LTE Field Testing RCR Feature Report

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1 6 T E ST & M E A S UR E M E N T

LTE, DAS and small cell

field-testing best practices
By Kelly Hill


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The push toward faster, high-capacity,

analytics, which are both informing and

key element of providing efficient, effective

highly reliable wireless networks is changing

directing field testing while also aiming to

network coverage.

both network architectures and how those

reduce its use.

This report examines key approaches to

architectures are tested, accepted and opti-

In most developed markets, and in partic-

network testing across macro sites, DAS

mized. Multiple factors are evolving simul-

ular the United States, site development and

and small cells; special considerations for

taneously: the move toward all-IP networks,

field testing arent done as a greenfield ap-

indoor and outdoor implementations; and

LTE and onward to LTE-Advanced; the in-

proach there are almost always existing

trends that are driving innovation in field

creasing densification of mobile networks via

network sites that must be accounted for

testing, including the use of network analyt-

small cells and distributed antenna systems;

and testing focuses not only on making sure

ics and big data, the evolution of field test-

the growing importance of indoor coverage,

new sites are operational, but also that they

ing equipment, and the technical issues that

supplemented by those small cells and DAS

interact properly with neighboring sites.

are driving changes in field testing.

installations; and the crucial role of mobile

Whether filling in network coverage and

data, services and applications.

capacity holes in an urban environment, or

Field testing

Beyond the technologies themselves, how-

pushing out LTE coverage into suburbs and

Ultimately, all of the physical infrastruc-

ever, is an additional driving force: the in-

rural areas, the handoffs and cooperation

ture, wireless technologies and wired net-

creased use of big data and network-based

between sectors and individual sites are a

work technologies at a site must function in

order for a site to be successfully turned up,
accepted and successfully integrated with
the larger network.
Vikas Arora, CTO at test company EXFO,
outlined the site testing process in six areas
that begin with the physical site infrastructure. He said the testing process evolves
from a focus on turn-up functions into service performance monitoring and ultimately
to assessing the user experience. He noted
that each operator has its own methods and
procedures that it requires for site turn-up
and acceptance, but the general process follows these points:
Physical layer network turn-up,

Source: EXFO

including optical connections, cable

Beyond the technologies themselves, however, is an additional driving force: the increased use of big data and
network-based analytics, which are both informing and directing field testing while also aiming to reduce its use.

and CPRI RF;

Transport layer turn-up, which spans
backhaul activation and connection
via Ethernet, plus syncing;
Wireless service and protocol layer


Power levels

Signal strength

Sources of interference, including

Signal to noise ratio, or SNR

passive intermodulation, or PIM

Its also important to note that although
current network buildouts are focused on
LTE, legacy networks still need to be maintained as well as tested for their interactions with next-generation technologies.
Paul Gowans, mobile strategy director for
JDSU, said there are two major trends that
are happening in parallel in mobile netSource: EXFO

works: the evolution of LTE itself and the

evolution of the physical cell site. The first
includes the move toward LTE-Advanced,
MIMO, SON and voice over LTE; the second includes the use of fiber at the site/fi-

turn-up, including the control and

cells. AT&T is in the final stretch of a major

ber to the antenna and remote radio head,

user planes.

three-year infrastructure initiative called

small cells and DAS, cloud RAN, and Wi-Fi,

Once those areas of functionality are

Project Velocity IP, which will ultimately

among others.

turned on, Arora said, testing shifts to the

mean the deployment of an additional

As each thing is added, its there to en-

following areas:

10,000 macro sites, more than 1,000 DAS

hance the user experience, but at the same

Transport and application layer ser-

installations and about 40,000 small cells.

time, it increases the complexity, Gowans

vice performance monitoring, includ-

AT&T has so far been actively deploying 3G


ing Ethernet and applications;

small cells rather than LTE.

Performance testing, troubleshoot-

A lot of the approaches that we use for

Testing as the network moves indoors

ing and optimization for the wireless

testing dont change all that dramatically,

One of the biggest influences on field test-

protocol layer on the user and control

said Kafka. We still need to make sure ev-

ing is the move from coverage that is uni-


erything is up and functioning, and the cell

versally provided by macro cell sites blast-

sites work and that the interaction points

ing RF indoors with little indoor testing

formance and user experience all the

between the cell sites and systems also are

and generally less robust coverage to the

way out to the mobile device.

working well, including verifying E911 ca-

deployments of DAS in venues such as sta-

pability and routing functions at the site.

diums and hotels, and small cells in residen-

And finally, testing end-to-end per-

From the perspective of Hank Kafka, VP

of access architecture and devices at AT&T,

Certain long-used key performance in-

the general outlines of testing remain much

dicators are still central to field testing.

the same across macro sites, DAS and small

These include:

tial areas and in enterprise environments.

But as mobile network use has evolved
from primarily outdoor, on-the-move voice

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Network Investment Update

The four largest mobile operators in the U.S. continue to
pour billions of dollars every quarter into their network
infrastructure which necessitates testing and monitoring in
order to add and optimize new sites and technologies. Here
is the latest update on carrier network spending from third
quarter 2014 reports unless otherwise noted:

on a quarter-to-date basis.
T-Mobile US reported cash capex for property and equipment
of around $3 billion for the year thus far, spending less than
a billion dollars in each of the first two quarters and ramping
up to $1.3 billion in the third quarter of this year. The total
figure for the year so far is down slightly from its $3.36 billion

AT&T said its combined capital expenditures for wireless and

in capex spent during the same period last year. T-Mobile US

wireline for the third quarter were $5.2 billion, spending $17

has already reached its 2014 goal of covering 250 million pops

billion to date and expecting around $21 billion for the year.

and plans to reach 300 million pops in 2015. The carrier says

The company also noted its operating expenses were up 7.5%

it is aggressively rolling out LTE and wideband LTE on its

in the third quarter due to higher equipment costs, network

700 MHz A-Block and 1900 MHz spectrum.

systems expenses and marketing costs that were mostly due

to its acquisition of Leap Wireless.
John Stephens, CFO of AT&T, told investors in the companys
quarterly call that AT&T reached its LTE target build during
the third quarter, four months ahead of schedule, and that it
now covers 300 million potential customers. AT&T Mobility
also reported that about two-thirds of its postpaid customer
base uses LTE smartphones.
Sprints most recent fiscal quarter (Q1 2014) included reaching
254 million pops with its LTE coverage, and largely completing
the rip-and-replace of its network. The company said its Sprint
Spark offering for improved data speeds launched with 22
devices in 27 markets and that it had completed field trials
and was ramping up deployment of its 8T8R technology, or
eight transmit/eight receive radios.

