Anatomia de Vesicula Biliar
Anatomia de Vesicula Biliar
Anatomia de Vesicula Biliar
hepatic duct to form the common bile duct (Figure 1). The mucous lining of the cystic duct is often raised into a spiral fold
called the spiral valve of Heister (see Figure 2). The fold consists
of a variable number of turns and is continuous with a similar
mucosal fold in the neck of the gallbladder.
The common bile duct is 7.5e11 cm in length with an internal
diameter of 6e8 mm under normal physiological pressure.
Commencing about 2.5 cm superior to the first part of the duodenum, the common bile duct descends to lie successively
behind and then below, the first part of the duodenum before
coursing obliquely through the medial wall of the second part of
the duodenum to open into the lumen of the latter. Given this
fairly constant relationship of the common bile duct to the first
part of the duodenum, the common bile duct may, for descriptive
purposes, be divided into the following four segments: (Figure 1)
i) supraduodenal (above the first part of duodenum)
ii) retroduodenal (posterior to the first part of duodenum)
iii) infraduodenal (below the first part of duodenum and
behind the head of the pancreas)
iv) intramural (within the wall of the 2nd part of duodenum).
The retroduodenal segment, which is 2e3 cm in length, deviates laterally from the hepatic artery and portal vein to
continue as the infraduodenal segment.
The infraduodenal part of the common bile duct lies in a
groove on the posterior surface of the head of the pancreas. On
occasion this segment of the common bile duct may be
embedded in the head of the pancreas. Usually, the termination
of the common bile duct joins the termination of the main
pancreatic duct (the duct of Wirsung) to form a common vestibule, the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater). The
ampulla itself opens at the summit of the major duodenal papilla,
a small inward mucosal projection from the posteromedial wall
of the second part of the duodenum, typically 10 cm distal to the
pyloroduodenal junction in the adult. The ampulla as well as the
intramural segments of the common bile duct and main
pancreatic duct are each surrounded by sphincteric smooth
muscle. The ampullary sphincter is better known as the sphincter
of Oddi. The smooth muscle constituting these sphincters is
anatomically distinct and functionally independent of the circular
and longitudinal smooth muscle in the wall of the duodenum.
The natural tonus in the smooth muscle of the sphincters causes
them to remain closed. However, gastric contents, upon entering
the duodenum, cause the duodenal mucosa to secrete cholecystokinin, a peptide hormone. This hormone causes contraction of
the gallbladder and simultaneous relaxation of the pancreatic,
biliary and ampullary sphincters permitting bile and pancreatic
secretions to enter the duodenum.
The ampulla of Vater is, almost invariably, depicted in textbooks as a distinct sac-like structure. However, inspection of a
normal retrograde cholangio-pancreatogram shows that, in the
majority of individuals, the junction forms a simple tube without
any obvious sac-like appearance. Sometimes, the common bile
duct and the main pancreatic duct open separately into the second part of the duodenum.
The common hepatic duct and the supraduodenal part of the
common bile duct lie within the free edge (right edge) of the
lesser omentum (Figure 3), where the two leaves of the lesser
omentum become continuous with each other. This free edge,
where the two leaves of the lesser omentum become continuous
Vishy Mahadevan
The biliary system or biliary tract denotes the elaborate system of coalescing channels which serves to transport bile from the liver to the second part of the duodenum. Bile is an alkaline liquid produced by the
hepatocytes, partly as a secretion and partly as an excretory product.
The biliary system commences within the substance of the liver as narrow
intercellular channels between adjacent hepatocytes. These channels,
termed canaliculi, coalesce with their neighbours to form larger channels
termed ductules. The latter join other ductules to form ducts. These unite
with other ducts to form larger ducts which eventually emerge from the
liver as the right and left hepatic ducts. The latter unite to form the common hepatic duct which, after being joined by the cystic duct, continues
as the common bile duct and empties into the second part of the duodenum. For descriptive purposes the biliary tract is subdivided into two
parts: intrahepatic and extrahepatic. The former is situated within the
substance of the liver while the latter lies entirely outside the hepatic substance. This article is confined to a description of the clinical and surgical
anatomy of the extrahepatic biliary tract. The extrahepatic biliary tract
comprises the right and left hepatic ducts, common hepatic duct, gallbladder and cystic duct and the common bile duct. Diseases of the extrahepatic biliary tract account for a considerable volume of abdominal
surgical practice. These include metabolic, inflammatory, neoplastic and
congenital conditions. A detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts and an awareness of the anatomical variations
to which these structures are subject are essential to the conduct of
safe and effective surgery involving the biliary tract, besides being of
crucial importance to the accurate interpretation of radiological and ultrasound images of the extrahepatic biliary tract.
