help things.
In fact, it meant that her very existence was in direct opposition to
the medical establishment, which focused almost solely on the lucrative profits to be made from cancer treatment.
After the petition was delivered to the National Health and
Welfare Department in Ontario, she began to experience continuous threats of arrest until she finally chose to withdraw from the
public eye.
Ultimately, Nurse Caisse was forced to close her clinic in 1942
and, exhausted by the constant investigations, she brought her fourherb formula to Dr. Charles Bruschs clinic. They became partners
and shortly thereafter, they returned to the original eight-herb
blend, which they gave as an herbal tea, just as the Ojibwa Indians
had originally.
In 1977, Caisse finally gave her secret four-herb formula over to
the Resperin Corporation of Ontario, just one year before her death,
with the intent of having it tested and sold. Caisse sold her Essiac
formula for a symbolic one dollar, finally feeling she had found a
company that could help fulfill her promise of healing to mankind.
But only a few years after her death, in 1982, Resperins studies on
Essiac were shut down by the Canadian government once again, with
claims that their research methods were flawed.




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Chapter 19 Nurse Caisses Anti-Cancer Herbal Brew

The Proof Behind the Promise

Each of the herbs in Essiac has its own chemical make-up and
effect on the body, and there are plenty of studies out there on the
unique functions:
Burdock root: In 1966, Hungarian researchers discovered antitumor activity in Burdock Root due to inulin, which attaches to
white blood cells and enhances their function.(3) It also contains
benzaldehyde, which has significant anti-cancer effects in humans.
Sheep sorrel: A staple of folk medicine, Sheep Sorrel was used
in cancer treatment as early as the 1740s. It is rich in vitamins and
minerals, and contains chlorophyll, which helps to carry oxygen to

Essiacs Recipe for Success

Rene Caisse spent her life refining the formula with her hands-on
research, a tedious job since every herbal formula has its own synergy
and creates a specific effect, which can change with the alteration of
just one ingredient in the formula. The recipe below was the final
formula created after decades of experimentation and research with
real cancer patients:

6 cups of burdock root

1 pound of sheep sorrel, powdered
pound of slippery elm bark, powdered
1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root, powdered

Mix ingredients well and store in glass jar in dark dry cupboard. Use
1 ounce of herb mixture to 32 ounces of water. Boil rapidly for 10 minutes (covered) then turn off heat and leave on warm plate over night
(covered). In the morning, heat until steaming hot and let settle a few
minutes, then strain through fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and
let cool. Store in a dark cool cupboard. The tea must be refrigerated
after opening.(2)




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the cells of the body. As a folk remedy, it has also been used to
relieve bruises and burns.
Slippery elm: It has been shown to possess anti-tumor activity
and is an anti-inflammatory for the digestive system. It also lubricates bones and joints, and contains fatty acids. Fatty acids similar
to those in slippery elm have been shown to boost the immune
system in studies on mice.(4)
Indian rhubarb root: Rich in iron, Indian rhubarb helps to
purge the liver and the rest of the body of wastes. Like sheep
sorrel, it contains aloe emodin, which have been shown to inhibit
tumors in animal tests.(5,6)
Though there are plenty of studies out there on the individual
herbs, few trials have been carried out on Essiac as a whole.
Dr. Brusch conducted a few experiments at his medical center
near Boston and one study on mice injected with human cancer cells
showed that Essiac killed tumors at a higher rate than seen in control mice. Dr. Brusch even successfully used Essiac in his own battle
with bowel cancer. He also wrote in a notarized letter that Essiac
reduces pain and causes a recession in [tumor] growth. Patients
gained weight and showed a great improvement in their general
healthIn some cases, if the tumor didnt disappear, it could be
surgically removed after Essiac with less risk of metastasis.
A more recently published in vitro study on Essiac, conducted
in 2004, on prostate cancer cells showed that at low doses Essiac
may be able to inhibit tumor cell growth while enhancing immune
response.(8) In addition, in 2006, two studies, both conducted in
Toronto, were presented at a meeting of naturopathic physicians.
The first showed increased cytotoxicity toward prostate cancer
cells as well as significant antioxidant properties.(9) The second, in
which Essiac was administered to rats, demonstrated Essiacs positive gastric protection.(10)




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Chapter 19 Nurse Caisses Anti-Cancer Herbal Brew

Ive seen the effects of Essiac first hand: Early in my practice, a

father brought his 13-year-old son in to see me because the boy had
developed a firm, ugly mass on his knee. I urged the father to have it
diagnosed, and when he did, it came back as cancer so bad that it
would require experimental chemotherapy. The doctors told him he
had no choice, that he had to go through this dangerous treatment,
and that the boy would most likely lose the leg above the knee anyway.
The father refused and then found out he would be turned in for child
abuse (yes, child abuse) for refusing medical standard-of-care.
Experimental chemotherapy as standard care? Thats a good one.
So this man did what any other father would do when the life of
his child is at stake. He fought for his sons life by fleeing to Canada
in the middle of the night. And that was the last I thought Id hear
from the family. Then, about three years later, a lanky teenager
walked into my office. It was that same boy, no lump on his knee,
both legs working just fine. The father followed behind, saying they
couldnt stay, because there was still an outstanding warrant for his
arrest. But he had wanted me to see how Essiac had cured his son.

