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Nortel Passport

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Part No.

206916-E Rev 00
March 2003

4555 Great America Parkway

Santa Clara, CA 95054

Configuring and Operating the

Passport 4400

Copyright © 2003 Nortel Networks

All rights reserved. March 2003.
Originated in Canada and the USA
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and
recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied
warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The
information in this document is proprietary to Nortel Networks Inc.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance
with the terms of that license. The software license agreement is included in this document.

Nortel Networks, the Nortel Networks logo, the Globemark, Unified Networks, Marathon, Passport, and Preside are
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The asterisk after a name denotes a trademarked item.

Restricted rights legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.
Notwithstanding any other license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software,
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Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19.

Statement of conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, Nortel Networks Inc. reserves the
right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
Nortel Networks Inc. does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or
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Portions of the code in this software product may be Copyright © 1988, Regents of the University of California. All
rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of such portions are permitted, provided that the
above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that such portions of the software were

206916-E Rev 00

developed by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from such portions of the software without specific prior written permission.
In addition, the program and information contained herein are licensed only pursuant to a license agreement that contains
restrictions on use and disclosure (that may incorporate by reference certain limitations and notices imposed by third

Nortel Networks Inc. software license agreement

This Software License Agreement (“License Agreement”) is between you, the end-user (“Customer”) and Nortel
Networks Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“Nortel Networks”). PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING
AGREEMENT. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, return the Software, unused and in the original shipping
container, within 30 days of purchase to obtain a credit for the full purchase price.
“Software” is owned or licensed by Nortel Networks, its parent or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and is copyrighted
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rights other than those granted to you under this License Agreement. You are responsible for the selection of the
Software and for the installation of, use of, and results obtained from the Software.
1. Licensed Use of Software. Nortel Networks grants Customer a nonexclusive license to use a copy of the Software
on only one machine at any one time or to the extent of the activation or authorized usage level, whichever is applicable.
To the extent Software is furnished for use with designated hardware or Customer furnished equipment (“CFE”),
Customer is granted a nonexclusive license to use Software only on such hardware or CFE, as applicable. Software
contains trade secrets and Customer agrees to treat Software as confidential information using the same care and
discretion Customer uses with its own similar information that it does not wish to disclose, publish or disseminate.
Customer will ensure that anyone who uses the Software does so only in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
Customer shall not a) use, copy, modify, transfer or distribute the Software except as expressly authorized; b) reverse
assemble, reverse compile, reverse engineer or otherwise translate the Software; c) create derivative works or
modifications unless expressly authorized; or d) sublicense, rent or lease the Software. Licensors of intellectual property
to Nortel Networks are beneficiaries of this provision. Upon termination or breach of the license by Customer or in the
event designated hardware or CFE is no longer in use, Customer will promptly return the Software to Nortel Networks
or certify its destruction. Nortel Networks may audit by remote polling or other reasonable means to determine
Customer’s Software activation or usage levels. If suppliers of third party software included in Software require Nortel
Networks to include additional or different terms, Customer agrees to abide by such terms provided by Nortel Networks
with respect to such third party software.
2. Warranty. Except as may be otherwise expressly agreed to in writing between Nortel Networks and Customer,
Software is provided “AS IS” without any warranties (conditions) of any kind. NORTEL NETWORKS DISCLAIMS
provide support of any kind for the Software. Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion of implied warranties, and, in
such event, the above exclusions may not apply.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400



ADVISED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY. The forgoing limitations of remedies also apply to any developer and/or supplier
of the Software. Such developer and/or supplier is an intended beneficiary of this Section. Some jurisdictions do not
allow these limitations or exclusions and, in such event, they may not apply.
4. General
a) If Customer is the United States Government, the following paragraph shall apply: All Nortel Networks Software
available under this License Agreement is commercial computer software and commercial computer software
documentation and, in the event Software is licensed for or on behalf of the United States Government, the respective
rights to the software and software documentation are governed by Nortel Networks standard commercial license in
accordance with U.S. Federal Regulations at 48 C.F.R. Sections 12.212 (for non-DoD entities) and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202
(for DoD entities).
b) Customer may terminate the license at any time. Nortel Networks may terminate the license if Customer fails to
comply with the terms and conditions of this license. In either event, upon termination, Customer must either return the
Software to Nortel Networks or certify its destruction.
c) Customer is responsible for payment of any taxes, including personal property taxes, resulting from Customer’s use
of the Software. Customer agrees to comply with all applicable laws including all applicable export and import laws and
d) Neither party may bring an action, regardless of form, more than two years after the cause of the action arose.
e) The terms and conditions of this License Agreement form the complete and exclusive agreement between Customer
and Nortel Networks.
f) This License Agreement is governed by the laws of the country in which Customer acquires the Software. If the
Software is acquired in the United States, then this License Agreement is governed by the laws of the state of New York.

206916-E Rev 00


Using the Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Configurator Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Browser Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Accessing the Configurator Through a Web Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Downloading HTML Stand-Alone Configurator Web Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Accessing the Command Line Interface (CLI) Through Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Configurator Navigational Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Using the Install Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
CLI Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Overview of the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
CLI Access Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
CLI Command Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
CLI Navigational Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Additional Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Passport Access Network Link (PANL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Overview of Passport Access Network Link (PANL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

PANL Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
PANL and Passport 6400 Interworking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Netlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Primary Netlink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Procedures for Viewing the Netlink Display Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Configurator Procedure for Viewing the Primary Netlink Display Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
CLI Procedure for Viewing the Primary Netlink Display Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Default Primary Netlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Removing Default Primary Netlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Configurator Procedure for Removing Default Primary Netlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

6 Contents

CLI Procedure for Removing Default Primary Netlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Configure Connections to the Passport Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Network Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Set the Master Clock Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Creating a Netlink Between Two Passports that are Physically Connected . . . . . . . . 87
Creating a Netlink Across a Public Frame Relay Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Add a PANL Netlink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
CLI Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Optional Netlink Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Configurator Procedure for Netlink Parameter Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Configuration Procedure for Input of Variables for the PANL-DTE Connection . . . 102
Configurator Procedure for Input of Committed Information Rate (CIR) Data . . . . 104
CLI Commands for Netlink Parameter Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
CLI Commands Used to Configure Traffic Management Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . 106
CLI Commands for Input of Variables for the PANL-DTE Connection . . . . . . . . . . 106
CLI Commands for Input of Committed Information Rate (CIR) Data . . . . . . . . . . 108
Frame Relay Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Overview of the Passport 4400 Frame Relay Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111

Local Management Interface (LMI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Configuring Guidelines for Frame Relay Pass-Through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Define the Physical Port Parameters for the FR DCE Port to Match Those of the Attached
FRAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Adjust the Incoming Packet Buffer (Voice or Combination Voice and LAN Traffic) 118
Configure the Passport 4400 Switch Map at Site 1 to Site 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
CLI Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Continue on to Step 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Configure the Passport 4400 Switch Map at Site 1 to Site 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 7

Optional WAN Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

CLI Procedure to Reduce RAM Consumption for Multiple PANL Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
CLI Optional WAN Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Configurator Procedure for Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Add Switch Maps for Site 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Add Switch Maps for Site 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Add Switch Maps for Site 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Add Switch Maps for Site 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
CLI Procedure for Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Optional Frame Relay Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Configurator Procedure for Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Configurator Frame Relay PVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Configurator Frame Relay SVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
CLI Commands for Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
CLI Frame Relay PVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Example of Configuring Frame Relay PVC Parameters Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . 154
CLI Frame Relay SVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Configuring Frame Relay SVC Parameters Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Frame Relay System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Configurator Procedure for Viewing and Enabling System Trap Status . . . . . . . . . . 159
Configurator Procedure for Enabling or Disabling Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
CLI Procedure for Configuring and Displaying Frame Relay System Parameters . . 160
Frame Relay Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Configurator Procedures for Defining Frame Relay Line and LAN SVC Parameters . . . 162
Frame Relay Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
LAN SVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
CLI Commands for Defining Frame Relay Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Frame Relay Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Configurator Procedures for Frame Relay Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Frame Relay Circuit Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Configured Switch Map Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
WAN Interface Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Async/TCP System Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

8 Contents

CTS and RTS Control Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

WAN Global Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
CLI Commands for Frame Relay Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Displaying CRC Errors and CTS and RTS Control Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Managing Primary and Backup Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Passport 4400 Global Circuit Manager (GCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

GCM Default Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Configurator Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
CLI Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Node Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Introduction of Node Types in a Passport Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Description of Node Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Branch Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Regional Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Central Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Passport Interworking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Procedures for Configuring a Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Branch Node Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Regional Node Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Central Node Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Configurator Procedure for Regional Node Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
CLI Procedure for Regional Node Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Configurator Procedure for Central Node Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
CLI Procedure for Central Node Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Passport 4400 Backup Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Link Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Node Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Adding a Backup Netlink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Customizing the GCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Defining GCM Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Configurator Procedure for Defining GCM Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Display GCM Link Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Display ISDN Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Create a Serial Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Save the Current Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 9

Defining Primary and Backup Netlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

CLI Procedure for Defining GCM Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Defining Primary and Backup Netlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
GCM Configuration Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Configurator GCM Configuration Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Configure a Serial Interface for a Regional Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Passport 4400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Add a Second ISDN Backup Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Configure Port 1 as the Backup Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
GCM Unit Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Modifying the GCM Unit Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
CLI GCM Configuration Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Configuring a Serial Interface for a Regional Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Adding a Second ISDN Backup Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Configuring Port 1 as the Backup Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Link Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Fast Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Voice Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Backup Manual Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Configurator Procedure for Switching Between the Primary and Backup Netlink . . 229
CLI Procedure for Switching Between the Primary and Backup Netlink . . . . . . . . . 230
Manual Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Modifying GCM Switching Delay, Switching Type, and Timer Status Settings . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Configurator Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
CLI Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching and Timer Status Settings . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Modifying GCM Timer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Monitoring the GCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
CLI Procedure for Monitoring the GCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Link Failure Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Alternate WAN Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

ISDN Interface Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
ISDN Protocols Supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Configuring ISDN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

10 Contents

Configurator Procedure for Configuring ISDN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Displaying the IfIndexes for ISDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Displaying Configured ISDN Peer Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Add an ISDN Peer Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
CLI Procedure for Configuring ISDN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Configurator Procedure for Configuring a Primary Port ISDN Connection . . . . . . . . . . 250
Configure the WAN Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Set the Master Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Configure the Signal Protocol and Calling Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Configure the Passport 4400 Unit Originating the Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Configure the GCM Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
CLI Procedure for Configuring a Primary Port ISDN Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Configure the WAN Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Configure the GCM Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Save the Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Configuring ISDN Backup Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Configurator Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Define the Signal Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Define Dial Control Parameters (Originating Call) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Define The WAN Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Configure Frame Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
CLI Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Optional ISDN Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Optional ISDN Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Configurator Dial Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Configurator Call History Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Configurator Trap Status Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Configurator Peer Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Configurator Physical Interface Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Configurator Physical Interface Basic Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Configurator Physical Interface Endpoint Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Configurator Physical Interface Signal Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
CLI Commands for Configuring Optional ISDN Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
CLI Dial Control Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 11

CLI Physical Interface Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

ISDN Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Configurator Procedure for ISDN Dial Control and Interface Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
ISDN Dial Control Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
ISDN Physical Interface Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
CLI Commands for Displaying ISDN Dial Control Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
CLI Commands for Displaying ISDN Physical Interface Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
T1, E1, and 56k CSU Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Configurator Procedure for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Configurator Procedure for Setting the DS0 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Configurator Procedure for Optional T1/E1 CSU Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
CLI Commands for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
CLI Command for Setting the DS0 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
CLI Commands for Optional T1/E1 CSU Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Configuring a 56k CSU Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Configurator Procedure for Configuring a 56k CSU Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
CLI Procedure for Configuring a 56k CSU Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Netlink Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

Configurator Procedure for Viewing MSM Link Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

CLI Commands for Netlink Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
LAN Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

LAN Features Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Bridging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
IP Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
IPX Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

IP Traffic Filtering and Prioritization Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

IP Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
IP Filtering Priority Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311
Frame Relay Management Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311
Frame Relay Management Interface SVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311
Frame Relay Management Interface SPVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

12 Contents

Call Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

ARP to DLPI Converter (ADP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Virtual Port Management (VPM) Module Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Example Using IP Prioritization Configuration on a Three Node Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Configurator Example Procedure for Configuring IP Prioritization Over a Three Node
Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
IP Prioritization Configuration for Central Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Add and Configure Three SVCs (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Add and Define the IP Forward Incoming Filter Priority for the Call Originator VoIP
(Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for the Call Originator VoIP
(Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for FTP (Central Site) . . . 323
Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for PING (Central Site) . . 324
Save the Current Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
IP Prioritization Configuration for Regional Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Add and Define IP Outgoing Filter Priority for VoIP (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Add and Define IP Filter Priority for FTP (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Add and Define IP Filter Priority for PING (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
IP Prioritization Configuration for Branch Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Add and Configure SVCs (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for the Call Originator VoIP
(Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Add and Define IP Filter Priority for FTP (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Add and Define IP Filter Priority for PING (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Illustration of IP Prioritization Over a Three Node Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
CLI Example Procedure for Configuring IP Prioritization Over a Three Node Network 336
IP Prioritization Configuration for Central Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Add and Configure SVCs (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Add the IP Forward Filter Incoming for the Call Originator VoIP (Central Site) . . . 338
Define the IP forward filter incoming for the VoIP (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Add the IP Forward Filter Outgoing for the Call Originator VoIP (Central Site) . . . 340
Define the IP Forward Filter Outgoing Priority for the Call Originator VoIP (Central Site)
Add the IP Forward Filter for FTP (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Define the IP Forward Filter Priority FTP (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 13

Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344

Define the IP Forward Filter Priority PING (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Save the Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
IP Prioritization Configuration for Regional Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Add IP Prioritization Filters for VoIP (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Define IP Prioritization Filters for VoIP (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Add IP Prioritization Filters for FTP (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Define IP Prioritization Filters for FTP (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Add IP Prioritization Filters for PING (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Define IP Prioritization Filters for PING (Regional Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Save the Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
IP Prioritization Configuration for Branch Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Add and Configure SVCs (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Add the IP Forward Filter Outgoing for the Call Originator VoIP (Branch Site) . . . 353
Define the IP Forward Filter Priority for the Call Originator VoIP (Branch Site) . . 354
Add the IP Forward Filters for FTP (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Define the IP Forward’s Filter Priority FTP (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Define the IP Forward’s Filter Priority PING (Branch Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Save the Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Illustration of IP Prioritization Over a Three Node Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Configuring IP Filtering and Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Configuring IP Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
IP Forward Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Configurator Procedure for IP Forward Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Configurator Procedure for IP Forwarding System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
CLI Procedure for IP Forward Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
CLI Commands for IP DSCP Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
DSCP Filter Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
IP DSCP Filters - Passport 4460 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
IP DSCP Filters - Passport 4430/50/55 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Configuring SVCs and SPVC Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Save and Reset the Current Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Configurator Procedure for Creating SPVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

14 Contents

CLI Procedure for Creating SVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

CLI Procedure for Creating SPVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Configuring LAN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

Multiple IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386

Configurator Procedure to Assign Multiple IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
CLI Commands for Configuring Multiple IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
User Core Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Inter-LAN Switching (ILS) and Passport 6400 Interworking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Routing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Bridging Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Configurator Bridging Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Select bridged mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Assign an IP address to IfIndex 3 (Ethernet interface for bridged traffic) . . . . . . . . 392
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
CLI Bridging Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Optional CLI Bridging Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
IP Routing Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Configurator IP Routing Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Configure the Passport for IP Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Assign IP Addresses to the Ethernet Interface for Routing, and to the Virtual Port for
WAN Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Using RIP as Your Routing Protocol (Configurator) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
CPU Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Completing IP Routing on the Passport 4400 (Configurator) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
CLI IP Routing Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Using RIP as Your Routing Protocol (CLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Completing IP Routing on the Passport 4400 (CLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Optional IP Routing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Configurator Procedure for Adding a Static Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Save and Reset the Current Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
CLI Commands for Optional IP Routing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
IPX Routing Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Configurator Procedure for Configuring IPX Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Add IPX Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Save and Reset the Current Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 15

CLI Commands to Configure IPX Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419

RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
RIP/SAP Spoofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
WAN Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Configurator Procedure for Enabling RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN Optimization . 421
CLI Commands for Enabling RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN Optimization . . . . . . . 423
Optional IPX Routing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Configurator Procedure for Optional IPX Routing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
CLI Commands for Optional IPX Routing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Configurator Procedure to Enable Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Enable Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Configure Local and Remote Passports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
CPU Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
CLI Procedure to Enable Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Configure Data Compression on the Remote Passport 4400 Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Configure Data Compression on the Local Passport 4400 Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Virtual Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

Easyrouting on a Virtual Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434

Connecting to a Network Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Configurator Procedure for Connecting to a Network Management System . . . . . . . . . . 436
Add the IP Address for the Virtual Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Enable Basic Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Create a SVC for IfIndex 4 (Passport 4400) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Establish a Static Route Along the Network Management System Virtual Port (Passport
6400) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
CLI Procedure for Connecting to a Network Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Connecting to a Third-Party Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Configurator Procedure for Connecting to a Third-Party Router Using RIP . . . . . . . . . . 449
Configure the RIP Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Configure a Netlink Between the Passport 4400 and the Third-Party Router . . . . . 450
Assign an IP Address to the Virtual Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Enable RIP on the Virtual Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
CLI Procedure for Connecting to a Third-Party Router Using RIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

16 Contents

Adding a Virtual Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458

Configurator Procedure for Adding a Virtual Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Add the Virtual Port through Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
CLI Procedure for Adding a Virtual Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
SVCs on Virtual Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs on Virtual Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
CLI Command for Configuring SVCs on Virtual Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Configurator Procedure for Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
CLI Commands for Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Data Compression Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
Filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475

Filtering LAN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475

Configuring Bridge Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Bridge Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Configurator Procedure for Entering Bridge Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Entering MAC Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Entering E-Type and SAP Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Entering E-Type Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Adding an E-Type Filter (Singular) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Adding an E-type Filter (Range) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Entering SAP Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Adding a SAP Filter (Singular) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Adding a SAP Filter (Range) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Bridge Port Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
CLI Procedure for Configuring Bridge Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
CLI Procedure for Entering Bridge Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Entering MAC Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Entering E-Type and SAP Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Entering E-Type Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Entering SAP Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Bridge Port Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Configuring RIP Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Configurator Procedures for Configuring RIP Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
RIP Gateway Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 17

Add RIP Gateway Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494

Modify RIP Gateway Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
Delete RIP Gateway Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
IP RIP Incoming Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Add IP RIP Incoming Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Modify IP RIP Incoming Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Delete IP RIP Incoming Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
IP RIP Outgoing Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Add RIP Outgoing Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Modify RIP Outgoing Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Delete RIP Outgoing Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
CLI Procedure for Configuring RIP Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Configuring IPX Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Configurator Procedure for Configuring IPX Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
IPX Net Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Add a IPX Net Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Modify a IPX Net Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Delete IPX Net Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
IPX RIP Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Add IPX RIP Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .511
Modify IPX RIP Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
Delete IPX RIP Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
IPX Sap Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Add a IPX Sap Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Modify a IPX Sap Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
Delete a IPX Sap Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
CLI Commands for Configuring IPX Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Monitoring LAN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517

Configurator Procedure for Monitoring LAN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517

Viewing Bridge Filter Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Viewing IPX Filter Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Viewing the IP Routing Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
CLI Steps for Monitoring LAN Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Monitoring Bridging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Monitoring IP Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

18 Contents

Monitoring IPX Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521

Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523

DACS Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523

DS0 Connection Parameters for the E1 CSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
Channelized T1/E1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Data Drop and Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
CAS/CCS Voice Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Transparent CCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
PANL/RFC 1490 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
DACS Configuration Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Configuration for PANL/RFC 1490 and Data Drop and Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Configurator Procedure for PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle Configuration 529
Assign Time Slots to the WAN Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Channelize the WAN Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
Add the Channels for the PANL/RFC 1490 Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Configure the Switching Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
Create a Frame Relay Tunnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
CLI Procedure for PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle Configuration . . . . . . 537
Data Drop and Insert Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Configurator Procedure for Data Drop and Insert Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Configure the Data Port for HDLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Add the Channels and Time Slots for Data Drop and Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
Define the WAN Port Channel for HDLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
Add the Connection Mapping for Drop and Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
CLI Procedure for Data Drop and Insert Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
Configurator Procedure for Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Configure Transparent CCS at the Central Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
Configure the WAN Port (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
Configure HTDS (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Configure the IP Address and Routing (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
Configure Compressed Voice (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
CLI Procedure to Configure Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
Configure Transparent CCS at the Central Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580

206916-E Rev 00
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Configure the WAN port (Central Site). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580

Configure HTDS (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Configure the IP Addresses and Routing (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Configure Compressed Voice (Central Site) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Configure Transparent CCS at Branch #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
Configure the WAN Port (Branch Site #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
Configure HTDS for Drop and Insert (Branch Site #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Configure the IP Addresses and Routing (Branch Site #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
Configure Compressed Voice (Branch Site #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
Configure Voice Bypass at Branch #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
Configure System T1 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
Configure the T1 Voice Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Configure the WAN Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
OSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621

OSPF Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622

Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
IP Subnetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
Supernetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
OSPF Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
OSPF Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
Link-State Advertisement (LSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Link-State Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
OSPF Network Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Point-to-Point Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Broadcast Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Nonbroadcast Multi-Access (NBMA) Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
How OSPF Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
Router Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
Neighbors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
Hello Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Designated Routers (DRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
Adjacencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634

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20 Contents

Virtual Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634

Stub Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
Non-Stub Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
OSPF Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Hello Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Flooding Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
Exchange Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
OSPF Routing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
OSPF Routing Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
Internal Routers (IRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
Border Routers (ABRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Backbone Routers (BRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
OSPF Compared to RIP Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
OSPF and RIP Comparison Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Configuring an OSPF Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
Configurator Procedure for Defining an OSPF Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
Add the IP Address of the OSPF Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Add the Router ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
Configure the Routing Protocol Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
Define the Cost of the Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
Add OSPF Neighbors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Save the Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
CLI Procedure for Defining an OSPF Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
Display the System IfIndex Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
Configure the IP Address of the Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
Define the IP Routing Protocol and Enable OSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
Configure the Border Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Configure the Cost of the Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Add OSPF Neighbors and Virtual Interface (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
Add Additional OSPF Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
Save the Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
Optional OSPF Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Optional OSPF Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
OSPF Add Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659

206916-E Rev 00
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Adding a Virtual Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660

Adding a Stub Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
Deleting and Viewing OSPF Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
CLI Procedure for Configuring Optional OSPF Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
CLI OSPF Add Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
Adding a Virtual Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
Adding a Stub Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
CLI OSPF Delete Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
CLI OSPF Interface Parameter (Optional) Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
AdminStatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
AreaId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
AuthenticationType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
Authentication Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
HelloInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
IfType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
PollInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
ReTransInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
RouterPriority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
RouterDeadInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
TransmitDelay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
CLI OSPF Display Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
OSPF Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675

Async Over TCP Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675

Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
Default Configuration and Trap Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678
Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678
Supported Baud Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
Async Over TCP Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
Example Application (Point-to-Point) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
Example Application (Multipoint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
Compatibility Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
Configuring the Async Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

22 Contents

Configurator Procedures for Configuring the Async Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684

Async Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684
Async Interface Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684
Add an Async Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
Delete an Async Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
Async Port Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
Async Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
Configure an Async Peer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
Add an Async Peer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
Delete an Async Peer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
Configuring Async Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
Configurator Procedures for Point-to-Point and Multipoint Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 690
Configurator Procedure for Point-to-Point Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Set the Protocol and Baud Rate on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #1) . . . . . . . 692
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
Add the Async/TCP Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
Add the Async Peer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
Set the Protocol and Baud Rate on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #2) . . . . . . . 697
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
Add the Async/TCP Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
Add the Async Peer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
Configurator Procedure for Multipoint Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
Set the Protocol on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
Add the Async/TCP Interface (Multipoint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
Add the Async Peer (Multipoint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
Set the Protocol on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
Add the Async/TCP Interface (Multipoint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
Add the Async Peer (Multipoint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .711
Configurator Procedure for Viewing Async/TCP Status and Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
CLI Commands for Configuring the Async Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
Add Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
Define/Set Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
Delete Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720

206916-E Rev 00
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Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721

Monitoring Async/TCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
CLI Commands for Point-to-Point and Multipoint Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
CLI Commands for Point-to-Point Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
CLI Commands for Multipoint Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733

HDLC Transparent Data Service (HTDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733

Constant Bit Rate (CBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
Transfer Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Cut-Through Transfer Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Store and Forward Transfer Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Configuring HTDS or CBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
Configurator Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
Define the WAN Port Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
Set the Master Clock Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Configure HTDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
Define Switch Maps for Both Passport 4400 Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
Verifying that Switch Maps on Both Passport 4400 Units are Active . . . . . . . . . . . 747
CLI Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
Configuring HTDS or CBR for Baud Rates Higher than 64K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759
CLI Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR for Baud Rates Higher than 64K . . . . . . 759
HTDS and CBR Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764
X.25 Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765

X.25 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765

Topologies Supported by the X.25 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Passport 4400 to Passport 4400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
Passport 4400 to Passport 6400 to Passport 4400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
Passport 4400 to Remote FRAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
Passport 4400 to Passport 6400 to Remote FRAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

24 Contents

Functionality Provided by the X.25 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771

X.25 Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
Local X.25 Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772
Virtual X.25 Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
Combined Local and Virtual X.25 Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
Handling of X.25 SVC Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774
Packet Size Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
Window Size Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
Setting Up the X.25 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781

Configuring the X.25 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781

X.25 Services Setup Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782
X.25 Services Setup Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789
Configuring X.25 PVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793
X.25 PVCs Between Local Physical Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793
X.25 PVCs Between Passport 4400 Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794
X.25 PVCs Between a Passport Unit and a Remote FRAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795
Configuring X.25 PVCs Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
Configuring X.25 PVCs Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Configuring X.25 SVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802
Configuring SVCs Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
Configuring SVCs Using the CLI Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
Call Spreading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
Example of a Call Spreading Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
What Happens if a Call Spreading Route Goes Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806
Important Points About Call Spreading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
Configuring Call Spreading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808
Configuring Call Spreading Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808
Configuring Call Spreading Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
Administering the X.25 Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813

Configurator Administration Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813

Displaying X.25 Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
Adding X.25 Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
Deleting X.25 Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
Defining X.25 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817

206916-E Rev 00
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Defining LAPB Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819

CLI Administration Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
X.25 Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
LAPB Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
Adding X.25 Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
Deleting X.25 Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
Defining X.25 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
Defining LAPB Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
Cause and Diagnostic Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835
Clear Service Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
Reset Service Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
X.25 Network-Generated Diagnostic Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
Codes Specific to the Passport 4400 X.25 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
SNA Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853

SNA Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853

SNA Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854
SNA Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855

Passport SNA Network Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855

Data Link Control Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
SDLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 858
LLC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860
Combined Local and Virtual SNA Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
Administering the SNA Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863

Configurator Administration Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863

Displaying SNA Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 864
Adding SNA Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
Deleting SNA Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866
Deleting an SDLC Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866
Deleting an SDLC Link Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867
Deleting An LLC2 Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
Defining SNA Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870
Defining LLC2 Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

26 Contents

Defining SDLC Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873

Defining SDLC Link Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874
Defining SNA Switching Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 878
Defining SNA Switching Node Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
CLI Administration Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 884
SNA Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885
Adding SNA Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886
Deleting SNA Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886
Deleting an SDLC Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886
Deleting an SNA LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
Deleting an SNA SDLC Link Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
Defining SNA Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888
Define SNA Switching Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889
Define SNA Switching Link Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890
Define SNA LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
Define SNA SDLC Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898
Define SNA SDLC Link Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
Configuring SNA Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907

Establishing a Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908

Establishing a Connection Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908
SNA Over SDLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908
SNA Over LLC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916
Establishing a Connection Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919
SNA Over SDLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919
SNA Over LLC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927
Configuring a Voice Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933

Ingress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 934

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Ingress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935
CLI Procedure for Setting the Ingress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
Egress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944
Configurator Procedure for Setting the Egress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944
CLI Procedure for Setting the Egress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948
Digital Call Forwarding and Digit Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 952
Analog Call Forwarding and Digit Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 27

Voice Profile Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965
Auto Gain Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
Background Noise Level (Analog & DVM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
BRI Pulse Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
Busyout Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
Call Progression Tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971
Compander Format (DVM & BRI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971
Dial Digit Time Limit (High Resolution) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972
Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972
DTMF Burst Gen Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972
DTMF Burst Regen Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972
DTMF Tone Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973
DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973
E&M Analog Operation (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980
E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980
Echo Cancel Erl Improve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
Echo Cancel Filter Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
Echo Canceller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
End-of-Dial Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
FAX Digitizing Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
FXO Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
FXS Ringing Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
FXS Signaling Format (FXS Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
Idle Pattern (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
Input Level Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced Only) . . . . . . . . . . 985
Max. Forwarded Digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
Noise Floor Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
Output Level Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
Premium Voice (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986

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28 Contents

Regeneration Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986

Regeneration Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
Silence Hangover Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
Voice Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 993
Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 993
BRI Clock Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 993
Busyout Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
Call Progression Tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
Compander Format (DVM & BRI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996
Dial Digit Time Limit (High Resolution) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996
Digitizing Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996
Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996
DTMF Burst Gen Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
DTMF Burst Regen Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
DTMF Tone Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
E&M Analog Operation (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1002
E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1002
Ecan Disable Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
Ecan Double Talk Detect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
Ecan Filter Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
Ecan High Pass Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
Echo Cancel Filter Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
Echo Canceller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
End-of-Dial Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
Enh BckGrnd Noise Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
Enh Silence Hng Ovr Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
EVM Interface Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
FAX Digitizing Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
Fax Idle Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
FXO Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
FXS Ringing Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
FVM Interface Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007

206916-E Rev 00
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Idle Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007

Input Level Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1008
Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced Only) . . . . . . . . . 1008
Max. Forwarded Digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
Min Echo Ret Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
Output Level Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
Premium Voice (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010
Regeneration Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010
Voice Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010
CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1011
Analog Operation (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012
Auto Gain Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1013
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1014
Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1014
Busyout Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
Call Progress Tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1016
Compander Format (DVM & BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
Delay (High Regeneration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018
Dial Digit Time Limit (High) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018
Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019
DTMF Detector Regen Burst Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020
DTMF Generator Burst Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020
DTMF Tone Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1022
Echo Canceller Filter Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029
Echo Canceller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030
E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030
End of Dial Character Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
Fax Digitizing Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
Format (Regeneration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034
FXS Signaling Format (FXS Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035
Input Level Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
Idle Pattern (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

30 Contents

Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037
Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced Only) . . . . . . . . . 1038
Maximum Number of Forwarded Digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040
Noise Level Background (Analog & DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1042
Output Level Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
Premium Voice (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
Ring Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
Silence Hangover Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045
Analog Operation (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047
Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048
BRI Clock Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
Busyout Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051
Call Progress Tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051
Compander Format (DVM & BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053
Delay (High Regeneration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053
Dial Digit Time Limit (High) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1054
Digitizing Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
DTMF Detector Regen Burst Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056
DTMF Generator Burst Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
DTMF Tone Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058
Ecan Disable Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063
Ecan Double Talk Detect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063
Ecan Filter Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064
Ecan High Pass Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064
Echo Canceller Filter Length (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064
Echo Canceller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065
E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065
End of Dial Character Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068

206916-E Rev 00
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Enhanced BckGrnd Noise Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068

Enhanced SilenceHngOver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
EVM Interface Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
Fax Digitizing Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
Fax Idle Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
FVM Interface Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
Input Level Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
Idle Pattern (BRI Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072
Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072
Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced Only) . . . . . . . . . 1073
Maximum Number of Forwarded Digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1074
Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
Minimum Echo Return Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
Output Level Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
Premium Voice (DVM Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
Ring Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
Assigning the Voice Parameters Profile ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
Configurator Procedure for Assigning the Voice Parameters Profile . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
CLI Procedure for Assigning the Voice Parameters Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082
Voice Switching Profile Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082
Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile Parameters . . . . . . . . . 1083
Outgoing Call Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085
Incoming Call Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
Closed User Group Id (0...255) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
Restriction Class Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
Auto Call Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
Call Negotiation (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
Transmit Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
Auto Call Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
Address Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089
Auto Ringdown (Analog Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089
Voice Negotiation (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092
Fax Negotiation (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

32 Contents

Dial Blocking (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093

CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1094
Address Server Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1094
Autocall Index Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
Autocall Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096
Autocall Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099
Hoot and Holler Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1101
Auto Ringdown (Analog Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1106
Call Negotiation (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1107
Closed User Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1107
Incoming Call Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1108
Outgoing Call Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1109
Restriction by Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1110
Call Restriction Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1111
Tx Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1112
Voice Algorithm Negotiation (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1113
Fax Algorithm Negotiation (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1113
Dial Blocking Condition (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1114
Assigning the Voice Parameters Switching Profile ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1115
Configurator Procedure for assigning the Voice Switching Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . .1115
CLI Procedure for setting the Voice Parameters Switching Profile ID . . . . . . . . . . .1117
System Transport Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1117
Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Transport Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1118
CLI Procedure for Setting the System Transport Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1119
Voice Overbooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1119
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Voice Overbooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1120
CLI Procedure for Configuring Voice Overbooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1121
NAC/NAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123

NAC/NAS Address Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1125

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the NAC/NAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1128
Adding a NAC Cache (entry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1128
Adding a NAC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1130
Modifying a NAC Server (NAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1132
Displaying NAC Cache Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1133
Displaying NAC Server Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1134

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Deleting a NAC Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1135

Deleting a NAC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1136
CLI Procedure for Configuring the NAC/NAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1137
NAC Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1138
Adding a NAC Cache (entry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1138
Adding a NAC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1139
Defining the NAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1141
Deleting the NAC Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1141
Deleting a NAC Cache (entry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1142
Deleting a NAC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1142
Reset System NAC Cache Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1142
Setting the NAC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1143
Modifying a NAC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1145
Configuring NAS Basic Aging Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1147
Show NAC Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1147
RSI/RSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155

RSI/RSA Address Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1157

RSI/RSA Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1160
Configurator Procedure for Adding an RSI Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1161
CLI Procedure for Adding an RSI Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1162
Configurator Procedure for Defining the RSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1164
CLI Procedure for Defining the RSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1165
Define RSI Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1166
Define an RSI Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1166
Configurator Procedure for Deleting an RSI Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1167
CLI Procedure for Deleting an RSI Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1168
Reset Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1169
Reset System RSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1169
Setting the RSI Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1169
Cache Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1170
Number of Address Resolution Request Attempts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1170
Response Before Time-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1170
Show RSI Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1171
Displaying the RSI Cache Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1171
Displaying the RSI Defined Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1172

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

34 Contents

Displaying the RSI Server Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1173

Displaying the RSI Set Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1174
Displaying the RSI Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1175
T1/E1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177

The T1 Voice Modules (TVM) (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1178

The T1/PRI Digital Voice Module (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1180
The E1 Voice Modules (EVM) (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1180
The E1/PRI Digital Voice Module (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1182
The Digital Voice Modules (DVMs) (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1182
The Digital Voice Expansion Module (DVEM) (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1183
The Digital Voice Expansion Module (VEM) (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1183
Digital Module Interconnectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1183
T1/E1 Voice Module Interconnectivity (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1183
DSX-1/L1 Interface to DS-1/L2 Interface (Bypass Connection, Dual Port only) . .1185
Data Port to DS-1 or DSX-1 Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1186
Data Port to L1 or L2 Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1187
List of Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1188
T1/E1 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1189
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . .1190
Profile Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1190
T1 Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1191
E1 Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1193
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . .1195
Profile Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1195
T1 Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1196
E1 Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1198
CLI Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1199
Profile Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200
T1 Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200
Clock Source (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201
Signal Protocol (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201
T1BuildOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1202
T1FrameFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1203
T1 Idle Code (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
T1 LineCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204

206916-E Rev 00
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T1LoopbackStatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
IdleCode (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
E1 Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1206
Clock Source (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
E1CRC4 Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
Signal Protocol (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
E1 Idle Code (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
E1LineCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
E1 TS16 Connection (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1210
Idle Code (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1211
Configurator Procedure for Assigning the T1/E1 Profile to a Linexxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1211
CLI Profedure for Assigning the T1/E1 Profile to a Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Data Port (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . 1214
CLI Procedure for Configuring the Data Port (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1216
Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1216
DTR Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1218
Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1218
RTS Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1219
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1/E1 System Clock (4430/50/55) . . . . . 1220
CLI Procedure for Configuring the T1/E1 System Clock (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1221
Configurator Procedure for Assigning DS0s to a Line (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1222
CLI Procedure for Assigning DS0s to a Line (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1224
Configurator Procedure for Connecting the DS0 Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1225
CLI Procedure for Connecting the DS0 Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1228
DS0Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229
LineIndex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229
DS0ConnString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229
ConnectionState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229
Connecting the DS0 Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1230
Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
DS0 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1236
DS0 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237
DS0 Signaling Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1238
Line Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1240

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

36 Contents

Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1241
Statistics Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1244
Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1246
DS0 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1246
DS0 Signaling Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1248
Line Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250
Data Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1252
Data Port Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1254
Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255
Statistics Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1258
System Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1260
System Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1261
T1/E1 Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1262
CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1263
Displaying the DS0 Signaling Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1264
Displaying the DS0 Usage Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267
Displaying the Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1268
Displaying the Line Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1268
Displaying the Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1270
Displaying the Statistics Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271
CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1272
Displaying the DS0 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273
Displaying the DS0 Signaling Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1275
Displaying the Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1278
Displaying the Line Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1279
Displaying the Data Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1280
Displaying the Data Port Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281
Displaying the Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1282
Displaying the Statistics Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1284
Displaying the System Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1285
Displaying the System Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1286
Displaying the T1/E1 Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1287
Configurator Procedure for Using the Test Commands (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288
Configurator Procedure for Using the Test Commands (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1290
External Line Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1292

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Contents 37

External Digital Test (T1 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293

Internal Line Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293
Internal Digital Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
CLI Procedure for Using the Test Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1296
Channel Tests (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1296
Line Tests (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299
External Line Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300
External Digital Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
Internal Line Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1302
Internal Digital Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303
Line Tests (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1304
External Line Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1306
External Digital Test (T1 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307
Internal Line Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308
Internal Digital Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1309
Port Tests (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1310
External Loopback Port Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1311
Internal Loopback Port Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312
System Tests (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312
System Tests (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1313
External Line Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1314
External Digital Test (T1 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1315
Internal Line Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1316
Internal Digital Loopback Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317
Loopback Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1318
CLI Procedure for Resetting the T1/E1 Counters (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1320
Resetting System Voice Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1321
Transparent CCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1322
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323
Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323
Tasks for Configuring the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1324
Configurator Procedure for Connecting the Signaling Channel to Data Port 1 (4430/50/55)
For E1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1326
For T1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1327

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

38 Contents

CLI Procedure for Connecting the Signaling Channel to Data Port 1 (4430/50/55) . . . 1329
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Data Port 1 (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1330
CLI Procedure for Configuring the Data Port 1 (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1331
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Voice Channel Profiles (4430/50/55) . . . . 1332
Ingress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1332
Voice Switching Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1334
Voice Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1336
CLI Procedure for Configuring the Voice Channel Profiles (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . 1338
Configurator Procedure for Provisioning HTDS Service on any available HDM Port (4430/50/
55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1339
CLI Procedure for Provisioning HTDS Service on any available HDM Port (4430/50/55) .
Connect External Cable (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344
Operation with Transparent CCS (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1346
ISDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347

Compatability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348
ISDN Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
ISDN Reference Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
BRI Interface Emulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350
Physical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350
Configuring the D Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the D Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351
CLI Procedure for Configuring the D Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355
Monitoring the D Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1359
Configurator Procedures for Using the Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1359
Configurator Procedure for Using the System If Index Show Command . . . . . . . . 1359
Configurator Procedure for Using the ISDN Physical Show Commands . . . . . . . . 1361
Basic Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1361
Bearer (B Channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1362
Signal Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1364
Signal Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1366
CLI Procedures for Using the Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367
CLI Procedure for Using the System If Index Show Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367
CLI Procedure for Using the ISDN Physical Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1369
baseLapd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1370

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 39

basicRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1370
bearer (B Channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1370
lapd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1372
signalStatistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1372
signalTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1373
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1374
ISDN BRI-to-ISDN BRI Tie Trunk Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1374
BRI-to-PRI Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1375
Passport Network/PSTN System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1378
Analog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1381

Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1382
Available Voice Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383
Single, Dual and Quad-Channel Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383
Switched Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1384
Forced Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
Voice/Fax Switch Module (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1388
Receiving/Transmitting FAX Messages Over the PSTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1388
Transmitting/Receiving FAX Messages Over the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389
Switching Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1390
Force Connect Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391
Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Voice/Fax Switch Module . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397
CLI Procedure for Configuring the Voice/Fax Switch Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1401
Voice Level Adjustment Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405

Digital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405
Preliminary Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1406
Configurator Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1407
Configurator Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1410
CLI Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1412
CLI Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
Adjusting Voice Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
Configurator Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1418
Display the Input Level (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1419
Display the Ingress Signal Level (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1420

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

40 Contents

Configure the Input Level Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1420

Configure the Output Level Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1422
Copy Channel B1 to the Other Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1424
CLI Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1424
Analog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1426
Configurator Adjustment Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1427
CLI Adjustment Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429
Adjust all Voice Ports (Channels) at One Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430
Private Network or PSTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
Preliminary Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
PBX Tie Trunk Application Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434
Monitor Input Level (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435
Monitor Input Level (4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1436
Configurator Procedure for Adjusting E&M Voice Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1438
Configure Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1440
CLI Procedure for Adjusting E&M Voice Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1443
PBX CO Trunk Application Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1448
Configurator Procedure for PBX Station/CENTREX PSTN Line App. Adjustments . . 1449
Display the Input Level (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1451
Display the Input Level (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1452
Configure the Input Level Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1454
CLI Procedure for PBX Station/CENTREX PSTN Line App. Adjustments . . . . . . . . . 1457
Configurator Adjustment Procedure for Single Line Telephone Application . . . . . . . . 1462
Display the Voice Status(Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1463
Display the Voice Status (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1464
Adjust the Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466
CLI Adjustment Procedure for Single Line Telephone Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1468
Hybrid Key System Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1470
Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473

Indicators (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473

T1/E1 Voice Module Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1474
T1/E1 Digital Voice Channel Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1474
T1/E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Initialization States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1475
T1/E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1475
T1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Operational States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1475

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Contents 41

E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Operational States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1476

Digital Voice Expansion Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1477
BRI Voice Module Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1478
Indicators (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479
T1 Voice Module Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479
E1 Voice Module Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1480
FXS Voice Module Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1481
E&M Voice Module Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1482
ISDN Voice Module Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1483
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1484
Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1484
Voice Channel Status (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1484
Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1486
Remote Channel Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1489
Eprom Status (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1492
Egress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1494
Ingress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1495
Voice Channel Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496
Voice Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497
Voice Network Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500
Voice Channel Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1501
Voice Channel Error Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1502
Voice Switching Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1504
System Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505
Transport Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1507
CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1509
Voice Channel Status (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1509
Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1513
EgressTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1517
IngressTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1518
Voice Channel Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1520
Voice Channel Profiles (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1522
Voice Channel Profiles (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1524
Voice Switching Profiles (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1527
Voice Switching Profiles (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1528

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

42 Contents

Voice Network Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529

Voice Call Statistics (Passport 4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529
Voice Call Statistics (Passport 4460) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1531
Voice System Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535
Voice Transport Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535
Configurator Procedure for Using the Action Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1536
Configurator Procedure for Using the Channel Action Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1536
Configurator Procedure for Using the System Action Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1538
CLI Procedure for Using the Action Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1539
CLI Procedure for Using the Channel Action Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1540
CLI Procedure for Using the System Action Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1541
About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1543

When to Use the VoIP Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1543

What is Required to Use the VoIP Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1548
How VoIP Operates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1548
Important Facts About VoIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1551
VoIP Voice Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1552
Setting Up the VoIP Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1553

VoIP Setup Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1553

Setting Voice Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1564
VoIP Setup Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1565
Router Configuration Requirements for VoIP Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1571
Administering VoIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1573

Setting the Call Bundle Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1573

Call Bundle Size Setup Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1574
Call Bundle Size Setup Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1574
Viewing Parameters Associated With VoIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575
Disabling VoIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1576
Deleting VoIP Using the Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1577
Deleting VoIP Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1577
Traffic Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1579

Overview of Passport 4400 Traffic Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1579

Transfer Priority and SVC queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1579

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 43

RFC1490 Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1580

Global Traffic Management Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1582
Rate Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1582
Line Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1582
Weighted Round Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1583
Discard Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1583
BECN Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1584
Configuring Global Traffic Management Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1584
Configurator Procedures for Configuring Global Traffic Management Parameters . . . 1585
CLI Commands for Configuring Global Traffic Management Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 1586
Configuring Traffic Management Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587
Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1588
CLI Procedure for Configuring Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1589
PANL Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1591
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Bandwidth and Maximum Frame Size . . . . . 1591
CLI Procedure for Configuring Bandwidth and Maximum Frame Size . . . . . . . . . . . . 1591
Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1592
Maximum Frame Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1593
Committed Information Rate (CIR) and PVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1594
Configurator Procedure for Configuring CIR and PVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1595
Using Configurator to Set the Maximum CIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1595
Set BECN Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1596
Using Configurator to Set Default Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1596
CLI Procedure for Configuring CIR and PVC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1598
Maximum CIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600
BECN Response Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1601
Default Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1602
Transfer Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1603
LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 4400) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1604
Configurator Procedure to Configure LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 4400) 1604
Display the Current Settings for each LAN SVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1604
Change the Transfer Priority of the LAN SVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1605
CLI Procedure to Configure LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 4400) . . . . . . 1606

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

44 Contents

LAN SPVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 6400) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1607

Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and CBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1609
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and CBR . . . 1609
Display the Settings for each Switch Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1610
Change the Transfer Priority of the Switch Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1610
CLI Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and CBR . . . . . . . . . . .1611
Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1612
Configurator Procedure for Configuring Voice Default Transfer Parameters . . . . . 1613
CLI Procedure for Configure Voice Default Transfer Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1614
Monitoring Traffic Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1615
Configurator Procedure for Monitoring Traffic Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1616
CLI Commands for Monitoring Traffic Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1617
System Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1619

Managing System Memory Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1619

Working with Flash Memory Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1620
Configurator Procedure for Loading the Default Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1621
CLI Command for Loading the Default Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1622
Committed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1622
Configurator Procedure for Committing an Application Code Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1622
Reset the CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1623
CLI Command for Committing an Application Code Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1624
Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1625
Configurator Procedure for Setting the Active Configuration Data Bank . . . . . . . . . . . 1626
Reset the CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1627
CLI Command for Setting the Active Configuration Data Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1627
Viewing Memory Bank Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1628
Configurator Procedure for Viewing Memory Bank Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1628
CLI Command for Viewing Memory Bank Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1629
Using System Rollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1630
Configurator Procedure for Using System Rollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1631
Set Bank 3 to Committed State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1631
Enable System Rollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1632
Set Bank 4 to Active State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1632
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1633
Confirm System Rollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1634

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 45

CLI Procedure for Using System Rollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1634

TFTP Software Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1636
Optional TFTP Download Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1637
CLI Commands for Optional TFTP Download Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1638
Default Download Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1639
Configurator Download Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1639
Enter the IP Address of the TFTP Host Workstation that Contains the Download Code
Files and Download the Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1640
Commit the Application Code Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1641
CLI Default Download Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1642
Specific Download Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1643
Monitoring TFTP Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1644
Configurator Procedure for Monitoring TFTP Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1644
CLI Commands for Monitoring TFTP Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1645
TFTP Configuration Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1648
Optional TFTP Backup Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1649
CLI Optional TFTP Backup Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1649
Default Backup Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1650
Configurator Default Backup Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1650
CLI Default Backup Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1651
Specific Configuration Backup Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1653
Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1654
Configurator Procedure for Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1654
CLI Commands for Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1655
TFTP Configuration Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1655
Configurator Procedure for TFTP Configuration Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1655
CLI Procedure for TFTP Configuration Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1657
Upgrading to 4.0 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1658
Downloading Application Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1659
Configurator Procedure for Downloading Application Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1660
Enter the IP address of the TFTP Host Workstation and Download the Code Files 1660
Commit the Application Code Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1661
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1662
CLI Procedure for Downloading Application Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1663
Procedures for Downloading Voice and T1/E1 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1665

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46 Contents

Configurator Procedure for Downloading the Local T1/E1 Software (4430/50/55) . . . 1665
Configurator Procedure for Downloading the Local Voice Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1666
CLI Procedure for Downloading the Local T1/E1 Software (4430/50/55) . . . . . . . . . . 1667
CLI Procedure for Downloading the Local Voice Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1668
Telnet Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1669
System Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1670
Configurator Procedure for System Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1671
CPU Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1672
Configuration Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1672
Factory Default Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1672
CLI Commands for System Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1673
Reset Button (Passport 4460 Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1674
Warm Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1674
Cold Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1675
Baud Rate Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1676
Bootp Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1676
Configurator Procedure for Bootp Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1677
CLI Procedure for Bootp Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1678
Ping Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1680
Configurator Procedure for Using the Ping Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1680
CLI Command for Using the Ping Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1681
System Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683

Passport 4400 System Administration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683

Identifying the Passport 4400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1685
Configurator System Identity Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1685
Configurator Procedure for Viewing and Updating the Documentation URL . . . . . . . . 1687
Viewing and Updating the Documentation URL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1688
Accessing the On-line Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1689
Navigating On-Line Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1689
Printing On-Line Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1690
Configurator Procedure for Assigning a Node Name, Node ID, and Customer ID to the
Passport 4400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1690
Save the Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1691
Configurator Procedure for Setting the Master Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1692
CLI Procedure for Identifying the Passport 4400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1694

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 47

Assigning a Node Name using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1694

Assigning a Contact Name using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1695
Assigning a Location Name Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1695
Viewing the Identity of the Passport 4400 Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1696
Assigning a PC IP Address Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1696
Setting the Master Clock Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1697
Assigning User Privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699
Community String Indexes and Group Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699
Configurator Procedure for Viewing Community Strings and Group Passwords . . 1700
CLI Commands for Viewing Community String Indexes and Group Passwords . . 1701
MIB Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1703
Using the Assignment Tables to Determine User Privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1704
Changing Community String Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1705
Configurator Procedure for Changing Community String Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1706
CLI Command for Changing Community String Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1707
Setting the Management Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1709
Configurator Procedure for Setting the Management Port Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1710
CLI Command for Setting the Management Port Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1711
Setting the System Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1712
Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1712
CLI Procedure for Setting the System Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1714
CLI Procedure for Setting Daylight Saving Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1716
Enabling and Setting Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1717
Configurator Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1717
Enable Trap Generation Using Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1717
Disable Trap Generation Using Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1719
CLI Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1719
Enable Trap Generation Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1719
Disable Trap Generation Using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1720
Enabling the Authentication Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721
CLI Commands for Enabling the Authentication Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721
Setting System Trap Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1722
Taking a Port Offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1723
Configurator Procedure for Taking a Port Offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1724
CLI Command for Taking a Port Offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725

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48 Contents

Monitoring Passport 4400 System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725

Configurator Procedures for Monitoring Passport 4400 System Parameters . . . . . . . . . 1726
Viewing Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726
Viewing Installed Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1727
Viewing Power and Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1728
Viewing Unit Hardware Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1729
Viewing Hardware Port Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1729
CLI Commands for Monitoring Passport 4400 System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1730
Loading Factory Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1732
Configurator Procedure for Loading Factory Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1732
CLI Command for Loading Factory Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1733
Trap Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1735

System Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736

Configurator Procedure for Viewing System Trap Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1737
Configurator Procedure for Enabling or Disabling Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1737
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1737
CLI Commands for Setting System Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1738
PANL Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1740
LMI Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1741
TFTP Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1742
Bridging Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1743
Frame Relay Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1743
Voice Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1744
T1/E1 Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1746
T1/E1 CSU Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749
Configurator Procedure for Enabling/Disabling T1/E1 CSU Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749
CLI Commands for Enabling/Disabling T1/E1 CSU Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1750
GCM Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1752
ISDN Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1755
Configurator Procedure to Enable/Disable ISDN Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1756
Enabling/Disabling ISDN Signaling D-Channel Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1756
Enabling/Disabling ISDN Dial Control Peer Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1756
CLI Commands to Enable/Disable ISDN Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1758
NAC/NAS Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1761
RSI Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1762

206916-E Rev 00
Contents 49

Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1763

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1811

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

50 Contents

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 1
Using the Tools

The following topics are discussed:

• “Using the Configurator” on page 51

• “Using the Install Tool” on page 58
• “CLI Description” on page 58
• “Additional Tools” on page 63

Using the Configurator

The following topics are discussed:

• “Configurator Overview” on page 51

• “Accessing the Configurator Through a Web Browser” on page 52
• “Downloading HTML Stand-Alone Configurator Web Pages” on page 54
• “Accessing the Command Line Interface (CLI) Through Configurator” on
page 56
• “Configurator Navigational Tips” on page 57

Configurator Overview

Note: Before opening the Configurator Web pages, ensure that

“cookies” are enabled in your web browser.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

52 Chapter 1 Using the Tools

The Configurator is a web-based configuration tool for the Passport 4400. The
Configurator performs online, real-time device configuration through an
embedded web server in the Passport 4400 unit. When you access Configurator,
the web server displays the requested HTML pages in your browser window. You
can view current device parameter values, change device parameters, and obtain
device status and performance information.

Browser Requirements

The following Web Browsers are recommended for use with the Configurator
Web pages:

• Netscape Communicator, 4.7 or higher.

• Internet Explorer 4.x, or higher.

Accessing the Configurator Through a Web Browser

To access Configurator:

Note: When first accessing Configurator through the Netscape web

browser on a Sun Sparc workstation, you may encounter the following
error message: "URL could not be retrieved." Try deleting the Netscape
directory in your home directory. This will force netscape to re-initialize
itself. Before deleting the directory, remember to copy all of your prior
settings and bookmarks into another directory.

1 Start your web browser and enter the URL for your Configurator Web pages.
(For example, http://<IP Address on the Passport Unit>.) The Username and
Password dialog box opens. The Configurator Web pages URL is determined
during installation.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 1 Using the Tools 53

2 Enter the default User Name (passport) and Password (private).

Note: This is the same password as assigned through the CLI.

Click OK. The Configurator Main window opens:

The left side of the window displays the menu and the right side displays the
Passport 4400 unit’s main page. You are now logged into the Configurator
Web pages.

Exiting Configurator

To exit the Configurator from the web browser menu, select File > Exit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

54 Chapter 1 Using the Tools

Downloading HTML Stand-Alone Configurator Web Pages

Use the procedure below to download the stand-alone HTML Configurator Web

1 Use your web browser to access URL http://www.nortelnetworks.com/prd/nic/

2 In the navigation menu, select Login to the System.

3 Enter your User Name and Password. Please ensure that your login is typed in
lower case. Click OK.
4 Scroll down until you locate the link for the Configurator HTML pages. Click
on the link.
5 Click your right mouse button and select Save As or Save Image As.
Download the file to a PC or Workstation with a TFTP Server.

Note: The PC or Workstation must be accessible across the LAN by the

Passport 4400 unit that is downloading the HTML file.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 1 Using the Tools 55

6 Use your web browser to log on to the Configurator Web pages from the PC
or Workstation connected to the Passport 4400 unit.
7 From the navigation menu in Configurator, click on Administration.
8 Click on TFTP Operation. The TFTP Operation window opens:

9 In the Server IP Address field, enter the IP address of the PC or Workstation

that is running the TFTP server where the HTML file is residing.

Note: The file should be placed in the /tftpboot/directory. Configurator

uses this as the top level directory, which does not need to specified
when setting the file name.

10 Click Save. A "Command Successful" appears.

11 At the top of the window click on Code Download. The TFTP Code
Download window opens:

12 Enter the path name of the HTML file on the TFTP server (i.e.44xx/4.0/
<filename>). Click on Download (from Server).
The downloading HTML file will be placed in the committed code bank. For
information about committed code banks, go to System Utilities.

The TFTP Status page displays progress of the download.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

56 Chapter 1 Using the Tools

13 You must reset the Passport 4400 unit. At the top of the TFTP Status window,
click on System Reset. The System Reset window opens:

14 Use the pull down menu to select CPU only. Click Reset. A Confirmation
message displays:

Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Accessing the Command Line Interface (CLI) Through


Note: Configurator does not have control over which Telnet application
your system uses.

The Configurator allows you the convenience of using or referring to the CLI. To
access the CLI:

1 Click on Utilities.
2 Click on Telnet.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 1 Using the Tools 57

3 Click on Connect and select the IP address of the Passport 4400 unit you wish
to access.

4 At the Login prompt, type cli.

5 At the Password prompt, press [Enter].

You are now logged into the CLI.

Exiting the CLI

To exit the CLI, refer to “Exiting the CLI” on page 60.

Configurator Navigational Tips

Use the following navigational tips when using the Configurator:

• Diamonds represent HTML pages.

• To access submenus and windows, select the triangle point right.

• To shorten the list of menu selections, click the down arrow:

• To open an HTML page, select the text next to the diamond.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

58 Chapter 1 Using the Tools

Using the Install Tool

The Passport 4400 Install Tool is a stand-alone utility that is delivered with each
Passport 4400 unit.

This tool simplifies the initial setup of a new Passport 4400. It provides a series of
wizards that walk you through the basic configuration of the entire unit or selected
components such as voice channels. As you work with Install tool, it displays a
graphical representation of the Passport 4400 back panel, which displays the
status of each port on the unit. For example:

The Install Tool also provides a "standard" mode that allows you to selectively
configure specific ports, view the status of selected ports, and perform simple
diagnostics upon them.

For detailed information about installing and using Install Tool, refer to Using
Passport 4400 Install Tool, 206906-C

CLI Description
This section gives an overview of the CLI. The following topics are discussed:

• “Overview of the CLI” on page 59

• “CLI Access Procedure” on page 60
• “CLI Command Structure” on page 61
• “CLI Navigational Tips” on page 62

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Chapter 1 Using the Tools 59

Overview of the CLI

You can use the CLI interface to configure, provision, and monitor Passport 4400

You can access the CLI locally by using an asynchronous terminal device (or PC
using terminal emulation software) connected to the serial management port on
the Passport 4400 base module. You can also access the CLI remotely using
Telnet. The workstation using Telnet must have IP connectivity or be directly
connected to the Ethernet port on the Passport 4400. Only one CLI session can be
active at a time on a Passport 4400 unit.

Using the CLI

To use the CLI successfully, review the following guidelines:

• Press [Enter] key to complete each command line entry.

• If you do not know the parameters to complete a command, press [Enter], and
the CLI displays the next level of options for that command. If you press
[Enter] at the CLI> command line, the Passport 4400 displays a list of all
major commands.
• You can enter abbreviated command names; however, you must enter enough
characters to uniquely define the command. For instance, the Passport 4400
does not recognize s, because the command could be save, set, or show. When
you enter sh, the Passport 4400 recognizes the command for show and
responds with the next level of options.

Before You Begin Your Telnet Session

Before a Telnet session can be established, the Passport 4400 must be assigned an
IP address. Therefore, you must use the serial management port connection when
configuring the Passport 4400 for the first time. See Getting Started with Passport
4400, Release 4.1 Software, 209664-A for the procedures to access the Passport
4400 for the first time.

For more information about IP addresses, see Configuring LAN Services.

For more information about Telnet procedures, see System Utilities.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

60 Chapter 1 Using the Tools

CLI Access Procedure

After the Passport 4400 has been powered up and the boot sequence has
completed, a login prompt is displayed on the local management screen of your

Note: If the login prompt is not displayed, press [Enter] one or more
times until it is displayed.

To access the CLI:

1 Press [Enter] several times until the login: prompt is displayed.

2 Type cli and press [Enter]. The password prompt is displayed.
3 Press [Enter] again. A welcome message appears followed by the CLI>

You are now logged in to the CLI.

Exiting the CLI

To exit the CLI:

1 At the Host name prompt, type lo. A termination window opens:

2 Click OK.
3 Click the Connect tab and select Exit. You are now logged out of the CLI.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 1 Using the Tools 61

CLI Command Structure

The CLI command structure is a hierarchy consisting of a set of primary

functions, most containing one or more levels of subcommands followed by
configurable parameters. To see the list of primary CLI functions, press [Enter] at
the CLI> prompt. The following list is displayed:














Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

62 Chapter 1 Using the Tools

Message Displays
Command Successful The command was carried out successfully.
Command Failed The command was not completed due to hardware, software,
or configuration conflicts.
Invalid Parameter An incorrect command syntax was used.

CLI Navigational Tips

Use the following navigational tips when using the CLI:

• If you do not know the available options for a command, type the command
and press [Enter]. The CLI will display the next level of options.
• To redisplay the last command you entered, press [Ctrl-P].
• To exit the CLI without using the logout command, press [Ctrl-D].
• Parameters displayed between angle brackets (< >) indicate variables you
must provide. A listing of all CLI commands, including parameters, may be
found in Configuring and Operating Passport 4400 Software, CLI.
• Display string values must be typed between double quotation characters.
• Some commands provide entry and table options, allowing you to view
parameters and statistics either individually or together in a group. If you
would like a group display, use the table option; if you would like an
individual display, use the entry option.
• Long display commands can be interrupted at the end of a screen of text by
entering Q; pressing [Enter] will continue the display.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 1 Using the Tools 63

Additional Tools
There are additional options for managing Passport 4400 units, as described in the
following publications:

• For detailed information about using the Preside Multservice Data Manager
(MDM)-Passport 4400 application, refer to the following Preside manuals:
— Preside Passport 4400 Device Integration Cartridge User Guide
— Preside MDM Passport 4400 Integration Guide (241-6001-109)
• For information on using HP Openview for Passport 4400 configuration, refer
to OMS for Passport 4400 on HP Openview User Guide, document number

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

64 Chapter 1 Using the Tools

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 2
Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

This topic explains the procedures used to add a Passport 4400 unit to an existing
Passport network. Through the use of the Passport Access Network Link (PANL)
protocol, Passport units can work together to provide connectivity over a frame
relay network.

Overview of Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

The following topics are discussed:

• “PANL Switching” on page 66

• “PANL and Passport 6400 Interworking” on page 67
• “Netlinks” on page 67
• “Primary Netlink” on page 69
• “Default Primary Netlinks” on page 74

PANL is a proprietary protocol used to communicate between Passport units. The

PANL protocol is adapted from ITU-T X.36 protocol (frame relay) to support
signaling and payload transport over the Passport network.

Note: The terms MPANL and PANL both refer to the same protocol and
may be used interchangeably. PANL will be used in this manual wherever

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

66 Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

PANL Switching

PANL traffic between networked Passport nodes is achieved through PANL

switching. When a Passport 4400 receives a PANL frame destined for another
unit, the Passport 4400 consults a PANL switching table to determine which path
the frame should take. If the destination is unknown, the Passport 4400 will route
the frame further up the network hierarchy to be processed by a higher-level
Passport node.

PANL switching is activated by the configuration of at least one PANL-DCE

connection. A Passport 4400 with no configured PANL-DCE connection (such as
units D, E, F, and G as shown in the Passport Network with PANL Switching
figure below) functions as a typical frame relay access device. Switching
information will still be passed along the PANL-DTE port to a higher-level
Passport node.

Note: The terms PANL-DCE and PANL-DTE refer to the logical

(switching) function of the port, not the port clocking mode associated
with physical DCE or DTE.

Unit A
rt 4400

Unit B PA PA
DTE Unit C
rt 4400
NL Passpo

PA DCE rt 4400



rt 4400 DTE
Unit D Passpo
rt 4400
rt 4400 Passpo
rt 4400

Unit E Unit F Unit G

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL) 67

PANL and Passport 6400 Interworking

Passport 6400 nodes direct PANL traffic across the Passport network, providing
PANL switching functions (see the illustration below). In addition, PANL
connections to a Passport 6400 node gives your Passport 4400 access to a variety
of interworking services, including the following:

• Network management services, including Network Management Core Router

(NMCR) functionality
• Voice services and applications, including channel associated signaling and
hunt groups
• ISDN BRI interworking with ISDN BRI tie trunk or ISDN PRI.

For more information about using a Passport 6400 in your Passport network,
please refer to Passport 4400 and 6400 Interworking Guide, document number

Passport 6400

rt 4400

rt 4400


The Passport 4400 supports multiple permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), referred
to as netlinks, over a single physical port. Netlinks are used in PANL switching to
pass PANL traffic between networked Passport units. In addition to PANL, the
RFC 1490 frame relay protocol can be passed within a netlink to or from a
third-party router or FRAD.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

68 Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

Within each PANL netlink, individual switched virtual circuits (SVCs) can be
constructed to pass different types of traffic; for example, one SVC can be used
for voice and another SVC for data (both existing within the same PANL netlink).
See the example below:

Physical (netlink)
(Tunnel) SVC

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL) 69

Primary Netlink

After a default reset, the Passport 4400 automatically creates a PANL-DTE

netlink. This netlink is called the Primary Netlink, and the port carrying the
primary netlink is called the primary port. See Managing Primary and Backup
Ports for more information about primary ports.See the figure below for an
example of a Primary Netlink.

Passport node
(4400 or 6400


rt 4400


Procedures for Viewing the Netlink Display Table

“Configurator Procedure for Viewing the Primary Netlink Display Table” on

page 70

“CLI Procedure for Viewing the Primary Netlink Display Table” on page 73

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

70 Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

Configurator Procedure for Viewing the Primary Netlink

Display Table
1 To view information about a primary netlink, select Configure, WAN/Data
Services, and PANL.

You will see the Port/Channel Selection (PANL) window:

2 At the top of the window, select the Netlink (Tunnel) link. You will see the
Netlinks (Tunnels) window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL) 71

3 Click Modify next to the Tunnel you want to configure. You will see the
Modify a Netlink (Tunnel) window:

The Passport 4460’s Modify a Netlink (Tunnel) window, also includes the
parameter for the DS0 Channel.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

72 Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

The first five parameters in the window supply important information about the

Index The IfIndex assigned to the primary netlink (149).

DLCI Number The DLCI assigned to the primary netlink (16). For information about
DLCIs, go to Configure Connections to the Passport Network, Data
Link Connection Identifier (DLCI)”.
Card Slot The physical location of the port carrying the primary netlink
Channel Primary port - base indicates the base module, and 2 is the port
number (Port 2).
Type The type of netlink. The primary netlink is always configured as
PANL-DTE (shown as Dte panl in the display).

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the
Passport 4430/50/55, the name for the base module is always base,
Expansion modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is
named pcmciaExp.

Continue on to “Default Primary Netlinks” on page 74.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL) 73

CLI Procedure for Viewing the Primary Netlink Display


Use the following CLI command to display information about the primary netlink:

CLI> show fr tunnel configured table

TunnelIfIndex 149
DlciNumber 16
PhysicalCard base
PhysicalPort 2
Type dte-panl
PhysicalPortIfIndex 155
RxMaxFrameSize 1604
RxBc 64000
RxBe 64000
MaxRxCIR 64000
TxMaxFrameSize 1600
TxBc 64000
TxBe 64000
MaxTxCIR 64000
ConsecFrames 10
MinTxCir 64000
4460 -1

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

74 Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

The first five parameters of the table supply important information about the

TunnelIfIndex The IfIndex assigned to the primary netlink (149)

DlciNumber The DLCI assigned to the primary netlink (16). For information about
DLCIs, go to Configure Connections to the Passport Network, Data
Link Connection Identifier (DLCI).
PhysicalCard The physical location of the port carrying the primary netlink.
PhysicalPort Primary port - base indicates the base module, and 2 is the port
number (Port 2).
Type The type of netlink. The primary netlink is always configured as
PANL-DTE (shown as dte-panl in the display).

Note: This configuration (IfIndex 149, Port 2) is typical of Passport 4400

units with at least two configured ports on the base module. For Passport
4400 units with only one base module port available, the default primary
port will be Port 1, and the default primary netlink will be assigned an
IfIndex of 147.

Continue on to “Default Primary Netlinks” on page 74.

Default Primary Netlinks

While the default primary netlink may be suitable for your Passport network, you
may want to remove this netlink and configure a primary netlink with different
parameters. Possible reasons for removing the default primary netlink include the

• Your frame relay network provider may require the use of a different DLCI.
• DLCI 16 may be needed for a different netlink.
• There is no higher-level Passport 4400 in the network, eliminating the need
for a PANL-DTE connection.
• The primary port needs to be reconfigured (see Managing Primary and
Backup Ports).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL) 75

Removing Default Primary Netlinks

“Configurator Procedure for Removing Default Primary Netlinks” on page 75

“CLI Procedure for Removing Default Primary Netlinks” on page 76

Configurator Procedure for Removing Default Primary

1 To remove a default primary link, select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and

You will see the Port/Channel Selection (PANL) window:

2 At the top of the window, select the Netlinks (Tunnels) link. You will see the
Netlinks (Tunnels) window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

76 Chapter 2 Passport Access Network Link (PANL)

3 Click Delete. You will see the Delete a Netlink (Tunnel) window:

4 Click Delete again. You will see a confirmation window:

5 Click OK. A “Command Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Removing Default Primary Netlinks

Use the following CLI command to remove the default primary netlink:

CLI> delete fr tunnel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex number from the

show fr tunnel configured
table display. SeeCLI Procedure for
Viewing the Primary Netlink Display


CLI> delete fr tunnel 149

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 3
Configure Connections to the Passport Network

This topic discusses the steps used to configure multiple PANL and RFC 1490
PVCs (netlinks) on a Passport 4400, allowing the Passport 4400 to send, receive,
and pass traffic among other nodes in the network.

The primary WAN port connecting the Passport 4400 to the Passport network
often consists of a public frame relay service utilizing a serial V.35 physical
connection. This is the link type that has been assumed throughout this section.

Other options are available, however. The primary WAN port can be ISDN, or it
can consist of a T1 CSU, E1 CSU, or 56k CSU. For information on configuring
optional WAN types, see Alternate WAN Modules.

The following topics are discussed:

• “Network Limits” on page 78

• “Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI)” on page 79
• “Optional Netlink Parameters” on page 102

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

78 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

Network Limits
When constructing a Passport 4400 network, make sure that the following limits
are observed:

• Maximum number of netlinks per Passport 4400: 25.

• Maximum number of netlinks per physical port: 24.
• Maximum number of virtual circuits per Passport 4400: 255
• Maximum number of RFC 1490 PVCs per Passport 4400: 12.
• Maximum number of PANL DTEs per Passport 4400: 2 (one primary and one
• Maximum number of PANL DCEs per Passport 4400: 25.
• Maximum number of physical ports per Passport 4430/50/55: 19. The
Passport 4430/50/55 contains three ports on the base module. With the
addition of one or two High-speed Data Modules (HDM), it is possible to add
up to 16 additional ports to the unit, for a total of 19 ports.
• Maximum number of physical ports per Passport 4460: 15. The Passport 4460
contains one built-in serial port, two WAN Serial Daughter Board (SDB)
slots, and two expansion slots. Populating the two SDBs with single-port
serial data modules and the expansion slots with two 6-Port Serial Data
Expansion Modules yields a total of 15 available ports on the unit.
• Maximum number of Passport nodes in a Passport 4400-only network: 25.
• Maximum number of levels in the Passport 4400 network hierarchy: 4. The
Passport 4400 network nodes must be arranged in a hierarchy with no more
than four levels of PANL communication (with Passport 6400s at the top
level, and Passport 4400s at the other three levels, configured as central,
regional, and branch nodes). For example, the illustration shown below
contains three network levels (consisting of units A, B-C, and D-G,

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 79

Unit A
rt 4400

Unit B PA PA
DTE Unit C
rt 4400
NL Passpo

PA DCE rt 4400


rt 4400 DTE
Unit D Passpo
rt 4400
rt 4400 Passpo
rt 4400

Unit E Unit F Unit G

Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI)

The data link connection identifier (DLCI) is a number used to identify a PVC
endpoint in the frame relay network. The DLCI is attached to data frames passed
through the network, allowing the frames to be sent to their proper destinations.

The DLCI has local significance only, meaning that each PVC on a particular
physical port must have a different DLCI number. However, a DLCI need not be
unique throughout the Passport 4400, or throughout the network. For instance, it
is possible to have two PVCs, one on Port 1 of the base module and the other on
Port 2, terminating at different endpoints, but with the same DLCI. See the
illustration below for an example of Multiple PVCs and Endpoint DLCIs.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

80 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

Port 1 Passpo
rt 4400

rt 4400

Passport 4400

Port 2

rt 4400

For netlinks established over a leased line (for example, an ISDN connection), it is
important that you use the same DLCI for each end of the connection. For netlinks
established over a frame relay network, contact your network service provider to
obtain the DLCI for each node. See the illustration below for an example of
Endpoint DLCIs on a leased line.

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs

This section describes the Configurator and CLI procedures for configuring
physical ports and DLCIs.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs” on page 81

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs” on page 92

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 81

Before You Begin

You will need to obtain the following information from your network

• The DLCI (assigned for connections over a frame relay network).

• LMI type of the frame relay network.
• DTE and DCE maximum frame size for the Passport network connection.
• Baud rate (physical line speed) for the Passport network connection.
• Maximum DLCI value for the Passport network connection.

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and


Note: The following steps must be performed on each Passport 4400 unit
that is to be connected. If unit A has been configured with a connection to
unit B, then unit B must be configured with a connection to unit A.

If your network connection will be a PANL-DTE netlink to a higher-level

Passport 4400, you may wish to configure the Global Circuit Manager (GCM) to
monitor and control the netlink. See Managing Primary and Backup Ports for
more information.

On Passport 4430/50/55 units, all three ports on the base module, plus all ports on
an expansion High-speed Data Module, can be configured to carry PANL and
RFC 1490 traffic over a netlink. On Passport 4460 units, all serial ports on the unit
can be configured to carry PANL and RFC 1490 traffic over a netlink.

Note: Ports on the Passport 4430/50/55 High-speed Data Module can be

configured with PANL-DCE netlinks, but they cannot support
PANL-DTE links. See Passport Access Network Link (PANL) for more

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

82 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

1 To configure DLCIs in Configurator, select Configure, Physical Interfaces,

and Serial.

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window:

2 At the top of the window select the WAN Interfaces link. You will see the
WAN Interfaces window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 83

3 Next to the WAN port you want to configure, select Modify. You will see the
Modify WAN Interface window:

The Passport 4460 Modify WAN Interface window displays the parameters
for the Card Slot.

4 In the Baud Rate field, type the baud rate of the WAN port. The default baud
rate is 64000.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

84 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

5 In the Protocol Supported field, use the pull-down menu to select the protocol
the WAN port will use.

Note: PANL connections use the switching frame relay protocol

(switchingFR) to direct traffic across the Passport network.

6 For Passport 4430/50/55, use the pull down menu next to the Mode field to
select the physical mode of the WAN port, DCE or DTE.
The physical mode of the port determines if this port will generate clocking
(DCE) or accept clocking information (DTE). For connections established
across the frame relay network, the physical mode should usually be set to

For Passport 4460, when using a Smart cable, you do not need to set the DCE/
DTE mode. After you have configured other parameters on the factory defaulted
Passport 4460 and reset the unit, the correct DCE/DTE mode will be auto-sensed.

If the above has not occurred, use Configurator to set the auto-sense parameter:

For Passport 4460, select auto if you are using a Smart cable. If you are not
using a Smart cable, follow the instructions listed in Step 6.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 85

7 After you have made your selection, click Save. A “Command Successful”

Set the Master Clock Source

This feature is available on Passport 4460 units specified as master clock-enabled

and running software release 4.3 or higher. To determine if this feature is available
on your Passport 4460 unit, select Attributes, and Unit Hardware. You will see the
Unit Hardware window:

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be displayed

in the Master Clock field.

1 Set the master clock source. If your physical mode is set to DCE and you want
to use the Passport 4460 unit’s master clock as the clock source, select
Configure, System, and Master Clock.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

86 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

You will see the Master Clock window:

This window displays the current configured interface and allows you to
designate the Master Clock source.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the desired clock source.

If you do not want to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460 unit,
select Internal. If you wish to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460
unit, select one of the listed ports. As shown in the Master Clock window
above, Base, Port 2 is providing the clock source to the backplane. Other ports
on the unit have the option of choosing it as their clock source.

3 After you have made your selection, click Save. The Master Clock setting
takes effect immediately. A system reset is not required.

Continue on to “Creating a Netlink Between Two Passports that are Physically

Connected” on page 87 or “Creating a Netlink Across a Public Frame Relay
Network” on page 89.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 87

Creating a Netlink Between Two Passports that are Physically


If you are creating a netlink across a public frame relay network go to “Creating a
Netlink Across a Public Frame Relay Network” on page 89. Otherwise, continue
as directed in this procedure.

Set the frame relay LMI Mode:

1 From the Physical Interface (Serial) window, select the port you want to
configure the netlink on. You will see the Physical Port Configuration
2 Set your protocol. In the Protocol Supported field, use the pull down menu to
select SwitchingFr.

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears. Click Next.

4 Under WAN/Data Services in the navigational menu, select PANL. You will
see the Port Selection (PANL) window. Use the pull down menu to select the
port you want to add the netlink to. You will see the PVC LMI Configuration

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

88 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

5 Use the LMI Type pull down menu to select noLmiConfigured.

6 In the LMI Mode field, select either the DTE or DCE radio button. This
selection will depend on the logical PANL mode of the netlink (dte-panl,
7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
8 Click Next. You will see the Add a Netlink (Tunnel) window:

9 In the DLCI Number field, input your DLCI number (16 - 991). The same
DLCI number must be configured on both sides of the link. Otherwise, the
Passport 4400 units will not be able to communicate with each other.
10 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 89

Creating a Netlink Across a Public Frame Relay Network

1 To create a netlink across a public frame relay network, select WAN/Data
Services and PANL.

2 You will see the Port Selection (PANL) window. Select the port you are
configuring. You will see the PVC LMI (PANL) Configuration window.

3 Use the pull down menu next to LMI Type to select the applicable LMI.

4 Select the radio button DTE for a PANL-DTE connection, or DCE for a
PANL-DCE connection.
5 Click Save. A Command Successful appears. This indicates you have
successfully updated the configuration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

90 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

Add a PANL Netlink

1 On the PVC LMI (PANL) window, click Next. You will see the Add a PANL
Netlink (Tunnel) window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

DLCI Number INTEGER (16 - 991) The DLCI is used to identify this
netlink when passing frame relay
(and PANL) traffic. For
connections across a public frame
relay network, consult your
network administrator for this

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 91

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Type dte-panl, dce-panl, Choose standard for frame relay
standard traffic (RFC 1490) between a
Passport 4400 and a third party
FRAD or router. Choose dte-panl
or dce-panl to specify PANL
netlinks between Passport units.
Passport 4460: INTEGER (-1..30) For frame relay enter -1. If you are
Physical Channel channelizing (DACS) for the T1
parameter, go to Digital Access
and Cross-Connect System
(DACS) for the applicable value.

2 Click Save. “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit for the steps necessary to save
your new configuration.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 To save the current configuration and reset the unit, select Administration and
System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

92 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Once the reset is complete, connectivity with the unit will be restored.

CLI Procedure for Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs

Note: The following steps must be performed on each Passport 4400 unit
that is to be connected. If unit A has been configured with a connection to
unit B, then unit B must be configured with a connection to unit A.

If your network connection will be a PANL-DTE netlink to a higher-level

Passport 4400, you may wish to configure the Global Circuit Manager (GCM) to
monitor and control the netlink. See Managing Primary and Backup Ports for
more information.

All three ports on the base module of the unit, in addition to ports on an expansion
High-speed Data Module, can be configured to carry PANL and RFC 1490 traffic
over a netlink.

Note: Ports on the High-speed Data Module can be configured with

PANL-DCE netlinks, but they can not support PANL-DTE links. See
Passport Access Network Link (PANL) for more information.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 93

1 Determine the physical WAN port to be configured with a netlink.

CLI> show system ifIndex configured

A table similar to the following appears:

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfSlot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
149 frameRelay 2 base
150 propMultiplexor 1 base
151 other 1 base
153 propMultiplexor 2 base
154 v35 2 base
155 frameRelay 2 base

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

The physical WAN ports are given the IfExtensionType (IfExtType)


The Passport 4400 base module resides in Slot base, and the PPA numbers
correspond to the port numbers for physical ports. Therefore, IfIndex 150
would represent Port 1 on the base module. Take note of the IfIndex, PPA,
and IfSlot values for the port being configured; you will need to enter these
values later.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

94 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

2 Determine the ifIndex of the WAN port to be configured. The ifIndex is used
to identify the port. Refer to the CLI command and table above to determine
the ifIndex of the WAN port. In this example, the ifIndex is 150.
3 Select the baud rate (line speed) of the physical WAN port.
CLI> define wan port baudRate

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical

WAN port as determined in Step
<BaudRate> INTEGER (300...1920000) Enter the baud rate of the WAN
port. The default baud rate is


CLI> define wan port 150 64000

4 Select the protocol the WAN port will use.

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Note: PANL connections use the switching frame relay protocol

(switchingFR) to direct traffic across the Passport network.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical

WAN port as determined in Step 2.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr Enter swithchingFR. This protocol
|switchingFR | htds | cbr | is always used when configuring
sdlc | x25 | async | pppHdlc netlinks on the Passport 4400.
| channel | hdlc |


CLI> define wan port ProtocolSupport 150 switchingFR

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 95

5 For Passport 4430/50/55, select the physical mode of the WAN port, DCE or
DTE. The physical mode of the port determines if this port will generate
clocking (dce) or accept clocking information (dte). For connections
established across the frame relay network, the physical mode should usually
be set to dte.
For the Passport 4460, select auto if you are using a Smart cable (go to
“Passport 4460” on page 96). If you are not using a Smart cable, follow the
instructions for Passport 4430/50/55.

Passport 4430/50/55
CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte Enter the applicable physical


CLI> define wan port mode 150 dte

Note: In the Passport 4430/50/55, if there is a supported interface

module (such as an ISDN module) installed in Port 3 on the base module,
Port 1 must be configured for DCE. In this case, the Passport 4400 will
automatically assign DCE mode to Port 1 following a reset.

Warning: If you install a card in Port 2 on the base module where there
wasn’t a card installed before, you must use the following CLI command
to reconfigure the wan port (define wan parameter port mode
150 dte).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

96 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

Passport 4460

When using a Smart cable with the Passport 4460, you do not need to execute the
CLI command define wan port mode to set the DCE/DTE type. After you
have configured other parameters on the factory defaulted Passport 4460 and reset
the unit (after the save configuration update command), the correct type
will be auto-sensed and set for this parameter.

If the above has not occurred, use the following CLI command to set the
auto-sense parameter:

CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte | auto Enter auto if you are using a
Smart cable. If you are not using a
Smart cable, enter the applicable
physical mode.


CLI> define wan port mode 150 auto

6 Set the master clock source. If you do not want to perform this step, continue
on to Step 7.
This feature is available on Passport 4430/50/55 units specified as master
clock-enabled and running software release 4.3 or higher. To determine if
this feature is available on your Passport 4460 unit, use the CLI
command show system hardware. A table similar to the following

RevisionLevel 41
ManufactureRevDate ”2-9-00”
SerialNumber PED0012478
ModuleID 2

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 97

MACAddress 00:e0:7b:0a:46:1a
CPUType “Passport 4460/MPC860MH-MPC860T”
GenCfgType passport 4460
ClockSync supported

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be

displayed in the ClockSync field.

If your physical mode is set to dce and you want to use the Passport 4460
unit’s master clock as the clock source, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define wan port ClockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<ClockSource> external | backplane Enter backplane. External is the


CLI> define wan port ClockSource 1 backplane

7 If you are creating a netlink between two Passport units that are physically
connected to each other using a cable (not connected through a public
network), you must set the frame relay LMI mode for this connection. The
same DLCI number must be configured on both sides of the link. Otherwise,
the Passport 4400 units will not be able to communicate with each other.
If you are creating a netlink across a public frame relay network, go to step 8.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

98 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

CLI> define fr line user basePVCLmi lmiMode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) 1. Look at the table in Step 1 and

locate the IfIndex of the service
(frameRelay) on the physical port
being configured.
2. This IfIndex will be the IfIndex of
the physical port, plus 2. For
instance, if you are configuring
Port 2 on the base module
(IfIndex 153), the IfIndex of the
frame relay service will be 155.
<LMIMode> unidce | unidte Enter the frame relay LMI mode
according to the logical PANL mode
of the netlink. Enter unidte to specify
it as “User” oriented on a Frame
Relay User to Network Interface
(FRUNI). The carrier’s switch is
always set to be the receiver of the
frame relay PVC call setup, so it is
set to unidce or “Network” oriented
on the FRUNI.

Note: If you are configuring a connection between a Passport 4400 and a

Passport 6400, the LMI Mode on the Passport 4400 should be set to


CLI> define fr line user basePVCLmi 155 unidce

Go to Step 9.

8 If you are creating a netlink across a public frame relay network, you must set
the LMI type.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 99

CLI> define fr line user dlcmiPVC lmiType

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) 1. Look at the table in Step 1 and

locate the IfIndex of the service
(frameRelay) on the physical
port being configured.
2. This IfIndex will be the IfIndex of
the physical port, plus 2. For
instance, if you are configuring
Port 2 on the base module
(IfIndex 153), the IfIndex of the
frame relay service will be 155.
<LMIType> noLMIConfigured | itut933A Enter the LMI type of the public
| ansiT1617D1994 frame relay network. The default
setting is noLMIConfigured.


CLI> define fr line user dlcmiPVC LMIType 152


9 Assign an unused IfIndex number to the new netlink.

Note: To avoid conflict with additional modules and services that may be
added to your Passport 4400 in the future, it is recommended that you
select a number between 207 and 255.

Use the display from Step 1 (show system ifIndex configured) to

verify that this new ifIndex number is not in use.

10 Create a tunnel PVC (netlink) to carry frame relay traffic.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

100 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

CLI> add fr tunnel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex number selected

in Step 9.
<DlciNumber> INTEGER (16..991) The DLCI is used to identify this
netlink when passing frame relay
(and PANL) traffic. For
connections across a public frame
relay network, consult your
network administrator for this
<PhysicalCard> base | exp1 | exp2 Use the Slot name identified in
Step 1.
<PhysicalPort> INTEGER (1..8) The physical location of the WAN
port. Use the PPA value identified
in Step 1.
<Type> dte-panl | dce-panl | Choose standard for frame relay
standard traffic (RFC 1490) between a
Passport 4400 and a third party
FRAD or router. Choose dte-panl
or dce-panl to specify PANL
netlinks between Passport units.
Passport 4460: INTEGER (-1..30) For frame relay enter -1. If you are
<PhysicalChannel> channelizing (DACS) for the T1
parameter, go to Digital Access
and Cross-Connect System
(DACS) for the applicable value.

Example for Passport 4430/50/55

CLI> add fr tunnel 145 23 base 2 standard

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 101

Example for Passport 4460

CLI> add fr tunnel 145 23 base 2 standard -1

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

11 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

12 Confirm that the netlink is working properly.

CLI> show msm linkStatus table

A table similar to the following is displayed:

IfIndex 149
InterfaceType dce
LAPFStatus up
LocalComponentName “LocalPassport4400”
RemoteComponentName “RemotePassport4400”
RemoteGenCfgType nortelAccessDevice
PANLStatus up

The LAPFStatus and PANLStatus should both be up.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

102 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

Optional Netlink Parameters

This section discusses the steps used to configure traffic management and
Committed Information Rate (CIR) netlink parameter configuration:

Go to Traffic Management for parameter configuration and information.

“CLI Commands for Netlink Parameter Configuration” on page 106

Configurator Procedure for Netlink Parameter


The following Configurator steps are discussed in this section:

• “Configuration Procedure for Input of Variables for the PANL-DTE

Connection” on page 102
• “Configurator Procedure for Input of Committed Information Rate (CIR)
Data” on page 104

Configuration Procedure for Input of Variables for the

PANL-DTE Connection

Use the following Configurator procedure to input variables for the PANL-DTE

1 To configure PANL-DTE connections, select Configure, WAN/Data Services,

and PANL.

You will see the Port Selection (PANL) window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 103

2 At the top of the window, select DTE PANL Links. You will see the DTE
PANL Links window:

3 Click Modify next to the Index you want to configure. You will see the DTE
PANL Link Configuration window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Sub-Channel DLCI INTEGER (17 - 255) Enter the maximum number of

DLCI you want configured for
the Passport 4400 unit. The
default for this parameter is
47 (63-16). If you think that
you will need more than 47
DLCIs, change this parameter
to fit your needs.
DTE Rx Bandwidth INTEGER (16000 - 204800) Enter the same value that the
CIR parameter of the
Passport 4400 unit is set to.
See “Configurator Procedure
for Input of Committed
Information Rate (CIR) Data”
on page 104.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

104 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

DCE Rx Bandwidth INTEGER (16000 - 204800) Enter the same value that the
CIR parameter of the
Passport 4400 unit is set to.
“Configurator Procedure for
Input of Committed
Information Rate (CIR) Data”
on page 104.
Max. DTE Frame Size INTEGER (50 - 4100) Enter the maximum size (in
bytes) of frames received by
the PANL-DTE. To ensure
proper flow of voice packets,
set these parameters to
(baud/64000) * 80, where
baud is the baud rate of the
physical WAN port as
selected in Step 4 of
“Configurator Procedure for
Configuring Physical Ports
and DLCIs” on page 81.
Max. DCE Frame Size INTEGER (50 - 4100) Enter the maximum size (in
bytes) of frames received by
the PANL-DTE. To ensure
proper flow of voice packets,
set these parameters to
(baud/64000) * 80, where
baud is the baud rate of the
physical WAN port as
selected in Step 4 of
“Configurator Procedure for
Configuring Physical Ports
and DLCIs” on page 81.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 91 for the steps
necessary to save your new configuration.

Configurator Procedure for Input of Committed Information

Rate (CIR) Data

The following Configurator procedure is used to input CIR data to an existing


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 105

1 Under WAN/Data Services, select PANL. You will see the Port Selection
(PANL) window. At the top of the page, select the Netlink (Tunnel) link. You
will see the Netlinks (Tunnels) window.
2 Click Modify next to the netlink you want to configure. You will see the
Modify a Netlink (Tunnel) window:

The Passport 4460 Modify a Netlink (Tunnel) window displays Port and DS0
Channel parameters.

3 The parameters that you need to configure for CIR data are:
• Max Rx CIR
• Max Tx CIR

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

106 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

4 Rx CIR field: Enter the maximum receive CIR (in bits/sec) for this PVC
5 Tx CIR field: Enter the maximum transmit CIR (in bits/sec) for this PVC

Note: Maximum receive/transmit is the maximum receive/transmission

rate of the frame size sent out through the PVC tunnel.

6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. See
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 91 for the steps
necessary to save your new configuration.

CLI Commands for Netlink Parameter Configuration

The following CLI commands are discussed in this section:

• “CLI Commands Used to Configure Traffic Management Parameters” on

page 106
• “CLI Commands for Input of Variables for the PANL-DTE Connection” on
page 106
• “CLI Commands for Input of Committed Information Rate (CIR) Data” on
page 108

CLI Commands Used to Configure Traffic Management


Refer to Traffic Management for parameter configuration and information.

CLI Commands for Input of Variables for the PANL-DTE


The following CLI commands are used to configure variables for the PANL-DTE

CLI> define msm dteLink

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 107

The following list of options appear:

Options Description

dceMaxFrameSize and The maximum size (in bytes) of frames received by the
dteMaxFrameSize PANL-DCE (dceMaxFrameSize) and PANL-DTE
(dteMaxFrameSize) Passport nodes from the network. To
ensure proper flow of voice packets, set these parameters to
(baud/64000) * 80, where baud is the baud rate of the
physical WAN port as selected in Step 3 of “CLI Procedure for
Configuring Physical Ports and DLCIs” on page 92. The
default is 80.
dceReceiverBW and The maximum throughput (in bits/second) that the PANL-DCE
dteReceiverBW (dceReceiverBW) and PANL-DTE (dteReceiverBW)
Passport nodes are capable of receiving.

Set this parameter to the WAN link baud rate if the WAN link
baud rate is set to the default (64000), and there is only one
frame relay tunnel link configured.

Set this parameter according to the frame relay tunnel DLCI’s

CIR rate.
maxSubChannelRange The highest allowable DLCI number that can be used on this
PANL link. The default is 63.


CLI> define msm dteLink dceMaxFrameSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the TunnelIfIndex of the

netlink established in Step 10
of “CLI Procedure for
Configuring Physical Ports
and DLCIs” on page 92.
<dceMaxFrameSize> INTEGER (50..4100) Enter the default value of 80.


CLI> define msm dteLink dceMaxFrameSize 149 80

Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

108 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

CLI Commands for Input of Committed Information Rate (CIR)


The following CLI commands are used to input CIR data:

CLI> define fr tunnel

The following is a list of options that are used to configure CIR data:

Options Description

maxRxCIR The maximum receive CIR (in bits/sec) for this PVC tunnel.
maxTxCIR The maximum transmit CIR (in bits/sec) for this PVC tunnel.
minTxCIR The minimum transmit CIR (in bits/sec) for this PVC tunnel.


CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the TunnelIfIndex of the

netlink established in Step 10 of
“CLI Procedure for Configuring
Physical Ports and DLCIs” on
page 92.
<maxRxCIR> INTEGER (0..256000) Enter the maximum receive CIR
for this PVC tunnel.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network 109


CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR 15 553

Note: Maximum receive/transmit is the maximum receive/transmission

rate of the frame size sent out through the PVC tunnel.

Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

110 Chapter 3 Configure Connections to the Passport Network

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 4
Frame Relay Services

This topic discusses the following:

• “Overview of the Passport 4400 Frame Relay Service” on page 111

• “Configuring Guidelines for Frame Relay Pass-Through” on page 113
• “Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through” on page 113
• “Optional WAN Port Parameters” on page 136
• “Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps” on page 139
• “Optional Frame Relay Parameters” on page 147
• “Frame Relay Monitoring” on page 172

Overview of the Passport 4400 Frame Relay Service

The Passport 4400 provides channel-side frame relay pass-through services,
which allows third-party FRADs to connect transparently through the Passport
wide area network. The frame relay pass-through services use switched virtual
circuits (SVC) to terminate FR DCE configured ports connected to the third-party
devices (see the illustration below).

The diagram below shows two third-party FRADs communicating with each other
over a frame relay backbone.

Passport 4400 Passport 4400 FRAD

Passport Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

112 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

In effect, the Passport 4400 provides connectivity between FRADs and the
Passport network. The Passport 4400 unit appears as a frame relay user-network
interface (FRUNI) switch to the FRAD and provides the necessary buffering and
flow control mechanisms to maintain delivery of user data between the attached

The Passport 4400 allows data traffic originating from a FRAD to be combined
with other traffic from the same site, such as voice and LAN, and carried to a
Passport network over a single low speed link. The traffic can then be transported
over the network to a FRAD at a remote location which is also serviced by a
Passport 4400 unit (see the illustration above).

The frame relay pass-through service performs the following functions:

• Generates the network LMI to the attached FRAD.

• Sends a connect status to the attached FRADs via active/inactive state
• Passes incoming flow control (FECN/BECN) and discard eligibility (DE) bits
to the destination.
• Enforces inbound CIR and DE marking for the DCE side.

Local Management Interface (LMI)

The frame relay pass-through service supports PVC LMI across the user-network
interface (UNI) with the device attached to a frame relay DCE port. Available
DLCIs and their status are reported to the attached device. The following LMI
protocols are supported:

• T1.617 Annex D (1994)

• Q.933 Annex A
• LMI Revision 1

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 113

Configuring Guidelines for Frame Relay Pass-Through

The following general guidelines should be kept in mind when attaching a
third-party FRAD to the Passport 4400:

• There is a maximum of 64 frame relay connections that may be configured on

a Passport 4400.
• The examples in this topic use Port 1 on the base module as the frame relay
DCE port. If you wish to configure the ports on the base module differently,
see Managing Primary and Backup Ports.
• The local DLCI number must match the PVC DLCI as seen by the FRAD
attached to the frame relay DCE port on the Passport 4400.
• The attached FRAD normally should be configured for DTE.
• If the physical port is set to DCE, the Passport 4400 generates clocking; if the
port is set to DTE, the Passport 4400 accepts the clock from the FRAD. Note
that DCE and DTE refer to the physical function of the port on the Passport
4400; the logical function is still frame relay DCE.

Note: Port 1 can usually be configured for DTE, if necessary. However, if

there is a supported interface module installed in Port 3 on the base module,
Port 1 cannot be configured for DTE.

Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through

Before You Begin
• Ensure the WAN IfIndex for the FR DCE port to which the FRAD is attached.
• Identify the IfIndex for the FR DCE port on the local Passport 4400.
• Identify PVC DLCI number for the FR DCE port on the local Passport 4400.
• Identify PVC LMI settings for the FRAD attached to the FR DCE port.
• Identify the PVC DLCI numbers for all remote sites with which the unit is to
exchange frame relay pass-through traffic.
• Identify the DNA prefix of the Passport 4400 unit and of all remote sites with
which the unit is to exchange frame relay pass-through traffic.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

114 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through” on

page 114

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through” on page 121

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay


The following procedures must be performed on each Passport 4400 unit that
supports an attached FRAD.

• “Define the Physical Port Parameters for the FR DCE Port to Match Those of
the Attached FRAD” on page 114
• “Adjust the Incoming Packet Buffer (Voice or Combination Voice and LAN
Traffic)” on page 118
• “Configure the Passport 4400 Switch Map at Site 1 to Site 2” on page 118
• “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 120

Define the Physical Port Parameters for the FR DCE Port to

Match Those of the Attached FRAD
1 To define the physical port parameters, select Configure, Physical Interfaces,
and Serial.

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 115

2 Next to Port Number, use the pull down menu to select the port you want to
configure for frame relay. You will see the Physical Port Configuration

3 For Passport 4430/50/55, use the pull down menu next to the Mode field to
select the physical mode of the WAN port, DCE or DTE.
The physical mode of the port determines if this port will generate clocking
(DCE) or accept clocking information (DTE). For connections established
across the frame relay network, the physical mode should usually be set to

For Passport 4460, if you are using a Smart cable with the Passport 4460, you do
not need to set the DCE/DTE mode. After you have configured other parameters
on the factory defaulted Passport 4460 and reset the unit, the correct DCE/DTE
mode will be auto-sensed.

If the above has not occurred, use Configurator to set the auto-sense parameter:

4 Next to Mode, select Auto.

5 Next to Baud Rate, enter the baud rate for the FR DCE port. Make sure the
port baud rate matches the baud rate of the attached device. The default line
speed on the FR DCE port is 64 Kb/s. This baud rate can be safely set to as
low as 600.

Note: Be sure that the line speed of the FR DCE port is set to a lower
value than the line speed of the primary WAN link.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

116 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

6 Next to Protocol Supported, use the pull down menu to select StandardFR.
7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Set the Master Clock

This feature is available on Passport 4460 units running software release

4.1.2 or higher. To determine if this feature is available on your Passport
4460 unit, select Attributes, and Unit Hardware. You will see the Unit
Hardware window:

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be displayed

in the Master Clock field.

1 Set the master clock source. If your physical mode is set to dce and you want
to use the Passport 4460 unit’s master clock as the clock source, select
Configure, System, and Master Clock.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 117

You will see the Master Clock window:

This window displays the current configured interface and allows you to
designate the Master Clock source.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the desired clock source.

If you do not want to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460 unit,
select Internal. If you wish to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460
unit, select one of the listed ports. As shown in the Master Clock window
above, Base, Port 2 is providing the clock source to the backplane. All other
ports on the unit have the option of choosing it as their clock source.

3 After you have made your selection, click Save. The Master Clock setting
takes effect immediately. A system reset is not required.

If you are running voice or voice and LAN over the PANL link, continue on to
“Adjust the Incoming Packet Buffer (Voice or Combination Voice and LAN
Traffic)” on page 118.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

118 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Adjust the Incoming Packet Buffer (Voice or Combination Voice

and LAN Traffic)

If you are running voice traffic (or a combination of voice and LAN traffic) over
the FR DCE port, it may be necessary to adjust the incoming packet buffer (queue
size) to achieve optimum voice quality. If you need to perform this procedure, go
to steps 5 through 9 of the “CLI Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay
Pass-Through” on page 121.

If you do not need to perform the above procedure, continue on to “Configure the
Passport 4400 Switch Map at Site 1 to Site 2” on page 118.

Configure the Passport 4400 Switch Map at Site 1 to Site 2

1 Determine the DLCI number for the FR DCE port on the Passport 4400. This
must be obtained from the FRAD configuration.

Note: You must define switch maps for both Passport 4400 units.

2 On the FR DCE Signaling Protocol Configuration window, click Next. You

will see the Add a Switch Map Entry (FR DCE) window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 119

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Local DLCI INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI for the FR DCE
service on the local Passport 4400.
Remote DLCI INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI for the FR DCE
service on the remote Passport
Remote DNA Frame Relay DNA Enter the DNA prefix of the remote
(1..34) Passport 4400, followed by the
number 3.
Connection Type slave | master Enter master for the site that will
establish the connection. Enter
slave for the other site. When
establishing a switch map from
Passport 4400 to a Passport 6400,
the Passport 4400 should always be
set to master.

Enter the required parameters and click Add. A “Command Successful”


3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the remaining Passport unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

120 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

The illustration below shows two Passport 4400 units configured for frame relay
pass-through. Both Passport 4400 units in this example use Port 1 as the FR DCE
port. Note how the switch maps are constructed from the IfIndexes, DLCIs, and
DNA prefixes.

Site 1 Site 2

FRAD Passport 4400 Passport 4400 FRAD

100 Passport 200
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400
Network rt 4400

Port 1 Port 1

Connection created by
frame relay switch map

Site 1: Site 2:
WAN IfIndex = 150 WAN IfIndex = 150
FR DCE ifIndex = 152 FR DCE ifIndex = 152
DNA Prefix = 302118140042 DNA Prefix = 302181142042
DNA Suffix = 311 DNA Suffix = 311
DLCI = 100

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 To save the current configuration and reset the unit, select Administration, and
System Reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 121

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

CLI Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay Pass-Through

The following procedure must be performed on each Passport 4400 unit that is to
support an attached FRAD.

1 Determine the IfIndex of the physical port to be configured for frame relay
CLI> show system IfIndex configured

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

122 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

You will see a table similar to the following:

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfSlot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
150 propMultiplexor 1 base
151 other 1 base
153 propMultiplexor 2 base
154 v35 2 base
155 frameRelayService 2 base

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

In the above table, Physical Point of Attachment (PPA) and IfSlot indicate the
physical location of each port. For example, PPA 1 and IfSlot base refers to Port 1
on the base module, slot A.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 123

Notice that each port may have several associated IfIndexes. To select the IfIndex
representing the physical port, look under the IfExtType column, and find the
IfIndex associated with propMultiplexor. Using Port 1 on the base module, the
physical port IfIndex would be 150.

Note: Passport 4400 units equipped with one or more High-speed Data
Modules (HDM) are not restricted to the use of ports on the base module.
Additional ports will be listed in the show system IfIndex
configured table. Identify the desired port on the HDM by looking
for the correct PPA and IfSlot numbers in the table, and select the
appropriate IfIndex.

2 Define the physical port parameters for the FR DCE port to match those of the
attached FRAD.

Passport 4430/50/55
CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte Enter the applicable physical


CLI> define wan port mode 150 dce

Passport 4460

When using a Smart cable with the Passport 4460, you do not need to execute the
CLI command define wan port mode to set the DCE/DTE type. After you
have configured other parameters on the factory defaulted Passport 4460 and reset
the unit (after the save configuration update command), the correct type
will be auto-sensed and set for this parameter.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

124 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

If the above has not occurred, use the following CLI command to set the
auto-sense parameter:

CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte | auto Enter auto if you are using a
Smart cable. If you are not using a
Smart cable, enter the applicable
physical mode.


CLI> define wan port mode 150 auto

3 Set the master clock source. If you do not want to perform this step, continue
on to Step 4.
This feature is available on Passport 4460 units running software
release 4.1.2 or higher. To determine if this feature is available on your
Passport 4460 unit, use the CLI command show system hardware. A
table similar to the following appears:

RevisionLevel 41
ManufactureRevDate ”2-9-00”
SerialNumber PED0012478
ModuleID 2
MACAddress 00:e0:7b:0a:46:1a
CPUType “Passport 4460/MPC860MH-MPC860T”
GenCfgType passport 4460
ClockSync supported

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be

displayed in the ClockSync field.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 125

If your physical mode is set to dce and you want to use the Passport 4460
unit’s master clock as the clock source, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define wan port ClockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<ClockSource> external | backplane Enter backplane. External is the


CLI> define wan port ClockSource 1 backplane

For more information, refer to Set the Master Clock.

4 Define the baud rate for the FR DCE port.

CLI> define wan port baudrate

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port as

determined in Step 1.
<BaudRate> INTEGER (300..1920000) Enter the baud rate for the FR DCE port.
Make sure the port baud rate matches
the baud rate of the attached device.
The default line speed on the FR DCE
port is 64 Kb/s. The baud rate can be
safely set as low as 600.


CLI> define wan port baudrate 150 64000

Note: Be sure that the line speed of the FR DCE port is set to a lower
value than the line speed of the primary WAN link.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

126 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

If you are running voice traffic (or a combination of voice and LAN traffic) over
the FR DCE port, go to Step 5. Otherwise, go to Step 6.

Note: The CLI command define wan port rxQueueSize, is only

available in release 4.0.

5 If you are running voice traffic (or a combination of voice and LAN traffic) in
your Passport 4400, it may be necessary to adjust the incoming packet buffer
(queue size) to achieve optimum voice quality. Enter the following CLI
CLI> define wan port rxQueueSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port as

determined in Step 1.
<RxQueueSize> INTEGER (10..255) Enter the size of the incoming queue.


CLI> define wan port rxQueueSize 150 25

The RxQueueSize parameter should be set to at least 2.5 packets per voice
channel in order to prevent lost speech frames. Thus, the default setting of 20
can be used with up to 8 voice channels; the queue size should be increased by
the 2.5 multiplier per channel if you have more than 8 voice channels.

If the FR DCE port is handling a combination of voice and LAN traffic, set
the queue size to 50 to optimize LAN throughput while accommodating up to
20 voice channels. If the queue size is increased above 50 to accommodate
more than 20 voice channels, LAN throughput may be adversely affected.

Continue on to Step 6
6 Define frame relay protocol support on the FR DCE port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 127

CLI> define wan port protocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port

as determined in Step 1.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter standardFr.
switchingFR | htds | cbr
| sdlc | x25 | async |
The Passport 4460
software contains the
additional parameters:
channel | hdlc | bypass |


CLI> define wan port protocol 150 standardFr

This command creates a new IfIndex for the FR DCE port that has an
IfExtType of frameRelayService. This new IfIndex is used by the Passport
4400 to refer to the FR DCE service over the physical port. It does not refer to
the port itself.

7 Determine the IfIndex for the FR DCE service created in Step 6.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

128 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

CLI> show system IfIndex configured

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfSlot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
5 other 0 base
6 other 0 base
7 isdnu 3 base
8 ds0 3 base
9 ds0 3 base
10 lapd 3 base
11 isdn 3 base
150 propMultiplexor 1 base
151 other 1 base
152 frameRelayService 1 base
153 propMultiplexor 2 base

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

To find the IfIndex for the FR DCE service, look for the IfExtType of
frameRelayService. This will be listed just below the IfIndex of the physical
port. For example, frameRelayService on Port 1 (IfIndex 150) will have an
IfIndex of 152.

8 Define the LMI protocol of the FR DCE service to match the LMI protocol
configured on the attached FRAD.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 129

CLI> define fr line network rfc1604service


Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical

port as determined in Step 7.
<VCSignalProtocol> none | lmi | ccittQ933A Enter the LMI protocol that matches
| ansiT1617D-1994 the attached FRAD. The default for
the Passport 4400 is ansiT1617D.

Note: Some third-party routers have a default LMI protocol of CCITT.

Make sure that the LMI settings of the FRAD and the Passport 4400


CLI> define fr line network rfc1604service

vcSignalProtocol 150 ansiT1617D

9 Find the DNA prefix of the Passport 4400 unit. (This has already been
configured.) See Getting Started with Passport 4400, Release 4.1, 209664-A.
CLI> show msm profile

You will see a table similar to the following:

NodeId 1 (operational)
5 (configured)
CustomerId 0 (operational)
99 (configured)
DNAPrefix “[x121]” (operational)
“[x121]302181139710” (configured

In the above table, a node ID of 5, a customer ID of 99, and a DNA prefix of

302181139710 have been previously configured. Notice that the operational
values have not changed from the default values because the Passport 4400
has not been reset.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

130 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Configure the Passport 4400 Switch Map at Site 1 to Site 2

1 Determine the DLCI number for the FR DCE port on the Passport 4400. This
must be obtained from the FRAD configuration.
2 Define switch maps for both Passport 4400 units.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 131

CLI> add fr switch map

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<LocalNetIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the frame relay

service as determined in Step 7 of
“CLI Procedure for Configuring
Frame Relay Pass-Through” on
page 121.
<LocalNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI for the FR DCE
service on the local Passport 4400.
<RemoteNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI for the FR DCE
service on the remote Passport
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA (as Enter the DNA prefix of the remote
a quoted string) (1..34) Passport 4400, followed by the
IfSlot number and port number of
the physical port on the remote
Passport 4400 (inside quotation
marks without any spaces). See the
Note below (page 131).
<ConnectType> slave | master Enter master for the site that will
establish the connection. Enter
slave for the other site. When
establishing a switch map from
Passport 4400 to a Passport 6400,
the Passport 4400 should always
be set to master.
<SwitchType> frdce | htds | cbr | x25 Enter frdce for both sites.
Passport 4460 does
not currently support
the x25 value.

Note: The PPA can be obtained from the show system IfIndex
configured table command. The IfSlot name is the physical location
of the module, and must be determined for each module:
• Base module (base) 1
• HDM (exp1) 2
• HDM (exp2) 3


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

132 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

CLI> add fr switch map 152 100 200 “302181140042311”

master frdce

Note that the last three digits of the SVCDNA parameter are 311. The 3
indicates the service type, frame relay DCE. The 11 indicates the location of
the card on the unit at Site 2: Port 1 (PPA = 1) on the base module (Slot = 1).

3 Configure the Passport 4400 switch map at Site 2.

CLI> add fr switch map 152 200 100 “302181139710321” slave

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 133

The illustration below shows two Passport 4400 units configured for frame relay
pass-through. Both Passport 4400 units in this example use Port 1 as the FR DCE
port. Note how the switch maps are constructed from the IfIndexes, DLCIs, and
DNA prefixes.

Site 1 Site 2

FRAD Passport 4400 Passport 4400 FRAD

100 Passport 200
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400
Network rt 4400

Port 1 Port 1

Connection created by
frame relay switch map

Site 1: Site 2:
WAN IfIndex = 150 WAN IfIndex = 150
FR DCE ifIndex = 152 FR DCE ifIndex = 152
DNA Prefix = 302118140042 DNA Prefix = 302181142042
DNA Suffix = 311 DNA Suffix = 311
DLCI = 100

4 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

5 Confirm the following:

• The frame relay ports on both Passport 4400 units are up.
• The LMI protocol on both Passport 4400 units is up and running.
• The frame relay switch maps on both Passport 4400 units are active.

Note: The commands shown below are for the Passport 4400 at Site 1
only. Repeat the commands for the Passport 4400 at Site 2.

CLI> show port parameters entry 152

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

134 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

You will see a table similar to the following:

IfIndex 152
Description “FrameRelay Physical DCE Line”
IfType other
Mtu 1604
Speed 64000
PhysAddress 00:60:38:05:00:bf
AdminStatus up
OperStatus up
LastChange 00Years 000Days 00:00:17
RxOctets 0
RxUnicastPackets 0
RxNonUnicastPackets 0
RxDiscards 0
RxErrors 0
RxUnknownProtocols 0
TxOctets 0
TxUnicastPackets 0
TxNonUnicastPackets 0
TxDiscards 0
TxErrors 0
TxQueueLength 0
Specific “0.0”

The OperStatus parameter should indicate up. A status of down indicates a

physical layer problem on the FR DCE port. Use the following CLI command
to verify operational status:

CLI> show fr line network proprietaryService operational

entry 152

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 135

You will see a table similar to the following:

IfIndex 152
FlowControl disabled
Delta 1
ConsecutiveFrames 10
RateEnforcement enabled
MaxTxFrameSizeBc 1604
MaxRxFrameSize 1604
TxBc 0
RxBc 0
TxBe 0
RxBe 0
TxThroughput 64000
RxThroughput 0
PVCLMIStatus up

The PVCLMIStatus parameter should indicate up. A status of down indicates

an LMI mismatch between the Passport 4400 and the attached FRAD.

CLI> show fr switch map operational entry 152 100

You will see a table similar to the following:

LocalNetIfIndex 152
LocalNetDLCI 100
ConnectID 1
RemoteNetDLCI 200
SVCIfIndex 0
SVCDNA “302181140042311”
LocalPVCDLCIState active
SVCUserDLCIState active
ConnectType master

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

136 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

LastChange 00Years 001Days 02:53:59

SwitchDisconnReason no-reason
SwitchType FR DCE
RxErrors 0
RxUnknownProtocols 0
TxOctets 0
TxUnicastPackets 0
TxNonUnicastPackets 0
TxDiscards 0
TxErrors 0
TxQueueLength 0
Specific “0.0”

The LocalPVCDLCIState and SVCUserDLCIState parameters should both

indicate active. A state of inactive indicates a problem with the DNA.

Repeat the steps from this procedure for each Passport 4400 that is to provide
frame relay DCE service.

Optional WAN Port Parameters

This section discusses the CLI procedures used to configure optional WAN port
parameters, and how to reduce RAM consumption for multiple PANL ports.

“CLI Procedure to Reduce RAM Consumption for Multiple PANL Ports” on

page 136

“CLI Optional WAN Port Parameters” on page 138

CLI Procedure to Reduce RAM Consumption for Multiple

PANL Ports

Follow the procedure below to reduce RAM consumption for multiple PANL

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 137

1 If there are multiple tunnels within a PANL WAN port, determine the
maximum configured frame size.
CLI> show msm dte operation table

You will see a table similar to the following:

IfIndex 147
MaxSubChannelRange 63
DTEReceiverBW 64000
DCEReceiverBW 64000
DTEMaxFrameSize 80
DCEMaxFrameSize 80

Take note of the DTEMaxFrameSize value. You will need this value in Step 2.

2 CLI> define wan port maxRxFrameSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN port

you want to reduce RAM
consumption on.
<MaxRxFrameSize> INTEGER (1..8192) If the DTEMaxFrameSize value in
step 1 is 80, set this parameter to
88. Otherwise, set this parameter to
a value that is evenly divisible by 4
and a little greater than the
DTEMaxFrameSize in step 1.


CLI> define wan port maxRxFrameSize 152 88

Note: RFC 1490 PVCs are considered tunnels. If there are any RFC
1490 tunnels within a PANL port, usually the maximum receive frame
size of this tunnel is the determining factor in choosing the
MaxRxFrameSize in the WAN parameter configuration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

138 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

CLI Optional WAN Port Parameters

The following CLI command can be used to configure additional parameters on

the FR DCE port.

CLI> define wan port

Options Description

baudRate The baud rate for the FR DCE port. Make sure the port baud
rate matches the baud rate of the attached device. The default
line speed on the FR DCE port is 64 Kb/s. The baud rate can
be safely set as low as 600.
encodeMethod The port transmit/receive data encoding method. Choices are
nrz, nrzi-mark, and nrzi-space.
htdsCutThru Sets the htdsCutThru state. yes (active) no (inactive)
idleChar The idle character required for CBR transfer. The idle
character required for CBR transfer. The range for this value is
1..255. Do not configure this value above 255. If you attempt
to configure this value above 255, it will wraparound to zero.
syncChar The 8-bit synchronization character required for CBR transfer.
The default is 7F.
ifType Specifies the signaling characteristics of the WAN interface.
Options are RS-232, V.35, V.36, X.21, CSU/DSU, T1 CSU, E1
CSU, ISDN-BRI, and none. The default is V.35.
maxRxFrameSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be received on this
interface. The range is from 1 to 8192 bytes. The default value
is 4000.
mode The physical mode of the FR DCE port dce or dte. The mode
will depend on the cable you are using to connect to the
numOfRxBuffers Specifies the number of buffers that will be used for receive
data. The range is from 20 to 255. The default is 100.
ProtocolSupport Specifies the protocol for the WAN port. The options are:
none, standardFR, switchingFR, htds, cbr, sdlc, x25, async,
pppHdlc, channel, hdlc, bypass, and casBypass.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 139

Options Description
rxQueueSize The number of packets that can be stored in each receive
buffer. The range is from 10 to 255 bytes. The default is 20.
txQueueSize The number of packets that can be stored in each transmit
buffer. The range is from 5 to 255 bytes. The default is 20.
In networks where the jitter is minimal, the TX queue size can
be adjusted down to decrease the latency of information
transported through the Passport 4400. In networks where the
information may be susceptible to delays, the TX queue size
should be increased to provide more buffering. This will
increase the latency of information from end to end, but it
prevents underrun conditions of the data and provides
accurate information transfer.

Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps

In the illustration below, the two-site network has been expanded to four sites. Site
1 now has three DLCIs configured on Port 1, and Site 2 has two DLCIs
configured on Port 1. Notice that Site 1 and Site 2 both have a DLCI of 100. This
is acceptable because DLCI numbers do not need to be unique across the network.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

140 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

At Site 3, the FRAD is not attached to Port 1 on the Passport 4400 base module; it
is attached to Port 1 of exp1, which is the High-speed Data Module (HDM) in Slot
2. At Site 4, the FRAD is attached to Port 2 of exp1 (the HDM). Notice that the
IfIndexes for the frame relay DCE service reflect these port locations.

Site 1 Site 2

FRAD Passport 4400 Passport 4400

102 Passport
101 Passpo
rt 4400
Network rt 4400
100 100

Site 1: Site 2:
FR DCE ifIndex = 152 FR DCE ifIndex = 152
DNA Prefix = 302181139710 DNA Prefix = 302181140042
DNA Suffix = 311 DNA Suffix = 311

Site 4 Site 3

FRAD Passport 4400 Passport 4400

rt 4400
rt 4400 202

Site 4: Site 3:
FR DCE ifIndex = 164 FR DCE ifIndex = 161
DNA Prefix = 302181144021 DNA Prefix = 302181142020
DNA Suffix = 322 DNA Suffix = 321

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 141

This section discusses the switch maps for sites 1 through 4 as illustrated in the
above figure.

“Configurator Procedure for Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps” on

page 141

“CLI Procedure for Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps” on page 145

Configurator Procedure for Defining Multiple Frame Relay

Switch Maps

Use the procedure below for define multiple frame relay Switch maps as
illustrated as shown in “Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch Maps” on
page 139.

1 To define multiple frame relay switch maps, select Configure, WAN/Data

Services, and FR DCE.

You will see the Port Selection window.

2 Select the port you want to configure. You will see the FR DCE Signaling
Protocol Configuration window:

3 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable LMI Type.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

142 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

5 Click Next. You will see the Add a Switch Map Entry (FR DCE) window:

6 Use this window to add switch maps for sites 1 through 4. Refer to page 142
through page 145 for example switch map configurations.

Add Switch Maps for Site 1

The switch maps for Site 1 are as follows:

• DLCI 100 to DLCI 100 at Site 2

• DLCI 101 to DLCI 201 at Site 3
• DLCI 102 to DLCI 102 at Site 4

For the above configuration, enter the following parameters in the Add a Switch
Map window:

DLCI 100 to DLCI 100 at Site 2

Local DLCI 100

Remote DLCI 100

Remote DNA 302181140042311

Select the radio button for Master.

Click Add.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 143

DLCI 101 to DLCI 201 at Site 3

Local DLCI 101

Remote DLCI 201

Remote DNA 302181142020321

Select the radio button for Master.

Click Add.

DLCI 102 to DLCI 102 at Site 4

Local DLCI 102

Remote DLCI 102

Remote DNA 302181144021322

Select the radio button for Master.

Click Add.

Add Switch Maps for Site 2

The switch maps for Site 1 are as follows:

• DLCI 100 to DLCI 100 at Site 1

• DLCI 200 to DLCI 202 at Site 3

For the above configuration, enter the following parameters in the Add a Switch
Map window:

DLCI 100 to DLCI 100 at Site 2

Local DLCI 100

Remote DLCI 100

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

144 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Remote DNA 302181139710311

Select the radio button for Slave.

Click Add.

DLCI 200 to DLCI 202 at Site 3

Local DLCI 200

Remote DLCI 202

Remote DNA 302181142020321

Select the radio button for Master.

Click Add.

Add Switch Maps for Site 3

The switch maps for Site 1 are as follows:

• DLCI 201 to DLCI 101 at Site 1

• DLCI 202 to DLCI 200 at Site 2

For the above configuration, enter the following parameters in the Add a Switch
Map window:

DLCI 201 to DLCI 101 at Site 1

Local DLCI 201

Remote DLCI 101

Remote DNA 302181139710311

Select the radio button for Slave.

Click Add.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 145

DLCI 202 to DLCI 200 at Site 2

Local DLCI 202

Remote DLCI 200

Remote DNA 302181140042311

Select the radio button for Slave.

Click Add.

Add Switch Maps for Site 4

The DLCI at Site 4 is mapped to DLCI 102 at Site 1.

Local DLCI 102

Remote DLCI 102

Remote DNA 302181139710311

Select the radio button for Slave.

Click Add.

CLI Procedure for Defining Multiple Frame Relay Switch


Switch Maps for Site 1

The switch maps for Site 1 are as follows:

• DLCI 100 to DLCI 100 at Site 2

• DLCI 101 to DLCI 201 at Site 3
• DLCI 102 to DLCI 102 at Site 4
Enter the following CLI commands:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

146 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

CLI> add fr switch map 152 100 100 “302181140042311”

master frdce

CLI> add fr switch map 152 101 201 “302181142020321”

master frdce

CLI> add fr switch map 152 102 102 “302181144021322”

master frdce

Switch Maps for Site 2

The switch maps for Site 2 are as follows:

• DLCI 100 to DLCI 100 at Site 1

• DLCI 200 to DLCI 202 at Site 3

Enter the following CLI commands:

CLI> add fr switch map 152 100 100 “302181139710311” slave


CLI> add fr switch map 152 200 202 “302181142020321” master


Switch Maps for Site 3

The switch maps for Site 3 are as follows:

• DLCI 201 to DLCI 101 at Site 1

• DLCI 202 to DLCI 200 at Site 2

Enter the following CLI commands:

CLI> add fr switch map 161 201 101 “302181139710311” slave


CLI> add fr switch map 161 202 200 “302181140042311” slave


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 147

Switch Maps for Site 4

The DLCI at Site 4 is mapped to DLCI 102 at Site 1. Enter the following CLI
command to define this switch map:

CLI> add fr switch map 164 102 102 “302181139710311” slave


Optional Frame Relay Parameters

This section discusses the following optional frame relay parameters:

• “Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters” on page 147

• “Frame Relay System Parameters” on page 158
• “Frame Relay Line Parameters” on page 161

Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters

After the frame relay switch maps have been configured for each site in your
network, you may wish to configure individual PVC and SVC parameters for
some or all of your virtual circuits in order to customize your network to meet
your application requirements.

“Configurator Procedure for Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters” on

page 147

“CLI Commands for Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters” on page 152

Configurator Procedure for Frame Relay PVC and SVC


This section discusses the following:

• “Configurator Frame Relay PVC Parameters” on page 148

• “Configurator Frame Relay SVC Parameters” on page 149

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

148 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Configurator Frame Relay PVC Parameters

1 To configure frame relay PVC parameters, select Configure, WAN/Data
Services, and FR DCE.

You will see the Port Selection window.

2 At the top of the window, select the PVC Endpoint link. You will see the PVC
EndPoint Configuration window:

3 Configure the PVC Parameters described below:

Parameter Required Actions

Max. Rx Frame Size Enter the maximum frame size in bytes that will be
accepted on this DLCI.
Max. Tx Frame Size The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted
on this DLCI. The range is from 0 to 4096. The default
value is 1600.
Committed Excess Size The maximum burst size (temporary data rate above the
(Rx) CIR) in bits per second (b/s) that will be accepted on this
DLCI. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. The default is
0. Currently not implemented on the Passport 4400.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 149

Parameter Required Actions

Committed Excess Size The maximum burst size (temporary data rate above the
(Tx) CIR) in bits per second (b/s) that will be transferred on
this DLCI. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. The
default is 0. Currently not implemented on the
Passport 4400.
Rx CIR The data rate in b/s that the network agrees to deliver on
this DLCI. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. The
default is 64000.
Tx CIR The estimated data rate in b/s that the device on this
DLCI will deliver to the network; the committed
bandwidth to be allocated. The range is from 0 to
2560000 b/s. The default is 64000.

Configurator Frame Relay SVC Parameters

To configure frame relay SVC parameters, use the Configurator procedure below:

1 To configure frame relay PVC parameters, select Configure, WAN/Data

Services, and FR DCE.

You will see the Port Selection window.

2 At the top of the window, select the SVC End-to-End link.You will see the
SVC End-to-End window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

150 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

3 Click Modify next to the WAN port you want to configure. You will see the
SVC End-to-End Configuration window:

The SVC parameters you need to configure are described below:

Parameter Required Actions

Destination DNA Enter the DNA number (DNA prefix plus suffix) for the SVC
of the DLCI.
Max .Tx Frame Size The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted
out of the frame relay network by this SVC. The range is
from 0 to 4096 bytes. If this value is left at 0 (the default),
the value configured for the line is used for this SVC. For
information about how this parameter affects Passport
4400 traffic management. For more information see Traffic
Max .Rx Frame Size The maximum frame size in bytes that will be received by
the frame relay network from this SVC. The range is from
0 to 4096 bytes. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the
value configured for the line is used for this SVC.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 151

Parameter Required Actions

Max .Tx Throughput The maximum throughput, in bits per second (b/s), used
for negotiation of transmit data during call setup. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the value configured for the line is used for this
SVC. For information about how this parameter affects
Passport 4400 traffic management, see Traffic
Max. Rx Throughput The maximum throughput, in bits per second (b/s), used
for negotiation of receive data during call setup. The range
is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the value configured for the line is used for this
Max. Burst Size (Tx) The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in
the egress direction out of the frame relay network. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the value configured for the line is used for this
SVC. This parameter is used by the system during the
negotiation process.
Max Burst Size (Rx) The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in
the ingress direction into the frame relay network. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the value configured for the line is used for this
SVC. This parameter is used by the system during the
negotiation process.
Excess Burst Size (Tx) The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the egress
direction out of the frame relay network. The range is from
0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the
value configured for the line is used for this SVC. This
parameter is used by the system during the negotiation
process. Currently not implemented on the Passport
Excess Burst Size (Rx) The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the
ingress direction into the frame relay network. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default),
the value configured for the line is used for this SVC. This
parameter is used by the system during the negotiation
process. Currently not implemented on the Passport
Transfer Priority The relative priority of the traffic on this SVC. The range is
from 0 to 15, with higher numbers indicating higher priority.
Voice traffic generally has a higher transport priority than
data because it has a lower tolerance for delay. The
default transport priority for frame relay traffic is 6. For
information about how this parameter affects Passport
4400 traffic management, see Traffic Management.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

152 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Parameter Required Actions

Discard Priority Indicates the likelihood of frames on this SVC being
discarded during periods of heavy congestion. The options
are low, medium, and high. A value of Low indicates that
the frames are of low priority and therefore have a high
likelihood of being discarded.
Setup Priority Specifies the priority of an SVC at call-establishment time,
and also determines the potential for bumping established
SVCs to acquire their bandwidth. A value of 1 is the
highest priority, and 5 is the lowest.
Holding Priority Specifies the priority this SVC maintains once it is
established, as well as the likelihood of its being bumped
by a new SVC with a higher priority. A value of 1 is the
highest priority, and 5 is the lowest.

4 Enter the required parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

5 You must save the configuration and reset the unit. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 120.

CLI Commands for Frame Relay PVC and SVC Parameters

This section discusses “CLI Frame Relay PVC Parameters” on page 152 and “CLI
Frame Relay SVC Parameters” on page 154.

CLI Frame Relay PVC Parameters

To configure frame relay PVC parameters, enter the following CLI command:

CLI> define fr switch PVC






206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 153


For each of the above PVC parameters, you must specify the IfIndex of the
FrameRelay DCE port on the Passport 4400 to which the FRAD is attached, and
the DLCI of the particular PVC. Valid DLCI numbers for PVCs are from 16 to
991, inclusive.

The PVC parameters are described below:

Options Description

maxRxFrameSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be accepted on

this DLCI. The range is from 0 to 4096. The default value is
maxTxFrameSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted on
this DLCI. The range is from 0 to 4096. The default value is
rxBe The committed excess size in bits for PVC end point data
received from a frame relay network.
rxCIR The data rate in b/s that the network agrees to deliver on this
DLCI. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. The default is
txBe The committed excess in bits for the PVC end point data
sent into a frame relay network.
txCIR The estimated data rate in b/s that the device on this DLCI
will deliver to the network; the committed bandwidth to be
allocated. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. The default is

Note: txBe and rxBe are ignored by the system. The Passport 4400 unit
does not burst above CIR with TM enabled.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

154 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Example of Configuring Frame Relay PVC Parameters Using

the CLI

CLI> define fr switch pvc maxRxFrameSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

FrameRelay DCE port on the
Passport 4400 that the FRAD is
<DLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI of the particular
<MaxRxFrameSize> INTEGER (0..4096) Enter the maximum frame size in
bytes that will be accepted on this


CLI> define fr switch pvc maxrxframesize 152 100 1500

CLI Frame Relay SVC Parameters

The following SVC parameters are used to set traffic management parameters,
which define traffic flow on a specific SVC.

Note: You must enable Global TM rateEnforcement before any of the

parameters below will have any effect. Refer to Traffic Management.

To configure frame relay SVC parameters, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define fr switch svc




206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 155











For each of the above SVC parameters, you must enter the ConnectID for the

Configuring Frame Relay SVC Parameters Using the CLI

1 Each frame relay switch map has a unique ConnectID that is assigned by the
system when the switch maps are configured. To find the ConnectID for the
SVC you are configuring, use the following CLI command:
CLI> show fr switch map configured table

You will see a table similar to the following:

LocalNetIfIndex 152
LocalNetDLCI 100
ConnectID 2
RemoteNetDLCI 100
SVCIfIndex 155
SVCDNA “[x121]302181140042311”

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

156 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

LocalPVCDLCIState active
SVCUserDLCIState active
ConnectType master
LastChange 00Years 000Days 16:33:09
SwitchDisconnReason no-reason
SwitchType FR DCE

2 Enter the ConnectID for the SVC for each of the parameters under “CLI
Frame Relay SVC Parameters” on page 154.
CLI> define fr switch svc dna

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<ConnectID> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the value listed next to

ConnectType in the above table.
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter the DNA number (DNA prefix
quoted string) (1..34) plus suffix) for the SVC of the DLCI.


CLI> define fr switch svc dna 2 “302181140042311”

3 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 157

The remaining frame relay SVC parameters are described in the table below:

Options Description

discardPriority Indicates the likelihood of frames on this SVC being

discarded during periods of heavy congestion. The options
are low, medium, and high. A value of Low indicates that the
frames are of low priority and therefore have a high
likelihood of being discarded.
dna The full DNA (including the three-digit suffix) of the
destination Passport 4400 for this SVC.
holdingPriority Specifies the priority this SVC maintains once it is
established, as well as the likelihood of its being bumped by
a new SVC with a higher priority. A value of 1 is the highest
priority, and 5 is the lowest.
maxRxBurstSize The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in the
ingress direction into the frame relay network. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default),
the value configured for the line is used for this SVC. This
parameter is used by the system during the negotiation
maxRxSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be received by the
frame relay network from this SVC. The range is from 0 to
4096 bytes. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the value
configured for the line is used for this SVC.
maxTxBurstSize The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in the
egress direction out of the frame relay network. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default),
the value configured for the line is used for this SVC. This
parameter is used by the system during the negotiation
maxTxSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted out
of the frame relay network by this SVC. The range is from 0
to 4096 bytes. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the value
configured for the line is used for this SVC. For information
about how this parameter affects Passport 4400 traffic
management, see Traffic Management.
rxExcessBurstSize The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the ingress
direction into the frame relay network. The range is from 0 to
2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the value
configured for the line is used for this SVC. This parameter is
used by the system during the negotiation process. This
option is not used in the Passport 4400 system.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

158 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Options Description

MaxRxThroughput The maximum throughput, in bits per second (b/s), used for
negotiation of receive data during call setup. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default),
the value configured for the line is used for this SVC.
setupPriority Specifies the priority of an SVC at call-establishment time,
and also determines the potential for bumping established
SVCs to acquire their bandwidth. A value of 1 is the highest
priority, and 5 is the lowest.
txExcessBurstSize The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the egress
direction out of the frame relay network. The range is from 0
to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the value
configured for the line is used for this SVC. This option is not
used in the Passport 4400 system.
txPriority The relative priority of the traffic on this SVC. The range is
from 0 to 15, with higher numbers indicating higher priority.
Voice traffic generally has a higher transport priority than
data because it has a lower tolerance for delay. The default
transport priority for frame relay traffic is 6. For information
about how this parameter affects Passport 4400 traffic
management, see Traffic Management.
maxTxThroughput The maximum throughput, in bits per second (b/s), used for
negotiation of transmit data during call setup. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default),
the value configured for the line is used for this SVC. For
information about how this parameter affects Passport 4400
traffic management, see Traffic Management.

Frame Relay System Parameters

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to

define most frame relay system parameters. You must use the CLI to
define these parameters. You can use the Configurator to view and
enable the following traps: FR PANL LMI, FR MSM, FR Core, FR
PLM, and Dial Control. The Configurator Web pages can be used to
enable or disable voice overbooking.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 159

The following configurator and CLI procedures are discussed in this section:

• “Configurator Procedure for Viewing and Enabling System Trap Status” on

page 159
• “Configurator Procedure for Enabling or Disabling Traps” on page 159
• “CLI Procedure for Configuring and Displaying Frame Relay System
Parameters” on page 160

Configurator Procedure for Viewing and Enabling System Trap

1 To view and enable system trap status, select Administration and Trap State.

You will see the Enable Traps window:

2 Use the above window to determine system trap status.

Configurator Procedure for Enabling or Disabling Traps

1 Complete Step 1 in “Configurator Procedure for Viewing and Enabling
System Trap Status” on page 159.
2 Click the applicable radio button (Enable or Disable) next to the desired trap.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

160 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must save the configuration and reset the system. Go to “Save the
Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 120.

CLI Procedure for Configuring and Displaying Frame Relay

System Parameters

The Passport 4400 supports up to 255 DLCIs and 32 virtual ports. These numbers
are configurable using the define fr system command options.

To check the current values of the frame relay system parameters, enter the
following CLI command:

CLI> show fr system configured

You will see a table similar to the following:

MaxNumberOfDLCI 255 MaxVirtualPort 32

MaxDLCIPerLine 255 NumberingPlan x121
PanlLmiTrap disabled MsmTrap disabled
CoreTrap disabled PlmTrap disabled
dcSwitch disabled VoiceOverbooking notAllowed

To change the values of the frame relay system parameters, use the following CLI

CLI> define fr system

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 161

The applicable parameters are described below:

Options Description

maxDLCIPerLine The maximum number of DLCIs that will be permitted on

a single frame relay DCE port. For Passport 4400 units
equipped with High-speed Data Modules (HDMs), you
may need to lower this value to accommodate all
available ports. The default is 255.
maxNumberOfDLCI The maximum total number of DLCIs supported by the
Passport 4400. The default value is 255.
maxVirtualPort The maximum number of virtual ports supported by the
Passport 4400. The default value is 32.
numberingPlan The DNA numbering plan used by the Passport 4400.
The default numbering plan is x121.
coreTrap These four commands are used to enable or disable the
generation of trap messages. The four categories of trap
panlLmiTrap messages are frame relay Core, PANL Local
msmTrap Management Interface (LMI), PANL Signaling Module
(MSM), and PLM.
dcSwitch This command switches on Data Compression. Select
Enable to turn on Data Compression.

To put the newly defined frame relay system parameters into effect, save the
current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Frame Relay Line Parameters

Frame relay line parameters include LMI protocol parameters, PVC signaling
parameters, and data rate and congestion control parameters for each logical
frame relay connection. These parameters are divided into two groups: line
network parameters and line user parameters.

For most applications, the optional frame relay line parameters can be left at their
default settings. For each configurable line parameter that you wish to change,
you must first enter the IfIndex of the frame relay service for the port you are
configuring; then enter the desired value or setting for the parameter.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

162 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

“Configurator Procedures for Defining Frame Relay Line and LAN SVC
Parameters” on page 162

“CLI Commands for Defining Frame Relay Line Parameters” on page 169

Configurator Procedures for Defining Frame Relay Line and

LAN SVC Parameters

“Frame Relay Line Parameters” on page 162

“LAN SVC Parameters” on page 165

Frame Relay Line Parameters

1 To configure frame relay line parameters, select Configure, WAN/Data
Services, and PANL.

You will see the Port Selection (PANL) window. At the top of the window,
select the FR Physical SVCs link.

You will see the FR Physical SVCs window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 163

2 Click Modify next to the Index you want to configure. You will see the FR
Physical SVC Configuration window:

The table below describes the above parameters:

Options Description

T303 Determines how long the SVC LMI waits for a response
from the network before transmitting the setup message.
The range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default = 4
T305 Determines how long the SVC LMI waits for a response
from the network before transmitting a release message.
The range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default = 30
T308 The length of time in seconds that the SVC LMI will wait
for a response from the network before retransmitting
the release message. When the second release is
transmitted, the local SVC LMI considers the
corresponding SVC to have been released by the
network even if no response has been received. The
range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default = 4 seconds.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

164 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Options Description
T310 The length of time in seconds that the SVC LMI will wait
for a Connect message from the network, after receiving
the Call Proceeding message, before sending a Release
message. The range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default =
60 seconds.
Max. SVC Connections The maximum number of SVC connections allowed on
the Passport 4400. The range is from 1 to 255; default =
Max. Tx Frame Size The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted
on the primary frame relay link between the Passport
4400 and the network. The range is from 0 to 4096. The
default value is 0, which indicates that the maximum
frame size is determined by the PANL configuration
(define msm dtelink command).
Max. Rx Frame Size The maximum frame size in bytes that will be accepted
on the primary frame relay link between the Passport
4400 and the network. The range is from 0 to 4096. The
default value is 0, which indicates that the maximum
frame size is determined by the PANL configuration
(define msm dtelink command).
Min. DLCI The smallest DLCI number allowed for an SVC on the
Passport 4400. The range is from 16 to 991; default =
Max. DLCI The highest DLCI number allowed for an SVC on the
Passport 4400. The range is from 17 to 991; default =
Min.Tx Throughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits
per second (b/s) is used along with maxTxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default),
the network will determine the data rate.
Min.Rx Throughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits
per second (b/s) is used along with maxRxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default),
the network will determine the data rate.
Max. Tx Throughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits
per second (b/s) is used along with minTxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default),
the network will determine the data rate.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 165

Options Description
Max.Rx Throughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits
per second (b/s) is used along with minRxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default),
the network will determine the data rate.
Tx Burst Size The burst size (Bc) in bytes that the network is
committed to transmit. The range is from 0 to 2560000
b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network default will
determine the transmit burst size.
Rx Burst Size The burst size (Bc) in bytes that the network is
committed to receive. The range is from 0 to 2560000
b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network default will
determine the receive burst size.
Excess Tx Burst Size The uncommitted transmit burst size (Be) in bytes. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default),
the network default will determine the transmit burst size.
This option is not used in the Passport 4400 system.
Excess Rx Burst Size The uncommitted receive burst size (Be) in bytes. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default),
the network default will determine the receive burst size.
This option is not used in the Passport 4400 system.

3 Enter your applicable parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


LAN SVC Parameters

The definable parameters for SVC through Configurator are discussed in

“Configurator Frame Relay SVC Parameters” on page 149. The SVC frame relay
line parameters are discussed below.

All other parameters are configurable through the CLI. See “CLI Commands for
Defining Frame Relay Line Parameters” on page 169.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

166 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

The following parameters are configured through this procedure:

• Max Tx
• MinRx Throughput
• Tx Burst
• Rx Excess Burst
• Holding Priority
• DC Retry Time
• Max Rx
• Max Tx Throughput
• Rx Burst
• Discard Priority
• DC Retry Count
• DC Negotiation Mode
• Min Tx Throughput
• Max Rx Throughput
• Tx Excess Burst
• Setup Priority

Use the following procedure to configure the above parameters:

1 To configure the above parameters, select Configure, Protocols, Virtual

Circuits, and SVCs.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 167

You will see the SVC Table window:

2 Locate the virtual port you want to configure and next to it click Modify. You
will see the Modify SVC window:

The table below describes the above parameters:

Options Description

Max. Throughput (Tx) The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted on
the primary frame relay link between the Passport 4400 and
the network. The range is from 0 to 4096. The default value
is 0, which indicates that the maximum frame size is
determined by the PANL configuration.
Min. Throughput (Rx) Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with Max Rx Throughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

168 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Options Description
Burst Size (Tx) The burst size (Bc) in bytes that the network is committed to
transmit. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the
default), the network default will determine the transmit burst
Excess Burst Size The uncommitted receive burst size (Be) in bytes. The range
(Rx) is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
default will determine the receive burst size.
Holding Priority Specifies the priority this SVC maintains once it is
established, as well as the likelihood of its being bumped by
a new SVC with a higher priority. A value of 1 is the highest
priority, and 5 is the lowest.
Data Compression This value determines how many seconds the Passport 4400
Timeout waits to retry a connection for compression.
Max. Throughput (Rx) The maximum frame size in bytes that will be accepted on
the primary frame relay link between the Passport 4400 and
the network. The range is from 0 to 4096. The default value
is 0, which indicates that the maximum frame size is
determined by the PANL configuration
Max. Throughput (Tx) Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with Min Tx Throughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate.
Burst Size (Rx) The burst size (Bc) in bytes that the network is committed to
receive. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the
default), the network default will determine the receive burst
Discard Priority Indicates the likelihood of frames on this SVC being
discarded during periods of heavy congestion. The options
are low, medium, and high. A value of Low indicates that the
frames are of low priority and therefore have a high likelihood
of being discarded.
Data Compression No Compression - disables compression on this IfIndex
Mode Standard - internet FRF.9 standard
Proprietary - Nortel’s proprietary compression application
Line Configuration - detects compression use on other
lines and matches the compression configuration.
Min. Throughput (Tx) Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with Max Tx Throughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 169

Options Description
Max. Throughput (Rx) Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with Min Rx Throughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate.
Excess Burst Size The uncommitted transmit burst size (Be) in bytes. The
(Tx) range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the
network default will determine the transmit burst size.
Setup Priority Specifies the priority of an SVC at call-establishment time,
and also determines the potential for bumping established
SVCs to acquire their bandwidth. A value of 1 is the highest
priority, and 5 is the lowest.
Data Compression This value determines the number of times the Passport
Retries 4400 attempts to determine the compression configuration at
the other end of the connection. The default for this
parameter is 3. If the Passport 4400 cannot determine the
compression configuration at the other end of the
connection, it will default to no compression.

3 Configure the applicable parameters then click Save. A “Command

Successful” appears.

CLI Commands for Defining Frame Relay Line Parameters

The CLI commands are given below, followed by brief definitions for each
configurable parameter.

CLI> define fr line network pvcSignalling

Options Description

netN392 Determines the user-side N392 error threshold value for this
IfIndex. The range is from 1 to 10; default = 3.
netT392 Indicates the time interval in seconds for the T392 polling
verification timer. The range is from 5 to 30 seconds; default = 15.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

170 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

CLI> define fr line user pvcLMI

Options Description

n391 The number of status enquiry intervals that pass before a full
status enquiry message is sent. (Every nth status enquiry will be
a full status enquiry.) The range is from 1 to 255; default = 6.
n392 The maximum number of unanswered status enquiries that will
be accepted before the LMI is declared down. The range is from
1 to 10; default = 3.
t391 The number of seconds between successive status enquiry
messages. The range is from 5 to 30 seconds; default = 10

CLI> define fr line user basePvcLmi

Options Description

bidirectional Indicates whether the PVC LMI will send both status inquiries
and status reports. The default is false.
lmiMode Indicates whether the local PVC LMI is operating in DTE or DCE
mode. The default setting is unidte.

CLI> define fr line user baseSvcLmi

Options Description

maxDLCI The highest DLCI number allowed for an SVC on the

Passport 4400. The range is from 17 to 991; default = 991.
maxNumberOfCalls The maximum number of SVC connections allowed on the
Passport 4400. The range is from 1 to 255; default = 255.
maxRxFrameSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be accepted on
the primary frame relay link between the Passport 4400 and
the network. The range is from 0 to 4096. The default value
is 0, which indicates that the maximum frame size is
determined by the PANL configuration (define msm dtelink
maxRxThroughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with minRxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range
is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 171

Options Description
maxTxFrameSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted on
the primary frame relay link between the Passport 4400 and
the network. The range is from 0 to 4096. The default value
is 0, which indicates that the maximum frame size is
determined by the PANL configuration (define msm dtelink
maxTxThroughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with minTxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range
is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate.
minDLCI The smallest DLCI number allowed for an SVC on the
Passport 4400. The range is from 16 to 991; default = 16.
minRxThroughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with maxRxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range
is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate.
minTxThroughput Unless overwritten at connect time, this data rate in bits per
second (b/s) is used along with maxTxThroughput to
negotiate with the remote end during call setup. The range
is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
will determine the data rate.
rxBurstSize The burst size (Bc) in bytes that the network is committed to
receive. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the
default), the network default will determine the receive burst
rxExcessBurstSize The uncommitted receive burst size (Be) in bytes. The range
is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the network
default will determine the receive burst size. This option is
not used in the Passport 4400 system.
t303 Determines how long the SVC LMI waits for a response
from the network before transmitting the setup message.
The range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default = 4 seconds.
t305 Determines how long the SVC LMI waits for a response
from the network before transmitting a release message.
The range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default = 30 seconds.
t308 The length of time in seconds that the SVC LMI will wait for
a response from the network before retransmitting the
release message. When the second release is transmitted,
the local SVC LMI considers the corresponding SVC to have
been released by the network even if no response has been
received. The range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default = 4

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

172 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

Options Description

t310 The length of time in seconds that the SVC LMI will wait for
a Connect message from the network, after receiving the
Call Proceeding message, before sending a Release
message. The range is from 1 to 255 seconds; default = 60
txBurstSize The burst size (Bc) in bytes that the network is committed to
transmit. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the
default), the network default will determine the transmit burst
txExcessBurstSize The uncommitted transmit burst size (Be) in bytes. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If left at 0 (the default), the
network default will determine the transmit burst size. This
option is not used in the Passport 4400 system.

For any additional commands not covered in this section, go to the Passport 4400
Reference for CLI, 209666-A.

Frame Relay Monitoring

The Passport 4400 provides numerous displays that enable a network manager or
individual Passport 4400 operator to view the status and performance of frame
relay connections or check the values of configuration parameters.

The statistical tables and status displays do not provide automatic real-time
updates; they present static data as of the time of execution of the corresponding
Configurator procedure or CLI show command.

Note: To monitor frame relay status for line and port parameters, you
must use the CLI.

“Configurator Procedures for Frame Relay Monitoring” on page 173

“CLI Commands for Frame Relay Monitoring” on page 179

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 173

Configurator Procedures for Frame Relay Monitoring

Note: To monitor frame relay status for line and port parameters, you
must use the CLI. See “CLI Commands for Frame Relay Monitoring” on
page 179.

The following monitoring capabilities are available through the Configurator Web

• “Frame Relay Circuit Statistics” on page 173

• “Configured Switch Map Status” on page 175
• “WAN Interface Information” on page 175
• “Async/TCP System Status” on page 176
• “CTS and RTS Control Signals” on page 177
• “WAN Global Statistics” on page 177

Frame Relay Circuit Statistics

1 To view frame relay circuit statistics, select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data
Services, and Frame Relay.

You will see the Frame Relay Circuit Statistics window:

2 The displayed table shows general frame relay circuit statistics for each Index.
For a more detailed display of a particular Index, click View.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

174 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

At the top of the above window, the following Status/Statistics are available:

• “Switch Status” on page 174

• “SPVC” on page 174
• “DLCI Reporting” on page 174

Switch Status


DLCI Reporting

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 175

Configured Switch Map Status

1 To display configured Switch Map status, select Configure, WAN/Data
Services, and FR DCE.

You will see the Port Selection (FR DCE) window.

2 At the top of the window, select the Switch Mapping link. You will see the
Switch Mapping window:

This table displays information for each configured switch map.

WAN Interface Information

1 To display configured WAN interface information, select Configure, Physical
Interfaces, and Serial.

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

176 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

2 At the top of the window, select the WAN Interfaces link. You will see the
WAN Interfaces window:

Note: The screen shot below is an example from a Passport 4460 unit.

This table displays information for each physical WAN port on the Passport

Async/TCP System Status

1 To display Async/TCP status, select Status/Statistics, Protocols, and Async/

You will see the Async/TCP System Status window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 177

To view Async peer statistics, at the top of the above window, select the Async/
TCP Peer Statistics link. You will see the Async/TCP Peer Statistics window:

CTS and RTS Control Signals

1 To display CTS and RTS control signals, select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data
Services, and Global.

You will see the WAN Global Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, select the CTS/RTS Signaling Status link. You will
see the CTS/RTS Signaling Status window:

WAN Global Statistics

1 To view the WAN global statistics, select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data
Services, and Global.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

178 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

You will see the WAN Global Statistics window:

2 Click View next to the WAN port you’d like to view. The statistics for that
WAN port are displayed:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 179

CLI Commands for Frame Relay Monitoring

This section discusses the CLI show commands used to display frame relay
statistics, status, CRC errors, and CTS and RTS control signals.

Commands Description

show fr line network Physical port information for frame relay pass-through ports.
proprietaryService lists frame relay connection parameters,
while pvcSignalling and rfc1604Service give signalling
show fr line user basePvcLmi, pvcLmi, mpanlLMI, and baseSvcLmi
provide LMI information. baseDlcmi, dlcmiPvc and
dlcmiSvc provide data link circuit management interface
(DLCMI) information and LMI status. mpanlLmi provides
data about the MPANL protocol.
show fr port Comprehensive port and virtual circuit information.
virtualPort details virtual ports; svcLanData and
spvcLanData display information about LAN SVCs/SPVCs.
show fr switch Information and status for each configured switch map.
Choose map for general connection information, svc for
local and negotiated SVC information, or pvc for PVC
parameters and counters.
show fr system Global frame relay system parameters and counters.
show wan WAN information for each physical port on the Passport
4400. Choose parameters for port and protocol information,
statistics for WAN counters, or async for Async/TCP
configured parameters.

Note: In the CLI command, show fr port svcLANData circuit, the

CallOriginator field is empty if the circuit is configured on the local
(master) side.

Displaying CRC Errors and CTS and RTS Control Signals

To display CRC errors, use the following CLI command:

CLI> show wan statistic port table or entry

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

180 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

You will see a table similar to the following:

IfIndex 255
RxBlockCount 34324
TxBlockCount 720792
TxLinkUnderRuns 0
TxLinkOverflows 0
RxBadPackets 0
TxLinkErrors 0
TxBwUtilization 0
RxBwUtilization 0
RxCRCErrors 0
RxAbortSeqCnts 0
RxNonOctetAligCnts 0
RxOverruns 0
RxFrmLenViolations 0

The TxBwUtilization and RxBwUtilization parameters display the transmit and

receive bandwidth utilization on the physical link.

The RxCRCErrors parameter displays the CRC errors which have occurred on the
physical link.

The RxAbortSeqCnts parameter displays the number of abort sequences received.

The RxNonOctetAligCnts parameter displays the number of frames that contain a

number of bits that are not divisible by eight.

The RxOverruns parameter displays the number of overruns that occurred during
frame reception.

The RxFrmLenViolations parameter displays the number of frame lengths that are
greater than the maximum allowed for a specific channel.

To display CTS and RTS control signals, use the following CLI command:

CLI> show wan parameter port operational table or entry

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services 181

You will see a table similar to the following:

IfIndex 255
IfType v35
Mode dte
Baudrate 6400
MaxRxFrameSize 4100
ProtocolType hdlc
NumOfRxBuffers 100
RxQueueSize 20
TxQueueSize 20
IfSlot base
IfChannel 1
ProtocolSuppot htds
HTDSCutThrough no
HTDSFragSize 0
IdleChar 255
SyncChar 126
EncodeMethod off
Passport 4460: Port Number 2
Passport 4460: TimeSlots “”
CTS (Indication) on
RTS (Control) on

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

The CTS and RTS parameters indicate whether or not a signal status is being sent
for RS232/V.35/V.36 and X.21.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

182 Chapter 4 Frame Relay Services

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 5
Managing Primary and Backup Ports

The following topics are discussed:

• “Passport 4400 Global Circuit Manager (GCM)” on page 184

• “GCM Default Configurations” on page 185
• “Node Types” on page 187
• “Procedures for Configuring a Node Type” on page 191
• “Passport 4400 Backup Options” on page 202
• “Customizing the GCM” on page 205
• “GCM Configuration Examples” on page 215
• “Link Switching” on page 228
• “Modifying GCM Switching Delay, Switching Type, and Timer Status
Settings” on page 231
• “Monitoring the GCM” on page 234

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

184 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

The following procedures are described:

• “Configurator Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on

page 186
• “CLI Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on page 186
• “Configurator Procedure for Regional Node Configuration” on page 192
• “CLI Procedure for Regional Node Configuration” on page 195
• “Configurator Procedure for Central Node Configuration” on page 197
• “CLI Procedure for Central Node Configuration” on page 198
• “Adding a Backup Netlink” on page 204
• “Defining GCM Links” on page 205
• “Defining Primary and Backup Netlinks” on page 214
• “Configurator Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching Settings” on
page 231
• “CLI Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching and Timer Status Settings” on
page 232
• “CLI Procedure for Monitoring the GCM” on page 235

Passport 4400 Global Circuit Manager (GCM)

The global circuit manager (GCM) monitors and controls the use of available
ports on the base module and the logical links between Passport 4400 nodes. For
example, it monitors whether links are up or down. The GCM does not store any
protocol information or signaling, such as dial phone numbers for ISDN, which
allows the GCM to transparently manage different interface types.

The following terms describe the functions of the GCM for each node type:

• Primary Port: the port on the Passport 4400 base module that the GCM
selects to carry a PANL-DTE netlink (the primary netlink).
• Primary Netlink: the PANL-DTE netlink established on the primary port.
This netlink is automatically configured after a default reset. See Configure
Connections to the Passport Network for more information.
• Backup Port: the port on the Passport 4400 base module that the GCM
reserves for backup use. The designation of a backup port is optional.
• Backup Netlink: a PANL-DTE netlink established on the backup port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 185

By default, each Passport 4400 is configured with a PANL-DTE netlink to a

higher-level Passport node. This netlink is called the primary netlink. Using the
GCM, it is possible to create and use an additional PANL-DTE netlink (a backup
netlink) if the primary netlink fails.

GCM Default Configurations

When the Passport 4400 is powered up or reset, the GCM looks at the hardware
installed in the base module and selects a default configuration called a GCM unit.
GCM units contain lists of the available primary and backup netlinks, as well as
status indicators and node configuration parameters.

The following table lists possible configurations for the Passport 4400 base
module, followed by the default primary port, backup port, and active GCM unit
for each configuration.

Physically Installed Ports on Primary and Backup

Active GCM Unit
the Base Module Ports

Ports 1, 2, and 3 Port 2: Primary Unit 1 (if Port 2 is serial) or Unit

Port 3: Backup 2 (if Port 2 is ISDN)

Ports 1 and 2 Port 2: Primary Unit 1 (if Port 2 is serial) or Unit

No Backup Port 2 (if Port 2 is ISDN)

Ports 1 and 3 No Primary Port Unit 1

Not Recommended No Backup Port
Port 1 only Port 1: Primary Unit 3
No Backup Port

Note: Any port on the base module that is not classified as a primary or
backup port remains enabled and is not controlled by the GCM. For
example, on a Passport 4400 unit with all three ports installed on the base
module, Port 1 is enabled and may be used for services such as frame
relay, DCE, or CBR.

“Configurator Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on page 186

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

186 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

“CLI Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on page 186

Configurator Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is

1 To determine which GCM unit is currently active, select Configure, System,
and Identity.

You will see the Global Circuit Manager table.

2 For each unit table displayed, look at the Unit Status parameter. Only one of
the GCM units will show a unit status of up. The status of up indicates which
GCM unit is currently active.

CLI Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active

To determine which GCM unit is currently active, use the following command:

CLI> show gcm unit operational table

A table similar to the following appears:

Index 1
Name “WAN Port2”
AdminStatus up
TimerStatus disabled
SwitchType fastSwitch
LinkIndex 1

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 187

BackupRemain (mins) 3
BackupSwitchDelay 0
PrimarySwitchDelay 0
RegionalLinkIndex 7
ModeConfiguration branch-node
LinkFailMonstatus disabled
LinkFailMonDurMin 1
LinkFailThrshold 1
LinkMonCount 0

For each unit table displayed, look at the AdminStatus parameter (third line of
the display). Only one of the GCM units will show an AdminStatus of up. The
status of up indicates which GCM unit is currently active.

Note: The Passport 4440 unit does not have a Port 1. Port 1 is only
listed in the CLI to maintain consistency with other Passport 4400


End of Procedure

Node Types
This section discusses the following topics:

• “Introduction of Node Types in a Passport Network” on page 188

• “Description of Node Types” on page 188
• “Passport Interworking” on page 190

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

188 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

Introduction of Node Types in a Passport Network

In a Passport network, each Passport 4400 is classified as one of three node types:
branch node, regional node, or central node. Looking at the defined node type of a
Passport 4400, the GCM sets aside a physical port to be used for backup netlinks
between nodes in the Passport network. See the illustration below:

Central Node

t 4400


Regional Node

t 4400



t 4400

Branch Node

Each node type defines a different method of managing the primary and backup

Description of Node Types

You can set up a Passport 4400 to function as one of the following node types:

• “Branch Node” on page 189

• “Regional Node” on page 189
• “Central Node” on page 189

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 189

To function with a Passport 6400 unit, you must set up a Passport 4400 unit for
“Passport Interworking” on page 190.

Branch Node

A Passport 4400 set up as a branch node only forwards PANL traffic to a

higher-level (regional or central) Passport node; it does not perform any switching
functions because there are no lower-level nodes.

For branch nodes, the GCM initially activates the primary port. While the primary
netlink is active, the backup port is deactivated. In case of a primary netlink
failure, the GCM immediately activates the backup port (and the backup netlink
on the port). When the GCM determines that the primary netlink is no longer in
failure mode, the GCM switches from the backup port to the primary port,
according to the GCM switching and timing settings. For information on
switching and timing see “Link Switching” on page 228.

Regional Node

A Passport 4400 set up as a regional node switches PANL traffic from lower-level
(branch) Passport nodes. In addition, it can forward PANL traffic to a higher-level
(central) Passport node.

In a Passport 4400 set up as a regional node, the GCM activates both the primary
and backup ports. If the backup port contains an ISDN card, the GCM activates it
for incoming calls only. In the case of a primary netlink failure, the GCM
deactivates the backup port and reestablishes it with an outgoing backup netlink,
preventing connections for incoming calls. During outgoing backup netlink
operation, the GCM operates as it does in branch mode.

Central Node

A Passport 4400 set up as a central node switches PANL traffic from lower-level
(branch) Passport nodes to the central node.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

190 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

When the Passport 4400 is set up as a central node, no PANL-DTE netlinks can be
configure because there is no higher-level Passport node to receive traffic.
Therefore, there is no need for the GCM to manage switching between primary
and backup ports, and all ports on the base module are activated. A Passport 4400
set up as a central node does not use primary and backup netlinks; all netlinks
have the same priority. ISDN links are activated for incoming calls only.

Passport Interworking

If your Passport network contains a Passport 6400 unit, the Passport 6400 is
always the highest-level node in the network. The Passport 6400 performs PANL
switching functions for lower-level Passport nodes in the network, similar to the
role of a Passport 4400 central node.

In this case, the highest-level Passport 4400 must be able to construct a primary
netlink (PANL-DTE) to the Passport 6400. To allow this primary netlink, the
highest-level Passport 4400 must be configured as a regional node, not a central
node. The following illustration shows an example of a Passport interworking

Passport 6400

rt 4400


rt 4400

rt 4400

Regional Node
Branch Node
End of Topic

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 191

Procedures for Configuring a Node Type

This section provides procedures you can use to configure the Passport 4400 as a
branch, regional, or central node.

Before You Begin

Before you can configure the node type, you must determine which GCM unit is
currently active.

“Configurator Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on page 186

“CLI Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on page 186

Find the active GCM unit, (it will have an AdminStatus of up). Make note of the
index number of the active GCM unit. You will need this number for the
procedures contained in this section.

Branch Node Configuration

Branch node is the default node configuration for a Passport 4400. There are no
further steps needed to configure the Passport 4400 for branch node.

Regional Node Configuration

“Configurator Procedure for Regional Node Configuration” on page 192

“CLI Procedure for Regional Node Configuration” on page 195

Central Node Configuration

“Configurator Procedure for Central Node Configuration” on page 197

“CLI Procedure for Central Node Configuration” on page 198

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

192 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

Configurator Procedure for Regional Node Configuration

To change the GCM node configuration to a Passport 4400 regional node, use the
following procedures:

• “Set the GCM to Regional Node” on page 192

• “Configure the ISDN Backup Port” on page 193
• “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 194

Set the GCM to Regional Node

1 To set the GCM regional node, select Configure, System, and GCM.

You will see the Global Circuit Manager window.

2 Click Modify next to the unit you want to configure. You will see the Modify
GCM Unit Profile window:

3 In the Passport 4400 Node Type field, use the pull down menu to select
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 193

Configure the ISDN Backup Port

If the backup port is an ISDN port, define the security level for incoming ISDN
calls. If the backup port is not an ISDN port, go to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 194.

1 To configure the ISDN backup port, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you want to configure. You will see
the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window:

3 At the top of the window, select the Configure ISDN Service link. You will see
the Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window.
4 At the top of the widow, select the Dial Control Configuration link. You will
see the Dial Control window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

194 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

5 In the Incoming Calls Security Level field, use the pull down menu to select
either Accept Known or Accept All.

Note: Use Accept Known if your system runs a security check on

incoming calls. Use Accept All if there are no security checks on
incoming calls.

6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Continue
on to “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 194.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 To save the current configuration and reset the unit, select Administration and
System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 195

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress:

Frame Relay Backup on a Regional Node

When a regional node has its PANL-DTE and one or more PANL-DCEs on the
same physical interface (usually Port 2) and the PANL-DTE goes down, the
secondary PANL-DTE becomes active on the backup interface (usually Port 3),
and the PANL-DCE netlinks to Branch nodes on Port 2 remain operational.

CLI Procedure for Regional Node Configuration

To change the GCM node configuration to a Passport 4400 regional node, perform
the following steps:

1 Set the GCM to regional node configuration.

CLI> define gcm unit modeConfiguration

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the index number of the active

GCM unit as shownin“CLI Procedure
to Determine Which GCM Unit is
Active” on page 186.
<ModeConfiguration> branch-node | Enter regional-node.
regional-node |


CLI> define gcm unit modeConfiguration 1 regional-node

2 If the backup port is an ISDN port, define the security level for incoming
ISDN calls. If the backup port is not an ISDN port, go to Step 3.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

196 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

CLI> define isdn dialControl configuration acceptMode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AcceptMode> acceptNone | acceptAll | Enter acceptKnown if your system

acceptKnown runs a security check on incoming
Enter acceptAll if there are no
security restrictions on incoming calls.


CLI> define isdn dialControl configuration acceptMode


Note: By default, regional mode configuration assumes the use of an

ISDN interface in Port 3. If you want to use a serial interface instead,see
“Configuring a Serial Interface for a Regional Node” on page 223.

3 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Frame Relay Backup on a Regional Node

When a regional node has its PANL-DTE and one or more PANL-DCEs on the
same physical interface (usually Port 2) and the PANL-DTE goes down, the
secondary PANL-DTE becomes active on the backup interface (usually Port 3),
and the PANL-DCE netlinks to Branch nodes on Port 2 remain operational.

End of Procedure

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 197

Configurator Procedure for Central Node Configuration

To change the GCM node configuration to a Passport 4400 Central Node, use the
following procedures:

• “Set the GCM to Central Node” on page 197

• “Configure the ISDN Link Configuration” on page 197

Set the GCM to Central Node

1 Repeat Steps 1 through 2 of “Set the GCM to Regional Node” on page 192.
2 In the Passport 4400 Node Type field, use the pull down menu to select
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configure the ISDN Link Configuration

Configure each ISDN link on the Passport 4400 as an answer-only link.

1 Complete Step 1 of “Configure the ISDN Backup Port” on page 193.

2 At the top of the window, select the Configure ISDN Service link. You will see
the Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer - MODIFY window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

198 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

3 Click Modify next to the unit you’d like to update. You will see the Configure
ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window:

4 In the Permission field, use the pull down menu to select Answer.
5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
Repeat the above steps for each ISDN link on this node.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 194 for the
necessary steps to save your configuration.

CLI Procedure for Central Node Configuration

To change the GCM node configuration to a Passport 4400 central node, use the
following steps:

1 Set the GCM to central-site node configuration.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 199

CLI> define gcm unit modeConfiguration

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the index number of the active GCM
unit as determined in “CLI Procedure to
Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on
page 186.
<ModeConfiguration> branch-node | Enter central-site-node.
regional-node |

2 Display a list of ISDN link and corresponding IDs (take note of ID value).
CLI> show isdn dialControl peer base configured table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

200 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

You will see tables similar to the following:


ID 1
IfIndex 255
BChannel 1
LowerIf 0
OriginateAddress “384200”
SubAddress “11”
ClosedUserGroup “”
Speed 64000
InfoType unrestrictedDigital
Permission originate
CallRetries 1
RetryDelay 1
FailureDelay 0
TrapStatus disabled

ID 2
IfIndex 255
BChannel 1
LowerIf 0
OriginateAddress “384200”
SubAddress “22”
ClosedUserGroup “”
Speed 64000
InfoType unrestrictedDigital
Permission originate
CallRetries 1
RetryDelay 1
FailureDelay 0
TrapStatus disabled

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 201

ID 3
IfIndex 255
BChannel 1
LowerIf 0
OriginateAddress “384200”
SubAddress “33”
ClosedUserGroup “”
Speed 64000
InfoType unrestrictedDigital
Permission originate
CallRetries 1
RetryDelay 1
FailureDelay 0
TrapStatus disabled

3 Configure each ISDN link on the Passport 4400 as an answer-only link.

CLI> define isdn dialControl peer permission

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Id> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the ID number identifying the

ISDN link as shown in Step 2.
<Permission> originate | answer | Enter answer.
bothOriginateAndAnswer |
callback| none

Repeat this step for each ISDN link on this node.

4 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

202 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

Passport 4400 Backup Options

The two types of backup services that can be configured on a Passport 4400 in
case of a primary WAN link failure are:

• “Link Backup” on page 202

• “Node Backup” on page 203

Also discussed in this section is “Adding a Backup Netlink” on page 204.

Link Backup

This is the simplest form of backup, in which the lower-level Passport 4400 makes
a backup netlink connection to a higher-level node when the primary netlink fails.
The lower-level node cannot determine whether the primary netlink failure is due
to a line problem. In other words, the physical wire has been cut or unplugged, or
there’s a problem with the higher-level node. If the higher-level node goes down,
link backup will not work, because the backup netlink attempts to connect to this
same higher-level node. For an example of a link backup, see the illustration

rt 4400




rt 4400
rt 4400

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 203

Three types of link backup services can be established on a Passport 4400:

• Dial Backup: established through (1) an ISDN PSTN cloud using either an
ISDN TA (terminal adapter) WAN module or an external modem, or (2) an
analog PSTN cloud using an external modem.
• Dedicated Line Backup: using a dedicated lease line.
• Frame Relay Backup: connecting to different frame relay service providers.

Node Backup

In Passport 4400/6400 networks, you can establish a node backup between parent
(6400) and child (4400). In node backup, the lower-level node constructs a netlink
to a backup node in the network. You can configure additional backup nodes to
obtain added network resilience. The number of backup nodes depends upon the
number of backup connections to be supported simultaneously. There are two
ways to accomplish this:

• Assign the lower-level node to two phone numbers (over an ISDN line) in the
event that the primary link fails. The first phone number calls the higher-level
node. If the higher-level node does not answer, a secondary phone number is
called to dial into a backup node.
• Passport 4400 units involved in mission-critical applications can establish a
backup netlink to a dedicated backup node. This provides network resiliency
similar to the first method.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

204 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

The illustration below is an example of a node backup:

Node # 1

Backup Node Passpo

rt 4400

#1 called first

Node # 2

rt 4400 Passpo
rt 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Backup Node
#2 is called if
call to #1 fails

End of Topic

Adding a Backup Netlink

To use the backup port on the Passport 4400, you must add a netlink to the backup
port. To configure a backup netlink, follow the procedure located in Configure
Connections to the Passport Network.

Keep the following parameters in mind when adding the backup netlink:

• The physical location of the backup port (Port 1, Port 2, or Port 3)

• The WAN port protocol – switchingFr
• The type of netlink being created – dte-panl

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 205

Customizing the GCM

This section discusses the following procedures:

• “Defining GCM Links” on page 205

• “Defining Primary and Backup Netlinks” on page 214

Before You Begin

To change the ports used for primary and backup netlinks, you must determine
which GCM unit is currently active.

For the Configurator procedure to determine which GCM is currently active, go to

“Configurator Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on page 186.
Make note of the index number of the active GCM unit. You will need this
number for the procedures contained in this section.

For CLI commands to determine which GCM is currently active, go to “CLI

Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is Active” on page 186. Make note of
the index number of the active GCM unit. You will need this number for the
procedures contained in this section.

Defining GCM Links

A GCM link is a reference to a particular port on the base module, using a

particular protocol (frame relay or ISDN). The GCM uses GCM links to direct
WAN traffic between the primary and backup ports.

Note: A GCM link is not the same as a netlink (PVC). The GCM link
merely refers to a possible port and protocol configuration; it is not a
connection or circuit of any type.

“Configurator Procedure for Defining GCM Links” on page 206

“CLI Procedure for Defining GCM Links” on page 210

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

206 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

Configurator Procedure for Defining GCM Links

The following tasks must be completed:

• “Display GCM Link Parameters” on page 206

• “Create a Serial Link” on page 208

Display GCM Link Parameters

If the new link is on an ISDN WAN port, go to “Display ISDN Parameters” on

page 207.

1 Select Configure, System, and GCM.

You will see the Global Circuit Manager (GCM) Unit window:

2 At the top of the window, select GCM Link. You will see the GCM Link

This table shows all of the links in the GCM Link table. Note the Link number
of the last link shown. It is necessary to use the next highest number for the
Link number of the new GCM link. For instance, if the last Link number
shown is 8, use 9.

If you are reconfiguring an existing link in the GCM Link table, look for the
link to be reconfigured and next to it click Modify.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 207

Continue on to “Create a Serial Link” on page 208

Display ISDN Parameters

1 If the new link is on an ISDN WAN port, select Configure Physical Interfaces,
and ISDN.

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration (ISDN) window.
3 Click Next. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration
4 At the top of the window, select Configure ISDN Service. You will see the
Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window.

From the displayed table above, identify the ISDN peer entry that will be used
for this WAN link.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

208 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

Continue on to “Create a Serial Link” on page 208

Create a Serial Link

1 From the Configurator navigation tree, select Configure, System, and GCM.

You will see the Global Circuit Manager (GCM) Unit window.

2 At the top of the window, select GCM Link. You will see the GCM Link
3 At the top of the window, select Add GCM Link. You will see the Add GCM
Link window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameters Range of Values Required Actions

Link Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the Link Index number for the
link as determined in “Display GCM
Link Parameters” on page 206 or
“Display ISDN Parameters” on
page 207.
Link Name String (1 - 16) Enter any string from 1 to 16 digits.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 209

Parameters Range of Values Required Actions

Signaling Type ISDN, UnusedEver-Up Enter UnusedEver-Up for a serial
WAN link, or ISDN for an ISDN WAN
Signaling PCM Index INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter 1 for a serial WAN link. Enter
the ID number determined in
“Display ISDN Parameters” on
page 207 for an ISDN WAN link.
Protocol PCM Index> INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the physical port number of the
link (1, 2, or 3).

4 Enter the above parameters and click Add. Configurator returns you to the
GCM Link Table window. You should see the GCM link you just added.

You must save the new configuration. Continue on to “Save the Current
Configuration” on page 209.

Save the Current Configuration

1 To save the current configuration and reset the unit, select Administration and
System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

210 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed:

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

End of Procedure

Defining Primary and Backup Netlinks

Once the GCM Unit and Link tables have been configured, individual PVCs
(netlinks) must be configured on the primary and backup ports. To configure the
primary and backup netlinks, follow the procedures in Configure Connections to
the Passport Network.

Keep the following parameters in mind when adding a netlink:

• The physical location of the primary and backup ports (Port 1, Port 2, or
Port 3)
• The WAN port protocol – switchingFr
• The type of netlink being created – dte-panl

CLI Procedure for Defining GCM Links

1 Display the GCM Link table.
CLI> show gcm link configured table

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 211

A table similar to the following appears:

Index 3
UnitIndex 1
Name “ISDN backup”
SignalingType isdn
SignalingPCMIndex 1
ProtocolType frameRelay
ProtocolPCMIndex 3

This command shows all of the links in the GCM Link table. Note the Index
number (listed at the top) of the last link shown. It is necessary to use the next
highest number for the Index of the new GCM link. For instance, if the last
Index number shown is 8, use 9 for the following procedures.

If you are reconfiguring an existing link in the GCM Link table, look for the
link to be reconfigured and note the Index number of this entry.

2 If the new link is on an ISDN WAN port, use the following command to
display ISDN peer information:
CLI> show isdn dialControl peer base configured table

A table similar to the following appears:

ID 1
IfIndex 255
BChannel 1
LowerIf 0
OriginateAddress “384200”
SubAddress “11”
ClosedUserGroup “”
Speed 64000
InfoType unrestrictedDigital
Permission originate
CallRetries 1

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

212 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

RetryDelay 1
FailureDelay 0
TrapStatus disabled

From the displayed table above, identify the ISDN peer entry that will be used
for this WAN link. Also note the ID number.

3 Create a new serial link entry in the GCM Link table.

CLI> add gcm link

Note: If you are configuring an existing GCM link (not creating an

additional GCM Link), use the define GCM link command instead.

Parameters Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Index number for the link
as determined in Step 1.
<Name> “String” (1..16) Enter any string from 1 to 16 digits.
The values must be enclosed within
<SignalingType> isdn | unusedEverUp Enter unusedEverUP for a serial
WAN link, or isdn for an ISDN WAN
<SignalingPCMIndex> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter 1 for a serial WAN link. Enter
the ID number determined in Step 2
for an ISDN WAN link.
<ProtocolType> reserved | frameRelay Enter frameRelay for both a serial
and ISDN WAN link.
<ProtocolPCMIndex> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the physical port number of the
link (1, 2, or 3).


CLI> add gcm link 255 “12” unusedEverUP 1 frameRelay 2

Go to Step 4 if you need to define this link as a primary link.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 213

Go to Step 5 if you need to define this link as a backup link.

Note: Steps 4 and 5 are not needed if you are reconfiguring an existing

4 To define this link as a primary link:

CLI> define gcm unit linkIndex

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the GCM unit number.

<LinkIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Use the index number for the link, as
determined in Step 1.


CLI> define gcm unit linkIndex 1 1

5 Define this link as a backup link:

CLI> define gcm backupLink

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..255) Enter an index number between 1 and 4.

Each backup link must have a unique
index number.
<UnitIndex> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the GCM unit number.
<LinkIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Use the index number for the link, as
determined in Step 1.


CLI> add gcm backupLink 3 1 1

6 Confirm the changes made to the GCM Unit table.

CLI> show gcm unit configured table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

214 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

A table similar to the following appears:

Index 1
Name “WAN Port2”
AdminStatus down
TimerStatus disabled
SwitchType fastSwitch
LinkIndex 1
BackupRemain 3
BackupSwitchDelay 0
PrimarySwitchDelay 0
RegionalLinkIndex 7
ModeConfiguration branch-node
LinkFailMonstatus disabled
LinkFailMonDurMin 0
LinkFailThrshold 0

7 Save the configuration changes and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Defining Primary and Backup Netlinks

Once the GCM Unit and Link tables have been configured, individual PVCs
(netlinks) must be configured on the primary and backup ports. To configure the
primary and backup netlinks, follow the procedures in Configure Connections to
the Passport Network.

Keep the following parameters in mind when adding a netlink:

• The physical location of the primary and backup ports (Port 1, Port 2, or
Port 3)
• The WAN port protocol – switchingFr
• The type of netlink being created – dte-panl

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 215

GCM Configuration Examples

The following examples show several possible GCM configurations, with the
appropriate Configurator and CLI procedure.