Vishy Mahadevan MBBS PhD FRCS (Ed & Eng) is the Barbers Company
Professor of Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons of England,
London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none.
Please cite this article in press as: Mahadevan V, Anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts, Surgery (2014),
Figure 1
hepatic duct
bile duct
Figure 2
Please cite this article in press as: Mahadevan V, Anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts, Surgery (2014),
Illustration showing Calots triangle, epiploic foramen and structures in the hepatoduodenal
Ligamentum teres in falciform ligament
Left branch
Portal vein
Cystic artery
Cystic duct
Lesser omentum
Hepatic artery
Bile duct
Anastomosis between
right and left
gastric arteries
Right kidney
Right gastroepiploic
Bile duct
Hepatic artery
Portal vein
Epiploic foramen
Inferior vena cava
Epiploic foramen and its boundaries seen in transverse section.
Figure 3
with each other, is more commonly known in the surgical literature as the hepatoduodenal ligament. The arrangement of
structures within the free edge of the lesser omentum is as follows. The common hepatic duct and its distal continuation the
common bile duct lie immediately to the right of the hepatic
artery. Lying immediately posterior to the hepatic artery and
biliary tract and parallel to both is the portal vein. Accompanying
these structures within the free edge of the lesser omentum are
lymphatics, lymph nodes and autonomic nerve fibres. Superiorly
the two leaves of the lesser omentum are attached to the margins
of the porta hepatis (Figure 3). The free edge of the lesser
omentum with its contents forms the anterior boundary of the
epiploic foramen (of Winslow), while the peritoneum lying in
front of the inferior vena cava forms the posterior boundary. The
epiploic foramen is a natural intraperitoneal opening between the
general peritoneal cavity (greater sac) and the lesser sac
(Figure 3b). Haemorrhage during open surgery of the gallbladder
or liver may be controlled by temporarily occluding the portal
vein and hepatic artery by compressing the free edge of the lesser
Please cite this article in press as: Mahadevan V, Anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts, Surgery (2014),
Colic area
Gastric area
Right lobe
Left lobe
Hepatic artery
Caudate process
Oesophageal impression
Caudate lobe
Bare area Inferior vena cava Bile duct and portal vein
Figure 4
Histological structure
The gallbladder and the sphincter of Oddi contain involuntary
muscle, but there are only scattered muscle fibres in the remaining
parts of the biliary tract. The mucosa of the gallbladder and biliary
tract has a lining columnar epithelium. The gallbladder mucosa
features numerous mucus-secreting goblet cells.
Please cite this article in press as: Mahadevan V, Anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts, Surgery (2014),
the right hepatic artery via the gallbladder bed in the liver. These
are sometimes seen at laparoscopy. The blood supply to the
common hepatic duct and common bile duct is from the cystic
and hepatic arteries, and from the gastroduodenal and superior
pancreaticoduodenal arteries. These vessels contribute to longitudinal anastomotic channels which lie on the wall of the bile
ducts along the lateral and medial borders.
Venous drainage of the gallbladder is by numerous veins
which accompany the arterial twigs to the gallbladder in its bed,
and which are visible at laparoscopy, provided the gallbladder is
not grossly inflamed or thickened. They drain into the radicles of
the right portal vein in the liver bed. Rarely, one or more cystic
veins are present and drain from the neck of the gallbladder to
the right branch of the portal vein.
The gallbladder and the bile ducts are subject to numerous variations, and these are best understood by considering their
embryological development. As early as the third week of
development, an endodermal outgrowth, termed the hepatic
diverticulum, develops from the ventral wall of the very distal
end of the embryonic foregut. This grows in a ventrocranial direction to meet the septum transversum within which it proliferates to give rise to cords of liver cells. The lower part of the
hepatic diverticulum narrows to form the bile duct. A ventral
outgrowth from the bile duct primordium differentiates into the
gallbladder and cystic duct. Variations in anatomy include: (i) a
long cystic duct which joins the common hepatic duct behind the
duodenum; (ii) a short, or even absent, cystic duct; (iii) the cystic
duct opening into the left side of the common hepatic duct; and
(iv) the presence of accessory hepatic ducts.
Developmental anomalies of the gallbladder include agenesis
of the gallbladder, bilobed gallbladder and multiple
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Please cite this article in press as: Mahadevan V, Anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts, Surgery (2014),