Finding the Real Deal

There are many versions of Essiac tea out there today, which
can be confusing when youre searching for the best quality formula and product. In fact, I can understand why Rene Caisse kept her
four-herb Essiac formula a secret: She didnt trust people to make
it properly and thought that it would be altered.
Dr. Brusch signed over the rights to the eight-herb Essiac formula
in 1988 which ultimately resulted in the world-wide manufacturing
and distribution rights being passed onto Flora Inc. in 1992. Today,
their Essiac product is known as FlorEssence. Meanwhile, Resperin,
the company that received the four-herb formula directly from Rene
Caisse, has since gone out of business, but not before transferring the




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rights to the Essiac formula to Essiac Canada International.

They offer both the original powdered combination of herbs, as
well as a more convenient liquid version. So, technically there are two
legitimate formulas on the marketplace todayEssiac as manufactured by Essiac Canada International, and FlorEssence as manufactured by Flora. If I were to use Essiac as part of a treatment program
for cancer, Id definitely go for one of the aforementioned products
and avoid the other versions that are out there, which are actually
deviations from the two original Essiac formulas.(11) Contact information for the two companies is listed below.
Although theres a lot of evidence in its favor, I must emphasize
that Essiac tea is probably best used as an addition to other cancer
protocols, not as a main treatment. Do check with your doctor first to
see if the following applies for you, but generally Essiac can safely be
taken in conjunction with other cancer treatments, and can be taken
every day. In addition to being used for cancer treatment, Essiac can
be used preventatively to keep your immune system healthy.
If you do decide to try Essiac, I would follow in Rene Caisses footsteps and drink your tea within 48 hours of making it. If ordered by
mail, it may be several months old or even older, if you consider how
long it might have taken to get to you after having been dehydrated,
processed and stored. Obviously, if you can grow your own herbs,
thats best. But remember, as always, whatever you decide to add to
your cancer protocol, do check with your doctor first!
Essiac Canada International
Flora Inc. USA




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Chapter 20 The Cancer-Killing Supervitamin



The Cancer-Killing

ouve probably been guzzling it down in your tall glass of OJ

every morning for years and popping pills of it each day to prevent
the common cold. Yes friends, Im referring to good old-fashioned
vitamin C. Weve known for years that its a key antioxidant, critical for preventing chronic disease, but believe it or not, vitamin C
plays an integral role in the treatment of cancer as well.
Back in the 1970s, it was American biochemist Linus Pauling
who discovered that one of the most inexpensive and commonly
used nutrients around also has the ability to act as a potent, natural
form of chemotherapy when given intravenously. Shortly after his
discovery, however, the possibility of treatment with IV vitamin C
quickly became clouded over with controversy, and the poor
research methods used in the clinical studies only served to kick it
further to the wayside.
The good news is that scientists have once again begun to reexamine the value of IV vitamin C as a treatment for cancerand
the results thus far are looking more than promising in clinics all
over the country.




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The Little Vitamin with Big Potential

In order to understand how vitamin C can reverse some cancers, Im going to back up a bit and explain how it does its job in
our bodies
On a day-to-day basis, vitamin C helps to form collagen, an
important protein used to your make skin, tendons, ligaments,
and blood vessels, and its essential for the healing of wounds and
the repair of bones and teeth. Since vitamin C is water soluble
(meaning your body cant store it and any excess thats present in
your blood is expelled though urine), you need a constant and
continuous supply of it in your diet to meet your bodys needs at
any given time.
You may have also heard vitamin C called an antioxidant, or a
nutrient that blocks free radical damage. Just to remind you, free
radicals are by-products of everyday living and breathing, but are
produced much more during exercise and exposure to smoke and
chemicals. Their accumulation is largely responsible for aging and
the development of all kinds of health conditions.
But one of the lesser known and most important roles of vitamin C is to defend us against tumor growth. Vitamin C is required
for our immune systems to generate and mobilize the specialized
cells that fight cancer and infections. The problem is, the more
stress your immune system is under, the more of your vitamin C is
used up.
To sum it up, vitamin C has many important roles and since
your body doesnt make it and cant store it long term, you need to
take in lots of it. But just how much you need and how you should
take it have long been at the center of the vitamin C-cancer




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Chapter 20 The Cancer-Killing Supervitamin

5 Fast Facts about Vitamin C

Vitamin C is critical for life

Most mammals make their own vitamin C internally

human beings are one of the very rare exceptions

Over-cooking destroys vitamin C in foods

The adult RDA for vitamin C is 90 mg a day for men and 75

for women

The Cancer-Killing Vitamin

In 1966, Dr. Ewan Cameron pointed out that the intercellular
cement that binds the cells of normal tissues can be broken down
by tumor-produced enzymes. A few years later, in 1973, Dr.
Cameron, together with Linus Pauling, PhD, popularized the
notion that vitamin C could stimulate normal cells to inhibit these
Soon afterwards, Drs. Pauling and Cameron began to conduct a
number of studies to test the efficacy of vitamin C in cancer
patients. In their 1976 study, 100 subjects with terminal cancer
were given supplemental vitamin C (10 grams/daily) intravenously
and compared to a control group of 1,000 patients of similar status
treated by the same clinicians in the same Scotland hospital. They
found that the average survival time was more than 4.2 times
greater for the patients given IV vitamin C than it was for the controls.
By August 1976 (five years after the beginning of the study) 18
of the 100 vitamin C-treated patients were still living while all of
the controls had died. Overall, the 100 ascorbic acid-treated




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patients lived, on the average, 300 days longer than their matched
controls with better quality of life.(2)
A second study performed in 1978 with 100 new ascorbic acidtreated patients and 1,000 controls broke down the improved
patient survival times by cancer type. The researchers found that
for each type of cancer, there was an improvement in survival.(3)

