Indian Administration - Organisation and Functions Central Administration - Organisation and Functions

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Chapter 8


Central Administration — is assisted by career bureaucrats such

as the Secretary, Additional Secretaries,
Organisation and Joint Secretaries, Directors, Deputy
Functions Secretaries, Under Secretaries and the
Section Officers. For purposes of
internal organisation, a ministry is

T he Constitution of India does not

make any provision for the
machinery of administering public
divided into segments with an officer in
charge of each of them to expedite
affairs. Article 77 (1) states that all The lowest segment is a Section,
executive actions of the Government of which is in charge of a Section Officer
India shall be taken in the name of the and consists of a number of assistants,
President. However, Article 77 (3) states clerks, ‘daftaries’, typists and peons. It
that the President shall make rules for deals with the work relating to the
the transaction of the business of the subjects allotted to it. It is also referred
Government of India. The Ministries to as the Office. Two Sections constitute
and the Departments are collectively a Branch, which is under the charge of
known as the Secretariat. The an Under Secretary, who is also known
Secretariat can be divided into two as the Branch Officer. Two Branches
categories — Central Secretariat and ordinarily form a Division, which
the Cabinet Secretariat. While the is normally headed by a Deputy
Central Secretariat caters to the needs Secretary. When the volume of work in
of the administration in general, the a ministry exceeds the manageable size,
Cabinet Secretariat deals with the one or more Wings are established, with
administration relating to the Cabinet a Joint Secretary in charge of each
affairs only. wing.
The number of Ministries and The functions and the role of all these
Departments varies from time to time above-mentioned officers are as follows.
depending on the volume and variety
of work priorities and political
expediency. A ministry may comprise A Secretary is the administrative head
one or more allied Departments or may of a ministry or a department; as the
not have any separate Department. The case may be. He is the principal advisor
ministry is headed by a Minister, who to the Minister on all the matters of
policy and administration and Under Secretary
is responsible for its efficient An Under Secretary is in charge of a
administration. He represents his Branch and exercises control both in
Ministry/Department before the Public regard to the dispatch of business and
Accounts Committee of Parliament. He the maintenance of discipline.
receives weekly report from the
Department. Recently, a new trend has Section Officers
developed in the administrative Superintendents, who are in charge of
structure. In some ministries a post has Sections, are called Section Officers.
been created by the name of Special Their supervisory duties comprise
Secretary to look after some specific distribution of work among their staff;
work. training, helping and advising the staff;
coordination of work in the section;
Additional Secretary ensuring prompt and efficient disposal
Originally, the officer next in hierarchy of work in the section and adoption of
to the Secretary was the Deputy proper methods to deal with the cases;
Secretary, but then, due to either timely submission of arrear statements
pressure of work on the Secretary or to and other periodical returns etc.
reward some senior Joint Secretaries, In addition to the Section Officer,
by raising both their salary and rank, each section consists of Assistants,
the post of Additional Secretary was Upper Division Clerks, Lower Division
created. Clerks and Typists. They are entrusted
the work of a routine nature and
Joint Secretary submit the relevant papers to the
This post was created for three reasons: Section Officer referring to the pages of
increase in the functions of some the file.
departments making it difficult for one The bulk of the posts are filled by the
Secretary to cope with the increased officers of the Indian Administrative
work, difficulty in combining separate Service, Class I Central Services and the
items of business under one Secretary Selection grade of the Central
and the emergence of two Houses of Secretariat Service. The Union
Government, thus, depends, to a large
Central Legislature which necessitated
extent, on officers taken on deputation
the presence of senior officers in both for a fixed period. However, there are
the Houses to assist the members in the some exceptions. For instance, all the
legislative work. Secretariat posts in the Ministry of
Deputy Secretary External Affairs are held by officers
belonging to the Indian Foreign Service.
A Deputy Secretary is an officer who Similarly, the officers in the Ministry of
acts on behalf of the Secretary and Railways and Central Legal Service are
holds charge of a Division. He held by those who belong to the Railway
ordinarily disposes off the majority of Service and Central Legal Service
cases coming to him. respectively.

