to write acceptance tests for web application. It allows automation of functional validation in
easily readable and understandable format (like plain English) to Business Analysts,
Developers, Testers, etc.
Cucumber can be used along with Selenium, Watir, and Capybara etc. Cucumber supports
many other languages like Perl, PHP, Python, .Net etc. In this tutorial we will concentrate on
Cucumber with Java as a language.
Cucumber Basics:
In order to understand cucumber we need to know all the features of cucumber and its
#1) Feature Files:
Feature files are essential part of cucumber which is used to write test automation steps or
acceptance tests. This can be used as live document. The steps are the application
specification. All the feature files ends with .feature extension.
Sample feature file:
Feature: Login Functionality Feature
In order to ensure Login Functionality works,
I want to run the cucumber test to verify it is working
Scenario: Login Functionality
Given user navigates to SOFTWARETETINGHELP.COM
When user logs in using Username as USER and Password PASSWORD
Then login should be successful
Scenario: Login Functionality
Given user navigates to SOFTWARETETINGHELP.COM
When user logs in using Username as USER1 and Password PASSWORD1
Then error message should be thrown
#2) Feature:
This gives information about the high level business functionality (Refer to previous
example) and the purpose of Application under test. Everybody should be able to
understand the intent of feature file by reading the first Feature step. This part is basically
kept brief.
#3) Scenario:
Basically a scenario represents a particular functionality which is under test. By seeing the
scenario user should be able to understand the intent behind the scenario and what the test
is all about. Each scenario should follow given, when and then format. This language is
called as gherkin.
1. Given: As mentioned above, given specifies the pre-conditions. It is basically a
known state.
3. Examples are used to pass different arguments in tabular format. Vertical pipes are
used to separate two different columns. Example can contain many different
#5) Tags:
Cucumber by default runs all scenarios in all the feature files. In real time projects there
could be hundreds of feature file which are not required to run at all times.
For instance: Feature files related to smoke test need not run all the time. So if you
mention a tag as smokeTest in each feature file which is related to smoke test and run
cucumber test with @SmokeTest tag . Cucumber will run only those feature files specific to
given tags. Please follow the below example. You can specify multiple tags in one feature
Example of use of single tags:
Feature: Login Functionality Feature
In order to ensure Login Functionality works,
I want to run the cucumber test to verify it is working
Scenario Outline: Login Functionality
Given user navigates to SOFTWARETESTINGHELP.COM
When user logs in using Username as <username> and Password <password>
Then login should be successful
|Harry |password2
|Jerry |password3
Example of use of multiple tags:
As shown in below example same feature file can be used for smoke test scenarios as well
as for login test scenario. When you intend to run your script for smoke test then use
@SmokeTest. Similarly when you want your script to run for Login test use @LoginTest tag.
-----------Any number of tags can be mentioned for a feature file as well as for scenario.
@SmokeTest @LoginTest
Feature: Login Functionality Feature
In order to ensure Login Functionality works,
I want to run the cucumber test to verify it is working
Scenario Outline: Login Functionality
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
Public class JUnitRunner {
Detail explanation of cucumber project set up is available separately in next tutorial. Please
refer to Cucumber Tutorial Part2 from more information about project setup. Remember
there is no extra software installations required for cucumber.
Implementation of Feature file:
We have to implement these steps in Java in order to test the feature files. Need to create a
class which contains those given, when and then statements. Cucumber uses its annotations
and all the steps are embedded in those annotations (given, when, then).Each phrase starts
with ^ so that cucumber understands the start of the step. Similarly each step ends with
$. User can use regular expressions to pass different test data. Regular expressions take
data from feature steps and passes to step definitions. The order of parameters depends
how they are passed from feature file. Please refer next tutorial for project setup and
mapping between feature files and java classes.
Below example is to illustrate how feature files can be implemented.
In this example we have not used any selenium API. This is to just show how cucumber
works as standalone framework. Please follow next tutorial for selenium integration with
1 public class LoginTest {
2 @Given("^user navigates to SOFTWARETETINGHELP.COM$")
3 public void navigatePage() {
4 system.out.println(Cucumber executed Given statement);
5 }
6 @When("^user logs in using Username as \"(.*)\" and Password \"(.*)\"$")
7 public void login(String usename,String password) {
8 system.out.println(Username is:+ usename);
system.out.println(Password is:+ password);
10 }
@When("^click the Submit button$")
public void clickTheSubmitButton() {
13 system.out.println(Executing When statement)
14 }
@Then("^Home page should be displayed$")
public void validatePage() {
17 system.out.println(Executing Then statement)
18 }
@Then("^login should be successful$")
public void validateLoginSuccess() {
21 system.out.println(Executing 2<sup>nd</sup> Then statement)
22 }
When you execute cucumber runner class, cucumber will start reading feature file steps. For
example, when you execute @smokeTest, cucumber will read Feature step
and Given statement of scenario. As soon as cucumber finds Given statement,
sameGiven statement will be searched in your java files. If same step is found in java file
then cucumber executes the function specified for the same step otherwise cucumber will
skip the step.
In this tutorial, we have covered features of cucumber tool and its usage in real time
Cucumber is a most favorite tool for many projects as it is easy to understand, readable and
contains business functionality.