Research Roadblock
As we already know, mainstream medicine doesnt accept such
concepts as vitamins providing a viable treatment for cancer so
quickly. So it shouldnt come as much of a surprise that when
researchers at the Mayo Clinic tested Pauling and Camerons findings in two of their own randomized placebo-controlled studies in
1979, they found no differences in outcome between terminal cancer patients receiving 10 grams of vitamin C per day versus those
given a placebo.
How is it that such a drastic difference in results occurred
between Pauling and Camerons studies and those done at the
Mayo Clinic?
The most obvious reason is that Pauling and Cameron administered the vitamin C by IV and the Mayo Clinic study gave it orally,
a difference that Pauling knew then and we know today to be a
crucial one in terms of vitamin Cs bioavailability and effect. After
all, intravenous (IV) administration can result in much higher
blood levels than oral administration. And levels that are toxic to
certain types of cancer cells in culture can be achieved only with
intravenous administration of vitamin C.(4)
Recently, two well-respected researchers from the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) suggested that the route of administration may have indeed been the key to the discrepancy found in the




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Chapter 20 The Cancer-Killing Supervitamin

1970s. In their 2004 study, 17 healthy hospitalized volunteers were

given either oral or intravenous doses of vitamin C, and blood
plasma levels were calculated for a dose range of 1 to 100 grams.
They found that peak plasma vitamin C concentrations were higher after administration of intravenous doses than after administration of oral doses. In fact, the blood concentration of vitamin C
when given intravenously was 6.6 times greater than when the
same amount was given orally.(5)

The Key to C
With these incredible results on the table, the natural question
that arises is: What the heck is IV vitamin C actually doing to fight
cancer so well? Well, the exact mechanism is still unknownbut
we know that part of the story is that it causes the accelerated prooxidant damage of tumor cells.
To put it simply, when the absorption of vitamin C is increased
and the levels go up so much, it starts to act as a pro-oxidant
instead of antioxidant, as I mentioned earlier, because it starts to
interact with the copper and iron in our cells, causing a reaction
which produces small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, (the same
peroxide that you apply to cuts and scrapes to kill germs).
Interestingly, human white blood cells are able to make and break
down their own peroxide to kill germs, which cancer cells are not
able to do because they lack the enzyme catalase. Bottom line: the
high-dose IV vitamin C produces peroxide, and continued buildup of peroxide makes the cancer cell burst.(6)
I must mention here that many conventional oncologists will
tell you that small doses of vitamin C may actually help cancer cells
by allowing them to arm themselves against the free-radical
induced damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation. But
remember: only markedly higher doses of vitamin C will selectively




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build up as peroxide in the cancer cells to the point of killing them,

and these tumor-toxic dosages can only be obtained by intravenous

The Future of IV Vitamin C

Though its been around for decades and was once brushed
aside by the conventional medical community, IV vitamin C is definitely making a comeback. New research and evidence for the efficacy of IV vitamin C as an anti-cancer treatment is emerging,
slowly but surely, and the word is being spread far and wide about
this incredible alternative cancer treatment.
In 2006, the Canadian Medical Association Journal published
the details of three IV C/cancer case studies which show us firsthand, the power of this incredible vitamin.(8)
Case One: A 51-year-old woman with kidney tumors refused
conventional treatment and instead, received 65 grams of IVC
twice each week in addition to other. After 10 months of IVC, her
tumors were gone and her cancer remained in complete remission
for four years.
Case Two: A 49-year-old man with a bladder tumor and multiple satellite tumors, declined chemotherapy and radiation and
instead began an IVC regimen of 30 grams twice each week for
three months, followed by 30 grams once every two months for
four years. During those four years he sometimes took more frequent treatments. Nine years later, the man is in good health with
no recurrence or spreading of the cancer. The authors of the CMAJ
article note that standard treatment for muscle invasive bladder
cancer is complete or partial bladder removal. When treated without surgery, this cancer type almost invariably spreads to other
organs within a short period.




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Chapter 20 The Cancer-Killing Supervitamin

Case Three: After six weeks of radiation therapy to treat lymphoma, a 66-year-old woman declined chemotherapy and began
receiving 15 grams of IVC twice each week for two months. She
continued with a less frequent IVC regimen for another 19 months
and 10 years later, the patient is in good health and cancer-free.
Though we certainly cant call it a cure yet, IV vitamin C holds
much promise and can certainly be used as an adjunct therapy in
combination with other cancer treatments. And while you wont
likely see it in mainstream oncologists bag of tricks anytime soon,
the good news is, there are clinics all over the world already using
this incredible treatment and its available right now. So if you or
someone you love is suffering from cancer, IV vitamin C may be a
worthy addition to your list of viable and promising treatment




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Chapter 21 Finding the Cancer Cachexia Key



Finding the Cancer

Cachexia Key

hat if I told you that there is a drug out there right now
that stops the progression of cancer in many patients, and the government has been keeping it from the American public for
decades? The real-life story of this drughydrazine sulfateis so
dramatic, it will make you shudder at both the corruption of the
medical establishment and the drastic implications for cancer
treatment in the United States and around the world.
Hydrazine sulfate has been shown in human studies to improve
and save lives more than 50 percent of the time and is used all over
Russia in top cancer treatment programs. Incredibly, its also
cheaper than a pack of gum. In fact, it costs just three quarters of a
cent per dose per day. So why havent we heard more about this
wonder drug? Well, Im sure theres no need for me to reiterate the
most common motive for the suppression of inexpensive cancer
treatmentslets just say that two-thirds of oncologists income
comes from the sale of chemotherapy drugs to patients. But, I
Back to the amazing story of hydrazine sulfate




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Fueling the Search for a Cancer Cure