Functions of Central Secretariat the two functions were separated and

were assigned to two different persons
The main functions of the Central
holding two different posts. Thus, the
Secretariat are to — assist the Minister
post of the Secretary of the Executive
in the process of policy making; assist
Council came into being. This post,
in the framing of legislation, rules and
later on, when India became in-
regulations; exercise supervision and
dependent, began to be called the
control over the executive departments
Cabinet Secretary. The office attached
or semi-autonomous field agencies,
to the Cabinet Secretary began to be
regarding the execution of policies and
called Cabinet Secretariat.
programmes; help the Minister in the
The efficiency of the Cabinet depends,
discharge of his parliamentary
to a large extent, on the Cabinet
responsibilities and help in preparing
Secretariat whose functions are to
the Budget and controlling the
prepare the agenda of the Cabinet
expenditure to be incurred by the
meeting, to provide information and
material necessary for its deliberations
Cabinet Secretariat and to draft records of the discussions
The origin of the Cabinet Secretariat can and decisions, both of the Cabinet and
be traced back from the time of the its committees. It keeps the President,
the Vice-President and all the Ministries
British period. When the work of the
informed of the major activities of the
Government of India expanded, the
Government. It has three wings viz. the
Governor-General distributed the work
civil wing, the military wing and the
of different departments among the
intelligence wing. The civil wing
various members of the Executive
provides secretarial machinery for the
Council and retained only some
Cabinet and the various Committees of
important functions with himself. He the Cabinet. The military wing is
was assisted by a Private Secretary in responsible for all secretarial work
these functions. In the beginning, the connected with meetings of the Defence
Private Secretary did not accompany Committee, National Defence Council,
the Governor-General to the Executive Military Affairs Committee and a
Council, but during the regime of Lord number of other Committees concerned
Wellington, the Private Secretary, for the with defence matters. The intelligence
first time, was asked to accompany the wing concerns itself with matters
Governor- General to the meetings of relating to the Joint Intelligence
the Executive Council. Later on, in Committee of the Cabinet.
1935, the Private Secretary was The head of the Cabinet Secretariat
designated as the Secretary to the is the Cabinet Secretary. The Cabinet
Executive Council. He performed two- Secretary is usually the senior most
fold functions, Private Secretary to the civil servant of the country and the
Governor-General as well as Secretary official precedence gives him the first
to the Executive Council. A little later place among the civil servants.
The role of the Cabinet Secretary has Airlines Corporation, Air India,
been very well brought out by S. S. Life Insurance Corporation, Food
Khera, who states that the Cabinet Corporation of India, Industrial
Secretary provides the eyes and ears for Finance Corporation.
the Prime Minister to keep in touch with Public Corporations are owned by
the process of official business in the the State and created by a special law
Central Government. defining its objects, powers, duties and
privileges and prescribing the form of
Public Undertakings management and its relationship with
A significant feature of administration government departments. They are
in independent India is the increasing usually independently financed. They
Government intervention in the obtain funds by borrowing either from
economic field. Such intervention has the government or, in some cases, from
assumed three principal forms — the public and through revenues
introduction of planned economy, derived from the sale of goods and
manipulation of public finance and services. The employees of public
administration of public undertakings. corporations are not government
Governmental intervention of a positive servants. However, they may be taken
kind in the ownership, operation and from government departments on
regulation of public enterprises and deputation.
public utility services has today become
all comprehensive and varied. There Constitutional Statutory
are three principal forms in which Authorities
our public enterprises have been In the administration of public affairs,
organised: Departmental Under - along with the Ministries and
takings, Government Companies and Departments, extensive use has been
Statutory Public Corporation. made of Statutory Authorities at
various levels of Government. In order
Public Corporations
that the executive functions of the
A public corporation is a legal entity Government could be carried out
created by the Government, but without any fear or pressure, the
exterior to the Government organi- constitution makers have provided
sation, hence financially independent for setting up of the following
for the purposes of carrying on the Constitutional Statutory Authorities to
specified activity in the manner deal with certain specified duties.
prescribed in the law creating it. It is “a
combination of public ownership, Union Public Service Commission
public accountability and business The Constitution makes it obligatory for
management for public ends”. Some of the central government to constitute a
the important public corporation s are Public Service Commission to assist it
— Damodar Valley Corporation, Indian in the recruitment, promotion and