“Configurator GCM Configuration Examples” on page 215

“CLI GCM Configuration Examples” on page 223

Configurator GCM Configuration Examples

The following examples are shown in this section:

• “Configure a Serial Interface for a Regional Node” on page 215

• “Add a Second ISDN Backup Link” on page 218
• “Configure Port 1 as the Backup Port” on page 220
• “GCM Unit Profiles” on page 222

Configure a Serial Interface for a Regional Node

By default, the regional node configuration assumes the use of an ISDN interface
in Port 3. For this example, unit 1 is assumed to be active (meaning there is a
serial interface in Port 2 of the base module). If your regional node Passport 4400
has a serial interface in Port 3, use the following procedure to configure the GCM:

1 Select Configure, System, and GCM.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

216 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

You will see the GCM Link window:

2 Look for the regional node. In this example, Link 7 (ISDN regional) is used
for incoming backup traffic on a regional node. By default, the regional link
number is 7.
Select Modify next to Link 7. You will see the Modify GCM Link window:

3 Rename the regional GCM link. In the Link Name field, enter “WAN
regional”. This is an optional step, but it is recommended for reference

4 Assign Port 3 to the regional GCM link by entering 3 in the Protocol PCM
Index field.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 217

5 Set the signal index (1) for the serial interface.

6 Set the signaling type (unusedEver-Up) for the serial interface. Select the
radio button for UnusedEver-Up.

7 Click Save. You are returned to the GCM Link window.

8 If necessary, create a netlink for the serial interface in Port 3. To configure a
netlink, follow the procedures in Configure Connections to the Passport

Continue on to “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Passport 4400” on
page 217

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Passport 4400

1 To save the current configuration and reset the unit, select Administration and
System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

218 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message displayed:

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress. Once the reset is complete,
connectivity with the unit will be restored.

Add a Second ISDN Backup Link

By default, there is one ISDN backup link for an ISDN interface installed in Port
3. It is possible to create an additional ISDN backup link, allowing the Passport
4400 to dial a second ISDN call if the first call fails.

The following procedure is used to configure an additional ISDN backup link. For
this example, unit 1 is assumed to be active (meaning there is a serial interface in
Port 2 of the base module, in addition to an ISDN interface in Port 3).

1 Create an ISDN entry. Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and ISDN.

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 219

2 Select the port you want to create the ISDN entry on. You will see the
Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window.
3 At the top of the window, select Configure ISDN Service. You will see the
Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window:

4 Enter the Peer ID (4) and the ifIndex (9). Click Add.
5 Create a new GCM link for the ISDN Peer entry you just added. Under
Configure, select System and GCM.

You will see the Global Circuit Manager (GCM) Unit window.

6 At the top of the window, select GCM Link. You will see the GCM Link
7 At the top of the window, select Add GCM Link. You will see the Add GCM
Link window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

220 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Link Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter 9.

Link Name String (1 -16) Enter Backup 2 for identification
Signaling Type ISDN, Select the ISDN radio button.
Signaling PCM INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the ID of the ISDN peer entry
Index (4).
Protocol PCM Index INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter 3.

8 Enter the above parameters and click Add. You will be returned to the GCM
Link window. You should see the GCM link you just created.
You must save the configuration and reset the unit. Go to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Passport 4400” on page 217.

“Configure Port 1 as the Backup Port” on page 220

“Configure a Serial Interface for a Regional Node” on page 215

“GCM Unit Profiles” on page 222

Configure Port 1 as the Backup Port

If your Passport 4400 is configured with Ports 1 and 2 only, Port 2 is the primary
port by default (see “GCM Default Configurations” on page 185). If you wish to
configure Port 1 as the backup port, use the following procedure:

1 Display the current GCM unit configuration. Select Configure, System, and

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 221

You will see the Global Circuit Manager window:

2 Create a new GCM link for the serial interface for WAN Port 1. At the top of
the window, select GCM Link. You will see the GCM Link window.
3 At the top of the window, select Add GCM Link. You will see the Add GCM
Link window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Link Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter 9.

Link Name String (1 -16) Enter Backup 2 for identification
Signaling Type ISDN, Select the ISDN radio button.
Signaling PCM INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the ID of the ISDN peer entry
Index (4).
Protocol PCM Index INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter 3.

4 Enter the above parameters and click Add. You will be returned to the GCM
Link window. You should see the GCM link you just created.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

222 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

You must save the configuration and reset the unit. Go to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Passport 4400” on page 217.

“Configure a Serial Interface for a Regional Node” on page 215

“Add a Second ISDN Backup Link” on page 218

“GCM Unit Profiles” on page 222

GCM Unit Profiles

You can use the Configurator web pages to modify the following GCM unit

• Unit Name
• Unit Status
• Unit Switching Algorithm (see “Configurator Procedure for Modifying GCM
Switching Settings” on page 231)
• Unit Primary Netlink (see Configure Connections to the Passport Network
• Backup Link Switching (see “Backup Manual Switch” on page 229)

Modifying the GCM Unit Profile

1 To modify the GCM unit profile, select Configure, System, and GCM. You
will see the Global Circuit Manager window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 223

2 In the Global Circuit Manager table, click Modify next to the unit you want to
modify. You will see the Modify GCM Unit Profile window:

Use this window to update the Unit Name and Unit Status.

3 After you have finished modifying the applicable parameters, click Save. A
“Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 194 for the
necessary steps to save your configuration.

CLI GCM Configuration Examples

The following examples are shown in this section:

• “Configuring a Serial Interface for a Regional Node” on page 223

• “Adding a Second ISDN Backup Link” on page 225
• “Configuring Port 1 as the Backup Port” on page 226

Configuring a Serial Interface for a Regional Node

By default, the regional node configuration assumes the use of an ISDN interface
in Port 3. If your regional node Passport 4400 has a serial interface in Port 3, use
the following commands to configure the GCM:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

224 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

1 Display current GCM unit information. For this example, unit 1 is assumed to
be active (meaning there is a serial interface in Port 2 of the base module).
CLI> show gcm unit operational entry 1

A table similar to the following appears:

Index 1
Name “WAN Port2”
AdminStatus up
TimerStatus disabled
SwitchType fastSwitch
LinkIndex 1
BackupRemain 3
BackupSwitchDelay 0
PrimarySwitchDelay 0
RegionalLinkIndex 7
ModeConfiguration central-site-node
LinkFailMonstatus disabled
LinkFailMonDurMin 1
LinkFailThrshold 1
LinkMonCount 0

Note: The value assigned to RegionalLinkIndex is the GCM link

number that is used for incoming backup traffic on a regional node. By
default, the regional link number is 7.

2 Configure the Passport 4400 for regional mode.

CLI> define gcm unit modeConfig 1 regional-node

3 Rename the regional GCM link. This is an optional command, but is

recommended for reference purposes.
CLI> define gcm link name 7 “WAN regional”

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 225

Use the following commands to change the parameters of an existing GCM


a Define the GCM link.

CLI> define gcm link ProtocolPCM

b Assign Port 3 to the regional GGM link.

CLI> define gcm link protocolPCMIndex 7 3

c Set the proper signaling index (1) for a serial interface.

CLI> define gcm link signalingPCMIndex 7 1

d Set the proper signaling type (unusedEverUp) for a serial interface.

CLI> define gcm link signalingType 7 unusedEverUp

4 If necessary, create a netlink for the serial interface in Port 3. To configure a

netlink, follow the procedures in Configure Connections to the Passport
5 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Adding a Second ISDN Backup Link

By default, there is one ISDN backup link for an ISDN interface installed in Port
3. It is possible to create an additional ISDN backup link, allowing the Passport
4400 to dial a second ISDN call if the first call fails.

The following procedure is used to configure an additional ISDN backup link. For
this example, unit 1 is assumed to be active (meaning there is a serial interface in
Port 2 of the base module, in addition to an ISDN interface in Port 3).

1 Create an ISDN peer entry. The following command is an example of a

typical ISDN peer entry. For information and procedures used to configure
ISDN, see Alternate WAN Modules.
CLI> add isdn peer 4 5 1 “5551234” “789”

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

226 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

2 Create a new GCM link for the ISDN peer entry.

CLI> add gcm link

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..255) Enter 9.

<Name> “String” (1..16) Enter Backup 2 for identification
<SignalingType> isdn | unusedEverUp Enter isdn.
<SignalingPCMIndex> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the ID of the ISDN peer entry
<ProtocolType> reserved | frameRelay Enter frameRelay.
<ProtocolPCMIndex> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter 3.


CLI> add gcm link 9 “ISDN Backup 2” isdn 4 frameRelay 3

3 Add the new GCM link to the GCM backup table.

CLI> add gcm backupLink 3 1 9

Note the index of the backup link (3). Backup links 1 and 2 are already
defined for GCM unit 1, so choosing backup link 3 preserves the existing
backup links.

4 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring Port 1 as the Backup Port

If your Passport 4400 is configured with Ports 1 and 2 only, Port 2 is the primary
port by default (see “GCM Default Configurations” on page 185). If you wish to
configure Port 1 as the backup port, use the following procedure:

1 Display current GCM unit information. For this example, unit 1 is assumed to
be active (meaning there is a serial interface in Port 2 of the base module).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 227

CLI> show gcm unit operational entry 1

A table similar to the following appears:

Index 1
Name “WAN Port2”
AdminStatus up
TimerStatus disabled
SwitchType fastSwitch
LinkIndex 1
BackupRemain (mins) 3
BackupSwitchDelay 0
PrimarySwitchDelay 0
RegionalLinkIndex 7
ModeConfiguration central-site-node
LinkFailMonstatus disabled
LinkFailMonDurMin 1
LinkFailThrshold 1
LinkMonCount 0

2 Create a new GCM link for the serial interface in Port 1.

CLI> add gcm link

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..255) Enter 9.

<Name> “String” (1..16) Enter Backup P1 for identification
<SignalingType> isdn | unusedEverUp Enter unusedEverUp.
<SignalingPCMIndex> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the ID of the ISDN peer entry
<ProtocolType> reserved | frameRelay Enter frameRelay.
<ProtocolPCMIndex> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter 1.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

228 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports


CLI> add gcm link 9 “Backup P1” unusedEverUp 1 frameRelay 1

3 Add the new GCM link to the GCM backup table.

CLI> add gcm backupLink 1 1 9

This creates a new GCM backup entry, associating GCM unit 1 (the active
unit) with link 9 (the GCM link created in Step 2).

4 If necessary, create a netlink for the serial interface in Port 1. To configure a

netlink, follow the procedures in Configure Connections to the Passport
5 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Link Switching
You can use several GCM options to switch from the primary netlink to the
backup netlink. When the GCM determines that the primary link has failed, the
selected switching type dictates the manner in which the backup netlink is
activated. Similarly, the switching type tells the GCM how and when to reactivate
the primary netlink when it has recovered. The four available switching types for
the Passport 4400 are:

• “Fast Switch” on page 229

• “Voice Switch” on page 229
• “Backup Manual Switch” on page 229
• “Manual Switch” on page 230

Note: This information applies to branch and regional nodes only.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 229

Fast Switch

This switching type automatically switches from primary to backup as soon as a

primary comes back up. When the primary netlink is reestablished, the backup
netlink is instantly deactivated, regardless of backup netlink transmission activity.
This type of switching is not recommended for voice traffic, as any voice calls
placed over the backup netlink may be cut off during the switch to the primary

Voice Switch

This switching type allows for delay when switching from backup to primary.
With this setting, an overlap in link activity allows voice transmissions to be

When the primary netlink is reestablished, the GCM waits until there is no active
voice call on the backup netlink, or until the backup timer (BackupRemainTime)
has expired, before deactivating the backup netlink.

Backup Manual Switch

This switch setting automatically switches from primary to backup when a

primary netlink fails. Once the backup netlink is activated, the user must manually
switch back to the primary netlink once it has been reestablished.

Use the following procedures to switch between the primary and backup netlinks:

• “Configurator Procedure for Switching Between the Primary and Backup

Netlink” on page 229
• “CLI Procedure for Switching Between the Primary and Backup Netlink” on
page 230

Configurator Procedure for Switching Between the Primary and

Backup Netlink
1 To modify the GCM unit profile, select Configure, System, and GCM. You
will see the Global Circuit Manager window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

230 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

2 In the Global Circuit Manager table, click Modify next to the unit you want to
modify. You will see the Modify GCM Unit Profile window:

3 In the Backup Link Switching Control field, select the radio button for
Enabled. This will activate the Backup Link Switch.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Switching Between the Primary and Backup


CLI> set gcm unit command

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the active GCM unit NumberSee “CLI
Procedure to Determine Which GCM Unit is
Active” on page 186.
<Command> primary | backup Enter the type of netlink (primary or backup)
to be activated.


CLI> set gcm unit command 1 primary

Manual Switch

This switch setting does not monitor the primary netlink for failure. The user must
manually switch from primary to backup, and from backup to primary.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 231

See “Backup Manual Switch” on page 229 for the applicable Configurator and
CLI procedures for manual switching.

Modifying GCM Switching Delay, Switching Type, and

Timer Status Settings
This section describes the commands used to modify the GCM unit switching
settings and timing status.

Note: You cannot use the Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages to
define GCM timer settings. You must use the CLI to define these

“Configurator Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching Settings” on page 231

“CLI Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching and Timer Status Settings” on
page 232

Configurator Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching


Use the following Configurator procedure to modify the GCM unit switching

1 See Steps 1 and 2 of “Configurator Procedure for Switching Between the

Primary and Backup Netlink” on page 229.
2 In the Unit Switching Algorithm field, use the pull down menu to select the
switching mode that best suits your needs.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

232 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

See the table below for a description of your options:

Options Description

Fast-Switch This switching type automatically switches from backup to

primary as soon as the primary comes back up. See “Fast
Switch” on page 229 for more information.
Voice-Switch This switching type allows for delay when switching from
backup to primary. See “Voice Switch” on page 229 for more
Manual-SwitchBackup This switch automatically switches from primary to backup
upon a primary netlink failure, but requires manual switching
to bring up the primary link. See “Backup Manual Switch” on
page 229 for more information.
Manual-Switching This switch allows you to manually switch from primary to
backup, and from backup to primary. See “Manual Switch” on
page 230 for more information.

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Modifying GCM Switching and Timer

Status Settings

The following CLI commands can be used to modify the GCM unit switching
settings and timing status. When asked to specify the Index, enter the GCM unit
number currently in use. See “GCM Default Configurations” on page 185 for
more information.

CLI> define gcm unit

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 233

See the table below for a description of the options:

Note: The options below are for Switching and Timer status only.

Options Description

backupRemainTime The maximum number of minutes the backup netlink remains

active after switching to the active primary netlink (for example,
overlap time in link activity). This setting applies only to
backupSwitchDelay The number of minutes of delay, once the primary netlink is
reestablished, before the backup netlink is deactivated and the
primary netlink is activated. This setting applies only to
VoiceSwitch and FastSwitch.
primarySwitchDelay The number of minutes of delay, once the primary netlink has
failed, before the backup netlink is activated and the primary
netlink deactivated. This setting applies to VoiceSwitch,
FastSwitch, and BackupManualSwitch. If you are using
PrimarySwitchDelay, notify your service provider that the layer
1 activation mode of the ISDN network must be set to “always
on”. This prevents the ISDN network from deactivating layer 1
while the PrimarySwitchDelay timer is running.
switchType This determines the GCM switching type, as described in “Link
Switching” on page 228.
timerStatus Enables or disables the GCM timer settings.

Modifying GCM Timer Settings

Use the following CLI command to modify the GCM timer settings:

CLI> define gcm timer

See the table below for a description of the options:

Options Description

unitIndex The GCM unit table number.

inactPeriodic Enables or disables the functionality of the Periodic Timer
inactivity administration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

234 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

inactStartHr The hour designation to start link inactivity, or disconnection.

When the system hour and minutes reach this setting and the
inactStartMin setting, the link is automatically disconnected.
inactStartMin The minute designation to start link inactivity, or disconnection.
When the system hour and minutes reach the inactStartHr
setting and this setting, the link is automatically disconnected.
inactDurationHr The hour designation for the duration of link inactivity, or
inactDurationMin The minutes designation for the duration of link inactivity, or
inactMonday Enables or disables the timer inactivity administration for the
system day Monday.
inactTuesday Enables or disables the timer inactivity administration for the
system day Tuesday.
inactWednesday Enables or disables the timer inactivity administration for the
system day Wednesday.
inactThursday Enables or disables the timer inactivity administration for the
system day Thursday.
inactFriday Enables or disables the timer inactivity administration for the
system day Friday.
inactSaturday Enables or disables the timer inactivity administration for the
system day Saturday.
inactSunday Enables or disables the timer inactivity administration for the
system day Sunday.

Monitoring the GCM

This section describes the commands used to monitor the GCM parameters:

Note: You cannot use the Passport 4400 Configurator web pages to
monitor the GCM. You must use the CLI to monitor these settings.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 235

CLI Procedure for Monitoring the GCM

The following commands allow the monitoring of GCM parameters. These

commands will allow you to confirm entries made with the add, define, and
set commands. A full description of command parameters and variables can be
found in the Configuring and Operating Passport 4400 Software, Passport 4400
Reference CLI.

Commands Description

show gcm backuplink Backup link information for all configured links.
show gcm global Global GCM settings: status, trap settings, and automatic
selection mode.
show gcm hwstatus GCM hardware table showing configured ports and status.
show gcm link Link information for all configured links, including port and signal
show gcm unit GCM unit information, status, and parameters.

Note: If you use the CLI command: show gcm link operational
table, and the Passport 4400 is configured as central-site, active call
status will not be displayed.

Link Failure Monitor

The link failure monitor provides a more advanced method of monitoring the
primary netlink. When the link failure monitor is enabled, the GCM monitors the
primary netlink for a defined time interval. The GCM counts the number of
netlink failures during this time period. If this number equals or exceeds a defined
threshold, then the backup netlink is activated according to the switching type.

The following CLI commands allow you to monitor the primary netlink:

1 Enable the link failure monitor.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

236 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

CLI> define gcm unit monitorLinkStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the active GCM unit number.

See “CLI Procedure to Determine
Which GCM Unit is Active” on
page 186.
<LinkFailMonstatus> enabled | disabled Enter enabled to activate the link
failure monitor.


CLI> define gcm unit monitorLinkStatus 1 enabled

2 Enter the interval (in minutes) that will be used to monitor the primary link.
CLI> define gcm unit durationLinkFail

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the active GCM unit number.

See “CLI Procedure to Determine
Which GCM Unit is Active” on
page 186.
<LinkFailMonDurMin> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the time interval (in minutes)
that will be used to monitor the
primary link.


CLI> define gcm unit number LinkFailure 1 10

3 Enter the failure threshold.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports 237

CLI> define gcm unit numberLinkFailure

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..3) Enter the active GCM unit number.

See “CLI Procedure to Determine
Which GCM Unit is Active” on
page 186.
<LinkFailThrshold> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the failure threshold. If this
number of primary netlink failures
occurs during the time interval
(selected above), then the GCM
activates the backup netlink.


CLI> define gcm unit numberLinkFailure 1 5

In this example, the GCM will count the number of primary netlink failures in a
ten-minute span. If there are five or more failures in this span, the GCM will
switch to the backup netlink. If there are less than five failures after ten minutes,
the failure counter resets to zero, and a new ten-minute span will begin upon the
next failure detection.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

238 Chapter 5 Managing Primary and Backup Ports

206916-E Rev 00

Alternate WAN Modules

The following topics discussed include:

• “ISDN Interface Modules” on page 239

• “Configuring ISDN Services” on page 241
• “Configuring ISDN Backup Service” on page 263
• “Optional ISDN Parameters” on page 275
• “ISDN Monitoring” on page 290
• “T1, E1, and 56k CSU Interfaces” on page 294

The Passport 4400 supports the use of ISDN, T1 CSU, E1 CSU, or 56k CSU as
alternatives to a frame relay over a WAN link. ISDN services for the Passport
4400 are physically supported by either an ISDN S/T or ISDN U hardware
interface module. T1, E1, and 56k CSU links are physically supported by the T1
CSU/DSU, E1 CSU/DSU, and 56k CSU/DSU hardware interface modules. For
more information about ISDN or CSU/DS U hardware, refer to Reference for the
Passport 4400 Cables or Reference for the Passport 4460 Hardware.

ISDN Interface Modules

An ISDN interface module can be configured as the primary WAN connection for
the Passport 4400, or it can be configured as a backup connection which becomes
active only when the primary link fails. The Passport 4400 can also support two
ISDN interface modules, one for the primary and one for the backup port. For
information on how to configure primary and backup WAN ports, see Managing
Primary and Backup Ports. ISDN over leased line is also supported to provide
additional connection options.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

240 Alternate WAN Modules

This section discusses the following topics:

• “ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI)” on page 240

• “ISDN Protocols Supported” on page 240

ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI)

The Passport 4400 supports the ISDN basic rate interface (BRI). There are two
types of ISDN interface modules, one supporting an ISDN S/T interface, and the
other supporting an ISDN U interface. BRI supports two 64 kb/s bearer (B)
channels and one 16 kb/s data (D) channel, referred to as 2B+D.

Note: The Passport 4400 currently supports only one B-channel on the
ISDN WAN interface module.

The D-channel can be used to carry setup and user packet data across the network.
For the Passport 4400, the D-channel will be reserved for ISDN-related call setup
messages and other out-of-band signaling only. No user data is transmitted over
the D-channel. Once the link to the WAN is established over the D-channel, user
data traffic is carried over the B-channel.

ISDN Protocols Supported

Since different variants of ISDN are available in various international markets,

Passport 4400 supports the following ISDN protocols:

• NET-3 (Euro-ISDN & UK)

• INS64 (Japan)
• CoQ931 (National ISDN-1 Basic Rate, North America)
• CoQ931 with additions for AT&T 5ESS switch (North America)
• CoQ931 with additions for Nortel DMS-100 Switch (North America)

At the link level, frame relay and Passport 4400 netlink (VoFR) protocols are
supported over the ISDN stream.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 241

Configuring ISDN Services

This section discusses the Configurator and CLI procedures needed to configure
ISDN services on the Passport 4400.

Before You Begin

Contact your network administrator for the following:

• The correct ifIndexes for the ISDN service

• The correct originate address and sub-address
• A complete list of all calling addresses and sub-addresses
• Appropriate settings for the B-channels for leased line connections
• Make sure your network administrator informs your ISDN service
provider of your power requirements for leased line connections.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring ISDN Services” on page 241

“CLI Procedure for Configuring ISDN Services” on page 246

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring a Primary Port ISDN Connection” on

page 250

“CLI Procedure for Configuring a Primary Port ISDN Connection” on page 258

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup Service” on page 264

“CLI Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup Service” on page 269

Configurator Procedure for Configuring ISDN Services

Note: This procedure assumes you have installed the ISDN module in
the Passport 4400.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

242 Alternate WAN Modules

Displaying the IfIndexes for ISDN

To display the ISDN IfIndexes, select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data Services, and

ISDN from the navigation menu.

You will see the ISDN Signaling Statistics window. Look for the table in the
center of the window.

The following WAN interface extension types relate to ISDN:

isdns (5) The physical interface type (S/T) of the ISDN circuit card;
isdnu would designate a U-type circuit card. Take note of
this IfIndex; ISDN configuring procedures may require this
IfIndex number to identify the ISDN BRI service.
ds0 (6,7) B-channel 1 or B-channel 2 of the ISDN BRI service. Each
ISDN B-channel is represented by an IfIndex, even though
the Passport 4400 currently supports only one B-channel.
lapd (8) The ISDN D-channel data link layer (LAPD) interface.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 243

isdn (9) The signalling D-channel for the ISDN service.

propMultiplexor (153) The physical port interface of the ISDN module. Note the
third column (PPA) in the above display, which indicates the
physical port (2).

Displaying Configured ISDN Peer Entries

1 To display the configured ISDN peer entries, select Configure, Physical
Interfaces, and ISDN from the navigation menu.

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration (ISDN) window.
3 Click Next. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

244 Alternate WAN Modules

4 At the top of the window, click on Configure ISDN Service. You will see the
Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window:

This table displays Peer configurations. If there is an ISDN entry already

configured for the interface in question, you can modify it by clicking Modify next
to the applicable Peer ID Index. See “Optional ISDN Parameters” on page 275 for
a list of parameters that may be altered.

Add an ISDN Peer Entry

1 If necessary, repeat Steps 1 through 4 from “Displaying Configured ISDN
Peer Entries” on page 243.
2 Locate the Peer ID field, enter a unique Peer ID number for the ISDN Service.
Refer to the table displayed above and select a Peer ID number that is not in

Note: It is recommended that the new ID number be higher than the

existing ID numbers. For example, in the above display IDs 1 through 4
are in use, so use the number 5 for this ISDN service.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 245

3 Enter the IfIndex number which corresponds to the physical interface type
you are adding (for example, isdnu or isdns).
4 Once you have entered the parameters, click Add. You will see the Configure
ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer - ADD window:

5 Locate the B channel field. Set the variable to “1”.

Note: This command applies to leased lines only (not public ISDN

6 Locate the Originate Address field. Enter the destination telephone number.
7 Locate the Sub Address field. Enter the sub address of the destination
telephone number.
8 Click Add. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

246 Alternate WAN Modules

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 To save the current configuration and reset the unit, Select Administration and
System Reset from the navigation menu.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

CLI Procedure for Configuring ISDN Services

Note: This procedure assumes you have installed the ISDN module in
the Passport 4400.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 247

1 Display the IfIndexes for ISDN.

CLI> show system IfIndex operational

A table similar to the following appears:

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfSlot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
5 isdns 2 base
6 ds0 2 base
7 ds0 2 base
8 lapd 2 base
9 isdn 2 base
150 propMultiplexor 1 base
151 other 1 base
153 propMultiplexor 2 base
154 other 2 base
156 propMultiplexor 3 base
157 other 3 base

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

248 Alternate WAN Modules

The following WAN interface extension types relate to ISDN:

isdns (5) The physical interface type (S/T) of the ISDN circuit card;
isdnu would designate a U-type circuit card. Take note of
this IfIndex; ISDN configuring procedures may require this
IfIndex number to identify the ISDN BRI service.
ds0 (6,7) B-channel 1 or B-channel 2 of the ISDN BRI service. Each
ISDN B-channel is represented by an IfIndex, even though
the Passport 4400 currently supports only one B-channel.
lapd (8) The ISDN D-channel data link layer (LAPD) interface.
isdn (9) The signalling D-channel for the ISDN service.
propMultiplexor (153) The physical port interface of the ISDN module. Note the
third column (PPA) in the above display, which indicates the
physical port (2).

The following command displays all currently configured ISDN peer entries.
Note that it is possible to have more than one service configured for a physical
ISDN interface.

CLI> show isdn dialControl basePeer table

Id IfIndex BChannel

1 5 1
3 5 1

If there is an ISDN entry already configured for the interface in question, the
ISDN parameters may be modified through the use of the define isdn
commands. See “Optional ISDN Parameters” on page 275 for a list of parameters
that may be modified.

2 Add a new ISDN peer entry.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 249

CLI> add isdn peer

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Id> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Assign a unique ID number for

this ISDN service. Consult the
show isdn dialControl
basePeer table display
above, and select an ID number
that is not in use.
<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex that
corresponds to isdns or isdnu
from the show system
IfIndex configured
table in Step 1.
<BChannel> INTEGER (0..32) For 128 kb/s leased lines, set
this variable to 1.
<OrigniateAddress> “String” (0..131) Enter the destination telephone
number in “ ” (quotes).
<SubAddress> “String” (0..131) Enter the subaddress of the
destination telephone number in
“ ” (quotes).

Note: It is recommended that the new ID number be higher than the

existing ID numbers. For example, in the above display (show isdn
dialControl basePeer table), IDs 1 and 3 are in use, so use the
number 4 for this ISDN service.


CLI> add isdn peer 4 5 1 “5551234” “789”

3 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

250 Alternate WAN Modules

Configurator Procedure for Configuring a Primary Port

ISDN Connection

The following steps must be completed to configure a primary port ISDN


• “Configure the WAN Port” on page 250

• “Set the Master Clock” on page 251
• “Configure the Signal Protocol and Calling Address” on page 253
• “Configure the Passport 4400 Unit Originating the Call” on page 256
• “Configure the GCM Units” on page 257

Configure the WAN Port

1 To begin configuring the WAN port, select Configure, Physical Interfaces,
and Serial from the navigation menu:

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window.

2 At the top of the window, click on WAN Interfaces. You will see the WAN
Interfaces window:

3 Click Modify next to the WAN port you want to configure as the primary

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 251

4 In the Type field, use the pull down menu to select ISDN BRI.

5 Next to Mode, click the DTE radio button.

6 In the Protocol Supported field, use the pull down menu to select

7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Set the Master Clock

This feature is available on Passport 4430/50/55 units specified as master

clock-enabled and running software release 4.3 or higher. To determine if this
feature is available on your Passport 4460 unit, select Attributes, and Unit
Hardware. You will see the Unit Hardware window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

252 Alternate WAN Modules

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be displayed

in the Master Clock field.

Each of the digital interfaces on a Passport 4460 unit uses timing signals to control
the speed with which data are transmitted over communication links. Every WAN
module and expansion module on a Passport 4460 (with the exception of analog
voice modules) includes an oscillator that supplies a local clock signal. However,
some types of network transmission (such as video and fax) require a single clock
source to ensure synchronization of data transmissions across interfaces. The
Master Clock feature provides this clock synchronization.

Use the Configurator procedure below to set the Master Clock.

1 Select Configure, System, and Master Clock.

You will see the Master Clock window:

This window displays the current configured interface and allows you to
designate the Master Clock source.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 253

2 Use the pull down menu to select the desired clock source.

If you do not want to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460 unit,
select Internal. If you wish to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460
unit, select one of the listed ports. As shown in the Master Clock window
above, Base, Port 2 is providing the clock source to the backplane. Other ports
on the unit have the option of choosing it as their clock source.

3 After you have made your selection, click Save. The Master Clock setting
takes effect immediately. A system reset is not required.

Configure the Signal Protocol and Calling Address

1 To configure the signal protocol, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and
ISDN from the navigation menu:

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

2 Select the port you want to configure.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

254 Alternate WAN Modules

You will see the Physical Port Configuration (ISDN) window:

The parameters you need to enter for this procedure are Type, Mode, and
Protocol Supported.

The table below describes the parameters you need to enter:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Type none, rs232, v35, x21, v36 Enter isdn-BRI.

csu-dsu, isdn-BRI, t1csu,
Mode DCE, DTE Enter dte.
Note: If you are performing
this procedure on a Passport
4460 unit using a Smart
cable, you do not need to
select the mode type.
Protocol Supported none, standardFR, Enter switchingFR.
switchingFR, htds, cbr, sdlc,

3 Enter the above parameter and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 255

4 Click Next. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration
5 At the top of the window, click on Signaling (D-Channel). You will see the
Signaling D-Channel Configuration window:

6 Click Modify next to the Signaling Index you want to configure for this
connection.You will see the Signaling D-Channel Configuration - MODIFY

7 In the Signaling Protocol field, use the pull down menu to select INS64.

8 In the Signaling Calling Address field, enter the phone number of the Passport
4400 unit starting/originating the call.

9 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

256 Alternate WAN Modules

Configure the Passport 4400 Unit Originating the Call

1 At the top of the Signaling D-Channel Configuration - MODIFY window,
select the Configure ISDN Service link. You will see the Configure ISDN
Service - Dial Control Peer window:

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 257

2 Click Modify next to the Peer ID you want to configure this connection for.
You will see the Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer - MODIFY

3 In the Originate Address field, enter the phone number of the Passport 4400
unit originating the call.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configure the GCM Units

Note: Both GCM units need to be configured.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

258 Alternate WAN Modules

1 Select System, and GCM from the navigation menu. You will see the Global
Circuit Manager (GCM) window:

2 Click Modify next to the GCM unit you want to configure. You will see the
Modify GCM Unit Profile window:

Note: For the purpose of this example, GCM units 1 and 2 are used.

3 For Unit 1, click the Down radio button. For Unit 2, click the Up radio button.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Configuring a Primary Port ISDN


The following steps must be completed to configure a primary port ISDN


• “Configure the WAN Port” on page 259

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 259

• “Configure the GCM Units” on page 263

• “Save the Configuration” on page 263

Note: For the purpose of this example, use IfIndex 153.

Configure the WAN Port

1 Define the WAN port you want to use as your primary connection:
CLI> define wan port ifType

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN port

you want to configure as the
primary connection.
<IfType> none | rs232 | v35 | x21 | v36 Enter isdn-BRI.
56kcsu | isdn-BRI t1csu |


CLI> define wan port iftype 153 isdn-BRI

2 Select the mode you want this connection to use:

Passport 4430/50/55
CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte Enter dte.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

260 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI> define wan port mode 153 dte

Passport 4460

When using a Smart cable with the Passport 4460, you do not need to execute the
CLI command define wan port mode to set the DCE/DTE type. After you
have configured other parameters on the factory defaulted Passport 4460 and reset
the unit (after the save configuration update command), the correct type
will be auto-sensed and set for this parameter.

If the above has not occurred, use the following CLI command to set the
auto-sense parameter:

CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte | auto Enter auto if you are using a
Smart cable. If you are not using a
Smart cable, enter dte.


CLI> define wan port mode 153 auto

3 Set the master clock source . If you do not want to perform this step, continue
on to Step 4.
This feature is available on Passport 4430/50/55 units specified as master
clock-enabled and running software release 4.3 or higher. To determine if
this feature is available on your Passport 4460 unit, use the CLI
command show system hardware. A table similar to the following

RevisionLevel 41
ManufactureRevDate ”2-9-00”
SerialNumber PED0012478

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 261

ModuleID 2
MACAddress 00:e0:7b:0a:46:1a
CPUType “Passport 4460/MPC860MH-MPC860T”
GenCfgType passport 4460
ClockSync supported

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be

displayed in the ClockSync field.

If your physical mode is set to dce and you want to use the Passport 4460
unit’s master clock as the clock source, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define wan port ClockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<ClockSource> external | backplane Enter backplane. External is the


CLI> define wan port ClockSource 1 backplane

4 Define the data interface:

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered

in Step 1.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter switchingFR.
switchingFR | htds | cbr |
sdlc | x25 | async | pppHdlc


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

262 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 153 switchingFR

5 Define the data protocol for the connection.

In this example, ins64 is used to designate the calling standard for Japan. The
protocol used depends on the interfacing PBX.

CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal protocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the IfIndex of the ISDN

module you are configuring
this connection for.
<Protocol> etsi | ess5 | dms100 | ni1 | Enter ins64.
ins64 | qsig


CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal protocol 2 etsi

6 Define the callingAddress of the remote Passport 4400 unit:

CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal callingAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the IfIndex of the ISDN

module you are configuring
this connection for.
<CallingAddress> “String” (0..131) Enter the phone number of
the Passport 4400 unit
originating the call. This
number must be contained
within quotes.


CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal callingAddress 2


7 Define the originateAddress of the local Passport 4400 unit:

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 263

CLI> define isdn dialControl peer originateAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the ID of the ISDN peer

you are configuring this
connection for.
<OriginateAddress> “String” (0..131) Enter the phone number of
the Passport 4400 unit
receiving the call. This
number must be contained
within quotes.


CLI> define isdn dialControl peer originateAddress 1


Configure the GCM Units

Note: Both units must be configured.

1 CLI> define gcm unit adminStatus 1 down

2 CLI> define gcm unit adminStatus 2 up

Save the Configuration

CLI> save configuration update

Configuring ISDN Backup Service

The ISDN backup service provides a backup connection in case the ISDN link is
broken. The ISDN backup service senses the lost link and dials a configured
number, which re-establishes a connection over a different path.

Use the following procedures to configure the ISDN Backup Service:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

264 Alternate WAN Modules

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup Service” on page 264

“CLI Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup Service” on page 269

Configurator Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup


The procedure below is an example configuration for an ISDN Backup Service.

For ISDN backup, ports 2 and 3 can be used, but both ports cannot initiate a
backup call at the same time. For example, port 2 can initiate a backup call, and
port 3 can receive a backup call. In this instance both ports are being used by the
ISDN backup service.

Note: Repeat this procedure for both sides of the central office.

The following functions must be performed in order to complete this procedure:

• “Define the Signal Protocol” on page 264

• “Define Dial Control Parameters (Originating Call)” on page 266
• “Define The WAN Port” on page 266
• “Configure Frame Relay” on page 268

Define the Signal Protocol

1 To define the signal protocol, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and ISDN
from the navigation menu.

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 265

2 Select the applicable port. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface
Configuration window.
3 At the top of the window select the Signaling(D-Channel) link. You will see
the Signaling D-Channel Configuration window:

4 Click Modify next to the Signaling Index you want to configure for ISDN
backup. You will see the Signaling D-Channel Configuration window:

5 Locate the Signaling Protocol field. Use the pull down menu to select ETSI.
6 Locate the Signaling Calling Address field. Enter the phone number of the
Passport originating the call.

7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Repeat this procedure for every ISDN Port you want to configure for ISDN
backup service.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

266 Alternate WAN Modules

Define Dial Control Parameters (Originating Call)

1 At the top of the Signaling D-Channel Configuration window, select the
Configure ISDN Service link. You will see the Configure ISDN Service-Dial
Control Peer window:

2 Next to the Peer ID you want to configure, click Modify. You will see the
Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window.
3 Locate the Originate Address field. Enter the phone number of the Passport
unit receiving the call.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Repeat this procedure for every ISDN Port you want to configure for ISDN
backup service.

Define The WAN Port

1 To define the WAN port, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and ISDN.

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 267

2 At the top of the window click on WAN Interfaces. You will see the WAN
Interfaces window:

3 Next to the WAN Port you want to configure, click Modify. You will see the
Modify WAN Interface window:

4 Locate the Type field. Use the pull down menu to select ISDN BRI.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

268 Alternate WAN Modules

5 Locate the Mode field. Click on the radio button for DTE.

Note: If you are performing this procedure on a Passport 4460 unit

using a Smart cable, you do not need to select the mode type.

Note: Repeat the above command for the other side of the central office,
except configure it for DCE. This step is only required if a Smart cable is
not being used (Passport 4460 only).

6 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Use the pull down menu to select
Switching FR.

7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configure Frame Relay

1 To configure frame relay, select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and PANL.

You will see the Port Selection (PANL) window.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 269

2 Select the port you are configuring frame relay on. You will see the Add a
Netlink (Tunnel) window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

DLCI Number INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI number for the
tunnel you are adding.
Type dte-panl, dce-panl, standard Enter dte-panl.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


CLI Procedure for Configuring ISDN Backup Service

The procedure below is an example configuration for an ISDN Backup Service.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

270 Alternate WAN Modules

For ISDN backup, ports 2 or 3 can be used, but not both at the same time.

Note: Repeat this procedure for both sides of the central office.

1 Define the signal protocol.

CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal protocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the IfIndex of the ISDN module

you want to configure the backup
service for.
<Protocol> etsi | ess51 | dms100 | ni1 | ins64 | Enter etsi.

Repeat the above command for every ISDN module you want to configure for
the ISDN Backup Service.


CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal protocol 1 etsi

2 Define the dial control parameters for the Passport 4400 starting/originating
the call.
CLI> define isdn dialControl peer orginateAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Id> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the ID of the ISDN peer you

want to configure the backup service
<OriginateAddress> “String” (0...131) Enter the phone number of the
passport receiving the call. This
number must be contained within

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 271

Repeat the above command for every Peer ID you want to configure for the
ISDN Backup Service.


CLI> define isdn dialControl peer orginateAddress 1


3 Define the dial control parameters for the Passport 4400 originating the call.
CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal callingAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Index> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the IfIndex of the remote

Passport 4400.
<CallingAddress> “String” (0...131) Enter the phone number of the
passport starting/originating the
call. This number must be
contained within quotes.

4 Define the WAN port that you want to configure the ISDN Backup Service
CLI> define wan port Iftype

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN port

the ISDN service runs on.
<IfType> none | rs232 | v35 | x21 | v36 | Enter isdn-BRI.
csu-dsu | isdn-BRI | t1csu |


CLI> define wan port Iftype 156 isdn-BRI

5 Define the mode of operation on the WAN port.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

272 Alternate WAN Modules

Passport 4430/50/55
CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte Enter dte.


CLI> define wan port mode 153 dte

Passport 4460
CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte | auto Enter auto if you are using a
Smart cable. If you are not using a
Smart cable, enter dte.


CLI> define wan port mode 153 auto

6 Set the master clock source. If you do not want to perform this step, continue
on to Step 7.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 273

This feature is available on Passport 4430/50/55 units specified as master

clock-enabled and running software release 4.3 or higher. To determine if
this feature is available on your Passport 4460 unit, use the CLI
command show system hardware. A table similar to the following

RevisionLevel 41
ManufactureRevDate ”2-9-00”
SerialNumber PED0012478
ModuleID 2
MACAddress 00:e0:7b:0a:46:1a
CPUType “Passport 4460/MPC860MH-MPC860T”
GenCfgType passport 4460
ClockSync supported

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be

displayed in the ClockSync field.

If your physical mode is set to dce and you want to use the Passport 4460
unit’s master clock as the clock source, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define wan port ClockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<ClockSource> external | backplane Enter backplane. External is the


CLI> define wan port ClockSource 1 backplane

7 Define the type of protocol support.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

274 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the same IfIndex you

entered in Step 4.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | switchingFr | Enter switchingFr.
htds | cbr | sdlc | x25 | async |
ppHdlc | channel
Passport 4460 you will see the
additional parameters:
hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 156 switchingFr

8 Add the frame relay tunnel to the ISDN module that you are configuring the
backup service for.
CLI> add fr tunnel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the tunnel you

are adding. You should select an
INTEGER between 207 - 255.
<DlciNumber> INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI number for the
tunnel you are adding.
<PhysicalCard> base| exp1 | exp2 Enter the slot the ISDN module
resides in.
<PhysicalPort> INTEGER (1..8) Enter the port number of the
ISDN module.
<Type> dte-panl | dce-panl | standard Enter dte-panl.
Passport 4460 only INTEGER (-1..30) This parameter should be set to
<PhysicalChannel> -1 if you are not configuring
DACS. For more information
regarding DACS, refer to Digital
Access and Cross-Connect
System (DACS).


206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 275

CLI> add fr tunnel 207 18 limA 3 dte-panl

Passport 4460
CLI> add fr tunnel 148 18 base 3 dte-panl -1

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

Note: Repeat the above command for the other side of the central office,
except configure it for dce-panl (add fr tunnel 148 18 base 3

Optional ISDN Parameters

The following commands can be used to change the parameters of a configured
ISDN service if the default settings are not sufficient for your application:

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Optional ISDN Parameters” on

page 275

“CLI Commands for Configuring Optional ISDN Parameters” on page 283

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Optional ISDN


This section discusses the following optional ISDN configuration commands:

• “Configurator Dial Control Procedures” on page 276

• “Configurator Physical Interface Procedures” on page 279

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

276 Alternate WAN Modules

Configurator Dial Control Procedures

This section discusses the following dial control procedures:

• “Configurator Call History Configuration” on page 276

• “Configurator Trap Status Configuration” on page 276
• “Configurator Peer Configuration” on page 277

Configurator Call History Configuration

1 If necessary, repeat Steps 1 through 4 from “Displaying Configured ISDN
Peer Entries” on page 243. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface
Configuration window.
2 At the top of the window, select the Optional Params link. You will see the
Dial Control Call History (Optional ISDN Parameter) window:

3 Enter the number of calls that will be stored in the Call History table.

Note: When the table is full, the oldest entry is deleted when a new entry
is created. A value of 0 prevents any calls from being retained.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 246 for the steps
necessary to save your new configuration.

Configurator Trap Status Configuration

1 If necessary, repeat Steps 1 through 4 from “Displaying Configured ISDN
Peer Entries” on page 243. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface
Configuration window.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 277

2 At the top of the window, select the Dial Control Configuration link. You will
see the Dial Control window:

3 Locate the Trap Enable field, and select the radio button Enable.

Note: To delete Trap Subscription, select the Disable radio button and
click Save.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 246 for the steps
necessary to save your new configuration.

Configurator Peer Configuration

The following procedure is used to modify configuration data for a single peer. A
destination telephone number must be configured using the Originate Address
parameter before any of the peer parameters can become active.

1 Select an ID to identify the ISDN link by first displaying the IDs for the ISDN
Service. At the top of the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration
window, select the Configure ISDN Service link. The Configure ISDN Service
- Dial Control Peer window opens.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

278 Alternate WAN Modules

2 Click Modify next to the Peer ID you want to configure. You will see the
Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer - MODIFY window:

Refer to the table below for a description of the parameters:

Options Description

B channel The B-channel used for this ISDN link. This command applies to
leased lines only. For 128 kb/s leased lines, set this variable to 1.
Call Retries The number of attempts for making a successful connection with
the remote node.
Closed User Group Currently not used.
Failure Delay Following a series of unsuccessful call attempts (set with Call
Retries), the system will pause for this number of seconds before
attempting to call again. If this is set to 0, the GCM will try to
establish another backup link after the last unsuccessful call
InfoType The information type carried over this ISDN link. For purposes of
primary and backup WAN links, this should be set to
Lower If The IfIndex number of the D-channel.
Originate Address The destination telephone number.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 279

Options Description

Permission The call permission appropriate for the Passport 4400 node
configuration. For branch nodes, enter originate; for regional
nodes, enter Originate Both Answer; and for central nodes, enter
Retry Delay The delay (in seconds) between call retries when call attempts are
Speed The line speed of the ISDN link.
Sub Address The sub-address of the remote telephone number.
Trap Enable When enabled, the Passport 4400 will generate SNMP trap
messages upon detection of a dial control peer alarm condition.

3 Enter the applicable parameters and Click Save.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 246 for the steps
necessary to save your new configuration.

Configurator Physical Interface Procedures

This section describes the procedures used to Configure ISDN IfIndexes.

• “Configurator Physical Interface Basic Procedure” on page 279

• “Configurator Physical Interface Endpoint Procedure” on page 281
• “Configurator Physical Interface Signal Procedure” on page 282

Configurator Physical Interface Basic Procedure

Use the following steps to configure the Physical Basic Rate Interface of the
ISDN module you wish to configure.

Before You Begin

The following parameters require the entry of the IfIndex associated with the
physical interface type (S/T or U) of the ISDN module. See “Displaying the
IfIndexes for ISDN” on page 242 for the steps necessary to display a list of
IfIndexes and their interfaces.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

280 Alternate WAN Modules

1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and ISDN from the navigation menu:

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration (ISDN) window.
3 In the bottom right hand corner of the window, click Next. You will see the
Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window.
4 Click Modify next to the port you want to configure. The Physical Basic Rate
Interface Configuration window allows you to configure the Line Topology
and Signaling Mode.
When using an ISDN S/T interface, it is possible to connect up to eight
terminal endpoints to a multiplug connected to one physical ISDN line. This
is called point-to-multipoint configuration. When a multiplug is not used,
only one terminal endpoint is connected and the configuration is called
point-to-point. The Passport 4400 unit acts as a terminal endpoint and
supports both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configurations.

5 To configure Line Topology, use the pull down menu to select Point to
Multipoint for primary and backup WAN link purposes.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 281

To configure Signaling Mode, use the pull down menu to select DialUp.

Note: The signaling mode will read active for dialup lines or inactive for
leased lines.

6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configurator Physical Interface Endpoint Procedure

The following parameters (Physical Interface Endpoint) require the entry of the
EndPoint Index associated with the ISDN link. To view the Terminal Endpoint
table, use the following procedure:

1 If necessary, repeat Steps 1 through 4 of “Configurator Physical Interface

Basic Procedure” on page 279.
2 On the top of the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window, select
the End Point link. You will see the ISDN Terminal Endpoints window:

Note that the EndPoint Index is not the same as IfIndex. The EndPoint Index
identifies an ISDN link, while IfIndex refers to the physical Interface.

3 Click Modify next to the End Point Index you want to configure. You will see
the Modify a Terminal Endpoint window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

282 Alternate WAN Modules

See the option table below for a description of the configurable parameters:

Parameter Required Action/Description

Terminal Endpoint The type of terminal endpoint identifier (TEI). Choose

Identifier Type Dynamic to allow the network to select a value, or Static to
assign the value manually (Terminal Endpoint Identifier
Terminal Endpoint Enter the value of the TE1.
Identifier Value
Service profile ID An integer that identifies the service profile for selected U.S.
switch types. Consult your ISDN service provider.

4 After you have completed inputting the parameters, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

Configurator Physical Interface Signal Procedure

Use the following procedure to define the Physical Interface Signal:

1 If necessary, repeat Steps 1 through 4 of “Configurator Physical Interface

Basic Procedure” on page 279.
2 At the top of the Physical Basic Rate Interface window, select the Signaling
(D-Channel) link. You will see the Signal D-Channel Configuration window:

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 283

3 Click Modify next to the signaling index you want to configure. You will see
the Signaling D-Channel Configuration - MODIFY window:

See the option table below for a list of configurable parameters:

Parameter Required Action/Description

Signaling Calling Address The local ISDN telephone number.

Signaling Protocol The signaling protocol used for this ISDN link.
Signaling Trap If enabled, the Passport 4400 will generate SNMP trap
messages upon detection of an ISDN physical signal alarm
Signaling Sub Address The sub-address of the local ISDN telephone number.

4 After you have completed inputting the parameters, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

End of Topic

CLI Commands for Configuring Optional ISDN Parameters

This section discusses the following optional ISDN configuration commands:

• “CLI Dial Control Commands” on page 284

• “CLI Physical Interface Commands” on page 286

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

284 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI Dial Control Commands

CLI Call History

CLI> define isdn dialControl callHistory maxLength

Parameters Range of Value Required Action

<maxLength> INTEGER (0..127) Enter the number of calls that will be

stored in the callHistory Table. The
default number of entries is 5.

Note: When the table is full, the oldest entry is deleted when a new entry
is created. A value of 0 prevents any calls from being retained.

CLI Trap Status

CLI> define isdn dialControl configuration trapstatus

Parameters Range of Value Required Action

<TrapStatus> enabled | disabled Enter the desired status of the trap

generator. The default setting is enabled.

When enabled, this parameter allows the system to generate SNMP trap messages
upon detection of a dial control configuration alarm condition.

CLI Peer Configuration Commands

The following command is used to modify configuration data for a single peer. A
destination telephone number must be configured using the originateAddress
parameter before any of the peer parameters can become active.

1 Each parameter described in Step 2 requires the entry of an ID to identify the

ISDN link. The ID can be found using the following command:

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 285

CLI> show isdn dialControl basePeer table

Id IfIndex BChannel

1 5 1
3 5 1

2 Define the ISDN peer.

CLI> define isdn dialControl peer

The following options are displayed:

Options Description

bChannel The B-channel used for this ISDN link. This command applies to
leased lines only. For 128 kb/s leased lines, set this variable to 1.
callRetries The number of attempts for making a successful connection with
the remote node.
closedUserGroup Currently not used.
failureDelay Following a series of unsuccessful call attempts (set with
callRetries), the system will pause for this number of seconds
before attempting to call again. If this is set to 0, the GCM will try to
establish another backup link after the last unsuccessful call
infoType The information type carried over this ISDN link. For purposes of
primary and backup WAN links, this should be set to
lowerIf The ifIndex number of the D-channel. From the show system
ifIndex operational display, read the entry next to isdn.
originateAddress The destination telephone number.
permission The call permission appropriate for the Passport 4400 node
configuration. For branch nodes, enter originate; for regional
nodes, enter bothOriginateAndAnswer; and for central nodes,
enter answer.
retryDelay The delay (in seconds) between call retries when call attempts are
speed The line speed of the ISDN link.
subAddress The subaddress of the remote telephone number.
trapStatus When enabled, the Passport 4400 will generate SNMP trap
messages upon detection of a dial control peer alarm condition.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

286 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI Physical Interface Commands

This section describes the procedures used to Configure ISDN IfIndexes.

• “CLI Physical Interface Basic Procedure” on page 286

• “CLI Physical Interface Endpoint Procedure” on page 288
• “CLI Physical Interface Signal Procedure” on page 289

CLI Physical Interface Basic Procedure

Use the following steps to configure the Physical Basic Rate Interface of the
ISDN module you want to configure.

Before You Begin

The following parameters require the entry of the IfIndex associated with the
physical interface type (S/T or U) of the ISDN module. Use the show system
IfIndex operational command to display a list of IfIndexes. A table similar
to the following is displayed:

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 287

CLI> show system IfIndex operational

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfSlot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
5 isdns 1 exp1
6 ds0 1 exp1
7 ds0 1 exp1
8 lapd 1 exp1
9 isdn 1 exp1

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

Define the Physical Interface

CLI> define isdn physicalIf basic

Options Description

<IfIndex> See the table displayed in “Before You Begin” on page 286 for the
IfIndex of the interface you want to configure.
lineTopology Topology of the ISDN link. For primary and backup WAN link
purposes, enter pointToMultipoint.
signalMode Enter active for dial-up lines, inactive for leased lines.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

288 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI> define isdn physicalIf basic 5 lineTopology


CLI> define isdn physicalIf basic 5 signalMode inactive

CLI Physical Interface Endpoint Procedure

Use the following steps to configure the Physical Basic Rate Interface of the
ISDN module you wish to configure.

Before You Begin

The following parameters (Physical Interface Endpoint) require the entry of the
index associated with the ISDN link. Use the show isdn physicalif
endpoint operational table command. Note that index is not the same as
IfIndex. Index identifies an ISDN link, while IfIndex refers to the physical


CLI> show isdn physicalif endpoint operational table

Index 2
IfIndex 7
IfType isdn
TEIType dynamic
TEIValue 0
ServiceProfileID “2222”
Status active

Define the Interface Endpoint.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 289

CLI> define isdn physicalIf endpoint

Options Description

<IfIndex> See the table displayed above for physical interface you want to
serviceProfileId An integer that identifies the service profile for selected U.S. switch
types. Consult your ISDN service provider.
teiType The type of terminal endpoint identifier (TEI). Choose dynamic to
allow the network to select a value, or static to assign the value
manually (teiValue).
teiValue The value of the TEI.

CLI Physical Interface Signal Procedure

Before You Begin

The following parameters (Physical Interface Signal) require the entry of the
index associated with the ISDN link. Use the show isdn physicalif
signaltable operational table command. Note that Index is not the
same as IfIndex. Index identifies an ISDN link, while IfIndex refers to the
physical interface.


CLI> show isdn physicalIf signaltable operational table

A table similar to the following is displayed:

Index 196608
IfIndex 18
Protocol etsi
CallingAddress “384000”
SubAddress “30”
InfoTrapStatus disabled
Status active

Define the Physical Interface Signal.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

290 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal

Options Description

<IfIndex> See the table displayed above for the physical interface you want to
callingAddress The local ISDN telephone number.
infoTrapStatus If enabled, the Passport 4400 will generate SNMP trap messages
upon detection of an ISDN physical signal alarm condition.
protocol The signaling protocol used for this ISDN link.
subAddress The subaddress of the local ISDN telephone number.

ISDN Monitoring
This section discusses the two groups of commands that display ISDN-related

• ISDN Dial Control

• ISDN Physical Interface

“Configurator Procedure for ISDN Dial Control and Interface Displays” on

page 290

“CLI Commands for Displaying ISDN Dial Control Displays” on page 292

“CLI Commands for Displaying ISDN Physical Interface Displays” on page 293

Configurator Procedure for ISDN Dial Control and Interface


This section discusses the following:

• “ISDN Dial Control Displays” on page 291

• “ISDN Physical Interface Configurations” on page 292

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 291

ISDN Dial Control Displays

1 To view the configured ISDN dial control, select Configure, Physical
Interfaces, and ISDN from the navigation menu.

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you want to view the peer entry of.
You will see the Physical Port Configuration (ISDN) window.
3 Click Next. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration

4 At the top of the window, click on Configure ISDN Service. You will see the
Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

292 Alternate WAN Modules

5 Click Modify next to the Peer ID you want to display dial control parameters

ISDN Physical Interface Configurations

1 To view the ISDN physical interface configuration, select Configure, Physical
Interfaces, and ISDN.

You will see the Physical Interface (ISDN) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you want to view the peer entry of.
You will see the Physical Port Configuration (ISDN) window.
3 Click Next. You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration

This window displays ISDN physical interface configurations.

CLI Commands for Displaying ISDN Dial Control Displays

The following commands display the current states of the parameters configured
by the show isdn dialcontrol commands. A full description of command
parameters and variables can be found in Passport 4400 Reference for CLI,

Commands Description

show isdn dialControl basePeer ID, IfIndex, and B-channel of each ISDN link.
show isdn dialControl callActive Information and counters for each active ISDN

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 293

Commands Description

show isdn dialControl callHistory This table displays ISDN calls that are not
active anymore, but were active since the last
reset of the Passport 4400.
show isdn dialControl configuration The accept mode and trap status for all ISDN
show isdn dialControl peer base gives parameters for each ISDN link;
statistics gives information and counters for
each ISDN link.

Go to “CLI Commands for Displaying ISDN Physical Interface Displays” on

page 293 for additional ISDN display commands.

CLI Commands for Displaying ISDN Physical Interface


The following commands display the current states of the parameters configured
by the show isdn dial physical commands. A full description of command
parameters and variables can be found in Passport 4400 Reference for CLI,

Commands Description

show isdn physicalIf lapd Displays the lapd’s current status.

show isdn physicalIf basicRate ISDN interface type, line topology, and signal
mode for each ISDN link.
show isdn physicalIf bearer (B) Channel B-channel information for each ISDN link.
show isdn physicalIf directory Displays the Index, Number, Signaling Index,
and status of the ISDN physical interface.
show isdn physicalIf endpoint Terminal endpoint, service profile, and status
for each ISDN link.
show isdn physicalIf baseLapd Displays the lapd timer and window
show isdn physicalIf signalStatistics Incoming and outgoing counters for each ISDN
show isdn physicalIf signalTable Address and status information for each ISDN

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

294 Alternate WAN Modules

T1, E1, and 56k CSU Interfaces

A T1, E1, or 56k CSU interface can be configured as the primary WAN port for
the Passport 4400, or as a backup port which becomes active only when the
primary netlink fails. The Passport 4400 can also support two physical CSU
connections, one for the primary and one for the backup port. For information on
how to configure primary and backup WAN ports, see Managing Primary and
Backup Ports.

This section discusses the following topics:

• “Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU Interface” on page 294

• “Configuring a 56k CSU Interface” on page 300

Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU Interface

By default, the T1 CSU supports 24 channels of 64 kb/s each (1.536 Mb/s), and
the E1 CSU supports 30 channels of 64 kb/s each (1.92 Mbps). For applications
that can support these arrangements, no additional configuration is required.

If you have been allocated less than the full T1/E1 bandwidth for your application,
then you must specify which of the available channels you will be using.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU Interface” on

page 294

“CLI Commands for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU Interface” on page 298

Configurator Procedure for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1

CSU Interface

This section discusses how to perform the following:

• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the DS0 Connection” on page 295

• “Configurator Procedure for Optional T1/E1 CSU Parameters” on page 296

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 295

Configurator Procedure for Setting the DS0 Connection

1 To set the DS0 configuration, Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, CSU, and
T1 or E1. You will see the Physical Interface (T1 or E1) window.
2 Select the applicable port. You will see the T1 or E1 CSU window:

3 Locate the DS0 Connection field. Enter a list or range of DS0 channel

Actual Frame Time Slots Used by the

DSO Connection Parameter

1-15 1-15
16-30 17-31

Note: For E1 CSU, Time Slot 16 cannot be used as a B-channel to carry

data. You must ensure your service provider does not use this channel.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

296 Alternate WAN Modules

Configurator Procedure for Optional T1/E1 CSU Parameters

Additional T1/E1 CSU parameters are available in the event it is necessary to

fine-tune the T1/E1 interface to meet your application requirements. If necessary,
complete steps 1 through 5 of “Configurator Procedure for Setting the DS0
Connection” on page 295.

See the table below for a description of optional T1/E1 CSU parameters:

Parameter T1 E1 Description

B7Z X This parameter applies to T1 only. It sets Bit 7 zero

suppression to enable-b7zs or disable-b7zs. If set to
enable, Bit 7 is forced to 1 if 8 consecutive zeros occur.
Default = disable-b7zs.
B8Z X This parameter applies to T1 only. It sets Bit 8 zero
suppression to enable-b8zs or disable-b8zs.
Default = enable-b8zs.
Clock Source X X This sets the T1/E1 CSU line clocking source to internal
or external.
Default = external.
CRC 4 X This parameter applies to E1 only. It sets crc4, error
checking, to enable or disable.
Default = disable.
Basic Rate X X This sets the T1 CSU line speed to a multiple of either
64K or 56K bits per second. (Note: For E1, this
parameter should be set to 64K.)
Default = 64K.
DS0 Connection X X This command is described in detail in “Configurator
Procedure for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU
Interface” on page 294.
Frame Format X This parameter applies to T1 only. It sets the T1 CSU
frame format to d4FramingMode or esfFramingMode.
Default = esfFramingMode.
hdb3 X This parameter applies to E1 only. If set to enable, it
limits the maximum number of consecutive zeros in an
HDB3-coded signal to three. Any four consecutive zeros
are replaced with a pattern that includes a bipolar event
(a pulse of the same polarity as the previous pulse
without being part of the zero substitution code).
Default = disable.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 297

Parameter T1 E1 Description
Line Build Out X This selects the T1 CSU line buildout. Choices are as

0-133-feet 133-266-feet
266-399-feet 399-533-feet
533-655-feet -7.5db
-15db| -22.5db

T1 default = -7.5 db.

For E1csu, the line buildout is determined by the

hardware. For example, if it is a 75 ohm (Coaxial cable
connector) E1 csu, the line buildout will be
75-loss-1-1.36-step. This value is automatically set.

For a 120 ohm (RJ45 connector) E1 csu, the line

buildout is 120-loss-1-1.36-step. This value is
automatically set.
Payload Loopback X This enables or disables the T1 CSU payload loopback
Default = disable. Currently not implemented on the
Passport 4400.
Remote Loopback X X This enables or disables the T1/E1 CSU remote
loopback testing.
Default = disable.
Trap X X This enables or disables the generation of T1/E1 CSU
events and alarms traps messages.
Default = enable.
Idle Code X X This selects the T1/E1 CSU Idle Code. Valid values are
integers between 0 and 255. The default settings differ
between T1 and E1.

T1 default = 127 (hex 0x7F).

E1 default = 85 (hex 0x55).

After you have completed inputting the parameters, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

298 Alternate WAN Modules

CLI Commands for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU


This section discusses the following:

• “CLI Command for Setting the DS0 Connection” on page 298

• “CLI Commands for Optional T1/E1 CSU Parameters” on page 299

CLI Command for Setting the DS0 Connection

To set the DS0 Connection, enter the following command:

CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection or set csu t1 ds0connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you are
configuring the connection on.
<DS0Connection> “String” of range Enter a list or range of DSO channel
(1..30) numbers with quotes (“ ”). This string
may contain up to 30 characters.

Actual Frame Time Slots Used by the

DSO Connection Parameter

1-15 1-15
16-30 17-31

Note: Time Slot 16 cannot be used as a B-channel to carry data. You

must ensure your service provider does not use this channel.


CLI> set csu e1 ds0connection 150 “1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9”

CLI> set csu t1 ds0connection 150 “1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9”

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 299

CLI Commands for Optional T1/E1 CSU Parameters

Additional T1/E1 CSU parameters are available in the event it is necessary to

fine-tune the T1/E1 interface to meet your application requirements.

CLI> set csu t1 or set csu e1

These parameters, along with their factory default settings, are shown below:

T1 E1 Parameter Description

X B7Zero Suppression This parameter applies to T1 only. It sets Bit 7 zero

suppression to enable-b7zs or disable-b7zs. If set to
enable, Bit 7 is forced to 1 if 8 consecutive zeros occur.
Default = disable-b7zs.
X B8Zero Suppression This parameter applies to T1 only. It sets Bit 8 zero
suppression to enable-b8zs or disable-b8zs.
Default = enable-b8zs.
X X clockSource This sets the T1/E1 CSU line clocking source to
internal or external.
Default = external.
X crc 4 This parameter applies to E1 only. It sets crc4, error
checking, to enable or disable.
Default = disable.
X X ds0BasicRate This sets the T1 CSU line speed to a multiple of either
64K or 56K bits per second. (Note: For E1, this
parameter should be set to 64K.)
Default = 64K.
X X ds0Connection This command is described in detail in “Configurator
Procedure for Configuring a T1 CSU or E1 CSU
Interface” on page 294.
X frameFormat This parameter applies to T1 only. It sets the T1 CSU
frame format to d4FramingMode or esfFramingMode.
Default = esfFramingMode.
X hdb3 This parameter applies to E1 only. If set to enable, it
limits the maximum number of consecutive zeros in an
HDB3-coded signal to three. Any four consecutive
zeros are replaced with a pattern that includes a
bipolar event (a pulse of the same polarity as the
previous pulse without being part of the zero
substitution code).
Default = disable.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

300 Alternate WAN Modules

T1 E1 Parameter Description
X lineBuildOut This selects the T1 CSU line buildout. Choices are as

0-133-feet | 133-266-feet
266-399-feet | 399-533-feet
533-655-feet | -7.5db
-15db | -22.5db

T1 default = -7.5 db.

For E1csu, the line buildout is determined by the

hardware. For example, if it is a 75 ohm (Coaxial cable
connector) E1 csu, the line buildout will be
75-loss-1-1.36-step. This value is automatically set.

For a 120 ohm (RJ45 connector) E1 csu, the line

buildout is 120-loss-1-1.36-step. This value is
automatically set.
X payLoadLoopback This enables or disables the T1 CSU payload loopback
Default = disable.
X X remoteLoopback This enables or disables the T1/E1 CSU remote
loopback testing.
Default = disable.
X X TrapStatus This enables or disables the generation of T1/E1 CSU
events and alarms traps messages.
Default = enable.
X X TxIdleCode This selects the T1/E1 CSU Idle Code. Valid values
are integers between 0 and 255. The default settings
differ between T1 and E1.

T1 default = 127 (hex 0x7F).

E1 default = 85 (hex 0x55).

Configuring a 56k CSU Interface

For most applications utilizing the 56k CSU interface module, no additional
configuration is required on the Passport 4400 beyond what is defined in the
Configuring and Operating Passport 4400 Software, Configure Connections to
the Passport Network.

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 301

In the event it is necessary to fine-tune the 56k CSU, use the following
Configurator or CLI procedures to meet your application requirements:

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring a 56k CSU Interface” on page 301

“CLI Procedure for Configuring a 56k CSU Interface” on page 302

Configurator Procedure for Configuring a 56k CSU Interface

To set the 56k CSU parameters, use the following Configurator steps:

1 Complete Steps 1 through 3 of “Configurator Procedure for Configuring a T1

CSU or E1 CSU Interface” on page 294.
2 Select 56k. You will see the Physical Interface (56k CSU) window.
3 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port you want to configure
the 56K CSU interface on. You will see the 56K CSU window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

302 Alternate WAN Modules

Refer to the table below for a description of Configurator options for

configuring a 56k CSU interface:

Options Description

Idle Mode Used to select transmission of the All Marks (or 1s) of the
Data Mode Idle sequence for all modes. Options are Disable
and Enable.
Tx Condition Used to select transmission of the 56k CSU Control Mode Idle
sequence. Options are Normal and Idle.
Default = Normal.
Clock Source Sets the clocking source to External and Internal clock.
Default = External.
Out of Service Tx Used to select transmission of the Out Of Service sequence
for the DDS-PRI mode, or transmission of the Abnormal
Station Code sequence for the DDS-SC mode. Options are
Disable and Enable.
Zero Suppression Enables or disables transmit zero suppression for DDS-PRI
mode, or the transmission of all zeros for DDS-SC mode.
Options are On and Off.
Loopback Used to force the CSU to be in loopback mode. Options are
Disable and Enable.

4 After you have completed inputting the parameters, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Configuring a 56k CSU Interface

To set the 56k CSU parameters, use the following CLI command:

CLI> set csu 56K

206916-E Rev 00
Alternate WAN Modules 303

For IfIndex, enter the IfIndex of the physical port where the 56K CSU is installed.
Use the show system IfIndex configured command to display a list of
IfIndexes. Use the information displayed for IfIndexes to configure the 56K CSU
parameters described below:

Options Description

clockSource Sets the clocking source to externalClock or internalClock.

Default = externalClock.
loopback Used to force the CSU to be in loopback mode. Options are
normalRxCondition or forceCSUtoLoopback.
Default = normalRxCondition.
txControlMode Used to select transmission of the 56k CSU Control Mode Idle
sequence. Options are normalTxCondition and idle.
Default = normalTxCondition.
txIdle Used to select transmission of the All Marks (or 1s) of the Data
Mode Idle sequence for all modes. Options are
normalTxCondition and txIdle.
Default = normalTxCondition.
txOutOfService Used to select transmission of the Out Of Service sequence for
the DDS-PRI mode, or transmission of the Abnormal Station
Code sequence for the DDS-SC mode. Options are
normalTxCondition and outOfService.
Default = normalTxCondition.
txZeroSuppression Enables or disables transmit zero suppression for DDS-PRI
mode, or the transmission of all zeros for DDS-SC mode. Options
are normalTxCondition and disable.
Default = normalTxCondition.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

304 Alternate WAN Modules

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 6
Netlink Monitoring

The Passport 4400 provides numerous displays that enable a network manager or
individual Passport 4400 operator to view the status and performance of frame
relay connections or check the values of configuration parameters.

The statistical tables and status displays do not provide automatic real-time
updates; they present static data as of the time of execution of the corresponding
show command.

“Configurator Procedure for Viewing MSM Link Status” on page 305

“CLI Commands for Netlink Monitoring” on page 306

Configurator Procedure for Viewing MSM Link Status

MSM Link status is the only Netlink status procedure available through the
Configurator Web pages. For frame relay monitoring commands, go to Frame
Relay Services, Frame Relay Monitoring.

1 To display MSM link status, select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data Services, and

MSM Link.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

306 Chapter 6 Netlink Monitoring

You will see the MSM Link Status window:

CLI Commands for Netlink Monitoring

Commands Description

show fr line user mpanlLMI Detailed statistics about PANL connections on the
Passport network.
show fr system Global frame relay system parameters and counters.
show fr tunnel Specific information and counters for each PVC tunnel
show msm dceLinkStatus Specific information and counters for each PVC tunnel
(netlink). This information is only available if the Passport
4400 unit has a PANL-DCE link configured.
show msm dnaStatus DNA status and ifIndex associated with a specific DNA
prefix number of a remote node. This information is only
available if the Passport 4400 unit has a PANL-DCE link
show msm dteLink PANL variables controlled by the PANL-DTE node (from
the define msm dtelink command).
show msm linkStatus General information about a netlink, including operational
show msm profile Profile information, as described in Getting Started with
Passport 4400, Release 4.1, 209664-A.
show msm statistics This command allows you to monitor the activity on the
PANL link.
show wan WAN information for each physical port on the Passport
4400. Choose parameters for port and protocol
information, or choose statistics for WAN counters, or
choose async for Async/TCP statistics.
show gcm hardware Status of the physical ports on the base module (Port 1,
Port 2, and Port 3).

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 7
LAN Features

LAN Features Overview

The Passport 4400 can be used to interconnect LAN-based workstations and
servers (hosts) at different sites over the WAN cloud. As part of the Passport
network, the Passport 4400 allows connectivity between workstations attached to
its LAN and servers attached to remote Passport 4400 units. The Passport 4400
can also use standard RFC 1490 encapsulation to exchange LAN traffic with
third-party bridges or routers.

The following functions support LAN traffic in Passport 4400 units:

• “Bridging” on page 307

• “IP Routing” on page 308
• “IPX Routing” on page 308

Each of these functions provides different options for carrying traffic across the
Passport network.


Bridging is used to connect LANs at the data link level (OSI Layer 2). The
Passport 4400 supports transparent bridging, a process of relaying media access
control (MAC) frames between LANs in a manner that is invisible to the
originating host. Transparent bridges permit the connection of separate Ethernet
and other supported networks.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

308 Chapter 7 LAN Features

The Passport 4400 bridges LAN traffic by default. This means that even if IP or
IPX routing is enabled, the Passport 4400 continues to bridge other LAN traffic. If
you want to be able to bridge other protocols while routing IP/IPX on a Passport
4400, do not turn off bridging.

Bridging on the Passport 4400 supports the IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol to
prevent loops in bridged networks. The spanning tree protocol contains complex
features that ensure traffic flow is maintained if bridged network topology
changes. This spanning tree protocol is an IEEE 802.1d standard and is fully
supported by a wide variety of third-party bridges.

To bridge across multiple switched virtual circuits (SVCs), the virtual port on each
intermediate unit must be set to easyrouting.

IP Routing
Note: If your network includes Passport 4400-to-6400 connections, IP
and IPX bridging are supported.

TCP/IP is a suite of protocols that defines a common set of rules and conventions,
allowing networks and hosts to communicate. The routed or network-layer
protocol of TCP/IP is the Internet Protocol (IP), an OSI Layer 3 protocol. All
router management applications, including Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), and Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) are part of the TCP/IP architecture. Therefore, TCP/IP is usually
supported in any internetwork regardless of the presence of TCP/IP end systems.

IPX Routing

IPX is the basic routed protocol for Novell Corporation’s NetWare

internetworking software. IPX allows nodes to receive and transmit data by
providing addressing and routing functions. Higher-level protocols are necessary
to detect errors and resolve them with acknowledgment or retransmission

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 8
About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

The following topics are discussed:

• “IP Traffic Filtering and Prioritization Overview” on page 309

• “Frame Relay Management Interface” on page 311
• “ARP to DLPI Converter (ADP)” on page 314
• “Virtual Port Management (VPM) Module Interface” on page 314
• “Example Using IP Prioritization Configuration on a Three Node Network”
on page 315

The following procedures are described:

• “Configurator Procedure for IP Forward Filter” on page 361

• “Configurator Procedure for IP Forwarding System” on page 365
• “CLI Procedure for IP Forward Filter” on page 367
• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs” on page 377
• “Configurator Procedure for Creating SPVCs” on page 379
• “CLI Procedure for Creating SVCs” on page 381
• “CLI Procedure for Creating SPVCs” on page 382

IP Traffic Filtering and Prioritization Overview

Note: IP Prioritization is only supported from the MPANL interface with

multiple DLCIs (SVC or SPVC) configured with unique transmission
priorities (TPs).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

310 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

IP Prioritization is used in the Passport 4400 network to enhance the performance

of various application packets. Application packets are often transferred with
regular traffic. If priority control has not been configured, smaller packets are
blocked by larger ones, which can cause long delays and packet loss.

The IP traffic filtering and prioritization feature allows you to configure the
prioritization of an IP packet based on the layer protocol type, source address,
destination address, and port number.

Some common TCP/UDP services and port numbers include:

FTP 21
Telnet 23
SNMP 161

IP Filtering
The 4.0 software allows you to set a group of filters, including the priority levels
(High, Medium, Low) with them. The default priority is low. The filters are
applied to both the incoming and forwarding traffic, which enables the software to
decide whether each of the packets should be forwarded. During this process, the
IP packets are prioritized based on the information received from the filters. The
two types of filters that can be configured are Outgoing Port and System.

Every router along the IP stream, must contain a filter configured the same as the
originating call. If one of these filters is not configured, voice delay may occur.

If you are using an NT server, you will not be able to filter FTP traffic as medium.
FTP traffic on an NT server will be transferred at the lowest priority.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 311

IP Filtering Priority Order

Because it is possible to accidentally configure several different filters that

conflict with each other, it is necessary to configure a priority order between the
several different filter configurations you might have. For example, Filter 1 may
require that packets sent from a voice application to destination IP address with a filter mask of be assigned a Priority of 1.
Filter 2 may require that all packets sent from the voice application to the
destination IP address with a filter mask of be assigned
a Priority of 2.

To avoid a conflict, you can define the order of configured filters. Filters with a
smaller order number will be chosen before those with larger numbers. If a
conflict occurs, precedence is given to the smaller filter order number. Filters with
the same order number are saved in the filter table in a random order.

Note: The order number will only be validated for a filter of the same
filter type. When there is a conflicting filter between an outgoing filter
and a system filter, the outgoing filter has a higher priority even when the
system filter has a smaller order number.

Frame Relay Management Interface

This section discusses the following:

• “Frame Relay Management Interface SVC” on page 311

• “Frame Relay Management Interface SPVC” on page 312

Frame Relay Management Interface SVC

In order to complete prioritizing IP traffic, you must also configure a set of

switched virtual circuits (SVCs) for each pair of virtual ports (source/destination).
The multiple SVCs allow the IP packets with different priorities to be transmitted
over different SVCs. This ensures that IP packets with higher priorities are not

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

312 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

blocked by IP packets with lower priorities. This feature allows multiple SVCs
(up to 3) at the same destination, with different TPs. Each SVC is identified by the
virtual port, DNA, and priority. Based on the SVC identify criteria, the virtual port
management (VPM) module maps the IP priority with the TP for each SVC.

Frame Relay Management Interface SPVC

Note: Switched permanent virtual circuit (SPVC) refers to a connection

between a Passport 4400 unit and a Passport 6400 unit, or between two
Passport 4400 units. SPVCs eliminate the need to configure each node
along the connection. The end point is configured, but the connection
route is selected automatically.

When an entry for a SPVC is added, the system maps the entry with a connect ID
and assigns it a TP value of 0, 1, or 2. For example, SPVC1 with a DNA of “1111”
mapped to ConnectID 1 will have a TP of 0. SPVC2 with a DNA of “1111”
mapped to connectID2 will have a TP of 1. SPVC3 with a DNA “1111” mapped to
connectID 3 will have a TP of 2.

The TP can be modified. However, this value must be unique for each SPVC. For
example, if you try to configure SPVC1 and SPVC3 with the same TP of 2, the
Passport 4400 will send you a configuration error message.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 313

The illustration below is an example of the SVC function.

1 Master initiates a SVC call Frame Relay


2 Master includes transmission Priorities in

the call setup to the Slave Side so IP Priority
it can differentiate between Multiple SVCs

3 Slave - If transmission priorities are Virtual Port

not sent , "16" will be set as the default. Management

Frame Relay

Call Setup

In the Passport 4400, when a SVC call is initiated from the Passport 4400 (master)
side, the receiver (slave) does not need to configure anything related to the SVC
beforehand. In order to allow the slave side to differentiate the multiple SVC
destined to the same DNA, the information on the TP must be included in the call
setup requests. If the slave side receives a setup request without TPs or with some
unknown TP, it will set the TP field to a default value.

Every router along the IP stream, must contain a filter configured the same as the
originating call. If one of these filters is not configured, voice delay may occur.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

314 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

ARP to DLPI Converter (ADP)

ADP acts as a converter between IP and the virtual port management (VPM)
module. When IP prioritization and filtering is implemented, IP tags each IP
packet with an IP priority and sends it to ADP. ADP saves this IP priority and
passes it along to the VPM. If the packet is being sent in the opposite direction,
ADP transfers the priority to the IP.

Virtual Port Management (VPM) Module Interface

VPM dynamically maps IP priority levels into SVC’s transmission priorities. For
each downstream packet, VPM obtains the IP priority associated with the packet.
It then locates the SVC in its SVC table and sends the packet to its destination
with the correct TP. VPM maps IP packets with "high" priority to the highest
SVC, while IP packets with a "low" priority are sent to the lowest SVC.

If VPM cannot locate a SVC for a given priority, it searches the SVC table for
another one that addresses to the same destination but with the next highest
priority. This allows VPM to send out the packet even if only one SVC is
available. This also ensures that the SVC with the highest TP will not be shared
(as long as there are not two applications sending IP packets with a "high"

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 315

The illustration below shows IP filtering and prioritization over a frame relay
management (IP, ADP, VPM, and FR).

finger Telnet tftp finger Telnet tftp





TP=11 TP=9 TP=5 TP=11 TP=9 TP=5

Frame Core Frame Core

Frame Relay

Example Using IP Prioritization Configuration on a Three

Node Network
The following example configurations show how to configure Voice over IP
(VoIP), FTP, and PING over a three node network using the Passport 4400 IP
Prioritization feature.

IP Prioritization is a PANL feature only.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

316 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

“Configurator Example Procedure for Configuring IP Prioritization Over a Three

Node Network” on page 316

“CLI Example Procedure for Configuring IP Prioritization Over a Three Node

Network” on page 336

Configurator Example Procedure for Configuring IP

Prioritization Over a Three Node Network

The following example assumes that easy routing on IfIndex 2 (default for easy
routing) has been enabled on the virtual port. This example shows the
configuration for high (VoIP), medium (FTP), and low (PING) priorities.

All filtering along the IP stream of the call must be defined. Otherwise, voice
delay may occur.

IP Prioritization is a PANL feature only.

For an illustration of the example procedure, go to “Illustration of IP Prioritization

Over a Three Node Network” on page 336.

The following sites are configured in this example:

• Central Site
• Regional Site
• Branch Site

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 317

IP Prioritization Configuration for Central Site

This node uses three SVCs on IfIndex 2 to prioritize traffic for VoIP, FTP, and
PING packets. The following tasks are needed to complete this configuration:

• “Add and Configure Three SVCs (Central Site)” on page 317

• “Add and Define the IP Forward Incoming Filter Priority for the Call
Originator VoIP (Central Site)” on page 319
• “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for the Call
Originator VoIP (Central Site)” on page 321
• “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for FTP (Central
Site)” on page 323
• “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for PING (Central
Site)” on page 324
• “Save the Current Configuration” on page 325

Add and Configure Three SVCs (Central Site)

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and SVCs.

You will see the SVC Table window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Add a SVC. You will see the Add a SVC

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

318 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Remote DNA Address Frame Relay (1..34) Enter the DNA prefix of the remote
Virtual Port Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex (2) of the easy
routing virtual port you are adding
this SVC to (default is 2).
Transfer Priority INTEGER (0 - 15) This value determines the priority
of the SVC. Enter a value between
0 and 15, with higher numbers
indicating a higher priority.

Use the parameters below for this example:

Remote DNA Virtual Port Connection

Address Index Priority

1 “302181148026100” 2 3
2 “302181148026100” 2 7
3 “302181148026100” 2 11

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 319

Add and Define the IP Forward Incoming Filter Priority for the
Call Originator VoIP (Central Site)
1 Under Configure, select Protocols, IP, IP Filtering, and Incoming.

You will see the IP Port Incoming Filter window.

2 At the top of the window select, Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP Port
Incoming Filter window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

320 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled.
Enter 2 (default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
mask. For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the correct protocol type
for this configuration. For VoIP
enter 17 (UDP number).
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the Port ID. For VoIP
enter 490.
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source
or Destination. For this example,
enter Source.
Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard,
blocks transmissions as specified
in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward, seeks out information
with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes
(forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of
the filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 5.

Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 321

Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for the
Call Originator VoIP (Central Site)
1 Under Configure, select Protocols, IP, IP Filtering, and Outgoing.

You will see the IP Port Outgoing Filter window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP Port
Outgoing Filter window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

322 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled.
Enter 2 (default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
mask. For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the correct protocol type
for this configuration. For VoIP
enter 17 (UDP number).
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the Port ID. For VoIP
enter 490.
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source
or Destination. For this example,
enter Source.
Priority High, Medium, Low For VoIP enter High.
Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard,
blocks transmissions as specified
in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward, seeks out information
with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes
(forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of
the filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 5.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 323

Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for FTP
(Central Site)
1 Repeat all of the steps in “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter
Priority for the Call Originator VoIP (Central Site)” on page 321, except use
the following parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the correct protocol type for this
configuration. For FTP enter 6 (UDP
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the Port ID. For FTP enter 20.
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source or
Destination. For this example, enter
Priority High, Medium, Low For FTP enter Medium.
Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard, blocks
transmissions as specified in the filter
masks and addresses. Forward,
seeks out information with the
specified masks and addresses, and
then passes (forwards) the information
to its destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of the
filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 6.

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

324 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for PING
(Central Site)
1 Repeat all of the steps in “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter
Priority for the Call Originator VoIP (Central Site)” on page 321, except use
the following parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the correct protocol type for this
configuration. For PING enter 1 (UDP
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the Port ID. For PING enter 1.
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source or
Destination. For this example, enter
Priority High, Medium, Low For PING enter Low.
Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard, blocks
transmissions as specified in the filter
masks and addresses. Forward,
seeks out information with the
specified masks and addresses, and
then passes (forwards) the information
to its destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of the
filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 7.

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

appears. You must save the configuration and reset the unit.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 325

Save the Current Configuration

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

326 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

IP Prioritization Configuration for Regional Site

The following tasks are needed to complete this configuration:

• “Add and Define IP Outgoing Filter Priority for VoIP (Regional Site)” on
page 326
• “Add and Define IP Filter Priority for FTP (Regional Site)” on page 328
• “Add and Define IP Filter Priority for PING (Regional Site)” on page 329
• “Save the Current Configuration” on page 325

Add and Define IP Outgoing Filter Priority for VoIP (Regional

1 Under IP Filtering, select Outgoing. You will see the IP Port Outgoing Filter
2 At the top of the window, click on Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP Port
Outgoing Filter window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 327

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled.
Enter 2 (default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
mask. For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the correct protocol type
for this configuration. For VoIP
enter 17 (UDP number).
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the Port ID. For VoIP
enter 490.
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source
or Destination. For this example,
enter Source.
Priority High, Medium, Low For VoIP enter High.
Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard,
blocks transmissions as specified
in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward, seeks out information
with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes
(forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of
the filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 5.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

328 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Add and Define IP Filter Priority for FTP (Regional Site)

1 Repeat all of the steps in “Add and Define IP Outgoing Filter Priority for VoIP
(Regional Site)” on page 326, except use the following parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled. Enter
2 (default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
mask. For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the correct protocol type
for this configuration. For FTP enter
6 (UDP number).
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the Port ID. For FTP enter
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source or
Destination. For this example, enter
Priority High, Medium, Low For FTP enter Medium.
Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard, blocks
transmissions as specified in the
filter masks and addresses.
Forward, seeks out information with
the specified masks and addresses,
and then passes (forwards) the
information to its destination,
blocking all other information.
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of the
filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 6.

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 329

Add and Define IP Filter Priority for PING (Regional Site)

1 Repeat all of the steps in “Add and Define IP Outgoing Filter Priority for VoIP
(Regional Site)” on page 326, except use the following parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled. Enter
2 (default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
mask. For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the correct protocol type
for this configuration. For PING
enter 1 (UDP number).
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the Port ID. For PING
enter 1.
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source or
Destination. For this example, enter
Priority High, Medium, Low For PING enter Low.
Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard, blocks
transmissions as specified in the
filter masks and addresses.
Forward, seeks out information with
the specified masks and addresses,
and then passes (forwards) the
information to its destination,
blocking all other information.
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of the
filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 7.

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

330 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

You must save the configuration and reset the unit. Complete the steps in “Save
the Current Configuration” on page 325.

After you have saved the configuration, continue on to “IP Prioritization

Configuration for Branch Site” on page 330.

IP Prioritization Configuration for Branch Site

This example procedure establishes SVCs between the central and branch sites.

The following tasks are needed to complete this configuration:

• “Add and Configure SVCs (Branch Site)” on page 330

• “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for the Call
Originator VoIP (Branch Site)” on page 331
• “Add and Define IP Filter Priority for FTP (Branch Site)” on page 333
• “Add and Define IP Filter Priority for PING (Branch Site)” on page 334
• “Save the Current Configuration” on page 325

Add and Configure SVCs (Branch Site)

1 Under Virtual Circuits, select SVCs. You will see the SVC Table window.
2 At the top of the window, click on Add a SVC. You will see the Add a SVC

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 331

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Remote DNA Address Frame Relay (1..34) Enter the DNA prefix of the remote
Virtual Port Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex (2) of the easy
routing virtual port you are adding
this SVC to (default is 2).
Transfer Priority INTEGER (0 - 15) This value determines the priority
of the SVC. Enter a value between
0 and 15, with higher numbers
indicating a higher priority.

Use the parameters below for this example:

Remote DNA Virtual Port Connection

Address Index Priority

1 “302181148025100” 2 3
2 “302181148025100” 2 7
3 “302181148025100” 2 11

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter Priority for the
Call Originator VoIP (Branch Site)
1 Under IP Filtering, select Outgoing. You will see the IP Port Outgoing Filter

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

332 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

2 At the top of the window, click on Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP Port
Outgoing Filter window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled.
Enter 2 (default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
mask. For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the correct protocol type
for this configuration. For VoIP
enter 17 (UDP number).
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that
represent the Port ID. For VoIP
enter 490.
Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source
or Destination. For this example,
enter Source.
Priority High, Medium, Low For VoIP enter High.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 333

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Filter Action Forward, Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard,
blocks transmissions as specified
in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward, seeks out information
with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes
(forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of
the filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 5.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears

Add and Define IP Filter Priority for FTP (Branch Site)

1 Repeat all of the steps in “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter
Priority for the Call Originator VoIP (Branch Site)” on page 331, except use
the following parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the correct protocol type for this
configuration. For FTP enter 6 (UDP
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the Port ID. For FTP enter 20.
Source/Destination source, destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

334 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Priority High, Medium, Low For FTP enter Medium.
Filter Action forward, discard Enter forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard, blocks
transmissions as specified in the filter
masks and addresses. Forward,
seeks out information with the
specified masks and address, and
then passes (forwards) the information
to its destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of the
filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 6.

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Add and Define IP Filter Priority for PING (Branch Site)

1 Repeat all of the steps in “Add and Define the IP Forward Outgoing Filter
Priority for the Call Originator VoIP (Branch Site)” on page 331, except use
the following parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual
port with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
Mask IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
For this example, enter
Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter
address. For this example, enter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the correct protocol type for this
configuration. For PING enter 1 (UDP
Port ID INTEGER (1 - 65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the Port ID. For PING enter 1.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 335

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Source/Destination Source, Destination Enter the directional type, Source or
Destination. For this example, enter
Priority High, Medium, Low For PING enter Low.
Filter Action forward, discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the
function of the filter. Discard, blocks
transmissions as specified in the filter
masks and addresses. Forward,
seeks out information with the
specified masks and addresses, and
then passes (forwards) the information
to its destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1 - 255) This value specifies the order of the
filter in the filter table. For this
example enter 7.

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


You must save the configuration and reset the unit. Complete the steps in “Save
the Current Configuration” on page 325.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

336 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Illustration of IP Prioritization Over a Three Node Network

The following illustration shows the previous example of IP Prioritization over a

three node network:

DNA 302181148025
DLCI 210 DLCI 215
FR TUN 149 FR TUN 147
DCE rt 4400
Master Master

Branch Regional
DNA 302181148027 Passport 6400 DNA 302181148026
LAN_IP: DLCI 230 Frame Relay DLCI 230 LAN_IP:

D2_3 DTE DTE Passpo

rt 4400 D2_2
rt 4400
Slave Slave


End of Topic

CLI Example Procedure for Configuring IP Prioritization

Over a Three Node Network

The following example assumes that easy routing on IfIndex 2 (default for easy
routing) has been enabled on the virtual port. This example shows the
configuration for high (VoIP), medium (FTP), and low (PING) priorities.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 337

All filtering along the IP stream of the call must be defined. Otherwise, voice
delay may occur. IP Prioritization is a PANL feature only.

For an illustration of the example procedure, go to “Illustration of IP Prioritization

Over a Three Node Network” on page 359.

The following sites are configured in this example:

• Central Site
• Regional Site
• Branch Site

IP Prioritization Configuration for Central Site

This node uses three SVCs on IfIndex 2 to prioritize traffic for VoIP, FTP, and
PING packets. The following tasks are needed to complete this configuration:

• “Add and Configure SVCs (Central Site)” on page 338

• “Add the IP Forward Filter Incoming for the Call Originator VoIP (Central
Site)” on page 338
• “Define the IP forward filter incoming for the VoIP (Central Site)” on
page 339
• “Define the IP Forward Filter Outgoing Priority for the Call Originator VoIP
(Central Site)” on page 341
• “Add the IP Forward Filter for FTP (Central Site)” on page 342
• “Define the IP Forward Filter Priority FTP (Central Site)” on page 343
• “Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Central Site)” on page 344
• “Define the IP Forward Filter Priority PING (Central Site)” on page 345
• “Save the Configuration” on page 346

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

338 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Add and Configure SVCs (Central Site)

CLI> add fr port svcLandata

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the easy routing

virtual port you are adding this SVC to
(default is 2).
<DNA> Frame Relay (as a quoted Enter the DNA prefix of the remote port.
string) (1..34) Be sure to enclose the string in quotes
without any spaces.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the priority of the
SVC. Enter a value between 0 and 15,
with higher numbers indicating a higher


CLI> add fr port svcLandata 2 “302181148026100” 3

CLI> add fr port svcLandata 2 “302181148026100” 7

CLI> add fr port svcLandata 2 “302181148026100” 11

Add the IP Forward Filter Incoming for the Call Originator VoIP
(Central Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port incoming

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For VoIP enter 17 (UDP

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 339

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.
<Direction> Source | Destination Enter the directional type, Source or
Destination. For this example, enter
<Action> Forward | Discard Enter Forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.


CLI> add filters ip forward port incoming 2 17 490 source forward

Define the IP forward filter incoming for the VoIP (Central Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port incoming order

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add the IP Forward Filter for FTP (Central Site)” on
page 342.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For VoIP enter 17 (UDP

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

340 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Order> INTEGER (1..255) This value determines the filter order in
the filter table.


CLI> define filters ip forward port incoming order 2 17 490 source 1

Add the IP Forward Filter Outgoing for the Call Originator VoIP
(Central Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For VoIP enter 17 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 341

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.


CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 17 490 source forward

Define the IP Forward Filter Outgoing Priority for the Call

Originator VoIP (Central Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add the IP Forward Filter Incoming for the Call Originator
VoIP (Central Site)” on page 338.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For VoIP enter 17 (UDP

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

342 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this side of the call enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For VoIP enter high.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.


CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 17 490 source high

Add the IP Forward Filter for FTP (Central Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For FTP enter 6 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For FTP enter 20.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 343

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.


CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 6 20 source forward

Define the IP Forward Filter Priority FTP (Central Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add the IP Forward Filter for FTP (Central Site)” on
page 342.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this configuration.
For FTP enter 6 (UDP number).
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For FTP enter 20.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

344 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For example, enter source.
<Priority> low | medium | high For FTP enter medium.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.


CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 6 20 source medium

Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Central Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For PING enter 1 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For PING enter 1.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 345


CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 1 1 source forward

Define the IP Forward Filter Priority PING (Central Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Central Site)” on
page 344.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the associated virtual

port with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For PING enter 1 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For PING enter 1.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For PING enter low.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.


CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 1 1 source low

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

346 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Save the Configuration

CLI> save configuration update

IP Prioritization Configuration for Regional Site

The following tasks are needed to complete this configuration:

• “Add IP Prioritization Filters for VoIP (Regional Site)” on page 346

• “Define IP Prioritization Filters for VoIP (Regional Site)” on page 347
• “Add IP Prioritization Filters for FTP (Regional Site)” on page 348
• “Define IP Prioritization Filters for FTP (Regional Site)” on page 349
• “Add IP Prioritization Filters for PING (Regional Site)” on page 350
• “Define IP Prioritization Filters for PING (Regional Site)” on page 351
• “Save the Configuration” on page 351

Add IP Prioritization Filters for VoIP (Regional Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For VoIP enter 17 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 347

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions
as specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 17 490 source forward

Define IP Prioritization Filters for VoIP (Regional Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add IP Prioritization Filters for VoIP (Regional Site)” on page 346.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this configuration.
For VoIP enter 17 (UDP number).
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

348 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For VoIP enter high.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 17 490 source high

Add IP Prioritization Filters for FTP (Regional Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For FTP enter 6 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For FTP enter 20.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions
as specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 349

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 6 20 source forward

Define IP Prioritization Filters for FTP (Regional Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add IP Prioritization Filters for FTP (Regional Site)” on page 348.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For FTP enter 6 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For FTP enter 20.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For FTP enter medium.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 6 20 source medium

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

350 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Add IP Prioritization Filters for PING (Regional Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For PING enter 1 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For PING enter 1.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 1 1 source forward

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 351

Define IP Prioritization Filters for PING (Regional Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add IP Prioritization Filters for PING (Regional Site)” on page 350.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For PING enter 1.
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For PING enter 1 (UDP number).
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For PING enter low.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 1 1 source low

Save the Configuration

CLI> save configuration update

IP Prioritization Configuration for Branch Site

This example procedure establishes SVCs between the central and branch sites.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

352 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

The following tasks are needed to complete this configuration:

• “Add and Configure SVCs (Branch Site)” on page 352

• “Add the IP Forward Filter Outgoing for the Call Originator VoIP (Branch
Site)” on page 353
• “Define the IP Forward Filter Priority for the Call Originator VoIP (Branch
Site)” on page 354
• “Add the IP Forward Filters for FTP (Branch Site)” on page 355
• “Define the IP Forward’s Filter Priority FTP (Branch Site)” on page 356
• “Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Branch Site)” on page 357
• “Define the IP Forward’s Filter Priority PING (Branch Site)” on page 358
• “Save the Configuration” on page 358

Add and Configure SVCs (Branch Site)

CLI> add fr port svcLandata

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex (2) of the easy routing
virtual port you are adding this SVC to
(default is 2).
<DNA> Frame Relay (as quoted Enter the DNA of the remote port. Be sure
string) (1..34) to enclose the string in quotes without any
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the priority of the
SVC. Enter a value between 0 and 15,
with higher numbers indicating a higher


CLI> add fr port svcLANData 2 “302181148025100” 3

CLI> add fr port svcLANData 2 “302181148025100” 7

CLI> add fr port svcLANData 2 “302181148025100” 11

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 353

Add the IP Forward Filter Outgoing for the Call Originator VoIP
(Branch Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For VoIP enter 17 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions
as specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.


CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 17 490 source forward

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

354 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Define the IP Forward Filter Priority for the Call Originator VoIP
(Branch Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add the IP Forward Filter Outgoing for the Call Originator VoIP
(Branch Site)” on page 353.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For VoIP enter 17 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For VoIP enter 490.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For VoIP enter high.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.


CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 17 490 source high

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 355

Add the IP Forward Filters for FTP (Branch Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For FTP enter 6 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For FTP enter 20.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions
as specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.


CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 6 20 source forward

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

356 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Define the IP Forward’s Filter Priority FTP (Branch Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add the IP Forward Filters for FTP (Branch Site)” on page 355.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For FTP enter 6 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For FTP enter 20.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For FTP enter medium.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.


CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 6 20 source medium

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 357

Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Branch Site)

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this
configuration. For PING enter 1 (UDP
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For PING enter 1.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Action> forward | discard Enter forward.
This command determines the function of
the filter. Discard, blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward, seeks out
information with the specified masks and
addresses, and then passes (forwards)
the information to its destination, blocking
all other information.


CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2 1 1 source forward

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

358 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Define the IP Forward’s Filter Priority PING (Branch Site)

CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority

Note: For <FilterMask> and <FilterAddress>, use the same IP addresses

you used in “Add the IP Forward Filter for PING (Branch Site)” on page 357.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual port
with easy routing enabled. Enter 2
(default is 2).
<FilterMask> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this configuration.
For PING enter 1 (UDP Number).
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID. For PING enter 1.
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
destination. For this example, enter
<Priority> low | medium | high For PING enter low.
This value determines the priority of the
traffic on this filter.


CLI> define filters ip forward port outgoing priority 2 1 1 source low

Save the Configuration

CLI> save configuration update

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 359

Illustration of IP Prioritization Over a Three Node Network

The following illustration shows the previous example of IP Prioritization over a

three node network:

DNA 302181148025
DLCI 210 DLCI 215
FR TUN 149 FR TUN 147
DCE rt 4400
Master Master

Branch Regional
NA 302181148027 Passport 6400 DNA 302181148026
AN_IP: DLCI 230 Frame Relay DLCI 230 LAN_IP:

D2_3 DTE DTE Passpo

rt 4400 D2_2
rt 4400
Slave Slave


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

360 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Configuring IP Filtering and Prioritization

In order to configure IP filtering and prioritization, the following procedures must
be completed:

• “Configuring IP Filtering” on page 360

• “Configuring SVCs and SPVC Priorities” on page 377

Configuring IP Filtering
This section discusses the IP forward filter. The IP forward filter is classified into
system-based filters and port-based filters. System-based filters require you to
specify both the source and destination networks. System-based filters are applied
on packets received on all interfaces. Port-based filters require you to specify the
outgoing port and either the source or destination network.

IP Forward Filter
• “Configurator Procedure for IP Forward Filter” on page 8-361.
• “Configurator Procedure for IP Forwarding System” on page 365
• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs” on page 377
• “CLI Procedure for IP Forward Filter” on page 367.
• “CLI Commands for IP DSCP Filters” on page 370.
• “Configurator Procedure for Creating SPVCs” on page 379
• “CLI Procedure for Creating SVCs” on page 381
• “CLI Procedure for Creating SPVCs” on page 382

When you add an IP filter, the Passport 4430/50/55 checks the Protocol Type
parameter, and processes the filter as follows:

• If ProtocolType is neither TCP (6) nor UDP (17), the Passport 4430/50/55
ignors the PortID parameter (whether or not it is a wildcard).
• If ProtocolType is either TCP (6) or UDP (17), the Passport 4430/50/55 filters
the traffic based on both parameters.
• If both ProtocolType and PortID are wildcards, the Passport 4430/50/55 filters
all the traffic based on source and destination.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 361

Configurator Procedure for IP Forward Filter

Select either port filtering or system filtering, depending upon your selection
criteria. The port filtering must be specified as either incoming or outgoing (select

All filtering along the IP stream of the call must be defined. Otherwise, voice
delay may occur.

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, IP Filtering, and Incoming or Outgoing.

You will see the IP Port Incoming Filter or IP Port Outgoing Filter window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

362 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

2 At the top of the window, click Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP Port
(Incoming/Outgoing) Filter window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Number INTEGER (1..255) Enter the port you want to add the filter
Mask IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
Address IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter
Protocol ID INTEGER (1.255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the correct protocol type for this
Passport 4400.
Rather than specifying a specific
protocol type, you can enter the asterisk
(*) as a wildcard character to indicate
“any protocol type.”
Port Id INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the Port ID.
Rather than specifying a specific port
ID, you can enter the asterisk (*) as a
wildcard character to indicate “any port.”
Source/ Source | Destination Select the applicable radio button.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 363

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Priority Low, Medium, High This value determines the priority of the
(Outgoing Filter) traffic on this filter.
Filter Action Forward | Discard This value determines the priority order
of the traffic on this filter.
Order INTEGER (1..255) This value determines the filter order in
the filter table.

3 Enter the above parameters then click Save. A “Command Successful”


You must define the above parameters for both the Master and Slave sides of the
connection and any other router that is used for filtering in the network.

With the configuration illustrated on the next page, the IP packet, tagged with
priority High, is sent down to the Virtual Port Management (VPM) module. The
VPM looks up its Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) table and chooses SVC1 to
transfer the packet as that SVC has the highest priority. Similiar sequences occur
on the slave side. The only difference between the master side and the slave is that
the slave side creates its own SVC table and sets the transmission priorities (TPs)
for the SVCs only after it receives the call setup request from the master side.

The VPM has to be able to handle the times when the number of SVCs available is
less than the number of IP priorities configured. For example, if for some reason
SVC2 goes down, there are three other scenarios that can be used to transfer the
packets from the master to the slave side.

1 VPM transfers the IP packet over SVC1 as if all three SVCs are functioning.
This is possible because SVC1 has the highest TP.
2 VPM transfers the IP packets with medium TP over SVC3. SVC3 becomes the
SVC that is up and the second highest TP.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

364 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

3 If a user sends a data packet with a low priority, and there is no SVC up with a
TP of 3 to the requested destination, VPM transfers the IP packets over SVC3
because it is the next highest TP.

finger Telnet tftp finger Telnet tftp

pri=High pri=Medium pri=Low pri=High pri=Medium pri=Low





TP=11 TP=9 TP=5 TP=11 TP=9 TP=5

Frame Core Frame Core

Frame Relay

End of Topic

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 365

Configurator Procedure for IP Forwarding System

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, IP Filtering, and System. You will see the IP
System Filter window.

2 At the top of the window, click Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP System
Filter window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

366 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

The table below describes the above required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Destination Mask IPAddress Enter the IP address of the destination

filter mask.
Destination IPAddress Enter the IP address of the destination
Address IP filter address.
Source Mask IPAddress Enter the IP address of the source
filter mask.
Source Address IPAddress Enter the IP address of the source IP
filter address.
Protocol ID INTEGER (1.255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the correct protocol type for this
Passport 4400.
Rather than specifying a specific
protocol type, you can enter the
asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to
indicate “any protocol type.”
Port Id INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent
the Port ID.
Rather than specifying a specific port
ID, you can enter the asterisk (*) as a
wildcard character to indicate “any
Priority Low, Medium, High This value determines the priority of
the traffic on this filter
Filter Action Forward | Discard This command determines the nature
of the filter.The filter’s Action
determines the nature of the filter.
Discard blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and
addresses. Forward seeks out
information with the specified masks
and addresses, and then passes
(forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other
Order INTEGER (1..255) This value determines the filter order
in the filter table.

You must define the above parameters for both the Master and Slave sides of the
connection, and any other router used in the network for filtering.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 367

For system filtering, both the destination and source must be specified.

End of Topic

CLI Procedure for IP Forward Filter

Select either port filtering or system filtering, depending upon your selection

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you are adding
the filter to.
<FilterMask> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter mask.
<FilterAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1.255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this Passport 4400.
Rather than specifying a specific protocol
type, you can enter the asterisk (*) as a
wildcard character to indicate “any protocol
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID.
Rather than specifying a specific port ID, you
can enter the asterisk (*) as a wildcard
character to indicate “any port.”
<Direction> source | destination Enter the directional type, source or
<Action> forward | discard This command determines the nature of the
filter.The filter’s Action determines the nature
of the filter. Discard blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward seeks out information with the
specified masks and addresses, and then
passes (forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other information.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

368 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

The following example uses a TCP protocol type (06) and a port ID, the TCP/
UDP port number, of a Telnet connection (23):

CLI> add filters ip forward port outgoing 2

192.168.206 06 2 destination forward

With the configuration illustrated in the figure on the next page, the IP packet,
tagged with priority High, is sent down to the Virtual Port Management (VPM)
module. The VPM looks up its SVC table and chooses SVC1 to transfer the packet
as that SVC has the highest priority.

The VPM has to be able to handle the times when the number of SVCs available is
less than the number of IP priorities configured. For example, if for some reason
SVC2 goes down, there are three other scenarios that can be used to transfer the
packets from the master to the slave side.

1 VPM transfers the IP packet over SVC1 as if all three SVCs are functioning.
This is possible because SVC1 has the highest TP.
2 VPM transfers the IP packets with medium TP over SVC3. SVC3 becomes the
SVC that is up and the second highest TP.
3 If a user sends a data packet with a low priority, and there is no SVC up with a
TP of 3 to the requested destination, VPM transfers the IP packets over SVC3
because it is the next highest TP.

Wildcard example:

The following example does not specify a particular protocol type or port ID:

CLI> add filter ip forward port incoming 2 * * destination forward

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 369

In this example, both both <protocol type> and <port ID> are defined as
wildcards. The Passport 4430/50/55 forwards all the traffic from the port with
IfIndex 2 that is destined for IP address All traffic from that port
destined for any other IP address is discarded.

finger Telnet tftp finger Telnet tftp

pri=High pri=Medium pri=Low pri=High pri=Medium pri=Low





TP=11 TP=9 TP=5 TP=11 TP=9 TP=5

Frame Core Frame Core

Frame Relay

You can also determine filters for the system:

CLI> add filters ip forward system

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<DestMask> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the destination filter

<DestAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the destination IP
filter address.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

370 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<SrcMask> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the source filter
<ProtocolType> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
correct protocol type for this Passport 4400.
Rather than specifying a specific protocol
type, you can enter the asterisk (*) as a
wildcard character to indicate “any protocol
<PortId> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the INTEGER(s) that represent the
Port ID.
Rather than specifying a specific port ID, you
can enter the asterisk (*) as a wildcard
character to indicate “any port.”
<Action> forward | discard This command determines the nature of the
filter.The filter’s Action determines the nature
of the filter. Discard blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward seeks out information with the
specified masks and address, and then
passes (forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other information.

For system filtering, both the destination and source must be specified.

End of Topic

CLI Commands for IP DSCP Filters

Passport 4460 units running release 4.3 or higher, and Passport 4430/50/55 units
running release 4.0.4 or higher, provide a mechanism for specifying the class of
service (Low, Medium, or High) which is to be used for passing traffic through the
network, based on the Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP) field in the IP

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 371

A separate SVC is created for each class of service (CoS). A maximum of three
DLCIs can be created for the same destination. For example:

SVC 1 TP = 6 CoS 0 - Low

Master SVC 2 TP = 9 CoS 1 - Medium Slave

SVC 3 TP = 11 CoS 2 - High

The current implementation supports the DSCP field within the existing IP
Prioritization framework (filtering and mapping to the three classes). It does not
provide full support for DiffServ (per RFC 2474, RFC 2597, RFC 2598) or the
Nortel Networks guidelines.

You can set these filters for the system or per-port. Select port filtering to apply an
IP DSCP filter to the WAN port on the Passport 4400 unit, or system filtering to
apply these filters to all of the ports on the entire Passport 4400 network.

DSCP Filter Considerations

The following notes apply to the use of DSCP filters:

• When the DSCPMask value is 0x0, the DSCPMap value has no effect. You
can use this for “catch all traffic” DSCP filtering/prioritization. For example,
you can use a DSCPMask of 0x0 to set a low priority filter and then set
specific DSCP filters for medium and high priority traffic. In this case, the
traffic is prioritized and no traffic is discarded.
• Do not mix DSCP filters with other types of filters that use the Order field.
The other filters will override the priority of the DSCP filters.
• The DSPC value is not identical to the ToS value. The ToS value is obtained
from all eight bits in the Service Type field of the IP header, whereas the
DSCP value is obtained from the first six bits of the Service Type field. For
example, to filter IP traffic that has a Service Type field of 10110110 (0xB6),
use 101101 (0x2D) as the DSCPMap value. This is the ToS value shifted right
by 2.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

372 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

IP DSCP Filters - Passport 4460 Implementation

For Passport 4460 units, use the following CLI commands to support DSCP

The port-based commands are:

CLI> add filters ip tos port [incoming/outgoing]

<IfIndex> <ToSMap> <ToSMask> <Action>

CLI> define filters ip tos port [incoming/outgoing] order

<IfIndex> <ToSMap> <ToSMask> (<Order))

CLI> define filters ip tos port [incoming/outgoing]

priority <IfIndex> <ToSMap> <ToSMask> (<Priority))

CLI> delete filters ip tos port [incoming/outgoing]

<IfIndex> <ToSMap> <ToSMask>

CLI> show filters ip tos port [incoming/outgoing]

The system-wide commands are:

CLI> add filters ip tos system <ToSMap> <ToSMask>


CLI> define filters ip tos system order <ToSMap>

<ToSMask> (<Order))

CLI> define filters ip tos system priority <ToSMap>

<ToSMask> (<Priority))

CLI> delete filters ip tos system <ToSMap> <ToSMask>

CLI> show filters ip tos system

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 373

The parameters are the same for incoming and outgoing filters.

Parameter Range of Values Description

<IfIndex> :INTEGER (1..255) Indicates the IfIndex of the

port to which you are adding
the filter.
<ToSMap> :INTEGER or (0x04 - 0xCF) Indicates the ToS byte value
associated with the filter
entry. If the ToS byte value in
the IP packet matches this
value (together with other
patterns in the filter entry),
the the IP packet is filtered.
<ToSMask> :INTEGER or (0x04 - 0xCF) Indicates the mask which
will be matched to the ToS
byte associated with the
filter entry. If the ToSMask
and ToSMap match those in
the IP packet (together with
other patterns in the filter
entry), the the IP packet is
Action> :forward | discard Choose forward to forward
the IP packet in case of a
match, blocking all other
information. Choose
discard to discard the IP
packet in case of a match.

Refer to the Reference for Passport 4460 Command Line Interface (CLI) manual
for detailed descriptions of these commands.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

374 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

ToS Filter Example

Following is a small example of how TOS filters can be used to prioritize traffic
on a Passport 4460:

add filter ip tos port outgoing 2 0x64 0xFC forward

def filter ip tos port outgoing priority 2 0x64 0xFC high

add filter ip tos port outgoing 2 0x68 0xFC forward

def filter ip tos port outgoing priority 2 0x68 0xFC medium

add filter ip tos port outgoing 2 0x6C 0xFC forward

def filter ip tos port outgoing priority 2 0x6C 0xFC low

add fr port svcLANData 2 "11110000" 0

add fr port svcLANData 2 "11110000" 6
add fr port svcLANData 2 "11110000" 9

The effect of this sequence of commands is that all outgoing traffic on WAN
port 2 with the TOS field set to 0x64 is forwarded using the high priority SVC;
traffic with the TOS field set to 0x68 is using the medium priority SVC; and
traffic with the TOS field set to 0x6C is using the low priority SVC. All other
outgoing traffic on this port is discarded. (Note that mask 0xFC means that all the
bytes from the field are taken into consideration.)

Passport 4460 VoIP ToS value

Passort 4460 VoIP sets the Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP) field in the
IP header to 11110000.

IP DSCP Filters - Passport 4430/50/55 Implementation

For Passport 4430/50/55 units, use the following CLI commands to support DSCP

The port-based commands are:

CLI> add filters ip dscp port [incoming/outgoing]

<IfIndex> <DSCPMap> <DSCPMask> <Action>

CLI> define filters ip dscp port [incoming/outgoing]

order <IfIndex> <DSCPMap> <DSCPMask> (<Order))

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 375

CLI> define filters ip dscp port [incoming/outgoing]

priority <IfIndex> <DSCPMap> <DSCPMask> (<Priority))

CLI> delete filters ip dscp port [incoming/outgoing]

<IfIndex> <DSCPMap> <DSCPMask>

CLI> show filters ip dscp port [incoming/outgoing]

The system-wide commands are:

CLI> add filters ip dscp system <DSCPMap> <DSCPMask>


CLI> define filters ip dscp system order <DSCPMap>

<DSCPMask> (<Order))

CLI> define filters ip dscp system priority <DSCPMap>

<DSCPMask> (<Priority))

CLI> delete filters ip dscp system <DSCPMap> <DSCPMask>

CLI> show filters ip dscp system

The parameters are the same for incoming and outgoing filters.

Parameter Range of Values Description

<IfIndex> :INTEGER (1..255) Indicates the IfIndex of the

port to which you are adding
the filter.
<DSCPMap> :INTEGER or (0x00 - 0x3F) Indicates the DSCP field
value associated with the
filter entry. If the DSCP field
value in the IP packet
matches this value (together
with other patterns in the
filter entry), the the IP packet
is filtered.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

376 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

Parameter Range of Values Description

<DSCPMask> :INTEGER or (0x00 - 0x3F) Indicates the mask which
will be matched to the DSCP
field, associated with the
filter entry. If the DSCPMask
and DSCPMap match those
in the IP packet (together
with other patterns in the
filter entry), the the IP packet
is filtered.
Action> :forward | discard Choose forward to forward
the IP packet in case of a
match, blocking all other
information. Choose
discard to discard the IP
packet in case of a match.

Refer to the Reference for Passport 4400 Command Line Interface (CLI) manual
for detailed descriptions of these commands.

DSCP Filter Example

Following is a small example of how DSCP filters can be used to prioritize traffic
on a Passport 4430/50/55 unit:

add filter ip dscp port outgoing 2 0x19 0x3F forward

def filter ip dscp port outgoing priority 2 0x19 0x3F high

add filter ip dscp port outgoing 2 0x1A 0x3F forward

def filter ip dscp port outgoing priority 2 0x1A 0x3F medium

add filter ip dscp port outgoing 2 0x1B 0x3F forward

def filter ip dscp port outgoing priority 2 0x1B 0x3F low

add fr port svcLANData 2 "11110000" 0

add fr port svcLANData 2 "11110000" 6
add fr port svcLANData 2 "11110000" 9

The effect of this sequence of commands is that all outgoing traffic on WAN
port 2 with the DSCP field set to 0x19 is forwarded using the high priority SVC;
traffic with the DSCP field set to 0x1A is using the medium priority SVC; and
traffic with the DSCP field set to 0x1B is using the low priority SVC. All other
outgoing traffic on this port is discarded.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 377

DSCP Updates for Voice Packets (RFC 2474)

The DSCP field for VoIP packets are set in accordance with RFC 2747, as

Packet Value

Speech packets - EF (Expedited Forwarding) 0xB8

Management packets - CS5 (Class Selector 5) 0xA0

Note that these are hard-coded values: they are not user-configurable.

End of Topic

Configuring SVCs and SPVC Priorities

Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs

“Configurator Procedure for Creating SPVCs” on page 379

CLI Procedure for Creating SVCs

CLI Procedure for Creating SPVCs

Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs

Use the following procedure to create SVCs for IP prioritization and filtering:

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and SVCs.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

378 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

You will see the SVC Table window.

2 At the top of the window click Add a SVC. You will see the Add a SVC

See the table below for a description of the above required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Remote DNA Frame Relay DNA (1..34) Enter the local DNA string of the
Address Virtual Port.
Virtual Port Index INTEGER (1..255) Enter the local virtual port.
Transfer Priority INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the priority
of the traffic on the SVC. Enter a
value between 0 and 15, with
higher numbers indicating a higher

3 Enter the above parameters and click Add. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect.

Note: The choice of which device is the master and which device is the
slave is by convention. It is recommended that in the Passport
4400-to-Passport 6400 connection, the Passport 4400 be designated the
master for the purpose of speedier service recovery.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 379

Save and Reset the Current Configuration

1 Under Administration, select System Reset. You will see the System Reset

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.
Refer to Configuring LAN Services for a complete description of SVC

Configurator Procedure for Creating SPVCs

Note: Switched permanent virtual circuit (SPVC) refers to a connection

between a Passport 4400 unit and a Passport 6400 unit, or between two
Passport 4400 units. SPVCs eliminate the need to configure each node
along the connection. The end point is configured, but the connection
route is selected automatically.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

380 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and SPVCs.

You will see the SPVC Table window.

2 At the top of the window click on Add SPVC. You will see the Add a SPVC

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Virtual Port IfIndex INTEGER (1..255) Enter the virtual port associated
with the DNA.
Local DLCI INTEGER (16-991 Enter the DLCI number on the
local DCE interfaces.
Remote DLCI INTEGER (16.991) Enter the DLCI number on the
remote DCE interface.
Remote DNA Frame Relay DNA Enter the DNA prefix of the
associated virtual port. Be sure
to enclose the string in quotes
without any spaces.
Connection Type Slave, Master Enter which side of the SPVC
segment will initiate the call.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 381

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A "Command Successful" appears.
4 You must save the configuration. Complete the steps in “Save and Reset the
Current Configuration” on page 379.

CLI Procedure for Creating SVCs

Use the following CLI command to create SVCs for IP prioritization and filtering:

1 Create the SVC.

CLI> add fr port svcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the virtual port associated

with the DNA.
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter the DNA prefix of the
quoted string) (1..34) associated Virtual Port. Be sure
to enclose the string in quotes
without any spaces.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the
priority of this connection on the
SVC. Enter a value between 0
and 15, with higher numbers
indicating a higher priority.


CLI> add fr port svcLANData 2 “123456789100” 2

To modify existing SVC parameters, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define fr port svcLANData

Refer to Configuring LAN Services for a complete description of SVC


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

382 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

CLI Procedure for Creating SPVCs

Note: Switched permanent virtual circuit (SPVC) refers to a connection

between a Passport 4400 unit and a Passport 6400 unit, or between two
Passport 4400 units. SPVCs eliminate the need to configure each node
along the connection. The end point is configured, but the connection
route is selected automatically.

Use the following steps below to create a SPVC.

1 Display the SPVC parameters:

CLI> show fr port spvcLANData base spvc configured table

A table similar to the following appears:

ConnectId 10
DNA "[x121]987654321"
MaxTxSize 0
MaxRxSize 0
MinTxThroughput 0
MinRxThroughput 0
MaxTxThroughput 0
MaxRxThroughput 0
TxBurstSize 0
RxBurstSize 0
TxExcessBurstSize 0
RxExcessBurstSize 0
TxPriority 2
DiscardPriority medium-traffic priority
SetupPriority 2
HoldingPriority 2

2 Add the spvc to the applicable port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature 383

CLI> add fr port spvcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<VirtualPortIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local virtual

<RemoteNetDLCI> INTEGER (16.991) Enter the DLCI number on the remote
DCE interface.
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA Enter the remote DNA of the SVC
(as a quoted string)
<ConnectType> slave | master Enter which side of the SPVC segment
will initiate the call.


CLI> add fr port spvcLANData 255 16 “1234567890” master

Note: The choice of which device is the master and which device is the
slave is by convention. It is recommended that in the Passport
4400-to-Passport 6400 connection, the Passport 4400 be designated the
master for the purpose of speedier service recovery.

3 Save the configuration changes and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

The above command adds an entry into the LAN SPVC table. This entry is
mapped to the connect ID that is used to identify the SPVCs and the mappings.

To modify existing SPVC parameters, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define fr port spvcLANData (spvc or svc)

To modify the txpriority of an existing SPVC, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define fr port spvcLANData svc txpriority

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

384 Chapter 8 About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature

To modify a local DLCI of an existing SPVC, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define fr port spvcLANData spvc localNetDLCI

Refer to Configuring LAN Services for a complete description of SPVC


206916-E Rev 00

Configuring LAN Services

This section begins with an overall discussion of LAN services, and then gives
specific procedures for configuring LAN service on the Passport 4400:

• “Multiple IP Addresses” on page 386

• “User Core Router” on page 388
• “Inter-LAN Switching (ILS) and Passport 6400 Interworking” on page 390
• “Routing Procedures” on page 390
• “RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN Optimization” on page 420
• “Optional IPX Routing Parameters” on page 424
• “Data Compression” on page 427

Before You Begin

Before you begin, you need to obtain the following information from your
Network Administrator:

• IP addresses for LAN and WAN on the Passport 4400.

• IPX network addresses for the frame types used on the local LAN.
• DLCI numbers for user service traffic on the Passport 4400.
• DNA prefix for the user core router for this Passport 4400.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

386 Configuring LAN Services

Before the Passport 4400 unit can support LAN services, the following conditions
must exist:

• The appropriate LAN connections must be made to the Passport 4400 Base
Module, and the correct cables must be physically installed. Instructions for
connecting the Ethernet port on Passport 4400 units may be found in
Reference for the Passport 4400 Cables, 205678-A, or Reference for the
Passport 4460 Hardware, 205677-A.
• A node profile must be established on the Passport 4400 (see Getting Started
with Passport 4400, Release 4.1, 209664-A). The node profile allows the
Passport 4400 to direct LAN traffic between nodes in the Passport network.

Multiple IP Addresses
It is possible to assign multiple IP addresses to a single Ethernet interface on the
Passport 4400. This allows the connection of a LAN that contains workstations
from two or more subnets.

Note: Passport 4400 units can have a maximum of 32 IP addresses configured

(including multihomed IP addresses).

For example, it is possible to assign IP addresses from two different subnets to the
Ethernet interface (IfIndex 1) using either the Configurator web pages or CLI:

“Configurator Procedure to Assign Multiple IP Addresses” on page 386

“CLI Commands for Configuring Multiple IP Addresses” on page 388

Configurator Procedure to Assign Multiple IP Addresses

To assign multiple IP addresses in Configurator, follow these steps (in IP routing


206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 387

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and Interfaces.

You will see the IP Interfaces window:

2 At the top of the window select Add IP Address. You will see the IP Interface
Selection window:

Select the interface you are adding the IP address to. You will see the Add IP
Address window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

388 Configuring LAN Services

Enter values into these fields for each IP address you wish to add. Click the
Save button after each addition.

This configuration allows the LAN administrator to migrate workstations on the

LAN from one subnet to another while keeping all workstations connected to the
Ethernet interface on the Passport 4400.

While it is possible to assign multiple IP addresses to the WAN port as well, it is

recommended that each IP subnet be assigned to its own virtual port for optimal
performance.See Virtual Ports for more information.

CLI Commands for Configuring Multiple IP Addresses

Use the following CLI commands (in IP routing mode):

CLI> add ip address entry 3

CLI> add ip address entry 3 255 0.0.0

This configuration allows the LAN administrator to migrate workstations on the

LAN from one subnet to another while keeping all workstations connected to the
Ethernet interface on the Passport 4400.

While it is possible to assign multiple IP addresses to the WAN port as well, it is

recommended that each IP subnet be assigned to its own virtual port for optimal
performance.See Virtual Ports for more information.

User Core Router

In a Passport network designed to carry LAN traffic, each Passport 4400 unit must
designate a user core router (UCR). When a Passport 4400 receives LAN traffic
destined for a remote node (outside the physically attached LAN), the traffic is
directed to its designated UCR.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 389

For a Passport 4400 in a multi-layered (hierarchical) network, it is best to

designate the node at the next highest level in the hierarchy as its UCR. This will
allow LAN user traffic to be efficiently directed across the Passport network,
without flooding the network with traffic.

In the network illustration shown below, units D and E should designate unit B as
their UCR. Unit B, in turn, should designate unit A as its UCR. In this scenario,
LAN traffic from D to E will travel through unit B, offering the shortest path
between the two nodes. For more information about constructing and configuring
a Passport network, see Configure Connections to the Passport Network.

Unit A
rt 4400

Unit B
Unit C
rt 4400

rt 4400

Unit D
Unit E
rt 4400

rt 4400

If your Passport network includes a third-party bridge or router, it is possible to

use the third-party device to perform the bridging/routing tasks of the UCR. In
this case, the third-party device should be connected to the central node of the
Passport network for best performance. The procedure for connecting a
third-party device to a Passport 4400 can be found in Virtual Ports.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

390 Configuring LAN Services

Inter-LAN Switching (ILS) and Passport 6400

If your network includes a Passport 6400, the Passport 6400 can be configured to
provide inter-LAN switching (ILS) service for the network. The Passport 4400
uses switched permanent virtual circuits (SPVCs) to establish connections to the
Passport 6400. These SPVCs provide the Passport 4400 with access to
higher-level LAN protocols that provide routing and other LAN services.

Note: Switched permanent virtual circuit (SPVC) refers to a connection

between a Passport 4400 unit and a Passport 6400 unit, or between two
Passport 4400 units. SPVCs eliminate the need to configure each node
along the connection. The end point is configured, but the connection
route is selected automatically.

In addition, the Passport 6400 can serve as the UCR or network management core
router for internetworking Passport 4400 nodes. For more information on ILS and
the Passport 6400, see Passport 4400 and 6400 Interworking Guide, document
number 241-7501-500.

Routing Procedures
This section discusses the following procedures:

• “Bridging Procedure” on page 391

• “IP Routing Procedure” on page 399
• “IPX Routing Procedure” on page 415
• “RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN Optimization” on page 420
• “Optional IPX Routing Parameters” on page 424

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 391

Bridging Procedure

Before You Begin

1 Make sure that all necessary netlinks (PVCs) have been established according
to Configure Connections to the Passport Network.
2 If you are bridging traffic in a Passport 4400-to-6400 network, make sure the
Passport 6400 is set up for Bridge Frame Routing (for more information, see
Passport 4400 and 6400 Interworking Guide, document number
“Configurator Bridging Procedure

“CLI Bridging Procedure

“Optional CLI Bridging Parameters

Configurator Bridging Procedure

This section gives instructions for configuring the Passport 4400 for bridging.
Also included in this section is a discussion about “Optional CLI Bridging
Parameters” on page 397.

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to

define optional bridging parameters. You must use the CLI to define
these parameters.

Select bridged mode

By default, the Passport 4400 is configured for bridging (instead of routing). If the
Passport 4400 has previously been configured for routing mode, use the following
steps to select bridged mode:

1 Select Configure, System, and Bridge/Route.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

392 Configuring LAN Services

You will see the Bridging/Routing Parameters window:

2 Select the type of bridging/routing you want on your Passport 4400 unit, and
select the appropriate radio button.
3 Enter any changes you might have to the Aging Time field.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Assign an IP address to IfIndex 3 (Ethernet interface for

bridged traffic)
1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and Interfaces.

You will see the IP Interfaces window:

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 393

2 At the top of the window, select Add IP Address. You will see the IP Interface
Selection window:

3 Select Ethernet. You will see the Add IP Address window:

Refer to the table below for a description of the parameters:

Parameter Description

IP Address Enter the IP address to be assigned to the virtual port.

Index Enter the Index of the virtual port you are adding the IP address
Net Mask Enter the subnet mask. The bits of the subnet mask are set to 1
if the Passport 4400 should treat the corresponding bit in the IP
address as part of the IP network prefix.
Broadcast Address The IP address used for broadcasting.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

394 Configuring LAN Services

4 Enter your values, then click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Note: It is possible to assign more than one IP address to IfIndex 3, the

bridging Ethernet interface. See “Multiple IP Addresses” on page 386 for
more information.

See the illustration below for an example of Passport 4400 bridging.

Passport 4400

rt 4400

Interface Passport 4400
rt 4400


You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

Note: You must save the configuration and reset the Passport 4400 to
avoid a spanning tree root bridge re-election.

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 395

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

CLI Bridging Procedure

This section gives instructions for configuring the Passport 4400 for bridging.
Also included in this section is a discussion about “Optional CLI Bridging
Parameters” on page 397.

1 By default, the Passport 4400 is configured for bridging (instead of routing).

If the Passport 4400 has previously been configured for routing mode, use the
following command to select bridged mode:
CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol bridged

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

396 Configuring LAN Services

2 Assign an IP address to IfIndex 3 (Ethernet interface for bridged traffic).

CLI> add ip address entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER 1..255) The IfIndex of the virtual port.

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address to be assigned to
the virtual port.
<NetMask> Sub-NetMask Enter the subnet mask. The bits of the
subnet mask are set to 1 if the Passport
4400 should treat the corresponding bit
in the IP address as part of the IP
network prefix.
<BcastAddress> IPAddress The IP address used for broadcasting.


CLI> add ip address entry 3

Note: It is possible to assign more than one IP address to IfIndex 3, the

bridging Ethernet interface. See “Multiple IP Addresses” on page 386 for
more information.

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.

Note: You must save the configuration and reset the Passport 4400 to
avoid a spanning tree root bridge re-election.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 397

See the illustration below for an example of Passport 4400 bridging.

Passport 4400

rt 4400

Interface Passport 4400
rt 4400

End of Procedure

Optional CLI Bridging Parameters

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to

define optional bridging parameters. You must use the CLI to define these

The following optional commands allow you to further customize your bridging

CLI> define bridge global

Options Description

agingTime The timeout period in seconds for aging out dynamically learned
information. The default is 300 seconds. (Must be an integer between
arpSpoofing ARP spoofing intercepts WAN-based ARP requests, reducing WAN
traffic. The default is disabled.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

398 Configuring LAN Services

Options Description
ipProtocol The IP networking protocol. This should be set to bridged, as shown in
the LAN Features. The default is bridged.
spanningTree The spanning tree protocol detects a change in active topology and
allows the root bridge to communicate these changes to all other
bridges in the network. The default is enabled.

CLI> set bridge misc

Options Description
debugStatus Sets the unit to debug the spanning tree algorithm. The default is
spanDebugStatus Sets the unit to generate a controlled number of debugging
messages to the CLI in order to debug bridge status. The default is
spoofCacheAge The aging time for entries in the ARP spoofing cache specified by
the cache timeout value. This is in order to make room for active
entries. The default is 300 seconds. (Must be an integer between
spoofThreshold The number of consecutive outstanding ARP requests per test
node when using ARP spoofing. The default is 15. (Must be an
integer between 5..30.)
spoofThresholdAge The aging time for the ARP spoofing cache threshold. The default is
5 seconds. (Must be between 10..120 seconds.)

CLI> set bridge spanningTree parameters

Options Description

bridgeFwdDelay The value that all bridges use for forward delay when this unit is acting
as root. The default is 1500 (15 seconds).
bridgeHelloTime The value that all bridges use for hello time when this unit is acting as
root. The default is 200 (2 seconds).
bridgeMaxAge The maximum age of spanning tree protocol information learned from
the network before it is discarded. The default is 2000 (20 seconds).
priority Refers to the first two octets of the Bridge ID (priority followed by MAC
address = Bridge ID). The default is 32768.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 399

CLI> set bridge spanningTree port

Options Description

pathCost This value is based on hop count, and is used to compare various
paths through the network environment. Path cost value is used by the
routing protocols to determine the most favorable path to a particular
destination. The path cost value is generally assigned by the system
priority This value is used to assign priority to the designated port. Priority
based on packet size and interface type.
status Select enabled or disabled. This must be set to enabled before filters
can be used.

IP Routing Procedure

This section discusses how to configure the Passport 4400 for IP routing, and the
procedures for configuring RIP and OSPF routing protocols within the Passport

“Configurator IP Routing Procedure

“CLI IP Routing Procedure

Configurator IP Routing Procedure

To Configure the Passport 4400 for IP routing, the following steps must be

• “Configure the Passport for IP Routing

• “Assign IP Addresses to the Ethernet Interface for Routing, and to the Virtual
Port for WAN Traffic
• Using RIP or OSPF as Your Routing Protocol

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

400 Configuring LAN Services

Before You Begin

Make sure that all necessary netlinks (PVCs) have been established according to
Configure Connections to the Passport Network.

Configure the Passport for IP Routing

1 Select Configure, System, and Bridge/Route.

You will see the Bridging/Routing Parameters window:

2 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Assign IP Addresses to the Ethernet Interface for Routing, and

to the Virtual Port for WAN Traffic
1 Select Protocols, IP, and Interfaces.

You will see the IP Interface Selection window.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 401

2 Use the pull down menu to select Ethernet. You will see the Add IP Address

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Description

IP Address Enter the IP address to be assigned to the virtual port.

Index Enter the Index of the virtual port you are adding the IP
address to.
Net Mask Enter the subnet mask. The bits of the subnet mask are
set to 1 if the Passport 4400 should treat the
corresponding bit in the IP address as part of the IP
network prefix.
Broadcast Address The IP address used for broadcasting.

3 Enter the required parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Note: It is possible to assign more than one IP address to IfIndex 1, the

routing Ethernet interface. See “Multiple IP Addresses for more

At this point, you may decided to use either RIP or OSPF for your protocol.

Continue on to “Using RIP as Your Routing Protocol (Configurator)” on page 402

or refer to OSPF to configure OSPF on your network.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

402 Configuring LAN Services

Using RIP as Your Routing Protocol (Configurator)

Note: Do not configure RIP for static routes.

1 Select Protocols, IP, and RIP.

You will see the RIP Parameters window:

2 Next to RIP Enable, select the On radio button.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 403

3 Next to RIP Compatibility, use the pull down menu to select the appropriate
version of RIP (see the table below).

RIP Parameter Description

Rip1 Allows the Passport 4400 to broadcast RIPv1 packets across the
Passport network.
Rip1Compatible Allows interpretation of variable length subnet masks (VLSM).
This gives the Passport network greater precision when
configuring subnets. Note that third-party devices configured to
use RIPv1 will not understand Rip 1 Compatible broadcasts from
a Passport 4400.
Rip2 The Passport 4400 does not currently support the full
implementation of RIPv2. The Rip 1 Compatible mode can be
used for broadcasting Rip 2 packets (see description above).

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

When RIP learns a route from another router, it tries to update the IP routing table.
If there is already a static route, this takes precedence and the new RIP route is not
added to the IP routing table. If this static route is deleted, then the new route is
added to the IP routing table.

Before this configuration will take affect, you must do a CPU reset

CPU Reset
1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

404 Configuring LAN Services

2 Use the pull down menu to select CPU only.

3 Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

4 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Completing IP Routing on the Passport 4400 (Configurator)

To complete the rest of this procedure, you must use the CLI. Complete all steps
in “Completing IP Routing on the Passport 4400 (CLI)” on page 407.

CLI IP Routing Procedure

For additional IP routing commands, go to “Optional IP Routing Parameters” on

page 410.

To configure the Passport 4400 for IP routing, follow this procedure:

1 Make sure that all necessary netlinks (PVCs) have been established according
to Configure Connections to the Passport Network.
2 Configure the Passport 4400 for IP routing.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 405

CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol routed

Note: The factory default setting for IPProtocol is bridged.

3 Assign IP addresses for IfIndex 1 (Ethernet interface for routing) and IfIndex
2 (virtual port for WAN traffic). You must execute this command for each
CLI> add ip address entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) The IfIndex of the virtual port.

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address to be assigned to the
virtual port.
<NetMask> Sub-NetMask Enter the subnet mask. The bits of the
subnet mask are set to 1 if the Passport
4400 should treat the corresponding bit in
the IP address as part of the IP network
<BcastAddress> IPAddress The IP address used for broadcasting.


CLI> add ip address entry 1

Note: It is possible to assign more than one IP address to IfIndex 1, the

routing Ethernet interface. See “Multiple IP Addresses” on page 386 for
more information.

At this point, you may decided to use either RIP or OSPF for your protocol.

Continue on to “Using RIP as Your Routing Protocol (CLI)” on page 406, or refer
to OSPF to configure OSPF on your network.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

406 Configuring LAN Services

Using RIP as Your Routing Protocol (CLI)

1 Turn RIP on for the Passport 4400.
CLI> define ip base rip on

Without RIP turned on for the unit, the individual commands to enable RIP on
specific IfIndices will not be recognized.

2 Select the appropriate version of RIP for use over the Passport network.
CLI> define ip base ripCompatibility

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<RipCompatibility> rip1 | rip1Compatible | rip2 See the table below.

RIP Parameter Description

Rip1 Allows the Passport 4400 to broadcast RIPv1 packets across the
Passport network.
Rip1Compatible Allows interpretation of variable length subnet masks (VLSM).
This gives the Passport network greater precision when
configuring subnets. Note that third-party devices configured to
use RIPv1 will not understand Rip1Compatible broadcasts from
a Passport 4400.
Rip2 The Passport 4400 does not currently support the full
implementation of RIPv2. The Rip1Compatible mode can be
used for broadcasting Rip2 packets (see description above).


define ip base ripCompatibility rip1

3 Enable RIP for all IP addresses assigned to IfIndexes 1 and 2, the Ethernet
interface and virtual WAN port (from Step 3, “CLI IP Routing Procedure).
RIP is disabled by default.
CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 1
<ipaddress> rip

CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 2

<ipaddress> rip

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 407

When RIP learns a route from another router, it tries to update the IP routing table.
If there is already a static route, this takes precedence and the new RIP route is not
added to the IP routing table. If this static route is deleted, then the new route is
added to the IP routing table.

4 Before this configuration will take affect, you must do a CPU reset.
CLI> reset system cpu reset

Completing IP Routing on the Passport 4400 (CLI)

1 Enable inverse ARP for the virtual WAN port (IfIndex 2). Inverse ARP should
only be set for the unit receiving calls.
CLI> define ip invArp 2 ip enabled

Inverse ARP (InvARP), as specified in RFC 1293, is an addition to standard ARP

that allows a station to request an IP address corresponding to a given physical
(hardware) address. Inverse ARP is disabled by default.

Warning: Inverse ARP can only be configured on the client side in basic
mode. Do not configure inverse ARP in easyrouting mode.

2 Enable basic routing over the virtual WAN port (IfIndex 2)

CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode 2

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual WAN port.
<Mode> basic | easyrouting Enter basic to enable IP routing between
different subnets on the same virtual


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

408 Configuring LAN Services

CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode 2 basic

Note: Easyrouting reduces the complexity of configuring the Passport

4400 to transfer data across the Passport network. For more information
about easyrouting, see Virtual Ports. This option is set to basic (no
easyrouting) by default.

3 If the designated user core router is a Passport 4400, use this command to
create an SVC to the user core router for IfIndex 2:
Continue on to Step 4 if the designated user core router is a Passport 6400.

CLI> add fr port svcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter 2. This will be the IfIndex

number for the new SVC.
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter the DNA prefix of the user core
quoted string) (1..34) router, followed by the number 1 and
the number shown in the table
displayed in the command show fr
port virtualPort
operational table. Be sure to
enclose the string in quotes without
any spaces.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the priority of
the traffic on the SVC. Enter a value
between 0 and 15, with higher
numbers indicating a higher priority.


CLI> add fr port svcLANData 2 “123456789100” 5

If your core router is a Passport 6400, go to Step 4, otherwise, go to Step 5.

4 If the user core router is a Passport 6400, use this command to create an SPVC
to the user core router for IfIndex 2:

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 409

CLI> add fr port spvcLANData 2

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<VirtualPortIfindex> Integer (1..255) Enter IfIndex 2.

<RemoteNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI number assigned
to the Passport 4400 for user
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter the DNA prefix of the user
quoted string) (1..34) core router DNA of 1234567890
<ConnectType> slave | master Enter master.


CLI> add fr port spvcLANData 2 255 “1234567890” master

Note: The choice of which device is the master and which device is the
slave is by convention. It is recommended that in the Passport
4400-to-Passport 6400 connection, the Passport 4400 be designated the
master for the purpose of speedier service recovery.

5 Save the configuration changes and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

410 Configuring LAN Services

See the illustration below for an example of Passport 4400 IP routing:

User Core Router

(Passport 4400 or 6400)
rt 4400

LAN Passport 4400

rt 4400

Ethernet WAN
Interface LAN
rt 4400

Passport 4400

Optional IP Routing Parameters

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to

define optional IP routing parameters. Configurator may be used to
modify your IP interfaces and to add a static route. See Configurator IP
Routing Procedure or Configurator Procedure for Adding a Static Route
for these options. For all other optional parameters, you must use the CLI.

“Configurator Procedure for Adding a Static Route” on page 410

“CLI Commands for Optional IP Routing Parameters” on page 413

Configurator Procedure for Adding a Static Route

Use the following procedure to add a static route through the Configurator web

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 411

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and Static Route.

You will see the Routing Table window.

2 At the top of the window click, Add Static Route. You will see the Add Static
Route window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Destination IPAddress The IP address of the destination node.

IfIndex INTEGER (1 - 255) For the LAN, use IfIndex 1 (Ethernet
interface); for the WAN, use IfIndex 2
(virtual WAN port).
Next Hop IPAddress The IP address of the next node along the
path to the destination.
Mask IPAddress The subnet mask that belongs to the IP
address of this entry.
Metric INTEGER (2 - 15) The number of hops required to reach the
destination IP address.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

412 Configuring LAN Services

When you have completed the above entries, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

Save and Reset the Current Configuration

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 413

CLI Commands for Optional IP Routing Parameters

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to

define optional IP routing parameters. Configurator may be used to
modify your IP Interfaces and to add a static route. See “Configurator IP
Routing Procedure” on page 399 or “Configurator Procedure for Adding
a Static Route” on page 410 for these options. For all other optional
parameters, you must use the CLI.

This section discusses additional CLI commands that allow you to further
customize IP routing on the Passport 4400.

The following CLI commands allow you to further customize the IP routing on
the Passport 4400.

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) spoofing is a technique used to reduce WAN

traffic. The ARP spoofing agent learns the addresses of local hosts and stores
them in a table. This table is used to respond to ARP requests, in place of a
WAN-based request. ARP spoofing is disabled by default.

To enable ARP spoofing:

CLI> define bridge global arpSpoofing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<ArpSpoofing> enabled | disabled Enter enabled.

The default timer command determines how long a packet is considered valid,
measured in seconds.

To set the default timer:

CLI> set ip parameters defaultTimeToLive

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<DefaultTimeToLive> INTEGER (1..255) Enter how long you want the packet to
remain valid (seconds).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

414 Configuring LAN Services

To establish a static route to the destination IP address:

CLI> add ip route

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<DestAddress> IPAddress The IP address of the destination node.

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) For the LAN, use IfIndex 1 (Ethernet interface);
for the WAN, use IfIndex 2 (virtual WAN port).
<Metric> INTEGER (2..15) The number of hops required to reach the
destination IP address.
<NextHop> IPAddress The IP address of the next node along the path
to the destination.
<NetMask> IPAddress The subnet mask associated with the IP address
of this entry

For the new static route to take effect, save the configuration of the Passport 4400
and restart the unit:

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Once an IP route is established (using the add ip route command), the set
ip route command can be used to change the parameters of existing IP routes.
Any parameters set with the set ip route command take effect immediately.
There is no need to reset the Passport 4400.

To define the IP parameters:

CLI> define ip base parameters

Options Description

bcastAddress The value of the IP address used to send broadcasts on this

IP interface.
dataLinkType The link type, either frame relay (fr) or Ethernet (ether). This
defaults to ether for LAN interfaces (IfIndexes 1 and 3), and
fr for virtual WAN ports (ifIndexes 2 and 4).
forwardBcast This variable determines whether IP broadcast messages
are forwarded over the WAN.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 415

Options Description

ipNumbered This parameter is not supported.

keepAlive This variable determines whether keepAlive messages are
sent over this interface.
mtu Maximum transmission unit — This parameter is used for
interfaces that transmit datagrams. The size in octets
represents the largest datagram that can be sent or
netMask The subnet mask associated with the IP address of the
Passport 4400. The value of the mask is an IP address with
all the network bits set to 1 and all the host bits set to 0.
routeProtocolType Options are RIP, Passive RIP, ospf, and disabled. Passive
RIP does not broadcast RIP information across the WAN.

IPX Routing Procedure

This section discusses how to configure the Passport 4400 for IPX routing.

Note: Within an RFC 1490 environment, IPX routing is not supported.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring IPX Routing” on page 415

“CLI Commands to Configure IPX Routing” on page 419

Configurator Procedure for Configuring IPX Routing

Before You Begin

Make sure that all necessary netlinks (PVCs) have been established according to
Configure Connections to the Passport Network.

The following tasks must be completed:

• “Add IPX Circuits” on page 416

• “Save and Reset the Current Configuration” on page 418

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

416 Configuring LAN Services

Add IPX Circuits

The following steps must be completed twice: once for the IPX circuit on the
Ethernet interface (LAN), and once for the IPX circuit on the WAN port.

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IPX, and Interfaces.

You will see the IPX Interfaces window:

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 417

2 At the top of the window, click on Add Circuit. You will see the Add IPX
Circuit window:

See the table below for a description of the parameters to be entered in this

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Circuit Index INTEGER (1..16) For the LAN circuit, use IfIndex 1
(Ethernet interface); for the WAN circuit,
use IfIndex 2 (virtual WAN port).
Virtual Port Index INTEGER (1 - 255) For the LAN circuit, use IfIndex 1
(Ethernet interface); for the WAN circuit,
use IfIndex 2 (virtual WAN port).
Network Number (xx:xx:xx:xx) Enter the IPX network number. Each IPX
segment is identified by a unique network
number for each network subnet to which
the Passport 4400 is attached.
Circuit Name --------------------------- Enter a circuit name that will identify the
user or the application that are
meaningful in your network environment.
Circuit Data Link Raw, Snap, Type2, Enter the frame type appropriate for your
Type 802.2 server:
Raw for Novell 802.3
Snap for SNAP
Type2 for Ether_II
802.2 for Novell 802.2

3 Repeat Step 2 for the WAN port (Index 2).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

418 Configuring LAN Services

In the illustration below, network number 05 represents the segment from the
LAN to the Passport 4400; network number 02 represents the segment from the
Passport 4400 to the Passport network.

Network 05 Network 02

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Ethernet WAN
Interface Interface

Save and Reset the Current Configuration

1 Under Administration, select System Reset. You will see the System Reset

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 419

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

CLI Commands to Configure IPX Routing

1 Ensure that all necessary netlinks (PVCs) have been established according to
Configure Connections to the Passport Network.
2 Enable IPX routing:
CLI> define ipx system basic routerStatus 1 enabled

3 Add IPX circuits. The following command must be entered twice: once for
the IPX circuit on the Ethernet interface (LAN), and once for the IPX circuit
on the WAN port.
CLI> add ipx circuit

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<SysInstance> INTEGER (1 only) Enter 1 for both commands.

<CircuitIndex> INTEGER (1..16) Enter a different circuit index number
for each circuit.
<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) For the LAN circuit, use IfIndex 1
(Ethernet interface); for the WAN
circuit, use IfIndex 2 (virtual WAN
<CircuitName> “String” (0..48) Enter circuit names in quotes that
identify the user or the application or
that are meaningful in your network
<DataLinkType> raw | snap | type2 | Enter the frame type appropriate for
type8022 your server:
raw for Novell 802.3
snap for SNAP
type2 for Ether_II
type8022 for Novell 802.2
<NetNumber> NetNumber ( 0x01 - The IPX network number. Each IPX
0xFFFFFFFE) segment is identified by a unique
network number for each network
subnet to which the Passport 4400 is

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

420 Configuring LAN Services


CLI> add ipx circuit 1 2 2 “network” type2 0x02

In the illustration below, network number 05 represents the segment from the
LAN to the Passport 4400; network number 02 represents the segment from the
Passport 4400 to the Passport network.

Network 05 Network 02

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Ethernet WAN
Interface Interface

4 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN Optimization

The Passport 4400 supports two features used to streamline IPX routing and
reduce unnecessary traffic: “RIP/SAP Spoofing and “WAN Optimization. These
features, and the commands used to configure them, are described in this section.

RIP/SAP Spoofing

When a workstation needs to send a message or request a service, it first has to

find the address of the destination or the server. If the workstation does not have
the information locally, it will send a RIP/SAP packet to the network requesting
this information.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 421

With the RIP/SAP spoofing feature enabled, a non-router Passport 4400 can store
the most recently used RIP/SAP information locally, and intercept and reply to
RIP/SAP requests whenever possible. This will reduce the WAN traffic that would
otherwise be generated by RIP/SAP broadcasts.

WAN Optimization

IPX routers normally broadcast routing information across the network every 60
seconds. In large networks, routing tables can be huge and can consume
significant bandwidth on a low-speed WAN. WAN optimization sends routing
information over the WAN only when the database has been updated with new
information, reducing WAN traffic.

“Configurator Procedure for Enabling RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN

Optimization” on page 421

“CLI Commands for Enabling RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN Optimization” on

page 423

Configurator Procedure for Enabling RIP/SAP Spoofing and

WAN Optimization
1 Select Configure, Protocols, IPX, and Interfaces.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

422 Configuring LAN Services

You will see the IPX Interfaces window:

2 Locate the Basic table and click Modify (there is only one entry in the IPX
Basic table). You will see the Edit IPX Basic window:

3 Next to Router, select the Off radio button.

4 Next to Spoofing, select the On radio button.
5 Next to WAN Optimize, select the On radio button.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 423

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save and Reset the Current Configuration” on page 418 for the necessary steps
to save your configuration.

To confirm that the changes have taken effect, return to the IPX Interfaces
window. Your changes should be reflected in the Basic and Circuit tables
displayed in the window.

CLI Commands for Enabling RIP/SAP Spoofing and WAN

1 To disable routing and enable spoofing, follow these steps:
CLI> define ipx system basic routerStatus 1 disabled

CLI> define ipx system basic spoofing 1 enabled

2 To enable WAN optimization:

CLI> define ipx system basic wanOptimization 1 enabled

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

4 Confirm that routing is disabled and spoofing and WAN are enabled:
CLI> show ipx system basic table

A table similar to the following appears:

SysInstance 1 (operational)
1 (configured)
ExistState on (operational)
on (configured)
NetNumber 00000000 (operational)
00000000 (configured)
Node 00:00:00:00:00:00 (operational)
SystemName “passport” (operational)
“passport” (configured)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

424 Configuring LAN Services

RxPackets 0 (operational)
RxHeaderErrors 0 (operational)
RxUnknownSockets 0 (operational)
RxDiscards 0 (operational)
RxDelivers 0 (operational)
NoRoutes 0 (operational)
TxRequests 0 (operational)
TxDiscards 0 (operational)
TxPackets 0 (operational)
RouterStatus disabled (operational)
disabled (configured)
Spoofing enabled (operational)
enabled (configured)
SpoofDataLinkType raw (operational)
raw (configured)
wanOptimization enabled (operational)
enabled (configured)

The RouterStatus should read disabled and Spoofing and wan Optimization
should both read enabled.

Optional IPX Routing Parameters

The following commands allow you to further customize the IPX routing on the
Passport 4400.

“Configurator Procedure for Optional IPX Routing Parameters” on page 424

“CLI Commands for Optional IPX Routing Parameters” on page 426

Configurator Procedure for Optional IPX Routing


To modify IPX routing parameters, use the procedure below:

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 425

1 Repeat Step 1 in “Configurator Procedure for Enabling RIP/SAP Spoofing

and WAN Optimization” on page 421.
2 In the Circuit table, next to the IPX circuit interface you want to configure,
click Modify. You will see the Modify IPX Circuit window:

See the table below for a description of the above parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Circuit Index INTEGER (1..16) For the LAN circuit, use IfIndex 1
(Ethernet interface); for the WAN circuit,
use IfIndex 2 (virtual WAN port).
Virtual Port Index INTEGER (1 - 255) For the LAN circuit, use IfIndex 1
(Ethernet interface); for the WAN circuit,
use IfIndex 2 (virtual WAN port).
Network Number (xx:xx:xx:xx) Enter the IPX network number. Each IPX
segment is identified by a unique network
number for each network subnet to which
the Passport 4400 is attached.

3 Update the applicable parameters and click Modify. A “Command Successful”

4 You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save and Reset the Current Configuration” on page 418 for the necessary
steps to save your configuration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

426 Configuring LAN Services

CLI Commands for Optional IPX Routing Parameters

These commands will require you to enter the variables SysInstance and
CircuitIndex. For SysInstance, always enter 1; for CircuitIndex, enter the index
number of the IPX circuit.

CLI> add ipx circuit

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<SysInstance> INTEGER (1 only) Enter 1.

<CircuitIndex> INTEGER (1..16) Enter the index number of the IPX circuit.
<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) The IfIndex you want to assign to this circuit.
<CircuitName> “String” (0..48) Enter an arbitrary name you want to assign to
the new circuit.
<DataLinkType> raw | snap | type2 | Enter the link type of the circuit. This will
type8022 depend on the direction of the IPX traffic over
the circuit.
<NetNumber> NetNumber (0x0 Enter the IPX network number. Each IPX
-0xFFFFFFFF) segment is identified by a unique network
number for each network subnet to which the
Passport 4400 is attached.

CLI> define ipx circuit

Options Description

circuitName An arbitrary name assigned to a circuit.

dataLinkType The link type of the circuit. This will depend on the direction of the IPX
traffic over the circuit.
existState Select on or off. The default is on.
IfIndex The IfIndex number associated with this circuit.
netNumber The IPX network number associated with this circuit.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 427

CLI> define ipx system basic

Options Description

netNumber The network number portion of the IPX address of the system.
routerStatus The operational status of the router. The default is disabled.
spoofing The status of IPX spoofing. The default is enabled.
spoofDataLinkType The link type to be spoofed. This will depend on the direction of
the IPX traffic over the circuit.
systemName An arbitrary system name for the IPX network.
wanOptimization The status of WAN optimization. The default is disabled.

Data Compression
This section discusses the Configurator and CLI procedures necessary to enable
data compression.

Note: The Passport 4400 unit supports standard FRF9 compression

techniques. Any deviation of the protocol in other manufacture’s
equipment will not be compatible with the Passport 4400.

• “Configurator Procedure to Enable Data Compression” on page 427

• “CLI Procedure to Enable Data Compression” on page 430

Configurator Procedure to Enable Data Compression

Note: You cannot enable data compression unless you have the correct
hardware SIMM.

The following tasks must be completed in order to enable data compression:

1 “Enable Data Compression” on page 428

2 “Configure Local and Remote Passports” on page 428

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

428 Configuring LAN Services

3 “CPU Reset” on page 429

Enable Data Compression

1 Select Configure, System, and Compression.

You will see the Data Compression window:

2 Click the On radio button then click Save.

Configure Local and Remote Passports

Complete the procedure below for both the local and remote Passport units:

1 Under Configure, select Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and SVCs.

You will see the SVC Table window.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 429

2 Click Modify next to the virtual port you want to enable data compression on.
You will see the Modify a SVC window:

3 Locate the Data Compression Mode field. Use the pull down menu to select
the applicable mode.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must perform a CPU reset for this setting to take effect.

CPU Reset
1 Under Administration select System Reset. You will see the System Reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

430 Configuring LAN Services

2 Use the pull down menu to select CPU_only and click Reset. A confirmation
message is displayed. Click OK to continue the reset.

For additional data compression parameters see Virtual Ports.

CLI Procedure to Enable Data Compression

Note: You can not enable data compression unless you have the correct
hardware SIMM.

Complete the following tasks to enable data compression:

1 “Configure Data Compression on the Remote Passport 4400 Unit” on

page 430
2 “Configure Data Compression on the Local Passport 4400 Unit” on page 431

Configure Data Compression on the Remote Passport 4400

1 Enable data compression.
CLI> define fr system dcSwitch enabled

2 Configure the Remote Passport 4400 unit.

CLI> define fr port SVCLANData negModeDC

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want
enabled for data compression.
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA (as Enter the DNA prefix of the remote
a quoted string) Passport 4400 unit you are configuring
(1..34) data compression for.

206916-E Rev 00
Configuring LAN Services 431

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the priority of the
traffic on the SVC. Enter a value
between 0 and 15, with higher numbers
indicating a higher priority.
<DCNegMode> noCompression | Enter the applicable mode.
frf9Standard |
nortelProprietary |


CLI> define fr port SVCLANData negModeDC 2 “245678” 2


3 Reset the Passport 4400 unit.

CLI> reset system cpu reset

Configure Data Compression on the Local Passport 4400 Unit

1 Enable data compression.
CLI> define fr system dcSwitch enable

2 Configure the Local Passport 4400 unit.

CLI> define fr line user baseDLCMI negModeDCDef

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want
enabled for data compression.
<DCNegMode> noCompression | Enter the applicable mode.
frf9Standard |


CLI> define fr line user baseDLCMI negModeDCDef 2


3 Reset the Passport 4400 unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

432 Configuring LAN Services

CLI> reset system cpu reset

For additional data compression parameters see Virtual Ports.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 9
Virtual Ports

The following sections deal with common applications that require the use of a
separate virtual port on the Passport 4400:

• “Easyrouting on a Virtual Port” on page 434

• “Connecting to a Network Management System” on page 435
• “Connecting to a Third-Party Router” on page 448
• “Adding a Virtual Port” on page 458
• “SVCs on Virtual Ports” on page 463
• “Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters” on page 465

The Passport 4400 is designed to allow all subnet traffic to be transmitted across
the Passport network over a single WAN link. In order to manage the numerous
SVCs carrying this traffic, each type of service is associated with a virtual port.

When an IP address is given to a virtual port, that virtual port becomes logically
linked to a physical port on the Passport 4400. A single physical port can support
multiple virtual ports.

Each virtual port is managed by an IfIndex. By default, the Passport 4400 is

configured with two virtual ports, as shown in the following CLI display:

CLI> show fr port virtualPort operational table

IfIndex Mode State ProtocolBinding Number

2 easyrouting up ip-configured 0
4 easyrouting down Unknown 1

The status of the virtual port is always up when at least one virtual port is defined.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

434 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

IfIndex 2, representing the virtual WAN port, is used to direct IP/IPX traffic to the
WAN via the frame relay network.

IfIndex 4 represents an additional virtual port for use with IP/IPX traffic. With the
use of a separate virtual port, it is possible to direct traffic to multiple subnets
(IfIndex 2 for one subnet, IfIndex 4 for another). This additional virtual port is
commonly used to handle network management traffic in networks that use a
network management system (NMS).

The value in the Number column represents the last two digits of the DNA suffix.

It is also possible to configure additional virtual ports on the Passport 4400,

allowing further control of IP/IPX traffic. See “Adding a Virtual Port” on
page 458 for more information.

Continue on to the following sections:

• “Easyrouting on a Virtual Port” on page 434

• “Connecting to a Network Management System” on page 435
• “Connecting to a Third-Party Router” on page 448
• “Adding a Virtual Port” on page 458
• “SVCs on Virtual Ports” on page 463
• “Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters” on page 465

Easyrouting on a Virtual Port

Easyrouting is a proprietary protocol that reduces the complexity of configuring
Passport 4400 LAN services. Easyrouting transfers data across the Passport
network by bridging LAN traffic onto the WAN link, with IP and IPX spoofing to
conserve WAN bandwidth.

While Easyrouting simplifies the construction of a multi-node network, there are

situations where the Passport 4400 default routing mode, basic, should be used:

Since Easyrouting only applies to Passport units, any PVCs that connect with a
third-party device (such as a router) must use basic mode.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 435

Easyrouting increases the amount of broadcast traffic across the WAN port. If
your network has a low tolerance for excess traffic, you may want to configure a
separate virtual port (in basic mode) for each node connected to the local Passport

Virtual ports (IfIndex 2) should be configured to use Easyrouting.

In the scenarios shown in the figure below, Easyrouting allows multiple Passport
4400 nodes to be connected to the local Passport 4400 using only one virtual port
(IfIndex 2, the virtual WAN port). The basic (no Easyrouting) scenario uses a
separate virtual port for each node.

Easyrouting Basic

Virtual WAN
Virtual WAN

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

Connecting to a Network Management System

If your network uses a NMS, use the following Configurator or CLI procedures to
configure the NMS virtual port on the Passport 4400.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

436 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

Before You Begin

You will need to obtain the following information from your network

• IP address of the third-party router.

• DLCI for connections across the public network.

“Configurator Procedure for Connecting to a Network Management System” on

page 436

“CLI Procedure for Connecting to a Network Management System” on page 444

Configurator Procedure for Connecting to a Network

Management System

The following steps must be completed in order to connect to a NMS using


• Add the IP Address for the Virtual Port

• Enable Basic Mode
• Create a SVC for IfIndex 4 (Passport 4400)
• Establish a Static Route Along the Network Management System Virtual Port
(Passport 6400)

Add the IP Address for the Virtual Port

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and Interfaces.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 437

You will see the IP Interfaces window:

2 At the top of the window, select Add IP Address. You will see the IP Interface
Selection window opens:

3 Use the pull down menu to select the interface you want to configure the
virtual port on. You will see the Add IP Address window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

438 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

The table below describes the above parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

IP Address IPAddress The IP address assigned to the virtual port.

Make sure that this address is on the same
subnet as the IP address of the network
management node.
Index INTEGER (1-255) Enter the Index of the virtual port you are
assigning this IP address to.
Net Mask Sub-NetMask The subnet mask. The bits of the subnet
mask are set to 1 if the Passport 4400
should treat the corresponding bit in the IP
address as part of the IP network prefix.
Broadcast IPAddress The IP address used for broadcasting.
Address Usually set to

4 After you have configured the above parameters, click Save. Configurator
returns you to the IP Interfaces window.
5 Locate the Interface you just added, and click Modify. You will see the Modify
IP Parameters window:

6 Next to Routing Type, use the pull down menu to select Passive RIP.
7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Go to “Enable Basic Mode” on page 439 if the network management node is a

Passport 4400.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 439

Go to “Create a SVC for IfIndex 4 (Passport 4400)” on page 441 if the network
management node is a Passport 6400.

Enable Basic Mode

1 Under Configure, Select Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and Virtual Port.

You will see the Virtual Ports window.

2 Locate the Virtual Port Index you want to enable basic mode on. Next to it
click Modify. You will see the Modify a Virtual Port Entry window:

3 Next to Port Mode, click the radio button for Basic and click Save. A
“Command Successful” appears.
You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

440 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK.
4 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select CPU Only. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

6 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
7 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress. Once the reset is complete,
connectivity with the unit will be restored.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 441

Continue on to “Create a SVC for IfIndex 4 (Passport 4400)” on page 441 or

“Establish a Static Route Along the Network Management System Virtual Port
(Passport 6400)” on page 442.

Create a SVC for IfIndex 4 (Passport 4400)

1 Under Virtual Circuits, select SVC. You will see the SVC Table window.
2 At the top of the window select Add a SVC. You will see the Add a SVC

See the table below for a description of the above required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Remote DNA Frame Relay DNA (1..34) Enter the DNA prefix of the
Address network management node
followed by the number 101 (the
DNA suffix for NMS traffic).
Virtual Port Index INTEGER (1..255) Enter 4.
Transfer Priority INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the
priority of the traffic on the SVC.
Enter a value between 0 and 15,
with higher numbers indicating a
higher priority.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Add. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

442 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 440 for the
necessary steps to save your configuration.

Note: The choice of which device is the master and which device is the
slave is by convention. It is recommended that in the Passport
4400-to-Passport 6400 connection, the Passport 4400 be designated the
master for the purpose of speedier service recovery.

Establish a Static Route Along the Network Management

System Virtual Port (Passport 6400)

To add a static route:

1 Under Protocols, select IP.

2 Click on Static Route. You will see the Routing Table window:

3 At the top of the window, click on Add Static Route. You will see the Add
Static Route window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 443

The table below describes the above parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Destination IPAddress The IP address of the subnet on which the

NMS server is located. Do not enter the IP
address of the server port itself.
Next Hop IPAddress The IP address of the next node along the path
to the destination.
IfIndex INTEGER (1 - 255) The IfIndex of the virtual port (in this example,
the IfIndex is 2).
Mask IPAddress The subnet mask. The bits of the subnet mask
are set to 1 if the Passport 4400 should treat
the corresponding bit in the IP address as part
of the IP network prefix.
Metric INTEGER (2 - 15) The number of hops from the Passport 4400 to
the network management host.

4 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


See the illustration below for an example of how to use a network management

User Core Router

(Passport 4400 or 6400)
WAN virtual port
(ifIndex 2)
rt 4400

Passport 4400

NMS virtual port

(ifIndex 4)

Network Management node

(Passport 4400 or 6400)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

444 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

CLI Procedure for Connecting to a Network Management


Use the following CLI procedure to configure the NMS virtual port on the
Passport 4400.

1 Assign an IP address to IfIndex 4, representing the network management

virtual port.
CLI> add ip address entry 4

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress The IP address assigned to the virtual port. Make

sure that this address is on the same subnet as the
IP address of the network management node.
<NetMask> Sub-NetMask The subnet mask. The bits of the subnet mask are
(, set to 1 if the Passport 4400 should treat the, corresponding bit in the IP address as part of the IP network prefix.
<BcastAddress> IPAddress The IP address used for broadcasting. Usually set


CLI> add ip address entry 4

2 Configure the virtual port (IfIndex 4) for passive RIP.

CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 4

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress The IP address assigned to the virtual port.

Make sure that this address is on the same
subnet as the IP address of the network
management node.
<RouteProtocolType> rip | ospf | Enter passiveRip.
passiveRip |

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 445


CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 4 passiveRip

Passive RIP allows the virtual port to acknowledge incoming RIP

information, while prohibiting the generation of its own RIP information.

3 Enable inverse ARP on the virtual port (IfIndex 4).

CLI> define ip invArp 4 ip enabled

4 Select basic mode (no Easyrouting) for the virtual port.

CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode 4 basic

Note: Since the NMS virtual port (IfIndex 4) carries only one SVC, there
is no need to use the Easyrouting protocol. See “Easyrouting on a Virtual
Port” on page 434 for more information.

Proceed to Step 5 if the network management node is a Passport 4400.

Proceed to Step 6 if the network management node is a Passport 6400.

5 On the Passport 4400, create a SVC for IfIndex 4.

CLI> add fr port svcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter 4.
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA Enter the DNA prefix of the network
(quoted string) (1..34) management node followed by the
number 101 (the DNA suffix for NMS
traffic). Enclose the string in quotes,
without any spaces.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value determines the priority of
the traffic on the SVC. Enter a value
between 0 and 15, with higher
numbers indicating a higher priority.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

446 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

CLI> add fr port svcLANData 4 “1234567890101” 10

Proceed to Step 7.

6 On the Passport 6400, create a SVC for IfIndex 4

CLI> add fr port spvcLANData 4

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<RemoteNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI number assigned

to the Passport 4400 for user
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter the DNA prefix of the
quoted string) (1..34) network management node
followed by the number 101 (the
DNA suffix for NMS traffic).
Enclose the string in quotes,
without any spaces.
<ConnectType> slave | master Enter master.


CLI> add fr port spvcLANData 4 18 “1234567890101” master

Note: The choice of which device is the master and which device is the
slave is by convention. It is recommended that in the Passport
4400-to-Passport 6400 connection, the Passport 4400 be designated the
master for the purpose of speedier service recovery.

7 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

8 To establish a static route along the NMS virtual port, use the following

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 447

CLI> add ip route

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<DestAddress> IPAddress The IP address of the subnet on which

the NMS server is located. Do not enter
the IP address of the server port itself.
<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) The IfIndex of the virtual port (in this
example, the IfIndex is 4).
<Metric> INTEGER (2..15) The number of hops from the Passport
4400 to the network management host.
<NextHop> IPAddress The IP address of the next node along
the path to the destination.
<NetMask> IPAddress The subnet mask. The bits of the subnet
mask are set to 1 if the Passport 4400
should treat the corresponding bit in the
IP address as part of the IP network


CLI> add ip route 4 2

9 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

448 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

See the illustration below for an example of how to use a network management

User Core Router

(Passport 4400 or 6400)
WAN virtual port
(ifIndex 2)
rt 4400

Passport 4400

NMS virtual port

(ifIndex 4)

Network Management node

(Passport 4400 or 6400)

Connecting to a Third-Party Router

The following Configurator and CLI procedures are used to connect a third-party
router to a Passport 4400 using RIP or OSPF. Using either one of these
procedures, it is possible for a Passport 4400 configured as a user core router to
pass along all routing duties to the third-party router, freeing up the resources of
the Passport 4400 to handle other traffic.

For the procedure to set up OSPF in a network, see OSPF.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 449

Before You Begin

You will need to obtain the following information from your network

• Frame relay network LMI type, as provided by your network carrier.

• IP address of the third-party router.
• DLCI for connections across the public network.

“Configurator Procedure for Connecting to a Third-Party Router Using RIP

“CLI Procedure for Connecting to a Third-Party Router Using RIP

“Adding a Virtual Port

Configurator Procedure for Connecting to a Third-Party

Router Using RIP

Use the following procedure to connect to a third-party router.

1 Make sure that all necessary netlinks (PVCs) in the Passport network have
been established according to Configure Connections to the Passport
Network. Pay attention to the LMI type assigned to the WAN port; this should
match the LMI type of the frame relay network.
2 Configure the third-party router. Keep the following parameters in mind when
configuring the third-party router:
Connections to and from the router should use frame relay (RFC 1490)
encapsulation. This will allow the router to communicate with the
Passport 4400.
Configure the router to use the RIP protocol.
Select the correct LMI type, as given by the network carrier.
3 Configure the Passport 4400 for IP Routing, according to the steps given in
the Configuring and Operating Passport 4400 Software, Configuring LAN
Services. Make sure that the version of RIP for the Passport 4400 matches the
version of RIP implemented on the third-party router.
The following steps must be completed in order to configure RIP.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

450 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

“Configure the RIP Version

“Assign an IP Address to the Virtual Port
“Enable RIP on the Virtual Port

Configure the RIP Version

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and RIP. You will see the RIP Parameters

2 Use the pull down menu to select the version of RIP for the Passport 4400. If
you configured the router to use RIPv2, select RIP 1 Compatible (to ensure
backward compatibility with RIPv1) or RIP 2 (for networks that are RIPv2
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configure a Netlink Between the Passport 4400 and the

Third-Party Router
1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and Serial. You will see the Physical
Interface (Serial) window.
2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you want to configure. The Physical
Port Configuration window opens.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 451

3 In the Protocol Supported field, use the pull down menu to select the
applicable protocol.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

5 Select WAN/Data Services and PANL. You will see the Port Selection (PANL)
6 Use the pull down menu to select the port you want to configure. You will see
the Add a Netlink (Tunnel) window:

The Passport 4460 Add a Netlink (Tunnel) window includes the Card (instead of
Physical Card) and DS0 Channel parameters.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

452 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

See the table below for a description of the two parameters that need to be

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

DLCI Number INTEGER (16..991) The DLCI that is used to identify this
netlink. For connections across a public
frame relay network, consult your network
administrator for this value.
Type dte-panl, dce-panl, Choose standard for an RFC 1490
standard connection between a Passport 4400 and
the third-party router.

7 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


The connection to the third-party router must be configured on a separate virtual

port (not the WAN user traffic virtual port). For this example, we will use IfIndex
4, representing the virtual port normally used for network management traffic. If
you wish to use a different virtual port, see “Adding a Virtual Port” on page 458.

Assign an IP Address to the Virtual Port

Complete the steps in “Add the IP Address for the Virtual Port” on page 436.

Enable RIP on the Virtual Port

1 Complete Steps 1 and 2 of “Locate the Interface you just added, and click
Modify. You will see the Modify IP Parameters window:” on page 438.
2 Next to Routing Type, use the pull down menu to select RIP.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the system before the new configuration will take effect. Go to
“Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 440 for the
necessary steps to save your configuration.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 453

See the illustration below for an example of a third-party router in a Passport


WAN virtual port

(ifIndex 2)
Passport 4400
User Core Router
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Passport 4400

Router virtual port

(ifIndex 4)


CLI Procedure for Connecting to a Third-Party Router Using


Use the following procedure to connect to a third-party router.

1 Make sure that all necessary netlinks (PVCs) in the Passport network have
been established according to Configure Connections to the Passport
Network. Pay attention to the LMI type assigned to the WAN port; this should
match the LMI type of the frame relay network.
2 Configure the third-party router. Keep the following parameters in mind when
configuring the third-party router:
Connections to and from the router should use frame relay (RFC 1490)
encapsulation. This will allow the router to communicate with the
Passport 4400.
Configure the router to use the RIP protocol.
Select the correct LMI type, as given by the network carrier.
3 Configure the Passport 4400 for IP routing, according to the steps given in
Configuring LAN Services. Make sure that the version of RIP for the Passport

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

454 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

4400 matches the version of RIP implemented on the third-party router. Use
the following command to configure the RIP version:
CLI> define ip base ripCompatibility

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<RipCompatibility> rip1 | rip1Compatible | Select the version of RIP for the

rip2 Passport 4400. If you configured the
router to use RIPv2, select
rip1Compatible (to insure backward
compatibility with RIPv1) or rip2 (for
networks that are RIPv2 compatible).

rip1 allows only version 1 packets to

be broadcasted.

rip1Compatibile allows RIP version 1

packets to be broadcasted, but both
RIP version and RIP version 2 packets
are understood.

rip2 allows RIP version 2 packets to

be multicast.

4 Configure a netlink between the Passport 4400 and the third-party router.
CLI> add fr tunnel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter a unique IfIndex for the new

<DlciNumber> INTEGER (16..991) The DLCI that is used to identify this
netlink. For connections across a public
frame relay network, consult your
network administrator for this value.
<PhysicalCard> base | exp1 | exp2 The physical location of the WAN port.
This should be the same WAN port that
<PhysicalPort> INTEGER (1..8) was configured for PANL traffic in
Configure Connections to the Passport

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 455

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Type> dte-panl | dce-panl | Choose standard for an RFC 1490

standard connection between a Passport 4400
and the third-party router.
<PhysicalChannel> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter -1 for frame relay.


Passport 4430/50/55

CLI> add fr tunnel TunnelIfIndex 5 100 base 4 dce-panl


Passport 4460

CLI> add fr tunnel TunnelIfIndex 5 100 base 4 dce-panl -1

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

The connection to the third-party router must be configured on a separate virtual

port (not the WAN user traffic virtual port). For this example, we will use IfIndex
4, representing the virtual port normally used for network management traffic. If
you wish to use a different virtual port, see “Adding a Virtual Port” on page 458.

5 Configure a PVC from the Passport 4400 to the third-party router.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

456 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

CLI> add fr port pvcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) The IfIndex of the virtual port (in this
example, IfIndex 4).
<NetlinkIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) The IfIndex of the netlink configured in Step


CLI> add fr port pvcLANData 4 6

6 Assign an IP address to the virtual port (IfIndex 4).

CLI> add ip address entry 4

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress The IP address to be assigned to the virtual

port. Make sure that this address is on the
same subnet as the IP address of the
third-party router.
<NetMask> Sub-NetMask The subnet mask. The bits of the subnet
(, mask are set to 1 if the Passport 4400, should treat the corresponding bit in the IP
address as part of the IP network prefix.
<BcastAddress> IPAddress The IP address used for broadcasting.
Usually set to


CLI> add ip address entry 4

7 Enable RIP on the virtual port (in this example, IfIndex 4).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 457

CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 4

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address assigned to the virtual

port in Step 6.
<RouteProtocolType> rip | ospf | Enter rip.
passiveRip |

8 Enable inverse ARP on the virtual port.

CLI> define ip invArp 4 ip enabled

Inverse ARP (InvARP) is an addition to standard ARP that allows a station to

request an IP address corresponding to a given physical (hardware) address.
Inverse ARP is disabled by default.

9 Select basic mode for the virtual port.

CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode 4 basic

Since Easyrouting is a Passport 4400 proprietary protocol, it must be turned off

when connecting to a third-party router. See “Easyrouting on a Virtual Port” on
page 434 for more information.