At the same time, T-Mobile US is also shutting down parts of

the CDMA network it acquired with its purchase of MetroPCS
in areas including Boston, Las Vegas and Philadelphia.
Verizon Communications spent $2.5 billion on mobile
network investment during the third quarter. The company
has spent $7.8 billion so far this year on its wireless network
out of $12.6 billion combined capex for wireless and wireline
networks. It is deploying additional capacity using AWS-1
spectrum, which it is calling XLTE, in more than 400 markets.
Fran Shammo, CFO of Verizon Communications, said during
the companys quarterly call that Verizon believes that steady
and consistent investments in networks and platforms will fuel
the companys growth. Shammo noted in Verizons quarterly
call that rather than ramping up spending significantly in the
second half of the year as in past years, its capex has been

The company expects to reach 100 million pops with

fairly flat: $4.2 billion consolidated capex for the first quarter,

coverage at 2.5 GHz by the end of the year, and it said it

$4.3 billion for the second, $4.1 billion for the third, and an

had 800 MHz deployed to one-third of its footprint. Sprint

expected $4.4 billion for the fourth quarter to bring it to $17

reported about $1.3 billion in capital spending for wireless

billion for the year.

calls to indoor, stationary, primarily data

access, network architectures are changing
to get closer to the user. Some operators
need to improve their coverage, and others
need better capacity and they may base
their network infrastructure choices on addressing customer churn, or trying to drive
their revenue up, according to Juan Valencia, VP of product operations at Ericsson.
CommScope found earlier this year that
Source: EXFO

80% of mobile data traffic originates indoors.

That presents new challenges for insightful
field testing, since sites cannot be measured
simply by driving past them. Rather than
spending hours in a car driving mapped-out

routes, field techs are padding around hotels

based repository so that it can be quickly

cloud-based information is readily available

or office buildings or sports venues, floor by

analyzed or accessed by off-site engineers.

and the field tech can troubleshoot and fix

floor and section by section.

It also has to be simple to control while

a location in a single visit.

There are a lot more sites, theyre hid-

walking Denisowski jokes about field

In addition, consumer-device-based appli-

den within buildings, and you cant just get

testers needing the ability to text and walk

cations introduced by companies like Anite,

access to walk around and make measure-

at the same time, because testers need to

Global Wireless Solutions and Mosaik Solu-

ments whenever you want, said Paul Den-

be able to control the equipment as they

tions, offer more end points for gathering

isowski, applications engineer with Rohde

move around the building.

network data while requiring less technical

& Schwarz. You have to get all the data on

In addition, more handheld field testing

one pass. You may get permission to walk

devices are available, and they are smaller

a particular building, but its usually not

and lighter boxes that combine more

Testing small cells and DAS, indoor and

okay for you to keep coming back.

features than they used to. They may also


acumen to collect that information.

This is changing field testing equipment.

offer the ability for remote control of the

Increasingly, turning up a cell site

Testing equipment is moving from heavy,

device not just being able to stand on

means planning and deploying distrib-

bulky equipment that resides in cars, to

the ground and control a unit at the top of

uted antenna systems or small cells. The

relatively lightweight backpacks with room

a tower, but cloud-based, remote access

latter technology hasnt ramped quite as

for multiple devices. These systems need to

so that an engineer in a distant office can

quickly as much of the industry expected,

not only carry enough devices to test vari-

get access to the instrument information

but they do exist in both trials and deploy-

ous technologies, frequencies and services,

and offer guidance to the employees on the

ments for 3G and in some cases for LTE.

but also to do it on battery power, with lim-

ground for installation guidance. This speeds

Although the growth is more measured

ited cabling, and preferably with the ability

up deployment, particularly if it means a

than explosive, small cells are still seen

to upload data on the go to a central cloud-

second site visit can be avoided because the

as one of the primary tools that operators

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will have to rely on in order to densify

In outdoor DAS implementations, the

their networks and expand capacity to

installations consist mostly of direction-

In order for DAS or small cells systems to

face daunting data growth.

al antennas, which radiate power more

provide that maximum spectral efficiency

because of their sensitivity to noise.

Design and testing of LTE systems re-

strongly in one or more specific directions

of 4G LTE, the signal needs to be basically

volves around the basic question of: How

and are typically used to cover large areas.

a clean signal, said McCray. Interference

far will the coverage go, and what will the

In many ways, this testing is very similar

is the biggest opponent to achieving that

throughput be aka the link budget? Per-

to macro site testing, according to Tom

spectral efficiency.

fecting that factor, reducing PIM and elim-

Bell, senior product manager for Anritsu.

Denisowski also said that while PIM is

inating interference are the three main

Indoor DAS consist primarily of omni an-

indeed important in LTE issues, it is also a

pieces of that puzzle.

tennas covering 360 degrees, with direc-

function of power levels which cause the in-

Inside a stadium, Kafka of AT&T noted,

tional antennas in areas near windows or

termodulation and reflected signal genera-

you dont have to worry about cars flying

corridors, according to Anthony McCray,

tion. Macro sites blasting 30 or 40 watts of

by at 65 miles per hour but you want to

senior director of sales and a DAS and

power to cover a large area are a completely

make sure that you have good coverage in

small cell specialist with Ethertronics.

different animal than a small cell generat-

all the different sections of the stadium.