maintenance of discipline amongst the Functions of the Commission: It

Central and All India Services. The shall be the duty of the Commission
exact strength of the Commission is not to conduct examinations for appoint-
specified in the Constitution. The ments to the services of the Union
President is empowered to determine Government. The Commission shall be
the strength. consulted on all matters relating to
The President appoints the Chairman methods of recruitment to civil services
and other members of the Commission and for civil posts and on the principles
on the advice of the Central Ministry. to be followed in making appointments
The Constitution provides that, as to civil services and posts and in
nearly as may be, one-half of the making promotions and transfers from
members must be persons who have one service to another and on the
held office for at least ten years under suitability of candidates for such
the Government of India. appointments, promotions or transfers.
A member of the Union Public Service The Commission is also consulted on
Commission holds office for a period of any claims for the award of a pension
six years from the date he assumes his in respect of injuries sustained by a
office or until he attains the age of sixty- person while serving under the
five years, whichever is earlier. A Government of India or the Government
member of the Commission may of a State, in a civil capacity and any
address his resignation letter to the question as to the amount of any such
President. awards as well as on all disciplinary
The Chairman or any other member matters affecting the persons serving
of the Commission can be removed under the Government of India or the
from his office by the order of the Government of a State.
President only on the ground of It shall be the duty of the
misbehaviour after the Supreme Court, Commission to present annually to the
on reference being made to it by the President a report as to the work done
President, has, on inquiry held in by the Commission and the President
accordance with the procedure laid shall cause it to lay before each House
down, reported that the Chairman or of the Parliament.
the member, as the case may deserve,
to be removed. Election Commission
The President may remove the In order to hold the elections freely and
Chairman or any other member, as the fairly; the Constitution provides for an
case may be, if he is adjudged insolvent Election Commission that consists of
or is engaged in any paid employment the Chief Election Commissioner and
out-side the duties of his office or is, in such number of other Commissioners,
the opinion of the President, unfit to as the President may from time to time
continue in office by reason of infirmity fix. They are appointed by the President.
of mind or body. If other Commissioners are appointed
as members of the Election national parties or regional parties
Commission, the Chief Election and allot/withdraw symbols to/from
Commissioner acts as the Chairman. political parties.
The President may also appoint, after Finance Commission
consultation with the Election
Commission, such Regional Com- The Constitution provides for a Finance
missioners, as he may consider Commission consisting of a Chairman
necessary, to assist the Election and four other members. The President
Commission in the performance of its of India appoints all of them. The
functions. Chairman is a person having experience
The Chief Election Commissioner of public affairs and the four other
cannot be removed from his office members are selected from among the
except in the like manner and on the persons who are qualified to be
like grounds as a judge of the Supreme appointed as judges of a High Court,
Court. The conditions of service of the have special knowledge of the finances
Chief Election Commissioner cannot and accounts of the governments, have
be changed to his disadvantage after had wide experience in financial
his appointment. Any other Election matters and in administration and have
Commissioner or a Regional Com- special knowledge of economics.
missioner cannot be removed from Every member of the Commission
office except on the recommendation of holds office for such a period as is
the Chief Election Commissioner. specified in the order of the President
Functions of the Commission: The appointing him and is eligible for re-
powers and functions of the appointment. The members of the
Commission are determined not only Commission render whole-time or part-
by the Constitution but also by the Acts time service to the Commission, as the
of Parliament. The main powers and President in each case specifies. The
functions of the Commission are — to Commission has the power to require
superintend, direct and control the any person to furnish information on
preparation of electoral rolls; conduct such points or matters as in the opinion
elections/by-elections for Parliament, of the Commission may be useful.
State Legislative Assemblies and the Functions of the Commission: It is
offices of the President and Vice the duty of the Commission to
President; receive election petitions recommend to the President as to — the
challenging the validity of elections and distribution and allocation of the net
appoint tribunals to enquire into them; proceeds of taxes; the principles which
examine the returns of election should govern the grants-in-aid of the
expenses filed by the candidates; revenues of the States out of the
entertain and decide the applications Consolidated Fund of India and any
for removal of disqualifications; give other matter referred to the Commission
recognition to political parties about by the President in the interests of
their status, as to whether they are sound finances.