10 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

458 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

See the illustration below for an example of a third-party router in a Passport


WAN virtual port

(ifIndex 2)
Passport 4400
User Core Router
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Passport 4400

Router virtual port

(ifIndex 4)


End of Topic

Adding a Virtual Port

Use one the procedures below to add virtual ports to your Passport 4400 unit.

“Configurator Procedure for Adding a Virtual Port” on page 458

“CLI Procedure for Adding a Virtual Port” on page 461

Configurator Procedure for Adding a Virtual Port

Before You Begin

The new virtual port must be assigned an unused IfIndex. The Passport 4400 uses
the IfIndex to identify and direct traffic to the virtual port. To view the IfIndexes
used by the Passport 4400 unit, follow the procedure below:

1 Select Status/Statistics and All Interfaces.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 459

You will see the Interface Status/Statistics window:

From this display, select an unused Index (such as 20).

Add the Virtual Port through Configurator

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and Virtual Port.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

460 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

You will see the Virtual Ports window:

Note that this table displays IfIndexes currently used by configured virtual

2 At the top of the window, click Add a Virtual Port. You will see the Add a
Virtual Port window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter a valid integer to be used as the

IfIndex for the virtual port. See the display in
“Before You Begin” on page 461.
Port Number INTEGER (2 - 31) Enter a number that is not already in use.
See the display in Step 1.
Port Mode Basic, EasyRouting Enter Basic or EasyRouting. Refer to
“Easyrouting on a Virtual Port” on page 434
to determine the correct configuration for
this port.
Note: If you are configuring this port for
bridging, you should set IfIndex 2 to

3 Enter the above parameters, and click Save. A “Command Successful”


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 461

CLI Procedure for Adding a Virtual Port

The Passport 4400 may be configured for additional virtual ports to allow the
Passport 4400 to direct specific IP traffic to a remote node.

Before You Begin

The new virtual port must be assigned an unused IfIndex. The Passport 4400 uses
the IfIndex to identify and direct traffic to the virtual port.

Use the following command to display the IfIndexes:

CLI> show system IfIndex operational

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfSlot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
150 propMultiplexor 1 base
151 other 1 base

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN, Expansion,
and PCMCIA modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base and the WAN,
Expansion, and PCMCIA modules are named exp1, exp2, and

From this display, select an unused IfIndex (such as 5).

1 Display the currently active virtual ports.

CLI> show fr port virtualPort operational table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

462 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

A table similar to the following appears:

IfIndex Mode State ProtocolBinding Number

2 basic up ip-configured 0
4 basic up ip-configured 1

Note the column to the far right, Number. This represents the virtual port
number, an internal identifier assigned to each virtual port. Virtual port
number 0 (IfIndex 2) is used to pass WAN user traffic, and virtual port
number 1 (IfIndex 4) is used for a separate channel of IP traffic (such as
network management). The number column represents the last two digits for
the DNA suffix.

From this display, select an unused virtual port number (such as 12).

2 Add a new virtual port to the Passport 4400.

CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER Enter a valid integer to be used as the IfIndex

(1..255) for the virtual port. See the display in “Before
You Begin” on page 461.
<Number> INTEGER (0..31) Enter a number that is not already in use. See
the display in Step 1.


CLI> add fr port virtualPort 5 12

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

4 Confirm the existence of the new virtual port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 463

CLI> show fr port virtualPort operational table

IfIndex Mode State ProtocolBinding Number

2 basic up ip-configured 0
4 basic up ip-configured 1
12 basic up ip-configured 2

SVCs on Virtual Ports

When configuring a SVC on a virtual port other than the WAN user traffic virtual
port (IfIndex 2), the DNA suffix must reflect the virtual port number.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs on Virtual Ports” on page 463

“CLI Command for Configuring SVCs on Virtual Ports” on page 465

Configurator Procedure for Configuring SVCs on Virtual


Use the following procedure to create a SVC on a virtual port.

1 Under Configure, select Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and SVCs. You will see
the SVC Table window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

464 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

2 At the top of the window, click on Add a SVC. You will see the Add a SVC

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Remote DNA Address Frame Relay DNA The DNA consists of the DNA
prefix of the destination (for
example, the user core router),
followed by a three-digit suffix.
This suffix consists of the string
Virtual Port Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the number of the virtual port
being configured.
Transfer Priority INTEGER (0 - 15) The relative priority of the traffic on
this SVC. The range is from 0 to
15, with higher numbers indicating
higher priority. For information
about how this parameter affects
Passport 4400 traffic
management, see Traffic

3 Enter the above parameters then click Add. Configurator will then return you
to the SVC Table window. You should see the SVC you just added.

End of Topic

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 465

CLI Command for Configuring SVCs on Virtual Ports

Before You Begin

See “Adding a Virtual Port” on page 458 for information of how to display
existing virtual port numbers.

Use the following command to create a SVC on a virtual port:

CLI> add fr port svcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual port being
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter a valid string (in quotes). The
quoted string) (1..34) SVCDNA consists of the DNA prefix of the
destination (for example, the User Core
Router), followed by a three-digit suffix.
This suffix consists of the string “100”,
followed by the virtual port number.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) The relative priority of the traffic on this
SVC. The range is from 0 to 15, with higher
numbers indicating higher priority. For
information about how this parameter
affects Passport 4400 traffic management
see Traffic Management.


CLI> add fr port svcLANData 2 “1234567890100” 10

Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters

The following parameters affect SVCs carried on the virtual ports on the Passport

“Configurator Procedure for Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters” on

page 466

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

466 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

“CLI Commands for Defining Optional Virtual Port Parameters” on page 469

Configurator Procedure for Defining Optional Virtual Port


Use the procedure below to define optional SVC port parameters.

1 On the SVC Table window, locate the virtual port you want to configure. Next
to it, click Modify. You will see the Modify a SVC window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 467

See the table below for a description of the parameters:

Options Description

Max. Frame Size (Tx) The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted
out of the frame relay network by this SVC. The range is
from 0 to 4096 frames. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the network default value is used for this SVC.
For information about how this parameter affects
Passport 4400 traffic management, seeTraffic
Min. Throughput (Rx) The minimum receive throughput in bits per second (b/
s); used with the maxRxThroughput value to negotiate
with the remote. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the
network default value is used for this SVC.
Burst Size (Tx) The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in
the egress direction out of the frame relay network. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0
(the default), the network default value is used for this
Excess Burst Size (Rx) The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the
ingress direction into the frame relay network. The range
is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the network default value is used for this SVC.
Holding Priority Specifies the priority this SVC maintains once it is
established, as well as the likelihood of its being bumped
by a new SVC with a higher priority. A value of 1 is the
highest priority, and 5 is the lowest.
Data Compression This value determines the number of times the Passport
Timeout 4400 attempts to determine the compression
configuration at the other end of the connection. The
default for this parameter is 3. If the Passport 4400
cannot determine the compression configuration at the
other end of the connection, it will default to no
compression. Before you can set this parameter, you
must first enable data compression.
Max. Frame Size (Rx) The maximum frame size in bytes that will be received
into the frame relay network from this SVC. The range is
from 0 to 4096 frames. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the network default value is used for this SVC.
Max. Throughput (Tx) The Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bits per
second (b/s) used for negotiation of transmit data during
call setup. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this
value is left at 0 (the default), the network default value is
used for this SVC.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

468 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

Options Description
Burst Size (Rx) The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in
the ingress direction into the frame relay network. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0
(the default), the network default value is used for this
Discard Priority Indicates the likelihood of frames on this SVC being
discarded during periods of heavy congestion. The
options are low, medium, and high. A value of Low
indicates that the frames are of low priority and therefore
have a high likelihood of being discarded.
Data Compression Mode No Compression - disables compression on this SVC.
Standard - Frame Relay Forum FRF.9 implementation
Proprietary - Nortel’s proprietary compression
Line Configuration - detects compression use on the
frame relay line and matches the compression
Min. Throughput (Tx) The minimum transmit throughput in bits per second/s);
used with the Max. Throughput (Tx) value to negotiate
with the remote. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the
network default value is used for this SVC.
Max. Throughput (Rx) The Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bits per
second (b/s) used for negotiation of receive data during
call setup. The range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this
value is left at 0 (the default), the network default value is
used for this SVC.
Excess Burst Size (Tx) The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the
egress direction out of the frame relay network. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0
(the default), the network default value is used for this
Setup Priority Specifies the priority of a SVC at call-establishment time,
and also determines the potential for bumping
established SVCs to acquire their bandwidth. A value of
1 is the highest priority, and 5 is the lowest. Not
currently implemented on the Passport 4400.
Data Compression This value determines the amount of seconds between
Retries data compression negotiation retries.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 469

Note: Before you can configure any of the data compression parameters,
you must first enable it on the Data Compression window. You can find
this window by clicking on Compression under Configure in
Configurator’s navigation tree.

Note: The Passport 4400 unit supports standard FRF9 compression

techniques. Any deviation of the protocol in other manufacture’s
equipment will not be compatible with the Passport 4400.

2 Update the applicable parameters then click Save. A “Command Successful”


CLI Commands for Defining Optional Virtual Port


The data compression parameters are discussed in “Data Compression Options”

on page 471.

The CLI command is given below, followed by brief definitions for each
configurable paramter.

CLI> define fr port svcLANData

Options Description
discardPriority Indicates the likelihood of frames on this SVC being discarded
during periods of heavy congestion. The options are low,
medium, and high. A value of Low indicates that the frames
are of low priority and therefore have a high likelihood of being
holdingPriority Specifies the priority this SVC maintains once it is established,
as well as the likelihood of its being bumped by a new SVC
with a higher priority. A value of 1 is the highest priority, and 5
is the lowest.
maxRxSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be received into the
frame relay network from this SVC. The range is from 0 to
4096 frames. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the network
default value is used for this SVC.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

470 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

Options Description
maxRxThroughput The Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bits per second (b/s)
used for negotiation of receive data during call setup. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the network default value is used for this SVC.
maxTxSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be transmitted out
of the frame relay network by this SVC. The range is from 0 to
4096 frames. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the network
default value is used for this SVC. For information about how
this parameter affects Passport 4400 traffic management, see
Traffic Management.
maxTxThroughput The Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bits per second (b/s)
used for negotiation of transmit data during call setup. The
range is from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the
default), the network default value is used for this SVC.
minRxThroughput The minimum receive throughput in bits per second (b/s);
used with the maxRxThroughput value to negotiate with the
remote. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the network
default value is used for this SVC.
minTxThroughput The minimum transmit throughput in bits per second (b/s);
used with the maxTxThroughput value to negotiate with the
remote. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the network
default value is used for this SVC.
rxBurstSize The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in the
ingress direction into the frame relay network. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the
network default value is used for this SVC.
rxExcessBurstSize The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the ingress
direction into the frame relay network. The range is from 0 to
2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the network
default value is used for this SVC.
setupPriority Specifies the priority of a SVC at call-establishment time, and
also determines the potential for bumping established SVCs
to acquire their bandwidth. A value of 1 is the highest priority,
and 5 is the lowest.
txBurstSize The committed burst size (Bc) in bits per second (b/s) in the
egress direction out of the frame relay network. The range is
from 0 to 2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the
network default value is used for this SVC.
txExcessBurstSize The excess burst size (Be) in bits per second in the egress
direction out of the frame relay network. The range is from 0 to
2560000 b/s. If this value is left at 0 (the default), the network
default value is used for this SVC.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 471

Data Compression Options

The following data compression options are also available:

• negModeDC
• retryCountDC
• retryTimeDC

Note: Before you can configure data compression, you must first enable
it using the define fr system dcSwitch command.

Note: The Passport 4400 unit supports standard FRF9 compression

techniques. Any deviation of the protocol in other manufacture’s
equipment will not be compatible with the Passport 4400.

CLI> define fr port svcLANData negModeDC

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the virtual IfIndex associated with the
compressed link you want to configure.
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA Enter a valid string (in quotes) for the target port
(as a quoted string) you want to configure.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) The relative priority of the traffic on this SVC.
The range is from 0 to 15, with higher numbers
indicating higher priority. For information about
how this parameter affects Passport 4400 traffic
management see Traffic Management.
<DCNegMode> noCompression | No Compression - disables compression on
frf9 standard | nortel this SVC.
Proprietary | Standard - Frame Relay Forum FRF.9
useLineConfig implementation agreement.
Proprietary - Nortel’s proprietary compression
Line Configuration - detects compression use
on the frame relay line and matches the
compression configuration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

472 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports


CLI> define fr port svcLANData negModeDC 2 “123456789100” 10

frf.9 standard

CLI> define fr port svcLANData retrycountDC

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the virtual IfIndex associated with the
compressed link you want to configure.
<DNA> frame relay DNA Enter a valid string (in quotes) for the target port
(as a quoted string) you want to configure.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) The relative priority of the traffic on this SVC.
The range is from 0 to 15, with higher numbers
indicating higher priority. For information about
how this parameter affects Passport 4400 traffic
management see Traffic Management.
<DCRetryCount> (3..255) This value determines the number of times the
Passport 4400 attempts to determine the
compression configuration at the other end of
the connection. The default for this parameter is
3. If the Passport 4400 cannot determine the
compression configuration at the other end of
the connection, it will default to no compression.


CLI> define fr port svcLANData retrycountDC 2 “123456789100”

10 4

CLI> define fr port svcLANData retrytimeDC

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the virtual IfIndex associated with the
compressed link you want to configure.
<DNA> Frame Relay DNA Enter a valid string (in quotes) for the target port
(as a quoted string) you want to configure.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 9 Virtual Ports 473

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) The relative priority of the traffic on this SVC.
The range is from 0 to 15, with higher numbers
indicating higher priority. For information about
how this parameter affects Passport 4400 traffic
management see Traffic Management.
<DCRetryTime> (1..255) This value determines the amount of seconds
between data compression negotiation retries.


CLI> define fr port svcLANData retrytimeDC 2 “123456789100”

10 10

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

474 Chapter 9 Virtual Ports

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 10

Filtering LAN Services

Filtering may be used to reduce traffic and congestion in the Passport network.
Both bridging and IP routing can take advantage of filtering procedures.

This topic discusses the following filtering procedures:

• “Configuring Bridge Filtering” on page 475

• “Configuring RIP Filtering” on page 492
• “Configuring IPX Filtering” on page 507

Configuring Bridge Filtering

Information may be filtered by three separate criteria: Ethernet type, MAC
address, and SAP. This section discusses how to configure and enter bridge

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Bridge Filtering” on page 476.

“Configurator Procedure for Entering Bridge Filters” on page 478.

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Bridge Filtering” on page 487.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

476 Chapter 10 Filtering

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Bridge Filtering

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Bridging, and Port.

You will see the Bridge Port Configuration window:

2 Locate the Status column. Ensure that all interfaces to be used for bridging
read enabled. If not proceed to Step 3. If they are already enabled, proceed to
Step 5.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 477

3 Select Modify next to the Interface you want to enable. The Bridge Port
Configuration - MODIFY window opens:

4 Next to Status, use the pull down menu to select Enabled.

5 There are three types of filtering that may be applied to bridging:

Option Description

E-Type Filter The E-type filter looks at the Ethernet type of the information.
MAC Address The MAC filter looks at the MAC address and the direction (source,
Filtering destination) of the information.
SAP Filtering SAP filtering checks the Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) type of the

Next to the type of filtering you want to select, click the Enabled radio button.

6 Set the filter to Inclusive if you want to block any information that meets the
criteria of the filter settings. Set the filter to Exclusive if you want the filter to
pass information that meets the criteria of the filter settings, and blocks
everything else. The filter type is set to inclusive by default.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

478 Chapter 10 Filtering

To do this, next to the type of filtering selected, use the pull down menu to
select Inclusive or Exclusive.

7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configurator Procedure for Entering Bridge Filters

This section discusses the following:

• “Entering MAC Filters” on page 479.

• “Entering E-Type and SAP Filters” on page 480.
• “Bridge Port Filtering” on page 485.

The procedures in this section are accessed by following the Configurator steps

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Bridging, and Filtering.

2 Select the applicable filter you want to enter (MAC, E-Type, or SAP).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 479

Entering MAC Filters

1 Under Filtering, select MAC.

You will see the Bridge MAC Filter Configuration window.

2 At the top of the window, select Add Mac Filter. You will see the Bridge
MAC Filter Configuration - ADD window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

480 Chapter 10 Filtering

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Port Index INTEGER (0..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
Filter Number INTEGER (0..255) Enter any ID number you want to assign to
each filter. Filter numbers are specific to
each IfIndex (representing Ethernet
interfaces and virtual ports); for instance,
IfIndexes 1 and 2 may each have a distinct
filter labeled as filter number 1.
MAC Address MACAddress Enter a hexadecimal string, which
represents the MAC address of the
transmission (the MAC address that
needs to be filtered).
MAC Type source | destination Select either source (local) or destination

3 After you have the configured the above parameters, click Save. A
“Command Successful” appears.

Entering E-Type and SAP Filters

E-type (Ethernet type) filters and SAP filters, may be entered in two ways: as a
range of etypes, or as a singular etype. A range filter will affect all etypes within a
given range (for example, from 1600 to 64000). A singular filter will only affect
one specific etype (for example, etype 4000). Common Ethernet types include IP
(0800h) and ARP for IP(0806h).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 481

Entering E-Type Filters

1 Under Filtering, select E-Type.

You will see the Bridging E-Type Filters window.

2 At the top of the window, select Add a filter(singular) or Add a filter(range).

You will see the applicable Adding an E-Type Filter window.
Proceed to Adding an E-Type Filter (Singular) or Adding an E-type Filter

Adding an E-Type Filter (Singular)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

482 Chapter 10 Filtering

See the table below for a description of the above required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Index INTEGER (1-16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
Number INTEGER (1-32) Enter any ID number you want to assign
to each filter. Filter numbers are specific
to each IfIndex (representing Ethernet
interfaces and virtual ports); for instance,
IfIndexes 1 and 2 may each have a
distinct filter labeled as filter number 1.
E-type INTEGER (1536-65535) Enter the specific etype. Common SAP
types include IP (06h), Novell (10h, E0h,
and FEh), and X.25 (7Eh).

After you have configured the above parameters, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

Adding an E-type Filter (Range)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 483

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Index INTEGER (1-16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
Number INTEGER (1-32) Enter any ID number you want to assign
to each filter. Filter numbers are specific
to each IfIndex (representing Ethernet
interfaces and virtual ports); for instance,
IfIndexes 1 and 2 may each have a
distinct filter labeled as filter number 1.
Upper Range INTEGER (1536-65535) Enter the upper range.
Lower Range INTEGER (1536-65535) Enter the lower range.

After you have configured the above parameters, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

Entering SAP Filters

1 Under Bridging, click on SAP.

You will see the SAP Filters window.

2 At the top of the window, select Add a SAP Filter (Singular or Range). You
will see the Adding a Sap Filter window.
Proceed to Adding a SAP Filter (Singular) or Adding a SAP Filter (Range).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

484 Chapter 10 Filtering

Adding a SAP Filter (Singular)

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Index INTEGER (1-16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
Number INTEGER (1-32) Enter any ID number you want to assign
to each filter. Filter numbers are specific
to each IfIndex (representing Ethernet
interfaces and virtual ports); for instance,
IfIndexes 1 and 2 may each have a
distinct filter labeled as filter number 1.
SAP Type INTEGER (0-65535) Enter the specific etype. Common SAP
types include IP (06h), Novell (10h, E0h,
and FEh), and X.25 (7Eh).

Configure the above parameters and click Add. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 485

Adding a SAP Filter (Range)

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Index INTEGER (1-16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
Number INTEGER (1-32) Enter any ID number you want to assign
to each filter. Filter numbers are specific
to each IfIndex (representing Ethernet
interfaces and virtual ports); for instance,
IfIndexes 1 and 2 may each have a
distinct filter labeled as filter number 1.
Upper Range INTEGER (0-65535) Enter the upper range.
Lower Range INTEGER (0-65535) Enter the lower range.

Configure the above parameters and click Add. A “Command Successful” appears.

Bridge Port Filtering

Use the following procedure to configure bridge port filtering.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

486 Chapter 10 Filtering

1 Under Bridging, select Port.

You will see the Bridge Port Configuration window.

2 At the top of the window, select Add Bridge Port. You will see the Bridge Port
Configuration - ADD window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Index INTEGER (1-16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you

want to configure.
Priority INTEGER (0-255) Enter the address priority to be
filtered. The priority field consists
of the first octet of the Port ID.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 487

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Path Cost INTEGER (1-65535) This value is based on hop count.
Path cost is used to compare
paths through the network
environment. This value is used by
the routing protocols to determine
the most favorable path to a
particular destination. This value is
assigned by the system
Port Type Ethernet, FrameRelay Enter either Ethernet or Frame
Status Enabled, Disabled Enter Enabled if you want to view
the port’s status.

3 Enter the required parameters and click Add. A “Command Successful”


CLI Procedure for Configuring Bridge Filtering

Use the procedure below to configure bridge filtering:

1 Activate bridge filters.

CLI> set bridge spanningTree port status

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
<Status> enabled | disabled The spanning tree protocol must be enabled
before any filtering can take place. Enter
enabled for all IfIndexes used for bridging.

2 Select the type of filtering to be applied to bridging.

CLI> set bridge base port



Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

488 Chapter 10 Filtering





There are three types of filtering that may be applied to bridging:

Option Description

etypeFilterType The Etype filter looks at the Ethernet type of the information.
macFilterType The MAC filter looks at the MAC address and the direction (source,
destination, or invalid) of the information.
sapFiltertype SAP filtering checks the Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) type of the

Note: The following CLI commands show activation of the Etype filter;
to activate the MAC filter or SAP filter, substitute the appropriate
command in the examples below.


CLI> set bridge base port etypeFilter

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want
to configure.
<EtypeFilter> enabled | disabled Enter enabled.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 489

CLI> set bridge base port etypeFilterType

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
<EtypeFilterType> inclusive | exclusive Set the filter to inclusive if you want to
block any information that meets the
criteria of the filter settings. Set the filter to
exclusive if you want the filter to pass
information that meets the criteria of the
filter settings, and blocks everything else.
The filter type is set to inclusive by

CLI Procedure for Entering Bridge Filters

This section discusses the following:

• “Entering MAC Filters” on page 489.

• “Entering E-Type and SAP Filters” on page 490.
• “Bridge Port Filtering” on page 492.

Entering MAC Filters

1 Configure the MAC Filter IP address.
CLI> set bridge macFilter address

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want
to configure.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

490 Chapter 10 Filtering

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<FilterNumber> INTEGER (1..32) Enter any ID number you want to
assign to each filter. Filter numbers
are specific to each IfIndex
(representing Ethernet interfaces and
virtual ports); for instance, IfIndexes 1
and 2 may each have a distinct filter
labeled as filter number 1.
<MACFilterAddress> MACAddress Enter a hexadecimal string, which
represents the MAC address of the
transmission (the MAC address that
needs to be filtered).

2 Enter the MAC filter type.

CLI> set bridge macFilter type

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
<FilterNumber> INTEGER (1..32) Enter any ID number you want to
assign to each filter. Filter numbers are
specific to each IfIndex (representing
Ethernet interfaces and virtual ports);
for instance, IfIndexes 1 and 2 may
each have a distinct filter labeled as
filter number 1.
<MACFilterType> source | destination | Enter invalid.

Entering E-Type and SAP Filters

Etype (Ethernet type) filters (and SAP filters, seen below) may be entered in two
ways: as a range of etypes, or as a singular etype. A range filter will affect all
etypes within a given range (for example, from 1600 to 64000). A singular filter
will only affect one specific etype (for example, etype 4000). Common Ethernet
types include IP (0800h) and ARP for IP(0806h).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 491

Entering E-Type Filters

1 Configure the E-Type Filter ranges.
CLI> add bridge etypeFilter range

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want
to configure.
<FilterNumber> INTEGER (1..32) Enter any ID number you want to
assign to each filter. Filter numbers
are specific to each IfIndex
(representing Ethernet interfaces and
virtual ports); for instance, IfIndexes 1
and 2 may each have a distinct filter
labeled as filter number 1.
<UpperRange> INTEGER (1536..65535) Enter the upper range.
<LowerRange> INTEGER (1536..65535) Enter the lower range.

Entering SAP Filters

1 Add the SAP Filter.
CLI> add bridge sapFilter singular

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
<FilterNumber> INTEGER (1..32) Enter any ID number you want to assign
to each filter. Filter numbers are specific
to each IfIndex (representing Ethernet
interfaces and virtual ports); for instance,
IfIndexes 1 and 2 may each have a
distinct filter labeled as filter number 1.
<Etype> INTEGER Enter the specific SAPtype.

Common SAP types include IP (06h), Novell (10h, E0h, and FEh), and X.25

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

492 Chapter 10 Filtering

Bridge Port Filtering

Use the following command to configure bridge port filtering:

CLI> add bridge base port

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..16) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
<Priority> INTEGER (0..255) Enter the address priority to be filtered.
The priority field consists of the first octet
of the Port ID.
<PathCost> INTEGER (1..65535) This value is based on hop count. Path
cost is used to compare paths through the
network environment. This value is used
by the routing protocols to determine the
most favorable path to a particular
destination. This value is assigned by the
system administrator.
<Type> ethernet | frameRelay Enter either ethernet or frame relay.
<Status> enabled | disabled Enter enabled if you want to view the
port’s status.

Configuring RIP Filtering

There are two varieties of filtering that can be applied to IP routing — IP forward
filter and RIP filter. For configuration procedures for IP forward filter, go to
About The IP Traffic and Prioritization Feature.

Routers in an IP network periodically update their routing information databases

with information about networks and neighboring routers using RIP. RIP provides
current information about router end stations and servers connected in the
network, using a request and a response method as well as an informational
broadcast method.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 493

The RIP filter is intended to perform the following:

• Suppress routes from being advertised in routing updates

• Suppress routes listed in updates from being processed
• Suppress listening on routing updates from specific routers

The following procedures are described:

• “Configurator Procedures for Configuring RIP Filter” on page 493

• “CLI Procedure for Configuring RIP Filter” on page 506

Configurator Procedures for Configuring RIP Filter

This section discusses the following filter configuration procedures:

• “RIP Gateway Filters” on page 493

• “IP RIP Incoming Filters” on page 498
• “IP RIP Outgoing Filters” on page 502

RIP Gateway Filters

The following RIP gateway filter procedures are contained in this section:

• “Add RIP Gateway Filters” on page 494

• “Modify RIP Gateway Filters” on page 495
• “Delete RIP Gateway Filters” on page 497

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

494 Chapter 10 Filtering

Add RIP Gateway Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Gateway.

You will see the IP Rip Gateway window.

2 At the top of the window, select Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP
Gateway Filter window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Mask IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter mask.

Address IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter address.
Action Forward, Discard This selection determines the nature of the
filter. Discard blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward seeks out information with the
specified masks and address, and then
passes (forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other information.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 495

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

4 At the top of the window select IP Rip Gateway Filter. The filter you added
should appear in the IP Rip Gateway table.

Modify RIP Gateway Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Gateway.

You will see the IP Rip Gateway window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

496 Chapter 10 Filtering

2 Locate the IP address of the filter you want to update and click Modify. You
will see the Modify an IP Rip Gateway Filter window:

3 The only IP Rip Gateway parameter you can modify is Action. Use the pull
down menu to make your selection.

Note: Discard blocks transmissions as specified in the filter masks and

addresses. Forward seeks out information with the specified masks and
address, and then passes (forwards) the information to its destination,
blocking all other information.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears. At the top of the window click
Ip Fwd In Filter. This returns you to the IP Rip Gateway window. The IP RIP
Gateway table should reflect your changes.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 497

Delete RIP Gateway Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Gateway.

You will see the IP Rip Gateway window:

2 Locate the IP address of the filter you want to delete and click Delete. You
will see the Delete an IP Rip Gateway Filter window:

3 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK. You are

returned to the IP Rip Gateway window. The filter you deleted should no
longer appear in the table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

498 Chapter 10 Filtering

IP RIP Incoming Filters

The following RIP incoming filter procedures are contained in this section:

• “Add IP RIP Incoming Filters” on page 498

• “Modify IP RIP Incoming Filters” on page 500
• “Delete IP RIP Incoming Filters” on page 501

Add IP RIP Incoming Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Incoming.

You will see the IP Rip Incoming window.

2 At the top of the window select Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP
Incoming Filter window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 499

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Mask IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter mask.

Address IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter address.
Action Forward, Discard This selection determines the nature of the
filter. Discard blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward seeks out information with the
specified masks and address, and then
passes (forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other information.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


At the top of the window select IP Rip Incoming Filter. The filter you added
should appear in the IP Rip Incoming table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

500 Chapter 10 Filtering

Modify IP RIP Incoming Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Incoming.

You will see the IP Rip Incoming window:

2 Locate the IP address of the filter you want to update and click Modify. The
Modify an IP Rip Incoming Filter window opens:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 501

3 The only IP Rip Incoming parameter you can modify is Action. Use the pull
down menu to make your selection.

Note: Discard blocks transmissions as specified in the filter masks and

addresses. Forward seeks out information with the specified masks and
address, and then passes (forwards) the information to its destination,
blocking all other information.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears. At the top of the window click
Ip Fwd In Filter. This returns you to the IP Rip Incoming window. The IP Rip
Incoming table should reflect your changes.

Delete IP RIP Incoming Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Incoming.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

502 Chapter 10 Filtering

You will see the IP Rip Incoming window:

2 Locate the IP address of the filter you want to delete and click Delete. The
Delete an IP Rip Incoming Filter window opens:

3 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK. You are

returned to the IP Rip Incoming window. The filter you deleted should no
longer appear in the table.

IP RIP Outgoing Filters

The following RIP gateway filter procedures are contained in this section:

• “Add RIP Outgoing Filters” on page 503

• “Modify RIP Outgoing Filters” on page 504
• “Delete RIP Outgoing Filters” on page 506

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 503

Add RIP Outgoing Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Outgoing.

You will see the IP Rip Outgoing window.

2 At the top of the window select Add Filter. You will see the Add an IP
Outgoing Filter window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Mask IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter mask.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

504 Chapter 10 Filtering

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Address IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter address.
Action Forward, Discard This selection determines the nature of the
filter. Discard blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward seeks out information with the
specified masks and address, and then
passes (forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other information.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

4 At the top of the window click IP Rip Outgoing Filter. The filter you added
should appear in the IP Rip Outgoing table.

Modify RIP Outgoing Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Outgoing.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 505

You will see the IP Rip Outgoing window.

2 Locate the IP address of the filter you want to update and click Modify. You
will see the Modify an IP Rip Outgoing Filter window:

3 The only IP Rip Outgoing parameter you can modify is Action. Use the pull
down menu to make your selection.

Note: Discard blocks transmissions as specified in the filter masks and

addresses. Forward seeks out information with the specified masks and
address, and then passes (forwards) the information to its destination,
blocking all other information.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears. At the top of the window click
Ip Fwd In Filter. This returns you to the IP Rip Outgoing window. The IP Rip
Outgoing table should reflect your changes.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

506 Chapter 10 Filtering

Delete RIP Outgoing Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, RIP Filtering, and Outgoing.

You will see the IP Rip Outgoing window.

2 Locate the IP address of the filter you want delete and click Delete. The
Delete an IP Rip Outgoing Filter window opens:

3 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK. You are

returned to the IP Rip Outgoing window. The filter you deleted should no
longer appear in the table.

CLI Procedure for Configuring RIP Filter

CLI> add filters ip rip gateway

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 507

CLI> add filters ip rip incoming

CLI> add filters ip rip outgoing

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<FilterMask> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter mask.

<FilterAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the filter address.
<Action> forward | discard This command determines the nature of the
filter. Discard blocks transmissions as
specified in the filter masks and addresses.
Forward seeks out information with the
specified masks and address, and then
passes (forwards) the information to its
destination, blocking all other information.
This concept is essentially the same as
Inclusive/Exclusive filtering for bridging (See
Step 1 in “CLI Procedure for Configuring
Bridge Filtering” on page 487).

RIP filtering must be specified as gateway, incoming, or outgoing (select one).

The command and parameters are the same for each type of filtering.

Configuring IPX Filtering

Netware servers and IPX routers on Netware networks use Service Advertising
Protocol (SAP) and RIP to broadcast messages over the network every 60
seconds. These broadcast messages create significant overhead on slow a WAN
link. IPX Filtering can be used to block these messages where they are not needed.

Information may be filtered by three separate criteria: network address, RIP, and

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring IPX Filtering” on page 508

“CLI Commands for Configuring IPX Filtering” on page 515

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

508 Chapter 10 Filtering

Configurator Procedure for Configuring IPX Filtering

Use the following procedures to configure the following IPX filters:

• “IPX Net Filters” on page 508

• “IPX RIP Filters” on page 510
• “IPX Sap Filters” on page 513

IPX Net Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IPX, Filtering, and NET.

You will see the IPX Net Filter window:

Add a IPX Net Filter

1 At the top of the IPX Net Filter window, select Add IpxNetFilter. You will see
the Add an IPX Net Filter window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 509

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Required Action

Network Number The IPX network number. See your System Administrator for this
Port Enter the port on which the filter will be implemented: WAN, Ethernet,
or WAN and Ethernet.
Directory The options for this field are: Source, Destination, or Source and

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

3 At the top of the window click IpxNetFilter. The Filter you just added should
be displayed in the IPX Net Filter table.

Modify a IPX Net Filter

1 On the IPX Filter window, next to the Instance you want to configure, click
Modify. You will see the Modify an IPX Net Filter window:

The only field you can modify Port. For a description of these parameters, see
the table on page 508.

2 Enter your new parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
3 At the top of the window click IpxNetFilter. The displayed table should reflect
your changes.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

510 Chapter 10 Filtering

Delete IPX Net Filter

1 In the IPX Net Filter table, click Delete next to the Instance you want to
delete. You will see the Delete an IPX Net Filter window:

Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK if you want to


Configurator returns you to the IPX Net Filter window. The filter you deleted
is no longer displayed in the table.

IPX RIP Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IPX, Filtering, and RIP.

You will see the IPX Rip Filter window.

Continue on to either Add IPX RIP Filter, Modify IPX RIP Filter, or Delete IPX
RIP Filter.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 511

Add IPX RIP Filter

2 At the top of the window select Add IpxRipFilter. You will see the Add an
IPX Rip Filter window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Required Action

Network Number The IPX network number. See your System Administrator for
this number.
Port The selections in this field are: WAN, Ethernet, or Both. Select
the type of interface that is applicable to this port.

The only fields you can modify are Port and Network Number.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

4 At the top of the window click IpxRipFilter. The Filter you just added should
be displayed in the IPX RIP Filter table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

512 Chapter 10 Filtering

Modify IPX RIP Filter

1 On the IPX Rip Filter window, next to the Network Number you want to
configure, click Modify. You will see the Modify an IPX RIP Filter window:

The only field you can modify is Port. For a description of this parameter, go
to “Add IPX RIP Filter” on page 511.

2 Enter your new parameter and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
3 At the top of the window click IpxRIPFilter. The displayed table should
reflect your changes.

Delete IPX RIP Filter

1 In the IPX Rip Filter table, click Delete next to the network number you want
to delete. You will see the Delete an IPX Rip Filter window:

2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK if you want to

Configurator returns you to the IPX Rip Filter window. The filter you deleted
is no longer displayed in the table.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 513

IPX Sap Filters

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IPX, Filtering, and SAP.

You will see the IPX Sap Filter window.

Continue on to either “Add a IPX Sap Filter” on page 513, “Modify a IPX Sap
Filter” on page 514, or “Delete a IPX Sap Filter” on page 514.

Add a IPX Sap Filter

1 At the top of the window select Add IPXSapFilter. You will see the Add an
IPX Sap Filter window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Required Action

Sap Type Enter the SAP type of the filtered packet. Common SAP types include
unknown (0x0000), print queue (0x0003), file server (0x0004), job
server (0x0005), print server (0x0007), archive server (0x0009),
remote bridge server (0x0024), advertising print server (0x0047),
reserved up to (0x8000), and wildcard (0xFFFF).
Port The selections in this field are: WAN, Ethernet, or Both. Select the
type of interface that is applicable to this port.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

514 Chapter 10 Filtering

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

3 At the top of the window click IpxSapFilter. The Filter you just added should
be displayed in the IPX Sap Filter table.

Modify a IPX Sap Filter

1 On the IPX Sap Filter window, next to the Network Number you want to
configure, click Modify. You will see the Modify an IPX Sap Filter window:

The only field you can modify is Port. For a description of this parameters, go
to “Add a IPX Sap Filter” on page 513.

2 Enter your new parameter and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
3 At the top of the window click IpxSapFilter. The displayed table should
reflect your changes.

Delete a IPX Sap Filter

1 In the IPX Sap Filter table, click Delete next to the Sap Type you want to
delete. You will see the Delete an IPX Sap Filter window:

2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK if you want to


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 10 Filtering 515

Configurator returns you to the IPX Sap Filter window. The filter you deleted
is no longer displayed in the table.

CLI Commands for Configuring IPX Filtering

Use the following commands to add IPX filters:

CLI> add filter ipx netFilters

CLI> add filter ipx ripFilters

CLI> add filter ipx sapFilters

Options Description

<Instance> This number is always 1.

<NetworkNumber> The IPX network number. See your system administrator for this
<SapType> (IPX The SAP type of the filtered packet. Common SAP types include
sap filter only) unknown (0x0000), print queue (0x0003), file server (0x0004), job
server (0x0005), print server (0x0007), archive server (0x0009),
remote bridge server (0x0024), advertising print server (0x0047),
reserved up to (0x8000), and wildcard (0xFFFF).
<FilterPort> The port on which the filter will be implemented: the wan port, the
ethernet interface, or both.
<Address> When filtering by network address, the filter looks for this address
as either the source or destination of a filtered packet, or both.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

516 Chapter 10 Filtering

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 11
Monitoring LAN Services

This section discusses the Configurator steps and CLI commands, which allow
you to monitor parameters, settings, and results of LAN services.

“Configurator Procedure for Monitoring LAN Services” on page 517

“CLI Steps for Monitoring LAN Services” on page 520

Configurator Procedure for Monitoring LAN Services

This section discusses the following LAN services that can be monitored through

• “Viewing Bridge Filter Configuration” on page 517

• “Viewing IPX Filter Configuration” on page 518
• “Viewing the IP Routing Table” on page 519

Viewing Bridge Filter Configuration

The bridge configuration feature allows you to confirm entries made with
Configurator and to view information on each type of bridge filter. To access these
windows, use the following steps:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

518 Chapter 11 Monitoring LAN Services

1 To view bridge filter information, select Configure, Protocols, Bridging, and


2 Click on any one of the filter options (MAC, E-Type, or SAP). You will see a
filter table with bridge filter configuration parameters.

Viewing IPX Filter Configuration

1 To view IPX filter information, select Configure, Protocols, IPX, and

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 11 Monitoring LAN Services 519

2 Select the Filter you want to view (RIP, SAP, or NET). You will see a table
with IPX filter configuration parameters:

Viewing the IP Routing Table

1 To view the IP routing table, select Configure, Protocols, IP, and Static Route.

You will see the Routing Table window:

This window displays the IP address and specific information about the IP routing
protocol, routing parameters, variables, and counters. Also displayed is specific
information about each route, next hop, and subnet mask.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

520 Chapter 11 Monitoring LAN Services

CLI Steps for Monitoring LAN Services

Many of the following commands will allow you to confirm entries made with the
add, define, and set commands. Others will track the performance of the Passport

Monitoring Bridging

Commands Description

show bridge base port Bridging port information for each IfIndex, including
interface type and filter types.
show bridge basic port Port circuit and counters for discarded frames.
show bridge forwarding Forwarding information for each MAC address.
show bridge global Global bridging parameters (affecting all IfIndexes
configured for LAN services).
show bridge eTypeFilter Information on each filter type, including status and
show bridge sapFilter
show bridge macFilter
show bridge misc Debugging status and ARP spoofing information.
show bridge parameters MAC address of the Passport 4400, number of
bridging ports, and type of bridging used.
show bridge spanningTree Spanning tree parameters, including designated root
information and bridging intervals.
show bridge transparent Transparent bridging information and counters.

Monitoring IP Routing

Commands Description

show filters ip IP filtering information (forward and rip).

show ip address IP address for each IfIndex, including other
IfIndex-specific IP information (such as route
protocol and data link type).
show ip base Global IP routing parameters.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 11 Monitoring LAN Services 521

show ip invArp InvARP status for each IfIndex.

show ip parameters IP routing variables and counters.
show ip route Specific information for each route, including metric,
next hop, and subnet mask.
show ip console Displays the PcIPAddress of the Passport 4400 unit.
show ip bootp Displays DHCP status.

Monitoring IPX Routing

Commands Description

show filters ipx IPX filtering information.

show ipx circuit IPX information specific to each circuit, including
circuit name and netnumber.
show ipx remoteServices IPX information specific to remote nodes.
show ipx rip Variables defining the use of RIP/SAP messages,
both globally and for each circuit.
show ipx sap
show ipx route Information about a particular IPX route.
show ipx services IPX information specific to the local Passport 4400.
show ipx staticRoute IPX static route information.
show ipx system Counters and global IPX variables for the Passport
4400 (such as spoofing and data link type).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

522 Chapter 11 Monitoring LAN Services

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 12
Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

The Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) is only available on

Passport 4460 units running 4.1 or later software.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

“DACS Overview” on page 523

“DACS Configuration Procedures” on page 526

DACS Overview
Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) in the Passport 4460 supports
Channelized T1/E1, voice bypass, and data drop and insert features. These
features reduce the number of T1/E1 lines required at any given site.

DS0s/DS0 bundles provide the following services:

• Uncompressed voice channels

• Transparent Bypass
• Data Drop and Insert (HDLC)
• RFC 1490

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

524 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

The following topics are discussed:

• “DS0 Connection Parameters for the E1 CSU” on page 524

• “Channelized T1/E1” on page 525
• “Data Drop and Insert” on page 525
• “CAS/CCS Voice Bypass” on page 525
• “Transparent CCS” on page 525
• “PANL/RFC 1490” on page 526

DS0 Connection Parameters for the E1 CSU

Depending on the DACS service provider, the DS0 (time slot) number provided
may be the same as the DS0 (time slot) configured on the Passport 4460 unit, or it
may be offset by one for time slots above channel 15.

The following table and example shows the relationship between the DS0s (time
slots) configured on the Passport 4460 unit and the DS0s (time slots) supplied by
the DACS service provider.

Location Time Slots

DACS Provider 1-15 16 17-31

Passport 4460 1-15 31 16-30


DS0s supplied by the DACS service DS0s configured on the Passport 4460
provider unit

1-16 1-15, 31
16, 17, 18 31, 16, 17

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 525

Channelized T1/E1

Channelized T1/E1 allows each DS0 (or bundle) to be multiplexed by the service
provider to separate locations. Each DS0 (or bundle) becomes a virtual PANL/
RFC 1490 link or a digitized voice stream. Channelized T1/E1 allows connections
up to 24/30 separate locations per T1/E1 port.

Data Drop and Insert

Drop and Insert in the Passport 4460 allows Voice Bypass, Transparent CCS, and
Data Drop and Insert. Drop and Insert allows DS0 channels received from a T1/
E1 voice module to be replaced with new information destined for other T1/E1

Data Drop and Insert in the Passport 4460 also allows HDLC traffic such as data
and video to transparently pass through the Passport 4460 from a data port to a
data port. During data drop and insert, the Passport 4460 provides HDLC framing.

CAS/CCS Voice Bypass

Voice bypass allows uncompressed voice (64K PCM) to transparently pass

through the Passport 4460, from a PBX, through the Passport 4460 out to a WAN
central office.

DS0s on the voice expansion cards may be connected to either of the following:

• The DS0s on another voice card.

• The DS0s on the WAN T1/E1 card (usual case) with ABCD bit frame
alignment for CAS, and no framing provided by the Passport 4460 for CCS.
In this instance, the T1/E1 WAN card functions as the DS-1 port to the WAN.

Transparent CCS

Transparent CCS uses the same method describe for the Passport 4430/50/55 in
“Transparent CCS” on page 1322, except that the signalling DS0 isn’t transported
across a hairpin connector, into a separate physical port.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

526 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Drop and Insert and T1/E1 channelization work together with HTDS so that a
single WAN connection is able to deliver both voice and data packets.


The T1/E1module on the Passport 4460 separates DSO time slots or bundles into
separate PANL/RFC 1490 links. Only one PANL DTE link may be configured on
each physical T1/E1 port. All other PANL links on the same physical port must be
configured as PANL DCE.

DACS Configuration Procedures

When configuring a channelized T1/E1 interface, the MaxRxFrameSize of each
bundle should be the same, regardless of the number of DS0s contained within
each bundle.

For example:

Port 2 (IfIndex 153) is a channelized T1 interface, and 3 WAN channels have been
added to it (IfIndexes 81, 82, and 83).

Default maxRxFrameSize
IfIndex DS0s assigned
{100 x # of DS0s}

81 1 100
82 2,3,4 300
83 5,6,7,8 400

In the above example, the maxRxFrameSize for IfIndex 83 (400) needs to be

applied to IfIndex 82 and 83 as well, because that is the largest maxRxFrameSize
on that port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 527

If the sum of the WAN channels maxRxFrameSize times the number of buffers is
greater than the total available slave processor memory (approximately 450K), the
unit will:

• Automatically reduce the maxRxFrameSize for each bundle to match the

lowest of the default values (in this instance, 100).
• If necessary, reduce the number of buffers per WAN channel.

This will ensure memory availability at the expense of performance.

Note: The above example is a basic configuration, and may not be

adequate for some applications. If problems occur, reduce the
maxRxFrameSize by increments of 50. Performance on specific bundles
may decrease in order to achieve peak overall performance.

Note that in releases prior to 4.1.2, channelized services are supported on port 2
only. If you do define port 3 as channelized, PANL will not function on port 2.

You can use the following procedures to configure DACS on the Passport 4460.

• “Configuration for PANL/RFC 1490 and Data Drop and Insert” on page 527
• “Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass Procedure” on page 552

Configuration for PANL/RFC 1490 and Data Drop and Insert

Complete the following tasks to configure DACS and data drop and insert:

“PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle Configuration” on page 527

“Data Drop and Insert Connection” on page 541

PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle Configuration

The following Configurator and CLI procedures are used to configure RFC 1490
and channel configuration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

528 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

“Configurator Procedure for PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle

Configuration” on page 529

“CLI Procedure for PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle Configuration”
on page 537

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 529

Configurator Procedure for PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel

(DS0) Bundle Configuration

The illustration below is an example of a DACS Demo Network with Data Drop
and Insert with 2 PANL connections and 1 RFC 1490 connection:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

530 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

DACS Demo Network Data Drop

and Insert Multi. PANL
RFC 1490
To Smarbits
HP BSTS Ethernet
(Traffic for 1490)
Frame Relay
for Data Drop Passpo
rt 4400

and Insert

Fractionalized T1
Connected DS1 card
Channel 0 DS0 1 (PANL - Branch 3)
Channel 1 DS0 2 (RFC 1490 - Branch 4)
Channel 2 DS0 3-8 (Data Drop and
Insert - Branch 2)
Channel 3 DS0 9-24 (PANL - Branch 2)

DS1V Card
Channel 1 DS0 1
DS1 Card (RFC 1490 - Central)
Channel 0 DS0 3-8
(Data Drop & Insert - Central)
(PANL - Central)

DS1V Card
rt 4400 Channel 1 DS0 1 (PANL Central) Passpo
rt 4400

Branch 2 Branch 4
rt 4400

Branch 3
Frame Relay
Traffic Ethernet
(Data Drop
& Insert)
To Smartbits
(Traffic for 1490)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 531

The following tasks must be completed:

• “Assign Time Slots to the WAN Link” on page 531

• “Channelize the WAN Link” on page 532
• “Add the Channels for the PANL/RFC 1490 Links” on page 533
• “Configure the Switching Type” on page 534
• “Create a Frame Relay Tunnel” on page 535

Assign Time Slots to the WAN Link

1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, CSU, and T1.

You will see the Physical Interface (T1 CSU) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the T1
CSU window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

532 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

3 Locate the DS0 Connection field. Enter the time slots or range of time slots
assigned to you by your service provider.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Channelize the WAN Link

1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and Serial.

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 533

3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Use the pull down menu to select

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Note: To delete a channelized WAN channel, you must first change the
protocol supported by the WAN channel to none.

Add the Channels for the PANL/RFC 1490 Links

1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and DS0 Channel.

You will see the DS0 Channels window. At the top of the window, select Add
DS0 Channel. You will see the Add a DS0 Channel window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

534 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Channel IfIndex INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter an unused IfIndex for the new
Channel Num INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the new channel number.
Port Number Use the pull down menu to select
the applicable port.
Time Slots String of size (0.83; Enter the time slot(s) to be used by
decimal digits including the specified WAN channel(s).
“,” and “-”).

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Configure the Switching Type

1 Under Physical Interfaces, select Serial. You will see the Physical Interface
(Serial) window.
2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration window.
3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Use the pull down menu to select

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 535

Create a Frame Relay Tunnel

1 Under Configure, select WAN/Data Services and 1490/Annex G.

You will see the Port/Channel (1490) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the PVC
LMI (RFC1490) Configuration window:

3 Locate the LMI Mode field. Select the radio button for DTE or DCE.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

536 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

5 Click Next. You will see the Add a RFC1490 Netlink (Tunnel) window:

6 Locate the DLCI Number field. Enter the DLCI for the new tunnel and click
Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Note: Only one DS0 PANL-DTE link may be defined on each physical

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 537

CLI Procedure for PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0)

Bundle Configuration

The illustration below is an example of a DACS Demo Network with Data Drop
and Insert with 2 PANL connections and 1 RFC 1490 connection

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

538 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

DACS Demo Network Data Drop

and Insert Multi. PANL
RFC 1490
To Smarbits
HP BSTS Ethernet
(Traffic for 1490)
Frame Relay
for Data Drop Passpo
rt 4400

and Insert

Fractionalized T1
Connected DS1 card
Channel 0 DS0 1 (PANL - Branch 3)
Channel 1 DS0 2 (RFC 1490 - Branch 4)
Channel 2 DS0 3-8 (Data Drop and
Insert - Branch 2)
Channel 3 DS0 9-24 (PANL - Branch 2)

DS1V Card
Channel 1 DS0 1
DS1 Card (RFC 1490 - Central)
Channel 0 DS0 3-8
(Data Drop & Insert - Central)
(PANL - Central)

DS1V Card
rt 4400 Channel 1 DS0 1 (PANL Central) Passpo
rt 4400

Branch 2 Branch 4
rt 4400

Branch 3
Frame Relay
Traffic Ethernet
(Data Drop
& Insert)
To Smartbits
(Traffic for 1490)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 539

Complete the tasks listed below to configure PANL/RFC 1490 and DS0 bundles:

• “Assign time slots to the WAN link.” on page 539

• “Channelize the WAN link.” on page 539
• “Add the channel(s) to be used for PANL/RFC 1490 links.” on page 540
• “Configure the Switching Type.” on page 540
• “Create a Frame Relay Tunnel.” on page 541

Note: This example procedure assumes that port 2 is configured as the

channelized T1/E1.

1 Assign time slots to the WAN link.

CLI> set csu t1 ds0Connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you

want to channelize. For this
example (port 2), enter 153.
<DS0connection> “String” of range (1..24) Enter the time slots or range of
time slots assigned to you by
your service provider.


CLI> set csu t1 ds0Connection 153 “1-16”

2 Channelize the WAN link.

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you

want to channelize. For this
example (port 2), enter 153.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter channel.
switchingFR | htds | cbr |
sdlc | x25 | async | pppHdlc
| channel | hdlc | casBypass

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

540 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 153 channel

3 Add the channel(s) to be used for PANL/RFC 1490 links.

CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter an unused IfIndex for the new

<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex used in
“Channelize the WAN link.” on
page 539.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter the new channel number.
<TimeSlots> “String” of size Enter the time slot(s) to be used by
(0..83;decimal digits, “,” the specified WAN channel(s).
, and “-”


CLI> add wan channel 70 153 1 “1,2,5-9”

4 Configure the Switching Type.

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the WanIfIndex used in

“Add the channel(s) to be
used for PANL/RFC 1490
links.” on page 540.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter switchingFR.
switchingFR | htds | cbr | sdlc
| x25 | async | pppHdlc |
channel | hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 70 switchingFR

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 541

5 Create a Frame Relay Tunnel.

CLI> add fr tunnel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex for the new

<DlciNumber> INTEGER (16..991) Enter the DLCI for the new tunnel.
<PhysicalCard> baseboard | exp1 | exp2 Enter the card that the physical
port is located on.
<PhysicalPort> INTEGER (1..8) For the purpose of this example,
enter 2.
<Type> dte-panl | dce-panl | For PANL:
standard • dte-panl or dce-panl

For RFC 1490:

• standard
<PhysicalChannel> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter the channel number used in
“Add the channel(s) to be used for
PANL/RFC 1490 links.” on
page 540.


CLI> add fr tunnel 146 16 baseboard 2 dte-panl 1

Note: Only one DS0 PANL-DTE link may be defined on each physical

Data Drop and Insert Connection

The following Configurator and CLI procedures are used to configure Drop and

“Configurator Procedure for Data Drop and Insert Connection” on page 542

“CLI Procedure for Data Drop and Insert Connection” on page 549

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

542 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Configurator Procedure for Data Drop and Insert


The illustration below is an example of a DACS Demo Network with Data Drop
and Insert with 2 PANL connections and 1 RFC 1490 connection.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 543

DACS Demo Network Data Drop

and Insert Multi. PANL
RFC 1490
To Smarbits
HP BSTS Ethernet
(Traffic for 1490)
Frame Relay
for Data Drop Passpo
rt 4400

and Insert

Fractionalized T1
Connected DS1 card
Channel 0 DS0 1 (PANL - Branch 3)
Channel 1 DS0 2 (RFC 1490 - Branch 4)
Channel 2 DS0 3-8 (Data Drop and
Insert - Branch 2)
Channel 3 DS0 9-24 (PANL - Branch 2)

DS1V Card
Channel 1 DS0 1
DS1 Card (RFC 1490 - Central)
Channel 0 DS0 3-8
(Data Drop & Insert - Central)
(PANL - Central)

DS1V Card
rt 4400 Channel 1 DS0 1 (PANL Central) Passpo
rt 4400

Branch 2 Branch 4
rt 4400

Branch 3
Frame Relay
Traffic Ethernet
(Data Drop
& Insert)
To Smartbits
(Traffic for 1490)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

544 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Complete the tasks listed below to configure data drop and insert:

• “Configure the Data Port for HDLC” on page 544

• “Add the Channels and Time Slots for Data Drop and Insert” on page 545
• “Define the WAN Port Channel for HDLC” on page 546
• “Add the Connection Mapping for Drop and Insert” on page 547

Configure the Data Port for HDLC

1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and Serial.

2 At the top of the window, select WAN Interfaces. You will see the WAN
Interfaces window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 545

3 Click Modify next to the WAN port you want to configure HDLC on. You will
see the Modify WAN Interface window:

4 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Use the pull down menu to select
Transparent HDLC.
5 Locate the Baud Rate field. Enter the desired baud rate. Your baud rate should
be equal to 64000 x number of time slots. For example, 6 time slots will be
used, so 64000 x 6 = 384000.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Add the Channels and Time Slots for Data Drop and Insert
1 Under Configure, select Physical Interfaces and DS0 Channels.

You will see the DS0 Channels window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

546 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

2 At the top of the window, select Add DS0 Channel. You will see the Add a
DS0 Channel window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Channel IfIndex INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter an unused IfIndex for the WAN
Channel Num INTEGER (-1..30) Enter the new channel number.
Port Number Use the pull down menu to select
the applicable port.
Time Slots “String” of size Enter the time slot(s) to be used by
(0..83;decimal digits, the specified WAN channel(s).
“,”, and “-”)

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Define the WAN Port Channel for HDLC

1 Under Physical Interfaces, select Serial. You will see the Physical Interface
(Serial) window.
2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 547

3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Use the pull down menu to select
Transparent HDLC.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Add the Connection Mapping for Drop and Insert

1 Under WAN/Data Services, select DSO Connection.

You will see the DS0 Connection window.

2 At the top of the window, select DS0 Channel Details. A new browser
window displays DS0 channel parameters:

You should leave this window open while performing this procedure so you
can view which channel indexes are connected to which channel numbers.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

548 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

3 At the top of the DS0 connection window, select Connect DS0 Channels. You
will see the Connect DS0 Channels window:

4 Use the From and To radio buttons to connect the applicable Channel Number
that the WAN port will use for data drop and insert.
5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 549

CLI Procedure for Data Drop and Insert Connection

The illustration below is an example of a DACS Demo Network with Data Drop
and Insert with 2 PANL connections and 1 RFC 1490 connection.

DACS Demo Network Data Drop

and Insert Multi. PANL
RFC 1490
To Smarbits
HP BSTS Ethernet
(Traffic for 1490)
Frame Relay
for Data Drop Passpo
rt 4400

and Insert

Fractionalized T1
Connected DS1 card
Channel 0 DS0 1 (PANL - Branch 3)
Channel 1 DS0 2 (RFC 1490 - Branch 4)
Channel 2 DS0 3-8 (Data Drop and
Insert - Branch 2)
Channel 3 DS0 9-24 (PANL - Branch 2)

DS1V Card
Channel 1 DS0 1
DS1 Card (RFC 1490 - Central)
Channel 0 DS0 3-8
(Data Drop & Insert - Central)
(PANL - Central)

DS1V Card
rt 4400 Channel 1 DS0 1 (PANL Central) Passpo
rt 4400

Branch 2 Branch 4
rt 4400

Branch 3
Frame Relay
Traffic Ethernet
(Data Drop
& Insert)
To Smartbits
(Traffic for 1490)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

550 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Note: The following procedure gives examples of non-channelized

(150) and channelized (153) ports, and assumes that port 2 is configured
as the channelized T1/E1, and that the configuration procedures
described in “PANL/RFC 1490 and Channel (DS0) Bundle
Configuration” on page 527 have been completed.

Complete the tasks listed below to configure a drop and insert connection:

• “Define data port for hdlc protocol.” on page 550

• “Define data port for desired baudRate.” on page 550
• “Add the channel(s) and timeslot(s) to be used for drop and insert.” on
page 551
• “Define WAN port channel for hdlc protocol.” on page 551
• “Add the connection mapping for drop and insert.” on page 552
1 Define data port for hdlc protocol.
CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

data port you want to drop
and insert onto the
channelized WAN port.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | switchingFR Enter hdlc.
| htds | cbr | sdlc | x25 | async |
pppHdlc | channel | hdlc |


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 150 hdlc

2 Define data port for desired baudRate.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 551

CLI> define wan port baudRate

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the data port

you want to drop and insert onto
the channelized WAN port.
<BaudRate> INTEGER (300..1920000) Enter the desired baudrate.
Your baudRate should be equal to
64000 x number of timeslots. For
this example, 6 timeslots will be
used, so 64000 x 6 = 384000.


CLI> define wan port baudRate 150 384000

3 Add the channel(s) and timeslot(s) to be used for drop and insert.
CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter an unused IfIndex for the WAN

<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex for the WAN port.
For this example, port two is the
WAN port, so use 153.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter the new channel number.
<TimeSlots> “String” of size Enter the time slot(s) to be used by
(0..83;decimal digits, “,” the specified WAN channel(s).
, and “-”)


CLI> add wan channel 108 153 4 “3-8”

4 Define WAN port channel for hdlc protocol.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

552 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

data port you want to drop
and insert onto the
channelized WAN port.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | switchingFR Enter hdlc.
| htds | cbr | sdlc | x25 | async |
pppHdlc | channel | hdlc |


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 108 hdlc

5 Add the connection mapping for drop and insert.

CLI> add wan ifindexconn

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<FromifIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

data port you want to drop
and insert onto the
channelized WAN port. For
this example, enter 150.
<ToifIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the
channel added to the
channelized WAN port for
data drop and insert. For
this example, enter 108.


CLI> add wan ifindexconn 150 108

Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass Procedure

The following procedures can be used to configure CCS and CAS/ Transparent
Bypass in the Passport 4460.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 553

“Configurator Procedure for Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass” on page 554
“CLI Procedure to Configure Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass” on
page 578

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

554 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Configurator Procedure for Transparent CCS and CAS


The following illustration is an example of Transparent CCS configured between

a central and two branch sites.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 555

DACS Demo Network

Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass

fron PBX to 4460
Voice: 1-6 PBX
CCS: 24
DNA - 111 rt 4400

E1 CSU, 1-16
dce-panl, htds frame T1 CAS
relay tunnel DS0s 1-8 PANL

rt 4400
DACS service
T1 CAS provider T1 CSU
8 CAS channels 8 CAS channel
Branch 3
DS0s 1-8 CAS
DNA - 333
DS0s 9-16 Panl

E1 CSU, 1-16
dce-panl, htds frame
relay tunnel

rt 4400
Branch 2
DNA - 222

from PBX to 4460
Voice: 1-6
CCS: 24


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

556 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

This example shows you how to configure CCS and Voice Bypass at the Central,
Branch 2, and Branch 3 sites:

• “Configure Transparent CCS at the Central Site” on page 556

Configure Transparent CCS at the Central Site

The following example procedure shows how to configure Transparent CCS at a

central site. This example procedure assumes that you have configured the
Passport 4460’s unit node name and system DNA.

The following tasks are required:

1 Configure the WAN Port (Central Site)

2 Configure HTDS (Central Site)
3 Configure the IP Address and Routing (Central Site)
4 Configure Compressed Voice (Central Site)

Configure the WAN Port (Central Site)

Assign Timeslots to the WAN link

1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, CSU, and E1.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 557

You will see the E1 CSU window:

2 Locate the DS0 Connection field. Enter the time slots or range of time slots
assigned to you by your service provider.
3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Use the pull down menu to select
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Note: To delete a channelized WAN channel, you must first change the
protocol supported by the WAN channel to none.

Add the Channel(s) to the WAN Port

1 Under Configure, select Physical Interfaces and DS0 Channels.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

558 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

You will see the DS0 Channels window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Channel IfIndex INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the channel

you are adding to the WAN
Channel Num INTEGER (-1 - 30) Enter a new channel number.
Port Number Use the pull down menu to
select the applicable port.
Time Slots "String" of size (0..83; Enter the time slot(s) to be used
decimal digits, ’,’, and ’-’) by the specified WAN

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Configure the Channel

1 Under Physical Interfaces, select Serial. You will see the Physical Interface
(Serial) window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 559

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration window:

3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Use the pull down menu to select
Switching FR.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Add the Netlink Tunnel

1 Select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and PANL. You will see the Port/
Channel Selection (PANL) window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

560 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the PVC
LMI (PANL) Configuration window:

3 Click Next. You will see the Add a PANL Netlink (Tunnel) window:

4 Locate the DLCI Number field and enter the applicable value (16 - 991).
5 Locate the Type field. Use the pull down menu to select dte-panl or dce-panl.
Transparent CCS only supports PANL.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 561

6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configure HTDS (Central Site)

Add the WAN Channel

1 Under Configure, select Physical Interfaces and DS0 Channels. You will see
the DS0 Channels window.
2 At the top of the window, select Add DS0 Channel. You will see the Add a
DS0 Channel window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Channel IfIndex INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the IfIndex of the channel

you are adding to the WAN
Channel Num INTEGER (-1 - 30) Enter a new channel number.
Port Number Use the pull down menu to
select the applicable port.
Time Slots "String" of size (0..83; Enter the time slot(s) to be used
decimal digits, ’,’, and ’-’) by the specified WAN

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

562 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Define the Time Slots

1 Under WAN/Data Services, select DS0 Connection. You will see the DS0
Connection window.
2 At the top of the window, select DS0 Channel Details. A new browser
window displays DS0 channel parameters. You should leave this window
open while performing this procedure so you can view which channel indexes
are connected to which channel numbers.
3 At the top of the DS0 Connection window, select Connect DS0 Channels. You
will see the Connect DS0 Channels window:

4 Use the From and To radio buttons to connect the applicable Channel Number
that the WAN port will use for data drop and insert.
5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configure the Protocol and Add the Switch Map

1 Under WAN/Data Services, select HTDS/CBR. You will see the Port/Channel
Selection (HTDS/CBR) window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 563

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the Add
Switch Map Enter (HTDS/CBR) window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Local DLCI INTEGER (16 - 991) Enter a dlci number that is

unique to the port being used.
Remote DLCI INTEGER (16 - 991) Enter the dlci number that is
being used for this link at the
remote end.
Remote DNA Frame Relay DNA Enter the DAN applicable for
the remote site.
Connection Type slave | master Enter master for the site that
will establish the connection.
Enter slave for the other site.
Switch Type htds | cbr For transparent CCS
applications, htds must be

3 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

564 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Configure the Tunnel

1 Under WAN/Data Services, select PANL. You will see the Port/Channel
Selection (PANL) window.
2 At the top of the window, select Netlink (tunnel). You will see the Netlink
Tunnels window.
3 Click Modify next to the Index that you added in“Configure the Protocol and
Add the Switch Map” on page 562. You will see the Modify a Netlink
(Tunnel) window:

4 Locate the Tx CIR field. Enter a value that is equal to 6400 x the number of
channels added in this procedure.
5 Locate the Rx CIR field. Enter a value that is equal to 6400 x the number of
channels added in this procedure.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 565

Configure the IP Address and Routing (Central Site)

This procedure is required only if you are using a NAC/NAS voice server.
Applications using VNCS do not require that this procedure be performed.

Add the IP Address

1 Select Configure and Bridge/Route.

2 Select the radio button for either Bridging or Routing.

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Assign IP addresses for IfIndex 1 (if routing) or 3 (if bridging) and IfIndex 2
(virtual port for WAN traffic).

Note: If you are routing, you must execute this command for each
interface. If you are bridging, only one IP address for the entire 4460 is
required on IfIndex 3 instead of 1.

4 To add an IP address, select Configure, IP, and Interfaces.

You will see the IP Interfaces window.

5 At the top of the window, select Add IP Address. You will see the IP Interface
Selection window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

566 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

6 Use the pull down menu to select either Ethernet, WAN, or PPP Stack. You
will see the Add IP Address window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

IP Address IPAddress Enter the IP address to be

assigned to the interface and
the WAN virtual port.
Index INTEGER (1 - 255) Enter the Index of the interface
for routing and WAN virtual
Net Mask Sub-NetMask Enter the subnet mask. The
(, bits of the subnet mask are set or to 1 if the Passport 4460
should treat the corresponding
bit in the IP address as part of
the IP network prefix.
Broadcast Address IP Address The IP address used for

Enable RIP
1 Under IP, select RIP.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 567

You will see the RIP Parameters window:

2 Next to RIP Enable, select the On radio button and click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

Configure RIP’s IP route for IfIndex 1 (if routing) or 3 (if bridging), and IfIndex 2
(virtual port for WAN traffic).

3 Under IP select Interfaces. You will see the IP Interfaces window.

4 Click Modify next to the Index you are defining the RIP Protocol Type for.
You will see the MODIFY IP Parameters window.

5 Locate the Routing Type field. Use the pull down menu to select RIP.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

568 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Set the virtual port (IfIndex 2) to easyrouting (not required if

1 Under Protocols, select Virtual Circuits and Virtual Port.

You will see the Virtual Ports window.

2 Next to the applicable Index, click Modify. You will see the Modify a Virtual
Port Entry window:

3 Locate the Port Mode field. Select the radio button for EasyRouting.
4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 569

Configure Compressed Voice (Central Site)

Add a NAC Cache

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Cache.

You will see the NAC Cache window.

2 At the top of the window, select Add a Cache Entry. You will see the Add a
Cache Entry (NAC) window:

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Egress(Local) String (1- 40) Enter a number from 1 to 40 digits.
String> This is the telephone number located
at the DNA address specified in the
DNA string. Example: 123.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

570 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

DNA Address String (1- 34) Enter the address where the
telephone number entered in the
EgressString is located. Example:
[x121]9876200. Note that the suffix
"200" indicates that this is a voice call,
and it must be added to all static
cache entries. For learned entry
(resolved from NAS), the suffix “200”
is automatically appended to the DNA.
VoIP Address IP Address Enter the IP address to be used if the
call is Voice over IP, in the format
Enter to use the same IP
address as the one designated for the
Ethernet port on this Passport 4460

3 Enter the above parameters and click Add. You will see the NAC Cache you
just added displayed in the table.

Add a NAC Server

1 Under System, select NAC Server. You will see the NAC Server window.
2 At the top of the window, select Add a NAC Server. You will see the Add a
NAC Server window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 571

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

IP Address IPAddress Enter the IP address of the virtual

port (IfIndex 2).
Name String (1 - 50) Enter a string between 0 (no name
assigned) and 50 characters. This
is the name you assign to the
Type Primary, Secondary Use the pull down menu to specify
whether the server assigned to the
local unit is the primary or
secondary (backup) server.

3 Enter the above parameters and click Add. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configure the Voice Switching Profile

1 Under Configure, select Voice.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

572 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 Locate the Voice Switching Profiles field. Use the pull down menu to select
the number of switching profiles being used by your voice channels.
3 Click Modify. You will see the Voice Switching Profile window.
4 Locate the Address Server field. Use the pull down menu to select either
5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 573

6 At the top of the window, select Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles. You will see the
Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles window:

7 Click Modify next to the Index you want to configure. You will see the
Modifying a Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profile window:

8 Locate the Phone Number/Pattern field. Enter a mix of alphanumeric

characters (maximum 40). These are the characters that you must dial to reach
the destination voice channel. The alpha characters are limited to the symbols
*, [...], #, and +. For a detailed explanation of these symbols, please see
Configuring a Voice Channel.
9 Click Next. Repeat this process until all required entries have been entered
into the ingress table.
10 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

574 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Configure the Voice Channels

1 At the top of the Voice Channels or Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles
window, select Egress (Incoming) Profiles. You will see the Voice Egress
(Incoming) Profiles window.
2 Next to the Index you want to configure, click Modify. You will see the
Modifying a Voice Egress (Incoming) Profile window:

3 Locate the Phone Number/Pattern field. Enter a mix of alphanumeric

characters (maximum 40). These are the characters that you must dial to reach
the destination voice channel. The alpha characters are limited to the symbols
*, [...], #, and +. For a detailed explanation of these symbols, please see
Configuring a Voice Channel.
4 Locate the Voice Channels field. Enter a string of up to 60 voice channels.

Note: When you assign more than one channel (not the usual case for
transparent CCS) to an index number these channels will share the same
manipulation string and the same phone number.

5 Click Next. Repeat this process until all required entries have been entered
into the egress table.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 575

Configure the T1/E1 Line

1 Under Voice, select T1/E1 Profiles. You will see the T1/E1 Line Profiles

2 Locate the T1 Line Code field. Use the pull down menu to select AMI or
3 Locate the T1 Frame Format field. Use the pull down menu to select the frame
format appropriate for your format.
4 Locate the E1 Idle Code field. Enter a value between 0 and 255. The default
value is 85 (0X55). You may enter it in either decimal form (NNN), or
hexadecimal form (OXNN).
5 Locate the T1 Loopback field. Use the pull down menu to select Disable.
6 Locate the Signal Protocol field. Use the pull down menu to select CCS.
7 Locate the Clock Source field. Select Internal for T1/E1 voice module to
provide the clocking. Select External to receive the clocking from the PBX.
Select Backplane to receive the clocking from the WAN.

Note: Wan ports 2 and 3 (153 and 156) cannot take the clocking from
the master clock.

8 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

576 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Set the Master Clock

Note: This feature is available on Passport 4460 units running software

release 4.1.2 or higher.

1 Select Configure, System, and Master Clock.

You will see the Master Clock window:

This window displays the current configured interface and allows you to
designate the Master Clock source.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the desired clock source.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 577

If you do not want to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460 unit,
select Internal. If you wish to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460
unit the select one of the listed ports. As shown in the Master Clock window
above, Base, Port 2 is providing the clock source to the backplane. All other
ports on the unit have the option of choosing it as their clock source.

3 After you have made your selection, click Save. The Master Clock setting
takes effect immediately. A system reset is not required.

Repeat the entire CCS Transparency procedure for all Branches in your network
that you want to configure DACS on.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

578 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI Procedure to Configure Transparent CCS and CAS


The following illustration is an example of Transparent CCS configured between

a central and two branch sites.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 579

DACS Demo Network

Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass

fron PBX to 4460
Voice: 1-6 PBX
CCS: 24
DNA - 111 rt 4400

E1 CSU, 1-16
dce-panl, htds frame T1 CAS
relay tunnel DS0s 1-8 PANL

rt 4400
DACS service
T1 CAS provider T1 CSU
8 CAS channels 8 CAS channel
Branch 3
DS0s 1-8 CAS
DNA - 333
DS0s 9-16 Panl

E1 CSU, 1-16
dce-panl, htds frame
relay tunnel

rt 4400
Branch 2
DNA - 222

from PBX to 4460
Voice: 1-6
CCS: 24


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

580 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Complete the following tasks for transparent CCS:

• “Configure Transparent CCS at the Central Site” on page 580
• “Configure Transparent CCS at Branch #2” on page 597
• “Configure Voice Bypass at Branch #3” on page 613

Configure Transparent CCS at the Central Site

The following example procedure shows how to configure Transparent CCS at a

central site. This example procedure assumes that you have configured the
Passport 4460 unit’s node name and system DNA.

Complete the following tasks:

• “Configure the WAN port (Central Site).” on page 580

• “Configure HTDS (Central Site)” on page 583
• “Configure the IP Addresses and Routing (Central Site)” on page 587
• “Configure Compressed Voice (Central Site)” on page 590

Configure the WAN port (Central Site).

1 Assign CSU Time Slots.
CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you

want to channelize. For this
example (port 2), enter 153.
<DS0connection> “String” of range Enter the time slots or range of
(1..24) for T1 time slots assigned to you by
(1..31) for E1 your service provider.


CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection 153 “1-16”

2 Define the WAN port as channelized.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 581

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN

port you are configuring for
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter channel.
switchingFr | htds | cbr | sdlc
| x25 | async | pppHdlc |
channel | hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 153 channel

Note: To delete a channelized WAN channel, you must first change the
protocol supported by the WAN channel to none.

3 Add the channel time slots to the WAN port.

CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the channel

you are adding to the WAN
<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in
Step 2.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter a new channel number.
<TimeSlots> "String" of size (0..83; Enter the time slot(s) to be used
decimal digits, ’,’, and ’-’) by the specified WAN


CLI> add wan channel 110 153 1 “1-16”

4 Configure the channel you added to the WAN port in the above step.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

582 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the WanIfIndex number

that you entered in Step 3.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter switchingFR.
switchingFr | htds | cbr | sdlc
| x25 | async | pppHdlc |
channel | hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 110 switchingFR

5 Add the netlink tunnel.

CLI> add fr tunnel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Assign an unused IfIndex number

to the new netlink. To avoid
conflicts with additional modules
and services that may be added to
your Passport 4400 in the future, it
is recommended that you select a
number between 100 and 149.
Use the CLI command show
system IfIndex
configured to verify that this
number is not in use.
<DlciNumber> INTEGER (16..991) Enter any value you want between
16 and 991.
<PhysicalCard> base | exp1 | exp2 Enter the card you want to add the
tunnel to.
<PhysicalPort> INTEGER (1..8) Enter the port the card is attached

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 583

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Type> dte-panl | dce-panl | Choose dte-panl or dce-panl to
standard specify PANL netlinks between
Passport units. Transparent CCS
only supports PANL. For this
example, dce-panl has been
selected. Therefore, the remote
tunnel should be configured as
<PhysicalChannel> INTEGER (-1..30) Specify the channel(s) to be used
for channelized traffic specific to
the defined dlci.


CLI> add fr tunnel 115 109 base 2 dce 1

Configure HTDS (Central Site)

Use the following CLI commands to configure HTDS at the central site. For this
example, the local HTDS port is expansion slot 2, port 1, and the remote HTDS
port is expansion slot 1, port 1:

1 Add the WAN channel.

CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter an unused if index

number. For this example, 70
has been selected.
<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the if index that
corresponds to the desired
HTDS port. For this example,
expansion slot 2, port 1 (183)
has been selected.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) 1
<TimeSlots> "String" of size (0..83; Enter T1/E1 CCS time slot:
decimal digits, ’,’, and ’-’) • 24 for t1
• 31 for e1

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

584 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)


CLI> add wan channel 70 183 1 “31”

2 Set the E1 DS0 connection.

CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the WANifindex entered

in the previous step.
<DS0Connection> “String” of range Enter the time slot to be used
(1-24) for t1 for transparent CCS signaling:
(1-31) for e1 • 24 for t1
• 31 for e1


CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection 183 “31”

3 Configure the channel you added to the WAN port in step 1.

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex entered in

step 1.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter htds.
switchingFR | htds | cbr |
sdlc | x25 | async | pppHdlc |
channel | hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 70 htds

4 Configure the netlink tunnel.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 585

CLI> add fr switch map

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<LocalNetIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex entered in

step 1.
<LocalNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Select a dlci number that is
unique to the port being used.
<RemoteNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Select the dlci number that is
being used for this link at the
remote end.
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter “222321”
quoted string) This parameter is equal to the
remote dna (for this example,
222) + 3 (indicating frame relay)
+ 2 (indicating the remote slot
number. For this example, exp1
(or the 2nd card after the
baseboard) is being used.) + 1
(indicating the port number)
<ConnectType> slave | master Enter master for the site that
will establish the connection.
Enter slave for the other site.
<SwitchType> frdce | htds | cbr For transparent CCS
applications, htds must be


CLI> add fr switch map 70 16 16 “222321” master htds

5 Configure tunnel parameters (maxTxCIR and maxRXCIR).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

586 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> define fr tunnel maxTxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex of the

tunnel that was added in
step 5 of “Configure the
WAN port (Central Site).”
on page 580.
<MaxTxCIR INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec This parameter is equal to
64000 x the number of
channels added in step 3 of
“Configure the WAN port
(Central Site).” on page 580


CLI> define fr tunnel maxTxCIR 115 1024000

CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex of the

tunnel that was added in
step 5 of “Configure the
WAN port (Central Site).” on
page 580.
<MaxRxCIR> INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec This parameter is equal to
64000 x the number of
channels added in step 3 of
“Configure the WAN port
(Central Site).” on page 580


CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR 115 1024000

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 587

Configure the IP Addresses and Routing (Central Site)

This procedure is required only if you are using a NAC/NAS voice server.
Applications using an VNCS do not require that this procedure be performed.

1 Define the IP Protocol.

CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<ipProtocol> bridged | routed Select the desired IP protocol.

For this example, routed has
been selected.


CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol routed

2 Assign IP addresses for IfIndex 1 (if routing) or 3 (if bridging) and IfIndex 2
(virtual port for WAN traffic).
• If you are routing, you must execute this command for each interface.
• If you are bridging, only one IP address for the entire 4460 is required on
IfIndex 3 instead of 1.
CLI> add ip address entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

interface for routing and WAN
virtual port.
<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address to be
assigned to the interface and
the WAN virtual port.
<NetMask> Sub-NetMask Enter the subnet mask. The
(, bits of the subnet mask are set or to 1 if the Passport 4460
should treat the corresponding
bit in the IP address as part of
the IP network prefix.
<BcastAddress> IPAddress The IP address used for

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

588 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> add ip address entry 1

CLI> add ip address entry 2

3 Define the data link the IP address is attached to. (Not required if bridging)
CLI> define ip base parameter datalinktype

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter 2.

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address you
assigned to IfIndex 2 in Step 2.
<DataLinkType> ether | fr | ppp Enter the type of datalink
IfIndex 2 is attached to. If you
do not know this value, use the
CLI command show system
IfIndex configured.


CLI> define ip base parameter datalinktype 2


4 Enable RIP (Not required if bridging).

CLI> define ip base rip

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Rip> on | off Enter on.


CLI> define ip base rip on

5 Configure RIP’s IP route for IfIndex 1 (if routing) or 3 (if bridging) and
IfIndex 2 (virtual port for WAN traffic).
• If you are routing, you must execute this command for each interface.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 589

• If you are bridging, only one IP address for the entire 4460 is required on
IfIndex 3 instead of 1.
CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the interface

for routing and WAN virtual port.
Enter the same IfIndexes you used
in Step 2.
<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address to be
assigned to the interface and the
WAN virtual port. Enter the same
IP addresses you used in Step 2.
<RouteProtocolType> rip | ospf | passiveRip | Enter rip.


CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 1 rip

CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 2 rip

6 Set the virtual port (IfIndex 2) to easyrouting. (Not required if bridging)

CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN

virtual port. Enter the same IfIndex
you used in Step 2.
<Mode> basic | easyrouting Enter easyrouting.


CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode 2 easyrouting

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

590 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Configure Compressed Voice (Central Site)

Either a NAC/NASserver or VNCS (RSI/RSA) server may be used. For this

example, NAC/NAS has been selected.

If you require more information regarding the ingress/egress tables, refer to the
“Ingress Table” and/or “Egress Table” sections of “Configuring a Voice Channel”
on page 933.

1 Add a NAC server.

CLI> add nac server

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the virtual

port (IfIndex 2).
<Name> “String” (1..50) Enter a string between 0 (no name
assigned) and 50 characters. This
is the name you assign to the
<Status> enabled | disabled Enter enabled to add a server.
The disabled option removes a
<HelloTime> INTEGER (30..180) Enter a number between 30
and180. This number, in seconds,
specifies how often the local unit
notifies the server of its presence
as an active unit. If, for some
reason, the local unit stops
sending a hello-time signal, the
server may eventually remove
(purge) the local unit from its DNA
<Type> primary | secondary Specify whether the server
assigned to the local unit is the
primary or secondary (backup)


CLI> add nac server “NAC_SERVER” enable 60


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 591

2 Configure the voice switching profile.

CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the switching

profile(s) being used by your voice
<AddServerSelect> nas | vncs Choose the parameter that meets
the requirements of your system.
Enter nas, if your DNA server is a
Passport 4400 unit. Enter vncs, if
your DNA server is a Passport
6400 unit.


CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect 1 nas

3 Configure the Ingress Table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

592 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IngressIndex> INTEGER (1..60) Enter any number from 1 to 60.

The lower the index number the
higher the priority of the
corresponding ingress number.
<IngressNumber> “String” (0..40) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 40). These
are the characters the you must
dial to reach the destination voice
channel. The alpha characters are
limited to the symbols *, [...], #,
and +, with the meanings listed in
the table below.

Ingress Table Character

* Used as a single wild card digit

[xyz...] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any one digit within the brackets
will produce a match; any other digit will be rejected.
Example 1: [234578]# will reject any string that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
Example 2: 123[576]*# will match any phone number listed below:
1235*#, 1237*#, 1236*#
But will reject 1231*#, 1232*#, 1234*#, 1238*#, 129*#, and 1230*#.
# Length of the dialing string is unknown. The voice application will
continue collecting digits until one of three events occurs:
• maximum number of digits reached
• interdigit timeout occurred
• user manually entered a # sign on the telephone keypad (if parameter
is provisioned in the voice profile).

Digits preceding the # sign are immediately submitted for network

address resolution. Digits following the # sign will be used to complete
the call.

Example: Ingress table entry = 123#. User dials 123456. The digits 123
will be submitted immediately to resolve the network address, while the
voice application collects digits 456. After one of the three events
indicated above occurred, the digits 456 will be used to complete the call.
+ Used to obtain a second dial tone

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 593


CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber 1 “****”

4 Configure the voice channels.

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..60) Enter a number from 1 to 60.

<ChannelList> "String" (size 0..172; Enter a string of up to 60 voice
a1a2b10...) channels in the format shown.

Note: When you assign more than one channel (not the usual case for
transparent ccs) to an index number, these channels will share the same
manipulation string and the same phone number.


CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 1 “B1”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 2 “B2”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 3 “B3”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 4 “B4”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 5 “B5”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 6 “B6”

5 Configure the phone numbers to their assigned channels.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

594 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..60) Enter a number from 1 to 60. This

will link the manipulation string to
the voice channel(s) specified by
the set voice
channelList subcommand.
<PhoneNumber> "String" (0..40) Enter a string of 1 to 40
alpha-numeric characters of a
local voice channel telephone
number. The alpha characters are
limited to the symbols *, [..], and
#, with the meanings listed in the
table below.

PhoneNumber Characters

* Used as a single wild card.

[xyz.] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any digit within the brackets will
produce a match; any other digit will be rejected. Example; [234578]# will
reject any string that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits immediately following the #.

Repeat this command until all required entries have been filled in the egress

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 1 “2101”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 2 “2102”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 3 “2103”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 4 “2104”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 5 “2105”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 6 “2106”

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 595

All voice channels (DS0) from a CCS T1/E1 trunk must be force connected (Hoot
and Holler) one to one to the matching voice channels (DS0) at the remote end.

6 Configure the T1/E1 line.

CLI> set t1e1 profile t1LineCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• Line 1
<T1LineCode> ami | b8zs Enter ami or b8zs. Default is


CLI> set t1e1 profile t1LineCode 1 b8zs

7 Configure the Line 1 (expansion port 1) t1FrameFormat.

CLI> set t1e1 profile t1FrameFormat

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• Line 1
<T1FrameFormat> superFrame(D4) | Select the frame format
extendedSuperFrame (ESF) appropriate to your interface.
Default is superframe (D4).


CLI> set t1e1 profile t1FrameFormat 1 extendedSuperFrame


8 Configure Line 1 (expansion port 1) idleCode.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

596 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> set t1 profile e1IdleCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for Line 1).

<E1IdleCode> INTEGER (0..255) Select a value between 0 and 255. The
default value is 85 (0X55). You may
enter it in either decimal form (NNN), or
hexadecimal form (0XNN).


CLI> set t1 profile t1IdleCode 1 127

9 Configure T1 Loopback Status.

CLI> set t1 profile t1LoopbackStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• Line 1
<T1LoopbackStatus> disable | enable Select disable.


CLI> set t1 profile t1LoopbackStatus 1 disable

10 Set the T1 signaling protocol

CLI> set t1 profile signal Protocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Enter the profile t1/e1 voice

module you are configuring:
• Profile 1 = exp slot 1
• Profile 2 = exp slot 2
<Signal Protocol> cas | ccs For transparent ccs
applications, select ccs.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 597


CLI> set t1 profile signal 1 ccs

11 Set the t1e1 profile clock. You must set profiles 1 and 2.
CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Enter Profile 1 for exp1 or 2

for exp2.
<ClockSource> internal | external | Enter:
backplane • internal for the T1/E1
voice module to provide
the clocking.
• external to receive the
clocking from the PBX.
• backplane to receive the
clocking from the WAN.


CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource 1 external

CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource 2 external

Configure Transparent CCS at Branch #2

The following example procedure shows how to configure Transparent CCS
at a branch site. This example procedure assumes that you have configured
the Passport 4460 unit’s node name and system DNA.

The following tasks are required:

• “Configure the WAN Port (Branch Site #2)” on page 598

• “Configure HTDS for Drop and Insert (Branch Site #2)” on page 600
• “Configure the IP Addresses and Routing (Branch Site #2)” on page 604
• “Configure Compressed Voice (Branch Site #2)” on page 607

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

598 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Configure the WAN Port (Branch Site #2)

1 Assign time slots to the WAN link.
CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

port you want to
channelize. For this
example (port 2), enter
<DS0connection> “String” of range Enter the time slots or
(1..24) for T1 range of time slots
(1..31) for E1 assigned to you by your
service provider.


CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection 153 “1-16”

2 Configure the WAN port as Channelized.

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

port you want to
channelize. For this
example (port 2), enter
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter channel.
switchingFR | htds | cbr | sdlc |
x25 | async | pppHdlc | channel |
hdlc | casBypass


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 599

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 153 channel

Note: To delete a channelized WAN channel, you must first change the
protocol supported by the WAN channel to none.

3 Add the channels to the WAN port.

CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

channel you are adding to the
WAN port.
<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered
in Step 2.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter a new channel number
<TimeSlots> "String" of size (0..83; Enter the time slot(s) to be
decimal digits, ’,’, and ’-’) used by the specified WAN


CLI> add wan channel 110 153 1 “1-16”

4 Configure the channel you added to the WAN port in step 3.

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN

channel you entered in Step 3.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter switchingFR.
switchingFr | htds | cbr | sdlc
| x25 | async | pppHdlc |
channel | hdlc | casBypass


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

600 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 110 switchingFR

5 Add the netlink tunnel.

CLI> add fr tunnel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Assign an unused IfIndex

number to the new netlink. To
avoid conflicts with additional
modules and services that may
be added to your Passport 4400
in the future, it is recommended
that you select a number
between 100 and 149. Use the
CLI command show system
IfIndex configured to
verify that this number is not in
<DlciNumber> INTEGER (16..991) Enter any value you want
between 16 and 991.
<PhysicalCard> base | exp1 | exp2 Enter the card you want to add
the tunnel to.
<PhysicalPort> INTEGER (1..8) Enter the port the card is
attached to.
<Type> dte-panl | dce-panl | Choose dte-panl or dce-panl to
standard specify PANL netlinks between
Passport units. Transparent CCS
only supports PANL. For this
example, dte-panl has been
selected. Therefore, the remote
tunnel should be configured as
<PhysicalChannel> INTEGER (-1..30) Specify the channel(s) to be
used for channelized traffic
specific to the defined dlci.


CLI> add fr tunnel 115 109 base 2 dte 1

Configure HTDS for Drop and Insert (Branch Site #2)

Use the following CLI procedure to configure drop and insert at Branch site #2.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 601

1 Add the WAN channel.

CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter an unused if index

number. For this example, 70
has been selected.
<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the if index that
corresponds to the desired
HTDS port. For this example,
expansion slot 1, port 1 (159)
has been selected.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) 1
<TimeSlots> "String" of size (0..83; Enter:
decimal digits, ’,’, and ’-’) • 24 for t1
• 31 for e1


CLI> add wan channel 70 159 1 “31”

2 Set the E1 DS0 connection.

CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the WANifindex entered

in the previous step.
<DS0Connection> “String” of range Enter the time slot to be used
(1-24) for t1 for transparent ccs signaling:
(1-31) for e1 • 24 for t1
• 31 for e1


CLI> set csu e1 ds0Connection 159 “31”

3 Configure the channel you added to the WAN port in step 1.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

602 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex entered in

step 1.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter htds.
switchingFR | htds | cbr |
sdlc | x25 | async | pppHdlc |
channel | hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 70 htds

4 Add the netlink tunnel.

CLI> add fr switch map

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<LocalNetIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex entered in

step 1.
<LocalNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Select a dlci number that is
unique to the port being used.
<RemoteNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) Select the dlci number that is
being used for this link at the
remote end.
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter “111331”
quoted string) This parameter is equal to the
remote dna (for this example,
222) + 3 (indicating frame relay)
+ 3 (indicating the remote slot
number. For this example, exp2
(or the 3rd card after the
baseboard) is being used.) + 1
(indicating the port number)
<ConnectType> slave | master Enter master for the site that
will establish the connection.
Enter slave for the other site.
<SwitchType> frdce | htds | cbr For transparent CCS
applications, htds must be

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 603


CLI> add fr switch map 70 16 16 “111331” slave htds

5 Configure tunnel parameters (maxTxCIR and maxRXCIR).

CLI> def fr tunnel maxTxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex of the

tunnel that was added in
step 5 of “Configure the
WAN Port (Branch Site #2)”
on page 598.
<MaxTxCIR INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec This parameter is equal to
64000 x the number of
channels added in step 3 of
“Configure the WAN Port
(Branch Site #2)” on
page 598


CLI> define fr tunnel maxTxCIR 115 1024000

CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifindex of the

tunnel that was added in
step 5 of “Configure the
WAN Port (Branch Site #2)”
on page 598.
<MaxRxCIR> INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec This parameter is equal to
64000 x the number of
channels added in step 3 of
“Configure the WAN Port
(Branch Site #2)” on
page 598


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

604 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR 115 1024000

Configure the IP Addresses and Routing (Branch Site #2)

This procedure is required only if you are using a NAC/NAS voice server.
Applications using an VNCS do not require that this procedure be performed.

1 Define the IP Protocol.


CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<ipProtocol> bridged | routed Select the desired IP protocol.

For this example, routed has
been selected.

CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol routed

2 Assign IP addresses for IfIndex 1 (if routing) or 3 (if bridging) and IfIndex 2
(virtual port for WAN traffic).
• If you are routing, you must execute this command for each interface.
• If you are bridging, only one IP address for the entire 4460 is required on
IfIndex 3 instead of 1.
CLI> add ip address entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

interface for routing and WAN
virtual port.
<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address to be
assigned to the interface and
the WAN virtual port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 605

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<NetMask> Sub-NetMask Enter the subnet mask. The
(, bits of the subnet mask are set or to 1 if the Passport 4460
should treat the corresponding
bit in the IP address as part of
the IP network prefix.
<BcastAddress> IPAddress The IP address used for

CLI> add ip address entry 1

CLI> add ip address entry 2

3 Define the data link the IP address is attached to. (Not required if bridging)
CLI> define ip base parameter datalinktype

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter 2.

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address you
assigned to IfIndex 2 in Step 2.
<DataLinkType> ether | fr | ppp Enter the type of datalink
IfIndex 2 is attached to. If you
do not know this value, use the
CLI command show system
IfIndex configured.


CLI> define ip base parameter datalinktype 2


4 Enable RIP. (Not required if bridging)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

606 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> define ip base rip

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Rip> on | off Enter on.


CLI> define ip base rip on

5 Configure RIP’s IP route for IfIndex 1 (if routing) or 3 (if bridging) and
IfIndex 2 (virtual port for WAN traffic).
• If you are routing, you must execute this command for each interface.
• If you are bridging, only one IP address for the entire 4460 is required on
IfIndex 3 instead of 1.
CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the interface

for routing and WAN virtual port.
Enter the same IfIndexes you used
in Step 2.
<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address to be
assigned to the interface and the
WAN virtual port. Enter the same
IP addresses you used in Step 2.
<RouteProtocolType> rip | ospf | passiveRip | Enter rip.


CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 1 rip

CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType 2 rip

6 Set the virtual port (IfIndex 2) to easyrouting. (Not required if bridging)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 607

CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN

virtual port. Enter the same IfIndex
you used in Step 2.
<Mode> basic | easyrouting Enter easyrouting.


CLI> define fr port virtualPort mode 2 easyrouting

Configure Compressed Voice (Branch Site #2)

Either a NAC/NAS server or VNCS (RSI/RSA) server may be used. For this
example, NAC/NAS has been selected.

If you require more information regarding the T1/E1 voice modules or the ingress/
egress tables, refer to “T1/E1” on page 1177, or the “Ingress Table” and/or
“Egress Table” sections of “Configuring a Voice Channel” on page 933.

1 Add a NAC cache.

CLI> add nac cache

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressString> “String” (1..40) Enter a number from 1 to 40 digits.

This is the telephone number located
at the DNA address specified in the
DNA string. Example: 123.
<DNA> “String” (1..34) Enter the address where the
telephone number entered in the
EgressString is located. Example:
[x121]9876200. Note that the suffix
"200" indicates that this is a voice call,
and it must be added to all static
cache entries. For learned entry
(resolved from NAS), the suffix “200”
is automatically appended to the DNA.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

608 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EntryStatus> add | active Enter add. (Active is currently not a
valid option).
<EntryVipAddress> IP Address Enter the IP address to be used if the
call is Voice over IP, in the format
Enter to use the same IP
address as the one designated for the
Ethernet port on this Passport 4460
unit. See Step 1 in “Configure
Compressed Voice (Central Site)” on
page 590.


CLI> add nac cache “21**” “111200” add

2 Add the NAC server.

CLI> add nac server

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the virtual

port (IfIndex 2).
<Name> “String” (1..50) Enter a string between 0 (no name
assigned) and 50 characters. This
is the name you assign to the
<Status> enabled | disabled Enter enabled to add a server.
The disabled option removes a

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 609

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<HelloTime> INTEGER (30..180) Enter a number between 30
and180. This number, in seconds,
specifies how often the local unit
notifies the server of its presence
as an active unit. If, for some
reason, the local unit stops
sending a hello-time signal, the
server may eventually remove
(purge) the local unit from its DNA
<Type> primary | secondary Specify whether the server
assigned to the local unit is the
primary or secondary (backup)


CLI> add nac server “NAC_SERVER” enable 60


3 Configure the voice switching profile.

CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the switching

profile(s) being used by your voice
<AddServerSelect> nas | vncs Choose the parameter that meets
the requirements of your system.
Enter nas, if your DNA server is a
Passport 4400 unit. Enter vncs, if
your DNA server is a Passport
6400 unit.


CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect 1 nas

4 Configure the ingress table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

610 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

Set voice ingressTable ingressNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IngressIndex> INTEGER (1..60) Enter any number from 1 to 60.

The lower the index number the
higher the priority of the
corresponding ingress number.
<IngressNumber> “String” (0..40) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 40). These
are the characters the you must
dial to reach the destination voice
channel. The alpha characters are
limited to the symbols *, [...], #,
and +, with the meanings listed in
the table below.

Ingress Table Characters

* Used as a single wild card digit

[xyz...] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any one digit within the brackets
will produce a match; any other digit will be rejected.
Example 1: [234578]# will reject any string that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
Example 2: 123[576]*# will match any phone number listed below:
1235*#, 1237*#, 1236*#
But will reject 1231*#, 1232*#, 1234*#, 1238*#, 129*#, and 1230*#.
# Length of the dialing string is unknown. The voice application will
continue collecting digits until one of three events occurs:
• maximum number of digits reached
• interdigit timeout occurred
• user manually entered a # sign on the telephone keypad (if parameter
is provisioned in the voice profile).

Digits preceding the # sign are immediately submitted for network

address resolution. Digits following the # sign will be used to complete
the call.

Example: Ingress table entry = 123#. User dials 123456. The digits 123
will be submitted immediately to resolve the network address, while the
voice application collects digits 456. After one of the three events
indicated above occurred, the digits 456 will be used to complete the call.
+ Used to obtain a second dial tone

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 611

For more information regarding the ingress table, go to the Configuring and
Operating Passport 4400 Software, Configuring a Voice Channel.


CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber 1 “****”

5 Configure the voice channels.

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..60) Enter a number from 1 to 60.

<ChannelList> "String" (size 0..172; Enter a string of up to 60 voice
a1a2b10...) channels in the format shown.

Note: When you assign more than one channel (the usual case) to an
index number, these channels will share the same manipulation string and
the same phone number.


CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 1 “A1”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 2 “A2”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 3 “A3”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 4 “A4”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 5 “A5”

CLI> set voice egressTable channelList 6 “A6”

6 Configure the phone numbers to their assigned channels.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

612 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..60) Enter a number from 1 to 60. This

will link the manipulation string to
the voice channel(s) specified by
the set voice
channelList subcommand.
<PhoneNumber> "String" (0..40) Enter a string of 1 to 40
alpha-numeric characters of a
local voice channel telephone
number. The alpha characters are
limited to the symbols *, [..], and
#, with the meanings listed in the
table below.

PhoneNumber Characters

* Used as a single wild card.

[xyz.] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any digit within the brackets will
produce a match; any other digit will be rejected. Example; [234578]# will
reject any string that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits immediately following the #.

Repeat this command until all required entries have been filled in the egress

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 1 “2201”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 2 “2202”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 3 “2203”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 4 “2204”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 5 “2205”

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber 6 “2206”

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 613

All voice channels (DS0) from a CCS T1/E1 trunk must be force connected (Hoot
and Holler) one to one to the matching voice channels (DS0) at the remote end.

7 Set the t1e1 profile clock. You must set profiles for 1 and 2.
CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Enter IfIndex 1 or 2.

<ClockSource> internal | external | Enter:
backplane • internal for the T1/E1
voice module to provide
the clocking.
• external to receive the
clocking from the PBX.
• backplane to receive the
clocking from the Master


CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource 1 external

CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource 2 external

Configure Voice Bypass at Branch #3

The following example procedure shows how to configure Voice CAS bypass at a
branch site. This example procedure assumes that you have configured the
Passport 4460 unit’s node name and system DNA.

The following tasks are required:

• “Configure System T1 Parameters” on page 613

• “Configure the T1 Voice Module” on page 615
• “Configure the WAN Port” on page 617

Configure System T1 Parameters

1 Set the master clock source for the Passport 4460 unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

614 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

CLI> set system masterClock

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<MasterClockIfIndex> INTEGER (0..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN or

expansion port for the entire Passport
4460 unit. If this value is set to “0”, the
clock source is derived from internal
sources only. For voice bypass, the
WAN port will usually provide the


CLI> set system masterClock 150

2 Set the T1 CSU clock source.

CLI> set csu t1 clockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port you want to
set the clock for. For this example (port
2), enter 153.
<ClockSource> internal | external Enter external

Note: Wan ports 2 and 3 (153 and 156) cannot take the clocking from
the master clock.

3 Configure the DS0 connections.

CLI> set csu t1 ds0connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the of the port you
are configuring the connection on.
<DS0Connection> “String” of range Enter a list or range of DSO channel
(1..24) numbers with quotes (“ ”). This string
may contain up to 30 characters

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 615


CLI> set csu t1 ds0connection 153 “1-16”

CLI> set csu t1 ds0connection 183 “1-8”

Configure the T1 Voice Module

1 Configure the local end t1BuildOut.
CLI> set t1e1 profile t1BuildOut

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for Line 1

<T1BuildOut> lessThan133feet | lessThan266feet | Select the appropriate
lessThan399feet | lessThan533feet | line length for the Line 1
(local end) connection.
lessThan655feet | neg7andHalfdB |
neg15dB | neg22dB


CLI> set t1e1 profile t1BuildOut 1 lessThan133Feet

2 Configure the local end t1 Line Code.

CLI> set t1e1 profile t1lineCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> : INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• Line 1
<T1LineCode> : ami | b8zs Enter ami or b8zs. Default is


CLI> set t1e1 profile t1lineCode 1 b8zs

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

616 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

3 Configure the line 1 (local end) t1FrameFormat.

CLI> set t1e1 profile t1FrameFormat

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• Line 1
<T1FrameFormat> superFrame(D4) | Select the frame format
extendedSuperFrame (ESF) appropriate to your interface.
Default is superframe (D4).


CLI> set t1e1 profile t1FrameFormat 1 extendedSuperFrame


4 Configure the T1 clock source.

CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Enter IfIndex 1 or 2.

<ClockSource> internal | external | Enter:
backplane • internal for the T1/E1
voice module to provide
the clocking.
• external to receive the
clocking from the PBX.
• backplane to receive the
clocking from the master
clock (usual case).


CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource 1 backplane

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 617

Configure the WAN Port

1 Configure the WAN port as Channelized.
CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

port you want to
channelize. For this
example (port 2), enter
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter channel.
switchingFR | htds | cbr | sdlc |
x25 | async | pppHdlc | channel |
hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 153 channel

Note: To delete a channelized WAN channel, you must first change the
protocol supported by the WAN channel to none.

2 Add the WAN channels you want to use for CAS bypass.
CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter an unused IfIndex for the new

<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindexes used in Step 3
of “Configure System T1
Parameters” on page 613.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter the new channel number.
<TimeSlots> “String” of size Enter the time slot(s) to be used by
(0..83;decimal digits, “,” the specified WAN channel(s).
, and “-”

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

618 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)


CLI> add wan channel 131-138 153 1-8 “1” “8”

CLI> add wan channel 141-148 183 1-8 “1” “8”

3 Add WAN channels for channels and time slots 1-8.

CLI> def wan port protocolsupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the same IfIndex that was

used in the previous step.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFR | Enter the desired protocol support:
switchingFR | htds | • casBypass - to configure the
cbr | sdlc | port for cas bypass.
x25 | async |
pppHdlc | channel |
hdlc |


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 131-138 casBypass

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 141-148 casBypass

4 Associate the desired wan ports by connecting the appropriate IfIndexes.

CLI> add wan ifindexconn

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<FromifIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the first IfIndex that was used
in the previous step.
<ToifIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the second IfIndex that was
used in the previous step.


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS) 619

CLI> add wan if 131-138 141-148

Note: The above command must be entered for each IfIndex pair.

5 Add the channels to the WAN port.

CLI> add wan channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

channel you are adding to the
WAN port.
<WanIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered
in Step 2.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (-1..30) Enter a new channel number
<TimeSlots> "String" of size (0..83; Enter the time slot(s) to be
decimal digits, ’,’, and ’-’) used by the specified WAN


CLI> add wan channel 110 153 1 “9-16”

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

620 Chapter 12 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS)

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 13

The following topics are discussed:

• “OSPF Overview” on page 622

• “OSPF Components” on page 627
• “OSPF Network Types” on page 630
• “How OSPF Works” on page 631
• “OSPF Protocols” on page 636
• “OSPF Routing Information” on page 639
• “OSPF Routing Hierarchy” on page 639
• “OSPF Compared to RIP Networking” on page 642
• “Configuring an OSPF Network” on page 643
• “Optional OSPF Parameters” on page 659
• “OSPF Warnings” on page 673

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

622 Chapter 13 OSPF

OSPF Overview
Developed as an alternative to Routing Information Protocol (RIP), OSPF
minimizes network convergence times within IP networks. OSPF is an IP routing
protocol, classified as an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). An IGP distributes
routing information between routers belonging to a single Autonomous System
(AS). The OSPF protocol is based on link-state or Shortest Path First (SPF)

Note: Autonomous System (AS) is a set of routers that belong to a single

technical administration. It uses an Interior Gateway Protocol and
common metrics to route packets within the AS, and it uses some other
protocol to route packets to other AS's.

For more information see:

• “Routing” on page 622

• “Database” on page 625
• “Areas” on page 625
• “IP Subnetting” on page 626
• “Supernetting” on page 626
• “Security” on page 626
• “OSPF Features” on page 626


OSPF is a routing protocol that learns routes used by IP. OSPF is a dynamic
routing protocol that detects topological changes in the AS and then calculates
new loop-free routes after a period of convergence.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 623

Area looping in an OSPF network is not recommended. For example, the

following configuration would result in link state information not being updated

Area 1

rt 4400
rt 4400


Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Area 2

Area 3
rt 4400
rt 4400

Loop Passpo
rt 4400

rt 4400

Example of correct looping within Areas

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

624 Chapter 13 OSPF

The example below illustrates the recommended within-area looping


Area 1

rt 4400
rt 4400


Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Area 2

Area 3
rt 4400
rt 4400

Loop Passpo
rt 4400

rt 4400

Example of correct looping within Areas

Note that the looping occurs within the areas rather than between them.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 625


In a link-state routing protocol, each router maintains a database describing the

AS’s topology. This is the link-state database. Each router has an identical
database. The router distributes its local state in an area throughout the AS by
flooding. (See “Flooding Protocol” on page 637) All routers execute the same
algorithm. From the link-state database, each router constructs a tree of the
shortest paths, with itself as the root. This shortest-path tree gives the route to each
destination in the AS. When several equal-cost routes to a destination exist, traffic
is distributed equally among them. The cost of a route is described by a single
metric (a measure used in calculating the next host to which to route a packet).


OSPF allows sets of networks to be grouped together. These groupings are called
areas. Areas are logical collections of OSPF units. The topology of an area is
hidden from the rest of the AS. This allows a significant reduction in routing
traffic. Routing within the area is determined by the area’s own topology. This
protects the OSPF network from bad routing data.

Area Design Rules

The design rules for an area are:

• A backbone area (area 0) must be present.

• All areas must have a connection to the backbone, even stub areas.
• Area 0 is needed only if you need to connect multiple areas.
• By default, an interface configured for OSPF goes into area 0.

All OSPF Area tables are automatically created. You cannot add or delete these

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

626 Chapter 13 OSPF

IP Subnetting

OSPF enables the flexible configuration of IP subnets (a network sharing a

particular subnet address). Each route distributed by OSPF has a destination mask.
This is commonly referred to as Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM). VLSM is
the ability to specify a different subnet mask for the same network number on
different subnets. This allows the IP packet to be routed to the best (longest or
most specific) match.


OSPF on the Passport 4400 supports Supernetted IP interfaces.


All OSPF protocol exchanges are authenticated on a per interface basis. The
options available are:

• No Authentication
• Simple Password Authentication

OSPF Features

The features of the OSPF Protocol are:

• Designed to be used in large IP and WAN networks.

• Metrics are reachable.
• VSLM subnetting capability in the same networks provides efficient use of
available address space.
• Supports numbered and unnumbered point-to-point networks.
• Network convergence is fast because only link state advertisements are
exchanged, not routing tables.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 627

OSPF Components
OSPF has two major components:

• Link-State Advertisement (LSA)

• Link-State Database

The basic components of OSPF are responsible for constructing and dynamically
updating best route and link state information between each router that is
connected to the network. The following data flow and processing is established:

1 Each router in a database describing the AS’s topology maintains the Link
State Database (LSDB) information. Each participating router in the same
area has an identical database.

Note: The LSDB is a data structure containing Link State

Advertisements (LSA)

2 Each router in the OSPF AS builds an LSA in the LSDB and sends the LSDB
to every adjacent OSPF routers using flooding.
3 Using the SPF algorithm and working from the LSDB, each router constructs
a tree of shortest paths with itself as the root. All routers run in parallel. The
SPF tree gives the route to each destination in the AS.
4 The SPF tree derived from the LSDB contains the best route that is then put in
the routing table.
5 The router forwards a packet to the next hop based on the routing table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

628 Chapter 13 OSPF

Example of how OSPF components work.

rt 4400

rt 4400

rt 4400

rt 4400

OSPF AS Link State



SPF Tree

IP Routing


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 629

Link-State Advertisement (LSA)

The link in LSA is any type of connection between OSPF routers, while the state
is the condition of the link, whether it is up or down. Advertisement is the method
OSPF uses to provide information to other OSPF routers.

The following table describes the six types of LSA packets:

LSA Packet Type Description

1 Router Link Advertisements

2 Network Link Advertisements
3 Summary Link Advertisements (ABRs)
4 Summary Link Advertisements (ASBRs)
5 AS External Link Advertisements

Link-State Database

The characteristics of the link-state database are:

• All routers that belong to the same area have the same link-state database.
• Calculating routes by using the SPF is performed separately for each area.
• LSA flooding is contained within the area that experienced the change.
• The link-state database is composed of the six different LSA types (see
“Link-State Advertisement (LSA)” on page 629).
• A router has a separate link-state database for each area to which it belongs.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

630 Chapter 13 OSPF

OSPF Network Types

OSPF is designed to work in a variety of network types. The Passport 4400
supports the following network types:

• “Broadcast Network” on page 630

• “Point-to-Point Network” on page 630
• “Nonbroadcast Multi-Access (NBMA) Network” on page 631

Point-to-Point Network

A Point-to-Point network is a single circuit that connects two OSPF routers,

which creates a single neighbor relationship.

Example Point-to-Point network:

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400


Broadcast Network

A Broadcast network supports many (more than two) attached routers, along with
the capability to address a single physical message to all attached routers
(broadcast). Neighboring routers are discovered dynamically using the hello
protocol. In a broadcast network, OSPF is capable of taking advantage of any
multicast capabilities. Each pair of routers on a broadcast network is capable of
communicating directly.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 631

Nonbroadcast Multi-Access (NBMA) Network

Only easy routing configuration is supported when configuring OSPF broadcast

or NBMA type networks on the same subnet in a Passport 4400 WAN

NBMA networks are very similiar to broadcast networks, with the exception that
they do not allow for broadcast traffic.

Example NBMA network:

rt 4400 Passpo
rt 4400

Frame Relay
rt 4400
rt 4400

How OSPF Works

OSPF routes IP packets based solely on the destination IP address located in the
IP packet header. IP packets are routed “as is”. There is no encapsulation (layering
or using one protocol within the messages of another protocol) in the protocol
headers as they travel through the AS.

Each OSPF router maintains a database describing the AS's area. From this
database, a routing table is calculated by constructing the shortest path.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

632 Chapter 13 OSPF

The OSPF configuration design includes:

• “Router Identification” on page 632

• “Neighbors” on page 632
• “Designated Routers (DRs)” on page 634
• “Adjacencies” on page 634 (not configurable)
• “Virtual Links” on page 634
• “Stub Areas” on page 635

Router Identification

Every router running OSPF within a network must have a unique router ID. This
identification number is a 32-bit number that identifies one router to another
router within an AS. The OSPF LSDB uses the router ID as a method of tracking
each router within the AS and links associated with it. To assign the router ID,
OSPF uses the first active IP interface (usually the ethernet interface).


Neighbors in OSPF are other OSPF units located on the same network. The Hello
protocol selects the neighbors. Hello packets are sent periodically out of each
interface using IP multicast and unicast. (IP multicast is a protocol for
transmitting IP packets from one source to many destinations in a local or wide
area network of hosts.)

The OSPF units become neighbors as soon as they see their IP addresses listed in
the neighbor’s Hello packet. Thus, two-way communication is guaranteed.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 633

Two routers will not become neighbors unless they agree on the following:

Area-ID Two common routers must have a segment and their interfaces must
belong to the same area on that segment. The interfaces should
belong to the same subnet.
Authentication In order to become neighbors, routers must exchange the same
password on a particular segment. In order for this to happen,
authentication must be configured. See note the below.
Hello and Dead OSPF must be able to exchange Hello packets on each segment. The
Intervals hello and dead intervals must be exactly the same between two
neighbors. If any of these intervals are different, these routers will not
become neighbors on a particular segment.
Stub Area Flag The routers must agree on the stub area flag in the Hello packets in
order to become neighbors.

Note: OSPF units at the end of a virtual link are virtual neighbors.

Hello Protocol
The Hello protocol is a handshake packet sent out by the server, which
notifies the client that the negotiation process should begin. This is a form of
keepalive used by routers, in order to acknowledge their existence on a
segment and to elect a Designated Router (DR) on multi-access segments.
The Hello Interval specifies the length of time, in seconds, between the hello
packets that a router sends on an OSPF interface. The dead interval is the
number of seconds that a router’s Hello packets are not seen before its
neighbors declare the OSPF router down.
For more information about the Hello protocol, refer to “Hello Protocol” on
page 636.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

634 Chapter 13 OSPF

Designated Routers (DRs)

In non-broadcast multi-access, or broadcast environments, multiple routers can

introduce excessive adjacencies (“Adjacencies” on page 634), which requires the
need to designate a specific router as a DR.


Adjacencies are formed once OSPF has discovered its neighbors are used for
exchanging routing information. Not every neighbor forms an adjacency.

OSPF forms adjacencies under the following conditions:

• Network connectivity is point-to-point.

• Network connectivity is achieved through a virtual link.
• A router is a DR.
• A router is a backup DR.
• A neighboring router is the backup DR.
• A neighboring router is the DR.

Virtual Links

A virtual link is a virtual line over which data is transmitted without boundaries or
constraints. Virtual links in an OSPF network need to be configured. Reasons for
configuring virtual links include:

• Links two units in the same area that are connected to a backbone area.
• Patches the backbone in case a backbone unit goes down.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 635

Stub Areas

A stub area in an OSPF network is an area where there is a single exit point from
that area, or when routing to outside of the area does not have to take an optimal
path. Stub areas carry default routes, intra-area routes, and inter-area routes, but
do not carry External Routes.

OSPF allows certain areas to be configured as stub areas. External networks, such
as those redistributed from other protocols into OSPF, are not allowed to be
flooded (traffic passing technique) into a stub area.

Configuring a stub area reduces database size inside an area and reduces the
memory requirements of routers inside that area.

All OSPF routers inside a stub area must be configured as stub routers. Whenever
an area is configured as a stub, all interfaces that belong to that area start
exchanging Hello packets with a flag that indicates the interface is a stub. All
routers that have a common segment have must agree on that flag. If they do not,
then they will not become neighbors and routing will not take effect.

Stub Area Restrictions:

• A stub area cannot be used as a transit area for virtual links.
• An Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) must reside in a non-stub
OSPF area. (For more information on ASBRs, see “Autonomous System
Border Routers (ASBRs)” on page 640.)

Non-Stub Area

A non-stub area is an OSPF area that carries default routes, static routes, intra-area
routes, inter-area routes, and external routes. Non-stub areas are the only OSPF
areas that can have virtual links configured across them.

Note: Static routes can only be configured on an ASBR if they are

pointing outside of the OSPF network.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

636 Chapter 13 OSPF

OSPF Protocols
OSPF routers communicate with each other using the OSPF sub protocols. OSPF
runs on top of IP, but is composed of three subprotocols:

• “Hello Protocol” on page 636

• “Flooding Protocol” on page 637
• “Exchange Protocol” on page 638

Hello Protocol

The OSPF Hello Protocol has three primary purposes:

1 Verifies that links are operational.

2 Elects the DR and backup DR on broadcast and non-broadcast networks.
3 Discovers, establishes, and maintains neighbor relationships.

Example Hello protocol exchange:

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Hello Hello

rt 4400

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 637

Flooding Protocol

The OSPF flooding protocol distributes and synchronizes the link-state database
whenever a change occurs to a link. When a link changes state (up or down), the
router that experienced the change issues a flooding packet that contains the state
change. This update is flooded out to all of the router interfaces. The router
continues to retransmit the update until it receives an acknowledgment from its
neighbors. As a rule, when the DR receives an update, it immediately retransmits
this update to all other routers.

OSPF routers are designed to detect that a neighbor is down within their area only.
This data is not sent to an outside area. Because of this, it is recommended that
loops not be configured in the network. In a network with loops, a router in an
area detects that a neighbor is down, and tries to send this information outside of
the area. This results in routers within an area not knowing that a neighbor has
gone down and routing tables not being updated.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

638 Chapter 13 OSPF

Example of a new link-state advertisement flooding process:

New information
1) Flood
2) Update
Router B 3) Run SPF
Area 0 Passpo
rt 4400


Router A Router D
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

goes down LSA LSA

Network A, B, C, D.
becomes unreachable.
Rerun shortest path first
algorithm and flood change.
rt 4400

Router C

Exchange Protocol

The OSPF exchange protocol synchronizes the routing databases. Once

synchronized, the protocol updates the OSPF routers with other router link

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 639

OSPF Routing Information

OSPF recalculates routes quickly as topological changes occur, using a minimum
of routing protocol traffic. When a topology change occurs, affected routers
immediately multicast information about the topology change only, instead of
sending the entire routing table. This reduces the amount of traffic on the network.

An area-routing capability enables an additional level of routing protection and a

reduction in routing protocol traffic. Only trusted routers are allowed to
participate in the AS’s routing.

All OSPF routers run the same algorithm. The link-state database provides each
router with a tree of shortest paths, with itself as the root. OSPF lets you assign
cost metrics (a measure used to calculate the next host to route a packet to) to a
given host router, so that some paths are given preference.

OSPF Routing Hierarchy

OSPF uses a hierarchical routing structure. This type of structure must exist or be
created in order for OSPF to work properly. There are four types of supported
routers in an OSPF network:

• “Internal Routers (IRs)” on page 639

• “Border Routers (ABRs)” on page 640
• “Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs)” on page 640
• “Backbone Routers (BRs)” on page 640

Internal Routers (IRs)

Internal routers (IRs) are connected to networks that all belong to the same OSPF
area. These types of routers have a single link-state database because they only
belong to one area.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

640 Chapter 13 OSPF

Border Routers (ABRs)

A router located on the border of one or more OSPF areas, that connects those
areas to the backbone network, is an Area Border Router (ABR). ABRs are
members of the OSPF backbones and the attached areas. ABRs only send
summarized information to the backbone area. In order for a router to be
considered an ABR, it must be connected to the backbone. ABRs are attached to
multiple OSPF areas so there can be multiple ABRs within a network. ABRs keep
multiple copies of the link-state database. The router runs one database for each
area that is summarized and then it passes it to the backbone for distribution to
other areas.

Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs)

Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs) are connected to more than one
AS, and exchange routing information with routers in another AS. ASBRs
advertise the exchanged external routing information throughout their AS. ASBRs
must reside in a non-stub OSPF area. (For more information about non-stub areas,
see “Non-Stub Area” on page 635.). Static routes can only be configured on an
ASBR if they are pointing outside of the OSPF network.

Backbone Routers (BRs)

Backbone Routers (BRs) typically have an interface to the backbone area and
more than two other OSPF areas. ABRs do not need BRs. Routers that only have
interfaces connecting them to the backbone are also considered BRs.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 641

Example of an OSPF routing hierarchy:

Internal Router (IR) Internal Router (IR)

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Area 2 Area Border Area 3

Routers (ABR)

rt 4400 Passpo
rt 4400

Area 0
OSPF Backbone
rt 4400 Passpo
rt 4400

Autonomous System Border

Routers (ASBRs)

Link to another Area 1

Passpo Passpo
System (AS) rt 4400 rt 4400

Internal Router (IR)

rt 4400

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

642 Chapter 13 OSPF

OSPF Compared to RIP Networking

RIP is supported within OSPF for router-to-end station communication. Since
many networks using RIP are already in use, router manufacturers tend to include
RIP support within a router designed primarily for OSPF.

In the OSPF system, the IP module keeps its own IP routing table. RIP and OSPF
continuously exchange routing table information. It is recommended that there be
only one path going into the OSPF AS for each external RIP network. This
prevents a conflict between RIP and OSPF. If more than one path is used, both
will attempt to send the route down the IP.

OSPF and RIP Comparison Table

The following table lists the differences between the OSPF and RIP protocols.


No limit on hop counts 15 hop limit

Uses VLSM for IP address allocation Earlier versions cannot handle VLSM (RIP1)
IP multicast is used to send link-state Periodic broadcasts with the entire routing
updates. These updates are only sent in table are sent. This consumes large amounts
case of routing changes. of bandwidth.
Efficient use of convergence practices. Convergence often takes minutes. Routers
Routing changes occur instantly and not slowly time-out information that has not been
periodically. received recently.
Load balancing is based on the actual Routing decisions are based on hop counts.
cost of the link. Link delays are less of a The path with the lowest hop count to the
delay factor for routing updates. destination is preferred even if the longer path
has a better link and slower delay.
Logical definition of networks where Networks are flat. There is no concept of
routers are divided into areas. areas or boundaries.
Routing authentication uses multiple RIP2 added VLSM, authentication, and
password authentication methods. For multicast routing updates.
more information, see “Security” on
page 626.
Transfers tags and external routes in the Not Applicable

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 643


Can be difficult to configure and Simple configuration, but troubleshooting can

troubleshoot. be difficult since the routing algorithm is
distributed over many different routes.
More overhead in memory allocation and Less memory required
CPU utilization.

Configuring an OSPF Network

This section discusses the Configurator and CLI procedures for setting up a
multiple-area OSPF network.

“Configurator Procedure for Defining an OSPF Network” on page 643

“CLI Procedure for Defining an OSPF Network” on page 651

Configurator Procedure for Defining an OSPF Network

The following Configurator configures a multiple-area OSPF network.

Note: By default, an interface configured for OSPF goes into area 0.

Complete the following steps:

• Add the IP Address of the OSPF Router

• Add the Router ID
• Configure the Routing Protocol Type
• Define the Cost of the Route
• Add OSPF Neighbors
• Save the Configuration

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

644 Chapter 13 OSPF

Before You Begin

The following must have been previously configured:

• The DNA prefix for the MPANL profile.

• All necessary netlinks (tunnels) have been established according to the
Passport Access Network Link (PANL).
• Bridge parameters have been set to routing as stated in LAN Features.

Add the IP Address of the OSPF Router

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and Interfaces.

2 You will see the IP Interfaces window. At the top of the window, Select Add
IP Address. The IP Interface Selection window opens. Select the type of
interface you are adding this IP address to. You will see the Add IP Address

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 645

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

IP Address IP Address Enter the IP address you want

to add to the interface you are
adding to the OSPF network.
Index 1 - 255 Add the Index of the port you
are configuring OSPF on.
Net Mask Sub-NetMask (, Enter the Sub-Net Mask, or Address you want to add to
the above interface.
Broadcast Address IPAddress Enter the Broadcast Address
you want to add to the above

3 After you have entered the above parameters, click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

Add the Router ID

1 Under IP, select OSPF.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

646 Chapter 13 OSPF

You will see the OSPF Configuration window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Router ID IP Address Enter the router ID for the OSPF

router you are adding to the network.
Administrative Enabled, Disabled Click the radio button for Enabled.
Status Border router, Non-border Select Border router to set the router
as a border router. Select Non-border
router to set the router as a
non-border router. See “Border
Routers (ABRs)” on page 640 for
more information about border

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 647

Configure the Routing Protocol Type

1 Under IP, click on Interfaces. You will see the IP Interfaces window:

2 Locate the IP address you want to enable OSPF for, and next to it click
Modify. You will see the Modify IP Parameters window:

3 Locate the Routing Type field. Use the pull down menu to select OSPF.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

648 Chapter 13 OSPF

Define the Cost of the Route

Metrics in OSPF are based on cost. This value represents the line speed of the
medium the router is attached. For example, if the ethernet port of a router running
at 10Mbs is configured for OSPF, the cost might be a value of 10. Normally, the
slower the connection speed the higher the cost. Each manufacturer provides a
cost for the speed parameters for each type of connection. You can override the
default values and change the cost to anything you want.

1 Under IP, click on OSPF. You will see the OSPF Configuration window.
2 At the top of the window, select Metrics. You will see the OSPF Interface
Metrics window:

3 Locate the IP address you want to assign/modify the metric value of, and next
to it click Modify. You will see the Modify OSPF Interface Metric window:

4 Locate the Value field and enter the applicable metric value (0-65535). Click
Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 649

Add OSPF Neighbors

1 At the top of the OSPF Configuration window, select Neighbors. You will see
The OSPF Neighbors window:

2 At the top of the window, select Add a Neighbor. You will see The Adding an
OSPF Neighbor window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

IP Address IP Address Enter the IP Address of the OSPF unit you

want to configure as a neighbor
Priority INTEGER (0 - 255) 1 is the default. Enter 0 if you want to
designate the unit as a Designated Router.
The higher the number the higher priority.

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

650 Chapter 13 OSPF

Save the Configuration

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select Configuration.

3 Click Reset. A Confirmation message appears:

4 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Configurator returns you to the Main Window. Once the reset is complete,
connectivity with the unit will be restored.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 651

CLI Procedure for Defining an OSPF Network

The following CLI procedure configures a multiple area OSPF network.

Note: By default, an interface configured for OSPF goes into area 0.

Complete the following steps:

• Display the System IfIndex Numbers

• Configure the IP Address of the Interface
• Define the IP Routing Protocol and Enable OSPF
• Configure the Border Router
• Configure the Cost of the Route
• Add OSPF Neighbors and Virtual Interface (Optional)
• Save the Configuration

Before You Begin

The following must have been previously configured:

• The DNA prefix for the MPANL profile.

• All necessary netlinks (tunnels) have been established according to the
Configure Connections to the Passport Network.
• Bridge parameters have been set to routed as stated in LAN Features.

Display the System IfIndex Numbers

Note: For the following example, IfIndexes 1, 2, and 4 can be used for
OSPF configuration.

Display interface IfIndex numbers.

CLI> Show system IfIndex configured

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

652 Chapter 13 OSPF

A table similiar to the following appears:

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfLim

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
5 other 0 base
6 other 0 base
7 isdnu 3 base
8 ds0 3 base
9 ds0 3 base
10 lapd 3 base
11 isdn 3 base
150 propMultiplexor 1 base
151 other 1 base
152 frameRelay 1 base
153 propMultiplexor 2 base
154 other 2 base
155 frameRelay 2 base
156 propMultiplexor 3 base
157 isdn-wanBRI-U 3 base

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

Note the IfIndex number of the interface that will be used in the OSPF
network. This is the interface you will be adding the IP address to in the steps
that follow.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 653

Configure the IP Address of the Interface

Add the IP address to the IfIndex of the interface you want to add to the OSPF
network. Do this for each IfIndex you want to add.
CLI> add ip address entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

interface you are adding to the
OSPF network. See Step.
<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IPAddress you want
to add to the above IfIndex.
<NetMask> Sub-NetMask (, Enter the Sub-Net Mask, or Address you want to add to the
above IfIndex
<BcastAddress> IPAddress Enter the Broadcast Address
you want to add to the above

CLI> add ip address entry 1
CLI> add ip address entry 2
192. 168.111.8
CLI> add ip address entry 2
192. 168.111.15

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

654 Chapter 13 OSPF

Example IP address configured on an OSPF network:
IfIndex 1

rt 4400 Simi-1

IfIndex 2

Define the IP Routing Protocol and Enable OSPF

1 Enable OSPF (it is disabled by default).
CLI> define ospf parameters adminStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AdminStatus> enabled | disabled Enter enabled.

CLI> define ospf parameters enabled
2 Define the routing protocol to the IP addresses you added in “Configure the IP
Address of the Interface” on page 653.
CLI> define ip base parameters routeProtocolType

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the interface

you added to the OSPF network.
See Step.
<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IPAddress you want to
added to the above IfIndex.
<RouteProtocolType> rip | ospf | passiveRip | Enter ospf.


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 655

CLI> define ip base parameters routeprotocolType 1 ospf
CLI> define ip base parameters routeprotocolType 2 ospf
CLI> define ip base parameters routeprotocolType 2 ospf

Configure the Border Router

Define the border router you want to configure.
CLI> define ospf parameters autoSysRtrStatus

Range of
Parameter Required Action

<RouterStatus> true | false Set this parameter to true, if you want OSPF RIP
interoperability enabled. (For example, external
routes are imported from RIP.) Set this parameter
to false, if you don’t want to import external
routes. See “Border Routers (ABRs)” on
page 640 for more information about border

CLI> define ospf parameters autoSysRtrStatus true

Configure the Cost of the Route

Define the Cost of the Route. Metrics in OSPF are normally based on cost.
Cos is a number that normally reflects the line speed of the medium the router
is attached.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

656 Chapter 13 OSPF

CLI> define ospf interfaceMetric value

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IPAddress of the OSPF

unit you want to assign the metric
value to.
<Value> INTEGER (0..’FFFF’ h) Enter the value of the medium the
router is attached. The default for
this parameter is 3. For example, if
the ethernet port of a router running
at 10Mbs is configured for OSPF,
the cost might be a value of 10.

Note: Normally, the slower the connection speed the higher the cost.
Each manufacturer provides a cost for the speed parameters for each type
of connection. You can override the default value of 3 and change the cost
to anything you want.

CLI> define ospf interfaceMetric value 10
CLI> define ospf interfaceMetric value 250
CLI> define ospf interfaceMetric value 100

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 657

Example of a cost route configuration.



Simi-1 Metric
rt 4400
250 10


Add OSPF Neighbors and Virtual Interface (Optional)

1 Add OSPF Neighbors.
CLI> add ospf neighbor

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IPAddress of the OSPF

unit you want to configure as a
<Priority> INTEGER (0..’FF’ h) 1 is the default. Enter 0 if you do
not want the unit to act as the
designated router. The higher
the number the higher priority.

CLI> add ospf neighbor 1
CLI> add ospf neighbor 1

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

658 Chapter 13 OSPF

2 Add the virtual interface. This is an optional step. Continue on to “Save the
Configuration” on page 659 if you do not want to add a virtual interface at this
time, or “Add Additional OSPF Areas” on page 658.

Note: If you want to add virtual interfaces, you must have at least 2 areas in
the unit. Both of these units must be in the backbone area (

CLI> add ospf virtualinterface

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AreaID> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the area

that you want the virtual link to
reside in.
<VirtualNeighbor> IPAddress Enter the Router ID of the OSPF
unit you want to act as the virtual

add ospf virtualinterface

Add Additional OSPF Areas

Use the following CLI command to define area interfaces:

CLI> define ospf interface areaID

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP Address you want to

assign to the new area.
<AreaID> IPAddress Enter the IP Address of the Area
you want to configure.


CLI> define ospf interface area

CLI> define ospf interface area

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 659

You must now save the configuration.

Save the Configuration

Use the following CLI command to save the configuration:

CLI> save configuration update

Complete this procedure for all of the OSPF units and areas you want to

Optional OSPF Parameters

Use the Configurator or CLI procedures below to configure optional OSPF

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Optional OSPF Parameters” on

page 659

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Optional OSPF Parameters” on page 664

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Optional OSPF


The following optional OSPF parameters and commands are available:

• “OSPF Add Procedures” on page 659

• “Deleting and Viewing OSPF Components” on page 663

OSPF Add Procedures

The following procedures are discussed in this section:

• “Adding a Virtual Interface” on page 660

• “Adding a Stub Area” on page 662

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

660 Chapter 13 OSPF

Adding a Virtual Interface

A virtual link is a virtual line over which data transmitted without boundaries or
constraints. Virtual links in an OSPF network should be configured. There are two
reasons to configure virtual links:

• Links two units in the same area that are connected to a backbone area.
• Patches the backbone incase a backbone unit goes down.

To add a virtual link, use the following procedure:

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and OSPF.

You will see the OSPF Configuration window.

2 At the top of the window, select Virtual IFs. You will see the OSPF Virtual
Interfaces window.
3 At the top of the window select Add Virtual IF. You will see the Adding an
OSPF Virtual Interface window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 661

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Area ID IP Address Enter the IP ID of the area that you

want the virtual link to reside in.
Neighbor IP Address Enter the IP address of the OSPF
unit you want to act as the neighbor.
Transit Delay INTEGER (0.3600) Enter the estimated number of
seconds it takes to transmit a link
state update a packet over this
Retransit Interval TimeTicks Enter the number of ticks you want
between link state advertisement
and retransmissions. This value
determines how often the
advertisements are sent out - default
5 seconds
Hello Interval INTEGER (0.65535) Enter the length of time, in seconds,
between the hello packets that a
router sends on an OSPF interface.
Dead Interval INTEGER Enter the number of seconds that a
(0..’7FFFFFFF’h) router’s Hello packets have not been
seen before its neighbors declare
the OSPF router down.
Authentication Type none, simple Select simple password if you want
password a password to be used to identify the
routers that are participating in the
area. For more information, refer to
“Security” on page 626.
Authentication Key “String” (size 0..8) Enter a parameter up to 8
characters long. This field is only
used if you selected simple
password. This field is Write Only.
Once you have entered this
parameter, it will not be displayed.

Note: OSPF must be able to exchange Hello packets on each segment.

The length of time and dead intervals must be exactly the same between
two neighbors. If any of these intervals are different, these routers will not
become neighbors on a particular segment.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

662 Chapter 13 OSPF

4 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

5 Save the configuration. Complete the Steps in “Save the Configuration” on
page 650.

Adding a Stub Area

A stub area is an area where there is a single exit point from that area, or an area
where routing to outside the area does not take an optimal path.

Configuring a stub area allows you to reduce the topological database size inside
an area, and reduces the memory requirements of routers inside that area.

To add a stub area, use the following procedure:

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and OSPF.

You will see the OSPF Configuration window.

2 At the top of the OSPF Configuration window, select Stub Areas. You will see
the OSPF Stub Area window.
3 At the top of the window, select Add a stub area. You will see the Adding a
OSPF Stub Area window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 663

The table below describes the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Area ID IPAddress Enter the IP address of the area that

you want the stub area to reside in.
Stub Metric INTEGER (0..’FFFFFF’h) Enter the metric value that you want
used in calculating the next host to
route a packet to.

For more information about metrics, go to “Define the Cost of the Route” on
page 648.

Note: The only metric used is the stub metric configured on the area’s
border router. This metric is used for the default route being advertised
into the stub area.

4 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

5 Save the configuration. Complete the Steps in “Save the Configuration” on
page 650.

Deleting and Viewing OSPF Components

To delete and/or view OSPF components, follow the procedure below:

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and OSPF.

You will see the OSPF Configuration window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

664 Chapter 13 OSPF

2 At the top of the window, click on the component you want to delete and/or
3 A table is displayed that lists the component’s parameters.
4 To delete a component, locate the Actions column. Click Delete next to the
component you want to delete.
5 A warning similiar to the following appears:

6 Click Delete. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.

CLI Procedure for Configuring Optional OSPF Parameters

The following optional OSPF parameter procedures and commands are available:

• “CLI OSPF Add Commands” on page 664

• “CLI OSPF Delete Commands” on page 666
• “CLI OSPF Interface Parameter (Optional) Commands” on page 666
• “CLI OSPF Display Commands” on page 673

CLI OSPF Add Commands

The following Add procedures are discussed in this section:

• “Adding a Virtual Interface” on page 664

• “Adding a Stub Area” on page 665

Adding a Virtual Interface

A Virtual link is a virtual line over which data transmitted without boundaries or
constraints. Virtual links in an OSPF network should be configured. There are two
reasons to configure virtual links:

• Links two units in the same area that are connected to a backbone area.
• Patches the backbone incase a backbone unit goes down.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 665

To add a virtual interface, use the following procedure:

1 Add the virtual interface.

CLI> add ospf virtualInterface

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AreaID> IPAddress Enter the IP ID of the area that you

want the virtual link to reside in.
<VirtualNeighbor> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF unit
you want to act as the neighbor.

add ospf virtualinterface
2 Save the Configuration
CLI> save configuration update

Adding a Stub Area

A stub area is an area where there is a single exit point from that area, or it is
considered a stub area if routing to outside the area does not take an optimal path.

Configuring a stub area allows you to reduce the topological database size inside
an area, and reduces the memory requirements of routers inside that area.

To add a stub area, use the following commands:

1 Add the OSPF stub.

CLI> add ospf stub

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AreaID> IPAddress Enter the IP ID of the area that you

want the stub area to reside in.
<Metric> INTEGER (0..’FFFFFF’h) Enter the metric value that you want
used in calculating the next host to
route a packet to.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

666 Chapter 13 OSPF

CLI> add ospf stub 2

Note: The only metric used is the stub metric configured on the area’s
border router. This metric is used for the default route being advertised
into the stub area.

2 Save the Configuration

CLI> save configuration update

CLI OSPF Delete Commands

To delete components of an OSPF network, use the following CLI commands:

Command Description

delete ospf host Deletes an OSPF host in the network.

delete ospf neighbor Deletes an OSPF neighbor in the network.
delete ospf stub Deletes an OSPF stub area.
delete ospf virtualinterface Deletes a virtual link in the OSPF network.

CLI OSPF Interface Parameter (Optional) Commands

To define additional OSPF Interface Parameters, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define ospf interface

The following options are displayed:





206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 667









This command enables OSPF.

CLI> define ospf interface adminstatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF interface

you want enabled on the network.
<AdminStatus> enabled | disabled Enter enabled.


CLI> define ospf interface adminstatus enabled


This command sets up an area in the OSPF network.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

668 Chapter 13 OSPF

CLI> define ospf interface areaID

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF area you

want you want to configure.
<AreaID> IPAddress Enter the IP ID of the area that you want to
configure in the network.


CLI> define ospf interface areaId


This command enables Routers that want to become neighbors exchange the same
password on a particular segment.

CLI> define ospf interface authenticationtype

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF unit you

want to configure the password on.
<AuthorType> none | simplepassword Enter simple password if you want a
password to be used to identify the routers
that are participating in the area.


CLI> define ospf interface authenticationtype


Authentication Key

This command provides authentication between OSPF neighbors.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 669

CLI> define ospf interface authenticationKey

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF interface

you want to configure authentication on.
<AuthorKey> “String” (size 0..256) Enter a parameter up to 8 characters long
within quotes. This command is only used
if you entered simple password in the
AuthenticationType command above.


CLI> define ospf interface authenticationKey



This command specifies the length of time, in seconds, between the hello packets
that a router sends on an OSPF interface.

CLI> define ospf interface HelloInterval

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF unit you

want to configure the hello interval on.
<HelloInterval> INTEGER (0..’FF’h) Enter the value (seconds).


CLI> define ospf interface HelloInterval 5


This command defines the type of network you want OSPF to work in.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

670 Chapter 13 OSPF

CLI> define ospf interface ifType

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the network

interface you want to configure.
<Type> broadcast | nbma | Enter the type of network you want to
pointToPoint configure. See OSPF Network
Types“OSPF Network Types” on page 630
for a description of the network types that
support OSPF.


CLI> define ospf interface ifType nbma


This command defines interchange interval between OSPF units.

CLI> define ospf interface PollInterval

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF unit

you want to configure the polling
interval on.
<PollInterval> INTEGER (0..’7FFFFFFF’h) Enter the value.


CLI> define ospf interface PollInterval 10


This command defines the number of seconds between link state advertisement
and retransmissions. This value determines how often the advertisements are sent
out. The default is 5 seconds

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 671

CLI> define ospf interface RetransInterval

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF unit

you want to configure the polling interval
<ReTransInterval> INTEGER (0..3600) Enter the number of ticks you want
between link state advertisement and


CLI> define ospf interface ReTransInterval 6


This command defines the priority of the OSPF unit in the network.

CLI> define ospf interface RouterPriority

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the OSPF unit

you want to define the priority of.
<RouterPriority> INTEGER (0..’FF’h) Enter the priority you want the OSPF
unit to have. The higher the number the
higher the priority.


CLI> define ospf interface RouterPriority 2


This command defines the number of seconds that a router’s Hello packets have
not been seen before its neighbors declare the OSPF router down.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

672 Chapter 13 OSPF

CLI> define ospf interface rtrDeadInterval

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the

OSPF interface you want to
define the dead interval for.
<RouterDeadInterval> INTEGER (0..’7FFFFFFF’h) Enter the number of


CLI> define ospf interface rtrDeadInterval 10


This command defines the estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link
state update packet over this interface.

CLI> define ospf interface TransmitDelay

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the interface

you want to define the transmit delay
<TransmitDelay> INTEGER (0..3600) Enter the estimated number of
seconds it takes to transmit a link state
update a packet over this interface.


CLI> define ospf interface TransmitDelay 25


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 13 OSPF 673

CLI OSPF Display Commands

To display OSPF parameters, use the following CLI commands:

Command Description

show ospf parameters Displays OSPF system parameters.

show ospf area Displays OSPF area ID addresses.
show ospf areaAggregate Displays OSPF area parameters (Area ID, Area Net, and
Area Mask).
show ospf externalLinkState Displays OSPF link state IP Addresses.
show ospf linkState table Displays OSPF link state table entries.
show ospf host Displays OSPF host IP addresses.
show ospf interface Displays OSPF interface parameters.
show ospf interfaceMetric Displays OSPF IP addresses and their assigned metric
show ospf linkState Displays OSPF Link State parameters
show ospf neighbor Displays OSPF neighbor configuration and status
show ospf stub Displays OSPF stub AreaID IP address and Metric
show ospf virtualInterface Displays OSPF virtual interface configuration and status.
show ospf virtualNeighbor Displays OSPF virtual neighbor configuration and status.

OSPF Warnings
The following warnings OSPF may be displayed at boot up:

Virtual Link Defined with Only 1 Area Defined

If a virtual link is to be defined, there must be AT LEAST two areas defined and
the backbone area ( must be one of them.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

674 Chapter 13 OSPF

Virtual Link Defined but no Backbone Defined

If a virtual link is to be defined, there must be AT LEAST two areas defined and
the backbone area ( must be one of them.

More than 1 Area Defined but no Backbone Defined

If two areas are to be defined on the Passport 4400, the backbone area (
must be defined as well.

Virtual Link is Configured to be a Stub Area

You can not configure virtual links through a stub area. The virtual link will not be

End of Topic

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 14
Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

This topic discusses the following:

• “Async Over TCP Overview” on page 675

• “Compatibility Matrix” on page 683
• “Configuring the Async Interface” on page 683

Async Over TCP Overview

This section discusses the following:

• “Operation” on page 676

• “Hardware Requirements” on page 676
• “Default Configuration and Trap Information” on page 677
• “Performance” on page 678
• “Memory” on page 678
• “Supported Baud Rates” on page 679
• “Async Over TCP Restrictions” on page 679
• “Example Application (Point-to-Point)” on page 681
• “Example Application (Multipoint)” on page 682

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

676 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP


The Async/TCP operation is controlled via an application task. This task is

responsible for keeping track of each Async/TCP interface and peer on each
respective interface (Async/TCP is a permanent connection between two peers so
any break sequence is ignored). A stream based connection is opened to the
asynchronous WAN driver for each configured Async/TCP interface followed by
the forwarding of any data received from a WAN driver to the configured

The Async/TCP is a wide area network protocol that enables transport of

asynchronous data packets over a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) network. Asynchronous data uses start and stop bits to control the
transmission. Passport 4400 units support only point-to-point interfaces. In this
mode of operation, there is only one configured peer and any asynchronous data
received on this interface is transmitted to the configured peer. Conversely, TCP
data is only received from the configured peer that transmits data over the
asynchronous interface.

The Async/TCP feature is used to transport asynchronous data over a configured

set of Async/TCP peers. Each Async/TCP interface can either be a primary or
secondary interface. A primary interface polls the secondary interface to ensure
that the TCP connection remains active. The Passport 4400 can operate in a
multipoint network but only as a point-to-point node. A primary interface can
either be a point-to-point or multipoint interface. A secondary interface can be a
point-to-point interface.

Note: If a multipoint network is required, a Bay Network’s AN/ARN

router will have to be used as the multipoint node.

Hardware Requirements

On Passport 4430/50/55 units, Async Over TCP feature operates over existing
High-Speed Data Module (HDM) (slots 4 and 8) cards and over Port 1 on the
Ethernet base module (EBM).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 677

On Passport 4430/50/55 units, Async Over TCP operates over any serial port
installed in the unit, including the built-in serial port (Port 1), 2-Port Serial Data
Expansion Module, and 6-Port Serial Data Expansion Module.

Default Configuration and Trap Information

This section discusses the following:

• “Async/TCP Interface Defaults” on page 677

• “WAN Port Configured for Async/TCP” on page 677
• “Traps Information” on page 678

Async/TCP Interface Defaults

Parameter Default Value

Enable Enable
TCP Keepalive Interval 120 seconds
TCP Keepalive Timeout 4 seconds
TCP Keepalive Retry Count 5

WAN Port Configured for Async/TCP

Parameter Default Value

Baud Rate 9600

Data Bits 8
Flow Control dc1 - dc3
Parity none
Stop Bits 1

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

678 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Traps Information

There are three traps defined for Async/TCP with corresponding severity levels.

Trap Severity Level

Async/TCP Connection Failed Major

Async/TCP Peer Connection Down Critical
Async/TCP Peer Connection Up Informative


The maximum number of Async/TCP peer connections is 17 on the Passport

4430/50/55 and 13 on the Passport 4460 (using the built-in serial port and two
6-Port Serial Data Expansion modules). The performance targets of the
Passport 4430/50/55 are geared toward data reliability rather than data
throughput. By using TCP, a reliable connection for the link between the
asynchronous devices is established. TCP automatically deals with
retransmissions of any lost or corrupted packets.


The Async/TCP feature requires approximately 200k of DRAM memory.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 679

DRAM memory breakdown

Async/TCP Interface Table 28 bytes

Maximum Number Async/TCP Interface 13
Total 532 bytes

Async/TCP Peer Table 20 bytes

10 Async/TCP Peers 200 bytes
100 Async/TCP Peers 2000 bytes

Supported Baud Rates

Asynchronous interface baud rates supported include: 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400 and 57,600 bits/second.

Flow Control

Asynchronous forwarding of data uses xon/xoff software flow control. This flow
control process allows the remote async device to either start or stop sending data
using the recognition of an xon/xoff character from its local async device.

Async Over TCP Restrictions

This section discusses the following restrictions:

• “Maximum Number of Async/TCP Interfaces” on page 680

• “Maximum Number of Async/TCP Peers” on page 680
• “Asynchronous Connections” on page 680
• “WAN Connections” on page 680
• “Data Rate Conversion” on page 681

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

680 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Maximum Number of Async/TCP Interfaces

Async/TCP interfaces are limited to one per physical Async interface. Therefore,
on a Passport 4430/50/55 the maximum number of async WAN interfaces is 17. If
the Passport 4400 has an 8 port HDM card as well, the maximum number of peers
will be 9 (port 1 + 8 HDM ports).

On a Passport 4430/50/55, the maximum number of async WAN interfaces is 13

(one built-in serial port and two 6-Port Data Expansion modules).

Maximum Number of Async/TCP Peers

The maximum number of Async/TCP peers is equal to the maximum number of

Async/TCP interfaces.

Asynchronous Connections

The asynchronous connections are data only and do not support control lines. For
example, if a modem is connected to the asynchronous interface, the control bits
have to be configured and the control lines on the Passport 4400 will have to be
set as shown below:

Line Level

CD High
DSR High
RTS Don’t Care
DTR Don’t Care

WAN Connections

The asynchronous interfaces do not support WAN connections over them.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 681

Data Rate Conversion

Different asynchronous rates between the local and remote host are not supported.
You must ensure that they are set at the same rate. For example, if an
asynchronous device is running on an Async/TCP interface at 57600 bps baud
rate, and at the other end you have a device running at 9600 bps baud rate, the data
will not convert in either direction. This type of configuration will inhibit data
flow between the two devices.

Example Application (Point-to-Point)

In the illustration below, Async/TCP is being used on a point-to-point interface to

connect alarm hosts to remote alarm panels (such as a bank might use). The alarm
host is connected to a local Passport 4400. The Passport unit establishes a TCP/IP
connection with a remote Passport 4400 unit connected to an alarm panel. The
local Passport 4400 receives the asynchronous data packet from the alarm host
and sends it over the TCP/IP connection. When the remote Passport 4400 receives
the packet, it strips the TCP/IP information and forwards the alarm information to
the alarm panel.

Async Async
Alarm Alarm
Panels Local Remote Panels
Passport 4400 IP Network Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

682 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Example Application (Multipoint)

The illustration below uses the same example described in the “Configurator
Procedure for Point-to-Point Configuration” on page 691, except it is shown on a
multipoint interface.

Note: If a multipoint network is required, a Bay Network’s AN/ARN

router will have to be used as the multipoint node.

Alarm Panels

Async 4400/ Async
Alarm Panels ARN/AN Alarm Panels
IP Network


Alarm Panels

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 683

Compatibility Matrix
The Async/TCP feature is not able to interoperate with the Passport 6400, because
the Passport 6400 is not able to terminate a TCP connection and link it to an
asynchronous port.

Async/TCP Model
Router Platforms Port Labels

Access Node Any module that includes 2S COM1 to COM3

or 3S in the module name COM1, COM2

COM1 to COM4
Access Stack Node Dual Sync COM1, COM2
Quad Sync COM1 to COM4
Advanced Remote Node Serial Adapter COM2, COM3 to COM5
TRI Serial Expansion COM3 to COM5
Ethernet/TRI Serial COM3 to COM5
Token Ring/TRI Serial COM3 to COM5
Ethernet/TRI Serial/DCM
Backbone Link Node-2 Octal Sync COM1 to COM8
Backbone Concentrator Octal Sync COM1 to COM8

Configuring the Async Interface

This section discusses the following procedures:

“Configurator Procedures for Configuring the Async Interface” on page 684

“Configurator Procedures for Point-to-Point and Multipoint Configuration” on

page 690

“CLI Commands for Configuring the Async Interface” on page 714

“CLI Commands for Point-to-Point and Multipoint Configuration” on page 726

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

684 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Configurator Procedures for Configuring the Async


This section discusses the following procedures:

• “Async Interface” on page 684

• “Async Port Configuration” on page 686
• “Async Peers” on page 688

Async Interface

Use the procedures below to configure and/or delete an Async Interface.

Before you begin

Before you can begin configuring the Async Interface, you must have first
configured a WAN port for Async, and reset the Passport 4400’s system (system
reset). For procedures and information, go to “Set the Protocol and Baud Rate on
the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #1)” on page 692.

Note: For instructions for adding an Async Interface, go to “Add the

Async/TCP Interface” on page 694.

Async Interface Configuration

1 To configure the Async Interface, select Configure, Protocols, Async/TCP,
and Interfaces.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 685

You will see the Async/TCP Interfaces window:

2 Next to the WAN port you want to modify, click Modify. You will see the
Modify an Async/TCP Interface window:

The table below describes the Async/TCP interface parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Mode enable, disable Enter enable to permit traffic flow

over the Async/TCP interface.
Type primary, secondary Enter primary.
KeepAlive Interval INTEGER (0...86400) Enter in seconds the amount of
time before a message is sent to
the remote end. This is the amount
of time used in determining
whether the remote Passport 4400
is up or down.
KeepAlive Retry Timeout INTEGER (0...600 Enter in seconds the amount of
time before the Passport 4400 will
retry a connection.
KeepAlive Retry Count INTEGER (0..99) Enter the number of times a local
Passport 4400 attempts to
determine the Async/TCP
configuration on a remote
Passport 4400.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

686 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

3 Enter the applicable parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Add an Async Interface

Go to “Add the Async/TCP Interface” on page 694 for instructions necessary to

add an Async Interface.

Delete an Async Interface

1 Complete Step 1 of “Async Interface” on page 684.
2 Next to the WAN port from which you want to delete the interface, click
Delete. The Delete an Async/TCP Interface window opens:

3 Click Delete. A confirmation message appears. Click OK. Configurator

returns you to the Async/TCP window. The table should no longer include the
interface you just deleted.

Async Port Configuration

Use the procedure below to configure an Async Port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 687

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Async/TCP, and Port.

You will see the Async/TCP Ports window:

2 Next to the WAN port you want to configure, click Modify. You will see the
Modify an Async/TCP Port window:

The table below describes the Async/TCP port parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Baud Rate 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, Enter the baud rate of the WAN
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, port you are configuring for
57600 Async/TCP.
Data Bits INTEGER (5...8) Enter an INTEGER (5..8) on the
WAN port you are configuring for

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

688 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Parity none Sets the parity for the WAN port

dc-1 - dc-3 using one of the applicable
dc-2 - dc-4
Stop Bits none Sets the Stop Bit.
Flow Control INTEGER (1..2). Sets the flow control for the WAN
port using one of the applicable

3 Enter the applicable parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”


Async Peers

Use the procedures below to configure, add, or delete an Async Peer.

Configure an Async Peer

Note: For instructions to add an Async Peer, go to “Add the Async Peer”
on page 696.

1 To Configure an Async Peer, select Configure, Protocols, Async/TCP, and


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 689

You will see the Async/TCP Peers window:

2 Next to the WAN port you want to configure the peer on, click Modify. You
will see the Modify an Async/TCP Peer window:

The configurable Async/TCP Peer parameters are described below:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Connection Mode Enable, Disable Enter enable to permit traffic flow

over the Async/TCP peer.
Connection Originator Self, Partner Enter self for the local Passport
4400 or partner for the remote or
peer Passport 400.

3 Select the appropriate radio button(s), and click Save. A “Command

Successful” appears.

Add an Async Peer

Go to “Add the Async Peer” on page 696 for the instructions necessary to add an
Async Peer.

Delete an Async Peer

1 Complete Step 1 of “Async Peers” on page 688.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

690 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

2 Next to the WAN port you want to delete the peer on, click Delete. You will
see the Delete an Async/TCP Peer window:

3 Click Delete. A confirmation message appears. Click OK. Configurator

returns you to the Async/TCP Peers window. The table should no longer
include the peer you just deleted.

Configuring Async Connections

Use the Configurator or CLI procedures below to configure a point-to-point async

“Configurator Procedures for Point-to-Point and Multipoint Configuration” on

page 690

“CLI Commands for Point-to-Point and Multipoint Configuration” on page 726

Configurator Procedures for Point-to-Point and Multipoint


This section discusses the following example configurations:

• “Configurator Procedure for Point-to-Point Configuration” on page 691

• “Configurator Procedure for Multipoint Configuration” on page 702.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 691

Configurator Procedure for Point-to-Point Configuration

Note: The following procedure must be repeated for both Passport 4400

Before You Begin

The following procedure assumes that the PANL link and IP addresses have been
configured on each Passport 4400 unit.

This procedure provides instructions using the following parameters:

Passport Unit# Parameter

1 Connection Originator
1 Baud Rate 38400
2 Baud Rate 57600
1 Uses Port 1 on the EBM card
2 HDM card in slot B and uses Port 1
1 Primary
2 Secondary

All other WAN Async parameters remain the same.

All TCP Keepalive default parameters remain the same.

The following tasks must be completed on both Passport units:

• “Set the Protocol and Baud Rate on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #1)”
on page 692
• “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 693
• “Add the Async/TCP Interface” on page 694
• “Add the Async Peer” on page 696

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

692 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Set the Protocol and Baud Rate on the WAN Port (Passport
4400 Unit #1)
1 To set the protocol and baud rate, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select Port 1 on the EBM card. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 693

3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Select Async.

4 Locate the Baud Rate field. Enter 38400.

5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

694 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display will show you the reset progress. Once the reset is
complete, connectivity with the unit will be restored.

Add the Async/TCP Interface

1 Select Configure, Protocols, Async/TCP, and Interfaces.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 695

You will see the Async/TCP Interfaces window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Add an Interface. You will see the Add an
Async/TCP Interface window:

3 Locate the Type field. Click on the radio button for Primary.

Click Save.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

696 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Add the Async Peer

1 Under Async/TCP, click on Peers.

You will see the Async/TCP Peers window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Add a Peer. You will see the Add an Async/
TCP Peer window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

WAN Port Select the WAN port you want to add

this peer to. For the purpose of this
example, select Port 1 EBM.
IP Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.
Listen Port INTEGER (1000...9000) Enter the port number used to
recognize an incoming TCP

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 697

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Connection Mode Enable, Disable Enter enable to permit traffic flow over
the Async/TCP peer.
Connect Originator Self, Partner Enter self for the local Passport 4400
or partner for the remote or peer
Passport 4400.

Enter the parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Note: If the Passport 4400 unit is configured for bridging and you try to
add a peer IP address that isn’t on the subnet, a “Command Failed” will be
displayed. This is because the IP address will be recognized as invalid and
the Passport will not attempt to connect. Also, if the Passport 4400 unit is
configured for Routing and you try to add a Peer IP address that is not in
the routing table, a “Command Failed” will again be displayed.

3 Save your configuration as described in “Save the Current Configuration and

Reset the Unit” on page 693.

Repeat all of the above tasks for the Passport 4400 unit #2. Continue on to “Set
the Protocol and Baud Rate on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #2)” on
page 697.

Set the Protocol and Baud Rate on the WAN Port (Passport
4400 Unit #2)
1 To set the protocol and baud rate, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

698 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

2 Use the pull down menu to select the WAN port you want to configure. You
will see the Physical Port Configuration window:

3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Select Async.

4 Locate the Baud Rate field. Enter 57600.

5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 699

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Add the Async/TCP Interface

1 Under Async/TCP, click on Interfaces.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

700 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

You will see the Async/TCP Interfaces window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Add an Interface. You will see the Add an
Async/TCP Interface window:

3 Locate the Type field. Click on the radio button for Secondary.

Click Save.

Add the Async Peer

1 Under Async/TCP, click on Peers. You will see the Async/TCP Peers window.
2 At the top of the window, click on Add a Peer. You will see the Add an Async/
TCP Peer window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 701

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

WAN Port Select the WAN port you want to add

this peer to.
IP Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.
Listen Port INTEGER (1000...9000) Enter the port number used to
recognize an incoming TCP
Connection Mode Enable, Disable Enter enable to permit traffic flow over
the Async/TCP peer.
Connect Originator Self, Partner Enter self for the local Passport 4400
or partner for the remote or peer
Passport 4400.

Enter the required parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

3 Save your configuration as described in “Save the Current Configuration and
Reset the Unit” on page 693.

The above configuration is shown below:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

702 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Port 1
Passport Port Com
4400 159
2 PC

Configurator Procedure for Multipoint Configuration

Before You Begin

Since the Passport 4400 does not support multipoint Async/TCP interfaces, a Bay
Networks ARN is used as the multipoint node. Refer to AN/ARN documentation
for Async/TCP configuration.

The following procedure assumes that the WAN link and the IP addresses have
been configured on the two Passport 4400 units and the AN/ARN.

Note: For AN/ARN configuration procedures, refer to Bay Networks


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 703

This procedure provides instructions using the following parameters:

Passport Unit#/

2 HDM card located in slot B and uses port 1 on the card (IfIndex 159)
3 Port 1 is used on the EBM card (IfIndex 150)
AN/ARN Primary
2 Secondary
3 Secondary
2 Async/TCP peer IP address is
3 Async/TCP peer IP address is
AN/ARN Uses TCP Listen Port parameters of 1000 and 1001

The following tasks must be completed on both Passport units:

• “Set the Protocol on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #2)” on page 703
• “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 704
• “Add the Async/TCP Interface (Multipoint)” on page 706
• “Add the Async Peer (Multipoint)” on page 707

Set the Protocol on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #2)
1 To set the protocol and baud rate, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

704 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

2 Use the pull down menu to select the WAN port you want to configure. You
will see the Physical Port Configuration window:

3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Select Async.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 705

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

706 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Add the Async/TCP Interface (Multipoint)

1 Under Async/TCP, click on Interfaces.

You will see the Async/TCP Interfaces window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Add an Interface. You will see the Add an
Async/TCP Interface window:

3 Locate the Type field. Click on the radio button for Secondary.

Click Save.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 707

Add the Async Peer (Multipoint)

1 Under Async/TCP, click on Peers. You will see the Async/TCP Peers window.
2 At the top of the window, click on Add a Peer. You will see the Add an Async/
TCP Peer window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

WAN Port Select the WAN port you want to add

this peer to.
IP Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call. For
the purpose of this example use

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

4 Save your configuration as described in “Save the Current Configuration and
Reset the Unit” on page 704.

Set the Protocol on the WAN Port (Passport 4400 Unit #3)
1 To set the protocol and baud rate, select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

708 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select Port 1 on the EBM card. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration window:

3 Locate the Protocol Supported field. Select Async.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 709

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

710 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Add the Async/TCP Interface (Multipoint)

1 Under Async/TCP, click on Interfaces.

You will see the Async/TCP Interfaces window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Add an Interface. You will see the Add an
Async/TCP Interface window:

3 Locate the Type field. Click on the radio button for Secondary.

Click Save.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 711

Add the Async Peer (Multipoint)

1 Under the Async/TCP, click on Peers. You will see the Async/TCP Peers
2 At the top of the window, click on Add a Peer. You will see the Add an Async/
TCP Peer window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

WAN Port Select the WAN port you want to add

this peer to. For the purpose of this
example, select Port 1 EBM.
IP Address IP Address Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call. For
the purpose of this example use

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

4 Save your configuration as described in “Save the Current Configuration and
Reset the Unit” on page 709.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

712 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

The above configuration is shown below:
Passport Passport Port Com
4400 4400 159
Com 3 2 PC


Configurator Procedure for Viewing Async/TCP Status and


The Async/TCP Statistics and Status pages are used to display box-wide Async/
TCP parameters such as Async/TCP interfaces configured and the number of
configured and connected peers (“Async/TCP System Status” on page 712 and
“Async/TCP Peer Statistics” on page 713). The maximum number of peers
allowed is calculated at boot-up. It determines from the current hardware
configuration how many Async/TCP interfaces can be configured and from that
how many peers can be configured. Refer to “Async Over TCP Restrictions” on
page 679 for information about the maximum number of peers allowed at boot-up.

Async/TCP System Status

To view Async/TCP system status through the Configurator web pages, follow the
procedure below:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 713

1 Select Status/Statistics, Protocols, and Async/TCP.

You will see the Async/TCP System Status window:

Async/TCP Peer Statistics

At the top of the Async /TCP System Status window, click on Async/TCP Peer
Statistics. The Async/TCP Peer Statistics window opens:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

714 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

CLI Commands for Configuring the Async Interface

The following CLI commands are discussed in this section:

• “Add Commands” on page 714

• “Define/Set Commands” on page 715
• “Delete Commands” on page 720
• “Show Commands” on page 721

At the end of this section is a description of “Monitoring Async/TCP” on

page 724.

Add Commands

The following Add CLI commands are used to configure Async/TCP interfaces.

CLI> add aot interface

This command is used to add an Async/TCP interface. It defines the Async WAN
port to be used, whether it is to be a primary or secondary port, and whether it is a
point or multipoint interface.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port to be used
for Async/TCP.
<AttachTo> primary | secondary Enter primary.

CLI> add aot peer

This command is used to add a peer to a particular interface. It defines the IP

address of the remote peer and who initiates the call, (Passport 4400 (self), or the
peer (partner)). This command also defines the TCP port that is used to listen for a
TCP connection by the Passport 4400 that is NOT originating the TCP
connection. This port is configured on both Passport 4400 units.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 715

Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port to

be used for Async/TCP.
<Peer IP Address> IP Address Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.
<TCP Listen Port> INTEGER (1000...9000) Enter the port number used to
recognize an incoming TCP
<Connect Originator> self | partner Enter self for the local Passport 4400
or partner for the remote or peer
Passport 4400.

Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port to

be used for Async/TCP.
<Peer IP Address> IP Address Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.

Define/Set Commands

The following WAN define and set commands are used to configure Async/TCP

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port to

be used for Async/TCP.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter async.
switchingFr | htds | cbr |
sdlc | x25 | async |

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

716 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port to

be used for Async/TCP.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter async.
switchingFr | htds | cbr |
sdlc | x25 | async | hdlc |
bypassVoice | channel |

CLI> set aot Interface

These asynchronous commands are dynamic, which means they take place after
they are implemented. For example, if you change the “enable”, “attached To” or
“type” configuration using these commands, it results in the TCP connections
connected to this interface, being closed down and re-opened with the new
configuration. If the user changes the TCP keepalive configuration, it results in
the TCP keepalive counters being reset without touching any of the TCP
connections over the interface.

CLI> set aot interface enable

The “enable” parameter enables/disables a particular Async/TCP interface and

prevents traffic flow if it is disabled. It does not mean the async WAN interface is
disabled or down.

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port you
are using for Async/TCP.
<Enable> enable | disable Enter enable to permit traffic flow over
this Async/TCP interface.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 717

CLI> set aot interface attachedTo

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port you
are using for Async/TCP.
<AttachTo> primary | secondary Enter primary.

CLI> set aot interface keepaliveInterval

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port you
are using for Async/TCP.
<KpAliveIntrvl> Passport 4430/50/55: Enter in seconds the amount of time
INTEGER (0...86400) before a message is sent to the
remote end. This is the amount of time
Passport 4460: used in determining whether the
INTEGER (1000.9999) remote Passport 4400 is up or down.

CLI> set aot interface RetryTimeout

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port you
are using for Async/TCP.
<RetryTimeout> Passport 4430/50/55: Enter in seconds the amount of time
INTEGER (0...600) before the Passport 4400 will retry a
Passport 4460
INTEGER (0..36)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

718 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

CLI> set aot interface RetryCount

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port you
are using for Async/TCP.
<RetryCnt> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of times a local
INTEGER (0..99) Passport 4400 attempts to determine
the Async/TCP configuration on a
Passport 4460 remote Passport 4400.
INTEGER (0..31)

CLI> set aot peer enable

The “enable” option simply enables/disables a particular peer. It does not affect
the Async/TCP interface. It can be used to disable a particular peer on a
multipoint interface.

Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the peer interface

you want to enable or disable.
<PeerIpAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.
<TCPListenPort> INTEGER (1000...9999) Enter the port number used to
recognize an incoming TCP
<Enable> enable | disable Enter enable or disable.

Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the peer interface

you want to enable or disable.
<PeerIpAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.

CLI> set aot peer connectionOriginator

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 719

Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port to be

used for Async/TCP.
<PeerIpAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.
<TCPListenPort> INTEGER (1000...9000) Enter the port number used to
recognize an incoming TCP
<ConnOrig> self | partner Enter self for the local Passport 4400
or partner for the remote or peer
Passport 4400.

Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the WAN port to be

used for Async/TCP.
<PeerIpAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the remote
Passport 4400 receiving the call.

The following WAN commands are used to configure a particular port for
asynchronous data transmission.

CLI> set wan async


Options Description

<baudRate> Enter the baud rate of the WAN port you are configuring for
<dataBits> Passport 4430/50/55
Use an INTEGER (5..8) on the WAN port you are configuring for
Passport 4460
Use an INTEGER (0..24) on the WAN port you are configuring for

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

720 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Options Description

<flowControl> Set the flow control for the WAN port using one of the following
dc-1 - dc-3
dc-2 - dc-4
<parity> Set the parity for the WAN port using one of the following values:
<StopBits> Passport 4430/50/55
Set the stop bit for the WAN port using an INTEGER (1..2).
Passport 4460
Set the stop bit for the WAN port using an INTEGER (1..25).

Delete Commands

The following delete commands are used to delete an Async/TCP interface or


CLI> delete aot Interface

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the Async/TCP

interface you want to delete.

CLI> delete aot peer

Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the Async/TCP

Peer you want to delete.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 721

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Peer Ip Address> IPAddress Enter the IP Address of the Async/
TCP Peer you want to delete.
<TCP Listen Port> INTEGER (1000...9999) Enter the Integer that represents the
Async/TCP Listen Port you want to

Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Ifindex of the Async/TCP

Peer you want to delete
<Peer Ip Address> IPAddress Enter the IP Address of the Async/
TCP Peer you want to delete.

Show Commands

The show Async/TCP system commands are used to display box-wide Async/
TCP parameters such as Async/TCP interfaces configured and the number of
configured and connected peers. The maximum number of peers allowed is
calculated at boot-up. It determines from the current hardware configuration how
many Async/TCP interfaces can be configured and from that how many peers can
be configured. Refer to “Async Over TCP Restrictions” on page 679 for
information about the maximum number of peers allowed at boot-up.

CLI> show aot system

A table similar to the following is displayed:

Number of Interfaces 4
Number of Config Peers 17
Number of Connected Peers 17
Max Peers allowed 17

The following commands provide information about the Async/TCP interface:

CLI> show aot interface (entry or table)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

722 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

A table similar to the following is displayed:

IfIndex 150
Enable enabled
Attached To primary
TCP Keepalive Interval 10
TCP Keepalive Retry Timeout 4
TCP Keepalive Retry Count 5

The show Async/TCP peer commands are designed to provide information on a

per Async/TCP interface basis.

The peer table displays only the TCP listen port and not the dynamic TCP port
used by the connection originator. If you want to see which dynamic port is being
used, use the show tcp connection command.

CLI> show aot peer (entry or table)

A table similar to the following is displayed:

Passport 4430/50/55

IfIndex 150
Peer IP Address
TCP Listen Port 1002
Enable enable
ConnOrig self
Status up

Passport 4460

IfIndex 150
Peer IP Address
TCP Listen Port 1002

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 723

CLI> show aot statistics (entry or table)

A table similar to the following is displayed:

Passport 4430/50/55

IfIndex 150
Peer IP Address
TCP Listen Port 1002
RxBytes 9847
TxBytes 236

Passport 4460

IfIndex 150
Peer IP Address

CLI> show wan async (entry or table)

A table similar to the following is displayed:

Passport 4430/50/55

IfIndex 159
Baud Rate 6400
Data Bits 5
Parity none
Stop Bits 2
Flow Control dc-2 - dc-4

Passport 4460

IfIndex 159

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

724 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

Monitoring Async/TCP

The following CLI commands are used to monitor the state of each Async/TCP
peer using the show Async/TCP peer and show tcp connection CLI commands.

To view received and transmitted bytes on a peer, use the following CLI

CLI> show aot statistics

A table similar to the following is displayed:

Passport 4430/50/55

IfIndex Peer IP Address TCP Listen Port Rx Bytes Tx Bytes

150 1000 0 0

Passport 4460

IfIndex Peer IP Address


CLI> show port parameters table/entry

A table similar to the following is displayed:

IfIndex 2
Description Frame Relay Virtual Port
IfType other7b:
Mtu 1526
Speed 0
PhysAddress 00:e0:0a:46:1a
AdminStatus up
OperStatus up

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 725

LastChange 00years 000Days 00:00:00

RxOctets 17034172
RxUnicastPackets 4964
RxNonUnicastPackets 14107
RxDiscards 2428
RxErrors 0
RxUnknownProtocols 2428
TxOctets 168563
TxUnicastPackets 2431
TxNonUnicastPackets 1369
TxDiscards 0
TxErrors 0
TxQueueLength 0

CLI> show system interfaceExtensions

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

726 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

A table similar to the following is displayed:

IfIndex 1
IfExtName "CARD/1 EN/1"
IfExtType ethernetCsmacd
LnkUpDownTrapEnable yes
ConnectorPresent yes
PersistenceType non-volatile
IfExtState configured
IfSlot base
Channel -1
PPADevicesType ethDriver

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the
Passport 4430/50/55, the name for the base module is always base,
Expansion modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is
named pcmciaExp.

If the OperStatus of the Async port is down, then the Async/TCP interface has
been disabled.

If the IfExtState of the Async port shows not configured, then the Async/TCP
interface has not been configured for that port.

CLI Commands for Point-to-Point and Multipoint


This section discusses the following example configurations:

• “CLI Commands for Point-to-Point Configuration” on page 727

• “CLI Commands for Multipoint Configuration” on page 729

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 727

CLI Commands for Point-to-Point Configuration

Before You Begin

The following procedure assumes that the PANL link and IP addresses have been
configured on each Passport 4400 unit.

This procedure provides instructions using the following parameters:

Passport Unit# Parameter

1 Connection Originator
1 Baud Rate 38400
2 Baud Rate 57600
1 Uses Port 1 on the EBM card (IfIndex 150)
2 HDM card in slot B and uses Port 1 (IfIndex 150)
1 Primary
2 Secondary

All other WAN Async parameters remain the same.

All TCP Keepalive default parameters remain the same.

Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #1

CLI> define wan port protocolsupport 150 async

CLI> save config update

CLI> reset system cpu reset

CLI> set wan async baudrate 150 38400

CLI> add aot interface 150 primary

CLI> add aot peer 150 self 2001 (Passport 4430/50/55

For Passport 4460, use the following CLI command:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

728 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

CLI> add aot peer 150

Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #2

CLI> define wan port protocolsupport 159 async

CLI> save config update

CLI> reset system cpu reset

CLI> set wan async baudrate 159 57600

CLI> add aot interface 159 secondary

CLI> add aot peer 159 partner 2001 (Passport 4430/50/55

For Passport 4460, use the following CLI command:

CLI> add aot peer 159

The above configuration is shown below:

Port 1
Passport Port Com
4400 159
2 PC

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 729

CLI Commands for Multipoint Configuration

Before You Begin

Since the Passport 4400 does not support multipoint Async/TCP interfaces, a Bay
Networks ARN is used as the multipoint node.

The following procedure assumes that the WAN link and the IP addresses have
been configured on the two Passport 4400 units and the AR/ARN.

This procedure provides instructions using the following parameters:

Passport Unit#/

2 HDM card located in slot B and uses port 1 on the card (IfIndex 159)
3 Port 1 is used on the EBM card (IfIndex 150)
AN/ARN Primary
2 Secondary
3 Secondary
2 Async/TCP peer IP address is
3 Async/TCP peer IP address is
AN/ARN Uses TCP Listen Port parameters of 1000 and 1001

Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #2

CLI> define wan port protocolsupport 159 async

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system cpu reset

CLI> add aot interface 159 secondary

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

730 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

CLI> add aot peer 159 self 1000 (Passport 4430/50/55

For Passport 4460, use the following CLI command:

CLI> add aot peer 159

Configuration for Passport 4400 Unit #3

CLI> define wan port protocolsupport 150 async

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system cpu reset

CLI> add aot interface 150 secondary

CLI> add aot peer 150 self 1001 (Passport 4430/50/55

For Passport 4460, use the following CLI command:

CLI> add aot peer 150

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP 731

The above configuration is shown below:
Passport Passport Port Com
4400 4400 159
Com 3 2 PC


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

732 Chapter 14 Passport 4400 Series – Async Over TCP

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 15
HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit

The following topics discussed include:

• “HDLC Transparent Data Service (HTDS)” on page 733

• “Constant Bit Rate (CBR)” on page 734
• “Configuring HTDS or CBR” on page 736
• “HTDS and CBR Monitoring” on page 764

HDLC Transparent Data Service (HTDS)

The High-level data link control (HDLC) protocol is a set of ISO-defined
procedures for carrying data over a link, usually with error detection and flow
control. The HDLC transparent data service (HTDS) provides end-to-end
connectivity between applications (for example, X.25 and SNA) running over
HDLC or synchronous data link control (SDLC), the IBM HDLC standard.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

734 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

With HTDS, the Passport 4400 unit provides a mechanism to tunnel traffic from
legacy equipment over the WAN. The applications (upper-layer protocols) are
responsible for handling lost or interrupted data. The following illustration is an
example of HTDS:

HDLC ports WAN ports HDLC ports

X.25 X.25
Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PAD
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400
Network rt 4400


Constant Bit Rate (CBR)

The Passport 4400 supports constant bit rate (CBR) service for applications
involving attached third-party devices.