RF issues are traditionally assessed with

ing less than a watt with which to generate

Large venues are seeing some incredibly

a spectrum analyzer, often connected to a

PIM, he added. An indoor, protected envi-

high usage. AT&T recently reported that

Yagi antenna to aid in directional location

ronment also means fewer chances for rust

during the World Series, its networks at

of interference sources.

or damage to network equipment or the sur-

AT&T Park handled 2.1 TB of data during

Passive intermodulation, or PIM, has

the game on Oct. 25, equivalent to more

taken on new importance in LTE systems

roundings, aka the rusty bolt effect that

causes PIM.

than six million social media posts with

photos. The stadium DAS handled more
than 477 GB of data that day, up 109% from
the average game during the final home series and even that number was dwarfed
by the 1,626 GB of data moving across the
carriers stadium Wi-Fi network.
Handoffs between the DAS and the surrounding macro network are a particularly
important part of testing and deployment.
Antenna gain/signal propagation, reflection and isolation are key characteristics
crucial in making sure that DAS antennas
are tuned and positioned properly, and can
even help identify when a DAS antenna is
missing or malfunctioning.

Source: EXFO

that need to be examined. Power levels are


Even in the indoor environment, though,

carriers are being very careful.
McCray said that in regards to indoor
DAS, he often sees testing for PIM conducted with the system at 20 watts, even

EVM impact on DAS deployments

though the system may be planned to operate at five watts of power. By looking for

Design and testing of LTE systems revolves around the basic questions of how

PIM at higher power levels, he said, you

far will the coverage go and what will the throughput be.

are protecting yourself better and mitigating PIM better.

Tom Bell, senior product manager at
Anritsu, said even at low power, antenna

Douglas Clary, network engineer for TE Connectivity, said that another factor
that is often overlooked or underestimated in DAS installations in particular is
error vector magnitude, which he said can be thought of as signal quality.

positioning is key for indoor installations.

The higher the quality of signal, the higher the throughput of the system is a

He said he has seen instances where at

given, but not every DAS designer understands how EVM measurements play

one-tenth watt, if you put antennas in

a role in LTE throughput, Clary told RCR Wireless News.He added that each

a poor location, near something that is

digital-to-analog RF conversion has an impact on signal quality, and that LTE

a PIM generator, you can still generate

designers need to consider how the manipulation of an RF signal in a DAS

enough noise to block the sector.

affects EVM.

What has become an additional issue as

If the quality of the signal out of the DAS is less than optimal then the signal

the network moves indoors, Denisowski

can only further degrade with poor PIM performance or macro interference,

said, is interference from consumer devic-

Clary noted.

es wireless speakers, fluorescent lighting and other active interference sources.

When the mobile network was based outdoors, either buildings provided sufficient
isolation, or the cellular network didnt
penetrate deeply enough for the interference to be obvious.
Noise is also a factor in small cell installations. AFL has been involved in providing fiber connections to small cell trials.
Roger Vaughn, product technology manager for AFL, spoke on the topic at the recent SCTE 2014 show in Denver.
Vaughn told RCR Wireless News that
AFL has mostly been involved in small

He went on to say that the goal should be for the lowest possible EVM out of
the DAS, because this allows for a larger coverage area that performs at 64
QAM for the highest throughput whereas the more standard 8% EVM would
achieve 64 QAM only near the radiating point, Clary said, because the signal
quality degrades as it propagates away from the antenna.
Clary added that unnecessary RF conversions can be avoided by using a fully
digital DAS with a CPRI interface to the base station and provides lower EVM.
Clary said that such testing should be performed when LTE channels are fully
loaded, by connecting a calibrated vector signal analyzer on the downlink
path at the remote amplifier location and comparing the signal output of the
DAS to the calculated output of the base station.
In addition, analyzing the EVM plots can be useful for tracking down
sources of signal degradation like phase noise of signal-to-noise ratio
issues, Clary noted.

cell deployments on utility poles that the

Little Known Facts about

the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Located in the beautiful Italian region
of Tuscany, the Leaning Tower of Pisa
stands as one of medieval Europes most
outstanding architectural structures.
Although designed to be perfectly vertical,
the 56-meter tower tilts at an angle of
roughly 10 degrees. The tower started to
lean during its construction phase (11731379). The tilt today is more than 5 meters
off perpendicular.
What caused the tower to lean?
It was built on soft, marshy land.

This imperfection made the Tower of

Pisa a piece of art. And an example of
things gone wrong for engineers.



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costs are contained.

This is sort of the holy grail, he added.
LTE is more dependent on a strong RF
foundation, which is why we also prioritize a little more rigorous planning upfront,
where you dont just throw up a cell and
hope that it picks up, said Mehrotra.
Small cells are still being accepted on
a per-site basis, he added, but Nokia Networks expects to see design start moving
toward a cluster approach. He said that curSource: EXFO

rently, Nokia Networks is seeing LTE small

cells being tested one or two at a time, with
occasional small test clusters.
There are some interesting technological advances being explored on the netoperator in question either owns or leases.

ing processes for dozens or hundreds of

work infrastructure side related to testing.

Sometimes, he said, noise levels are signifi-

small cells cant be the same as for macro

Dhruv Khanna, head of mobile broadband

cant enough that small cell positions must

sites, he said its simply too expensive

solutions at Nokia Networks said after sev-

be changed perhaps by selecting a differ-

for sites that are by nature designed to

eral years in development, Nokia expects to

ent pole than the one originally planned.

carry relatively little traffic and be rapidly,

next year start shipping network equipment

cheaply deployed.

that already has spectrum analysis capabili-

Noise is always one of those things you

ties built in, relying on the onsite receiver

cant predict in the lab, said Vaughn. You

Mehrotra said it now takes less than five

have to go out and track it down and figure

minutes to install one of Nokia Networks

and software.

out, its that transformer on that pole.

small cells at a prepped site, and that self-


Several experts agreed that they expect

more coordination and interference issues




organizing network features, or SON, help

together its smallest probe with an LTE

with integration into the larger networks.

modem in order to create an air interface

to emerge as small cells become more

Still, he added, while operators are ea-

probe, according to Scott Sumner, VP of

widely deployed, and as they are more

ger to talk about installing small cells,

development and marketing. The company

widely deployed for LTE.

once the cells get in there, they have a

had been asked to create a tiny, portable

Amit Mehrotra, director of services busi-

tough time competing with the macro

test probe or reflector that becomes a por-

ness development at Nokia Networks, said

shooting at them. Operators, he said,

table data point in the network for pur-

his company is working not only to speed

need to aim for positioning small cells so

poses of small cell monitoring, or monitor-

up the deployment process for small cells,

that you always get a significant through-

ing in areas on cell borders because it can

but also to encourage operators to put

put or capacity add to the network, while

demonstrate where and when a device is

more upfront effort into planning for their

at the same time locating it where the

being picked up by particular sectors, or

proper placement. Installation and test-

acquisition cycle time and the backhaul

forced to roam to examine user experience



on different cells.