The President causes to lay before or under the Government of any State
each House of Parliament the after his retirement.
recommendations made by the Finance The administrative expenses of the
Commission and on the action taken office of the Comptroller and Auditor
by it. General of India, including salaries,
allowances and pensions payable to or
The Attorney General of India in respect of persons serving in that
The President appoints a person who office, are charged upon the
is qualified to be appointed a judge of Consolidated Fund of India.
the Supreme Court, as the Attorney The Comptroller and Auditor
General of India. It is the duty of the General of India performs such duties
Attorney General to give advice to the and exercises such powers in relation
Government of India upon such legal to the accounts of Union and of the
matters and to perform such other States or any other authority as may
duties of a legal character, as may from be prescribed by the Parliament.
time to time be referred or assigned to The accounts of the Union and of the
him by the President. He also States are kept in such forms as the
discharges the functions conferred President prescribes on the advice of
upon him by or under the Constitution. the Comptroller and Auditor General of
In the performance of his duties the India.
Attorney General has a right of The reports of the Comptroller and
audience in all courts in the territory of Auditor General of India relating to the
India. He also has a right to speak in accounts of the Union are submitted to
and otherwise to take part in the the President, who causes to lay them
proceedings of, either House, any Joint before each House of Parliament.
sitting of the Houses and any In addition to these constitutional or
Committee of Parliament, but he shall statutory authorities, the Constitution
not be entitled to vote. provides for some other authorities
such as the Commission and
Comptroller and Auditor Committees of Parliament on Official
General of India Language, National Commission for
The Constitution of India provides for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
the appointment of a Comptroller and Tribes and Other Backward Classes,
Auditor General of India by the Commission on Minorities etc. These
President. He can be removed from office have been provided to deal with various
in the like manner and on the like issues that face our political systems.
grounds as a judge of the Supreme These statutory bodies hold regular
Court. Before entering upon his office meetings and contribute in solving the
he has to take an oath in a prescribed various problems. They present their
form. He is not eligible for further office respective reports to the President of
either under the Government of India India on the action taken by them that
in turn are placed by the President Additional Secretary and Joint
before each House of the Parliament. Secretary in some Departments of the
Secretariat. The functions performed by
these officers are, more or less, the same
State Administration— as that of the Central Secretariat that
we have discussed earlier.
Organisation and Besides the above administrative
Functions officers, the States have one more officer
viz. Chief Secretary. The Chief Secretary
is the administrative head of the State
For the sake of administrative administration. He is, in many ways,
convenience, the administrative the counter part, at the State level, of
structure of the government of a State the Cabinet Secretary in the Union
is divided into several departments. The Government. He is appointed by the
departments, however, are of two Chief Minister of the State from
categories: Secretariat Departments amongst the senior Secretaries. Three
and Executive Departments. A factors viz. seniority, service-record and
Secretariat Department is ordinarily confidence of the Chief Minister, are the
headed by a Secretary who is a main considerations while selecting
generalist, while an Executive him. Out of these three factors,
Department is ordinarily headed by a ultimately the confidence of the Chief
Director who is a specialist. Minister dominates in the final choice
The Secretariat Department assists of the Chief Secretary.
the minister in the process of policy There is no fixed tenure for the post
making; in the framing of legislation, of Chief Secretary. It depends upon his
rules and regulations and supervising administrative tact, experience, rapport
and controlling the executive with the Chief Minister and, to a large
department. It helps the minister in the extent, on his capacity to take an
discharge of his responsibilities as well objective stand on sensitive matters.
as in preparing the Budget. Such civil servants who are able to
maintain dignity, neutrality and a
Officers of the Secretariat
degree of anonymity are able to work
with Chief Ministers of any political
The Secretariat Department is a party or group.
hierarchy of a number of officers with Role and Functions of the Chief
the Secretary at the apex of the pyramid Secretary: The Chief Secretary
structured on a wide base of clerical controls and supervises the Cabinet
personnel. The hierarchy consists of the Secretariat Department. His main
Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, Under functions are:
Secretary and Assistant Secretary. (i) He is an ex-officio Secretary of the
There are also Special Secretary, Cabinet and so he attends all the

