Indian Administration - Organisation and Functions Central Administration - Organisation and Functions
Indian Administration - Organisation and Functions Central Administration - Organisation and Functions
Indian Administration - Organisation and Functions Central Administration - Organisation and Functions
The President causes to lay before or under the Government of any State
each House of Parliament the after his retirement.
recommendations made by the Finance The administrative expenses of the
Commission and on the action taken office of the Comptroller and Auditor
by it. General of India, including salaries,
allowances and pensions payable to or
The Attorney General of India in respect of persons serving in that
The President appoints a person who office, are charged upon the
is qualified to be appointed a judge of Consolidated Fund of India.
the Supreme Court, as the Attorney The Comptroller and Auditor
General of India. It is the duty of the General of India performs such duties
Attorney General to give advice to the and exercises such powers in relation
Government of India upon such legal to the accounts of Union and of the
matters and to perform such other States or any other authority as may
duties of a legal character, as may from be prescribed by the Parliament.
time to time be referred or assigned to The accounts of the Union and of the
him by the President. He also States are kept in such forms as the
discharges the functions conferred President prescribes on the advice of
upon him by or under the Constitution. the Comptroller and Auditor General of
In the performance of his duties the India.
Attorney General has a right of The reports of the Comptroller and
audience in all courts in the territory of Auditor General of India relating to the
India. He also has a right to speak in accounts of the Union are submitted to
and otherwise to take part in the the President, who causes to lay them
proceedings of, either House, any Joint before each House of Parliament.
sitting of the Houses and any In addition to these constitutional or
Committee of Parliament, but he shall statutory authorities, the Constitution
not be entitled to vote. provides for some other authorities
such as the Commission and
Comptroller and Auditor Committees of Parliament on Official
General of India Language, National Commission for
The Constitution of India provides for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
the appointment of a Comptroller and Tribes and Other Backward Classes,
Auditor General of India by the Commission on Minorities etc. These
President. He can be removed from office have been provided to deal with various
in the like manner and on the like issues that face our political systems.
grounds as a judge of the Supreme These statutory bodies hold regular
Court. Before entering upon his office meetings and contribute in solving the
he has to take an oath in a prescribed various problems. They present their
form. He is not eligible for further office respective reports to the President of
either under the Government of India India on the action taken by them that
in turn are placed by the President Additional Secretary and Joint
before each House of the Parliament. Secretary in some Departments of the
Secretariat. The functions performed by
these officers are, more or less, the same
State Administration— as that of the Central Secretariat that
we have discussed earlier.
Organisation and Besides the above administrative
Functions officers, the States have one more officer
viz. Chief Secretary. The Chief Secretary
is the administrative head of the State
For the sake of administrative administration. He is, in many ways,
convenience, the administrative the counter part, at the State level, of
structure of the government of a State the Cabinet Secretary in the Union
is divided into several departments. The Government. He is appointed by the
departments, however, are of two Chief Minister of the State from
categories: Secretariat Departments amongst the senior Secretaries. Three
and Executive Departments. A factors viz. seniority, service-record and
Secretariat Department is ordinarily confidence of the Chief Minister, are the
headed by a Secretary who is a main considerations while selecting
generalist, while an Executive him. Out of these three factors,
Department is ordinarily headed by a ultimately the confidence of the Chief
Director who is a specialist. Minister dominates in the final choice
The Secretariat Department assists of the Chief Secretary.
the minister in the process of policy There is no fixed tenure for the post
making; in the framing of legislation, of Chief Secretary. It depends upon his
rules and regulations and supervising administrative tact, experience, rapport
and controlling the executive with the Chief Minister and, to a large
department. It helps the minister in the extent, on his capacity to take an
discharge of his responsibilities as well objective stand on sensitive matters.
as in preparing the Budget. Such civil servants who are able to
maintain dignity, neutrality and a
Officers of the Secretariat
degree of anonymity are able to work
with Chief Ministers of any political
The Secretariat Department is a party or group.
hierarchy of a number of officers with Role and Functions of the Chief
the Secretary at the apex of the pyramid Secretary: The Chief Secretary
structured on a wide base of clerical controls and supervises the Cabinet
personnel. The hierarchy consists of the Secretariat Department. His main
Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, Under functions are:
Secretary and Assistant Secretary. (i) He is an ex-officio Secretary of the
There are also Special Secretary, Cabinet and so he attends all the