Marc Bensadoun, CEO of Newfield, said

Cost: Bensadoun said there are orders of

LTE drive test reduction is actually part

testing for services such as voice over LTE

magnitude difference in cost, particularly

of the LTE standard in Release 10 and

during the pre-launch period, the launch

in light of software platforms for network

enhanced in Release 11, according to de-

period and post-launch requires a greater

analytics being an asset that can be used

tails of the release in a paper published

level of granularity than traditional drive

on an ongoing basis on a less expensive

in IEEEs Communications Magazine.

testing has provided. He laid out a series of

basis than repeating drive tests.

Officially referred to as minimization of

arguments as to why network data-based

Gianluca Noya has spent 10 years work-

drive tests or MDT, it enables operators

solutions like Newfields TrueCall are such

ing on test issues for Accenture, after a

to utilize users equipment to collect radio

compelling test technology compared to

stint as an engineer at Telecom Italia. He is

measurements and associated location

traditional field testing, including:

the managing director of Accentures engi-

information, in order to assess network

 raffic profiles and a more complete

neering services for Europe, Latin America

performance while reducing the opex as-

data view, versus drive testing with a

and Africa. He said drive testing is still a

sociated with traditional drive tests.

few devices around relatively few pa-

significant tool for benchmarking but that


the method must be streamlined and made

With the use of device-based data baked

more efficient for use in modern networks.

into the standards features in order to

 ime and location distribution: Field

minimize drive testing, its no wonder that

testing by its nature is conducted dur-

In a world where network data traffic is

analytics are playing an increased role in

ing business hours at discrete locations

doubling each year at some carriers, he

network management and deployment.

or on established routes, providing a

said, the reality is that applying the same

limited view on networks that operate

approach for network optimization and

The importance of analytics: monitoring

24/7/365 and cover large geographic

testing for issues simply wont scale.

vs. testing

areas. And with the vast majority of

If operators want to launch new services,

The wealth of data available from wire-

traffic originating indoors, drive test-

Noya added, they need more agility, more

less networks is causing a shift not just

ing alone isnt sufficient for assessing

speed and less cost in field testing of those

customer experience.

services. He sees operators moving more to-

to better inform and direct field testing to

make it more efficient and reduce costs,

The ability to encompass both RAN

ward end-to-end approaches as well as ana-

but to move away from intermittent testing

and evolved packet core conditions.

lytics focused on capturing the customer ex-

toward constant, real-time monitoring in

Bensadoun noted that in 3G networks,

perience being used to direct when, where

order to optimize networks.

about 70% of customer-impacting is-

and how much field testing is conducted.

Merger and acquisition activity this year

sues are generated in the RAN and that

Accenture, he said, developed an annoy-

reflects the test industrys interest in this

he would expect to see a similar per-

ance factor end-user KPI that is more so-

area. Anite acquired Xceed for $30 million.

cent for VoLTE.

phisticated than simply assessing dropped

EXFO purchased customer experience an-

 ample size: A days worth of drive test-

call rates, looking at a direct customer ex-

alytics company Aito. Netscout is buying

ing might result in several dozen calls

perience measurement that can come from

$2.6 billion in network testing and security

per ENodeB, Bensadoun said, compared

statistical analysis of network testing data.

assets from Danaher, including Tektronix

to being able to analyze all the calls and

Even the dropped call measurement, he

Communications and its geoanalytics sub-

data sessions that a network handles in

said, has a significant difference in customer

sidiary, Newfield Wireless.

a given time period or in real-time.

experience depending on the location of the


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call when, say, driving on a freeway or

sites. Signals and propagation in a dense

livans test and measurement practice. She

sitting on a train, compared to an executive

urban environment such as New York City,

added that it would be useful for engineers to

taking a business call in their office.

he added, are far different than in rural or

have mapping capabilities that allow them

The industry, Noya said, is moving from

suburban environments. Even demographic

to pinpoint the problem in a particular small

standard benchmarking to customer ex-

data about building tenants can be helpful

cell or a specific sector to direct the engineer

perience optimization. And, he added,

in network planning and optimization, he

to a more precise location and point.

that type of optimization cannot rely on

added, as it can provide information about

any single data source, but draws from a

likely usage habits.

Noya described the user of analytics as

industrializing the network and testing

number of factors, such as page download

Telecom operators have options such as

process. Its not just about having some

speeds and video hang-ups, location and

deep packet inspection open to them, noted

common sense, human reasoning analysis

even user demographics.

Accedian Sumner, but unlike what you as-

you need to automate it.

Analytics also open up new sources of

sume, DPI isnt being done 100% of the time,

Automation, he added, is key to reducing

data for assimilation into network planning

all the time. Its too resource intensive. He

the cost of testing both automation in drive

and optimization: Ericssons Valencia said

added that mobile network operators often

testing and automation in data collection.

that in addition to traditional network test-

want an easier-to-digest portion of data as-

As more objects are connected to wire-

ing techniques, Ericsson has been working

sociated with a certain location, a specific

less networks with the Internet of Things,

with social media companies including Fa-

tower or sector, in order to troubleshoot.

wearables and similar trends, Noya said, the

cebook to help determine traffic profiles for

This type of targeted analytics becomes

definition of mission critical is also likely

users and look at how people are using their

even more important for small cells, Sumner

to change. In addition, the scale at which

smartphones and tablets indoors to help in-

said, because costs need to be kept low.

enterprises want their networks tested and

form operators decisions on the best infrastructure solution for a given location.

You really have to try to infer as much as

you can from the network itself, he said.

monitored is beyond MNOs ability to provide, he added, leaving room for third-party

By analyzing the data, you can see what

JDSUs also said location information is in-

type of traffic is being generated indoors

creasingly important in field testing being

and from there, then you can model your

able to correlate physical network locations

indoor coverage to make sure that youre

to service issues such as, say, a VoLTE failure

Its not about cutting the cost of the testing

optimizing your macro network, said

or service quality reduction, and know which

function, its about using it to bring to market

Valencia. The amount of data to upload

cells are the source of the disturbance in or-

the real value of the products, he said.

video or pictures to Flickr or Instagram is

der to more quickly fix issues.

monitoring specialists to step in.