Cabinet meetings as well as the Executive Departments/Directorates

meetings of its sub-committees. He The policies that are decided upon by
arranges for the recording of the the ministry, in consultation with the
decisions taken in the Cabinet Secretaries, are executed by the
meetings and forwards a copy of Executive Departments headed by
the same to the Governor, the Chief a Director/Director -General. The
Minister and other members of the Director may be a technical person or
Council of Ministers. a civil servant. But the general practice
(ii) He acts as the main source of in most of the States is to keep a
information and advice to the Chief technical person as the head of an
Minister. Executive Department.
(iii) He supervises the follow-up action It is to be noted that some of the
for the implementation of the departments like P. W. D., Forests, and
decisions taken at the Cabinet Police do not have directors as such.
meeting. They have technical persons or
(iv) Contrary to the practice prevalent specialists as the heads of the
at the Centre, the Chief Secretary departments. For instance, the Public
of the State is generally the Works Department is headed by a Chief
administrative head of a few Engineer, Forest Department by the
departments. The most important Chief Conservator of Forests, and the
departments that he generally Police Department by the Director
heads are general administration, General of Police.
personnel administration,
administrative reforms and The State Services
planning. The State Services consist of such
(v) He deals with matters relating to services as the State Government may,
inter-state disputes. from time to time, declare by
(vi) He coordinates the activities of all notification in the official, Gazette to be
the departments and agencies of included in that category. The number
the State government. He resolves of such services varies from State to
conflicts, mitigates over-lapping State. A State has, generally speaking
work among various government State Civil Service, Medical Service,
departments and ensures Police Service, Judicial Service, Public
cooperation and team-work Health Service, Forest Service,
among his colleagues. Education Service, Veterinary Service,
(vii) He is a major channel of Cooperative Service, Engineering
communication between the Service, Accounts Service etc. Generally
Centre and the State government. the State services are divided into four
categories viz. Class I, Class II, Class Public Service Commission and the
III and Class IV services. Class I and Governor in case of a State Public
Class II belong to the officers’ class. Service Commission, appoints a person
Class III is related to ministerial staff from amongst the members to take
and Class IV comprises unskilled staff. charge until a new Chairman is
State Public Service Commission A member of the Joint State Public
The Constitution makes it obligatory for Service Commission/State Public
the State Government to constitute a Service Commission holds office for a
Public Service Commission to assist it period of six years from the date he
in the recruitment, promotion and assumes his office or until he attains
maintenance of discipline amongst the the age of sixty-two years, whichever is
State Services. The exact strength of the earlier. A member of the Commission
Commission is not specified in the may resign by addressing a letter to the
Constitution. The Governor of the State President in case of Joint State Public
is empowered to determine the Service Commission or to the Governor
of the State in case of State Public
strength. However, the Constitution
Service Commission.
permits for constituting a Joint State
The Chairman or any other member
Public Service Commission for two or
of the Commission can be removed
more States. If a resolution to this from his office by the order of President
effect is passed by the Legislature; only on the ground of misbehaviour.
Parliament may, by law, provide for The President may also, by order,
constituting such a Joint State Public remove from office the Chairman or any
Service Commission. In such a case the other member, as the case may be, if he
strength or a Joint State Public Service is adjudged insolvent or engages
Commission is determined by the during his term of office in any paid
President of India. employment outside the duties of his
The Governor appoints the Chairman office or is, in the opinion of the
and other members of the State Public President, unfit to continue in office by
Service Commission, while the reason of infirmity of mind or body.
Chairman and other members of a Joint On ceasing to hold office, the
State Commission are appointed by the Chairman of a State Public Service
President of India. The Constitution Commission, shall be eligible for
provides that, as nearly as may be, one- appointment as the Chairman or a
half of the members must be persons member of the Union Public Service
who have held office for at least ten years Commission or as the Chairman of any
either under the Government of India other State Public Service Com-
or under the Government of a State. If mission. He cannot take up any other
the office of the Chairman of the employment either under the
Commission falls vacant for any reason, Government of India or under the
the President, in case of Joint State Government of a State.