Dr. Joseph Gold began his career with a great passion to find
the biochemical cause of cancer. After his post-doctorate studies at
UC Berkley, Dr. Gold was inducted into the U.S. Air Force and
spent three years in the Mercury Astronaut selection program.
After leaving the program with a citation from President
Eisenhower for his work, Dr. Gold turned his attention to a new
goal: Finding the medicine that could stop the weight loss and
debilitation from which cancer patients suffer. Despite what weve
been led to believe, this wasting awaya condition called cachexiais what actually kills most cancer patients. In fact, it accounts
for 73 percent of all cancer deaths.
While it was commonly thought that the syndrome only occurs
late in the disease, Dr. Gold discovered that cachexia begins bio-

Understanding Cachexia
In a chronic disease like cancer, cachexia causes the appetite to
diminish, until the patient ultimately develops anorexia. Since the
body still needs nourishment, it begins to break down its fat and protein stores, via a process called gluconeogenesis, for the body to use as
energy. The glucose metabolism of a tumor and/or cancer cell is much
less efficient than that of a normal cell; normal cells metabolize glucose (sugar) aerobically, using oxygen, which is 15 times more efficient
than cancer cells, which metabolize glucose anaerobically through a
process of fermentation. Fermentation, being less efficient, requires
much more sugar and since the metabolic rate of a tumor is much
higher than that of a normal cell anyway, the amount of sugar needed
is even greater. This sugar is derived from body breakdown products.
Eventually the patient dies trying to feed the tumor, which is why
cachexia is the major cause of death in cancer patients.(2)




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Chapter 21 Finding the Cancer Cachexia Key

chemically with the very first cancer cell. And stopping it is

absolutely critical in winning the war on cancer.
But, according to Dr. Gold the trouble with cachexia [was] no
one knew anything about how it came about. It was a complete
So Dr. Gold continued his research and found that if a certain
enzyme called PEPCK could be inhibited, cancer cachexia could
theoretically be stopped. Not long after his theory was developed,
Dr. Gold found himself at a conference on enzymes where another
group of researchers were giving a presentation on a chemical that
could inhibit the very same PEPCK enzyme. The chemical was called
hydrazine sulfate, a natural compound used in a number of different
industrial processes, including the production of rocket fuel.(1)

Research and NCI Suppression:

A Matter of Ego and Economics
It didnt take long after these two big discoveries for hydrazine
sulfate to become the subject of controlled clinical trials around
the world. There were three main sets of studies done on the compound: those conducted at the Petrov Research Institute of
Oncology in St Petersburg, Russia, those done at the HarborUCLA Medical Center in L.A., and those sponsored by the U.S.
National Cancer Institute (NCI).
The 17 years of Russian studiesall published in U.S., peerreviewed cancer journals and the 10 years of UCLA studies (also
published in prestigious medical journals) showed amazing efficacy and safety of hydrazine sulfate as a treatment for cancer cachexia. The only inconsistent results on hydrazine sulfate were from the
studies conducted by the NCI.(1,3)
Unlike the Russian and UCLA studies, the studies done by the




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NCI all found hydrazine sulfate to be an ineffective treatment for

cancer cachexia. So why did their results differ so greatly from the
rest? The answer is that only the NCI-sponsored studies allowed
subjects to take medications that were incompatible with the test
Despite clear warnings against doing so, the NCI allowed the
patients in their hydrazine sulfate studies to use of tranquilizers,
barbituates, and alcohol. Hydrazine sulfate is actually a natural
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor and compounds in this
family are incompatible with drugslike alcohol, tranquilizers,
etc.that suppress the central nervous system. In fact, if theyre
combined, these two substances can result in a potentially lethal
In essence, the NCI intentionally sabotaged the studies and succeeded in burying hydrazine sulfate for the next 20 years, issuing a
paper stating that the drug was worthless. And, even worse, they
put the lives of the study subjects at risk in the process!
Why would the NCI deliberately sabotage hydrazine sulfate as a
treatment for cancer? As youve probably guessed already, the
answer is most likely money-related. Pharmaceutical-grade
hydrazine sulfate costs only three-quarters of one cent per dose
so it goes without saying that cancer doctors would not make a lot
of money off this drug.

Benefits of Using Hydrazine Sulfate

But profitable for drug companies and oncologists or not,
hydrazine sulfate helps cancer patients significantly. Controlled
clinical trials indicate approximately half of all patients who take
hydrazine sulfate experience weight gain, restored appetite, extended survival time, and a major reduction in pain and suffering,




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Chapter 21 Finding the Cancer Cachexia Key

Raisins and 15 Other Foods to Avoid During

Hydrazine Sulfate Therapy
MAO inhibitors are most commonly known for their anti-depressant effects, but they also have another important job in the body
breaking down the amino acid tyramine.
When youre taking an MAO inhibitor, eating foods that contain
tyramine can cause blood pressure and heart rate to skyrocket, which
leads to headaches, or much worse symptoms. To complicate things
even further, hydrazine sulfate is actually inactivated by tyramine. As a
result, for those thinking of taking hydrazine sulfate, a tyramine-free
diet is an absolute must.
Foods that contain tyramine include

all cheeses, except cottage cheese and cream cheese

dried and cured meats (ex: bologna, salami, etc.)
pickled herring and salted dried fish
meat extracts
yeast extracts/brewers yeast
all alcoholic beverages
pickles, sauerkraut
fruits: avocados, canned figs, raisins, bananas
cultured dairy products
fermented soy (miso)
beef or chicken liver

In general, high-protein foods that have undergone aging should

be avoided. Also, avoid any over-the-counter cold or allergy remedy.(2)

which are critical benefits for those in the midst of the cancer battle. Many patients also report feeling more vigorous and that many
symptoms disappear, along with more feelings of well-being.