Noya sees testing becoming more valuebased in the future.

Test equipment: recent advances

very different than the bandwidth to do just

There might be 20 cells in the area,

emails, so all those issues need to be taken

Gowans said. If you can get much more

In general, the test industry seems to be

into account when deciding what is the

precise location information, theres much

moving away from being a discrete source

best solution to be deployed indoors.

more of a chance theyre going to go into

of data centered on expensive, bulky

the right place and fix the problem.

equipment that requires an engineers

Valencia added that looking at which sectors are carrying the traffic is important

Helping to pinpoint the exact problem that

expertise, to more distributed points of

as well, and determining the strength of a

engineers need to fix is a challenge, said

data collection that are also simpler to use

small cell compared to neighboring macro

Olga Yashkova-Shapiro, head of Frost & Sul-

and have cloud capabilities.



Equipment companies are also seeking

base station analyzer, its CellAdvisor Base

has introduced an industry first by

to combine functionality in their solutions

Station Analyzer. The delivery of RF over

making its Site Master sweep testing

and allow remote control both from the

fiber is used in remote radio head configu-

instrument available as an option on

base of the tower and also cloud-based ac-

rations (FTTA) as well as in DAS to con-

its PIM Master, combining two previ-

cess to data and cloud-based control of in-

nect the remote units to the baseband.

ously standalone units. Sweep testing

 obile applications: At CTIAs Super Mo-

assesses the characteristics of equip-

When network operators are looking at

bility Week, multiple companies show-

ment across a range of frequencies, en-

test and measurement solutions, they need

cased or launched their smartphone or

suring that antennas are working prop-

them to be able to simplify the environment

tablet-based apps for network testing.

erly and that there isnt a high amount

and well as be able to perform testing and

Global Wireless Services demonstrated

of energy loss. PIM testing can involve

troubleshooting for all of the technologies

its app and talked up stats on upload

looking for sources of PIM noise either

via the same integrated solutions, said

speeds that it had assessed around

within the onsite equipment or offsite


Las Vegas for photos. Mosaik Solu-

sources that can cause interference.

They are trying to avoid using separate

tions, a newcomer to the testing space,

Handset-to-handset testing: As VoLTE

tools for different environments, she add-

launched its app, which leverages highly

begins to deploy, increasingly real-world

ed. The more capabilities get integrated

detailed network location information

testing is being required, including hand-

into a common testing tool, the better it is

with analytics and data on throughput,

set-to-handset testing. Spirent launched

for the network operators in terms of ease

signal strength, cell ID and more. Anite

such a solution at the CTIA show, and

of use and overall efficiency.

launched a smartphone-based in-build-

JDSU recently added VoLTE call quality

ing coverage offering designed for op-

testing for handset-to-handset calls to its

erators sales executives to verify perfor-

RANAdvisor TrueSite test solution.

Here are some of the recently introduced

products of note:
RF over CPRI testing: JDSU said it is the
first in the industry to add RF over common public radio interface analysis to a

mance onsite where capacity or specific

Key takeaways

enterprise services are being sold.

 ombined PIM/sweep testing: Anritsu

Although traditional field testing isnt

going away, analytics are increasingly
being used to direct and inform field
testing. The industry is shifting toward
constant, real-time monitoring vs. discrete field testing efforts.
Small cells and DAS bring their own
unique challenges to field testing, including indoor vs. outdoor issues, directional
vs. omni antennas, handoffs and interfer-

Source: EXFO

struments by off-site engineers.

ence from PIM and consumer devices.

 S maller, lighter, simpler equipment
is on the rise as network testing
moves indoors.


2014 Test & Measurement

Supplier Guide
O V E R 4 5 C O M PA N I E S

Featured Companies

JDSUs fundamentally different approach to 4G/LTE Assurance lets smart mobile
operators scale with data growth, enable dynamic networks and services, and differentiate
the customer experience at the lowest cost and footprint in the industry. Visit
for more information.
Accedian Networks
Accedian Networks is the Performance Assurance Solution Specialist for mobile backhaul &
small cells, business services and service provider SDN. Contact [email protected] or visit for more information.
EXFO is a leading provider of next-generation test, service assurance and end-to-end quality of
experience solutions for mobile and fixed network operators and equipment manufacturers in
the global telecommunications industry. Contact us at [email protected] or visit
The National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) is a non-profit trade association in the
wireless infrastructure industry providing a unified voice for tower erection, service and
maintenance companies.
A global leader in innovative communications test and measurement solutions for more than
115 years, Anritsu provides solutions for wired and wireless communication systems and
operators. Products include wireless, optical, microwave/RF, and digital instruments, and
operations support systems for R&D, manufacturing, and installation/maintenance.
Visit for more information.
LitePoint creates wireless test solutions for developers of wireless chipsets and wireless
consumer devices. LitePoint solutions have verified more than two billion wireless devices
worldwide. Contact us at [email protected] or visit
Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz is an international electronics group specialized in the fields of electronic test
equipment, broadcasting, radio monitoring and radio location, and radio communication. Visit for more information.
Narda Test Solutions
A.G. Franz is the North American master distributor for RF test-equipment for interference and
direction finding measurements and remote spectrum analyzers from Narda Test Solutions.
Spirent Communications plc is a global leader in test and measurement inspiring innovation
within development labs, communication networks and IT organizations. We enable todays
communication ecosystem as well as tomorrows emerging enterprises to deploy life enriching
communications networks, devices, services and applications.


Supplier Guide

20/20 TeleOptics, Ltd.

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals

Anritsu Company

15 Tamarack Drive
La Resource South DAbadie
Port of Spain
Trinidad W.I.
Contact: Jason Cowie
[email protected]
Our company was formed to pursue opportunities
in the sale of fibre optic, outside plant hardware,
data equipment and other telecommunications
services and products designed to meet the
needs of consumers and corporations at affordable prices for your home and for your business.

10401 Roselle St.

San Diego, CA 92121
[email protected]
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals is a leading high
tech equipment rental company that provides test
equipment from all the major manufacturers for
you specific testing needs.