Functions of the Commission: It advice of the State Ministry. He holds

shall be the duty of the Commission to office during the pleasure of the
conduct examinations for appoi- Governor, but, in actual practice, he
ntments to the services of the State holds office during the tenure of the
Government. The Commission shall be ministry appointing him. The only
consulted on all matters relating to the qualification laid down is that he should
methods of recruitment to civil services be qualified to be a judge of a High
and for civil posts and the principles to Court.
be followed in making appointments to Though he is not a member of the
civil services and posts and in making State Legislature, he is empowered to
promotions and transfers from one attend its meetings when called upon
service to another and on the suitability to explain certain legal technicalities. He
of candidates for such appointments, has the right to speak and take part in
promotions or transfers. The the proceedings of the legislature but
Commission is also consulted on all he cannot vote.
disciplinary matters affecting a person Hse performs all such functions as
serving under the Government of India are enjoined on him by law. He is the
or the Government of a State, in civil highest legal adviser to the State
capacity including memorials or Government and appears on its behalf
petitions relating to such matters and in almost all courts. He is also the
on any claim for the award of a pension public prosecutor in all case coming up
in respect of injuries sustained by a before the High Court in exercise of its
person while serving under the original criminal jurisdiction. He
Government of India or the Government examines all the Bills drafted by
of a State, in a civil capacity, and any different departments.
question as to the amount of any such
State Finance Commission
It shall be the duty of the State Public The Constitution (Seventy-third
Service Commission to present annually Amendment) Act of 1992 and the
to the Governor a report as to the work Consti-tution (Seventy-fourth Amen-
done by the Commission. The Governor dment) Act of 1992 have added Part IX
shall cause it to lay its copy together with and Part X respectively, to the
a memorandum explaining as respects Constitution of India regarding the
the cases, if any, where the advice of the constitution and empowerment of
Commission was not accepted, the Panchayats and Municipalities
reasons for such non-acceptance, before respectively. These amendments have
the Legislature of the State. provided for constituting and
empowering Finance Commission in
Advocate-General each of the States of India.
The Constitution provides for the office The Governor of a State shall
of an Advocate-General. He is constitute a Finance Commission for
appointed by the Governor on the the Statse every five years The
Legislature of the State may (by law) District Administration
provide for the composition of the
Commission, the qualifications that in India
shall be requisite for the appointment
of its members, and the manner in District Administration, as a unit of
which they shall be selected. The governance goes back to ancient times.
Commission is empowered to review the We come across a reference of District
financial position of the Panchayats and Administration in the works of Manu.
the Municipalities and to make According to Manu, a thousand
recommendations to the Governor as villages formed a district that was
to — (i) the principles which should under the charge of a separate official
govern the determination, the known as ‘Sthanika’. During the times
distribution and allocation between of Mauryas and the Guptas there was
the State and Panchayats as well as the a well-knit administrative machinery at
State and the Municipalities of the net the district level. The Mughal rulers
proceeds of the taxes, duties, tolls and also had a distinct organisation for
fees 1eviable by the State; besides the administration at the district level. The
decision about the grants-in-aid to the East India Company also followed the
Panchayats/Municipalities from the Mughal pattern with minor changes.
consolidated fund of the State, (ii) the When the Company acquired the
measures needed to improve the ‘diwani’ rights from the Mughal
financial position of the Panchayats / emperors, it appointed its own officers
Municipalities, and (iii) any other to collect revenue. Warren Hastings
matter referred to the Commission by created the post of the Collector in 1772
the Governor in the interests of the for the dual purpose of collecting
revenues and dispensing justice. Later
on, this post acquired more and more
The Governor shall cause it to lay
powers and the District Collector
every recommendation made by the
became the eye and ear of the British
commission together with an Administration in India. After India
explanatory memorandum as to the achieved independence in 1947 and
action taken on it before the Legislature Central and State Governments
of the State. launched development programmes,
To sum up, we can say that the real the powers and functions of the District
administration of the state is carried on Collector increased immensely.
by the Secretariat and the Executive It is at the level of the district that
Departments. The policies of the the policies of government are
Government are framed by the translated into practice and the
ministers on the advice of the problems of local people are studied
Secretariat and the Executive and communicated to the State
Departments implement them. Government. It may be truly said that