Similar to HTDS, CBR is tunneled over the frame relay network. CBR has a
larger buffer than HDLC-framed services. You can use CBR to support any
synchronous protocol not supported by HTDS connections.

The following illustration is an example of CBR:

CBR port WAN ports CBR port

Video Video
Passport 4400 Passport 4400
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400
Network rt 4400


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 735

This section also discusses “Transfer Modes” on page 735.

Transfer Modes

When you configure the Passport 4400 for HTDS service, you must select the
desired transfer mode. There are two types of transfer modes:

• “Cut-Through Transfer Mode” on page 735

• “Store and Forward Transfer Mode” on page 735

Note: The choice of transfer modes does not apply to CBR. Do not
configure CBR with store and forward mode.

Cut-Through Transfer Mode

The cut-through transfer mode does not wait for the entire frame to be received by
the Passport 4400 before transferring the data over the frame relay WAN. Instead,
it begins transferring a fixed number of incoming bytes as fragments. This mode
allows the Passport 4400 unit to handle low speed traffic with large frames at low

The source Passport 4400 inserts a sequence number, unique within each HDLC,
SDLC or CBR frame, before transferring the frames across the WAN. The
receiving Passport 4400 uses this sequence number to order and reassemble the
frames before they are transmitted to the attached device.

Store and Forward Transfer Mode

The store and forward transfer mode buffers an entire frame received on its HDLC
or SDLC link before transferring it over the frame relay backbone. The
destination Passport 4400 unit receives the entire HDLC or SDLC frame before it
begins to transmit the HDLC/SDLC data on its HDLC/SDLC port.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

736 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

Configuring HTDS or CBR

Note: For configuring HTDS or CBR for baud rates higher than 64K, see
“Configuring HTDS or CBR for Baud Rates Higher than 64K” on
page 759.

Before You Begin

To configure HTDS or CBR, you need the following information:

• The ifIndex for the physical port to which the HTDS or CBR device is
• The PVC DLCI number for the device port on the local Passport 4400
• The PVC DLCI numbers for all remote sites with which the unit is to
exchange HDLC, SDLC or CBR traffic
• The DNA prefix of the Passport 4400 unit and of all remote sites with which
the unit is to exchange HDLC, SDLC or CBR traffic. (This should have been
configured already as described in the Getting Started with Passport 4400,
Release 4.1, 209664-A.)

To configure the Passport 4400 for HTDS or CBR, use one of the following
Configurator or CLI procedures:

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR” on page 737

“CLI Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR” on page 747
“CLI Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR for Baud Rates Higher than
64K” on page 759

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 737

Configurator Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR

To configure the Passport 4400 for HTDS or CBR, perform the following

• “Define the WAN Port Mode” on page 737

• “Configure HTDS” on page 741
• “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 742

Note: The following tasks must be performed on each Passport 4400 unit
that is to support an attached device.

Define the WAN Port Mode

1 Select Configure, Physical Interface, and Serial.

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

738 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable port. You will see the
Physical Port Configuration window:

3 For Passport 4430/50/55, locate the Mode field and select either DTE or
DCE. If you are configuring CBR, the physical mode of the CBR port must
be set to DCE. For HDLC (or SDLC), the mode will depend on the cable you
are using to connect to the device.
When using a Smart cable with the Passport 4460, you do not need to set the
DCE/DTE mode. After you have configured other parameters on the factory
defaulted Passport 4460 and reset the unit, the correct DCE/DTE mode will be

If the above has not occurred, use Configurator to set the auto-sense

For Passport 4460 using a Smart cable only, locate the Mode field and select
auto. If you are not using a Smart cable and are configuring CBR, the physical
mode of the CBR port must be set to DCE. For HDLC (or SDLC), the mode
will depend on the cable you are using to connect to the device.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 739

4 Locate the Baud Rate field. Enter the baud rate for the HTDS/CBR port.
Make sure that the port baud rate matches the baud rate of the attached device.
The default line speed on the HTDS/CBR port is 64 Kb/s. CBR can be run at
speeds as low as 600 baud.

Caution: When configuring HTDS on the Passport 4400, it is suggested

that the baud rate be set to a multiple of 64000 (64k, 128k, 192k, 256k,
etc.). Using a non-standard baud rate may introduce errors to the HTDS

Note: Be sure that the line speed of the HTDS/CBR port is set to a lower
value than the line speed of the primary WAN port on the Passport 4400.

5 Next to Protocol Supported, use the pull down menu to select htds or cbr.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Set the Master Clock Source

This feature is available on Passport 4460 units running software release

4.1.2 or higher. To determine if this feature is available on your Passport
4460 unit, select Attributes, and Unit Hardware. You will see the Unit
Hardware window:

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be displayed

in the Master Clock field.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

740 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

1 Set the master clock source. If your physical mode is set to dce and you want
to use Passport 4460 unit’s master clock as the clock source, select Configure,
System, and Master Clock.

You will see the Master Clock window:

This window displays the current configured interface and allows you to
designate the Master Clock source.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the desired clock source.

If you do not want to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460 unit,
select Internal. If you wish to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460
unit the select one of the listed ports. As shown in the Master Clock window
above, Base, Port 2 is providing the clock source to the backplane. All other
ports on the unit have the option of choosing it as their clock source.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 741

3 After you have made your selection, click Save. The Master Clock setting
takes effect immediately. A system reset is not required.

If you are configuring HTDS, continue on to “Configure HTDS” on page 741.

If not, continue on to “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on
page 742.

Configure HTDS
1 On the Physical Port Configuration window, in the Protocol Supported field
select HTDS.

Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

2 Under Configure, select WAN/Data Services and HTDS/CBR.

You will see the Port/Channel Selection (HTDS/CBR) window.

3 Use the pull down menu to select the port you are configuring HTDS for. You
will see the Add Switch Map Entry (HTDS/CBR) window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

742 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

4 Click Next. You will see the HTDS/CBR Configuration window:

5 Next to TDS Cut Through, select the radio button Yes to select cut-through
mode, or select the radio button No to select Store and Forward mode.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Note: If you want to configure other parameters on the device port, see
the Configure Connections to the Passport Network.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 743

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display will show you the reset progress.

Define Switch Maps for Both Passport 4400 Units

1 Under Configure select WAN/Data Services and HTDS/CBR.

You will see the Port Selection window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

744 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you are configuring. You will see
the Add Switch Map Entry (HTDS/CBR) window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 745

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Local DLCI INTEGER (16-991) The DLCI for HTDS or CBR service on the
local Passport 4400.
Remote DLCI INTEGER (16-991) The DLCI for HTDS or CBR service on the
remote Passport 4400.
Remote DNA Frame Relay DNA The DNA prefix of the remote Passport 4400,
followed by the number 3, followed by the Slot
number and PPA number of the physical port
on the remote Passport 4400.

PPA can be obtained from the show system

ifIndex configured table. Slot number is the
physical location of the module, and must be
determined for each module:

base module (base) 1

HDM (exp1) 2
HDM (exp2) 3
Connection Type slave, master Enter master for the site that will establish the
connection; enter slave for the other site.
When establishing a switch map from a
Passport 4400 to a Passport 6400, the
Passport 4400 should always be set to
Note: In the Passport 4430/50/55 when
configuring a CBR connection, you must
configure the site as the slave.
Switch Type htds, cbr Enter the service type (htds or cbr) for both

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

746 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

3 Enter the required parameters and click Save. A “Command Successful”

4 Repeat the above steps for the other Passport 4400 unit that will be providing
HTDS or CBR services.

The illustration below shows two Passport 4400 units configured for HTDS. Both
Passport 4400 units in this example use Port 1 for HTDS service. Note how the
switch maps are constructed from the ifIndexes, DLCIs and DNA prefixes.

Site 1 Site 2

FRAD Passport 4400 Passport 4400 FRAD

100 Passport 200
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400
Network rt 4400

Port 1 Port 1

Connection created by
frame relay switch map

Site 1: Site 2:
DNA Prefix = 302181139710 DNA Prefix = 302181140042
DLCI = 100 DLCI = 200

You must reset the unit and save the configuration. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 742.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 747

Verifying that Switch Maps on Both Passport 4400 Units are


Return to the Port Selection window. Select Switch Mapping. You will see the
Switch Mapping window:

The above command displays the status of the switch map for the local Passport
4400 only. Repeat this command on the remote Passport 4400. Make sure that the
steps from this procedure are performed on each Passport 4400 that is to provide
HTDS or CBR service.

End of Topic

CLI Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR

To configure the Passport 4400 for HTDS or CBR, perform the following

Note: The following tasks must be performed on each Passport 4400 unit
that is to support an attached device.

1 Determine the ifIndex of the physical port to be used when attaching the
third-party device.

CLI> show system ifindex configured

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

748 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

A table similar to the following appears:

IfIndex ifExtType PPA Slot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 base
2 propVirtual 0 base
3 other 0 base
4 propVirtual 1 base
150 propMultiplexor 1 base
151 other 1 base
153 propMultiplexor 2 base
154 v35 2 base
155 frameRelay 2 base

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

In the above table, Physical Point of Attachment (PPA) and Slot indicate the
physical location of each port. For example, PPA 1 and Slot limA refers to Port 1
on the base module, slot A.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 749

Notice that each port may have several associated ifIndices. To select the ifIndex
representing the physical port, look under the IfExtType column, and find the
ifIndex associated with propMultiplexor. Using Port 1 on the base module, the
physical port ifIndex would be 150.

Note: Passport 4400 units equipped with one or more High-speed Data
Modules (HDM) are not restricted to the use of ports on the base module.
Additional ports will be listed in the show system ifIndex
configured table. Identify the desired port on the HDM by looking for
the correct PPA and Slot numbers in the table, and select the appropriate

2 Define the clocking mode for the physical port to be used for HTDS or CBR.

Passport 4430/50/55
CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port as

determined in Step 1 (for Port 1, use IfIndex
<Mode> dce | dte If you are configuring CBR, the physical mode
of the CBR port must be set to DCE. For
HDLC or SDLC, the mode will depend on
the cable you are using to connect to the


CLI> define wan port mode 150 dce

Passport 4460

When using a Smart cable with the Passport 4460, you do not need to execute the
CLI command define wan port mode to set the DCE/DTE type. After you
have configured other parameters on the factory defaulted Passport 4460 and reset
the unit (after the save configuration update command), the correct type
will be auto-sensed and set for this parameter.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

750 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

If the above has not occurred, use the following CLI command to set the
auto-sense parameter:

CLI> define wan port mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<Mode> dce | dte | auto Enter auto if you are using a
Smart cable. If you are not using a
Smart cable and are configuring
CBR, the physical mode of the
CBR port must be set to DCE.
For HDLC or SDLC, the mode
will depend on the cable you are
using to connect to the device.


CLI> define wan port mode 150 auto

3 Set the master clock source If you do not want to perform this step, continue
on to Step 4.
This feature is available on Passport 4460 units running software
release 4.1.2 or higher. To determine if this feature is available on your
Passport 4460 unit, use the CLI command show system hardware. A
table similar to the following appears:

RevisionLevel 41
ManufactureRevDate ”2-9-00”
SerialNumber PED0012478
ModuleID 2
MACAddress 00:e0:7b:0a:46:1a
CPUType “Passport 4460/MPC860MH-MPC860T”
GenCfgType passport 4460
ClockSync supported

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 751

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be

displayed in the ClockSync field.

If your physical mode is set to dce and you want to use the Passport 4460
unit’s master clock as the clock source, use the following CLI command:

CLI> define wan port ClockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you entered in

Step 1.
<ClockSource> external | backplane Enter backplane. External is the


CLI> define wan port ClockSource 1 backplane

4 Define the baud rate for the device port to match those of the attached device.
CLI> define wan port baudRate

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port as

determined in Step 1 (for Port 1, use IfIndex
<BaudRate> INTEGER (300..1920000) Enter the baud rate for the HTDS/CBR port.
Make sure that the port baud rate matches
the baud rate of the attached device. The
default line speed on the HTDS/CBR port is
64 Kbps.CBR can be run at speeds as low
as 600 baud.


CLI> define wan port baudRate 150 64000

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

752 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

Be sure that the line speed of the HTDS/CBR port is set to a lower value than
the line speed of the primary WAN port on the Passport 4400.

Caution: When configuring HTDS on the Passport 4400, it is suggested

that the baud rate be set to a multiple of 64000 (64k, 128k, 192k, 256k,
etc.). Using a non-standard baud rate may introduce errors to the HTDS

If you are configuring HTDS, proceed to Step 5. If you want to configure

additional parameters on the device port, go to Step 6. Otherwise, go to Step 7.

5 If you are configuring HTDS, select the transfer mode (cut-through, store, or
CLI> define wan port htdsCutThru

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port as

determined in Step 1.
<HTDSCutThrough> yes | no Enter yes to select cut-through mode, or
enter no to select store and forward


CLI> define wan port htdsCutThru 150 yes

6 If you want to configure other parameters on the device port use the following
CLI command:
CLI> define wan port

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 753

The parameters are described below:

Options Description

baudRate The baud rate for the FR DCE port. Make sure the port baud rate
matches the baud rate of the attached device. The default line
speed on the FR DCE port is 64 Kb/s. The baud rate can be
safely set as low as 600
encodeMethod The port transmit/receive data encoding method. Choices are nrz,
nrzi-mark, and nrzi-space. The default is nrz.
htdsCutThru Sets the htdsCutThru state. yes (active) no (inactive)
idleChar The idle character required for CBR transfer. The default is 126.
syncChar The 8 bit Synchronization character required by the CBR transfer
method. The valid range is (1..256) and the default is 7F.
Note: If you set the SyncChar value to 256, then the port starts
receiving CBR traffic as soon as it is up; there is no need to
receive the defined syncChar pattern as is the case if the
SyncChar value is anything other than 256
ifType Specifies the signaling characteristics of the WAN interface.
Options are RS-232, V.35, V.36, X.21, CSU/DSU, T1 CSU, E1
CSU, ISDN-BRI, and none. The default is V.35.
maxRxFrameSize The maximum frame size in bytes that will be received on this
interface. The range is from 1 to 8192 bytes. The default value is
mode The physical mode of the FR DCE port dce, dte, or auto. The
mode will depend on the cable you are using to connect to the
numOfRxBuffers Specifies the number of buffers that will be used for receive data.
The range is from 20 to 255. The default is 100.
protocolSupport Specifies the routing protocol for the WAN port.
rxQueueSize The number of packets that can be stored in each receive buffer.
The range is from 10 to 255 bytes. The default is 20.
txQueueSize The number of packets that can be stored in each transmit buffer.
The range is from 5 to 255 bytes. The default is 20.
In networks where the jitter is minimal, the TX queue size can be
adjusted down to decrease the latency of information transported
through the Passport 4400. In networks where the information
may be susceptible to delays, the TX queue size should be
increased to provide more buffering. This will increase the latency
of information from end to end, but it prevents underrun conditions
of the data and provides accurate information transfer.

7 Define the protocol (HTDS or CBR) on the physical port.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

754 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port as

determined in Step 1.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter htds or cbr.
switchingFr | htds | cbr
| sdlc | x25 | async |

Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port as

determined in Step 1.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Enter htds or cbr.
switchingFr | htds | cbr
| sdlc | x25 | async |
channel | pppHdlc |
bypass voice


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 150 cbr

8 Identify the DNA prefix of the Passport 4400. (This should have been
configured in Getting Started.)
CLI> show msm profile

A table similar to the following appears:

NodeId 1 (operational)
5 (configured)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 755

CustomerId 0 (operational)
99 (configured)
DNAPrefix “[x121]” (operational)
“[x121]302181139710” (configured)

In the above table, a node ID of 5, a customer ID of 99, and a DNA prefix of

302181139710 have been previously configured. Notice that the operational
values have not changed from the default values because the Passport 4400 has
not been reset.

9 Determine the DLCI number for the device port on the Passport 4400. This
must be obtained from the configuration of the attached third-party device.
10 Define the switch maps for both Passport 4400 units.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

756 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

CLI> add fr switch map

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<LocalNetIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) The physical port ifIndex on the local

Passport 4400 (from Step 1).
<LocalNetDLCI> INTEGER (16..991) The DLCI for HTDS or CBR service on
the local Passport 4400.
<RemoteNetDCLI> INTEGER (16..991) The DLCI for HTDS or CBR service on
the remote Passport 4400.
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA (as The DNA prefix of the remote Passport
a quoted string) 4400, followed by the number 3, followed
(1..34) by the Slot number and PPA number of
the physical port on the remote Passport
4400 (inside quotation marks without any

PPA can be obtained from the show

system ifIndex configured table. Slot
number is the physical location of the
module, and must be determined for each

base module (base) 1

HDM (exp1) 2
HDM (exp2) 3

See the following example for more detail.

<ConnectType> slave | master Enter master for the site that will establish
the connection; enter slave for the other
site. When establishing a switch map from
a Passport 4400 to a Passport 6400, the
Passport 4400 should always be set to
<SwitchType> frdce | htds | cbr | x25 Enter the service type (htds, cbr, or
sna-sdlc) for both sites.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 757

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

For each of the parameters above, enter the following, separating each entry with
a space.


CLI> add fr switch map 150 100 200 “302181140042311” master


Note that the last three digits of the SVCDNA parameter are 311. The 3 indicates
the service type, frame relay pass-through. The 11 indicates the location of the
port on the unit at Site 2: Port 1 (PPA = 1) on the base module (Slot = 1).

The below illustration shows two Passport 4400 units configured for HTDS. Both
Passport 4400 units in this example use Port 1 for HTDS service. Note how the
switch maps are constructed from the ifIndexes, DLCIs and DNA prefixes.

Site 1 Site 2

X.25 X.25
PAD Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PAD
100 Passport 200
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400
Network rt 4400

Port 1 Port 1

Connection created by
HTDS switch map

Site 1: Site 2:
WAN IfIndex = 150 WAN IfIndex = 150
DNA Prefix = 302181139710 DNA Prefix = 302181140042
DLCI = 100 DLCI = 200

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

758 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

The example depicted in the illustration above, and the following command
configures the Passport 4400 switch map at Site 1 so that the unit at Site 1
establishes the connection with Site 2.

For the same example, you can configure the Passport 4400 switch map at Site 2,
by entering the following command:

CLI> add fr switch map 150 200 100 “302181139710311” slave


11 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

12 Use the following command to verify that the switch maps on both Passport
4400 units are active.
CLI> show fr switch map operational entry 150 100

A table similar to the following appears:

LocalNetIfIndex 150
LocalNetDLCI 100
ConnectID 1
RemoteNetDLCI 200
SVCIfIndex 0
SVCDNA “302181140042311”
LocalPVCDLCIState active
SVCUserDLCIState active
ConnectType master
LastChange 00Years 001Days 02:53:59
SwitchDisconnReason no-reason
SwitchType htds

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 759

The LocalPVCDLCIState and SVCUserDLCIState parameters should both

indicate active. A state of inactive indicates a problem with the DNA.

Note: The above command displays the status of the switch map for the
local Passport 4400 only. Repeat this command on the remote Passport
4400. Make sure that the steps from this procedure are performed on each
Passport 4400 unit that is to provide HTDS or CBR service.

Configuring HTDS or CBR for Baud Rates Higher than


Note: You cannot use the Configurator web pages to configure baud
rates higher than 64K. You must use the CLI.

To configure the Passport 4400 for HTDS or CBR running at a baud rate higher
than 64K, additional changes are required other than those described in
“Configuring HTDS or CBR” on page 736.

Following the CLI procedure will ensure that the baud rate and throughput values
for the WAN link and SVCs are large enough to support the higher speeds of
HTDS or CBR Services.

CLI Procedure for Configuring HTDS or CBR for Baud Rates

Higher than 64K

Note: The following tasks must be performed on each Passport 4400 unit
that is to support an attached device.

1 Determine the baud rate on the physical WAN port.

CLI> show wan parameter port operational entry 153

A table similar to the following appears:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

760 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

Passport 4430/50/55

IfIndex 153
IfType v35
Mode dte
BaudRate 1544000
MaxRxFrameSize 4000
ProtocolType hdlc
NumOfRxBuffers 200
RxQueueSize 20
TxQueueSize 10
IfSlot base
IfChannel 1
ProtocolSupport switchingFR
HTDSCutThrough no
HTDSFragSize 0
IdleChar 126
SyncChar 126
EncodeMethod nrz
CTS (Indication) na
RTS (Control) na

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 761

Passport 4460

IfIndex 153
IfType v35
Mode dte
BaudRate 1544000
MaxRxFrameSize 4000
ProtocolType hdlc
NumOfRxBuffers 200
RxQueueSize 20
TxQueueSize 10
IfSlot base
IfChannel 1
ProtocolSupport switchingFR
HTDSCutThrough no
HTDSFragSize 0
IdleChar 126
SyncChar 126
EncodeMethod nrz
PortNumer 1
TimeSlots “““““““““

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

The BaudRate parameter is the maximum limit for all traffic going through
the physical link. This parameter must be set to a higher speed than the total
throughput of all SVCs running through that physical link.

2 Determine the configured bandwidth on the netlink.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

762 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

CLI> show msm dtelink operational table

A table similar to the following appears:

IfIndex 149
MaxSubChannelRange 63
DTEReceiverBW 128000
DCEReceiverBW 128000
DTEMaxFrameSize 80
DCEMaxFrameSize 80

The DTEReceiverBW and DCEReceiverBW parameters are the configured

bandwidth on the netlink for both the PANL DTE and PANL DCE side. These
should be configured to be greater than the total throughput of all SVCs
running through that netlink.

3 Determine the throughput of the SVCs on the netlink.

CLI> show fr switch svc circuit table

SVCIfIndex 149
Type switched
DNA “[x121]302181147671325”
NegMaxTxSize 1600
NegMaxRxSize 1600
NegTxThroughput 1511000
NegRxThroughput 1511000
NegTxBurstSize 63872
NegRxBurstSize 63872

The NegTxThroughput and NegRxThroughput parameters should not be

configured for less than the baud rate on the HTDS/CBR port. If need be, use
the following commands to increase these parameters.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate 763

To set the default throughput values for all SVCs on a netlink proceed to Step 4.
To set the default throughput value for a specific SVC on the netlink, proceed to
Step 5.

4 Set the default throughput values for all SVCs on the netlink.
CLI> define fr line user basesvclmi maxtxthroughput

CLI> define fr line user basesvclmi maxrxthroughput

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1...255) Enter the IfIndex of the SVC you want
to define the throughput for.
<MaxTxThroughput> INTEGER (0...2560000) Enter the maxtxthroughput in
bit/sec seconds.


CLI> define fr line user basesvclmi maxtxthroughput 150


The same example can be applied to MaxRxThroughput, except you would

enter the values for maxrxthroughput.

5 Set the default throughput values for a specific SVC on the netlink.
CLI> define fr switch svc maxrxthroughput

CLI> define fr switch svc maxtxthroughput

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<ConnectID> INTEGER (1...65535) Enter the Connect ID of the SVC you

want to define the throughput for.
<MaxRxThroughput> INTEGER (0...2560000) Enter the maxrxthroughput in
bit/sec seconds.


CLI> define fr switch svc maxrxthroughput 3500

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

764 Chapter 15 HDLC Transparent Data Service and Constant Bit Rate

The same example can be applied to MaxTxThroughput, except you would

enter the values for maxtxthroughput.

HTDS and CBR Monitoring

HTDS and CBR monitoring use the same monitoring commands as those used for
frame relay services. See Frame Relay Services for monitoring commands.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 16
X.25 Services

Information about the X.25 services is divided into the following major topics:

• “X.25 Overview” on page 765

• “Configuring the X.25 Services” on page 781
• “Administering the X.25 Services” on page 813

X.25 Overview
The Passport 4400 X.25 services provide connectivity between X.25 Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE) devices within a Passport wide area network (WAN).
The X.25 services also support X.25 calls between a DTE connected to a Passport
4400 unit and a DTE connected to a frame relay access device (FRAD), within a
frame relay WAN.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

766 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

A Passport 4400 unit functions as an X.25 data communication equipment (DCE)

device, providing network services to users of external X.25 DTE devices
connected to the unit’s synchronous serial interfaces. These X.25 users can
connect to X.25 devices connected to other Passport 4400 units, or to X.25
devices at FRADs that are accessible to the unit within a frame relay WAN. Here
is an example application:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 16 X.25 Services 767

X.25 X.25
Terminal Terminal

Passport Passport
X.25 Unit Unit X.25
Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400

X.25 X.25

X.25 X.25
Terminal Frame Relay Terminal
Frame Relay


X.25 Unit
rt 4400

Front End
Computer X.25

Front End

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

768 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

The Passport 4400 unit encapsulates X.25 data for transmission over a frame relay
PANL or DLCI connection. The encapsulation method complies with
Multiprotocol Encapsulation Implementation Agreement FRF3.1 (Frame Relay
Forum, June 22, 1995) for single protocol X.25 encapsulation, to allow
interworking with FRADs. The encapsulation procedure is described in ANSI
T1.617a 1994 Annex G.

X.25 services traffic is passed transparently through Passport 6400 units.

Topologies Supported by the X.25 Services

The X.25 services support the following topologies:

• “Passport 4400 to Passport 4400” on page 768

• “Passport 4400 to Passport 6400 to Passport 4400” on page 769
• “Passport 4400 to Remote FRAD” on page 769
• “Passport 4400 to Passport 6400 to Remote FRAD” on page 770

Passport 4400 to Passport 4400

X.25 X.25

Passpor Passpor
t 4400
PANL t 4400

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

X.25 calls and data transmissions are sent across the Passport WAN (PANL). This
application requires that you configure the physical ports (synchronous serial
interfaces) on the Passport unit for X.25 services. Also, you must configure virtual
ports for X.25 services. These virtual ports can be SVCs or PVCs. These virtual
ports handle the X.25 connections across the WAN. One PANL virtual circuit
(SVC, PVC) handles all X.25 calls between any two Passport 4400 units.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 16 X.25 Services 769

Passport 4400 to Passport 6400 to Passport 4400

X.25 traffic carried over PANL SVC

X.25 X.25

Passpor Passpor
t 4400 t 4400

Passport 4400 Passport 4400
Passport 6400

X.25 calls and data transmissions are sent across the Passport WAN. You must
configure the physical ports on the Passport 4400 units for X.25 services. Also,
you must configure virtual ports for X.25 services to handle the X.25 connections
across the WAN. The X.25 traffic is passed transparently through the Passport
6400 unit. One PANL virtual circuit (SPVC) handles all X.25 calls between any
two Passport 4400 units.

Passport 4400 to Remote FRAD


t 4400
Relay X.25
Passport 4400

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

770 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

X.25 calls and data transmissions from devices connected to the Passport unit are
sent across the frame relay WAN. The X.25 data is encapsulated according to
FRF3.1 (Frame Relay Forum, June 22, 1995) and ANSI T1.617a 1994 Annex G.
One frame relay DLCI handles all X.25 calls between the unit and the X.25
devices connected to the FRAD. A FRAD typically operates as a DTE. In this
case, you must configure the unit to operate as an X.25 DCE.

For this application, you must configure the physical ports on the unit for X.25
services. Also, you must establish a PVC between the Passport unit and the
FRAD. And, you must configure virtual ports to handle the X.25 connections
across the WAN.

Passport 4400 to Passport 6400 to Remote FRAD


t 4400 X.25
Passport 4400 Passport 6400

X.25 traffic is passed transparently through the Passport 6400 unit. Since the
FRAD is likely to be operating as an X.25 DTE, configure the Passport 4400 unit
to operate as DCE. The Passport 4400 unit encapsulates the X.25 data according
to FRF3.1 (Frame Relay Forum, June 22, 1995) and ANSI T1.617a 1994 Annex
G. The link between the Passport 4400 unit and the FRAD must be frame relay.
One frame relay DLCI handles all X.25 calls between the Passport 4400 unit and
the X.25 devices connected to the FRAD.

For this application, you must configure the physical ports on the Passport 4400
unit for X.25 services. Also, you must establish a PVC between the Passport 4400
unit and the FRAD. And, you must configure virtual ports to handle the X.25
connections across the WAN.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 16 X.25 Services 771

Functionality Provided by the X.25 Services

The X.25 services provide the following functionality:

• Supports X.25 DTE and DCE devices.

• Complies with CCITT/ITU X.25 standards for 1980, 1984, and 1988. Also
supports ISO 7776 (layer 2 - LAPB) and ISO 8208 (layer 3). Does not support
multilink procedures.
• Complies with ANSI T1.617a Annex G for X.25 Single Protocol
Encapsulation Over Frame Relay.
• Transparently forwards X.25 call facilities.
• Supports X.25 SVCs and preconfigured X.25 PVCs.
• Supports local call routing between X.25 ports.
• Requires only one PANL virtual circuit or frame relay DLCI for all X.25 calls
between a pair of Passport 4400 units.
• Supports fast select.
• Supports up to 96 X.25 connections (combination of PVCs and SVCs) per
Passport 4400 unit.
• Provides unlimited Passport 4400 unit cascading.
• Supports packet sizes containing a maximum payload of 4096 octets. Frame
sizes can be up to 4101 octets (LAPB modulo 8) or 4102 octets (LAPB
modulo 128).

X.25 Connectivity

Passport 4400 units provide the following X.25 connectivity:

• “Local X.25 Connectivity” on page 772

• “Virtual X.25 Connectivity” on page 773
• “Combined Local and Virtual X.25 Connectivity” on page 773

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

772 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

Local X.25 Connectivity

A local (physical) Passport 4400 unit X.25 port provides local termination of the
X.25 Link Access Procedures-Balanced (LAPB) protocol to a locally connected
X.25 DTE. Here is an example of a local connection, with the associated protocol

Host X.25 Switching

Application Process

X.25 Packet Peer-to-Peer X.25 Packet

Layer Layer
Protocol Protocol


Physical Physical
Port Port

X.25 Host or Terminal Passport Unit

X.25 Host or Terminal Passport Unit

Physical connection may be DTE Physical connection may be DTE

or DCE (typically DTE). or DCE (typically DCE).

LAPB layer typically performs DTE LAPB layer typically performs DCE
side procedures side procedures

Packet layer typically performs DTE Packet layer typically performs DCE
side procedures side procedures

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 16 X.25 Services 773

Virtual X.25 Connectivity

A virtual Passport 4400 unit X.25 port provides termination of the X.25/LAPB
protocol between a pair of units, or between a virtual X.25 port and a T1.617a
Annex G compliant FRAD.

Combined Local and Virtual X.25 Connectivity

Each local (physical) and virtual Passport 4400 unit X.25 port uses a separate
instance of the X.25/LAPB protocol stack. A Passport 4400 unit is capable of
supporting the following connectivity:

• n physical ports, where n is the number of physical ports available on the unit.
You can have a maximum of 8 physical ports on a Passport 4430/50/55 unit,
and a maximum of 15 physical ports on a Passport 4430/50/55 (one built-in
serial port, two single-port WAN serial data modules, and two 6-Port Serial
Data Expansion Modules).
• n virtual ports, where n is the number of WAN connections that can be
supported by the unit.
• n X.25/LAPB protocol stacks, where n is the number of physical ports plus
the number of virtual ports.

The maximum number of active PVCs and SVCs is limited by the available
resources in the unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

774 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

Here is an example of local and virtual X.25 connections, with the associated
protocol stacks:

X.25 DTE Passport 4400 Passport 4400 X.25 DTE

X.25 DTE X.25 DCE X.25 X.25 X.25 DCE X.25 DTE


Frame Relay Frame Relay

Each of these blocks Each of these blocks

requires a virtual requires a virtual
port (6 ports) port (6 ports)

Handling of X.25 SVC Facilities

The following table lists the various X.25 call facilities and explains how the X.25
services handles or supports those facilities.

Facility Handling by the X.25 Services

Packet Size Passed transparently to the destination. The destination may

choose to negotiate a smaller packet size in the call accept
packet. In this case, the returned facility is passed transparently
to the originator.
Window Size Passed transparently to the destination. The destination may
choose to negotiate a smaller window size in the call accept
packet. In this case, the returned facility is passed transparently
to the originator.
Basic Throughput Passed transparently to the destination.
Class Negotiation
Extended Throughput Not supported.
Class Negotiation

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 16 X.25 Services 775

Facility (continued) Handling by the X.25 Services

Closed User Group Passed transparently to the destination.
(CUG), Bilateral
Closed User Group
(BCUG), Closed User
Group with Outgoing
Access (CUGOA).
Extended Closed
User Group, and
Extended Closed
User Group with
Outgoing Access
Reverse Charging Passed transparently to the destination.
Fast Select Passed transparently to the destination.
(unrestricted or
Network User Passed transparently to the destination.
Identification (NUI)
Charging Information Stripped from the call request packet before forwarding to the
Call Redirection Not supported. The call is cleared.
Transit Delay Passed transparently to the destination.
End to end Transit Passed transparently to the destination.
Calling Address Passed transparently to the destination.
Called Address Passed transparently to the destination.
Priority Not supported. The call is cleared.
Protection Not supported. The call is cleared.
Expedited Data Passed transparently to the destination.
Class D Not supported. The call is cleared. Charging information returned
in a clear packet is filtered.


• X.25 facilities not listed in the table are not supported by the Passport 4400
X.25 services.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

776 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

• The X.25 facilities combination of Address Extension, Packet Size, Window

Size, Throughput Class, Fast Select (with restriction), User data (128octets) is
supported in the Call Request packet type.

Packet Size Negotiation

Negotiated packet sizes are passed transparently from the originating DTE to the
destination DTE. However, if the originating DTE does not specify the packet size
parameter in the call request packet, the X.25 services inserts this facility at the
destination. The following table shows the packet size negotiation that is
implemented by the X.25 services.

Originator’s Originator’s
Default Remote Default Local Action by the X.25 Services
Packet Size Packet Size

No packet 256 bytes 256 bytes The destination Passport 4400 unit
size specified issues a call request with packet
size negotiation parameters based
on the originator’s default local and
remote packet sizes (in this case,
256, 256).
No packet 256 bytes 128 bytes The destination unit issues a call
size specified request with packet size
negotiation parameters based on
the originator’s default local and
remote packet sizes (in this case,
256, 128).
128, 256 256 bytes 128 bytes The destination unit issues a call
requested request using the packet size
parameters requested by the
originator (in this case, 128, 256).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 16 X.25 Services 777

During call accept, the destination DTE may request that the specified packet size
be negotiated to a lower value. If the originating DTE did not specify packet size
negotiation, the negotiated size is not communicated to the originator. In this case,
the Passport 4400 unit splits packets (using the M-bit) to ensure that negotiated
packet sizes are enforced, as shown in the following diagram:

Passport 4400
Using X.25 Services

t 4400

no packet size
negotiation request packet size
256, 256


Accept request packet size

128, 128
no packet size

Data (256 bytes)

Data (128 bytes) [Mbit=1]

Data (128 bytes) [Mbit=0]

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

778 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

Window Size Negotiation

Negotiated window sizes are passed transparently from the originating DTE to the
destination DTE. However, if the originating DTE does not specify the window
size parameter in the call request packet, the X.25 services inserts this facility at
the destination. The following table shows the window size negotiation that is
implemented by the X.25 services.

Originator’s Originator’s
Default Remote Default Local Action by the X.25 Services
Window Size Window Size

No window 2 2 The destination Passport 4400 unit

size specified issues a call request with window
size negotiation parameters based
on the originator’s default local and
remote window sizes (in this case,
2, 2).
No window 2 5 The destination unit issues a call
size specified request with window size
negotiation parameters based on
the originator’s default local and
remote window sizes (in this case,
2, 5).
3, 7 requested 2 2 The destination unit issues a call
request using the window size
parameters requested by the
originator (in this case, 3, 7).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 16 X.25 Services 779

During call accept, the destination DTE may request that the specified window
size be negotiated to a lower value. If the originating DTE did not specify window
size negotiation, the negotiated size is not communicated to the originator. The
window size negotiation process is shown in the following diagram:

Passport 4400
Using X.25 Services

t 4400

no window size
negotiation request window
size 2,2


Accept request window

size 2,5
no window size

Data (no window


Data (using window

size 2,5)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

780 Chapter 16 X.25 Services

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 17
Setting Up the X.25 Services

You can configure the X.25 services using either the Configurator or the
Command Line Interface (CLI). You can do a basic setup of X.25 services using
the Install Tool.

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:

• “Configuring the X.25 Services” on page 781

• “Configuring X.25 PVCs” on page 793
• “Configuring X.25 SVCs” on page 802
• “Call Spreading” on page 804

Configuring the X.25 Services

When you configure Passport 4400 units for X.25 services, make sure that your
configurations meet the following requirements:

• One end (Passport unit) must be the master for each X.25 connection. The
master end initiates the X.25 connection.
• The master end must be configured with the PANL DNA of the destination
end (the remote Passport unit).
• Each destination end (Passport unit) must be configured to provide X.25
services across the PANL or DLCI connection.

To configure Passport units for X.25 services, use either the Configurator or the

• “X.25 Services Setup Using the Configurator” on page 782

• “X.25 Services Setup Using the CLI” on page 789

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

782 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

X.25 Services Setup Using the Configurator

You configure the X.25 services starting with the physical layer and continuing
upward to the LAPB and packet (X.25) layers. The initial setup procedure of the
X.25 services, using the Configurator, is as follows:

1 Define the physical ports as X.25.

Select Configure and Physical Interfaces from the navigation menu:

Select the type of port (serial, ISDN, CSU) you want to configure for X.25
operation. Then, select the physical port (the example screens show Passport
4460 hardware with Port 3 on the base being used for X.25):

The Physical Port Configuration screen will be displayed. The two parameters
that need your attention at this point are:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 783

• Mode: in most instances, the Passport 4400 unit would be acting as an

X.25 DCE. You would select that mode in this field. As the X.25 DCE,
the unit will be providing the clocking for this connection.
• Protocol Supported: select X.25 from the pull down menu, as follows:

Click on the Save button. “Command Successful” should be displayed when

the unit finishes setting the configuration.

2 Add the routing information for the physical port. Select Configure, WAN/
Data Services, and X.25 from the navigation menu:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

784 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

You will see the X.25 Service screen. Select X.25 Routing (Physical Port)
from the Configuration options:

The configuration wizard presents you with a series of screens to complete.

When you complete these screens, the physical routing information is
configured. The screens presented are:

• X.25 Port Selection. Select the port from the pull down menu:

• Modify a Packet Level Interface. Complete this form as required by your


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 785

• Add a X.25 Route (Physical):

Enter an index number for this route and the X.25 address pattern. An
asterisk (*) can be used as part of the X.25 address pattern. Click on the
Save button.
At this point, the X.25 Service screen is displayed, with the following text
indicating that the unit’s X.25 configuration has changed and that a reset is

Do not reset the unit at this time. Continue on to step 3.

3 Set up virtual ports for the X.25 connections across the WAN. Select one of
these encapsulation methods from Configuration Options:

Encapsulation Method Usage

X.25 Over PANL (4400) Use this method for Passport 4400 to Passport
4400 connections. The Configurator will establish
an SVC to transport X.25 traffic across the WAN.
X.25 Over PANL (6400) Use this method if the connection includes a
Passport 6400 unit in the path. The Configurator
will establish an SPVC to transport X.25 traffic
across the network.
X.25 Over Annex G Use this method if the connection destination is a
FRAD. The Configurator will establish a PVC to
transport X.25 traffic to the FRAD.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

786 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

After you select the encapsulation method, you are presented with a series of
configuration screens in a wizard-like fashion. These screens provide a
minimal configuration necessary to get the X.25 service operating. Using
these screens requires you to enter parameter values, click on the Save button
to save the parameter values, then click on Next to go to the next screen. Here
is the sequence of screens:

Encapsulation Method Configurator Screen Sequence

X.25 Over PANL (4400) Add a Virtual Port. Enter the Port Number.
Add a SVC Mapping. Enter the following:
- Remote DNA (X.25 address pattern).
- Pass-thru Connection (Tx) Priority.
- Data Transfer Priority.
- Connection Setup Priority.
Add an X.25 LAPB Entry. Select the Station type (DCE,
DTE). Make sure that one end of the X.25 connection is DCE
and the other end is DTE.
Add an X.25 Packet Level Interface. These are standard
X.25 network parameters. Enter the values required by your
network. If you are planning on using X.25 PVCs, you should
enter the number of PVCs in the field provided.
Add a X.25 Route (Virtual). Enter the Routing Index number
and the X.25 address pattern (DNA). An asterisk (*) can be
used as part of the X.25 address pattern.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 787

Encapsulation Method Configurator Screen Sequence

X.25 Over PANL (6400) Add a Virtual Port. Enter the Port Number.
Add a SPVC Mapping. Enter the following:
- Local DLCI.
- Remote DLCI.
- Remote DNA (X.25 address pattern).
- Connection type (slave, master).
Add an X.25 LAPB Entry. Select the Station type (DCE,
DTE). Make sure that one end of the X.25 connection is DCE
and the other end is DTE.
Add an X.25 Packet Level Interface. These are standard
X.25 network parameters. Enter the values required by your
network. If you are planning on using X.25 PVCs, you should
enter the number of PVCs in the field provided.
Add a X.25 Route (Virtual). Enter the Routing Index number
and the X.25 address pattern (DNA). An asterisk (*) can be
used as part of the X.25 address pattern.
X.25 Over Annex G Add a Virtual Port. Enter the Port Number.
Add a PVC Mapping. Enter the netlink (tunnel) index. A list of
available netlink indexes is shown on the bottom of the
Add an X.25 LAPB Entry. Select the Station type (DCE,
DTE). Make sure that one end of the X.25 connection is DCE
and the other end is DTE.
Add an X.25 Packet Level Interface. These are standard
X.25 network parameters. Enter the values required by your
network. If you are planning on using X.25 PVCs, you should
enter the number of PVCs in the field provided.
Add a X.25 Route (Virtual). X.25 over Annex G uses a PVC.
PVCs do not use DNA addresses. Do not enter a DNA
address in this screen. Leave this screen blank and click on
the Save link.

Refer to “Configuring X.25 SVCs” on page 802 for information about the
X.25 routing table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

788 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

After completing the sequence of screens, the X.25 Service screen is

redisplayed. You will see this message, indicating the unit needs to be reset to
put the X.25 service configuration into effect:

At this point, the unit is configured with the basic parameters to make the
X.25 services functional. However, your X.25 network may require additional
settings to the X.25 Services parameters. These additional settings can be
entered from the screens listed along the top of the X.25 Service screen (X.25
LAPB and X.25 Interface). You should review each of these screens as
appropriate to the encapsulation type you selected earlier and adjust the
parameters as required by your network.

For procedures and details about the X.25 Interface screen, refer to “Defining
X.25 Parameters” on page 817. For procedures and details about the X.25
LAPB screen, refer to “Defining LAPB Parameters” on page 819.

If you need to establish X.25 PVCs, see “Configuring X.25 PVCs Using the
Configurator” on page 797 for more information.

4 Make sure that you have the required type of virtual circuit established for
communications across the WAN:
• For Passport 4400 to Passport 4400, an SVC or a PVC can be used.
• For Passport 4400 to Passport 6400, an SPVC is required.
• For Passport 4400 to a FRAD (Annex G), a PVC is required.
Refer to “Configure Connections to the Passport Network” for further
information and procedures.

5 Reset the unit to put the configuration into effect. You can access the System
Reset screen either of two ways:
• If you are at the X.25 Service screen, click on the System Reset link at the
top of the page.
• If you are anywhere else in the Configurator screens, click on the arrow
next to Administration and click on System Reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 789

With the System Reset screen displayed, select Configuration for the Reset

Click on the Reset button. After the unit finishes the reset, your browser will
automatically be reconnected to the unit and the main Configurator page will
be displayed.

X.25 Services Setup Using the CLI

You configure the X.25 services starting with the physical layer and continuing
upward to the LAPB and packet (X.25) layers. The initial setup procedure of the
X.25 services, using the CLI, is as follows:

1 Define the physical ports as X.25. This setting is in addition to the other
settings required for the physical port, such as interface type and data rate.
CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of a

physical port on the
Passport 4400 unit.
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Select x25 to set this port for
switchingFr | htds | X.25 operation.
cbr | sdlc |
x25 | async |
pppHdlc | channel |
hdlc | casBypass

Example (the example commands shown represent Passport 4430/4450/4455

hardware and have Port 1 on the EBM being used for X.25):

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

790 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 150 x25

2 Add virtual ports for the X.25 connections across the WAN. First, create a
virtual frame relay port:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for

the virtual port you want to
<Number> Integer (0..31) Enter the interface number
you want to assign to this
virtual port (the PPA

Next, add the virtual port to the LAPB transport protocol:

CLI> add lapb virtual

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for

the LAPB virtual port.
<LowerInterface> Integer (0..255) Enter the IfIndex you
assigned to the frame relay
virtual port.

Then, add the virtual port to the X.25 protocol:

CLI> add x25 virtual

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for

the X.25 virtual port. This will
be the IfIndex for the packet
<LowerInterface> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex you
assigned to the LAPB virtual

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 791

Example sequence of commands:

CLI> add fr port virtualPort 10 2

CLI> add lapb virtual 50 10
CLI> add x25 virtual 51 50

3 Define the LAPB parameters between the virtual port pairs. There are many
LAPB parameters that you should review and configure as required for your
See “Defining LAPB Parameters” on page 819 for more information about
the LAPB parameters.

When defining the LAPB parameters, make sure that one end of the X.25
connection is DCE and the other end is DTE.

4 Define X.25 services to the virtual port pairs. You must configure one end (the
slave unit) as DTE. If the remote end is a FRAD, the FRAD is usually a DTE.
In this case, the Passport 4400 unit should be set for DCE and should be the
master end.
CLI> define x25 parameters interfaceMode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

virtual port.
<InterfaceMode dte | dce DCE is the default. Select
DTE at the slave end. Make
sure that one end of the
X.25 connection is DCE and
the other end is DTE.


CLI> define x25 parameters interfaceMode 51 dte

There are many other X.25 parameters that you should review and set as
required for your network. See “Defining X.25 Parameters” on page 817 for
more information.

5 Add X.25 routing information.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

792 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

Refer to “Configuring X.25 SVCs” on page 802 for information about the
X.25 routing table.

CLI> add x25 routing

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter a number for this

<DestinationIfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local
X.25 virtual port (the packet
layer IfIndex).
<DnaPattern> Quoted string (1..15) Enter the X.25 DNA address
to be assigned to the local
virtual port. The address
must be entered as a quoted
string. An asterisk (*) can be
used as part of the DNA
address pattern.


CLI> add x25 routing 2 51 “1234543210”

6 Save the configuration:

CLI> save configuration update

7 Make sure you have the required type of virtual circuit established for
communications across the WAN:
• For Passport 4400 to Passport 4400, an SVC or a PVC can be used.
• For Passport 4400 to Passport 6400, an SPVC is used.
• For Passport 4400 to a FRAD (Annex G), a PVC is required.
Refer to “Configure Connections to the Passport Network” for further
information and procedures.

8 If your network requires X.25 PVCs, you should configure them at this time.
See “Configuring X.25 PVCs” on page 793 for information and procedures
for establishing X.25 PVCs.

9 Reset the unit:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 793

CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring X.25 PVCs

You can configure X.25 PVCs between:

• Two local physical X.25 ports

• A local physical X.25 port and an X.25 virtual port
• Two unique Logical Channel Numbers (LCNs) on a local X.25 port
• Two unique LCNs on a single virtual port

A single table defines X.25 PVCs within the Passport 4400 unit. You should
review the example applications to determine the PVC configuration your
equipment requires. The example applications are:

• “X.25 PVCs Between Local Physical Ports” on page 793

• “X.25 PVCs Between Passport 4400 Units” on page 794
• “X.25 PVCs Between a Passport Unit and a Remote FRAD” on page 795

X.25 PVCs Between Local Physical Ports

For a PVC between local physical ports, an entry in the PVC definition table
could be as follows:

Source Port Source LCN Destination Port Destination LCN

IfIndex 152 1 IfIndex 161 1

LCN 1 on port IfIndex 152 (packet layer IfIndex 152) is bound to LCN 1 on port
IfIndex 161 (packet layer IfIndex 161). The example above connects port 1 on the
Passport 4430/4450/4455 unit EBM to port 1 on the first expansion module
(HDM). The devices attached to these ports should expect the designated LCNs to
be used as PVCs.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

794 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

X.25 PVCs Between Passport 4400 Units

For an X.25 PVC between two Passport 4400 units, an entry in the PVC definition
table could be as follows:

Local Passport Unit

Source Port Source LCN Destination Port Destination LCN

IfIndex 51 (virtual 1 IfIndex 161 1

port) (physical port)

Remote Passport Unit

Source Port Source LCN Destination Port Destination LCN

IfIndex 51 (virtual 1 IfIndex 161 1

port) (physical port)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 795

Each unit binds an LCN on a local physical port to an LCN on a virtual X.25 port
connected to the remote unit. The following illustration shows the PVC setup (a
PVC that connects a local physical port to a remote virtual port).

X.25 X.25
Terminal Passport Frame Passport Terminal
Unit Relay Unit
or Passport
161 Passpo
rt 4400
51 Network 51 Passpo
rt 4400

X.25 Frame Relay PVC X.25


Local and remote X.25 Switching Processes bind the PVC

segments and initialize the local X.25 packet layer protocol
to use the LCNs as PVCs

Note: For this example, each X.25 PVC segment uses LCN 1.
In practice, each segment may use a unique LCN number.

In the example shown above, LCN 1 on port IfIndex 159 (packet layer IfIndex
161) is bound to LCN 1 on virtual port 51 for both units. The devices attached to
the physical ports of both units should expect the designated LCNs to be used as

X.25 PVCs Between a Passport Unit and a Remote FRAD

For an X.25 PVC between a Passport 4400 unit and a FRAD, an entry in the PVC
definition table could be as follows:

Source Port Source LCN Destination Port Destination LCN

IfIndex 161 1 IfIndex 51 (virtual 1


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

796 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

LCN 1 on physical port 159 (packet layer IfIndex 161) is bound to LCN 1 on
virtual port packet layer IfIndex 51. The devices attached to the physical port of
the Passport unit and to the FRAD should expect the designated LCNs to be used
as PVCs. The following are two illustrations showing the setup of the PVC.

Passport Unit
Local port IfIndex 161,
LCN 1, bound to Virtual
port IfIndex 51, LCN 1 X.25 Switching Process
Virtual port X.25
161 51

To local WAN Port

Frame Relay
DLCI carrying
X.25/LAPB frames
LCN 1 (PVC) (T1.617a Annex.G)



Frame Relay

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 797

Terminal Passport
Unit Frame
P-1 Passpo
rt 4400
VP-1 Network

X.25 Frame Relay PVC1


X.25 Switching Process bind the PVC segments and initialize

the local X.25 packet layer protocol to use the LCNs as PVCs

1Note: For illustration, a FR PVC is shown between virtual port 1 and the FRAD.

Configuring X.25 PVCs Using the Configurator

1 Select Configure and WAN/Data Services from the navigation menu:

Click on X.25. You will see the X.25 Service screen.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

798 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

2 Click on the X.25 Interface link at the top of the X.25 Service screen. You will
see the X.25 Packet Level Interfaces screen, like this example:

Click on Modify next to the interface for which you want to add PVCs. You
will see the Modify a X.25 Packet Level Interface screen with the parameters
configured for the selected interface.

In the Configured PVCs field, enter the number of PVCs to be added to this

Click on the Save button.

3 Go back to the X.25 Service screen and select X.25 PVC Circuit from the
Configuration Options:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 799

You will see the Add a X.25 PVC Circuit screen:

For each entry you need to include in the PVC definition table, fill out the
form and click on the Save button. You will see the X.25 Service screen, with
the following text that indicates a reset is required:

• If you have additional PVCs to configure, do not reset the unit. Instead,
continue to step 4.
• If you have finished configuring X.25 PVCs, go to step 5.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each interface that you to which you want to assign

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

800 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

5 Reset the unit. Click on the System Reset link at the top of the X.25 Service
screen. The System Reset menu will be displayed. Select Configuration as the
Reset Type and click on the Reset button.

Note: X.25 PVCs in the Passport 4400 X.25 services might not recover
properly when a reset is requested by the packet layer protocol or when a
Reset command is issued from an X.25 terminal. The reset would
normally occur after error conditions such as a protocol violation, out of
sequence error, or network failure. If the PVCs do not recover, you can
either issue a Restart command from an X.25 terminal, or, you can reset
the Passport 4400 unit. In either case, all calls are cleared.

Configuring X.25 PVCs Using the CLI

1 For each entry you need to include in the PVC definition table, enter the
following CLI command:
CLI> add x25 pvc

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ifSource> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

physical port or the packet
level IfIndex of the virtual
<CircuitSource> Integer (1..4095) Enter the Logical Channel
Number (LCN).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 801

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ifDestination> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the
physical port or the packet
level IfIndex of the virtual
<CircuitDestination> Integer (1..4095 Enter the Logical Channel
Number (LCN).


CLI> add x25 pvc 51 1 161 1

2 Enter the number of PVCs to the X.25 ports:

CLI> define x25 parameters numberPVCs

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

virtual port.
<NumberPVCs> Integer (0..4095) Enter the number of PVCs
assigned to this port.


CLI> define x25 parameters numberPVCs 51 1

3 Save the configuration:

CLI> save configuration update

4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each X.25 packet IfIndex for the physical port.
5 Reset the unit:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

802 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

CLI> reset system current reset

Note: X.25 PVCs in the Passport 4400 X.25 services might not recover
properly when a reset is requested by the packet layer protocol or when a
Reset command is issued from an X.25 terminal. The reset would
normally occur after error conditions such as a protocol violation, out of
sequence error, or network failure. If the PVCs do not recover, you can
either issue a Restart command from an X.25 terminal, or, you can reset
the Passport 4400 unit. In either case, all calls are cleared.

Configuring X.25 SVCs

X.25 SVCs allow X.25 switching to multiple destinations using PANL. Each
destination must be configured in the Passport 4400 units. SVCs can be
configured between:

• A local physical X.25 port and a virtual X.25 port

• Two unique LCNs on a local X.25 port
• Two unique LCNs on a single virtual X.25 port

You can configure the unit to associate specific X.25 addresses or address prefixes
to an outgoing physical or virtual X.25 port. Here is an example of an X.25
routing table:

Index Number Called Destination Prefix Destination Port IfIndex

1 30211234 161 (packet layer IfIndex for port

2 30211235 164 (packet layer IfIndex for port
3 30211236 167 (packet layer IfIndex for port
4 3021123 51 (user defined packet layer
IfIndex for a user virtual port)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 803

The X.25 services do not have any requirements about the length of the called
address. You can define whatever call addressing scheme meets the requirements
of your network.

Upon receiving a call request, the X.25 services:

1 Searches the X.25 routing table for the best match.

2 If a destination is found (the best match), a call request message is sent to the
3 If a destination is not found (no match), a clear request message is sent to the
call originator.

The X.25 services call routing algorithm evaluates the called address against
every row in the X.25 routing table. Each row receives a score, based on how
closely it matches the called address, as follows:

• If the length of a row’s called destination prefix is greater than the length of
the called address, the row receives a score of 0.
• If any of the digits in the called destination prefix do not match the prefix
digits of the called address, the row receives a score of 0.
• If neither of the previous conditions apply, then the row’s score will be
2*(each digit in the row’s prefix) + 1 for each wild-card in the row’s prefix.

Here is an example where the called address is 3021123412345678:

Called Destination Destination Port

Index Number Score
Prefix (IfIndex)

1 30211234 i (Port a) 16 (8*2)

2 30211235 j (Port b) 0 (the 5 does not
3 30211236 k (Port c) 0 (the 6 does not
4 3021123 21 (virtual port 1) 14 (7*2)

The row with the highest score, which represents the best match, is in bold text.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

804 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

Configuring SVCs Using the Configurator

SVC operation is enabled by the configuration sequences described in “X.25

Services Setup Using the Configurator” on page 782.

Configuring SVCs Using the CLI Procedure

SVC operation is enabled by using the following CLI command:

add x25 routing

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter a number for this

<DestinationIfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the local
X.25 virtual port (the packet
layer IfIndex).
<DnaPattern> Quoted string (1..15) Enter the X.25 DNA address
to be assigned to the local
virtual port. The address
must be entered as a quoted
string. An asterisk (*) can be
used as part of the DNA
address pattern.

Call Spreading
“Example of a Call Spreading Application” on page 805

“What Happens if a Call Spreading Route Goes Down” on page 806

“Important Points About Call Spreading” on page 807

“Configuring Call Spreading” on page 808

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 805

You can configure the X.25 routing table to allow two destinations for a single
dialed number (DNA) using SVCs. Calls are then routed in a round-robin fashion
across the two destination ports (IfIndexes).

• The first call to the DNA is routed to the first destination port in the routing
• The second call to the DNA is routed to the second destination port in the
routing table.
• The third call to the DNA is routed to the first destination port in the routing
• And so on.

With call spreading, you can configure X.25 calls to a second host port, to make
better use of system resources (such as the number of LCNs permitted), or to
optimize the usage of separate communication links.

Example of a Call Spreading Application

Passport 4400
Unit B
Passport 4400 DNA
X.25 Host
Terminal P
Unit A 111* asspor t 4400 X.25
X.25 161 Frame
Passpo Relay
r t 4400167 Passport 4400
DNA Unit C
111* X.25
222* Passpor t

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

806 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

For the above application, the X.25 routing table for Passport 4400 unit A would
be as follows:

Called Destination
Index Number Destination Port IfIndex
Prefix (DNA pattern)
1 111* 161 (Passport unit defined
packet layer IfIndex for
port 159)
2 111* 167 (Passport unit defined
packet layer IfIndex for
port 165)
3 222* 167 (Passport unit defined
packet layer IfIndex for
port 165)

1 The first call to DNA 111 will be routed to destination port IfIndex 161.
2 The second call to DNA 111 will be routed to destination port IfIndex 167.
3 The third call to DNA 111 will be routed to destination port IfIndex 161.
4 The fourth call to DNA 111 will be routed to destination port IfIndex 167.
5 And so on.

What Happens if a Call Spreading Route Goes Down

When a call has been dialed, the call spreading function will check the state of
LAPB for the port selected by the round robin process.

• If the port is in the LAPB Information Transfer State, the call will be routed
through that port.
• If the port is not in the LAPB Information Transfer State, the call will be
routed to the other port configured with the same DNA.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 807

The following illustration shows the effect of call spreading encountering a port
not being in the LAPB Information Transfer State (a broken path).

Passport 4400
Broken Path Unit B
Passport 4400
Terminal LAPB X.25 Host
Unit A Pa
LAPB 111*ssport 4400
X.25 161
rt 4400
167 LAPB
Passpo X.25
222* 4400
All calls to III*
are routed to Passport 4400
this path. Unit C

In the above example, the route from Passport 4400 unit A port 161 to DNA 111*
at Passport 4400 unit B is not in the LAPB Information Transfer State. In this
case, all calls to DNA 111* will be routed over the path from Passport 4400 unit A
port 167 to DNA 111* at Passport 4400 unit C.

LAPB is polled by the Passport 4400 unit every three seconds. Each time the unit
polls LAPB, the unit records the status of each port. This is the status that is
checked when a call is dialed to a DNA assigned to two ports (the two ports are
configured for call spreading).

Important Points About Call Spreading

• Once a call is assigned to a particular route, all of that call’s packets are routed
to the same destination channel.
• Call spreading is limited to two destination IfIndexes only. If you attempt to
configure more than two destinations to the same DNA, the command will not
be accepted and you will see the message “Command Failed.”
• Call spreading does not provide a preference for one destination over another.
Thus, you cannot use call spreading to prefer call routing over a faster link.
• You cannot use call spreading as a method of load sharing between two
destination ports.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

808 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

Configuring Call Spreading

You configure call spreading using the same commands that are used for all X.25
call routing.

“Configuring Call Spreading Using the Configurator” on page 808

“Configuring Call Spreading Using the CLI” on page 810

Configuring Call Spreading Using the Configurator

Using the Configurator, the configuration required to implement the routing table
in “Example of a Call Spreading Application” on page 805 is as follows:

1 Select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and X.25 from the navigation menu:

You will see the X.25 Service screen.

2 Select X.25 Routing (Physical Port) from the Configuration options:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 809

The configuration wizard presents you with a series of screens to complete.

When you complete these screens, the physical routing information is
configured. The screens presented are (the example screens show Passport
4460 hardware with Port 3 on the base being used for X.25):

• X.25 Port Selection. Select the port from the pull down menu:

• Modify a Packet Level Interface. Complete this form as required by your

• Add a X.25 Route (Physical):

Enter an index number for this route and the X.25 address pattern. An
asterisk (*) can be used as part of the X.25 address pattern. Click on the
Save button.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

810 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

At this point, the X.25 Service screen is displayed, with the following text
indicating that the unit’s X.25 configuration has changed and that a reset is

3 Do not reset the unit at this time. Repeat step 2 for the second route to the
same DNA. Then, go on to step 4.
4 Reset the Passport unit to put the configuration into effect. You can access the
System Reset screen either of two ways:
• If you are at the X.25 Service screen, click on the System Reset link at the
top of the page.
• If you are anywhere else in the Configurator screens, click on the arrow
next to Administration and click on System Reset.
5 With the System Reset screen displayed, select Configuration for the Reset

6 Click on the Reset button. After the Passport unit finishes the reset, your
browser will automatically be reconnected to the unit and the main
Configurator page will be displayed.

Configuring Call Spreading Using the CLI

Using the CLI, the command sequence to implement the routing table in
“Example of a Call Spreading Application” on page 805 is as follows:

CLI> add x25 routing 1 161 “111*”

CLI> add x25 routing 2 161 “111*”

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services 811

CLI> add x25 routing 3 167 “222*”

CLI> save configuration update
CLI> reset system current reset
• The first command adds the first route to DNA 111*.
• The second command adds the second route to DNA 111*, which implements
call spreading.
• The third command adds the route to DNA 222*.
• The fourth command saves the configuration.
• The last command resets the Passport 4400 unit.

End of Procedure

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

812 Chapter 17 Setting Up the X.25 Services

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 18
Administering the X.25 Services

The Passport 4400 unit has an extensive set of functions and commands that allow
you to view configurations and statistics about all aspects of the X.25 services.
For more information, see the following topics:

• “Configurator Administration Functions” on page 813

• “CLI Administration Functions” on page 823
• “Cause and Diagnostic Codes” on page 835

Configurator Administration Functions

You can perform the following X.25 administration functions using the

• “Displaying X.25 Statistics” on page 814

• “Adding X.25 Service Connections” on page 816
• “Deleting X.25 Service Connections” on page 816
• “Defining X.25 Parameters” on page 817
• “Defining LAPB Parameters” on page 819

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

814 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Displaying X.25 Statistics

You can display the X.25 statistics by selecting Status/Statistics, WAN/Data

Services, and X.25 from the navigation menu:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 815

You will see the X.25 Statistics:

• You can view the individual statistics by clicking on View next to the Index
number. You will see the Individual X.25 Statistics screen, like this example:

• You can view the X.25 connections. Click on the X.25 Connection link at the
top of the screen. You will see the X.25 Connection Table (Statistics). From
this table, you can view the individual connection statistics pages.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

816 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Adding X.25 Service Connections

To add X.25 service connections, you should follow the X.25 services setup
procedure, as described in “X.25 Services Setup Using the Configurator” on
page 782. An X.25 service connection is setup in the following order:

• A virtual port is added, if required.

• An LAPB virtual circuit for layer 2 transport is added.
• An X.25 virtual circuit to make the X.25 connection is added.
• A frame relay virtual circuit to carry the new service is added, if required.
• Add the X.25 routing information.
• Add X.25 PVCs, if required.

Adding new connections requires that you reset the unit. This reset is also part of
the X.25 services setup procedure.

Deleting X.25 Service Connections

To delete X.25 services, you must take them down in the reverse order (the
network layer order) in which you installed them.

1 Delete the X.25 (packet) level functions.

First delete any associated X.25 PVC. Select Configure, WAN/Data Services,
and X.25 from the navigation menu. Click on the X.25 PVC Circuits link at
the top of the X.25 Service screen. Click on Delete next to the PVC to be
deleted and confirm the deletion.

Next, delete any associated entries in the X.25 routing table. At the X.25
Service screen, click on the X.25 Routing link at the top. You will see the
X.25 Routing screen. Click on Delete next to the entry in the X.25 routing
table and confirm the deletion.

Then, delete the X.25 virtual circuit. At the X.25 Service screen, click on the
X.25 Interface link at the top. You will see the X.25 Packet Level Interfaces
screen. Click on Delete next to the entry in the table and confirm the deletion.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 817

If you reset the unit at this time, the lower level virtual circuits will remain in
place without an upper level X.25 virtual circuit assigned to them. If you want
to delete the lower level virtual circuits, continue on to step 2. Otherwise, skip
over to step 4.

2 Delete the LAPB level virtual circuit.

At the X.25 Service screen, click on the X.25 LAPB link at the top. You will
see the X.25 LAPB Mapping screen. Click on Delete next to the entry in the
table and confirm the deletion.

If you reset the unit at this time, the lower level virtual port will remain in
place without an upper level LAPB virtual circuit assigned to it. If you wish to
delete the lower level virtual port, continue on to step 3. Otherwise, skip over
to step 4.

3 Delete the virtual port. Select Configure, Protocols, Virtual Circuits, and
Virtual Port from the navigation menu. You will see the Virtual Ports table.
Click on Delete next to the virtual port to be deleted and confirm the deletion.
4 Reset the unit. Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation
menu. Select Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset

Defining X.25 Parameters

Your network may require some adjustment to the values set by default for X.25
operation. You can adjust the X.25 parameter values using the Configurator, as

1 Select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and X.25 from the navigation menu:

You will see the X.25 Service screen.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

818 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

2 Click on the X.25 Interface link at the top of the screen. You will see the X.25
Packet Level Interfaces screen.
3 Click on Modify next to the X.25 interface whose parameters you want to
adjust. You will see the Modify a X.25 Packet Level Interface screen, with the
operational parameter values displayed, like this example:

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Description

Interface Mode DTE | DCE DCE Select whether the packet

layer is to operate in DTE or
DCE mode. Make sure that
one end of the X.25
connection is set to DCE
and the other end is set to
Configured PVCs 0..4095 0 The number of PVCs
configured for this interface.
Protocol Version x80, x84, x88 x88 Select the level of protocol
compliance with the X.25
Max. Packet Size 16, 32, 64, 128, 1024 The maximum negotiated
(Local) 256, 512, 1024, packet size that will be
2048, 4096 accepted by this interface.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 819

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Description

Max. Window Size 1..7 7 The maximum negotiated
(Local) window size that will be
accepted by this interface.
Default Packet Size 16, 32, 64, 128, 128 The default packet size for
(Local) 256, 512, 1024, this interface.
2048, 4096
Default Window Size 1..7 2 The default window size for
(Local) this interface.
Max. Packet Size 16, 32, 64, 128, 1024 The maximum negotiated
(Remote) 256, 512, 1024, packet size that will be
2048, 4096 accepted by the remote
Max. Window Size 1..7 7 The maximum negotiated
(Remote) window size that will be
accepted by the remote
Default Packet Size 16, 32, 64, 128, 128 The default packet size for
(Remote) 256, 512, 1024, the remote interface.
2048, 4096
Default Window Size 1..7 2 The default window size for
(Remote) the remote interface.

4 Make the necessary changes to the parameter values and click on the Save
5 Reset the unit. Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation
menu. Select Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset

Defining LAPB Parameters

Your network may require some adjustment to the values set by default for LAPB
operation. You can adjust the LAPB parameter values using the Configurator, as

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

820 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

1 Select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and X.25 from the navigation menu:

2 Click on the X.25 LAPB link at the top of the screen. You will see the X.25
LAPB Mapping screen.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 821

3 Click on Modify next to the LAPB index whose parameters you want to
adjust. You will see the Modify an X.25 LAPB Entry screen, with the
operational parameter values displayed, like this example:

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Description

X.25 Station Type DTE | DCE DCE Select whether the LAPB
layer is to operate in DTE or
DCE mode. Make sure that
one end of the X.25
connection is set to DCE
and the other end is set to
Sequencing Modulo8 | Modulo8 Select the modulus used for
Modulo128 the LAPB sequence
Tx Window Size 1..127 7 Enter the default transmit
window size for this
interface. The transmit
window size specifies the
maximum number of
unacknowledged PDUs that
may be outstanding from
this end of the connection
at any one time.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

822 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Description

Rx Window Size 1..127 7 Enter the receive PDU
window size for this
interface. This is the
maximum number of
sequenced PDUs that may
be outstanding from the
remote end at any one time.
N2 Rxmit Count 0..65535 20 This is the N2 retry counter.
This counter specifies the
number of times a PDU will
be resent after the T1 timer
expires without an
acknowledgement for the
T1 ACK Timer 1..65535 3000 The T1 timer specifies the
maximum time in
milliseconds to wait for an
acknowledgement of a
T2 ACK Delay Timer 100..65535 100 The T2 timer specifies the
maximum time in
milliseconds to wait before
sending an
acknowledgement for a
sequenced PDU. 0 means
there is to be no delay
generating the
T3 Disconnect Timer 1..65535 60000 The T3 timer specifies the
time in milliseconds to wait
before considering the link
to be disconnected. 0
means the link will be
disconnected upon
completion of the frame
exchange to disconnect the

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 823

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Description

T4 Idle Timer 0..2147483647 60000 The T4 timer specifies the
maximum time in
milliseconds that may
elapse with no frames being
exchanged on the data link.
0 disables the T4 timer
Busy Timer 0..65535 10000 Enter the value to be used
for the busy timer (the time
to wait before transmitting
an RR frame after receiving
an RNR from the remote

4 Make the necessary changes to the parameter values and click on the Save
5 Reset the unit. Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation
menu. Select Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset

CLI Administration Functions

You can perform the following X.25 administration functions using the CLI:

• “X.25 Show Commands” on page 824

• “LAPB Show Commands” on page 825
• “Adding X.25 Service Connections” on page 826
• “Deleting X.25 Service Connections” on page 826
• “Defining X.25 Parameters” on page 828
• “Defining LAPB Parameters” on page 832

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

824 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

X.25 Show Commands

Use the following CLI commands to display the parameters and statistics related
to the packet layer.

Command Description

show x25 callParam Shows the X.25 call parameters in use and
where they are being used (packet sizes,
window sizes, fast select, throughput class
size, charging information, RPOA, transit
delay, called and calling addresses).
show x25 clearedConn Provides information on cleared calls; such
as start time, end time, octets, packets,
interrupts, resets, clearing cause and
diagnostic codes. The display is limited to
the 9 most recent cleared calls.
show x25 connection Shows the X.25 connections (the active call
list). Displayed are LCNs, connection state,
type of connection, call parameter index,
start time, octets, packets, interrupts,
Note: If the originator of a call disconnects
the call before the destination responds to
the original call request, or before the call
timer expires, the X.25 Connection Table
will display Pending as the State on the
destination side.
• During this pending period, the
originator can place another call using
the same LCN after receiving a Call
• If the destination side attempts to accept
the Pending call after the call has been
cleared at the originating side, the
destination will receive a Call Clear with
the cause and diagnostic code saved
from the originator.
• Once the destination side tries to accept
or clear the pending call, or when the
call timer expires, the Pending entry will
be removed from the X.25 Connection
• On very rare occasions, Unknown may
be displayed instead of Pending. The
Unknown status will be cleared when
the call timer expires.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 825

Command Description
show x25 parameters Displays the configured or operational X.25
parameters (interface number and mode,
maximum active circuits, sequencing,
timers, restart/reset/clear counts, number of
PVCs, version, D bit action, packet sizes,
window sizes).
show x25 pvc Displays information about the X.25 PVCs
(source, destination, packet sizes, window
show x25 routing Shows the configured or operational X.25
routing table (destination IfIndex, DNA
show x25 statistics Displays the statistics recorded for each
index number. Displayed are call request
packets, call accept packets, interrupt
packets, receiver not ready (RNR) packets,
receiver ready (RR) packets, reset packets,
restart packets, clear and clear confirmation
packets, call collisions, remote procedure
errors, total connections, bytes received
and transmitted, packets received and

LAPB Show Commands

Use the following CLI commands to display the parameters and statistics related
to the LAPB layer.

Command Description

show lapb parameters Displays the configured or operational

LAPB parameters (interface number, K
window sizes, timers, station type,
show lapb statistics Provides layer 2 statistics (bytes, T1
expiries, bad lengths, unknowns, T4
expiries, RR, RNR, REJ, SABME,
disconnects, UA, DM, ICMD, FRMR,
frames retransmitted, bad frames received,
discarded frames, ignored frames).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

826 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Adding X.25 Service Connections

To add X.25 service connections, you should follow the X.25 services setup
procedure as described in “X.25 Services Setup Using the CLI” on page 789. The
important parameters that you need to add, in the order you must add them, are:

• A virtual port is added, if required.

• An LAPB virtual circuit for layer 2 transport is added.
• An X.25 virtual circuit to make the X.25 connection is added.
• A frame relay virtual circuit to carry the new service is added, if required.
• Add the X.25 routing information.
• Add X.25 PVCs, if required.

Adding new connections requires that you reset the unit. This reset is also part of
the X.25 services setup procedure.

Deleting X.25 Service Connections

To delete X.25 services, you must take them down in the reverse order (network
layer order) in which you installed them.

1 Delete the X.25 (packet) level functions.

First delete any associated X.25 PVC:

CLI> delete x25 pvc

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ifSource> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the
source interface.
<CircuitSource> Integer (1..4095) Enter the circuit number of
the source end of the PVC.

To delete an entry in the X.25 routing table:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 827

CLI> delete x25 routing

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number of

the connection in the X.25
routing table you want to

To delete an X.25 virtual circuit:

CLI> delete x25 virtual

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number of

the X.25 virtual circuit you
want to delete.

If you reset the unit at this time, the lower level virtual circuits will remain in
place without an upper level X.25 virtual circuit assigned to them. If you want
to delete the lower level virtual circuits, continue on to step 2. Otherwise, skip
over to step 4.

2 Delete the LAPB virtual circuit.

CLI> delete lapb virtual

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number of

the LAPB virtual circuit you
want to delete.

If you reset the unit at this time, the lower level virtual port will remain in
place without an upper level LAPB virtual circuit assigned to it. If you want to
delete the lower level virtual port, continue on to step 3. Otherwise, skip over
to step 4.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

828 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

3 Delete the frame relay virtual port.

CLI> delete fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

virtual port.
<Number> Integer (0..31) Enter the circuit number of
the virtual port to delete.

4 Reset the unit.

CLI> reset system current reset

Defining X.25 Parameters

Your network may require some adjustment to the values set by default for X.25
operation. The following are CLI commands for defining the packet layer
parameter values.

Command Range of Values Default Value Description

define x25 Integer (0..65535) 500 Select the amount of time

parameters (in milliseconds) that the
ackDelayTimer packet layer will wait before
acknowledging a received
data packet. 0 means the
packet layer will
immediately acknowledge
all received data packets.
define x25 Integer 200000 The T21 call timer, in
parameters callTimer milliseconds. See RFC
define x25 Integer 180000 The T23 clear timer, in
parameters milliseconds. See RFC
clearTimer 1382.
define x25 Integer (0..65535) 1 The R23 clear
parameters retransmission count. See
clearCount RFC 1382.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 829

Command Range of Values Default Value Description

define x25 plp | application application Select whether the
parameters application is required to
dbitAction acknowledge packets with
the d-bit size, or whether
the packet layer (plp) can
acknowledge the packets.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 0 The highest incoming
parameters channel number. 0 means
hicChannel no channels are reserved
for this range.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 0 The highest outgoing
parameters channel number. 0 means
hocChannel no channels are reserved
for this range.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 64 The highest two-way
parameters channel number. 0 means
htcChannel no channels are reserved
for this range.
define x25 dte | dce dce Select whether the packet
parameters layer is to operate in DTE or
interfaceMode DCE mode. Make sure that
one end of the X.25
connection is set for DCE
operation and the other end
is set for DTE operation.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 0 The lowest incoming
parameters channel number. 0 means
licChannel no channels are reserved
for this range.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 0 The lowest outgoing
parameters channel number. 0 means
locChannel no channels are reserved
for this range.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 1 The lowest two-way
parameters channel number. 0 means
ltcChannel no channels are reserved
for this range.
define x25 Integer (16, 32, 64, 128 The default packet size for
parameters 128, 256, 512, this interface.
locDefPcktSize 1024, 2048, 4096)
define x25 Integer (1..7) 2 The default window size for
parameters this interface.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

830 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Command Range of Values Default Value Description

define x25 Integer (16, 32, 64, 1024 The maximum negotiated
parameters 128, 256, 512, packet size that will be
locMaxPcktSize 1024, 2048, 4096) accepted by this interface.
define x25 Integer (1..7) 7 The maximum negotiated
parameters window size that will be
locMaxWSize accepted by this interface.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 32 The maximum number of
parameters active circuits this interface
maxActiveCircuits can support.
Note: the maximum
number of virtual circuits
the Passport 4400 unit can
support, PVC and SVC
combined, is 96.
define x25 Integer (0..4095) 0 The number of PVCs
parameters configured for this interface.
define x25 8modulo 8modulo Specifies the modulus of
parameters the packet layer sequence
packetSequencing numbers.
define x25 Integer (16, 32, 64, 1024 The maximum negotiated
parameters 128, 256, 512, packet size that will be
remMaxPcktSize 1024, 2048, 4096) accepted by the remote
define x25 Integer (1..7) 7 The maximum negotiated
parameters window size that will be
remMaxWSize accepted by the remote
define x25 Integer (16, 32, 64, 128 The default packet size for
parameters 128, 256, 512, the remote interface.
remDefPcktSize 1024, 2048, 4096)
define x25 Integer (1..7) 2 The default window size for
parameters the remote interface.
define x25 Integer (0..65535) 1 The R22 reset
parameters retransmission count. See
resetCount RFC 1382.
define x25 Integer 180000 The T22 reset timer, in
parameters milliseconds. See RFC
resetTimer 1382.
define x25 Integer (0..65535) 1 The R20 restart
parameters transmission counter. See
restartCount RFC 1382.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 831

Command Range of Values Default Value Description

define x25 Integer 180000 The T20 restart timer, in
parameters milliseconds. See RFC
restartTimer 1382.
define x25 x80, x84, x88 x88 Select the level of protocol
parameters compliance with the X.25
versionSupported standards.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

832 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Defining LAPB Parameters

Your network may require some adjustment to the values set by default for LAPB
operation. The following are the CLI commands for defining the LAPB parameter

CLI> define lapb parameters busyTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<BusyTimer> Integer (0..65535) Enter the value to be used
for the busy timer (the time
to wait before transmitting
an RR frame after receiving
an RNR from the remote
end). The default value is

CLI> define lapb parameters receiveKWinSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<ReceiveKWinSize> Integer (1..127) Enter the receive PDU
window size for this
interface. This is the
maximum number of
unacknowledged sequenced
PDUs that may be
outstanding from the remote
end at any one time. The
default value is 7.

CLI> define lapb parameters rxmitCount

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 833

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<RxmitCount> Integer (0..65535) This is the N2 retry counter.
This counter specifies the
number of times a PDU will
be resent after the T1 timer
expires without an
acknowledgement for the
PDU. The default value is

CLI> define lapb parameters sequencing

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<Sequencing> modulo8 | modulo128 Select the modulus used for
the LAPB sequence
numbers. The default value
is modulo8.

CLI> define lapb parameters stationType

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<StationType> dte | dce Select the station type for
this interface. The default
value is dce.

CLI> define lapb parameters t1AckTimer

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

834 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<T1AckTimer> Integer (1..65535) The T1 timer specifies the
maximum time in
milliseconds to wait for an
acknowledgement of a PDU.
The default value is 3000.

CLI> define lapb parameters t2AckDelayTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<T2AckDelayTimer> Integer (100..65535) The T2 timer specifies the
maximum time in
milliseconds to wait before
sending an
acknowledgement for a
sequenced PDU. 0 means
there is to be no delay
generating the
acknowledgement. The
default value is 100.

CLI> define lapb parameters t3DisconnectTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<T3DisconnectTimer> Integer (1..65535) The T3 timer specifies the
time in milliseconds to wait
before considering the link to
be disconnected. 0 means
the link will be disconnected
upon completion of the
frame exchange to
disconnect the link. The
default value is 60000.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 835

CLI> define lapb parameters t4IdleTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<T4IdleTimer> Integer (0..2147483647) The T4 timer specifies the
maximum time in
milliseconds that may
elapse with no frames being
exchanged on the data link.
0 disables the T4 timer
function. The default value is

CLI> define lapb parameters transmitKWinSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Index> Integer (1..255) Enter the index number

assigned to this LAPB
<TransmitKWinSize> Integer (1..127) The default transmit window
size for this interface. The
transmit window size
specifies the maximum
number of unacknowledged
PDUs that may be
outstanding from this end of
the connection at any one
time. The default value is 7.

Cause and Diagnostic Codes

• “Clear Service Signals” on page 836
• “Reset Service Signals” on page 839
• “X.25 Network-Generated Diagnostic Codes” on page 840
• “Codes Specific to the Passport 4400 X.25 Services” on page 849

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

836 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Clear Service Signals

All clear service signals are of the following format:

clr [cause code and meaning of cause code] <diagnostic code>

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 837

Cause Decimal
decimal Meaning Explanation and action
code code

[der] 09 09 Out of order The network is down. Report this condition to

your Network Administrator.
[dte] 00 00 DTE originated Your call was cleared by the destination or not
completed. Try the call again.
[err] 19 13 Local procedure error Your call was cleared or could not be completed
due to communication problems between the
local PAD and the network. Try the call again,
and check with your Network Administrator
about possible X.25 problems.
[inc] 33 21 Incompatible destination The destination address within your call request
is in an incompatible format. Contact your
Network Administrator.
[inv] 03 03 Invalid facility Your call was cleared because a facility you
requested (e.g., reverse charging) is not
supported by the network. Check with your
Network Administrator for a list of available
[na] 11 0B Access barred Your call was cleared because you placed it to a
restricted or invalid number. Check the number
and try the call again; contact your Network
Administrator if the problem persists.
[nc] 05 05 Network congestion Your call was cleared because all available
routes to the destination are busy. Try the call
again later.
[nfs] 41 29 Fast select acceptance Your call was cleared because the destination
not subscribed does not subscribe to the fast select acceptance
facility. Try the call again without fast select, or
ask your Network Administrator to arrange for
the destination to accept fast select calls.
[np] 13 0D Not obtainable Your call specified an incorrect address. Check
the address and try the call again.
[occ] 01 01 Number busy Your call was cleared because the destination
number is busy. Try the call again later.
[pad] PAD clearing The destination requested, via an “invitation to
clear” message, that the local PAD clear your
call. Try the call again; contact your Network
Administrator if the problem persists.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

838 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Cause Decimal
decimal Meaning Explanation and action
code code
[rna] 25 19 Reverse charging Your call was cleared because the destination
acceptance not does not subscribe to the reverse charging
subscribed acceptance facility. Try your call again without
reverse charging, or ask your Network
Administrator to arrange for the destination to
accept reverse charging calls.
[rp] 21 15 RPOA out of order The call was cleared because the RPOA you
specified is out of order. Try the call again later.
[rpe] 17 11 Remote procedure error Your call was cleared or could not be completed
due to communication problems between the
remote PAD and the network. Try the call again,
and check with your Network Administrator
about possible X.25 problems.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 839

Reset Service Signals

All reset service signals are of the following format:

rst [Cause Code and Meaning of Cause Code] <Diagnostic Code>

Cause Decimal
decimal Meaning Explanation and action
code code

[der] 01 01 Out of order The PVC is out of order. Report this condition
your Network Administrator.
[dte] 00 00 DTE originated The logical connection between the originator
and the destination was reset. This can occur
during normal action, due to a BREAK, lost data,
etc. You do not need to do anything.
[err] 05 05 Local procedure error The logical connection was reset due to
communication problems between the local PAD
and the network. Contact your Network
Administrator if problems persist.
[inc] 17 11 Incompatible destination The destination address for the logical
connection with the originator is in an
incompatible format. Contact your Network
[nc] 07 07 Network congestion The logical connection was reset due to heavy
network use. This is typically a temporary
problem. Contact your Network Administrator if
the problem persists.
[no] 15 0F Network operational The PVC is operational. You do not need to do
[ooo] 29 1D Network out of order The logical connection was reset due to some
problem within the network. This is usually a
temporary condition, but this code can indicate a
loss of data. Contact your Network Administrator
if the problem persists.
[rdo] 09 09 Remote DTE The PVC is operational. You do not have to do
operational anything.
[rpe] 03 03 Remote procedure error The logical connection was reset due to
communication problems between the remote
PAD and the network. Contact your Network
Administrator if the problem persists.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

840 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

X.25 Network-Generated Diagnostic Codes

The following table lists the diagnostic codes that the X.25 network may generate
within clear service signals, reset service signals, and diagnostic packets. Codes
may not necessarily apply to the network to which you are connected.

General diagnostic codes appear when uncommon or unanticipated problems

occur. Contact your Network Administrator if you receive a code for a general

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 841

Specific diagnostic codes provide more detailed information to enable you or the
Network Administrator to diagnose problems.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

842 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Decimal Hexadecimal
General diagnostic Specific diagnostic
code code

No additional information 0 00 Contact your Network Administrator

1 01 Invalid P(S) packet send sequence number
2 02 Invalid P(R) packet receive sequence number
Packet type invalid 16 10 Contact your Network Administrator
17 11 For state r1 (packet level ready)
18 12 For state r2 (DTE restart requested)
19 13 For state r3 (DCE restart request)
20 14 For state p1 (call setup ready)
21 15 For state p2 (DTE waiting)
22 16 For state p3 (DCE waiting)
23 17 For state p4 (data transfer)
24 18 For state p5 (call collision)
25 19 For state p6 (DTE clear request)
26 1A For state p7(DCE clear indication)
27 1B For state d1 (flow control ready)
28 1C For state d2 (DTE reset request)
29 1D For state d3 (DCE reset indication)
Packet not allowed 32 20 Contact your Network Administrator
33 21 Unidentifiable packet
34 22 Call on one-way logical channel
35 23 Invalid packet type on a permanent virtual circuit
36 24 Packet on unassigned logical channel
37 25 Reject not subscribed to
38 26 Packet too short
39 27 Packet too long
40 28 Invalid general format identifier (GFI)
41 29 Restart packet with nonzero in bits 1 to 8 of byte
42 2A Packet type not compatible with facility
43 2B Unauthorized interrupt confirmation
44 2C Unauthorized interrupt

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 843

Decimal Hexadecimal
General diagnostic Specific diagnostic
code code

45 2D Unauthorized reject
Time expired 48 30 Contact your Network Administrator
49 31 For incoming call
50 32 For clear indication

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

844 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Decimal Hexadecimal
General diagnostic Specific diagnostic
code code

51 33 For reset indication

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 845

Decimal Hexadecimal
General diagnostic Specific diagnostic
code code

52 34 For restart indication

Call setup or clearing 64 40 Contact your Network Administrator
65 41 Facility code not allowed
66 42 Facility parameter not allowed
67 43 Invalid called address
68 44 Invalid calling address
69 45 Invalid facility length
70 46 Incoming call barred
71 47 No logical channel available
72 48 Call collision
73 49 Duplicate facility requested
74 4A Nonzero address length
75 4B Nonzero facility length
76 4C Facility not provided when expected
77 4D Invalid CCITT-specified DTE facility
Miscellaneous 80 50 Contact your Network Administrator
81 51 Improper cause code from DTE
82 52 Not aligned byte
83 53 Inconsistent Q bit setting
International problem 112 70 Contact your Network Administrator
113 71 Remote network problem
114 72 International protocol problem
115 73 International link out of order
116 74 International link busy
117 75 Transit network facility problem
118 76 Remote network facility problem
119 77 International routing
120 78 Temporary routing problem
121 79 Unknown called DNIC
122 7A Maintenance action1

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

846 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

1 This diagnostic may also apply to maintenance actions in a national network.

decimal Protocol Meaning Explanation and action
135 87 TPP Port is busy Call again.
SNA Invalid logical link control Invalid address: protocol violation.
Contact your Network Administrator.
IP No SVCs available No virtual channels are available for the
call. Contact your Network
136 88 DSP Device not configured Contact your Network Administrator.
SNA LU not found. Condition could be Call host computer operator for LU
temporary. activation.
TPP No PCS Contact your Network Administrator.
137 89 TPP Frame is too large Contact your Network Administrator.
SNA LU reconnection error Call host computer operator for LU
138 8A DSP Device powered off or Contact your Network Administrator.
IP Rejected: Reverse charging not Contact your Network Administrator.
SNA LU not ready Call host computer operator for LU
activation. This condition could be
TPP Reverse charging not allowed Contact your Network Administrator.
(revacc=no in tppconf file)
139 8B TPP CUG or CUG type do not match
SNA Reconnection LU not ready. Call host computer operator for LU
Condition could be temporary. activation.
IP Rejected: CUG mismatch
140 8C SNA Invalid LNR received Link level failure. Contact your Network
141 8D SNA Device off-line Not seen; sent to device when powered
DSP Device powered off The device is out of service. Contact
your Network Administrator.
142 8E DSP Invitation to clear or circuit The host PAD has sent an
disconnect invitation-to-clear message to the
Passport unit. The unit has cleared the
SNA IPL complete The attached unit has completed the IPL

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 847

decimal Protocol Meaning Explanation and action
191 BF DSP Device in use The requested device is already in use
for another connection. Repeat your call
later, or try another destination, if
230 E6 [Any] Software incompatible with Contact your Network Administrator.
personality module
231 E7 ITI ITI not in idle state The destination’s ITI module is
temporarily busy. Try the call again later.
232 E8 ITI Password or authorization failure Enter the correct password. Contact
your Network Administrator if the
problem persists.
233 E9 ITI Invalid port name Your call was cleared because it
specified the number of nonexistent
port. Check the number and try the call
again. Contact your Network
Administrator if the problem persists.
234 EA ITI Reset caused by using BREAK Proceed as you normally would.
235 EB ITI Reset command executed by Proceed as you normally would.
236 EC ITI Device attached to PVC port is The PVC is operational again. No action
on-line needed.
237 ED ITI Device attached to PVC port is Contact your Network Administrator.
238 EE ITI Class of service could not be Contact your Network Administrator.
DSP Control Unit out-of-service The Network Administrator entered a
dsp.down command to disable the
control unit.
239 EF ITI Call cleared due to data loss If this is part of normal operation, try the
call again. If not, contact your Network
240 F0 ITI Destination port is not in service Your call was cleared because the
destination port has been disabled to
prevent it from accepting incoming calls.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

848 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

decimal Protocol Meaning Explanation and action
241 F1 ITI Destination device not ready The destination device is not meeting
the requirements to establish a
connection with the remote PAD.
Contact your Network Administrator.
242 F2 ITI Restricted response to fast The destination port has sent a clear
select request in response to your fast select
call with restricted response.
243 F3 ITI ITI timer expired or user aborted The ITI activity timer expired or you did
something to abort the call. Try the call
244 F4 ITI Modem control lines dropped The remote end of the connection
dropped its modem control lines.
Contact your Network Administrator.
245 F5 ITI Received invitation to clear The destination has requested that the
call be cleared. This is the normal
response when you sign off an
application. If it appears elsewhere,
contact your Network Administrator.
246 F6 ITI ITI clear command No action needed.
247 F7 ITI Invalid or unavailable class of Enter the name of a valid, available
service class of service. Contact your Network
Administrator if the problem persists.
248 F8 ITI PVC origination error The originating end of the PVC is
incorrectly configured. Contact your
Network Administrator.
249 F9 ITI, SNA PVC routing error The PVC cannot be routed to the
destination under the current
configuration. Contact your Network
252 FC [Any] Cannot find route to destination The destination is inaccessible to you
under the current configuration. Contact
your Network Administrator.
253 FD [Any] Address not found in netmap file The destination address does not exist
within the current configuration. Check
the address and try the call again;
contact your Network Administrator if
the problem persists.
254 FE [Any] Loop in routing Your call was looped back to you instead
of arriving at the destination. This is
typically caused by a routing failure.
Contact your Network Administrator.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 849

Codes Specific to the Passport 4400 X.25 Services

The following is a list of the Cause and Diagnostic codes specific to the Passport
4400 X.25 services:

Cause codes for non-reset commands (primarily call clear indications - call setup problems).

Decimal code Meaning

01 01 Number busy
03 03 Invalid facility request
05 05 Network congestion
09 09 Out of order
11 0B Access barred
13 0D Not obtainable
17 11 Remote procedure error
19 13 Local procedure error
21 15 RPOA out of order
25 19 Reverse charging not subscribed
33 21 Incompatible destination
41 29 FS acceptance not subscribed
57 39 Ship absent

Cause codes for reset commands.

Decimal code Meaning

01 01 Out of order (packets out of sequence)

03 03 Remote procedure error
05 05 Local procedure error
07 07 Network congestion
09 09 Remote DTE is operational
15 0F Net is operational

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

850 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

Cause codes for reset commands.

Decimal code Meaning
17 11 Incompatible destination
29 1D Net out of order

Internal Diagnostic codes specific to Passport 4400 X.25 services.

Decimal code Meaning

133 85 General abort, used with Not Obtainable and Local Procedure Error
cause codes, or an internally generated call abort.
134 86 Contact your support center if this problem persists.
135 87 Contact your support center if this problem persists.
136 88 Contact your support center if this problem persists.
137 89 Contact your support center if this problem persists.
138 8A Contact your support center if this problem persists.
162 A2 DTE not operational
163 A3 DTE resource constraint (resources low, such as when attempting to
use more than 96 virtual circuits - SVCs and PVCs)
164 A4 Fast Select subs
166 A6 No D-Bit support
224 E0 Reason undefined, or OSI service problem
225 E1 Transient disconnect. Try the call again.
226 E2 Permanent disconnect
227 E3 Unspecified transient reject (resources low, such as when attempting to
use more than 96 virtual circuits - SVCs and PVCs). Try the call again.
228 E4 Unspecified permanent reject
229 E5 Transient QOS reject - unavailable. Try the call again.
230 E6 Permanent QOS reject - unavailable
231 E7 Transient reject - NSAP unreachable. Try the call again.
232 E8 Permanent reject - NSAP unreachable
233 E9 Unspecified reset
234 EA Reset due to congestion

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services 851

Internal Diagnostic codes specific to Passport 4400 X.25 services.

Decimal code Meaning

235 EB Reject - NSAP unknown

240 F0 Unspecified reason
241 F1 Normal disconnection
242 F2 Abnormal disconnection
243 F3 Reason undefined - incompatible user data
244 F4 Transient reject (data errors, miscellaneous problems). Try the call
245 F5 Permanent reject - no listener present
246 F6 Transient reject - QOS unavailable. Try the call again.
247 F7 Permanent reject - QOS unavailable
248 F8 Reject - incompatible user data
249 F9 Reason undefined - bad protocol ID
250 FA Reset - user resync

All other Cause and Diagnostic codes output by the Passport 4400 X.25 services
are in accordance with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
specifications (ITU-T Recommendation X.25, Annex E).

End of Topic

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

852 Chapter 18 Administering the X.25 Services

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 19
SNA Services

Information about the SNA services is divided into the following major topics:

• “SNA Overview” on page 853

• “SNA Functionality” on page 854
• “SNA Features” on page 855
• “Configuring SNA Services” on page 907
• “Administering the SNA Services” on page 863

SNA Overview
The Passport 4400 SNA services provides the ability to support Systems Network
Architecture (SNA) over Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) and over Class
II Logical Link Control (LLC2). SNA data can be switched between local ports on
the Passport 4400 unit, or data can be carried across a Wide Area Network (WAN)
to a remote destination using:

• A frame relay Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) when connecting to a FRAD

• A Switched Permanent Virtual Circuit (SPVC) when connecting to a Passport
6400 unit
• A Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) when connecting to another Passport 4400

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

854 Chapter 19 SNA Services

SNA Functionality
The following features are provided as part of the SNA services:

Local Termination Local termination of the link is provided, so that the SNA
application does not time out and cancel the local session.
PANL and RFC 1490 BAN Support All SNA data (whether SDLC or LLC2) are encapsulated into
RFC 1490 Boundary Access Node (BAN) frame relay packets
prior to being sent out over the WAN. The RFC 1490 BAN
packets have the option of being carried over a standard frame
relay connection to another Frame Relay Access Device
(FRAD) via a PVC, over a Passport Access Network Link
(PANL) to a Passport 6400 unit via an SPVC, or another
Passport 4400 unit via an SVC.
Multi-Drop Support Multiple link stations can attach to the same physical port on the
Passport 4400 unit.
Local Switching The ability to locally switch the SNA traffic between local data
ports is provided.
Same Destination Packet Combination Only one PVC, SPVC, or SVC (depending on the type of host)
needs to be established to transfer SNA data from an individual
Passport 4400 unit to a destination host.
SNA over Ethernet The SNA over Ethernet service allows SNA applications to
co-exist with IP and IPX applications on the same LAN
connected to the Passport 4400 unit.
TN3270 TN3270 traffic is passed transparently as IP traffic.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 20
SNA Features

The following topics describe the SNA features provided by the Passport 4400
SNA services:

• “Passport SNA Network Configurations” on page 855

• “Data Link Control Protocols” on page 857
• “Switching” on page 860
• “Combined Local and Virtual SNA Connectivity” on page 861

Passport SNA Network Configurations

The Passport 4400 SNA services allow you to connect to other nodes in an SNA
network using either Ethernet (LLC2) or SDLC links. The Passport 4400 unit can
support many SNA devices from a single SDLC port. Depending on the
configuration of the network, there are three basic options for routing SNA traffic.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

856 Chapter 20 SNA Features

1 SNA traffic can be routed locally over Ethernet using LLC2, as follows:

IBM 3174 FEP

Passport 4400

rt 4400

IBM 3270

IBM 3270

2 SNA traffic can be routed over the existing network via a frame relay link
using RFC 1490 BAN encapsulation, as follows:

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

rt 4400
Frame Relay Passpo
rt 4400

IBM 3270


IBM 3270 IBM 3174


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 20 SNA Features 857

3 SNA traffic can be routed over the existing network using a PANL connection
to another Passport 4400 or Passport 6400 unit, as follows:

Passport 6400
Passport 4400

rt 4400

IBM 3174

IBM 3270

IBM 3270

Data Link Control Protocols

The SNA services support the following data link control protocols:

• Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)

• Class II Logical Link Control (LLC2)

SDLC connects SNA components to the network using a dedicated link. LLC2
allows SNA components to connect to the network through an Ethernet Local
Area Network (LAN). Both data link protocols allow a number of messages to
flow in one direction before receiving a response. They also detect errors and
retransmit data.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

858 Chapter 20 SNA Features


The SNA services provide primary and secondary SDLC protocol support. The
SNA services support leased lines that can be point-to-point or multi-point. In
multi-point, SDLC operates in one of three ways:

• As a primary controlling one or more secondaries on the line

• As a single secondary on the multi-point line
• As a device that emulates multiple secondaries on the line

The SNA services do not support half-duplex at the physical level. However, at
the SDLC protocol level, each port used for SNA SDLC can be half- or

The group poll allows a primary to poll multiple secondaries on a single line for
data. A Passport 4400 unit SNA SDLC port can act as a secondary, receiving
group polls from the Network Control Program (NCP). It provides all the
secondaries in the group. It can also be a primary issuing group polls, or even act
as the NCP.

If an SNA SDLC port operates as primary on a multi-drop line, then it can support
multiple groups on the line. A station can be in only one group.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 20 SNA Features 859

Here is a typical SNA SDLC network configuration:

Passport 4400 Passport 4400
Frame Relay
rt 4400 or Leased Line Passpo
rt 4400

Frame Relay Secondary Device

IBM 3270 Host

IBM 3174

IBM 3270

SNA Session


The SNA services LLC2 implementation includes the following key features:

• Type II LLC communication

• SNA LAN communication (including XID and TEST retries)
• Support for primary or secondary link station roles
• Modulo 128 sequence numbering
• Provision of IBM’s Dynamic Window Algorithm for controlled restart of
I-frame traffic after LAN congestion
• Access to the underlying LANs for router-type applications
• Ethernet and frame relay MAC types:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

860 Chapter 20 SNA Features

• Auto-sensing of 802.3 and DIX2 Ethernet frame formats

• Boundary Access Node (BAN)

The SNA switching component allows SNA applications to communicate with
other such applications running either locally or remotely across a WAN. The
SNA switching component uses a frame relay connection and RFC 1490 BAN
encapsulated frames.

The switching component provides the following functionality:

• Dynamic route discovery for SNA session establishment

• Establishment of SNA connections between two different, but local, ports
• Establishment of SNA connections between a local port and a remote port
• Use of a MAC address cache to reduce explorer traffic

Once the session has been established, switching is not involved in the transfer of
data. Data flows directly between local ports or between a local port and the
virtual port, maintaining the connection across the network.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 20 SNA Features 861

Combined Local and Virtual SNA Connectivity

The following diagram shows how SDLC and LLC2 SNA transport can be
combined in a single Passport network.

SDLC Station SNA/Ethernet

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

Switching Switching


FR (BAN) FR (BAN) Ethernet Ethernet

User Segment Network Segment User Segment

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

862 Chapter 20 SNA Features

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 21
Administering the SNA Services

The SNA services include an extensive set of functions or commands that allow
you to:

• View configurations
• View statistics
• Make administrative changes to the SNA services

“Configurator Administration Functions” on page 863

“CLI Administration Functions” on page 884

Configurator Administration Functions

You can perform the following functions using the Configurator for administering
the SNA services:

• “Displaying SNA Statistics” on page 864

• “Adding SNA Service Connections” on page 865
• “Deleting SNA Service Connections” on page 866
• “Defining SNA Parameters” on page 870

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

864 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Displaying SNA Statistics

You can display the SNA statistics by selecting Status/Statistics, WAN/Data

Services, and SNA from the navigation menu:

You will see the SDLC Port Statistics:

To view individual statistics on the SDLC ports, click on View next to the Port
Index number. You will see the Individual SDLC Port Statistics screen, like this

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 865

To view the link station statistics, click on the SDLC Link Station Statistics link
at the top of the SDLC Port Statistics screen. You will see the SDLC Link Station
Statistics screen:

To view individual link station statistics, click on View next to the Link Station
Index number. You will see the Individual SDLC Link Station Statistics screen,
like this example:

Adding SNA Service Connections

To add SNA service connections, you should follow the procedure described in:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

866 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

“Establishing a Connection Using the Configurator” on page 908

Adding new connections requires that you reset the unit. This reset activity is part
of the SNA Establishing a Connection procedure.

Deleting SNA Service Connections

You can remove all or part of the SNA services on the Passport 4400 unit using a
delete function. The exception to this is SDLC ports. To remove an SDLC port,
you must redefine the associate WAN port to a new protocol.

• “Deleting an SDLC Port” on page 866

• “Deleting an SDLC Link Station” on page 867
• “Deleting An LLC2 Port” on page 869

Deleting an SDLC Port

1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and the type of port (serial, ISDN, or
CSU) from the navigation menu:

2 At the Physical Interface screen, select the port (example screens shown are
from Passport 4460 units):

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 867

3 At the Physical Port Configuration screen, select a protocol other than SDLC
from Protocol Supported (for example, None).

Click on the Save button.

4 Reset the unit.

Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation menu. Select
Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset button.

Redefining a WAN port removes the SDLC port entries from the SDLC port
configuration table, the SDLC link station table, and the switching configuration
table that are associated with that port.

Deleting an SDLC Link Station

1 Select Configure, WAN/Data Service, and SNA from the navigation menu:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

868 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

2 At the SNA Service screen, click on the SDLC Link Stations link at the top of
the screen. You will see the SDLC Link Stations screen, like this (example
screens shown are for Passport 4460 units):

3 Click on Delete next to the SDLC port link station you want to delete. You
will see the Delete a SDLC Link Station screen, like this example:

Click on the Delete button to delete the link station. You will be prompted to
confirm the deletion, as follows:

Click on the OK button to confirm the link station deletion.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 869

Deleting An LLC2 Port

1 Select Configure, WAN/Data Service, and SNA from the navigation menu.

2 At the SNA Service screen, click on the LLC2 Ports link. You will see the
SNA LLC2 Ports screen, like the following example:

3 Click on Delete next to the LLC2 port you want to delete. You will see the
Delete an SNA LLC2 Port screen, like the following example:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

870 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Click on the Delete button to delete the LLC2 port. You will be prompted to
confirm the deletion, as follows:

Click on the OK button to confirm the LLC2 port deletion.

Defining SNA Parameters

Your network may require some adjustment to the values set by default for SNA
operation. The following are Configurator procedures for defining the parameter
values for SNA operation. Changes to the SNA parameters requires a reset of the

• “Defining LLC2 Ports” on page 870

• “Defining SDLC Ports” on page 873
• “Defining SDLC Link Station” on page 874
• “Defining SNA Switching Link” on page 878

Defining LLC2 Ports

From the SNA Service screen (Configure -> WAN/Data Services -> SNA), click on
the LLC2 Ports link at the top of the screen. You will see the SNA LLC2 Ports
screen listing the current LLC2 ports, like the following example:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 871

Click on Modify next to the Port Index of the LLC2 port configuration you want to
define. You will see the Modify an SNA LLC2 Port screen with the current port
parameters, like the following example:

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Port Name 1 to 8 none Enter the name of this port. The name must
alphanumeric contain only ASCII printable characters and
characters must be unique for each LLC2 port.
ACK Timer Integer (1..65535) 5000 Enter the maximum time, in milliseconds, that
the LLC2 port should expect an
acknowledgement to a transmitted I-frame.
ACK Delay Timer Integer (0..65535) 300 This is the T2 default acknowledgement timer.
Enter the maximum time in milliseconds to wait
before sending an acknowledgement for a
sequenced PDU. 0 means no delay for

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

872 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Rcv Window Size Integer (0..127) 7 This is the default receive window size. Enter
the maximum number of unacknowledged
I-frames that may be received. 0 tells the
Passport 4400 unit to use the value determined
by the switching component.
Poll Bit Timer Integer (0..65535) 5000 Enter the time in milliseconds to wait for a
response to a frame sent with the poll bit set.
REJECT Frame Integer (0..65535) 5 Enter the time in seconds to wait for a response
Timer to a reject frame.
Busy Timer Integer (0..65535) 5 Enter the time in seconds that the LLC2 port
waits for an indication of clearance of a busy
condition at the adjacent link station.
Inactivity Timer Integer (0..65535) 30 Enter the time in seconds that a Receiver Ready
keep alive frame is sent on an idle link.
XID Timer Integer (0..65535) 6 Enter the time in seconds between XID retries.
XID Retries Integer (0..65535) 10 The maximum number of XID retries. 65535
means the XID retries will continue indefinitely.
TEST Timer Integer (0..65535) 6 Enter the interval in seconds between TEST
TEST Retries Integer (0..65535) 10 Enter the maximum number of TEST retries.
65535 means the TEST retries will continue
New Window Integer (0..127) 4 Enter the number of I-frames that must be
ACKs acknowledged before the dynamic window
algorithm increments the current working
window size.
Max. Tx Retries Integer (0..65535) 5 Enter the maximum number of times an attempt
is made to retransmit a response across the
interface. This parameter affects ACK Timer,
Poll Bit Timer, REJECT Frame Timer, and Busy
Local Ring Integer (0..4095) 0 Enter the number of the ring (Token Ring) to
Number which the Passport 4400 unit is connected. This
will make the Passport 4400 SNA services
interoperate with third party routers over RFC

Click on the Save button to save any changes you have made. Then, reset the unit.
(Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation menu. Select
Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset button.)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 873

Defining SDLC Ports

From the SNA Service screen (Configure -> WAN/Data Services -> SNA), click on
the SDLC Ports link at the top of the screen. You will see the SDLC Ports screen
listing the current ports, like the following (example screens shown are from
Passport 4460 units):

Click on Modify next to the port configuration you want to define. The Modify a
SDLC Port screen is displayed with the current port parameters, like the following

You can change the Link Station Role to either Primary or Secondary. (Changing
the Link Station Role to Secondary may require that you configure some
additional parameters, such as the remote MAC and SAP address for switching.)

You can set the Topology to either Point to Point or to Multipoint.

You can enable or disable I-Frame Reject by selecting Yes or No.

Click on the Save button to save any changes you have made. Then, reset the unit.
(Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation menu. Select
Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset button.)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

874 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Defining SDLC Link Station

From the SNA Service screen (Configure -> WAN/Data Services -> SNA), click on
the SDLC Link Stations link at the top of the screen. You will see the SDLC Link
Stations screen listing the current ports, like the following (example screens
shown are from Passport 4460 units):

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 875

Click on Modify next to the SDLC port whose link station configuration you want
to define. You will see the Modify a SDLC Link Station screen with the current
parameters, like the following example:

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Local Name “String” (1..8) Enter a name for this SDLC

link station as a string of
printable ASCII characters.
Group Poll Address 0..254 0 Enter the group poll address
for this link station. 0 means
group poll will not be used.
Reply Timeout 10..255 255 Enter the reply timeout (in
hundredths of a second) for
the SDLC link station. If the
link station does not receive
a response to a poll or
message before this time,
the appropriate error
recovery will be initiated.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

876 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Rxmits per Retry 0..128 15 Enter the number of retries
Sequence in a retry sequence for the
local SDLC link station.
Related parameters:
• Retry Sequence Interval
• Retry Sequence Count
A retry sequence is a series
of retransmitted frames,
data or control, for which no
positive acknowledgement is
received. The retry
sequence starts with a
series of slow polls, followed
by an indefinite number of
fast polls if no positive
acknowledgement is
received during the slow
0 means no retries. If Rxmits
per Retry Sequence is 0,
then Retry Sequence
Interval and Retry Sequence
Count also must be 0.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 877

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Retry Sequence 0..255 50 Enter the length of time
Interval between retry sequences for
the local SDLC link station.
This parameter is effective
only if Rxmits per Retry
Sequence is greater than 1.
Related parameters:
• Rxmits per Retry
• Retry Sequence Count
For slow polls, the retry
sequence interval is 4 times
the value specified for this
parameter, in milliseconds
(example: 50 * 4 = 200
For fast polls, the retry
sequence interval is 2 times
the value specified for this
parameter, in milliseconds
(example: 50 * 2 = 100
Setting this parameter to a
low value (less than 50) may
impact overall CPU
utilization of the Passport
4400 unit.
Retry Sequence 0..255 40 Enter the number of times a
Count retry sequence is repeated
for the local SDLC link
Related parameters:
• Rxmits per Retry
• Retry Sequence Interval
RNR Limit 0..65535 18000 Enter the length of time (in
hundredths of a second) that
this link station will allow its
adjacent link station to
remain in a busy (RNR)
state before declaring it
inoperative. 0 means no

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

878 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

RR Turn-Around 0..5000 500 Enter the time in
Timer milliseconds that the
secondary station waits
before turning the poll-bit
around when there is no
task to be done. 0 disables
this function.
Poll I-Frame Yes | No Yes Specify whether the link
station is permitted to send
an I-frame with the poll-bit

Click on the Save button to save any changes you have made. Then, reset the unit.
(Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation menu. Select
Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset button.)

Defining SNA Switching Link

From the SNA Service screen (Configure -> WAN/Data Services -> SNA), click on
Switching Link at the top of the screen. You will see the SNA Switching Link
screen listing the current configurations, like the following (example screens
shown are from Passport 4460 units):

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 879

Click on Modify next to the SDLC port whose data link switching configuration
you want to define. You will see the Modify SNA Switching Link Entry screen
with the current parameters, like the following example:

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Local MAC Address MAC address none Enter the MAC address for the local link
(size 0 | 12) station. The MAC address is used only by the
Passport unit for transporting SNA traffic
across the network. It has no relationship to IP
or other network protocols. The MAC address
entered must be unique within the network.
Local SAP SAP (00 to FF 04 Enter the SAP used to represent this link
hexadecimal) station.
Remote MAC MAC address none Enter the MAC address of the remote end to
Address (size 0 | 12) which this link station is to be connected. The
MAC address is used only by the Passport unit
for transporting SNA traffic across the network.
It has no relationship to IP or other network
protocols. If the address is not available, enter
0. The remote MAC address must be
configured only for the Passport 4400 unit that
initiates the SNA session. The MAC address
entered must be unique within the network.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

880 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Remote SAP SAP (00 to FF 04 Enter the SAP of the remote end to which this
hexadecimal) link station is to be connected. If the SAP is not
available, enter 0. Remote SAP must be
entered only if a Remote MAC Address is
Proxy XID Proxy XID (size 8) 00:00:00:00 Enter the Proxy XID to be used for the
secondary link station, in the form of a MAC
address (nn:nn:nn:nn).
• Configure Proxy XID only at primary
Passport 4400 units. Secondary units
should be set to 00:00:00:00 (the default
• When Proxy XID is configured, the
Passport 4400 unit will respond to XID
requests from an SNA host. When Proxy
XID is not configured, the Passport 4400
unit will poll the link station for the XID and
pass on the response to the SNA host.
• To erase a previously configured Proxy
XID, enter 00:00:00:00.

Click on the Save button to save any changes you have made. Then, reset the unit.
(Select Administration and System Reset from the navigation menu. Select
Configuration as the Reset Type. Then, click on the Reset button.)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 881

Defining SNA Switching Node Link

From the SNA Service screen (Configure -> WAN/Data Services -> SNA), click on
the Switching Node link at the top of the screen. You will see the SNA Switching
Node screen listing the current configurations, like the following (example
screens shown are from Passport 4460 units):

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Bridge Number Integer (1..15) 1 Enter the bridge number for the
Passport 4400 unit. This number must
be unique for all bridges in the LAN.
Segment LF Size Integer (516..1536) 521 Enter the largest frame size in octets
that the switching component can
forward on any path through itself. See
RFC 2024.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

882 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Default Value Required Action

Virtual Ring Number Integer (1..4095) 4095 Enter the virtual ring number in which
this switching component resides.
• If a single source routed path (series
path) exists between switching
nodes (Passport unit to Passport
unit), you should configure a unique
virtual ring number for each node. In
most networks, a series path exists
between Passport units.
• If a multiple source routed path
(parallel path) exists between
switching nodes, you should
configure the same virtual ring
number for these nodes. This will
prevent looping of data.
See the illustration following this table.
Test Connect Timer Integer (0..65535) 60 Enter the maximum time in seconds to
establish an SNA connection via the
configured LAN ports.
Circuit Timer Integer (0..65535) 60 Enter the maximum time in seconds to
reach a target.
Default Send Window Integer (1..127) 7 Enter the default send window size.
Default Receive Window Integer (1..127) 7 Enter the default receive window size.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 883

Series Path
Passport 4400 Unit Passport 4400 Unit
Ring Ring Ring
1 Passpo
rt 4400
2 Passpo
rt 4400

Virtual Ring Virtual Ring

Number = 2 Number = 3
Virtual Ring Numbers must be unique.

Parallel Path

Passport 4400 Unit

rt 4400 Virtual Ring Number = 2

Ring Ring
1 2

Passport 4400
rt 4400
Virtual Ring Number = 2

Virtual Ring Numbers must be the same for both nodes.

Otherwise, data looping will occur.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

884 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

CLI Administration Functions

You can perform the following SNA administration functions using the CLI:

• “SNA Show Commands” on page 885

• “Adding SNA Service Connections” on page 886
• “Deleting SNA Service Connections” on page 886
• “Defining SNA Parameters” on page 888

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 885

SNA Show Commands

Use the following CLI commands to display parameters and statistics related to
the SNA services:

Command Description

show sna switching circuit statistics Displays the circuit statistics for each index
show sna switching circuit status Displays the number of circuits that are
active and the number of circuits that have
been created.
show sna switching node Displays the configured or operational node
parameters, such as virtual segment LF
size, bridge number, virtual ring number,
timers, and default send and receive
show sna switching linkstation Displays the configured or operational link
station parameters for each link station
show sna llc Displays the configured or operational LLC
parameters for each index number.
show sna sdlc port Displays the configured or operational
SDLC port parameters for each index
show sna sdlc linkstation Displays the SDLC link station
administrative table for configured or
operational parameters for each link station
address. Displayed are parameters such as
address, reply to, retries, RR timer, etc.
show sna sdlc statistics port Displays the statistics recorded for each
index number. Displayed are polls, busies,
octets, frames, protocol errors, activity
timeouts, retries, and retransmits.
show sna sdlc statistics linkstation Displays the SDLC link station statistics
table for each link station address.
Displayed are BLUs, octets, polls, busies,
retransmits, octets, frames, and many more

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

886 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Note: Refer to RFC 2024 for information about the various

switching parameters. Refer to RFC 1747 for information about
the SDLC port and SDLC link station parameters.

Adding SNA Service Connections

To add SNA service connections, you should follow the procedure described in:

“Establishing a Connection Using the CLI” on page 919

Adding new connections requires that you save the configuration changes and
then reset the unit. This save and reset activity is part of the SNA Establishing a
Connection procedure.

Deleting SNA Service Connections

You can remove all or part of the SNA services on the Passport 4400 unit using
CLI delete commands. The exception to this is the SDLC ports. To remove an
SDLC port, you must redefine the associate WAN port to a new protocol.

• “Deleting an SDLC Port” on page 886

• “Deleting an SNA LLC” on page 887
• “Deleting an SNA SDLC Link Station” on page 887

Deleting an SDLC Port

To delete an SDLC port, redefine the port’s protocol support to a protocol other
than SDLC:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 887

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN

<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Select a protocol other than
switchingFr | htds | cbr | sdlc sdlc to remove SDLC from
| x25 | async | pppHdlc | this port (for example,
channel | hdlc | casBypass none).

Redefining the WAN port removes the SDLC port entries from the SDLC port
configuration table, the SDLC link station configuration table, and the switched
link configuration table associated with that WAN port. Operational table entries
will remain in effect until the unit is reset. To release the port from SDLC protocol
support, you must reset the unit:

CLI> reset system current reset

Deleting an SNA LLC

CLI> delete sna llc

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the LLC

connection you want to

Deleting an SNA SDLC Link Station

CLI> delete sna sdlc linkstation

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex associated

with the link station address
you want to delete.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the address of the link
station (in decimal) you want
to delete.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

888 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Defining SNA Parameters

Your network may require some adjustment to the values set by default for SNA
operation. The following are CLI command sets for defining the parameter values
for SNA operation. Changes to these parameters require a reset of the unit.

• “Define SNA Switching Node” on page 889

• “Define SNA Switching Link Station” on page 890
• “Define SNA LLC” on page 893
• “Define SNA SDLC Port” on page 898
• “Define SNA SDLC Link Station” on page 901

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 889

Define SNA Switching Node

The following are CLI commands for defining the switched node table

Command Range of Values Default Value Required Action

define sna switching Integer (1..15) 1 Enter the bridge number for the Passport
node bridgeNumber 4400 unit. This number must be unique for all
bridges in the LAN.
define sna switching Integer (0..65535) 60 Enter the maximum time in seconds to reach
node circuitTimer a target.
define sna switching Integer (1..127) 7 Enter the default receive window size.
node defRcvWindow
define sna switching Integer (1..127) 7 Enter the default send window size.
define sna switching Integer (0..65535) 60 Enter the maximum time in seconds to
node testConnTimer establish an SNA connection via the
configured LAN ports.
define sna switching Integer (516..1536) 521 Enter the largest frame size in octets that the
node switching component can forward on any
virtSegmentLFSize path through itself. See RFC 2024.
define sna switching Integer (1..4095) 4095 Enter the virtual ring number in which this
node virtualRingNum switching component resides.
• If a single source routed path (series
path) exists between switching nodes
(Passport unit to Passport unit), you
should configure a unique virtual ring
number for each node. In most networks,
a series path exists between Passport
• If a multiple source routed path (parallel
path) exists between switching nodes,
you should configure the same virtual
ring number for these nodes. This will
prevent looping of data.
See the illustration below.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

890 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Series Path
Passport 4400 Unit Passport 4400 Unit
Ring Ring Ring
1 Passpo
rt 4400
2 Passpo
rt 4400

Virtual Ring Virtual Ring

Number = 2 Number = 3
Virtual Ring Numbers must be unique.

Parallel Path

Passport 4400 Unit

rt 4400 Virtual Ring Number = 2

Ring Ring
1 2

Passport 4400
rt 4400
Virtual Ring Number = 2

Virtual Ring Numbers must be the same for both nodes.

Otherwise, data looping will occur.

Define SNA Switching Link Station

The following are CLI commands for defining the switched link station

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 891

CLI> define sna switching linkstation localMacAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex for the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<LocalMacAddress> MAC address (size 0 | 12) Enter the MAC address for
the local link station. The
MAC address is used only
by the Passport 4400 unit for
transporting SNA traffic
across the network. It has no
relationship to IP or other
network protocols. The MAC
address entered must be
unique within the network.

CLI> define sna switching linkstation localSap

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex for the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<LocalSap> SAP (0x0 | 0x00 - 0xFF) Enter the SAP used to
represent this link station.
Default is 04 hexadecimal.

CLI> define sna switching linkstation remoteMacAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

892 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the address of the link
station (in decimal).
<RemoteMacAddress> MAC address (size 0 | 12) Enter the MAC address to
which this link station is to
be connected. The MAC
address is used only by the
Passport 4400 unit for
transporting SNA traffic
across the network. It has no
relationship to IP or other
network protocols. If this
address is not available,
enter 0. The remote MAC
address must be configured
only for the Passport 4400
unit that initiates the SNA
session. The MAC address
entered must be unique
within the network.

CLI> define sna switching linkstation remoteSap

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex for the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the address of the link
station (in decimal).
<RemoteSap> SAP (0x0 | 0x00 - 0xFF) Enter the SAP of the remote
end to which this link station
is to be connected. If the
SAP is not available, enter
0. RemoteSap must be
entered only if a
RemoteMacAddress is
entered. Default is 04

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 893

CLI> define sna switching linkstation proxXID

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex for the link station.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the address of the link station (in decimal).
<Prox-XID> PROX XID (size 8) Enter the Proxy XID to be used for the secondary
SDLC link station, in the form of a MAC address
• Configure Proxy XID only at primary Passport
4400 units. Secondary units should be set to
00:00:00:00 (the default value).
• When Proxy XID is configured, the Passport 4400
unit will respond to XID requests from an SNA
host. When Proxy XID is not configured, the
Passport 4400 unit will poll the link station for the
XID and pass on the response to the SNA host.
• To erase a previously configured Proxy XID, enter

Define SNA LLC

The following are CLI commands for managing an LLC2 port. These parameters
configure the BAN encapsulation and the LLC2 transport.

CLI> define sna llc portName

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<PortName> “String” (1..8) Enter the name of this port
as a quoted string. The
name must contain only
ASCII printable characters
and must be unique for each
LLC2 port.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

894 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

CLI> define sna llc t2AckDelayTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<T2AckDelayTimer> Integer (0..65535) This is the default
acknowledgement timer.
Enter the maximum time in
milliseconds to wait before
sending an
acknowledgement for a
sequenced PDU. 0 means
no delay for
acknowledgement. The
default is 300.

CLI> define sna llc ackTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<AckTimer> Integer (1..65535) This is the maximum time, in
milliseconds, that the LLC2
port should expect an
acknowledgement to a
transmitted I-frame. The
default is 5000.

CLI> define sna llc rcvWindow

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<RcvWindow> Integer (0..127) The default receive window
size. Enter the maximum
number of unacknowledged
I-frames that may be
received. 0 tells the
Passport 4400 unit to use
the value determined by the
switching component. The
default is 7.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 895

CLI> define sna llc pbitTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<PbitTimer> Integer (0..65535) The time in milliseconds to
wait for a response to a
frame sent with the poll bit
set. The default is 5000.

CLI> define sna llc rejTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<RejTimer> Integer (0..65535) The time in seconds to wait
for a response to a reject
frame. The default is 5.

CLI> define sna llc busyTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<BusyTimer> Integer (0..65535) The time in seconds that the
LLC2 port waits for an
indication of clearance of a
busy condition at the
adjacent link station. The
default is 5.

CLI> define sna llc inactTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<InactTimer> Integer (0..65535) The time in seconds that a
Receiver Ready keep alive
frame is sent on an idle link.
The default is 30.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

896 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

CLI> define sna llc xidTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<XIDTimer> Integer (0..65535) Enter the time in seconds
between XID retries. The
default is 6.

CLI> define sna llc xidRetries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<XIDRetries> Integer (0..65535) Enter the maximum number
of XID retries. 65535 means
the XID retries will continue
indefinitely. The default is

CLI> define sna llc testTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<TESTTimer> Integer (0..65535) Enter the interval in seconds
between TEST retries. The
default is 6.

CLI> define sna llc testRetries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<TESTRetries> Integer (0..65535) Enter the maximum number
of TEST retries. 65535
means the TEST retries will
continue indefinitely. The
default is 10.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 897

CLI> define sna llc newWindowAcks

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<NewWindowAcks> Integer (1..127) Enter the number of I-frames
that must be acknowledged
before the dynamic window
algorithm increments the
current working window
size. The default is 4.

CLI> define sna llc maxRetries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<MaxRetries> Integer (0..65535) Enter the maximum number
of times an attempt is made
to retransmit a response
across the interface. This
parameter affects
llcPortRejTimer, and
llcPortBusyTimer. The
default is 5.

CLI> define sna llc localRingNum

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<LocalRingNum> Integer (0..4095) Enter the number of the ring
(Token Ring) to which the
Passport 4400 unit is
connected. This will make
the Passport 4400 SNA
services interoperate with
third party routers over RFC
1490. The default is 0.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

898 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Define SNA SDLC Port

The following are CLI commands for managing an SDLC port.

CLI> define sna sdlc port connTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<ConnTimer> Integer (0..65535) Enter how long in
milliseconds the data link
layer will wait before failing
to activate a port. The
default value is 10000.

CLI> define sna sdlc port connTimerRetry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<ConnTimerRetry> Integer (0..65535) Enter the number of times
the data link layer will
attempt to retry activating a
port. 65535 means to retry
indefinitely. The default is

CLI> define sna sdlc port maxRcvWindow

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<MaxRcvWindow> Integer (0..127) Enter the maximum number
of unacknowledged frames
that can be received. 0
means the value passed on
an XID exchange will be
used. The default is 7.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 899

CLI> define sna sdlc port name

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<Name> “String” (1..8) Enter a quoted string that
identifies the physical port to
which this interface is
assigned. The name must
contain only ASCII printable

CLI> define sna sdlc port primaryDuplex

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<PrimaryDuplex> full-duplex | half-duplex Specify whether the primary
station on this link is
full-duplex or half-duplex.
The default is full-duplex.

CLI> define sna sdlc port role

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<Role> primary | secondary Specify whether the
linkstation should assume
primary or secondary the
next time a connection is
established. The default is

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

900 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

CLI> define sna sdlc port secondaryDuplex

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<SecondaryDuplex> full-duplex | half-duplex Specify whether the
secondary station on this
link supports full or half
duplex. The default is

CLI> define sna sdlc port slowPollTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<SlowPollTimer> Integer (100..6000) Enter the elapsed time, in
hundredths of a second,
between polls for a failed
link station address. This
parameter is used only for
SDLC ports where the Role
is set to primary and
Topology is set to multipoint.
The default value is 2000.

CLI> define sna sdlc port topology

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<Topology> pointToPoint | multipoint Specify whether this port is
capable of operating in a
point-to-point or a multipoint
topology. Multipoint implies
that the port can also
operate in a point-to-point
topology. A pointToPoint port
cannot operate in a
multipoint topology. The
default value is pointToPoint.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 901

CLI> define sna sdlc port useReject

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<UseReject> yes | no Specify whether the link can
send a reject whenever an
I-frame is received with an
invalid sequence number.
The default value is no.

CLI> define sna sdlc port writeTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<WriteTimer> Integer (0..65535) Enter the maximum time in
milliseconds that the data
link layer allows for frames
to be truncated. The default
value is 1000.

CLI> define sna sdlc port writeTimerRetry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the port.

<WriteTimerRetry> Integer (0..65535) Enter the maximum number
of retries attempted to
transmit a frame. 65535
means to retry indefinitely.
The default value is 65535.

Define SNA SDLC Link Station

The following are CLI commands for managing the SDLC link station table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

902 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation groupPollAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<GroupPollAddress> Integer (0..254) Enter the group poll address
for this link station. 0 means
group poll will not be used.
The default value is 0.

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation mRetries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<MRetries> Integer (0..128) Enter the number of retries
in a retry sequence for the
local SDLC link station.
Related parameters:
• define sna sdlc
linkstation tRetries
• define sna sdlc
linkstation nRetries
A retry sequence is a series
of retransmitted frames,
data or control, for which no
positive acknowledgement is
received. The retry
sequence starts with a
series of slow polls, followed
by an indefinite number of
fast polls if no positive
acknowledgement is
received during the slow
0 means no retries. If
mRetries is 0, then tRetries
and nRetries also must be 0.
The default value is 15.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 903

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation name

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<Name> “String” (1..8) Enter a name for this SDLC
link station as a quoted
string of printable ASCII

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation nRetries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<NRetries> Integer (0..255) Enter the number of times a
retry sequence is repeated
for the local SDLC link
Related parameters:
• define sna sdlc
linkstation mRetries
• define sna sdlc
linkstation tRetries
The default value is 40.

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation pollIFrame

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

904 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<PollIFrame> yes | no Specify whether the link
station is permitted to send
an I-frame with the poll-bit
set. The default value is yes.

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation replyTO

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<REPLYTO> Integer (10..255) Enter the reply timeout (in
hundredths of a second) for
this SDLC link station. If the
link station does not receive
a response to a poll or
message before this time,
the appropriate error
recovery will be initiated.
The default value is 255.

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation rnrLIMIT

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<RNRLimit> Integer (0..65535) Enter the length of time (in
hundredths of a second) that
this link station will allow its
adjacent link station to
remain in a busy (RNR)
state before declaring it
inoperative. 0 means no
limit. The default value is

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services 905

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation rrTurnAroundTimer

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<RRTurnAroundTimer> Integer (0..5000) Enter the time in
milliseconds that the
secondary station waits
before turning the poll-bit
around when there is no
task to be done. 0 disables
this function. The default
value is 500.

CLI> define sna sdlc linkstation tRetries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the link


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

906 Chapter 21 Administering the SNA Services

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal).
<TRetries> Integer (0..255) Enter the length of time
between retry sequences for
the local SDLC link station.
Related parameters:
• define sna sdlc
linkstation mRetries
• define sna sdlc
linkstation nRetries
This parameter is effective
only if mRetries is greater
than 1.
For slow polls, the retry
sequence interval is 4 times
the value specified for this
parameter, in milliseconds
(example: 50 * 4 = 200
For fast polls, the retry
sequence interval is 2 times
the value specified for this
parameter, in milliseconds
(example: 50 * 2 = 100
Setting this parameter to a
low value (less than 50) may
impact overall CPU
utilization of the Passport
4400 unit.
The default value is 50.

End of Topic

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 22
Configuring SNA Services

To initiate the SNA services, you must configure one or more of the following

• To connect the Passport 4400 unit to an SNA SDLC network, you must
configure one or more physical ports on the unit for SDLC service.
• To connect the unit to an Ethernet and carry SNA over LLC2, you must
configure the unit’s Ethernet port for LLC2 service.
• When connectivity to a remote destination is required, you must establish a
virtual circuit:
• To connect to a device on another Passport 4400 unit, use an SVC.
• To connect across a network with a Passport 6400 unit, use an SPVC.
• To connect to a remote FRAD, use a PVC.
• If the Passport 4400 unit is used for switching SNA data between local
ports only, you do not need to configure an SVC, SPVC, or PVC.

For SNA calls destined for a remote host located across the WAN, you must
establish an SVC, SPVC, or PVC connection (depending on whether the remote
device is a Passport 4400 unit, a Passport 6400 unit, or a FRAD). You need to
establish one SVC, SPVC, or PVC between the two end points. Multiple SNA
sessions destined for the same remote device are carried across this single virtual
circuit. If a connection is required to a second, different remote device, then you
must configure a second virtual circuit (SVC, SPVC, or PVC). Once the virtual
circuits are setup, SNA calls can be carried across the WAN.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

908 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

Establishing a Connection
Configuring SNA services consists of establishing an SNA connection in the
Passport unit and the WAN. You can establish this connection using either the
Configurator or the Command Line Interface (CLI).

• “Establishing a Connection Using the Configurator” on page 908

• “Establishing a Connection Using the CLI” on page 919

Establishing a Connection Using the Configurator

Use either of the following procedures, depending on whether the SNA

connection is SDLC or LLC2:

• “SNA Over SDLC” on page 908

• “SNA Over LLC2” on page 916


The following configuration procedure assumes that the port chosen for SNA over
SDLC operation has already been configured for mode (DCE/DTE), baud, encode
method, frame relay, and tunnel parameters (netlink).

1 Set the port for SDLC operation.

Select Configure and Physical Interfaces from the navigation menu:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 909

Select the type of port (serial, ISDN, CSU) you want to configure for SNA
SDLC operation. Then, select the physical port (example screens shown are
from Passport 4460 units):

You will see the Physical Port Configuration screen. The parameters that need
your attention at this point are:

• Mode: select either DCE or DTE, depending on the type of SNA SDLC
device that is attached to this port.
• Baud Rate: select the required baud rate for the physical port. The default
is 64,000 bits per second. SNA connections have been tested at 9600,
19,200, 56,000, and 64,000 bits per second.
• Protocol Supported: select SDLC from the pull down menu, as follows:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

910 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

Click on the Save button. “Command Successful” should be displayed

when the unit finishes setting the configuration.
2 Configure the port for SDLC operation.
Select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and SNA from the navigation menu:

You will see the SNA Service screen. Select SDLC from the Configuration

A configuration wizard presents you with a series of screens. When you

complete these screens, the port will be configured for SDLC operation. The
screens are presented in this order:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 911

• SDLC Port Selection. Select the port from the pull down menu (example
screens shown represent Passport 4460 units):

• Configure a SDLC Port. Select Primary for the Link Station Role if the
SNA device attached to the port is a terminal or cluster controller. Select
Secondary if the SNA device is a host. Set the other parameters as
required by your network. Click on the Save button. Then, when
“Command Successful” is displayed, click on the Next link.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

912 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

• Add an SDLC Link Station. Enter the link station address of this port (in
decimal - for example, hexadecimal link station address C1 must be
entered as 193), the name of the port (a string of 1 to 8 alphanumeric
characters), and the group poll address (enter 0 if there will be no group
polling). Click on the Save button. When “Command Successful” is
displayed, click on the Next link.

• Configure an SNA Switching Entry. Enter the MAC and SAP addresses
of the link station at the local end (the link station is treated as an IP
connection). The remote MAC and SAP addresses for the remote link
station are configured only for the Passport 4400 unit that initiates the
SNA session.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 913

The default local MAC address is 00:00:00:00:00:00. You must change

this to a new value (for example, 00:00:00:00:00:01 for the local unit and
00:00:00:00:00:02 for the remote unit). The MAC address entered must
be unique within the network. These MAC addresses are arbitrary and
used only by the Passport units to transport SNA data across the network.
The MAC addresses do not have any relationship to IP or other network
transport protocols.
Proxy XID (Exchange Identification) support is provided by the Passport
4400 SNA services to handle SDLC secondary link stations that do not
support XIDs. Proxy XID allows the Passport 4400 unit to communicate
the identity of a PU (physical unit) in format 0 XID, so that the host will
use the correct PU configuration. When Proxy XID is configured, the
Passport 4400 unit will send XID to the remote end without polling the
attached SDLC link station. If Proxy XID is not configured (the default),
the Passport 4400 unit will poll the SDLC link station for XID and pass
the response back to the remote end.
You should specify a Proxy XID only on the primary Passport 4400 unit.
Proxy XID should be set to all zeros on secondary units. If a non-zero
value for Proxy XID is configured on a secondary unit, there may be link
activation problems.
Here is an example of a filled-in form:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

914 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

Click on the Save button. You will see the SNA Service screen with the
following text indicating that the unit’s SNA configuration has changed
and that a reset is required:

Do not reset the unit at this time. Continue on to step 3.

3 Establish a virtual circuit to carry the SNA traffic across the WAN.
Select one of the following from Configuration Options:

Connection Method Usage

SNA Over SDLC via RFC 1490 Use this method if the destination is a FRAD. The
Configurator will establish a PVC to transport SNA
SDLC traffic to the FRAD. SNA traffic is carried across
the WAN in an RFC 1490 BAN PVC.
SNA Over SDLC via PANL Use this method if the destination is a Passport 6400
(6400) unit. The Configurator will establish an SPVC to
transport SNA SDLC traffic across the network. SNA
traffic is carried across the WAN in a PANL SPVC.
SNA Over SDLC via PANL Use this method if the destination is a Passport 4400
(4400) unit. The Configurator will establish an SVC to
transport SNA SDLC traffic across the network. SNA
traffic is carried across the WAN in a PANL SVC.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 915

When you select the connection method, a wizard presents you with a series
of screens. These screens provide a minimal configuration necessary to get
the SNA service operating. To use these screens, you must enter the required
parameter values, click on the Save button to save the parameter values, then
click on Next to go to the next screen. Here is the sequence of screens:

Connection Method Configurator Screen Sequence

SNA Over SDLC via RFC 1490 Add a Virtual Port. Enter the Port Number.
Add a PVC Mapping. Enter the netlink (tunnel) index.
A list of available netlink indexes is shown on the
bottom of the screen.
Add an SNA LLC2 Port (1490/PANL). Enter a port
name (1 to 8 alphanumeric characters) and the value
for the ACK timer.
SNA Over SDLC via PANL Add a Virtual Port. Enter the Port Number.
(6400) Add a SPVC Mapping. The local DLCI is already set
for you. Enter the following:
- remote net DLCI,
- remote DNA,
- and select whether the connection type is master or
For the remote DNA, the LAN service digit (1) is used.
The remote DNA must conform to this convention:
<remote prefix DNA> + <1> + <remote virtual port
Add an SNA LLC2 Port (1490/PANL). Enter a port
name (1 to 8 alphanumeric characters) and the value
for the ACK timer.
SNA Over SDLC via PANL Add a Virtual Port. Enter the Port Number.
(4400) Add a SVC Mapping. Enter the following:
- remote DNA,
- Pass-thru Connection (Tx) Priority,
- Data Transfer Priority,
- and Connection Setup Discard Priority.
The remote DNA must conform to this convention:
<remote prefix DNA> + <1> + <remote virtual port
Add an SNA LLC2 Port (1490/PANL). Enter a port
name (1 to 8 alphanumeric characters) and the value
for the ACK timer.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

916 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

After completing the sequence of screens, you will see the SNA Service
screen, with the following text that indicates the Passport unit needs to be
reset to put the SNA configuration into effect:

4 Reset the unit.

Click on the System Reset link at the top of the SNA Service screen. You will
see the System Reset screen. Select Configuration for the Reset Type:

Click on the Reset button.

After the unit finishes the reset, your browser is automatically reconnected to
the unit and the main Configurator page is displayed.

At this point, the unit is configured with the basic parameters for SNA over SDLC
operation. However, your network may require additional settings to the SNA
services parameters. You can enter these additional settings from the screens listed
along the top of the SNA Service screen (LLC2 Ports, SDLC Ports, SDLC Link
Stations, Switching Link, Switching Node). You should review each of these
screens as appropriate to the connection type you selected earlier, and adjust the
parameters as required by your network.


For SNA over LLC2, the Passport 4400 unit’s Ethernet port should already be
configured for operation over the LAN.

1 Add SNA over LLC2 to the unit’s Ethernet port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 917

Select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and SNA from the navigation menu:

You will see the SNA Service screen. Select SNA Over LLC2 from the
Configuration Options:

You will see the Add an SNA LLC2 Port (Ethernet) screen. Enter a port name
(1 to 8 alphanumeric characters) and the value for the ACK timer:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

918 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

Click on the Save button. You will see the SNA Service screen, with the
following text to indicate that the unit needs to be reset to put the
configuration into effect:

2 Reset the unit.

Click on the System Reset link at the top of the SNA Service screen. You will
see the System Reset menu. Select Configuration as the Reset Type:

Click on the Reset button.

After the unit finishes the reset, your browser is automatically reconnected to
the unit and the main Configurator page is displayed.

At this point, the unit is configured with the basic parameters for SNA over LLC2
operation. However, your network may require additional settings to the SNA
services parameters. You can enter these additional settings from the screens listed
along the top of the SNA Service screen (LLC2 Ports, SDLC Ports, SDLC Link
Stations, Switching Link, Switching Node). You should review each of these
screens and adjust the parameters as required by your network.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 919

Establishing a Connection Using the CLI

Use either of the following procedures, depending on whether the SNA

connection is SDLC or LLC2:

• “SNA Over SDLC” on page 919

• “SNA Over LLC2” on page 927


The following command sequence assumes that the port chosen for SNA over
SDLC operation has already been configured for mode (DCE/DTE), baud, encode
method, frame relay, and tunnel parameters (netlink).

1 Set the port for SDLC operation:

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Assign a new IfIndex for this

port. (show system
ifindex will give you a list
of IfIndexes already in use.)
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr | Select sdlc.
switchingFr | htds | cbr | sdlc
| x25 | async | pppHdlc |
channel | hdlc | casBypass


CLI> define wan port protocolSupport 171 sdlc

2 Set the port role:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

920 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

CLI> define sna sdlc port role

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) The IfIndex is the IfIndex of

the WAN port plus 2.
<Role> primary | secondary Select primary if the SNA
device attached to the unit’s
physical port is a terminal or
cluster controller. Select
secondary if the SNA
device is a host.


CLI> define sna sdlc port role 173 primary

3 Add the SNA link station address:

CLI>add sna sdlc linkstation

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the same IfIndex as

the previous command.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address of this port. The
value must be entered in
decimal. For example,
hexadecimal link station
address C1 must be entered
as 193 decimal.
<Name> “String” (1..8) Enter the name of this port
as a quoted string of
alphanumeric characters.


CLI> add sna sdlc linkstation 173 14 “LSI”

4 Define the MAC address of the link station at the local end (the link station is
treated as an IP connection):

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 921

CLI> define sna switching linkstation localMacAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the same IfIndex as

the previous command.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address of this port. The
value must be entered in
decimal. For example,
hexadecimal link station
address C1 must be entered
as 193 decimal.
<LocalMacAddress> MAC address (size 0 | 12) Enter the MAC address for
the local end of the link

The default local MAC address is 00:00:00:00:00:00. You must change this to
a new value (for example, 00:00:00:00:00:01 for the local unit and
00:00:00:00:00:02 for the remote unit). The MAC address entered must be
unique within the network. These MAC addresses are arbitrary and used only
by the units to transport SNA data across the network. The MAC addresses do
not have any relationship to IP or other network transport protocols. The only
requirement is that each MAC address is unique in the network.


CLI> define sna switching linkstation localMacAddress 173

14 11:11:11:11:11:51

5 Define the SAP address of the link station at the local end:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

922 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

CLI> define sna switching linkstation localSap

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the same IfIndex as

the previous command.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address of this port. The
value must be entered in
decimal. For example,
hexadecimal link station
address C1 must be entered
as 193 decimal.
<LocalSap> SAP (0x0 | 0x00 - 0xFF) Enter the SAP address for
this end of the link station.
The default is 0x04.


CLI> define sna switching linkstation localSap 173 14


6 Define the MAC address of the link station at the remote end. This is required
only for the Passport 4400 unit that initiates the connection.
CLI> define sna switching linkstation remoteMacAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the same IfIndex as

the previous command.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address of this port. The
value must be entered in
decimal. For example,
hexadecimal link station
address C1 must be entered
as 193 decimal.
<RemoteMacAddress> MAC address (size 0 | 12) Enter the MAC address for
the remote end of the link


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 923

CLI> define sna switching linkstation remoteMacAddress

173 14 11:11:11:11:11:55

7 Define the SAP address of the link station at the remote end. This is required
only if you have configured a remote MacAddress.
CLI> define sna switching linkstation remoteSap

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the same IfIndex as

the previous command.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station
address (in decimal) of this
<RemoteSap> SAP (0x0 | 0x00 - 0xFF) Enter the SAP address for
the remote end of the link


CLI> define sna switching linkstation remoteSap 173 14


8 Define the Proxy XID. This is an optional step. Proxy XID (Exchange
Identification) support is provided by the Passport 4400 SNA services to
handle SDLC secondary link stations that do not support XIDs. Proxy XID
allows the Passport 4400 unit to communicate the identity of a PU (physical
unit) in format 0 XID, so that the host will use the correct PU configuration.
When Proxy XID is configured, the Passport 4400 unit will send XID to the
remote end without polling the attached SDLC link station. If Proxy XID is
not configured (the default), the Passport 4400 unit will poll the SDLC link
station for XID and pass the response back to the remote end.

You should specify a Proxy XID only on the primary Passport 4400 unit
(CLI> define sna sdlc port role IfIndex primary). Proxy XID
should be set to all zeros on secondary units. If a non-zero value for Proxy
XID is configured on a secondary unit, there may be link activation problems.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

924 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

CLI> define sna switching linkstation proxXID

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex for the link station.
<Address> Integer (1..254) Enter the link station address (in decimal) of this port.
<Prox-XID> PROX XID (size 8) Enter the Proxy XID to be used for the secondary
SDLC link station, in the form of a MAC address
• Configure Proxy XID only at primary Passport 4400
units. Secondary units should be set to 00:00:00:00
(the default value).
• When Proxy XID is configured, the Passport 4400
unit will respond to XID requests from an SNA host.
When Proxy XID is not configured, the Passport
4400 unit will poll the link station for the XID and
pass on the response to the SNA host.
• To erase a previously configured Proxy XID, enter


CLI> define sna switching linkstation proxXID 161 193



• 161 is the IfIndex for Port 1 on the expansion module

• 193 is the link station address, using PU = C1 (the hexadecimal form of
• 01:7A:32:74 is the Proxy XID, which configures idblock 017 and idnum
9 Establish a virtual circuit to carry the SNA traffic across the WAN. Perform
either the PVC, SPVC, or SVC procedure, depending on the type of virtual
circuit you need to establish.
If the remote end is a FRAD, you must establish a PVC (SNA traffic is
carried across the WAN in an RFC 1490 BAN PVC). Use the following
commands to configure the PVC connection:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 925

CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for the

virtual port to be used for the PVC.
<Number> Integer (0..254) Enter the interface number you want
to assign to this virtual port (the PPA
number). (show port if will give
you a list of ifnumbers already in

CLI> add fr port pvcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual port.

<NetlinkIfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the DLCI number assigned to
the unit for user traffic. If PANL is
used, specify the IfIndex of the

Example command sequence:

CLI> add fr port virtualPort 15 2
CLI> add fr port pvcLANData 15 32
If the remote end is a Passport 6400 unit, you can use an SPVC. For SNA
traffic carried across the WAN in a PANL SPVC, use the existing
pre-defined WAN port (IfIndex 153) and DTE-PANL tunnel (IfIndex
149). Then use the following commands to complete the configuration of
the SPVC connection:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for the

virtual port to be used for the SPVC.
<Number> Integer (0..254) Enter the interface number you want
to assign to this virtual port (the PPA
number). (show port if will give
you a list of ifnumbers already in

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

926 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

CLI> add fr port spvcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<VirtualPortIfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual port.

<RemoteNetDLCI> Integer (16..991) Enter the remote net DLCI.
<SVCDNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter the DNA as a quoted string,
quoted string, 1..34) according to the convention below.
<ConnectType> slave | master Select either master or slave.

When configuring the SPVC DNA, the LAN service digit (1) is used.
Thus, the DNA specified must conform to the following convention:
<remote prefix DNA> + <1> + <remote virtual port number>
Example command sequence:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort 15 2
CLI> add fr port spvcLANData 15 32 “32115” master
If the remote end is a Passport 4400 unit, you can use an SVC. For SNA
traffic carried across the WAN in a PANL SVC, use the existing
pre-defined WAN port (IfIndex 153) and DTE-PANL tunnel (IfIndex
149). Then use the following commands to complete the configuration of
the SVC connection:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for the

virtual port to be used for the SVC.
<Number> Integer (0..254) Enter the interface number you want
to assign to this virtual port (the PPA
number). (show port if will give
you a list of ifnumbers already in

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 927

CLI> add fr port svcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual port.

<DNA> Frame relay DNA (as a Enter the frame relay DNA as a
quoted string, 1..34) quoted string. The DNA must follow
the convention described below.
<TxPriority> Integer (0..15) Enter the priority required for
transmissions across this virtual port.

The DNA specified must conform to the following convention:

<remote prefix DNA> + <1> + <remote virtual port number>
Example command sequence:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort 15 2
CLI> add fr port svcLANData 15 “32115” 0
10 Add RFC 1490 BAN encapsulation to the virtual port (whether PVC, SPVC,
or SVC):
CLI> add sna llc port

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

virtual port.
<Type> ban | enet Select ban.


CLI> add sna llc port 15 ban

11 Save the configuration and reset the unit:

CLI> save configuration update
CLI> reset system current reset


The Passport 4400 unit’s Ethernet port should already be configured for operation
over the LAN. To enable SNA over LLC2, proceed as follows:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

928 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

1 Add RFC 1490 BAN encapsulation to the Ethernet (physical) port:

CLI> add sna llc port

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

physical Ethernet port.
<Type> ban | enet Select enet.


CLI> add sna llc port 1 enet

2 Assuming the frame relay WAN port is already configured with the necessary
tunnel (netlink), you only need to add a virtual circuit to carry the SNA over
LLC2 traffic across the WAN. Perform either the PVC, SPVC, or SVC
procedure, depending on the type of virtual circuit you need to establish.
If the remote end is a FRAD, you must establish a PVC (SNA traffic is
carried across the WAN in an RFC 1490 BAN PVC). Use the following
commands to configure the PVC connection:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for the

virtual port to be used for the PVC.
<Number> Integer (0..254) Enter the interface number you want
to assign to this virtual port (the PPA
number). (show port if will give
you a list of ifnumbers already in

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 929

CLI> add fr port pvcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual port.

<NetlinkIfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the DLCI number assigned to
the unit for user traffic. If PANL is
used, specify the IfIndex of the

Example command sequence:

CLI> add fr port virtualPort 15 2
CLI> add fr port pvcLANData 15 32
If the remote end is a Passport 6400 unit, you can use an SPVC. For SNA
traffic carried across the WAN in a PANL SPVC, use the existing
pre-defined WAN port (IfIndex 153) and DTE-PANL tunnel (IfIndex
149). Then use the following existing commands to complete the
configuration of the SPVC connection:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for the

virtual port to be used for the SPVC.
<Number> Integer (0..254) Enter the interface number you want
to assign to this virtual port (the PPA
number). (show port if will give
you a list of ifnumbers already in

CLI> add fr port spvcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<VirtualPortIfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual port.

<RemoteNetDLCI> Integer (16..991) Enter the remote net DLCI.
<SVCDNA> Frame relay DNA (as a Enter the DNA as a quoted string,
quoted string, 1..34) according to the convention below.
<ConnectType> slave | master Select either master or slave.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

930 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

When configuring the SPVC DNA, the LAN service digit (1) is used.
Thus, the DNA specified must conform to the following convention:
<remote prefix DNA> + <1> + <remote virtual port number>
Example command sequence:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort 15 2
CLI> add fr port spvcLANData 15 32 “32115” master
If the remote end is a Passport 4400 unit, you can use an SVC. For SNA
traffic carried across the WAN in a PANL SVC, use the existing
pre-defined WAN port (IfIndex 153) and DTE-PANL tunnel (IfIndex
149). Then use the following existing commands to complete the
configuration of the SVC connection:
CLI> add fr port virtualPort

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an available IfIndex for the

virtual port to be used for the SVC.
<Number> Integer (0..254) Enter the interface number you want
to assign to this virtual port (the PPA
number). (show port if will give
you a list of ifnumbers already in

CLI> add fr port svcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the virtual port.

<DNA> Frame relay DNA (as a Enter the frame relay DNA as a
quoted string, 1..34) quoted string. The DNA must follow
the convention described below.
<TxPriority> Integer (0..15) Enter the priority required for
transmissions across this virtual port.

The DNA specified must conform to the following convention:

<remote prefix DNA> + <1> + <remote virtual port number>
Example command sequence:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services 931

CLI> add fr port virtualPort 15 2

CLI> add fr port svcLANData 15 “32115” 0
3 Add RFC 1490 BAN encapsulation to the virtual port (whether PVC, SPVC,
or SVC):
CLI> add sna llc port

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the

virtual port.
<Type> ban | enet Select ban.


CLI> add sna llc port 20 ban

4 Save the configuration and reset the unit:

CLI> save configuration update
CLI> reset system current reset

End of Procedure

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

932 Chapter 22 Configuring SNA Services

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 23
Configuring a Voice Channel

This chapter describes the options available to provision the digital or analog
voice channels supported by the Passport 4400 unit.

To configure the digital or analog voice channels, perform the tasks listed in the
table shown below.

Task Description

1. Set the voice “Ingress Table” on Creates a table of network telephone numbers
page 934 with manipulation strings. The manipulation
strings, if any, are used to modify user-dialed
numbers to numbers that are transmitted to the
destination voice channels.
2. Set the voice “Egress Table” on Creates a table of local telephone numbers with
page 944 manipulation strings for one or more local voice
channels. The manipulation strings are used by
the local voice channels to modify the numbers of
incoming calls.
3. Set the “Voice Profile Options” on Builds a library of voice channel profiles.
page 965
4. “Assigning the Voice Parameters Assigns a voice profile to a voice channel.
Profile ID” on page 1080
5. Set the “Voice Switching Profile Builds a library of voice channel switching
Options” on page 1082 profiles.
6. “Assigning the Voice Parameters Assigns a voice switching profile to a voice
Switching Profile ID” on page 1115 channel.
7. Set the “System Transport Assigns the default voice transport method for the
Method” on page 1117 Passport 4400 unit.
8. Verify the “Voice Overbooking” on *optional
page 1119 setting Allows or disallows overbooking of voice traffic. (If
overbooking is enabled and the Passport 4400
unit is not configured properly, voice quality will
be adversely affected).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

934 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Digital Call forwarding and Digit Manipulation are also discussed in this section:

• “Digital Call Forwarding and Digit Manipulation” on page 952

• “Analog Call Forwarding and Digit Manipulation” on page 959

Ingress Table
The ingress table is a collection of network telephone numbers (other than the
local telephone numbers) arranged sequentially according to priority. The ingress
table is only a means of allowing call processing to begin before you have
completed dialing. The originating Passport 4400 unit will begin processing the
call when one of the following four things happens:

• The maximum number of dialed digits has been reached.

• The interdigit timeout has occurred.
• A # has been dialed (and end of dial signaling is enabled).
• The digits dialed so far match an entry in the ingress table.

Each network telephone number may or may not include a manipulation string. If
included, the manipulation string will modify a user-dialed telephone number to
another network telephone number. This number is then transmitted to the Voice
Network Call Server (VNCS) in the Passport 6400 for address resolution (see the
RSI/RSA chapter). If your system does not include a Passport 6400, then network
address is resolved by the Network Address Server (NAS) as described in the
NAC/NAS chapter. Ultimately, the resolved number is transmitted to the
destination voice channel.

You may use one of two procedures to set the ingress table:

• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the Ingress Table” on page 935

• “CLI Procedure for Setting the Ingress Table” on page 939

Note: The manipulation string in the ingress table is unrelated to the

manipulation string in the egress table.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 935

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Ingress Table

To set the ingress table for a voice module, use the Configurator procedures

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

936 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

2 At the top of the window, click on Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles. You will see
the Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles window:

3 Click on Modify for the profile you wish to change. The Modifying a Voice
Ingress (Outgoing) Profile window opens:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 937

The optional parameters for the Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles are described

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Index Passport 4430/50/55 The lower the index number, the

INTEGER (1..32) higher the priority of the
corresponding ingress number,
with the following exception:
Passport 4460 whenever a pound sign (#) is
INTEGER (1..60) entercountered in an ingress
profile’s manipulation string, the
result is an immediate match and
that ingress profile is used. For
example, if the dialed digits are
1234, and ingress profile 1 has a
manipulation string of 1234 while
ingress profile 2 has a
manipulation string of 12#, the
dialed digits will match ingress
profile 2.
Phone Number/Pattern “String” (0..40) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 40). These
are the characters the user must
dial to reach the destination voice
channel. The alpha characters are
limited to the symbols *, [...], #,
and +, with the meanings listed in
the table below.
Manipulation String “String” (0..40) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 40). The
alpha characters are limited to the
symbols *, #, D, and I, with the
meanings listed in the table below:
Voice Transport Method • Voice Over Frame Select the manner in which voice
Relay traffic will be transported for this
• Voice Over IP profile. As System will select the
system transport method as
• As System configured in “Configurator
Procedure for Setting the System
Transport Method” on page 1118.

Phone Number/Pattern Characters

* Used as a single wildcard digit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

938 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

[xyz...] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any one digit within the brackets
will produce a match; any other digit will be rejected.
Example 1: [234578]# will reject any string that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
Example 2: 123[576]*# will match any phone number listed below:
1235*#, 1237*#, 1236*#
But will reject 1231*#, 1232*#, 1234*#, 1238*#, 129*#, and 1230*#.
# Length of the dialing string is unknown. The voice application will
continue collecting digits until one of three events occurs:
• maximum number of digits reached
• interdigit timeout occurred
• user manually entered a # sign on the telephone keypad (if
parameter is provisioned in the voice profile).

Digits preceding the # sign are immediately submitted for network

address resolution. Digits following the # sign will be used to complete
the call.

Example: Ingress table entry = 123#. User dials 123456. The digits 123
will be submitted immediately to resolve the network address, while the
voice application collects digits 456. After one of the three events
indicated above occurred, the digits 456 will be used to complete the
+ Used to obtain a second dial tone

Manipulation String Characters

* Used as a single wildcard digit.

# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits in the string immediately
following the #.
Dn Deletes a particular number (n) of digits immediately following these
characters, where (n) is a single digit ranging between 1 and 9. To
delete more than 9 characters, you must enter additional deletions.
For example, to delete 14 characters, insert the symbols D9D5.
D# Deletes all of the digits immediately following these characters.
Innn Inserts specified digits (nnn). Can be any number of digits.

4 Click on the Save button when all desired parameters have been entered.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 939

5 Click on the Next and Previous buttons to configure other profiles in the
ingress table. Typical ingress table settings are shown below:

Index Ingress Number Manipulation String Number Transmitted

1 1234567 D3**** 4567

2 12345678 D3# 45678
3 25 I1234567 251234567
4 1234567 ***D2# 12367
5 1234567 D1**I9# 2394567
6 123456789 D2**I26# 342656789

CLI Procedure for Setting the Ingress Table

1 To access the ingress table commands, enter:
CLI> set voice ingressTable




Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

940 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IngressIndex> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a number from 1 to 60. The

INTEGER (1..32) lower the index number the higher
the priority of the corresponding
ingress number, with the following
Passport 4460 exception: whenever a pound sign
INTEGER (1..60) (#) is entercountered in an ingress
profile’s manipulation string, the
result is an immediate match and
that ingress profile is used. For
example, if the dialed digits are
1234, and ingress profile 1 has a
manipulation string of 1234 while
ingress profile 2 has a manipulation
string of 12#, the dialed digits will
match ingress profile 2.
<IngressNumber> "String" (0..40) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 40). These
are the characters the user must
dial to reach the destination voice
channel. The alpha characters are
limited to the symbols *, [...], #, and
+, with the meanings listed in the
table below.

Ingress Table Characters

* Used as a single wild card digit

[xyz...] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any one digit within the brackets will
produce a match; any other digit will be rejected.
Example 1: [234578]# will reject any string that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
Example 2: 123[576]*# will match any phone number listed below:
1235*#, 1237*#, 1236*#
But will reject 1231*#, 1232*#, 1234*#, 1238*#, 129*#, and 1230*#.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 941

# Length of the dialing string is unknown. The voice application will continue
collecting digits until one of three events occurs:
• maximum number of digits reached
• interdigit timeout occurred
• user manually entered a # sign on the telephone keypad (if parameter is
provisioned in the voice profile).

Digits preceding the # sign are immediately submitted for network address
resolution. Digits following the # sign will be used to complete the call.

Example: Ingress table entry = 123#. User dials 123456. The digits 123 will be
submitted immediately to resolve the network address, while the voice
application collects digits 456. After one of the three events indicated above
occurred, the digits 456 will be used to complete the call.
+ Used to obtain a second dial tone

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

942 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice ingressTable ManipulationString

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IngressIndex> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a number from 1 to 60. The

INTEGER (1..32) lower the index number the higher
the priority of the corresponding
ingress number, with the following
Passport 4460 exception: whenever a pound sign
INTEGER (1..60) (#) is entercountered in an ingress
profile’s manipulation string, the
result is an immediate match and
that ingress profile is used. For
example, if the dialed digits are
1234, and ingress profile 1 has a
manipulation string of 1234 while
ingress profile 2 has a manipulation
string of 12#, the dialed digits will
match ingress profile 2.
<manipulationString> "String" (0..36) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 36). The
alpha characters are limited to the
symbols *, #, D, and I, with the
meanings listed in the table below:

ManipulationString Characters

* Used as a single wildcard digit.

# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits in the string immediately
following the #.
Dn Deletes a particular number (n) of digits immediately following these
characters, where (n) is a single digit ranging between 1 and 9. To
delete more than 9 characters, you must enter additional deletions.
For example, to delete 14 characters, insert the symbols D9D5.
D# Deletes all of the digits immediately following these characters.
Innn Inserts specified digits (nnn). Can be any number of digits.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 943

• User dials 10123456

Manipulation string = D3#
Number transmitted = 23456
• User dials 12
Ingress number (phone number) = 12
Manipulation string = I10123456
Number transmitted = 10123456
• User dials 10123456
Manipulation string = D3**I6#
Number transmitted = 236456

CLI> set voice ingressTable transportMethod

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IngressIndex> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a number from 1 to 60. The

INTEGER (1..32) lower the index number the higher the
priority of the corresponding ingress
number. This number will line the
Passport 4460 manipulation string to its associated
INTEGER (1..60) ingress number.
<TransportMethod> voFR | voIP | as-system Select voFR for a voice over frame
relay application
Select voIP for a voice over IP
Select as-system (default) if the voice
channel is going to use the system
transport method as set up in “CLI
Procedure for Setting the System
Transport Method” on page 1119.

2 Repeat the “Setting the Ingress Table” procedure and continue building the
ingress table until all entries have been filled. A typical ingress table is shown

Index Ingress Number Manipulation String Number Transmitted

1 1234567 D3**** 4567

2 12345678 D3# 45678
3 25 I1234567 251234567
4 1234567 ***D2# 12367

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

944 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

5 1234567 D1**I9# 2394567

6 123456789 D2**I26# 342656789

Egress Table
The egress table is a list of telephone numbers assigned to one or more of the
voice channels within the local Passport 4400 unit.

Each number may or may not include a manipulation string. If included, the
manipulation string is used to provide advance functions such as call forwarding
or redirecting. The same alphanumeric characters are used as shown in the ingress
table manipulation string described earlier, with some modifications. As noted
before, the manipulation string in the egress table is unrelated to the manipulation
string in the ingress table.

If your number in the egress table does not include a manipulation string, calls
will terminate at the voice port that matches the configured telephone number. If
that termination is a PBX station or trunk, the PBX will return a dial tone. The
user may then manually forward the call (go off the network) by dialing an
additional string of requisite numbers. If the termination is an FXS port, the
telephone set attached to that port will ring.

You may use one of two procedures to set the egress table:

• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the Egress Table” on page 944

• “CLI Procedure for Setting the Egress Table” on page 948

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Egress Table

To set the egress table for a digital voice module, use the Configurator procedures

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 945

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Egress (Incoming) Profiles. The Voice
Egress (Incoming) Profiles window opens:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

946 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

3 Click on Modify for the profile you wish to change. The Modifying a Voice
Egress (Incoming) Profile window opens:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 947

The optional parameters for the Voice Egress (Incoming) Profiles are described

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Index Passport 4430/50/55 The lower the index number the

INTEGER (1..32) higher the priority of the
corresponding ingress number, with
the following exception: whenever a
Passport 4460 pound sign (#) is entercountered in
INTEGER (1..60) an ingress profile’s manipulation
string, the result is an immediate
match and that ingress profile is
used. For example, if the dialed
digits are 1234, and ingress
profile 1 has a manipulation string
of 1234 while ingress profile 2 has a
manipulation string of 12#, the
dialed digits will match ingress
profile 2.
Phone Number "String" (0..40) Enter a string of 1 to 40
alpha-numeric characters of a local
voice channel telephone number.
The alpha characters are limited to
the symbols *, [..], and #, with the
meanings listed in the table below.
Manipulation String "String" (0..40) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 40). The
alpha characters are limited to the
symbols *, #, D, h, and I, with the
meanings listed in the table below:
Voice Channels Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a string of up to 30 or 60
"String" (up to 30 digital voice channels in the format
channels; b1b2c10...) shown.

Passport 4460
“String” (size 0..172;

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

948 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Note: When configuring an ISDN BRI module or the DVM voice

module, a manipulation string (#) must be defined in the egress table in
order for the digits to be forwarded from the ISDN BRI voice module to
the locally attached PBX. If the Manipulation String field is left blank, no
dial digits will be forwarded to the PBX that is connected to the voice
channel on the DSP card.

Phone Number Characters

* Used as a single wildcard card.

[xyz.] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any digit within the brackets will produce a
match; any other digit will be rejected. Example; [234578]# will reject any string
that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits immediately following the #.

ManipulationString Characters

* Used as a single wildcard digit.

# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits in the string immediately following the #.
+ Inserts a 1-second pause in the string.
Dn Deletes a particular number (n) of digits immediately following this character
where (n) is a single digit ranging between 1 and 9. To delete more than 9
characters, you must enter additional deletions. For example, to delete 14
characters, insert the symbols D9D5.
D# Deletes all of the digits immediately following these characters.
Innn Inserts specified digits (nnn). Can be any number of digits.
h Inserts a “#” character (required for som PBXs).

4 Click on the Save button when all desired parameters have been entered.
5 Click on the Next and Previous buttons to configure other profiles in the
egress table.

CLI Procedure for Setting the Egress Table

1 To access the egress table commands, enter the following command:
CLI> set voice egressTable

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 949




CLI> set voice egressTable channelList

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..32) Enter a number from 1 to 32.

<ChannelList> "String" (up to 30 Enter a string of up to 30 voice
channels; b1b2c10...) channels in the format shown.

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..60) Enter a number from 1 to 60.

<ChannelList> "String" (size 0..172; Enter a string of up to 60 voice
a1a2b10...;a1-30b1-24) channels in the format shown.

Note: When you assign more than one channel (the usual case) to an
index number, these channels will share the same manipulation string and
the same phone number.

Note: When configuring an ISDN BRI module or the DVM voice

module, a manipulation string (#) must be defined in the egress table in
order for the digits to be forwarded from the ISDN BRI voice module to
the locally attached PBX. If the Manipulation String field is left blank, no
dial digits will be forwarded to the PBX that is connected to the voice
channel on the DSP card.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

950 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice egressTable manipulationString

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a number from 1 to 60. This

INTEGER (1..32) will link the manipulation string to
the voice channel(s) specified by
the set voice egressTable
Passport 4460 channelList subcommand.
INTEGER (1..60)
<ManipulationString> "String" (0..36) Enter a mix of alphanumeric
characters (maximum 36). The
alpha characters are limited to the
symbols *, #, +, D, h, and I, and
have the meanings listed in the
table below.

ManipulationString Characters

* Used as a single wildcard digit.

# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits in the string immediately following the #.
+ Inserts a 1-second pause in the string.
Dn Deletes a particular number (n) of digits immediately following this character
where (n) is a single digit ranging between 1 and 9. To delete more than 9
characters, you must enter additional deletions. For example, to delete 14
characters, insert the symbols D9D5.
D# Deletes all of the digits immediately following these characters.
Innn Inserts specified digits (nnn). Can be any number of digits.
h Inserts a “#” character (required for som PBXs).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 951

CLI> set voice egressTable phoneNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

EgressIndex> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a number from 1 to 60. This

INTEGER (1..32) will link the manipulation string to
the voice channel(s) specified by
the set voice egressTable
Passport 4460 channelList subcommand.
INTEGER (1..60)
<PhoneNumber> "String" (0..40) Enter a string of 1 to 40
alpha-numeric characters of a local
voice channel telephone number.
The alpha characters are limited to
the symbols *, [..], and #, with the
meanings listed in the table below.

PhoneNumber Characters

* Used as a single wild card.

[xyz.] Used as an exclusive single wild card. Any digit within the brackets will produce a
match; any other digit will be rejected. Example; [234578]# will reject any string
that begins with 0, 1, 6, or 9.
# Used to wildcard the rest of the digits immediately following the #.

2 Repeat the “Setting the Egress Table” procedure to continue building the
egress table until all required entries have been filled.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

952 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Digital Call Forwarding and Digit Manipulation

The figure below shows the flow of dialed digits between two digital telephone
installations within the Passport network. Each node is equipped with an E1 Voice
Module (EVM) and two digital Voice Expansion Modules configured with an
aggregate of 30 digital voice module channels arranged in a hunt group.

Los Angeles New York

Digital Node 1 Node 2 Digital
PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PBX
B1 B1
B6 B6

C1 Passport C1
E1 E1
C12 C12 53459

D1 D1 53460

D12 D12


User dials 7, then Los Angeles ingress New York egress table
Example 1: 21253456 number (phone number): manipulation string:
2125**** D3*****
Digits forwarded: PBX sees: 53456

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 953

User dials 7, then Los Angeles ingress New York egress table
Example 2: 21207511234 number (phone number): manipulation string:
2120******* D4I9+*******
Digits forwarded: PBX sees 9 and, one
21207511234 second later, 7511234

Example 1

The user connected to a station of the Los Angeles PBX attempts to reach PBX
station 53456 in New York. To do that, he first dials trunk access code 7.
Following receipt of a dial tone from the first available DVM voice channel in the
Passport 4400 hunt group, he dials 21253456. One of the ingress numbers
provisioned in the Los Angeles ingress table is 2125****. Based on this ingress
number, the digits forwarded to the New York node are 21253456.

At the New York node, some of the digital voice channels, whose phone numbers
match digits 2125****, are indexed for manipulation string D3*****. As a result,
the first digital voice channel matching 2125**** will drop 212, and forward
digits 53456, ringing that PBX station. The call is established when the party at
station 53456 answers.

Note: After completing the call, you must wait a minimum of five
seconds before attempting to make another call over the network.
Otherwise, you will receive a fast busy signal. The five-second delay
compensates for latency inherent in the network. It also allows the PBX
to distinguish between a true on-hook condition and a momentary
flash-hook used to transfer a call, placing the call on hold, or similar
switching action.

Example 2

The user connected to a station of the Los Angeles PBX is attempting to reach a
party in the New York area whose telephone number is 7511234. To do that, the
caller dials 7, then 21207511234. One of the ingress numbers provisioned in the
Los Angeles ingress table is 2120*******. Based on this number, the digits
forwarded to the New York node are 21207511234. At the New York node, some
of the digital voice channels whose numbers match 2120 are indexed for
manipulation string D4I9+*******.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

954 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

As a result, the first digital voice channel matching 2120 will drop 2120, forward
digit 9, wait one second (long enough to obtain a dial tone from its PBX), then
forward digits 7511234. The call is established when the party at 7511234

Note: If the number of digits dialed by the user exceeds 7, as is the case
in the two examples above, make sure that the maxNumFwdDigits profile
parameter was previously set to a value of 8 or higher (default value is 7).
Otherwise, the voice channel will stop collecting digits beyond 7, and no
match will ever be established. To change the maxNumFwdDigits to a
higher value, see “Maximum Number of Forwarded Digits” on
page 1039.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 955

The figure below shows a mix of digital and analog telephone installations within
the Passport network. Here a Passport 4430/50/55 unit at Node 2 is configured
with an E1 Voice Module (EVM) that includes six Digital Voice Modules (DVM)
B1 through B6 in location B, and a dual channel Analog Universal Voice Module
(AUVM) in location C.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

956 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Digital Node 1 Node 2 Digital

PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PBX
Location B
121# B1 2345

122# B2

E1 Passport 123# B3 E1
124# B4

125# B5

126# B6

Location C
Node 1.
Ingress Table C1 PSTN
Index Ingress (FXS)
Number Number Analog
1 12*# 132# PBX
2 131#
3 132# 5685
Node 2.
Egress Table
Phone Channel Manipulation 5685
Index Number Number String
1 121# B1 D3#
2 122# B2 D3# PSTN
3 123# B3 D3#
4 124# B4 D3#
5 125# B5 D3#
6 126# B6 D3#
7 131# C1 ---
8 132# C2 D3#

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 957

The six DVMs are configured with extension numbers 121 through 126,
respectively, and are logically connected over an E1 line to a digital PBX.
Connection to the E1 line was previously established with the command CLI>set
t1e1 ds0Connect.

Of the two analog voice channels in the AUVM, C1 is equipped with an FXS
interface module configured with network extension number 131, and connected
to an analog telephone. Analog channel C2 is equipped with an FXO interface
module configured with network extension number 132, and connected to station
5678 of an analog PBX.

At the Node 1 end, the first three entries in the ingress table contain the ingress
numbers associated with the Node 2 egress table.

Example 3

Assume that the user at Node 1 wants to contact station 2345 of the digital PBX at
Node 2. To do that, he dials the trunk access code, then 1252345. The digits 12*
are used by the Voice Network Call Server (VNCS) to identify the destination of
the call as Node 2. Based on ingress number 12*#, all seven digits are forwarded
to Node 2. Here, 125 directs the call to DVM B5. As noted before, DVM B5 was
previously connected to one of the E1 channels, possibly DS0 5 or any one of the
remaining 29 channels.

Consulting the Node 2 egress table, the manipulation string of index 5 is D3#.

Note: The # sign is needed to insure that the remaining digits, whatever
their number, are to be forwarded to the PBX. If a 4-digit numbering plan
is used, the manipulation string could be changed to D3****.

As a result, the digits 125 are dropped from the string, and the remainder, digits
2345, are forwarded to the digital PBX, ringing station 2345. Besides station
2345, the user may access any other station on the digital PBX, or go off net via
the PSTN connection, by dialing the appropriate combination of trailing digits
instead of 2345.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

958 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Summary for example 3

Received digits Voice port phone Manipulation string in Digits forwarded from
number egress table voice port to PBX
1252345 125# D3# or D3**** 2345

Example 4

To contact the analog telephone connected to FXS voice channel C1, the user at
Node 1 would dial the trunk access code, then 131. The digits 13 are also resolved
to Node 2. Subsequently, digits 131 are forwarded to analog FXS channel C1,
ringing the attached telephone. Note that there is no manipulation string
associated with index 7 in the Node 2 egress table, since this telephone is the final

Summary for example 4

Received digits Voice port phone Manipulation string in Digits forwarded from
number egress table voice port to PBX
131 131 none none

Example 5

To reach a station, such as 5685, on the analog PBX of Node 2, the user at Node 1
would dial the trunk access code, then 1325685. Following address resolution, the
digits 1325685 are forwarded to analog voice channel C2. This channel is
physically connected to analog PBX station 5685. Based on the manipulation
string associated with index 8, the digits 132 are dropped, and digits 5685 are
forwarded to the PBX, ringing station 5685. As in the digital case, the user may
access any other station on the analog PBX, or go off net via the PSTN
connection, by dialing the appropriate combination of trailing digits instead of

Summary for example 5

Received digits Voice port phone Manipulation string in Digits forwarded from
number egress table voice port to PBX
1325685 132# D3# or D3**** 5685

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 959

Analog Call Forwarding and Digit Manipulation

The following figure shows the flow of dialed digits between two analog
telephone installations within the Passport network.

Los Angeles New York

Node 1 Node 2
Passport 4400 Passport 4400
B1 B1

B2 B2 53457

C1 C1
C2 Passport C2
D1 D1 53459

D2 D2
E1 E1

E2 E2 53461


Los Angeles ingress New York egress table

Example 1: User dials 7, then number (phone number): manipulation string:
21253456 2125**** D3*****

Digits forwarded: PBX sees: 53456


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

960 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Los Angeles ingress New York egress table

Example 2: User dials 7, then number (phone number): manipulation string:
21207511234 2120******* D4I9+*******

Digits forwarded: PBX sees 9 and, one

21207511234 second later, 7511234

In Example 1, the user connected to a station of the Los Angeles PBX attempts to
reach PBX station 53456 in New York. To do that, the caller first dials trunk
access code 7. Following receipt of a dial tone from the first available voice
channel in the hunt group, he dials 21253456. One of the ingress numbers (phone
number) configured in the Los Angeles ingress table is 2125****. Based on this
number, the digits 21253456 are forwarded to the New York node.