1155 East Collins Boulevard, Ste. 100

Richardson, TX 75081
Contact: Rob Robinson
[email protected]
A global leader in innovative communications test
and measurement solutions for more than 115
years, Anritsu provides solutions for wired and
wireless communication systems and operators.
Products include wireless, optical, microwave/RF,
and digital instruments, and operations support
systems for R&D, manufacturing, and installation/

A.G.Franz, LLC
5 Stanton Court
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
Contact: Gerhard Franz
[email protected]
A.G. Franz is the North American master distributor for RF test-equipment for interference and
direction finding measurements and remote
spectrum analyzers from Narda Test Solutions.

Accedian Networks Inc.

2351 Blvd. Alfred Nobel, Ste. N410
Montreal QC H4S 2A9
[email protected]
Accedian Networks is the Performance Assurance
Solution Specialist for mobile backhaul & small
cells, business services and service provider SDN.

Accuver Americas
500 N. Central Expressway #210
Plano, TX 75074
Contact: Daniel Galeana
[email protected]
Accuver provides comprehensive 4G air interface
test solutions for field and lab measurement. Our
XCAL product line offers tools for drive testing,
network optimization, in-building testing, mobile
testing, and network benchmarking; as well as
throughput, VoLTE MOS, video, and capacity


AetherPal Inc.
1 Cragwood Road, Ste. 305
South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Contact: Jon Herttua
[email protected]
Provides secure remote control, dianostic, logging
and analytics capabilities for testing and device
troubleshooting for Android devices


170 Ridgeview Center Drive

Duncan, SC 29334
Contact: Dennis Beck
[email protected]
AFL provides fiber optic products and integrated
services to the wireless market. Products include
test equipment, fusion splicers, optical cabling,
closures, enclosures and more.

3500 Boston St.

Baltimore, ME 21224
Contact: Stan Scheufler
[email protected]
Apkudo Approved helps wireless carriers and device manufacturers make better smart connected
devices. Apkudo puts any phone, tablet, accessory or app through almost every conceivable
user activity or use-case. The Apkudo Approved
data-driven approach gets devices launched faster,
finds issues quickly, and significantly reduces
device return associated costs. The end result is a
better device delivered into the hands of consumers that want it.



Ancells Business Park,

Harvest Crescent
Fleet, UK GU512UZ
Contact: Karolina Eklund
[email protected]
Anite provides specialist wireless test systems to
enable manufacturers to design efficient chipsets,
mobile devices and network equipment, and to
bring them to market quickly and cost-effectively.

116 West 23rd St.

New York, NY 10011
Contact: Esther Duval
[email protected]
Astellia is a leading provider of network and subscriber intelligence enabling mobile operators to
drive business performance. Astellias vendor-independent real-time monitoring and troubleshooting
solution covers end-to-end 2G, 3G and 4G from
radio access to core network. Astellias scalable
products and expert services address the needs of
operators full value chain.


Supplier Guide

Azimuth Systems

Developing Solutions, Inc.

35 Nagog Park
Acton, MA 01720
[email protected]
Azimuth Field-to-Lab (FTL) is a key part of
Azimuths Real-World-Testing vision. It enables
seamless migration of tests conducted in the
field to the lab, by recreating the RF environment
seen in the field and captured during a drive
test, in the lab.

1801 W. Louisiana St., Ste. 200

McKinney, TX 75069
Contact: Dennis Foster
[email protected]
Developing Solutions focuses on providing test
solutions for core network interfaces in Policy &
Charging Control (PCC), Subscriber Management,
Authentication Accounting & Authorization (AAA),
and Diameter Routing Agents (DRA).


Eastpointe Industries, Inc

Lindholmsalln 10
Gothenburg, Sweden
SE-417 55
Contact: Emelie Johansson
+46 31 778 6161
[email protected]
The leading provider of RF reverberation test
systems for OTA - Over The Air testing of wireless
devices and small antennas.

4020 Tull Ave.

Muskogee, OH 74403
Contact: Marty Halliday
[email protected]
Tower and Modification steel Manufacturer.

5000 Windplay Drive, Ste. 5
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Contact: Bill Monroe
[email protected]
Functional and performance E2E testing of Diameter, CAMEL, CORBA, Web Services, Enhanced
SSH/Telnet, and JMS.

CSS Corp
3031 Tisch Way, Ste. 1002
San Jose, CA 95128
Contact: Melody Yuhn
[email protected]
CSS Corp is a global technology services
company supporting enterprise and consumer
products, deploying networks and managing IT
infrastructure (stand alone, cloud or mobile enabled). Our expertise and in-depth understanding of the enterprise & consumer tech support
space, along with proven pedigree in Remote
Infrastructure Management Services (RIMS),
helps enhance IT availability and business efficiency, to more than 140 customers worldwide.
Our R&D arm, CSS Corp Innovation Labs designs
and develops products and IP, creates platforms
and solutions to accelerate IT transformation
and enable faster go to market for customers.

Fevzipasa Cad. Kandis Plaza
No:54, Kat:3
Atasehir, Istanbul 34750
Contact: Birol Yamali
+90 216 574 64 64
[email protected]
Radio Network Planning, Optimization and
Independent Benchmarking Services. Our test
measurement capabilities include QoS Metrics,
MOS, YouTube, Video Streaming, VoIP etc.

Evans Analytical Group

2710 Walsh Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Contact: Taqi Mohiuddin
[email protected]
Evans Analytical Group is a fully integrated, independent laboratory network providing high-value
expert analytical and testing services to a wide
range of industries and end users.

GL Communications Inc
818 West Diamond Avenue,3rd Floor
Gaithersburg, ME 20878
Contact: Shelley Sharma
[email protected]
GL Communications Inc. provides test and measurement equipments, and consulting services
for telecommunication companies all around the

world. We offer test, analysis and simulation

products for Wireless, IP, Satellite, Fiber Optic,
Microwave, and T1E1 T3E3 networks.

Global Wireless Solutions, Inc.

23475 Rock Haven Way, Ste. 165
Dulles, VA 20166
Contact: Dan Halem
[email protected]
Global Wireless Solutions is the leading independent benchmarking solutions vendor for the
wireless industry.