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But even more importantly, large-scale clinical trials suggest

that hydrazine sulfate affects every type of tumor at every stage.
Studies at UCLA and at the Petrov Institute showed that the
most frequent side effects (which occurred in less than 10 percent
of the cases) were nausea and vomiting, but that as soon as the
dosage was lowered, these side effects disappeared. There was no
evidence of organ damage or damage to the immunological defense
system as usually occurs with conventional chemotherapy.(3)
Hydrazine sulfate can be used safely with radiation, too.
According to Dr. Gold, the use of hydrazine sulfate and radiation
together results in a synergistic effect and because there are two
different mechanisms of anti-cancer action operating, [the combination] is...tremendously effective for tumors that otherwise have
no effective treatment.

The Future of Hydrazine Sulfate

The controlled clinical trials thus far show a 46 percent benefit
in late-stage patients that havent responded to anything else. Dr.
Gold asserts that with hydrazine sulfate many will have a stabilized condition or regression for two months or longerand many
have gone years, stabilized, and some will go on to long term cure.
Fortunately, hydrazine sulfates long battle is drawing to a
closeand it has emerged victorious. This tremendous breakthrough is no longer considered an unconventional therapy and
is actually medically available right noweven in the U.S..
According to Dr. Gold the best way [to access it] is to have a
licensed physician write a prescription for it and the prescription
filled at a compounding pharmacy.
Of course, if you are thinking about using hydrazine sulfate
yourself, be sure to check with your doctor first.




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Chapter 22 Citrus Peels Provide Powerful Cancer Protection



Citrus Peels
Provide Powerful
Cancer Protection

ext time somebody offers you a glass of zesty lemonade or

a cup of tea with a twist, you may want to take them up on their
offerand ask for refills, too. It turns out that the peels of citrus
fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruit, contain a compound
called d-limonene. And studies are showing that its got powerful
protective activity against a variety of cancers. Although its still
early in the game and Phase II clinical trials are just beginning,
limonene already appears to hold great promise for cancer treatment.

A Drop of Citrus History

Though we dont know their exact origin, most researchers
believe citrus fruits came from Southeast Asia at least 4,000 years
BC. Citrus fruits were first taken to North Africa and then to
Southern Europe where they flourished in the Middle Ages, before
being brought to America by the Spaniards and the Portuguese.
Citrus fruits belong to the Rutaceae family and their evergreen
trees give fruits of different forms and sizes which are full of fra-




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grance, flavor, and juiceand its their juicy inside pulp thats rich
in sugars, vitamin C, pectin, fibers, different organic acids and
potassium salt, which is what gives them their characteristic flavor.
In terms of nutrition, we all know that citrus fruits and juices are
rich in vitamin C as well as folic acid, and theyre a good source of
fiber too. Citrus also contains potassium, calcium, thiamin, niacin,
vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper.(1, 2)

Back to the Rind

While the inside flesh of citrus fruits contains a lot of nutritional value, its the peels that have made recent headlines, thanks to
their d-limonene content. D-limonene is known as a dietary
monoterpene, a chemical group which scientists have known to
possess anti-tumor activities for some time now. Limonene specifically has been shown in rats to be particularly active against breast,
skin, liver, lung, pancreatic and stomach cancers.(1) But how does it
actually work inside our cells to combat cancer?
Well, there are several theories, but studies are pointing in the
direction of induction of cancer cell apoptosis or cell suicide. It
also seems to inhibit the ability of cancer cells to communicate
with each other.(3)
While studies are still in the works to pinpoint the exact mechanism, some very positive research has emerged on limonene
already, such as a 1996 study which found that limonene reduces
the growth of pancreatic cancer cells by a whopping 50 percent.(4)
Another study on a breast cancer patient who was taking a dose of
8 grams twice daily for 11 months, plus three additional patients
with colorectal cancer who were taking .5 or 1 gram of d-limonene
twice daily, all showed disease stabilization for longer than six
months after taking it.(5)




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Chapter 22 Citrus Peels Provide Powerful Cancer Protection

Yet another recent study from University of Arizona found that

consuming citrus peel can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 30 percent. And when it is consumed with hot black tea, the risk of skin
cancer is reduced by more than 70 percent. Additional lab tests
concluded that d-limonene, reduces not only the incidence and
size of tumors at several sites, but also the growth of various tumor
So how much limonene do you need to take? As it stands now,
the recommendation is 7.3 to 14.4 grams per day.(5,6)

10 Tasty Ways to Get Your Limonene

Studies indicate that as little as 1 tablespoon of citrus zest per week
is enough to make a significant difference in your cancer risk. One
tablespoon of zest is equivalent to the peel of approximately one
orange or lemon, depending on the size of the fruit and how finely or
coarsely the zest is grated. Here are some suggestions for adding it to
your diet:

Prepare lemonade from the whole fruit, including the peel

Use grated lemon or grapefruit zest as a salad topping along

with a sprinkling of pecans or walnuts

Mix some lemon zest into your salsa

Sprinkle grated orange and lemon zest on top of

chicken or fish

Add lemon zest to your tea

Grate citrus peels into cottage cheese

Candy the citrus peels and use in baking

Top hot tomato soup or gazpacho with grated lemon peel

Add lemon zest to fruit compote

Mix orange peel into your cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving

(or any day of the year!)