At the New York node, some of the voice channels, whose phone numbers match
digits 2125****, are indexed for manipulation string D3*****. As a result, the
first voice channel matching 2125**** will drop 212, and forward digits 53456,
ringing that PBX station. The call is established when the party at station 53456

In Example 2, the caller in Los Angeles is attempting to reach a party in the New
York area whose telephone number is 7511234. To do that, the caller dials 7, then
21207511234. One of the ingress numbers (phone number) provisioned in the Los
Angeles ingress table is 2120*******. Based on this number, the digits
21207511234 are forwarded to the New York node. At the New York node, some
of the digital voice channels, whose first four digits are 2120, are indexed for
manipulation string D4I9+*******.

As a result, the first voice channel matching 2120 will drop 2120, forward digit 9,
wait one second (long enough to obtain a dial tone from its PBX), then forward
digits 7511234. The call is established when the party at 7511234 answers.

Note: If the number of digits dialed by the user exceeds 7, as is the case
in the two examples above, make sure that the maxNumFwdDigits profile
parameter was previously set to a value of 8 or higher (default value is 7).
Otherwise, the voice channel will stop collecting digits beyond 7, and no
match will ever be established. To change the maxNumFwdDigits to a
higher value, refer to the Voice Profile Options chapter on page 965.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 961

The following figure shows a combination of digital and analog telephone

installations within the Passport network. Here a Passport 4430/50/55 unit at
Node 2 is configured with an E1 Voice Module (EVM) that includes six Digital
Voice Modules (DVM), B1 through B6 in location B, and a dual-channel Analog
Universal Voice Module in location C.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

962 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Digital Node 1 Node 2 Digital

PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PBX
Location B
121# B1 2345

122# B2

Passport 123# B3
E1 E1
124# B4

125# B5

126# B6

Location C
Node 1.
Ingress Table C1 PSTN
Index Ingress (FXS)
Number Number Analog
1 12*# 132# PBX
2 131#
3 132# 5685
Node 2.
Egress Table
Phone Channel Manipulation 5685
Index Number Number String
1 121# B1 D3#
2 122# B2 D3# PSTN
3 123# B3 D3#
4 124# B4 D3#
5 125# B5 D3#
6 126# B6 D3#
7 131# C1 ---
8 132# C2 D3#

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 963

The six DVMs are configured with extension numbers 121# through 126#,
respectively, and are logically connected over an E1 line to a digital PBX.
Connection to the E1 line was previously established with the command CLI>set
t1e1 ds0Connect.

Of the two analog voice channels in the AUVM, C1 is equipped with an FXS
interface module configured with network extension number 131, and connected
to an analog telephone. Analog channel C2 is equipped with an FXO interface
module configured with network extension number 132, and connected to station
5678 of an analog PBX.

At the Node 1 end, the first three entries in the ingress table contain the ingress
numbers associated with the Node 2 egress table.

Example 3

Assume that the user at Node 1 wants to contact station 2345 of the digital PBX at
Node 2. To do that, the user dials 1252345. The digits 12# are used by the Voice
Network Call Server (VNCS) to identify the destination of the call as Node 2.
Based on ingress number 12*#, all seven digits are forwarded to Node 2. Here,
125 directs the call to DVM B5. As noted before, DVM channel B5 was
previously connected to one of the E1 channels, possibly DS0 5 or any one of the
remaining 29 channels.

Consulting the Node 2 egress table, the manipulation string of egress index 5 is

Note: The # sign is needed to insure that the remaining digits, whatever
their number, are to be forwarded to the PBX. If a 4-digit numbering plan
is used, the manipulation string could be changed to D3****.

As a result, the digits 125 are dropped from the string, and the remainder, digits
2345, are forwarded to the digital PBX, ringing station 2345. Besides station
2345, the user may access any other station on the digital PBX, or go off net via
the PSTN connection, by dialing the appropriate combination of trailing digits,
instead of 2345.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

964 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Summary for example 3

Voice port Manipulation string in Digits forwarded from

Received digits
phone number egress table voice port to PBX

1252345 125# D3# or D3**** 2345

Example 4

To talk to the analog telephone connected to FXS voice channel C1, the user at
Node 1 would dial 131. The digits 13* are also resolved to Node 2. Subsequently,
digits 131 are forwarded to analog FXS channel C1, ringing the attached
telephone. Note that there is no manipulation string associated with index 7 in the
Node 2 egress table, since this telephone is the final destination.

Summary for example 4

Voice port phone Manipulation string Digits forwarded from

Received digits
number in egress table voice port to PBX

131 131 none none

Example 5

To reach a station, such as 5685, on the analog PBX of Node 2, the user at Node 1
would dial 1325685. Following address resolution, the digits 1325685 are
forwarded to analog voice channel C2. This channel is physically connected to
analog PBX station 5685. Based on the manipulation string associated with index
8, the digits 132 are dropped, and digits 5685 are forwarded to the PBX, ringing
station 5685. As in the digital case, the user may access any other station on the
analog PBX, or go off net via the PSTN connection, by dialing the appropriate
combination of trailing digits instead of 5685.

Summary for example 5

Voice port phone Manipulation string Digits forwarded from

Received digits
number in egress table voice port to PBX

1325685 132 D3# or D3**** 5685

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 965

Voice Profile Options

To configure the parameters of a voice/fax channel, you must first create a library
of voice/fax profiles (a maximum of 32 for Passport 4430/50/55, and 60 for
Passport 4460). Each profile includes a set of voice/fax characteristics that
uniquely match that profile with an associated telephone interface. Once the
library has been created, you may assign any profile to any one or more of the
voice/fax channels within your unit. Assigning a profile to a voice channel is
described later in this chapter.

You may use one of four procedures to set the voice profiles:

• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4430/50/55)” on

page 965
• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)” on
page 988
• “CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4430/50/55)” on
page 1011
• “CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)” on page 1045

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4430/


To set the voice profile for a voice module, use the Configurator procedures

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

966 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At Voice Profiles (Common Parameters), select the profile you want to

configure and click the Modify button. The Voice Profile window opens:

3 Click on the Save button when all desired common parameters have been

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 967

4 Click on the Next and Previous buttons to configure the common parameters
for more voice profiles.
5 At the top of the window, click on Voice Channels. You will see the Voice
Channels window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

968 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

6 At Voice Profiles (Interface Specific Parameters), select the profile you want
to configure and click the Modify button. You will see the Voice Profile
(Interface Specific Parameters) window:

7 Click on the Save button when the desired parameters that relate to the
interface you are configuring have been modified.
8 Click on the Next and Previous buttons to configure the interface specific
parameters for more voice profiles.

The optional parameters for the Voice Profiles (Common and Interface Specific
Parameters) are listed and described below:

Parameter Parameter

• “Auto Gain Control” on page 969 • “End-of-Dial Character” on page 982

• “Background” on page 970 • “FAX Digitizing Rate” on page 983
• “Background Noise Level (Analog & DVM)” • “FXO Number of Rings (FXO &
on page 970 Voice/Fax Switching Module)” on
page 983

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 969

• “Bandwidth” on page 970 • “FXS Ringing Frequency (FXS &

Voice/Fax Switching Module)” on
page 983
• “BRI Pulse Rate” on page 970** • “FXS Signaling Format (FXS Only)”
on page 984
• “Busyout Mode” on page 970 • “Idle Pattern (BRI Only)” on
page 984
• “Call Progression Tone” on page 971 • “Input Level Gain” on page 984
• “Compander Format (DVM & BRI)” on • “Jitter” on page 984
page 971
• “Dial Digit Time Limit (High Resolution)” on • “Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced,
page 972 E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced Only)”
on page 985
• “Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)” on • “Max. Forwarded Digits” on
page 972 page 985
• “DTMF Burst Gen Length (BRI Only)” on • “Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire
page 972 Only)” on page 986
• “DTMF Burst Regen Length (BRI Only)” on • “Noise Floor Offset” on page 986
page 972
• “DTMF Tone Detection” on page 973 • “Output Level Attenuation” on
page 986
• “DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)” on • “Premium Voice (DVM Only)” on
page 973 page 986
• “E&M Analog Operation (E&M Only)” on • “Regeneration Delay” on page 986
page 980
• “E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)” on • “Regeneration Format” on page 987
page 980
• “Echo Cancel Erl Improve” on page 982** • “Silence Hangover Delay” on
page 987
• “Echo Cancel Filter Length (BRI Only)” on • “Voice Mode” on page 987
page 982
• “Echo Canceller” on page 982 •
**Options marked with a double asterisk (**) are not implemented.
All others are described in the following paragraphs.

Auto Gain Control

The Auto Gain Control parameter allows you to enable automatic level
enhancement, a feature that boosts weak DTMF and voice signals above the noise
threshold to a minimum usable level.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

970 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel


The Background parameter is used to determine whether users hear silence or

regenerated background noise when no signal is being sent across the line. This
feature is only valid when the Bandwidth parameter is set to Voice Activated, and
assists those users who find silence suppression distracting.

Background Noise Level (Analog & DVM)

The Background Noise Level parameter is used to set the voice channel
background noise level, in dBm0. Once set, this level is then used as a threshold to
distinguish between the signal and background noise. During idle time, when the
background noise level is detected, the voice channel is turned off, and its
bandwidth is diverted for use by other channels. This bandwidth-saving feature is
effective only when the Bandwidth profile parameter is set to Voice Activated.


The Bandwidth parameter allows you to select one of two methods of bandwidth

• Voice Activated — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses bandwidth
at the built-in digitizing rate only when speech is present. This option
enables the Background parameter.
• Continuous — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses bandwidth for
the entire time that the channel is in use. You may use this option if you
want to transmit background noise or music while on hold.

BRI Pulse Rate

BRI Pulse Rate is not implemented at this time.

Busyout Mode

The Busyout Mode parameter is used to select one of the following three methods
for controlling the busyout state of the channel:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 971

• System Controlled — this option places the voice/fax channel in a busyout

state during link outages of 40 seconds or more, or when there is not
enough bandwidth available to support the voice/fax channel.
• Forced On — this option forces the voice/fax channel into the busyout
state. This option is used to disable an intermittent or defective voice/fax
channel until it can be repaired.
• Forced Off — this option prevents the channel from going busy, even
during link outages or congestion. This option is normally used when
testing the channel.

Note: When the channel is in the busyout mode, the channel indicator
will be flashing red every second.

Call Progression Tone

The Call Progression Tone parameter allows you to match the call progress tones
to one of eight countries or areas where the network is installed. The following
options are available:

• North America
• Japan
• United Kingdom
• Europe
• France
• Central America
• Chile
• Australia

Compander Format (DVM & BRI)

The Compander Format parameter is used to compress digital signals prior to

transmission, then restore them to their original condition at the receiving end.

• uLaw -- North American standard, usually for T1 connections

• aLaw -- European standard, usually for E1 connections

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

972 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Dial Digit Time Limit (High Resolution)

The Dial Digit Time Limit parameter is used to specify the maximum time (from
the start of one digit to the start of the next) for accepting dialed digits. When the
time limit is reached, further digits are not accepted, and the accumulated digits
are forwarded to the remote voice channel. This option works in conjunction with
the ingress and egress tables and their respective manipulation strings to allow
users to dial a single number to reach a site accessed through multiple extensions.
The range of values is stated in tenths of a second (0.1 second). The default setting
is 100 tenths of a second (10 seconds). This allows a person time to pause and
check a number being dialed. When using pulse dialing, the parameter must be set
for 2 seconds (20 tenths of a second) or more to accommodate the high-order
digits, such as 8 or 9.

Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)

The Disconnect Supervision parameter is used to select the method used to detect
when the telephone equipment attached to a voice port goes from an off-hook
(active) to an on-hook (idle) state. You have the following two options:

• Power Interrupt — the voice channel monitors Tip and Ring for the
absence of loop current for 600 ms or longer. Note that the attached PBX
must be capable of supporting this setting as described.
• Tone — if the attached PBX or CO cannot supply a power interrupt
signal, the voice channel looks for a call progress tone of 600 Hz or less.
Only FXO to FXS applications are supported with this setting.

DTMF Burst Gen Length (BRI Only)

The DTMF Burst Gen Length parameter is used to set the duration of the DTMF
burst length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the interfacing PBX. This value
must be at least as long (in milliseconds) as the DTMF detector of the interfacing

DTMF Burst Regen Length (BRI Only)

The DTMF Burst Regen Length parameter is used to set the value of the DTMF
burst length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the BRI voice module. The PBX
must send a DTMF tone burst for at least the length of time (in milliseconds) set
for this parameter.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 973

DTMF Tone Detection

The DTMF Tone Detection parameter is used to enable or disable the DTMF tone
detector. When disabled, DTMF signals are digitized locally the same way as
voice, and converted at the remote end to analog tones with varying pulse widths.

When enabled, DTMF signals are not digitized locally. Instead, the local voice
channel sends a set of coded commands to the remote end, where the DTMF tones
are regenerated with a uniform pulse width of 100 milliseconds.

DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)

The DVM Signaling Format parameter is used to match the signaling format of
the digital voice port to the interfacing PBX. The following options are available:

• Tie Trunk (for T1 and E1)*

• Tie Invert (for T1 and E1)
• Clear Channel (for T1 and E1)
• DC5B (for E1 only)*
• Inverted DC5B (for E1 only)
• R2/PUNCOM (for E1 only)
• R2/Q.421 (for E1 only)*
• Israel CAS (for E1 only)
• Spain CAS (for E1 only)
• Wink Start (for T1 and E1)

*Not currently implemented.

Tie Trunk

For tieTrunk, signaling bit A defines the on-hook/off-hook conditions as shown

below. Signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by “X”, a "don’t care" condition.

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) Low X X X Low X X X

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

974 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Seized (Off-Hook) High X X X Low X X X

Answered High X X X High X X X
Busy High X X X High X X X

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows Tie Trunk Channel Associated
Signaling (CAS) protocol emulation established by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Tie Invert

For tieInvert, signaling bit A defines the on-hook/off-hook conditions as shown

below. Signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by “X”, a "don’t care" condition.

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) High X X X High X X X

Seized (Off-Hook) Low X X X High X X X
Answered Low X X X Low X X X
Busy Low X X X Low X X X

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows Tie Invert CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Clear Channel

When clearChannel is selected the voice path in the channel is open all the time,
independent of the signaling bits or tones present in the channel. In this case, link
bandwidth assignment is based on the presence or absence of audio signals (voice/
fax) when Voice Activated is the selected Bandwidth option.

Select this signaling format when using Transparent CCS. See “Transparent CCS”
on page 1322 for details.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 975


For dc5B,signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook conditions as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) High High Low High High High Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) Low High Low High High High Low High
Answered Low High Low High Low High Low High
Busy Low High Low High Low High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows DC5B CAS protocol emulation
established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Inverted DC5B

For dc5bInvert, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook

conditions as follows:

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) Low High Low High Low High Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) High High Low High Low High Low High
Answered High High Low High High High Low High
Busy High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows inverted DC5B CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

976 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel


For r2PUNCOM, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook

conditions as follows:

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle High High Low High High High Low High

Seized Low High Low High High High Low High
Seize ACK Low High Low High Low High Low High
Answered Low High Low High Low High Low High
Clear Back Low High Low High High High Low High
Clear Forward High High Low High Low High Low High
High High Low High
Blocked High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows R2 Puncom CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.


For r2Q421, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle High Low Low High High Low Low High

Seized Low Low Low High High Low Low High
Seize ACK Low Low Low High High High Low High
Answered Low Low Low High Low High Low High
Clear Back Low Low Low High High High Low High
Clear Forward High Low Low High Low High Low High

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 977

High High Low High
Blocked High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows R2/Q.421 CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Israel CAS

For israelCAS, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) High Low Low High High Low Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) Low Low Low High High Low Low High
Answered Low Low Low High Low Low Low High
Busy Low Low Low High Low Low Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows IsraelCAS Protocol emulation
established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Spain CAS

For spainCAS, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as



State A B C D

Idle Tx High Low Low High

idle Rx High Low Low High
Off-Hook Tx Low Low Low High
Off-Hook Rx Low Low Low High

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

978 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Admin Block Tx High High Low High

Admin Block Rx High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows SpainCAS Protocol emulation
established by Telefonica Spain.

Wink Start

When CAS signaling format winkStart is selected, signaling bit A defines the
on-hook/off-hook conditions as follows (signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by
“x”, a "don’t care condition".

Originating Terminating

PBX to Voice Voice Channel to Voice Channel to PBX to Voice

Channel PBX PBX Channel

Local PBX Local Voice Remote Voice Remote PBX

Wink Start Events
(Outgoing Call) Channel Channel (Incoming Call)

Idle state (On-hook) 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
local PBX
Local wink (from local voice 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
channel to local PBX) 1 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
Local PBX sends DTMF ....................... ....................... ....................... .......................
digits to local voice channel
Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote voice channel
Remote wink sent by 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote PBX to remote 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x
voice channel
1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
DTMF sent to remote PBX 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
Called party answers 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 979

Wink Start Operation

In the example shown below, a local user connected to a digital PBX attempts to
reach a user connected to a remote digital PBX at station 56. Each PBX trunk is
attached to a T1/E1 digital voice module (referred to as a channel in subsequent
discussions) housed within a Passport 4430/50/55 unit. Connection between the
two voice channels may be established over the switched network.

It is assumed that the network extension number of the remote voice channel is
1234. It is further assumed that both voice channels are configured for the
winkStart DVM signaling format, and that local and remote ingress/egress tables
and their respective manipulation strings are properly configured.

Following is a sequence of events involved in establishing a connection between

the two users:


Local Local Remote Remote

PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PBX
Station Trunk Trunk Station
Dial Side Side X1234 Side Side

Store 123456 and Return 200 ms Go off-hook, start Return Wink, then
raise signaling bit Wink Signal. Use timer, after timer connect station 56.
A. After receipt of 1234 to establish expires, forward
Wink, forward connection and digits 56.
digits 123456. forward digits

1 The local user dials 123456.

2 The local PBX stores digits 123456, and seizes the time slot by switching
signaling bit A from 0 to 1. (See table in “Wink Start” on page 1027)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

980 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

3 After a minimum of 100 milliseconds, the local voice channel (DVM)

responds with a wink signal ranging from 140 to 290 milliseconds (200 ms
nominal), then returns a dial tone.
4 The local PBX forwards digits 123456 to the local DVM.
5 The local DVM uses digits 1234 to establish a connection with the remote
voice channel, and forwards digits 123456.
6 With connection between the local and remote voice channels established,
the remote voice channel goes off-hook to the remote PBX, and starts a pre
configured regeneration time delay. See “Delay (High Regeneration)” on
page 1018.
7 Shortly after 100 milliseconds, and before the time delay expires, the remote
PBX returns a wink signal to the remote voice channel. This signal is ignored
by the remote voice channel. When the time delay expires, the remote voice
channel regenerates digits 56 in either dial pulse or DTMF, based on the
format configured for that channel. Using the regenerated digits, the PBX
rings station 56. Connection is established when the user at station 56

E&M Analog Operation (E&M Only)

The E&M Analog Operation parameter allows you to select either 2-wire or
4-wire operation to match the interfacing PBX.

E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)

The E&M Signaling Format parameter is used to select one of four methods to
signal (and sense) the on-hook/off-hook condition of an E&M telephone
connection, as follows: DC, 2280 Tone, Pulsed DC, and Wink Start.

• DC The channel senses the active/idle condition of the remote end by the
dc level on its M lead, and signals to the remote end its active/idle
condition by a dc level on its E lead.
• 2280 Tone — The channel senses the idle condition of the remote end by
the presence of a 2280-Hz tone on its T-R pair, and holds a 2280-Hz tone
on its T1-R1 pair to indicate its idle condition to the remote end. This
option is applicable only to 4-wire connections.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 981

• Pulsed DC — A call connect request is made by sending a pulse of a

medium duration on the transmit lead, and the call request is
acknowledged by a return pulse of the same duration on the receive lead.
• Wink Start — The Wink Start feature is designed to support voice
switching between selected PBXs, such as the AT&T Legends. When
selected, the user at the originating PBX seizes the M-lead and waits for a
wink signal response from the local voice channel. Only then does the
originating PBX forward the dialed digits to the destination voice
channel. At the destination end, the voice channel seizes the E-lead and
starts a regeneration delay timer (see “Regeneration Delay” on page 986).
When the delay timer expires, the remaining digits are forwarded to the
destination PBX.

As shown below, the user at the Los Angeles PBX attempts to reach station
56 at the Dallas PBX. To do that, the user goes off-line, waits for a dial tone
from the PBX, then dials the number string 6123456.Trunk access code 6
causes the Los Angeles PBX to store digits 123456, seize the trunk M lead,
Example: and wait for a wink signal response from the Los Angeles voice channel on
its E lead. Upon receipt of the wink signal response, the Los Angeles PBX
forwards digits 123456 on the T/R lines to the Los Angeles Passport 4400
unit. Having made a determination that 1234 is not a local but a Dallas
network extension, it forwards 1234 to the Dallas Passport 4400 unit.
Next, the Dallas voice channel goes off-hook by seizing the E lead, and
starts a regeneration delay timer. When the regeneration delay time expires,
the voice module forwards digits 56 in DTMF or pulse form, as configured, to
the Dallas PBX. In turn, the Dallas PBX rings station 56. Connection is
established when Dallas station 56 goes off-hook. It is assumed that the
Dallas PBX will have responded with a wink signal on the M lead during the
regeneration delay time.

Los Angeles Dallas

Passport Passport
4400 4400
Station Trunk Passport
Trunk Station
4400 Passport

Side Side
Side Side
Voice/Fax Voice/Fax
Channel Channel

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

982 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Echo Cancel Erl Improve

Echo Cancel Erl Improve is not implemented at this time.

Echo Cancel Filter Length (BRI Only)

The Echo Cancel Filter Length parameter is used to select the number of samples
the Echo Canceller will operate on (128 or 256). The more samples taken, the
better the Echo Canceller performance, but the greater the delay. 16ms (128 bytes)
is sufficient for most cases, and should be used unless the echo in the network is

bytes samples time

128 bytes 128 samples 16ms
256 bytes 256 samples 32ms

Echo Canceller

The Echo Canceller parameter is used to enable or disable the echo canceller

• Set to Enable during normal operations.

• Set to Disable when performing external tests; or when using an external
echo canceller.

End-of-Dial Character

The End-of-Dial Character parameter is used in conjunction with ingress and

egress tables and their respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a
single number to reach a site accessed through multiple extensions.

• When Enabled, receipt of a # sign following a string of digits will cause

the voice channel to forward all digits immediately, without waiting for
the accumulation of the maximum number of forwarded digits or for the
dial digit time limit to expire.
• When Disabled, the voice channel will forward digits when the maximum
number of digits have been accumulated, or when the dial digit time limit
has expired.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 983

FAX Digitizing Rate

The Fax Digitizing Rate parameter is used to select digitizing rates for fax signals.
Normally, separate fax digitizing rates are used. If the Fax Digitizing Rate is set to
Voice, the digitizing rate for fax signals is limited to 7200 bps. You may select one
of the following fax digitizing rates: Voice Rate, 2400bps, 4800bps, 7200 bps, or

FXO Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module)

The FXO Number of Rings parameter is used to set the number of ring cycles a
local FXO channel will wait for before providing a dial tone. As displayed in the
figure below, when an attempt is made to contact a network channel from a PBX
station, the user first dials the local FXO channel and waits for a second dial tone.
In response, the local FXO channel waits for one or more ring cycles before
providing that dial tone. The user then dials the extension number of the network
channel. You can enter a number between 1 and 9.

PBX Local Passport 4400 Remote Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400
Trunk Station
Side Side
FXO Channels FXS Channels

FXS Ringing Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module)

The FXS Ringing Frequency parameter is used to set the frequency of the signal
that causes an attached telephone to ring when a call is coming in on that channel.
The following options are available:

• 25 Hz — used for most applications

• 50 Hz — used with some European telephone systems

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

984 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

FXS Signaling Format (FXS Only)

The FXS Signaling Format parameter is used to set the ringing cadence for the
FXS interface. The following options are listed:

• Interrupted Ring — ring for two seconds, and off for four seconds.
• Repeated Ring — this option is currently not implemented.

Idle Pattern (BRI Only)

The Idle Pattern parameter is used to configure a pattern value, ranging from 0 to
255. This pattern is then inserted into the line after a voice/fax session has been
terminated, indicating that currently there is no voice/fax activity along the
channel. When this pattern is detected, the echo canceller is reset and the voice/
fax channel is returned to the voice mode.

Input Level Gain

The Input Level Gain parameter is used to set the amplification level for the voice/
fax input signal. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 19 dB. For more
information regarding setting the input level gain, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The input level gain must be set to comply with the standards of
the country wherein the equipment is used.


The Jitter parameter is used to enter a delay time in the jitter buffer, a device used
to compensate for the delay of transmitted voice packets across a network. This
feature provides compensation for the difference between actual arrival time and
expected arrival time of voice packets, maintaining continuous voice delivery.
You can enter values ranging from 0 to 200, in increments of 1 millisecond. A
setting of 0 disables the jitter compensation feature, providing no compensation.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 985

Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced


The Line Impedance parameter is used to set the line impedance options for the
FXS, FXO, and E&M 2-wire interfaces (see table below). The line impedance of
the E&M interface configured for 4-wire operation is fixed at 600 ohms and is not
configurable. The following table lists line impedance matching options for
different interfaces.

Option Impedance FXS FXO E&M 2-wire E&M 4-wire

600 ohms 600 ohms No No, AVM Yes Fixed

resistive Yes, UAVM
600 ohms Yes Yes No No
+ 2.2 microfarad
Complex 370 ohms Yes Yes Yes No
+ 0.31 microfarad in
parallel with
620 ohms
220 ohms
+ 0.12 microfarad in
parallel with
820 ohms

Max. Forwarded Digits

The Max. Forwarded Digits parameter is used to specify the maximum number of
dialing digits, ranging from 0 to 36, to be dialed. If this number is reached, the
accumulated digits are forwarded without having to wait until the Dial Digit Time
Limit is reached. Default value is 7. This assures backward compatibility, and
requires positive action by the user to enable this feature.

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
distant PBX station.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

986 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only)

The Maximum Output Level parameter is used to set the maximum output level to
be used with a voice channel configured for 4-wire E&M. The following options
are available:

• +7 dBM — used when the interfacing tie trunk equipment includes a pad.
• 0 dBM — used for all other applications.

Noise Floor Offset

Noise Floor Offset is not implemented at this time.

Output Level Attenuation

The Output Level Attenuation parameter is used to set the output voice/fax signal
attenuation level. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 25 dB. For more
information regarding setting the output level attenuation, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The output level attenuation must be set to comply with the
standards of the country wherein the equipment is used.

Premium Voice (DVM Only)

The Premium Voice parameter is supported between Passport 4400 units. It

specifies to the digital voice module (DVM) where to enable or disable the
transparent voice (no decompression) algorithm. This feature is only guaranteed
when using the Hoot and Holler Application.

Regeneration Delay

The Regeneration Delay parameter is used to select the amount of delay, ranging
from 0.1 to 15 seconds (1 to 150 tenths of a second), required to compensate for
the time it takes for the remote PBX to go off-hook and provide dial tone back to
the voice channel for completing the call setup. The range of values is stated in
tenths of a second (0.1 second), and the default setting is 10 (tenths of a second).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 987

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
site accessed through multiple extensions.

Regeneration Format

The Regeneration Format parameter is used to allow the voice/fax channel to

match the outgoing dialing digits with that of the interfacing PBX. The following
options are available:

• Dial Pulse — used for call setup when the interfacing PBX requires that the
incoming dialing digits be in a dial pulse format. Once the voice path is
established, the DTMF to pulse conversion will not take place. Pulse will be
regenerated as pulse and DTMF will be regenerated as DTMF (if DTMF Tone
Detection is turned on at both ends of the call).
• DTMF — used when the interfacing PBX requires that the incoming dialing
digits be in a DTMF format.

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
site accessed through multiple extensions.

Silence Hangover Delay

The Silence Hangover Delay parameter is used to specify the time required for
speech to be absent (signal level lower than background noise level) before
silence suppression is activated. The range is 100 to 800 milliseconds, selectable
in increments of 100 milliseconds.

Voice Mode

The Voice Mode parameter is used to set the voice channel to voice/fax, or
voice-only operation. Both options are described below:

• Voice/Fax operation — in which the voice channel will process voice or

fax signals. Normally, the channel will operate in voice mode. If a fax
signal is detected, the channel will automatically switch to fax mode. It
will stay in that mode until fax signals are no longer detected, and then
switch back to voice mode. Use this option for most voice/fax

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

988 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

• Voice-Only operation — in which the channel will remain in voice mode

all the time. Use this option if the voice/fax channel is dedicated to voice
traffic only. You must select this mode when performing frequency/level
tests of the channel. This prevents the channel from accidentally entering
the fax mode when a test tone is used.

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)

To set the voice profile for a voice module, use the Configurator procedures

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 989

You will see the Voice Channels window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

990 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

2 At Voice Profiles (Common Parameters), select the profile you want to

configure and click the Modify button. You will see the Voice Profile window:

3 Click on the Save button when all desired common parameters have been
4 Click on the Next and Previous buttons to configure the common parameters
for more voice profiles.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 991

5 At the top of the window, click on Voice Channels. You will see the Voice
Channels window:

6 At Voice Profiles (Interface Specific Parameters), select the profile you want
to configure and click the Modify button. You will see the Voice Profile
(Interface Specific Parameters) window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

992 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

7 Click on the Save button when the desired parameters that relate to the
interface you are configuring have been modified.
8 Click on the Next and Previous buttons to configure the interface specific
parameters for more voice profiles.

The optional parameters for the Voice Profiles (Common and Interface Specific
Parameters) are listed and described below:


• “Background” on page 993 • “End-of-Dial Character” on page 1004

• “Bandwidth” on page 993 • “Enh BckGrnd Noise Level” on
page 1005
• “BRI Clock Source” on page 993 • “Enh Silence Hng Ovr Time” on
page 1005
• “Busyout Mode” on page 995 • “EVM Interface Type” on page 1005
• “Call Progression Tone” on page 995 • “FAX Digitizing Rate” on page 1005
• “Compander Format (DVM & BRI)” on • “Fax Idle Suppression” on page 1006
page 996
• “Dial Digit Time Limit (High Resolution)” on • “FXO Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/
page 996 Fax Switching Module)” on page 1006
• “Digitizing Rate” on page 996 • “FXS Ringing Frequency (FXS &
Voice/Fax Switching Module)” on
page 1006
• “Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)” on • “FVM Interface Type” on page 1007
page 996
• “DTMF Burst Gen Length (BRI Only)” on • “Idle Pattern” on page 1007
page 997
• “DTMF Burst Regen Length (BRI Only)” • “Input Level Gain” on page 1007
on page 997
• “DTMF Tone Detection” on page 997 • “Jitter” on page 1008
• “DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)” on • “Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced,
page 997 E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced Only)” on
page 1008
• “E&M Analog Operation (E&M Only)” on • “Max. Forwarded Digits” on
page 1002 page 1009
• “E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)” on • “Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire
page 1002 Only)” on page 1009
• “Ecan Disable Mode” on page 1003 • “Min Echo Ret Loss” on page 1009

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 993

• “Ecan Double Talk Detect” on page 1003 • “Output Level Attenuation” on

page 1009
• “Ecan Filter Mode” on page 1004 • “Premium Voice (DVM Only)” on
page 1010
• “Ecan High Pass Filter” on page 1004 • “Regeneration Delay” on page 1010
• “Echo Cancel Filter Length (BRI Only)” on • “Voice Mode” on page 1010
page 1004
• “Echo Canceller” on page 1004
**Options marked with a double asterisk (**) are not implemented.
All others are described in the following paragraphs.


The Background parameter is used to determine whether users hear silence or

regenerated background noise when no signal is being sent across the line.This
feature is only valid when the Bandwidth parameter is set to Voice Activated, and
assists those users who find silence suppression distracting.


The Bandwidth parameter allows you to select one of two methods of bandwidth

• Voice Activated — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses

bandwidth at the built-in digitizing rate only when speech is present. This
option enables the Background parameter.
• Continuous — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses bandwidth for
the entire time that the channel is in use. You may use this option if you
want to transmit background noise or music while on hold.

BRI Clock Source

The BRI Clock Source parameter is used to determine clocking source the BVM
uses for synchronization.

• Internal — this option uses the clock provided by the on board oscillator.
(NT mode)
• External — this option uses the clock provided by the PBX. (TE mode)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

994 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

• Backplane — this option uses the master clock provided by the base
module. (NT mode)
Note: If selecting External, refer to TE mode configuration guidelines below.

TE mode configuration guidelines

1 Since both ports of a 2 port BVM share one TDM interface internally, a single
clock source must be used as the primary clock for internal operation. The
following table lists the effective primary clock source depending on mode of
operation for each port of a 2 port BVM.

Operation Resulting Resulting

Primary clock source
mode clock source clock source
for internal operation
Port1-Port2 for Port1 for Port2
NT -NT Internal/backplane Internal/backplane Internal/backplane
NT - TE From port2 From port2 External trunk on
TE - NT From port1 External trunk on From port1
TE - TE From port1 External trunk on External trunk on
port1 port2

2 Changing the TE / NT mode requires a restart of the Passport 4460 unit.

3 Due to the precise clock synchronization requirements of FAX calls, the
following restrictions apply for fax calls:
• When primary clock source is lost, internal clock is used automatically
until primary clock source is restored. Fax calls may drop due to the
resulting clock synchronization loss between the PBX and BRI ports in
TE mode.
• When both BRI ports are configured to TE mode, the PBX trunks to both
ports must be synchronized.
4 Both channels belonging to a particular BRI port must use the same clock
source. If each channel belonging to a particular BRI port is configured to use
a different clock source, then the clock source configured for channel one will
be used for both channels.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 995

Busyout Mode

The Busyout Mode parameter is used to select one of the following three methods
for controlling the busyout state of the channel:

• System Controlled — this option places the voice/fax channel in a

busyout state during link outages of 40 seconds or more, or when there is
not enough bandwidth available to support the voice/fax channel.
• Forced On — this option forces the voice/fax channel into the busyout
state. This option is used to disable an intermittent or defective voice/fax
channel until it can be repaired.
• Forced Off — this option prevents the channel from going busy, even
during link outages or congestion. This option is normally used when
testing the channel.

Note: When the channel is in the busyout mode, the channel indicator
will be flashing red every second.

Call Progression Tone

The Call Progression Tone parameter allows you to match the call progress tones
to one of eight countries or areas where the network is installed. The following
options are available:

• North America
• Japan
• United Kingdom
• Europe
• France
• Central America
• Chile
• Australia

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

996 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Compander Format (DVM & BRI)

The Compander Format parameter is used to set the compander format to the
applicable setting below:

• uLaw for T1 connections

• aLaw for E1 connections

Note: The Compander Format parameter must be configured to the same

setting for all voice channels using the same DSP. Refer to “Voice
Channel Status (Passport 4460)” on page 1486 to verify which voice
channels are sharing a DSP.

Dial Digit Time Limit (High Resolution)

The Dial Digit Time Limit parameter is used to specify the maximum time (from
the start of one digit to the start of the next) for accepting dialed digits. When the
time limit is reached, further digits are not accepted, and the accumulated digits
are forwarded to the remote voice channel. This option works in conjunction with
the ingress and egress tables and their respective manipulation strings to allow
users to dial a single number to reach a site accessed through multiple extensions.
The range of values is stated in tenths of a second (0.1 second). The default setting
is 100 tenths of a second (10 seconds). This allows a person time to pause and
check a number being dialed. When using pulse dialing, the parameter must be set
for 2 seconds (20 tenths of a second) or more to accommodate the high-order
digits, such as 8 or 9.

Digitizing Rate

The Digitizing Rate parameter is used to specify the operational voice digitizing

Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)

The Disconnect Supervision parameter is used to select the method used to detect
when the telephone equipment attached to a voice port goes from an off-hook
(active) to an on-hook (idle) state. You have the following two options:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 997

• Power Interrupt — the voice channel monitors Tip and Ring for the
absence of loop current for 600 ms or longer. Note that the attached PBX
must be capable of supporting this setting as described.
• Tone — if the attached PBX or CO cannot supply a power interrupt
signal, the voice channel looks for a call progress tone of 600 Hz or less.
Only FXO to FXS applications are supported with this setting.

DTMF Burst Gen Length (BRI Only)

The DTMF Burst Gen Length parameter is used to set the duration of the DTMF
burst length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the interfacing PBX. This value
must be at least as long (in milliseconds) as the DTMF detector of the interfacing

DTMF Burst Regen Length (BRI Only)

The DTMF Burst Regen Length parameter is used to set the value of the DTMF
burst length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the BRI voice module. The PBX
must send a DTMF tone burst for at least the length of time (in milliseconds) set
for this parameter.

DTMF Tone Detection

The DTMF Tone Detection parameter is used to enable or disable the DTMF tone
detector. When disabled, DTMF signals are digitized locally the same way as
voice, and converted at the remote end to analog tones with varying pulse widths.

When enabled, DTMF signals are not digitized locally. Instead, the local voice
channel sends a set of coded commands to the remote end, where the DTMF tones
are regenerated with a uniform pulse width of 100 milliseconds.

DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)

The DVM Signaling Format parameter is used to match the signaling format of
the digital voice port to the interfacing PBX. The following options are available:

• Tie Trunk (for T1 and E1)

• DC5B (for E1 only)
• R2/Q.421 (for E1 only)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

998 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

• Wink Start (for T1 and E1)

Tie Trunk

For tieTrunk, signaling bit A defines the on-hook/off-hook conditions as shown

below. Signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by “X”, a "don’t care" condition.

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) Low X X X Low X X X

Seized (Off-Hook) High X X X Low X X X
Answered High X X X High X X X
Busy High X X X High X X X

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows Tie Trunk Channel Associated
Signaling (CAS) protocol emulation established by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU).


For dc5B, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook conditions

as follows:

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D
Idle (On-Hook) High High Low High High High Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) Low High Low High High High Low High
Answered Low High Low High Low High Low High
Busy Low High Low High Low High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows DC5B CAS protocol emulation
established by the International Telecommunications Union.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 999


For r2Q421, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle High Low Low High High Low Low High

Seized Low Low Low High High Low Low High
Seize ACK Low Low Low High High High Low High
Answered Low Low Low High Low High Low High
Clear Back Low Low Low High High High Low High
Clear Forward High Low Low High Low High Low High
High High Low High
Blocked High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows R2/Q.421 CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Wink Start

When CAS signaling format winkStart is selected, signaling bit A defines the
on-hook/off-hook conditions as follows (signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by
“x”, a "don’t care condition".

Originating Terminating

PBX to Voice Voice Channel to Voice Channel to PBX to Voice

Channel PBX PBX Channel

Local PBX Local Voice Remote Voice Remote PBX

Wink Start Events
(Outgoing Call) Channel Channel (Incoming Call)

Idle state (On-hook) 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1000 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x

local PBX
Local wink (from local voice 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
channel to local PBX) 1 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
Local PBX sends DTMF ....................... ....................... ....................... .......................
digits to local voice channel
Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote voice channel
Remote wink sent by 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote PBX to remote 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x
voice channel
1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
DTMF sent to remote PBX 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
Called party answers 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x

Wink Start Operation

In the example shown below, a local user connected to a digital PBX attempts to
reach a user connected to a remote digital PBX at station 56. Each PBX trunk is
attached to a T1/E1 digital voice module (referred to as a channel in subsequent
discussions) housed within a Passport 4400 unit. Connection between the two
voice channels may be established over the switched network.

It is assumed that the network extension number of the remote voice channel is
1234. It is further assumed that both voice channels are configured for the
winkStart DVM signaling format, and that local and remote ingress/egress tables
and their respective manipulation strings are properly configured.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1001

Following is a sequence of events involved in establishing a connection between

the two users:


Local Local Remote Remote

PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PBX
Station Trunk Trunk Station
Dial Side Side X1234 Side Side

Store 123456 and Return 200 ms Go off-hook, start Return Wink, then
raise signaling bit Wink Signal. Use timer, after timer connect station 56.
A. After receipt of 1234 to establish expires, forward
Wink, forward connection and digits 56.
digits 123456. forward digits

1 The local user dials 123456.

2 The local PBX stores digits 123456, and seizes the time slot by switching
signaling bit A from 0 to 1. (See table in “Wink Start” on page 1027)
3 After a minimum of 100 milliseconds, the local voice channel (DVM)
responds with a wink signal ranging from 140 to 290 milliseconds (200 ms
nominal), then returns a dial tone.
4 The local PBX forwards digits 123456 to the local DVM.
5 The local DVM uses digits 1234 to establish a connection with the remote
voice channel, and forwards digits 123456.
6 With connection between the local and remote voice channels established,
the remote voice channel goes off-hook to the remote PBX, and starts a pre
configured regeneration time delay. See “Delay (High Regeneration)” on
page 1018.
7 Shortly after 100 milliseconds, and before the time delay expires, the remote
PBX returns a wink signal to the remote voice channel. This signal is ignored

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1002 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

by the remote voice channel. When the time delay expires, the remote voice
channel regenerates digits 56 in either dial pulse or DTMF, based on the
format configured for that channel. Using the regenerated digits, the PBX
rings station 56. Connection is established when the user at station 56

E&M Analog Operation (E&M Only)

The E&M Analog Operation parameter allows you to select either 2-wire or
4-wire operation to match the interfacing PBX.

E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)

The E&M Signaling Format parameter is used on the Passport 4430/50/55 to

select one of two methods to signal (and sense) the on-hook/off-hook condition of
an E&M telephone connection. The two methods are DC and Wink Start.

• DC — The channel senses the active/idle condition of the remote end by

the dc level on its M lead, and signals to the remote end its active/idle
condition by a dc level on its E lead.
• Wink Start — The Wink Start feature is designed to support voice
switching between selected PBXs, such as the AT&T Legends. When
selected, the user at the originating PBX seizes the M-lead and waits for a
wink signal response from the local voice channel. Only then does the
originating PBX forward the dialed digits to the destination voice

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1003

channel. At the destination end, the voice channel seizes the E-lead and
starts a regeneration delay timer (see “Regeneration Delay” on
page 1010). When the delay timer expires, the remaining digits are
forwarded to the destination PBX.

As shown below, the user at the Los Angeles PBX attempts to reach station
56 at the Dallas PBX. To do that, the user goes off-line, waits for a dial tone
from the PBX, then dials the number string 6123456.Trunk access code 6
causes the Los Angeles PBX to store digits 123456, seize the trunk M lead,
Example: and wait for a wink signal response from the Los Angeles voice channel on
its E lead. Upon receipt of the wink signal response, the Los Angeles PBX
forwards digits 123456 on the T/R lines to the Los Angeles Passport 4400
unit. Having made a determination that 1234 is not a local but a Dallas
network extension, it forwards 1234 to the Dallas Passport 4400 unit.
Next, the Dallas voice channel goes off-hook by seizing the E lead, and
starts a regeneration delay timer. When the regeneration delay time expires,
the voice module forwards digits 56 in DTMF or pulse form, as configured, to
the Dallas PBX. In turn, the Dallas PBX rings station 56. Connection is
established when Dallas station 56 goes off-hook. It is assumed that the
Dallas PBX will have responded with a wink signal on the M lead during the
regeneration delay time.

Los Angeles Dallas

Passport Passport
4400 4400
Station Trunk Passport
Trunk Station
4400 Passport

Side Side
Side Side
Voice/Fax Voice/Fax
Channel Channel

Ecan Disable Mode

The Ecan Disable Mode parameter is used to specify when to disable echo
cancellation for modem calls.

Ecan Double Talk Detect

The Ecan Double Talk Detect parameter is used to specify whether or not the echo
canceller is able to detect double talk.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1004 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Ecan Filter Mode

The Ecan Filter Mode parameter enables or disables the echo canceller filter.

Ecan High Pass Filter

This parameter filters out extreme low frequency energy from the audio signal
which can cause degraded convergence performance for the echo canceller and
cause problems for the SAD (Silence Activity Detection) processing which
performs background noise level measurements.

Echo Cancel Filter Length (BRI Only)

The Echo Cancel Filter Length parameter is used to select the number of samples
the Echo Canceller will operate on (128 or 256). The more samples taken, the
better the Echo Canceller performance, but the greater the delay. 16ms (128 bytes)
is sufficient for most cases, and should be used unless the echo in the network is

bytes samples time

128 bytes 128 samples 16ms

256 bytes 256 samples 32ms

Echo Canceller

The Echo Canceller parameter is used to enable or disable the echo canceller

• Set to Enable during normal operations.

• Set to Disable when performing external tests; or when using an external
echo canceller.

End-of-Dial Character

The End-of-Dial Character parameter is used in conjunction with ingress and

egress tables and their respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a
single number to reach a site accessed through multiple extensions.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1005

• When Enabled, receipt of a # sign following a string of digits will cause

the voice channel to forward all digits immediately, without waiting for
the accumulation of the maximum number of forwarded digits or for the
dial digit time limit to expire.
• When Disabled, the voice channel will forward digits when the maximum
number of digits have been accumulated, or when the dial digit time limit
has expired.

Enh BckGrnd Noise Level

The Enh BckGrnd Noise Level parameter is used to set the voice signal level
threshold. When signals are received below the specified level, the Voice Activity
Detector (VAD) will determine whether that signal is a voice signal or background

Enh Silence Hng Ovr Time

The Enh Silence Hng Ovr Timer parameter is a delay timer that delays the
detection of the end of a speech burst (in tenths of a second) to prevent clipping
the ends of words.

EVM Interface Type

The EVM Interface Type parameter is used to select the interface type for the
E&M voice interface card. You can choose Types I, II, and IV. Choose the type
that matches the PBX trunk type to which the ports are connected. The type that
you choose applies to all the ports on the card.

FAX Digitizing Rate

The Fax Digitizing Rate parameter is used to select digitizing rates for fax signals.
Normally, separate fax digitizing rates are used. If the Fax Digitizing Rate is set to
Voice, the digitizing rate for fax signals is limited to 7200 bps. You may select one
of the following fax digitizing rates, displayed in bits per second (bps): 2400,
4800, 7200, 9600, or G711.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1006 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

• In a Passport 4400 only network, setting the fax digitizing rate to 9600
will cause all voice calls using that profile to have 13k of reserved
bandwidth. This decreases the number of active calls allowed across the
WAN. If desired, refer to “Voice Overbooking” on page 1119 to bypass
bandwidth allocation limitations.
• In a mixed network with Passport 4400 units and Passport 6400 units,
regardless of the configured fax digitizing rate, all calls from MVP will
have 10.8k of reserved bandwidth for the voice session.

Fax Idle Suppression

The Fax Idle Suppression parameter is used to suppress the transmission of a

packet of silence through the network. This produces approximately 45%
bandwidth savings because fax protocols are generally half-duplex in nature.

FXO Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module)

The FXO Number of Rings parameter is used to set the number of ring cycles a
local FXO channel will wait for before providing a dial tone. As displayed in the
figure below, when an attempt is made to contact a network channel from a PBX
station, the user first dials the local FXO channel and waits for a second dial tone.
In response, the local FXO channel waits for one or more ring cycles before
providing that dial tone. The user then dials the extension number of the network
channel. You can enter a number between 1 and 9.

PBX Local Passport 4400 Remote Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400
Trunk Station
Side Side
FXO Channels FXS Channels

FXS Ringing Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module)

The FXS Ringing Frequency parameter is used to set the frequency of the signal
that causes an attached telephone to ring when a call is coming in on that channel.
The following options are available:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1007

• 25 Hz — used for most applications

• 50 Hz — used with some European telephone systems

FVM Interface Type

The FVM Interface Type parameter is used to specify the interface type of the FXS
voice module.

Idle Pattern

The Idle Pattern parameter is used to configure a pattern value, ranging from 0 to
255. This pattern is then inserted into the line after a voice/fax session has been
terminated, indicating that currently there is no voice/fax activity along the
channel. When this pattern is detected, the echo canceller is reset and the voice/
fax channel is returned to the voice mode.

Note: The Idle Pattern parameter must be configured to the same setting
for all voice channels using the same DSP. Refer to “Voice Channel Status
(Passport 4460)” on page 1486 to verify which voice channels are sharing
a DSP.

Input Level Gain

The Input Level Gain parameter is used to set the amplification level for the voice/
fax input signal. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 15 dB. For more
information regarding setting the input level gain, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The input level gain must be set to comply with the standards of
the country wherein the equipment is used.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1008 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel


The Jitter parameter is used to enter a delay time in the jitter buffer, a device used
to compensate for the delay of transmitted voice packets across a network. This
feature provides compensation for the difference between actual arrival time and
expected arrival time of voice packets, maintaining continuous voice delivery.
You can enter values ranging from 1 to 200, in increments of 1 millisecond.

Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced


The Line Impedance parameter is used to set the line impedance options for the
FXS, FXO, and E&M 2-wire interfaces (see table below). For optimum
performance, 600 ohms is the best setting for telephones. However, when
attaching to a European or Australian key system, select the appropriate complex
impedance option. The line impedance of the E&M interface configured for
4-wire operation is fixed at 600 ohms and is not configurable. The following table
lists line impedance matching options for different interfaces.

Option Impedance FXS FXO E&M 2-wire E&M 4-wire

600 ohms 600 ohms No No, AVM Yes Fixed

resistive Yes, UAVM
600 ohms Yes Yes No No
+ 2.2 microfarad
Complex 370 ohms Yes Yes Yes No
+ 0.31 microfarad in
parallel with
620 ohms
220 ohms
+ 0.12 microfarad in
parallel with
820 ohms

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1009

Max. Forwarded Digits

The Max. Forwarded Digits parameter is used to specify the maximum number of
dialing digits, ranging from 0 to 40, to be dialed. If this number is reached, the
accumulated digits are forwarded without having to wait until the Dial Digit Time
Limit is reached. Default value is 7. This assures backward compatibility, and
requires positive action by the user to enable this feature.

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
distant PBX station.

Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only)

The Maximum Output Level parameter is used to set the maximum output level to
be used with a voice channel configured for 4-wire E&M. The following options
are available:

• +7 dBM — used when the interfacing tie trunk equipment includes a pad.
• 0 dBM — used for all other applications.

Min Echo Ret Loss

The Min Echo Ret Loss parameter is used to determine the echo return loss level
below which the echo canceller becomes active.

Output Level Attenuation

The Output Level Attenuation parameter is used to set the output voice/fax signal
attenuation level. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 15 dB. For more
information regarding setting the output level attenuation, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The output level attenuation must be set to comply with the
standards of the country wherein the equipment is used.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1010 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Premium Voice (DVM Only)

The Premium Voice parameter is supported between Passport 4400 units. It

specifies to the digital voice module (DVM) where to enable or disable the
transparent voice (no decompression) algorithm. This feature is only guaranteed
when using the Hoot and Holler Application.

Note: Premium Voice on the Passport 4460 units will interwork with
other Passport 4460 units and with Marathon products. However,
Premium Voice on the Passport 4460 units will not interwork with 4430/
50/55 units.

Regeneration Delay

The Regeneration Delay parameter is used to select the amount of delay, ranging
from 0.1 to 15 seconds (1 to 150 tenths of a second), required to compensate for
the time it takes for the remote PBX to go off-hook and provide dial tone back to
the voice channel for completing the call setup. The range of values is stated in
tenths of a second (0.1 second), and the default setting is 10 (tenths of a second).

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
site accessed through multiple extensions.

Voice Mode

The Voice Mode parameter is used to set the voice channel to voice/fax, or
voice-only operation. Both options are described below:

• Voice/Fax operation — in which the voice channel will process voice or

fax signals. Normally, the channel will operate in voice mode. If a fax
signal is detected, the channel will automatically switch to fax mode. It
will stay in that mode until fax signals are no longer detected, and then
switch back to voice mode. Use this option for most voice/fax

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1011

• Voice-Only operation — in which the channel will remain in voice mode

all the time. Use this option if the voice/fax channel is dedicated to voice
traffic only. You must select this mode when performing frequency/level
tests of the channel. This prevents the channel from accidentally entering
the fax mode when a test tone is used.

CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4430/50/55)

To access the Voice Profile commands for the Passport 4400, follow this path:

CLI> set voice profile

The available options are as follows:

Parameter Section

analogOperation (E&M Only) “Analog Operation (E&M Only)” on page 1012

autoGainControl “Auto Gain Control” on page 1013
backGround “Background” on page 1014
bandwidth “Bandwidth” on page 1014
busyOutMode “Busyout Mode” on page 1015
callProgressTone “Call Progress Tones” on page 1016
companderFromat (DVM & BRI) “Compander Format (DVM & BRI Only)” on
page 1017
regenDelayHighReso “Delay (High Regeneration)” on page 1018
dialDigTimeLimReso “Dial Digit Time Limit (High)” on page 1018
discSupervision (FXO Only) “Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)” on
page 1019
dtmfDetRegBurstLen “DTMF Detector Regen Burst Length (BRI Only)”
on page 1020
dtmfGenBurstLen “DTMF Generator Burst Length (BRI Only)” on
page 1020
dtmfToneDetector “DTMF Tone Detector” on page 1021
dvmSignalingFormat (T1/E1 DVM “DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)” on
Only) page 1022
ecanEr1Improvement** N/A
ecanFilterLength “Echo Canceller Filter Length (BRI Only)” on
page 1029

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1012 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

echoCanceller “Echo Canceller” on page 1030

emSignalFormat (E&M Only) “E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)” on
page 1030
endOfDialCharStatus “End of Dial Character Status” on page 1033
faxDigitizingRate “Fax Digitizing Rate” on page 1033
format (Regeneration) “Format (Regeneration)” on page 1034
fxsSignalingFormat (FXS Only) “FXS Signaling Format (FXS Only)” on
page 1035
inputLevelGain “Input Level Gain” on page 1036
idlePattern “Idle Pattern (BRI Only)” on page 1036
jitter “Jitter” on page 1037
lineImpedance (FXS enhanced, E&M “Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire,
2-wire, FXO enhanced) FXO Enhanced Only)” on page 1038
maxNumFwdDigits “Maximum Number of Forwarded Digits” on
page 1039
maxOutputLevel (E&M 4-wire) “Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only)” on
page 1039
mode “Mode” on page 1040
noiseLevelBackground “Noise Level Background (Analog & DVM Only)”
on page 1041
noiseFloorOffset** N/A
numOfRings (FXO & 3-port) “Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching
Module Only)” on page 1042
outputLevelAttn “Output Level Attenuation” on page 1043
premiumVoice (DVM Only) “Premium Voice (DVM Only)” on page 1043
pulseRate (BRI Only)** N/A
ringFrequency (FXS & 3-port) “Ring Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching
Module Only)” on page 1044
silenceHangOverTime “Silence Hangover Time” on page 1044
**Options marked with a double asterisk (**) are not implemented.
All others are described in the following paragraphs.

Analog Operation (E&M Only)

The E&M Analog Operation subcommand allows you to select either 2-wire or
4-wire operation to match the interfacing PBX.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1013

To set the analog operation for an E&M module, enter:

CLI> set voice profile analogoperation

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<AnalogOperation> twoWire | fourWire Select the option that matches
your interfacing PBX.

Auto Gain Control

The autoGainControl subcommand allows you to enable automatic level

enhancement, a feature that boosts weak DTMF and voice signals above the noise
threshold to a minimum usable level.

Using the autoGainControl subcommand

To set the autogain control, enter:

CLI> set voice profile autoGainControl

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<AutoGainControl> disable | enable Select disable for most
applications Select enable if the
signal falls to a level too low for
normal conversation. Default is

Note: Autogain Control is not a substitute for voice level adjustment.

Also, if voice level adjustment is required, do so with Autogain Control

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1014 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel


The background subcommand is used to determine whether users hear silence or

regenerated background noise when no signal is being sent across the line. This
feature is only valid when the Bandwidth parameter is set to Voice Activated, and
assists those users who find silence suppression distracting.

Using the backGround subcommand

To set the background noise, enter:

CLI> set voice profile backGround

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<Background> regenerated | silence Try both options, then choose the
preferred method. Default is


The bandwidth subcommand allows you to select one of two methods of

bandwidth utilization:

• Voice Activated — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses bandwidth at
the built-in digitizing rate only when speech is present. This option enables
the Background parameter.
• Continuous — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses bandwidth for the
entire time that the channel is in use. You may use this option if you want to
transmit background noise or music while on hold.

Using the bandwidth subcommand

To set the bandwidth utilization option, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1015

CLI>set voice profile bandwidth

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile you
are configuring.
<Bandwidth> voiceActivated | continuous When selecting voiceActivated, the
voice channel uses bandwidth only
when speech signals are present.
When selecting continuous, the voice/
fax channel uses bandwidth for the
entire time that the channel is in use.
Default is voiceActivated.

Busyout Mode

The busyOutMode subcommand allows you to select one of the following three
methods for controlling the busyout state of the channel:

• systemControlled — this option places the voice/fax channel in a busyout

state during link outages of 40 seconds or more, or when there is not enough
bandwidth available to support the voice/fax channel.
• forcedOn — this option forces the voice/fax channel into the busyout state.
This option is used to disable an intermittent or defective voice/fax channel
until it can be repaired.
• forcedOff — this option prevents the channel from going busy, even during
link outages or congestion. This option is normally used when testing the

Note: When the channel is in the busyout mode, the channel indicator
will be flashing red every second.

Using the busyOutMode subcommand

To set the busyOutMode, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1016 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice profile busyOutMode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<BusyOutMode> systemControlled | Select systemControlled, forcedOn,
forcedOn | forcedOff or forcedOff. Default is

Call Progress Tones

The callProgressTone subcommand allows you to match the call progress tones to
one of eight countries or areas where the network is installed. The following table
details the call progress tone definitions.

Definition of Call Progress Tones

Dial Ringing Busy Congestion

Option Cadence Cadence Cadence Cadence Country
Frequency* Frequency* Frequency* Frequency*

1 Continuous 2-4 0.5 - 0.5 0.25 - 0.25 North America

350 + 440 440 + 480 480 + 620 480 + 620
2 Continuous 1-2 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 - 0.5 Japan
400 384 + 416 400 400
3 Continuous 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 2 0.375 - 0.375 0.4 - 0.35 - United
350 + 440 440 + 450 400 0.225 - 0.525 Kingdom
4 Continuous 1-4 0.5 - 0.5 0.25 - 0.25 Europe
425 425 425 425
5 Continuous 1.6 - 3.33 0.25 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 France
425 + 455 400 440 440
6 Continuous 1-4 0.25 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 Central
425 425 425 425 America
7 Continuous 1-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 - 0.5 Chile
400 400 400 400
8 Continuous 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 2 0.375 - 0.375 0.375 - 0.375 Australia
400 +425 400 + 450 425 425
*in Hz

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1017

Using the callProgressTone subcommand

To set the callProgressTone, enter:

CLI> set voice profile callProgressTone

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<CallProgressTone> northAmerica | japan | Select the country or area
unitedKingdom | europe | appropriate for your network.
france | centralAmerica | Default is northAmerica.
chile | australia

Compander Format (DVM & BRI Only)

The companderFormat subcommand is used to set the compander format to:

• u-Law -- North American standard, usually for T1 connections

• A-Law -- European standard, usually for E1 connections

Using the companderFormat subcommand

To set the companderFormat type enter:

CLI> set voice profile companderFormat

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<CompanderFormat> uLaw | aLaw Select uLaw or aLaw, as
appropriate for your network
application. Default is uLaw.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1018 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Delay (High Regeneration)

The regendelay (High Regeneration) subcommand is used to select the amount of

delay, ranging from 0.1 to 15 seconds (1 to 150 tenths of a second), required to
compensate for the time it takes for the remote PBX to go off-hook and provide
dial tone back to the voice channel for completing the call setup. The range of
values is stated in tenths of a second (0.1 second), and the default setting is 10
(tenths of a second).

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
site accessed through multiple extensions.

Using the Delay (High Regeneration) subcommand

To set Delay, enter:

CLI> set voice profile regen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the

voice profile you are
<RegenDelayHighReso> INTEGER (1..150) Select any value between 1
and 150 (in tenths of a
second) that best meets
your requirements. Default
is 10.

Dial Digit Time Limit (High)

The dialDigTimeLimReso (High) subcommand is used to specify the maximum

time (from the start of one digit to the start of the next) for accepting dialed digits.
When the time limit is reached, further digits are not accepted, and the
accumulated digits are forwarded to the remote voice channel. This option works
in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their respective manipulation
strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a site accessed through
multiple extensions. The range of values is stated in tenths of a second (0.1

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1019

second). The default setting is 100 tenths of a second (10 seconds). This allows a
person time to pause and check a number being dialed. When using pulse dialing,
the parameter must be set for 2 seconds (20 tenths of a second) or more to
accommodate the high-order digits, such as 8 or 9.

Using the dialDigTimeLimReso subcommand

To select the time limit for accepting dialed digits, enter:

CLI> set voice profile dialDigTimeLimReso

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DialDigTimeLimReso> INTEGER (1..150) Select any value between 1 and
150 (in tenths of a second) that
best meets your requirements.
Default is 100.

Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)

The discSupervision subcommand is used to select the method used to detect

when the telephone equipment attached to a voice port goes from an off-hook
(active) to an on-hook (idle) state. You have the following two options:

• Power Interrupt — the voice channel monitors Tip and Ring for the absence
of loop current for 600 ms or longer. Note that the attached PBX must be
capable of supporting this setting as described.
• Tone — if the attached PBX or CO cannot supply a power interrupt signal,
the voice channel looks for a call progress tone of 600 Hz or less. Only FXO
to FXS applications are supported with this setting.

Using the discSupervision subcommand

To set the discSupervision subcommand, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1020 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice profile discSupervision

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<DiscSupervision> tone | powerInterrupt Select powerInterrupt for most
applications. Select tone if the
attached PBX cannot provide a power
interrupt signal. Default is tone.

DTMF Detector Regen Burst Length (BRI Only)

The dtmfDetRegBurstLen subcommand is used to set the value of the DTMF burst
length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the BRI voice module. The PBX must
send a DTMF tone burst for at least the length of time (in milliseconds) set for this

Using the DTMF Detector Burst Regen Length subcommand

To set the dtmfDetRegBurstLen subcommand, enter:

CLI>set voice profile dtmfDetRegBurstLen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DtmfDetRegBurstLen> time50msec | time60msec | Select the value that matches
time70msec | time100msec your interfacing PBX.

DTMF Generator Burst Length (BRI Only)

The DtmfGenBurstLen subcommand is used to set the duration of the DTMF burst
length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the interfacing PBX. This value must be
at least as long (in milliseconds) as the DTMF detector of the interfacing PBX.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1021

Using the DTMF Generator Burst Length subcommand

To set the dtmfGenBurstLen subcommand, enter:

CLI>set voice profile dtmfGenBurstLen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<DtmfGenBurstLen> time50msec | time60msec Select the value that matches your
| time70msec | interfacing PBX.

DTMF Tone Detector

The dtmfToneDetector subcommand is used to enable or disable the DTMF tone

detector. When disabled, DTMF signals are digitized locally the same way as
voice, and converted at the remote end to analog tones with varying pulse widths.

When enabled, DTMF signals are not digitized locally. Instead, the local voice
channel sends a set of coded commands to the remote end, where the DTMF tones
are regenerated with a uniform pulse width of 100 milliseconds.

Using the dtmfToneDetector subcommand

To set the DTMF tone detection feature, enter:

CLI> set voice profile dtmfToneDetector

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DTMFToneDetector> disable | enable Set to enable for most
applications. Set to disable if this
feature is not implemented by the
station you are calling. Default is

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1022 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)

The dvmSignalingFormat subcommand is used to match the signaling format of

the digital voice port to the interfacing PBX. The following options are available:

• Tie Trunk (for T1 and E1)

• Tie Invert (for T1 and E1)
• Clear Channel (for T1 and E1)
• DC5B (for E1 only)
• Inverted DC5B (for E1 only)
• R2/PUNCOM (for E1 only)
• R2/Q.421 (for E1 only)
• Israel CAS (for E1 only)
• Spain CAS (for E1 only)
• Wink Start (for T1 and E1)

Using the dvmSignalingFormat subcommand

To set the digital voice port signaling format, enter:

CLI> set voice profile dvmSignalingFormat

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DVMSignal tieTrunk | tieInvert | clearChannel | dc5B | Select the signaling format
Format> dc5Invert | r2PUNCOM | r2Q421 | which matches the interfacing
israelCAS | spainCAS | winkStart PBX. Default is tieTrunk.

Tie Trunk

For tieTrunk, signaling bit A defines the on-hook/off-hook conditions as shown

below. Signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by “X”, a "don’t care" condition.

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1023

Idle (On-Hook) Low X X X Low X X X

Seized (Off-Hook) High X X X Low X X X
Answered High X X X High X X X
Busy High X X X High X X X

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows Tie Trunk Channel Associated
Signaling (CAS) protocol emulation established by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Tie Invert

For tieInvert, signaling bit A defines the on-hook/off-hook conditions as shown

below. Signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by “X”, a "don’t care" condition.

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) High X X X High X X X

Seized (Off-Hook) Low X X X High X X X
Answered Low X X X Low X X X
Busy Low X X X Low X X X

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows Tie Invert CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Clear Channel

When clearChannel is selected the voice path of the channel is open all the time,
independent of the signaling bits or tones present in the channel. In this case, link
bandwidth assignment is based on the presence or absence of audio signals (voice/
fax) when Voice Activated is the selected Bandwidth option.

Select this signaling format when using Transparent CCS. See “Transparent CCS”
on page 1322 for details.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1024 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel


For dc5B,signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook conditions as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) High High Low High High High Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) Low High Low High High High Low High
Answered Low High Low High Low High Low High
Busy Low High Low High Low High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows DC5B CAS protocol emulation
established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Inverted DC5B

For dc5bInvert, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook

conditions as follows:

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) Low High Low High Low High Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) High High Low High Low High Low High
Answered High High Low High High High Low High
Busy High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows inverted DC5B CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1025


For r2PUNCOM, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook

conditions as follows:

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle High High Low High High High Low High

Seized Low High Low High High High Low High
Seize ACK Low High Low High Low High Low High
Answered Low High Low High Low High Low High
Clear Back Low High Low High High High Low High
Clear Forward High High Low High Low High Low High
High High Low High
Blocked High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows R2 Puncom CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.


For r2Q421, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle High Low Low High High Low Low High

Seized Low Low Low High High Low Low High
Seize ACK Low Low Low High High High Low High
Answered Low Low Low High Low High Low High
Clear Back Low Low Low High High High Low High
Clear Forward High Low Low High Low High Low High

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1026 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

High High Low High
Blocked High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows R2/Q.421 CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Israel CAS

For israelCAS, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) High Low Low High High Low Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) Low Low Low High High Low Low High
Answered Low Low Low High Low Low Low High
Busy Low Low Low High Low Low Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows IsraelCAS Protocol emulation
established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Spain CAS

For spainCAS, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as



State A B C D

Idle Tx High Low Low High

idle Rx High Low Low High
Off-Hook Tx Low Low Low High
Off-Hook Rx Low Low Low High

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1027

Admin Block Tx High High Low High

Admin Block Rx High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows SpainCAS Protocol emulation
established by Telefonica Spain.

Wink Start

When CAS signaling format winkStart is selected, signaling bit A defines the
on-hook/off-hook conditions as follows (signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by
“x”, a "don’t care condition".

Originating Terminating

PBX to Voice Voice Channel to Voice Channel to PBX to Voice

Channel PBX PBX Channel

Local PBX Local Voice Remote Voice Remote PBX

Wink Start Events
(Outgoing Call) Channel Channel (Incoming Call)

Idle state (On-hook) 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
local PBX
Local wink (from local voice 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
channel to local PBX) 1 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
Local PBX sends DTMF ....................... ....................... ....................... .......................
digits to local voice channel
Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote voice channel
Remote wink sent by 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote PBX to remote 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x
voice channel
1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
DTMF sent to remote PBX 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
Called party answers 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1028 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Wink Start Operation

In the example shown below, a local user connected to a digital PBX attempts to
reach a user connected to a remote digital PBX at station 56. Each PBX trunk is
attached to a T1/E1 digital voice module (referred to as a channel in subsequent
discussions) housed within a Passport 4400 unit. Connection between the two
voice channels may be established over the switched network.

It is assumed that the network extension number of the remote voice channel is
1234. It is further assumed that both voice channels are configured for the
winkStart DVM signaling format, and that local and remote ingress/egress tables
and their respective manipulation strings are properly configured.

Following is a sequence of events involved in establishing a connection between

the two users:


Local Local Remote Remote

PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PBX
Station Trunk Trunk Station
Dial Side Side X1234 Side Side

Store 123456 and Return 200 ms Go off-hook, start Return Wink, then
raise signaling bit Wink Signal. Use timer, after timer connect station 56.
A. After receipt of 1234 to establish expires, forward
Wink, forward connection and digits 56.
digits 123456. forward digits

1 The local user dials 123456.

2 The local PBX stores digits 123456, and seizes the time slot by switching
signaling bit A from 0 to 1. (See table in “Wink Start” on page 1027)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1029

3 After a minimum of 100 milliseconds, the local voice channel (DVM)

responds with a wink signal ranging from 140 to 290 milliseconds (200 ms
nominal), then returns a dial tone.
4 The local PBX forwards digits 123456 to the local DVM.
5 The local DVM uses digits 1234 to establish a connection with the remote
voice channel, and forwards digits 123456.
6 With connection between the local and remote voice channels established,
the remote voice channel goes off-hook to the remote PBX, and starts a pre
configured regeneration time delay. See “Delay (High Regeneration)” on
page 1018.
7 Shortly after 100 milliseconds, and before the time delay expires, the remote
PBX returns a wink signal to the remote voice channel. This signal is ignored
by the remote voice channel. When the time delay expires, the remote voice
channel regenerates digits 56 in either dial pulse or DTMF, based on the
format configured for that channel. Using the regenerated digits, the PBX
rings station 56. Connection is established when the user at station 56

Echo Canceller Filter Length (BRI Only)

The ecanFilterLen subcommand is used to select one of two values for the filter
length of the echo canceller: 128 bytes or 256 bytes.

Using the ecanFilterLen subcommand

To set the ecanFilterLen subcommand, enter:

CLI>set voice profile ecanFilterLen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<EcanFilterLen> 128length | 256length Select 256length for longer
networks, select 128length for
shorter networks. Default is

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1030 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Echo Canceller

The echoCanceller subcommand is used to enable or disable the echo canceller


Using the echoCanceller subcommand

To set the echo canceller feature, enter:

CLI> set voice profile echoCanceller

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EchoCanceller> disable | enable Set to enable during normal
operations. Set to disable when
performing external tests; or when
using an external echo canceller.
Default is enable.

E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)

The emSignalFormat subcommand is used to select one of four methods to signal

(and sense) the on-hook/off-hook condition of an E&M telephone connection, as
follows: DC, 2280 Tone, Pulsed DC, and Wink Start.

Using the emSignalingFormat subcommand

To set the emSignalFormat subcommand, enter:

CLI>set voice profile emSignalFormat

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.

<EMSignalFormat> dc | tone2280 | pulsedDC | Select one of the signal format

winkStart options, as described below.
Default is dc.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1031


If you select dc, the channel senses the active/idle condition of the remote end by
the dc level on its M lead, and signals to the remote end its active/idle condition
by a dc level on its E lead.

2280 Tone

If you select tone2280, the channel senses the idle condition of the remote end by
the presence of a 2280-Hz tone on its T-R pair, and holds a 2280-Hz tone on its
T1-R1 pair to indicate its idle condition to the remote end. This option is
applicable only to 4-wire connections.

Pulsed DC

A call connect request is made by sending a pulse of a medium duration on the

transmit lead, and the call request is acknowledged by a return pulse of the same
duration on the receive lead.

Wink Start

The Wink Start feature is designed to support voice switching between selected
PBXs, such as the AT&T Legends. When selected, the user at the originating PBX
seizes the M-lead and waits for a wink signal response from the local voice
channel. Only then does the originating PBX forward the dialed digits to the

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1032 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

destination voice channel. At the destination end, the voice channel seizes the
E-lead and starts a regeneration delay timer (see “Delay (High Regeneration)” on
page 1018). When the delay timer expires, the remaining digits are forwarded to
the destination PBX.

As shown below, the user at the Los Angeles PBX attempts to reach station
56 at the Dallas PBX. To do that, the user goes off-line, waits for a dial tone
from the PBX, then dials the number string 6123456.Trunk access code 6
causes the Los Angeles PBX to store digits 123456, seize the trunk M lead,
Example: and wait for a wink signal response from the Los Angeles voice channel on
its E lead. Upon receipt of the wink signal response, the Los Angeles PBX
forwards digits 123456 on the T/R lines to the Los Angeles Passport 4400
unit. Having made a determination that 1234 is not a local but a Dallas
network extension, it forwards 1234 to the Dallas Passport 4400 unit.
Next, the Dallas voice channel goes off-hook by seizing the E lead, and
starts a regeneration delay timer. When the regeneration delay time expires,
the voice module forwards digits 56 in DTMF or pulse form, as configured, to
the Dallas PBX. In turn, the Dallas PBX rings station 56. Connection is
established when Dallas station 56 goes off-hook. It is assumed that the
Dallas PBX will have responded with a wink signal on the M lead during the
regeneration delay time.

Los Angeles Dallas

Passport Passport
4400 4400
Station Trunk Passport
Trunk Station
4400 Passport

Side Side
Side Side
Voice/Fax Voice/Fax
Channel Channel

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1033

End of Dial Character Status

The endOfDialCharStatus command is used in conjunction with ingress and

egress tables and their respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a
single number to reach a site accessed through multiple extensions.

• When enabled, receipt of a # sign following a string of digits will cause the
voice channel to forward all digits immediately, without waiting for the
accumulation of the maximum number of forwarded digits or for the dial digit
time limit to expire.
• When disabled, the voice channel will forward digits when the maximum
number of digits have been accumulated, or when the dial digit time limit has

Using the endOfDialCharStatus subcommand

To set the end of dial character status, enter:

CLI> set voice profile endOfDialCharStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EndOfDialCharStatus> disable | enable Set to disable for most
applications, set to enable if you
want to manually control the
accumulation of characters.
Default is disable.

Fax Digitizing Rate

The faxDigitizingRate subcommand is used to select digitizing rates for fax

signals. Normally, separate fax digitizing rates are used. If Voice Rate is selected,
the digitizing rate for fax signals is limited to 7200 bps. You may select one of the
following fax digitizing rates: Voice Rate, 2400bps, 4800bps, 7200 bps, or

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1034 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Using the faxDigitizingRate subcommand

To set the fax digitizing rate, enter:

CLI> set voice profile faxDigitizingRate

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<FaxDigitizingRate> voiceRate | 2400bps | Select the rate suitable for your fax
4800bps | 7200bps | machine. Default is voiceRate.

Format (Regeneration)

The format subcommand is used to allow the voice/fax channel to match the
outgoing dialing digits with that of the interfacing PBX. The following options are

• Dial Pulse — used for call setup when the interfacing PBX requires that the
incoming dialing digits be in a dial pulse format. Once the voice path is
established, the DTMF to pulse conversion will not take place. Pulse will be
regenerated as pulse and DTMF will be regenerated as DTMF (if DTMF Tone
Detector is turned on at both ends of the call).
• DTMF — used when the interfacing PBX requires that the incoming dialing
digits be in a DTMF format.

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
site accessed through multiple extensions.

Using the (regeneration) format subcommand

To set the outgoing dialing digits, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1035

CLI> set voice profile format

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<RegenerationFormat> dialPulse | dtmf Set to match the profile of the
attached PBX. Default is dtmf.

FXS Signaling Format (FXS Only)

The fxsSignalingFormat subcommand is used to set the ringing cadence for the
FXS interface. The following options are listed:

• Interrupted Ring — ring for two seconds, and off for four seconds.
• Repeated Ring — this option is currently not implemented.

Using the fxsSignaling Format subcommand

To set the FXS ringing cadence, enter:

CLI> set voice profile fxsSignalingFormat

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<FXSSignalFormat> repeatedRing | For FXSSignalFormat, set to
interruptedRing interruptedRing. RepeatedRing is not
implemented at this time.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1036 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Input Level Gain

The inputLevelGain subcommand is used to set the amplification level for the
voice/fax input signal. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 19 dB. For
more information regarding setting the input level gain, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The input level gain must be set to comply with the standards of
the country wherein the equipment is used.

Using the inputLevelGain subcommand

To set the input gain, enter:

CLI> set voice profile inputLevelGain

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<InputLevelGain> INTEGER (-15..19) Set to 0 for installations in the
U.S.A. and Canada. In all other
countries, follow the prevailing
standards. Default is 0dB.

Idle Pattern (BRI Only)

The idlePattern subcommand is used to configure a pattern value, ranging from 0

to 255. This pattern is then inserted into the line after a voice/fax session has been
terminated, indicating that currently there is no voice/fax activity along the
channel. When this pattern is detected, the echo canceller is reset and the voice/
fax channel is returned to the voice mode.

Using the idlePattern subcommand

To set the set the value of the Idle Pattern, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1037

CLI>set voice profile idlePattern

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<IdlePattern> INTEGER (0..255) Select any number in the range of 0
to 255.


The jitter subcommand is used to enter a delay time in the jitter buffer, a device
used to compensate for the delay of transmitted voice packets across a network.
This feature provides compensation for the difference between actual arrival time
and expected arrival time of voice packets, maintaining continuous voice delivery.
You can enter values ranging from 1 to 200, in increments of 1 millisecond. A
setting of 0 disables the jitter compensation feature, providing no compensation.

Using the jitter subcommand

To set the jitter, enter:

CLI> set voice profile jitter

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile you are
<Jitter> INTEGER (0..200) Leave the setting at 0 if the voice quality is
good. If you notice a breakup in voice
delivery, add incremental amounts of jitter
compensation until the voice quality is
restored. Default is 50 milliseconds.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1038 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced


The lineImpedance subcommand is used to set the line impedance options for the
FXS, FXO, and E&M 2-wire interfaces (see table below). The line impedance of
the E&M interface configured for 4-wire operation is fixed at 600 ohms and is not
configurable. The following table lists line impedance matching options for
different interfaces.

Option Impedance FXS FXO E&M 2-wire E&M 4-wire

600 ohms 600 ohms No No, AVM Yes Fixed

resistive Yes, UAVM
600 ohms Yes Yes No No
+ 2.2 microfarad
Complex 370 ohms Yes Yes Yes No
+ 0.31 microfarad in
parallel with
620 ohms
220 ohms
+ 0.12 microfarad in
parallel with
820 ohms

Using the lineImpedance subcommand

To set the line impedance, enter:

CLI> set voice profile lineImpedance

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<LineImpedance> 600ohms | complex Set to match the impedance of the
attached device. Set to complex if the
exact impedance is not known;
otherwise, set to 600. Default is 600

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1039

Maximum Number of Forwarded Digits

The maxNumFwdDigits subcommand is used to specify the maximum number of

dialing digits, ranging from 0 to 36, to be dialed. If this number is reached, the
accumulated digits are forwarded without having to wait until the Dial Digit Time
Limit is reached. Default value is 7. This assures backward compatibility, and
requires positive action by the user to enable this feature.

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
distant PBX station.

Using the maxNumFwdDigits subcommand

To set the maximum number of forwarded digits, enter:

CLI> set voice profile maxNumFwdDigits

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<MaxNumFwdDigits> INTEGER (0..36) Set to the maximum number of
digits prevailing in the stations
within your network. Default is 7.

Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only)

The maxOutputLevel subcommand is used to set the maximum output level to be

used with a voice channel configured for 4-wire E&M. The following options are

• plus7dBm — used when the interfacing tie trunk equipment includes a pad.
• normal0dBm — used for all other applications.

Using the maxOutputLevel subcommand

To set the maximum output level for 4-wire E&M, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1040 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI>set voice profile maxOutputLevel

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<MaxOutputLevel> 0dBmNominal | plus7dBm Set to 0dBmNominal for most
applications. Set to plus7dBm if the
output signal falls below usable
levels. Default is 0dBmNominal.


The mode subcommand is used to set the voice channel to voice/fax, or voice-only
operation. Both options are described below:

• voice/fax operation — in which the voice channel will process voice or fax
signals. Normally, the channel will operate in voice mode. If a fax signal is
detected, the channel will automatically switch to fax mode. It will stay in that
mode until fax signals are no longer detected, and then switch back to voice
mode. Use this option for most voice/fax applications.
• voice-only operation — in which the channel will remain in voice mode all
the time. Use this option if the voice/fax channel is dedicated to voice traffic
only. You must select this mode when performing frequency/level tests of the
channel. This prevents the channel from accidentally entering the fax mode
when a test tone is used.

Using the mode subcommand

To set the channels voice mode, enter:

CLI> set voice profile mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<Mode> voiceFax | voiceOnly VoiceOnly is generally used on a
channel that is dedicated to voice
applications. Default is voiceFax.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1041

Noise Level Background (Analog & DVM Only)

The noiseLevelBackground subcommand is used to set the voice channel

background noise level, in dBm0. Once set, this level is then used as a threshold to
distinguish between the signal and background noise. During idle time, when the
background noise level is detected, the voice channel is turned off, and its
bandwidth is diverted for use by other channels. This bandwidth-saving feature is
effective only when the Bandwidth profile parameter is set to Voice Activated.

Using the noiseLevelBackground subcommand

To set the background noise level, enter:

CLI> set voice profile noiseLevelBackground

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<BckGrndNoiseLevel> neg25dbm0 | Set to neg25dbm0 if the
neg30dbm0|neg35dbm0 | background noise in your system
neg40dbm0|neg45dbm0 is optimal (minimal). Otherwise,
increase the setting incrementally
in step with the prevailing
background noise. Default is

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1042 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only)

The numOfRings subcommand is used to set the number of ring cycles a local
FXO channel will wait for before providing a dial tone. As displayed in the figure
below, when an attempt is made to contact a network channel from a PBX station,
the user first dials the local FXO channel and waits for a second dial tone. In
response, the local FXO channel waits for one or more ring cycles before
providing that dial tone. The user then dials the extension number of the network
channel. You can enter a number between 1 and 9.

PBX Local Passport 4400 Remote Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400
Trunk Station
Side Side
FXO Channels FXS Channels

Using the numOfRings subcommand

To set the number of ring cycles for a local FXO channel, enter:

CLI> set voice profile numOfRings

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<NumOfRings> INTEGER (1..9) Select an integer between 1 and 9.
A setting of 1 is suitable for most
installations. If you encounter any
problem in completing a call, or if
you prefer to hear more than one
ringback, set it to a higher number.
Default is 1.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1043

Output Level Attenuation

The outputLevelAttn subcommand is used to set the output voice/fax signal

attenuation level. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 25 dB. For more
information regarding setting the output level attenuation, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The output level attenuation must be set to comply with the
standards of the country wherein the equipment is used.

Using the outputLevelAttn subcommand

To set the output level attenuation, enter:

CLI> set voice profile outputLevelAttn

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<OutputLevelAttn> INTEGER (-15..25) Set to 0 for installations in the
U.S.A. and Canada. In all other
countries, follow the prevailing
standards. Default is 0 dB.

Premium Voice (DVM Only)

The Premium Voice feature is supported between Passport 4400 units. It specifies
to the digital voice module (DVM) where to enable or disable the transparent
voice (no decompression) algorithm.

Using the premiumVoice subcommand

To enable the premium voice feature, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1044 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice profile premiumVoice

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<PremiumVoice> disabled | enabled Select enabled to turn on the
premium voice feature, disabled to
turn it off. Default is disabled.

Ring Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only)

The ringFrequency subcommand is used to set the frequency of the signal that
causes an attached telephone to ring when a call is coming in on that channel. The
following options are available:

• 25 Hz — used for most applications

• 50 Hz — used with some European telephone systems

Using the ring frequency subcommand

To set FXS ring frequency, enter:

CLI> set voice profile ringFrequency

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<RingFrequency> 25Hz | 50Hz Set to match the ring frequency
prevailing in your telephone
system. Default is 25Hz.

Silence Hangover Time

The silenceHangoverTime subcommand is used to specify the time required for

speech to be absent (signal level lower than background noise level) before
silence suppression is activated. The range is 100 to 800 milliseconds, selectable
in increments of 100 milliseconds.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1045

Using the silenceHangoverTime subcommand

To set the silence hangover time, enter:

CLI> set voice profile silenceHangoverTime

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<SilenceHangoverTime> msec100 | msec200 SilenceHangoverTime is a
msec300 | msec400 compromise between best voice
msec500 | msec600 quality (msec800) and optimum
msec700 | msec800 bandwidth utilization (msec100). It
is set to match the profile of the
attached PBX. Default is

CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)

To access the Voice Profile commands for the Passport 4400, follow this path:

CLI> set voice profile

The available options are displayed and described below:

Parameter Section covered in:

analogOperation (E&M Only) “Analog Operation (E&M Only)” on page 1047

background “Background” on page 1047
bandwidth “Bandwidth” on page 1048
briClockSource “BRI Clock Source” on page 1049
busyOutMode “Busyout Mode” on page 1051
callProgressTone “Call Progress Tones” on page 1051
companderFormat (DVM & BRI) “Compander Format (DVM & BRI Only)” on
page 1053
regenDelayHighReso “Delay (High Regeneration)” on page 1053
dialDigTimeLimReso “Dial Digit Time Limit (High)” on page 1054
digitizingRate “Digitizing Rate” on page 1055

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1046 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

discSupervision (FXO Only) “Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)” on page 1055

dtmfGenBurstLen “DTMF Generator Burst Length (BRI Only)” on
page 1057
dtmfDetRegBurstLen “DTMF Detector Regen Burst Length (BRI Only)” on
page 1056
dtmfToneDetector “DTMF Tone Detector” on page 1057
dvmSignalFormat (T1/E1 DVM “DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)” on page 1058
ecanDisableMode “Ecan Disable Mode” on page 1063
ecanDoubleTalkDetect “Ecan Double Talk Detect” on page 1063
ecanFilterMode “Ecan Filter Mode” on page 1064
ecanHighPassFilter “Ecan High Pass Filter” on page 1064
ecanFilterLength “Echo Canceller Filter Length (BRI Only)” on
page 1064
echoCanceller “Echo Canceller” on page 1065
emSignalFormat (E&M Only) “E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)” on page 1065
endOfDialCharStatus “End of Dial Character Status” on page 1068
enhBckGrndNoiseLevel “Enhanced BckGrnd Noise Level” on page 1068
enhSilenceHngOvrTime “Enhanced SilenceHngOver” on page 1069
evmInterfaceType “EVM Interface Type” on page 1069
faxDigitizingRate “Fax Digitizing Rate” on page 1069
faxIdleSuppression “Fax Idle Suppression” on page 1070
fvmInterfaceType “FVM Interface Type” on page 1070
inpuLevelGain “Input Level Gain” on page 1071
idlePattern “Idle Pattern (BRI Only)” on page 1072
jitter “Jitter” on page 1072
lineImpedance (FXS enhanced, “Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO
E&M 2-wire, FXO enhanced) Enhanced Only)” on page 1073
maxNumFwdDigits “Maximum Number of Forwarded Digits” on
page 1074
maxOutputLevel (E&M 4-wire) “Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only)” on
page 1075
minEchoRetLoss “Minimum Echo Return Loss” on page 1075
mode “Mode” on page 1076
numOfRings (FXO & 3-port) “Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching
Module Only)” on page 1077

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1047

outputLevelAttn “Output Level Attenuation” on page 1078

premiumVoice (DVM Only) “Premium Voice (DVM Only)” on page 1078
ringFrequency (FXS & 3-port) “Ring Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching
Module Only)” on page 1079
**Options marked with a double asterisk (**) are not implemented.
All others are described in the following paragraphs.

Analog Operation (E&M Only)

The analogOperation subcommand allows you to select either 2-wire or 4-wire

operation to match the interfacing PBX.

Using the analogOperation subcommand

To set the analogOperation, enter:

CLI> set voice profile analogOperation

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<AnalogOperation> twoWire | fourWire Select the mode of operation that
corresponds to the interfacing PBX


The background subcommand is used to determine whether users hear silence or

regenerated background noise when no signal is being sent across the line. This
feature is only valid when the Bandwidth parameter is set to Voice Activated, and
assists those users who find silence suppression distracting.

Using the backGround subcommand

To set the background noise, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1048 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice profile backGround

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<Background> regenerated | silence Try both options, then choose the
preferred method. Default is


The bandwidth subcommand allows you to select one of two methods of

bandwidth utilization:

• Voice Activated — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses bandwidth at
the built-in digitizing rate only when speech is present. This option enables
the Background parameter.
• Continuous — with this option, the voice/fax channel uses bandwidth for the
entire time that the channel is in use. You may use this option if you want to
transmit background noise or music while on hold.

Using the bandwidth subcommand

To set the bandwidth utilization option, enter:

CLI>set voice profile bandwidth

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile you
are configuring.
<Bandwidth> voiceActivated | continuous When selecting voiceActivated, the
voice channel uses bandwidth only
when speech signals are present.
When selecting continuous, the voice/
fax channel uses bandwidth for the
entire time that the channel is in use.
Default is voiceActivated.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1049

BRI Clock Source

The briClockSource subcommand allows you to select one of the following three
methods for determining the clock source for the BRI expansion module:

• internal — this option uses the clock provided by the on board oscillator.
(NT mode)
• external — this option uses the clock provided by the PBX. (TE mode)
• backplane — this option uses the master clock provided by the base module.
(NT mode)

Note: If selecting external, refer to TE mode configuration guidelines


TE mode configuration guidelines

1 Since both ports of a 2 port BVM share one TDM interface internally, a single
clock source must be used as the primary clock for internal operation. The
following table lists the effective primary clock source depending on mode of
operation for each port of a 2 port BVM.

Operation Resulting Resulting

Primary clock source
mode clock source clock source
for internal operation
Port1-Port2 for Port1 for Port2
NT -NT Internal/backplane Internal/backplane Internal/backplane
NT - TE From port2 From port2 External trunk on
TE - NT From port1 External trunk on From port1
TE - TE From port1 External trunk on External trunk on
port1 port2

2 Changing the TE / NT mode requires a restart of the Passport 4460 unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1050 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

3 Due to the precise clock synchronization requirements of FAX calls, the

following restrictions apply for fax calls:
• When primary clock source is lost, internal clock is used automatically
until primary clock source is restored. Fax calls may drop due to the
resulting clock synchronization loss between the PBX and BRI ports in
TE mode.
• When both BRI ports are configured to TE mode, the PBX trunks to both
ports must be synchronized.
4 Both channels belonging to a particular BRI port must use the same clock
source. If each channel belonging to a particular BRI port is configured to use
a different clock source, then the clock source configured for channel one will
be used for both channels.

Using the briClockSource subcommand

To set the briClockSource, enter:

CLI> set voice profile briClockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<BRIClockSource> internal | external | Select the desired clock source for
backplane your BRI voice module. If selecting
external, see

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1051

Busyout Mode

The busyOutMode subcommand allows you to select one of the following three
methods for controlling the busyout state of the channel:

• systemControlled — this option places the voice/fax channel in a busyout

state during link outages of 40 seconds or more, or when there is not enough
bandwidth available to support the voice/fax channel.
• forcedOn — this option forces the voice/fax channel into the busyout state.
This option is used to disable an intermittent or defective voice/fax channel
until it can be repaired.
• forcedOff — this option prevents the channel from going busy, even during
link outages or congestion. This option is normally used when testing the

Note: When the channel is in the busyout mode, the channel indicator
will be flashing red every second.

Using the busyOutMode subcommand

To set the busyOutMode, enter:

CLI> set voice profile busyOutMode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<BusyOutMode> systemControlled | Select systemControlled, forcedOn,
forcedOn | forcedOff or forcedOff. Default is

Call Progress Tones

The callProgressTone subcommand allows you to match the call progress tones to
one of eight countries or areas where the network is installed. The following table
details the call progress tone definitions.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1052 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Definition of Call Progress Tones

Dial Ringing Busy Congestion

Option Cadence Cadence Cadence Cadence Country
Frequency* Frequency* Frequency* Frequency*

1 Continuous 2-4 0.5 - 0.5 0.25 - 0.25 North America

350 + 440 440 + 480 480 + 620 480 + 620
2 Continuous 1-2 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 - 0.5 Japan
400 384 + 416 400 400
3 Continuous 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 2 0.375 - 0.375 0.4 - 0.35 - United
350 + 440 440 + 450 400 0.225 - 0.525 Kingdom
4 Continuous 1-4 0.5 - 0.5 0.25 - 0.25 Europe
425 425 425 425
5 Continuous 1.6 - 3.33 0.25 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 France
425 + 455 400 440 440
6 Continuous 1-4 0.25 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 Central
425 425 425 425 America
7 Continuous 1-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 - 0.5 Chile
400 400 400 400
8 Continuous 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 2 0.375 - 0.375 0.375 - 0.375 Australia
400 +425 400 + 450 425 425
*in Hz

Using the callProgressTone subcommand

To set the callProgressTone, enter:

CLI> set voice profile callProgressTone

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<CallProgressTone> northAmerica | japan | Select the country or area
unitedKingdom | europe | appropriate for your network.
france | centralAmerica | Default is northAmerica.
chile | australia

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1053

Compander Format (DVM & BRI Only)

The companderFormat subcommand is used to set the compander format to:

• u-Law -- North American standard, usually for T1 connections

• A-Law -- European standard, usually for E1 connections

Note: The Compander Format parameter must be configured to the same

setting for all voice channels using the same DSP. Refer to “Voice
Channel Status (Passport 4460)” on page 1513 to verify which voice
channels are sharing a DSP.

Using the companderFormat subcommand

To set the companderFormat type enter:

CLI> set voice profile companderFormat

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<CompanderFormat> uLaw | aLaw Select uLaw or aLaw, as
appropriate for your network
application. Default is uLaw.

Delay (High Regeneration)

The regendelay (High Regeneration) subcommand is used to select the amount of

delay, ranging from 0.1 to 15 seconds (1 to 150 tenths of a second), required to
compensate for the time it takes for the remote PBX to go off-hook and provide
dial tone back to the voice channel for completing the call setup. The range of
values is stated in tenths of a second (0.1 second), and the default setting is 10
(tenths of a second).

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
site accessed through multiple extensions.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1054 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Using the Delay (High Regeneration) subcommand

To set Delay, enter:

CLI> set voice profile regen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the

voice profile you are
<RegenDelayHighReso> INTEGER (1..150) Select any value between 1
and 150 (in tenths of a
second) that best meets
your requirements. Default
is 10.

Dial Digit Time Limit (High)

The dialDigTimeLimReso (High) subcommand is used to specify the maximum

time (from the start of one digit to the start of the next) for accepting dialed digits.
When the time limit is reached, further digits are not accepted, and the
accumulated digits are forwarded to the remote voice channel. This option works
in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their respective manipulation
strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a site accessed through
multiple extensions. The range of values is stated in tenths of a second (0.1
second). The default setting is 100 tenths of a second (10 seconds). This allows a
person time to pause and check a number being dialed. When using pulse dialing,
the parameter must be set for 2 seconds (20 tenths of a second) or more to
accommodate the high-order digits, such as 8 or 9.

Using the dialDigTimeLimReso subcommand

To select the time limit for accepting dialed digits, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1055

CLI> set voice profile dialDigTimeLimReso

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DialDigTimeLimReso> INTEGER (1..150) Select any value between 1 and
150 (in tenths of a second) that
best meets your requirements.
Default is 100.

Digitizing Rate

The Digitizing Rate parameter is used to specify the operational voice digitizing

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DigitizingRate> rateG729-20m Select the appropriate algorithm to
rateG729-20ms be assigned to the profile entered
rateG729B-20ms above.

Disconnect Supervision (FXO Only)

The discSupervision subcommand is used to select the method used to detect

when the telephone equipment attached to a voice port goes from an off-hook
(active) to an on-hook (idle) state. You have the following two options:

• Power Interrupt - the voice channel monitors Tip and Ring for the absence
of loop current for 600 ms or longer. Note that the attached PBX must be
capable of supporting this setting as described.
• Tone - if the attached PBX or CO cannot supply a power interrupt signal, the
voice channel looks for a call progress tone of 600 Hz or less. Only FXO to
FXS applications are supported with this setting.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1056 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Using the discSupervision subcommand

To set the discSupervision subcommand, enter:

CLI> set voice profile discSupervision

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<DiscSupervision> tone | powerInterrupt Select powerInterrupt for most
applications. Select tone if the
attached PBX cannot provide a power
interrupt signal. Default is tone.

DTMF Detector Regen Burst Length (BRI Only)

The dtmfDetRegBurstLen subcommand is used to set the value of the DTMF burst
length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the BRI voice module. The PBX must
send a DTMF tone burst for at least the length of time (in milliseconds) set for this

Using the DTMF Detector Burst Regen Length subcommand

To set the dtmfDetRegBurstLen subcommand, enter:

CLI>set voice profile dtmfDetRegBurstLen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the

voice profile you are
<DtmfDetRegBurstLen> time50msec | Select the value that
time60msec | matches your interfacing
time70msec | PBX.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1057

DTMF Generator Burst Length (BRI Only)

The DtmfGenBurstLen subcommand is used to set the duration of the DTMF burst
length, in milliseconds, to be detected by the interfacing PBX. This value must be
at least as long (in milliseconds) as the DTMF detector of the interfacing PBX.

Using the DTMF Generator Burst Length subcommand

To set the dtmfGenBurstLen subcommand, enter:

CLI>set voice profile dtmfGenBurstLen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<DtmfGenBurstLen> time50msec | time60msec Select the value that matches your
| time70msec | interfacing PBX.

DTMF Tone Detector

The dtmfToneDetector subcommand is used to enable or disable the DTMF tone

detector. When disabled, DTMF signals are digitized locally the same way as
voice, and converted at the remote end to analog tones with varying pulse widths.

When enabled, DTMF signals are not digitized locally. Instead, the local voice
channel sends a set of coded commands to the remote end, where the DTMF tones
are regenerated with a uniform pulse width of 100 milliseconds.

Using the dtmfToneDetector subcommand

To set the DTMF tone detection feature, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1058 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice profile dtmfToneDetector

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DTMFToneDetector> disable | enable Set to enable for most
applications. Set to disable if this
feature is not implemented by the
station you are calling. Default is

DVM Signaling Format (DVM Only)

The dvmSignalingFormat subcommand is used to match the signaling format of

the digital voice port to the interfacing PBX. The following options are available:

• Tie Trunk (for T1 and E1)

• DC5B (for E1 only)
• R2/Q.421 (for E1 only)
• Wink Start (for T1 and E1)

Using the dvmSignalingFormat subcommand

To set the digital voice port signaling format, enter:

CLI> set voice profile dvmSignalingFormat

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<DVMSignal tieTrunk | dc5B | r2Q421 | winkStart Select the signaling format
Format> which matches the interfacing
PBX. Default is tieTrunk.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1059

Tie Trunk

For tieTrunk, signaling bit A defines the on-hook/off-hook conditions as shown

below. Signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by “X”, a "don’t care" condition.

Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) Low X X X Low X X X

Seized (Off-Hook) High X X X Low X X X
Answered High X X X High X X X
Busy High X X X High X X X

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows Tie Trunk Channel Associated
Signaling (CAS) protocol emulation established by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU).


For dc5B,signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook conditions as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle (On-Hook) High High Low High High High Low High
Seized (Off-Hook) Low High Low High High High Low High
Answered Low High Low High Low High Low High
Busy Low High Low High Low High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows DC5B CAS protocol emulation
established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1060 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel


For r2Q421, signaling bits A, B, C, and D define the on-hook/off-hook states as


Forward Backward

State A B C D A B C D

Idle High Low Low High High Low Low High

Seized Low Low Low High High Low Low High
Seize ACK Low Low Low High High High Low High
Answered Low Low Low High Low High Low High
Clear Back Low Low Low High High High Low High
Clear Forward High Low Low High Low High Low High
High High Low High
Blocked High High Low High High High Low High

Use this option when the interfacing PBX follows R2/Q.421 CAS protocol
emulation established by the International Telecommunications Union.

Wink Start

When CAS signaling format winkStart is selected, signaling bit A defines the
on-hook/off-hook conditions as follows (signaling bits B, C, and D are denoted by
“x”, a "don’t care condition".

Originating Terminating

PBX to Voice Voice Channel to Voice Channel to PBX to Voice

Channel PBX PBX Channel

Local PBX Local Voice Remote Voice Remote PBX

Wink Start Events
(Outgoing Call) Channel Channel (Incoming Call)

Idle state (On-hook) 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1061

Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x

local PBX
Local wink (from local voice 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
channel to local PBX) 1 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
1 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x 0 x x x
Local PBX sends DTMF ....................... ....................... ....................... .......................
digits to local voice channel
Time slot seized by the 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote voice channel
Remote wink sent by 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
remote PBX to remote 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x
voice channel
1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
DTMF sent to remote PBX 1 x x x 0 x x x 1 x x x 0 x x x
Called party answers 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x 1 x x x

Wink Start Operation

In the example shown below, a local user connected to a digital PBX attempts to
reach a user connected to a remote digital PBX at station 56. Each PBX trunk is
attached to a T1/E1 digital voice module (referred to as a channel in subsequent
discussions) housed within a Passport 4400 unit. Connection between the two
voice channels may be established over the switched network.

It is assumed that the network extension number of the remote voice channel is
1234. It is further assumed that both voice channels are configured for the
winkStart DVM signaling format, and that local and remote ingress/egress tables
and their respective manipulation strings are properly configured.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1062 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Following is a sequence of events involved in establishing a connection between

the two users:


Local Local Remote Remote

PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 PBX
Station Trunk Trunk Station
Dial Side Side X1234 Side Side

Store 123456 and Return 200 ms Go off-hook, start Return Wink, then
raise signaling bit Wink Signal. Use timer, after timer connect station 56.
A. After receipt of 1234 to establish expires, forward
Wink, forward connection and digits 56.
digits 123456. forward digits

1 The local user dials 123456.

2 The local PBX stores digits 123456, and seizes the time slot by switching
signaling bit A from 0 to 1. (See table in “Wink Start” on page 1027)
3 After a minimum of 100 milliseconds, the local voice channel (DVM)
responds with a wink signal ranging from 140 to 290 milliseconds (200 ms
nominal), then returns a dial tone.
4 The local PBX forwards digits 123456 to the local DVM.
5 The local DVM uses digits 1234 to establish a connection with the remote
voice channel, and forwards digits 123456.
6 With connection between the local and remote voice channels established,
the remote voice channel goes off-hook to the remote PBX, and starts a pre
configured regeneration time delay. See “Delay (High Regeneration)” on
page 1018.
7 Shortly after 100 milliseconds, and before the time delay expires, the remote
PBX returns a wink signal to the remote voice channel. This signal is ignored

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1063

by the remote voice channel. When the time delay expires, the remote voice
channel regenerates digits 56 in either dial pulse or DTMF, based on the
format configured for that channel. Using the regenerated digits, the PBX
rings station 56. Connection is established when the user at station 56

Ecan Disable Mode

The Ecan Disable Mode parameter is used to specify when to disable echo
cancellation for modem calls.

To enable or disable the Ecan Disable Mode, enter the following:

CLI>set voice profile ecanDisableMode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EcanDisableMode> g164-mode | g165-mode Select the mode you would like
echo cancellation disabled for.

Ecan Double Talk Detect

The Ecan Double Talk Detect parameter is used to specify whether or not the echo
canceller is able to detect double talk.

To enable or disable the Ecan Double Talk Detect, enter the following:

CLI>set voice profile ecanDoubleTalkDetect

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EcanDblTalkDetect> disable | enable Select the desired setting.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1064 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Ecan Filter Mode

The Ecan Filter Mode parameter enables or disables the echo canceller filter.

To enable or disable the Ecan Filter Mode, enter the following:

CLI>set voice profile ecanFilterMode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EcanFilterMode> disable | enable Select the desired setting.

Ecan High Pass Filter

This parameter filters out extreme low frequency energy from the audio signal
which can cause degraded convergence performance for the echo canceller and
cause problems for the SAD (Silence Activity Detection) processing which
performs background noise level measurements.

To enable or disable the Ecan High Pass Filter, enter the following:

CLI>set voice profile ecanHighPassFilter

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EcanHighPassFilter> disable | enable Select the appropriate setting.

Echo Canceller Filter Length (BRI Only)

The ecanFilterLen subcommand is used to select one of two values for the filter
length of the echo canceller: 128 bytes or 256 bytes.

Using the ecanFilterLen subcommand

To set the ecanFilterLen subcommand, enter the following:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1065

CLI>set voice profile ecanFilterLen

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<EcanFilterLen> 128length | 256length Select 256length for longer
networks, select 128length for
shorter networks. Default is

Echo Canceller

The echoCanceller subcommand is used to enable or disable the echo canceller


Using the echoCanceller subcommand

To set the echo canceller feature, enter:

CLI> set voice profile echoCanceller

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EchoCanceller> disable | enable Set to enable during normal
operations. Set to disable when
performing external tests; or when
using an external echo canceller.
Default is enable.

E&M Signaling Format (E&M Only)

The emSignalFormat subcommand is used on the Passport 4430/50/55 to select

one of two methods to signal (and sense) the on-hook/off-hook condition of an
E&M telephone connection. The two methods are DC and Wink Start.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1066 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Using the emSignalingFormat subcommand

To set the emSignalFormat subcommand, enter:

CLI>set voice profile emSignalFormat

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EMSignalFormat> dc | winkStart Select one of the signal format
options, as described below.
Default is dc.


If you select dc, the channel senses the active/idle condition of the remote end by
the dc level on its M lead, and signals to the remote end its active/idle condition
by a dc level on its E lead.

Wink Start

The Wink Start feature is designed to support voice switching between selected
PBXs, such as the AT&T Legends. When selected, the user at the originating PBX
seizes the M-lead and waits for a wink signal response from the local voice
channel. Only then does the originating PBX forward the dialed digits to the

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1067

destination voice channel. At the destination end, the voice channel seizes the
E-lead and starts a regeneration delay timer (see “Delay (High Regeneration)” on
page 1018). When the delay timer expires, the remaining digits are forwarded to
the destination PBX.

As shown below, the user at the Los Angeles PBX attempts to reach station
56 at the Dallas PBX. To do that, the user goes off-line, waits for a dial tone
from the PBX, then dials the number string 6123456.Trunk access code 6
causes the Los Angeles PBX to store digits 123456, seize the trunk M lead,
Example: and wait for a wink signal response from the Los Angeles voice channel on
its E lead. Upon receipt of the wink signal response, the Los Angeles PBX
forwards digits 123456 on the T/R lines to the Los Angeles Passport 4400
unit. Having made a determination that 1234 is not a local but a Dallas
network extension, it forwards 1234 to the Dallas Passport 4400 unit.
Next, the Dallas voice channel goes off-hook by seizing the E lead, and
starts a regeneration delay timer. When the regeneration delay time expires,
the voice module forwards digits 56 in DTMF or pulse form, as configured, to
the Dallas PBX. In turn, the Dallas PBX rings station 56. Connection is
established when Dallas station 56 goes off-hook. It is assumed that the
Dallas PBX will have responded with a wink signal on the M lead during the
regeneration delay time.

Los Angeles Dallas

Passport Passport
4400 4400
Station Trunk Passport
Trunk Station
4400 Passport

Side Side
Side Side
Voice/Fax Voice/Fax
Channel Channel

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1068 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

End of Dial Character Status

The endOfDialCharStatus command is used in conjunction with ingress and

egress tables and their respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a
single number to reach a site accessed through multiple extensions.

• When enabled, receipt of a # sign following a string of digits will cause the
voice channel to forward all digits immediately, without waiting for the
accumulation of the maximum number of forwarded digits or for the dial digit
time limit to expire.
• When disabled, the voice channel will forward digits when the maximum
number of digits have been accumulated, or when the dial digit time limit has

Using the endOfDialCharStatus subcommand

To set the end of dial character status, enter:

CLI> set voice profile endOfDialCharStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EndOfDialCharStatus> disable | enable Set to disable for most
applications, set to enable if you
want to manually control the
accumulation of characters.
Default is disable.

Enhanced BckGrnd Noise Level

The EnhBckGrndNoise Level parameter is used to set the voice signal level
threshold. When signals are received below the specified level, the Voice Activity
Detector (VAD) will determine whether that signal is a voice signal or background

To set the enhanced background noise level, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1069

CLI> set voice profile enhBckGrndNoiseLvl

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EnhBckGrndNoiseLvl> INTEGER (-40..-60) Select the desired level.

Enhanced SilenceHngOver

The EnhSilenceHngOvr parameter is a delay timer that delays the detection of the
end of a speech burst (in tenths of a second) to prevent clipping the ends of words.

To set the enhanced silence hang over parameter, enter:

CLI> set voice profile enhSilenceHngOvr

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<EnhSilenceHngOvr> INTEGER (3..50) Select the desired delay in
tenths of a second.

EVM Interface Type

The EVM Interface Type parameter is used to select the interface type for the
E&M voice interface card. You can choose Types I, II, and IV. Choose the type
that matches the PBX trunk type to which the ports are connected. The type that
you choose applies to all the ports on the card.

Fax Digitizing Rate

The faxDigitizingRate subcommand is used to select digitizing rates for fax

signals. Normally, separate fax digitizing rates are used. If Voice Rate is selected,
the digitizing rate for fax signals is limited to 7200 bps. You may select one of the
following fax digitizing rates: Voice Rate, 2400bps, 4800bps, 7200 bps, or

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1070 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Using the faxDigitizingRate subcommand

To set the fax digitizing rate, enter:

CLI> set voice profile faxDigitizingRate

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<FaxDigitizingRate> 2400bps | 4800bps | Select the rate suitable for your fax
7200bps | 9600bps | G711 machine. Default is voiceRate.

Fax Idle Suppression

The Fax Idle Suppression parameter is used to suppress the transmission of a

packet of silence through the network. This produces approximately 45%
bandwidth savings because fax protocols are generally half-duplex in nature.

To enable or disable the fax idle suppression, enter:

CLI> set voice profile faxIdleSuppression

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<FaxIdleSuppression> disable | enable Select the desired setting.

FVM Interface Type

The FVM Interface Type parameter is used to specify the interface type of the FXS
voice module.

To set the FXS voice module interface type, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1071

CLI> set voice profile fvmInterfaceType

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<FVMInterfaceType> fxs-loopstart | Select the appropriate FXS
fxs-groundstart interface type.

Input Level Gain

The inputLevelGain subcommand is used to set the amplification level for the
voice/fax input signal. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 15 dB. For
more information regarding setting the input level gain, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The input level gain must be set to comply with the standards of
the country wherein the equipment is used.

Using the inputLevelGain subcommand

To set the input gain, enter:

CLI> set voice profile inputLevelGain

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice
profile you are configuring.
<InputLevelGain> INTEGER (-15..15) Set to 0 for installations in the
U.S.A. and Canada. In all other
countries, follow the prevailing
standards. Default is 0dB.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1072 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Idle Pattern (BRI Only)

The idlePattern subcommand is used to configure a pattern value, ranging from 0

to 255. This pattern is then inserted into the line after a voice/fax session has been
terminated, indicating that currently there is no voice/fax activity along the
channel. When this pattern is detected, the echo canceller is reset and the voice/
fax channel is returned to the voice mode.

Note: The Idle Pattern parameter must be configured to the same setting
for all voice channels using the same DSP. Refer to “Voice Channel Status
(Passport 4460)” on page 1513 to verify which voice channels are sharing
a DSP.

Using the idlePattern subcommand

To set the set the value of the Idle Pattern, enter:

CLI>set voice profile idlePattern

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<IdlePattern> INTEGER (0..255) Select any number in the range of 0
to 255.


The jitter subcommand is used to enter a delay time in the jitter buffer, a device
used to compensate for the delay of transmitted voice packets across a network.
This feature provides compensation for the difference between actual arrival time
and expected arrival time of voice packets, maintaining continuous voice delivery.
You can enter values ranging from 1 to 200, in increments of 1 millisecond.

Using the jitter subcommand

To set the jitter, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1073

CLI> set voice profile jitter

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile you are
<Jitter> INTEGER (0..200) Leave the setting at 0 if the voice quality is
good. If you notice a breakup in voice
delivery, add incremental amounts of jitter
compensation until the voice quality is
restored. Default is 50 milliseconds.

Line Impedance (FXS Enhanced, E&M 2-wire, FXO Enhanced


The lineImpedance subcommand is used to set the line impedance options for the
FXS, FXO, and E&M 2-wire interfaces (see table below). The line impedance of
the E&M interface configured for 4-wire operation is fixed at 600 ohms and is not
configurable. The following table lists line impedance matching options for
different interfaces.

Option Impedance FXS FXO E&M 2-wire E&M 4-wire

600 ohms 600 ohms No Yes Yes Fixed

600 ohms Yes Yes No No
+ 2.2 microfarad
Complex 370 ohms Yes Yes Yes No
+ 0.31 microfarad in
parallel with
620 ohms
220 ohms
+ 0.12 microfarad in
parallel with
820 ohms

Using the lineImpedance subcommand

To set the line impedance, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1074 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice profile lineImpedance

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<LineImpedance> 600ohms | complex Set to match the impedance of the
attached device. Set to complex if the
exact impedance is not known;
otherwise, set to 600. Default is 600

Maximum Number of Forwarded Digits

The maxNumFwdDigits subcommand is used to specify the maximum number of

dialing digits, ranging from 0 to 40, to be dialed. If this number is reached, the
accumulated digits are forwarded without having to wait until the Dial Digit Time
Limit is reached. Default value is 7. This assures backward compatibility, and
requires positive action by the user to enable this feature.

This option works in conjunction with the ingress and egress tables and their
respective manipulation strings to allow users to dial a single number to reach a
distant PBX station.

Using the maxNumFwdDigits subcommand

To set the maximum number of forwarded digits, enter:

CLI> set voice profile maxNumFwdDigits

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<MaxNumFwdDigits> INTEGER (0..40) Set to the maximum number of
digits prevailing in the stations
within your network. Default is 7.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1075

Maximum Output Level (E&M 4-wire Only)

The maxOutputLevel subcommand is used to set the maximum output level to be

used with a voice channel configured for 4-wire E&M. The following options are

• plus7dBm — used when the interfacing tie trunk equipment includes a pad.
• nominal0dBm — used for all other applications.

Using the maxOutputLevel subcommand

To set the maximum output level for 4-wire E&M, enter:

CLI>set voice profile maxOutputLevel

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<MaxOutputLevel> 0dBmNominal | plus7dBm Set to 0dBmNominal for most
applications. Set to plus7dBm if the
output signal falls below usable
levels. Default is 0dBmNominal.

Minimum Echo Return Loss

The Minimum Echo Return Loss parameter is used to determine the echo return
loss level below which the echo canceller becomes active.

To set the minimum echo return loss, enter:

CLI>set voice profile maxOutputLevel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<MinEchoRetLoss> zero-dB | Select the minimum echo loss level
three-dB | to activate the echo canceller.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1076 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel


The mode subcommand is used to set the voice channel to voice/fax, or voice-only
operation. Both options are described below:

• voice/fax operation — in which the voice channel will process voice or fax
signals. Normally, the channel will operate in voice mode. If a fax signal is
detected, the channel will automatically switch to fax mode. It will stay in that
mode until fax signals are no longer detected, and then switch back to voice
mode. Use this option for most voice/fax applications.
• voice-only operation — in which the channel will remain in voice mode all
the time. Use this option if the voice/fax channel is dedicated to voice traffic
only. You must select this mode when performing frequency/level tests of the
channel. This prevents the channel from accidentally entering the fax mode
when a test tone is used.

Using the mode subcommand

To set the channels voice mode, enter:

CLI> set voice profile mode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<Mode> voiceFax | voiceOnly VoiceOnly is generally used on a
channel that is dedicated to voice
applications. Default is voiceFax.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1077

Number of Rings (FXO & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only)

The numOfRings subcommand is used to set the number of ring cycles a local
FXO channel will wait for before providing a dial tone. As displayed in the figure
below, when an attempt is made to contact a network channel from a PBX station,
the user first dials the local FXO channel and waits for a second dial tone. In
response, the local FXO channel waits for one or more ring cycles before
providing that dial tone. The user then dials the extension number of the network
channel. You can enter a number between 1 and 9.

PBX Local Passport 4400 Remote Passport 4400

Passpo Passpo
rt 4400 rt 4400
Trunk Station
Side Side
FXO Channels FXS Channels

Using the numOfRings subcommand

To set the number of ring cycles for a local FXO channel, enter:

CLI> set voice profile numOfRings

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<NumOfRings> INTEGER (1..9) Select an integer between 1 and 9.
A setting of 1 is suitable for most
installations. If you encounter any
problem in completing a call, or if
you prefer to hear more than one
ringback, set it to a higher number.
Default is 1.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1078 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Output Level Attenuation

The outputLevelAttn subcommand is used to set the output voice/fax signal

attenuation level. You can enter values ranging from -15 dB to 15 dB. For more
information regarding setting the output level attenuation, refer to “Voice Level
Adjustment Procedures” on page 1405.

Note: The output level attenuation must be set to comply with the
standards of the country wherein the equipment is used.

Using the outputLevelAttn subcommand

To set the output level attenuation, enter:

CLI> set voice profile outputLevelAttn

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<OutputLevelAttn> INTEGER (-15..15) Set to 0 for installations in the
U.S.A. and Canada. In all other
countries, follow the prevailing
standards. Default is 0 dB.

Premium Voice (DVM Only)

The Premium Voice feature is supported between Passport 4400 units. It specifies
to the digital voice module (DVM) where to enable or disable the transparent
voice (no decompression) algorithm.

Note: Premium Voice on the Passport 4460 units will interwork with
other Passport 4460 units and with Marathon products. However,
Premium Voice on the Passport 4460 units will not interwork with 4430/
50/55 units.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1079

Using the premiumVoice subcommand

To enable the premium voice feature, enter:

CLI> set voice profile premiumVoice

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<PremiumVoice> disabled | enabled Select enabled to turn on the
premium voice feature, disabled to
turn it off. Default is disabled.

Ring Frequency (FXS & Voice/Fax Switching Module Only)

The ringFrequency subcommand is used to set the frequency of the signal that
causes an attached telephone to ring when a call is coming in on that channel. The
following options are available:

• 25 Hz — used for most applications

• 50 Hz — used with some European telephone systems

Using the ring frequency subcommand

To set FXS ring frequency, enter:

CLI> set voice profile ringFrequency

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<RingFrequency> 25Hz | 50Hz Set to match the ring frequency
prevailing in your telephone
system. Default is 25Hz.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1080 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Assigning the Voice Parameters Profile ID

The following sections describe how to assign a previously configured voice
profile to a voice fax/channel. You may assign the same profile to more than one
channel by repeating these steps.

• “Configurator Procedure for Assigning the Voice Parameters Profile” on

page 1080
• “CLI Procedure for Assigning the Voice Parameters Profile” on
page 1082

Configurator Procedure for Assigning the Voice Parameters


To assign a voice parameter profile to a channel, use the Configurator procedures


1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1081

You will see the Voice Channels window opens:

2 Locate the voice channel you want to assign a profile to and click on the
appropriate Modify hyper-link in the Action column. You will see the
Modifying a Voice Channel window:

3 At Voice Profile/Voice Profile (Interface Specific Parameters), enter the

profile number (1 through 32 for Passport 4430/50/55, and 1 through 60 for
Passport 4460) that you want to assign to the voice channel.
4 Click on save. A “Command Successful” message appears.
5 To continue assigning profiles to other voice channels, click on Voice
Channels at the top of the window and repeat steps four through seven.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1082 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI Procedure for Assigning the Voice Parameters Profile

To assign a voice parameter profile to a channel, enter the following commands:

CLI> set voice parameters profileID

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> limB | limC | limD | limE Enter the slot number of the
desired voice module
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..12) Enter the voice channel number
for the desired voice module
(maximum for analog is 2)
<ProfileID> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice
profile you are assigning to that

For Passport 4460

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> exp1 | exp2 Enter the slot number of the

desired voice module
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..30) Enter the voice channel number for
the desired voice module.
<ProfileID> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice
profile you are assigning to that

Voice Switching Profile Options

To configure the switching parameters of a voice/fax channel, you must first
create a library of voice/fax switching profiles. Each profile includes a set of
voice/fax switching characteristics specified by the administrator of your system.
Once this library has been created, you may assign a profile to one or more of the
voice/fax channels within your unit, as specified by the systems administrator.
Assigning a switching profile to a voice/fax channel is discussed later in this

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1083

• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile

Parameters” on page 1083
• “CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile Commands” on
page 1094

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching

Profile Parameters

To set the voice switching profile parameters for a voice module, use the
Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At Voice Switching Profiles, select the profile you want to configure and click
the Modify button.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1084 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

You will see the Voice Switching Profile window:

3 Click on the Save button when all desired parameters have been entered.
4 Click on the Next and Previous buttons to configure other profiles in the
egress table.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1085

The optional parameters for the Voice Switching Profiles are described below:

• “Outgoing Call Restriction” on page 1085

• “Incoming Call Restriction” on page 1086
• “Closed User Group Id (0...255)” on page 1086
• “Restriction Class Code” on page 1086
• “Auto Call Number” on page 1087
• “Call Negotiation (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1087
• “Transmit Priority” on page 1088
• “Auto Call Type” on page 1088
• “Address Server” on page 1089
• “Auto Ringdown (Analog Only)” on page 1089
• “Voice Negotiation (Passport 4460)” on page 1092
• “Fax Negotiation (Passport 4460)” on page 1092
• “Dial Blocking (Passport 4460)” on page 1093

Outgoing Call Restriction

The Outgoing Call Restriction parameter is used to selectively restrict outgoing

calls. The optional parameters are described below:

Parameter Description

None Your outgoing calls are not restricted, but their

acceptance is subject to the restrictions of the called
Closed User Group Outgoing calls are restricted to destinations whose
user group number matches the caller’s.
Restriction Class Outgoing calls are restricted to destinations whose
class number is equal to or lower than the caller’s
class number.
Closed Usr Grp Restriction Class Outgoing calls are restricted to destinations whose
user group number matches the caller’s group
number and whose class number is equal to or lower
than the caller’s class number.
Inhibit All All outgoing calls are inhibited.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1086 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Incoming Call Restriction

The incomingCallRestriction subcommand is used to selectively restrict incoming

calls. The optional parameters are described below:

NoRestriction Incoming calls will be accepted under two conditions:

• There is no restriction on the caller side
• Caller restriction is by class only
CheckCUGID Incoming calls can be received only if the caller’s group
number matches the group number of the receiver.
CheckRestrictionClassCode Incoming calls are accepted only if the caller’s class
number is equal to or higher than the receiver’s class
CheckBothCUGandRcCode Incoming calls will be accepted if the caller’s group
number matches the receiver’s group number and the
caller’s class number is equal to or higher than the
receiver’s class number.
InhibitAll With this option, all incoming calls are rejected.

Closed User Group Id (0...255)

The Closed User Group Id parameter operates in conjunction with the incoming
and outgoing call restriction subcommands, and is used to restrict calls to all but a
select group of users. Only the user group belonging to the id number selected will
be able to call an extension number or receive a call from another extension
number, if restricted.

Restriction Class Code

The Restriction Class Code parameter operates in conjunction with the incoming
and outgoing call restriction subcommands, and is used to restrict calls to all but a
select class of users. Only the users belonging to the selected class number or
higher will be able to call an extension number, if restricted. Only the users
belonging to the selected class number or lower can receive calls from another
extension number, if restricted. If 0 is selected, the call restrictions do not apply to
any class group.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1087

Auto Call Number

The Autocall Number parameter allows the user to preselect a fixed destination.
To do that, the user selects an ingress table profile index number that corresponds
to the extension number of the desired destination. Then, when the local voice/fax
channel goes off-hook, that extension number is automatically called. An example
of an Auto Call application is described in “Autocall Application” on page 1096.

Ingress index number = 5

Ingress number = 1234
Example 1:
Manipulation String = none
Switching profile = 12

To reach extension number 1234 via autocall, within switching profile 12, set
autocall number to 5. Each time the telephone is taken off-hook, the network will
automatically dial 1234, the telephone number corresponding to index number 5.

Ingress index number = 6

Ingress number = 8 (speed dial)
Example 2:
Manipulation String = 1234
Switching profile = 7

To reach extension number 1234 via autocall, within switching profile 7, set
autocall number to 6. Each time the telephone is taken off-hook, the network will
first dial 8, the telephone number corresponding to index number 6. Ultimately, 8
will be converted by manipulation string to 1234.

If that telephone number includes a # sign, and provided that the maximum
number of forwarded digits is other than zero, you will receive a dial tone
that prompts you to add additional digits.
If the maximum number of forwarded digits is zero, no additional digits are
accepted, and the telephone number associated with that index number will
be forwarded immediately.

Call Negotiation (Passport 4430/50/55)

This option is currently not implemented.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1088 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Transmit Priority

The Transmit Priority parameter is used to set the priority of voice signals within
the Passport 4400 priority hierarchy. Select a number from 0 to 15, where 0 is the
lowest priority and 15 is the highest priority. Typical priority setting for voice is

Auto Call Type

The Auto Call Type Parameter is used to select a method for establishing autocalls
between selected voice channels. Specifically, it allows the user to choose
between the normal (standard) method, and (master or slave) HootnHoller.

• Normal — When this option is selected, going off-hook causes the local
Voice Application (VA) to initiate a search for the device network address
(DNA) of the destination voice channel. Once resolved, the local (calling)
VA establishes a network connection with the destination (called) VA.
Finally, the two voice channels use the network connection to establish a
voice connection. The connection is terminated when the user at either
end hangs up the phone. While a connection is in place, both channels are
in a busy state to any other network station. Once the connection is
terminated, and provided there are no other restrictions (e.g., outgoing
calls only), either side is free to receive calls from another channel. Note
that network connection, as used in this context, applies to a connection
established either over a frame relay link or between channels located
within the same physical unit.
• Hoot-and-Holler — This feature refers to a permanent SVC connection
between two voice channels designated as master and slave, respectively.
It is the responsibility of the master to establish and maintain the network
connection. It does so upon power up, following a reset, or through link

Note: In networks containing Release 3.x and Release 4.x software, the
Release 4.x software should be set to Master, not Slave.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1089

— By definition, the master is a voice channel whose switching profile

Auto Call Type is configured for masterHootnHoller. Its Auto Call
Number is an index number pointing to an extension number in the
ingress table. That extension number is an egress table phone number
entry in its designated slave channel.
— The slave is a voice channel whose switching profile autocallType is
configured for slaveHootnHoller. Its Auto Call Number is an index
number pointing to an extension number in the ingress table. That
extension number is an egress table phone number entry in its
designated master channel. It can accept calls from its designated
master channel, but cannot initiate calls.

At start-up, master and slave behave differently; the master attempts to establish a
network connection. Once a network connection has been made, master and slave
behave the same way. While so designated, neither can accept calls from another
network channel.

Like other Passport 4400 voice circuits, Hoot-and-Holler incorporates

bandwidth-on-demand, a feature designed to optimize bandwidth utilization.
Even though the connection is semi permanent, bandwidth is used only when
there is voice traffic present, and then only in the direction of the voice traffic. To
enable this bandwidth saving feature, the Bandwidth parameter of the voice
profile must be set to Voice Activated.

Address Server

The Address Server parameter specifies which DNA server is to be used for
network address resolution:

• NAS — Select this option if your DNA server is a Passport 4400 unit
• VNCS — Select this option if your DNA server is a Passport 6400 unit

Auto Ringdown (Analog Only)

The Auto Ringdown setting operates in conjunction with Hoot and Holler. When
Auto Ringdown (ARD) is enabled, and the line goes off-hook, the far end rings
immediately. This function operates opposite of Auto Call where the call setup is
delayed due to the time it takes to dial the far-end number. The connection
between the two parties remains permanently up regardless of whether either
party is talking or not or until both sides go on-hook.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1090 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Configuring ARD

Configuring ARD on the Master and Slave sides requires the following:

• The proper egress table entries should be made as detailed in “Egress Table”
on page 944.
• Hoot and Holler should be configured as the Autocall Type as described in
“Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile Parameters”
on page 1083.
• Enable ARD using the following Configurator Procedure:

To configure ARD, follow these steps::

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1091

2 Using the Card Slot column and the Channel Number column, identify the
voice channel on which you would like to configure ARD.
3 Click on the number in the Switching Profile column that corresponds to the
voice module identified in the previous step.
The Voice Switching Profile window opens:

4 At Auto Ringdown, select Enable

5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” message appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1092 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Voice Negotiation (Passport 4460)

The Voice Negotiation parameter specifies the preference for the voice algorithm
when an outgoing call is made. Up to three algorithms may be selected, separated
by a comma. The sequence represents the priority. When this parameter is
configured, it takes precedence over the Digitizing Rate configured in
“Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)” on page 988.

Note: If your network contains a Passport 4430/50/55 unit, it is important

that G.729 is one of the algorithms selected (the Passport 4430/50/55 unit
only supports G.729).

Fax Negotiation (Passport 4460)

The Fax Negotiation parameter allows up to three FAX algorithms to be selected,

separated by a comma. The sequence represents the priority. When this parameter
is configured, it takes precedence over the FAX Digitizing Rate configured in
“Configurator Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)” on page 988. The
actual speed and FAX algorithm used is done through end-to-end negotiation
internally and is hidden from the user.

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<FaxAlgNegotiate> “String” of: Select up to three FAX algorithms.
2400, 4800, 7200,
9600, G.711

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1093

Dial Blocking (Passport 4460)

Use the Dial Blocking parameter to enable or disable the dial blocking feature for
this switching profile. When dial blocking is enabled, the Passport 4430/50/55
signals the attached PBX to reroute outgoing voice calls (through the PSTN) if
either of the following conditions occurs:

• The primary WAN link is down.

• The desired address is not present in the local cache table and the call server
(VNCS on a Passport 6400 or NAS on a Passport 4430/50/55) is not available
to resolve the destination address. (Note that a call will not be blocked if the
number is available in the local cache table, whether or not the call server is

Once the condition is corrected, the Passport 4430/50/55 signals the attached PBX
to resume normal routing of voice calls.

• This feature is supported on the following Passport 4430/50/55 voice
interface types: T1 CAS, E1 CAS, FXS, E&M.
• To ensure that all outgoing voice calls are blocked, enable dial blocking for all
switching profiles that are in use on the unit.

• This feature will not operate on branch nodes that have multiple physical links
(in addition to the primary and secondary WAN links).
• This feature will not operate on regional or central nodes that have terminated
voice port connections.
• This feature will not operate if more than one call server is configured. This is
true even if only one call server is active.
• Force Connect calls (Hoot ‘N Holler and auto ring down) are not supported
(will not be blocked).
• B channel (E1) and DS0 channel (T1) blocking fill is not supported.

You can also use the CLI to enable the Passport 4430/50/55 dial blocking feature.
Refer to “Dial Blocking Condition (Passport 4460)” on page 1114 for a detailed

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1094 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile


To access the Voice Switching Profile commands, follow this path:

CLI> set voice switchingProfile

The available options are displayed and described below:

Parameter Section Covered in:

• addServerSelect “Address Server Selection” on page 1094
• autoCallIndexNum “Autocall Index Number” on page 1095
• autoCallType “Autocall Type” on page 1099
• autoRingDown “Auto Ringdown (Analog Only)” on page 1106
• callNegotiation* “Call Negotiation (Passport 4430/50/55)” on
page 1107
• closedUserGrpId “Closed User Group” on page 1107
• incomingCallRestr “Incoming Call Restriction” on page 1108
• outgoingCallRestr “Outgoing Call Restrictions” on page 1109
• restrictionClass “Restriction by Class” on page 1110
• tx priority “Tx Priority” on page 1112
• voiceAlgNegotiation “Voice Algorithm Negotiation (Passport 4460)”
on page 1113
• faxAlgNegotiation “Fax Algorithm Negotiation (Passport 4460)”
on page 1113
• dialBlockingCondition “Dial Blocking Condition (Passport 4460)” on
page 1114
*These options are currently not implemented.

Details are described in the following paragraphs. Where applicable, default

values are shown in brackets.

Address Server Selection

The addServerSelect subcommand specifies which DNA server is to be used for

network address resolution: NAS or VNCS.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1095

Using the Address Server Subcommand

To access the addServerSelect subcommand, enter:

CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring.

Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<addServerSelect> nas | vncs Choose the parameter that meets the
requirements of your system: nas, if
your DNA server is a Passport 4400
unit; vncs, if your DNA server is a
Passport 6400 unit.

Autocall Index Number

The autocallIndexNum subcommand allows the user to preselect a fixed

destination. To do that, the user selects an ingress table profile index number that
corresponds to the extension number of the desired destination. Then, when the
local voice/fax channel goes off-hook, that extension number is automatically

Ingress index number = 5

Ingress number = 1234
Example 1:
Manipulation String = none
Switching profile = 12

To reach extension number 1234 via autocall, within switching profile 12, set
autocall index number to 5. Each time the telephone is taken off-hook, the
network will automatically dial 1234, the telephone number corresponding to
index number 5.

Ingress index number = 6

Ingress number = 8 (speed dial)
Example 2:
Manipulation String = 1234
Switching profile = 7

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1096 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

To reach extension number 1234 via autocall, within switching profile 7, set
autocall index number to 6. Each time the telephone is taken off-hook, the
network will first dial 8, the telephone number corresponding to index number 6.
Ultimately, 8 will be converted by manipulation string to 1234.

Setting an autocall index number

To set the AutoCallIndexNum, enter:

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallIndexNum

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring.

Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<AutoCallIndexNum> INTEGER (0..60) Enter the ingress table index
number. Each time you lift the
telephone off-hook, the telephone
number associated with that index
number will be automatically

If that telephone number includes a # sign, and provided that the maximum
number of forwarded digits is other than zero, you will receive a dial tone
that prompts you to add additional digits.
If the maximum number of forwarded digits is zero, no additional digits are
accepted, and the telephone number associated with that index number will
be forwarded immediately.

Autocall Application

Autocall allows multiple users to contend for a limited number of resources within
the network, reducing costs. As shown in the following illustration, a headquarters
office in Los Angeles is connected over three separate WAN links to field offices
in Chicago, Simi, and Dallas. Each office is served by a Passport 4400 unit
equipped with a T1 Voice Module and a Digital Voice Module, and connected to
the trunk side of a local digital PBX. The trunk access number at each PBX is 80.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1097

Each Digital Voice Module is assigned a 3-digit Passport 4400 network extension
number as shown. In addition, the three field offices are provisioned with autocall
enabled to extension number X345.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1098 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Any of the field office users can access the Los Angeles PBX by lifting the station
telephone off-hook, dial access code 80, and be automatically connected to the
Los Angeles PBX trunk. From there the user can dial any PBX station or dial an
access code for a PSTN dial tone.

Los Angeles Chicago

Digital PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 Digital PBX


Station Trunk 80 80 Trunk Station
Side Side Side Side
X345 X234


Dallas Simi Valley

Digital PBX Passport 4400 Passport 4400 Digital PBX


Station Trunk 80 80 Trunk Station
Side Side Side Side
X678 X123

1234 2345

TVM = T1 Voice Module

DVM = Digital Voice Module

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1099

Autocall Type

The AutoCallType subcommand is used to select a method for establishing

autocalls between selected voice channels. Specifically, it allows the user to
choose between the normal (standard) method, and Hoot-and-Holler.


When this option is selected, going off-hook causes the local Voice Application
(VA) to initiate a search for the device network address (DNA) of the destination
voice channel. Once resolved, the local (calling) VA establishes a network
connection with the destination (called) VA. Finally, the two voice channels use
the network connection to establish a voice connection. The connection is
terminated when the user at either end hangs up the phone. While a connection is
in place, both channels are in a busy state to any other network station. Once the
connection is terminated, and provided there are no other restrictions (e.g.,
outgoing calls only), either side is free to receive calls from another channel. Note
that network connection, as used in this context, applies to a connection
established either over a frame relay link or between channels located within the
same physical unit.


This feature refers to a permanent SVC connection between two voice channels
designated as master and slave, respectively. It is the responsibility of the master
to establish and maintain the network connection. It does so upon power up,
following a reset, or through link failures.

By definition, the master is a voice channel whose switching profile autocallType

is configured for masterHootHoller. Its autoCallIndexNum is an index number
pointing to an extension number in the ingress table. That extension number is an
egress table phone number entry in its designated slave channel.

The slave is a voice channel whose switching profile autocallType is configured

for slaveHootHoller. Its autoCallIndexNum is an index number pointing to an
extension number in the ingress table. That extension number is an egress table
phone number entry in its designated master channel. It can accept calls from its
designated master channel, but cannot initiate calls.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1100 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

At start-up, master and slave behave differently; the master attempts to establish a
network connection. Once a network connection has been made, master and slave
behave the same way. While so designated, neither can accept calls from another
network channel.

Like other Passport 4400 voice circuits, Hoot-and-Holler incorporates

bandwidth-on-demand, a feature designed to optimize bandwidth utilization.
Even though the connection is semi permanent, bandwidth is used only when
there is voice traffic present, and then only in the direction of the voice traffic. To
enable this bandwidth saving feature, the bandwidth parameter of the voice profile
must be set to voiceActivated.

Note: In networks containing Release 3.x and Release 4.x software, the
Release 4.x software should be set to Master, not Slave.

Setting an autocall type

To set the AutoCallType, enter:

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallType

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring.

Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<AutoCallType> normal | Select masterHootnHoller or
masterHootnHoller | slaveHootnHoller, as appropriate
slaveHootnHoller for your application on this node.
Select normal to disable the hoot
and holler feature.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1101

Hoot and Holler Application

In a typical application, as shown in the following figure, the slave channel is

connected to a loudspeaker which is considered to be always off-hook. One-way
conversation starts when the user at the master end goes off-hook and summons a
person at the slave end.

Node 1 (Master) Node 2 (Slave)

Voice Voice
Application Application


Hoot-and-holler is also used as a component of the Transparent CCS application,

and can also be used in conjunction with Premium Voice (DVM Only).

Note: The following is an example of how to set up a single hoot and

holler channel. To configure multiple hoot-and-holler channels, each
channel must have a unique switching profile number, and each switching
profile must have a VNCS or NAS pointer.

Configuration — at the Master End

1 Enter the slave channel’s network number in the master’s ingress table.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1102 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IngressIndex> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a number from 1 to 60. For

INTEGER (1..32) this example, assume that the
index number is 1.
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<IngressNumber> “String” (0..40) Enter the number of the slave
channel’s network number. For this
example, assume that the number
is 1234

2 Enter ingress index 1 as the autocall index number.

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallIndexNum

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring.

Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<autoCallIndexNum> INTEGER (0..60) Enter 1. This number corresponds
to 1234, the number you have
previously entered in the ingress
table at index 1.

3 Configure autoCallType for masterHootnHoller.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1103

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallType

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring. For this
example, assume that this is
profile number 1.
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<AutoCallType> normal | Enter masterHootnHoller.
masterHootnHoller |

4 Assign Switching Profile 1 to the applicable voice channel.

CLI> set voice parameters switchingprofileID

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> limB | limC | limD | limE Enter the location of the card
whose channel you are
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..12) Enter an integer between 1 and
12, as applicable.
<SwitchingProfile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter 1, the number of the
switching profile you have
previously configured and which
you are now assigning to that
voice channel.

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> exp1 | exp2 Enter the location of the card

whose channel you are

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1104 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..30) Enter an integer between 1 and 30,
as applicable.
<SwitchingProfile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter 1, the number of the
switching profile you have
previously configured and which
you are now assigning to that voice

Configuration - at the Slave End

Note: It is assumed that the number 4567 has been previously entered in
the master egress table as the phoneNumber and assigned to one of the
voice channels.

5 Enter the master’s network number in the slave’s ingress table.

CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IngressIndex> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a number from 1 to 60. For

INTEGER (1..32) this example, assume that the
index number is 1.
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<IngressNumber> “String” (0..40) Enter the number of the master
channel network number. For this
example, assume that the number
is 4567.

6 Enter ingress index 1 as the autocall index number.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1105

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallIndexNum

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring. For this
example, assume that this is
profile number 1.
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<autoCallIndexNum> INTEGER (0..60) Enter 1. This number corresponds
to 4567, the number you have
previously entered in the ingress
table at index 1.

7 Configure autoCallType for slaveHootnHoller.

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallType

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring. For
this example, assume that this is
profile number 1.
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<AutoCallType> normal | Enter slaveHootnHoller.
masterHootnHoller |

8 Assign Switching Profile 1 to the applicable voice channel.

CLI> set voice parameters switchingprofileID

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> limB | limC | limD | limE Enter the location of the card
number whose channel you are

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1106 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..12) Enter an integer between 1 and
12, as applicable.
<SwitchingProfile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter 1, the number of the
switching profile you have
previously configured and which
you are now assigning to that
voice channel.

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> exp1 | exp2 Enter the location of the card

number whose channel you are
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..30) Enter an integer between 1 and
30, as applicable.
<SwitchingProfile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter 1, the number of the
switching profile you have
previously configured and which
you are now assigning to that
voice channel.

Auto Ringdown (Analog Only)

The autoRingDown subcommand operates in conjunction with Hoot and Holler.

When Auto Ringdown (ARD) is configured, and the line goes off-hook, the far
end rings immediately. This function operates opposite of Auto Call where the
call setup is delayed due to the time it takes to dial the far-end number. The
connection between the two parties remains permanently up regardless of whether
either party is talking or not or until both sides go on-hook.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1107

Configuring ARD

Configuring ARD on the Master and Slave sides requires the following:

• The proper egress table entries should be made as detailed in the section titled
“Egress Table” on page 944.
• Hoot and Holler should be configured as described starting in
“Hoot-and-Holler” on page 1099.
• Enable ARD using the following subcommand:

CLI> set voice switchingprofile autoRingDown

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring. For this
example, assume that this is
profile number 1.
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<AutoRingDown> disable | enable Enter enabled

Call Negotiation (Passport 4430/50/55)

This option is currently not implemented.

Closed User Group

The closedUserGroup subcommand operates in conjunction with the incoming

and outgoing call restriction subcommands, and is used to restrict calls to all but a
select group of users.

Setting the Closed User Group profile

To specify the closed user group ID number, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1108 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice switchingProfile closedUserGrpId

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the

INTEGER (1..32) switching profile you are
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<ClosedUserGroupId> INTEGER (0..255) Select a number between 0 and
255. Only the user group
belonging to this id number will
be able to call an extension
number or receive a call from
another extension number, if

Incoming Call Restriction

The incomingCallRestriction subcommand is used to selectively restrict incoming


Setting the incoming call restriction profile

To specify the type of incomingCallRestriction, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1109

CLI> set voice switchingProfile incomingCallRestr

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the

INTEGER (1..32) switching profile you are
Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<IncomingCallRestr> noRestriction | checkCUGID | Select one of the options
checkRestrictionClassCode | described in the following table.
checkBothCUGandRCCode |

NoRestriction Incoming calls will be accepted under two conditions:

• There is no restriction on the caller side
• Caller restriction is by class only
CheckCUGID Incoming calls can be received only if the caller’s group
number matches the group number of the receiver.
CheckRestrictionClassCode Incoming calls are accepted only if the caller’s class
number is equal to or higher than the receiver’s class
CheckBothCUGandRcCode Incoming calls will be accepted if the caller’s group
number matches the receiver’s group number and the
caller’s class number is equal to or higher than the
receiver’s class number.
InhibitAll With this option, all incoming calls are rejected.

Outgoing Call Restrictions

The outgoingCallRestriction subcommand is used to selectively restrict outgoing


Setting the outgoing call restriction profile

To specify the type of outgoing call restriction, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1110 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice switchingProfile outgoingCallRestr

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring.

Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<OutgoingCallRestr> noRestriction Select one of the options
|closedUserGroupCall | described in the following table.
restrictionClassCall |
bothCUGandRCCall |

NoRestriction Your outgoing calls are not restricted, but their acceptance is
subject to the restrictions of the called number.
ClosedUserGroupCall Outgoing calls are restricted to destinations whose user group
number matches the caller’s.
RestrictionClassCall Outgoing calls are restricted to destinations whose class
number is equal to or lower than the caller’s class number.
bothCUGandRCCall Outgoing calls are restricted to destinations whose user group
number matches the caller’s group number and whose class
number is equal to or lower than the caller’s class number.
InhibitAll All outgoing calls are inhibited.

Restriction by Class

The restrictionByClass subcommand operates in conjunction with the incoming

and outgoing call restriction subcommands, and is used to restrict calls to all but a
select class of users.

Setting the restriction class profile

To specify the selected class, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1111

CLI> set voice switchingProfile restrictionClass

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring.

Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<RestrictionClass> INTEGER (0..255) Select a number between 1 and
255. Only the users belonging to
this class number or higher will be
able to call an extension number, if
restricted. Only users belonging to
this class number or lower can
receive calls from another
extension number, if restricted.
If you select 0, the call restrictions
do not apply to any class group.

Call Restriction Matrix

The following table is a matrix of restrictions on all combinations of calls that

may occur between receiver and caller.

Outgoing Restrictions

No Restriction Closed User Restriction by Class Restriction by Inhibit All

Incoming Group Class and by
Restrictions Closed User
No Restriction Accept all calls Reject all calls Accept all calls Reject all calls Inhibit all
Restriction by Reject all calls Accept if there is Reject all calls Accept if there Inhibit all
Closed User a user group is a user outgoing
Group number match group number calls
Restriction by Reject all calls Reject all calls Accept, if caller’s Reject all calls Inhibit all
Class class number is outgoing
equal to or higher calls
than receiver’s class

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1112 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

Restriction by Reject all calls Reject all calls Reject all calls Accept if the Inhibit all
Class and by group outgoing
Closed User numbers calls
Group match, and if
caller’s class
number is
equal to or
higher than
the receiver’s
class number
Inhibit all Reject all calls Reject all calls Reject all calls Reject all calls Inhibit all
calls; reject
all incoming

Tx Priority

The txPriority subcommand is used to set the priority of voice signals within the
Passport 4400 priority hierarchy.

Setting the txPriority number for voice

To set the priority number for voice, enter:

CLI> set voice switchingProfile txPriority

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter the number of the switching

INTEGER (1..32) profile you are configuring.

Passport 4460
INTEGER (1..60)
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) Select a number from 0 to 15,
where 0 is the lowest priority and
15 is the highest priority. Typical
priority setting for voice is 11.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1113

Voice Algorithm Negotiation (Passport 4460)

The voiceAlgNegotiate subcommand specifies the preference for the voice

algorithm when an outgoing call is made. Up to three algorithms may be selected,
separated by a comma. The sequence represents the priority. When this parameter
is configured, it takes precedence over the Digitizing Rate configured in “CLI
Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)” on page 1045.

Note: If your network contains a Passport 4430/50/55 unit, it is important

that G.729 is one of the algorithms selected (the Passport 4430/50/55 unit
only supports G.729).

To set the desired voice algorithm negotiation settings, enter:

CLI> set voice switchingProfile voiceAlgNegotiate

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<VoiceAlgNegotiate> “String” of: Select up to three algorithms
G.729-20ms, separated by a comma.

Fax Algorithm Negotiation (Passport 4460)

The Fax Negotiation parameter allows up to three FAX algorithms to be selected,

separated by a comma. The sequence represents the priority. When this parameter
is configured, it takes precedence over the Fax Digitizing Rate configured in “CLI
Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)” on page 1045. The actual speed
and FAX algorithm used is done through end-to-end negotiation internally and is
hidden from the user.

To set the desired fax algorithm negotiation settings, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1114 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> set voice switchingProfile faxAlgNegotiate

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the voice

profile you are configuring.
<FaxAlgNegotiate> “String” of: Select up to three algorithms
2400, 4800, 7200, separated by a comma.
9600, G.711

Dial Blocking Condition (Passport 4460)

Use the dialBlockingCondition subcommand to enable or disable the dial blocking

feature for this switching profile. When dial blocking is enabled, the
Passport 4430/50/55 signals the attached PBX to reroute outgoing voice calls
(through the PSTN) if either of the following conditions occurs:

• The primary WAN link is down.

• The desired address is not present in the local cache table and the call server
(VNCS on a Passport 6400 or NAS on a Passport 4430/50/55) is not available
to resolve the destination address.

Once the condition is corrected, the Passport 4430/50/55 signals the attached PBX
to resume normal routing of voice calls.

CLI> set voice switchingprofile dialBlockingCondition

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Passport 4460 The number of the switching
INTEGER (1..60) profile you are configuring.
<dialBlockingCondition> disable | enable Choose enable to turn dial
blocking on and disable to turn
dial blocking off for this switching
profile. The default is disable.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1115

• This feature is supported on the following Passport 4430/50/55 voice
interface types: T1 CAS, E1 CAS, FXS, E&M.
• To ensure that all outgoing voice calls are blocked, enable dial blocking for all
switching profiles that are in use on the unit.

• This feature will not operate on branch nodes that have multiple physical links
(in addition to the primary and secondary WAN links).
• This feature will not operate on regional or central nodes that have terminated
voice port connections.
• This feature will not operate if more than one call server is configured. This is
true even if only one call server is active.
• Force Connect calls (Hoot ‘N Holler and auto ring down) are not supported
(will not be blocked).
• B channel (E1) and DS0 channel (T1) blocking fill is not supported.

Assigning the Voice Parameters Switching Profile ID

The following sections describe how to assign a previously configured voice

profile to a voice fax/channel. You may assign the same profile to more than one
channel by repeating these steps.

• “Configurator Procedure for assigning the Voice Switching Profile” on

page 1115
• “CLI Procedure for setting the Voice Parameters Switching Profile ID” on
page 1117

Configurator Procedure for assigning the Voice Switching


To assign a voice parameter profile to a channel, use the Configurator procedures


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1116 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 Locate the voice channel you want to assign a profile to, and click on the
appropriate Modify hyper-link in the Action column. You will see the
Modifying a Voice Channel window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1117

3 At Switching Profile, enter the profile number (1 through 32 for Passport

4430/50/55, and 1 through 60 for Passport 4460) that you want to assign to the
voice channel.
4 Click on save. A “Command Successful” message appears.
5 To continue assinging profiles to other voice channels, click on Voice
Channels at the top of the window and repeat steps four through seven.

CLI Procedure for setting the Voice Parameters Switching

Profile ID

To assign a voice switching profile to a channel, enter the following subcommand:

CLI> set voice parameters switchingProfile ID

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> limB | limC | limD | limE Enter the location of the card.
<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..12) Enter the number of the channel.
<SwitchingProfileID> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the switching
profile you are assigning to that

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> exp1 | exp2 Enter the location of the card.

<ChannelNumber> INTEGER (1..30) Enter the number of the channel.
<SwitchingProfileID> INTEGER (1..60) Enter the number of the switching
profile you are assigning to that

System Transport Method

The following sections describe how to assign the system transport method for the
Passport 4400 unit. This setting will be used as the default (as system) setting for
all voice channels in the local Passport 4400 unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1118 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

There are two methods to configure this parameter:

• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Transport Method” on

page 1118
• “CLI Procedure for Setting the System Transport Method” on page 1119

Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Transport


To assign the system transport method to the Passport 4400 unit, use the
Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Transport from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Transport window:

2 Select the method of voice traffic transportation and click Save. A “Command
Successful” message appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1119

The optional parameters for Voice Transport Method are described below:

Voice Over Frame Relay • Select this setting if most of the voice traffic in your
Passport 4400 unit is being transported via Frame Relay.
Voice Over IP • Select this setting if most of the voice traffic in your
Passport 4400 unit is being transported via IP.

CLI Procedure for Setting the System Transport Method

To set the voice transport method for the Passport 4400 unit, enter the following

CLI> set voice transMethod

Parameter Definition Description

voFR Voice Over Frame Relay • Select this setting if most of the voice
traffic in your Passport 4400 unit is being
transported via Frame Relay.
voIP Voice Over IP • Select this setting if most of the voice
traffic in your Passport 4400 unit is being
transported via IP.

Voice Overbooking

Warning: If used incorrectly, this feature could have a severe impact to

the quality of voice in your network. If you are unfamiliar with the
requirements for enabling this parameter, it is strongly suggested you
leave it in the default state (disallowed).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1120 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

The following table displays basic settings for suggested number of voice
channels to WAN link bandwidth settings with Voice Overbooking allowed:

WAN Link # of Voice Channels* # of Voice Channels*

Bandwidth North American Speech Pattern** Asian Speech Pattern**

64 kb/s 6 5
128 kb/s 16 14
192 kb/s 28 23
168 kb/s 40 33
*Recommended values based on the following conditions: no other traffic is
present, no fax channels is present, SAD ON, lost speech frames within 1
percentile, no blocking factor present.
** North American speech pattern is 40% active, Asian speech pattern is 50%

The following sections describe how to allow or disallow voice overbooking for
the Passport 4400 unit:

• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring Voice Overbooking” on page 1120

• “CLI Procedure for Configuring Voice Overbooking” on page 1121

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Voice Overbooking

To set the voice overbooking feature for the Passport 4400 unit, use the
Configurator procedures below:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel 1121

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Overbooking from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Overbooking window:

2 Allow or Disallow Voice Overbooking and click Save. A “Command

Successful” message appears.

Parameter Description

Allowed • Call requests go out regardless of available bandwidth.

<Disallowed> • Default setting. Call requests will not go out if WAN link
bandwidth is full.

CLI Procedure for Configuring Voice Overbooking

To set the voice overbooking feature for the Passport 4400 unit, enter the
following subcommand:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1122 Chapter 23 Configuring a Voice Channel

CLI> define fr system voiceOverbooking

Parameter Description

<allowed> • Call requests go out regardless of available bandwidth.

<notAllowed> • Default setting. Call requests will not go out if WAN link
bandwidth is full.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 24

This chapter describes the commands associated with the NAC/NAS network
address resolution application. NAC/NAS is a client/server application running
among Passport 4400 units. Like RSI/RSA, this application is involved in
resolving network addresses of locally dialed phone numbers. Unlike RSI/RSA,
which is used when a Passport 6400 is server, NAC/NAS is used when Passport
4400 units serve as both the client(s) and the server(s). See the following figure
for a typical network architecture. Also unlike the RSI/RSA, with NAC/NAS you
must reregister the telephone numbers attached to your Passport 4400 unit. See
“Configurator Procedure for Using the System Action Commands” on page 1538
or “CLI Procedure for Using the Action Commands” on page 1539 as appropriate
for details.

If your server is a Passport 6400 unit, network address resolution is implemented,

as shown, in “RSI/RSA” on page 1155.

Note: You may have both NAC and RSI servers specified in integrated
4400/6400 networks.

You may use one of two procedures to configure NAC/NAS on your Passport
4400 unit:

• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the NAC/NAS” on page 1128

• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the NAC/NAS” on page 1137

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1124 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

The figure below shows a simplified block diagram for NAC/NAS resolution.

Client Client

Passport Passport
4400 Primary Secondary 4400
Server Server

Passport Passport
Client 4400 4400 Client

Passport Passport
4400 4400

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1125

NAC/NAS Address Resolution

When dialing a number from a telephone attached to the local Passport 4400 unit,
the destination address is resolved in one of the following three ways:

• Local number, locally resolved. If the number appears in the local Egress
Table, it is a local number. No network address resolution is required, and the
address is resolved within the voice application of the local Passport 4400
unit. If that number is not busy, a connection will be established when the
local number answers.
• Remote number, locally resolved. If the number does not appear in the local
Egress Table, it is referred to the local cache, a table that stores network
addresses (DNAs) that have been previously resolved. This network address
is then used by the voice application of the Passport 4400 unit to contact the
remote Passport 4400 unit where the called number is located. If that number
is not busy, a connection will be established when the called number answers.
• Remote number, resolved by Network Address Server (NAS). If the number
does not appear in either the local Egress Table or the local cache, the local
4400 unit contacts its previously designated NAS for address resolution. In
turn, the NAS accesses its table where all valid network addresses are stored.
If the called number appears within that table, the called number’s DNA is
returned to the local cache, and forwarded to the local voice application.
Ultimately, the voice application contacts the remote Passport 4400 unit
where the called number is located. If that number is not busy, a connection
will be established when the called number answers.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1126 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

All future calls to this number will then be resolved locally without accessing
the server. The following figure highlights the sequence of events involved in
resolving network addresses.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1127

Local Client (NAC) Passport 4400 Unit

Local Extension Local Extension

Number 1 Number 2 To Remote
Passport 4400

Dial Number

Voice Application

Generate Egress Connect to Access Remote

Busy Signal Table Local Extension Passport 4400
Number Yes Purge No
in Egress Number
Table? Correct?

Cache Section

Update Cache

Number not Number Yes DNA

Resolved in Cache? Address
Enter in Cache

Server (NAS)
Passport 4400

DN-DNA Mapping

No Number Yes Generate

Resolved? DNA

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1128 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the NAC/NAS

Note: Every Passport 4400 unit is a potential NAS server as well as a

NAC client.

A NAC client may use the NAS within its own unit as its primary (or
secondary) server.

To configure the NAC/NAS and its associated cache, the tasks listed in the table
below must be performed:

Task Description Notes

1. “Adding a NAC Add a static entry in the local cache by DNA and
Cache (entry)” on phone number.
page 1128
2. “Adding a NAC Assign a primary and a secondary NAC server by
Server” on address and name.
page 1130
3. “Modifying a NAC Modify a NAS that has already been added. Optional
Server (NAS)” on
page 1132
4. “Displaying NAC View the settings for a static entry that has been Optional
Cache Parameters” added in the local cache.
on page 1133
5. “Displaying NAC View the settings for a NAC server that has already Optional
Server Parameters” been added or modified.
on page 1134
6. “Deleting a NAC Delete a static entry in the local cache. Optional
Cache” on
page 1135
7. “Deleting a NAC Delete a previously added NAS server. Optional
Server” on
page 1136

Adding a NAC Cache (entry)

To add a NAC Cache, use the Configurator procedures below:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1129

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Cache from the navigation window.

You will see the NAC Cache window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Add a Cache Entry. You will see the Add a
Cache Entry (NAC) window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1130 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

The optional parameters for adding a NAC cache entry are described below:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Egress (local) String “String” (1..40) Enter a number from 1 to 40 digits. This
is the telephone number located at the
DNA address specified in the DNA
string. Example: 123.
DNA Address “String” (1..34) Enter the address where the telephone
number entered in the Egress String is
located. Example: [x121]9876200. Note
that the suffix "200" indicates that this is
a voice call, and it must be added to all
static cache entries. For learnt entry
(resolved from NAS), the suffix “200” is
automatically appended to the DNA.
VoIP Address IP Address Enter the IP address to be used if the call
is Voice over IP, in the format n.n.n.n.
Enter to use the same IP address
as the one designated for the Ethernet
port on this Passport 4400 unit.

3 When all parameters have been entered, click on Add. A “Command

Successful” message appears.

Adding a NAC Server

To add a NAC Server, use the Configurator procedures below:

Note: When adding a voice server, verify the proper address server is
selected in “Voice Switching Profile Options” on page 1082.

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Server from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1131

You will see the NAC Server window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Add a NAC Server. You will see the Add a
NAC Server window.

The optional parameters for adding a NAC server are described below:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

IP Address IPAddress Enter the IP address of the server.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1132 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Name Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a string between 0 (no name
“String” (0..50) assigned) and 50 characters. It is the
name assigned to the server by the user.
Example: my nas server.
Passport 4460
“String” (1..50)

Type primary | secondary Specify whether the server assigned to

the local unit is the primary or secondary
(backup) server. You may assign only
one (or none) primary server; you may
assign a multiple of secondary servers.
The primary server is always accessed
first. If unavailable, one of the secondary
servers in rotation is accessed next. If no
primary server is assigned (to reduce the
load in a busy system), the secondary
servers share the load equally, and are
accessed in rotation.

Modifying a NAC Server (NAS)

To modify a NAC Server, use the Configurator procedures below. You cannot set
any parameters with this procedure unless the server already exists:

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Server from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1133

You will see the NAC Server window:

2 Locate the desired server in the table and click on the Modify that correlates
to that server. You will see the Modify a NAC Server window:

3 When all desired changes are made, click on Save.

Displaying NAC Cache Parameters

To add a NAC Cache, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Cache from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1134 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

You will see the NAC Cache window:

The parameters for the NAC Cache are displayed in the table.

Displaying NAC Server Parameters

To display the parameters for a NAC Server, use the Configurator procedures

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Server from the navigation window.

You will see the NAC Server window:

The parameters for the NAC server are displayed in the table on this page.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1135

Deleting a NAC Cache

To delete a static cache entry from the NAC of the local Passport 4400 unit, use
the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Cache from the navigation window.

You will see the NAC Cache window:

2 Select the desired entry to be removed, and click on Delete in the Action
column. You will see the Delete a Cache Entry (NAC) window:

3 Verify the desired cache entry is displayed and click on Delete. A window will
pop up asking you to verify the delete command. If you wish to do so, click on

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1136 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

OK. The NAC Cache window will return with the deleted entry removed from
the table.

Deleting a NAC Server

To delete a local NAC server, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, System, and NAC Server from the navigation window.

You will see the NAC Server window:

2 Select the desired server to be removed, and click on Delete in the Action
column. You will see the Delete a NAC Server window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1137

3 Verify the desired server is displayed and click on Delete. A window will pop
up asking you to verify the delete command. If you wish to do so, click on
OK. The NAC Server window will return with the deleted entry removed
from the table.

CLI Procedure for Configuring the NAC/NAS

To provision the NAC/NAS and its associated cache, the tasks listed in the table
below must be performed:

Task Description Notes

1. “Adding a NAC Add a static entry in the local cache by DNA and
Cache (entry)” on phone number.
page 1138
2. “Adding a NAC Assign a primary and a secondary NAC server by
Server” on address and name.
page 1139
3. “Defining the NAC” Define the customer ID and size of cache.
on page 1141
4. “Deleting a NAC Delete a static entry in the local cache. Optional
Cache (entry)” on
page 1142
5. “Deleting a NAC Delete a previously added NAS server. Optional
Server” on
page 1142
6. “Reset System NAC Clears all dynamic entries from the NAC cache. Optional
Cache Command”
on page 1142
7. “Setting the NAC Set the NAC parameters, such as cache status,
Parameters” on number of address requests retries, and duration of
page 1143 request time-out.

8. “Modifying a NAC Modifies parameters of a previously added NAS Optional

Server” on server.
page 1145
9. “Configuring NAS Sets an aging time value within the NAS. Optional
Basic Aging Time” on
page 1147
10. “Show NAC Displays current information about the NAC Optional
Commands” on
page 1147

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1138 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

NAC Cache

The NAC Cache is made up of two parts: static and dynamic.

• The static part of cache consists of individual entries made by the user.
• The dynamic part of cache is accumulated with each successful address
resolution supplied by the NAS server.

Adding a NAC Cache (entry)

The Add NAC Cache subcommand is used to add an entry to the static part of

CLI> add nac cache

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressString> “String” (1..36) Enter a number from 1 to 36 digits. This

is the telephone number located at the
DNA address specified in the DNA
string. Example: 123.
<DNA> “String” (1..34) Enter the address where the telephone
number entered in the EgressString is
located. Example: [x121]9876200. Note
that the suffix "200" indicates that this is
a voice call, and it must be added to all
static cache entries. For learnt entry
(resolved from NAS), the suffix “200” is
automatically appended to the DNA.
<EntryStatus> add | active Enter add. (Active is currently not a valid
<EntryVipStatus> IP Address Enter the IP address to be used if the call
is Voice over IP, in the format n.n.n.n.
Enter to use the same IP address
as the one designated for the Ethernet
port on this Passport 4400 unit.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1139

Adding a NAC Server

This subcommand is used to assign a NAS server and name to the local Passport
4400 unit, and to specify whether the server is to be primary or secondary. It is
also used to specify a Hello time.

Note: When adding a voice server, verify the proper address server is
selected in “Voice Switching Profile Options” on page 1082.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1140 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

CLI> add nac server

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the server.

<Name> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a string between 0 (no name
“String” (0..50) assigned) and 50 characters. It is the
name assigned to the server by the user.
Example: my nas server.
Passport 4460
“String” (1..50)

<Status> enabled | disabled Enter enabled to add a server; enter

disabled to remove a server.
<HelloTime> INTEGER (30..180) Enter a number from 30 to 180. This
number, in seconds, specifies how often
the local unit will notify the server of its
presence as an active unit. If, for some
reason, the local unit stops sending a
hello-time signal, the server may
eventually remove (purge) the local unit
from its DNA list. See aging time,
page 11.
<Type> primary | secondary Specify whether the server assigned to
the local unit is the primary or secondary
(backup) server. You may assign only
one (or none) primary server; you may
assign a multiple of secondary servers.
The primary server is always accessed
first. If unavailable, one of the secondary
servers in rotation is accessed next. If no
primary server is assigned (to reduce the
load in a busy system), the secondary
servers share the load equally, and are
accessed in rotation.

Note: All Add commands take effect after the changes have been saved
and the Passport 4400 unit has been reset.

To save the configured values, enter:

CLI> save configuration update

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1141

Defining the NAC

Use this command to assign a customer ID and to specify the size of the NAC
cache of the local Passport 4400 unit. These commands are not supported by

CLI> define nac

CLI> define nac customerId

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CustomerId> INTEGER (1..99) Enter an integer between 1 and 99. This

integer will identify the local Passport
4400 unit as belonging to a unique
customer group. It will then be able to
access only those users who belong to
this customer group.

CLI> define nac numCacheEntries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<NumCacheEntries> INTEGER (100..1000) Specify the maximum number of

address resolutions to be stored in the
cache by entering a number between
100 and 1000.

Note: All Define commands take effect after the changes have been
saved and the Passport 4400 unit has been reset.

Deleting the NAC Options

The delete nac command is used for deleting a static cache entry or a server.

CLI> delete nac

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1142 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS


Deleting a NAC Cache (entry)

This delete nac command is used for deleting a static cache entry.

CLI> delete nac cache

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressString> “String” (1..40) Enter the number of the destination

(DNA) address (for a static cache
entry) that you wish to delete from the

Deleting a NAC Server

This delete nac command is used for deleting a NAC server.

CLI> delete nac server

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the server you

wish to delete.

Reset System NAC Cache Command

The reset system nac cache command is used to clear all dynamic (learned) entries
from the NAC cache. This command is not supported by Configurator.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1143

CLI> reset system nac cache allLearnedEntries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Action> reset Enter reset to clear all dynamic

entries from the NAC cache.

Note: This command will not clear any static cache entries. To remove a
static entry, use the delete nac cache command.

Setting the NAC Parameters

There are three parameters you may set with this command, as follows:

CLI> set nac parameters

addrResolveRetries (“Address Resolve Retries” on page 1143)

addrResolveTimeOut (“Address Resolve Time Out” on page 1144)
cacheStatus (“Cache Status” on page 1144)

Configuration of these parameters is described in detail in the following


Note: All set commands take effect immediately upon entry. They are
rolled back after the Passport 4400 unit has been reset, unless saved. To
save, use the save configuration update command.

Address Resolve Retries

Use the addressResolveRetries subcommand to specify the number of retry

attempts (1 to 5) to be made to obtain an address resolution. For example, if the
specified number is 5 and no answer is obtained to the first request, five additional
attempts could be made. After five unsuccessful retries, it may be assumed that a
network error exists, and the user will receive a fast busy (reorder) signal.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1144 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

CLI> set nac parameters addressResolveRetries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AddressResolveRetries> INTEGER (1..5) Enter the number of retry

attempts, 1 to 5, to be made to
obtain an address resolution.

Address Resolve Time Out

Use the addressResolveTimeOut subcommand to specify the length of time, in

tenths of seconds, within which the server is expected to respond to an address
resolution request. If no response is obtained within that time, the attempt is
considered unsuccessful. Additional requests may be attempted if so specified by
the addressResolveRetries parameter (see above).

CLI> set nac parameters addressResolveTimeOut

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AddressResolveTimeOut> INTEGER (5..30) Enter a value ranging from 5 to

30, in tenths of seconds.

Cache Status

Use the cacheStatus subcommand to enable or disable the cache. When disabled,
all network addresses can only be resolved from the NAS server.

CLI> set nac parameters cacheStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CacheStatus> disabled | enabled Set to enabled or disabled. When

set to disabled, all network
addresses can only be resolved
from the NAS server.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1145

Modifying a NAC Server

The set nac server command is used to modify parameters of a previously added
NAS server. You cannot set any parameters with this command unless the server
already exists.

CLI> set nac server

helloTime (“NAC Server Hello Time” on page 1145)

name (“NAC Server Name” on page 1145)
status (“NAC Server Status” on page 1146)
type (“NAC Server Type” on page 1146)

NAC Server Hello Time

Use the helloTime subcommand to modify the nac server hello time previously set
with the Add NAC Server command.

CLI> set nac server helloTime

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the NAC

server (the Passport 4400 unit
used as the server).
<HelloTime> INTEGER (30..180) Select a value ranging from 30 to
180 seconds.

NAC Server Name

Use the name subcommand to modify the nac server name previously set with the
Add NAC Server command.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1146 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

CLI> set nac server name

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the NAC

server (the Passport 4400 unit
used as the server).
<Name> Passport 4430/50/55 Enter a string between 0 (no
“String” (0..50) name assigned) and 50
characters. It is the name
assigned to the server by the
Passport 4460 user. Example: my nas server.
“String” (1..50)

NAC Server Status

Use the status subcommand to modify the nac server status previously set with the
Add NAC Server command.

CLI> set nac server status

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the NAC

server (the Passport 4400 unit
used as the server).
<Status> disabled | enabled Select enabled or disabled, as
needed to change the status of
the NAC server.

NAC Server Type

Use the type subcommand to modify the nac server type previously set with the
Add NAC Server command.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1147

CLI> set nac server type

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the NAC

server (the Passport 4400 unit
used as the server).
<Type> primary | secondary Select primary or secondary, as
required. You may select more
than one secondary server, but
only one primary server.

Configuring NAS Basic Aging Time

The agingTime subcommand is used to configure an aging time value within the
NAS. Periodically, as determined by the HelloTime command previously set, the
NAC will issue a Hello signal to the NAS. Each time a Hello signal is received, it
is recorded in the NAS. If the time since NAC was last heard from exceeds the
aging time, the NAS will purge all DNA map entries belonging to the
non-responding NAC.

For example, if the aging time selected is 120, and no Hello signal is received
from a given NAC for 120 seconds, all entries belonging to that NAC will be
purged from the NAS.

CLI> set nas basic agingTime

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<AgingTime> INTEGER (60..8000) secs Select a value between 60 and

8000 seconds

Note: All set commands take effect immediately upon entry. They are
rolled back after the Passport 4400 unit has been reset, unless saved.

Show NAC Commands

The show nac command is used to display current information about the NAC.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1148 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

CLI> show nac

cache (“Displaying the NAC Cache Contents” on page 1148)

parameters (“Displaying the NAC Parameters” on page 1149)
server (“Displaying the NAC Server Information” on page 1150)
statistics (“Displaying the NAC Statistics” on page 1151)

Configuration of these parameters is described in detail in the following


Displaying the NAC Cache Contents

To display the cache contents, enter:

CLI> show nac cache operational table

A typical display is shown below:

EgressString : “11”
ServerIPAddress : “”
DNA : “[x121]30218114574000”
Type : learned
NumOfTimeAccessed : 1
EntryVipAddress :

EgressString : “123”
ServerIPAddress : “”
DNA : “[x121]30218114579200”
Type : static
NumOfTimeAccessed : 0
EntryVipAddress :

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1149

EgressString : “2345”
ServerIPAddress : “”
DNA : “[x121]30218114579200”
Type : static
NumOfTimeAccessed : 2
EntryVipAddress :

EgressString The telephone number located at the DNA address.

ServerIPAddress The IP address of the NAS server.
DNA The DNA address where the telephone number is located.
Type learned: cache entry was obtained from the NAS server.
static: cache entry was entered by the user.
NumOfTimeAccessed The number of times this telephone address has been
accessed from the local cache.

Displaying the NAC Parameters

To display the previously set NAC parameters enter:

CLI> show nac parameters

A typical display is shown below:

AddrResolveRetries : 3 (operational)
: 3 (configured)
AddrResolveTimeOut : 5 (operational)
: 5 (configured)
CacheStatus : enabled (operational)
: enabled (configured)
NumOfCacheEntries : 1000 (operational)
: 1000 (configured)
CustomerId : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1150 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

Description of Displayed NAC Parameters

AddrResolveRetries Number of attempts made to resolve the DNA address of a

telephone number
AddrResolveTimeOut Number of times the timer expired before the DNA address
was resolved
CacheStatus Whether or not the cache is enabled
NumOfCacheEntries The memory size of the cache
CustomerId The number of the customer group shared by the local
Passport 4400 unit with other clients

Displaying the NAC Server Information

To display tabular information about the associated server, enter:

CLI> show nac server operational table

A typical display is shown below:

IPAddress : “”
Name : “my server”
AvailStatus : available
Status : enabled
HelloTime : 30
Type : primary
RegisterCount : 1
Hello1Count : 3
Hello2Count : 1
Hello3Count : 0
RequestCount : 1
ResolvedCount : 1
NotFoundCount : 0
TimeoutCount : 0

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1151

Description of Displayed NAC Server Parameters

IPAddress The IP address of the server.

Name The name selected for the server.
AvailStatus Whether or not the server is available.
Status Whether or not the server is enabled.
HelloTime The time (in seconds) between notifications from the local
unit to the server of its presence as an active unit
Type Whether this server is primary or secondary.
RegisterCount Number of times this NAC was registered with the server.
Hello1Count Number of Level 1 Hello counts received by the server.
Level 1 is a keep-alive, status-quo indication.
Hello2Count Number of Level 2 Hello counts received by the server.
Level 2 indicates a change in the status quo in NAC, such
as “the unit has just rebooted.”
Hello3Count Number of Level 3 Hello counts received by the server.
Level 3 requests a response from the server.
RequestCount Number of address resolution requests made by the voice
application to the server.
ResolvedCount Number of address resolution requests successfully
NotFoundCount Number of telephone numbers not found by the server.
TimeoutCount Number of address resolution requests that remained
unanswered before the timeout expired.

Displaying the NAC Statistics

To obtain a display of the NAC statistics, enter:

CLI> show nac statistics

A typical display is shown below:

CacheEntriesCount : 4 StaticEntriesCount : 3
RequestsCount : 1 LocalResolvedCount : 0
PurgeCount : 0 VoiceRegisterCount : 0
DNAChangeCount : 0 ServerCount : 2

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1152 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

ServerRequestCount : 1 ServerResolvedCount : 1
ServerNotFoundCount : 0 TimeOutCount : 0
Hello1Count : 4 Hello2Count : 4
Hello3Count : 0 RegisterCount : 0

Description of Displayed NAC Statistics

CacheEntriesCount Number of entries in the local cache.

RequestsCount Total number of address resolution requests made to
PurgeCount Number of requests made by the voice application of the
local Passport 4400 unit to remove entries from the local
DNAChangeCount Currently not implemented.
ServerRequestCount Number of address resolution requests made to any
ServerNotFoundCount Number of times a server could not find the DNA address
Hello1Count Total number of level 1 Hello counts transmitted by this
NAC to any server. Level 1 is a keep-alive, status-quo
Hello3Count Total number of level 3 Hello counts transmitted by this
NAC to any server. Level 3 requests a response from the
StaticEntriesCount Number of entries made manually (not learned) in cache.
LocalResolvedCount Number of times address resolution was obtained from
the local cache.
VoiceRegisterCount Number of voice register requests made by this NAC to
the server.
ServerCount Total number of servers (primary and secondary)
assigned to this NAC.
ServerResolvedCount Number of DNA addresses resolved by the server.
TimeOutCount Number of times and address resolution request timed out
before it was resolved.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 24 NAC/NAS 1153

Hello2Count Total number of level 2 Hello counts transmitted by this

NAC to any server. Level 2 indicates a change in the
status quo in NAC, such as the unit has just rebooted.
RegisterCount Number of times this NAC issued a register packet to the
server in response to a register request packet by the

End of Topic

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1154 Chapter 24 NAC/NAS

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 25

This chapter describes the commands associated with the Remote Server Interface
(RSI). RSI is a program resident within the local Passport 4400 unit. This program
is involved in resolving network addresses of locally dialed phone numbers. To do
that, the RSI communicates with the Remote Server Agent (RSA), a program
resident within the companion Passport 6400 unit. See the following figure for a
simplified block diagram for RSI/RSA resolution.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

• “RSI/RSA Address Resolution” on page 1157

• “RSI/RSA Configuration” on page 1160

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1156 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

For systems that do not include a Passport 6400 unit, address resolution is
implemented by the NAS/NAC program. See“NAC/NAS” on page 1123 for

Note: You may have both NAC and RSI servers specified in integrated
4400/6400 networks.