GPS Networking
373 E. Industrial Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
Contact: Eileen OHalloran
[email protected]
GPS Networking, Inc.specializes in global positioning products and solutions to enable an organization to effectively distribute the GPS signal
throughout a site or facility. We have developed
a line of building block GPS products which allow
the custom design of a GPS network. For over 15
years, GPS Networking has been the number one
provider of GPS Antenna Splitters, GPS Amplifiers,
and GPS Re-radiating Kits in the world.

1820 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 250
San Mateo, CA 94404
Contact: Suzanne McCormac
[email protected]
Guavus is a big data analytics company ushering
in a new class of applications that allow companies to put all their data to work. The company offers a suite of decisioning applications for network,
marketing, monetization, security and customer
care that are embedded with powerful data science to turn the non-stop processing of enterprise
data into streaming insights and actions.

Infinite Tower Services

109 Keene Crossing
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Contact: Shyloh Knighten
[email protected]
Specialize in L&A, Co-locate, Mods, Beef-up, Audit
(Mapping/ Quality) Hop & Test, etc.


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Supplier Guide


JM Test Systems, Inc.


6821 Benjamin Franklin Dr.

Columbia, ME 21046
Contact: John Bonzey
[email protected]
ipoque is the leading European vendor for Deep
Packet Inspection (DPI) technology. ipoques
hardware and software solutions provide network
intelligence, traffic management capabilities and
policy control. This enables ipoque to address
diverse market segments, including mobile and
fixed network operators, vendors of network
related technology and educational institutions. Our solutions help operators to better
understand traffic patterns, monetize new data
services and improve the quality of experience
for their subscribers.

1600 Watterberg Way

Alexandria, LA 71303
Contact: Barry Weltz
318-443-5589 ext. 3202
[email protected]
JM Test Systems, a full service metrology lab
founded in 1982, provides NIST Traceable
calibration and repair for electronic test instruments, as well as dimensional and mechanical
test equipment. Our commitment is to accuracy,
reliability, quality and service. JM Test Systems is
an ISO/IEC 17025 lab accredited by A2LA. JM
Test System complies with ANSI/NCSL Z-540
and ISO 10012-1.

5 Skyline Dr.
Hawthrone, NY 10532
Contact: John
[email protected]

Isotrope, LLC
503 Main Street
Medfield, MA 02052
Contact: Steve Riggs
[email protected]
Isotrope specializes in RFE safety measurements,
benchmarking drive tests, indoor coverage measurements, interference remediation, RF coverage
plotting and analysis.

10 Tower Office Park, Ste. 620
Woburn, MA 01801
Contact: Debra Wilkins
[email protected]
iTrinegy specializes in network emulation and
network and application profiling technology

JDS Uniphase Corporation

430 N. McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Michael Tschirret
866-228-3762, Opt. 1
[email protected]
JDSU serves markets that are at the heart of
whats important, making virtually every network
in the world faster and more reliable. From development and planning, through deployment and
turn-up testing, to optimization and assurance,
JDSU test instruments, software, and expertise
ensure that all networks, fiber, cable, and wireless are always working at their best.

[email protected]
LitePoint creates wireless test solutions for developers of wireless chipsets and wireless consumer
devices. LitePoint solutions have verified more
than two billion wireless devices worldwide.

Lyncole XIT Grounding

3547 Voyager St., Ste. 204
Torrance, CA 90503
Contact: Leslie Provenzano
[email protected]
Lyncole is a grounding and electrical protection
company. We off our a wide range engineering services and electrical protection products,
including our XIT Grounding System.

Banjara Hills
Venkat NCS
[email protected]
Magnaquest Technologies Limited is a trendsetting and fascinating innovative Enterprise
Product-based Solutions Company, which has
established its leadership over 15 years.

Mann Wireless
437 Middle Grove Rd.
Middle Grove, NY 12850
Contact: Javier Jaramillo
[email protected]
Mann Wireless, Ltd., provides in-building signal
enhancement system design, installation and
integration services.

Mobile Relay Associates

15330 Vermont Ave.
Paramount, CA 90723
Contact: Joyce Peters
[email protected]
Specializing in Engineering, Installation, Maintenance, Tower Sites, and Repeaters. Complete turnkey communications systems for voice and data.
Towers in Southern California and Texas. Digital
Two-way radio NEXEDGE Network California.

Narda Safety Test Solutions

GmbH Sandwiesenstrasse 7
Pfullingen 72793
Contact: Holger Schwarz -16804
[email protected]
Narda Test Solutions provides RF test-equipment:
NRA (Remote Spectrum Analyzer for Monitoring
RF Signals) and IDA 2 (Handheld Interference and
Direction Analyzer for Localizing and Identifying RF

NetAmerica Alliance
9700 Bissonnet, Ste. 2800
Houston, TX 77036
Contact: Ely Compean
[email protected]
4G LTE provider for Rural America

310 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886
[email protected]
NetScout Systems, Inc. is the market leader in
Unified Service Delivery Management enabling
comprehensive end-to-end network and application assurance. For over 25 years, NetScout has
delivered breakthrough packet-flow technology
that provides trusted and comprehensive real-time
network and application performance intelligence
for the network, applications and users.


Supplier Guide


Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.


Elizabeth House
56-60 London Road
Contact: Colin Aitken
+ 44 1784 462198
[email protected]
NextG-Com Limited is a UK based independent
technology development company specialising in
software services and embedded system components for LTE, satellite and M2M standards.

17802 Fitch
Irvine, CA 92614
Contact: Penny L. Cotner
[email protected]
A leader in RF products since 1972, Pasternack
is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer and
supplier that offers the industrys largest selection
of passive and active RF, microwave and millimeter
wave products available for same-day shipping.

3500 Boston St., Ste. 333

Baltimore, ME 21224
[email protected]
A device quality assurance company, Apkudo
deeply and holistically tests pre-release mobile
devices against millions of different possible usecases and activities to discover bugs and refine
the user interface and experience.

Nexus Telecom (Americas) Inc.