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When Life Gives You Lemons

Theres no doubt that limonene is quite worthy of its place in
the ever-expanding list of promising cancer treatments, and I, for
one, am excited to see what the continued research on it will bring
to light. And while we wait, I see no reason why we shouldnt all
take advantage of this gift from Mother Nature, who surely knows
best, and incorporate limonene into our every day lives as both a
cancer preventative and a sweet spice of life.
Limonene softgel supplements are available though




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Chapter 23 Packing a Powerful Anti-Cancer Punch with Paw Paw



Packing a Powerful
Anti-Cancer Punch
with Paw Paw

cousin of graviola (see chapter 3), the American Paw Paw

has been the subject of research for 25 years now because of its
variety of cancer-curing compounds called acetogenins. Dr. Jerry
McLaughlin of Purdue University has published over 100 articles and
studies on the health benefits of acetogenins, which have been found
to regulate the production of energy in cancer cells and reduce the
growth of the blood vessels that nourish cancerous tumors.
In addition, Paw Paw is also one of the only cancer treatments
that has shown any effectiveness against multiple drug-resistant
(MDR) cells, which is key in keeping cancer from coming back.
Research has also shown that Paw Paw compounds are up to 300
times more potent than Taxol (a chemo drug used to treat breast
cancer) and can even help prevent cachexia. With all of this great
stuff going for it, I just had to dig up some more on Paw Paw for
you, and heres what else I found out

And the Research Says

Paw Paw is unique mostly because of its special carbon chains
called Annonaceous acetogenins. While all plants with acetogenins




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have certain features in common, Paw Paws molecules in particular have been studied by extensively by Dr. McLaughlin and his
team at Purdue University, as well as many other researchers, who
have spent years uncovering their chemical structures and testing
them for their anti-cancer properties. But unlike a lot of cancer
research thats often kept a trade secret, Dr McLaughlins research
has been freely disseminated since the moment he began.(2)
As Ive already mentioned, theres a lot of great research out
there already on the amazing Paw Paw. In a 1997 issue of Cancer
Letters, it was explained that an acetogenin in Paw Paw called bullatacin is seriously toxic to multidrug-resistant (MDR) human
breast cancer cells and has a special advantage in the chemotherapeutic treatment of certain MDR tumors.(3) Another 1997 study on
the relationship between Annonaceous acetogenins and MDR
breast cancer cells found that 14 diverse acetogenins in Paw Paw
inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells resistant to treatment
with three types of chemo drugs. In fact, the acetogenins in Paw
Paw had 250 times the potency of one of the most common forms
of chemo, adriamycin.(4)
Most recently, in 2008 the Journal of Natural Products published an article on Paw Paw stating that its extracts are among the
most potent of the 3,500 species of plants screened for bioactive
compounds at Purdue University.(5)
The four main ways that Paw Paw battles cancer are:
1. It slows and blocks the production of cell energy in
abnormal cells
2. It prevents the growth of blood vessels in or near
3. It depletes the DNA building blocks necessary for
new, abnormal cell division




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Chapter 23 Packing a Powerful Anti-Cancer Punch with Paw Paw

4. It can kill cells that are resistant to chemotherapy

and keep cancer away for good(1)

Destroying Indestructible Cells

Approximately 2 percent of most tumors are made up of multiple drug-resistant cells against which chemo is not effective. These
MDR cells resist chemo by turning on a pump that takes the medicine right out of the cancer cells. In theory, if the first round of
chemo is a success, then all of the cells that are not MDR are
destroyed. And since they make up the vast majority of the tumor
mass, in theory, the tumor will appear to have been effectively
But, often, the MDR cells start to multiply and form a new
tumor that is made up entirely of MDR cells, so when chemo is
used again, none of the cells will be able to be destroyed like the
first time.
And Paw Paw is the only cancer treatment that has shown effectiveness against MDR cells.(6)
Paw Paw gravitates toward cells that use a lot of energy and cuts
off their energy supply. Since cancer cells use 10-17 times the energy of a normal cell, Paw Paw acts on these cancer cells with great
efficacy. But if theres no cancer, parasite, or other major energy
consuming cells in your body, Paw Paw can head for the fast-growing cells lining your intestinal walls, and cause a stomachache,
which is why long-term use is not advised (and certainly pregnant
women should never use it). To prevent digestive distress such as
nausea, always take Paw Paw with food and always check in with
your doctor before adding it to your protocol.(6)
There are some other substances that increase ATP energy (a




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cells energy currency) and should therefore be avoided when taking Paw Paw:

Hydrogen peroxide

Vitamin C

Vitamin E


Thyroid support products




Burdock Root

Essiac and Flor-Essence (see chapter 19)

Ozone treatments (hyperbaric oxygen is acceptable)

Flax seed oil

Grapefruit seed extract (due to high vitamin C content)

Whey protein

If you want to try Paw Paw, look for the standardized Paw
Paw Twig Extract (Asimina triloba) by Healthy Sunshine. You
can contact them by calling (888)523-1727 or visit




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Chapter 24 The Citrus Secret Stopping Metastasis in Its Tracks



The Citrus Secret

Stopping Metastasis
in Its Tracks

t looks like the citrus family has another surprise in store for
us...The latest research shows that a substance called modified citrus
pectin (MCP), commonly used as a gelling agent for canning foods
and making jellies, may be the next cancer-fighting all-star.
In the past 10 years, research on MCPs effectiveness in blocking metastasis (spreading) of certain types of cancers, including
melanomas, prostate, and breast cancers has skyrocketed. And it
looks like this incredible citrus peel compound may have the
potential to stop your cancer from spreadingand maybe even
wipe it out for good.