Local Passport 4400 Passport 6400



RSI = Remote Server Interface

RSA = Remote Server Agent*
VNCS = Voice Network Call Server

*Refer to the Remote Server Agent User Guide, NTP 241-7001-180, for details

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1157

RSI/RSA Address Resolution

When dialing a number from a telephone attached to the local Passport 4400 unit,
the destination address is resolved in one of the following three ways:

• Local number, locally resolved. If the number appears in the local Egress
Table, it is a local number. No network address resolution is required, and the
address is resolved within the voice application of the local Passport 4400
unit. If that number is not busy, a connection will be established when the
local number answers.
• Remote number, locally resolved. If the number does not appear in the local
Egress Table, it is referred to the local RSI for further resolution. The RSI
consults its cache, a table that stores network addresses that have been
previously resolved. This network address is then used by the voice
application of the Passport 4400 unit to contact the remote Passport 4400 unit
where the called number is located. If that number is not busy, a connection
will be established when the called number answers.
• Remote number, resolved by the Remote Server Agent (RSA). If the number
does not appear in either the Egress Table or the cache, the RSI contacts the
RSA in its associated Passport 6400 for address resolution. In turn, the RSA
accesses its Voice Network Call Server (VNCS) where all valid network
addresses are stored. If the called number appears within the VNCS, its
network address is returned through the RSA to the RSI, and then to the voice
application of the local Passport 4400 unit. Ultimately, the voice application
contacts the remote Passport 4400 unit where the called number is located. If
that number is not busy a connection will be established when the called
number answers.
Simultaneously, this number is entered in cache. All future calls to this
number will then be resolved locally without accessing the server. The
illustration below highlights the sequence of events involved in resolving
network addresses.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1158 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

Special Cases
• Link is down
• VNCS server is down
• Number not valid

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1159

Local Passport 4400 Unit

Local Extension Local Extension

Number 1 Number 2 To Remote
Passport 4400

Dial Number

Voice Application

Generate Egress Connect to Access Remote

Busy Signal Table Local Extension Passport 4400

Number Yes
in Egress


Update Cache

Number not Number Yes Number

Resolved in Cache? Resolved
Enter in Cache

Passport 6400


VNCS Generate

No Number Yes

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1160 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

RSI/RSA Configuration
To provision the RSI and its associated cache, the tasks listed in the table below
must be performed:

Task Description

1. Add an RSI Server Assign a primary and secondary server by address and
name. There are two procedures to add the RSI Server:
• “Configurator Procedure for Adding an RSI Server” on
page 1161
• “CLI Procedure for Adding an RSI Server” on page 1162
2. Define RSI Define the size of the RSI cache and the VNCS ID. There are
two procedures to define the RSI:
• “Configurator Procedure for Defining the RSI” on
page 1164
• “CLI Procedure for Defining the RSI” on page 1165
3. Delete RSI Server Delete the server previously added to the RSI. There are two
procedures to delete the RSI Server:
• “Configurator Procedure for Deleting an RSI Server” on
page 1167
• “CLI Procedure for Deleting an RSI Server” on page 1168
4. “Reset Commands” on Flushes all entries currently stored within the cache.
page 1169
5. “Setting the RSI Set the RSI parameters, such as cache status, number of
Parameters” on address requests, and duration of request time-out.
page 1169
6. “Show RSI Command” Displays current information about the RSI.
on page 1171

Note: When configuring RSI, the default delay time may be too short for
some networks. Under heavy data traffic, FXS to FXS remote calls fail on
the ISDN backup line with the minimum value of 5 for resRecTimeOut.
Use the CLI to increase the value to a maximum of 30 in these instances.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1161

Configurator Procedure for Adding an RSI Server

To assign a network server to the RSI by DNA address and name, and specify
whether the server is to be primary or secondary, use the Configurator procedures

Note: When adding a voice server, verify the proper address server is
selected in “Voice Switching Profile Options” on page 1082.

1 Select Configure, System, and RSI Server from the navigation window.

You will see the RSI Server window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1162 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

2 At the top of the window, click on Add a RSI Server. You will see the Add a
RSI Server window:

3 When the configurable parameters have been entered, click on Add. A

“Command Successful” message appears

The configurable parameters available in the Add a RSI Server window are
described below:

Parameter Required Action

DNA Address Enter a string of between 1 and 40 digits. It represents the DNA
address of the RSA assigned to the Passport 4400, and is
provided by the network administrator.
Name Enter a string of between 0 and 50 alpha-numeric characters. It is
the name assigned to the local Passport 4400 by the user.
Type Specify whether the RSA assigned to the Passport 4400 is the
primary or secondary (backup) access.

CLI Procedure for Adding an RSI Server

This command is used to assign a network server to the RSI by DNA address and
name, and specify whether the server is to be primary or secondary.

Note: When adding a voice server, verify the proper address server is
selected in “Voice Switching Profile Options” on page 1082.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1163

To access the Add RSI Server command, follow this path:

CLI>add rsi server

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<DNAAddress> “String” (1..40) Enter a string between 1 and 40. It

represents the DNA address of the RSA
assigned to the Passport 4400, and is
provided by the network administrator.
<ServerName> “String” (0..50) Enter a string between 0 (no name
assigned) and 50. It is the name
assigned to the local Passport 4400 by
the user.
<ServerType> primary | secondary Specify whether the RSA assigned to
the Passport 4400 is the primary or
secondary (backup) access.

Example: [X121] 3021 81 13 97 500

= Suffix*
= Node ID
= MID (Module Identifier)
= RID (Routing Identifier)
= DNIC (Data Network Identifier Code)
= Numbering plan Prefix**
* Used to define the type of service.
Typical number are:
100 = LAN
200 = Voice
500 = RSI/RSA

** X121 is the default value. The other choice is E164.

• When provisioning the VNCS on the Passport 6400, be sure that the dial plan
used is 0; it is the only dial plan recognized by the Passport 4400 unit.
• All Add commands take effect after the changes have been saved and the
Passport 4400 unit has been reset.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1164 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

Configurator Procedure for Defining the RSI

The Configurator does not support RSI parameter options. The CLI must be used
to modify the VNCS ID or the size of the RSI cache. To change the name or type
of the RSI server previously specified by the add RSI window, use the
Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, System, and RSI Server from the navigation window.

You will see the RSI Server window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1165

2 Locate the desired RSI server in the table and click on the corresponding
Modify. You will see the Modify a RSI Server window:

The optional parameters available in the Add a RSI Server window are described

Parameter Required Action

Name Enter a string of between 0 and 50 alpha-numeric characters. It is

the name assigned to the local Passport 4400 unit by the user.
Type Specify whether the RSA assigned to the Passport 4400 unit is the
primary or secondary (backup) access.

3 When all modifications have been made, click on Save. A “Command

Successful” message appears.

CLI Procedure for Defining the RSI

Use this command to access the following subcommands:

CLI>define rsi

parameter (“Define RSI Parameter” on page 1166)

server (“Define an RSI Server” on page 1166)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1166 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

Define RSI Parameter

Use the define rsi parameter subcommand to define the size of the RSI cache and
the VNCS ID.

CLI>define rsi parameter

CLI>define rsi parameter numOfCacheEntries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<NumOfCacheEntries> INTEGER (20..100) Specify the size of the cache by entering

a number between 20 and 100.

CLI>define rsi parameter vncsId

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<VNCSId> INTEGER (1..16) Enter a number between 1 and 16. This

id number is provided by the network
administrator. It stores all telephone
numbers relevant to the local Passport
4400 unit.

Define an RSI Server

Use the define rsi server subcommand to change the name or type of the RSI
server previously specified by the add RSI command.

CLI>define rsi server


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1167

CLI>define rsi server name

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<DNAAddress> “String” (1..40) Specify the DNA address of the server

whose name you want to change
<ServerName> “String” (0..50) Specify the new name.

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<DNAAddress> “String” (1..40) Specify the DNA address of the server

whose type you want to change.

<ServerType> primary | secondary Specify the new type, primary (was

secondary) or secondary (was primary).

Note: All Define commands take effect after the changes have been
saved and the Passport 4400 unit has been reset.

Configurator Procedure for Deleting an RSI Server

To delete an RSI server previously specified by the add RSI window, use the
Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, System, and RSI Server from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1168 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

You will see the RSI Server window:

2 Locate the desired RSI server in the table and click on the corresponding
Delete. You will see the Delete a RSI Server window:

3 Verify the desired RSI server is displayed, click on Delete. A prompting

window appears to verify the delete command. Select yes. The RSI Server
window opens with the deleted server removed from the table.

Note: The Delete commands take effect after the Passport 4400 unit has
been reset.

CLI Procedure for Deleting an RSI Server

The delete rsi server command is used to delete a previously provisioned RSI
server, as follows:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1169

CLI> delete rsi server

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<DNAAddress> “String” (1..40) Enter the DNA address string of the RSI
server you intend to delete.

Note: The Delete commands take effect after the changes have been
saved and the Passport 4400 unit has been reset.

Reset Commands

There is one reset command associated with the RSI. Configurator does not
support this command. The CLI command is listed below:

• Reset System RSI

Reset System RSI

The reset system rsi command is used to flush all entries currently stored within
the cache, as follows:

CLI>reset system rsi allEntries

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Action> flush Enter flush to delete all entries currently

stored within the cache.

Setting the RSI Parameters

There are three parameters you may set with this command. Configurator does not
support these parameters. The CLI command is listed below:

• “Cache Status” on page 1170

• “Number of Address Resolution Request Attempts” on page 1170
• “Response Before Time-out” on page 1170

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1170 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

Cache Status

Use the following subcommand to enable or disable the cache. When disabled, all
network addresses can only be resolved from the RSI server.

CLI>set rsi parameter cacheStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CacheStatus> disabled | enabled Select enabled or disabled. When

disabled, all network addresses can only
be resolved from the RSI server.

Number of Address Resolution Request Attempts

Use the following subcommand to specify the number of attempts (from 1 to 5) to

be made to obtain an address resolution. For example, if the specified number is 5
and no answer is obtained to the first request, four additional attempts could be
made. After four unsuccessful retries, it may be assumed that a network error
exists, and the user will receive a fast busy (reorder) signal.

CLI>set rsi parameter numOfAddrResRequest

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<NumOfAddrResRequest> INTEGER (1..5) Specify the number of attempts, from

1 to 5, to be made to obtain an
address resolution.

Response Before Time-out

Use the following subcommand to specify the length of time, in tenths of seconds,
within which the server is expected to respond to an address resolution request. If
no response is obtained within that time, the attempt is considered unsuccessful.
Additional requests may be attempted if so specified by the
numOfAddrResRequest parameter (see above).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1171

CLI>set rsi parameter ResReqTimeOut

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ResReqTimeOut> INTEGER (5..30) Specify the length of time, in tenths

of seconds, within which the server
is expected to respond to an
address resolution.

Note: All set commands take effect immediately upon entry, however,
for values to remain effective after a system reset, the changes must first
be saved.

Show RSI Command

The Configurator does not support show commands relating to the RSI. To display
current information about the RSI via CLI, enter show rsi at the CLI> prompt.
You will receive the following options:

• cache (“Displaying the RSI Cache Contents” on

page 1171)
• definedParameters (“Displaying the RSI Defined Parameters” on
page 1172)
• server (“Displaying the RSI Server Information” on
page 1173)
• setParameters (“Displaying the RSI Set Parameters” on
page 1174)
• statistics (“Displaying the RSI Statistics” on page 1175)

Displaying the RSI Cache Contents

To display the RSI cache contents, enter the following:

CLI>show rsi cache table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1172 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

You will receive the following typical display:

DNDigits : “1003”
DNAAddress : “[x121]30218114579200”
ProfileNumber : 1
NumberOfHits : 0
ServerDNA : “[x121]30218114574000”
DNDigits : “1020”
DNAAddress : “[x121]30218114579200”
ProfileNumber : 1
NumberOfHits : 0
ServerDNA : “[x121]30218114574000”
DNDigits : “1025”
DNAAddress : “[x121]30218114579200”
ProfileNumber : 1
NumberOfHits : 0
ServerDNA : “[x121]30218114574000”

Description of Displayed Parameters

DNDigits The dialed digits the user entered

DNAAddress The DNA address of the entry
ProfileNumber Currently not used
NumberOfHits The number of times this address has been accessed from
the local cache
ServerDNA The DNA address of the server (VNCS)

Displaying the RSI Defined Parameters

To display the previously defined RSI parameters enter:

CLI>show rsi definedParameters operational

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1173

You will receive the following typical display:

VNCSId :1 NumOfCacheEntries :50

Description of Displayed RSI Parameters

VNCSId: The ID of the associated VNCS

NumOfCacheEntries The memory size of the cache

Displaying the RSI Server Information

To display tabular information about the associated server, enter:

CLI>show rsi server operational table

You will receive the following typical display:

DNAAddress : “[x121]30218114574000”
ServerName : “fred”
ServerType : primary
PortId : 2
DLCI : 17
AvailStatus : notAvailable
LastDisconnectCause : "Destination not available"
NumOfDNARequest : 24505933
NumOfDNAResolved : 24505103
NumOfPhoneNotFound : 600
NumberOfTimeout : 230
NumberOfRecovery : 12

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1174 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

Description of Displayed RSI Server Information

DNAAddress : The DNA address of the server

ServerName : The name given to the server
ServerType : Whether primary or secondary
PortId : The number of the port
DLCI : The DLCI number
AvailStatus : Whether or not the server is available
LastDisconnectCause : Reason for last disconnect
NumOfDNARequest : Number of address resolution requests made to the
NumOfDNAResolved : Of the number requested, how many DNA addresses
were resolved
NumOfPhoneNotFound : The number of requested phone numbers found to be
NumberOfTimeout : The number of times an address resolution request
timed out
NumberOfRecovery : The number of times communication was reestablished
to the server

Displaying the RSI Set Parameters

To display the previously set RSI parameters enter:

CLI>show rsi set operation

You will receive the following typical display:

NumOfAddrResRequest :1
ResReqTimeOut :5
CacheStatus :enabled

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 25 RSI/RSA 1175

Description of Displayed RSI Set Parameters Information

NumOfAddrResRequest : The number of times an address resolution will be

tried before timeout
ResReqTimeOut : Duration, in tenths of seconds, of the timeout
CacheStatus : Whether or not the cache is enabled

Displaying the RSI Statistics

To obtain a display of the RSI statistics, enter:

CLI>show rsi statistics

You will receive the following typical display:

CacheCount :85 RxDNAReqCount :103

LocalResolvedCount :104 RxPurgeCount :15
ServerCount :2 ServerRequestCount :107
ServerResolvedCount :98 PhoneNotFoundCount :109
TimeoutCount :110 RecoveryCount :111

Description of Displayed RSI Statistic Information

CacheCount The number of entries in the local cache

LocalResolvedCount The number of times the network address was resolved
from the local cache
ServerCount The number of servers defined for address resolution
ServerResolvedCount The number of times the network address was resolved
from the server(s)
TimeoutCount The number of times a network address resolution
request timed out
RxDNAReqCount The number of address resolution requests made by the
voice application of the local Passport 4400 unit
RxPurgeCount The number of requests made by the voice application of
the local Passport 4400 unit to remove entries from the
local cache

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1176 Chapter 25 RSI/RSA

ServerRequestCount The number of address resolution requests made to the

PhoneNotFoundCount The number of times a network address request could not
be resolved because the telephone number was not
found in the VNCS
RecoveryCount Number of times connection with the server(s) was lost
and then reestablished

End of Topic

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 26

This chapter describes the following expansion modules and daughterboard

available for use with the Passport 4400 unit:

• “The T1 Voice Modules (TVM) (4430/50/55)” on page 1178

• The Single Port T1 Voice Module (TVM/1), which provides connection to
a single T1 line (DS-1).
• The Dual Port T1 Voice Module (TVM/2), which provides connections to
two T1 lines (DSX-1 and DS-1).
• “The T1/PRI Digital Voice Module (4460)” on page 1180
• “The E1 Voice Modules (EVM) (4430/50/55)” on page 1180
• The Single Port E1 Voice Module (EVM/1), which provides connection to
a single E1 line (L1).
• The Dual Port E1 Voice Module (EVM/2), which provides connections to
two E1 lines (L1 and L2).
• “The E1/PRI Digital Voice Module (4460)” on page 1182
• “The Digital Voice Modules (DVMs) (4430/50/55)” on page 1182, a
daughterboard which allows the T1 or E1 Voice Module to support digital
voice channels (each DVM supports one voice channel).
• “The Digital Voice Expansion Module (DVEM) (4430/50/55)” on page 1183,
which contains slots to house additional Digital Voice Modules.
• “The Digital Voice Expansion Module (VEM) (4460)” on page 1183

Together, these modules provide Passport 4430/50/55 units with T1 or E1 Digital

Module Interconnectivity and T1/E1 Voice Module Interconnectivity (4430/50/

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1178 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Also contained in this chapter are the following subsections:

• “T1/E1 System Configuration” on page 1189

• “Diagnostics” on page 1235
• “Transparent CCS” on page 1322

This chapter highlights the characteristics of each module, and diagrams the
signal flow between these modules, the Passport 4430/50/55 Ethernet Base
Module (EBM), and any external interfaces.

Unless specified otherwise, all subsequent discussions apply to both single-port

and dual-port T1 and E1 Voice Modules.

Note: For physical details on the modules covered here, please refer to
the Hardware Installation Manual, 800-1951.

The T1 Voice Modules (TVM) (4430/50/55)

The dual-port T1 Voice Module allows Passport 4430/50/55 users to connect to

two 1.544 Mbps T1 lines: a DSX-1 interface, typically to a local digital PBX, and
a DS-1 interface, typically for connection to T1 network services. With these
interfaces, the TVM can provide both multiport T1/FT1 (Fractional T1) DSU/
CSU capability while offering an interface for digital PBXs. The single-port T1
Voice Module connects to the DS-1 T1 line only.

The T1 interface provides 24 DS0s for the transport of voice and/or data. When
the TVM is configured for Transparent CCS, one of the DS0s must be used to
transport signalling information, thus decreasing the number of available DS0s to

Another function of the T1 Voice Module is to provide traditional T1 connectivity

to two high-speed data ports, DP1 and DP2, and to the primary and secondary
ports of the Ethernet Base Module of the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

Below is the rear view of the Dual-Port T1 Voice Module. On the left are a pair of
interface and test connectors associated with the two T1 interfaces, (only one is
used by the single-port model) and the two data port connectors. SW2 is an
8-position switch group which serves as a line buildout for the DS-1 T1 interface.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1179

The TVM also houses up to six Digital Voice Modules (DVMs).


(J4) (J5) (J6) (J7) (SW2) DP1 (J9) DP2 (J10)

Interface Test

The rear view of a single-port T1 Voice Module is shown below.


(J6) (J7) (SW2) DP1 (J9) DP2 (J10)

Interface Test

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1180 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The T1/PRI Digital Voice Module (4460)

The T1 digital voice module supports the multichannel DSP technology. The
voice module has 1 DSP onboard, which will support six G.729 channels, but can
also support various voice channel densities (12, 18, and 24) by means of the The
Digital Voice Expansion Module (VEM) (4460) (described on page 1183). This
module has 1 Tri-State LED to determine the status of the module and T1 line.

Pin 1


RJ-48C Pin Assignments

1 Receive Data from Network (Ring)
2 Receive Data from Network (Tip)
4 Transmit Data to Network (Ring)
5 Transmit Data to Network (Tip)
7 Pins 3, 6, 7, 8 Not Connected
10 7

The E1 Voice Modules (EVM) (4430/50/55)

The dual-port E1 Voice Module allows Passport 4430/50/55 users to connect to

two 2048 Mbps E1 lines: an L1 interface, typically to a local digital PBX, and an
L2 interface, typically for connection to E1 network services. The single-port E1
Voice Module connects to the L1 E1 line only.

The E1 interface provides 32 DS0s.

E1 DS0 Allocation
Framing One

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1181

ts16 Signaling One (for use with “Transparent CCS”

on page 1322)
Voice/Data 30

Below is the rear view of the E1 Voice Module. On the left side are two sets of
connectors, one set for each of the two E1 interfaces (only one is used by the
single-port model). On the right side are the two data port connectors.

The EVM also houses up to six Digital Voice Modules (DVMs).

L1 E1 L2 E1


Below is the rear view of the single-port E1 Voice Module.

L1 E1


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1182 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The E1/PRI Digital Voice Module (4460)

The E1 digital voice module supports the multichannel DSP technology. The
voice module has 1 DSP onboard, which will support six G.729 channels, but can
also support various voice channel densities (12, 18, 24, and 30) by means of The
Digital Voice Expansion Module (VEM) (4460) (described on page 1183). This
module has 1 Tri-State LED to determine the status of the module and E1 line.

Indicator Pin 1


RJ-48 Pin Assignments

1 Receive Data from Network (Ring)
2 Receive Data from Network (Tip)
4 Transmit Data to Network (Ring)
5 Transmit Data to Network (Tip)
7 Pins 3, 6, 7, 8 Not Connected
0 7

The Digital Voice Modules (DVMs) (4430/50/55)

Digital Voice Modules are daughter boards that are fitted into slots in the top of
the T1 or E1 Voice Module or the Digital Voice Expansion Module. One DVM
provides one digital voice channel that the T1/E1 Voice Module is to support.
They compress 64 Kbps PCM digitized voice obtained from the DSX-1/L1
interface, into low-speed channels for transmission over the composite link. Voice
capacity may be expanded to a maximum of 30 channels for E1 and 24 channels
for T1 by the addition of Digital Voice Expansion Modules (DVEM) in
Passport 4430/50/55 slots C and D.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1183

The Digital Voice Expansion Module (DVEM) (4430/50/55)

The Digital Voice Expansion Module (DVEM) is a full-sized printed circuit board
used to extend the number of voice channels supported by a T1 or E1 Voice
Module. Each DVEM can accommodate up to 12 additional DVMs. By
combining the DVMs installed on the T1 or E1 Voice Module, and those installed
on DVEMs, a Passport 4430/50/55 unit can support all the digital voice channels
provided by a full T1 (24 channels) or E1 (30 channels) link.

The Digital Voice Expansion Module (VEM) (4460)

The Digital Voice Expansion Module (VEM) is a DSP expansion daughtercard

with the capability of supporting digital voice in increments of six G.729
channels. This module plugs directly on the T1 or E1 digital voice module and
allows you to expand the number of voice channels when your requirements grow.

Digital Module Interconnectivity

To fully support digital transmissions of voice and data, the T1 or E1 Modules,

Digital Voice Modules, and any Digital Voice Expansion Modules must
communicate with each other, with the Ethernet Base Module (EBM), and with
the two data ports. The block diagrams on the following pages illustrate how the
various data and voice components interact.

T1/E1 Voice Module Interconnectivity (4430/50/55)

The following graphic is a simplified block diagram of the internal and external
interfaces connecting to the dual-port T1/E1 Voice Modules. As noted before,
single-port models do not support the T1 DSX-1 (or E1 L2)/ interface.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1184 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Channel connectivity among different interfaces is under control of the channel

switching circuit that provides the following interconnections:

• “DSX-1/L1 Interface to DS-1/L2 Interface (Bypass Connection, Dual Port

only)” on page 1185
• “Data Port to DS-1 or DSX-1 Interface” on page 1186
• “Data Port to L1 or L2 Interface” on page 1187


DS0 Channels DS0 Channels

DSX-1/L1 1-24 (T1) DS0 1-24 (T1) DS-1/L2
Interface Channel Interface
1-30 (E1) 1-30 (E1)
Connector Switching Connector

Digitized Voice
Connectors (6)



DVEM = Digital Voice Expansion Module

DVM = Digital Voice Module
EBM = Ethernet Base Module
TVM = T1 Voice Module
EVM = E1 Voice Module

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1185

Connectors on the T1/E1 Voice Module allow for the installation of six Digital
Voice Modules. Each digital voice module may be connected to one PCM-coded,
64-Kbps voice channel obtained, typically, from a digital PBX over the DSX-l/L1
or DS-1/L2 T1/E1 line. When so connected, the Digital Voice Module compresses
the 64-Kbps voice channel into a low-speed format. The low-speed voice signal is
multiplexed in the Ethernet Base Module (EBM) with other digital information to
form part of the Passport 4430/50/55 unit composite stream. The composite
stream can be routed over one of the composite links to a remote Passport 4430/
50/55 unit, and ultimately to a compatible voice module.

The six voice channels may be expanded into a maximum of 30 channels for E1
and 24 channels for T1 by the addition of Digital Voice Expansion Modules.

DSX-1/L1 Interface to DS-1/L2 Interface (Bypass Connection, Dual Port


Any and all channels of the DSX-1/L1 T1/E1 line may be connected directly and
transparently to the DS-1/L2 T1/E1 line. When a DS0 channel on the DSX-1/L1
interface is provisioned as “Bypass”, it is connected to the same channel of the
DS-1/L2 line, bypassing all internal ports of the T1/E1 Voice Module.


DS0 Channels DS0 Channels

DSX-1/L1 1-24 (T1) DS0 1-24 (T1) DS-1/L2
Interface Channel Interface
1-30 (E1) 1-30 (E1)
Connector Switching Connector

TVM = T1 Voice Module

EVM = E1 Voice Module

Bypassed channels are provisioned as either voice or data.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1186 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Data Port to DS-1 or DSX-1 Interface

Either of the two data ports may be connected to the DS-1 or DSX-1 line. Each
data port (DP1 and/or DP2) may be assigned a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 DS0s but
NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number may not exceed 8 DS0 channels.


DS0 Channels
DS0 1-24 DS-1/DSX-1
Channel Interface
Switching Connector



TVM = T1 Voice Module

EVM = E1 Voice Module

This functionality provides high-speed synchronous interfaces to video, external

routers, and multiplexers.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1187

Data Port to L1 or L2 Interface

Either of the two data ports may be connected to the L1 or L2 line. Each data port
(DP1 or DP2) may be assigned a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 DS0s — but NOT a total
of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number may not exceed 8 DS0 channels.


DS0 Channels
DS0 1-30 L1/L2
Channel Interface
Switching Connector



EVM = E1 Voice Module

This functionality provides high-speed synchronous interfaces to video, external

routers, and multiplexers.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1188 Chapter 26 T1/E1

List of Modules

Following is a list of modules described in this manual:

• T1 Voice Module with a single 1.544 Mbps T1 port

• T1 Voice Module with two 1.544 Mbps T1 ports
• E1 Voice Module with a single G.703/704 E1 port
• E1 Voice Module with two G.703/704 E1 ports
• Single-Channel Digital Voice SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module)
• Digital Voice Expansion Module with SIMM slots to accommodate 12
Single-Channel Digital Voice SIMM Modules

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1189

T1/E1 System Configuration

This chapter describes the procedures used to configure and connect the T1 and
E1 Voice Modules. It includes information about the following topics:

• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line (Passport 4430/

50/55)” on page 1190
• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line (Passport 4460)”
on page 1195
• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line” on page 1199
• “Configurator Procedure for Assigning the T1/E1 Profile to a Linexxx” on
page 1211
• “CLI Profedure for Assigning the T1/E1 Profile to a Line” on page 1213
• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Data Port (Passport 4430/50/
55)” on page 1214
• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the Data Port (Passport 4430/50/55)” on
page 1216
• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1/E1 System Clock (4430/50/
55)” on page 1220
• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the T1/E1 System Clock (4430/50/55)” on
page 1221
• “Configurator Procedure for Assigning DS0s to a Line (4460)” on page 1222
• “CLI Procedure for Assigning DS0s to a Line (4460)” on page 1224
• “Configurator Procedure for Connecting the DS0 Channels” on page 1225
• “CLI Procedure for Connecting the DS0 Channels” on page 1228

All platform specific procedures are referenced in parenthesis “( )”. Any

procedure that doesn’t contain a platform reference applies to the Passport 4430/
40/50/55/60 units.

Note: To perform any of the procedures described in this chapter, the T1

or E1 Voice Module, and any Digital Voice Modules (DVMs) or Digital
Voice Expansion Modules (DVEMs or VEMs), must be installed in the
Passport 4400 unit chassis and physically connected. For information
about installing T1 or E1 Voice Modules and any of their components, see
the Passport 4400 Hardware Installation Manual, 800-1951.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1190 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line

(Passport 4430/50/55)

The T1 or E1 line configuration consists of three parts:

1 “Profile Configuration” on page 1190

2 Line parameters configuration
• “T1 Line Parameters” on page 1191
• “E1 Line Parameters” on page 1193
3 Profile assignment to a line (Automatically set by Configurator)

Note: All commands involving the DSX-1or L2 line are applicable,

respectively, only to the dual-port T1 or E1 voice modules.

Profile Configuration

To assign a configuration to the T1/E1 line parameters, you must first create two
profiles: one for the local end (DSX-1/L1) and one for the network end (DS-1/
L2), as applicable. Each profile includes a set of parameters that uniquely matches
either the local T1/E1 line, or the network T1/E1 line.

Note: The Configurator automatically assumes that profile 1 will be used

for DSX-1/L1 (local end) and profile 2 for DS-1/L2 (network end).

Use the Configurator procedures below to configure the T1 Line Parameters:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1191

T1 Line Parameters
1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1192 Chapter 26 T1/E1

2 At the top of the window, click on either Local Connection or Network

Connection. You will see the T1/E1 Local (or Network) Connection window
(The Local Connection window is shown):

The optional parameters for the T1 Line Profile are described below:

Option Description

T1 Line Code Select either of the following line coding format settings:
• B8ZS (Binary Eight Zeros Suppression) The B8ZS format can be
enabled only when supported by the connecting equipment or the
T1 service provider.
• AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion), which indicates that B8ZS
suppression is disabled.
T1 Loopback Enables or disables T1 line network-invoked loopback tests.
• When enabled, the T1 Voice Module recognizes and responds to
network-invoked loopback commands.
• When disabled, the T1 Voice Module will not respond to
network-invoked loopback commands
T1 Line Build Out Sets the T1interface line length to match the cable length attached to
a local/network T1 line.
T1 Frame Format Configures the profile for either of the following:
• superframe format (D4), consists of 12 frames
• extended superframe format (ESF) consists of 24 frames
T1/E1 Idle Code Specifies the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle. Values
can range from 0 to 255.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1193

3 When all desired options have been configured, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message is displayed.

E1 Line Parameters
1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1194 Chapter 26 T1/E1

2 At the top of the window, click on either Local Connection or Network

Connection. You will see the T1/E1 Local (or Network) Connection window
(The Local Connection window is shown):

The optional parameters for the E1 Line Profile are described below:

Option Description

T1/E1 Idle Code Specifies the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle.
Values can range from 0 to 255.
E1 CRC4 Enables or disables the CRC-4 Cyclic Redundancy Check feature.
When enabled, the E1 Voice Module generates and monitors for
the CRC algorithm carried on bit 1 of Time Slot 0 of an E1 frame.
E1TS16Connection Specifies the signaling system to be used in time slot 16. The
following options are available:
• CAS, which supports G.704 channel associated signaling.
• Idle, places time slot 16 into an idle state.
• Bypass, bypasses time slot 16 of L1 to time slot 16 of L2.
• Data Port1, connects time slot 16 to DataPort 1 (An E1 reset is
required before the setting will take affect).
• Data Port2, connects time slot 16 to DataPort 2 (An E1 reset is
required before the setting will take affect).
E1 Line Code Selects either of the following line code settings:
• HDB3 (High Density Bipolar 3), an ITU-TSS-recommended
coding method which limits the maximum number of
consecutive zeros to three.
• AMI, which indicates that HDB3 suppression is disabled.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1195

3 When all desired options have been configured, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message is displayed.

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line

(Passport 4460)

The T1 or E1 line configuration consists of three parts:

1 “Profile Configuration” on page 1195

2 Line parameters configuration
• “T1 Line Parameters” on page 1196
• “E1 Line Parameters” on page 1198
3 Profile assignment to a line (Automatically set by Configurator)

Profile Configuration

To assign a configuration to the T1/E1 line parameters, you must first create two
profiles: one for line 1 (expansion port 1) and one for line 2 (expansion port 2), as
applicable. Each profile includes a set of parameters that uniquely matches either
the T1 line, or the E1 line.

Note: The Configurator automatically assumes that profile 1 will be used

for Line 1 (expansion port 1) and profile 2 for Line 2 (expansion port 2).

Use the Configurator procedures below to configure the T1 Line Parameters:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1196 Chapter 26 T1/E1

T1 Line Parameters
1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 Profiles from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 Line 1 Profile window:

2 At this point, you may either begin to configure the Line 1 Profile, or click on
Line 2 Profile at the top of the window and begin to configure the Line 2

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1197

The optional parameters for the T1 Line are described below:

Option Description

T1 Line Code Select either of the following line coding format settings:
• B8ZS (Binary Eight Zeros Suppression) The B8ZS format can be
enabled only when supported by the connecting equipment or the
T1 service provider.
• AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion), which indicates that B8ZS
suppression is disabled.
T1 Loopback Enables or disables T1 line network-invoked loopback tests.
When enabled, the T1 Voice Module recognizes and responds to
network-invoked loopback commands.
When disabled, the T1 Voice Module will not respond to
network-invoked loopback commands
T1 Line Build Out Sets the T1interface line length to match the cable length attached to
a local/network T1 line.
T1 Idle Code Specifies the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle. Values
can range from 0 to 255.
Signal Protocol Specifies the signaling system to be used for T1/E1 voice
applications. The following options are available:
• CAS, which supports G.704 channel associated signaling.
• CCS, assigns time slot 16 as the signaling channel (common
channel signaling).
T1 Frame Format Configures the profile for either of the following:
• superframe format (D4), consists of 12 frames
• extended superframe format (ESF) consists of 24 frames
Clock Source Determines the source of the clock for the T1 module
• Internal -- The specified T1 module provides the clock.
• External -- Clock is received remotely through the T1 line.
• Backplane -- Clock is taken from the local System Master Clock.

3 When all desired options have been configured, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message is displayed.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1198 Chapter 26 T1/E1

E1 Line Parameters
1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 Profiles from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 Line 1 Profile window:

2 At this point, you may either begin to configure the Line 1 Profile, or click on
Line 2 Profile at the top of the window and begin to configure the Line 2

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1199

The optional parameters for the E1 Line are described below:

Option Description

E1 Idle Code Specifies the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle.
Values can range from 0 to 255.
E1 CRC4 Enables or disables the CRC-4 Cyclic Redundancy Check feature.
When enabled, the E1 Voice Module generates and monitors for
the CRC algorithm carried on bit 1 of Time Slot 0 of an E1 frame.
E1 Line Code Selects either of the following line code settings:
• HDB3 (High Density Bipolar 3), an ITU-TSS-recommended
coding method which limits the maximum number of
consecutive zeros to three.
• AMI, which indicates that HDB3 suppression is disabled.
Signal Protocol Specifies the signaling system to be used for T1/E1 voice
applications. The following options are available:
• CAS, which supports G.704 channel associated signaling.
• CCS, assigns time slot 16 as the signaling channel (common
channel signaling).
Clock Source Determines the source of the clock for the T1 module
• Internal -- The specified T1 module provides the clock.
• External -- Clock is received remotely through the T1 line.
• Backplane -- Clock is taken from the local System Master

3 When all desired options have been configured, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message is displayed.

End of Topic

CLI Procedure for Configuring the T1 or E1 Line

The T1 or E1 line configuration consists of three parts:

• “Profile Configuration” on page 1200

• Line parameters configuration
• “T1 Line Parameters” on page 1200
• “E1 Line Parameters” on page 1206
• “CLI Profedure for Assigning the T1/E1 Profile to a Line” on page 1213

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1200 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Profile Configuration

To assign a configuration to the T1/E1 line parameters, you must first create up to
two profiles. For the Passport 4430/50/55 unit, there is one for the local end
(DSX-1/L1) and one for the network end (DS-1/L2), and for the Passport 4460
unit, there is one for expansion port one (Line 1), and one for expansion port two
(Line 2). Each profile includes a set of parameters that uniquely matches either the
local T1/E1 line, or the network T1/E1 line. Once the two profiles have been
created, you assign them to the applicable T1/E1 line. The CLI procedure for
assigning a profile to a line is described in “CLI Profedure for Assigning the T1/
E1 Profile to a Line” on page 1213.

Note: For the Passport 4430/50/55 unit, it is assumed that profile 1 will
be used for DSX-1/L1 (local end) and profile 2 for DS-1/L2 (network
end). For the Passport 4460 unit, it is assumed that profile 1 will be used
for Line 1 and profile 2 for Line 2.

T1 Line Parameters

The configurable T1 line parameters are as follows:

• “Clock Source (Passport 4460)” on page 1201

• “Signal Protocol (Passport 4460)” on page 1201
• “T1BuildOut” on page 1202
• “T1FrameFormat” on page 1203
• “T1 Idle Code (Passport 4460)” on page 1204
• “T1 LineCode” on page 1204
• “T1LoopbackStatus” on page 1205
• “IdleCode (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1205

Each command is described below.

Note: Changes made using these commands take effect immediately; a

system reset is not required. However, to retain the changes, save the
configuration before the system reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1201

Clock Source (Passport 4460)

Use the clockSource command to specify the origin of the T1 clock for

• internal -- The specified T1 module provides the clock.

• external -- The clock is received remotely through the T1 line.
• backplane -- The clock is taken from the local System Master Clock.

Using the clockSource command

1 Configure the Line 1 (expansion port 1) T1 clockSource by entering the
following command:
CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for Line 1).

<ClockSource> internal | external | Select the desired clock source.

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the signalProtocol appropriate for Line 2 (profile
value = 2).

Signal Protocol (Passport 4460)

Use the signalProtocol command to specify the signaling system to be used in T1/
E1 voice applications. The following options are available:

• cas, which supports G.704 channel associated signaling (CAS). In this

method, a multiframe structure of 16 consecutive frames numbered 0 through
15 is used. In each frame, time slot 16 allocates four bits to two channels in
the following pattern: Frame 0 = multiframe alignment; Frame 1 = ABCD of
Ch 1 and ABCD of Ch 17; Frame 2 = ABCD of Ch 2 and ABCD of Ch 18;
etc., up to Frame 15.
• ccs, assigns time slot 16 as the signaling channel (common channel

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1202 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Using the signalProtocol command

1 Configure the Line 1 (expansion port 1) signalProtocol by entering the
following command:
CLI> set t1e1 profile signalProtocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for Line 1).

<signalProtocol> cas | ccs Select the option applicable to
your system, as described above.
The default is cas.

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the signalProtocol appropriate for Line 2 (profile
value = 2).


Use the t1BuildOut command to configure the T1 interface line length to match
the cable length attached to a local T1 line. Values include: less than 110 ft, less
than 220 ft, less than 330 ft, less than 440 ft, less than 550 ft, less than 660 ft,
greater than 665 ft, and external line build out (LBO).

Using the t1BuildOut command

1 Configure the local end t1BuildOut by entering the following command:
CLI> set t1e1 profile t1BuildOut

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for DSX-1

<T1BuildOut> lessThan110feet | Select the appropriate line length for the
lessThan220feet | DSX-1 (local end) connection.
lessThan330feet | * The DS-1 (network end) line length
lessThan440feet | selection is implemented by a set of DIP
externalLBO | switches as detailed in Chapter 5 “Voice
greaterThan665feet | Modules” of the Passport 4400
lessThan550feet | Hardware Manual (800-1951-40).
lessThan660feet Default is lessThan110feet.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1203

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for Line 1

<T1BuildOut> lessThan133feet | lessThan266feet | Select the appropriate
lessThan399feet | lessThan533feet | line length for the Line 1
lessThan655feet | neg7andHalfdB | (local end) connection.
neg15dB | neg22dB

2 For Passport 4430/50/55:

• As detailed in Chapter 5 “Voice Modules” of the Passport 4400 Hardware
Manual (800-1951-40), configure the DS-1 line length, using the set of
dip switches.
3 For Passport 4460:
• Repeat step 1 and configure the T1BuildOut profile 2.


Use the t1FrameFormat command to configure the profile for either superframe
(D4), or extended superframe (ESF). The superframe format consists of 12
frames, and extended superframe consists of 24 frames.

Using the t1FrameFormat command

1 Configure the DSX-1 (local end) t1FrameFormat by entering the following
CLI> set t1e1 profile t1FrameFormat

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• DSX-1 (4430/50/55)
• Line 1 (4460)
<T1FrameFormat> superFrame(D4) | Select the frame format
extendedSuperFrame (ESF) appropriate to your interface.
Default is superframe (D4).

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the T1FrameFormat for profile 2.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1204 Chapter 26 T1/E1

T1 Idle Code (Passport 4460)

Use the t1IdleCode command to set the idle code for the DS0 channels. It
specifies the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle. Values can range
from 0 to 255.

Using the idleCode command

1 Configure Line 1(expansion port 1) idleCode by entering the following
CLI> set t1e1 profile t1IdleCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for Line 1).

<T1IdleCode> INTEGER (0..255) Select a value between 0 and
255. The default value is 127
(0X7F). You may enter it in either
decimal form (NNN), or
hexadecimal form (0XNN).

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the idle code for Line 2 (profile value = 2).

T1 LineCode

Use the t1LineCode command to select either of the following line coding format

• B8ZS (Binary Eight Zeros Substitution) is a method of zero suppression

where a succession of 8 zeros is replaced with a B8ZS code. At the remote
end the B8ZS code is recognized and replaced with an all zeros byte. B8ZS
format can be enabled only when supported by the connecting equipment or
the T1 service provider.
• AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion), which indicates that B8ZS suppression is
disabled. When AMI is selected, you must ensure that the Data Terminal
Equipment is generating at least one in every four bits.

Using the t1LineCode command

1 Configure the local end t1LineCode by entering the following command:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1205

CLI> set t1e1 profile t1LineCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> : INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• DSX-1 (4430/50/55)
• Line 1 (4460)
<T1LineCode> : ami | b8zs Enter ami or b8zs. Default is ami.

2 Repeat Step 1 and configure the t1LineCode for profile 2.


Use the T1LoopbackStatus command to enable or disable T1 line

network-invoked loopback tests. When enabled, the T1 Voice Module recognizes
and responds to network-invoked loopback commands. When disabled, the T1
Voice Module will not respond to network-invoked loopback commands.

Using the T1LoopbackStatus command

1 Enable or disable the local end T1LoopbackStatus by entering the following
CLI> set t1e1 profile t1LoopbackStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• DSX-1 (4430/50/55)
• Line 1 (4460)
<T1LoopbackStatus> disable | enable Select enable or disable, as
appropriate for your interface.
Default is disable.

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the T1LoopbackStatus for profile 2.

IdleCode (Passport 4430/50/55)

Use the idleCode command to set the idle code for the DS0 channels. It specifies
the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle. Values can range from 0 to

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1206 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Using the idleCode command

1 Configure the DSX-1 (local end) idleCode by entering the following
CLI> set t1e1 profile idleCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for DSX-1).

<IdleCode> INTEGER (0..255) Select a value between 0 and
255. The default value is 127
(0X7F). You may enter it in either
decimal form (NNN), or
hexadecimal form (0XNN).

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the idle code for DS-1 (profile value = 2).

E1 Line Parameters

The configurable E1 line parameters are:

• “Clock Source (Passport 4460)” on page 1207

• “E1CRC4 Status” on page 1207
• “E1LineCode” on page 1209
• “Signal Protocol (Passport 4460)” on page 1208
• “E1 Idle Code (Passport 4460)” on page 1209
• “E1 TS16 Connection (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1210
• “Idle Code (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1211

Each command is described below.

Note: Changes made using these commands take effect immediately; a

system reset is not required. However, to retain the changes, save the
configuration before the system reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1207

Clock Source (Passport 4460)

Use the clockSource command to specify the origin of the E1 clock for

• internal -- The specified T1 module provides the clock.

• external -- The clock is received remotely through the E1 line.
• backplane -- The clock is taken from the local System Master Clock.

Using the clockSource command

1 Configure the Line 1 (expansion port 1) E1 clockSource by entering the
following command:
CLI> set t1e1 profile clockSource

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for Line 1).

<ClockSource> internal | external | Select the desired clock source.

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the signalProtocol appropriate for Line 2 (profile
value = 2).

E1CRC4 Status

Use the e1CRC4Status command to enable or disable the CRC-4 Cyclic

Redundancy Check feature. When enabled, the E1 Voice Module generates and
monitors for the CRC algorithm carried on bit 1 of Time Slot 0 of an E1 frame.

Using the e1CRC4Status command

1 Enable or disable the L1 (local end) e1CRC4Status by entering the following

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1208 Chapter 26 T1/E1

CLI> set t1e1 profile e1CRC4Status

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• L1 (4430/50/55)
• Line 1 (4460)
<E1CRC4Status> disable | enable Select enable or disable, as
appropriate for your interface.
Default is disable.

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the e1CRC4Status for profile 2.

Signal Protocol (Passport 4460)

Use the signalProtocol command to specify the signaling system to be used in T1/
E1 voice applications. The following options are available:

• cas, which supports G.704 channel associated signaling (CAS). In this

method, a multiframe structure of 16 consecutive frames numbered 0 through
15 is used. In each frame, time slot 16 allocates four bits to two channels in
the following pattern: Frame 0 = multiframe alignment; Frame 1 = ABCD of
Ch 1 and ABCD of Ch 17; Frame 2 = ABCD of Ch 2 and ABCD of Ch 18;
etc., up to Frame 15.
• ccs, assigns time slot 16 as the signaling channel (common channel

Using the signalProtocol command

1 Configure the Line 1 (expansion port 1) signalProtocol by entering the
following command:
CLI> set t1e1 profile signalProtocol

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for Line 1).

<signalProtocol> cas | ccs Select the option applicable to
your system, as described above.
The default is cas.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1209

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the signalProtocol appropriate for Line 2 (profile
value = 2).

E1 Idle Code (Passport 4460)

Use the e1IdleCode command to set the idle code for the DS0 channels. It
specifies the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle. Values can range
from 0 to 255.

Using the idleCode command

1 Configure Line 1(expansion port 1) idleCode by entering the following
CLI> set t1e1 profile e1IdleCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for Line 1).

<E1IdleCode> INTEGER (0..255) Select a value between 0 and
255. The default value is 85
(0X55). You may enter it in either
decimal form (NNN), or
hexadecimal form (0XNN).

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the idle code for Line 2 (profile value = 2).


Use the e1LineCode command to select either of the following line code settings:

• HDB3 (High Density Bipolar 3), an ITU-TSS-recommended coding method

which limits the maximum number of consecutive zeros to three.
• AMI, which indicates that HDB3 suppression is disabled. When AMI is
selected, you must ensure that the Data Terminal Equipment is generating at
least one in every four bits.

Using the e1LineCode command

1 Configure the local end e1LineCode by entering the following command:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1210 Chapter 26 T1/E1

CLI> set t1e1 profile e1LineCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 for:

• L1 (4430/50/55)
• Line 1 (4460)
<E1LineCode> ami | hDB3 Select either ami or hDB3, as
appropriate for your interface.
Default is ami.

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the e1LineCode for profile 2.

E1 TS16 Connection (Passport 4430/50/55)

Use the e1TS16Connection command to specify the signaling system to be used in

time slot 16. The following options are available:

• toCAS, which supports G.704 channel associated signaling (CAS). In this

method, a multiframe structure of 16 consecutive frames numbered 0 through
15 is used. In each frame, time slot 16 allocates four bits to two channels in
the following pattern: Frame 0 = multiframe alignment; Frame 1 = ABCD of
Ch 1 and ABCD of Ch 17; Frame 2 = ABCD of Ch 2 and ABCD of Ch 18;
etc., up to Frame 15.
• idle, places time slot 16 into an idle state.
• bypass, bypasses time slot 16 of L1 to time slot 16 of L2.
• toDataPort1, connects time slot 16 to DataPort 1 (An E1 reset is required
before the setting will take affect).
• toDataPort2, connects time slot 16 to DataPort 2 (An E1 reset is required
before the setting will take affect).

Using the E1TS16Connection command

1 Configure the L1 (local end) e1TS16Connection by entering the following

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1211

CLI> set t1e1 profile e1TS16Connection

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for L1).

<E1TS16Connection> toCAS | idle | bypass | Select the option applicable to
toDataPort1 | toDataPort2 your system, as described above.
The default is toCAS.

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the e1TS16Connection appropriate for L2 (profile

value = 2).

Idle Code (Passport 4430/50/55)

Use the idleCode command to configure the idle code for the DS0 channels. It
specifies the code to be filled in the line when the line is idle. Values can range
from 0 to 255.

Using the idleCode command

1 Configure the L1 (local end) idleCode by entering the following command:
CLI> set t1e1 profile idleCode

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) Select 1 (for L1).

<IdleCode> INTEGER (0..255) Select a value between 0 and 255
The default value is 127 (0X7F).
You may enter it in either decimal
form (NNN), or hexadecimal form

2 Repeat step 1 and configure the idleCode for L2 (profile value = 2).

Configurator Procedure for Assigning the T1/E1 Profile to a


Use the Configurator procedures below to assign a previously configured T1/E1

profile to a T1/E1 line.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1212 Chapter 26 T1/E1

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 Profiles from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 Profile 1 window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1213

2 At the top of the window, click on Line Parameter. You will see the T1/E1
Line Parameter window.

3 Next to Line1 and Line2, use the drop-down menus to select which profile
you want assigned to which line.
4 When all desired options have been configured, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message is displayed.

CLI Profedure for Assigning the T1/E1 Profile to a Line

The lineParameters subcommand is used to assign a previously configured T1/E1

profile to a T1/E1 line.

To access the T1/E1 Line Parameters command, enter the following command:

CLI> set t1e1 lineParameters

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> localEnd (T1 =DSX-1/E1 =L1) | Select localEnd for the DSX-1/L1
networkEnd (T1=DS-1/E1=L2) line, and networkEnd for the DS1/
L2 line.
<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) It is recommended that you select
1 for the DSX-1/L1 line, and 2 for
the DS-1/L2 line

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1214 Chapter 26 T1/E1

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> Line1 | Line2 Select Line1 if your T1/E1 module

is in expansion slot 1, and Line2 if
your T1/E1 module is in expansion
slot 2.
<Profile> INTEGER (1..2) It is recommended that you select
1 for Line 1, and 2 for Line 2.

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Data Port

(Passport 4430/50/55)

Use the Configurator procedures below to configure the T1/E1 data ports:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1215

2 At the top of the window, click on either Data Port 1 or Data Port 2. You will
see the Data Port (1 or 2) window. (The Data Port 1 window is shown):

The optional parameters for the T1/E1 Data Ports are described below:

Option Description

Base Data Rate Sets the base rate of the data port.
• The actual rate is determined by the selected base rate
multiplied by the number of DS0 channels assigned for the
connection to that port. For example, if the rate is set to 56
Kbps, and the number of connected DS0 channels is 2, the
actual rate is 112 Kbps.
DTR Indicates how the data terminal ready (DTR) signal is supplied.
The following options are available:
• Normal — in which the DTR must be supplied by the DTE, and
the data set ready (DSR) signal follows the DTR.
• Forced on — in which the DTR signal from the DTE is ignored,
and the DSR is forced on.
Clock Source Indicates the clocking source for the data port
RTS Indicates how the Request To Send (RTS) signal is supplied. The
following options are available:
• Normal — in which the RTS must be supplied by the DTE, and
the Clear To Send (CTS) signal follows the RTS.
• Forced on — in which the RTS signal from the DTE is ignored,
and the CTS is forced on.

3 When all desired options have been configured, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message is displayed.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1216 Chapter 26 T1/E1

CLI Procedure for Configuring the Data Port (Passport


The configurable T1/E1 data port (data port 1 and data port 2) parameters are:

• “Clock” on page 1216

• “DTR Control” on page 1218
• “Rate” on page 1218
• “RTS Control” on page 1219

Note: Changes made with these commands take effect immediately; a

system reset is not required. However, to retain these settings, save the
configuration before resetting the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.


Use the Clock command to indicate the clocking source for each data port.

Each Data Port is implemented as a DCE interface, and supplies the attached DTE
equipment with both TxC and RxC clocks.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1217

When internallySupplied is selected, the attached DTE equipment samples

the RxD signal from the TVM/EVM, based on the clock provided by the TVM/
EVM. The attached DTE will clock transmit data (TxD) to the Data Port based on
the TVM/EVM-provided transmit clock (TxC). The ETxC input to the Data Port
is ignored.




When tailCircuit is selected, the attached DTE equipment samples Received

Data (RxD) from the TVM/EVM, based on the TVM/EVM-provided Receive
Clock (RxC). The attached DTE equipment must use either RxC or TxC to
generate the local External Transmit Clock (ETxC). This clock is used by the DTE
to clock transmit data (TxD) into the Data Port. ETxC from the attached DTE is
provided as an input to the Data Port, and is required to be based on the TVM/
EVM-provided clocking, with only short-term jitter and phase differences.

Default = internallySupplied.

Using the Clock Command

Configure the data port clock parameter by entering the following command:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1218 Chapter 26 T1/E1

CLI> set t1e1 portParameters clock

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<PortNumber> port1 | port2 Select the number of the data port you
are configuring.
<Clock> internallySupplied | Enter the required clock source:
tailCircuit internallySupplied or tailCircuit. Default is

DTR Control

Use the dtrControl command to indicate how the data terminal ready (DTR)
signal is supplied. The following options are available:

• Normal — in which the DTR must be supplied by the DTE, and the data set
ready (DSR) signal follows the DTR.
• Forced on — in which the DTR signal from the DTE is ignored, and the DSR
is forced on.

Using the dtrControl command

Configure the method of the data port DTR control by entering:

CLI> set t1e1 portParameters dtrControl

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<PortNumber> port1 | port2 Select the number of the data port

you are configuring.
<DTRControl> normal | forcedOn Select normal or forcedOn.
Default is normal.


Use the rate command to set the base rate of the data port. The actual rate is
determined by the selected base rate multiplied by the number of DS0 channels
assigned for the connection to that port. For example, if the rate is set to
56 Kbps, and the number of connected DS0 channels is 2, the actual rate is
112 Kbps.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1219

Using the rate command

Configure the data port base rate by entering:

CLI> set t1e1 portParameters rate

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<PortNumber> port1 | port2 Select the number of the data port

you are configuring.
<Rate> 64kbps | 56kbps Select 64kbps or 56kbps. Default
is 64kbps.

RTS Control

Use the rtsControl command to indicate how the Request To Send (RTS) signal is
supplied. The following options are available:

• Normal — in which the RTS must be supplied by the DTE, and the Clear To
Send (CTS) signal follows the RTS.
• Forced on — in which the RTS signal from the DTE is ignored, and the CTS is
forced on.

Using the rtsControl command

Configure the method of the data port RTS control by entering:

CLI> set t1e1 portParameters rtsControl

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<PortNumber> port1 | port2 Select the number of the data port

you are configuring.
<RTSControl> normal | forcedOn Select normal or forcedOn.
Default is normal.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1220 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the T1/E1 System

Clock (4430/50/55)

Use the Configurator procedures below to configure the T1/E1 data ports:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

2 Next to System Clock Source, specify the point of origin for the T1/E1 system

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1221

The optional parameters for the T1/E1 System Clock Source are described below:

Option Description

System Clock Source Specifies the point of origin for the T1/E1 system clock:
• Network External- in which the clock source is taken from
the DS-1/L2 interface (L2 is for dual-port E1s only).
• Local External — in which the clock source is taken from
the DSX-1/L1 interface (DSX-1 is for dual-port T1s only).
• Internal — i n which the clock source is taken from an
internal clock source..

3 When the desired clocking source has been configured, click on Save. A
“Command Successful” message is displayed.

CLI Procedure for Configuring the T1/E1 System Clock


This command is used to select the system clock source for the T1/E1 expansion
module(s), as follows:

• networkLineClock — in which the clock source is taken from the DS-1/L2

interface (L2 is for dual-port E1s only).
• localLineClock — in which the clock source is taken from the DSX-1/L1
interface (DSX-1 is for dual-port T1s only).
• internalClock — in which the clock source is taken from an internal clock

Using the t1e1 SystemClock command

Configure the system clock by entering the following command:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1222 Chapter 26 T1/E1

CLI> set t1e1 systemClock

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<TimeResource> networkLineClock | Specifies the point of origin for the

localLineClock | T1/E1 system clock:
internalClock • networkLineClock — in which
the clock source is taken from
the DS-1/L2 interface (L2 is for
dual-port E1s only).
• localLineClock — in which the
clock source is taken from the
DSX-1/L1 interface (DSX-1 is
for dual-port T1s only).
internalClock — in which the clock
source is taken from an internal
clock source..

Configurator Procedure for Assigning DS0s to a Line (4460)

If you are not using a fully loaded T1 (24 voice channels) or E1 (30 voice
channels), then you may use the following Configurator procedure to specify
which time slots you want to use. The remaining time slots will be out of service.

Note: Modifying this parameter automatically resets the DSPs,

therefore a configuration save and system reset are required for the
parameters to take effect.

1 Select Configure, Voice, and DS0 Usage from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1223

You will see the DS0 Usage window:

2 Locate the desired T1/E1 module in the table (Line Number equals expansion
slot), and click on the appropriate Modify. You will see the Modify DS0
Usage window:

The optional parameter for the T1/E1 DS0 Usage is described below:

Option Description

DS0: Enter the DS0 channels to be used by the Passport unit,

separated by a “,” or “-”. Only the DS0 channels entered will be
used, the rest are assumed not subscribed and can not be
assigned to any of the DSP channels.
Example: 1,2,3,4,8-12

Note: For T1, DS0 1-24 is mapped to time slots 0-23. For E1, DS0 1-30
is mapped to time slots 1-15 and 17-31.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1224 Chapter 26 T1/E1

3 Click on the Save button, the DS0 Usage window opens with the newly
configured DS0 list displayed in the table.
4 Perform a current system reset as described in “System Reset” on page 1670

CLI Procedure for Assigning DS0s to a Line (4460)

If you are not using a fully loaded T1 (24 voice channels) or E1 (30 voice
channels), then you may use the following Configurator procedure to specify
which time slots you want to use.

Note: Modifying this parameter automatically resets the DSPs,

therefore a configuration save and system reset are required for the
parameters to take effect.

Enter the following command to assign ds0s to a line:

CLI> set t1e1 ds0usage

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineID> Line1 | Line2 Select the desired

expansion port:
• Line1 - expansion port 1
• Line2 - expansion port2
<DS0UsageString> “String” of size (0..83; Specify the DS0 channels
decimal digits, ‘,’, and ‘-’) you wish to assign to the T1/
E1 line.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1225

Configurator Procedure for Connecting the DS0 Channels

For Passport 4430/50/55

The T1/E1 DS0 channels of the DSX-1/L1 line and the DS-1/L2 line can be
connected logically to any of the following:

• Digital voice modules

• Primary WAN Link of the Passport 4430/50/55 Ethernet Base Module (EBM)
• Backup WAN Link of the Passport 4430/50/55 EBM
• Data Ports 1 and/or 2

The DS0 channels can also be set to Bypass so traffic and signaling can be
transported transparently between equivalent channels of the DS-1/L2 line and the
DSX-1/L1 line.

Note: You cannot connect the DS0 channels of a single-port T1 or E1

Voice Module directly to any link of the Ethernet Base Module.

Use the Configurator procedures below to connect the DS0 channels:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1226 Chapter 26 T1/E1

2 You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

3 At the top of the window, click on Local (or Network) DS0 Connection. You
will see the T1/E1 Local or Network DS0 Connection window (The Local
DS0 Connection window is shown):

4 At the top of the page, click Modify Local (or Network) DS0 Connection. You
will see the Modifying a Local (or Network) DS0 Connection window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1227

5 Enter the DS0 Index number that you want to configure and the Connection

The optional parameters for DS0 Connection are described below:

Option Description

Idle Places DS0 channels into an idle state. In this state all existing
connections to a DS0 channel will be removed, and new
assignments can be made.
By Pass Voice Allows voice traffic to pass from a T1 DSX-1 DS0 channel
directly to its equivalent T1 DS-1 DS0 channel, or from an E1
L1 DS0 channel directly to its equivalent E1 L2 DS0 channel.
When selected, signaling information is also bypassed. This
command is not applicable to single-port models.
By Pass Data Allows data traffic to pass from a T1 DSX-1 DS0 channel
directly to its equivalent T1 DS-1 DS0 channel, or from an E1
L1 DS0 channel directly to its equivalent E1 L2 DS0 channel.
This command is not applicable to single-port models.
Primary Link Connects one or more DS0 channels directly to the primary
WAN link on the Passport 4430/50/55 ethernet base module.
This command is not applicable to single-port models. For
WAN ports, you may assign a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 DS0s --
but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number may not
exceed 8 DS0s.
Secondary Link Connects one or more DS0 channels directly to the backup
WAN link on the Passport 4430/50/55 ethernet base module.
This command is not applicable to single-port models. For
WAN ports, you may assign a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8
DS0s — but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number may
not exceed 8 DS0s.
Data Port 1 Connects one or more DS0 channels to data port 1 on the TVM
or EVM. For data ports, you may assign a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
or 8 DS0s — but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number
may not exceed 8 DS0s
Data Port 2 Connects one or more DS0 channels to data port 2 on the TVM
or EVM. For data ports, you may assign a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
or 8 DS0s — but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number
may not exceed 8 DS0s.
B1-B6, C1-C12, D1-D12 Connects the corresponding Digital Voice Modules to the
(voice channels) selected DS0 channels. Voice channels may be assigned only
one DS0 channel each.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1228 Chapter 26 T1/E1

6 When the desired DS0 connection has been configured, click on Save. You
are then returned to the T1/E1 Local (or Network) DS0 Connection window
and your modifications are displayed in the table.

For Passport 4460

The Passport 4460 unit automatically defines the voice channel to DS0 (time slot)
relationship, and does not allow you to change them. To view the predefined DS0
connections, refer to “Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460)” on page 1486.

CLI Procedure for Connecting the DS0 Channels

For Passport 4430/50/55

The T1/E1 DS0 channels of the DSX-1/L1 line and the DS-1/L2 line can be
connected logically to any of the following:

• Digital voice modules

• Primary WAN Link of the Passport 4430/50/55 Ethernet Base Module (EBM)
• Backup WAN Link of the Passport 4430/50/55 EBM
• Data Ports 1 and/or 2

The DS0 channels can also be set to Bypass so traffic and signaling can be
transported transparently between equivalent channels of the DS-1/L2 line and the
DSX-1/L1 line.

Note: You cannot connect the DS0 channels of a single-port T1 or E1

Voice Module directly to any link of the Ethernet Base Module.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1229


The DS0Connect command is used to determine how each of the DS0 channels
available on the DSX-1/L1 interface will be used. To complete this command, you
must define the following parameters:

• LineIndex
• DS0ConnString
• ConnectionState

Each parameter is described below:


The Lineindex parameter is used to indicate whether the DS0 channels you are
connecting are taken from the DSX-1/L1 or DS-1/L2 line. Enter either localLine
(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) or networkLine (T1=DS-1/E1=L2), as appropriate.


The DS0ConnString parameter is used to indicate which DS0 channels are to be

connected. Up to 83 characters may be entered, with the following restrictions.
The characters must be decimal digits, with commas or hyphens used to define a
list of multiple DS0 channels or a range of DS0 channels.


The ConnectionState parameter is used to indicate how the DS0 channels are to be
connected. The following options are available:

• Idle • toBackupLink
• bypassVoice • toDataPort1
• bypassData • toDataPort2
• toPrimaryLink • B1-B6, C1-C12, D1-D12 (voice

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1230 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Connecting the DS0 Channels

The following procedure lists the steps used to connect a DS0 channel to a voice
channel, or to connect multiple DS0 channels to a data port, WAN link port, or to
the idle, voice bypass, or data bypass connection states.

Note: To connect a DS0 channel to a voice channel, WAN link channel,

or data port, that DS0 channel must first be set to idle.

Before a voice channel can be seized by the local PBX to obtain a local
dial tone, that voice channel must first be connected to one of the idle DS0
channels (time slots) as described on the next page.

Using the DS0Connect Command

To access the DS0Connect command, follow this path:

CLI> set t1e1 ds0connect

<LineIndex> : localLine | networkLine |

(DSX-1 or L1) (DS-1 or L2)
<DS0ConnString> : “String” of size (0..83) |
<ConnectionState> : idle | bypassVoice |
bypassData | toPrimaryLink |
toBackupLink | toDataport 1 |
toDataport 2 | b1 |
b2 | b3 |
b4 | b5 |
b6 | c1 |
c2 | c3 |
c4 | c5 |
c6 | c7 |
c8 | c9 |
c10 | c11 |
c12 | d1 |

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1231

d2 | d3 |
d4 | d5 |
d6 | d7 |
d8 | d9 |
d10 | d11 |

1 For lineIndex, select localLine or networkLine, as applicable.

2 For ds0ConnString,enter the DS0 channel number(s) you want to connect,
enclosed within quotation marks. If you want to connect more than one DS0
channel (24 maximum for T1, 30 maximum for E1), enter a “String” of up to
83 characters. This can specify a single DS0, multiple DS0s separated by
commas, a range of DS0s, separated by a hyphen, or any combination of these


Single DS0 — “3”

Multiple DS0s — “5,8,12”

Range — “9-20”

Combination — “2,5-10,14,16,20-26”

A range of DS0s can be assigned to one of the following connection states:

idle, bypassVoice, bypassData, toPrimaryLink (WAN), to BackupLink
(WAN), toDataPort1 and toDataPort2.

In the case of voice channels, a range of DS0s can also be assigned to multiple
connection states (b1-b6, c1-c12, d1-d12). For example, if the user specifies
“1-5” for the DS0s, and DVM channel b1 for the connection state, DS0 1 will
be assigned to DVM channel b1. The next available DVM channel, such as
b2, will be assigned for DS0 2. If, for some reason, a connection state or DS0
is not available, then the next DVM channel will be selected for assignment, if
available. When all available DVM channels on one voice module are
assigned, the available DVM channels on the next voice module (such as
c1-c12) will be assigned.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1232 Chapter 26 T1/E1

3 For connectionState, select one of the following:


The idle option is used to place DS0 channels into an idle state. In this state all
existing connections to a DS0 channel will be removed, and new assignments can
be made. All DS0s (24 maximum for T1, or 30 maximum for E1) may be assigned
to the idle state.

When disconnecting a range of DS0s from a data port, the full range of channels
(not just individual channels) of the connected DS0s must be set to the idle state.


The bypassVoice option is used to allow voice traffic to pass from a T1 DSX-1
DS0 channel directly to its equivalent T1 DS-1 DS0 channel, or from an E1 L1
DS0 channel directly to its equivalent E1 L2 DS0 channel. When bypassVoice is
selected, signaling information is also bypassed. This command is not applicable
to single-port models.

For bypassVoice, all DS0s (24 maximum for T1, or 30 maximum for E1) may be


The bypassData option is used to allow data traffic to pass from a T1 DSX-1 DS0
channel directly to its equivalent T1 DS-1 DS0 channel, or from an E1 L1 DS0
channel directly to its equivalent E1 L2 DS0 channel. This command is not
applicable to single-port models.

For bypassData, all DS0s (24 maximum for T1, or 30 maximum for E1) may be


The toPrimaryLink option is used to connect one or more DS0 channels directly to
the primary WAN link on the Passport 4430/50/55 ethernet base module. This
command is not applicable to single-port models. For WAN ports, you may assign
a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 DS0s — but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total
number may not exceed 8 DS0s.

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1233


The toBackupLink option is used to connect one or more DS0 channels directly to
the backup WAN link on the Passport 4430/50/55 ethernet base module. This
command is not applicable to single-port models. For WAN ports, you may assign
a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 DS0s — but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total
number may not exceed 8 DS0s.


The toDataPort1 option is used to connect one or more DS0 channels to data port
1 on the TVM or EVM. For data ports, you may assign a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8
DS0s — but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number may not exceed 8


The toDataPort2 option is used to connect one or more DS0 channels to data port
2 on the TVM or EVM. For data ports, you may assign a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8
DS0s — but NOT a total of 5 or 7 DS0s. The total number may not exceed 8

B1-B6, C1-C12, D1-D12 (voice channels)

Enter any of the voice channels B1 through D12 to connect the corresponding
Digital Voice Modules to the selected DS0 channels. Voice channels may be
assigned only one DS0 channel each.

The location of each voice channel is described below:

• B1-B6 — refers to the six voice channels (Digital Voice Modules) on the
T1 or E1 Voice Modules in logical slot B (limB) of the Passport 4430/50/
55 unit.
• C1-C12 — refers to the twelve voice channels of the Digital Voice
Expansion Module in logical slot C (limC) of the Passport 4430/50/55

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1234 Chapter 26 T1/E1

• D1-D12 — refers to the twelve voice channels of a Digital Voice

Expansion Module in logical slot D (limD) of the Passport 4430/50/55

To set time slot 3 (DS0 Index) of the DSX-1 T1 interface to idle, enter the
Example 1:
CLI> set t1e1 ds0c local “3” idle
To connect time slot 3 (DS0 Index) of the L1 E1 interface to digital voice
Example 2:
channel 2, enter the following:
CLI> set t1e1 ds0c local “3” b2
To set time slot 29 (DS0 Index) of the L1 E1 interface to idle, enter the
Example 3:
CLI> set t1e1 ds0c local “29” idle
To connect time slot 29 (DS0 Index) of the L2 E1 interface to digital voice
Example 4:
channel 14, enter the following:
CLI> set t1e1 ds0c network “29” C8

For Passport 4460

The Passport 4460 unit automatically defines the voice channel to DS0 (time slot)
relationship, and does not allow you to change them. To view the predefined DS0
connections, refer to “Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460)” on page 1513.

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1235

This section describes the Show and Test commands for the T1/E1 voice module,
two tools designed for troubleshooting the T1 and E1 Voice Modules. Also
described are the Reset commands. The topics are as follows:

• “Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4460)” on

page 1235
• “Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4430/50/55)” on
page 1246
• “CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4460)” on page 1263
• “CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4430/50/55)” on page 1272
• “Configurator Procedure for Using the Test Commands (4430/50/55)” on
page 1288
• “Configurator Procedure for Using the Test Commands (4460)” on page 1290
• “CLI Procedure for Using the Test Commands” on page 1296
• “CLI Procedure for Resetting the T1/E1 Counters (4430/50/55)” on
page 1320
• “Resetting System Voice Commands” on page 1321

(All commands involving the DSX-1 or L2 line apply to the dual-port T1/E1
Voice Modules for the Passport 4430/50/55 unit only.)

Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands


The parameters available for display in the section are the following:

• “DS0 Connection” on page 1236

• “DS0 Usage” on page 1237
• “DS0 Signaling Bits” on page 1238
• “Line Status” on page 1240
• “Profiles” on page 1241
• “Statistics Table” on page 1244

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1236 Chapter 26 T1/E1

DS0 Connection

To display the DS0s that are connected to the voice channels for the voice
modules, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

2 You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1237

3 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

4 The right-most column is the Time Slot column. The number in this column
represents the DS0 number for the associated channel in the same row.

DS0 Usage

To view the DS0s assinged to be used by the T1/E1 line, use the Configurator
procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and DS0 Usage from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1238 Chapter 26 T1/E1

2 You will see the DS0 Usage window:

3 The DS0s being used by the available T1/E1 modules are displayed in the

Note: For T1, DS0 1-24 is mapped to time slots 0-23. For E1, DS0 1-30
is mapped to time slots 1-15 and 17-31.

DS0 Signaling Bits

To view a real time display of the bit pattern for voice channel signaling bits
ABCD, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1239

You will see the T1/E1 Line Status window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Line 1 (or Line 2) DS0 Status. You will see
the Line 1 (or Line 2) DS0 Status window:

Note: The values shown in the In ABCD Bits and Out ABCD Bits
columns are decimal equivalents of the binary values presented by
signaling bits ABCD. For example, the value 14 would translate as 1110.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1240 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The In ABCD Bits (receive) column shows the activity of the signaling bits from
the PBX to the digital voice module. The Out ABCD Bits (transmit) column
shows the activity of the signaling bits from the digital voice module to the PBX.
Interpretation of the signaling bits is dependent on the CAS format selected for the
specified DS0 channel

Line Status

To display the present condition of Line 1 (expansion module 1) and/or the Line 2
(expansion module 2), use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 Line Status window:

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1241

The displayed parameters for the T1/E1 Line Status window are described below:

Parameter Description

Line Indicates the expansion port the module is plugged

• Line 1 -- expansion port 1
• Line 2 -- expansion port 2
Interface T1 or E1 line
Alarm Indication Signal Indicates whether or not an Alarm Indication Signal is
Red Alarm Indicates if a Red Alarm condition has existed for
100 milliseconds or longer.
Yellow Alarm Indicates if a Yellow Alarm condition exists. Not
applicable to an E1 Voice Module.
Time Slot 16 Alarm Indicates if a Time Slot 16 Alarm Indication Signal is
present. Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Out of Signal Multi-Frame Alarm Indicates if an Out of Signal Multiframe alarm signal
is present. Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Multi Frame Alignment Alarm Indicates if a Multiframe Alarm Signal is present. Not
applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Frame Alignment Signal Alarm Indicates if a Frame Alarm Signal is present. Not
applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Out of CRC Multi-Frame Alarm Indicates if an Out of CRC Multiframe alarm signal is
present. Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.


Configurator automatically selects profile 1 for the Line 1 and profile 2 for the
Line 2. To display the parameters configured for each profile, use the
Configurator procedures below:

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1242 Chapter 26 T1/E1

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 Profiles from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 Line 1 Profile window:

2 At this point, you may either view the configuration for the Line 1 Profile, or
click on Line 2 Profile at the top of the window and view the configuration for
the Line 2 Profile.

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1243

The displayed parameters for the T1/E1 Line 1/2 Profile window are described

Parameter Description

T1 Line Code Indicates the method of zero suppression assigned to the T1 line.
The following options may appear:
• b8ZS — a method of zero suppression in which a succession
of 8 zeros is replaced with a b8ZS code.
• AMI — a code which disables b8ZS suppression and creates
a bit density requirement for the data port or the DTE.
T1 Loopback Indicates whether network invoked loopback tests are enabled or
disabled for the DSX-1 T1 line.
T1 Line Build Out Displays the length settings for the DSX-1 T1 line.
T1 Idle Code Indicates the Idle Code setting for the DS0 channels. Values
range from 0 to 255.
T1 Frame Format Indicates the T1 frame format assigned to the line. The following
options may appear:
• Super Frame (D4) — a framing format consisting of 12
• Extended Super Frame(ESF) — a framing format consisting
of 24 frames.
E1 Idle Code Indicates the Idle Code setting for the DS0 channels. Values
range from 0 to 255.
E1 CRC4 Indicates whether the CRC-4 Cyclic Redundancy check feature
is enabled or disabled for the E1 line.
Signal Protocol Indicates the signaling system being used for T1/E1 voice
applications. Possible displays are:
E1 Line Code Indicates the method of zero suppression assigned to the E1
line. The following options may appear:
• AMI — a code which disables hDB3 suppression and creates
a bit density requirement for the data port or the DTE.
• hDB3 — an ITU-TSS-recommended coding method for E1
zero suppression.
Clock Source Indicates the timing source of the T1//E1 voice module.
• Internal -- The specified T1 module is providing the clock.
• External -- Clock is being received remotely through the T1
• Backplane -- Clock is taken from the local System Master

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1244 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Statistics Table

To display the T1/E1 line statistics table, follow the Configurator procedures

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 Line Status window:

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2 At the top of the window, click on Statistics. You will see the T1/E1 Statistics

The displayed parameters for the T1/E1 Statistics window are described below:

Parameter Description

Line Indicates the expansion port the module is plugged into.

• Line 1 -- expansion port 1
• Line 2 -- expansion port 2
Interface T1 or E1
Framing Bit Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
single-bit errors in the framing code. Applicable to E1 only. For
T1, a 1 will be returned.
Line Code Violation A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times the received data was in bipolar violation. Applicable to E1
only. For T1, a 1 will be returned.
Far End Block Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors reported from the far end. Applicable to E1 only. For
T1, a 1 will be returned.
CRC Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors detected locally. Applicable to E1 only. For T1, a 1
will be returned.
Buffer Overrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame was dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data
was received at a rate faster than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.
Buffer Underrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame as dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data was
received at a rate slower than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1246 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Frame Sync Bit Error In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates.
• in a superframe, the number of single-bit errors in the framing
• in an extended superframe, the number of CR-6 errors.
Out of Frame In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times the receiving equipment has lost frame
synchronization with the transmit end.
Total Frame Slip In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times a frame was duplicated or dropped due to timing
differences between the sender and receiver.

Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands


The parameters available for display in the section are the following:

• “DS0 Connections” on page 1246

• “DS0 Signaling Bits” on page 1248
• “Line Status” on page 1250
• “Data Port Parameters” on page 1252
• “Data Port Status” on page 1254
• “Profiles” on page 1255
• “Statistics Table” on page 1258
• “System Clock” on page 1260
• “System Status” on page 1261
• “T1/E1 Test Results” on page 1262

DS0 Connections

To display the connection status for the DS0 channels of the local end DSX-1/L1
or network end DS-1/L2, use the Configurator procedures below:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1247

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Local (or Network) DS0 Connection. You
will see the T1/E1 Local (or Network) DS0 Connection window (the Local
DS0 Connection window is shown:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1248 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The displayed parameters for the DS0 Connection window are described below:

Parameter Description

Line Indicates whether the DS0 is connected to the network or

local line.
DS0 Index Indicates the number of the DS0 channel being displayed
Connection Indicates the connection state of the DS0 Channel. The
following displays can appear:
• Idle — no connections exist and the channel can be
• By Pass Voice — voice traffic is passed directly
between the DSX-1/L1 interface and the DS-1/L2
• By Pass Data — data traffic is passed directly between
the DSX-1/L1 interface and the DS-1/L2 interface.
• Primary Port — the DS0 channel is connected to the
primary WAN link.
• Secondary Port — the DS0 channel is connected to the
backup WAN link.
• B1 through B6, C1 through C12, D1 through D12 —
the DS0 channel is connected to the applicable
voice channel.
• Data Port (1 or 2) — the DS0 is connected to the
applicable data port

DS0 Signaling Bits

To view a real time display of the bit pattern for voice channel signaling bits
ABCD, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1249

You will see the T1/E1 System Status window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Local (or Network) DS0 Status. You will
see the Local (or Network) DS0 Status window:

Note: The values shown in the In ABCD Bits and Out ABCD Bits
columns are decimal equivalents of the binary values presented by
signaling bits ABCD. For example, the value 14 would translate as 1110.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1250 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The In ABCD Bits (receive) column shows the activity of the signaling bits from
the PBX to the digital voice module. The Out ABCD Bits (transmit) column
shows the activity of the signaling bits from the digital voice module to the PBX.
Interpretation of the signaling bits is dependent on the CAS format selected for the
specified DS0 channel

Line Status

To display the present condition of the DSX-1/L1 (local) and/or the DS-1/L2
(network) line, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Status window:

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1251

2 At the top of the window, click on Line Status. You will see the T1/E1 Line
Status window:

The displayed parameters for the T1/E1 Line Status window are described below:

Parameter Description

Interface T1 or E1 line
Impedance Applicable to the E1 line only. Indicates whether the
E1 line impedance is 75 ohm or 120 ohm
Test Mode Indicates which, if any, of the three loopback test
modes is the local line in:
• None
• Line Loopback
• Channel Loopback
• Channel Pattern Test
Test DS0 Channel Indicates which, if any, DS0 channel is currently in
channel loopback or channel pattern test mode.
Alarm Indication Signal Indicates whether or not an Alarm Indication Signal is
Red Alarm Indicates if a Red Alarm condition has existed for
100 milliseconds or longer.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1252 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Parameter Description

Yellow Alarm Indicates if a Yellow Alarm condition exists. Not

applicable to an E1 Voice Module.
Time Slot 16 Alarm Indicates if a Time Slot 16 Alarm Indication Signal is
present. Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Out of Signal Multi-Frame Alarm Indicates if an Out of Signal Multiframe alarm signal
is present. Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Multi Frame Alignment Alarm Indicates if a Multiframe Alarm Signal is present. Not
applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Frame Alignment Signal Alarm Indicates if a Frame Alarm Signal is present. Not
applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
Out of CRC Multi-Frame Alarm Indicates if an Out of CRC Multiframe alarm signal is
present. Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.

Data Port Parameters

To display the parameters for the data ports, use the Configurator procedures

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1253

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Data Port (1 or 2). You will see the Data
Port (1 or 2) window:

The displayed parameters for the Data Port (1 or 2) window are described below:

Parameter Description
Base Data Rate Configuration rate for the specified data port. Possible values are
rate 64kbps and rate 56kbps.
DTR DTR control for the specified data port. Possible values are
Normal and Forced On.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1254 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Clock Source Clock source for the specified data port. Possible values are
Internal Supplied and Tail Circuit.
RTS RTS control for the specified data port. Possible values are
normal and forcedOn.

Data Port Status

To display the parameters for the data ports, use the Configurator procedures

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Status window:

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1255

2 At the top of the window, click on Port Status. You will see the T1/E1 Data
Port Status window:

The displayed parameters for the Data Port Status window are described below:

Parameter Description
DTR Input Data Terminal Ready
RTS Input Request To Send
DSR Output Data Set Ready
DCD Output Data Carrier Detect
CTS Output Clear To Send


Configurator automatically selects profile 1 for the Local Line and profile 2 for
the Network Line. To display the parameters configured for each profile, use the
Configurator procedures below:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1256 Chapter 26 T1/E1

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Local Connection (profile 1) or Network

Connection (profile 2). You will see the T1/E1 Local (or Network)
Connection window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1257

The displayed parameters for the T1/E1 Local (Network) Connection window are
described below:

Parameter Description

T1 Line Code Indicates the method of zero suppression assigned to the T1 line.
The following options may appear:
• b8ZS — a method of zero suppression in which a succession
of 8 zeros is replaced with a b8ZS code.
• AMI — a code which disables b8ZS suppression and creates
a bit density requirement for the data port or the DTE.
T1 Loopback Indicates whether network invoked loopback tests are enabled or
disabled for the DSX-1 T1 line.
T1 Line Build Out Displays the length settings for the DSX-1 T1 line.
T1 Frame Format Indicates the T1 frame format assigned to the line. The following
options may appear:
• Super Frame (D4) — a framing format consisting of 12
• Extended Super Frame(ESF) — a framing format consisting
of 24 frames.
T1/E1 Idle Code Indicates the Idle Code setting for the DS0 channels. Values
range from 0 to 255.
E1 CRC4 Indicates whether the CRC-4 Cyclic Redundancy check feature
is enabled or disabled for the E1 line.
E1TS16Connection Indicates where time slot 16 of the E1 line is connected. Possible
displays are:
• Idle
• Bypass
• Data Port (1 or 2) (An E1 reset is required before the setting
will take affect)
E1 Line Code Indicates the method of zero suppression assigned to the E1
line. The following options may appear:
• AMI — a code which disables hDB3 suppression and creates
a bit density requirement for the data port or the DTE.
• hDB3 — an ITU-TSS-recommended coding method for E1
zero suppression.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1258 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Statistics Table

To display the T1/E1 line statistics table, follow the Configurator procedures

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

2 You will see the T1/E1 System Status window:

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Chapter 26 T1/E1 1259

3 At the top of the window, click on Statistics. You will see the T1/E1 Statistics

The displayed parameters for the T1/E1 Statistics window are described below:

Parameter Description

Interface T1 or E1
Framing Bit Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
single-bit errors in the framing code. Applicable to E1 only. For
T1, a 1 will be returned.
Line Code Violation A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times the received data was in bipolar violation. Applicable to E1
only. For T1, a 1 will be returned.
Far End Block Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors reported from the far end. Applicable to E1 only. For
T1, a 1 will be returned.
CRC Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors detected locally. Applicable to E1 only. For T1, a 1
will be returned.
Buffer Overrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame was dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data
was received at a rate faster than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1260 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Buffer Underrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame as dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data was
received at a rate slower than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.
Frame Sync Bit Error In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates.
• in a superframe, the number of single-bit errors in the framing
• in an extended superframe, the number of CR-6 errors.
Out of Frame In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times the receiving equipment has lost frame
synchronization with the transmit end.
Total Frame Slip In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times a frame was duplicated or dropped due to timing
differences between the sender and receiver.

System Clock

To display the clocking source for the T1/E1 module, follow the Configurator
procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1261

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window.

The displayed parameter for the T1/E1 System Configuration window is

described below:

Parameter Description

System Clock Source Where the T1/E1 module receives clocking from.

System Status

To display the system status of the T1/E1 module, follow the Configurator
procedures below:

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1262 Chapter 26 T1/E1

You will see the T1/E1 System Status window:

The displayed parameter for the T1/E1 System Status window is described below:

Parameter Description

CardType Indicates the type of T1/E1 card installed.

OperationStatus: The operational status of the T1/E1 unit.
LED Test Enabled Indicates whether or not an LED test is in progress.
Self Test Results Indicates whether or not the self test was successful.
Flash Eprom Status Indicates current status of the flash Eprom in the T1/E1 card.
Applied Software ID A 0 to 15 byte null terminating string identifying the application
Boot Software Version A 0 to 15 byte null terminating string identifying the boot software.

T1/E1 Test Results

Note: The Configurator does not currently support test commands

(neither setting nor showing). However, the CLI can be accessed via the
Configurator to accomplish these tasks.

To display the test results for the T1/E1 module, follow the Configurator
procedures below:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1263

1 Select Utilities, Telnet.

You will see a telnet window:

2 Refer to the “Operating the Passport 4400 System Software” Manual

(800-1952-40) to access the CLI.
3 Follow the procedures outlined starting in “Displaying the T1/E1 Test
Results” on page 1287 to display the test results for the T1/E1 module.

CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4460)

The show t1e1 and show voice commands are used to display information about
the T1 or E1 voice module. This section describes the following options:

• “Displaying the DS0 Signaling Bits” on page 1264

Displays the state of CAS receive and transmit signaling bits ABCD of
any or all DS0 channels for both the DSX-1/L1 and DS-1/L2 T1/E1 lines.
• “Displaying the DS0 Usage Parameter” on page 1267

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1264 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Displays the DS0s being used by the T1/E1 line

• “Displaying the Line Parameters” on page 1268
Displays one of the two T1/E1 configuration profiles selected - for the
DSX-1/L1 or DS-1/L2 line.
• “Displaying the Line Status” on page 1268
Displays status information on the DSX-1/L1 (local) or DS-1/L2
(network) line, as specified (entry option). If the table option is selected,
the status of both lines is displayed.
• “Displaying the Profiles” on page 1270
Displays the parameters configured for each of the two T1/E1 profiles.
• “Displaying the Statistics Table” on page 1271
Displays statistical information on the DSX-1/L1 and DS-1/L2 line.

Displaying the DS0 Signaling Bits

The show t1/e1 ds0Signaling command provides a real time display of the bit
pattern for voice channel signaling bits ABCD. You can use the entry option to
view a specific DS0 channel, or the table option to view all DS0 channels within
the Passport 4460 unit.

To display the voice signaling bit pattern of a single DS0 channel, enter the
following command:

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Signaling entry

You will be prompted to specify the following:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> Line1 | Line2 Select the desired expansion port:

• Line1 - expansion port 1
• Line2 - expansion port2
<DS0Index> INTEGER (1..30) Specify the DS0 channel whose
signaling bits you want displayed.

To display the voice signaling bit pattern of all DS0 channels, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1265

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Signaling table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1266 Chapter 26 T1/E1

A sample display for a single port E1 is shown below:

LineIndex DS0Index RxABCDBits TxABCDBits*

line2 1 14* 15
line2 2 14 0
line2 3 14 7
line2 4 6 15
line2 5 12 15
line2 6 15 0
line2 7 15 0
line2 8 15 15
line2 9 15 15
line2 10 15 15
line2 11 15 0
line2 12 7 0
line2 13 15 0
line2 14 15 15
line2 15 15 15
line2 16 15 0
line2 17 15 0
line2 18 15 0
line2 19 15 15
line2 20 15 15
line2 21 15 15
line2 22 15 15
line2 23 15 15
line2 24 15 0
*The values shown in the RxABCDBits and TxABCDBits
columns are decimal equivalents of the binary values
presented by signaling bits ABCD. For example, the
value 14 would translate as follows:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1267

1 1 1 0

The RxABCDBits (receive) column shows the activity of the signaling bits from
the PBX to the digital voice module. The TxABCDBits (transmit) column shows
the activity of the signaling bits from the digital voice module to the PBX.
Interpretation of the signaling bits is dependent on the CAS format selected for the
specified DS0 channel.

Displaying the DS0 Usage Parameter

The show t1e1 ds0Usage subcommand is used to display the DS0s being used by
the T1/E1 line.

• Use the entry option to view the status of either Line 1 (expansion port 1) or
Line 2 (expansion port 2).
• Use the table option to view the status of both lines.

To display the line parameters enter:

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Usage table

A sample display is shown below:

LineID : Line2

DS0UsageString : “1-24”

Note: For T1, DS0 1-24 is mapped to time slots 0-23. For E1, DS0 1-30
is mapped to time slots 1-15 and 17-31.

End of Topic

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1268 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Displaying the Line Parameters

The show t1e1 lineParameters subcommand is used to display the profile selected
for the T1/E1 line.

• Use the entry option to view the status of either Line 1 (expansion port 1) or
Line 2 (expansion port 2).
• Use the table option to view the status of both lines.

To display the line parameters enter:

CLI> show t1e1 lineParameters table

A sample display is shown below:

LineIndex Profile

Line2 2

Displaying the Line Status

The show t1e1 lineStatus subcommand is used to display the present condition of
Line 1 (expansion port 1) or Line 2 (expansion port 2), as follows:

• Use the entry option to view the status of either Line 1 or Line 2.
• Use the table option to view the status of both lines.
CLI>show t1e1 lineStatus

CLI>show t1e1 lineStatus entry line2

A sample display of the local line is shown below:

LineIndex : Line2
Interface : t1

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1269

TestMode : none
TestingDS0Channel : 0
AISAlarmDetected : no
RedAlarmDetected : yes
YellowAlarmDetected : no
TS16AISDetected : notApplicable
OOSMFAlarmDetected : notApplicable
MFASAlarmDetected : notApplicable
FASAlarmDetected : notApplicable
OOCMFAlarmDetected : notApplicable

Description of Displayed Status Items

Line Index Line 1 (expansion port 1) or Line 2 (expansion port 2)

Interface T1 or E1 line
Test Mode Indicates which, if any, of the loopback test modes the local line
is in
AIS Alarm Indicates whether or not an Alarm Indication Signal is present.
Red Alarm Indicates if a Red Alarm condition has existed for 100
milliseconds or longer.
Yellow Alarm Indicates if a Yellow Alarm condition exists. Not applicable to an
E1 Voice Module.
TS16 AIS Indicates if a Time Slot 16 Alarm Indication Signal is present.
Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
OOSMF Alarm Indicates if an Out of Signal Multiframe alarm signal is present.
Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
MFAS Alarm Indicates if a Multiframe Alarm Signal is present. Not applicable
to a T1 Voice Module.
FAS Alarm Indicates if a Frame Alarm Signal is present. Not applicable to a
T1 Voice Module.
OOCMF Alarm Indicates if an Out of CRC Multiframe alarm signal is present.
Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1270 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Displaying the Profiles

The show t1e1 profile subcommand is used to display the parameters configured
for the two T1/E1 profiles.

To view the parameters of one profile, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 profile entry

To view the parameters of both profiles, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 profile table

A sample display is shown below:

Profile : 1
T1FrameFormat : superFrame(D4)
T1LineCode : ami
E1LineCode : hdb3
T1BuildOut : lessThan133feet
T1LoopbackStatus : disable
E1CRC4Status : disable
T1IdleCode : 127
E1IdleCode : 85
SignalProtocol : cas
ClockSource : internal

Description of Displayed Status Items

Profile Indicates which of the two T1/E1 profile parameters is being

T1 FrameFormat Indicates the T1 frame format assigned to the line. The
following options may appear:
• superFrame (D4) — a framing format consisting of 12
• extendedSuperFrame(ESF) — a framing format consisting
of 24 frames.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1271

T1/E1 LineCode Indicates the method of zero suppression assigned to the T1/
E1 line. The following options may appear:
• b8zs (T1 only) — a method of zero suppression in which a
succession of 8 zeros is replaced with a b8zs code.
• ami (T1 and E1) — a code which disables b8zs (or hdb3)
suppression and creates a bit density requirement for the
data port or the DTE.
• hdb3 (E1 only) — an ITU-TSS-recommended coding
method for E1 zero suppression.
T1 BuildOut Displays the length settings for the DSX-1 T1 line.
T1 Loopback Status Indicates whether network invoked loopback tests are
enabled or disabled for the DSX-1 T1 line.
E1 CRC4Status Indicates whether the CRC-4 Cyclic Redundancy check
feature is enabled or disabled for the L1 E1 line.
T1/E1 IdleCode Indicates the Idle Code setting for the DS0 channels. Values
range from 0 to 255.
SignalProtocol Indicates the signaling system being used for T1/E1 voice
applications.Possible displays are:
• cas
• ccs
Clock Source Indicates the timing source of the T1//E1 voice module.
• Internal -- The specified T1 module is providing the clock.
• External -- Clock is being received remotely through the
T1 line.
• Backplane -- Clock is taken from the local System Master

Displaying the Statistics Table

The show t1e1 statistics subcommand is used to display the T1/E1 line statistics

To view the parameters of one of the T1/E1 lines, enter the following:

CLI>show t1e1 statistics entry

To view the parameters of both (if available) T1/E1 lines, enter the following:

CLI>show t1e1 statistics table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1272 Chapter 26 T1/E1

When you enter this command, the displayed items will be tabulated as follows:

Line Index line1 or line2. Indicates which line is being displayed.

Interface t1 or e1
Framing Bit Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
single-bit errors in the framing code. Applicable to E1 only. For
T1, a 1 will be returned.
Code Violation A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times the received data was in bipolar violation. Applicable to
E1 only. For T1, a 1 will be returned.
Far End Block Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors reported from the far end. Applicable to E1 only.
For T1, a 1 will be returned.
CRC Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors detected locally. Applicable to E1 only. For T1, a 1
will be returned.
Buffer Overrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame was dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data
was received at a rate faster than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.
Buffer Underrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame as dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data
was received at a rate slower than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.
Frame Synch Bit Error In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates.
• in a superframe, the number of single-bit errors
in the framing code
• in an extended superframe, the number of CR-6 errors.
Out of Frame In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times the receiving equipment has lost frame
synchronization with the transmit end.
Total Frame Slip In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times a frame was duplicated or dropped due to
timing differences between the sender and receiver.

CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands (4430/50/55)

The show t1e1 command is used to display information about the T1 or E1 access

CLI> show t1e1

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1273

When you enter this command, you will receive the following options:

Subcommand | Described in Section | Description

ds0Connect “Displaying the DS0 Displays the connection state of the DS0
Connections” on channels.
page 1273
ds0Signaling “Displaying the DS0 Displays the state of CAS receive and transmit
Signaling Bits” on signaling bits ABCD of any or all DS0
page 1275 channels for both the DSX-1/L1 and DS-1/L2
T1/E1 lines.
lineParameters “Displaying the Line Displays one of the two T1/E1 configuration
Parameters” on profiles selected - for the DSX-1/L1 or DS-1/L2
page 1278 line.
lineStatus “Displaying the Line Displays status information on the DSX-1/L1
Status” on page 1279 (local) or DS-1/L2 (network) line, as specified
(entry option). If the table option is selected,
the status of both lines is displayed.
portParameters “Displaying the Data Shows how the two data ports are configured.
Port Parameters” on
page 1280
portStatus “Displaying the Data Displays the present status of the two data
Port Status” on ports.
page 1281
profile “Displaying the Displays the parameters configured for each
Profiles” on page 1282 of the two T1/E1 profiles.
statistics “Displaying the Displays statistical information on the DSX-1/
Statistics Table” on L1 and DS-1/L2 line.
page 1284
systemClock “Displaying the System Displays the clock source currently used by
Clock” on page 1285 the T1/E1 card.
systemStatus “Displaying the System Displays the status of the T1/E1 card
Status” on page 1286
testResult “Displaying the T1/E1 Indicates which DS0 channels are currently
Test Results” on being tested, and the number of test errors, if
page 1287 any.

Displaying the DS0 Connections

The show DS0Connect command is used to display the connection status for the
DS0 channels of the local end DSX-1/L1 or network end DS-1/L2.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1274 Chapter 26 T1/E1

You can use the entry option to review the connection information for a single
DS0 channel, or the table option to review a listing of all DS0 channels within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

To display the operational connection status of all DS0 channels, enter:

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Connect operational table

To display the connection status of a single DS0 channel, enter:

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Connect operational entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) | Select localEnd or networkEnd.

<DS0Index> INTEGER (1..30) Specify the DS0 channel whose
connection status you want


To obtain the operational connection status of the DS0 channel 2 on the DSX-1
T1/E1 line, enter:

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Connect operational entry local 2

A sample display is shown below.

LineIndex DS0Index ConnectionState

localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 2 bypassVoice

Description of Displayed Status Items

LineIndex Indicates the DS0 channel is connected to the DSX-1/L1

or DS-1/L2 line.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1275

DS0Index Indicates the number of the DS0 channel being displayed.

ConnectionState Indicates the type of connection set up for the DS0
channel. The following displays can appear:
• idle — no connections exist and the channel can be
• bypassVoice — voice traffic is passed directly
between the DSX-1/L1 interface and the DS-1/L2
• bypassData — data traffic is passed directly between
the DSX-1/L1 interface and the DS-1/L2 interface.
• toPrimaryLink — the DS0 channel is connected to the
primary WAN link.
• toBackupLink — the DS0 channel is connected to the
backup WAN link.
• to B1 through B6, C1 through C12, D1 through D12
— the DS0 channel is connected to the applicable
voice channel.
• toDataPort (1 or 2) — the DS0 is connected to the
applicable data port.

Displaying the DS0 Signaling Bits

The show t1/e1 ds0Signaling command provides a real time display of the bit
pattern for voice channel signaling bits ABCD. You can use the entry option to
view a specific DS0 channel, or the table option to view all DS0 channels within
the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

To display the voice signaling bit pattern of a single DS0 channel, enter the
following command:

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Signaling entry

You will be prompted to specify the following:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) | Select localEnd or networkEnd.

<DS0Index> INTEGER (1..30) Specify the DS0 channel whose
signaling bits you want displayed.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1276 Chapter 26 T1/E1

To display the voice signaling bit pattern of all DS0 channels, enter:

CLI> show t1e1 ds0Signaling table

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1277

A sample display for a single port E1 is shown below:

LineIndex DS0Index RxABCDBits TxABCDBits*

localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 1 14* 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 2 14 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 3 14 7
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 4 6 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 5 12 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 6 15 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 7 15 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 8 15 15
localEnd((T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 9 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 10 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 11 15 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 12 7 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 13 15 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 14 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 15 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 16 15 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 17 15 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 18 15 0
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 19 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 20 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 21 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 22 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 23 15 15
localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) 24 15 0
*The values shown in the RxABCDBits and TxABCDBits
columns are decimal equivalents of the binary values
presented by signaling bits ABCD. For example, the
value 14 would translate as follows:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1278 Chapter 26 T1/E1

1 1 1 0

The RxABCDBits (receive) column shows the activity of the signaling bits from
the PBX to the digital voice module. The TxABCDBits (transmit) column shows
the activity of the signaling bits from the digital voice module to the PBX.
Interpretation of the signaling bits is dependent on the CAS format selected for the
specified DS0 channel.

Displaying the Line Parameters

The show t1e1 lineParameters subcommand is used to display the profile selected
for the T1/E1 line.

• Use the entry option to view the status of either the DSX-1/L1 (local) line or
the DS-1/L2 (network) line.
• Use the table option to view the status of both lines.

To display the line parameters enter:

CLI> show t1e1 lineParameters table

A sample display is shown below:

LineIndex : localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) (operational)

: localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) (configured)
Profile : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1279

Displaying the Line Status

The show t1e1 lineStatus subcommand is used to display the present condition of
the DSX-1/L1 (local) and/or the DS-1/L2 (network) line, as follows:

• Use the entry option to view the status of either the DSX-1/L1 line or the
DS-1/L2 line.
• Use the table option to view the status of both lines.
CLI>show t1e1 lineStatus

CLI>show t1e1 lineStatus entry local

A sample display of the local line is shown below:

LineIndex : localEnd(T1=DSX-1,E1=L1)
Interface : t1
Impedance : unknown
TestMode : none
TestingDS0Channel : 0
AISAlarmDetected : no
RedAlarmDetected : yes
YellowAlarmDetected : no
TS16AISDetected : notApplicable
OOSMFAlarmDetected : notApplicable
MFASAlarmDetected : notApplicable
FASAlarmDetected : notApplicable
OOCMFAlarmDetected : notApplicable

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1280 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Description of Displayed Status Items

Line Index Local end (T1=DSX-1 or E1=L1), Network end (T1=DS-1 or

Interface T1 or E1 line
Impedance Applicable to the E1 line only. Indicates whether the E1 line
impedance is 75 ohm or 120 ohm
Test Mode Indicates which, if any, of the three loopback test modes is the
local line in:
• none
• line loopback
• channel loopback
• channel pattern test
Testing DS0 Channel Indicates which, if any, DS0 channel is currently in channel
loopback or channel pattern test mode.
AIS Alarm Indicates whether or not an Alarm Indication Signal is present.
Red Alarm Indicates if a Red Alarm condition has existed for 100
milliseconds or longer.
Yellow Alarm Indicates if a Yellow Alarm condition exists. Not applicable to an
E1 Voice Module.
TS16 AIS Indicates if a Time Slot 16 Alarm Indication Signal is present.
Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
OOSMF Alarm Indicates if an Out of Signal Multiframe alarm signal is present.
Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.
MFAS Alarm Indicates if a Multiframe Alarm Signal is present. Not applicable
to a T1 Voice Module.
FAS Alarm Indicates if a Frame Alarm Signal is present. Not applicable to a
T1 Voice Module.
OOCMF Alarm Indicates if an Out of CRC Multiframe alarm signal is present.
Not applicable to a T1 Voice Module.

Displaying the Data Port Parameters

The show t1e1 portParameters subcommand is used to display the data port

• Use the entry option to view the status of either Data Port 1 or Data Port 2.
• Use the table option to view the status of both ports.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1281

To display the data port parameters enter:

CLI> show t1e1 portParameters table

A sample display is shown below:

Number Data Port 1 or Data Port 2

DataRate Configuration rate for the specified data port. Possible values are
rate 64kbps and rate 56kbps.
Clock Clock source for the specified data port. Possible values are
internal Supplied and tailCircuit.
DTRCntl DTR control for the specified data port. Possible values are
normal and forcedOn.
RTSCntl RTS control for the specified data port. Possible values are
normal and forcedOn.

Displaying the Data Port Status

The show t1e1 portStatus subcommand is used to display the present state of the
data port input/output control bits. You can use the entry option to view the
control bit status of either data port, or the table option to view the control bit
status of both data ports.

To view the status of one Data Port, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 portStatus entry

<PortNumber>: port1 | port2

To view the parameters of both Data Ports, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 portStatus table

A sample display is shown below:

Number RxDTRState RxRTSState TxCTSState TxDSRState TxDCDState

port1 off off off off on
port2 off off off on off

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1282 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Description of Displayed Status Items

Number Data Port 1 or Data Port 2

RxDTRState Input (to the Data Port) DTR on or off
RxRTSState Input (to the Data Port) RTS on or off
TxCTSState Output (from the Data Port) CTS on or of
TxDSRState Output (from the Data Port) DSR on or off
TxDCDState Output (from the Data Port) DCD on or off

Displaying the Profiles

The show t1e1 profile subcommand is used to display the parameters configured
for the two T1/E1 profiles.

To view the parameters of one profile, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 profile entry

To view the parameters of both profiles, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 profile table

A sample display is shown below:

Profile : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
T1FrameFormat : superFrame(D4) (operational)
: superFrame(D4) (configured)
T1LineCode : ami (operational)
: ami (configured)
E1LineCode : ami (operational)
: ami (configured)
IdleCode : 127 (operational)
: 127 (configured)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1283

T1BuildOut : lessThan110feet (operational)

: lessThan110feet (configured)
T1LoopbackStatus : disable (operational)
: disable (configured)
E1CRC4Status : disable (operational)
: disable (configured)
E1TS16Connection : toCAS (operational)
: toCAS (configured)

Description of Displayed Status Items

Profile Indicates which of the two T1/E1 profile parameters is being

T1 FrameFormat Indicates the T1 frame format assigned to the line. The
following options may appear:
• superFrame (D4) — a framing format consisting of 12
• extendedSuperFrame(ESF) — a framing format consisting
of 24 frames.
T1/E1 LineCode Indicates the method of zero suppression assigned to the T1/
E1 line. The following options may appear:
• b8zs (T1 only) — a method of zero suppression in which a
succession of 8 zeros is replaced with a b8zs code.
• ami (T1 and E1) — a code which disables b8zs (or hdb3)
suppression and creates a bit density requirement for the
data port or the DTE.
• hdb3 (E1 only) — an ITU-TSS-recommended coding
method for E1 zero suppression.
IdleCode Indicates the Idle Code setting for the DS0 channels. Values
range from 0 to 255.
T1 BuildOut Displays the length settings for the DSX-1 T1 line.
T1 Loopback Status Indicates whether network invoked loopback tests are
enabled or disabled for the DSX-1 T1 line.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1284 Chapter 26 T1/E1

E1 CRC4Status Indicates whether the CRC-4 Cyclic Redundancy check

feature is enabled or disabled for the L1 E1 line.
E1 TS16Connection Indicates where time slot 16 of the E1 line is connected.
Possible displays are:
• to CAS
• idle
• bypass
• toDataPort (1 or 2) (An E1 reset is required before the
setting will take affect)

Displaying the Statistics Table

The show t1e1 statistics subcommand is used to display the T1/E1 line statistics

To view the parameters of one of the T1/E1 lines, enter the following:

CLI>show t1e1 statistics entry

To view the parameters of both (if available) T1/E1 lines, enter the following:

CLI>show t1e1 statistics table

When you enter this command, the displayed items will be tabulated as follows:

Line Index localEnd or networkEnd. Indicates which line is being

Interface T1 or E1
Framing Bit Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
single-bit errors in the framing code. Applicable to E1 only. For
T1, a 1 will be returned.
Code Violation A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times the received data was in bipolar violation. Applicable to
E1 only. For T1, a 1 will be returned.
Far End Block Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors reported from the far end. Applicable to E1 only.
For T1, a 1 will be returned.
CRC Error A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
CRC errors detected locally. Applicable to E1 only. For T1, a 1
will be returned.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1285

Buffer Overrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame was dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data
was received at a rate faster than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.
Buffer Underrun A value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the number of
times a frame as dropped due to a timing mismatch; E1 data
was received at a rate slower than the configured system clock.
Applicable to E1 only. For T1 a 1 will be returned.
Frame Synchronization In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates.
Bit Error • in a superframe, the number of single-bit errors
in the framing code
• in an extended superframe, the number of CR-6 errors.
Out of Frame In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times the receiving equipment has lost frame
synchronization with the transmit end.
Total Frame Slip In T1 only, a value ranging from 1 to 65536 that indicates the
number of times a frame was duplicated or dropped due to
timing differences between the sender and receiver.

Displaying the System Clock

The show t1e1 systemClock subcommand is used to display the clocking source
for the T1/E1 module.

CLI>show t1e1 systemClock

A sample display is shown below:

TimeResource : localLineClock (operational)

: localLineClock (configured)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1286 Chapter 26 T1/E1


The following displays may appear:

• localLineClock — indicates that the clock source is taken from the DXS-1/L1
• networkLineClock — indicates that the clock source is taken from the DS-1/
L2 line.
• internalClock — indicates that the clock is taken from an internal source.

Displaying the System Status

The show t1e1 systemStatus subcommand is used to display status items related to
the T1/E1 card as recorded by the Passport 4430/50/55 unit. To obtain the system
status display, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 systemStatus

A sample display is shown below:

CardType t1DualLineAccessModule
OperationStatus normal
LEDTestEnabled no
SelfTestResults testPassed
FlashEpromStatus valid
AppliedSoftwareID "909-2268-CX1"
BootSoftwareVer "906-1018-0A"

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1287

Description of Displayed Status Items

CardType Indicates the type of T1/E1 card installed. The possible displays
• Single-line T1 Voice Module
• Dual-line T1 Voice Module
• Single-line E1 Voice Module
• Dual-line E1 Voice Module
OperationStatus: The operational status of the T1/E1 unit. The possible displays are:
• Dead
• Alive but not ready
• Unable to sync up
• Download in progress
• Normal
LEDTestEnabled: Indicates whether or not an LED test is in progress. The possible
displays are:
• No
• Yes
SelfTestResults: Indicates whether or not the self test was successful. The possible
displays are:
• Test Passed
• Failed
FlashEpromStatus: Indicates current status of the flash Eprom in the T1/E1 card. The
possible displays are:
• Valid
• Erased
• Invalid checksum
AppliedSoftwareID: A 0 to 15 byte null terminating string identifying the application
BootSoftwareVer: A 0 to 15 byte null terminating string identifying the boot software.

Displaying the T1/E1 Test Results

The show t1e1 testResult subcommand is used to display the T1/E1 line/channel
test status currently in progress. To obtain the test status display, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 testResult

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1288 Chapter 26 T1/E1

A sample display is shown below:

LineIndex localEnd (T1=DSX-1 E1=L1)

DS0Channel 5
ErrorCount 0

Description of Displayed Status Items

LineIndex Indicates which line the channel under test is connected to. The possible
displays are:
• LocalEnd (DSX-1/L1)
• NetworkEnd (DS-1/L2)
• None - indicates no test in progress
DS0 Channel The DS0 channel number being tested. T1 = 1-24; E1 = 1-30.
ErrorCount Indicates the number of errors accumulated since the test has been
started. Applies only to a channel test pattern test.

Configurator Procedure for Using the Test Commands


To execute the system action parameters for the T1/E1 module, follow the
Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and System Action from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1289

You will see the Voice System Action window:

2 At the top of the window, click on T1E1 System Action. You will see the T1E1
System Action window:

3 Select the desired setting from the dropdown menu and click on Save. A
Command Successful message appears.

The following table describes the available options:

Parameter Description

Download Downloads T1/E1 Module software from the local image bundle.
LED Test Initiates a T1/E1 Module LED Test.
Stop LED Test> Terminates a T1/E1 Module LED Test.
Reset T1E1 Resets the T1/E1 Module.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1290 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Configurator Procedure for Using the Test Commands


To execute the system action parameters for the T1/E1 module, follow the
Configurator procedures below. These tests will be executed on all installed T1/E1
voice modules:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and System Action from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice System Action window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1291

2 At the top of the window, click on T1E1 System Action. You will see the T1E1
System Action window:

3 Select the desired setting from the dropdown menu and click on Save. A
Command Successful message appears.

The following table describes the available options:

Parameter Description

External Line Loopback Refer to “External Line Test” on page 1292

External Digital Loopback Refer to “External Digital Test (T1 only)” on
page 1293
Internal Line Loopback Refer to “Internal Line Loopback Test” on
page 1293
Internal Digital Loopback Refer to “Internal Digital Loopback Test” on
page 1294
Stop Loopback Test Stops a loopback test currently in progress.
LED Test - Red On Tests the red state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
LED Test - Green On Tests the green state of the tri-state LED of the
associated T1/E1 Voice Module.
LED Test - Yellow On Tests the yellow state of the tri-state LED of the
associated T1/E1 Voice Module.
Turn Off LED Test Tests the off state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
Terminate LED Test Stops a led test currently in progress.
Stop LED and Loopback Test Stops a led and loopback test currently in progress.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1292 Chapter 26 T1/E1

External Line Test

This test tests the transmit and receive pairs of the T1/E1 line at the interface
level. It verifies the integrity of the transmit and receive paths of the selected line
by looping back the data sent to it from the remote end of the line. All incoming
data including DS0s, framing bits, and CRC are looped back out of the interface.
This command does not loop data through the digital section of the T1/E1

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external line test on the T1/E1


Digital Circuits

T1/E1 Circuits
Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1293

External Digital Test (T1 only)

This test is similar in function to the external line test. However, framing bits and
CRC are regenerated and not looped back.


The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external digital test on the T1


Digital Circuits

T1 Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1 Voice Module

Internal Line Loopback Test

This test loops back all DS0s, framing bits, and CRC of the selected line to the
onboard DSP of the Passport 4460 unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1294 Chapter 26 T1/E1


The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal line test on the T1 line.



T1/E1 Circuits

Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

Internal Digital Loopback Test

This test is similar to the internal line loopback test, except that the framing bits
and CRC are regenerated and not looped back.


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1295

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal digital test on the E1



T1/E1 Circuits

Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1296 Chapter 26 T1/E1

CLI Procedure for Using the Test Commands

There are five groups of tests associated with the T1/E1 Voice Module:

• “Channel Tests (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1296

• “Line Tests (4430/50/55)” on page 1299
• “Line Tests (4460)” on page 1304
• “Port Tests (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1310
• “System Tests (4430/50/55)” on page 1312
• “System Tests (4460)” on page 1313
• “Loopback Tests” on page 1318

Note: Unless otherwise stated, the following test commands apply to the
dual-port T1 and E1 Voice Modules for either the local side (DSX-1/L1)
or network side (DS-1/L2) of the line. As stated before, single-port
models only support the DS-1/L1 end.

Channel Tests (Passport 4430/50/55)

This group of subcommands is used to test individual DS0 channels. Only one
channel may be tested at one time. To access the channel tests, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testChannel

You will receive the following response:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) | Select localEnd or networkEnd.


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1297

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<DS0Index> INTEGER (1..30) Specifies the DS0 channel of the T1/
E1 local or network line to be tested.
<TestPattern> qrss | tp511 | loop | fixed(E1Only) Selects one of four test patterns:
• qrss (Quasi Random Signal
Source) — Pseudo-random
serial test pattern with a length of
1048576 bits. Limited to a
maximum of 14 consecutive
• tp511 — Pseudo-random serial
test pattern with a length of 512
• loop — Connects the input data
to the output path.
• fixed — An alternating test
pattern of ones and zeros (E1

Channel Test Pattern Test

This test outputs the selected test pattern (qrss, 511, loop, or fixed) over the
transmit pair of the selected DS0 channel of the specified T1/E1 line, and
compares any signal returned from the remote site on the receive pair of the same
channel. It can be performed with the remote-end device providing loopback, or
with the remote-end device running an identical test pattern.


To initiate a TP511 test pattern on DS0 channel 4 of the T1 DSX-1 line, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testChannel local 4 tp511

While the test is running, the loop is tested continuously, and the number of errors
encountered each second is recorded. To display the test results, enter:

CLI>show t1e1 testResult


If all tests were successful, you will receive the following continuous display:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1298 Chapter 26 T1/E1


To stop the test, enter:

CLI> set t1e1 systemTest stopChannel

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the test pattern test on the DSX-1

T1 Voice Module
Local Line

Channel Test
Pattern Generate Channel
Channel Test
Pattern Check

Channel Loop Test Description

The channel loop test connects the input data stream to the output data path of a
selected DS0 channel on the specified line. This test overrides any existing
connection configured on that DS0 channel. After the test is terminated, all
previously configured connections are restored.


To initiate a channel loop test on DS0 channel 17 of the T1 DSX-1 line, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1299

CLI>set t1e1 testChannel local 17 loop

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the channel loop test on the T1
DSX-1 line.

T1 Voice Module
Local Line
Interface Circuits

T1 Channel Channel LoopBack(s)


Line Tests (4430/50/55)

This group of subcommands is used to test all DS0 channels (24 T1 or 30 E1) of
the T1/E1 line. These tests are interruptive and, unlike channel tests, leave
existing connections in their present states while a test is in progress. To access
the line tests, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine

You will receive the following response:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> localEnd(T1=DSX-1/E1=L1) | Select localEnd or networkEnd.

<TestPattern> externalLineLoopback | Select one of four loopback test
externalDigitalLoopback | types.
|internalLineLoopback |

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1300 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Description of Line Test Commands

externalLineLoopback Refer to“External Line Test” on page 1300

externalDigitalLoopback Refer to “External Digital Test” on page 1301
internalLineLoopback Refer to“Internal Line Loopback Test” on page 1302
internalDigitalLoopback Refer to “Internal Digital Loopback Test” on
page 1303
stopLoopbackTest Stops a loopback test currently in progress.
ledTest-turnRedOn Tests the red state of the tri-state LED of the associated T1/
E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnGreenOn Tests the green state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnYellowOn Tests the yellow state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnOff Tests the off state of the tri-state LED of the associated T1/
E1 Voice Module.
terminateLedTest Stops a led test currently in progress.

External Line Test

This test tests the transmit and receive pairs of the T1/E1 line at the interface
level. It verifies the integrity of the transmit and receive paths of the selected line
by looping back the data sent to it from the remote end of the line. All incoming
data including DS0s, framing bits, and CRC are looped back and sent out.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1301

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external line test on the T1/E1

T1 Voice Module
Local Line
Interface Circuits


T1 Channel

X = Termination

External Digital Test

This test is similar in function to the external line test. However, it also tests the
ability of the internal T1/E1 Voice Module circuits to recover and send T1/E1


To initiate an external digital loopback test on the E1 L1 line, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine local externalDigital

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1302 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external digital test on the T1

T1 Voice Module
Local Line
Interface Circuits


T1 Channel

X = Termination

Internal Line Loopback Test

This test loops back all DS0 channels of the selected line to interfaces currently
connected to it.


To initiate an internal line loopback test on the T1 DSX-1 line, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine Local internalLine

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1303

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal line test on the T1
DSX-1 line.

T1 Voice Module
Local Line
Interface Circuits


T1 Channel

Internal Digital Loopback Test

This test is similar to the internal line loopback test, except that the framing
circuits are not tested.


To initiate an internal digital loopback test on the E1 L1 line, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine local internalDigital

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1304 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal digital test on the E1 L1

E1 Voice Module
Local Line
Interface Circuits

(All 1s

E1 Channel

Line Tests (4460)

This group of subcommands is used to test all DS0 channels (24 T1 or 30 E1) of
the T1/E1 line. Enter the testLine subcommand when you want to perform tests on
a single expansion module. To perform the tests on both expansion ports (T1/E1
voice modules inserted in exp1 and exp2), you need to perform “System Tests
(4460)” on page 1313. To access the line tests, enter the following command:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1305

You will receive the following response:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineIndex> Line1 | Line2 Select the Line

that you would like
to test.
<TestPattern> externalLineLoopback | externalDigitalLoopback | Enter the desired
internalLineLoopback | internalDigitalLoopback | command to start
stopLoopbackTest | ledTest-turnRedOn | or stop a test.
ledTest-turnGreenOn | ledTest-turnYellowOn |
ledTest-turnOff | terminateLedTest

Description of Line Test Commands

externalLineLoopback Refer to “External Line Test” on page 1306

externalDigitalLoopback Refer to “External Digital Test (T1 only)” on
page 1307
internalLineLoopback Refer to “Internal Line Loopback Test” on page 1308
internalDigitalLoopback Refer to “Internal Digital Loopback Test” on
page 1309
stopLoopbackTest Stops a loopback test currently in progress.
ledTest-turnRedOn Tests the red state of the tri-state LED of the associated T1/
E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnGreenOn Tests the green state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnYellowOn Tests the yellow state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnOff Tests the off state of the tri-state LED of the associated T1/
E1 Voice Module.
terminateLedTest Stops a led test currently in progress.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1306 Chapter 26 T1/E1

External Line Test

This test tests the transmit and receive pairs of the T1/E1 line at the interface
level. It verifies the integrity of the transmit and receive paths of the selected line
by looping back the data sent to it from the remote end of the line. All incoming
data including DS0s, framing bits, and CRC are looped back out of the interface.
This command does not loop data through the digital section of the T1/E1

Preliminary actions: CLI command

Disable the Echo Canceller: set voice profile echoCanceller

{profile number} disable

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1307

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external line test on the T1/E1


Digital Circuits

T1/E1 Circuits
Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

External Digital Test (T1 only)

This test is similar in function to the external line test. However, framing bits and
CRC are regenerated and not looped back.


To initiate an external digital loopback test on the T1 line in exp1, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine line1 exernalDigitalLoopback

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1308 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external digital test on the T1


Digital Circuits

T1 Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1 Voice Module

Internal Line Loopback Test

This test loops back all DS0s, framing bits, and CRC of the selected line to the
onboard DSP of the Passport 4460 unit.


To initiate an internal line loopback test on the T1 line in exp1, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine line1 internalLineLoopback

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1309

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal line test on the T1 line.



T1/E1 Circuits

Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

Internal Digital Loopback Test

This test is similar to the internal line loopback test, except that the framing bits
and CRC are regenerated and not looped back.


To initiate an internal digital loopback test on the E1 line in exp1, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testLine line1 internalDigitalLoopback

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1310 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal digital test on the E1



T1/E1 Circuits

Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

Port Tests (Passport 4430/50/55)

There are two types of data port tests, external loopback and internal loopback. To
access the port tests, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testPort

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1311

You will receive the following response:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<PortNumber> port 1 | port 2 Select the data port to be tested.

<TestPattern> external loopback | Select one of two loopback test types.
internal loopback • “External Loopback Port Test” on
page 1311
• “Internal Loopback Port Test” on
page 1312

External Loopback Port Test

This test loops back data and controls connected to the applicable data port
connector, Data Port 1 or Data Port 2. Other than the ability to loop back data, it
does not test any internal T1 or E1 Voice Module circuits.


To initiate an external loopback test on Data Port 1, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testPort port 1 external

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external loopback test for Data
Port 1 of an E1 Voice Module.

Remote Local

E1 Access Module E1 Access Module

Data Data
Terminal E1 Terminal
L1 L1
Equipment Equipment

In External In External
DP1 Loopback Loopback DP1

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1312 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Internal Loopback Port Test

This test verifies the integrity of the paths between the applicable DS0 channel(s)
of the applicable T1 or E1 line, and the internal circuits associated with the data
port. It does not test the data paths external to the user interface connector of the
selected data port.


To initiate an internal loopback test on Data Port 1, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 testPort port 1 internal

This test cannot be invoked unless the data port was previously connected to one
or more DS0 channel(s).

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal loopback test for Data
Port 1 of a E1 Voice Module.

Remote Local

E1 Access Module E1 Access Module

Terminal E1
L1 L1

DP1 In Internal
E1 Channel
Loopback DP1

System Tests (4430/50/55)

This group of subcommands includes one test command and five stop commands.
To access the system tests command, enter:

CLI>set t1e1 systemTest

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1313

You will receive the following response:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Action> testLED | stopChannelTest | Select one test command or one of

stopLineTest |stopPortTest | five stop commands.
stopLedTest | stopAllTest

Description of System Test Commands

testLED Used to test all LEDs associated with the T1/E1 Voice Module. It
does not test the LEDs of the associated digital voice modules.
stopChannelTest Stops channel test currently in progress.
stopLineTest Stops line test currently in progress.
stopPortTest Not applicable.
stopLedTest Stops LED test currently in progress.
stopAllTest Stops all tests currently in progress.

System Tests (4460)

This group of subcommands is used to test all DS0 channels (24 T1 or 30 E1) of
the T1/E1 line. Enter the system subcommand when you want to perform tests on
both expansion ports (T1/E1 voice modules inserted in exp1 and exp2), to
perform the tests on a single expansion module, you need to perform “Line Tests
(4460)” on page 1304. To access the system tests, enter the following command:

CLI>set t1e1 systemTest

You will receive the following response:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<TestPattern> externalLineLoopback | externalDigitalLoopback | Enter the desired

internalLineLoopback | internalDigitalLoopback | command to start
stopLoopbackTest | ledTest-turnRedOn | or stop a test.
ledTest-turnGreenOn | ledTest-turnYellowOn |
ledTest-turnOff | terminateLedTest | stop

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1314 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Description of Line Test Commands

externalLineLoopback Refer to “External Line Test” on page 1314

externalDigitalLoopback Refer to “External Digital Test (T1 only)” on
page 1315
internalLineLoopback Refer to “Internal Line Loopback Test” on page 1316
internalDigitalLoopback Refer to “Internal Digital Loopback Test” on
page 1317
stopLoopbackTest Stops a loopback test currently in progress.
ledTest-turnRedOn Tests the red state of the tri-state LED of the associated T1/
E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnGreenOn Tests the green state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnYellowOn Tests the yellow state of the tri-state LED of the associated
T1/E1 Voice Module.
ledTest-turnOff Tests the off state of the tri-state LED of the associated T1/
E1 Voice Module.
terminateLedTest Stops a led test currently in progress.
stopLedAndLoopbackTest Stops a led and loopback test currently in progress.

External Line Test

This test tests the transmit and receive pairs of the T1/E1 line at the interface
level. It verifies the integrity of the transmit and receive paths of the selected line
by looping back the data sent to it from the remote end of the line. All incoming
data including DS0s, framing bits, and CRC are looped back.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1315

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external line test on the T1/E1


Digital Circuits

T1/E1 Circuits
Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

External Digital Test (T1 only)

This test is similar in function to the external line test. However, framing bits and
CRC are regenerated and not looped back.


To initiate an external digital loopback test on the T1 line(s), enter:

CLI>set t1e1 systemTest externalDigitalLoopback

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1316 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the external digital test on the T1


Digital Circuits

T1 Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1 Voice Module

Internal Line Loopback Test

This test loops back all DS0s, framing bits, and CRC of the selected line to local
interfaces currently connected to it


To initiate an internal line loopback test on the T1 line(s), enter:

CLI>set t1e1 systemTest internalLineLoopback

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1317

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal line test on the T1 line.



T1/E1 Circuits

Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

Internal Digital Loopback Test

This test is similar to the internal line loopback test, except that the framing bits
and CRC are regenerated and not looped back.


To initiate an internal digital loopback test on the E1 line(s), enter:

CLI>set t1e1 systemTest internalDigitalLoopback

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1318 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The figure below diagrams the signal path of the internal digital test on the E1



T1/E1 Circuits

Line Interface Circuits

RJ48 Connector

T1/E1 Voice Module

Loopback Tests

Perform loopback tests to test various voice channel operability. The loopback
tests are not supported by Configurator.


You must first connect the digital voice module under test (typically B1) to a DS0
channel (typically 1) of the local T1/E1 line attached to the digital PBX. To do
that, enter the following:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1319

CLI>set t1e1 ds0Connect local 1 idle

then enter:

CLI>set t1e1 ds0Connect local 1 B1

Next, from the PBX assign a unique number to DS0 1. This number can be an
unused trunk number, for example 79, or (if allowed by the software of the digital
PBX), a station number.

Using the test setup shown in the following figure, proceed as follows:

Digital PBX Integration Unit


Station Trunk T1/E1 (DS0 #1+79) DS0

Side Side Channel

Dial 79 DSX-1


DVM = Digital Voice Module

EVM = E1 Voice Module
TVM = T1 Voice Module

Note: All PBX trunk codes and Digital Voice Module channel numbers
used in this procedure are fictitious. Use numbers applicable to your

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1320 Chapter 26 T1/E1

1 From any station of the digital PBX, dial 79. You should hear a second dial
tone from Digital Voice Module B1. This verifies that this Digital Voice
Module is recognizing a seizure from the PBX.
2 Within the Dial Digit Time Limit (default 10 seconds) place Digital Voice
Module B1 in loopback. To do that, enter:
CLI>set voice channelActions limB 1 loopbackTest

The dial tone should stop. This verifies that the digital PBX is recognizing a
seizure from the DVM.

3 Speak into the telephone. You should hear your own voice echoed back. This
verifies that the Digital Voice Module is successfully compressing and
decompressing the PCM voice stream from the PBX.
4 Terminate the test. To do that, enter:
CLI>set voice channelActions limB 1 terminateTest

The telephone should respond in a normal way to a disconnect.

5 Hang up the telephone.

6 Test Digital Voice Module in slot B2 by entering the command
CLI>set t1e1 ds0Connect local 1 B2
and then repeating steps 1 through 5.

7 Test the remaining Digital Voice Modules in the T1/E1 Voice Module and
associated Digital Voice Expansion Modules by repeating steps 1 through 6
with the appropriate voice channel number.

CLI Procedure for Resetting the T1/E1 Counters (4430/50/


This command is used to clear the counters that store statistical information
associated with the T1/E1 Voice Module. This command is not supported by
Configurator. To reset the counters, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1321

CLI>reset counters t1e1 statistics

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Action> clear Enter clear to clear the counters that

store T1/E1 statistical information.

Resetting System Voice Commands

This group of subcommands is used to reset the Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
of individual voice channels or all voice channels. The channel reset option is not
supported by Configurator.

To access these subcommands, enter:

CLI>reset system voice



To reset the DSP of a specific voice channel, enter the following subcommand:

CLI>reset system voice channel

You will receive the following response:

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> : limB | limC | limD | limE Specifies the location of the

voice card.
<ChannelNumber> : INTEGER (1..12) Specifies the channel number
within the selected card, ranging
from 1 to 12.
<Action> : reset Enter reset.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1322 Chapter 26 T1/E1

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> : exp1 | exp2 Specifies the location of the

voice card.
<ChannelNumber> : INTEGER (1..30) Specifies the channel number
within the selected card, ranging
from 1 to 30.
<Action> : reset Enter reset.

To reset the DSPs of all voice channels, enter:

CLI>reset system voice allChannels reset

Transparent CCS
The T1/E1 Voice Modules support transparent Common Channel Signaling
(CCS), an application that allows high-speed transport of voice over the Passport
network. CCS uses one T1 or E1 DS0 channel to transmit signaling information
for all the remaining voice/data DS0 channels (23 T1 or 30 E1). Typically time
slot 24 for T1 or time slot 16 for E1, is assigned as the signaling channel. The
following topics are included in this section:

• “Features” on page 1323

Describes the characteristics associated with Transparent CCS signaling.
• “Block Diagram” on page 1323
Describes the physical and logical components involved in implementing
transparent CCS between two digital PBXs.
• “Tasks for Configuring the System” on page 1324
Describes the configuration requirements for successful Transparent CCS
• “Operation with Transparent CCS (4430/50/55)” on page 1346
Describes the sequence of events for placing a Transparent CCS call.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1323


Transparent CCS incorporates three features or characteristics of the Passport

4400 system:


This feature establishes a permanent SVC connection between the voice channels
at each end.

Drop and Insert

This feature is used to separate out the CCS signaling channel from voice.


HDLC Transparent Data Service (HTDS) provides transparent end-to-end

connectivity for the designated DS0 signaling channel running over HDLC (High
Level Data Link Control).

Block Diagram

The illustration below is a simplified block diagram of physical and logical

components involved in implementing transparent CCS between two digital
PBXs. Each end is anchored by a Passport 4430/50/55 unit, and connected via an
E1 line to a digital PBX. On the WAN side, connection to the frame relay cloud is
through Port 2 of the EBM (Ethernet Base Module). The designated DS0
signaling channel is logically connected to Data Port 1, and routed via external
cable to Port 1 of the EBM.

From here, the common signaling channel is tunnelled through Port 2 and the
frame relay cloud to the remote Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1324 Chapter 26 T1/E1

The illustration below will be discussed in more detail elsewhere within this

Node 1 Node 2

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

a r r a
t u u t
i n E1 WAN Frame WAN E1 n i
o k Port2 Port2 k o
n n

DP1 Port1 Port1 DP1

x1234 x5678

EVM = E1 Voice Module

EBM = Ethernet Base Module
DVM = Digital Voice Module

Tasks for Configuring the System

For Passport 4460

In the Passport 4460 unit, Transparent CCS is used in conjunction with Digital
Access and Cross-Connect System (DACS). To configure transparent ccs, refer to
the “Transparent CCS and CAS Bypass Procedure” on page 552 in the DACS

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1325

For Passport 4430/50/55

It is assumed for the following procedures, that time slot 24 of the T1 line was
designated as the signaling channel; for E1, the signaling channel must always be
time slot 16. It is further assumed, that the T1/E1 local line is assigned to profile
number 1, the default value.

Task Covered in Sections:

Connect the signaling channel to • “Configurator Procedure for Connecting the

the Data Port Signaling Channel to Data Port 1 (4430/50/55)”
on page 1325
• “CLI Procedure for Connecting the Signaling
Channel to Data Port 1 (4430/50/55)” on
page 1329
Configure Data Port 1 • “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Data
Port 1 (4430/50/55)” on page 1330
• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the Data Port 1
(4430/50/55)” on page 1331
Configure the Voice Channel • “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the
Profiles Voice Channel Profiles (4430/50/55)” on
page 1332
• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the Voice
Channel Profiles (4430/50/55)” on page 1338
Provision HTDS Service on any • “Configurator Procedure for Provisioning HTDS
available HDM Port Service on any available HDM Port (4430/50/55)”
on page 1339
• “CLI Procedure for Provisioning HTDS Service
on any available HDM Port (4430/50/55)” on
page 1342
Connect External Cable • “Connect External Cable (4430/50/55)” on
page 1344

Configurator Procedure for Connecting the Signaling

Channel to Data Port 1 (4430/50/55)

To implement CCS, the signaling channel must first be connected to a data port (1
or 2). To do that, use the following Configurator procedure:

• “For E1” on page 1326

• “For T1” on page 1327

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1326 Chapter 26 T1/E1

For E1
1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1327

2 At the top of the window, click on Local Connection. You will see the T1/E1
Local Connection window:

3 At E1TS16 Connection, select Data Port 1 (An E1 reset is required before the
setting will take affect).

For T1
1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1328 Chapter 26 T1/E1

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Local DS0 Connection. You will see the
T1/E1 Local DS0 Connection window:

3 At the top of the window, click on Modify Local DS0 Connection. You will
see the Modifying The Local DS0 Connection window:

4 At DS0, enter 24, and at Connection, select Data Port 1.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1329

5 Click Save. You will be returned to the T1/E1 Local DS0 Connection window
with your configuration changes displayed in the table.

CLI Procedure for Connecting the Signaling Channel to

Data Port 1 (4430/50/55)

To implement CCS, the signaling channel must first be connected to a data port (1
or 2). To do that, enter the following commands:

For E1

CLI>set t1e1 profile e1TS16Connection

<Profile> : INTEGER (1..2)
<E1TS16Connection> : toCAS| idle| bypass | toDataPort1|

For Profile, select 1 (L1).

For E1TS16Connection, select toDataPort1 (An E1 reset is required for setting

to take affect).

For T1

CLI>set t1e1 ds0connect

<LineIndex> : localEnd | networkEnd
(DSX-1 or L1) (DS-1 or L2)
<DS0Index> : INTEGER (1..30)
<ConnectionState> : toDataport 1 toDataport 2

For LineIndex, select localEnd.

For DS0Index enter 24.

For ConnectionState, select toDataPort1.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1330 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Data Port 1


To Configure Data Port 1 for use with CCS, use the following Configurator

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1331

2 At the top of the window, click on Data Port 1. You will see the Data Port 1

3 Set the following parameters to the following values:

• Base Data Rate — select 64 kbps
• DTR — select Normal
• Clock Source — select Internal Clock
• RTS — select Normal

CLI Procedure for Configuring the Data Port 1 (4430/50/55)

Set the Data Port 1 parameters using the following command:

CLI>set t1e1 portParameters

• PortNumber — select port1

• Clock — select internallySupplied
• DTR Control — select normal
• Rate — select 64kbps
• RTS Control — select normal

Strap the Data Port 1 connector for RS-232 physical interface. See Chapter 9 of
the Passport 4400 Hardware Installation Manual, Part No. 800-1951.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1332 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Voice Channel

Profiles (4430/50/55)

At each end, the following voice channel parameters specific to Transparent CCS
must be configured:

• Ingress table entry. Enter in the ingress table the extension number of the
voice channel at the remote end.
• Autocall number. For the autocall number, enter the index number of the
above ingress table entry.
• Address Server. Verify the proper voice address server is selected.
• Hoot-and-Holler. Each voice channel pair must be configured for
hoot-and-holler master at one end of the network, and for hoot-and-holler
slave at the other end of the network. It is recommended (although not
required) that all voice channels at one end be configured as masters, and at
the other end as slaves.

Use the following Configurator procedures to configure the Voice Switching

Profile and the Voice Profile:

Ingress Table
1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1333

You will see the Voice Channels window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles. You will see
the Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1334 Chapter 26 T1/E1

3 In the Action column, click on the Modify that corresponds with the desired
Ingress Index Number. You will see the Modifying a Voice Ingress (Outgoing)
Profile window:

4 At Phone Number/Pattern, enter the extension number of the remote voice

5 When the configuration is complete, click Save. A “Command Successful”
message appears.
6 Repeat this procedure for all applicable Ingress Table entries.

Voice Switching Profile

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1335

You will see the Voice Channels window.

2 Locate the desired DVM and click on the number in the Switching Profile
column for that DVM. You will see the Voice Switching Profile window:

3 At Autocall Number, enter the index number of the desired ingress table entry.
4 At Autocall Type, select either Master or Slave HootnHoller.
5 At Address Server, make the desired selection.
6 When the configuration is complete, click Save. A “Command Successful”
message appears.
7 Repeat this procedure for all applicable DVMs.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1336 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Voice Profile
1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window.

2 Locate the desired DVM and click on the number in the Voice Profile column
for that DVM. You will see the Voice Profile window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1337

3 At Bandwidth, select Voice Activated.

4 When the configuration is complete, click Save. A “Command Successful”
message appears.
5 Repeat this procedure for all applicable DVMs.

Note: Each voice channel must be associated with a different switching

profile, and ingress table entry.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1338 Chapter 26 T1/E1

CLI Procedure for Configuring the Voice Channel Profiles


At each end, the following voice channel parameters specific to Transparent CCS
must be configured:

• Ingress table entry. Enter in the ingress table the extension number of the
voice channel at the remote end.
• Autocall number. For the autocall number, enter the index number of the
above ingress table entry.
• Address Server. Verify the proper voice address server is selected.
• Hoot-and-Holler. Each voice channel pair must be configured for
hoot-and-holler master at one end of the network, and for hoot-and-holler
slave at the other end of the network. It is recommended (although not
required) that all voice channels at one end be configured as masters, and at
the other end as slaves. See “Hoot-and-Holler” on page 1099.
• Voice Activated. Select this option using the following commands:

CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber

<IngressIndex> : INTEGER (1..32)
<IngressNumber> : “String” (0..40)

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallIndexNum

<Profile> : INTEGER (1..32)
<AutoCallIndexNum> : INTEGER (0..32)

CLI> set voice switchingProfile autoCallType

<Profile> : INTEGER (1..32)
<AutocallType> : masterHootnHoller

CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect

<Profile> : INTEGER (1..32)
<AddServerSelect> : nas

CLI> set voice Profile bandwidth

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1339

<Profile> : INTEGER (1..32)

<Bandwidth> : voiceActivated

Note: Each voice channel must be associated with a different switching

profile, and ingress table entry.

Configurator Procedure for Provisioning HTDS Service on

any available HDM Port (4430/50/55)

Using Chapter 7 of the Passport 4400 Operator’s manual, 800-1952-40, as a

reference, provision the WAN port parameters specific to the Transparent CCS
application as follows:

• baud rate
• htdsCutThru
• mode
• protocolSupport

Leave all other parameters in their default states.

Note: In the following examples, it is assumed that the HTDS service

provisioned on the EBM is Port 1, with an If index of 150. If different
than Port 1, enter the If index number appropriate to that port. Also, each
end may have HTDS service provisioned on a different port.

To configure the WAN port parameters, follow the Configurator procedures


1 Select Configure, Physical Interfaces, and Serial from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1340 Chapter 26 T1/E1

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window:

2 At Port Number, select the desired port. You will see the Physical Port
Configuration window:

3 Select the following values for the following parameters:

• Mode — DTE
• Baud Rate — 64000
• Protocol Supported — htds
4 When all configurations have been completed, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1341

5 Select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and HTDS/CBR from the navigation


You will see the Port Selection (HTDS/CBR) window:

6 Select the desired port. You will see the Add Switch Map Entry (HTDS/CBR)

7 Enter the appropriate values for each parameter according to your network
8 Click Save. A “Command Successful” message appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1342 Chapter 26 T1/E1

9 Click Next..., you will see the HTDS/CBR Configuration window:

10 At TDS Cut Through, click Yes.

11 When all configurations have been completed, click on Save. A “Command
Successful” message appears.

CLI Procedure for Provisioning HTDS Service on any

available HDM Port (4430/50/55)

Using Chapter 7 of the Passport 4400 Operator’s manual, 800-1952-40, as a

reference, provision the WAN port parameters specific to the Transparent CCS
application as follows:

• baud rate
• htdsCutThru
• mode
• protocolSupport

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1343

Leave all other parameters in their default states.

Note: In the following examples, it is assumed that the HTDS service

provisioned on the EBM is Port 1, with an If index of 150. If different
than Port 1, enter the If index number appropriate to that port. Also, each
end may have HTDS service provisioned on a different port.

CLI> define wan port baudRate

<IfIndex> : INTEGER (1..255)
<BaudRate> INTEGER (9600..1920000)

For IfIndex, enter the If index number of the HDM port you are connecting to. For
example, if you are connecting to Port 1, enter 150.

For baud rate, select 64 Kbps

CLI> define wan port htdsCutThru

<IfIndex> : INTEGER (1..255)
<HTDSCutThru> yes | no

For IfIndex, enter the If index number of the HDM port you are connecting to. For
example, if you are connecting to Port 1, enter 150.

For HTDSCutThru, select yes.

CLI> define wan port mode

<IfIndex> : INTEGER (1..255)
<Mode> dce | dte

For IfIndex, enter the If index number of the HDM port you are connecting to. For
example, if you are connecting to Port 1, enter 150.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1344 Chapter 26 T1/E1

For mode, select dte.

CLI> define wan port protocolSupport

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255)
<ProtocolSupport> none | standardFr |
switchingFr | htds |

For IfIndex, enter the If index number of the HDM port you are connecting to. For
example, if you are connecting to Port 1, enter 150.

For protocolSupport, select htds.

Connect External Cable (4430/50/55)

Connect Nortel cable Model NTAU18AA between the Data Port 1 connector of
the T1/E1 Voice Module and the Port 1 connector of the EBM. See the illustration
below for details.

Port 1

Data Port 1


MD50 Male 25-Pin RS-232 Male

Model No.

EVM = E1 Voice Module

EBM = Ethernet Base Module

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 26 T1/E1 1345

The following illustration is a detailed diagram of cable Model NTAU18AA:

25-Pin RS-232
50-Pin Male Male
Clear to Send 9 5 Clear to Send
Data Set Ready 10 6 Data Set Ready
Carrier Detect 11 8 Carrier Detect
Request to Send 12 4 Request to Send
Unassigned 13 11 Unassigned
Data Terminal Ready 37 20 Data Terminal Ready
External Transmit Data Clock 232 40 24 Serial Clock Transmit External
Transmit Data 232 16 2 Transmit Data
Receive Data 232 41 3 Receive Data
Transmit Data Clock 232 17 15 Serial Clock Transmit
Receive Data Clock 232 42 17 Serial Clock Receive
Ground 43 7 Signal Ground
Cable Present Status 14
Ground 39
Receive Data B 45
Ground 48
Transmit Clock B 46
Ground 49
Receive Clock B 47
Ground 50 1 Frame Ground

To Passport Data Terminal To Data Communication

Equipment (DTE) Equipment (DCE)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1346 Chapter 26 T1/E1

Operation with Transparent CCS (4430/50/55)

Consider the network shown in “Block Diagram” on page 1323. At each node the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit is equipped with a full complement of 30 Digital Voice
Modules (DVMs). It is assumed that all steps outlined in this section have been
performed, and that every voice channel at Node 1 is in hoot-and-holler
connection with its counterpart at Node 2, (Example: channel 1 with channel 1,
channel 2 with channel 2 etc.).

To make a telephone call from station 1234 at Node 1 to station 5678 at Node 2,
the user at station 1234 goes off-hook, waits for a dial tone from the PBX, then
dials a trunk access code, typically 7, followed by 5678. The call is assigned by
rotation to the first available voice channel pair. At the same time, PBX 1 informs
PBX 2 over time slot 16 that a call is coming through on the assigned voice
channel pair, destined for station 5678. If that station is not busy, PBX 2 will ring
the phone, and PBX 1 will provide a ring back to the user at station 1234. The
connection is completed when the user at station 5678 answers the call.

If station 5678 is busy, PBX 2 will so inform PBX 1 and ultimately the user at
station 1234.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 27

Passport 4400 units provide an ISDN BRI voice interface for connection to an
ISDN PBX. Passport 4430/50/55 units support the Model 4400IVM-BRI/ST/1
ISDN BRI Voice Module, while Passport 4460 units support single and dual port
ISDN BRI Voice Expansion modules. In the following descriptions, they are
referred to as BRI voice modules.

In its present application, the BRI voice module is intended for connection to the
trunk side of an ISDN PBX. When so connected, the BRI voice module will serve
as one half of an ISDN tie trunk that connects two ISDN PBXs.

Signaling is over the ISDN D-channel, using either the ETSI QSIG protocol or the
Euro-ISDN protocol (ETSI ETS 300 102-1). As such, the Passport 4400 unit
recognizes the QSIG or Euro-ISDN commands to provide call setup, call tear
down and the channeling of the dialed digits to its counterpart at the remote end.
Once communication is established, the B-channels are opened to the flow of
two-way voice traffic. When call tear down is requested by the PBX, the
associated Passport 4400 unit terminates the call.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

• “Compatability” on page 1348

• “ISDN Definitions” on page 1349
• “ISDN Reference Points” on page 1349
• “BRI Interface Emulation” on page 1350
• “Physical Description” on page 1350
• “Configuring the D Channel” on page 1350
• “Monitoring the D Channel” on page 1359
• “Applications” on page 1374

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1348 Chapter 27 ISDN


Passport 4400 Releases 3.1.6, 4.0.1, and 4.1.2 contain the Passport 6400 Call
Associated GF table. This allows call associated facilities to pass between the
Passport 4400 and Passport 6400.

The following is a list of supported Passport 4400/6400 call associated GF table


• ETSI QSIG Basic Call functionality

• ETSI QSIG Name Display
• ETSI QSIG Call Redirection
• ETSI QSIG Call Diversion Notification
• ETSI QSIG Re-routing
• ETSI QSIG Path Replacement

The following table is a release/product compatibility matrix:

• YES - means the voice and call associated facilities will be passed
successfully between these releases/products.
• NO - means the voice will pass successfully, but call associated facilities will
not pass between these releases/products.

3.1.5/4.0.0/4.1.1 3.1.6/4.0.1/4.1.2 Passport 6400*

3.1.5/4.0.0/4.1.1 YES NO NO

3.1.6/4.0.1/4.1.2 NO YES YES

Passport 6400* NO YES YES

*Releases for Passport 6400 are 4.2, 5.1, and 7.0

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1349

ISDN Definitions

ISDN Services

Basic Rate Interface (BRI) = 2 B channels + 1 D channel.

ISDN Channels

• B-channel = 64 kbps. Carries user voice/fax or data.

• D-channel = 16 kbps. Carries out-of-band signaling.

ISDN Reference Points

• U Interface = 2-wire BRI interface obtained from an ISDN provider or local
• NT1 Network Termination Type 1 = an external device that converts the
2-wire U interface coming from the public network into the 4-wire
S/T interface, suitable for connection to the BRI voice module. (Customer
equipment must support either the ETSI QSIG protocol or the Euro-ISDN
protocol )
• S/T Interface = 4-wire BRI interface used by the BRI voice module to
communicate with other ISDN devices such as an NT1 device, ISDN PBX, or
ISDN telephone set using BRI S/T interfaces.

ISDN Module
Provider U NT1 S/T

2-Wire 4-Wire

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1350 Chapter 27 ISDN

BRI Interface Emulation

The BRI voice module can be configured for operation in the Network Terminator
(NT) mode. In this mode, as shown in the figure below, the BRI voice module
typically attaches to the trunk side of an ISDN PBX.

ISDN PBX Passport


Digital BRI
Telephone Station Trunk S\T Bus Voice
Side Side Module



Physical Description

Refer to the appropriate Passport 4400 hardware manual for a description of the
ISDN BRI voice modules:

• Passport 4400 Hardware Installation Manual, part number 211678-A

• Reference for Passport 4430/50/55 Hardware, part number 205677-C

Configuring the D Channel

This section lists and describes the commands used to provision the D-channel of
the ISDN BRI Voice Module for the Passport 4430/50/55 unit. The Passport 4460
unit automatically sets the D channel parameters to a preset “default”
configuration, and does not allow you to change them.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1351

Physical If Commands

All ISDN commands associated with the BRI voice module D-channel are a
subset of the Physical If Commands. They can be used to change the values of the
physical interface parameters if the default settings are not sufficient for your
application. There are two types of ISDN modules available for use with your
Passport 4400 unit. They are the ISDN/BRI voice modules, and the ISDN/BRI
backup interface modules. Items discussed in this chapter apply to the ISDN/BRI
voice module. The commands in this chapter are applicable to the parameters
described in RFC 2127, “ISDN Management Information Base”.

There are two ways to configure the D channel of your ISDN/BRI voice module:

• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the D Channel” on page 1351

• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the D Channel” on page 1355

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the D Channel

To configure the D channel, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and ISDN BRI from the navigation window.

You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1352 Chapter 27 ISDN

2 At the top of the window, click on Signaling(D-Channel). You will see the
Signaling D-Channel Configuration window:

3 If you know the Signaling Index number for the port you are modifying, then
in the Action column, click on the appropriate Modify and go to step 6. If you
do not know the Signaling Index number for the port you are modifying, then
continue in the next step.
4 Select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data Services, and ISDN from the navigation

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1353

You will see the ISDN Signaling Statistics window:

5 First, examine the lower table.

• Find in the Type column, the ISDN-D-Channel-Signaling that
corresponds to the Port and Card Slot that your ISDN/BRI module is
installed in.
• Now, look at the ifIndex number and match it to the ifIndex number in the
upper table.
• Write down the Signaling Index number in the leftmost column of the
upper table. This is the number referred to in step 3.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1354 Chapter 27 ISDN

6 Select Configure, Voice, and ISDN BRI from the navigation window.

You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window:

7 At the top of the window, click on Signaling(D-Channel). You will see the
Signaling D-Channel Configuration window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1355

8 In the Action column, click on the Modify that corresponds to the desired
Signaling Index number. You will see the Signaling D-Channel Configuration

9 The valid selection for the ISDN/BRI voice modules are displayed below. The
other configurable parameters in this window apply to the ISDN wan

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

Signaling Protocol ETSI | ESS5 | DMS100 | nil | The Passport 4430/50/55 BRI
INS64 | QSIG Voice Module supports the
following protocols:
• qsig
• etsi (Euro-ISDN)
The Passport 4430/50/55 BRI
Voice Module support QSIG

CLI Procedure for Configuring the D Channel

To configure the D channel, enter the commands below:

CLI>define isdn physicalIf




Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1356 Chapter 27 ISDN



*These commands do not apply to the ISDN/BRI voice modules.

CLI>define isdn physicalIf basic



CLI>define isdn physicalIf basic lineTopology

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Find the number by entering the

show system ifIndex
config command. An
example of a Passport 4430/50/
55 IfIndex table is shown in “CLI
Procedure for Using the System
If Index Show Command” on
page 1367. In the example
shown, the IfIndex is 5 for the
BRI voice module in slot limC,
PPA 1, if the Extension type
<LineTopology> pointToPoint | Select pointToPoint - the
pointToMultipoint only valid selection for the BRI
voice module.

CLI>define isdn physicalIf basic signalMode

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Find the number by entering the

show isdn p basicrate
config table command.
<SignalMode> active | inactive Select active - the only valid
selection for the BRI voice

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1357

CLI>define isdn physicalIf directory

The directory set of subcommands is not used by the BRI voice module.

CLI>define isdn physicalIf endPoint

The endPoint set of commands is not used by the BRI voice module.

CLI>define isdn physicalIf lapd

It is recommended that the user not change these values, but leave them in
their default states.

CLI>define isdn physicalIf signal callingAddress

The callingAddress command is not used by the BRI voice module.

CLI>define isdn physicalIf signal InfoTrapStatus

The InfoTrapStatus command is not used by the BRI voice module.

CLI>define isdn physicalIf signal protocol

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Find the number by entering the

show isdn physical
signalTable co T
<Protocol> etsi | dms100 | ins64 | ess5 | ni1| The Passport 4430/50/55 BRI
qsig Voice Module supports the
following protocols:
• qsig
• etsi (Euro-ISDN)
The Passport 4430/50/55 BRI
Voice Module support QSIG

CLI>define isdn physicalIf signal subAddress

The subAddress command is not used by the BRI voice module.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1358 Chapter 27 ISDN

Sample IFIndex Table

The following is an example of an IfIndex table (Items related to the BRI voice
module are shown in bold. Other, non-bolded ISDN entries apply to the BRI or
ISDN backup interface module.):

Ifindex IfExtType PPA Slot

1 ethernetCsmacd 0 limA
2 propVirtual 0 limA
3 other 0 limA
4 propVirtual 1 limA
5 isdns 1 limC
6 ds0 1 limC
7 ds0 1 limC
8 lapd 1 limC
9 isdn 1 limC
10 isdns 2 limA
11 ds0 2 limA
12 ds0 2 limA
13 lapd 2 limA
14 isdn 2 limA
150 propMultiplexor 1 limA
151 other 1 limA
153 propMultiplexor 2 limA
154 other 2 limA
155 frameRelay 2 limA
156 propMultiplexor 3 limA
157 other 3 limA
158 frameRelay 3 limA

See “IfIndex Definitions” on page 1368 for definitions of items shown in bold.
These are relevant to the BRI voice module.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1359

Monitoring the D Channel

This chapter lists and describes the commands used to display the D-channel
parameters of the BRI voice module. There are two ways to view information
about the D-channel parameters:

• “Configurator Procedures for Using the Show Commands” on page 1359

• “CLI Procedures for Using the Show Commands” on page 1367

Configurator Procedures for Using the Show Commands

There are two groups of show commands used to display information related to
the BRI voice module:

• “Configurator Procedure for Using the System If Index Show Command” on

page 1359
• “Configurator Procedure for Using the ISDN Physical Show Commands” on
page 1361

Configurator Procedure for Using the System If Index Show


The show system ifIndex command is used to display the If Index numbers for all
Passport 4400 unit interfaces, including ISDN-related interfaces. A typical If
Index table is shown below. Items related to the BRI voice module are shown in
bold. Other, non-bolded ISDN entries apply to the ISDN BRI primary or backup
WAN interface module. To obtain the display, use the following Configurator

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1360 Chapter 27 ISDN

1 Select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data Services, and ISDN from the navigation


You will see the ISDN Signaling Statistics window:

• The lower table is the system ifindex table.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1361

IfIndex Definitions

ISDN-BRI-physical-ST-interface = the BRI voice module physical interface

configured for S/T interface.

ds1 = B-channel 1 or B-Channel 2 of the ISDN BRI service. Each B-Channel is

represented by an ifEntry.

ISDN-LAP-D = The LAPD interface. The ISDN D-Channel data link layer
(LAPD) is represented by an ifEntry.

ISDN-D-channel-signaling = The signaling D-Channel of the BRI voice module.

Each ISDN signaling channel is represented by an ifEntry.

Card Slot = The location of the BRI voice module within the Passport unit.

Port = the number of ports on the module. The BRI voice module displayed
above has one port.

Configurator Procedure for Using the ISDN Physical Show


To display information about the ISDN/BRI physical port interface, use the
following Configurator procedures:

• “Basic Rate” on page 1361

• “Bearer (B Channel)” on page 1362
• “Signal Statistics” on page 1364
• “Signal Table” on page 1366

Basic Rate

To display information about the Basic Rate Interface, use the following
Configurator procedures:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1362 Chapter 27 ISDN

1 Select Configure, Voice, and ISDN BRI from the navigation window.

You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window:

Description of the ISDN basic rate table entries:

Action Click the hyperlink to make changes to the interface.

Module Always Voice
Port The pysical channel number of the interface. Always 1
Physical Interface The physical interface of the BRI voice module. It is always S/
Type T-Interface.
Interface Mode The interface mode of the BRI voice module. It is always NT.
Line Topology The network structure of the BRI voice module. It is always Point
to Point.

Signaling Always DialUp


Bearer (B Channel)

To display information about the Bearer (B channel), use the following

Configurator procedures:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1363

1 Select Configure, Voice, ISDN BRI from the navigation window.

You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window:

2 At the top of the window, click on B-Channel. You will see the View
B-Channel Information window:

Description of the ISDN bearer table entries:

Module Always Voice

Port The physical channel number of the interface.
Type The type of ISDN link (always dialup).
Status The current state of the B-channel (idle or active).
Channel Number The number of the B-channel (1 or 2).
Peer Address The ISDN address of the current or last call the
B-channel was connected to.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1364 Chapter 27 ISDN

Peer Subaddress The ISDN subaddress of the current or last call the
B-channel was connected to.
Call Origin The origin of the current or last call. Possible values are:
unknown, originate, and answer. If there was no call on
this interface since startup, the value will be unknown.
Info Type The information transfer capability of the current or last
MultiRate Whether or not the last call used multirate.
CallSetup Time Time when the current or last call was setup.
CallConnect Time Time when the connect message was sent for the
current or last call.
Charged Units The number of units charged for the current or last call.
(Not supported by the BRI voice module.)

Signal Statistics

To display the signal statistics table, use the following Configurator procedures:

1 Select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data Services, and ISDN from the navigation


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1365

You will see the ISDN Signaling Statistics window:

• The upper table is the Signaling Statistics table.

Description of the ISDN physical interface signalStatistics table


Signaling Index An entry in the ISDN signalStatistics table.

ifIndex The If Index number of the D-channel.
Status The current state of the B-channel (idle or active).
Number of Incoming Calls Total number of incoming calls on this interface.
Number of ConnIncoming Total number of connected incoming calls.
Number of Outgoing Calls Total number of outgoing calls on this interface.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1366 Chapter 27 ISDN

Number of ConnOutgoing Total number of connected outgoing calls on this interface.

Number of Charged Units Total number of units charged to this interface.

Signal Table

To display the signal table, use the following Configurator procedures:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and ISDN BRI from the navigation window.

You will see the Physical Basic Rate Interface Configuration window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Signaling(D-Channel). You will see the
Signaling D-Channel Configuration window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1367

Description of the Signal Table entries:

Action Click on Modify to make changes to the signal table settings.

Signaling Index The index value that uniquely identifies an entry in the ISDN
physical interface signal table.
Signaling Protocol The protocol used by the associated switch.
Signaling Calling Address The ISDN address to be assigned to this signaling channel.
Specifically, the calling address element of the call setup
message passed to the switch on outgoing calls. (Not
supported by the BRI voice module.)
Signaling Calling Sub The ISDN address to be assigned to this signaling channel.
Address Specifically, the calling address element of the call setup
message passed to the switch on outgoing calls. (Not
supported by the BRI voice module.)
Signaling Trap Indicates the current state of the trap status (enabled or
disabled). (Not supported by the BRI voice module.)

CLI Procedures for Using the Show Commands

There are two groups of show commands used to display information related to
the BRI voice module:

• “CLI Procedure for Using the System If Index Show Command” on

page 1367
• “CLI Procedure for Using the ISDN Physical Show Commands” on
page 1369

CLI Procedure for Using the System If Index Show Command

The show system ifIndex command is used to display the If Index numbers for all
Passport 4400 unit interfaces, including ISDN-related interfaces. A typical If
Index table is shown below. Items related to the BRI voice module are shown in
bold. Other, non-bolded ISDN entries apply to the ISDN BRI primary or backup
WAN interface module. To obtain the display, enter the following command:

CLI>show system ifindex configured

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1368 Chapter 27 ISDN

You will receive a display similar to the following example:

IfIndex IfExtType PPA IfLim

1 ethernet Csmacd 0 limA

2 propVirtual 0 limA
3 other 0 limA
4 propVirtual 1 limA
5 isdns 1 limC
6 ds0 1 limC
7 ds0 1 limC
8 lapd 1 limC
9 isdn 1 limC
10 isdnu 2 limA
11 ds0 2 limA
12 ds0 2 limA
13 lapd 2 limA
14 isdn 2 limA
150 propMultiplexor 1 limA
151 other 1 limA
153 propMultiplexor 2 limA
154 other 2 limA
155 frameRelay 2 limA
156 propMultiplexor 3 limA
157 other 3 limA
158 frameRelay 3 limA

IfIndex Definitions

isdns = the BRI voice module physical interface configured for S/T interface.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1369

ds0 = B-channel 1 or B-Channel 2 of the ISDN BRI service. Each B-Channel is

represented by an ifEntry.

lapd = The LAPD interface. The ISDN D-Channel data link layer (LAPD) is
represented by an ifEntry.

isdn = The signaling D-Channel of the BRI voice module. Each ISDN signaling
channel is represented by an ifEntry.

IfLim = The location of the BRI voice module within the Passport unit. limC
indicates that the BRI voice module is installed in slot C.

PPA = Point of Physical Attachment (which corresponds to the number of ports

on the module). The BRI voice modules have either one or two ports. (Refer to
Appendix A of Getting Started with Passport 4430/50/55 for an explanation of
PPA numbers.)

CLI Procedure for Using the ISDN Physical Show Commands

The following commands display information about the ISDN physical interface:

CLI>show isdn physicalIf



bearer (B Channel)






* These commands do not apply to the ISDN/BRI voice modules.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1370 Chapter 27 ISDN


CLI>show isdn physicalIf baseLapd

The baseLapd parameters and subsequent show commands will normally not
involve the user.


To display the ISDN basic rate table, enter the following:

CLI>show isdn physicalIf basicRate operational table

IfIndex IfType LineTopology IfMode SignalMode

12 isdns pointToPoint nt active

Description of the ISDN basic rate table entries:

IfIndex The If Index number of the BRI voice module.

IfType The physical interface of the BRI voice module. It is always isdns.
LineTopology The network structure of the BRI voice module. It is always
IfMode The interface mode of the BRI voice module. It is always nt.
SignalMode Always active.

bearer (B Channel)

To display the ISDN bearer (B channel) table, enter the following:

CLI>show isdn physicalIf bearer table

You will receive a display similar to the following example.

IfIndex : 19
ChannelType : dialup
CurrentStatus : active

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1371

ChannelNumber : 1
PeerAddress : ""
SubAddress : ""
CallOrigin : originate
InformationType : unrestrictedDigital
MultiRate : false
CallSetupTime : 00Years 000Days 00:52:15
CallConnectTime : 00Years 000Days 00:52:16
ChargedUnits : 0

IfIndex : 20
ChannelType : dialup
CurrentStatus : idle
ChannelNumber : 2
PeerAddress : ""
SubAddress : ""
CallOrigin : unknown
InformationType : Unknown
MultiRate : false
CallSetupTime : 00Years 000Days 00:52:15
CallConnectTime : 00Years 000Days 00:52:16
ChargedUnits : 0

Description of the ISDN bearer table entries:

IfIndex The If Index number of the B-channel.

ChannelType The type of ISDN link (always dial-up).
CurrentStatus The current state of the B-channel (idle or active).
ChannelNumber The number of the B-channel (1 or 2).
PeerAddress/SubAddress The ISDN address/subaddress of the current or last call
the B-channel was connected to.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1372 Chapter 27 ISDN

CallOrigin The origin of the current or last call. Possible values are:
unknown, originate, and answer. If there was no call on
this interface since startup, the value will be unknown.
InformationType The information transfer capability of the current or last
MultiRate Whether or not the last call used multirate.
CallSetupTime Time when the current or last call was setup.
CallConnectTime Time when the connect message was sent for the
current or last call.
ChargedUnits The number of units charged for the current or last call.
(Not supported by the BRI voice module.)

CLI>show isdn physicalIf lapd

The ISDN LAPD parameters and subsequent show commands will normally not
involve the user.


To display the ISDN physical interface signalStatistics table, enter:

CLI>show isdn physical signalStatistics table

SignalingIndex : 2
IncomingCalls : 0
ConnIncomingCalls : 0
OutgoingCalls : 0
ConnOutgoingCalls : 0
ChargedUnits : 0

Description of the ISDN physical interface signalStatistics table


SignalingIndex An entry in the ISDN signalStatistics table.

IncomingCalls Total number of incoming calls on this interface.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1373

ConnIncomingCalls Total number of connected incoming calls.

OutgoingCalls Total number of outgoing calls on this interface.
ConnOutgoingCalls Total number of connected outgoing calls on this interface.
ChargedUnits Total number of units charged to this interface.


To display the ISDN physical interface signalTable, enter:

CLI>show isdn physicalIf signalTable operational table

You will receive a display similar to the following example:

Index : 2
IfIndex : 9
Protocol : qsig
CallingAddress : "384000"
SubAddress : "30"
BChannelCnt : 2
InfoTrapStatus : disabled
Status : active

Description of the ISDN physical interface signalTable table entries:

Index The index value that uniquely identifies an entry in the ISDN
physical interface signal table.
IfIndex The If Index value of the interface associated with this
signaling channel.
Protocol The protocol used by the associated switch.
CallingAddress/ The ISDN address to be assigned to this signaling channel.
SubAddress Specifically, the calling address element of the call setup
message passed to the switch on outgoing calls. (Not
supported by the BRI voice module.)
BChannelCnt The number of B-channels managed by this signaling
channel. It is 2 for the BRI voice module.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1374 Chapter 27 ISDN

InfoTrapStatus Indicates the current state of the trap status (enabled or

disabled). (Not supported by the BRI voice module.)
Status Shows the operational status of rows of entries in the ISDN
signaling table.

This section includes the following selected applications involving the BRI voice

• “ISDN BRI-to-ISDN BRI Tie Trunk Application” on page 1374

• “BRI-to-PRI Application” on page 1375
• “Passport Network/PSTN System” on page 1378

ISDN BRI-to-ISDN BRI Tie Trunk Application

The figure below diagrams an ISDN BRI tie trunk application. Here an ISDN
PBX at Node 1 uses the Passport network to communicate with an ISDN PBX at
Node 2. To that end, the trunk side of each PBX is physically connected to a
Passport 4400 unit. Communication between the two Passport 4400 units is by
switched connection over the Passport cloud.

ISDN Phones
Node 1 Node 2 1234
Passport Passport
ISDN 4400 4400
BRI Passport

As an example, assume that a telephone user attached to the PBX station at

Node 1, intends to call PBX station 1234 at Node 2. To do that, the caller first
dials trunk access code 6, and waits for a second dial tone from its BRI voice
module. Next, the caller dials a string of digits that uniquely identify the

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1375

Passport 4400 unit at Node 2, followed by 1234. Connection is established when

the user at station 1234 goes off-hook. In this example the call was made possible
because each Passport 4400 unit was configured with a BRI voice module and
provisioned with either QSIG or Euro-ISDN signaling protocol. It can not
communicate with any other voice channel within the Passport network unless
that voice channel meets these criteria.

BRI-to-PRI Application

In the application illustrated below, a cluster of branch offices communicates with

a headquarters office at the central site. Each branch office is configured with one
to four BRI voice modules connected to the trunk side of an ISDN PBX; each BRI
line shown represents one to four BRI connections (2 B + D).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1376 Chapter 27 ISDN

The central site is anchored by a Passport 6400 unit connected to a PBX over an
E1 PRI line, with a capacity of 30 64-kbps B-channels and a 64-kbps D-channel.
The 64-kbps D-channel uses out-of-band Common Channel Signaling (CCS)
only, with a protocol unique to ISDN PRI.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1377

Branch Offices

Trunk BRI
Side Side


ISDN Central Site Office

Station Trunk BRI
Side Side ISDN PBX
Passport Passport
4400 6400

E1 Trunk Station
ISDN PBX Side Side

Station Trunk BRI
Side Side
4400 Fax


Station Trunk BRI
Side Side

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1378 Chapter 27 ISDN

Passport Network/PSTN System

In the application illustrated below, a local branch office is connected over two to
eight ISDN BRI lines to a Passport 6400 unit. From there it can access the Central
Bank Call Center users over an ISDN PRI line, or another local bank branch. In
addition to the Passport 6400, the local branches can go off net to the ISDN PSTN
and connect to each other or to facilities not within the Passport system.


2-8 ISDN 2-8 ISDN
BRI Lines BRI Lines

Passport Passport Fax

4400 4400


Phones (via MVP) Phones

Local Bank Branch Local Bank Branch


Central Bank Call Center

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 27 ISDN 1379

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1380 Chapter 27 ISDN

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 28

Analog voice modules are an integral part of the Passport 4400 product family. As
shown in the following illustration, analog voice modules convert analog voice
obtained from telephone interfaces into digital form, and internally connect the
converted voice to the Ethernet Base Module within the unit. In addition, each
voice call may include dialing information that specifies the destination address of
the call. Next, the converted digitized signal is multiplexed with other data to form
part of the composite data stream. This data stream is transmitted over a Passport
network to a remote Passport 4400 unit.

At the remote unit, the digitized voice signal is demultiplexed and routed to a
compatible voice channel specified by the destination address. Ultimately, the
digitized voice signal is reconverted to the original analog form.

Fax Fax

Local Remote
Passport 4400 Passport 4400
Voice Module Voice Module
rt 4400 Network Passpo
rt 4400

Voice Voice

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1382 Chapter 28 Analog

In addition to accepting analog voice signals for digital conversion, the analog
voice modules can also process analog signals obtained from a fax machine. This
feature is implemented by firmware resident within each voice channel.

The firmware constantly monitors the incoming analog stream for the presence of
fax signals. When fax signals are detected, the firmware switches the voice
channel from the voice mode into the fax mode. While in this mode, the signals
are demodulated into the appropriate fax symbols and passed as data to the remote
end. At the remote end the symbols are remodulated.

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:

• “Terminology” on page 1382

• “Single, Dual and Quad-Channel Models” on page 1383
• “Available Voice Modules” on page 1383
• “Switched Connections” on page 1384
• “Forced Connections” on page 1387
• “Voice/Fax Switch Module (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1387


For Passport 4430/50/55

• AVM is used to refer specifically to the Analog Voice Module.
• UAVM is used to refer to the Universal Analog Voice Module and any of its
installed interface modules.
• Voice/fax module is used to refer to either the Analog Voice Module or the
Universal Analog Voice Module, where the functionality of the two products
is exactly the same.

For Passport 4460

• FXS Voice Module is used to refer to either the Dual or Quad FXS Voice
• E&M Voice Module is used to refer to either the Dual or Quad E&M Voice

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1383

Available Voice Modules

For a more detailed description of the Analog Voice Modules, see the Analog
Voice Modules section in the Passport 4400 hardware manuals.

For Passport 4430/50/55

• AVM/1 Single Channel Analog Voice Module

• AVM/2 Dual-Channel Analog Voice Module
• UAVM Universal Analog Voice Module (can contain the following interface
• VIM/E&M E&M Voice Interface Module
• VIM/FXO FXO Voice Interface Module
• VIM/FXS FXS Voice Interface Module
• VM/FS Voice/Fax Switch Module

For Passport 4460

• FXS/2 Dual Port FXS Voice Module

• FXS/4 Quad Port FXS Voice Module
• E&M/2 Dual Port E&M Voice Module
• E&M/4 Quad Port E&M Voice Module

Single, Dual and Quad-Channel Models

For Passport 4430/50/55

Both the AVM and UAVM are available in single and dual-channel models. The
dual-channel model of either unit has two sets of indicators at the front, while the
single-channel model has only one set. Telephone connections to either AVM or
UAVM are made from the rear. Details on the telephone interface connectors are
provided in the Passport 4400 Hardware Installation Manual for Passport 4430/
4450/4455, part number 800-1951-40 (208902-A).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1384 Chapter 28 Analog

For Passport 4460

The FXS and E&M analog voice modules are available in dual and quad-channel
models. The dual-channel model has two sets of indicators at the front, while the
quad-channel model has four sets. Details on the telephone interface connectors
are provided in the Reference for Passport 4430/50/55 Hardware manual, part
number 205677-C.

Switched Connections

To operate in the switched mode, a voice channel must be configured with an

extension number, and the Passport 4400 unit must be configured with its
assigned Device Network Address (DNA). Once configured, any voice channel at
any node can be connected to any other compatible voice channel at any node. To
do that, the telephone or fax user simply dials the extension number of the

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1385

intended channel. An example of a switched voice system is shown in the figure

below. Here, a headquarters office in Los Angeles is linked up with its branch
office at San Francisco. Note that, in this example, there are twice as many voice
channels at the San Francisco office as there are in Los Angeles.

DNA = 31002000

DNA = 32002000
Los Angeles San Francisco
Passport 4400 Passport 4400
Voice Module 2345
1234 Voice Module Location E
Location D Voice Module 2346
Passport Location D
Network Voice Module 2347
1235 Voice Module Location C
Location C Voice Module 2348
Location B

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1386 Chapter 28 Analog

A more complex switched voice system is shown in the figure below. In this
example, a headquarters office in Los Angeles is linked in a 3-node network with
its branch offices at San Francisco and Chicago. There are two voice channels at
Los Angeles, three at San Francisco, and four at Chicago for a network total of
nine. Any voice channel in the network can be connected to any other compatible
voice channel.

DNA = 32001000

DNA = 32002000
Los Angeles Chicago
Passport 4400 Passport 4400
Voice Module 2345
1234 Voice Module Location E
Location D Voice Module 2346
Passport Location D
Network Voice Module 2347
1235 Voice Module Location C
Location C Voice Module 2348
Location B

DNA = 32003000

3456 Voice Module

Location D

3457 Voice Module San Francisco

Location C Passport 4400

3458 Voice Module

Location B

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1387

Forced Connections

The analog voice modules may be “force connected” to a remote channel, by

setting up a AutoRingDown/Hoot-and-Holler connection. Refer to “Hoot and
Holler Application” on page 1101 and “Auto Ringdown (Analog Only)” on
page 1089 for information on configuring this type of connection.

Voice/Fax Switch Module (Passport 4430/50/55)

The Voice/Fax Switch Module is an optional module which is supported on the
Universal Analog Voice Module (UAVM). It combines the functions of an
FXS-type interface module with a line-sharing/fax-sharing unit. As such, it allows
a fax machine to share the voice/fax channel with a telephone set or key telephone
system. In addition, it allows the same fax machine to be shared between the
voice/fax channel and the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Both
switched and “force connect” (with Hoot-and-Holler and AutoRingDown
configured) modes are supported.

If you are operating under the auspices of BABT, acquaint yourself with their
operating requirements by consulting the Passport 4400 Hardware Installation
Manual for Passport 4430/4450/4455, part number 800-1951-40 (208902-A).

The following topics are discussed in this section:

• “Functional Description” on page 1388

• “Receiving/Transmitting FAX Messages Over the PSTN” on page 1388
• “Transmitting/Receiving FAX Messages Over the Network” on page 1389
• “Switching Mode” on page 1390
• “Force Connect Mode” on page 1391
• “Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Voice/Fax Switch Module” on
page 1397
• “CLI Procedure for Configuring the Voice/Fax Switch Module” on page 1401

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1388 Chapter 28 Analog

Functional Description

The following figure shows the external and internal interfaces of the fax interface
module. There are three external interface ports, labeled FXS, FAX and PSTN.
Normally, the FXS port is connected over the internal voice/fax channel to the
Passport network, and the FAX port is connected to the PSTN port. The PSTN
connection is the published 7-digit fax number accessible to any fax user on the

Voice/Fax Switching Module

FXS Port Channel



Passport 4400
(Network Connection)

rt 4400

Receiving/Transmitting FAX Messages Over the PSTN

As described earlier, if the fax machine is not in use over the voice/fax channel, it
is connected to the PSTN as in the figure above. When in this state, the FAX port
is free to receive fax messages over the PSTN. While fax transmission over the
PSTN is in progress, the local FAX port is busied out and cannot be accessed by
another fax within the Integration network.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1389

To initiate a fax transmission over the PSTN, the user dials the number, presses
the START button on the fax machine to start the machine, and sends the message.
In essence, this is what the user would normally do when connected directly to the

Transmitting/Receiving FAX Messages Over the Network

Operation of the FAX and voice ports over the network depends on whether
switching is used, or whether this FXS or FAX port is force connected to another
FXS or FAX port in the network.

