Project in History

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Arriesgado, Timothy John
Governance with Constitution

Philippine History and


Isabelo delos Reyes

He was born in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, on July 7,1864 to Elias
delos Reyes and Leona Florentino. He attended his early
education in the Seminary of Vigan. In 1880, when he
was 16 years old he went to Manila and enrolled in the
College of San Juan de Letran. On his eighteenth
birthday on July 7, 1882, his father died. After receiving
the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Letran, he entered
the University of Santo Tomas, where he studied law and
paleography. In 1886 he finished the course on notary
public. To supplement the limited monthly allowance he
received from his mother, he became a journalist. Writing
was in his blood, because his mother was also passionate
for literature and writing ability. He wrote articles for EI
Diario de Manila, La Oceania Espanol, EI Comercio, La
Revista Popular, La Opinion, and other Manila newspapers.
On June 14, 1884, when he was a 2O-year old struggling newspaperman, he married Josefa
Sevilla of Malabon. As a journalist, Don Belong, as he was fondly called, aroused the hostility of
the friars and officials because he openly criticized the evils of the Spanish rule and advocate
reforms. In January, 1897, after the execution of the "Thirteen Martyrs of Bagumbayan," Don
Belong was arrested and jailed in the Bilibid Prison. He was one of the many patriots who were
jailed and tortured because of their complicity in the ranging revolution, which Andres Bonifacio
and his katipuneros began in the hills of Balintawak in August, 1896. While he was in prison, his
sick wife died.
The inhuman authorities, who called themselves Christians, would not permit him even a few
minutes to attend his wife's funeral and see his orphaned children. So Don Belong was able to
speak to his inmates, who were katipuneros, and learned from them the history of the Katipunan
and the reasons why they rose in arms against Spain. Accordingly, he wrote within his prison cell
the Sensacional Memoria sobre la Revolucion Filipina, which became one of the valuable works

on the history of the revolution. The arrival of General Fernando Primo de Rivera in Manila on
April 25, 197, as successor of the ruthless Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja (who ordered
the execution of many Filipino patriots, including Dr. Rizal), saved Don Belong from the firing
squad. This new governor-general, comparatively more humane than Polavieja, deported him to
Spain, where he was incarcerated at the infamous Montijuich Castle in Barcelona. When the Pact
of Biak-na-Bato was concluded on December 14-15, 1897, he was released. To silence his
trenchant pen and win over to Spanish side, he was given a distinguished job as Consejero del
Ministery de Ultramar (Counselor of the Ministry of Colonies) in Madrid, a position which he
held from 1898 to 1901. At that time, the Spanish-American war was raging in the Philippines
and in the West Indies.
More important, he looks toward the futureof Ilocos and the nation by claiming folklore as a
means for establishing a history deeper and longer than that framed by Spanish coloniality and
uncovering a cutural unity for groups characterized as an anarchy of tribes and races....
Moreover, he sees his project as a means for social selfcriticism since, seeing themselves in the
mirror of their own practices, people can then proceed to reform what in their culture does not
conduce to their common progress. (Mojares 2006:353-4)
While working in the Ministry of Colonies, daughter of a retired Spanish infantry colonel, Don
Belong fell in love a Madrilena. He married her in 1898. During the Fililpino-American War, he
used his pen to lambast the Yankee attack on the First Philippine Republic. He founded and
edited two nationalist periodicals in Madrid, EI Defensor de Filipinas and Filipinas Ante Europa.
He wrote two books, both published in Madrid, namely, Independencia y Revolucion which
urged the Filipinos to carry on their war against American and La Religion de Katipunan which
discussed the teachings and organization of the K.K.K. On July 1, 1901, the Spanish Government
permitted Don Belong to return to the Philippines.
He brought many books with him, among which were those written by Karl Marx, Friedrich
Engels, Victor Hugo, Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin, and other socialists of Europe.
These books inspired him to introduce socialism into his own country. After his arrival in
Manila, he contacted the labor elements, urging them to unite and protect themselves from the
avaricious capitalists. He explained to them the benefits that would derive by means of collective
bargaining. On February 2, 1902. he"founded the first labor union in the Philippines, called the
Union Obrera Democratica Filipina (Philippine Democratic labor Union), with himself as
president and Hermenegildo Cruz as secretary, Realizing the value of propaganda, he founded
and edited the first labor newspaper in the country, La Redencion del Obrero (The Redemption
of the laborer), which championed the rights of labor.
As the mastermind of the abortive general strike, Don Belong was arrested and jailed in
Malabon. He was convicted by the court on the charge of public disturbance and sentenced to
four months in prison. Because of his imprisonment, the mantle of labor leadership passed to the
hands of the fiery Dr. Dominador Gomez on September 3, 1902.

After his release from prison, Don Belong left Manila in February, 1903, for China and Japan. he
was able to contact the self-exiled revolutionary general, Artemio Ricarte, in Yokohama, on the
Philippine situation.
He returned to Manila, and later, in 1905 he sailed for Spain, where he worked as a juror Uurado)
of the Spanish Government in barcelona until 1908. On April 3, 1909, he returned to Manila,
with his Spanish wife and children. His wife died on February 10,1910. In 1912, at the age of 48,
two great events highlighted Don Belong's life - first was his marriage for the third time ans
second, his election as councilor of the city of Manila. His third wife was Maria Um, a pretty 18year old Chinese mestiza of Tondo. By winning a seat in the city council, he began his political
career. Impelled by his nationalista sentiment and hatred for the friars, he passed through the city
council several resolutions changing the names of ceratin streets bearing the names of the friars
to those of the Filipino patriots. Owning to his popularity among the asses, he was re-elected for
another term and served as city councilor until 1919.
In the senatorial elections of 1922 he launched his candidacy in the First Senatorial District
(comprising the Ilocos provinces). His opponent was ; Representative Elpidio Quirino, a rising
Ilokano politician. He won after a hard campaign. On May 27, 1923, while serving his term in
the Senate (1922-1928), his third wife died of childbirth.
Upon the expiration of his senatorial term, Don Belong gave up politics and devoted the last
years of his life to religion and writing. As an honorary Bishop of the Aglipayan Church, he
wrote many sermons and other religious tracts. It should be noted that he was the author of most
of the Aglipayan literature, such as the Biblia Filipina, Oficio Divino, Catequesis, Plegarias ,
Genesis Cientifico y Moderno, and Calendario Aglipayano. He also translated into Iloko the
Gospels of St. John, St. Luke, St. Mark, and St. Matthew; the New Testament; and the Acts of the
In January, 1829, Don Belong was stricken with paralytic and became bed-ridden until his death
on October 10, 1938, at the age of 74. He was survived by 15 of his 27 children by his three

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