Peeling Away Cancer Cells Power

Pectin is a carbohydrate thats made of thousands of sugar molecules that are chemically linked together. Its found in most plants
and is particularly plentiful in the peels of apples, citrus fruits, and
plums. Modified citrus pectin (MCP) is a form of pectin thats
been chemically altered to be more easily absorbed by the digestive
tract by breaking its molecules into smaller pieces. Pectin that has




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not been modified cannot be absorbed from the digestive system

(and is considered a type of soluble dietary fiber), whereas modified pectin can be absorbed right into the bloodstream.(1)
So where does MCP come into the cancer story? Well, in order
for cancer cells to spread, or metastasize, they must first clump
together, and its the galectins on their surface which are thought
to be responsible for much of this clumping potential. Research
shows that modified citrus pectin is particularly rich in a sugar
called galactose, which likes to bind to the surface of cancer cells,
and as a result MCP can block cancer cells from grouping together
and spreading.(2)
Because metastasis is so life-threatening, most research on antimetastatic therapies has either been done using in vitro (test tube)
cell cultures or animal studies, and although its still unclear exactly
how these study results translate to humans, the results are quite
promising thus far.(3)

Research Maps Out MCPs Potential

Though its just the beginning, weve already got quite a bit of
research available on MCP and Ive gathered some of the best of it
right here for you:
A 2007 study published in the journal Oncology examined the
clinical benefits of MCP in patients with advanced solid tumors.
The researchers found that 20.7 percent of the patients taking
MCP had an overall clinical benefit, 22.5 percent showed a stabilized disease, and 12.5 percent were stable for longer than 24
weeks with the MCP treatment.(4)
Another study examined MCPs effectiveness against prostate
cancer metastasis in rats and found that while the oral MCP did
not affect primary tumor growth, it significantly reduced metas-




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Chapter 24 The Citrus Secret Stopping Metastasis in Its Tracks

tases when compared to control animals.(5)

A human study examined the effect of MCP on prostate specific
antigen (PSA) doubling time in seven prostate cancer patients
(PSA is an enzymatic tumor marker and its doubling time tends to
reflect the speed at which the cancer is growing). They found that
four of seven patients exhibited more than 30-percent lengthening
of PSA doubling time.(6)
Research has shown that breast cancer metastasis requires
clumping and binding of the cancerous cells to outer tissue layers
in order for it to actually invade the neighboring tissue.(7) But when
MCP was studied in vitro against breast carcinoma cell lines, the
researchers found that MCP blocked the adhesion of malignant
cells to blood vessel endothelia (the sensitive, innermost lining of
blood vessels), thus inhibiting metastasis.(8)
A final study done in mice determined that MCP significantly
decreased tumor metastasis to the lung by more than 90 percent.(9)

MCP Dosing
These results are pretty exciting and I know youre probably
wondering how to find MCP and how to take it. Well, citrus pectin
is actually on the FDAs list of ingredients that are generally recognized as safe or GRAS. I know that I, for one, am pretty excited to
see that theres a potential alternative cancer treatment out there
that the FDA is not clamping down on like they usually do.
Modified citrus pectin is available in capsules or a powder and
the typically recommended dose for the powder is 5 grams (about
1/5 of an ounce) mixed with water or juice and taken three times a
day with meals. For capsules, the suggested dose is 800 milligrams
(mg) 3 times a day with meals.(10) When its used as intended there
are rarely side effects (some people may experience stomach dis-




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comfort after taking MCP, and there have been a few cases of people with exposure to powdered pectin developing asthma when the
pectin was inhaled during use, so dont take MCP if youre allergic
to citrus).
MCP is available as PectaSol C Modified Citrus Pectin by
Econugenics, Inc. You can contact Econugenics by calling
(800)521-0160 or visit




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Chapter 25 Immunotherapies from Around the World



The Cutting Edge of Cancer Treatment:

from Around the World

ve spent quite a bit of time now delving into the wide array
of cancer cures being used across the globe and what Ive found is
that the old saying is true: theres more than one way to skin a cat.
There are plenty of effective alternative cancer treatments out
there to choose from, being used right now on each and every continent, and theres one thing that many of them have in common:
they help repair the cancer elimination job that our immune systems havent done right in the first place. My recent talk with Dr.
Sean Devlin has shown me just thatthat immune-boosting
indeed may be the future of cancer treatment in both the conventional and alternative worlds.
Dr. Sean Devlin, who is based in Colorado and works in a number of clinics throughout the U.S., has been working with two cutting-edge cancer doctors, Dr. Tsuneo Kobayoshi from Japan and
Dr. Meredith Rigdon Lentz from Germany. Both doctors use
immunotherapy, or the stimulation of the immune system to reject
and destroy tumors, in the treatment of cancerand their patient
waiting lists are growing wildly. News of these treatments is only
recently getting out in the U.S., and Im pretty sure this is one of




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Tomorrows Cancer Cures TODAY 25 secret therapies from around the world

the first places youre going to hear of them

New Advances Track Your Progress

Every Step of the Way
One of the biggest roadblocks in cancer treatment is assessing
exactly how much progress a patient has made in terms of healing,
and if in remission, what the biological signs are that the cancer
may be coming back. Dr. Tsuneo Kobayoshi has invented a way to
analyze a variety of tumor markers in an effort to gauge how well a
person is doing pre-, during, and post-cancer care, whether being
treated with traditional, integrative, or a combination of therapies.
Dr. Devlin explained that Dr. Kobayoshis testing program
involves about 17 different tumor markers that he uses to measure
and classify his patients into five categories: 1 being low risk for
dying from a cancer-associated illness, and 5 being a highly severe
prognosis. Many people get these markers done in order to determine whether to go into a preventative program or to check
whether their conventional cancer treatment has really left them
free of cancer.
But regardless of your classification, you can use Dr. Kobayoshis
techniques to stimulate your immune system to fight or prevent
cancer. The first thing Dr. Kobayoshi recommends is to make it difficult for cancer cells to thrive in the body by following an alkalinizing, low-sugar diet (cancer cells thrive on sugar), and taking a few
specific herbal supplements and intravenous sodium bicarbonate
(see chapter 6).
He also stimulates the immune system to fight the cancer off
with a diluted version of Coleys vaccine, which is a mixture of
dead bacteria. Their presence in the body helps kick the immune
system into high gear by causing a high fever.