The Voice/Fax Switch Module cannot accept simultaneous voice and fax calls
from the WAN side, although it can simultaneously support one voice call from
the network and one PSTN pass-through call to the fax machine.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1390 Chapter 28 Analog

Switching Mode

When in the switching mode, incoming calls from the network are directed to the
appropriate port, FXS or FAX, by extension number. In the example in the
following figure, dialing extension 1235 from the remote end would direct the call
to the FAX port. The FAX port, if idle, would be switched from the PSTN port to
the voice/fax channel, and fax calls from the PSTN would be busied out.

Voice/Fax Switching Module

FXS Port
Voice Voice/Fax



Passport 4400
(Network Connection)

rt 4400

Dialing extension 1234 from the remote end directs the call to the FXS port,
causing the telephone to ring. The connection is completed when the user takes
the telephone off-hook.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1391

A busy signal is returned to the remote Passport 4430/50/55 unit caller if,

• the voice/fax channel is currently connected to the other of the two

extensions. For example, if extension 1234 is currently using the voice/fax
channel that it shares with extension 1235, then dialing 1235 from another
Integration unit extension would result in a busy signal.
• the FAX port is the called extension, and the FAX port is currently receiving/
transmitting fax messages on the PSTN.

To make an outgoing telephone call in the switched mode, the user at extension
1234 takes the telephone set off-hook, waits for a dial tone from the voice/fax
module, then dials the desired extension number.

To send a fax message over the network,

1 The user places the fax machine at extension 1235 off-hook, waits for a dial
tone from the PSTN, then dials a star (*).
2 If the voice/fax channel is not busy with voice traffic, a dial tone is received
from the voice/fax module.
3 Next, the user dials the desired Passport 4430/50/55 unit extension number,
waits for the acknowledge signal, then presses the START button to transmit
the fax message.

Alternatively, if the fax machine is equipped with the PAUSE feature, the user at
extension 1235 dials a star (*), presses the PAUSE switch, and dials the Passport
4430/50/55 unit extension number, and then presses the START button.

Note: The FAX port depends on the PSTN for initial dial tone. Therefore,
the PSTN modular jack, or pins 1 and 2 of the terminal block, must be
connected to a telephone switching port (Central Office line or PBX
single-line station) for the FAX port to operate.

Force Connect Mode

The voice/fax switching module may be “force connected” to a remote channel,

by setting up a AutoRingDown/Hoot-and-Holler connection. Refer to “Hoot and
Holler Application” on page 1101 and “Auto Ringdown (Analog Only)” on
page 1089 for information on configuring this type of connection.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1392 Chapter 28 Analog

When the voice/fax switching module is permanently connected (force connected)

to a remote channel, and the remote channel goes off-hook, the FAX port will be
selected first. If the fax machine does not answer after 3 rings (no CNG tone
received), the FXS port will then be selected.

In the “force connect” mode shown in the figure below the local voice/fax channel
is permanently connected to a remote voice/fax channel served by another FAX
interface module. Incoming calls are monitored by the voice/fax module for the
presence of CNG (calling tone of a fax machine). If CNG is not detected, the call
is directed to the FXS port. If CNG is detected, the call is switched to the FAX
port and the FAX port is disconnected from the PSTN port.

Note: Since in the “force connect” mode the fax interface module relies
on CNG for call resolution, the calling fax machine must be capable of
transmitting CNG. To do that, press the START button immediately after
dialing the number. Also, on some fax machines CNG is an option; be
sure that this option is enabled and that paper is in the tray. Any fax
machine which does NOT generate the CNG tone will be directed to the
voice port.

There is no provision for transferring a call from the voice port to the
FAX port. Solution: initiate a return call from the fax machine on the FAX
port to the fax machine that originated the message.

To initiate a telephone call to the remote end, the local user lifts the receiver
off-hook. Voice connection will be established when the remote user answers the

To initiate a fax transmission to the remote end, the local user places the fax
machine off-hook, and waits for the dial tone from the PSTN. Upon receipt of a
dial tone the user dials an asterisk (*), switching the FAX port from the PSTN port
to the voice/fax channel and ringing the remote fax machine. Fax transmission

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1393

may start when the remote fax machine answers. If the remote port is connected to
a PBX, the user can dial an asterisk (*), press the PAUSE switch (or wait for the
dial tone), dial the PBX extension number, then press the START button to send
the fax message.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1394 Chapter 28 Analog

Voice/Fax Switching Module Local Voice/Fax


FXS Port Channel

When CNG is detected,
switch Voice/Fax Module
call to the Fax port and
disconnect Fax port
from PSTN port.

Voice/Fax Switching Module Remote Voice/Fax


FXS Port

Fax Port


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1395

In the “force connect” application example shown in the figure below the remote
end is served by an E&M interface module connected to a PBX. It is the PBX that
channels the call to the proper destination.

Note: If the E&M interface module is not properly connected to the PBX,
you will hear “dead air” over the handset instead of a fast busy or other
call request denial indication.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1396 Chapter 28 Analog

Voice/Fax Switching Module

Local Voice/Fax

FXS Port Channel



Remote Voice/Fax



Voice E&M
Station Trunk 80
Side Interface


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1397

Configurator Procedure for Configuring the Voice/Fax

Switch Module

There are two egress table entries assigned to a voice/fax switch module, one for
voice and the other for fax. They are both configured for the same slot (lim) and
channel number, but they have different egress phone numbers. A manipulation
string is added to the egress phone number for the FAX port. To connect to this
FAX port, the string “i1” must be entered. If the egress manipulation string is left
empty, the voice port will be selected.

Since the voice/fax switch module supports only FXS interfaces, the use of the
manipulation string in the egress table does not cause any problems. Usually the
manipulation string is used to forward digits to the interface, but in the case of
FXS or fax, it is meaningless.


To configure the voice and FAX port configuration for a voice/fax switch module
installed in limb-1, use the following Configurator example procedure. This
example will configure a voice number of “1111” and a fax number of “2222”:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1398 Chapter 28 Analog

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Egress (Incoming) Profiles. You will see
the Voice Egress (Incoming) Profiles window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1399

3 Click on Modify for the profile you wish to change (1-32). You will see the
Modifying a Voice Egress (Incoming) Profile window:

4 Configure the voice channels for “b1”

5 Configure the voice port for phone number “1111”.
6 Click on Save. A “Command Successful” message appears.

To Configure the FAX port, use the following Configurator

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1400 Chapter 28 Analog

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Egress (Incoming) Profiles. You will see
the Voice Egress (Incoming) Profiles window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1401

3 Click on Modify for the profile you wish to change (1-32) This should be a
different profile than the one chosen for the voice port configuration. You will
see the Modifying a Voice Egress (Incoming) Profile window:

4 Configure the Voice Channels for “b1”

5 Configure the FAX port for Phone Number “2222”.
6 Configure the Manipulation String for “i1”
7 Click on Save. A “Command Successful” message appears.

CLI Procedure for Configuring the Voice/Fax Switch Module

There are two egress table entries assigned to a voice/fax switch module, one for
voice and the other for fax. They are both configured for the same slot (lim) and
channel number, but they have different egress phone numbers. A manipulation
string is added to the egress phone number for the FAX port. To connect to this
FAX port, the string “d#i1” must be entered. If the egress manipulation string is
left empty, the voice port will be selected.

Since the voice/fax switch module supports only FXS and fax interfaces, the use
of the manipulation string in the egress table does not cause any problems.
Usually the manipulation string is used to forward digits to the interface, but in the
case of FXS or fax, it is meaningless.


To configure the voice and FAX port configuration for a voice/fax switch module
installed in limb-1:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1402 Chapter 28 Analog

1 Configure the voice port for phone number “1111.”

CLI>set voice egressTable channelList

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..32)

<ChannelList> “String” (up to 30 For this example, enter b1.
channels; b1b1c10...)

CLI>set voice egressTable phoneNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..32)

<PhoneNumber> “String” (0..40) For this example, enter 1111.

2 Configure the FAX port for phone number “2222.”

CLI>set voice egressTable channelList

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..32)

<ChannelList> “String” (up to 30 For this example, enter b1.
channels; b1b1c10...)

CLI>set voice egressTable manipulationString

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..32)

<ManipulationString> “String” (0..40) Enter i1.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 28 Analog 1403

CLI>set voice egressTable phoneNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<EgressIndex> INTEGER (1..32)

<PhoneNumber> “String” (0..40) For this example, enter 2222.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1404 Chapter 28 Analog

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 29
Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

The Digital and Analog Voice Modules require a common reference level
throughout the network. To meet this requirement, it may be necessary to
compensate for variations in the interfacing external telephone equipment by
adjusting the input and output levels of the Voice Modules.

Signal Flow

The level adjustment involves a pair of connected digital voice/fax channels

within the same T1/E1 Voice Module, or a pair of channels within the same BRI
Voice Module (BVM). Both channels are initially set for 0 input level gain and 0
output level attenuation. Then, a signal from a fixed 0 dBm source is applied in
one direction through the connected pair. At the voice/fax channel nearest the
signal source the input level is adjusted for -4 dBm.

At the other voice/fax channel the output signal is monitored. If the signal falls
between -8 dBm and -16 dBm, no adjustment is necessary. If the level is higher
than -8 dBm (for instance -6 dBm), attenuation is added until the level falls to -8
dBm. In a properly operating DVM/BVM and PBX the signal level will not fall
below -16 dBm.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1406 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Equipment Required
• Two MetroTel Model VNA-70A Voice Network Analyzers (VNA) or
equivalent, capable of generating a 1000-Hz tone at 0 dBm. When in the
receiving mode, the analyzer must provide a 600-ohm termination and display
the value of the measured signal strength.
• One asynchronous terminal operating at 9600 bps.

Note: These procedures are intended for equipment operated outside of

the U.S.A. and Canada, and must meet the standards of the country
wherein the equipment is used. Perform these procedures only if your
country does not require specific input and output level settings.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

• “Preliminary Procedures” on page 1406

• “Adjusting Voice Levels” on page 1413

Preliminary Procedures

The following procedures assume that DVMs in locations B1 and B2 have been
selected as the initial adjustment pair. It is also assumed that for TVMs and
EVMs, DS0 channels 1 and 2, designated for connection to DVMs B1 and B2, are
both set for 0 Input Level Gain and 0 Output Level Attenuation. You may select
any two DVMs and any two DS0 channels to suit your installation. It is also
assumed that the channels, ingress/egress tables and manipulation strings are
configured properly and a call can be made between the channels under test.

You may use any of the following methods as appropriate, to complete the
preliminary procedures:

For BVM:

• There are no preliminary procedures for performing the voice level

adjustment procedure on the BVM. Procede to “Adjusting Voice Levels” on
page 1413.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1407

For T1/E1:

• “Configurator Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1407

• “Configurator Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4460)” on page 1410
• “CLI Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1412
• “CLI Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4460)” on page 1413

Configurator Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4430/50/55)

1 Provision the T1/E1 DSX-1/L1 line and system clock source.
2 Connect DVM channels B1 and B2 to DS0 channels 1 and 2, respectively.
3 To connect your voice channels to the proper DS0s, select Configure, Voice,
and T1/E1 from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 System Configuration window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1408 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

4 At the top of the window, click on Local (or Network) DS0 Connection. You
will see the T1/E1 Local (or Network) DS0 Connection window:

5 Locate the Line and DS0 Index you want to configure and click Modify. You
will see the Modifying the Local (or Network) DS0 Connection window:

6 Select the desired channel to be connected to the DS0. When the desired DS0
connection has been configured, click on Save. A “Command Successful”
message is displayed.
7 At the top of the window, click on...Previous and repeat this procedure for the
other DS0 connection to be made.

Busy out all other DVMs by using the following Configurator procedure:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1409

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 Locate the DVM you want to busy out and click on the number associated
with that DVM in the Voice Profile column. You will see the Voice Profile

3 At Busyout Mode, select Forced On.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1410 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

4 Repeat this procedure for the other DVM channels to be modified if assigned
to a different profile.

Configurator Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4460)

Provision the T1/E1 for the desired clock source.

1 Select Configure, Voice, and T1/E1 Profiles from the navigation window.

You will see the T1/E1 Line 1 Profile window:

2 At Clock Source, select the desired setting and click save. A “Command
Successful” message is displayed.
3 If required, at the top of the window, click on Line 2 Profile and repeat this
procedure for the other expansion port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1411

Busy out all other DVMs by using the following Configurator procedure:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1412 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

2 Locate the DVM you want to busy out and click on the number associated
with that DVM in the Voice Profile column. You will see the Voice Profile

3 At Busyout Mode, select Forced On.

4 Repeat this procedure for the other DVM channels to be modified if assigned
to a different profile.

CLI Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4430/50/55)

1 Access the Set T1E1 command line, and provision the set port for the T1/E1
DSX-1/L1 line and clock source.
2 Connect voice/fax channels B1 and B2 to DS0 channels 1 and 2, respectively.
To do that enter the following:

CLI>set t1/e1 ds0Connect local 1 idle

CLI>set t1/e1 ds0Connect local 1 B1
CLI>set t1/e1 ds0Connect local 2 idle
CLI>set t1/e1 ds0Connect local 2 B2

3 Busyout all other digital voice channels (B3-B6, C1-C12, and D1-D12, as

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1413

CLI Preliminary Procedures (Passport 4460)

The T1/E1 digital voice channels on the Passport 4460 unit are automatically
assigned to their DS0s, so there are no preliminary procedures to execute for the
Passport 4460.

Adjusting Voice Levels

The following topics are discussed in this section:

• “Configurator Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment

• “CLI Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment

Note: PBX station numbers 3123 and 3456 and Digital Voice Module
numbers 111, 1212, 2323 and 123 are fictitious. Use any extension
numbers applicable to your installation.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1414 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

See the following illustration for an example of how to adjust voice levels:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1415

Station 1 Model VNA-70A Station 2 Model VNA-70A

Voice Network Analyzer Voice Network Analyzer


X3123 X3456
Cord 1 1 1 Assumes station
termination = 600 ohms
Station Side 2 T1/E1 Trunk access code
3 ISDN Trunk access code
2 3
T1/E1 Trunk ISDN Trunk

T1/E1 Line


1212 2323
B1 B2 B1 B2

Passport 4400 Switch

DVM = Digital Voice Module EVM = E1 Voice Module

EBM = Ethernet Base Module BVM = BRI Voice Module
TVM = T1 Voice Module

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1416 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Station 1 Model VNA-70A Station 2 Model VNA-70A

Voice Network Analyzer Voice Network Analyzer


X3123 X3456
Cord 1 1 1 Assumes station
termination = 600 ohms
Station Side 2 T1/E1 Trunk access code
3 ISDN Trunk access code
2 3
T1/E1 Trunk ISDN Trunk

T1/E1 Line


1212 2323
B1 B2 B1 B2

Passport 4400 Switch

DVM = Digital Voice Module EVM = E1 Voice Module

EBM = Ethernet Base Module BVM = BRI Voice Module
TVM = T1 Voice Module

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1417

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1418 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Configurator Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment

Before you begin, perform the following actions.

• Starting with station 1, insert a VNA between the telephone set and the RJ11
connector of PBX extension 3123.
• At station 2, connect the other VNA between the telephone set and the RJ11
connector of PBX extension 3456.
• Power up the two VNAs, set the SETUP switch on both VNAs temporarily to
BRDG, and the other switches to TEST, OFF.
• Pick up the telephone at station 1 and dial the T1/E1 or ISDN trunk access
(a PBX defined parameter). You will receive a dial tone from Digital Voice
Channel B1.
• Dial the remote DSPs number. You will receive a dial tone from the PBX.
• Dial 3456. The telephone at extension 3456 will ring.
• After the first ring, move the SETUP switch at the station 2 VNA to TERM.
The telephone will stop ringing.
• Move the SETUP switch at the station 1 VNA to TONE, and hang up the
telephone set.

To perform the voice level adjustments, the following procedures must be


• “Display the Input Level (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1419

• “Display the Ingress Signal Level (Passport 4460)” on page 1420
• “Configure the Input Level Gain” on page 1420
• “Configure the Output Level Attenuation” on page 1422
• “Copy Channel B1 to the Other Channels” on page 1424

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1419

Display the Input Level (Passport 4430/50/55)

1 To display, the input level of voice/fax channel B1 (for this discussion it is
assumed that B1 is the DVM/BVM at station 1), select Status/Statistics, Voice,
and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1420 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

3 At the top of the window, click on EPROM Status. You will see the Voice
EPROM Status window:

The input level for the voice channels is displayed in the right-most column.

Display the Ingress Signal Level (Passport 4460)

The Ingress Signal Level is not currently supported by Configurator. Use the
following CLI command to display the Ingress Signal Level.

Access the CLI and enter the following command:

CLI> show voice channelStatus entry <CardNumber>


Configure the Input Level Gain

1 Access the Input Level Gain parameter of the voice profile associated with the
B1. In this example it is assumed that the profile number for both B1 and B2
is 1. To do that, select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1421

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At Voice Profiles(Common Parameters), use the pull-down menu to select the

desired profile to modify and click Modify. You will see the Voice Profile

3 Depending on the reading recorded in the “Display Input Level” procedures

on pages 1419 (4430/50/55) and 1420 (4460), change the Input Level Gain
setting as follows:
— If the input level monitored in the “Display Input Level” procedures on
pages 1419 (4430/50/55) and 1420 (4460) was more than -4 dB, add
attenuation, as necessary. For example, if the monitored value was - 1 dB,
add 3 dB attenuation by selecting integer of -3.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1422 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

— If the input level monitored in the “Display Input Level” procedures on

pages 1419 (4430/50/55) and 1420 (4460) was less than -4 dB, add gain,
as necessary. For example, if the monitored value was -8 dB, add 4 dB
gain by selecting integer of 4.
4 Record the setting entered in “Configure the Input Level Gain” on page 1420.
You will need it to set the input level of all other digital voice channels in your

Monitor the output level of the digital voice channel B2 displayed on the station 2
VNA display.

• If the value displayed on the station 2 VNA is more than -8 dB, add
attenuation, as necessary until the displayed value is -8dBm and -16dBm. To
do that, use the Configure the Output Level Attenuation procedure as shown
• If the value displayed on the station 2 VNA between -8 dBm and -16 dBm, no
further adjustments are necessary.
• If the value displayed on the station 2 VNA is less than -16 dBm, it indicates
that there is a problem in either the PBX, the test equipment, or either or both
digital voice channels.

Configure the Output Level Attenuation

1 Access the Output Level Attenuation parameter of the voice profile associated
with the B1. In this example it is assumed that the profile number for both B1
and B2 is 1. To do that, select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the
navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1423

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At Voice Profiles(Common Parameters), use the pull-down menu to select the

desired profile to modify and click Modify. You will see the Voice Profile

3 Depending on the reading recorded on the station 2 VNA, change the Output
Level Attenuation accordingly.
4 Use the setting obtained in step 3 to set the output level of all other digital
voice channels in your installation as required.
5 Restore the busyout mode of all DVMs to System Controlled for all voice/fax
channels provisioned in the preliminary procedure.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1424 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Copy Channel B1 to the Other Channels

Use the “Configurator Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment” on page 1418 and
set the input and output levels of all digital voice channels within your installation
using the recorded settings.

CLI Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment

1 Starting with station 1, insert a VNA between the telephone set and the RJ11
connector of PBX extension 3123.
2 At station 2, connect the other VNA between the telephone set and the RJ11
connector of PBX extension 3456.
3 Power up the two VNAs, set the SETUP switch on both VNAs temporarily to
BRDG, and the other switches to TEST, OFF.
4 Pick up the telephone at station 1 and dial the T1/E1 trunk access code,
typically 7. You will receive a dial tone from DVM/BVM B1.
5 Dial 123. You will receive a dial tone from the PBX.
6 Dial 3456. The telephone at extension 3456 will ring.
7 After the first ring, move the SETUP switch at the station 2 VNA to TERM.
The telephone will stop ringing.
8 Move the SETUP switch at the station 1 VNA to TONE, and hang up the
telephone set.
9 Monitor, and note, the input level (InputLevelStatus for 4430/50/55, and
IngressSignalLevel for 4460) of voice/fax channel B1 (for this discussion it is
assumed that B1 is the DVM/BVM at
station 1). To do that, enter the following command:
CLI> show voice channel entry {card number channel

10 Access the Input Level Gain parameter of the voice profile associated with the
B1. In this example it is assumed that the profile number for both B1 and B2
is 1. To do that, enter the following command:
CLI> set voice profile inputLevelGain 1

where 1 is the profile number. Depending on the reading recorded in step 9,

change the level setting as follows:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1425

• If the input level monitored in step 9 was more than -4 dB, add
attenuation, as necessary. For example, if the monitored value was - 1 dB,
add 3 dB attenuation by selecting integer of -3.
• If the input level monitored in step 9 was less than -4 dB, add gain, as
necessary. For example, if the monitored value was -8 dB, add 4 dB gain
by selecting integer of 4.
11 Record the setting entered in step 10. You will need it to set the input level of
all other digital voice channels in your installation.
12 Monitor the output level of the Digital Voice Channel B2 on the station 2
VNA display.
13 If the displayed value in step 12 was more than -8 dB, add attenuation, as
To do that, enter the following command:

CLI> set voice profile outputLevelAttn

For example, if the displayed value was -5 dBm, add 3 dB of attenuation.

for Profile, enter 1.

for outputLevelAttn integer, enter 4 (-3db).

14 If the displayed value in step 12 was between -8 dBm and -16 dBm, no further
adjustments are necessary.
15 If the displayed value in step 12 was less than -16 dBm, it indicates that there
is a problem in either the PBX, the test equipment, or either or both digital
voice channels.
16 Record the setting obtained in step 13 or 14. You will need it to set the output
level of all other digital voice channels in your installation.
17 Remove the busyout condition from all voice/fax channels provisioned in step
3 of the preliminary procedure.
To do that, enter the following command:

CLI>set voice profile busyOutMode 1 syst

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1426 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Copy Channel B1 to the Other Channels

Repeat “CLI Procedure for Voice Level Adjustment” on page 1424 and use the
recorded settings to set the input and output levels of all digital voice channels
within your installation.


The input/output levels of a voice channel are set at the factory for a default value
of 0/0 dB. At some installations, the input/output levels need to be adjusted to
compensate for external network losses and variations, to optimize the voice
compression operation, and to provide a consistent communication level
throughout the network.

However, no adjustment within the voice circuits can correct for voice distortions
prior to the arrival at the input of the voice port, or for unusual impedances
inherent in the external network.

The objective of these procedures is to obtain an input level of -4 dBm, and

achieve an overall circuit loss ranging from 8 to 16 dB without introducing an
input gain setting of more than 6 dB to achieve it. An excessive input gain setting
may cause echoes or other voice impairments such as ringing or repeated DTMF
signaling digits. Set any voice channels not under test to forced On busy condition
to insure that the test calls operate only through the channels under test.

Note: These procedures are intended for equipment operated outside of

the U.S.A. and Canada, and must meet the standards of the country
wherein the equipment is used. Perform these procedures only if your
country does not require specific input and output level settings.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1427

The following topics are discussed in this section:

• “Configurator Adjustment Commands” on page 1427

• “CLI Adjustment Commands” on page 1429
• “Adjust all Voice Ports (Channels) at One Location” on page 1430
• “Private Network or PSTN” on page 1431
• “Preliminary Settings” on page 1433
• “PBX Tie Trunk Application Adjustments” on page 1434
• “Configurator Procedure for Adjusting E&M Voice Channels” on page 1438
• “CLI Procedure for Adjusting E&M Voice Channels” on page 1443
• “PBX CO Trunk Application Adjustments” on page 1448
• “Hybrid Key System Adjustment” on page 1470

Configurator Adjustment Commands

As described earlier, all voice channel parameters, including Input Level Gain and
Output Level Attenuation, are configured in two steps. First a library of profiles
(ranging from 1 to a maximum of 32) is created for each parameter of each
profile. Each profile contains a set of voice characteristics that uniquely match
that profile with an associated telephone interface. Once the library has been
created, you may assign any profile to one or more voice channels.

To modify the profile Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation, use the
following Configurator procedure:

1 Click on Configure, Voice, and Channels.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1428 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

2 You will see the Voice Channels window:

3 Locate the desired Analog Voice Module and click on the number in the Voice
Profile column for that module. You will see the Voice Profile window:

4 This window is where changes will be made to the Input Level Gain and
Output Level Attenuation parameters of a given profile.

Assume that a given profile was previously assigned to a voice channel. Then, to
adjust that voice channel, you only have to change the setting(s) of the profile and
the channel will automatically assume the new value(s). It follows, that any and
all voice channels using the same profile number will also assume the new
value(s) and need not be adjusted separately. Conversely, voice channels using a
different profile number(s) require their own set(s) of adjustment procedures.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1429

Throughout this chapter, the statements “adjust the input level” and “adjust the
output level” imply that the adjustments be made directly to the voice profiles
(and therefore, indirectly to the voice channels).

CLI Adjustment Commands

As described earlier, all voice channel parameters, including Input Level Gain and
Output Level Attenuation, are configured in two steps. First a library of profiles
(ranging from 1 to a maximum of 32) is created, using the set voice
profile command. for each parameter of each profile. Each profile contains a
set of voice characteristics that uniquely match that profile with an associated
telephone interface. Once the library has been created, you may assign any profile
to one or more voice channels.

The profile commands associated with input level gain and output level
attenuation are:

CLI>set voice profile inputLevelGain

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number for the voice

profile you are configuring.
<InputLevelGain> INTEGER (-6..19)


CLI>set voice profile outputLevelAttn

Parameters Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> INTEGER (1..32) Enter the number of the voice profile

you are configuring.
<OutputLevelAtten> INTEGER (0..25)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1430 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Assume that a given profile was previously assigned to a voice channel. Then, to
adjust that voice channel, you only have to change the setting(s) of the profile and
the channel will automatically assume the new value(s). It follows, that any and
all voice channels using the same profile number will also assume the new
value(s) and need not be adjusted separately. Conversely, voice channels using a
different profile number(s) require their own set(s) of adjustment procedures.

Throughout this chapter, the statements “adjust the input level” and “adjust the
output level” imply that the adjustments be made directly to the voice profiles
(and therefore, indirectly to the voice channels).

Adjust all Voice Ports (Channels) at One Location

If the local unit includes at least two voice channels, both voice channels may be
adjusted by a single technician and without going across the network. This is
accomplished by connecting any two voice channels at the same location.

First, a signal from a fixed dBm source is applied in one direction through the
connected pair, with the voice channel nearest the signal source serving as the
sending channel, and the other voice channel serving as the receiving channel.
Adjustment involves setting the sending channel input level to a Transmission
Level Point (TLP) of a -4 dBm input level display, and the receiving channel
output level to a reading of -12 dBm at the associated dB meter see figure below.

External Unit No. 1 Unit No. 2 External

Telephone Telephone
Equipment Voice Channel Voice Channel Equipment
0 dBm ?? dBm Input Adjust
Level Output
to -4 dBm Level

Signal dB Meter -12 dBm


206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1431

Next, the two voice channels remain connected as before, but the signal flow is
reversed. What was previously the receiving voice channel now becomes the
sending channel, and vice versa, and the adjustments are made in a reverse order.

If the local unit has only one voice channel, you must pair up this channel with
another, compatible voice channel across the network. In this case, the adjustment
procedure requires two technicians, with one at each location.

Private Network or PSTN

The voice channels were designed for communication among multiple offices of a
single company. As such, the levels obtained from the various telephone
instruments of that private network will normally be consistent within a few
dBms. Under these conditions, the input level adjustment procedure is based on a
signal source (speaker) of a 1004 Hz tone at 0 dBm.

Where regulations allow, the voice channels may connect directly or indirectly to
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), presenting a different set of
conditions. Here, the calls may originate from widely different sources with
extreme variations in signal levels (up to 20 dBm). Further, the levels from calls
within an office will often be different from the PSTN levels.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that voice channels be dedicated either for

private network use or for PSTN use, but not both.

If the planned usage for a single voice channel is both private network and PSTN
operation, then one of the applications should be selected as the primary use, and
the voice channel aligned for that purpose. The secondary application should be
validated to determine if a compromise setting is required.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1432 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Equipment Required
• Two MetroTel Voice Network Analyzers (VNA-70A) or equivalent, capable
of generating a 1004 Hz tone at 0 dBm, and also capable of measuring a
receive tone level in dBm units.
• One asynchronous ASCII terminal, e.g., one normally attached to the unit. An
alternative is a PC running terminal emulation software.
• One Telephone Lineman’s Test Set. If not available, a standard single-line
analog telephone instrument may be substituted. A second phone or test set
may be helpful.
• A voice module with an FXS interface. This is required as a companion for
adjusting an FXO channel, when the network has only FXO channel voice

Preliminary Considerations and Connections

The telephone equipment to which a voice channel is attached should be installed

and made functional. If the telephone equipment is not installed, then the
installation should be scheduled after the telephone equipment is installed and
configured, or a joint installation should be scheduled (as a last resort).

Make sure that an asynchronous ASCII terminal or equivalent is connected to an

asynchronous port on the unit. This terminal will be used for configuration and
testing in the subsequent adjustment procedures.

Interface Pairings

As described previously, every adjustment procedure described here involves a

local pair of voice channels. The voice pairings treated here follow the most
common voice applications, as follows:

• “PBX Tie Trunk Application Adjustments” on page 1434

• “PBX CO Trunk Application Adjustments” on page 1448

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1433

Preliminary Settings

Before attempting to adjust the input/output levels, configure them to the setting
shown in the following table.

Application Input Level Setting Output Level Setting

PBX Trunk (E&M) -2 2

PBX Station (FXO) 2 0
Key Telephone Systems (FXS) -3 2

Checking the Operation of the PBX Station

This procedure is used to verify that the losses across the PBX, in a PBX station
application, are within acceptable limits for operation with the voice network.

1 Use the test setup shown in the following figure. Initially, set both Voice
Network Analyzers (VNA) to BRDG, TEST and OFF. The PBX station
numbers in the figure below are fictitious, used here for reference only.
2 Lift the calling telephone set off-hook, wait for the dial tone and dial station
5678. The receiving telephone will ring.
3 Place the SETUP switch on the receiving Voice Network Analyzer to TERM.
The telephone will stop ringing.
4 Place the SETUP switch on the calling Voice Network Analyzer to TONE,
and disconnect the calling telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.
5 Observe the displayed value on the receiving Voice Network Analyzer. It
should read between -5 dBm and -8 dBm. If the level is outside of this range,

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1434 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

the PBX should be checked for proper operation by authorized service




BRDG St123
OFF Station Trunk
Side Side
VNA-70A St567



PBX Tie Trunk Application Adjustments

Many PBXs have selectable input/output level combinations for Tie Trunks, e.g.,
+7/-16, -16/+7 and 0/0 dB. The 0/0 dB option should be selected. Also, PAD (2
dB) Switching Option, if available, should be selected.

• Connect a Voice Network Analyzer (VNA) in series with the telephone set at
each end of the test setup.
• Establish a switch connection between the two voice channels being adjusted.
• Transmit tone from the first VNA to the second VNA through the two voice
modules, and monitor the input level of the first voice module. To do that
while using the CLI, you must enter the show voice channel command to
obtain the display. If using Configurator,.use the applicable procedure listed
• “Monitor Input Level (4430/50/55)” on page 1435
• “Monitor Input Level (4460)” on page 1436

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1435

Monitor Input Level (4430/50/55)

1 Click on Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window

2 You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

1 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1436 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

2 At the top of the window, click on EPROM Status. You will see the Voice
EPROM Status window:

The input level for the voice channels is displayed in the right-most column.

Monitor Input Level (4460)

1 Click on Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1437

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

The input level for the voice channels is displayed in the column next to the
Network Connect column.

3 If the observed input level is other than -4 dBm, add gain (positive or
negative), as necessary. The input level adjustment is performed in two steps.
First determine the profile number associated with that channel, then access
the input level set command for that profile and make the necessary
adjustment. Record the setting.
4 Observe the output level of the second voice module as displayed by the
second VNA.
5 If the observed level is more positive than -12 dBm, add output level
attenuation in the required amount. If adjustment is necessary, first find the
profile number of the second voice channel, then adjust the output level
attenuation of that profile, and record the amount of adjustment made.
6 Use the recorded data to set the input level of the second voice channel and
the output level of the first voice channel.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1438 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Configurator Procedure for Adjusting E&M Voice Channels

Use the test setup shown in the figure below. Initially, set both Voice Network
Analyzers (VNA) to BRDG, TEST and OFF. The PBX station numbers, trunk
access code, and network extension numbers in the figure below are fictitious,
used here for reference only.

Test Set
or Adjust input level gain for a
Telephone VNA-70A -4 dBm reading on the show
Set voice channel status display.


BRDG St123 80 X15
TEST Channel 1
OFF Station Trunk
Side Side E&M
VNA-70A St456 80
Channel 2 X16

Adjust Switch
here Connected
No.2 BRDG Read
Lineman's TEST here Adjust output level attenuation
Test Set OFF for a reading of -12 dBm +2 dBm
or on the Voice Network Analyzer
Telephone display.
• Select the first two E&M voice channels within the local unit to be adjusted.
Set any additional voice channels to forced On busy condition to insure that
the test calls operate only through the channels under test. It is assumed that
the signaling format for the E&M voice channel is configured for DC.
• Place a call from the No.1 telephone to the No.2 telephone. To do that, lift the
No.1 telephone off-hook, wait for the dial tone, and dial the tie trunk access
code (typically 80). A second dial tone should be heard from voice channel 1.
• Dial network extension 16. You should hear a third dial tone from the PBX.
• Dial PBX station 456. The No.2 telephone set will ring.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1439

• Place the SETUP switch on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
• Place the SETUP switch on the No.1 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and
disconnect the No.1 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.
1 Display the input level status of E&M voice channel 1. To do that, click on
Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1440 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

3 At the top of the window, click on EPROM Status. You will see the Voice
EPROM Status window:

The input level for the voice channels is displayed in the right-most column.

4 If the reading for Input Level Gain is more positive than -4 dBm, apply
negative gain (input attenuation) until this reading is above -4 dBm.


The reading is -1 dBm. The Input Level Gain setting in the associated voice
profile is -2 dB.

Add three increments of negative gain by changing the setting to -5 dB. To do

that, use the following Configurator procedure.

Configure Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation

1 Click on Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1441

You will see the Voice Channels window.

2 Locate the desired analog voice channel and click on the number in the Voice
Profile column for that voice channel. The Voice Profile window opens:

The Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation parameters are located
towards the top of the window.

3 When all desired configuration changes are made, click Save (located towards
the bottom of the window). A “Command Successful” message appears.
• After the input level gain adjustment is completed, note and write down the
setting used to bring the input level to -4 dBm. You will need it for setting the
second E&M channel.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1442 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Move on to the voice Output Level Attenuation configuration for the E&M
channel No. 2 (the channel that is connected to the channel just adjusted).

• Read the value of the receive level on the No.2 Network Analyzer display.
The receive level should be approximately -12 dBm. If not, set the output
attenuation until the receive level display is -12 dBm +2dBm, using
“Configure Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation” on page 1440.
Add attenuation if/as necessary by changing the Output Level Attenuation
After the output level adjustment is completed, note and write down this
value. You will need it for setting the output level of the first E&M interface
channel. Remember to click Save after all desired configurations are

Note: Perceived voice quality is not significantly affected until the

receive level drops below -16 dBm.

• You have now established the input gain setting on the No.1 channel and the
output level attenuation setting on the No.2 channel.
Next, you may either repeat this procedure to adjust the input level gain
setting on the No.2 channel, and the output level attenuation setting on the
No.1 channel, or you may set the input level and output levels of the remote
channel to the settings recorded in this procedure.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1443

CLI Procedure for Adjusting E&M Voice Channels

Use the test setup shown in the figure below. Initially, set both Voice Network
Analyzers (VNA) to BRDG, TEST and OFF. The PBX station numbers, trunk
access code, and network extension numbers in the figure below are fictitious,
used here for reference only.

Test Set
or Adjust input level gain for a
Telephone VNA-70A -4 dBm reading on the show
Set voice channel status display.


BRDG St123 80 X15
TEST Channel 1
OFF Station Trunk
Side Side E&M
VNA-70A St456 80
Channel 2 X16

Adjust Switch
here Connected
No.2 BRDG Read
Lineman's TEST here Adjust output level attenuation
Test Set OFF for a reading of -12 dBm +2 dBm
or on the Voice Network Analyzer
Telephone display.

1 Select the first two E&M voice channels within the local unit to be adjusted.
Set any additional voice channels to forced On busy condition to insure that
the test calls operate only through the channels under test. It is assumed that
the signaling format for the E&M voice channel is configured for DC.
2 Place a call from the No.1 telephone to the No.2 telephone. To do that, lift the
No.1 telephone off-hook, wait for the dial tone, and dial the tie trunk access
code (typically 80). A second dial tone should be heard from voice channel 1.
3 Dial network extension 16. You should hear a third dial tone from the PBX.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1444 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

4 Dial PBX station 456. The No.2 telephone set will ring.
5 Place the SETUP switch on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
6 Place the SETUP switch on the No.1 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and
disconnect the No.1 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.
7 From the Command Line Interface, display the input level status of E&M
voice channel 1. To do that, enter:
CLI> show voice channels entry limb1

Assuming that E&M voice channel 1 is in channel 1 of logical interface module

B, you will receive the following typical display:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1445

CLI> show voice channel status table

CardNumber : limb
ChannelNumber : 1
InterfaceType : enhanced E&M
SoftwareId : 21
EMType : V
ModelId : notApplicable
DSPOperStatus : pcmChannelNotInstalled
NetworkConnect : idle
RemoteChHWType : ""
RemoteChNodeName : ""
RemoteChNumber : ""
RemoteChSigProtocol : ""
RemoteChIfType : ""
RemoteFrameIfVer : 4294967295
RemoteChVoiceAlg : ""
RemoteChFaxAlg : ""
RemoteChModemAlg : ""
SelfTestResult : passed
FlashEPROMStatus : valid
EPROMStatus : notInstalled
DSPPromVersion : "x7H"
PromId : "2263"
InputLevelStatus : -1dBm

8 Observe the display on the asynchronous terminal and note the input level for
the channel. If the reading is more positive than -4 dBm, apply negative gain
(input attenuation) until this reading is above -4 dBm.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1446 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

The reading is -1 dBm. The Input Level Gain setting in the associated voice
profile is -2 dB.

Add three increments of negative gain by changing the setting to -5 dB.To do that,
you must first find the profile ID number associated with that channel, then
change the input level setting of that profile.

To find the profile ID number, enter:

CLI> show voice parameters table

You will receive the following typical display for both E&M voice channels:

CardNumber : limb (operational)

: limb (configured)
ChannelNumber : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
ProfileID : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
SwitchingProfileID : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
InterfaceType : enhancedEm (operational)
: enhancedEm(configured)
CardNumber : limb (operational)
: limb (configured)
ChannelNumber : 2 (operational)
: 2 (configured)
ProfileID : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
SwitchingProfileID : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
InterfaceType : enhancedEm (operational)
: enhancedEm(configured)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1447

Note and write down the Profile ID number. In the above example, both
channels 1 and 2 are assumed to be in logical interface module b (limb), and
both use Profile ID 1.

Next, access the CLI>set voice profile inputLevelGain menu. Use 1 for the
Profile integer, then add or subtract gain as necessary by changing the
InputLevelGain integer. Finally, update the configuration using the CLI>save
configuration command.

After the input level gain adjustment is completed, note and write down the
setting used to bring the input level to -4 dBm. You will need it for setting the
second E&M channel. Finally, update the configuration using the CLI> save
configuration command.

9 Move on to the voice Output Level Attenuation configuration for the E&M
channel No. 2 (the channel that is connected to the channel just adjusted).
10 Read the value of the receive level on the No.2 Network Analyzer display.
The receive level should be approximately -12 dBm. Set the output
attenuation until the receive level display is -12 dBm +2dBm, using the
following command:
CLI>set voice profile outputLevel

Use 1 for the Profile integer, then add attenuation if and as necessary by
changing the OutputLevelAttenuation integer. After the output level
adjustment is completed, note and write down this value. You will need it for
setting the output level of the first E&M interface channel. Finally, update the
configuration using the CLI>save configuration command.

Perceived voice quality is not significantly affected until the receive level
drops below -16 dBm.

11 You have now established the input gain setting on the No.1 channel and the
output level attenuation setting on the No.2 channel.
Next, you may either repeat this procedure to adjust the input level gain
setting on the No.2 channel, and the output level attenuation setting on the
No.1 channel, or you may set the input level and output levels of the remote
channel to the settings recorded in this procedure.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1448 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

PBX CO Trunk Application Adjustments

If your application involves CO trunks connecting to voice channels, the voice

channels will have FXS rather than E&M type interfaces. In all other respects the
adjustment procedure is the same as that given for the PBX tie trunk. Refer to the
figure below for test setup details.

Test Set
or Adjust input level gain for a
Telephone VNA-70A -4 dBm reading on the Voice
Set status display.


BRDG St123 8 X15
TEST Channel 1
OFF Station Trunk
Side Side FXS
VNA-70A St456 8
Channel 2 X16


No.2 BRDG Adjust output level attenuation
Lineman's TEST for a reading of -12 dBm +2 dBm
Test Set OFF on the Voice Network Analyzer
or display.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1449

The following topics are discussed in this section:

• “Configurator Procedure for PBX Station/CENTREX PSTN Line App.

Adjustments” on page 1449
• “CLI Procedure for PBX Station/CENTREX PSTN Line App. Adjustments”
on page 1457
• “Configurator Adjustment Procedure for Single Line Telephone Application”
on page 1462
• “CLI Adjustment Procedure for Single Line Telephone Application” on
page 1468

Configurator Procedure for PBX Station/CENTREX PSTN

Line App. Adjustments

For this procedure, one voice channel with an FXS interface is required as a
companion channel. If there are no other voice channels available locally, then the
local FXO voice channel will have to be connected to a companion FXS voice
channel across the network. In that case, two technicians will be required to
perform the adjustment procedure, one at each end. If no FXS channels are
available in the network, one will have to be temporarily configured or installed.

Note: If there are no single-line telephone circuits available from the

PBX or CENTREX/PSTN, then the line assigned to the channel that is
temporarily converted to FXS can be used for test purposes.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1450 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Use the test setup shown in the figure below. Initially, set both Voice Network
Analyzers to BRDG, TEST, and OFF. The PBX station numbers and network
extension numbers in the following figure are fictitious, used here for reference

Lineman's (or PSTN
Test Set Telephone
or Number) PBX or

SET LINE Station Trunk
Side Side
TEST St456

Passport 4400

VNA-70A Voice
Channel 1
FXS Connected
Channel 2 X16
Lineman's TEST
Test Set OFF

• Place a call from PBX station 123 to station 456. To do that, lift the No. 1
telephone off-hook, wait for the dial tone from the PBX, then dial number
456. You should hear the dial tone from voice channel number 1. Dial
extension number 16. The No. 2 telephone set will ring.
• Place the SETUP switch on the No. 2 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
• Place the SETUP switch on the No. 1 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1451

disconnect the No. 1 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.

• Display the input level status of the desire voice channel by using the
following Configurator procedures:
• “Display the Input Level (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1451
• “Display the Input Level (Passport 4460)” on page 1452

Display the Input Level (Passport 4430/50/55)

1 To display, the input level of voice/fax channel B1 (for this discussion it is
assumed that B1 is the Digital Voice Module at station 1), select Status/
Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1452 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

3 At the top of the window, click on EPROM Status. You will see the Voice
EPROM Status window:

The input level for the voice channels is displayed in the right-most column.

Display the Input Level (Passport 4460)

1 To display, the input level of voice/fax channel B1 (for this discussion it is
assumed that B1 is the Digital Voice Module at station 1), select Status/
Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1453

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

The Input Level is displayed in the column next to the Network Connect

Observe the display, and note the input level for the channel. If the reading is more
positive than -4 dBm, apply attenuation (negative gain) in the amount that this
reading is above -4 dBm. If the reading is more negative than -4 dBm, add gain (6
dB maximum) until the reading is below -4 dBm. Normally, station circuits

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1454 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

require an Input Level Gain setting of between +2 and +4 dB in order to obtain the
-4 dBm reading. In most cases, you will not have to use a negative Input Level
Gain setting (-1 dB or lower). CENTREX or PSTN lines normally require an
Input Level Gain setting of +2 to +6 dB.

To adjust the input level for the FXO channel, set the Input Level Gain for the
appropriate voice channel. To do that, use the following Configurator

Configure the Input Level Gain

1 Click on Configure, Voice, and Channels. from the navigational window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1455

2 Locate the desired analog voice channel and click on the number in the Voice
Profile column for that voice channel. You will see the Voice Profile window:

The Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation parameters are located
towards the top of the window.

3 When all desired configuration changes are made, click Save (located towards
the bottom of the window). A “Command Successful” message appears.
• After the input level gain adjustment is completed, write down the setting
used to bring the input level to -4 dBm. You will need it for setting other
FXO channels.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1456 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

You have now established the input level gain setting on the FXO voice channel.
In the following steps you will adjust the output level attenuation setting on the
FXO channel.

• Reconnect the No.1 telephone set to its Voice Network Analyzer.

• Set the SETUP switch on both Voice Network Analyzers to BRDG.
• Take the No.2 telephone set off-hook. You will receive a dial tone from voice
channel number 2. Dial extension 15. You will receive a dial tone from the
PBX. Dial station 123 (or PSTN telephone number). The No.1 telephone set
will ring.
• Place the SETUP switch on the No.1 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
• Place the SETUP switch on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and
disconnect the No.2 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.
• Use Display the Input Level (Passport 4430/50/55) or Display the Input Level
(Passport 4460) to display the input level status of voice channel 2 (FXS). If
other than -4 dBm, make the necessary adjustments. To do that, follow
“Configure the Input Level Gain” on page 1454.
• Read the value of the receive level on the No. 1 Voice Network Analyzer
display. The receive level should be -12 dBm or lower. If the reading is more
positive than -12 dBm, adjust accordingly, record the setting, then save. Use
the recorded value for setting other FXO voice channels.
• Now that both channels are adjusted, test the voice quality. To do that, place
both Voice Network Analyzer SETUP switches to BRDG, take the No. 2
telephone off-hook, dial 15, wait for the dial tone and dial station 123. Talk to
verify that there are no echoes. If there are echoes, the output level attenuation
of the No.1 channel is too low. You must use the previous procedures to
increase the output attenuation setting of the FXO channel.
• Restore the FXS voice channel to FXO; it was used temporarily as a
companion device with the FXO voice channel under test. Restore all
channels to system controlled Busy.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1457

CLI Procedure for PBX Station/CENTREX PSTN Line App.


For this procedure, one voice channel with an FXS interface is required as a
companion channel. If there are no other voice channels available locally, then the
local FXO voice channel will have to be connected to a companion FXS voice
channel across the network. In that case, two technicians will be required to
perform the adjustment procedure, one at each end. If no FXS channels are
available in the network, one will have to be temporarily configured or installed.

Note: If there are no single-line telephone circuits available from the

PBX or CENTREX/PSTN, then the line assigned to the channel that is
temporarily converted to FXS can be used for test purposes.

1 Use the test setup shown in the figure below. Initially, set both Voice Network
Analyzers to BRDG, TEST, and OFF. The PBX station numbers and network

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1458 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

extension numbers in the following figure are fictitious, used here for
reference only.

Lineman's (or PSTN
Test Set Telephone
or Number) PBX or

SET LINE Station Trunk
Side Side
TEST St456

Passport 4400

VNA-70A Voice X15
Channel 1
FXS Connected
Channel 2 X16
Lineman's TEST
Test Set OFF

2 Place a call from PBX station 123 to station 456. To do that, lift the No. 1
telephone off-hook, wait for the dial tone from the PBX, then dial number
456. You should hear the dial tone from voice channel number 1. Dial
extension number 16. The No. 2 telephone set will ring.
3 Place the SETUP switch on the No. 2 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
4 Place the SETUP switch on the No. 1 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and
disconnect the No. 1 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1459

5 From the Command Line Interface, display the voice status as in step 8 of the
“CLI Procedure for Adjusting E&M Voice Channels” on page 1443.
6 Observe the display on the asynchronous terminal (use the CLI> show voice
channel status command) and note the input level for the channel. If the
reading is more positive than -4 dBm, apply attenuation (negative gain) in the
amount that this reading is above -4 dBm. If the reading is more negative than
-4 dBm, add gain (6 dB maximum) until the reading is below -4 dBm.
Normally, station circuits require an Input Level Gain setting of between +2
and +4 dB in order to obtain the -4 dBm reading. In most cases, you will not
have to use a negative Input Level Gain setting (-1 dB or lower). CENTREX
or PSTN lines normally require an Input Level Gain setting of +2 to +6 dB.
To adjust the input level for the FXO channel, set the Input Level Gain for the
appropriate voice channel.

To do that, you must first find the profile ID number associated with that
channel, then change the input level setting of that profile. To find the profile
ID number, enter:

CLI> show voice parameters table

You will receive the following typical display for both E&M voice channels:

CardNumber : limb (operational)

: limb (configured)
ChannelNumber : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
ProfileID : 3 (operational)
: 3 (configured)
SwitchingProfileID : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
InterfaceType : enhancedFXS (operational)
: enhancedFXS (configured)
CardNumber : limb (operational)
: limb (configured)
ChannelNumber : 2 (operational)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1460 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

: 2 (configured)
ProfileID : 3 (operational)
: 3 (configured)
Switching ProfileID : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
InterfaceType : enhancedFXS (operational)
: enhancedFXS (configured)

7 Note and write down the Profile ID number. In the above example, both
channels 1 and 2 are assumed to be in logical interface module b (limb), and
the profile ID is assumed to be 3. Next, access the CLI>set voice profile
inputLevelGain menu, use 3 for the Profile integer, then add or subtract gain
as necessary by changing the InputLevelGain integer. Finally, update the
configuration using the CLI>save configuration command.
8 After the input level gain adjustment is completed, write down the setting
used to bring the input level to -4 dBm. You will need it for setting other FXO
9 You have now established the input level gain setting on the FXO voice
channel. In the following steps you will adjust the output level attenuation
setting on the FXO channel.
10 Reconnect the No.1 telephone set to its Voice Network Analyzer.
11 Set the SETUP switch on both Voice Network Analyzers to BRDG.
12 Take the No.2 telephone set off-hook. You will receive a dial tone from voice
channel number 2. Dial extension 15. You will receive a dial tone from the
PBX. Dial station 123 (or PSTN telephone number). The No.1 telephone set
will ring.
13 Place the SETUP switch on the No.1 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
14 Place the SETUP switch on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and
disconnect the No.2 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.
15 Display the input level status of voice channel 2 (FXS). If other than
-4 dBm, make the necessary adjustments. To do that, follow the procedure of
step 6.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1461

16 Read the value of the receive level on the No. 1 Voice Network Analyzer
display. The receive level should be -12 dBm or lower. If the reading is more
positive than -12 dBm, adjust accordingly, record the setting, then save. Use
the recorded value for setting other FXO voice channels.
17 Now that both channels are adjusted, test the voice quality. To do that, place
both Voice Network Analyzer SETUP switches to BRDG, take the No. 2
telephone off-hook, dial 15, wait for the dial tone and dial station 123. Talk to
verify that there are no echoes. If there are echoes, the output level attenuation
of the No.1 channel is too low. You must increase the output attenuation
setting of the FXO channel.
18 Restore the FXS voice channel to FXO; it was used temporarily as a
companion device with the FXO voice channel under test. Restore all
channels to system controlled Busy.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1462 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Configurator Adjustment Procedure for Single Line

Telephone Application

Use the test setup shown in the figure below. Initially, set both Voice Network
Analyzers to BRDG, TEST, and OFF.

Test Set
Telephone VNA-70A

Channel 1
FXS Connected
OFF Voice
Channel 2



Lineman's TEST
Test Set OFF
• Lift the No.1 telephone set off-hook. Dial extension 456. The No.2 telephone
set will ring.
• Place the SETUP switch on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
• Place the SETUP switch on the No.1 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and
disconnect the No.1 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.
• Display the Voice Status, using the following procedures:
• “Display the Voice Status(Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1463

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1463

• “Display the Voice Status (Passport 4460)” on page 1464

Display the Voice Status(Passport 4430/50/55)

1 Click on Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1464 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

3 At the top of the window, click on EPROM Status. You will see the Voice
EPROM Status window:

The input level for the voice channels is displayed in the right-most column.

Display the Voice Status (Passport 4460)

1 Click on Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1465

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

• Note the input level of the channel. If the reading is more positive than -4
dBm, apply attenuation (negative gain) in the amount that this reading is
above -4 dBm.
Normally, this will require the Input Level Gain to be set between -2 and -4
dBm depending on cabling loss. (Note: If the Input Gain is currently set for 0
and the Input Level is below -10 dBm, then the FXS channel should be
evaluated for a problem.)

To adjust the input level for the No.1 FXS channel, use “Adjust the Input
Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation” on page 1466. After the input
level gain adjustment is completed, record the setting used to bring the input
level to -4 dBm.You will need it to set the other FXS channels.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1466 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Adjust the Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation

1 Click on Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

2 You will see the Voice Channels window.

3 Locate the desired analog voice channel and click on the number in the Voice
Profile column for that voice channel. You will see the Voice Profile window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1467

The Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation parameters are located
towards the top of the window.

4 When all desired configuration changes are made, click Save (located towards
the bottom of the window). A “Command Successful” message appears.

Move on to the voice Output Level Attenuation configuration for FXS channel
No. 2.

1 Read the value of the receive level on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer
display. The receive level should be approximately -12 dBm. Use “Adjust the
Input Level Gain and Output Level Attenuation” on page 1466 to set the
output attenuation until the receive level display is -12 dBm +2 dBm, as in
step 10 of the PBX Tie Trunk Application procedure. Record the setting, and
save, using the save configuration command.
2 You have now established the input level gain setting on the No.1 channel,
and the output level attenuation setting on the No.2 channel. Next, adjust the
input level gain setting on the No.2 channel, and the output level attenuation
setting on the No.1 channel. To do that, set the input level of the second
channel to the value recorded in step 6, and set the output level of channel 1 to
the value recorded in step 8. As an alternative, repeat this procedure in the
opposite direction, using the second voice channel as the input end and the
first voice channel as the output end.
3 Now that both channels are adjusted, test the voice quality. To do that, place
both Voice Network Analyzer SETUP switches to BRDG, take one telephone
off-hook and lift the other telephone off-hook when it rings. Talk to verify that
there are no echoes. If there are echoes, increase the output level attenuation
setting on the distant channel.
4 Restore both channels to System Controlled Busyout Mode.
5 Remove any and all test equipment, such as Voice Network Analyzers and
telephone sets, and restore the system to normal service.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1468 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

CLI Adjustment Procedure for Single Line Telephone

1 Use the test setup shown in the figure below. Initially, set both Voice Network
Analyzers to BRDG, TEST, and OFF.

Test Set
Telephone VNA-70A

Channel 1
FXS Connected
OFF Voice
Channel 2



Lineman's TEST
Test Set OFF

2 Lift the No.1 telephone set off-hook. Dial extension 456. The No.2 telephone
set will ring.
3 Place the SETUP switch on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer to TERM. The
telephone will stop ringing.
4 Place the SETUP switch on the No.1 Voice Network Analyzer to TONE, and
disconnect the No.1 telephone from the Voice Network Analyzer.
5 Display the Voice Status, as follows:
CLI> show voice channel status entry

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1469

6 Observe the display on the asynchronous terminal and note the input level of
the channel. If the reading is more positive than -4 dBm, apply attenuation
(negative gain) in the amount that this reading is above -4 dBm.
Normally, this will require the Input Level Gain to be set between -2 and -4
dBm depending on cabling loss. (Note: If the Input Gain is currently set for 0
and the Input Level is below -10 dBm, then the FXS channel should be
evaluated for a problem.)

To adjust the input level for the No.1 FXS channel, adjust the Input Level
Gain for the appropriate voice channel as in step 9 of “PBX Tie Trunk
Application Adjustments” on page 1434. After the input level gain
adjustment is completed, record the setting used to bring the input level to -4
dBm.You will need it to set the other FXS channels. Save the new setting
using the save configuration command.

7 Move on to the voice Output Level Attenuation configuration for FXS

channel No. 2.
8 Read the value of the receive level on the No.2 Voice Network Analyzer
display. The receive level should be approximately -12 dBm. Set the output
attenuation until the receive level display is -12 dBm +2 dBm, as in step 10 of
the PBX Tie Trunk Application procedure. Record the setting, and save, using
the save configuration command.
9 You have now established the input level gain setting on the No.1 channel,
and the output level attenuation setting on the No.2 channel. Next, adjust the
input level gain setting on the No.2 channel, and the output level attenuation
setting on the No.1 channel. To do that, set the input level of the second
channel to the value recorded in step 7, and set the output level of channel 1 to
the value recorded in step 9. As an alternative, repeat this procedure in the
opposite direction, using the second voice channel as the input end and the
first voice channel as the output end.
10 Now that both channels are adjusted, test the voice quality. To do that, place
both Voice Network Analyzer SETUP switches to BRDG, take one telephone
off-hook and lift the other telephone off-hook when it rings. Talk to verify that
there are no echoes. If there are echoes, increase the output level attenuation
setting on the distant channel.
11 Restore both channels to system controlled Busy.
12 Remove any and all test equipment, such as Voice Network Analyzers and
telephone sets, and restore the system to normal service.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1470 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

Hybrid Key System Adjustment

If your installation includes a hybrid key system instead of a single-line telephone,

there may be a loss of up to 3 dB across that system in each direction. To
compensate for that loss in any application, you will have to adjust the input/
output levels accordingly.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures 1471

In the test setup shown in the figure below, you will need only 1 dB attenuation on
voice channel No.1 for an input level value of -4 dBm. Similarly, when adjusting
the output level on voice channel No.1, you will most likely require little or no
attenuation in order to maintain the output level at -12 dBm. In all other respects,
this adjustment procedure is the same as the single-line telephone adjustment
procedure described in the previous section.

Test Set
Hybred key PSTN
Telephone VNA-70A System

0 dBm
SET LINE Station Trunk Passport 4400
Side Side
-3 dBm
TEST Voice
OFF Channel 1
Channel 2

Key Switch
Telephone Connected


Lineman's TEST
Test Set OFF

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1472 Chapter 29 Voice Level Adjustment Procedures

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 30

This chapter describes the status indicators associated with the T1 Voice Module,
the E1 Voice Module, the Digital Voice Expansion Module, and the ISDN BRI
Voice Module. It also describes the Show and Action commands and subcommands
designed to troubleshoot and test the digital voice module circuits. Also included
are the commands used to reset the voice channels.

The following topics are included in this chapter.

• “Indicators (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1473

• “Indicators (Passport 4460)” on page 1479
• “Services” on page 1484

Indicators (Passport 4430/50/55)

The indicators for the following modules are discussed in this section:

• “T1/E1 Voice Module Indicators” on page 1474

• “Digital Voice Expansion Module” on page 1477
• “BRI Voice Module Status Indicators” on page 1478

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1474 Chapter 30 Monitoring

T1/E1 Voice Module Indicators

There are 13 status indicators associated with the T1 and E1 Voice Modules, six
for the Digital Voice channels and seven for the Voice Module, as shown in the
following figure.

6 5 4 3 2 1 N.I. D2 D1 DT DA XT XA AT

Digital Voice Module T1 Voice Module

Status LEDs Status LEDs

N.I. = Not Installed

The T1/E1 Voice Module indicators are discussed further in the following topics
in this section:

• “T1/E1 Digital Voice Channel Status Indicators” on page 1474

• “T1/E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Initialization States” on page 1475
• “T1/E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Alarm Conditions” on page 1475
• “T1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Operational States” on page 1475
• “E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Operational States” on page 1476

T1/E1 Digital Voice Channel Status Indicators

Indicators 1 through 6 represent, respectively, the status of the digital voice

channels B1 through B6, as shown in the following table.

State Status

Off Digital Voice Module not installed or defective, or power is off

Green Digital voice channel is connected, and active voice call is in
progress, or unit is configured for CCS (Clear Channel
Signaling) operation
Flashing green Test in progress

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1475

Quick-flashing green Download in progress

Amber Idle (both ends on-hook)
Flashing amber Fax call in progress
Red Waiting for code download
Flashing red Busy
Quick-flashing red Alarm/Test Failure

T1/E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Initialization States

T1/E1 Indicator D2 D1 DT/2T DA/2A XT/1T XA/1A AT

Power Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off

Reset Green Green Red Off Red Off Green
RAM Test Off Off Off Red Off Off Off
Boot Checksum Test Off Off Off Off Red Off Off
Download Required Off Off Red Off Off Off Off
Downloading Code Off Off Off Off Off Off FlashGn
TVM Initialization Off Off Off Off Off Red Off

T1/E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Alarm Conditions

Alarm Condition Occurs when

Red Alarm Sync loss (an out of frame condition) that lasts for more than 2.5 seconds.
Yellow Alarm Received from the remote node that is currently in the red alarm state.
Alarm Indication Transmitted to the remote end when the T1 Voice Module is in the internal digital
Signal (AIS) loopback state.
When received from the remote end, the T1 Voice Module enters the AIS alarm state.

T1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Operational States

Indicator Function State Status

AT System Status Off Initialization mode

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1476 Chapter 30 Monitoring

Green Operational mode

Flashing green Download active
XA, DA DXS-1 interface (XA) Off Interface not active
and DS-1 interface
(DA) alarm status
Flashing red Red alarm
Flashing amber Yellow alarm
Flashing green Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
Green Interface operational
XT, DT DXS-1 interface (XT) Red Test in progress
and DS-1 (DT) test
Off No test
D1, D2 Data Port 1 (D1) and Off Not active
Data Port 2 (D2)
Green Connected
Flashing green Loopback mode

E1 Voice Module Status Indicators — Operational States

Indicator Function State Status

AT System Status Off Initialization mode

Green Operational mode
Flashing green Download active
1A, 2A E1 Line 1 (1A) and Off Interface not active
Line 2 (2A) interface
alarm status
Flashing red IFAS (Frame Alignment Signal) loss
Flashing amber FAS distant alarm
Fast flashing green TS16 AIS (Time Slot Alarm
Green Interface operational
Fast flashing red CRC4 loss or MFAS loss
Flashing green Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
Fast flashing amber MFAS distant alarm

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1477

1T, 2T E1 Line 1 (1T) and Red Line loopback test in progress — 1A or 2A

Line 2 (2A) interface shows test status
test status
Flashing red Channel loopback or pattern test in
Off No test
D1, D2 Data Port 1 (D1) and Off Not active
Data Port 2 (D2)
Green Connected
Flashing green Loopback mode

Digital Voice Expansion Module

There are 13 status indicators associated with the Digital Voice Expansion
Module, as shown in the following image.

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 N.I. OK

N.I. = Not Installed

Indicator State Status

OK Off Digital Voice Expansion Module is not installed, off,

or defective
Red Reset
Green Operational
1-12* Off Digital Voice Module is not installed or defective
Green Digital Voice Module is installed, and active voice
call is in progress, or unit is configured for CCS
(Clear Channel Signaling) operation
Flashing green Test in progress
Quick-flashing green Download in progress
Amber Idle (both ends on-hook)
Flashing amber Fax call in progress
Red Waiting for code download

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1478 Chapter 30 Monitoring

Flashing red Busy

Quick flashing red Alarm/Test Failure
*Indicators 1-12 represent voice channels C1-C12 when the Digital Voice Module is
located in lim C, and channels D1-D12 when the Digital Voice Module is
located in lim D.

BRI Voice Module Status Indicators

There are three indicators (LEDs) on the front of the BRI voice module as shown
in the figure below.

B2 B1 D1

Description of Indicators

Indicator Function Blinks On Off

B1 Green indicator Connection is B-channel 1 B-channel 1 is

associated with being established on connection is not connected
B-channel 1 B-channel 1 established
B2 Green indicator Connection is B-channel 2 B-channel 2 is
associated with being established on connection is not connected
B-channel 2 B-channel 2 established
D1 Green indicator Fast blink (1/4 Port is on-line and
associated with the second): physical layer operational (layer 2 - link/
D-channel (layer 1) is down. network layer - is up).
Slow blink (1 second):
physical layer (layer 1)
is up.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1479

Indicators (Passport 4460)

The indicators for the following modules are discussed in this section:

• “T1 Voice Module Indicators” on page 1479

• “E1 Voice Module Indicators” on page 1480
• “FXS Voice Module Indicators” on page 1481
• “E&M Voice Module Indicators” on page 1482
• “ISDN Voice Module Indicators” on page 1483

T1 Voice Module Indicators

There is one status indicator associated with the T1 Voice Module, as shown in the
following figure.

Pin 1


RJ-48C Pin Assignments

1 Receive Data from Network (Ring)
2 Receive Data from Network (Tip)
4 Transmit Data to Network (Ring)
5 Transmit Data to Network (Tip)
7 Pins 3, 6, 7, 8 Not Connected
10 7

Indicator Status Definition

Off No connection

Red - slow flash Line in loopback or diagnostic mode

Red - fast flash In Red Alarm state - unit does not see transmission from the
other side (sync loss greater than 2.5 seconds)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1480 Chapter 30 Monitoring

Red - solid Module failed self test diagnostics

Yellow - slow flash (not defined)

Yellow - fast flash Remote in Red Alarm and local unit in Yellow Alarm state;
receiving indication from remote side that local unit is seeing
remote, but remote unit cannot see local unit

Yellow - solid (not defined)

Green - slow flash (not defined)

Green - fast flash T1/E1 link up - sensing clock slips

Green - solid T1/E1 link up - sync acquired

E1 Voice Module Indicators

There is one status indicator associated with the E1 Voice Module, as shown in the
following image.

Indicator Pin 1


RJ-48 Pin Assignments

1 Receive Data from Network (Ring)
2 Receive Data from Network (Tip)
4 Transmit Data to Network (Ring)
5 Transmit Data to Network (Tip)
7 Pins 3, 6, 7, 8 Not Connected
10 7

Indicator Status Definition

Off No connection

Red - slow flash Line in loopback or diagnostic mode

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1481

Red - fast flash In Red Alarm state - unit does not see transmission from the
other side (sync loss greater than 2.5 seconds)

Red - solid Module failed self test diagnostics

Yellow - slow flash (not defined)

Yellow - fast flash Remote in Red Alarm and local unit in Yellow Alarm state;
receiving indication from remote side that local unit is seeing
remote, but remote unit cannot see local unit

Yellow - solid (not defined)

Green - slow flash (not defined)

Green - fast flash T1/E1 link up - sensing clock slips

Green - solid T1/E1 link up - sync acquired

FXS Voice Module Indicators

There is one status indicator per voice channel associated with the FXS Voice
Module, as shown in the following image.

Indicators Pin 1

FXS 1 2

RJ-11 Pin Assignments

3 Tip
4 Ring
Pins 1, 2, 5, 6 Not Connected
8 Pins 7, 8, Ground

Indicator Type Indicator Status Definition

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1482 Chapter 30 Monitoring

FXS Voice Off Voice channel is idle

(Green-only Green - slow flash Voice channel is in test mode
Green - fast flash Voice channel is off-hook but not connected

Green - solid Voice channel has made a connection

Combination of Module fails self-test diagnostics

lights (cycling

E&M Voice Module Indicators

The indicator functions for the E&M voice modules (dual and quad channel) are
identical. Refer to the chart below for definitions.

Indicators Indicators

E & M VOICE 1 2 E & M VOICE 1 2 3 4

Indicator Type Indicator Status Definition

E&M Voice Off Voice channel is idle

(Green-only Green - slow flash Voice channel is in test mode
Green - fast flash Voice channel is off-hook but not connected

Green - solid Voice channel has made a connection

Combination of Module fails self-test diagnostics

lights (cycling

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1483

ISDN Voice Module Indicators

There one status indicator per voice channel associated with the ISDN/BRI Voice
Module, as shown in the following image.


Pin 1


J-45 Pin Assignments

3 Transmit Data to Network (TX+)
4 Receive Data from Network (RX+)
5 Receive Data from Network (RX-)
6 Transmit Data to Network (TX-)
8 Pins 1, 2, 7, 8 Not Connected

Indicator Type Indicator Status Definition

ISDN BRI Voice Off No connection

Red - slow flash Channel in loopback or diagnostic mode

Red - fast flash (not defined)

Red - solid Module failed self test diagnostics

Yellow - slow flash (not defined)

Yellow - fast flash Sync acquired, D channel only

Yellow - solid B1+D channel up

Green - slow flash (not defined)

Green - fast flash B2+D channel up

Green - solid B1 and B2+D channel up

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1484 Chapter 30 Monitoring

The following topics are covered in the section:

• “Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands” on page 1484

• “CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands” on page 1509
• “Configurator Procedure for Using the Action Commands” on page 1536
• “CLI Procedure for Using the Action Commands” on page 1539

Configurator Procedure for Using the Show Commands

The following topics are discussed in this section:

• “Voice Channel Status (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1484

• “Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460)” on page 1486
• “Remote Channel Status” on page 1489
• “Eprom Status (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 1492
• “Egress Table” on page 1494
• “Ingress Table” on page 1495
• “Voice Channel Parameters” on page 1496
• “Voice Profile” on page 1497
• “Voice Network Statistics” on page 1500
• “Voice Channel Statistics” on page 1501
• “Voice Channel Error Statistics” on page 1502
• “Voice Switching Profile” on page 1504
• “System Status” on page 1505
• “Transport Method” on page 1507

Voice Channel Status (Passport 4430/50/55)

To display the channel status for a voice module, use the Configurator procedures

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1485

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

The parameters displayed in the Voice Channel Status window are described

Card Slot Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
Channel Number Indicates the current channel number assigned to the port on
the voice card.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1486 Chapter 30 Monitoring

Interface Type Indicates the type interface card configured for that channel.
Interface SwID An integer between 0 and 255 that identifies the software
version of the unit.
EMType Type I through type V, applicable to an E&M interface only. If
other than E&M, not applicable will be displayed.
ModelId T1 or E1.
DSP Operation Indicates the current operating status of the DSP.
The possible displays are:
• Dead
• not ready
• download failure
• forced connected
• timed out
• Idle
• switch connect in progress
• switch connected
• switch disconnect in progress
• busy out
• code download in progress
• PCM channel not assigned
Network Connect Indicates the current network connection status. The possible
displays are:
• Idle
• call in progress
• local connected
• remote connected
• disconnect in progress

Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460)

To display the channel status for a voice module, use the Configurator procedures

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1487

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1488 Chapter 30 Monitoring

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1489

The parameters displayed in the Voice Channel Status window are described

Card Slot Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4460 unit.
Channel Number Indicates the current channel number assigned to the port on
the voice card.
Interface Type Indicates the type of interface card configured for that channel.
Network Connect Indicates the current network connection status. The possible
displays are:
• Idle
• call in progress
• local connected
• remote connected
• disconnect in progress
• not ready
Input Level Indicates the amplification level for the voice input signal.
Card Type Indicates the physical card type of the expansion module.
DSP Number Indicates which DSP is being used for each voice channel.
Time Slot Indicates the timeslot assigned to the channels in each
expansion slot.

Note: For Transparent CCS applications, the T1/E1 line (Interface

Type) can be in either CCS or CAS mode, because the D- channel DS0 is
bypassed transparently and does not care about the low level CAS/CCS
signaling protocol in use.

Remote Channel Status

To display the remote channel status for a voice module, use the Configurator
procedures below:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1490 Chapter 30 Monitoring

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

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Chapter 30 Monitoring 1491

3 At the top of the window, click on Remote Channel Status. You will see the
Voice Channel Remote Status window:

The parameters displayed in the Voice Channel Remote Status window are
described below:

Card Slot Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4400 unit.
Channel Number Indicates the current channel number assigned to the port on
the voice card.
RemoteHWType Specifies the type of voice card installed at the remote end.
The possible displays are:
RemoteNodeName Identifies the name of the node in which the remote channel is
RemoteChNumber Identifies the logical module slot (B, C, D, or E), channel
number, and port number at the remote end.
RemoteChIfType Identifies the interface type (FXS, E&M, FXO, etc.) of the
remote channel.
RemoteFrameIfVer Identifies the software version to be run on both sides. If not
connected, the display will be 0.
RemoteVoiceAlg G.729 (typical)
RemoteFaxAlg V.29: 7200 (typical)
RemoteModemAlg Not applicable

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1492 Chapter 30 Monitoring

Eprom Status (Passport 4430/50/55)

To display the eprom status for a voice module, use the Configurator procedures

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Status. You will see the Voice Channel
Status window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1493

3 At the top of the window, click on EPROM Status. You will see the Voice
EPROM Status window:

The parameters displayed in the Voice Channel Remote Status window are
described below:

Card Slot Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
Channel Number Indicates the current channel number assigned to the port on
the voice card.
Self Test Result Displays the results of the voice channel’s self test. The
possible displays are:
• test passed
• test failed
Flash EPROM Indicates the status of the system’s flash EPROM. The
possible displays are:
• not installed
• valid
• erased
• invalid checksum
• no analog interface driver
• security violation
EPROM Indicates the EPROM status. The possible displays are:
• not installed
• currently operating
• present but not operating
Dsp PROMVer Displays the version of the DSP PROM.
PROMID Displays the PROM ID number.
Input Level Displays the level of the input signal in dBm (not supported by

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1494 Chapter 30 Monitoring

Egress Table

To display the voice channel egress table, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At the top of the window, click on Egress (Incoming) Profiles. You will see
the Voice Egress (Incoming) Profiles window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1495

The parameters displayed in the Voice Egress (Incoming) Profiles window are
described below:

• Index — The lower the index number, the higher the priority of the
corresponding ingress number.
• Phone Number — Alpha-numeric characters of a local voice channel
telephone number.
• Manipulation String — Alpha-numeric characters that modify how
digits are sent through the network.
• Voice Channel — The voice channels associated with the specified index

Ingress Table

To display the voice channel ingress table, use the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1496 Chapter 30 Monitoring

2 At the top of the window, click on Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles. You will see
the Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles window:

The parameters displayed in the Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles window are
described below:

• Index — The lower the index number, the higher the priority of the
corresponding ingress number.
• Phone Number — Alpha-numeric characters that the user must dial to
reach the destination voice channel.
• Manipulation String — Alpha-numeric characters that modify how
digits are sent through the network.
• Transport Method — The method by which the specific voice channel
traffic will be transported.

Voice Channel Parameters

To display the parameters associated with the voice channels, follow the
Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1497

You will see the Voice Channels window:

The parameters displayed in the Voice Channels window are described below:

• Card Slot — Identifies the card on which the voice channel is located.
• Channel Number — Identifies the digital voice channel number.
• Voice Profile — Indicates the voice profile configured for this voice
• Voice Profile (Interface Specific Parameters) — Will be the same
number as the Voice Profile. The parameters displayed in this profile are
not common to all voice channels.
• Switching Profile — Indicates the voice switching profile configured for
this voice channel.
• Interface Type — Indicates the interface type configured for this voice

Note: For Transparent CCS applications, the T1/E1 line (Interface

Type) can be in either CCS or CAS mode, because the D- channel DS0 is
bypassed transparently and does not care about the low level CAS/CCS
signaling protocol in use.

Voice Profile

To display the parameters associated with a voice profile, follow the Configurator
procedures below:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1498 Chapter 30 Monitoring

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At Voice Profiles (Common Parameters), select the profile you want to view
and click Modify. You will see the Voice Profile window, displaying the
common parameters for the voice profile:

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Chapter 30 Monitoring 1499

3 At the top of the window, click on Voice Channels. You will see the Voice
Channels window:

4 At Voice Profiles (Interface Specific Parameters), select the profile you want
to view and click Modify. You will see the Voice Profile window, displaying
the interface specific parameters for the voice profile:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1500 Chapter 30 Monitoring

The parameters displayed in the Voice Profiles windows correspond with the
parameters configured for the Voice Profiles in “Voice Profile Options” on
page 965.

Voice Network Statistics

To display the network statistics for voice channels, follow the Configurator
procedures below:

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1501

2 At the top of the window, click on Network Statistics. You will see the Voice
Network Statistics window:

The parameters displayed in the Voice Network Statistics window provide you
with the statistics for the voice activity on your Passport 4400 unit.

Voice Channel Statistics

To display the statistics for voice channels, follow the Configurator procedures

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1502 Chapter 30 Monitoring

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

The parameters displayed in the Voice Channel Statistics window are described

Logical Card Slot Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
Channel Number Indicates the channel number assigned to the port on the
voice card.
OutCall ConnTime Indicates the connection time (in seconds) of outgoing
calls from the voice channel.
InCall ConnTime Indicates the connection time (in seconds) of calls coming
into the voice channel.
OutCalls Succeeded Indicates the number of successful outgoing connections
from the voice channel.
OutCalls Failed Indicates the number of failed attempts at making an
outgoing connection from the voice channel.
InCalls Accepted Indicates the number of successful incoming calls to the
voice channel
InCalls Rejected Indicates the number of rejected (or unsuccessful) calls to
the voice channel.

Voice Channel Error Statistics

To display the error statistics for voice channels, follow the Configurator
procedures below:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1503

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, click on Channel Error Statistics. You will see the
Voice Channel Error Statistics window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1504 Chapter 30 Monitoring

The parameters displayed in the Voice Channel Error Statistics window are
described below:

Logical Card Slot Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
Channel Number Indicates the channel number assigned to the port on the
voice card.
NumberOf Resets Indicates the number of times calls to the voice channel
were reset.
NumberOf Retries Indicates the number of no responses received from the
voice channel
BBCFrames Rcvd Indicates the number of frames with which a Bad Byte
Count was received from the remote voice channel.
BEOFFrames Rcvd Indicates the total number of frames with a Bad End Of
Frame character since powerup.
LostSpeech Frames Indicates the total number of speech frames sent by the
remote channel that were lost.
LostControl Frames Indicates the total number of control frames sent by the
remote voice channel that were lost.
Inval PayloadFrRcvd Indicates the number of invalid payload frames received
from the remote voice channel due to incorrect frame
length or type.
InvalPUMP MsgRcvd Indicates the total number of PUMP messages received
from the remote voice channel with unknown message
type, IEs, or invalid length.

Voice Switching Profile

To display the parameters associated with a voice switching profile, follow the
Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1505

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 At Voice Switching Profiles, select the profile you want to view and click
Modify. You will see the Voice Switching Profile window:

The parameters displayed in the Voice Switching Profiles window correspond

with the parameters configured for the Voice Switching Profiles in the “Voice
Switching Profile Options” on page 1082.

System Status

To display the current communications status with the NAS, follow the
Configurator procedures below:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1506 Chapter 30 Monitoring

1 Select Status/Statistics, Voice, and Voice from the navigation window.

You will see the Voice Channel Statistics window.

2 At the top of the window, click Status. You will see the Voice Channel Status

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1507

3 At the top of the window, click System Status. You will see the Voice System
Status window:

4 The NAS communication status is displayed next to Phone Registration

Status. The possible displays are listed below:
• registrationComplete
• inProgressReg
• nasAddressNotCfg
• lostCommunicationWithNas
• noResponseFromNas
• registrationFailed

Transport Method

To display the default voice transport method for the Passport 4400 unit, follow
the Configurator procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Transport from the navigation window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1508 Chapter 30 Monitoring

You will see the Voice Transport window:

• The voice transport method for the Passport 4400 unit is displayed next to

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Chapter 30 Monitoring 1509

CLI Procedure for Using the Show Commands

To display the available voice-related options for the Passport 4430/50/55 unit,
enter show voice at the CLI> prompt. When you enter this command, you will
receive the following options:

• “Voice Channel Status (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 30-1509

• “Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460)” on page 30-1513
• “EgressTable” on page 30-1517
• “IngressTable” on page 30-1518
• “Voice Channel Parameters” on page 30-1520
• “Voice Channel Profiles (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 30-1522
• “Voice Channel Profiles (Passport 4460)” on page 30-1524
• “Voice Network Statistics” on page 30-1529
• “Voice Call Statistics (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 30-1529
• “Voice Call Statistics (Passport 4460)” on page 30-1531
• “Voice Switching Profiles (Passport 4430/50/55)” on page 30-1527
• “Voice Switching Profiles (Passport 4460)” on page 30-1528
• “Voice System Status” on page 30-1535
• “Voice Transport Method” on page 30-1535
• Vip*

The item marked with an asterisk (*) relates to the Voice Over IP feature, which is
discussed in detail in Using the Passport 4400 Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature
800-1996-40. Please refer to that document for configuring the VoIP feature.

Voice Channel Status (Passport 4430/50/55)

The show voice channel status command allows you to display the status of a
specific voice channel or for all voice channels within the Passport 4430/50/55
unit. In addition, if connected, the status of the remote voice channel (channels)
will also be displayed. You can select the following options:

• Entry — used to display the status of a selected voice channel.

• Table — Used to display the status of all voice channels within the Passport
4430/50/55 unit.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1510 Chapter 30 Monitoring

To display the status of a specific voice channel, enter:

CLI>show voice channelStatus entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> : limB | limC | limD | limE Enter the card number whose
voice channel status you intend
to display.
<ChannelNumber> : INTEGER (1..12) Enter an integer value between
1 and 12.

For example:

To display the status of a voice channel in logical slot B, channel 5, enter:

CLI>show voice channel entry limb 5

To display the status of all voice channels, enter:

CLI>show voice channel table

A sample display is shown below:

CardNumber : limB
ChannelNumber : 1
InterfaceType : DVM
SoftwareId : 21
EMType : notApplicableT1
ModelId : T1
DSPOperStatus : pcmChannelNotAssigned
NetworkConnect : ""
RemoteChHWType : ""
RemoteChNodeName : ""
RemoteChNumber : ""
RemoteChIfType : 4294967295
RemoteFrameIfVer : ""

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1511

RemoteChVoiceAlg : ""
RemoteChFaxAlg : ""
RemoteChModemAlg Not applicable
SelfTestResult : passed
FlashEPROMStatus : valid
EPROMStatus : notInstalled
DSPPromVersion : "x7H"
PromId : "2263"
InputLevelStatus : lessthan -25 dBM

Description of Displayed Status Items

CardNumber Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
ChannelNumber Indicates the current channel number assigned to the port on
the voice card.
InterfaceType Indicates the type interface card configured for that channel.
DVM is the only possible display for the digital voice modules.
SoftwareId An integer between 0 and 255 that identifies the software
version of the unit.
E&MType Not applicable to the Digital Voice Module.
ModelId T1 or E1.
DSPOperStatus Indicates the current operating status of the DSP.
The possible displays are:
• Dead
• not ready
• download failure
• forced connected
• timed out
• Idle
• switch connect in progress
• switch connected
• switch disconnect in progress
• busy out
• code download in progress
• PCM channel not assigned

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1512 Chapter 30 Monitoring

NetworkConnect Indicates the current network connection status. The possible

displays are:
• Idle
• call in progress
• local connected
• remote connected
• disconnect in progress
RemoteChHWType Specifies the type of voice card installed at the remote end.
The possible displays are:
RemoteChNodeName Identifies the name of the node in which the remote channel is
RemoteChNumber Identifies the logical module slot (B, C, D, or E), channel
number, and port number at the remote end.
RemoteChIfType Identifies the interface type (FXS, E&M, FXO, etc.) of the
remote channel.
RemoteFrameIfVer Identifies the software version to be run on both sides. If not
connected, the display will be 0.
RemoteChVoiceAlg G.729 (typical)
RemoteChFaxAlg V.29: 7200 (typical)
RemoteChModemAlg Not applicable
SelfTestResult Displays the results of the voice channel’s self test. The
possible displays are:
• test passed
• test failed
FlashEPROMStatus Indicates the status of the system’s flash EPROM. The
possible displays are:
• not installed
• valid
• erased
• invalid checksum
• no analog interface driver
• security violation

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1513

EPROMStatus Indicates the EPROM status. The possible displays are:

• not installed
• currently operating
• present but not operating
DSPPROMVersion Displays the version of the DSP PROM.
PromId Displays the PROM ID number.
InputLevelStatus Displays the level of input signal amplification in dBm (not
supported by ISDN/BRI).

Voice Channel Status (Passport 4460)

The show voice channel status command allows you to display the status of a
specific voice channel or for all voice channels within the Passport 4460 unit. In
addition, if connected, the status of the remote voice channel (channels) will also
be displayed. You can select the following options:

• Entry — used to display the status of a selected voice channel.

• Table — Used to display the status of all voice channels within the Passport
4460 unit.

To display the status of a specific voice channel, enter:

CLI>show voice channelStatus entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> : exp1 | exp2 Enter the card number whose

voice channel status you intend
to display.
<ChannelNumber> : INTEGER (1..30) Enter the desired voice channel

For example:

To display the status of a voice channel in expansion slot 2, channel 5, enter:

CLI>show voice channel entry exp2 5

To display the status of all voice channels, enter:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1514 Chapter 30 Monitoring

CLI>show voice channel table

A sample display is shown below:

CardNumber : exp2
ChannelNumber : 5
InterfaceType : t1-cas
DSPOperStatus : pcmChannelNotAssigned
NetworkConnect : ""
RemoteChHWType : ""
RemoteChNodeName : ""
RemoteChNumber : ""
RemoteChSigProtocol : ""
RemoteFrameIfVer : ""
RemoteChVoiceAlg : ""
RemoteChFaxAlg : ""
RemoteChModemAlg Not applicable
InputLevelStatus : lessthan-25dBM
CardType : t1-voicemodule
DSPNumber : 1
TimeSlotAssigned : 1
DSPSoftwareID : "x69B"
CauseCode : 0
DiagCode : 0
IngressSignalLevel : -65
EgressSignalLevel : -70
EchoReturnLoss : 6
ComfortNoiseLevel : -50

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1515

Description of Displayed Status Items

CardNumber Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4460 unit.
ChannelNumber Indicates the current channel number assigned to the port on
the voice card.
InterfaceType Indicates the type of interface card configured for that channel.
DSPOperStatus Indicates the current operating status of the DSP.
The possible displays are:
• Dead (the DS0 is not operable)
• not ready
• download failure
• forced connected
• timed out
• Idle
• switch connect in progress
• switch connected
• switch disconnect in progress
• busy out
• code download in progress
• PCM channel not assigned
• channelDisabled (no timeslot is assigned)
• blocked (dial blocking has been activated)
NetworkConnect Indicates the current network connection status. The possible
displays are:
• Idle
• call in progress
• local connected
• remote connected
• disconnect in progress
ModelId T1 or E1.
RemoteChHWType Specifies the type of voice card installed at the remote end.
The possible displays are:
RemoteChNodeName Identifies the name of the node in which the remote channel is

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1516 Chapter 30 Monitoring

RemoteChNumber Identifies the logical module slot (B, C, D, or E), channel

number, and port number at the remote end.
RemoteFrameIfVer Identifies the software version to be run on both sides. If not
connected, the display will be 0.
RemoteChVoiceAlg G.729 (typical)
RemoteChFaxAlg V.29: 7200 (typical)
RemoteChModemAlg Not applicable
InputLevelStatus Indicates the amplification level for the voice input signal in
dBm (not supported by ISDN/BRI).
CardType Indicates the physical card type of the expansion module.
DSPNumber Indicates which DSP is being used for each voice channel.
TimeSlotAsigned Indicates the timeslot assigned to the channel.
DSPSoftwareID Displays the version of the DSP PROM.
CauseCode An integer value that indicates the reason that caused
disconnect of the last call.
DiagCode An integer value that indicates the reason that caused
disconnect of the last call.
IngressSignalLevel Indicates the current input level, which will be used to adjust
the input level gain.
EgressSignalLevel Indicates the current output level, which will be used to adjust
the output level gain.
EchoReturnLoss Inicates the current echo return loss, which will be used to
adjust the minimum echo return loss.
ComfortNoiseLevel Indicates the current noise level, which will be used to adjust
the maximum noise level.

Note: For Transparent CCS applications, the T1/E1 line (InterfaceType)

can be in either CCS or CAS mode, because the D- channel DS0 is
bypassed transparently and does not care about the low level CAS/CCS
signaling protocol in use.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1517


The show voice egressTable subcommand is used to display the entries set up for
incoming calls in the Egress Table.

• Select entry, to specify a single Egress Index you want to review.

• Select table, to display the entries for all Egress Indexes.

• operational indicates a current (not saved) value. It will revert to the previously
configured value following reset or power off.
• configured indicates a previously saved value.

To change the current state from operational to configured, enter:

CLI>save configuration update

To obtain the display of a specific egress index, enter:

CLI>show voice egress entry (this command also requires the egress
index number)

To obtain the display of all egress indexes, enter:

CLI>show voice egress table


To obtain the display of egress index 1, enter:

CLI>show voice egress entry 1

Typical displays are shown below:

For Passport 4430/50/55

EgressIndex : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
PhoneNumber : “1111” (operational)
: “1111” (configured)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1518 Chapter 30 Monitoring

ManipulationString : “1” (operational)

: “1” (configured)
ChannelList : “B2” (operational)
: “B2” (configured)

For Passport 4460

EgressIndex : 1
PhoneNumber : “1111”
ManipulationString : “1”
ChannelList : “B2”

Description of Displayed Status Items

EgressIndex Indicates which Egress Index is displayed.

PhoneNumber Displays the phone number linked to the Egress Index.
ManipulationString Displays any special instructions entered for the incoming phone
ChannelList Displays the logical port number of the voice/fax channel linked to
that index.


The show voice ingressTable subcommand is used to display the entries set up for
outgoing calls in the Ingress Table.

• Select entry, to specify a single Ingress Index you want to review.

• Select table, to display the entries for all Ingress Indexes.

To obtain the display for a specific ingress index, enter:

CLI>show voice ingress entry (this command also requires the

ingress index number)

To obtain the display of all ingress indexes, enter:

CLI>show voice ingress table

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1519


To obtain the display for Ingress Index 1, enter:

CLI>show voice ingress entry 1

Typical displays are shown below:

For Passport 4430/50/55

IngressIndex : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
IngressNumber : ”” (operational)
: ”” (configured)
ManipulationString : ”” (operational)
: ”” (configured)
TransportMethod : Unknown (operational)
: Unknown (configured)

For Passport 4460

IngressIndex : 1
IngressNumber : “2222”
ManipulationString : “1”
TransportMethod : “as-system”

Description of Displayed Status Items

IngressIndex Indicates which Ingress Index is displayed.

IngressNumber Displays the phone number associated with the ingress index.
ManipulationString Displays the speed dial number, or other special instructions,
selected for an outgoing call associated with the selected ingress
TransportMethod Displays the type of transport method:
• Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR)
• Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
• as-system (as set in “System Transport Method” on page 1117)
• unknown.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1520 Chapter 30 Monitoring

Voice Channel Parameters

This command is used to display the parameters associated with the voice
channels. You can select either a specific voice channel or all voice channels
within the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

To obtain the parameters display of a specific voice channel, enter:

CLI>show voice parameter entry (This command also requires the

entry of the voice channel number and card slot number.)

To obtain the display of the parameters for all voice channels, enter:

CLI>show voice parameter table


To obtain the parameters display of voice channel 1 in slot B, enter:

CLI>show voice parameter entry {card number & channel


Typical displays are shown below:

For Passport 4430/50/55

CardNumber : limB
ChannelNumber : 1
SwitchingProfileID : 1
ProfileID : 1
InterfaceType : dvm

For Passport 4460

CardNumber : exp1
ChannelNumber : 1
SwitchingProfileID : 1

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1521

ProfileID : 1
InterfaceType : fxs
ForceConnPhoneNum : ““

Description of Displayed Status Items

For Passport 4430/50/55

CardNumber The choices are:

• limB
• limC
• limD
• limE
ChannelNumber The digital voice channel number. The range is 1 to 12.
ProfileID Indicates the voice profile configured for this voice channel. The
range is 1 to 32.
SwitchingProfileID Indicates the switching profile configured for this voice channel.
The range is 1 to 32.
InterfaceType Indicates the interface type configured for this voice channel.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1522 Chapter 30 Monitoring

For Passport 4460

CardNumber The choices are:

• exp1
• exp2
ChannelNumber The digital voice channel number. The range is 1 to 30.
ProfileID Indicates the voice profile configured for this voice channel. The
range is 1 to 60.
SwitchingProfileID Indicates the switching profile configured for this voice channel.
The range is 1 to 60.
InterfaceType Indicates the interface type configured for this voice channel.
ForceConnPhoneNum Indicates the phone number to be used for force connected

Note: For Transparent CCS applications, the T1/E1 line (InterfaceType)

can be in either CCS or CAS mode, because the D- channel DS0 is
bypassed transparently and does not care about the low level CAS/CCS
signaling protocol in use.

Voice Channel Profiles (Passport 4430/50/55)

The show voice profile command is used to display the current state of the voice
channel profiles.

CLI>show voice profile

You will obtain one of two display types, as specified below:

configured — will display previously saved value

operational — will display current (not saved) value

Next, select either a specific voice channel profile or all voice channel profiles
within the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

To obtain the display of a specific voice channel profile, enter:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1523

CLI>show voice profile configured (or operational) entry

(This command also requires the entry of a profile number, ranging from 1 to

To obtain the display of all voice channel profiles, enter:

CLI>show voice profile configured (or operational) table

(This command requires no further entry.)

A typical display for profile number 1 is shown below:

Profile : 1
Mode : voiceFax
DigitizingRate : rate8k20msG729
InputLevelGain : 0
OutputLevelAtten : 0
BusyOutMode : systemControlled
Bandwidth : voiceActivated
Background : regenerated
EMSignalFormat dc
FXSSignalFormat interruptedRing
DVMSignalFormat : tie trunk
NumOfRings 1
AnalogOperation fourWire
RingFrequency 25Hz
FaxDigitizingRate : 9600
DiscSupervision Tone
LineImpedance 600ohms
MaxOutputLevel 0dBmNominal
RegenerationDelay : 1
DialDigitTimeLimit : 10
MaxNumFwdDigits : 7
RegenerationFormat : dtmf
CallProgressTone : northAmerica

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1524 Chapter 30 Monitoring

DTMFToneDetector : enable
Jitter : 50
EchoCanceller : enable
AutoGainControl : disable
CompanderFormat : uLaw
PremiumVoice : disabled
EndOfDialCharStatus : disable
BckGndNoiseLevel : neg25dbm0
SilenceHngOverTime : msec100
IdlePattern : 255
EcanFilterLen : 256length
EcanEr1Improvement : 0
NoiseFloorOffset : 0
DtmfGenBurstLen : time100ms
DtmfDetRegBurstLen : time100ms
Profile : 1
Mode : voiceFax
DigitizingRate : rate8k20msG729
InputLevelGain : 0
OutputLevelAtten : 0
BusyOutMode : systemControlled
Bandwidth : voiceActivated
Background : regenerated

The parameters displayed in this table correspond with what was configured in
“CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4430/50/55)” on page 1011

Voice Channel Profiles (Passport 4460)

The show voice profile command is used to display the current state of the voice
channel profiles.

CLI>show voice profile operational

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1525

Next, select either a specific voice channel profile (entry) or all voice channel
profiles (table) within the Passport 4460 unit.

To obtain the display of a specific voice channel profile, enter:

CLI>show voice profile operational entry (This command also

requires the entry of a profile number, ranging from 1 to 60.)

To obtain the display of all voice channel profiles, enter:

CLI>show voice profile operational table (This command

requires no further entry.)

A typical display for profile number 1 is shown below:

Profile : 1
Mode : voiceFax
DigitizingRate : rateG729-20m
InputLevelGain : 0
OutputLevelAttn : 0
BusyOutMode : systemControlled
Bandwidth : voiceActivated
Background : regenerated
EMSignalFormat dc
DVMSignalFormat : tie trunk
NumOfRings 1
AnalogOperation fourWire
RingFrequency 25Hz
FaxDigitizingRate : 9600
DiscSupervision Tone
LineImpedance 600ohms
MaxOutputLevel 0dBmNominal
MaxNumFwdDigits 7
RegenerationDelay : 1
DialDigitTimeLimit : 10

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1526 Chapter 30 Monitoring

MaxNumFwdDigits : 7
RegenerationFormat : dtmf
CallProgressTone : northAmerica
DTMFToneDetector : enable
Jitter : 50
EchoCanceller : enable
CompanderFormat : uLaw
PremiumVoice : disabled
EndOfDialCharStatus : disable
IdlePattern : 255
EcanFilterLen : 256length
DtmfGenBurstLen : time100ms
DtmfDetRegBurstLen : time100ms
RegenDelayHighReso : 10
DialDigTimeLimReso : 100
MinEchoRetLoss : six-dB
EcanDisableMode : g165/g168-mode
EcanDblTalkDetect : enable
EcanHighPassFilter : enable
EcanFilterMode : enable
FaxIdleSuppression : enable
FaxModemIngressAtn : -6
FaxModemEgressAttn : -6
FVMInterfaceType : fxs-loopstart
EnhBckGrndNoiseLvl : -40
EnhSilenceHngOvr : 3
AVMInterfaceType : fxs-loopstart

The parameters displayed in this table correspond with what was configured in
“CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Profiles (4460)” on page 1045

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1527

Voice Switching Profiles (Passport 4430/50/55)

The show voice switching command is used to display the previously configured
switching profiles. You can select either a specific switching profile or all
switching profiles within the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

To obtain the display of a specific switching profile, enter:

CLI>show voice switching entry (this command also requires the

entry of a profile number, ranging from 1 to 32)

To obtain the display of all switching profiles, enter:

CLI>show voice switching table

A typical display for switching profile number 1 is shown below:

Profile : 1 (operational)
: 1 (configured)
OutgoingCallRestr : noRestriction (operational)
: noRestriction (configured)
IncomingCallRestr : noRestriction (operational)
: noRestriction (configured)
ClosedUserGroupId : 0 (operational)
: 0 (configured)
RestrictionClass : 0 (operational)
: 0 (configured)
AutoCallIndexNum : 4 (operational)
: 4 (configured)
CallNegotiation : specific (operational)
: specific (configured)
TxPriority : 11 (operational)
: 11 (configured)
AutoCallType : normal (operational)
: normal (configured)

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1528 Chapter 30 Monitoring

AddServerSelect : nas (operational)

: nas (configured)
autoRingDown : disable (operational)
: disable (configured)

The parameters displayed in this table correspond with what was configured in
“CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile Commands” on page 1094

Voice Switching Profiles (Passport 4460)

The show voice switching command is used to display the previously configured
switching profiles. You can select either a specific switching profile or all
switching profiles within the Passport 4460 unit.

To obtain the display of a specific switching profile, enter:

CLI>show voice switching entry (this command also requires the

entry of a profile number, ranging from 1 to 60)

To obtain the display of all switching profiles, enter:

CLI>show voice switching table

A typical display for switching profile number 1 is shown below:

Profile : 1
OutgoingCallRestr : noRestriction
IncomingCallRestr : noRestriction
ClosedUserGroupId : 0
RestrictionClass : 0
AutoCallNumber : 4
TxPriority : 11
AutoCallType : normal
AddServerSelect : nas
AutoRingDown : disable (operational)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1529

VoiceAlgNegotiate : ““
FaxAlgNegotiate : ““

The parameters displayed in this table correspond with what was configured in
“CLI Procedure for Setting the Voice Switching Profile Commands” on page 1094

Voice Network Statistics

The show voice statistics network command is used to display the statistics for the
voice traffic on your local Passport 4400 unit.

To obtain the display of a the voice network statistics, enter:

CLI>show voice statistics network

A typical display is shown below:

SucceededOutSVCCalls :0 FailedOutSVCCalls :0
AcceptedInSVCCalls :0 RejectedInSVCCalls :0
SucceededDNARequests :0 FailedDNARequests :0
FailedBuffAllocation :0 NumOfActiveCalls :0

Voice Call Statistics (Passport 4430/50/55)

The show voice statistics command allows you to display statistical information
relating to voice traffic of a specific voice channel or of all voice channels within
the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.

To obtain the statistics display of a specific voice channel, enter:

CLI> show voice statistics channel entry (this command also

requires the entry of the card slot number and voice channel number)

To obtain the statistics display for all voice channels, enter:

CLI>show voice statistics channel table


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1530 Chapter 30 Monitoring

To obtain the display of voice channel 1 in slot B, enter:

CLI>show voice statistics channel entry limb 1

A typical display is shown below:

CardNumber : limB
ChannelNumber : 1
ConnTimeOfOutCall : 0
ConnTimeOfIncomCall : 0
NumOfOutCallSucceed : 0
NumOfOutCallFailed : 0
NumOfIncCallAccpted : 0
NumOfIncCallRejected : 0
NumOfResets : 1
NumOfRetries : 1
RxBBCFrames : 0
RxBEOFFrames : 0
LostSpeechFrames : 0
LostControlFrames : 0
RxInvalPayloadFrame : 0
RxInvalPUMPMsg : 0

Description of Displayed Statistics Items

CardNumber Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
ChannelNumber Indicates the channel number assigned to the port on the
voice card.
ConnTimeOfOutCall Displays the connection time (in seconds) of outgoing
calls from the voice channel.
ConnTimeOfIncomCall Displays the connection time (in seconds) of calls coming
into the voice channel.
NumOfOutCallSucceed Displays the number of successful outgoing connections
from the voice channel.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1531

NumOfOutCallFailed Displays the number of failed attempts at making an

outgoing connection from the voice channel.
NumOfIncCallAccpted Displays the number of successful incoming calls to the
voice channel
NumOfIncCallRejected Displays the number of rejected (or unsuccessful) calls to
the voice channel.
NumOfResets Displays the number of times calls to the voice channel
were reset.
NumOfRetries Displays the number of no responses received from the
voice channel
RxBBCFrames Displays the number of frames with which a Bad Byte
Count was received from the remote voice channel.
RxBEOFFrames Displays the total number of frames with a Bad End Of
Frame character since powerup.
LostSpeechFrames Displays the total number of speech frames sent by the
remote channel that were lost.
LostControlFrames Displays the total number of control frames sent by the
remote voice channel that were lost.
RxInvalPayloadFrame Displays the number of invalid payload frames received
from the remote voice channel due to incorrect frame
length or type.
RxInvalPUMPMsg Displays the total number of PUMP messages received
from the remote voice channel with unknown message
type, IEs, or invalid length.

Voice Call Statistics (Passport 4460)

The show voice statistics command allows you to display statistical information
relating to voice traffic of a specific voice channel or of all voice channels within
the Passport 4460 unit.

To obtain the statistics display of a specific voice channel, enter:

CLI> show voice statistics channel entry (this command also

requires the entry of the card slot and voice channel number)

To obtain the statistics display for all voice channels, enter:

CLI>show voice statistics channel table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1532 Chapter 30 Monitoring


To obtain the display of voice channel 1 in expansions slot 2, enter:

CLI>show voice statistics channel entry exp2 1

A typical display is shown below:

CardNumber : exp2
ChannelNumber : 1
ConnTimeOfOutCall : 0
ConnTimeOfIncomCall : 0
NumOfOutCallSucceed : 0
NumOfOutCallFailed : 0
NumOfIncCallAccpted : 0
NumOfIncCallRejected : 0
NumOfResets : 1
NumOfRetries : 1
RxBBCFrames : 0
LostSpeechFrames : 0
LostControlFrames : 0
RxInvalPayloadFrame : 0
RxInvalPUMPMsg : 0
WatchDogsOutofOrdr : 7508
InvalidChannelNum : 1
NumOfTimeOut : 0
SpeechFramesRcvd : 0
ControlFramesRcvd : 0
MgmtFramesRcvd : 3819
SpeechFramesSent : 0
ControlFramesSent : 0
MgmtFramesSent : 8
FramesDiscarded : 0
PacketsRcvdByDSP : 18

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1533

BadPcktsRcvdByDSP : 0
JitterBufUnderRun : 1
JitterBufOverRun : 0
IngrBufOverRun : 0
EgrBufOverRun : 0
RunOutOfMIPS : 0
NumOfCfgErrors : 0

Description of Displayed Statistics Items

CardNumber Indicates the physical location of the voice card within the
Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
ChannelNumber Indicates the channel number assigned to the port on the
voice card.
ConnTimeOfOutCall Displays the connection time (in seconds) of outgoing
calls from the voice channel.
ConnTimeOfIncomCall Displays the connection time (in seconds) of calls coming
into the voice channel.
NumOfOutCallSucceed Displays the number of successful outgoing connections
from the voice channel.
NumOfOutCallFailed Displays the number of failed attempts at making an
outgoing connection from the voice channel.
NumOfIncCallAccpted Displays the number of successful incoming calls to the
voice channel
NumOfIncCallRejected Displays the number of rejected (or unsuccessful) calls to
the voice channel.
NumOfResets Displays the number of times calls to the voice channel
were reset.
NumOfRetries Displays the number of no responses received from the
voice channel
RxBBCFrames Displays the number of frames with which a Bad Byte
Count was received from the remote voice channel.
LostSpeechFrames Displays the total number of speech frames sent by the
remote channel that were lost.
LostControlFrames Displays the total number of control frames sent by the
remote voice channel that were lost.
RxInvalPayloadFrame Displays the number of invalid payload frames received
from the remote voice channel due to incorrect frame
length or type.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1534 Chapter 30 Monitoring

RxInvalPUMPMsg Displays the total number of PUMP messages received

from the remote voice channel with unknown message
type, IEs, or invalid length.
WatchDogsOutofOrdr Displays the total number of watchdog frames by the DSP
not in order.
InvalidChannelNum Displays the total number of frames received from DSP
with an invalid channel number.
NumOfTimeOut Displays the number of times the DSP did not respond to
a request or report the status.
SpeechFramesRcvd Displays the total number of pure speech frames received
from the DSP.
ControlFramesRcvd Displays the total number of control frames received from
the DSP.
MgmtFramesRcvd Displays the total number of management frames
received from the DSP.
SpeechFramesSent Displays the total number of pure speech frames set to
the DSP.
ControlFramesSent Displays the total number of control frames sent to the
MgmtFramesSent Displays the total number of management frames sent to
the DSP.
FramesDiscarded Displays the number of frames discarded by the host due
to queue overflow.
PacketsRcvdByDSP Displays the total number of frames (all types) received
by the DSP.
BadPcktsRcvdByDSP Displays the total number of bad frames (all types)
received by the DSP.
JitterBufUnderRun Displays the total number of times the DSP did not
receive a packet in time.
JitterBufOverRun Displays the total number of times a DSP jitter buffer over
run occurred.
IngrBufOverRun Displays the total number of times the DSP could not
deliver a packet to the host.
EgrBufOverRun Displays the total number of times a DSP egress
message pipe overflow occurred.
RunOurtOfMIPS Displays the number of times the DSP ran out of MIPS. (a
32 bit idle time count less than 256 is considered as run
out of MIPS.
NumOfCfgErrors Displays the toatl number of bad configuration
parameters reported by the DSP.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1535

Voice System Status

The show voice systemStatus command allows you to display the current
communication status with the NAS.

To obtain the voice system status display, enter the following subcommand:

CLI>show voice systemStatus

A sample display is shown below:

PhoneRegStatus : nasAddressNotCfg

The possible displays are listed below:

• registrationComplete
• inProgressReg
• nasAddressNotCfg
• lostCommunicationWithNas
• noResponseFromNas
• registrationFailed

Voice Transport Method

The show voice transMethod subcommand allows you to display the default
transportation method for voice traffic for the Passport 4400 unit.

To display the voice transport method for the Passport 4400 unit, enter the
following subcommand:

CLI>show voice transMethod

A typical display is shown below:

TransportMethod : voFR

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1536 Chapter 30 Monitoring

The transport method for voice traffic can be either of the following:

• voFR — Voice over Frame Relay

• voIP — Voice over IP

Configurator Procedure for Using the Action Commands

There are two procedures used to set the channel action commands and two
procedures used to set the system action commands for the Passport 4430/50/55

• “Configurator Procedure for Using the Channel Action Commands” on

page 1536
• “Configurator Procedure for Using the System Action Commands” on
page 1538

The voice channel action and voice system action commands are primarily
designed to start and stop voice channel or voice system loopback tests.

Configurator Procedure for Using the Channel Action


To set the channel action for a digital voice module, use the Configurator
procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1537

You will see the Voice Channels window:

2 Using the Card Slot column and Channel Number column, identify the voice
module you want to set the channel action for.
3 In the Action column, click on Channel Action for the voice module identified
in the previous step. You will see the Channel Action window:

4 At Channel Actions, select the action you would like to set for the voice
module and click Save.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1538 Chapter 30 Monitoring

The table below shows the Channel Action options and gives a brief description of

Action Description

Disconnect Disconnects any existing connection

Loopback Test Starts the loopback test.
Terminate Test Stops the loopback test.
Force Connect Currently not implemented.

Note: Issuing the loopback command before a call is established

executes a local loopback test. Issuing the loopback command after a
call is established executes a remote loopback test. (The ISDN/BRI
voice module only supports remote loopback tests)

Configurator Procedure for Using the System Action


To set the system action for the digital voice modules, use the Configurator
procedures below:

1 Select Configure, Voice, and System Action from the navigation window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1539

You will see the Voice System Action window:

2 At System Actions, select the action you would like to set for the voice
modules and click Save.

The table below shows the System Action options and gives a brief description of

Action Description

Download • Downloads the local voice code into all voice channels
on the local Passport 4400 unit.
Disconnect • Disconnects an existing connection.
Loopback Test • Starts a loopback test.
Terminate Test • Stops the loopback test.
Force Connect • Currently not implemented.
Reregister Phone # • This action must be performed after changing egress
phone numbers, provided that your system uses “NAC/
NAS” on page 1123 for resolving network address
locations. Following any restart, reregistration is not
required; it is done automatically by the system.

CLI Procedure for Using the Action Commands

There are two procedures used to set the channel action commands and two
procedures used to set the system action commands for the Passport 4400 unit:

• “CLI Procedure for Using the Channel Action Commands” on page 1540
• “CLI Procedure for Using the System Action Commands” on page 1541

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1540 Chapter 30 Monitoring

The voice channel action and voice system action commands are primarily
designed to start and stop voice channel or voice system loopback tests.

CLI Procedure for Using the Channel Action Commands

To access the voice channel action commands, enter:

CLI>set voice channelActions

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> : limB | limC | limD | limE Specifies the location of the voice/
fax card whose channel you want
to test.
<ChannelNumber> : INTEGER (1..12) Specifies the channel number
within the selected card. The
integer value ranges from 1 to 12.
<Action> : disconnect | loopbackTest The type of channel action you
| terminateTest | intend to perform. The available
forceConnect actions are as follows:
• loopbackTest. Starts the
loopback test.
• terminateTest. Stops the
loopback test.
• disconnect. Disconnects any
existing connection.
• forceConnect. Currently not

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 30 Monitoring 1541

For Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CardNumber> : exp1 | exp2 Specifies the location of the voice/

fax card whose channel you want
to test.
<ChannelNumber> : INTEGER (1..30) Specifies the channel number
within the selected card. The
integer value ranges from 1 to 30.
<Action> : disconnect | loopbackTest The type of channel action you
| terminateTest intend to perform. The available
actions are as follows:
• loopbackTest. Starts the
loopback test.
• terminateTest. Stops the
loopback test.
• disconnect. Disconnects any
existing connection.

Note: Issuing the loopback command before a call is established

executes a local loopback test. Issuing the loopback command after a
call is established executes a remote loopback test. (The ISDN/BRI
voice module only supports remote loopback tests)

CLI Procedure for Using the System Action Commands

To access the voice system action commands for the Passport 4400 unit, enter:

CLI> set voice systemActions

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1542 Chapter 30 Monitoring

For Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Action> For Passport 4430/50/55: The type of system action you intend to
disconnect | loopbackTest | perform. At present, the action involves
terminateTest | either starting or stopping loopback tests
forceConnect | on all channels. Other actions are:
reregisterPhoneNumber • disconnect. Disconnects an existing
For Passport 4460: • loopbackTest. Starts a loopback test.
disconnect | loopbackTest | • terminateTest. Stops the loopback test.
terminateTest |
reregisterPhoneNumber • forceConnect. Currently not
• reregisterPhoneNumber. This action
must be performed after changing
egress phone numbers, provided that
your system uses “NAC/NAS” on
page 1123 for resolving network
address locations. Following any
restart, reregistration is not required; it
is done automatically by the system.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 31
About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature

Passport 4400 units use frame relay and Passport Access Network Link (PANL) to
transport voice traffic across a network. For Release 4.0 and subsequent releases,
Passport 4400 units can transport voice traffic over IP. This allows voice calls to
be transported within Ethernet LANs, the Internet, and corporate TCP/IP

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:

• “When to Use the VoIP Feature” on page 1543

• “What is Required to Use the VoIP Feature” on page 1548
• “How VoIP Operates” on page 1548
• “Important Facts About VoIP” on page 1551
• “VoIP Voice Priority” on page 1552

When to Use the VoIP Feature

Use the VoIP feature whenever a call cannot be routed over the frame relay
network using the Passport Access Network Link (PANL). You can use VoIP on
existing IP routed networks.

The Passport 4400 VoIP feature is designed for operation in the following two

• As a gateway behind a router.

• Connecting a frame relay network and an IP network together.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1544 Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature

Here is a simple example of using VoIP to route voice calls across an existing IP

Enterprise Branch Office Enterprise Central Site

IP Router
IP Router
Norstar Meridian 1

E&M T1/E1

Passport 4400 Passport 4400


Enterprise Remote Office

IP Router


Passport 4400

Where an IP network already exists to provide data communications and traffic,

you can route voice calls to the various offices over the same network.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature 1545

The next example shows a Passport network running over frame relay, with the
addition of a Passport unit operating over an internal LAN:

Passport 4400
Passport 4400
Passport 4400



VoFR is the preferred mode

VoFR = Voice Over Frame Relay (PANL)

VoIP = Voice Over IP

A call can be placed using VoIP to any of the telephones. However, VoFR is the
preferred mode for a call taking place between the two Passport units on the frame
relay network. Also, if a call is selected for VoIP and traverses the frame relay
network, the call still uses VoIP. The call is not converted to VoFR (PANL

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1546 Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature

The next example shows the same network, but with the Passport unit on the far
left side configured to accept and place calls only as VoFR (VoIP operation has
not been configured in that unit):

No calls can be placed between these two Passports

Passport 4400
Passport 4400
Passport 4400

VoFR only VoFR/VoIP VoIP only

Calls can be placed Calls can be placed

between these telephones, via between these telephones via
the Frame Relay network. the IP network.

VoFR = Voice Over Frame Relay (PANL)

VoIP = Voice Over IP

The Passport unit on the far left cannot place calls to telephones on the far right
Passport unit (which must use VoIP, because it is on an Ethernet LAN segment).
Neither can the Passport unit on the far right place calls to telephones on the unit
to the far left (that is configured to accept only VoFR calls).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature 1547

Generally, the calling side decides whether to use VoIP or VoFR. The decision is
based on the preferences in the calling Passport unit and on any constraints that
are indicated by the called side. There are two types of constraints:

• The called side has no VoIP (VoIP operation has not been configured in that
Passport unit). The Network Address Server (NAS) will have the VoIP
address set to, to indicate that VoIP is not available. VoFR operation
must be used to place a call to any of the voice channels of this Passport unit.
• The called side has no VoFR (the Passport unit is on an Ethernet segment and
is not connected to a frame relay network). VoIP operation must be used. This
is indicated in the NAS by having a false DNA configured. A false DNA is
one where the first six digits are zeros (for example, 000000138674). VoIP
operation must be used to place a call to any of the voice channels of this
Passport unit.

The following example shows VoIP routing calls over the Internet. This is an
application where VoFR (PANL) cannot be used.

Passport 4400

Internet VoIP
Router Router

Passport 4400

VoFR = Voice Over Frame Relay (PANL)
VoIP = Voice Over IP

VoIP supports all Passport 4400 voice services. This includes analog voice, T1,
E1, ISDN BRI, fax, modem, AutoRingDown, Hoot-n-Holler, and Premium Voice.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1548 Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature

If Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) is available (PANL), this method of voice
transmission is preferred. This is especially true for low speed network

What is Required to Use the VoIP Feature

The following are required in order to use VoIP:

• The Passport units at both ends of the call must have voice modules installed.
• The Passport units at both ends of the call must have software Release 4.0 or
• The Passport units at both ends of the call must have reachable IP addresses.
• NAC/NAS dialing (call address resolution) must be used. RSI/RSA dialing
does not support VoIP operation.

How VoIP Operates

This is how the VoIP feature operates:

1 When a user dials a number, the number is looked up in the NAC/NAS table.

Passport 4400

Number 8123
NAS/NAC Dial String DNA for VoFR IP Address for VoIP
Entry 8123 99876543218123

Both addresses configured.

Next step: routing preferences.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature 1549

• If you have configured only a DNA for the number in the NAC/NAS
table, the call is routed over the frame relay network using PANL. There
is one exception. If the DNA begins with 000000, the call is selected for
VoIP (the 000000 indicates to the Passport that this is a false DNA). Using
the 000000 prefix in the DNA allows NAC/NAS to dynamically route
calls over VoIP.
• If you have configured both a DNA and an IP address in NAC/NAS, then
the preferences for call routing is checked.
2 The call routing preferences that you have selected determines how the call is

Passport 4400

Number 8123

NAS/NAC Dial String DNA for VoFR IP Address for VoIP User Preference
Entry 8123 99876543218123 VoIP

call is
routed VoIP

• If you have defined a user preference for the dialed number, either for
VoIP or for VoFR, that preference is used to route the call.
• If you have not defined a user preference for the dialed number, then the
general preference (VoIP or VoFR) is used to route the call.
3 Once VoIP is selected as the call routing method, the originating Passport
establishes a TCP connection on port 1490 with the remote Passport. This
connection is used to set up the call.

Originating Destination
Passport 4400 Passport 4400
IP Stack IP Stack
Management Connection
1490 1490

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1550 Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature

4 When the call is established and the remote end goes off-hook (the call is
answered), voice packets are transmitted between the two Passport units using
UDP port 490.

Originating Destination
Passport 4400 Passport 4400
IP Stack IP Stack
490 1490
1490 490 Voice Packets

5 When the call ends (back on-hook), the call management connection on TCP
port 1490 is used to take down the call.

Note: If a call is selected for routing as VoIP, it remains VoIP across the
network. The IP packets are encapsulated if they are traversing a frame
relay segment (PANL). There is no gateway function (VoIP packets
cannot be converted to VoFR).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature 1551

Important Facts About VoIP

Here are some important facts about the Passport VoIP feature.

• Passport VoIP does not interoperate with MICOM V/IP, nor does it
interoperate with other implementations of Voice over IP.
• Passport 4460 units running Release 4.3 or higher, and Passport 4430/50/55
units running Release 4.0.4 or higher, support VoIP operations over RFC 1490
PVCs. (Refer to “VoIP Voice Priority” on page 1552 for more information
about this feature.)
• The Passport 6400 Voice Networking Call Server (VNCS) does not support
VoIP. However, it will transparently pass the VoIP packets to their correct
• All voice packets generated by VoIP have RFC 1889-compliant Real-time
Transport Protocol (RTP) headers. The Type Of Service (TOS) field in the IP
header (RFC 1349 and RFC 1060) is chosen to request a path through the
network that is optimized for low delay.
• Transparent CCS HTDS is not supported in this release.
• Passport VoIP is supported only on NAC/NAS networks. RSI/RSA networks
do not support VoIP.
• If Speech Activity Detection (SAD) is disabled and call bundle size (a VoIP
parameter) is set to 1, a maximum of 15 VoIP calls can be switched through
the central site. When SAD is enabled and the call bundle size is set to 4 (the
default value), up to 60 VoIP calls can be switched through the central site.
• RFC 1490 links do not support IP prioritization. However, Passport 4460
units running Release 4.3 or higher and Passport 4430/50/55 units running
Release 4.0.4 or higher provide a Voice Priority feature that allows VoIP
packets to be given priority over data packets when transported over
RFC 1490 PVCs. Refer to “VoIP Voice Priority” on page 1552 for more
information about this feature.
• Passport 4400 VoIP sets the Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP) field
in the IP header to 11110000.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1552 Chapter 31 About the Voice Over IP (VoIP) Feature

VoIP Voice Priority

Passport 4460 units running Release 4.3 or higher, and Passport 4430/50/55 units
running Release 4.0.4 or higher, provide a Voice Priority feature that allows VoIP
packets to be given priority over data packets when transported over RFC 1490
PVCs. When Voice Priority is enabled, The Passport 4400 ensures that, when
packets are transmitted over RFC 1490 PVCs, VoIP packets are sent out before
data packets. Data packets are sent only when the voice queue is empty. This
allows voice and data traffic to use the same Frame Relay PVC link without the
data traffic affecting the voice quality.

Note the following limitations:

• The feature works only for RFC 1490 PVCs, not for PANL SVCs.
• The prioritization applies to individual PVCs. There is no prioritization across
• The feature is globally enabled. You cannot enable or disable specific ports or
• This feature is not supported over Ethernet LAN ports, because it is
implemented for RFC 1490 WAN Links over Serial, T1, E1, or ISDN BRI
WAN ports.
• Due to the serialization delay of large packets over low speed links (less than
1 Mbps WAN links, and especially below 500 Kbps), it is recommended that
you change the IP MTU to avoid undue jitter and delay (latency) that can
adversely affect voice quality networks. For WAN links below 1 Mbps, it is
recommended that you set the maximum IP MTU to a value less than 1,000
bytes. Depending on the traffic patterns and link speeds, good results can
normally be achieved with the MTU set to a value between 500 to 800 bytes,
although it may need to be set as low as 300 bytes in some cases. Use the
following CLI command to set the IP MTU:

define ip base parameter mtu <value>

You can also set the IP MTU using the Configurator. To do so, select
Configure > Protocols > IP > Interfaces, then click on the Modify link in the
IP Interfaces window.

Refer to “Setting Voice Priority” on page 1564 for instructions for enabling or
disabling RFC 1490 Voice Priority.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 32
Setting Up the VoIP Feature

The tasks for setting up VoIP are:

• Obtain a reachable IP address for each Passport unit that is going to support
• Add the IP addresses to the Passport unit
• Turn on IP routing
• Turn on RIP
• Define the NAC server
• Setup the VoIP service
• Select NAS as the Address Server in the Voice Switching Profile
• Prioritize IP within the Passport unit

VoIP setup can be performed using either the Configurator or the CLI.

• “VoIP Setup Using the Configurator” on page 1553

• “VoIP Setup Using the CLI” on page 1565

VoIP Setup Using the Configurator

Initial setup of the VoIP feature using the Configurator is as follows:

1 Obtain a reachable IP address from your Network Administrator for each

Passport unit that is going to support VoIP.
A reachable IP address means there are no obstructions preventing a Passport
unit at a remote end of the network from establishing TCP and UDP
connections with the unit assigned this IP address. You can use the same IP
address that is configured as the unit’s Ethernet port IP address.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1554 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

Passport 4400 units can have a maximum of 32 IP addresses configured

(including multihomed IP addresses).

2 Add the IP addresses to the Passport units.

In the navigation menu, select Configure, Protocols, and IP, as follows:

Click on Interfaces. The IP Interfaces menu will be displayed:

Click on the Add IP Address link at the top of the screen. You will see the IP
Interface Selection screen. Select the type of interface to which you are
assigning the IP address:

You will see the Add IP Address screen. Fill in the following fields:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1555

• IP Address: enter the new IP address.

• Index: select the IfIndex of the port to be assigned this IP address.
• Net Mask: enter the subnet address mask that is required for the class of
IP address (,, or
• Broadcast Address: enter the address used for broadcast on this network
interface (example:
Here is an example of a filled in form:

Click on the Save button to save your entries.

3 Set the Passport unit to IP routing.

Select Configure and System from the navigation menu:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1556 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

Then, select Bridge/Route. You will see the Bridge/Routing Parameters

screen. Select Routing and click on the Save button, as follows:

4 Turn on RIP (Routing Information Protocol).

Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and RIP from the navigation menu:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1557

The RIP Parameters screen will be displayed. Make the necessary selections
from this screen, be sure to select On for RIP Enable, and click on the Save

5 Define the NAC server.

Select Configure, System, and NAC Server from the navigation menu:

You will see the NAC Server screen. Click on the Add a NAC Server link at
the top of this screen. The Add a NAC Server screen will be displayed:

Fill in the fields as follows:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1558 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

• IP Address: enter the IP address to be added to the NAC server (same IP

address as assigned to the Passport unit for VoIP).
• Name: enter a name (up to 50 alphanumeric characters) to identify this
entry in the NAC server.
• Type: select Primary.
Click on the Add button.

6 Setup the VoIP service.

First, set the transport preferences for VoIP or VoFR operation. Use care when
setting the transport preference. Refer to the application diagrams in “When to
Use the VoIP Feature” on page 1543, if necessary, to determine which setting
is appropriate for each Passport unit in your network.

• To set the default transport preference for the Passport unit, select
Configure, Voice, and Transport from the navigation menu:

The Voice Transport screen will be displayed. Select either Voice Over
Frame Relay or Voice Over IP and click on the Save button, as follows:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1559

• To set the transport preference for individual voice channels, go to the

Voice Channels form (Configure -> Voice -> Channels):

Click on Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles (the link at the top left of the form).
The Voice Ingress (Outgoing) Profiles form will be displayed. Click on
Modify next to each profile you want to set the transport preference. You
will see the Modifying a Voice Ingress Profile form. Fill in the following
— Phone Number/Pattern: this is the phone number the user dials.
— Manipulation String: enter any required string to be applied to the
phone number.
— Voice Transport Method: select Voice over IP, Voice over Frame
Relay, or As System.
Here is an example of a filled in form:

Click on the Save button to save your entries to the ingress profile. Then,
repeat for each profile as required.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1560 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

A transport preference set for individual voice channels takes priority

over the default transport preference set for the Passport unit.
• Second, delete the factory default setting, so that you can add the VoIP voice
feature. Select Configure, Voice, and V/IP from the navigation menu:

You will see the Voice Over IP Services screen:

The entry is a factory default setting. This entry needs to be deleted.
Click on Delete. You will see this display:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1561

Click on the Delete button. You will see this display, requesting that you
confirm the deletion:

Click on the OK button. You will see the Voice Over IP Services screen, with
no entries:

Third, add the VoIP service. Click on the Add a VoIP Service link at the top
left of the display. The Add a VoIP Service screen is displayed. Fill in the
following fields:

• IP Address: enter the IP address to be used for VoIP calls to this Passport
• Call Bundle Size: enter the maximum number of speech frames from
multiple calls between two Passport 4400 units that can be combined into
one UDP packet. The default is 4, the range of values is 1 to 16.
Here is an example of a filled-in form:

Click on the Add button. “Command Successful” should be displayed.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1562 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

7 Select NAS as the Address Server in the Voice Switching Profile. Select
Configure, Voice, and Channels from the navigation menu:

You will see the Voice Channels screen:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1563

At Voice Switching Profiles, select the profile you intend to use for the VoIP
channels and click on the Modify button. You will see the Voice Switching
Profile screen. Change the Address Server to NAS and click on the Save

8 Reset the Passport unit to put the configuration into effect. Select
Administration and System Reset from the navigation menu:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1564 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

Select Configuration for the Reset Type:

Click on the Reset button. After the Passport unit finishes the reset, your
browser will automatically be reconnected to the unit and the main
Configurator page will be displayed.

9 Prioritize IP within the Passport unit. Refer to “About the IP Traffic and
Prioritization Feature” for information about prioritizing IP. You should
assign the highest priority to:
Protocol = 17, Port = 490

Setting Voice Priority

Passport 4460 units running Release 4.3 or higher, and Passport 4430/50/55 units
running Release 4.0.4 or higher, provide a Voice Priority feature that allows VoIP
packets to be given priority over data packets when transported over RFC 1490
PVCs. When Voice Priority is enabled, the Passport 4400 ensures that, when
packets are transmitted over RFC 1490 PVCs, VoIP packets are sent out before
data packets. Data packets are sent only when the voice queue is empty.

You can use either the Configurator or the CLI to enable or disable the Voice
Priority setting. To enable or disable Voice Priority using the CLI, perform steps 8,
9, and 10 of “VoIP Setup Using the CLI” on page 1565. The default setting is

To enable or disable Voice Priority using the Configurator:

1 In the navigation menu, select Configure, Voice, and Global.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1565

The Global Voice Setting window opens.

2 Click Enabled or Disabled, as required, to set the Voice Priority Over

RFC 1490.

You can use the following command to determine whether the Voice Priority Over
RFC 1490 feature is presently enabled or disabled:

CLI> show fr system

Refer to “VoIP Voice Priority” on page 1552 for more information about this

VoIP Setup Using the CLI

Initial setup of the VoIP feature using the CLI is as follows:

1 Obtain a reachable IP address from your Network Administrator for each

Passport unit that is going to support VoIP.
A reachable IP address means there are no obstructions preventing a Passport
unit at a remote end of the network from establishing TCP and UDP
connections with the unit assigned this IP address. You can use the same IP
address that is configured as the unit’s Ethernet port IP address.

Passport 4400 units can have a maximum of 32 IP addresses configured

(including multihomed IP addresses).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1566 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

2 Add the IP addresses to the Passport units.

First, delete the factory default IP address, so that the Passport unit will accept
new IP addresses:

CLI> delete ip address entry 3

Then, add the new IP addresses:

CLI> add ip address entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> Integer (1..255) Enter an IfIndex number for

this IP address.
<IPAddress> IP address (n.n.n.n) Enter the IP address.
<NetMask> Subnet mask Enter the subnet mask
(, according to the class of IP, address assigned to this
<BcastAddress> IP address (n.n.n.n) Enter the broadcast address
assigned to this subnet.


CLI> add ip address entry 1

3 Set the Passport unit to IP routing:

CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol routed

4 Turn on RIP (Routing Information Protocol):

CLI> define ip base rip on

5 Define the NAC server:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1567

CLI> add nac server

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IP address (n.n.n.n) Enter the IP address to be

added to the NAC server
(same IP address as
assigned to the Passport
unit for VoIP).
<Name> “String” (0..50) You can enter a name
(alphanumeric characters
within quotes) to identify this
entry in the NAC server.
<Status> enabled | disabled Enter enabled.
<HelloTime> Integer (30..180) Enter the hello time (in
<Type> primary | secondary Enter primary.

CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Integer (1..60) Enter the profile number.

<AddServerSelect> nas | vncs Enter nas.

Example command sequence:

CLI> add nac server “NAC_SERVER” enabled 60

CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect 1 nas

6 Setup the VoIP service.

First, set the transport preferences for VoIP or VoFR operation. Use care when
setting the transport preference. Refer to the application diagrams in “When to
Use the VoIP Feature” on page 1543, if necessary, to determine which setting
is appropriate for each Passport unit in your network.

The following command sets the default transport preference for the Passport

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1568 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

CLI> set voice transMethod

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<TransportMethod> voFR | voIP Enter either voFR to prefer

routing over frame relay, or
voIP to prefer routing over


CLI> set voice transMethod voIP

The following command sequence sets the preference for individually dialed
numbers (the preference set for individually dialed numbers takes priority
over the setting for the Passport unit):

CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IngressIndex> Integer (1..60) Enter a number from 1 to 60.

The lower the number, the
higher the priority of the
<IngressNumber> “String” (0..40) Enter the string of
alphanumeric characters the
user must dial to reach this
voice channel.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1569

CLI> set voice ingressTable transportMethod

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IngressIndex> Integer (1..60) Enter the IngressIndex

number as used for the
previous command.
<TransportMethod> voFR | voIP | as-system Enter voFR to prefer routing
over frame relay. Enter voIP
to prefer routing over IP.
Enter as-system to use the
routing as specified for the
Passport unit.

Example command sequence:

CLI> set voice ingressTable ingressNumber 1 8521

CLI> set voice ingressTable transportMethod 1 as-system

Second, delete the factory default setting, so that you can add the VoIP voice

CLI> delete voice vip

Third, add the VoIP service:

CLI> add voice vip

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IP address (n.n.n.n) Enter the IP address to be

used for VoIP calls to this
Passport unit.
<CallBundleSize> Integer (1..16) Enter the maximum number
of speech frames from
multiple calls between two
Passport 4400 units that can
be combined into one UDP


CLI> add voice vip 4

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1570 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

7 Select NAS as the Address Server in the Voice SwitchingProfile:

CLI> set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Profile> Integer (1..60) Enter the number of the

switching profile to be used
for VoIP channels.
<addServerSelect> nas | vncs Select nas for VoIP


set voice switchingProfile addServerSelect 1 nas

8 Optionally, enable or disable Voice Priority Over RFC1490:

CLI> define fr system VoicePriority

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<VoicePriority> enabled | disabled Enter enabled to specify

that VoIP packets will take
priority over data packets on
RFC 1490 PVCs. Enter
disabled to turn this feature

When Voice Priority is enabled, the Passport 4400 ensures that, when packets
are transmitted over RFC 1490 PVCs, VoIP packets are sent out before data
packets. Data packets are sent only when the voice queue is empty.

Note 1: You can use the show fr system command to determine the
current setting of the VoicePriority parameter. The default setting is enabled.

Note 2: When Voice Priority is enabled, it is recommended that you change

the maximum frame size of the PVC to 300 bytes.

Refer to “VoIP Voice Priority” on page 1552 for more information about this

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature 1571

9 Save your configuration settings:

CLI> save configuration update

10 Reset the Passport unit to put the configuration into effect:

CLI> reset system current reset

11 Prioritize IP within the Passport unit. Refer to “About the IP Traffic and
Prioritization Feature” for information about prioritizing IP. You should
assign the highest priority to:
Protocol = 17, Port = 490

Router Configuration Requirements for VoIP Operation

For VoIP operation, some adjustments to the configuration of the routers in your
network may be required. The configurations required are those concerned with
setting the priorities for IP voice packet transmissions and ensuring that call setup
requests are reachable to the destination nodes.

Here are some points of which you need to be aware when setting router

• TCP port 1490 is used for VoIP call management.

• UDP port 490 is used for VoIP voice packets. These packets should receive
the highest priority with all routers.
• The voice packets (speech bundles) use RFC 1889 RTP encapsulation.

Generally, you will want to establish router priorities as follows:

• Prioritize IP protocol 17 decimal (11 hexadecimal) over any other protocol.

• Prioritize packets to UDP port 490 decimal (1EA hexadecimal).
• Prioritize by IP addresses (the reachable IP addresses for VoIP calls).

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1572 Chapter 32 Setting Up the VoIP Feature

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 33
Administering VoIP

The following topics are discussed in this chapter:

• “Setting the Call Bundle Size” on page 1573

• “Viewing Parameters Associated With VoIP” on page 1575
• “Disabling VoIP” on page 1576

Setting the Call Bundle Size

Call bundling combines speech frames (or frame bundles) from different voice
calls occurring between two Passport 4400 units. This reduces bandwidth required
for transport by reducing the number of headers per speech packet.

With call bundling:

UDP RTP Voice Frame, Voice Frame, Voice Frame, Voice Frame,
IP Header
Header Header call #1 call #2 call #3 call #1

Header information Voice information

ne IP packet carries frames from 3 calls.

Without call bundling:

UDP RTP Voice Frame,
IP Header
Header Header call #1

Header information Voice information

One IP packet carries only 1 voice frame of 1 call.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1574 Chapter 33 Administering VoIP

You can adjust call bundling to suit your network requirements. The default is 4
(the speech frames from up to four calls can be combined into one packet).

• “Call Bundle Size Setup Using the Configurator” on page 1574

• “Call Bundle Size Setup Using the CLI” on page 1574

Call Bundle Size Setup Using the Configurator

To set the call bundle size, go to the Voice Over IP Services form (select
Configure, Voice, and V/IP from the navigation menu). Click on Modify next to
the IP address. Enter the value for Call Bundle Size that you require. The default
value is 4; the range of values is 1 to 16.

Click on the Save button.

Call Bundle Size Setup Using the CLI

Set the call bundle size as follows:

CLI> set voice vip callBundleSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Address> IP address (n.n.n.n) Enter the associated VoIP IP

<CallBundleSize> Integer (1..16) Enter the maximum number
of calls whose speech
frames can be bundled into
one UDP packet.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 33 Administering VoIP 1575


CLI> set voice vip callBundleSize 2

Viewing Parameters Associated With VoIP

You can use the following commands using the CLI to view the parameter settings
of VoIP. (The Configurator Voice Over IP Services screen, Configure -> Voice ->
V/IP, displays the VoIP channel configurations.)

CLI> show voice vip table

The VoIP parameter settings for all the entries will be displayed similar to the
following example:

You can use the following command to view the VoIP parameter settings for a
single IP address:

CLI> show voice vip entry

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Address> IP address (n.n.n.n) Enter the associated IP

address of the Passport unit
for which you want to view
VoIP parameters.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1576 Chapter 33 Administering VoIP

The following command will display the active default transport method for calls
to the voice channels on the local Passport:

CLI> show voice transMethod


You can use the following command to determine whether the Voice Priority Over
RFC 1490 feature is enabled or disabled:

CLI> show fr system

When Voice Priority is enabled, the Passport 4430/50/55 ensures that, when
packets are transmitted over RFC 1490 PVCs, VoIP packets are sent out before
data packets. Data packets are sent only when the voice queue is empty.

Disabling VoIP
To disable the VoIP operation, you need to delete the function for each IP address
in the Passport unit that has VoIP configured.

• “Deleting VoIP Using the Configurator” on page 1577

• “Deleting VoIP Using the CLI” on page 1577

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 33 Administering VoIP 1577

Deleting VoIP Using the Configurator

To delete VoIP operation, go to the Voice Over IP Services form (select Configure,
Voice, and V/IP from the navigation menu). Click on Delete next to the IP address.
The Delete a VoIP Service form will be displayed.

Click on the Delete button. You will see this display, requesting that you confirm
the deletion:

Click on the OK button.

Deleting VoIP Using the CLI

To delete VoIP operation, use the following command:

CLI> delete voice vip

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Address> IP address (n.n.n.n) Enter the associated IP

address of the Passport unit
for which you want to
disable the VoIP feature.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1578 Chapter 33 Administering VoIP


CLI> delete voice vip

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 34
Traffic Management

The following topics are discussed:

• “Overview of Passport 4400 Traffic Management” on page 1579

• “Configuring Global Traffic Management Parameters” on page 1584
• “Monitoring Traffic Management” on page 1615

Overview of Passport 4400 Traffic Management

The Passport 4400 traffic management controls the flow of outbound traffic being
multiplexed within the unit. Its traffic management is designed to allow small
voice frames and large data frames to co-exist in the same outbound link, without
compromising the quality of transmission.

This section discusses the following:

• “Transfer Priority and SVC queues” on page 1579

• “RFC1490 Traffic” on page 1580
• “Global Traffic Management Parameters” on page 1582

Transfer Priority and SVC queues

Each switched virtual circuit (SVC) carries a transfer priority(TP) based on the
type of traffic (service) carried. This is the level of importance assigned to frames
passed along a particular SVC. Possible TP values range from 0 to 15, with 15
having the highest priority.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1580 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

Before transmitting outbound traffic, the Passport 4400 examines the TPs of all
outbound SVCs. The TP of an SVC determines into which queue the frames will
be sent. There are five available SVC queues (numbered 0 to 4), with 4 having the
highest priority.

The following priorities are the Passport 4400 default TP values for various traffic

• Signaling (LAPF and LMI) traffic: TP 15, queue 4

• Voice traffic: TP 11, queue 3
• FR DCE and HTDS traffic: TP 6, queue 1
• LAN traffic: TP 0, queue 0
• RFC 1490 traffic: queue 0

From the SVC queues, traffic is allocated to fill the outbound (WAN) bandwidth
according to its queue number. The WAN link is filled with the higher-priority
queues first. For an example of how the Passport 4400 fills emission queues and
how WAN link bandwidth is allocated, see the illustration located under
“RFC1490 Traffic” on page 1580.

RFC1490 Traffic

RFC 1490 frames will not be fragmented using the PANL protocol, it is queued as
LAN traffic and subject to Passport 4400 traffic management rules for WAN link

The default maximum frame size (or MTU) for RFC 1490 netlinks on the Passport
4400 is 300 bytes. This prevents RFC 1490 traffic from creating delays for other
outbound frames (such as voice traffic). Make sure that the maximum frame size
is set appropriately at the destination node (such as a third-party router).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1581

Notice the position of RFC1490 frames in the outbound traffic flow in the
illustration below.

Transfer Priority SVC Queues

Reserved for LAPF
and LMI traffic

TP 10-14
Delay sensitive
traffic (voice)
TP 9 2 Emission

TP 3-8

TP 0-2
LAN traffic
RFC 1490

Caution: If your Passport 4400 is configured for RFC 1490 traffic, set
the throughput and frame size to the minimum values required. Large
throughput or frame size values will severely impact other traffic,
causing delays that can affect voice quality.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1582 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

Global Traffic Management Parameters

The following parameters control how traffic management is implemented

globally on the Passport 4400:

• “Rate Enforcement” on page 1582

• “Line Efficiency” on page 1582
• “Weighted Round Robin” on page 1583
• “Discard Eligibility” on page 1583
• “BECN Response” on page 1584

Rate Enforcement

This parameter controls whether traffic management rules are enforced within the
Passport 4400. If enabled, traffic management parameters are used to determine
the flow of all traffic in the Passport 4400. If disabled, the Passport 4400
combines traffic and sends it out without the use of any traffic management rules.

Line Efficiency

This parameter determines whether your traffic can exceed your configured PVC
CIR values. If enabled, the Passport 4400 allows traffic on a SVC to exceed its
configured PVC CIR value (up to maximum line speed), but only after all
connections with data to transmit have met their maximum throughput. If
disabled, the Passport 4400 keeps all SVCs to their configured PVC CIR values.

Passport 4400 nodes with mixed traffic types are generally not suited for line
efficiency. With line efficiency enabled, it is possible for traffic at a lower priority
(e.g., LAN) to consume the entire outgoing PVC bandwidth, leaving no
bandwidth for high-priority traffic (e.g., voice). If your network carries more than
90% of all traffic at the same transfer priority, then line efficiency may be used
with greater confidence.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1583

Weighted Round Robin

This parameter controls whether the Passport 4400 uses Weighted Round Robin
or Packet Round Robin to schedule the removal (transmission) of data frames
from its internal queueing structure to the network. If enabled, Weighted Round
Robin is used to fill the bandwidth by using a formula based on frame size to
determine how much data to pull from one connection before moving on to the
next one. If disabled, Packet Round Robin is used to fill the bandwidth based on
number of packets, pulling one packet, regardless of size, from each connection in
turn until the bandwidth is filled.

The difference between these two methods of scheduling becomes important

when a link is oversubscribed (i.e., the total of committed and excess data rates
exceeds the capacity of the link). Since Weighted Round Robin ensures that each
connection gets the same percentage of its requested bandwidth, it prevents a
situation in which larger packets get a larger, disproportionate percentage of the

Discard Eligibility

When rate enforcement and line efficiency are enabled, the Passport 4400 has the
ability to set the discard eligibility (DE) bit on all outbound frames queued for
transmission that exceed the CIR of a particular connection. Setting the DE bit on
an outgoing frame marks that frame as a candidate for discarding, depending on
the congestion of the network.

Note that the Passport 4400 does not look at, or respond to, DE bits on incoming
frames. Incoming frames with the DE bit set to 1 are passed transparently through
the Passport 4400.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1584 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

BECN Response

The Passport 4400 responds to inbound frames from the public frame relay
network with the backwards explicit congestion notice (BECN) bit set to 1. The
BECN bit is set when a downstream node experiences congestion, telling the
Passport 4400 to reduce its traffic rate. Traffic Management rate enforcement
must be set to enable in order for the Passport 4400 to respond to BECN bits.

For information on configuring BECN response parameters, see BECN Response

Parameters (see “Set BECN Response” on page 1596 or “BECN Response
Parameters” on page 1601).

Note that the Passport 4400 only responds to BECN from the public frame relay
network; frames with the BECN bit set from the private network side (such as a
third-party access device connected to the Passport 4400) do not affect Passport
4400 traffic management and are passed transparently.

Note: The Passport 4400 does not respond to forward explicit congestion
notice (FECN).

Configuring Global Traffic Management Parameters

“Configurator Procedures for Configuring Global Traffic Management
Parameters” on page 1585

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Baud Rate” on page 1589

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1585

Configurator Procedures for Configuring Global Traffic

Management Parameters
1 To set global traffic management parameters, select Configure, System, and
Traffic Management.

You will see the Global Traffic Management window:

See the table below for a description of the parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

Rate Enforcement Enabled, Disabled Enter enabled if you want the traffic
management to function.
Line Efficiency Enabled, Disabled Enter Enabled. Line Efficiency parameters
affect traffic management for all
connections on the Passport 4400.
Weighted Round Enabled, Disabled Enter Enabled. Weighted Round Robin
Robin parameters affect traffic management for all
connections on the Passport 4400.

2 Select the applicable radio button to enable the above parameters. Click Save.
A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1586 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

CLI Commands for Configuring Global Traffic Management


The following CLI commands are used to set global traffic management
parameters on the Passport 4400.

CLI> define tm rateEnforcement

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<RateEnforcement enabled | disabled Enter enabled if you want the traffic

> management to function.

CLI> define tm lineEfficiency

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<LineEfficiency> enabled | disabled Enter Enabled. Line Efficiency parameters

affect traffic management for all
connections on the Passport 4400.

CLI> define tm weightedRoundRobin

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<WeightedRoundRobin> enabled | disabled Enter Enabled. Weighted Round Robin

parameters affect traffic management
for all connections on the Passport

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1587

Configuring Traffic Management Parameters

The following commands are used to configure traffic management values for all
circuits. The parameters discussed in this section include:

• “Baud Rate” on page 1587

• “PANL Parameters” on page 1591
• “Committed Information Rate (CIR) and PVC Parameters” on page 1594
• “Transfer Priority” on page 1603

Note: Any changes made to traffic management parameters will not

take effect until the configuration has been saved and the Passport 4400
has been reset.

Baud Rate

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Baud Rate” on page 1587

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Baud Rate” on page 1589

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Baud Rate

1 To configure the baud rate, select Administration and Console Setup.

You will see the Console Setup window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1588 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

2 Use the pull down menu to select the applicable baud rate (data rate).
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the unit and save the configuration. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 1588.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 To save the configuration and reset the unit, select Administration and System

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1589

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is
5 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress. Once the reset is complete,
connectivity with the unit will be restored.

CLI Procedure for Configuring Baud Rate

1 Use the following command to display configured baud rates for each
physical port. Note the ifIndex of the physical port; this value will be used
when configuring the baud rate of a port.
CLI> show wan parameters port configured table

You will see a table similiar to the following:

Passport 4430/50/55

IfIndex 150
IfType v35
Mode dce
BaudRate 64000
MaxRxFrameSize 4100
NumOfRxBuffers 100
RxQueueSize 20
TxQueueSize 20
ProtocolSupport none
HTDSCutThrough no
IdleChar 255
SyncChar 126
EncodeMethod nrz

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1590 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

Passport 4460

IfIndex 150
IfType v35
Mode dce
BaudRate 64000
MaxRxFrameSize 4100
NumOfRxBuffers 100
RxQueueSize 20
TxQueueSize 20
IfSlot base
IfChannel -1
ProtocolSupport none
HTDSCutThrough no
IdleChar 255
SyncChar 126
EncodeMethod nrz
Port Number 1 TimeSlots

2 Set the line speed (in bits/second) of a physical port.

CLI> define wan port baudRate

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port.

<BaudRate> INTEGER (300..1920000) Enter the baud rate of the physical port.
The default baud rate is 64000.


CLI> define wan port baudRate 150 64000

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1591

CLI> reset system current reset

PANL Parameters

To set the PANL parameters, you must configure both the Bandwidth and
Maximum Frame Size.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Bandwidth and Maximum Frame Size”

on page 1591

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Bandwidth and Maximum Frame Size” on

page 1591

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Bandwidth and

Maximum Frame Size

To configure bandwidth and maximum frame size, refer to “CLI Procedure for
Configuring Bandwidth and Maximum Frame Size” on page 1591.

End of Topic

CLI Procedure for Configuring Bandwidth and Maximum

Frame Size

To set the PANL parameters, you must configure both the “Bandwidth” on
page 1592 and “Maximum Frame Size” on page 1593.

Before You Begin

Display the bandwidth and frame size parameters for each PANL netlink on the
Passport 4400. These parameters are controlled by the PANL-DTE side of the

Display the bandwidth and frame size parameters for each PANL netlink on the
Passport 4400.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1592 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

CLI> show msm dteLink configured table

You will see a table similiar to the following:

IfIndex 149
MaxSubChannelRange 63
DTEReceiverBW 64000
DCEReceiverBW 64000
DTEMaxFrameSize 80
DCEMaxFrameSize 80

Note the IfIndex of the PANL netlink. This value will be used when configuring
PANL parameters.

1 Set the bandwidth of the PANL connection. Both of the following commands
must be entered.
CLI> define msm dteLink dceReceiverBW

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port.

<DCEReceiverBW> INTEGER (16000..2048000) Enter the baud rate of the physical
port as entered in Step 2 of the “CLI
Procedure for Configuring Baud
Rate” on page 1589.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1593

CLI> define msm dteLink dteReceiverBW

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the physical port.

<DTEReceiverBW> INTEGER (16000..2048000) Enter the baud rate of the physical
port as entered in Step 2 of the “CLI
Procedure for Configuring Baud
Rate” on page 1589.

Note: The value entered for the baud rate of the physical port must be the
same of both of the above commands.


CLI> define msm dteLink dceReceiverBW 149 128000

CLI> define msm dteLink dteReceiverBW 149 128000

2 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Maximum Frame Size

1 Set the maximum frame size over the PANL connection. Both of the
following commands must be entered.
CLI> define msm dteLink dceMaxFrameSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the PANL netlink as

determined in “Before You Begin” on
page 1591.
<DCEMaxFrameSize> INTEGER (50..4100) Enter the optimal frame size as
(bandwidth/64000) * 80, where
bandwidth is the value entered for
DCEReceiver and DTEReceiverBW in
Step 1 in “Bandwidth” on page 1592.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1594 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

CLI> define msm dteLink dteMaxFrameSize

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the IfIndex of the PANL netlink as

determined in “Before You Begin” on
page 1591.
<DTEMaxFrameSize> INTEGER (50..4100) Enter the optimal frame size as
(bandwidth/64000) * 80, where
bandwidth is the value entered for
DCEReceiver and DTEReceiverBW in
Step 1 in “Bandwidth” on page 1592.

In the following example, the ifIndex of the PANL netlink is 150, and the
baud rate of the physical port is 128000. The maximum frame size is
calculated as (128000/64000) * 80 = 160.


CLI> define msm dteLink dceReceiverBW 149 128000

CLI> define msm dteLink dteReceiverBW 149 128000

CLI> define msm dteLink dceMaxFrameSize 149 160

CLI> define msm dteLink dteMaxFrameSize 149 160

2 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Committed Information Rate (CIR) and PVC Parameters

This section discusses the Configurator and CLI procedures used to configure CIR
and PVC parameters.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring CIR and PVC Parameters” on

page 1595

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1595

“CLI Procedure for Configuring CIR and PVC Parameters” on page 1598

Configurator Procedure for Configuring CIR and PVC


This section discusses the following CIR and PVC parameters:

To set the CIR and PVC parameters, you must perform the following procedures:

• “Using Configurator to Set the Maximum CIR” on page 1595

• “Set BECN Response” on page 1596
• “Using Configurator to Set Default Throughput” on page 1596

Using Configurator to Set the Maximum CIR

1 To configure the Maximum CIR, select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and

You will see the Port Selection (PANL) window.

2 At the top of the window, select the Netlink (Tunnel) link. You will see the
Netlinks (Tunnels) window:

3 Next to the PVC you want to configure, select Modify. You will see the
Modify a Netlink (Tunnel) window:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1596 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

4 Locate the field Tx CIR, and enter the Maximum CIR value.

Caution: Do not set the CIR higher than the baud rate of the physical
port. Doing so will impair traffic management on the Passport 4400

5 Locate the field Rx CIR and enter the maximum CIR value.

6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the unit and save the configuration. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 1588.

Set BECN Response

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to set
BECN response. You must use the CLI to define these parameters.

Refer to “BECN Response Parameters” on page 1601 for the CLI procedure to
configure BECN response.

Using Configurator to Set Default Throughput

It is possible to set the default maximum throughput for each SVC constructed
over this tunnel PVC.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1597

1 To configure the maximum throughput, select Configure, WAN/Data Services,

and FR DCE.

You will see the Port Selection (FR DCE) window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you want to configure the default
throughput on. You will see the FR DCE Signaling Protocol Configuration
3 Click Next. The Add a Switch Map Entry (FR DCE) window opens. Enter a
value in the Local DLCI field and click Save.

4 Click Next until you get to the SVC End-to-End Configuration window.
Locate the Max. Tx Throughput field.

Enter the default maximum throughput (64000) for the SVC.

5 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the unit and save the configuration. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 1588.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1598 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

CLI Procedure for Configuring CIR and PVC Parameters

This section discusses the following CIR and PVC parameters:

• “Maximum CIR” on page 1600

• “BECN Response Parameters” on page 1601
• “Default Throughput” on page 1602

To set the CIR and PVC parameters, you must configure “Maximum CIR” on
page 1600, “BECN Response Parameters” on page 1601, and “Default
Throughput” on page 1602.

Before You Begin

Display the configured CIRs for each PVC.

CLI> show fr tunnel configured table

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1599

You will see a table similiar to the following:

TunnelIfIndex 149
DlciNumber 16
PhysicalCard base
PhysicalPort 2
Type dte-panl
PhysicalPortIfIndex 155
RxMaxFrameSize 1604
RxBc 64000
RxBe 64000
MaxRxCIR 64000
TxMaxFrameSize 1600
TxBc 64000
TxBe 64000
MaxTxCIR 64000
ConsecFrames 10
MinTxCIR 64000
Passport 4460: -1
<Physical channel>

Note: For Passport 4430, 4450, and 4455, the Logical Interface Module
(LIM) name for the base module is always limA. The WAN and
Expansion modules are numbered lim1 through lim4. For the Passport
4460, the LIM name for the base module is always base, Expansion
modules are named exp1, exp2, and the PCMCIA module is named

Note the TunnelIfIndex. This value will be used when configuring the CIR.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1600 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

In addition to the CIR, it is possible to configure other PVC parameters. Refer to

Configuring and Operating Passport 4400 Software, CLI for command structure.
More information about netlinks and PVCs can be found in Passport Access
Network Link (PANL).

Caution: Do not set the CIR higher than the baud rate of the physical
port. Doing so will impair traffic management on the Passport 4400.

Maximum CIR
1 Set the maximum CIR (in bits/second) of the PVC. For PVCs over a public
network, this value is the highest CIR that can be negotiated. Both of the
following commands must be entered.
CLI> define fr tunnel maxTxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the TunnelIfIndex as determined

in “Before You Begin” on page 1598.
<MaxTxCIR> INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec Enter the maximum CIR value.

CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the TunnelIfIndex as determined

in “Before You Begin” on page 1598.
<MaxRxCIR> INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec Enter the maximum CIR value.


CLI> define fr tunnel maxTxCIR 149 255

CLI> define fr tunnel maxRxCIR 149 300

2 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1601

CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

BECN Response Parameters

By default, the Passport 4400 initiates a BECN response when it receives 10

consecutive frames from the public frame relay network with the BECN bit set.
Further occurrences of 10 consecutive frames with the BECN bit set may lead to a
further reduction of traffic rate, to a minimum of 0.25 times the original
provisioned CIR. After receiving 5 consecutive frames with the BECN bit cleared
(set to 0), link traffic is gradually increased, up to the maximum configured CIR.

Use the following commands to configure BECN response values.

1 Define consecutive frames

CLI> define fr tunnel consecFrames

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the TunnelIfIndex as determined in

“Before You Begin” on page 1598.
<ConsecFrames> INTEGER (1..100) Enter the number of consecutive BECN
frames required to trigger a BECN
response. The default is 10.


CLI> define fr tunnel consecFrames 149 12

Note: The Passport 4400 uses the consecFrames value, divided by 2, to

determine the number of BECN-free frames to trigger a rate increase. In
the default example, this number is 10/2=5.

2 Define the minimum transmit CIR.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1602 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

CLI> define fr tunnel minTxCIR

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<TunnelIfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the TunnelIfIndex as determined

in “Before You Begin” on page 1598.
<MinTxCIR> INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec Enter the lowest traffic rate allowable.

A BECN response will not lower the traffic rate below this value. The default
is 0, meaning that BECN response uses 0.25 times the configured CIR as its
lowest traffic rate.

The following example sets BECN parameters for a PVC with a

TunnelIfIndex of 149.

CLI> define fr tunnel consecFrames 149 12

CLI> define fr funnel minTxCIR 149 48000

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Default Throughput

It is possible to set the default maximum throughput for each SVC constructed
over this tunnel PVC.

1 Set the default maximum throughput.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1603

CLI> define fr line user baseSVCLMI maxTxThroughput

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the TunnelIfIndex as

determined in “Before You
Begin” on page 1598.
<MaxTxThroughput> INTEGER (0..2560000) bit/sec Enter the default maximum
throughput for each SVC.


CL> define fr line user baseSVCLMi maxTxThroughput 149


2 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Transfer Priority

The following procedures are used to configure the transfer priority of a given
SVC. Note that each type of traffic uses a different command to change the
transfer priority.

While the default transfer priority of an SVC can be changed, be careful not to
starve certain traffic sources by giving a delay-tolerant traffic type (such as LAN)
priority over one not so immune to delays (such as voice traffic).

This section discusses the following transfer priority procedures:

• “LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 4400)” on page 1604

• “LAN SPVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 6400)” on page 1607
• “Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and CBR” on page 1609
• “Voice” on page 1612

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1604 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 4400)

Use the following Configurator or CLI procedure to configure LAN SVC:

“Configurator Procedure to Configure LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to Passport

4400)” on page 1604

“CLI Procedure to Configure LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 4400)” on

page 1606

Configurator Procedure to Configure LAN SVC (Passport 4400

to Passport 4400)

The following steps must be completed to configure LAN SVC.

1 Display the Current Settings for each LAN SVC.

2 Change the Transfer Priority of the LAN SVC.

Display the Current Settings for each LAN SVC

1 To display the current settings, select Status/Statistics, WAN/Data Services,
and Frame Relay.

You will see the Frame Relay Circuit Statistics window:

2 Note the DNA of each connection. You will use this value to configure the
transfer priority.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1605

Change the Transfer Priority of the LAN SVC

1 To change the transfer priority, select Configure, WAN/Data Services, and FR

You will see the Port Selection window.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you are configuring the SVC
transfer priority for. You will see the FR DCE Signaling Protocol
Configuration window.
3 Click Next. You will see the Add a Switch Map Entry (FR DCE) window.
4 Enter the Local DLCI of the SVC you are configuring. Click Save.

5 Click Next until you get to the SVC End-to-End Configuration window.
Locate the Destination DNA field.

6 Enter the DNA for the SVC as determined in Step 1 of “Display the Current
Settings for each LAN SVC” on page 1604.
7 Locate the Transfer Priority field.

Enter the applicable transfer priority. The higher the number the higher the
priority. For the recommended values, see “Transfer Priority and SVC
queues” on page 1579.

8 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1606 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

You must reset the unit and save the configuration. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 1588.

CLI Procedure to Configure LAN SVC (Passport 4400 to

Passport 4400)
1 Display the current settings for each LAN SVC.
CLI> show fr port svcLANData base configured table

You will see a table similiar to the following:

IfIndex 2
DNA “[X121]238423423100”
TxPriority 5
MaxTxSize 0
MaxRxSize 0
MinTxThroughput 0
MinRxThroughput 0
MaxRxThroughput 0
TxBurstSize 0
RxBurstSize 0
TxExcessBurstSize 0
RxExcessBurstSize 0
DiscardPriority medium-trafficpriority
SetupPriority 2
HoldingPriority 2
DCNegMode useLineConfig
DCRetryTime 3
DCRetryCount 10

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1607

Note the IfIndex and DNA of each connection. Use this value to configure
the transfer priority.

2 Assign the transfer priority.

CLI> add fr port svcLANData

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the Index displayed in Step 1.

<DNA> Frame Relay DNA (as a Enter the frame relay DNA for the SVC as
quoted sting) (1..34) a quoted string.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value is the relative priority of the
traffic on this SVC. The higher numbers
indicating a higher priority. For
recommended values, see “Transfer
Priority and SVC queues” on page 1579.


CLI> define fr port SvcLANData “[x121]2384234231004” 4

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

LAN SPVC (Passport 4400 to Passport 6400)

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to

configure LAN SPVC. You must use the CLI to define these parameters.

Use the following CLI procedure to configure LAN SPVC.

1 Display the current settings for each LAN SPVC.

CLI> show fr port spvcLANData base svc configured table

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1608 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

You will see a table similiar to the following:

ConnectID 1
SVCIfIndex 155
DNA “[X121]238423423100”
MaxTxSize 0
MaxRxSize 0
MinTxThroughput 0
MinRxThroughput 0
MaxRxThroughput 0
TxBurstSize 0
RxBurstSize 0
TxExcessBurstSize 0
RxExcessBurstSize 0
TxPriority 0
Reason For Disconnect normal-condition
DiscardPriority medium-discard-level
SetupPriority 2
HoldingPriority 2

Note the ConnectID of each connection. Use this value to configure the
transfer priority.

2 Change the transfer priority.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1609

CLI> define fr port spvcLANData svc txPriority

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<ConnectID> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the ConnectID as displayed in

Step 1.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value is the relative priority of the
traffic on this SVC. The higher numbers
indicating a higher priority. For
recommended values, see “Transfer
Priority and SVC queues” on page 1579.

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and CBR

Use the following Configurator or CLI procedure to configure Frame Relay DCE,
HTDS, and CBR:

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and CBR”
on page 1609

“CLI Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and CBR” on
page 1611

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay DCE,


The following steps must be completed to configure Frame Relay DCE, HTDS
and CBR:

1 Display the Settings for each Switch Map.

2 Change the Transfer Priority of the Switch Map.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1610 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

Display the Settings for each Switch Map

1 To display the settings for switch maps, select Configure, WAN/Data Services,

You will see the Port Selection window.

2 At the top of the window, select the Switch Mapping link. You will see the
Switch Mapping window:

Note the Remote DNA of each connection. You will need this information
later in this procedure.

Change the Transfer Priority of the Switch Map

1 To change the transfer priority, Under the Configure, select WAN/Data
Services and FR DCE.

You will see the Port Selection window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1611

2 Use the pull down menu to select the port you want to modify. You will see
the FR DCE Signaling Protocol Configuration window.
3 Click Next. You will see the Add a Switch Map Entry (FR DCE) window.
4 Enter the Local DLCI number of the port you want to modify. Click Save.
5 Click Next until you see the SVC End-to-End Configuration window.
6 Locate the transfer priority field. Use the pull down menu to select the transfer
priority you want to assign to this SVC.

7 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Configuring Frame Relay DCE, HTDS, and

1 Display the current settings for each switch map.
CLI> show fr switch svc base configured table

You will see a table similiar to the following:

ConnectID 1
DNA “[X121]238423423100”
MaxTxSize 0
MaxRxSize 0
MaxTxThroughput 0
MaxRxThroughput 0
MaxTxBurstSize 0
MaxRxBurstSize 0
TxExcessBurstSize 0
RxExcessBurstSize 0
TxPriority 0
DiscardPriority medium-discard-level
SetupPriority 2
HoldingPriority 2

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1612 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

Note the ConnectID of each switch map. Use this value to configure the
transfer priority.

2 Change the transfer priority of the applicable switch map SVC.

CLI> define fr switch svc txPriority

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<ConnectID> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter the ConnectID as displayed in

Step 1.
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value is the relative priority of the
traffic on this SVC. The higher numbers
indicating a higher priority. For
recommended values, see “Transfer
Priority and SVC queues” on page 1579.

3 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset


The configuration of voice parameters is explained in the Configuring and

Operating Passport 4400 Software, Voice Services

Use the following Configurator or CLI procedure to configure the default transfer
priority of a voice profile.

“Configurator Procedure for Configuring Voice Default Transfer Parameters” on

page 1613

“CLI Procedure for Configure Voice Default Transfer Parameters” on page 1614

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1613

Configurator Procedure for Configuring Voice Default Transfer

1 To set the voice default transfer parameters, select Configure, Voice, and

2 You will see the Voice Channels window:

3 Locate the Voice Switching Profiles field. Use the pull down menu to select
the voice profile number you want to change.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1614 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

4 Click Modify. You will see the Voice Switching Profile window:

5 Locate the Transmit Priority field. Enter the applicable transmit priority. The
higher the number the higher the priority. For recommended values, see
“Transfer Priority and SVC queues” on page 1579.
6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the unit and save the configuration. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 1588.

CLI Procedure for Configure Voice Default Transfer Parameters

1 Set the default transfer priority.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1615

CLI> set voice switchingProfile txPriority

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Profile> Passport 4430/50/55: Enter the voice profile number.

INTEGER (1..32)
Passport 4460:
INTEGER (1..60)
<TxPriority> INTEGER (0..15) This value is the relative priority of the
traffic on this SVC. The higher numbers
indicating a higher priority. For
recommended values, see “Transfer
Priority and SVC queues” on page 1579.

Each voice call that is placed over the Passport 4400 will dynamically be assigned
a maximum throughput of 10.4 kbps. This ensures that the voice call has enough
bandwidth to avoid the use of DE bits. This value cannot be changed and applies
to all voice calls.

2 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update

CLI> reset system current reset

Monitoring Traffic Management

The following Configurator procedure and CLI commands give parameters and
statistics for traffic management on the Passport 4400. A full description of the
CLI command parameters and variables can be found in Passport 4400 Refer to
the Configuring and Operating Passport 4400 Software, CLI.

“Configurator Procedure for Monitoring Traffic Management” on page 1616

“CLI Commands for Monitoring Traffic Management” on page 1617

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1616 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

Configurator Procedure for Monitoring Traffic Management

The following procedure displays the parameters for the Global Circuit Manager:

1 To display the Global Circuit Manager parameters, select Configure, System,

and GCM.

You will see the Global Circuit Manager (GCM) window:

This table displays global traffic management variables for each unit.

Note: For traffic priority, bandwidth settings, counters, and performance

for each virtual circuit, see “CLI Commands for Monitoring Traffic
Management” on page 1617.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 34 Traffic Management 1617

CLI Commands for Monitoring Traffic Management

The following CLI Commands give parameters and statistics for traffic
management on the Passport 4400.

CLI Command Description

show tm global Global traffic management variables: rate enforcement, line

efficiency, and weighted/packet round robin.
show tm parameters Traffic priority and bandwidth settings for each virtual circuit.
show tm statistics Counters for each virtual circuit.
show tm status Current traffic and bandwidth performance for each virtual circuit.

Note: If the field for MPANLDlciNum displays n/a, the DLCI number
for that entry does not exist.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1618 Chapter 34 Traffic Management

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 35
System Utilities

The following topics are discussed:

• “Managing System Memory Banks” on page 1619

• “Using System Rollback” on page 1630
• “TFTP Software Download” on page 1636
• “TFTP Configuration Backup” on page 1648
• “TFTP Configuration Restore” on page 1655
• “Upgrading to 4.0 Software” on page 1658
• “Downloading Application Software” on page 1659
• “Telnet Utility” on page 1669
• “System Reset” on page 1670
• “Bootp Relay” on page 1676
• “Ping Utility” on page 1680

Managing System Memory Banks

The Passport 4400 utilizes a 16 megabyte nonvolatile Flash SIMM to store the
operating software. The two types of data stored include: boot code (loader
program, power-on self tests, diagnostics and other start-up information), and
application code (operating system modules for the user services).

An additional 128 kilobytes of non-volatile memory in the Passport 4400 stores

the configuration data, which consists of factory default parameter values plus
those parameter values set or changed by the user.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1620 Chapter 35 System Utilities

All non-volatile memory is logically divided into five memory banks, as follows:

Bank 0 Boot code

Bank 1 Application code
Bank 2 Application code
Bank 3 Configuration data
Bank 4 Configuration data

The above makes it possible for the Passport 4400 to store two different versions
of application code and two different versions of configuration data. (Only one
version of boot code can be stored in Bank 0.)

This section discusses the following:

• “Working with Flash Memory Banks” on page 1620

• “Viewing Memory Bank Status” on page 1628

Working with Flash Memory Banks

When the Passport 4400 is shipped from the factory, Banks 1 and 2 each contain a
copy of the application code. Banks 3 and 4, used to store configuration data, are
initially empty.

The terms “Committed” on page 1622 and “Active” on page 1625 describe how
the Passport 4400 uses each bank.

Use the following Configurator procedure or CLI command to load the default
configuration data into Banks 3 and 4.

“Configurator Procedure for Loading the Default Configuration” on page 1621

“CLI Command for Loading the Default Configuration” on page 1622

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1621

Configurator Procedure for Loading the Default Configuration

Use the following procedure to load the default configuration data into Banks 3
and 4.

1 Select Administration, and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select Factory Default.

3 Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

4 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Once the reset is complete, connectivity with the unit will be restored.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1622 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI Command for Loading the Default Configuration

Use the following command to load the default configuration data into Banks 3
and 4.

CLI> reset system default reset


When a bank is committed, it becomes write-protected and cannot be overwritten

or erased during a software download. When software is downloaded, it is written
to the bank that is not committed.

Only one bank of each type (application code or configuration data) can be set to
the committed state at one time. The act of committing one bank toggles the status
of the other bank. For instance, committing Bank 1 will force Bank 2 into a
non-committed (writable) state.

When a new version of application code is downloaded to a Passport 4400 unit,

the old version can be kept as a backup until the new version is verified. Since the
downloaded code is always stored in the uncommitted bank, you will want to set
to committed the bank you wish to keep as backup.

Use the following Configurator procedure or CLI command to commit a

configuration data bank:

“Configurator Procedure for Committing an Application Code Bank” on

page 1622

“CLI Command for Committing an Application Code Bank” on page 1624

Configurator Procedure for Committing an Application

Code Bank

Use the following procedure to Commit an Application Code Bank:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1623

1 Select Administration and Code Bank.

You will see the Code Bank window:

2 Locate the Commit Bank field, and use the pull down menu to select the bank
you want to keep as backup.

Note: Changes made to the status of a bank do not take place until the
Passport 4400 has been reset. Before starting a download, be sure to reset
the Passport 4400.

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the CPU. Continue on to “Reset the CPU” on page 1623.

Reset the CPU

1 Select Administration, and System Reset.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1624 Chapter 35 System Utilities

You will see the System Reset window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select CPU Only. A unit reset confirmation
message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

CLI Command for Committing an Application Code Bank

1 Use the following CLI command to commit an application code bank:
CLI> set system firmware commitCodeBank

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CommitCodeBank> bank1 | bank2 Enter the bank you want to keep as


CLI> set system firmware commitConfigBank 2

Note: Changes made to the status of a bank do not take place until the
Passport 4400 has been reset. Before starting a download, be sure to reset
the Passport 4400.

2 Reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> reset system current reset

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1625

Similarly, a new or restored configuration can be downloaded to a Passport 4400

while keeping the old configuration intact in the committed bank.

1 The following CLI command is used to commit a configuration data bank:

CLI> set system firmware commitConfigBank

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<CommitConfigBank> bank3 | bank4 Enter the bank you want to act as the
configuration data bank

CLI> set system firmware commitConfigBank 4
2 Reset the Passport 4400.
CLI> reset system current reset


The Passport 4400 loads its configuration settings from the active configuration
data bank (either Bank 3 or Bank 4). The Passport 4400 always reads the active
bank when a reset or power cycle occurs.

As with committed, only one bank can be set to active at a time, and activating
one bank toggles the status of the other bank. For instance, making Bank 3 active
will deactivate Bank 4.

Use the following Configurator procedure or CLI command to commit a

configuration data bank:

“Configurator Procedure for Setting the Active Configuration Data Bank” on

page 1626

“CLI Command for Setting the Active Configuration Data Bank” on page 1627

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1626 Chapter 35 System Utilities

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Active Configuration

Data Bank

Use the following procedure to activate a configuration data bank:

1 Select Administration and Configuration Bank.

You will see the Configuration Bank window:

2 Locate the Active Bank field. Use the pull down menu to select the bank you
want to act as the active bank.

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

You must reset the configuration. Continue on to “Reset the CPU” on page 1627.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1627

Reset the CPU

1 Select Administration, and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select CPU Only. A unit reset confirmation
message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress. Once the reset is complete,
connectivity with the unit will be restored.

Continue on to “Viewing Memory Bank Status” on page 1628

CLI Command for Setting the Active Configuration Data

1 Use the following CLI command to activate a configuration data bank:
CLI> set system firmware activeConfigBank

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ActiveConfigBank> bank3 | bank4 Enter the bank you want to act as the
active bank

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1628 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI> set system firmware activeConfigBank 4
2 Reset the Passport 4400.
CLI> reset system current reset

Continue on to “Viewing Memory Bank Status” on page 1628

End of Topic

Viewing Memory Bank Status

To check on memory bank usage, use the following Configurator procedure or

CLI command:

“Configurator Procedure for Viewing Memory Bank Status” on page 1628

“CLI Command for Viewing Memory Bank Status” on page 1629

Configurator Procedure for Viewing Memory Bank Status

To check memory bank usage:

Select Administration and. either Code Bank or Configuration Bank.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1629

The current back usage is displayed:

The System Configuration Image Read From Bank parameter displays the
configuration bank that is currently in use.

Note: For additional system firmware parameter displays, see “CLI

Command for Viewing Memory Bank Status” on page 1629.

CLI Command for Viewing Memory Bank Status

To check on memory bank usage, enter the following CLI command:

CLI> show system firmware

A table similar to the following appears:

OperationType accessRouter
CommitConfigBan none
ConfigSaveBank bank3
ActiveConfigBank bank3
ConfigReadBank bank3
CodeReadBank bank1
CommitCodeBank bank1

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1630 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CodeVersion "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0.0_Rev_ 0.0.15 09/05/99

ConfigVersion "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0.0_Rev_ 0.0.15 09/05/99

The table below describes the above parameters:

OperationType This will always display accessRouter.

CommitConfigBank The committed configuration bank. Notice that this is set to
none; this occurs when powering up the Passport 4400 for
the first time, or after a default reset.
ConfigSaveBank The configuration bank that will be written to during a save
configuration update command. This will normally be the
bank that is not committed; since neither bank is
committed at this time, Bank 3 is used as a default.
ActiveConfigBank The active configuration bank.
ConfigReadBank These show the configuration and application code banks
that are currently in use. Note that this may differ from the
CodeReadBank active bank, which refers to the configuration bank that will
be read upon the next reset.
CommitCodeBank The committed application code bank.

Using System Rollback

System rollback is a Passport 4400 feature that protects the unit from potentially
damaging configuration and/or application code changes. When system rollback
is enabled, a five-minute timer starts running each time a code or configuration
bank status change is made and a system reset is performed. If a confirm
rollback confirm command is not entered through Configurator or at the CLI
prompt before the timer expires, the application software and/or configuration
data automatically revert to the previous versions that were in the committed state
before the reset occurred.

System rollback is initially set to disabled at the factory. This is because both
application code banks initially contain the same version of software, and both
configuration memory banks are initially empty. Therefore, there is no previous
configuration or application code to revert to.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1631

The following procedures show the use of system rollback on a Passport 4400.

“Configurator Procedure for Using System Rollback” on page 1631

“CLI Procedure for Using System Rollback” on page 1634

Configurator Procedure for Using System Rollback

The following procedure shows an example of a system rollback on a Passport

4400. For this example, the changes will occur to Bank 4.

You must complete the following steps:

• Set Bank 3 to Committed State

• Enable System Rollback
• Set Bank 4 to Active State
• Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit
• Confirm System Rollback

Set Bank 3 to Committed State

1 Select Administration and Configuration Bank.

You will see the Configuration Bank window:

2 Locate the Commit Bank field. Use the pull down menu to select 3.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1632 Chapter 35 System Utilities

By setting Bank 3 to committed, Bank 4 becomes the "save" bank

(destination) for the next configuration change that is saved.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Enable System Rollback

1 Under Administration, select System Rollback. You will see the System
Rollback window:

Next to mode, click the radio button On.