PCTEL Inc, RF Solutions

Rohde & Schwarz

1410 Blair Place, Ste. 402

Ottawa, ON K1J 9B9
Contact: Elias Rafoul
[email protected]
Nexus Telecom is a major provider of telecom
management systems, based on COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) following TMF standards,
for network monitoring, service assurance and
customer experience information. Nexus Telecom
is a leading software solution provider for telecom
operators to ensure superior network performance
which increases customer satisfaction and thus,
brings in more revenue.

20410 Observation Dr, Ste. 200

Germantown, ME 20876
Contact: Chintan Fafadia
[email protected]
PCTEL RF Solutions specializes in the design, optimization and testing of todays wireless communication networks. We develop and build innovative
scanning receivers, drive test software, and interference management solutions that help wireless
cellular operators get the most out of their wireless
spectrum. Our highly-trained engineering services
team uses state-of-the-art test, measurement, and
design tools to provide engineering services for inbuilding and outdoor networks.

6821 Benjamin Franklin Dr.

Columbia, ME 21046
Contact: Keith Cobler
[email protected]
Rohde & Schwarz is an international electronics
group specialized in the fields of electronic test
equipment, broadcasting, radiomonitoring and
radiolocation, and radiocommunication.


Polaris Networks Inc.

15 MTC - 18th Fl.

Brooklyn, NY 11201
Contact: Smith
[email protected]
Public Safety - Local Government.

75 Robbins Road
Lexington, MA 02421
Contact: Pamela Datta
[email protected]
Polaris Networks is a global solution provider for
wireless technologies. The company was started
in 2003 by a group of former Agilent Technologies
employees. Headquartered in Massachusetts, USA,
the company has two R&D centers in Kolkata, India.

P3 Communications
412 Mt. Kemble Ave., Ste. G2
Morristown, NJ 07960
[email protected]
P3 communications is a leading internationally
operating consulting, engineering and testing
service company. We provide a broad portfolio
of independent technical and management
consulting, network planning, engineering and
E2E optimization, security, QoS and QoE testing, international benchmarking, device testing
and acceptance services to network operators,
equipment vendors, device manufacturers and
regulatory authorities worldwide.


1820 W Desert View Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85041
[email protected]
QHS is a boutique investment banking firm representing entities and institutions looking to sell or
lease licensed FCC Spectrum and communication
antenna sites.

SAC Wireless, LLC

1501 E. Woodfield Rd., Ste. 300E
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Contact: Scott Pomykalski
[email protected]
A full turnkey, self perform GC with Site Aqc, A&E,
Construction, Technical Services and DAS services
all in house.

711 Kapiolani Blvd., Ste. 1050
Honolulu, HI 96813
[email protected]
Sanjole provides problem solving capabilities from
inside the wireless network through deep analysis
tools that provide visibility into events spanning
multiple layers.

Supplier Guide

Spirent Communications

Testbook Ltd.

WesBrodsky Wireless Communication

1325 Borregas Avenue

Sunnyvale , CA 94089
Contact: Sailaja Tennati
[email protected]
Spirents 8100 system is the optimal solution for
todays LTE mobile device and chipset testing. The
8100 provides unique capabilities for simultaneous emulation of multi-technology (LTE, CDMA/
EV-DO, UMTS) and multi-cell networks (including
advanced Enhanced Packet Core (EPC) emulation).

7 Midshires Business Park,

Smeaton Close
Aylesbury, UK HP19 8HL
Contact: Vicki Russell
+ 44 01296 761886
[email protected]
Testbook develops advanced turn-up and maintenance tools for VoIP and Unified Communications
allowing technicians to rapidly turn-up and maintain SIP trunks, hosted VoIP services, VoWLAN and
VoIP OTT of LTE and 3G.

247 High Street

Medford, MA 02155
Contact: Wes Brodsky
[email protected]
WesBrodsky Wireless Communication provides
consulting for communications and RF systems;
including the testing of analog and digital signal
processing, RF/microwave design, antennas, and


TWR Lighting, Inc.

17 Spectrum Pointe, Ste. 506

Lake Forest, CA 92630
Contact: Bob Poole
[email protected]
SwissQual, a Rohde & Schwarz company, is one
of the largest independent suppliers of specialist
equipment for wireless network service quality
benchmarking and RF optimization.

4300 Windfern Rd, #100

Houston, TX 77041
Contact: Sandra Prewitt
[email protected]
FAA approved & ETL Certified manufacturer of
Aviation Obstruction Lighting for towers including:
Our L-450 All LED Systems, LED Beacons and
Obstruction Lights, High Intensity Lighting and
Monitoring Systems.

3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Ste. 101

Wake Forest, NC 27587
Contact: Randle Sherian
919-435-0051 x102
[email protected]
WRCNC uses a Satimo SG64 for OTA testing and
antenna measurements and WRCNC is a listed
CATL for OTA testing located in Wake Forest, NC.

Tekno Telecom

US Rack Distributors

1250 Shore Rd.

Naperville, IL 60563
Contact: Sam Galler
[email protected]
SS7, SIP, VOIP, IMS, LTE, 4G & Next-Gen Network
Monitoring Manufacturer. Provides solutions for
Inter-carrier Billing, Fraud, QoS, Protocol & Traffic

2805 E. Plano Parkway, Ste. 200

Plano, TX 75074
Contact: Mike Miehe
[email protected]
US Rack Distributors is the Premier Value Added
Distributor bringing Soundproof Energy Efficient
Rackmount Enclosures to the IT market in the USA
and Canada.

TESSCO Technologies

VSS Monitoring

11126 McCormick Road

Hunt Valley, ME 21784
Contact: Tong Duong
[email protected]
TESSCO offers a comprehensive test equipment
supply chain program furnishing testing solutions
from fiber and RF to PIM including expert technical support, and financing options.

930 De Guigne Drive

Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Contact: Vincent Lui
VSS Monitoring is a world leader in network packet
brokers (NPBs), providing a visionary systems
approach for optimizing and scaling the connectivity between network switching and the universe
of network monitoring and network security tools.
VSS Monitoring NPBs improve tool usage and efficiency, simplify IT operations and greatly enhance
ROI from tools.

Wireless Research Center of North Carolina

982 Coeur D Alene Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Contact: Malcolm Caraballo
[email protected]
wirelessMETRIX provides a complete line of laptop
and handheld based air interface or drive test
tools for data collection and analysis. We also
provide services and rentals of our tools.




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