the district is the unit of administration licences, their renewal, suspension

with which almost every citizen comes and cancellation; small savings
into contact. Most departments of State campaigns; publicity and public
Governments; outside the secretariat, relations; protocol duties etc.
have field offices in the district. In certain A survey of the history of Indian
cases even the Union Government has Administration shows that in the early
its field offices located at this level. The stages of evolution a single authority
sum total of the activities of these viz. District Collector was in charge of
departments together constitutes the all these functions of Government at the
administrative machinery of the district level. In course of time, local self-
district. The many and varied tasks of governing institutions and the technical
the District Administration can be departments were set up. As a result;
summarised as follows: the unity of command was replaced by
(i) The regulatory funtctions include the multiplicity of commands. The
the maintenance of law and district has, thus, become a sort of sub-
order; control of crime; land capital where district headquarters of
administration which includes the the various departments are located.
assessment and collection of land These departments are headed by
revenue and other public dues; district level officers having different
control, regulation and nomenclatures. This has resulted in a
distribution of food and civil change of role of the District Collector.
(ii) The District Administration Role of the Collector in the District
performs certain developmental Administration
functions that include agricultural The Collector, as the head of the District’
production, co-operation, animal Administration, occupies a unique
husbandry, fisheries and welfare position in the Indian administrative
activities like public health, system. During the pre-Independence
education and social welfare. era he belonged to the Indian
(iii) The District Administration Civil Service. After Independence, he is
organises the holding of elections recruited through the Indian
to Parliament, State Legislature Administrative Service. Sometimes he
and local bodies (rural and urban). gets this position through promotions
(iv) It also deals with providing from the State Civil Service. He is
emergency services, natural required to perform multifarious
calamities like floods, droughts functions. They can be summarised as
etc. follows:
(v) The Collector, in his capacity as the (i) As a Collector: The District
Chief representative of the Collector is the head of the revenue
Government, performs a number department of the District. He is
of functions such as issue of arm responsible for the collection and
recovery of the land revenues and other in the district. He coordinates all the
cesses and dues of the government. All activities of other government offices at
the officers of the revenue department the district level. He looks after the
of the district such as Revenue postings, transfers and leave of Niab-
Assistants, Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars, Tehsildars, Tehsildars and other
Kanungos, Lambardars and Patwaris gazetted officers working under him. He
work under his direction, supervision submits annual budget estimates to
and control. He distributes State Government. He is incharge of the
taccavi loans and recovers them. He treasury. He is the Chief Protocol Officer
assesses losses to crops and makes of the district. He compiles and submits
recommendations for relief during the annual administrative reports of the
floods and droughts. He is in-charge of district to the State Government. He sees
the management of Government to it that the public grievances against
estates. the administration in the district are
(ii) As a District Magistrate: properly and effectively dealt with.
Previous1y he used to exercise powers (iv) As a District Development
of a First Class Magistrate, but now, Officer: Before independence, the
after separation of judiciary from the District Collector had not to do any
executive, his position has changed. development work but with the dawn
The District Magistrate no longer of independence it has become one of
exercises the judicial functions that are the important functions of the
now performed by the Additional District Collector. The Community
District Magistrate or Judicial Officer. Development Plans and the Five Year
The District Magistrate only exercises Plans have increased his duties in this
general supervision over the criminal field. After the introduction of
administration of his district. He is Panchayati Raj, the developmental
responsible for the maintenance of law functions are assigned to the people’s
and order. He is assisted by the representatives. But the District
superintendent of Police in this matter. Collector is an important member of
The District Magistrate also controls the Zila Parishad, which has been assigned
jails of his district and inspects them powers and finances relating to District
from time to time. He is responsible for Development Plans.
the proper administration of criminal
Jaws in his district. He grants licences District Planning
of arms, explosives and petroleum etc. The District Collector is the chief
(iii) As District Administrative coordinator who gets the district plans
Officer: As a District Administrative prepared. Some States have set up
Officer the Collector, is the principal District Planning and Development
agent of the State Government. He looks Councils/Boards headed by the
after the general interest of Government District Collector or a Minister from the

district. These Councils/Boards are grass-root planning has not yet

empowered to formulate plans in some acquired any significance.
States, while in other States these are To sum up, we can say that there
only advisory in nature. has occurred a radical change in the
Although District Planning Boards/ fundamental aims of the district
Councils have been set up in some administration. It is being re-modelled
States, planning at the district level in all the States to enable it to carry out
continues to be a unit within the the new responsibilities. As a practical
framework of State Planning. The unit of field administration, it has stood
machinery of planning at the district the test of time and, we hope, it will
level continues to remain weak. The retain this position in future also.


1. What are the functions of the Central Secretariat?

2. What functions does the Cabinet Secretariat perform?
3. Name three Constitutional Statutory authorities.
4. How is a member of the Union Public Service Commission appointed? List any
two qualifications.
5. Explain the role and functions of the Chief Secretary of a State.
6. Describe the composition and functions of the State Public Service
7. What functions does the District Administration perform?
8. Discuss the role of District Officer as a Collector.
9. ‘The district headquarter is like a sub-capital of the State’. Discuss.
10. Write short notes on:
(a) Election Commission of India
(b) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(c) Attorney General of India
(d) The Finance Commission of a State
(e) Advocate General.

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