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Chapter 25 Immunotherapies from Around the World

Eliminate Cancer with Alkalinizing Foods

Here is a brief list of alkaline foods you can eat to help keep
cancer away:

Dark green and yellow vegetables and root vegetables

Fresh vegetable juices

Soaked nuts like almonds or hazelnuts

Sprouted grains and beans like alfalfa, mung beans, clover

and radish

Essential fatty acids from flax oil, borage oil, and virgin olive

Soy products like tofu


Onions and garlic

Add lemon zest to fruit compote

Fruits like avocados, lemons, limes and grapefruits(2)

Taking Matters into Your Own Hands

While Dr. Kobayoshis therapies stimulate the bodys immune
system to help itself, Dr. Meredith Rigdon Lentzs approach is to
get in and do the immune systems work for it.
About 20 years ago, Dr. Lentz conducted a series of studies on
pregnant goats in attempt to find the origin of cancer and how it
develops. The research uncovered an important protective mechanism within the goats fetuses which allowed them to protect
themselves from their mothers immune system (otherwise the
mothers body will reject the growing baby, considering it a foreign invader). This protective mechanism defends the fetus
against immune cell products called cytokines in the mothers




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system (which include tumor necrosis factor or TNF, interleukins,

and interferons).
Dr. Lentz hypothesized that, like the goat fetuses, the cancer
cells in our bodies had found a way to resist our cytokines by sending out receptors into the blood to stop them. Amazingly, Dr. Lentz
was able to create a device, somewhat similar to a kidney dialysis
machine, which filters out all of these receptors, allowing our
cytokines to do their job and stop cancer in its tracks. Dr. Lentz
originally worked on getting approval for the device in the U.S., but
the FDA made it virtually impossible. Today, Dr. Lentz treats
patients from all over the world, but only in Germany.

Help Here at Home

I know what youre thinking: These treatments sound incredible, but where do I go for the cutting edge cancer treatment if Im
not in Germany or Japan? Well, I would suggest heading straight to
Dr. Devlin, who uses an integrative approach, combining alternative and conventional treatments to treat cancer.
Dr. Devlin also encourages the use of biofeedback, acupuncture,
and homeopathy. And Dr. Devlin is also working hard to bring Dr.
Kobayoshis and Dr. Lentzs therapies to patients here in the U.S.
You can contact Dr. Devlin by calling (530)274-2274 or visiting




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Chapter 26 Giving Patients a Shot at a Cancer-Free Future



Giving Patients a Shot

at a Cancer-Free Future

hat if the cure for cancer was as simple as years worth of

weekly shots at the doctors office? Sounds far-fetched, but such an
incredible option may be just around the bend.
Dr. Nobuto Yamamoto, director of the Division of Cancer
Immunology and Molecular Biology at the Socrates Institute for
Therapeutic Immunology in Philadelphia, has discovered a way to
increase the levels of a certain glycoprotein (a compound which
contains a sugar and protein component) in your bloodstream,
whose role is to activate macrophages to kill tumor cells.
You see, normally when this glycoprotein, called Gc protein
(also called vitamin D binding protein) is converted to its active
form, Gc-MAF, it activates the macrophage cells of the immune
system to kill off foreign invaders like viruses and bacteriaand, in
theory, cancer too.
However, since tumor cells secrete an enzyme called nagalase
that blocks the conversion of Gc to Gc-NAF, macrophages are
actually prevented from carrying out their role as a cancer hit-man.
Incredibly, Dr. Yamamoto may have found a way around the




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Tomorrows Cancer Cures TODAY 25 secret therapies from around the world

nagalase enzyme problem. In his recent study published in the

International Journal of Cancer, Dr. Yamamoto found that after 16
subjects with breast cancer received weekly doses of Gc-NAF for
16 to 22 weeks, the nagalase enzyme secreted by tumors fell to
normal levels, indicating that their tumors had been eliminated.(1)
In a follow up study on eight patients with colon cancer, all
experienced the disappearance of tumors after 32 to 50 injections,
with no recurrence in the next seven years.
A years worth of shots might sound like a pain (literally and
figuratively), but when you consider the months of agonizing
chemotherapy and radiation that so many cancer patients have to
endure, the idea suddenly becomes a lot more enticing
So could this be one of the latest and greatest in our cancer bag
of cures? Well, the initial results are very exciting, but larger and
more comprehensive studies are definitely in order. But weve also
got to remember that Gc-NAF is a naturally occurring molecule,
and, as we well know, what cannot be patented doesnt draw in Big
Pharmas big bucks to fund the necessary studiesSo until that
changes, we may have to sit back and wait for Gc-NAFs big emergence to the world of cancer cures.




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Know the Enemy





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A Nutrition Revolution:
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Killing the Fungus Among Us:

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Staying Balanced and Cancer-Free With Macrobiotics





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Remedy from the Turkish Hillside: Nerium Oleander



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Finding the Cancer Cachexia Key:

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Giving Patients a Shot at a Cancer-Free Future


International Journal Cancer 2008; 122(2): 461-7




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