2 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Note: System rollback cannot be enabled unless one of the configuration

banks is committed.

Set Bank 4 to Active State

1 Return to the Configuration Bank window. Locate the Active Bank field, and
use the pull down menu to select 4.
2 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1633

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

3 Click OK. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

4 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

5 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset.
6 A unit reset confirmation message is displayed. Click OK. A display shows
you the reset progress.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1634 Chapter 35 System Utilities

When the autoboot sequence begins, the newly-saved configuration in Bank 4 will
be read and loaded into DRAM, and the rollback timer will start.

Confirm System Rollback

1 Return to the System Rollback window. At the top of the window, click on
Confirm Config/Code Bank Changes. You will see the Confirm Config/Code
Bank window:

2 Click Confirm. A “Command Successful” appears.

3 If you have completed your changes, disable the System Rollback. At the top
of the Confirm Config/Code Bank Changes window, click on System
4 Next to mode, click the radio button off. Click Save. A “Command
Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Using System Rollback

Note: The system rollback feature is disabled in the Passport 4440

when the eight megabyte single bank application flashcard is used. (The
configuration rollback feature is not affected by the eight megabyte

The following procedure shows an example of a system rollback on a Passport

4400. For this example, the changes will occur to Bank 4.

1 Set Bank 3 to the committed state.

CLI> set system firmware commitconfigbank bank3
By setting Bank 3 to committed, Bank 4 becomes the "save" bank
(destination) for the next configuration change that is saved.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1635

2 Enable system rollback.

CLI> set system rollback enable

Note: System rollback cannot be enabled unless one of the configuration

banks is committed.

3 Set Bank 4 to the active state and save the current configuration before
executing the reset command. The save command will write the configuration
changes to Bank 4 (due to the command used in Step 1).
CLI> set system firmware activeconfigbank bank4
4 Save the configuration of the Passport 4400 and restart the unit.
CLI> save configuration update
CLI> reset system current reset
When the autoboot sequence begins, the newly-saved configuration in Bank 4
will be read and loaded into DRAM, and the rollback timer will start.
5 Verify that the new configuration is correct and that all applications are
functioning properly. (See “Viewing Memory Bank Status” on page 1628.)
CLI> show system firmware
6 If the configuration is acceptable, execute the following command to turn off
the rollback timer.
CLI> confirm rollback confirm
7 If you do not intend to make any more configuration changes, disable the
system rollback feature.
CLI> set system rollback disable

Note: Once system rollback has been enabled, it will remain enabled
even after a reset. To disable it, you must execute the set system rollback
disable command. Otherwise, you will have to enter the confirm rollback
confirm command after every reset.

8 Check the current state of the system rollback feature.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1636 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI> show system rollback

Feature disable
Status not-required

If rollback is disabled, the status will always indicate not-required. If

rollback is enabled, the status will be one of the following:

• required - configuration changes have been made, the unit has been reset, and
the confirm rollback confirm command has NOT been issued.
• not-required - the unit has been reset, but no configuration changes have been
made; rollback is not required even though it is enabled.
• next-reset - configuration changes have been made, but the unit has not yet
been reset.

Note: When the status is required and a confirm rollback confirm command
is executed, the status will change to not-required. Subsequently, if
further configuration changes are made, the status will change to
next-reset until a reset command is issued.

TFTP Software Download

This section discusses the following:

• “Optional TFTP Download Parameters” on page 1637

• “Default Download Procedure” on page 1639
• “Specific Download Procedure” on page 1643
• “Monitoring TFTP Download” on page 1644

Using the Configurator web pages or the CLI, you can download software or
restore configuration data from a TFTP server. To do so, you must have a viable IP
network connection between the Passport 4400 and the TFTP host machine
containing the application code or configuration files. For information on
configuring a Passport 4400 for IP services, see Configuring LAN Services.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1637

To download a new version of system software to a Passport 4400, you must

perform two separate download procedures:

• download the boot image

• download the application code.

Note that there is only one bank of boot code in the Passport 4400 Flash memory,
but there are two different banks that may contain application code. Therefore,
when downloading an application code, it is necessary to tell the Passport 4400
which bank should receive the new code. See “Working with Flash Memory
Banks” on page 1-8 for more information.

There are two methods that can be used to accomplish a TFTP download:

• Default Download Procedure — Set the source and target IP addresses

and download filename before invoking the download command, then
execute the following CLI command:
CLI> download base image default command
• Specific Download Procedure — Execute the CLI command:
CLI> download base image specific
Set the parameters one by one “on the fly.”

Note: You can download only one software image to the Passport 4400 at
a time. It is possible to download the same software to multiple Passport
4400 units at the same time.

Optional TFTP Download Parameters

The following CLI commands are used to customize the TFTP download
procedure. They can be used for both the Default Download Procedure and the
Specific Download Procedure. These procedures/commands should be completed
prior to executing the actual download command.

“CLI Commands for Optional TFTP Download Parameters” on page 1638

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1638 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI Commands for Optional TFTP Download Parameters

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used for the
Optional TFTP Download parameters. You must use the CLI to perform
this procedure.

The following optional parameters are discussed in this section:

• “Timeout Value” on page 1638

• “Retry Count” on page 1638

Timeout Value

This following command sets the timeout value. The TFTP download command
will time out if it cannot locate the remote file and begin transferring it within this
period of time. The default value is 10 seconds.

CLI> set tftp timeout

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<TimeOut> INTEGER (1..900) secs Enter the value you want to expire
before the download command times


CLI> set tftp timeout 10

Retry Count

This command sets the retry count. The download command will automatically
retry the download (if a failure is detected) as many times as is indicated by this
parameter. The default value is 3.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1639

CLI> set tftp retransmissioncount

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<RetransmissionCount> INTEGER (1..100) Enter the value you want the

download command automatically
retry the download if a failure is


CLI> set tftp retransmissioncount 4

Default Download Procedure

Use the Configurator or CLI procedure below to complete the default download

“Configurator Download Procedure” on page 1639

“CLI Default Download Procedure” on page 1642

Configurator Download Procedure

Note: The Configurator download procedure can also be used to

perform the function of the Specific Download procedure.

Use the procedure below to download application code. The following steps must
be performed:

• “Enter the IP Address of the TFTP Host Workstation that Contains the
Download Code Files and Download the Code” on page 1640
• “Commit the Application Code Bank” on page 1641

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1640 Chapter 35 System Utilities

Enter the IP Address of the TFTP Host Workstation that

Contains the Download Code Files and Download the Code
1 Under Administration, select TFTP Operation. You will see the TFTP
Operation window:

2 In the Server IP field, enter the IP address of the TFTP host workstation where
the download code files reside.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
4 At the top of the window, click on Code Download. You will see the TFTP
Code Download window:

5 In the Filename field, enter the filename and path (if applicable).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1641

6 Click Download (from Server). You will see the TFTP Status window:

This window displays the progress of the download process.

Continue on to “Commit the Application Code Bank” on page 1641

Commit the Application Code Bank

1 Under Administration, select Code Bank. You will see the Code Bank

2 Next to Commit Bank, use the pull down menu to select 1.

Bank 2 is now uncommitted, and a subsequent application code download
will write to Bank 2.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
4 You must reset the unit and save the configuration. Refer to “Save the Current
Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 1633.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1642 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI Default Download Procedure

1 If you are downloading application code (not boot code), commit the
application code bank that will be write-protected (in this example, Bank 1
will be protected).
CLI> set system firmware commitcodebank bank1
Bank 2 is now uncommitted, and a subsequent application code download
will write to Bank 2.
2 Enter the IP address of the TFTP host workstation that contains the download
code files.
CLI> set tftp serverIpaddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ServerIPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the TFTP host

workstation where the download code
files reside.

CLI> set tftp serveripaddress
3 Enter the filename to be downloaded.
CLI> set tftp remoteFileName

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<RemoteFileName> “String” (1..50) Enter the file name and path (if applicable)
within quotation marks.

CLI> set tftp remoteFileName “passportremotedownload001”

Note: Do not use spaces in a RemoteFileName.

4 Enter the command to download the new code using the default option.
CLI> download base image default

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1643

The “Command Successful” will appear and the download will begin.

Note: The Command Successful message does not mean that the
download was successful; it only means that the command was
understood and accepted by the Passport 4400.

Specific Download Procedure

Use the CLI procedure below to complete the specific download procedure:

1 If you are downloading application code (not boot code), commit the
application code bank that will be write-protected (in this example, Bank 1
will be protected).
CLI> set system firmware commitcodebank bank1
Bank 2 is now uncommitted, and a subsequent application code download
will write to Bank 2.
2 Enter the command to download the new code using the specific option.
CLI> download base image specific

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ServerIPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the TFTP host

workstation where the download code
files reside.
<RemoteFileName> “String” (1..50) Enter the file name and path (if
applicable) within quotation marks.

CLI> download base image specific

Note: Do not use spaces in a RemoteFileName.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1644 Chapter 35 System Utilities

The Command Successful message will appear and the download will

Note: The Command Successful message does not mean that the
download was successful; it only means that the command was
understood and accepted by the Passport 4400.

Once this command is performed, the IP address, path, and file name used become
the default source used by the download base image default command.

Monitoring TFTP Download

To monitor the TFTP download process, use the following Configurator procedure
or CLI commands:

“Configurator Procedure for Monitoring TFTP Download” on page 1644

“CLI Commands for Monitoring TFTP Download” on page 1645

Configurator Procedure for Monitoring TFTP Download

To monitor the status and progress of a download, use the following procedure:

1 Under Administration select TFTP Operation. You will see the TFTP
Operations window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1645

2 At the top of the page, click on any of the links. On the next page, click on
TFTP Status. You will see the TFTP Status window:

The above window displays the current status of a code download.

CLI Commands for Monitoring TFTP Download

1 To monitor the status and progress of a download, use the following
CLI> show tftp state

State transfer in progress

This command will display the state of the download operation at the time the
command is executed. Possible states are idle and transfer in

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1646 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI> show tftp error

LastOperStatus retrieving-file
FileName “passportremotedownload001”
TransferBank toBank1
PortNumber 69

The LastOperStatus parameter gives the status of the download. Possible

values are as follows:

idle Download is not currently in progress

retrieving-file Download is in progress
timeout Download was attempted but timed out (perhaps due to an
incorrect IP address)
server-error Download failed because of an error on the TFTP server (such as
file not found)
download fail Download failed to complete
download successful Download completed successfully

Note: Until the Passport 4400 connects to the TFTP server and begins the
file transfer, TransferBank is displayed as none.

2 After the download is complete, verify that the new application code image
and new configuration files are in the appropriate banks.
CLI> show system image
A table similar to the following appears:

Index 1
Bank bank0
Software boot
Filename “BT3_0_0.BOOT”
Version "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0.0_Rev_ 0.0.15 09/05/99 16:36:08"

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1647

Size 218848
CommitStatus committed
BurnCount 0

Use the above display to verify the location of the downloaded files. Check the
file names and version numbers in the display, and make sure that the files have
been placed in the proper Flash memory banks. Recall that downloaded
application code is written to the uncommitted bank. If Bank 1 was committed
prior to download, Bank 2 should contain the new application code.

Note: During the download, the command show system image returns a
No Information To Display message. This is so the download write
operation is not aborted by a read operation.

3 After the download is complete, the new application code and configuration
data should be committed and activated. In this example, Bank 2 receives the
new application code, so we will set Bank 2 to committed.
CLI> set system firmware commitcodebank bank2
4 Reset the Passport 4400 to activate the new software.
CLI> reset system current reset
5 Verify the Passport 4400 boots up with the new software.
CLI> show system firmware

OperationType accessRouter
CommitConfigBank bank4
ConfigSaveBank bank3
ActiveConfigBank bank4
ConfigReadBank bank4
CodeReadBank bank2
CommitCodeBank bank2
CodeVersion "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0_Rev_AX 0.0.40 09/05/99 16:36:08"
ConfigVersion "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0_Rev_AX 0.0.40 09/05/99 16:36:08"

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1648 Chapter 35 System Utilities

TFTP Configuration Backup

This section discusses the following:

• “Optional TFTP Backup Parameters” on page 1649

• “Default Backup Procedure” on page 1650
• “Specific Configuration Backup Procedure” on page 1653
• “Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup” on page 1654

If you have a particular configuration of a Passport 4400 stored in configuration

banks 3 or 4, a copy of that configuration can be uploaded to a TFTP host
workstation for backup purposes. This configuration backup file can then be
downloaded to a Passport 4400 unit at a later time for quick, first-time
configuration or reconfiguration. To perform the backup, the requirements
described in “TFTP Software Download” on page 1636 must be met.

For security purposes on the TFTP server, you may want to store backup
configuration files in a separate directory from boot and application code images.
The directory for backup configuration files must be both read and write
accessible. An alternative security measure is to select a specific port or socket on
the TFTP host machine through which to perform configuration backups.

Similar to TFTP file downloads, there are two methods that can be used to
accomplish a TFTP configuration backup:

• Default Backup Procedure — Set the source and target IP addresses and
the backup file name, then execute the upload base configuration
default procedure/command.
• Specific Backup Procedure — Execute the upload base configuration
specific procedure/command and set the parameters one by one “on the

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1649

Each of these methods has its own advantages depending on your application

Note: You can upload only one configuration image from a Passport
4400 at a time.

Optional TFTP Backup Parameters

The following Configurator procedures and CLI commands are used to customize
the TFTP backup procedure. They can be used for both the Default Backup
Procedure and the Specific Backup Procedure. These procedures/commands
should be completed prior to executing the actual upload procedure/command.

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used to

define Optional TFTP Backup Parameters. You must use the CLI to
define these parameters.

CLI Optional TFTP Backup Commands

Refer to “CLI Commands for Optional TFTP Download Parameters” on

page 1638 for a description of the following optional TFTP Backup Commands:

CLI> set tftp timeout

CLI> set tftp retransmissioncount

By default, the upload command uses port 69 on the host TFTP machine. If
necessary, for security requirements, you can specify a different host port number.
If you do use this command to specify a port number other than 69, you must enter
a port number that is registered on that host TFTP machine.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1650 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI> set tftp portnumber

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<PortNumber> INTEGER (1..65535) Enter a port number that is registered on

the host TFTP machine.

Default Backup Procedure

Use the following Configurator or CLI procedure to configure your Default


“Configurator Default Backup Procedure” on page 1650

“CLI Default Backup Procedure” on page 1651

Configurator Default Backup Procedure

Use the following procedure to configure your default backup:

Note: If this procedure is not performed, the Passport 4400 will upload
the currently active configuration bank by default.

1 Under Administration, Select TFTP Operation. You will see the TFTP
Operations window.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1651

2 At the top of the window, click Config Upload. You will see the TFTP
Configuration Upload window:

3 In the Filename field, enter the filename of the new configuration file and path
(if applicable).
4 In the Upload Configuration bank field, use the pull down menu to select the
bank you want to upload the configuration to.
5 Click Upload (to Server). You will see the TFTP Status window:

This window displays the progress of the upload process.

CLI Default Backup Procedure

Note: If this command is not entered, the Passport 4400 will upload the
currently active configuration bank by default.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1652 Chapter 35 System Utilities

1 Enter the IP address of the TFTP host workstation to which you want to
upload configuration files for backup.
CLI> set tftp serverIpaddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ServerIPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the TFTP host

workstation where the upload
configuration files will reside.

CLI> set tftp serverIpaddress
2 Enter the filename you want to assign to the configuration file.
CLI> set tftp remoteFileName

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<RemoteFileName> “String” (1..50) Enter the filename of the new

configuration file. Remember to enclose
the filename and path (if applicable) within
quotation marks.

CLI> set tftp remoteFileName “config00234”

Note: Do not use spaces in a RemoteFileName.

3 Enter the number of the memory bank from which you want to upload its
configuration for backup.
CLI> set tftp uploadconfigbank

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ConfigUploadBank> bank3 | bank 4 Enter the bank you want to upload the
configuration to.

4 Enter the command to upload the configuration file using the default option.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1653

CLI> upload base config default

The Command Successful message will appear and the upload will begin.

Note: The Command Successful message does not mean that the
upload was successful; it only means that the command was understood
and accepted by the Passport 4400.

Specific Configuration Backup Procedure

Note: The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages cannot be used for the
Specific Configuration Backup procedure. You must use the CLI to
perform this procedure.

Use the following CLI procedure below to Configure your Specific Backup

Enter the command to upload a configuration file for backup using the specific

CLI> upload base config specific

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ServerIPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the TFTP host
workstation where you are backing up the
configuration file.
<RemoteFileName> “String” (1..50) Enter the filename of the new
configuration file. Remember to enclose
the filename and path (if applicable) within
quotation marks.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1654 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI> upload base config specific “pp4400a.cfg”

Note: Do not use spaces in a RemoteFileName.

The Command Successful message will appear and the upload will begin.

Note: The Command Successful message does not mean that the
upload was successful; it only means that the command was understood
and accepted by the Passport 4400.

Once this command is performed, the IP address, path, and file name used become
the default source used by the download base image default command.

Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup

Use the following Configurator procedures and CLI commands to monitor the
status and progress of the upload:

“Configurator Procedure for Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup” on

page 1654

“CLI Commands for Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup” on page 1655

Configurator Procedure for Monitoring TFTP Configuration


For the Configurator procedure to monitor TFTP code downloads, see

“Configurator Procedure for Monitoring TFTP Download” on page 1644.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1655

CLI Commands for Monitoring TFTP Configuration Backup

Refer to “CLI Commands for Monitoring TFTP Download” on page 1645 for a
description of the following TFTP Monitoring Backup Commands:

CLI> show tftp state

CLI> show tftp error

After the upload is complete, you should be able to use the appropriate directory
display commands on the TFTP host to verify that a backup copy of the
configuration file you uploaded from the Passport 4400 exists in the specified

TFTP Configuration Restore

The following Configurator and CLI procedures are used to restore Passport 4400
configuration files, which have been backed up on a TFTP server.

“Configurator Procedure for TFTP Configuration Restore” on page 1655

“CLI Procedure for TFTP Configuration Restore” on page 1657

Configurator Procedure for TFTP Configuration Restore

Since there are two available configuration data banks (Banks 3 and 4), you must
choose which bank will be written.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1656 Chapter 35 System Utilities

Commit the Configuration Data Bank that will be Write-Protected

1 Under Administration select Code Bank. You will see the Code Bank window:

2 Next to Commit Bank, use the pull down menu to select 3.

Bank 4 is now uncommitted, and a subsequent application code download
will write to Bank 4.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.
4 Complete the steps in “Configurator Download Procedure” on page 1639.
The steps in these sections refer to downloading boot or application code, but
for a TFTP restore, you are downloading configuration data. Be sure to
include the correct filename when prompted for the remote file name.

Note: Do not use spaces in a remote file name.

5 After the download is complete, go to the Configuration Bank window and set
the Active Bank to 4. Do this if you want to load the configuration values for
the new version of software.
6 You must reset the configuration. Complete Step 1 of “Configurator
Procedure for Loading the Default Configuration” on page 1621.
7 Use the pull down menu to select CPU Only.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1657

8 Click Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

9 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress. Once the reset is complete,
connectivity with the unit will be restored.

CLI Procedure for TFTP Configuration Restore

1 Since there are two available configuration data banks (Banks 3 and 4), you
must choose which bank will be written. Commit the configuration data bank
that will be write-protected (in this example, Bank 3 will be protected).
CLI> set system firmware commitconfigbank bank3

Bank 4 is now uncommitted, and a subsequent application code download will

write to Bank 4.

2 Follow the steps in “CLI Default Download Procedure” on page 1642. The
steps in these sections refer to downloading boot or application code, but for a
TFTP restore, you are downloading configuration data. Be sure to include the
correct filename when prompted for the remote file name.

Note: Do not use spaces in a remote file name.

3 After the download is complete, set Bank 4 to active if you want to load the
default configuration values for the new version of software.
CLI> set system firmware activeconfigbank bank4

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1658 Chapter 35 System Utilities

4 Reset the Passport 4400 to activate the new software.

CLI> reset system current reset
5 Check to make sure the Passport 4400 booted up with the new software.
CLI> show system firmware

A table similar to the following appears:

OperationType accessRouter
CommitConfigBank bank4
ConfigSaveBank bank3
ActiveConfigBank bank4
ConfigReadBank bank4
CodeReadBank bank2
CommitCodeBank bank2
CodeVersion "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0_Rev_AX 0.0.40 09/05/99 16:36:08"
ConfigVersion "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0_Rev_AX 0.0.40 09/05/99 16:36:08"

Upgrading to 4.0 Software

Upgrading to 4.0 software is only applicable to Passport 4430/50/55 units.
Passport 4460 units only support Release 4.1 and higher.

If your Passport 4400 unit is not loaded with Release 4.0 software, you can obtain
the latest Release 4.0 application code, boot code and MIB files on CD-ROM by
ordering from your sales representative, or electronically through Global
Technical Support (GTS).

Note: In order to use Release 4.0 software, your Passport 4400 units must
be equipped with 16MB of DRAM. All Passport 4400 units purchased on
or after June 1998 are equipped with 16MB of DRAM. To upgrade an
older Passport 4400 unit, please contact your local distributor.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1659

The files included in Release 4.0 package are described below:

Passport 4430 and 4450 Hardware Platforms

• Passport 4400 boot ROM code (bt40000yy.bld, where xx represents the
latest build of the boot ROM code).
• Passport 4400 application code (pr40000yy.bld, where yy represents the
latest build of the Release 4.0 software).
• Passport 4400 application code for MIBs (pr40000yy.tar).
• Passport 4400 Supplement for R4.0 (Release Notes: rs40000yy.ps).

Passport 4455 Hardware Platforms

• Passport 4400 boot ROM code (bth40000yy.bld, where xx represents the
latest build of the boot ROM code).
• Passport 4400 application code (th40000yy.bld, where yy represents the
latest build of the Release 4.0 software).
• Passport 4400 application code for MIBs (th40000yy.tar).
• Passport 4400 Supplement for R4.0 (Release Notes: rs40000yy.ps).

Passport 4400 configuration files from previous software releases are forward
compatible with release 4.0. Upon loading Release 4.0 application code, the old
configuration files are automatically upgraded.

Downloading Application Software

The following procedures are contained in this section:

• “Configurator Procedure for Downloading Application Software” on

page 1660
• “CLI Procedure for Downloading Application Software” on page 1663
• “Procedures for Downloading Voice and T1/E1 Software” on page 1665

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1660 Chapter 35 System Utilities

Configurator Procedure for Downloading Application


Note: This procedure works only for downloading Release 4.0 software
and later. You cannot use the Passport 4400 Configurator web pages for
upgrading from Release 3.1.x and earlier.

The following tasks must be completed:

• “Enter the IP address of the TFTP Host Workstation and Download the Code
Files” on page 1660
• “Commit the Application Code Bank” on page 1661
• “Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit” on page 1662

Enter the IP address of the TFTP Host Workstation and

Download the Code Files
1 Under Administration, select TFTP Operation. You will see the TFTP
Operation window:

2 In the Server IP Address field, enter the IP address of the TFTP host
workstation where the download code files reside.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1661

4 At the top of the window, click on Code Download. You will see the TFTP
Code Download window:

5 In the Filename field, enter the filename and path (if applicable).
6 Click Download (from Server). You will see the TFTP Status window:

This window displays the progress of the download process.

Commit the Application Code Bank

1 Select Administration and Code Bank.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1662 Chapter 35 System Utilities

You will see the Code Bank window:

2 Next to Commit Bank, use the pull down menu and select 1.
Bank 2 is now uncommitted, and a subsequent application code download
will write to Bank 2.

3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Under Administration select System Reset. You will see the System Reset
2 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed:

3 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress

4 Return to the System Reset window. In the Reset Type field, use the pull down
menu to select CPU Only. Click Reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1663

5 A unit reset confirmation message is displayed. Click OK. A display shows

you the reset progress.

When the autoboot sequence begins, the newly-saved configuration in Bank 4 is

read and loaded into DRAM and the rollback timer starts.

CLI Procedure for Downloading Application Software

Note: You can use this procedure for upgrading software for all releases
(including 2.0 and 3.x.x).

1 Load the Passport 4400 Release 4.0 software onto your TFTP server (boot and
application code as required).
2 Download the boot code refer to “CLI Default Download Procedure” on
page 1642 for instructions. The unit will reset.
3 Access the CLI (it may be necessary to do this through a Telnet session).
4 If necessary, disable weighted round robin traffic management

CLI> define tm weightedRoundRobin disabled

5 Download the Release 4.0 application code onto the Passport 4400 using
a Commit the application code bank that will be write-protected during the

CLI> set system firmware commitcodebank bank 1

This will write-protect application code bank 1. The application code will
be downloaded into bank 2.

b Download the application code,

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1664 Chapter 35 System Utilities


CLI> download base image specific


This command downloads the file pr4000000.bld from the TFTP host
whose IP address is

6 Commit the new application software to the write-protected bank.


CLI> set system firmware commitcodebank bank2

7 Restart the Passport 4400


CLI> reset system current reset

8 Reconnect to the CLI. It may be necessary to establish another Telnet session.

9 Enable weighted round robin traffic management. (This is only necessary if
you disabled weighted round in Step 4.

CLI> define tm weightedRoundRobin enabled

10 If Rip1 was previously configured, the upgrade defaults to rip1compatible. To

return to Rip1 operation use the following CLI command:
CLI> define ip base ripCompatibility rip1

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1665

Procedures for Downloading Voice and T1/E1 Software

When the Passport 4400 unit initializes for the first time using the 4.0 and later
software, one or both of the following messages may be displayed on the CLI:

• DSP software version on the voice card (version number)

does not match the one in the image bundle (version number)
Downloading the new voice software is mandatory.
• E1/T1 software version on the E1/T1 card (version number)
does not match the one in image bundle (version number)
Downloading the new E1/T1 software is mandatory.

The following procedures should then be performed (as required):

• “Configurator Procedure for Downloading the Local T1/E1 Software (4430/

50/55)” on page 1665
• “Configurator Procedure for Downloading the Local Voice Software” on
page 1666
• “CLI Procedure for Downloading the Local T1/E1 Software (4430/50/55)” on
page 1667
• “CLI Procedure for Downloading the Local Voice Software” on page 1668

Configurator Procedure for Downloading the Local T1/E1

Software (4430/50/55)

Note: This procedure works only for downloading Release 4.0 and later
software. You cannot use the Passport 4400 Configurator web pages for
upgrading from Release 3.1.x and earlier.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1666 Chapter 35 System Utilities

1 To begin downloading local T1/E1 software, select Configure, Voice, and

System Action.

You will see the Voice System Action window:

2 At the top of the window, select the T1E1 System Action link. You will see the
T1E1 System Action window:

3 Use the pull down menu to select download.

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears. The download is now being

Configurator Procedure for Downloading the Local Voice


Note: This procedure works only for downloading Release 4.0 software
and later. You cannot use the Passport 4400 Configurator web pages for
upgrading from Release 3.1.x and earlier.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1667

The following procedure executes a voice download for all voice channels. The
Configurator does not perform specific voice channel downloads.

1 To begin downloading local voice software, select Configure, Voice, and

System Action.

You will see the Voice System Action window:

2 Use the pull down menu to Download.

3 Click on Save. A “Command Successful” appears. The download is now being

CLI Procedure for Downloading the Local T1/E1 Software


Note: This procedure works only for downloading Release 4.0 software
and earlier.

1 Access the CLI (it may be necessary to do this through a Telnet session).
2 Download the Release 4.x T1/E1 code onto the Passport 4400.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1668 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI> download t1e1 download

This command downloads the TVM or EVM image file contained in the
image bundle that was downloaded from the TFTP host.

CLI Procedure for Downloading the Local Voice Software

Note: This procedure works only for downloading Release 4.0 software
and later.

1 Access the CLI (it may be necessary to do this through a Telnet session).
2 Download the Release 4.x voice code onto the Passport 4400.

a To download 4.x voice software to a specific voice channel on your

Passport 4400 unit, enter the following command:
CLI> download voice channel (card number) (channel
number) download

For Passport 4430/50/55

<Card Number>: limB | limC | limD | limE The location of the voice module
within the Passport 4430/50/55 unit.
<Channel INTEGER (1..12) The voice channel number
<Action> download Enter download.

For Passport 4460

Card number: exp1 | exp2 The location of the voice module

within the Passport 4460 unit.
Channel number: INTEGER (1..30) The voice channel number
<Action> download Enter download.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1669

This command downloads the voice image file that is contained in the
image bundle that was downloaded from the TFTP host to the specified
voice channel.

b To download 4.x voice software to all voice channels on your Passport

4400 unit, enter the following command:
CLI> download voice allChannels download

Telnet Utility
The Passport 4400 allows remote access to the CLI via the TELNET protocol.
You can run TELNET on a workstation and access any Passport 4400 that is on
the same IP subnet, or any Passport 4400 that has a static route configured from
the workstation to the IP subnet of the Passport 4400. For information regarding
IP configuring, see Configuring LAN Services.

Caution: When using TELNET to access the CLI of a remote Passport

4400, do not perform a default reset. All configured IP information is
erased during a default reset, prohibiting any further TELNET sessions
until the Passport 4400 is reconfigured locally.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1670 Chapter 35 System Utilities

The diagram below shows several TELNET possibilities.

Passport 4400 Passport 4400

Telnet #2 #1 Telnet
Workstation 2 Passport Workstation 1
rt 4400
Network Passpo
rt 4400 WAN port WAN port
LAN port LAN port

Telnet Workstation 1 can access each of the Passport 4400s as follows:

Passport 4400 #1 - telnet

Passport 4400 #2 - telnet

Telnet Workstation 2 can access each of the Passport 4400s as follows:

Passport 4400 #1 - telnet

Passport 4400 #2 - telnet

For the procedure to access telnet through the Configurator and CLI, see Using
the Tools.

System Reset
This section discusses the following:

• “Configurator Procedure for System Reset” on page 1671 and “CLI

Commands for System Reset” on page 1673
• “Reset Button (Passport 4460 Only)” on page 1674

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1671

The Passport 4400 can be rebooted using Configurator or the CLI, or by pressing
a reset button on the rear panel of the Base Module. For more information
regarding the reset button on the Passport 4400, refer to Reference for the
Passport 4400 Cables, 205678-A. For information regarding the reset button on
the Passport 4460, refer to “Reset Button (Passport 4460 Only)” on page 1674.

Configurator Procedure for System Reset

Note: When you have voice or fax operating over the network and you
perform a Save function, there will be a momentary loss of voice or fax
quality and fax calls may drop. This can occur while utilizing the Save
function through the CLI, Passport 4400 Configurator, or Install Tool.

The following three levels of system reset are supported in Configurator:

• CPU Reset - The CPU is restarted and the committed application code and
configuration information are loaded from Flash into DRAM.
• Configuration Reset - The CPU is restarted, diagnostics are ran, and the
committed application code and configuration banks are loaded into DRAM.
Changes made to configuration banks are retained (provided the save
configuration update command was issued prior to reset).
• Factory Default Reset - The CPU is restarted, diagnostics are ran, and the
committed application code bank and the factory default configuration
information is loaded into DRAM. Any changes saved to the configuration
banks are erased.

To perform each of the above resets, use the Configurator described in this

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1672 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CPU Reset
1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select CPU_Only.

3 Click OK. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.

4 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress. Once the reset is complete,
connectivity with the unit will be restored.

Configuration Reset
1 Complete Steps 1 of “CPU Reset” on page 1672.
2 Use the pull down menu to select Configuration.
3 Complete Steps 3 and 4 of “CPU Reset” on page 1672.

Factory Default Reset

1 Complete Steps 1 of “CPU Reset” on page 1672.
2 Use the pull down menu to select Factory Defaults.
3 Complete Steps 3 and 4 of “CPU Reset” on page 1672.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1673

CLI Commands for System Reset

Note: When you have voice or fax operating over the network and you
perform a Save function, there will be a momentary loss of voice or fax
quality and fax calls may drop. This can occur while utilizing the Save
function through the CLI, Passport 4400 Configurator, or Install Tool.

The following three levels of system reset are supported:

• CPU Reset - The CPU is restarted and the committed application code
and configuration information are loaded from Flash into DRAM.
• Current Reset - The CPU is restarted, diagnostics are ran, and the
committed application code and configuration banks are loaded into
DRAM. Changes made to configuration banks are retained (provided the
save configuration update command was issued prior to reset).
• Default Reset - The CPU is restarted, diagnostics are ran, and the
committed application code bank and the factory default configuration
information is loaded into DRAM. Any changes saved to the
configuration banks are erased.

To perform each of these resets using the CLI, enter the following commands:

CPU Reset
CLI> reset system cpu rest

Current Reset
CLI> reset system current reset

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1674 Chapter 35 System Utilities

Default Reset
CLI> reset system default reset

Caution: When using TELNET to access the CLI of a remote Passport

4400, do not perform a default reset. All configured IP information is
erased during a default reset, prohibiting any further TELNET sessions
until the Passport 4400 is reconfigured locally.

Reset Button (Passport 4460 Only)

This section discusses the following:

• “Warm Reset” on page 1674

• “Cold Start” on page 1675
• “Baud Rate Reset” on page 1676

The reset button is located on the rear panel of the Base Module. For a detailed
diagram of the base module, refer to Reference for the Passport 4460 Hardware,

Warm Reset

Note: You do not need to be connected to a command terminal to

perform a warm reset.

If you want to Warm Start your Passport 4460, hold the reset button for less than 2
seconds.This will warm start the unit and quickly reboot.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1675

Cold Start

Note: The cold start function can only be perform through the CLI on the
management port.

Warning: This function will erase all your configuration Flash banks
and return you to the factory defaults. It does not affect the code banks.

If you want to Cold Start your Passport 4460, use the following procedure:

1 Hold the reset button for more than 2 seconds.

2 A boot menu appears with the following options:

Note: You must make a selection within 10 seconds or the unit will
autoboot and perform a warm start.

• View the current software status

• Install new software
• Install new software then auto-boot
• Start the main application software
• Switch to the other software bank
• Return to factory defaults
• Install new bootrom
3 Select 6. This will return the unit to the factory defaults.
CLI> 6

If you press the button accidentally for more than two seconds and you do not
want to wait the full ten seconds for the autoboot, quickly press the reset button
and a quick reset for quick recovery will occur.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1676 Chapter 35 System Utilities

Baud Rate Reset

For dial up access into the management port, the baud rate will not be reset to
factory defaults, therefore maintaining the terminal connection.

Bootp Relay
Bootp (bootstrap protocol) is an optional feature used by a network client to
obtain configuration information from a network server (the Bootp server), such
as its IP address and the name of the boot file to be loaded into memory. The use
of a Bootp server reduces the amount of configuration that needs to be done
throughout the network, while insuring that the same IP address is not used
simultaneously by two different clients.

In the simplest scenario, the client resides on the same IP network as the Bootp
server; however, Bootp also allows for clients to be booted remotely from servers
that are not on the same network or subnet. In those cases, the help of a Bootp
relay agent is needed.

The Bootp relay agent takes the Bootp request from the client and relays it to the
server on the other network. If the server is more than one hop away, the relay
agent relays the request to the next higher-level relay agent, until the request
finally reaches the Bootp server. The server prepares the boot reply, then sends it
back to the client via the relay agent.

If multiple IP addresses are configured on the LAN (multi-homing), the bootp

client will only be able to get an IP address for the first IP segment that is
configured on the Passport 4400 LAN. For example, If the Passport 4400 unit
contains IP addresses of,,, and, the bootp
client will only be able to get an IP address on the network.

Use the following Configurator or CLI procedure to configure the Passport 4400
for Bootp relay:

“Configurator Procedure for Bootp Relay” on page 1677

“CLI Procedure for Bootp Relay” on page 1678

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1677

Configurator Procedure for Bootp Relay

Use the following procedure to configure the Passport 4400 for Bootp Relay:

1 Select Configure, Protocols, IP, and BootP.

You will see the BOOTP Parameters window:

See the table below for a description of the required parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Bootp Relay on, off Select the On radio button.

Bootp Relay Hops INTEGER (1 - 16) Enter the number of hops for the Bootp

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1678 Chapter 35 System Utilities

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

Bootp Relay Server IPAddress Enter the IP Address of the Bootp server.
Secondary Bootp Relay IPAddress Enter the secondary IP Address of the
Server Bootp server. If the IP address is not then the request is duplicated
and sent to both servers.

If you want to send DHCP requests to all

DHCP servers on the network, set the
secondary address to

2 Enter the above parameters and click Save. A “Bootp reconfigured

successfully” appears.
3 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400. Do this by
performing the steps in “Configuration Reset” on page 1672 and “CPU Reset”
on page 1672.

CLI Procedure for Bootp Relay

Use the following procedure to configure the Passport 4400 for Bootp Relay:

1 Turn on the Bootp relay function.

CLI> define ip bootp relayBootpPkts

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<relayBootpPkts> on | off Enter on to enable Bootp

define ip bootp relayBootpPkts on
2 Define the number of hops a Bootp packet can make before being discarded.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1679

CLI> define ip bootp numberOfHops


Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<NumberOfHops> INTEGER (1..16) Enter the number of hops for the Bootp

CLI> define ip bootp numberOfHops 10
3 Enter the IP address of the Bootp server.
CLI> define ip bootp serverAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ServerAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP Address of the Bootp server.

CLI> define ip bootp serverAddress
4 Enter the IP address of the secondary Bootp server.
CLI> define ip bootp secondserveraddr

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<ServerAddress2> IPAddress Enter the secondary IP Address of the

Bootp server. If the IP address is not then the request is duplicated and
sent to both servers.

If you want to send DHCP requests to all

DHCP servers on the network, set the
secondary address to

5 Save the current configuration and reset the Passport 4400.

CLI> save configuration update
CLI> reset system current reset
6 After the Passport 4400 has been reset, confirm the Bootp parameters have
taken effect.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1680 Chapter 35 System Utilities

CLI> show ip bootp configured

RelayBootpPkts on
NumberOfHops 10

Ping Utility
The Ping utility allows you to test a connection between two nodes in a network.
After you have configured the Passport 4400 for IP or IPX routing (see
Configuring LAN Services), you can enter the ping command, followed by the IP
address of the destination with which you wish to communicate. The Ping
program tests the reachability of the destination by issuing an echo request and
waiting for a reply.

“Configurator Procedure for Using the Ping Utility” on page 1680

“CLI Command for Using the Ping Utility” on page 1681

Configurator Procedure for Using the Ping Utility

Use the following procedure to ping a destination IP address.

1 Select Utilities and Ping.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 35 System Utilities 1681

You will see the Ping window:

2 Enter the IP address you want to verify that the connection is working
properly with.
3 Click Ping. The display below indicates that the connection is working

CLI Command for Using the Ping Utility

Use the following CLI command to ping a destination IP address:

CLI> ping

A display similar to the following appears:

Round trip delay 2 mSec

Round trip delay 2 mSec
Round trip delay 2 mSec
Round trip delay 2 mSec
Round trip delay 2 mSec is alive

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1682 Chapter 35 System Utilities

The display above indicates that the connection is working properly.

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 36
System Administration

The following topics are discussed:

• “Passport 4400 System Administration Overview” on page 1683

• “Identifying the Passport 4400” on page 1685
• “Assigning User Privileges” on page 1699
• “Setting the Management Port Parameters” on page 1709
• “Setting the System Clock” on page 1712
• “Enabling and Setting Traps” on page 1717
• “Taking a Port Offline” on page 1723
• “Monitoring Passport 4400 System Parameters” on page 1725
• “Loading Factory Defaults” on page 1732

Passport 4400 System Administration Overview

The Passport 4400 is designed to allow network administration and monitoring to
take place using a workstation along with the Configurator web pages and/or
Command Line Interface (CLI). The workstation can be either locally attached to
the management port on the Passport 4400 base module or remotely connected via
the Ethernet access port on the base module.

Note: During periods of heavy user traffic, the Configurator or CLI may
become unresponsive. This is normal, as user traffic by default has
priority over Configurator or CLI requests. Should this occur, both tools
will resume operation as soon as the user traffic load decreases.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1684 Chapter 36 System Administration

Most system administration functions can be accessed using the Configurator web
pages Administration feature or by using the set system command through the

The System Administration procedures available through the Configurator web

pages include:

• Configurator Procedure for Viewing and Updating the Documentation URL

• Configurator Procedure for Assigning a Node Name, Node ID, and Customer
ID to the Passport 4400
• Configurator Procedure for Changing Community String Passwords
• Configurator Procedure for Setting the Management Port Baud Rate
• Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Clock
• Configurator Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps
• Configurator Procedure for Taking a Port Offline

Enter the CLI command below to display the system administration options:

CLI> set system









When the above parameters are configured, the values take effect immediately
and remain in effect until the Passport 4400 is reset or power-cycled. If you want
the configured values to remain in effect after a reset, you must save the
configuration prior to cycling the power or performing a reset.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1685

See “Save the Configuration” on page 1691 for the Configurator procedure for
saving the configuration.

Identifying the Passport 4400

As system or network administrator, you may want to uniquely identify each
Passport 4400 at your location or throughout your network. The Configurator and
CLI of each Passport 4400 allows you to assign it a node name, a contact name
and a location name or identifier.

“Configurator System Identity Window” on page 1685

“Configurator Procedure for Assigning a Node Name, Node ID, and Customer ID
to the Passport 4400” on page 1690

“CLI Procedure for Identifying the Passport 4400” on page 1694

“CLI Procedure for Identifying the Passport 4400” on page 1694

Configurator System Identity Window

The System Identity window in Configurator is a configurable window for

passport 4400 system values.

Use the procedure below to access the System Identity window:

1 To access the System Identity window, select Configure, System, and Identity.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1686 Chapter 36 System Administration

You will see the System Identity window:

The table below describes the above System Identity parameters.

Parameter Description

Device Network Address This address is used as the identifier for setting up a virtual
circuit between data networks.
Node Name This parameter sets the node name for the Passport 4400
unit. For more information regarding this parameter go to
“Configurator Procedure for Assigning a Node Name, Node
ID, and Customer ID to the Passport 4400” on page 1690.
Node ID This parameter sets the Node ID for the Passport 4400 unit.
“Configurator Procedure for Assigning a Node Name, Node
ID, and Customer ID to the Passport 4400” on page 1690.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1687

Parameter Description
Customer ID This parameter sets the Customer ID for the Passport 4400
unit. “Configurator Procedure for Assigning a Node Name,
Node ID, and Customer ID to the Passport 4400” on
page 1690.
PC Dial-in IP Address Enter an IP address on the same segment as the bridge IP
The PC Dial-in IP address is only applicable in bridging mode.
This address can be assigned by the user, however for a
factory-defaulted box, the address is
automatically assigned to the PC. The Passport 4400’s PPP
IP default address is When assigning an IP
PPP address to the PC, make sure that it’s on the same
segment as the Bridge IP PPP address. The PC will only be
able to communicate with nodes existing on the same
segment. If this box is grayed out, the Passport 4400 unit is in
routing mode and you will not be able to configure this
parameter. In routing mode, the IP address given to the PC is
automatically generated from the address on the IP Interface,
which is on the console port.

2 After you have updated any of the above parameters, click Save. A
“Command Successful” appears.

Configurator Procedure for Viewing and Updating the

Documentation URL

This section contains the following information:

“Viewing and Updating the Documentation URL” on page 1688

“Accessing the On-line Documentation” on page 1689

“Navigating On-Line Documentation” on page 1689

“Printing On-Line Documentation” on page 1690

Use the procedures below to view and update the documentation URL, and access
the Nortel documentation web site.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1688 Chapter 36 System Administration

Viewing and Updating the Documentation URL

This URL can only be changed through the Configurator web pages.

1 Select Administration and Document URL.

You will see the Documentation URL window:

The displayed URL is where the Passport 4400 documentation is located

(either at the Nortel Networks site (the default), or at a location that you

2 If you have downloaded the documentation elsewhere, enter the URL in the
Documentation Server URL field, and click Save. A "Command Successful"

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1689

Accessing the On-line Documentation

There are several ways you can access the Passport 4400 on-line documentation:

• If you are using the Passport 4400 Configurator, click on the Documentation
link in the navigation menu. The on-line documentation will be displayed in a
new browser window.
• From the Internet, you can access Passport 4400 documentation from the
Nortel Networks Web site (www.nortelnetworks.com): select Technical
Documents from the Products, Services and Solutions area.
• From the Passport 4400 Software/Documentation Distribution CD ROM, you
can access the documentation from the onlinedocs folder.

There are several ways you can open the on-line documentation:

• If you have installed the on-line documentation onto your PC’s hard drive,
you can access the documentation by opening the file named index.html,
located in the directory where you installed the documentation.
• If you have installed the documentation on a web server, the URL you must
use depends on where the documentation was installed on the server and how
the web site is configured and managed by the server’s administrator or
WebMaster. An example URL could be:

This example URL assumes that the server’s name is yugi, the documentation
is in the root directory of the web site established over the server, and that
index.html is the default file that is served when the web site is accessed.

The server name “yugi” can be resolved by the DNS; otherwise, use your
server’s IP address. An example could be:


Navigating On-Line Documentation

The “next” and “previous” buttons in the document pages navigate you through
the pages sequentially. For example, if you jumped (hyper linked) to a new page
and want to return to your previous location, use the “back” button in the browser.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1690 Chapter 36 System Administration

There are four navigation tools to help you locate information in the on-line

• Navigation window in the right window.

• Site map located in the navigation menu in the right window.
• Table of Contents accessible from the TOC button on each page.
• Index, accessible from the index button on each page.

Printing On-Line Documentation

In some cases, the HTML pages will not print properly. For print purposes, a copy
of the documentation in PDF form is provided (config_ops_doc.pdf). Use the PDF
file for your printing requirements. If is recommended that you use a post script
printer driver.

Configurator Procedure for Assigning a Node Name, Node

ID, and Customer ID to the Passport 4400

The following procedure allows you to assign a node name to your Passport 4400.

Note: You cannot use the Configurator web pages to assign a contact and
location name. For these functions, you must use the CLI. See “CLI
Procedure for Identifying the Passport 4400” on page 1694.

1 Select Configure, System, and Identity.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1691

You will see the System Identity window:

2 Locate the Node Name, Node ID, or Customer ID field. Enter the applicable
name or ID the Passport 4400 is attached to.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Save the Configuration

1 Select Administration and System Reset.

You will see the System Reset window:

2 Next to the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1692 Chapter 36 System Administration

3 Click Reset. A Confirmation screen is displayed:

4 Click OK. A display shows you the reset progress.

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Master Clock

This feature is available on Passport 4430/50/55 units specified as master

clock-enabled and running software release 4.3 or higher. To determine if this
feature is available on your Passport 4460 unit, select Attributes, and Unit
Hardware. You will see the Unit Hardware window:

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be displayed

in the Master Clock field.

Each of the digital interfaces on a Passport 4460 unit uses timing signals to control
the speed with which data are transmitted over communication links. Every WAN
module and expansion module on a Passport 4460 (with the exception of analog
voice modules) includes an oscillator that supplies a local clock signal. However,
some types of network transmission (such as video and fax) require a single clock
source to ensure synchronization of data transmissions across interfaces. The
Master Clock feature provides this clock synchronization.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1693

Use the Configurator procedure below to set the Master Clock.

1 Select Configure, System, and Master Clock.

You will see the Master Clock window:

This window displays the current configured interface and allows you to
designate the Master Clock source.

2 Use the pull down menu to select the desired clock source.

If you do not want to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460 unit,
select Internal. If you wish to designate a master clock for the Passport 4460
unit, select one of the listed ports. As shown in the Master Clock window
above, Base, Port 2 is providing the clock source to the backplane. Other ports
on the unit will then have the option of choosing it as their clock source.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1694 Chapter 36 System Administration

3 After you have made your selection, click Save. The Master Clock setting
takes effect immediately. A system reset is not required.

Note: The following modules can provide clock to, but cannot receive
clock from, the backplane: 56K CSU, T1 CSU, E1 CSU, ISDN S/T and
Also note that only the first port on the Two-Port Serial Data Expansion
module and the Six-Port Serial Data Expansion module can supply clock
to the backplane (although all of the ports on these modules can receive
clock from the backplane).

CLI Procedure for Identifying the Passport 4400

The following commands allow you to assign a node name, contact name, and a
location name.

Assigning a Node Name using the CLI

The Node Name is used to identify the location of the node attached to a Passport
4400 unit.

1 Enter the following CLI command to set the Node Name:

CLI> set system administration nodeName

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<nodeName> “string” (1..50) Enter the node name the Passport 4400 is
attached to.


CLI> set system administration nodeName “D1_1”

2 Save the Configuration.

CLI> save configuration update

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1695

Assigning a Contact Name using the CLI

The Contact Name is used to identify the person or department responsible for a
Passport 4400 unit.

1 Enter the following CLI command to set the Contact Name:

CLI> set system administration contact

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<Contact> “string” (1..50) Enter the contact name for the Passport 4400.


CLI> set system administration Contact


2 Save the Configuration.

CLI> save configuration update

Assigning a Location Name Using the CLI

The Location Name is used to identify the physical location of the Passport 4400.

1 Enter the following CLI command to set the Location Name:

CLI> set system administration location

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<location> “string” (1..50) Enter the location of the Passport 4400.


CLI> set system administration location “2nd Floor”

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1696 Chapter 36 System Administration

2 Save the Configuration.

CLI> save configuration update

Viewing the Identity of the Passport 4400 Using the CLI

If you’d like to view the identity of a Passport 4400, use the following CLI

CLI> show system administration

A table similar to the following appears:

ConfigVersion "Passport_4400_Rel_4.0_Rev_AX 0.0.40 09/05/99 16:36:08"

ObjectID “”
UpTime 00Years 010Days 02:51:20
Contact “TechPubsDepartment”
NodeName “D1_1”
Location “2nd Floor”
Services 4

Assigning a PC IP Address Using the CLI

The following commands can only be used if the Passport 4400 unit is in Bridging

These commands assign the IP address for the IP stack running on the PPP
segment. This IP address must be in the same segment as the Bridge IP address. If
you receive a Command Failed, the Passport 4400 unit could be in routing mode
and you will not be able to configure this parameter unless you change the routing
mode to bridging. In routing mode, the IP address given to the PC is automatically
generated from the address on the IP Interface, which is on the console port.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1697

CLI> define ip console PcIpAddress

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<PCIpAddress> IP Address Enter an IP address on the same segment as

the bridge IP address.
The PC Dial-in IP address is only applicable in
bridging mode. This address can be assigned
by the user, however for a factory-defaulted box,
the address is automatically
assigned to the PC. The Passport 4400’s PPP
IP default address is When
assigning an IP PPP address to the PC, make
sure that it’s on the same segment as the Bridge
IP PPP address. The PC will only be able to
communicate with nodes existing on the same
segment. If this box is grayed out, the Passport
4400 unit is in routing mode and you will not be
able to configure this parameter. In routing
mode, the IP address given to the PC is
automatically generated from the address on
the IP Interface, which is on the console port.

Setting the Master Clock Using the CLI

This feature is available on Passport 4430/50/55 units specified as master

clock-enabled and running software release 4.3 or higher. To determine if this
feature is available on your Passport 4460 unit, use the CLI command show
system hardware. A table similar to the following appears:

RevisionLevel 41
ManufactureRevDate ”2-9-00”
SerialNumber PED0012478
ModuleID 2
MACAddress 00:e0:7b:0a:46:1a
CPUType “Passport 4460/MPC860MH-MPC860T”
GenCfgType passport 4460
ClockSync supported

If Master Clock is supported on your Passport 4460, Supported will be

displayed in the ClockSync field.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1698 Chapter 36 System Administration

Each of the digital interfaces on a Passport 4460 unit uses timing signals to control
the speed with which data are transmitted over communication links. Every WAN
module and expansion module on a Passport 4460 (with the exception of analog
voice modules) includes an oscillator that supplies a local clock signal. However,
some types of network transmission (such as video and fax) require a single clock
source to ensure synchronization of data transmissions across interfaces. The
Master Clock feature provides this clock synchronization.

The following CLI command sets the master clock source for the Passport 4460

CLI> set system masterClock

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<MasterClockIfIndex> INTEGER (0..255) Enter the IfIndex of the WAN or expansion

port that you wish to serve as the master
clock for the entire Passport 4460 unit. Once
you specify the master clock, other ports on
the unit have the option of choosing it as
their clock source.
If you do not want to designate a master
clock for the unit, set this value to “0”. The
indicates that the clock source is derived
from internal sources only.


CLI> set system masterClock 150

Note: The following modules can provide clock to, but cannot receive
clock from, the backplane: 56K CSU, T1 CSU, E1 CSU, ISDN S/T and
Also note that only the first port on the Two-Port Serial Data Expansion
module and the Six-Port Serial Data Expansion module can supply clock
to the backplane (although all of the ports on these modules can receive
clock from the backplane).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1699

Assigning User Privileges

This section discusses the following:

• “Community String Indexes and Group Passwords” on page 1699

• “MIB Assignments” on page 1703
• “Using the Assignment Tables to Determine User Privileges” on page 1704
• “Changing Community String Passwords” on page 1705

The Passport 4400 software allows you to assign each user a privilege level to
allow or prevent access to specific utilities and functions. They are controlled
using community string groups, which are linked to the SNMP community string
concept. Each user logs into the Configurator web pages or CLI with a password
that is associated with a particular community string index. The password allows
access only to those functions linked by their MIBs to that community string

The software provides two different categories of user privileges, with three
privilege levels in each category. The privilege levels are applied to individual
MIB files, with read/write access to the MIB restricted to those users logging in
with the appropriate password. The software is shipped with default passwords
which can be changed if required. See “Changing Community String Passwords”
on page 1705 for more information.

Community String Indexes and Group Passwords

You can use either the Configurator web pages or the CLI to view Community
Strings and Passwords.

“Configurator Procedure for Viewing Community Strings and Group Passwords”

on page 1700

“CLI Commands for Viewing Community String Indexes and Group Passwords”
on page 1701

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1700 Chapter 36 System Administration

Configurator Procedure for Viewing Community Strings and

Group Passwords
1 Select Administration and Access Privilege.

You will see the Access Privilege window:

The above window displays information about the Network Service Provider
(NSP), and Customer Community Strings.

Network service provider (NSP) community strings give access to capabilities

that are typically assigned to a network administrator in the service provider
domain. Customer community strings (also called virtual private network or
VPN community strings) give access to capabilities that are typically handled
by a user at a network branch location.

See the example tables in “Passwords and Privilege Levels” on page 1702.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1701

CLI Commands for Viewing Community String Indexes and

Group Passwords

To view the community string indexes and default passwords, enter the following
command at the CLI prompt:

CLI> show system communitystring table

A table similar to the following is displayed:

StringIndex StringCommunity
nSP-Configurator “private”
nSP-Operator “public”
nSP-Monitor “proxy”
customer-Configurator “regional
customer-Operator “core”
customer-Monitor “nortel”

Network service provider (NSP) community strings give access to capabilities

that are typically assigned to a network administrator in the service provider
domain. Customer community strings (also called virtual private network or VPN
community strings) give access to capabilities that are typically handled by a user
at a network branch location.

See the example tables in “Passwords and Privilege Levels” on page 1702.

The tables below show the passwords and privilege levels associated with each
community string index.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1702 Chapter 36 System Administration

Passwords and Privilege Levels

Group Privilege
String Index
Password Network Network Network
Configurator Operator Monitor

nSP-Configurator “private” Read/Write Read/Write Read-only

nSP-Operator “public” Read-only Read/Write Read-only
nSP-Monitor “proxy” Read-only Read-only Read-only

Group Privilege
String Index
Password Cust. Cust.
Cust. Monitor
Configurator Operator

Customer-Configurator “regional” Read/write Read/Write Read-only

Customer-Operator “core” Read-only Read/Write Read-only
Customer-Monitor “nortel” Read-only Read-only Read-only

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1703

MIB Assignments

Each MIB is associated with both a network service provider (NSP) community
string and a customer community string. The table below shows how each MIB
maps to these two community string groups.

Privilege Level by Group

Network Service Customer

Traffic management Configurator Configurator

WAN Configurator Monitor
Code download Configurator None
RFC 1398 Monitor Monitor
DNA Monitor Monitor
Ethernet Configurator Configurator
GCM Configurator Monitor
ISDN (RFC 2127) Configurator Monitor
ISDN Dial Control (RFC 2128) Configurator Monitor
ISDN (proprietary) Configurator Configurator
56K Configurator Configurator
LMI Configurator Monitor
RSI Configurator Monitor
IP Configurator Configurator
Bridge Configurator Configurator
Bridge debug parameters Configurator Configurator
Voice service Configurator Configurator
T1/E1 Configurator Configurator
RFC 1493 Configurator Configurator
IP/IPX filters Configurator Configurator
System Configurator Monitor
System community string Configurator None
IPX Configurator Configurator
Frame relay Configurator Monitor

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1704 Chapter 36 System Administration

Frame relay global group Configurator Configurator

RFC 1315 Monitor Monitor
Frame relay circuit table Monitor Configurator
Frame relay error table Monitor Monitor
RFC 1213 Operator Monitor
System group Operator Monitor

Using the Assignment Tables to Determine User Privileges

To determine which password to assign to a user, first determine which MIBs the
user needs to access and the type of access required (read/write, or read only). Use
the information in the table in “MIB Assignments” on page 1703 to determine the
community string group (Network Service or Customer) and the privilege level
(Configurator, Operator, or Monitor) associated with the required MIBs. Then
check the tables in “Community String Indexes and Group Passwords” on
page 1699 to determine which login password will provide the necessary privilege

In the example below, three different users require different access to a set of

User #1 requires read/write access to the Frame Relay MIB, read/write access to
(NSP user) the RFC 1213 MIB, and read/write access to the IPX MIB.
User #2 requires read-only access to the Frame Relay MIB, read/write access to
(NSP user) the RFC 1213 MIB, and read only access to the IPX MIB.
User #3 requires read-only access to the Frame Relay MIB, RFC 1213 MIB, and
(Customer) the IPX MIB.

By examining the table in “MIB Assignments” on page 1703, we learn that each
of the MIBs listed above are associated with the following community string

By cross-referencing this information with the data in the tables in “Community

String Indexes and Group Passwords” on page 1699, we can determine which
password to assign to each user.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1705

User #1

This user requires read/write privileges to MIBs in both the Network configurator
and Network operator groups. The first table in “Community String Indexes and
Group Passwords” on page 1699 shows that only the nSP-Configurator password
provides the necessary access to both groups.

User #2

This user requires read only privileges to two MIBs in the Network configurator
group, and read/write privileges to one MIB in the Network operator group. The
first table in “Community String Indexes and Group Passwords” on page 1699
shows that the nSP-Operator password provides the necessary access.

User #3

This user requires read-only privileges to MIBs in the Customer configurator,

Customer operator, and Customer monitor groups. The second table in
“Community String Indexes and Group Passwords” on page 1699 shows that only
the Customer-Monitor password provides the necessary access.

Changing Community String Passwords

If necessary, the passwords providing access to each of the community string

indexes can be changed to any user-defined string of 25 characters or less. Both
alphabetic and numeric characters can be used; however, do not use the "space"
character (ASCII 0x20 Hex), as this character may cause a parsing error.

Use the following Configurator or CLI procedure below to change a password:

“Configurator Procedure for Changing Community String Passwords” on

page 1706

“CLI Command for Changing Community String Passwords” on page 1707

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1706 Chapter 36 System Administration

Configurator Procedure for Changing Community String


Use the procedure below to change a Community String Password:

1 Select Administration and Access Privilege.

You will see the Access Privilege window:

2 Locate the Privilege Level field. Use the pull down menu to select the string
index of whose password you want to change.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1707

3 Click Change. You will see the Access Privilege Modification window:

4 Locate the Community String field. Enter the new password. Click Save.

Note: The new password will take effect immediately. Changing the
password will affect the Configurator session if you are logged in using
the old password. You will need to exit the Configurator web pages and
log back in.

When a password is changed, all users requiring access to the associated

community string group must be notified. Once the password has been changed,
all users in that group will be unable to access the CLI without the new password.
This is particularly important when changing the nSP-configurator password.
Telnet and SNMP access via the Ethernet port will also be affected.

CLI Command for Changing Community String Passwords

1 To change a password, enter the following command:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1708 Chapter 36 System Administration

CLI> set system communitystring

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<StringIndex> nSP-Configurator | Enter the string index of the

nSP-Operator | nSP-Monitor | whose password you want to
customer-Configurator | change.
customer-Operator |
<StringCommunity> “String” (1..25) Enter the new password (within
quotation marks)

Note: To change the CLI password on the Passport 4400, use the CLI
command set system community nsp-Configurator

Note: The new password will take effect immediately, but it is not saved
automatically. If for any reason the CLI session is terminated, you will
need the new password in order to access the privilege level whose
password you changed.

2 If you want the password to remain in effect after a system reset, you must
save the configuration.
CLI> save configuration update

If you want to display the password for all six privilege levels, enter the following
command at the CLI prompt:

CLI> show system communitystring table

A table similar to the following is displayed:

StringIndex StringCommunity
nSP-Configurator “private”
nSP-Operator “public”
nSP-Monitor “proxy”

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1709

customer-Configurator “regional
customer-Operator “core”
customer-Monitor “nortel”

The passwords shown above are the default passwords. To verify the privilege
level of the current CLI session, use the following command:

CLI> show system privilege

Privilege information similar to the following will appear:

LastCommunPrivLev nsp_Configurator

When a password is changed, all users requiring access to the associated

community string group must be notified. Once the password has been changed,
all users in that group will be unable to access the CLI without the new password.
This is particularly important when changing the nSP-configurator password.
Telnet and SNMP access via the Ethernet port will also be affected.

Setting the Management Port Parameters

The only management port you can configure is the baud rate.

Use the one of the procedures below to set the management port baud rate:

“Configurator Procedure for Setting the Management Port Baud Rate” on

page 1710

“CLI Command for Setting the Management Port Baud Rate” on page 1711

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1710 Chapter 36 System Administration

Configurator Procedure for Setting the Management Port

Baud Rate

Use the following procedure to set management port baud rate:

1 Select Administration and Console Setup.

You will see the Console Setup window:

2 Use the pull down menu to select the console debugger speed (Data Rate).
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

In Passport 4460 units, the set baud rate will continue to be used by the boot and
application code until a different value is set. The baud rate remains unchanged
over warm and cold boots, power cycles, hardware resets (presseing the reset
button), and software resets (system reset and system reset default commands).

If you need to reset the Passport 4460 unit to the default baud rate complete the
following steps:

1 Power off the unit

2 Remove the flash card.
3 Power on the unit with the flash card still removed.
4 With the power still on, insert the flash card.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1711

For more information about the above steps, go to Getting Started with the
Passport 4440, Release 4.1 Software, 209664.

CLI Command for Setting the Management Port Baud Rate

Use the following command to set the transmission parameters for the serial
management port:

CLI> set system consoleport baudRate

Passport 4430/50/55

Parameter Range of Values Description

<BaudRate> 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | Enter the console debugger speed.

Passport 4460

Parameter Range of Values Description

<BaudRate> 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | Enter the console debugger speed.
38400 | 57600bps |

In Passport 4460 units, the set baud rate will continue to be used by the boot and
application code until a different value is set. The baud rate remains unchanged
over warm and cold boots, power cycles, hardware resets (presseing the reset
button), and software resets (system reset and system reset default commands).

If you need to reset the Passport 4460 unit to the default baud rate complete the
following steps:

1 Power off the unit

2 Remove the flash card.
3 Power on the unit with the flash card still removed.
4 With the power still on, insert the flash card.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1712 Chapter 36 System Administration

For more information about the above steps, go to Getting Started with the
Passport 4440, Release 4.1 Software, 209664.

Setting the System Clock

The Passport 4400 has an internal battery-backed calendar and clock. The system
displays the date in mm/dd/yyyy format, the time, and the day of the week.

To view and set the current calendar and clock setting, use the Configurator or
CLI procedure below:

“Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Clock” on page 1712

“CLI Procedure for Setting the System Clock” on page 1714

“CLI Procedure for Setting Daylight Saving Time” on page 1716

Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Clock

Use the following procedure to display and update System Clock settings:

1 Select Administration and Date & Time.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1713

You will see the Date & Time window:

This window is used to display current calendar and clock settings as well as
perform any updates that may be needed.

The following table describes the above parameters:

Parameter Range of Values Description

Date INTEGER (1..31) Sets the system’ s date.

Day sun, mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri, Sets the system’s day.
Hour INTEGER (0..23) Sets the system’s time in hours.
Minute INTEGER (0..59) Sets the system ‘s time in minutes.
Month INTEGER (0..12) Sets the system month.
Second INTEGER (0..59) Sets the systems time in seconds.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1714 Chapter 36 System Administration

Parameter Range of Values Description

Year (1970..2070) Sets the system’s year.
Daylight Savings Enabled, Disabled If you are in a country that observes
Time Daylight Saving Time (also known
as Summer Time in some
countries), where clocks are
advanced one hour ahead in the
spring, the Passport unit is
defaulted to enable this function.
The Passport unit accommodates
this by automatically incrementing
the time from 1:59:59 AM to
3:00:00 AM on the first Sunday in
April. In the autumn time, when
clocks are turned back one hour,
the Passport unit adjusts the time
back one hour. This occurs on the
last Sunday in October when the
time first reaches 1:59:59 AM and it
is changed back to 1:00:00 AM.

2 Enter any updates and click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

CLI Procedure for Setting the System Clock

1 View the current calendar and clock setting. Enter the following command at
the CLI prompt:

CLI> show system timeofday

A display similar to the following appears:

07/23/99 20:37:31 Friday

2 Set the clock.

CLI> set system timeofday

The following options are displayed:



206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1715






Enter each element you wish to set, one element per command. The system
will prompt you with the range of values for the element you select.


CLI> set system timeofday

Option Range of Values Description

Date INTEGER (1..31) Sets the system’ s date.

Day sun, mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri, Sets the system’s day.
Hour INTEGER (0..23) Sets the system’s time in hours.
Minute INTEGER (0..59) Sets the system ‘s time in minutes.
Month INTEGER (0..12) Sets the system month.
Second INTEGER (0..59) Sets the systems time in seconds.
Year (1970..2070) Sets the system’s year.

CLI> set system timeofday month 12

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1716 Chapter 36 System Administration

CLI Procedure for Setting Daylight Saving Time

Note: If you are in a country that observes Daylight Saving Time (also
known as Summer Time in some countries), where clocks are advanced
one hour ahead in the spring, the Passport unit is defaulted to enable and
you do not need to perform any other actions.

To enable or disable the Daylight Saving Time function use the following CLI

CLI> set system daylightSavingTime

Parameter Range of Values Description

<DaylightSavingTime> Enable | Disable Enter Enable if you want the Passport

unit to accommodate Daylight Saving
Time by automatically incrementing the
time from 1:59:59 AM to 3:00:00 AM on
the first Sunday in April. In the autumn
time, when clocks are turned back one
hour, the Passport unit adjusts the time
back one hour. This occurs on the last
Sunday in October when the time first
reaches 1:59:59 AM and it is changed
back to 1:00:00 AM.
Enter Disable if you do not want the
Passport unit to automatically adjust for
Daylight Saving Time, or if you are in a
country that does not observe Daylight
Saving Time.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1717

Enabling and Setting Traps

This section discusses the following:

• “Enabling the Authentication Trap” on page 1721

• “Setting System Trap Thresholds” on page 1722

The Passport 4400 can generate SNMP trap messages for a variety of events and
alarm conditions. The trap messages can be directed to a single network
management (NMS) workstation, or to multiple destinations. The destinations can
be password-protected if desired. For a listing and description of Passport 4400
traps messages, see Trap Messages.

Use the Configurator or CLI procedure below to enable trap generation.

Configurator Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps

CLI Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps

Configurator Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps

The following Trap procedures are described below:

• Enable Trap Generation Using Configurator“Enable Trap Generation Using

Configurator” on page 1717
• “Disable Trap Generation Using Configurator” on page 1719

Enable Trap Generation Using Configurator

1 Select Administration and Trap Subscription.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1718 Chapter 36 System Administration

You will see the Trap Subscription window:

2 At the top of the window, click Add New Subscriber. You will see the Add a
New Trap Subscriber window:

3 Locate the IP Address field. Enter the IP address of the NMS workstation or
other destination that you want to use to collect the trap messages.
4 Locate the Community String field. Enter the applicable string for the location
of the IP address entered above. Refer to “Community String Indexes and
Group Passwords” on page 1699 for more information about Community
5 Click Save. Configurator returns you to the Trap Subscription window. You
should see the new entry displayed in the trap subscription table.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1719

Perform this procedure for each destination IP to which you want to send trap

Disable Trap Generation Using Configurator

1 On the Trap Subscription window, locate the IP address of the trap you want
to disable. Click Delete. The Delete Trap Subscription window opens:

2 Verify that the displayed IP address is the trap you want to disable. If so, click
Delete. A confirmation message is displayed:

3 Click OK. The deleted trap subscription should no longer appear in the Trap
Subscription table.

CLI Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps

The following procedures are described below:

• “Enable Trap Generation Using the CLI” on page 1719

• “Disable Trap Generation Using the CLI” on page 1720
• “Setting System Trap Thresholds” on page 1722

Enable Trap Generation Using the CLI

To enable trap generation, enter the following CLI command:

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1720 Chapter 36 System Administration

CLI> add system trapsubscription

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the NMS

workstation or other destination that you
want to use to collect the trap messages.
<CommunityString> “String” (0..25) Enter a sequence of up to 25 characters.
Be sure to enclose the string within
quotation marks. Do not use the “space”
character (ASCII 0x20 Hex) in the string.

Enter the add system trapsubscription command separately for each destination IP
to which you wish to send trap messages.


CLI> add system trapsubscription “private”

Disable Trap Generation Using the CLI

1 Display the table of the IP addresses and passwords for the specified trap
CLI> show system trap trapsubscription table

A table similar to the following appears:

IPAddress CommunityString “public”

Note the IP address of the trap subscription you want to delete.

2 Disable trap subscription.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1721

CLI> delete system trapsubscription

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IPAddress> IPAddress Enter the IP address of the destination that

you want to disable trap subscription for.


CLI> delete system trapsubscription

Enabling the Authentication Trap

Note: You cannot use the Configurator web pages to enable the
authentication trap You must use the CLI to configure this feature.

The following Configurator procedure and CLI command causes the Passport
4400 to produce a generic trap whenever any client tries to access a specified trap
collector using a bad community string (incorrect password). The community
string is part of the client’s request data that allows the SNMP agent to
authenticate the client’s request for access.

The authentication trap is enabled by default. To check the setting of a trap, or to

enable or disable a trap, use the CLI commands described in this section.

CLI Commands for Enabling the Authentication Trap

The authentication trap is enabled by default. To check the setting of this trap,
enter the following command:

CLI> show snmp statistics

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1722 Chapter 36 System Administration

A table similar to the following appears:

RxPackets 192 TxPackets 191

RxBadVersions 0 RxBadCommunityNames 0
RxBadCommunityUses 0 RxASNParseErrors 0
RxTooBigs 0 RxNoSuchNames 0
RxBadValues 0 RxReadOnlys 0
RxGeneralErrors 0 RxValidGet/GetNexts 183
RxValidSets 55 RxGetRequests 120
RxGetNexts 32 RxSetRequests 40
RxGetResponses 0 RxTraps 6
TxTooBigs 0 TxNoSuchNames 0
TxBadValues 0 TxGeneralErrors 0
TxGetRequests 0 TxGetNexts 0
TxSetRequests 0 TxGetResponses 191
TxTraps 0 AuthenTraps enabled

The last entry at the bottom of the right-hand column of the table indicates
whether the authentication trap is enabled or disabled.

To disable the authentication trap, enter the following command:

CLI> set snmp authentraps disabled

This command takes effect immediately. It is not necessary to reset the Passport

Setting System Trap Thresholds

When trap generation is enabled, the Passport 4400 is defaulted to generate a trap
message whenever bandwidth utilization, CPU utilization, or RAM utilization
reaches 90% of capacity.

To change the utilization thresholds that will trigger these trap messages, use the
following CLI command:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1723

CLI> set system traps

The following options are displayed:




For each of the options above, enter an integer from 1 to 100 representing the
utilization percentage that will trigger a trap message to be sent. Traps are sent to
the IP address or addresses configured by the add system trapSubscription

To view the current utilization percentages, enter the following command:

CLI> show system statistics

A table similar to the following appears:

CPUUtilization 1 LinkTxBWUtilization 14
InterRAMUtilization 45 LinkRxBWUtilization 0

Taking a Port Offline

The Passport 4400 allows you to take a port offline for testing purposes in the
event of a malfunction. Use the Configurator or CLI procedure below to take a
port offline:

“Configurator Procedure for Taking a Port Offline” on page 1724

“CLI Command for Taking a Port Offline” on page 1725

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1724 Chapter 36 System Administration

Configurator Procedure for Taking a Port Offline

Note: This procedure can also be used to return a port to active status.

Use the following Configurator procedure to take a port offline:

1 Select Configure, System, and GCM.

You will see the Global Circuit Manager (GCM) window.

2 Click Modify next to the unit name of the port you want to take offline.

3 Locate the Unit Status field. Select the radio button of the status you want the
unit in (Down or Up).

Note: To put the unit (port) in test mode, you must use the CLI. See “CLI
Command for Taking a Port Offline” on page 1725.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1725

4 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears. Return to the Global Circuit

Manager (GCM) window and you should see the updated status of the unit.

CLI Command for Taking a Port Offline

Note: This procedure can also be used to return a port to active status.

Use the following CLI procedure to take a port offline:

CLI> set port adminstatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Actions

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..255) Enter the ifIndex of the port you want
to take offline (or return to active
<AdminStatus> up | down | testing Enter the status you want the port to
be in


CLI> set port adminstatus 150 up

Monitoring Passport 4400 System Parameters

The Passport 4400 Configurator Web pages and CLI can be used to monitor
Passport 4400 System Parameters.

“Configurator Procedures for Monitoring Passport 4400 System Parameters” on

page 1726

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1726 Chapter 36 System Administration

“CLI Commands for Monitoring Passport 4400 System Parameters” on page 1730

Configurator Procedures for Monitoring Passport 4400

System Parameters
• Community Strings (See “Configurator Procedure for Changing Community
String Passwords” on page 1706.)
• Console Setup (See “Configurator Procedure for Setting the Management
Port Baud Rate” on page 1710.)
• Committed and Active Bank Code Configuration (see System Utilities).
• System Reset information as displayed on the Main Window of Configurator.
• System Rollback (see System Utilities).
• System Statistics. Click on the Status/Statistics for a complete listing.
• “Configurator Procedure for Setting the System Clock” on page 1712
• “Configurator Procedure for Enabling and Setting Traps” on page 1717
• “Viewing Firmware” on page 1726
• “Viewing Installed Modules” on page 1727
• “Viewing Power and Cooling” on page 1728
• “Viewing Unit Hardware Status” on page 1729

By displaying the above windows, you can determine the status of the Passport
4400 system parameters.

All other Passport 4400 System Parameters must be monitored through the CLI.

Viewing Firmware

Use the procedure below to view the current status of the flash memory banks that
hold the application code and configuration data.

Select Attributes and Firmware.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1727

You will see the Firmware window:

Viewing Installed Modules

Use the procedure below to view information about the installed modules on your
Passport 4400 unit.

Select Attributes and Installed Modules.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1728 Chapter 36 System Administration

You will see the Installed Modules window:

Viewing Power and Cooling

Use the procedure below to view information about the Passport 4400’s Power
Supply and Cooling Fans.

Select Attributes and Power & Cooling.


You will see the Power & Cooling window:

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1729

Viewing Unit Hardware Status

Select Attributes and Unit Hardware.

You will see the Unit Hardware window:

Viewing Hardware Port Parameters

1 To view the hardware port parameters, select Configure, Physical Interfaces,
and Serial.

You will see the Physical Interface (Serial) window.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1730 Chapter 36 System Administration

2 At the top of the window select the WAN Interfaces link. You will see the
WAN Interfaces window:

3 If a PCMCIA adapter is installed, you can view its attributes in the Card Slot
and Type columns.

CLI Commands for Monitoring Passport 4400 System


The following commands provide access to a wide range of system

characteristics, data and statistics. A full description of these command
parameters and variables can be found in the Passport 4400 Reference for CLI.

show port parameters Use these commands to locate hardware addresses,

show port ifNumber other port parameter information, and port
show snmp Statistics regarding SNMP communications
show system administration System information used by the administrator
show system card Information about interface modules in the Passport
show system chassisStatus Status of the Passport 4400 unit hardware
show system commitTrack Counters for commit tracking
show system communityString Current passwords for the community string indexes
show system consolePort Communication settings for the management port on
the base module

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1731

show system configUpdate System configuration update status

show system firmware Current status of the Flash memory banks that hold
the application code and configuration data for the
Passport 4400. See System Utilities, for more
information about Flash memory.
show system hardware Factory hardware information for the Passport 4400.
show system ifIndex A list of all configured ifIndexes with their associated
interfaces and services
show system image Detailed information about the boot code, application
code, and configuration data stored in the Flash
memory banks on the Passport 4400. See System
Utilities for more information about Flash memory.
show system interfaceExtension Detailed physical interface information for each ifIndex
show system physicalCard Logical Interface Module (LIM) identifier and the name
of each interface module
show system privilege The community string privilege level for the current
CLI session. To view the complete list of privilege
levels and the passwords required to reach each level,
use the show system communitystring command.
show system restartReason The type of reset (CPU, current, or default) that last
occurred on the Passport 4400
show system rollback The status (enabled or disabled) of system rollback.
See System Utilities for more information about
system rollback.
show system statistics The current utilization percentages for the CPU,
internal RAM, and link bandwidth on the Passport
show system Hardware configuration information pertaining to the
Passport 4400 unit as a whole
show system timeOfDay The system calendar and clock
show system masterClock Displays the master clock’s external source
parameters (Passport 4430/50/55 only).
show system traps The trapSubscription option allows you to view the
IP addresses and community strings (passwords) of
the workstations that have been configured to receive
system trap messages. The threshold option displays
the current utilization percentages that will trigger trap
messages to be sent to the designated network
management stations.
show traps A list and explanation of all Passport 4400-generated
traps is contained in Trap Messages.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1732 Chapter 36 System Administration

Loading Factory Defaults

When a new Passport 4400 is powered on for the first time, configuration flash
memory may contain factory test parameters. Before configuring user services,
you must load the default configuration values into the configuration memory.

Configurator Procedure for Loading Factory Defaults

To load the factory defaults for your Passport 4400 unit, follow these steps:

1 Click on Administration.
2 Click on System Reset. The System Reset window opens:

3 Select Factory Defaults on the System Reset window.

4 Click Reset. A confirmation window opens:

Click OK. A confirmation message is displayed. Once the reset is complete,

connectivity with the unit will be restored.

This command clears the configuration memory banks of all data and loads the
default values during the boot sequence. For more information about memory
banks, see System Utilities.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 36 System Administration 1733

CLI Command for Loading Factory Defaults

To load the factory defaults for your Passport 4400 unit, use the following CLI

CLI> reset system default reset

This command clears the configuration memory banks of all data and loads
the default values during the boot sequence. For more information about
memory banks, see System Utilities.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1734 Chapter 36 System Administration

206916-E Rev 00

Chapter 37
Trap Messages

The traps in this topic describe the enterprise traps for the Passport 4400. These
enterprise traps contain information about events and alarms specific to the
Passport 4400, detected and captured by the 4400 SNMP agents, and relayed to
the network manager.

In addition to the enterprise traps described in this appendix, the Passport 4400
also supports the SNMP standard set of generic traps. For a description of generic
traps, refer to the RFC 1157 (IETF EFN of SNMP standards).

Descriptions of the Passport 4400 enterprise traps are grouped into tables
according to type, and then listed alphabetically within each table. The tables list
variables which refer to the type of additional surveillance information generated
by the associated trap. To see a description of additional information obtained
with a trap’s variable(s), access the appropriate MIB module.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1736 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

The following Trap Messages are discussed:

• “System Traps” on page 1736

• “PANL Traps” on page 1740
• “LMI Traps” on page 1741
• “TFTP Traps” on page 1742
• “Bridging Traps” on page 1743
• “Frame Relay Traps” on page 1743
• “Voice Traps” on page 1744
• “T1/E1 Traps” on page 1746
• “T1/E1 CSU Traps” on page 1749
• “GCM Traps” on page 1752
• “ISDN Traps” on page 1755
• “NAC/NAS Traps” on page 1761
• “RSI Traps” on page 1762

Note: Traps will be generated only if they are enabled by the Passport
4400 network manager.

System Traps
The following System Traps can be enabled through Configurator:

• FR Core
• Dial Control

Use the CLI to configure all other system traps.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1737

Configurator Procedure for Viewing System Trap Status

For a description of the traps discussed in this section, refer to the following

• “PANL Traps” on page 1740

• “LMI Traps” on page 1741
• “T1/E1 CSU Traps” on page 1749
• “ISDN Traps” on page 1755

Use the procedure below to view current trap status:

1 Click on Administration.
2 Click on Trap State. The Enable Traps window opens:

Use the above widow to determine system trap status.

Configurator Procedure for Enabling or Disabling Traps

1 Complete Steps 1 and 2 in “Configurator Procedure for Viewing System Trap
Status” on page 1737.
2 Click the applicable radio button (Enable or Disable) next to the desired trap.
3 Click Save. A “Command Successful” is displayed.

You must save the configuration and reset the system.

Save the Current Configuration and Reset the Unit

1 Click on Administration.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1738 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

2 Click on System Reset. The System Reset window opens:

3 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select Configuration. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message displayed:

4 Click OK.
5 In the Reset Type field, use the pull down menu to select CPU Only. Click
Reset. A unit reset confirmation message is displayed.
6 Click OK. A display will show you the reset progress. Once the reset is
complete, connectivity with the unit will be restored.

CLI Commands for Setting System Traps

System traps are enabled or disabled with the following commands:

CLI> set system traps bandwidthUtilThres

<BandwidthUtilThres> : INTEGER (1..100)

CLI> set system traps cpuUtilThres

<CPUUtilThres> : INTEGER (1..100)

CLI> set system traps ramUtilThres

<RAMUtilThres> : INTEGER (1..100)

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1739

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 unit.

Name Variable Description

mcmSysBandwidthUtilExceeded mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a Passport 4400 has

exceeded its configured threshold
value for bandwidth utilization. You
can change the value by using the
command set system traps
bandwidthUtilThre 1-100.
mcmSysBatteryLow mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a Passport 4400 Battery
Low condition. The battery supplies
power to the Real Time Clock (RTC)
for an accumulated power down of
10 years.
mcmSysChassisFanFailure mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a Passport 4400 chassis
fan failure. Turn off the unit to
prevent over-heating. Consult
Passport 4400 Hardware
Installation Manual, document
800-1951-40 for information about
the fan.
mcmSysConfigChanged mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a Passport 4400
configuration change that may have
affected your applications.
mcmSysCPUUtilExceeded mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates Passport 4400 CPU
utilization has exceeded the
configured threshold value. You can
change the value by using the
command set sys traps cpu
mcmSysMainPowerSupplyFailur mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a power supply failure.
e The power supply jumper may not
be set properly. Consult Passport
4400 Hardware Installation Manual,
document 800-1951-40 for
information about the power supply
jumper settings.
mcmSysRAMUtilExceeded mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates Passport 4400 has
exceeded its configured threshold
value for RAM utilization. You can
change the value by using the
command set system traps
ramUtilThres 1-100.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1740 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

Name Variable Description

mcmSysRollbackArmed mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400
Rollback feature is enabled. This is
a result of a user committing a new
code/config bank for the next
Passport 4400 reset. If this
condition is not desired or needed,
revert back to a previous
mcmSysRollbackDisarmed mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400
Rollback feature is disabled. This is
a result of a user disabling a
previously committed code/config
bank before the next Passport 4400
reset. If this condition is not desired
or needed, revert back to a previous
mcmSysRollbackEnabled mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400
Rollback feature is enabled. If this
feature is not desired, disable it.
mcmSysRollbackDisabled mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400
Rollback feature is disabled. If this
feature is required, enable it.
mcmSysSystemReset mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay A Passport 4400 system reset has

PANL Traps
To enable PANL traps through the Configurator web pages, go to “Configurator
Procedure for Enabling or Disabling Traps” on page 1737.

PANL traps are enabled or disabled with the following command:

CLI> define fr system msmTrap

<MsmTrapEnable> : enabled | disabled

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1741

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to the Passport
4400 PANL link.

Note: The terms PANL and MPANL both refer to the same protocol and
may be used interchangeably.

Name Variable Description

mcmMpanlInterfaceLinkDown mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the PANL link has gone

mcmMSMLinkStatusIfIndex down. Please check the Passport
4400 configuration.
mcmMpanlInterfaceLinkUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the PANL link has come
mcmMSMLinkStatusIfIndex up. This is a normal link
mcmMpanlPrefixDNA mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates the latest DNA
ChangedWithoutDeassociation mcmMSMDNAStatusPrefixNumber association has displaced the
mcmMSMDNAStatusIfIndex earlier association with a different
netlink. Verify the DNA association
mcmMpanlPrefixDNAhasNot mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a DNA Prefix is missing
BeenConfigured or has not been configured.
Configure the DNA Prefix of the
Passport 4400.
mcmMSMProfileReceivedFrom mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the MPANL Signaling
Passport mcmMSMLinkStatusIfIndex Module (MSM) profile has been
mcmMSMDTELinkStatsRemoteCo received from the Passport 6400.
mpname This is a normal condition.

LMI Traps
To enable LMI traps through the Configurator web pages, go to “Configurator
Procedure for Enabling or Disabling Traps” on page 1737

LMI traps are enabled or disabled with the following command:

CLI> define fr system panlLmiTrap

<PanlLmiTrap> : enabled | disabled

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1742 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 LMI interface.

Name Variable Description

mcmLMIIncompatibleType mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates incompatible access

mcmMLMINetlinkIfIndex devices are connected. Check
model types for compatibility.
mcmLMIReachedMaxUnsucess mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates the number of the
fulRestartAttempts mcmMLMINetlinkIfIndex unsuccessful restart attempts has
reached its maximum. Check the
number of restart attempts allowed
in configuration.
mcmLMISVCCallRejected mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates an SVC call is rejected
mcmMLMINetlinkIfIndex because the outgoing netlink
number is identical to the incoming
netlink number. Please verify the
configuration parameters of the
netlink number or DNA number.
mcmLMIT317TimerExpired mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates the T317 timer has
mcmMLMINetlinkIfIndex expired. Check to see if all circuits
have been cleared.

TFTP Traps
The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 TFTP file transfer.

Name Variable Description

mcmTFTPDownloadFail mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a TFTP code download

mcmTFTPServerIpAddr has failed between the Passport
mcmTFTPFileName 4400 and the server. Check the
network cables, and, provided the
server is alive, retry the download.
mcmTFTPDownloadSuccess mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a TFTP code download
mcmTFTPServerIpAddr has succeeded between the
mcmTFTPFileName server and the Passport 4400.
This is a Normal Status indicator.
mcmTFTPUploadFail mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the TFTP code upload is
mcmTFTPServerIpAddr not supported by the Passport
mcmTFTPFileName 4400.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1743

Bridging Traps
The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 Bridging application.

Name Variable Description

newRoot mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the sending agent has

become the new root of the
Spanning Tree. This trap is sent
by a bridge soon after its election
as the new root.
topologyChange mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay A topologyChange trap is sent by
a bridge when any of its
configured ports transition states.
Sequences are from the Blocking
state to the Forwarding state, or
from the Forwarding state to the
Blocking state. The trap is not sent
if a newRoot trap is sent for the
same transition.

Frame Relay Traps

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to the Passport
4400 Frame Relay service.

Name Variable Description

mcmFrPvcLmiLinkDown mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the PVC LMI link is

down. Check the cabling and
PANL link status, including the
Passport PANL status for that
particular link.
mcmFrPvcLmiLinkUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the PVC LMI link is up.
This is a Normal Status indicator.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1744 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

Name Variable Description

mcmFrWanLinkDown mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates WAN link is down. This
is due to a loss of physical
connection or is because the LMI
is dropped. Check the physical
connection, the PANL LMI status,
and provisioning on the Passport.
mcmFrWanLinkUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the WAN link is up. This
is a Normal Status indicator.

Voice Traps
The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to Passport 4400
Voice applications. These traps are automatically enabled, and are not
configurable by the user.

Note: In the table below, all interface-specific traps are described as

such in the Description column, and all platform-specific traps are noted
in bold in the Name column.

Name Variable Description

mcmVNETDownload Fail mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a failure occurred while

mcmVNETChCfgLimID downloading the voice image.
mcmVNETChConfigChannelID Retry the voice image download.
Passport 4430/50/55 only mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the DSP is running, but
mcmVNETFailedToSyncUp mcmVNETChCfgLimID is unable to sync up. A channel
mcmVNETChConfigChannelID reset may be required. Reset the
Passport 4430/50/55 only mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from the failure
mcmVNETFailedToSyncUp mcmVNETChCfgLimID to sync up condition.
Recovered mcmVNETChConfigChannelID Synchronization is acquired. This
is a Normal Status indicator.
Passport 4430/50/55 only mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400 built
mcmVNETNoCVMCodeImage image does not contain CVM
code. CVM is a previous name for
the Analog Voice Module (AVM).

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1745

Name Variable Description

Passport 4430/50/55 only mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400 built
mcmVNETNoDVMCodeImage image does not contain DVM
Passport 4430/50/55 only mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400 built
mcmVNETNoTUVMCodeImage image does not contain TUVM
code. TUVM is a previous name
for the Universal Analog Voice
Module (UAVM).
Passport 4430/50/55 only mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the Passport 4400 built
mcmVNETNoBVMCodeImage image does not contain BVM
mcmVNETBVMLostSignalLevel mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a physical connection
mcmVNETChCfgLimID problem between BVM and PBX.
mcmSysIfExtPPA Check the physical connection
between BVM and PBX.
mcmVNETBVMLostSignalLevel mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from physical
Restored mcmVNETChCfgLimID connection problem between BVM
and PBX.
mcmVNETBVMLostFraming mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates synchronization problem
Upstream mcmVNETChCfgLimID between BVM and PBX. Check
mcmSysIfExtPPA the configuration of the PBX and
the physical connection.
mcmVNETBVMLostFraming mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from
UpstreamRestored mcmVNETChCfgLimID synchronization problem between
mcmSysIfExtPPA BVM and PBX.
mcmVNETOutOfOrder mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the DSP is not running. A
mcmVNETChCfgLimID channel reset may be required.
mcmVNETChConfigChannelID Reset the voice channel(s).
mcmVNETOutOfOrder mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from the out of
Recovered mcmVNETChCfgLimID order condition. The DSP is
mcmVNETChConfigChannelID running. This is a Normal Status

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1746 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

T1/E1 Traps
The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 T1/E1 module. For more information, see Setting up Passport 4400 T1 and
E1 Voice Services, document number 800-1944-40.

Name Variable Description

mcm4400E1AISAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 AIS Alarm has

mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex cleared. This is a Normal Status
mcm4400E1AISAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 AIS Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex condition is present. Check
physical link of the local E1 and
the remote PBX. This condition
may be due to a framing error.
mcm4400E1DownloadFail mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a failure occurred during
the E1 code download. Check the
physical connection, and verify
that the download is set up
correctly and that the software is
available on the server. Retry the
mcm4400E1FailToSyncUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the E1 is unable to sync
up. It could indicate a protocol
error. Check the physical
connection, both local and remote,
and attempt to run the loopback
tests to determine the cause of the
mcm4400E1FailToSyncUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from the E1
Recover failure to sync up condition. This is
a Normal Status indicator.
mcm4400E1NoCodeImage mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the built image does not
contain E1 code. Load a new
image that includes E1 code.
mcm4400E1OOCMFAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 OOCMF Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex has cleared. This is a Normal
Status indicator.
mcm4400E1OOCMFAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 OOCMF Alarm is
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex present. Framing error due to
signal loss. Run the loopback
tests, if possible, to determine the
cause of the problem.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1747

Name Variable Description

mcm4400E1OOSMFAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 OOSMF Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex has cleared. This is a Normal
Status indicator.
mcm4400E1OOSMFAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 OOSMF Alarm is
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex present. This is caused by a
framing error due to signal loss.
Run the loopback tests, if
possible, to determine the cause
of the problem.
mcm4400E1OutOfOrder mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the E1 is not responding.
The management frame is out of
order. Check for a framing error.
mcm4400E1OutOfOrder mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from the E1 out
Recovered of order condition. E1 is
responding. This is a Normal
Status indicator.
mcm4400E1RedAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 red Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex condition has cleared. This is a
Normal Status indicator.
mcm4400E1RedAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 Red Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex condition is present. Check the
physical connection to the remote.
mcm4400E1RemoteABitAlarm mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 Remote A Bit
Clear mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex Alarm has cleared. This is a
Normal Status indicator.
mcm4400E1RemoteABitAlarm mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 Remote A Bit
Set mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex Alarm is present. This may be due
to a framing error. Run the
loopback tests, if possible, to
determine the cause of the
mcm4400E1RemoteYBitAlarm mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 Remote Y Bit
Clear mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex Alarm has cleared. This is a
Normal Status indicator.
mcm4400E1RemoteYBitAlarm mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 Remote Y Bit
Set mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex Alarm is present. Run the
loopback tests, if possible, to
determine the cause of the
mcm4400E1TS16AISAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates E1 TS16 AIS Alarm has
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex cleared. This is a Normal Status

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1748 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

Name Variable Description

mcm4400E1TS16AISAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates an E1 TS16 AIS Alarm is
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex present. The TX or RX side for the
physical connection may be faulty.
This may be due to a framing
error. Run the Loopback tests, if
possible, and determine the cause
of the problem.
mcm4400T1AISAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a T1 AIS Alarm has
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex cleared. This is a Normal Status
mcm4400T1AISAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a T1 AIS Alarm condition
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex is present. Check the physical link
of the local T1 and the remote
PBX. This may be due to a
framing error.
mcm4400T1DownloadFail mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a failure occurred during
the T1 code download. Check the
physical connections, and verify
that the download is set up
correctly and the software is
available on the server. Retry the
mcm4400T1FailToSyncUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the T1 is unable to sync
up. Check the physical
connection, both local and remote.
mcm4400T1FailToSyncUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from the T1
Recover failure to sync up condition. This is
a Normal Status indicator.
mcm4400T1NoCodeImage mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the built image does not
contain T1 code. Load a new
image that includes T1 code.
mcm4400T1OutOfOrder mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the T1 is not responding.
The management frame is out of
order. Check for a framing error.
mcm4400T1OutOfOrder mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates recovery from the T1 out
Recovered of order condition. T1 is
responding. This is a Normal
Status indicator.
mcm4400T1RedAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a T1 red Alarm condition
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex has cleared. This is a Normal
Status indicator.
mcm4400T1RedAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a T1 Red Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex condition is present. Check the
physical connection to the remote.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1749

Name Variable Description

mcm4400T1YellowAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a T1 Yellow Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex condition has cleared. This is a
Normal Status indicator.
mcm4400T1YellowAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a T1 Yellow Alarm
mcm4400t1e1LineStatusLineIndex condition is present. The TX or RX
side for the physical connection
might be faulty. Possible framing
error with the remote device. Run
Loopback tests, if possible, to
determine the cause of the

T1/E1 CSU Traps

T1/E1 CSU traps can be configured through the Configurator web pages or the

• “Configurator Procedure for Enabling/Disabling T1/E1 CSU Traps” on

page 1749
• “CLI Commands for Enabling/Disabling T1/E1 CSU Traps” on page 1750

Configurator Procedure for Enabling/Disabling T1/E1 CSU


To enable or disable T1/E1 CSU traps through the Configurator web pages, use
the procedure below:

1 Click on Configure.
2 Click on Physical Interfaces.
3 Click on CSU.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1750 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

4 Click on the CSU interface you want to enable traps on (T1 or E1). Use the
pull down menu to select the port. The T1 or E1 CSU window opens:

5 Select the Enable or Disable radio button.

6 Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

CLI Commands for Enabling/Disabling T1/E1 CSU Traps

T1/E1 CSU traps are enabled or disabled with the following commands:

CLI> set csu 56k trapStatus

CLI> set csu e1 trapStatus

CLI> set csu t1 trapStatus

<IfIndex> : INTEGER (1..255)

<TrapStatus> : disable | enable

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1751

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to Passport 4400
T1/E1 CSU modules.

Name Variable Description

mcmE1CsuAISAAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a E1 CSU AIS Alarm

mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition has cleared This is a
Normal Status indicator.
mcmE1CsuAISAAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a E1 CSU AIS Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition is present. The AIS
(alarm indication signal) alarm is
detected as an all ones condition
on the E1 line persisting for 100
milliseconds or longer.
mcmE1CsuRedAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a E1 CSU Red Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition has cleared. A red alarm
is cleared when the out-of-frame
condition has been absent for 100
milliseconds.This is a Normal
Status indicator.
mcmE1CsuRedAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a E1 CSU Red Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition is present. A red alarm
indicates that an out-of-frame
condition existed for the last 100
milliseconds or longer.
mcmE1CsuRemoteAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a E1 CSU Remote Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition has cleared. This is a
Normal Status indicator.
mcmE1CsuRemoteAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a E1 CSU Remote Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition is present.
mcmT1CsuBlueAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a T1 CSU Blue Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition has cleared. A blue
alarm is cleared once an upstream
node’s red alarm conditions clears.
mcmT1CsuBlueAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a T1 CSU Blue Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition is present. When a
downstream node is in red alarm
condition, it then transmits a blue
alarm signal downstream to the
next node.
mcmT1CsuRedAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates the downstream node is
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex back in synchronization with its
receive pair of a T1 line and the T1
CSU Red Alarm condition has
cleared. This is a Normal Status

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1752 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

Name Variable Description

mcmT1CsuRedAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a T1 CSU Red Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition is present. A red alarm
indicates a downstream node
detects a loss of synchronization
in its receive pair of a T1 line.
mcmT1CsuYellowAlarmClear mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a T1 CSU Yellow Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition has cleared. A yellow
alarm is cleared once a
downstream node’s red alarm
conditions clears. This is a Normal
Status indicator.
mcmT1CsuYellowAlarmSet mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates a T1 CSU Yellow Alarm
mcmT1E1CsuCfgifIndex condition is present. When a
downstream node is in red alarm
condition, it then transmits a
yellow alarm signal upstream to
the previous node.

GCM Traps

Note: You cannot enable or disable GCM traps through the Configurator
web pages. You must use the CLI.

GCM traps are enabled or disabled with the following command:

CLI> define gcm global trapStatus

<TrapStatus> : enabled | disabled

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1753

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 GCM logical link administrator.

Name Variable Description

mcmGCMBakLinkDownCaused mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link state change

ByPhysicalConnection mcmGCMLinkIndex from UP to DOWN. The GCM link
mcmGCMLinkName is configured as the backup link.
mcmGCMLinkSigType The disconnection is caused by
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex loss of the physical connection.
mcmGCMLinkProtoType Check for a cabling problem, a
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex possible signalling problem with
the ISDN D-channel, or a Frame
Relay protocol error.
mcmGCMBakLinkDownCaused mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link state change
ByGcmTimerEvent mcmGCMLinkIndex from UP to DOWN. The GCM link
mcmGCMLinkName is configured as backup link. The
mcmGCMLinkSigType disconnection is caused by a GCM
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex timer event. The GCM timer event
mcmGCMLinkProtoType (user activated) caused the link to
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex go down. Wait until the timer kicks
in. If the link stays down, contact
the appropriate field personnel.
mcmGCMBakLinkDownCaused mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link state change
ByProtocolFailure mcmGCMLinkIndex from UP to DOWN. The GCM Link
mcmGCMLinkName is configured as the backup link.
mcmGCMLinkSigType The disconnection is caused by a
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex loss of the physical connection.
mcmGCMLinkProtoType Check for a Frame Relay protocol
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex error.
mcmGCMBakLinkDownCaused mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link state change
ByUnknownSource mcmGCMLinkIndex from UP to DOWN. The GCM link
mcmGCMLinkName is configured as the backup link.
mcmGCMLinkSigType The disconnection is caused by
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex the loss of an unknown event.
mcmGCMBakLinkEst mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the connection between
mcmGCMLinkIndex the 4400 and the Passport is
mcmGCMLinkName established. The connection is
mcmGCMLinkSigType built on both a physical and
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex protocol level. Voice and LAN
mcmGCMLinkProtoType transfer is disabled for the backup
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex link. This is the normal physical
and protocol level connection, but
the server is unreachable. Check
the server connection.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1754 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

Name Variable Description

mcmGCMBakLinkUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the connection is
mcmGCMLinkIndex established, and Voice and LAN
mcmGCMLinkName transfer is now activated on the
mcmGCMLinkSigType backup link. This is a Normal
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex Status indicator.
mcmGCMPriLinkDownCauseBy mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link has changed
PhysicalConnection mcmGCMLinkIndex its state from UP to DOWN. The
mcmGCMLinkName GCM link is configured as primary
mcmGCMLinkSigType link. The disconnection is caused
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex by the loss of the primary link’s
mcmGCMLinkProtoType physical connection. Check for a
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex cabling problem, a possible
signaling problem with the ISDN
D-channel, or a Frame Relay
protocol error. If the problem
persists, contact the appropriate
system administrator or field
mcmGCMPriLinkDownCausedBy mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link has changed
GCMTimerEvent mcmGCMLinkIndex its state from UP to DOWN. The
mcmGCMLinkName GCM link is configured as the
mcmGCMLinkSigType primary link. The disconnection is
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex caused by a GCM timer event
mcmGCMLinkProtoType (user activated). Wait until the
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex timer kicks in.
mcmGCMPriLinkDownCausedBy mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link has changed
ProtocolFailure mcmGCMLinkIndex its state from UP to DOWN. The
mcmGCMLinkName GCM Link is configured as the
mcmGCMLinkSigType primary link. The disconnection is
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex caused by the loss of the protocol
mcmGCMLinkProtoType connection. This indicates a
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex possible frame relay or ISDN D
Channel signaling protocol error.
mcmGCMPriLinkDownCausedBy mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates a GCM link has changed
UnknownSource mcmGCMLinkIndex its state from UP to DOWN. The
mcmGCMLinkName GCM link is configured as the
mcmGCMLinkSigType primary link. The disconnection is
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex caused by the loss of an unknown
mcmGCMLinkProtoType event.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1755

Name Variable Description

mcmGCMPriLinkEst mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the connection between
mcmGCMLinkIndex the 4400 and the Passport is
mcmGCMLinkName established. The connection is
mcmGCMLinkSigType built on both a physical and
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex protocol level. Voice and LAN
mcmGCMLinkProtoType transfer is disabled for the primary
mcmGCMLinkProtoPCMIndex link. This the normal physical and
protocol level connection.
mcmGCMPriLinkUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates the connection is
mcmGCMLinkIndex established, and Voice and LAN
mcmGCMLinkName transfer is now activated for the
mcmGCMLinkSigType primary link. This is a Normal
mcmGCMLinkSigPcmIndex Status indicator.
mcmGcmRegionalLinkDown mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates that the GCM regional
mcmGcmLinkIndex link connection has been
mcmGcmLinkName deactivated due to a primary link
mcmGcmLinkSigType failure or disconnection by the
mcmGcmLinkSigPcmIndex remote peer. This is a Normal
mcmGcmLinkProtoType Status indicator.
mcmGcmRegionalLinkEst mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates that the connection for
mcmGcmLinkIndex the regional GCM link is
mcmGcmLinkName established. This is a Normal
mcmGcmLinkSigType Status Indicator.

ISDN Traps
ISDN traps are enabled or disabled with the following Configurator procedure or
CLI commands:

See “Configurator Procedure to Enable/Disable ISDN Traps” on page 1756

See “CLI Commands to Enable/Disable ISDN Traps” on page 1758

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1756 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

Configurator Procedure to Enable/Disable ISDN Traps

The following Configurator procedures are used to enable/disable ISDN and

Signaling D-Channel traps.

• “Enabling/Disabling ISDN Signaling D-Channel Traps” on page 1756

• “Enabling/Disabling ISDN Dial Control Peer Traps” on page 1756

Enabling/Disabling ISDN Signaling D-Channel Traps

1 Click on Administration.
2 Click on Trap State. The Enable Traps window opens.
3 At the top of the window, click on ISDN Signaling Trap. The Signaling
D-Channel Configuration window opens:

4 Click Modify next to the Signaling Index you want to enable or disable traps
on. The Signaling D-Channel Configuration - MODIFY window opens:

5 Locate the Signaling Trap field, and click on the appropriate radio button
(Enable or Disable). Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Enabling/Disabling ISDN Dial Control Peer Traps

1 Click on Administration.

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1757

2 Click on Trap State. The Enable Traps window opens.

3 At the top of the window, click on Dial Control Peer Trap. The Configure
ISDN Service - Dial Control Peer window opens.
4 Use the table to locate the WAN port you want to enable/disable traps on, and
next to it click Modify. The Configure ISDN Service - Dial Control Window

5 Locate the Trap Enable field, and click on the appropriate radio button
(Enable or Disable). Click Save. A “Command Successful” appears.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1758 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

CLI Commands to Enable/Disable ISDN Traps

Use the following CLI commands to enable/disable ISDN traps:

CLI> define isdn dialControl configuration trapStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<TrapStatus> enabled | disabled Enter the applicable option

CLI> define isdn dialControl peer trapStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<Id> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the ID number of the peer

you want to enable or disable the
trap on.
<TrapStatus> enabled | disabled Enter the applicable option

CLI> define isdn physicalIf signal infoTrapStatus

Parameter Range of Values Required Action

<IfIndex> INTEGER (1..2147483647) Enter the IfIndex of the ISDN

signal index you want to enable or
disable the trap on.
<TrapStatus> enabled | disabled Enter the applicable option

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1759

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 ISDN connection.

Name Variable Description

dialCtlPeerCallInformation callHistoryPeerId Indicates a successful call has

callHistoryPeerIfIndex cleared, or a failed call attempt is
callHistoryLogicalIfIndex determined to have ultimately
ifoperStatus failed. In the event that call retry is
callhistoryPeerAddress active, this information is sent after
callhistoryPeerSubAddress all retry attempts have failed. Only
callHistoryDisconnectCause one such trap is sent between
callHistoryConnectTime successful call attempts, and
CallHistoryDisconnectTime subsequent call attempts do not
callHistoryInfoType result in a trap. The ifOperStatus
callHistoryCallOrigin variable returns the operational
mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay status of the virtual interface
associated with the peer to whom
this call was made.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1760 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

Name Variable Description

dialCtlPeerCallSetup callActivePeerId Indicates a call setup message
callActivePeerIfindex has been received or sent. The
callActiveLogicalIfIndex variable ifOperStatus returns the
ifoperStatus operational status of the virtual
callActivePeerAddress interface associated with the peer
callActivePeerSubAddress to whom this call was made.
isdnMibCallInformation IfIndex Indicates one of the following
isdnBearerOperStatus conditions: incoming calls rejected
isdnBearerPeerAddress for policy reasons (e.g., unknown
isdnBearerPeerSubAddress neighbor, or access violation);
isdnBearerCallSetupTime outgoing calls determined to have
isdnBearerInfoType ultimately failed, and, if retry is
isdnBearerCallOrigin active, all retry attempts have
mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay failed; calls that connect, in which
case the variable
should be included in the trap.

Only one such trap is sent

between successful or
unsuccessful call attempts to or
from a single neighbor. If the Dial
Control MIB objects
dialCtlNbrCfgId and
dialCtlNbrrCfgIndex are known by
the entity generating this trap, both
objects should be included in the
trap. The receipt of this trap with
no dial neighbor information
indicates that the manager must
poll the callHistoryTable of the Dial
Control MIB to see what has

206916-E Rev 00
Chapter 37 Trap Messages 1761

The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 NAC/NAS client and server.

Name Variable Description

mcmAlarmNacFailedToLocate mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates this unit is unable to

NAS communicate with the server.
There could indicate a problem
with the IP network, or the server
may be temporarily out-of-service.
The remote unit may not be
provisioned as a server. Pinging
the server will help determine its
reachability over the IP network
mcmAlarmNacNASIsDown mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates this unit is now unable to
nacServerIpAddress communicate with a previously
available server. This could
indicate a problem with the IP
network, or the server is
temporarily out-of-service (hence it
can no longer be used for address
resolution). Doing a ping to the
server will help determine
reachability to it over the IP
network. The Passport 4400 will
periodically attempt to reestablish
communication with the server.
mcmAlarmNacNASIsUp mcmSysAsciiTimeOfDay Indicates this unit is now able to
nacServerIpAddress communicate with a server with
which it had previously lost
communication. It will henceforth
be used for address resolution.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1762 Chapter 37 Trap Messages

RSI Traps
The traps in the following table are events and alarms pertaining to a Passport
4400 RSI server.

Name Variable Description

mcmAlarmRsiFailedToLocate- mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates this unit is unable to

RSA communicate with the RSI server.
This could indicate a problem with
the IP network, or that the server is
temporarily out of service. Or, the
4400 might not be provisioned for
the server’s IP address. Try doing
a ping to the server to determine if
it can be reached over the IP
network, and check the availability
of the RSI server.
mcmAlarmRsiRSAIsDown mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates this unit is currently
unable to communicate with a
previously available server. This
unit will periodically attempt to
reestablish communication with
the server. The problem could be
with the IP network, or the server
might be temporarily out of service.
The unit cannot currently be used
for address resolution. Try doing a
ping to the server to help
determine its reachability over the
IP network.
mcmAlarmRsiRSAIsUp mcmSysAsciiTimeofDay Indicates this unit is now able to
communicate with a server with
which it had lost communication.
The unit can now be used for
address resolution.

End of Topic

206916-E Rev 00



A configuration option that matches the E&M interface with the PBX tie
trunk. In a 4-wire system, the audio signal is transmitted over one pair of
wires and received over the other pair. In a 2-wire system, the same pair of
wires is used for both transmit and receive.


A technique for translating pulse code modulated (PCM) voice into 64 Kb/s
digital voice channels. A-law is associated with E1 voice transmission and
commonly used in Europe. Contrast with µLaw.

Signaling bits associated with every digital voice channel. In T1, these bits are
robbed from the least significant bit of every sixth voice sample. In a T1
extended superframe, A is obtained from frame 6, B from frame 12, C from
frame 18, and D from frame 24. In a T1 superframe, C = A, and D = B. See
also superframe and extended superframe.

In E1, these bits are submultiplexed in time slot 16 with two DS0 channels in
a CAS (channel associated signaling) format. See also CAS.
AC 15

A variation of the E&M signaling format used in Great Britain. It uses a

2280-Hz tone to indicate when a channel is in the idle state. Also known as
address plan

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1764 Glossary

Specifies the format of the addresses identifying the elements to which

Passport units can route packets. The address plan is known by every node
capable of receiving such packets. It can be either internal or external to the
Passport unit. Passport units use an address plan that combines ITU-T
specifications X.121 and E.164 with Nortel DPN-100 RID/MID addressing.

Network management software components that are contained in managed

entities such as routers, concentrators, and host computers, and that monitor
the operation of the managed entity (such as Passport products) by
maintaining a collection of objects in the MIB (Management Information
Base). Agents communicate with corresponding network management

Alternate mark inversion. In industry usage, AMI is a bipolar digital

transmission line-coding format, where every other logical ones bit (mark)
alternates between signals of equal amplitude but of opposite polarity, with
logical zeros at zero amplitude. See also Bipolar Violation.

Auto Ringdown. Works in conjunction with Hoot N Holler (force connect).

When enabled, there is no call setup time. The far-end rings immediately
when the line goes off-hook.

Areas are logical collections of OSPF units. See also Area-ID and OSPF.

Two routers with a common segment, where their interfaces belong to the
same area (Area-ID) on that segment. See also area.

Address Resolution Protocol. A mechanism for mapping network-layer

addresses (for example, IP and IPX) to data-link-layer addresses (for
example, LAN MAC (media access control) addresses).

See autonomous system.

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1765

AT command set

The de facto standard command language for controlling modems. Developed

by Hayes Microcomputer Products. It is used by the Passport 4400 to connect
Install Tool via modem.

Decrease or deterioration of signal strength. Within a voice channel,

attenuation is a configuration option for output signal levels in one dB

Authentication assigns a unique identification to each user for each logon

session. The identification, not the user’s password, is used to authenticate
each of the user’s network requests. Authentication guarantees that a user’s
password never goes beyond the logon process. It is immediately converted to
a different code that identifies the user and the station they are logged into
during the user’s current session. Authentication also guarantees that
messages are from the correct user at his or her workstation in the current
session and not corrupted or counterfeited.

A configuration option used for switching a voice extension to a specified

single destination.
autonomous system (AS)

A set of routers under a single technical administration, using an IGP (Interior

Gateway Protocol) and common metrics to route packets within the AS, and
an EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) to route packets to other ASs.
Auto Ringdown.

See ARD.

Analog Voice Module. A Passport 4400 module with either one, two, or four
analog voice channels. It can be FXS, FXO, or E&M.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1766 Glossary

Bearer Channel. In ISDN, a full-duplex, 64 Kb/s channel used to send user

voice, fax, or data.

Binary 8 Zero Suppression. A T1 zeros-suppression technique, where an

all-zeros byte is replaced with a code of 00011011, and each ones pair is
transmitted with a bipolar violation. Contrast with bit stuffing and HDB3.

The part of a network that joins LANs together using bridges and/or routers,
and serves as a communications highway for LAN-to-LAN traffic. The term
may also be applied to that part of a network which carries the heaviest traffic.

Boundary Access Node. Created by IBM, BAN is the most commonly used
version of the RFC 1490 specification for bridged SNA over frame relay. It
carries the source and destination MAC addresses in the network packets,
precluding the need for preconfigured routers.
bar graph

Used by the Passport 4400 as a visual indication of the input signal level
strength in dB, as displayed by the red indicators of a voice channel.

See committed burst.


See excess burst.


Backwards Explicit Congestion Notification. The BECN bit in the frame relay
header of a frame that warns the receiving device that the frames it is
receiving (traveling in the opposite direction) have encountered congestion or
congested resources. Contrast with FECN.

A method of digital information transmission, where logical ones are coded

both positively and negatively with respect to a zero base reference.
Bipolar Violation

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1767

A bipolar violation occurs when two consecutive logical “one” bits (marks)
are transmitted with the same polarity. If the line-code format is AMI, then a
bipolar violation indicates that a line error has occurred.

Binary synchronous communication or transmission. A transmission mode

synchronized by timing signals. The timing signals define where one
character ends and the next one begins. There are no stop or start bits as in
asynchronous transmission. Bisync is used in ATM for communication with
the host. Also know as BSC.

Contraction of binary digit. The smallest unit of information and the basic
unit in digital data communications. A bit can have a zero or a one value
(space or mark in data communications terminology).
bit stuffing

A zeros-suppression technique, where bit 7 of every byte is forced to a “1”.

With this method, only 56 Kb/s of every 64 Kb/s DS0 channel is available for
data. Contrast with B8ZS and HDB3.
BNC connector

A small connector with a half-twist (bayonet) locking shell for thin coaxial
cables, such as those used with Ethernet. Depending on the source BNC
stands for either British Naval Connector, Barrel Nut Connector, Bayonet Nut
Coupling, or Bayonet-Neill-Concelman after Paul Neill and Carl Concelman.
Also referred to as a BNC T-connector.

Bisync over TCP/IP. A Bay networks router feature.


See Bipolar Violation.


Basic rate interface. Refers to the interface between an ISDN subscriber and
the ISDN switch (that is, the local loop). The interface consists of two 64 Kb/
s B-channels and one 16 Kb/s D-channel for signaling information. See also

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1768 Glossary


Bridging connects LANs at the data link (versus the network) protocol layer.
Passport 4400 units support transparent bridging, a process of relaying MAC
(media access control) frames between LANs in a manner that is invisible to
the originating host.

To send one or more messages to all addresses on one or more networks.


Bit Transparent Data Service. A Passport product application that transports

continuous synchronous data that has already been subjected to some form of
encoding across the network without interpretation. The continuous data
stream is broken into fixed sized cells and sent through the network.

A temporary storage area for information which cannot be immediately sent

or received due to differences in speed or data handling capabilities of the
sending and receiving devices.

A configuration option that places a voice channel into the busy state,
effectively disabling the channel.

A connection command where selected DS0 channels are passed through

transparently between the DSX-1 and DS-1 lines. Applies only to T1 or E1
voice modules with dual T1 or E1 ports.


High-speed memory where the Passport 4400 unit stores a table containing
network addresses that have been previously resolved.
call blocking

A method that prevents new voice calls from overbooking link bandwidth and
thereby disrupting existing conversations. Call blocking is activated when the

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1769

call request at the originating or terminating node encounters a link which

cannot allocate sufficient bandwidth to accommodate the new call.
call establishment

Establishing a call between two access services across a network.

calling (CNG) tone

See CNG (calling) tone.

call inhibit

A configuration option that prevents a voice channel from calling another

voice channel.

Channel associated signaling. A means of passing T1 or E1 signaling

information. In E1, time slot 16 is used in a multiframe structure of 16 frames
(0-15). Each frame other than frame 0 carries signaling information bits
ABCD for two voice channels. In T1, the ABCD bits are robbed from every
byte of every sixth frame. See also ABCD.
CAS Signaling Multiframe

See E1 Multiframe.

Constant bit rate. This service provides a point-to-point connection between

two third-party devices transmitting non-HDLC framed data, regardless of the
protocol, transparently routing the data.

Common channel signaling. A means of passing signaling information for

multiple bearer channels over a single data link, using one of the DS0 time
slots. In E1, time slot 16 carries the signaling information. In T1, time slot 24
is usually dedicated to signaling; but any one of the time slots may be
configured for that purpose. Signaling information for individual channels is
passed by HDLC protocol. Examples include Q.SIG, Q.921/931, DPNSS and
SS#7. See also transparent CCS.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1770 Glossary

Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications administrations

(Conference des administrations Europeenes des Postes et
Telecommunications), Line Signaling format (L1). See AC 15.

Control and Function Processor. A processor card that incorporates

Passport 6400 product functionality normally available on several function
processors (FPs) and the control processor (CP). The CFP1 provides full CP
functionality to manage and control Passport product applications for system
and network functions, as well as four serial ports and two LAN ports for data
channel bank

A digital multiplexer, which normally breaks out the 1.544 Mb/s digital
stream into 24 DS0 channels, but can also support multiple DS0 channels.
Does not usually support sub-DS0 rates.
channel loopback

A diagnostic tool for testing the integrity of a communication channel.

Typically, the transmit side is looped back to the receive side.

Committed Information Rate. The rate in bits per second at which the network
agrees to transfer information over a PVC (permanent virtual circuit) in frame
relay. CIR is a function of committed burst (Bc) and measurement interval
(Tc), defined as CIR=Bc/Tc. See also EIR.

Command line interface. A terminal-based utility that allows the operator to

enter instructions from the keyboard and then execute those instructions. The
Passport 4400 CLI is a low-level command language for setting and viewing
configuration options. Each configuration option maps directly to a MIB
object in the Passport 4400 SNMP management interface.
clocking, data port

Source for clocking either of the two data ports. Can be either a system clock
or a tail circuit.
clocking, system

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1771

The system-generated reference clock used to regulate transmission timing,

synchronize processor functions, and generally keep the entire network
running at a comparable pace. See also system clock (for voice specific (T1/
E1) clocking).
CNG (calling) tone

A 1.1 KHz interrupted tone, used by automatic fax machines to indicate that a
fax message is about to be sent.

Central office. A telephone company facility which houses switching

equipment for connecting subscriber lines to each other, both locally and over
long distances.
code download

The ability to download new software (system, boot, diagnostic, voice, etc.) to
the unit.
committed burst (Bc)

The maximum amount of data (in bits) that a network agrees to transfer under
normal conditions over a measurement interval. The data may be in the form
of one frame or many frames. See also CIR.

Companding is a combination of the words “compressing” and “expanding”.

It relates to a process of compressing digital signals prior to transmission, then
restoring them to their original condition at the receiving end. The µ-Law
(mu-Law) type is commonly used in North America and Japan; a-Law is the
European version, as defined in G.711.

A type of communications that does not require a predetermined direct

connection prior to transmission. Each packet is sent independently and
includes its own source and destination addresses.

Customer Premise Equipment. Telephone equipment, typically a PBX or KTS

(Key Telephone System), installed at the customer’s office rather than the
telephone company’s office.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1772 Glossary

CPU reset

In a CPU (central processing unit) reset operation, the Passport 4400 CPU is
restarted, and the committed application code and configuration information
are loaded from flash memory into DRAM.

Cyclic redundancy check. A computational means to ensure the accuracy of

frames transmitted between devices in a frame relay network.

A cyclic redundancy check pattern used on an E1 line. When enabled, the E1

Voice Module generates and monitors the CRC algorithm carried on bit 1 of
Time Slot 0 of an E1 frame.
CRC Multiframe

See E1 Multiframe.

Conjugate-structured algebraic-code-excited linear-predictive algorithm. See


Channel service unit. In industry usage, a device located between the digital
line coming from the central office and the local data communications
equipment. It provides line equalization and conditioning functions suitable
for meeting the requirements of the service provider. Usually associated with
DSU as in DSU/CSU.

Closed user group. A group of users whose members are governed by certain
rules of access with respect to communication with each other, with members
of other closed user groups, and with the open part of the network. This
maintains security and prohibits unauthorized access, as well as providing a
logical partitioning of the network for better access control.


206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1773

Delta channel. A bidirectional 16 Kb/s channel used to carry call control

messages and signaling information over ISDN links.

A packet of information sent across a network without any requirement that

the receiving end acknowledges receipt. The receiving end receives
datagrams in any order and is responsible for correct assembly of the
information. See also IPX.
data port

A point-of-access for sending and receiving data. On the Passport 4400, a

high-speed data port is located on the T1 and E1 voice modules. Each port is
available for transfer of video, X.25, external router, or any customer premise
equipment synchronously clocked in multiples of 56 or 64 Kb/s.
data port loopback

A diagnostic tool for testing the circuits between the T1 or E1 voice module
and the equipment connected to the selected data port.
data port rate

For T1 and E1 voice modules: a configuration option of 56 or 64 Kb/s. The

actual rate is determined by the selected option times the number of DS0
channels assigned for connection to that port.

Example: selected option = 56 Kb/s; number of connected DS0 channels = 2;

rate = 112 Kb/s.
dB, decibel

A relative measure (logarithmic) of change in signal amplitude.


An absolute measure of signal power, where 0 dBm equals 1 milliwatt into

600 ohms.

Data communications equipment. The equipment at the network side of a

subscriber link that provides both interface control and the means of digital
transmission between user premises and the network switches. Also known as
data circuit equipment. Contrast with DTE.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1774 Glossary

DC signaling

A configuration option for E&M channels. When so configured, the channel

senses the idle/active status by the DC level of the M-lead, and signals the
idle/active status to the remote end by the DC level on the E-lead.

Digital Data Service. Leased or dedicated telephone company lines specially

conditioned for use in digital communications.

Discard eligibility. A bit in the frame relay header. A frame is marked with the
DE bit to indicate that, in times of congestion, the frame is to be discarded
before frames without the DE bit set. This bit is set either by the user or the
dead interval

The number of seconds that a router’s Hello packets have not been seen
before its neighbors declare the OSPF router non-operational.
decadic pulsing

See pulse dialing.

default gateway

The default gateway connects to destinations in other networks if no other

route is known or provided.
default reset

In a default reset, the Passport 4400 unit re-initializes the configuration

memory banks with factory-default settings. Therefore, all user-defined
configuration values are lost.

Data Expansion Module. Data modules for the Passport 4430/50/55 products.
The High-speed Data Module (HDM) provides additional port capability,
while the Legacy Data Module (LDM) provides legacy protocol for branch
sites connected to a Passport products-only network.

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1775

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Ethernet protocol, widely used in

networks, that provides a central hub for managing multiple operating
diagnostic digital loopback test

See internal digital loopback test.

diagnostic metallic loopback test

See internal line loopback test.


Direct Inward Dialing. A service offered by the telephone company that

allows an outside caller to dial an internal extension (through the PBX)
without going through the attendant. Billing does not start until the extension
digital voice channel

A 64 Kb/s pulse code modulation-coded voice channel obtained from a digital

PBX and compressed to a lower rate for transmission over the WAN (wide
area network).
Digital Voice Expansion Module

A Passport 4430/50/55 printed circuit board mounted directly above the T1 or

E1 Voice Module or another DVEM, and used to accommodate additional
digital voice modules (12 maximum).

Direct Inward System Access. A service offered by a PBX allowing incoming

calls to the PBX to have dialing access within the private network. It may
often be protected by a dialed password. Billing starts when the PBX provides
a dial tone.
disconnect supervision

A voice communications protocol. This indicates to the local user that the
remote end has gone off-hook. This protocol is significant in loop start, where
disconnect is denoted by the removal of power to the station equipment.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1776 Glossary

Direct In Termination. A service offered by a PBX allowing incoming calls to

the PBX to be routed directly to a selected telephone or group of telephones
without the intervention of an attendant. Billing does not start until the
extension answers.

Data link control. Bit-oriented communications protocol that sets up, controls,
checks, and terminates an information transfer between two stations on a data
link. See also HDLC and SDLC.

Data link connection identifier. Ten bits within the two address octets of a
frame relay address header that carry information used to locally identify the
virtual circuits or permanent virtual circuits.

Device network address. An identifier given to applications in many data

networks. This address is used as the fundamental identifier for setting up a
virtual circuit between data networks. Also known as a data network address.

Digital Private Branch Exchange. See PBX.


Dynamic random access memory. Readable/writable volatile memory device

in which data must be periodically refreshed (electrically) to be retained.
drop and insert

A process whereby DS0 channels received from one T1 or E1 interface are

dropped within the T1 or E1 voice module and replaced with new information
destined for the other T1 or E1 interface. Applies only to T1 or E1 voice
modules with dual T1 or E1 ports.
DS0 (also DS-0)

Digital service, level 0. The 64 Kb/s international line standard format as

defined by the ITU-T, for digitizing one voice conversation.
DS-1 (also DS1)

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1777

Digital service, level 1.

The 1.544 Mb/s interface (T1) consists of a framed pattern of twenty-four

64 Kb/s timeslots/channels (common in North America and Japan).

The 2.048 Mb/s interface (E1) consists of thirty-two 64 Kb/s timeslots/

channels, two of which are used for signaling and framing (common in most
of the rest of the world).

Specifically, as used with Passport 4400 voice service, refers to the network
end of the T1 line interfacing with the T1 voice module. See also DSX-1.

Data service unit. Data communications equipment that connects DTEs (data
terminal equipment) to a digital phone line. Also known as a digital service
unit. Usually associated with CSU as in DSU/CSU.

Data service unit/channel service unit. See CSU and DSU.


Digital signal cross-connect frame, level 1. As used with Passport 4400 voice
service, refers to the local end (from the PBX) of the T1 line interfacing with
the T1 voice module. See also DS-1.

Data terminal equipment. In industry usage, the user equipment on a

subscriber link that is a source or destination of transmitted data. A DTE
device typically connects to a DCE device. Contrast with DCE.

Dual Tone Multifrequency. A signaling method in telephony, using a

combination of two tones: one high frequency and one low frequency. Used
for call addressing in push-button telephones. Known in Europe as MFPB
(multifrequency push-button).

See Digital Voice Expansion Module.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1778 Glossary


Digital Voice Module. The Passport 4430/50/55 module where a single voice
channel is processed. The T1 or E1 Voice Module (TVM/EVM) can
accommodate up to six digital voice modules.

E-type filter

Uses E-type codes in transparent bridging and source-route bridging access

lists, for filtering frames by protocol type. One of three filters used to reduce
congestion in LAN traffic. See also MAC filter and SAP filter.

A standard for digital voice and data communications, commonly used in

Europe, and transmitted at a rate of 2.048 Mb/s, as specified in ITU-T G.704.
A full E1 line can transmit thirty 64 Kb/s digital channels for voice or data

The ITU-T recommended numbering plan for ISDN which includes the
numbering plan for PSTNs (public switched telephone networks).
E1 frame

A TDM sequence of thirty-two 8-bit words, generated 8000 times a second.

Of the thirty-two 8-bit words, thirty are voice or data channels, one is a
signaling channel, and one is a framing channel.
E1 multiframe

Refers to either of two independent E1 framing implementations:

• CAS signaling multiframe
A sequence of 16 E1 frames for the purpose of carrying, in addition to
voice and data, CAS signaling information for each of 30 voice channels.
• CRC multiframe
A sequence of 16 E1 frames carrying, in addition to voice and data, a
CRC data link for the purpose of monitoring E1 link integrity. The E1
voice module adheres to the multiframe structure as specified by the
CCITT Recommendations for G.704 2.048 Mb/s.

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1779

E1 Voice Module

A processing and switching device that can accommodate up to six digital

voice modules. May have one or two E1 interface ports.

A signaling convention between PBXs. Also the interface used for this
signaling. As used with the AVM (Analog Voice Module) and UAVM
(Universal Analog Voice Module), refers to an interface type compatible with
the tie-trunk side of a voice PBX. See also Types I, II, and V. Contrast with
FXO and FXS.

A proprietary protocol that transfers data across the Passport network by

bridging LAN traffic onto the WAN link. Since EasyRouting only applies to
Passport units, any netlinks which connect with a third-party device, such as a
router, must use basic (not EasyRouting) mode.

See Ethernet Base Module.


Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory. An EEPROM is a

special type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to an electrical
charge. Similar to other types of PROM, EEPROM retains its contents even
when the power is turned off. See also PROM.
egress table

A list of local telephone numbers assigned to one or more of the outgoing

voice ports/channels on the local Passport 4400 unit. Each number may or
may not include a manipulation string.

Excess information rate. The sustainable rate of data transfer in excess of CIR
that is delivered if there is available bandwidth. It is related to excess burst
(Be) and measurement interval (Tc) as EIR=Be/Tc. See also CIR.
end block

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1780 Glossary

In this outgoing call mode, a PBX waits until it has detected the end of a string
of dialed digits. At that time, the PBX seizes the trunk and forwards the entire
dialed digit string. Contrast with overlap dialing.

See extended superframe.


A physical and data link layer protocol that follows the IEEE 802.3 standard
or the related Xerox, Digital, and Intel Ethernet standard.
Ethernet address

A 48-bit MAC (media access control) address composed of an assigned

six-octet manufacturer’s code and a unique number (such as a serial number)
provided by the manufacturer. See also MAC address.
Ethernet Base Module

The Passport 4430/50/55 base unit is shipped with an Ethernet base module
installed in the first slot. The EBM performs central processing functions and
includes a serial access port, processor and memory, selectable 10BASE-T
Ethernet interface, management port, and optional WAN interface modules.

See E1 Voice Module.

excess burst (Be)

The amount of data (in bits) that a network agrees to transfer over a measured
interval if network bandwidth is available. See also EIR.
extended superframe

One of the framing formats for a T1 local or network line. It consists of 24

frames of 193 bits each, with the 193rd bit providing framing, error-checking,
and performance information. An enhanced version of D4 (superframe). See
also superframe.
external digital loopback test

Also known as the payload loopback test. Used to verify the integrity of the
transmit and receive paths of the selected T1 (DSX-1, DS-1) or E1 (L1, L2)
line by looping back the data sent to it from the remote end of the line. In

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1781

addition, it is used to test the circuits involved in unframing and framing of

the data stream.
external line loopback test

Also known as the line loopback test. Similar to the external digital loopback
test, except that it does not test the unframing and framing circuits.

fast busy signal

See reorder.
fax, facsimile

Transmission over telephone lines of hardcopy images (written, typed, drawn,

or printed).
fax sharing device

A device used when a fax machine is shared between the PSTN (public
switched telephone network) and the private network. On incoming calls, the
fax signals are routed automatically from either the PSTN or the private
network to the fax machine. On outgoing calls, the user of the fax machine
selects the desired destination network.

Forward Explicit Congestion Notification. A bit used in the frame relay

header of a frame to warn the receiving-end device that the frames it is
receiving (traveling in the same direction) have encountered congestion or
congested resources. Contrast with BECN.

A process or device that screens network traffic for certain characteristics,

such as source address, destination address, or protocol, and determines
whether to forward or discard that traffic based on the established criteria.

A special type of EEPROM that can be erased and reprogrammed in blocks

instead of one byte at a time.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1782 Glossary

Traffic passing technique used by switches and bridges in which traffic

received on an interface is sent out on all of the interfaces of that device
except the interface on which the information was originally received.

Function processor. A type of processor card for the Passport 6400 unit that
supports physical interface connections to subscriber lines and network
trunks. It is optimized to support the software that performs the real-time
functions associated with the forwarding and routing of frames. Different FPs
support different physical interfaces, such as DS1, E1, V.35, and V.11 access
and trunks.

Frame Relay Access Device. A device providing connectivity to a frame relay

network for non-frame relay devices.

See E1 frame or T1 frame.

FRF 3.1

A protocol encapsulation over frame relay implementation agreement issued

by the Frame Relay Forum. It includes procedures for multiprotocol
encapsulation and single-protocol X.25 encapsulation.

Frame Relay Network-to-Network Interface. A standard interface between

two frame relay networks of different manufacture.

Frame Relay Service. A streamlined ISO data link layer protocol. A frame
relay network supports only core communication functions (such as
transparency, multiplexing, and orderly delivery). This simplified processing
(as opposed to traditional packet data protocols) permits higher speeds and
lower delays for a given processing capability.

Simplification is made possible by the assumed use of improved transmission

facilities (high quality digital facilities), which are affected by fewer
transmission errors. Many functions such as sequencing flow control and
retransmission are performed by the end-user equipment.

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Frame Relay User-to-Network Interface. A standard interface between the

user device and the frame relay network.

Fractional T1. A digital transmission line that uses a fraction of the full T1

Foreign Exchange Service. A telephone service provided to a subscriber from

a central office which is located outside the subscriber’s exchange area.

Foreign Exchange Office. A signaling format for equipment that connects to

the station side of a PBX or central office switching system for foreign
exchange service. Contrast with E&M and FXS.

Foreign Exchange Station. A signaling format for a telephone set or key

telephone system. Contrast with E&M and FXO.


An ITU-T standard. G.729 is a voice compression algorithm for transporting

high-quality voice at a rate of 8 Kb/s. Also defined as CS-ACELP
(conjugate-structured algebraic-code-excited linear-predictive algorithm).

A system that converts the protocols and conventions of one network to those
of another. Also, a system that forwards traffic between networks, based on
network layer information and routing tables.

Global Circuit Manager. A Passport 4400 software device that monitors and
controls the use of available WAN ports on the Ethernet Base Module.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1784 Glossary

High-density bipolar 3. A zero suppression coding method in E1 transmission

systems. It limits the maximum number of consecutive zeros to three. Any
four consecutive zeros are replaced with a pattern that includes a bipolar
violation. Contrast with B8ZS and bit stuffing.

High-level Data Link Control. A bit-oriented data link protocol developed by

ISO for full-duplex communication. Contrast with SDLC.

High-speed Data Module. See DEM.


1) Hardware pins on a circuit board onto which a jumper can be installed for
purposes of hardware configuration.

2) The portion of a frame relay packet containing information that will guide
it to the correct destination, and instructions for reassembling the packets in
their proper order.
Hello interval

Specifies the length of time, in seconds, between the hello packets that a
router sends on an OSPF interface.
Hello Protocol

The Hello Protocol is a simple handshake protocol, sent out by the server, that
notifies the client that the negotiation process should begin. This is a form of
keepalive used by routers in order to acknowledge their existence on a
segment and elect a designated router (DR) on multi-access segments.
Hoot N Holler

A permanent SVC connection between two voice channels designated as

master and slave. It is the responsibility of the master to establish and
maintain the network connection. It does so upon power up, following a reset,
or through link failures.
hop count

The number of single links between two devices on a network, without any
intervening devices.

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Example: the link between device 1 and device 2 is one hop, between device 2
and device 3 is another, etc. The hop count between device 1 and device 3 is

The central computer (or computer system) that provides primary data
processing functions or database access.

HDLC transparent data service. Provides end-to-end connectivity between

applications (e.g., X.25 PAD) running over HDLC or SDLC. It transports
HDLC-framed data across the network without interpretation, except that
interframe flags are not transmitted. The efficiency of the transmission is
increased by not transmitting flags.
hunt group

For the network level, a group of network addresses (DNAs) reachable from a
unique DNA and configured so that an incoming call automatically searches
for an available address in the group.

For incoming voice calls, a group of voice channels arranged sequentially and
with a common telephone number. Every incoming call is assigned to the first
channel in the sequence. If that channel is busy, the call is assigned to the next
channel, and so forth, until a free channel is found to answer the call.

Hertz. A measure of frequency or bandwidth equal to one cycle per second.

idle channel

A DS0 channel currently not connected to any other channel or port within the
T1 or E1 voice module.
idle code

A value ranging from 0 to 255 that identifies a DS0 channel as being in the
idle state. Configured by the user individually for the local or network

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1786 Glossary


Information Element. The data field(s) within an ISDN Layer 3 message.


Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. An international professional

society that is a member of the American National Standards Institute and the
International Standards Organization. It issues its own standards.
IEEE 802.2

The IEEE standard that specifies the LLC (link layer control) portion of the
DLL (data link layer) for various media access methods.
IEEE 802.3

An IEEE physical layer standard for LAN protocols (including Ethernet). It

specifies a CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision detection)
access method.

Internet Engineering Task Force. One of two technical working bodies of the
Internet Activities Board. The IETF is the primary working body developing
new TCP/IP standards for the Internet.

Interface index. A parameter that appears in several CLI commands. It is a

unique identifier used to allow SNMP to read or write to a particular PPA
(point of physical attachment).

Inter-LAN switching. A service provided the network through a

Passport 6400, using SPVCs (switched permanent virtual circuits). ILS allows
access to higher-level LAN protocols that provide routing and other LAN
indicator lights

The LEDs (light emitting diodes) or other lights on the front of a module or
the front or back of a stand-alone unit that provide information on the status of
the unit or module.
ingress table

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A list of network telephone numbers stored locally on the Passport 4400 unit
for incoming calls, and indexed according to priority. Each number may or
may not include a manipulation string.
input level

A level of relative analog signal strength obtained from the attached telephone
equipment, as measured in a voice channel.
input level display

A visual indication of the input level as measured by a voice channel. Used as

a diagnostic tool to monitor the input signal level.
internal digital loopback test

Also known as diagnostic digital loopback test. It loops back all 24 DS0
channels of the selected T1 line (or 30 channels of the selected E1 line) to
interfaces currently connected to it. The loopback does not test the framing
internal line loopback test

Also known as diagnostic metallic loopback test. It loops back all 24 DS0
channels of the selected T1 line (or 30 channels of the selected E1 line) to
interfaces currently connected to it. The loopback also tests the circuits
involved in unframing and framing of the data stream.
interrupted ring

A configuration option for FXS channels. Causes the local telephone to ring
when the remote telephone is lifted off-hook, or vice versa.

Internet Protocol. Part of the TCP/IP suite of protocols defined in RFC 791. IP
software keeps track of the internetwork address for different nodes, routes
outgoing messages, and recognizes incoming messages.
IP address

Internet Protocol address. A 32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP.

An IP address belongs to one of five classes: a, b, c, d, or e. Each is written as
four groups of numbers separated by periods. Each address consists of a
network number, an optional subnetwork number, and a host number. The
network and subnetwork numbers together are used for routing, while the host

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1788 Glossary

number is used to address an individual host within the network or

subnetwork. A subnet mask is used to extract network and subnetwork
information from the IP address.

Example of a class c address: (the first three groups are the
network number, and last one the host number).

Example of a subnet mask for class c:


Internetwork Packet Exchange. A networking protocol used by the Novell

NetWare operating systems. Similar to UDP/IP, IPX is a datagram protocol
used for connectionless communications. See also Datagram.

Integrated Services Digital Network. A digital technology which provides

combined voice, video, and data services. BRI access to an ISDN switch
provides 2B+D (two 64 Kb/s B-channels and one 16 Kb/s D-channel) over an
existing telephone line.

Signaling is sent over the D-channel to request setup of one or both of the
B-channels for high-speed (64 Kb/s) data or voice applications. Signaling is
also sent over the D-channel to request setup of the D-channel itself for
low-speed (16 Kb/s) data, which can be multiplexed with the signaling and
other low-speed data applications from other terminals on the same loop. See
also BRI and PRI.

Integrated Services Digital Network - basic rate interface. See BRI.


Integrated Services Digital Network - primary rate interface. See PRI.


International Standards Organization. A voluntary federation of national

standards organizations responsible for creating standards in many fields,
such as communications and manufacturing. ISO is best known in networking
for its OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) seven-layer reference model,

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which specifies how dissimilar computing devices such as network interface

cards, bridges, and routers exchange data. It has also developed certain basic
quality processes for the design, test, manufacture, delivery, and service of
products. ISO certifies that an organization complies with its own quality
processes within the basic ISO model. ISO quality certification is fast
becoming mandatory for companies that do business internationally or within
member countries of the organization.

International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications standards

sector. A United Nations agency charged with providing international
standards for communications procedures and practices, such as frequency
allocation and radio/television regulations.


Miniature connectors that fit over, and electrically connect, two pins. A
jumper shorts the electrical connection between the two pins.

Kb/s, Mb/s, etc.

Kilobits per second, megabits per second, etc. Throughout this documentation
the slash means ‘per’.
keep alive

A message sent by one network device to inform another network device that
the virtual circuit between the two is still active.

Key Telephone System. A private telephone system in which the phones have
multiple push buttons to allow users to select outgoing/incoming calls
directly, without dialing an access number such as 9. Generally, a key
telephone system has limited internal telephone-to-telephone capacity.
Contrast with PBX.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1790 Glossary

Local area network. A data communications network serving users within a

limited geographic area, such as a building or a single floor of a building.
LAN segment

Local area network segment. A portion of a local area network separated from
other portions of the LAN by one or more bridges, routers, repeaters,
switches, or gateways.

Link Access Procedure - Balanced, also Protocol or Process. The most

common data-link control protocol used to interface X.25 DTEs with X.25. It
is a full-duplex, point-to-point bit-synchronous protocol and is the link
initialization procedure that establishes and maintains communication
between the DTE and DCE.

Link Access Procedure on the D-channel, also Protocol or Process. The data
link layer protocol that has been defined for ITU-T Q.921. LAPD is an ISDN
access protocol used with links established on a D-channel.

Logical channel number. A virtual circuit identified at the packet level of

X.25. A logical channel is an X.25 concept referring to one of the one or more
virtual connections simultaneously supported over a physical connection.

Legacy data module. See DEM.

leased line

A private transmission path provided by the telephone company.


Light emitting diode. A semiconductor light source that emits visible light or
invisible infrared radiation. See also indicator lights.

Logical interface module. The Passport 4430/50/55 uses the LIM identifier to
keep track of the position of each module within the unit. The LIM identifier
is set using a four-position switchbank located on the module.

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Modules with numeric switches (data modules) are assigned LIMs starting at
1 and continuing up to 4. Modules with alpha switches (voice modules) are
assigned LIMs starting at B and continuing up to E (LIM A is already
assigned to the Ethernet Base Module). Typical stacking orders for a 5-slot
Passport 4430/50/55 might look like (from bottom to top) 1-2-B-C, 1-B-C-D,
1-2-3-B, or B-C-D-E.
line loopback test

See external line loopback test.


A communications circuit or transmission path connecting multiple points in

a network.
link-state database

A list of router interfaces and network forms.


Local Management Interface. A set of enhancements to the basic frame relay

specification that provides additional capabilities for complex
internetworking environments, including support for virtual circuit status
messages, multicasting, global addressing, and simple flow control.

A diagnostic feature used to test a signal path from end-to-end over the link
and back.


Media access control. An access control protocol within IEEE 802

MAC address

Media access control address. A 48-bit address unique to each LAN interface
device. This address is usually derived from the manufacturer’s ID number
and the serial number of the interface chip set. See also Ethernet address.
MAC filter

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1792 Glossary

Media access control filter. A filter type based on the source or destination
MAC address. One of three filters used to reduce congestion in LAN traffic.
See also E-type filter and SAP filter.
manipulation string

A coded alphanumeric string designed to modify the value of an incoming or

outgoing telephone number.
maximum output level

A configuration option for E&M analog voice ports (4-wire only). It allows
for a maximum output level of +7 dBm, to be used when the interfacing
tie-trunk equipment includes a PAD (packet assembler/disassembler).
measurement interval (Tc)

The time interval over which rates and burst sizes are measured. In general, its
duration is proportional to the burstiness of the traffic. See also EIR and CIR.

Multifrequency push-button. Term used in Europe for DTMF.


Management Information Base. A database containing configuration and

status information relating to a specific managed object or objects. Provides a
description of all the components and variables within a component that a
network management system may access. It provides a way of naming each of
these components and variables. MIB is a concept defined in network
management standards such as SNMP.

Multimedia traffic classes. User options for specifying traffic management

preferences to meet application requirements. They handle delay-sensitive
multimedia traffic and minimize the delay transfer time and delay variance
through the Passport network.

A term used to express the maximum number of states for a counter. Used to
describe several packet-switched network parameters, such as packet number
(usually set to modulo 8 - counted from 0 to 7). When the maximum count is
exceeded, the counter is reset to 0.

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Multiservice Passport Access Network Link. Synonymous with PANL.


Multiprotocol encapsulation. A flexible method for carrying multiple

protocols on a frame relay connection. These methods are useful when there is
a need to multiplex/demultiplex across a single frame relay connection.

MPANL signaling mechanism. A protocol which allows end devices

connected to a Passport 4400 unit to interwork with end devices of a similar
type in the Passport network. This protocol also allows a Passport 4400 unit to
connect to another Passport 4400 unit in a hierarchical manner.

Maximum transmission unit. The largest possible unit of data that can be
transmitted on a given physical medium using a given protocol.

Mu-Law. A technique for translating pulse code modulated (PCM) voice into
64 Kb/s digital voice channels. Commonly used in North America and Japan,
µ-law is associated with T1 voice transmission. Contrast with A-Law.


The transmission of information to a group of specific recipients using a

single transmission.


Network Address Client. A program resident on a Passport 4400 unit that

resolves addresses of locally-dialed phone numbers. It communicates with the
NAS on a remote Passport 4400 unit to resolve local address requests. (The
NAS can also reside on the same Passport 4400 unit as the NAC requesting
information.) See also NAS. Contrast with RSA and RSI.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1794 Glossary

Network Address Server. An application that resolves network addresses of

locally-dialed phone numbers that are not resolved in either the local table or
the local cache. See also NAC.

Network Control Program. Software, resident in a server or controller, that

manages traffic between workstations and the host. It is analogous to the
network operating system (NOS) on a LAN.

Neighbors in an OSPF network are other OSPF units.

network mask

A 32-bit value that masks (or causes the bridge/router to ignore) portions of a
packet’s address. This technique allows the administrator to subdivide the
logical network from the IP address.

Network interface card. A peripheral board that controls the connection to a

LAN in a PC, workstation, server, or other such device, usually residing in an
expansion port.

Network management core router. The first network unit to be provisioned

when a Passport 4400 network is deployed. A Passport 4400 unit provisioned
as an NMCR receives network management traffic and routes the information
to the NMS workstation. Contrast with UCR.

Network management system. In general, a software system that you use to

control, provision, and monitor the Passport node.

Network-to-network interface. An interface connecting private or public

switches. A private NNI is between two private network switches within a
building. A public NNI is between public switching devices that create a
WAN. The NNI specification can be applied in both switch-to-switch and
network-to-network situations.

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An addressable device connected to a network at a single location.


Numbering plan indicator. The part of a given data network address that
defines the numbering plan to which it belongs. Examples of numbering plans
defined by ITU-T are X.121 and E.164.

Non-return to zero. A binary encoding scheme in which ones and zeroes are
represented by opposite and alternating high and low voltages, and where
there is no return to a zero (reference) voltage between encoded bits. See also
NRZI-mark and NRZI-space.
NRZI-mark and NRZI-space

Non-return to zero inverted - mark (space). A binary encoding scheme that

inverts the signal on a “one” (NRZI-mark) and leaves the signal unchanged
for a “zero” (NRZI-space). Also called transition coding. See also NRZ.

See NRZI-mark and NRZI-space.


Network Service Provider. A public entity that provides services for a

dedicated private network. It allows for management of, and access to, all
parts of a private network using MIB object definitions. Contrast with VPN.

Network Termination, type 1, also Terminator or Terminal. An external device

in ISDN that converts the 2-wire U Interface coming from the public network
into the 4-wire S/T Interface.

Network user identifier. A unique alphanumeric number provided to dial-up

users to identify them to packet-switched networks.
null modem

A special cable that provides a connection between two computing devices,

through their serial ports, without the need for a modem.
numbering plan

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1796 Glossary

See NPI.
number of rings

A configuration option for FXO channels. On outgoing calls, specifies the

number of ringbacks before receipt of a second dial tone. See also ringback


A software entity controlled by a MIB.


A line condition that exists when an operational, active telephone handset is

removed from its cradle.

A line condition that exists when an operational, active telephone handset is

resting in its cradle.
ones density

A requirement in T1 and E1 transmissions that the bit stream includes a

minimum percentage of ones (1s). Since the receiving end cannot track on 0s,
proper ones density ensures reliable clock recovery.

Open Systems Interconnection. A suite of communications protocols,

network architectures, and network management standards produced by ISO
(the International Standards Organization). The aim of OSI is to provide
information transfer in a nonproprietary environment. The protocols are open
in nature, that is, defined in an agreed forum by vendors and government

Open Shortest Path First. An IP routing protocol, classified as an IGP (Interior

Gateway Protocol), that distributes routing information between routers
belonging to a single AS (Autonomous System).
outgoing call mode

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See end block and overlap dialing.

overlap dialing

In this outgoing call mode, a PBX forwards dialed digits out its trunks as they
are dialed. Contrast with end block.


A group of bits, including data and control signals, arranged in a specific

format and transmitted as a whole.

Packet assembler/disassembler. A software module that receives characters

from terminals, assembles them into packets, and sends them. The receiving
end disassembles the packets and sends the characters to a terminal.

Passport Access Network Link. A Passport products link support service

designed to communicate with Passport 4400 access units. PANL includes
proprietary protocol elements derived from ITU-T X.36 (frame relay) and
signaling protocols (Q.922 and Q.933) to enhance the treatment of voice
traffic over links shared with application data and to enable secure signaling
as a frame relay application. Sometimes referred to by its older name MPANL
(Multiservice Passport Access Network Link). These two terms are
path cost

A value based on hop count that is used to compare various paths through the
network environment. Path cost value is used by routing protocols to
determine the most favorable path to a particular destination. See also hop
payload loopback test

See external digital loopback test.


Private branch exchange. A private telephone exchange that provides internal

communications and access to the public network. It differs from a key

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1798 Glossary

telephone system, in that the user must dial an access number such as 9 to
obtain an outside line. Contrast with KTS.

Pulse code modulation. A digitalization technique using 8 bits, repeated 8000

times a second for a combined rate of 64 Kb/s, to represent voice

Packet Internet Groper. A protocol and program that sends an echo packet to a
specified host, waits for a response, and reports the results of the operation.

Path-Oriented Routing System. A system used by Passport 6400 units in

which the path is determined when the connection is set up and is fixed for the
duration of the connection. If a trunk fails, the path may be rerouted. The path
then remains fixed in its new configuration. An advantage of path-oriented
techniques is that the delay variance between two end points can be
minimized by specifying the path in advance. This characteristic is important
for some traffic types, for example, a video signal carried over a TDS
(Transparent Data Service).

Physical Point of Attachment. As used with the Passport 4400 products, PPA
is not a literal physical point of attachment, but is an internal identifier for the
Passport 4400 code. Each application module has one or more PPAs
associated with it. PPA numbers are unique only within the module; they are
not unique across all devices or slots.

For physical interfaces, the PPA number corresponds to the physical port
number on the module. For logical or virtual interfaces, the number
corresponds to a logical port or interface and is dependent on the interface
module type. If a device does not support PPAs, the value - 1 is used to
indicate that the field is not used as an identifier.

Point-to-Point Protocol. The Internet standard for transmission of IP packets

over serial lines.
Premium Voice

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Specifies to the digital voice module (DVM) where to enable or disable the
transparent voice (no decompression) algorithm.

Primary rate interface (or primary rate ISDN). In Europe, PRI consists of
thirty 64 Kb/s B-channels plus one D-channel for a combined capacity of
2.048 Mb/s. In North America, it consists of 23 B-channels and one
D-channel for a combined capacity of 1.544 Mb/s. See also BRI and ISDN.

Programmable read-only memory. A programmable, non-volatile memory

device. See also EEPROM.

Setting specific data values needed to operate the system. Adding, deleting, or
changing components and setting values for their attributes.

Public-switched telephone network. Refers to the local telephone company.

pulsed E&M

A variation on the E&M signaling format. A call connect request is made by

sending a pulse of medium-length duration on the transmit or Tron lead; the
call request is acknowledged by a return pulse of the same duration on the
receive or Ron lead. Also known as Ron-Tron.
pulse dialing

Method used for call addressing in rotary telephones consisting of short

pulses of on-hook/off-hook. Also known in Europe as decadic pulsing.

Permanent virtual circuit. A dedicated connection between devices manually

set up to be used for a single purpose (comparable to having a leased line). See
also virtual circuit.


Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1800 Glossary

An ITU-T defined, message-oriented call signaling protocol for setup and

termination of ISDN calls. Also known as ITU-T Recommendation I.451.

Quality of Service. Parameters that control the amount of traffic the source in
an ATM network sends over an SVC. If any switch along the path cannot
accommodate the requested QoS parameters, the request is rejected and a
rejection message is forwarded back to the originator of the request.

Quasi-random signal source. A pseudo-random serial test pattern with a

length of 1,048,576 bits. It is limited to a maximum of 14 consecutive zeros.

An internationally defined inter-PBX signaling standard, defined by the

European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI).

rate negotiation

A protocol used in voice switching to maintain the same digitizing rate in both
directions. When a call between two voice channels is established, their
configured digitizing rates are first compared. If the rates are different, the
channel with the higher rate reduces its rate to that of the other channel.

There is no rate negotiation when channels are force connected. Both ends
must be set to the same rate.
receive inhibit

A configuration option that prevents the channel from receiving calls.

remote access

Refers to a system, application, or device that must be accessed through a


A fast busy tone that signifies an unsuccessful call attempt in a voice

switching environment.

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repeated ring

A configuration option for FXS channels. When an FXS channel is so

configured, the local channel rings the attached telephone set in response to a
remote PBX ringing signal.
RFC 1490

Request for Comments 1490. An IETF protocol for encapsulation of network

interconnect traffic (bridging and routing) over a frame relay backbone. See
also BAN.

A configuration option for FXS channels. Causes the local telephone to ring
when the remote telephone is lifted off-hook, or vice versa.
ringback tones

Tones you hear when you call another phone.


Routing Information Protocol. A routing protocol which uses distance-vector

algorithms to determine the shortest path between the source and destination
points in a network.

See pulsed E&M.


The process of moving a packet of data from source to destination, usually

performed by a dedicated device called a router. Routing enables messages to
pass from one computer to another and eventually reach a target machine.
Each intermediary computer performs routing by passing along the message
to the next computer. Part of this process involves analyzing a routing table to
determine the best path.

An electrical and mechanical standard for interconnecting data

communications equipment with a maximum speed of 20 Kb/s. The
interconnecting cable is limited to 50 feet.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1802 Glossary

Remote Server Agent. An entry point for applications requiring access to

Passport 6400 servers. The RSA provides access to the VNCS (Voice
Networking Call Server) for Passport 4400-based applications. See also RSI.
Contrast with NAC.

Remote Server Interface. A program resident within a Passport 4400 unit that
communicates with the RSA on a Passport 6400 unit to resolve local address
requests. See also RSA. Contrast with NAC.

S/T interface

Subscriber/Transport interface. A 4-wire BRI interface used by the BRI voice

module to communicate with other ISDN devices, such as an NT1 device or

Service Advertising Protocol. A Novell protocol that provides a means for

servers to advertise their services to routers and other servers.
SAP filter

Service Advertising Protocol filter. An input filter which allows a routing

device to determine whether or not to accept information about a service. SAP
output filters are applied prior to the routing device sending information out
of a specific interface. One of three filters used to reduce congestion in LAN
traffic. See also E-type filter and MAC filter.

Synchronous Data Link Control. A protocol used in IBM’s SNA networks.

SDLC is similar to HDLC Normal Response Mode (NRM). Contrast with

See single dial tone (SDT) plan.


A diagnostic feature used to test a circuit locally. It does not include the link.

206916-E Rev 00
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A network node that provides services (such as file storage and printing) to
other nodes in the network.

The exchange of electrical information specifically concerned with the

establishment and control of connections in a communications network. It
includes supervising (on-/off-hook line status), alerting (ringing), and call
addressing (dialing) for switched services.

Single in-line memory module. A term used to refer to the Passport 4400
series Digital Voice Module (DVM), an optional expansion daughterboard
which is fitted into a slot on the T1 or E1 Voice Module (TVM/EVM) or the
Digital Voice Expansion Module (DVEM). Each DVM supports one digital
voice channel.
single dial tone (SDT) plan

A feature that supports PBX-to-PBX dialing over the network. It allows the
user to dial network extension digits sequentially with PBX digits, without
waiting for a dial tone from the distant PBX.

The PBX can also be configured to accept the complete dial string (including
trunk or PSTN access codes and area code), and pass the appropriate portion
to the network.

The single dial tone plan can also be used with a KTS-to-PBX operation.
single frequency

See tone signaling.

slow busy signal

The response to a call attempt when the called extension is busy.


Systems Network Architecture. A proprietary network architecture used in

IBM systems to connect terminals to a mainframe.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1804 Glossary

Subnetwork Access Protocol. Operates between a network entity in the

subnetwork and a network entity in the end system. The SNAP entity in the
end system makes use of the services of the subnetwork and performs the
functions of data transfer, connection management, and QoS selection.

Simple Network Management Protocol. A multivendor standard network

management protocol that polls components in the network, typically over an
IP-based network. The protocol data units are encoded in ASN.1. SNMP
concentrates primarily on the observation and control of the network. It is
defined by RFC 1157 and RFC 1213.
Spanning tree

A bridge protocol that allows redundant paths to exist between destinations,

but prevents loops by restricting packets from using less efficient paths.

Switched permanent virtual circuit. A connection between a Passport 4400

unit and a Passport 6400 unit, or between Passport 4400 units. SPVCs
eliminate the need to configure each node along the connection. The
end-point is configured, but the connection route is selected automatically.
See also virtual circuit.

A hard-wire method used to configure voice channels.

stub area

Those areas within an OSPF network with a single point of exit. These areas
carry default, intra-area, and inter-area routes, but do not carry external routes.
superframe (D4)

A T1 standard of twelve 193-bit frames grouped together for purposes of

frame recognition, signaling and error checking. Of the 193 bits in a frame,
192 are data bits and one is a framing bit. The twelve framing bits in the
superframe are released in a sequence of 100011011100, a pattern recognized
by the receiving end.

206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1805

Switched virtual circuit. SVCs are contained within PANL PVCs (netlinks).
This type of connection is established for a communications session between
Passport units and is terminated after the session is over. See also virtual
system clock

A configurable parameter for the clock source used in the T1 or E1 voice

module. Options include the DSX-1 interface (local line), the DS-1 interface
(network line), and a clock generated internally within the T1 or E1 voice
module. See also clocking, system.


A standard for digital voice and data communications, commonly used in

North America and Japan, and transmitted at a rate of 1.544 Mb/s. A Full T1
line can handle twenty-four 64 Kb/s digital channels for voice or data traffic.
T1 frame

A TDM sequence of 193 bits, consisting of twenty-four 8-bit words plus a

framing bit, and generated 8000 times per second. Each 8-bit word represents
one DS0 channel.
T1 or E1 line

One of two physical T1 or E1 interfaces (ports) to the T1 or E1 voice module.

It consists of two twisted wire pairs capable of carrying information at the
transfer rate of 1.544 Mb/s for the T1 line, or 2.048 Mb/s for the E1 line.
T1 Voice Module (TVM)

A T1 processing and switching device that can accommodate up to six digital

voice modules. It may have one or two T1 interface ports.

See measurement interval.


Transmission Control Protocol. A connection-oriented transport-layer

protocol that provides reliable, robust, and adaptable data transfer between
end-system ULPs (Upper-Layer Protocols). TCP assumes that simple,

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1806 Glossary

potentially unreliable datagram services are available from lower-level

protocols. TCP is defined in RFC 793.

See TCP, IP and UDP.


Time division multiplexer. A device that integrates video, voice, fax, LAN,
and/or data into one digital stream by breaking the original signals into
segments (either bits or bytes), sending them as one stream, and then
re-assembling them at the receiving end.

Transparent Data Service. A service offered on Passport units that allows the
user to send bit, HDLC, or SDLC data across the network without
interpretation. See also BTDS, HTDS, and SDLC.

Terminal equipment. Refers to various ISDN terminal equipment such as

phones, PBXs, and fax machines.
telephone interface

The analog side of a voice channel. It is compatible with FXS, FXO, or E&M
type telephone interface equipment. See also FXS, FXO, or E&M.
telephone interface connector

A termination on a voice module that connects the analog side of the voice
channel to telephone equipment such as a telephone set, key telephone
system, or voice PBX.

A terminal access protocol for accessing remote devices over an IP-based

network. The protocol provides support for various types of terminals, and is
typically found in IP- or UNIX-based environments.
terminal adapter

A device that enables a non-ISDN terminal to communicate with an ISDN


206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1807

Trivial File Transfer Protocol. A protocol that governs the transferring of files
between nodes without protection against packet loss.

Delivery of an IBM 3270 data stream using Telnet. Provided as part of the
TCP/IP protocol suite.
tone signaling

A configuration option for E&M channels. When so configured, the local

channel senses the idle condition of the remote channel when a 2280-Hz tone
is present on the T1-R1 pair. When the local channel is in an idle state, it
informs the remote channel by placing a 2280-Hz tone on the T-R pair.

Transfer Priority. TP determines the emission priority queue that the switch
uses for a packet. It also determines the RCOS (Routing Class of Service) for
a call. Transfer priority is provisioned on a per call basis. For Passport 4400
units, the range of values is 0-15, where higher values indicate higher priority
traffic. The user must not change the value for voice services.
transparent CCS

Common channel signaling passed transparently through the digital voice

module. See also CCS.

A message sent by an SNMP agent to an NMS console or terminal to indicate

that a significant event, such as a defined condition or a threshold, has

A protocol encapsulation process that embeds proprietary protocols, such as

PANL, into a carrier protocol, such as frame relay.

See T1 Voice Module.

types I, II, and V

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1808 Glossary

Strapping options in the analog E&M voice interface module, used to match
the E&M-type voice channel with one of three PBX trunk types. See also


Universal Analog Voice Module. An optional module for Passport 4430/50/55

units. The UAVM has two slots into which three types of voice interface
modules can be installed: E&M, FXO, or FXS.

User core router. If LAN services are to be provided at the local Passport 4400
site, one Passport unit must be configured as the UCR. The UCR provides
network management for the LAN. Contrast with NMCR.

User Datagram Protocol. A part of the TCP/IP protocol set. UDP is an

“unreliable” connectionless protocol. “Unreliable” means that there is no
verification that packets have reached their destination. However, the process
is sufficient to allow an application on one node to communicate with a
process on another machine. See also TCP/IP.
U interface

2-wire BRI interface obtained from an ISDN provider or local exchange.


Alphabetized in this glossary under the sound (Mu-Law), rather than the
shape of the symbol.

User-to-network interface. This frame relay service is provided through a

standard interface between the user device and the network, which is called
the user-to-network interface.


206916-E Rev 00
Glossary 1809

An electrical and mechanical standard for interconnecting high-speed (above

19.2 Kb/s) data communications equipment used in both North America and
virtual circuit

Provides the user with the equivalent of a physical connection to a destination

address using shared facilities. The virtual circuit is anchored in the processor
cards connected to the end user devices. Virtual circuits can be permanent
(PVC) or switched (SVC). They are used in frame relay and X.25. In ATM, a
virtual circuit is called a virtual channel, sometimes abbreviated VC. See also
virtual link

In OSPF, a virtual line over which data is transmitted without boundaries or

constraints. It allows the forwarding of traffic at high speed within a network.

Voice networking call server. See voice phone directory server.

voice module

A generic term that refers to any optional module that adds voice capabilities
to a Passport 4400 unit.
voice phone directory server

The server applications that resolve network addresses for a Passport 4400
unit that is sending out voice calls. This server can be the NAS on the same or
a different Passport 4400 unit, or an RSA on a Passport 6400 unit, which
refers the request to its VNCS (Voice Networking Call Server).

Voice over Internet Protocol (IP). An industry standard acronym for the
software protocols that allow voice and fax traffic to pass over the same
virtual circuits as the Internet.

Voice over frame relay. Software protocols that allow voice and fax traffic to
pass over frame relay circuits.

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1810 Glossary

Virtual private network. A wide area communications network provided by a

common carrier which offers the appearance, functionality, and usefulness of
a dedicated private network, but actually shares its backbone trunks with all
customers, as in a public network. It allows a private network to be configured
within a public network. Contrast with NSP.


Wide area network. A communications network connecting widely dispersed

geographic sites. Technologies used include leased lines, connecting routers,
multiplexers, packet switches, voice switches, and products such as the
Passport series.
wink start signaling

A signaling protocol used between two voice switching systems on the tie
trunk, such as PBXs.


ITU-T specification describing an addressing scheme used in public data

networks for packet-switching between data devices.

An electrical and mechanical standard for interconnecting high-speed (above

19.2 Kb/s) data communications equipment, used mainly in European

The ITU-T and ISO recommended multipoint connection-oriented service

that uses either PVCs (permanent virtual circuits) or SVCs (switched virtual
circuits) over a physical link.

zero suppression

One of three schemes used to ensure ones density. See B8ZS, bit stuffing, and

206916-E Rev 00


Numbers pbx tie trunk application 1434

pbx/pstn line app. 1449, 1457
56k preliminary procedures, digital 1407, 1412
configuration 300 pstn 1431
(CLI) 302 pstn, preliminary 1433
Configurator 301 single line telephone app 1462, 1468
aLaw 971, 996
A Analog Operation, E&M 980, 1002
ABCD Signaling Bits Display 1275 Analog Voice
Add a peer entry (CLI) 248 models 1383
Add a peer entry (Configurator 244 switched connections 1384
Add a virtual interface (OSPF) 657 Analog Voice ModuleTerminology 1382
Add NAC Cache 1128, 1138 Anolog Voice
available modules 1383
Add NAC Server 1130, 1139
terminology 1382
Add OSPF areas 658
ANSI T1.617a 1994 Annex G 765
Add OSPF neighbors 649, 657
add OSPF neighbors 655 autocall 1096
Add RSI Server 1161, 1162 BRI-to-BRI Tie Trunk 1374
Address Resolution BRI-to-PRI 1375
rsi/rsa 1157 hoot and holler 1101
Passport Network/PSTN 1378
Address Resolution Flow Chart, NAC/NAS 1150
ARD See Auto Ringdown
Address Resolution, NAC/NAS 1125
ARP to DLCPI converter (ADP) 314
Address Server 1089
Assign T1/E1 Profile 1213
Address Server Selection 1094
Assigning a node name and ID 1685
adjacencies 634
Assigning a node name and ID using
Adjusting Voice Levels
Configurator 1690
analog 1427, 1429
digital 1413 Async default and trap information 677
E&M 1438, 1443 Async over TCP Overivew 675
hybrid key system 1470 operation 675
multiple 1430 Async/TCP
pbx co application 1448

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1812 Index

monitoring 724 B
asynchronous connections 680
Background 970, 993, 1014, 1047
Attenuation, Output Level 986, 1009, 1043, 1078
Background Noise Level 970, 1041
Auto Call Number 1087
Auto Call Type adding a backup netlink 204
hoot and holler 1088, 1099 frame relay backup on a regional node 195, 196
normal 1088, 1099
Backup manual switch 229
Auto Gain Control 969, 1013
Backup options 202
Auto Ringdown 1089, 1106 link backup 202
Autocall dedicated line backup 203
application 1096 dial backup 203
Autocall Application 1096 frame relay backup 203
node backup 203
Autocall Index Number 1095
Backup port
Aync Connections 690
configuring port 1 220, 226
BAN 854, 859
compatibility matrix 683
hardware requirements 676 Bandwidth
memory 678 continuous 970, 993, 1014, 1048
multi-point example 682 voice activated 970, 993, 1014, 1048
operation 676 Bandwidth allocation
performance 678 emission queues 1580
point-to-point example 681 Baud rate
restrictions 679, 680, 681 CLI command 94
supported baud rates 679 Configurator procedure 83
Aysnc/TCP configuration 683 B-channel 1349
CLI commands 714
Block Duagram 1323
CLI commands (add) 714
CLI commands (define/set) 715 Bootp relay
CLI commands (delete) 720 configuring using Configurator or the CLI 1676
CLI commands (show) 721 Border router configuration 655
example CLI procedures 726 BRI
interface (Configurator) 684 Clock Source 993, 1049
peers (Configurator) 688 d channel configuration 1350
point-to-point and multipoint d channel monitoring 1359
configurations 690 interface emulation 1350
ports (Configurator) 686 NT mode 993, 1049
Aysnc/TCP status and statistics physical description 1350
(Configurator) 712 Pulse Rate 970
show system ifindex 1359, 1367
TE mode 993, 1049
BRI Show Commands

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1813

base lapd 1370 Channels, ISDN 1349

basic rate 1370 CIR data input
bearer channel 1370 CLI 108
signal statistics 1372 Configurator 104
signal table 1372, 1373
Clear Channel 974, 1023
Bridge filter configuration 475
Clear service signals 836
Bridge filtering
CLI procedure 487
adding X.25 service connections 826
Bridge port filtering defining X.25 LAPB parameters 832
CLI command 492 defining X.25 packet layer parameters 828
Configurator procedure 485 deleting X.25 service connections 826
Bridging deleting X.25 virtual circuits 826
monitoring SNA administration 884
CLI commands 520 SNA connection configuration 919
Burst Length, DTMF Detector 1020, 1056 SNA over LLC2 configuration 927
SNA over SDLC configuration 919
Busyout Mode 970, 995, 1015, 1051
VoIP call bundle size setup 1574
VoIP setup 1565
C X.25 administration functions 823
Call Forwarding X.25 PVC configuration 800
Analog 959 X.25 setting up services 789
Digital 952 X.25 SVC configuration 804
Call history Clock Source, BRI 993, 1049
CLI 284 Closed User Group 1107
Configurator 276 Closed User Group ID 1086
Call Progress Tones 971, 995, 1016, 1051 Community strings
definition 1016, 1052 CLI command 1701
Call Restriction Configurator procedure 1700
incoming 1086, 1108 Compander Format 971, 996, 1017, 1053
matrix 1111
outgoing 1085, 1109
connecting t1/e1 DS0 channels 1225, 1228
Call setup 313 rsi/rsa 1160
CBR 734 t1/e1 data port 1214, 1216
transfer modes 735 t1/e1 line 1190, 1199
CCS 1322 t1/e1 system clock 1220, 1221
Channel Action Commands Configurator
using 1536, 1540 SNA admininstration 863
SNA deleting service connections 866
Channel Loop Test 1298
SNA over LLC2 configuration 916
Channel Tests 1296 SNA over SDLC configuration 908
Channel Transport Method 937 SNA parameters 870

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1814 Index

SNA statistics 864 idle 1232

VoIP call bundle size setup 1574 to backup link 1233
VoIP setup 1553 to data port 1 1233
X.25 administration functions 813 to data port 2 1233
X.25 PVC configuration 797 to primary link 1232
X.25 service setup 782 to voice channel(s) 1233
X.25 SVC configuration 804 Connection, TS16 1210
Configure Connectivity 772, 773
Transparent CCS 1322
Cost of route 648
voice/fax switch module 1397, 1401
Cost of the route 655
Configure connections
overview 77 CPU reset
Configurator procedure 429
Configure NAC/NAS
cli 1137 CRC, E1 1207
configurator 1128 Creating a netlink across a public frame relay
Configuring network
X.25 PVCs 793 Configurator 89
X.25 services 781 Creating a netlink between two Passports
X.25 SVCs 802 CLI 97
Configuring IP filtering 360 Creating a netlink between two passports
Configuring IP forward filtering Configurator 87
Configurator procedure 361 Creating a tunnel to carry frame relay traffic
Configuring LAN services 385 CLI 99
multiple IP addresses 386 Creating SVCs 441
multiple IP addresses (CLI commands) 388
multiple IP addresses (Configurator D
procedure) 386
Data compression 427
Configuring Traffic Management Parameters
CLI procedure 430
baud rate 1587
Configurator procedure 427
CIR and PVC parameters 1594
options 471
PANL parameters 1591
set BECN response 1596 Data Port Parameters
Transfer Priority 1603 display 1252, 1280
Connecting DS0 Channels 1225, 1230 Data Port Parameters Display 1280
Connecting to a third-party router 448 Data Port Status
display 1254, 1281
Connecting to a third-party router using RIP
CLI procedure 453 data rate conversion 681
Configurator procedure 449 Data Services
Connection State, DS0 1229 SNA 854
bypass data 1232 X.25 765
bypass voice 1232 DC5B 975, 998, 1024, 1059

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1815

D-channel 1349 Display

Default backup procedure 1650 B-channel 1370
CLI procedure 1652 data port parameters 1252, 1280
Configurator procedure 1650 data port status 1254, 1281
ds0 connections 1246, 1273
Default primary netlinks
ds0 signaling Bits 1248, 1275
overview 74
egress table 1494, 1517
removal 75
eprom status 1492
removal (CLI) 76
ingress table 1495, 1518
removal (Configurator) 75
line parameters 1278
Default throughput 1602 line status 1250, 1268, 1279
Define RSI 1165 nac 1147
parameter 1166 nac cache 1133, 1149
server 1166 nac server 1134, 1150
Define RSI Server 1164 remote channel status 1489
T1/E1 indicator functions 1473
definition 635
T1/E1 profile 1255, 1282
Definitions, ISDN 1349 T1/E1 statistics table 1258, 1284
Delay (High Regeneration) 1018, 1053 T1/E1 system clock 1260, 1285
Delay, On-Hook/Off-Hook 953 T1/E1 system status 1261, 1286
T1/E1 test results 1262, 1287
Delay, Regeneration 986, 1010
transport method, system 1507, 1535
Delete NAC Cache 1135, 1142 voice call statistics 1529
Delete NAC Server 1136, 1142 voice channel parameters 1496, 1520
Delete RSI Server 1167, 1168 voice channel profiles 1522
voice channel statistics 1501
designated routers (DRs) 634
voice channel status 1484, 1509
Diagnostic codes voice network statistics 1500, 1529
clear service signals 836 voice profile 1497
Diagnostics voice switching profile 1504
T1/E1 1235 voice switching profiles 1527
Dial control voice system status 1505, 1535
CLI 284 Display NAC Statistics 1151
Configurator 276 Display RSI
Dial Digit Time Limit 972, 996, 1018, 1054 cache 1171
Digit Manipulation parameters 1172
Analog 959 server information 1173
Digital 952 set parameters 1174
statistics 1175
Digital Module Interconnectivity 1183
Digital Voice Expansion Module 1183
configuration 80
Digital Voice Modules 1182 configuration (CLI) 92
Disconnect Supervision 972, 996, 1019, 1055 configuration (Configurator) 81

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1816 Index

DLIC DC5B 975, 998, 1024, 1059

overview 79 Inverted DC5B 975, 1024
Documentation URL Israel CAS 977, 1026
updating and viewing 1684, 1687 R2/PUNCOM 976, 1025
R2/Q.421 976, 999, 1025, 1060
Downloading application software
Spain CAS 977, 1026
Configurator procedure 1660
Tie Invert 974, 1023
Drop and Insert 1323 Tie Trunk 973, 998, 1022, 1059
DS0 Channels Wink Start 978, 999, 1027, 1060
connecting 1230
DS0 Connection State 1229 E
bypass data 1232
E&M Analog Operation 980, 1002
bypass voice 1232
idle 1232 E&M Signaling 1030, 1065
to backup link 1233 E&M Signaling Format 980, 1002, 1030, 1065
to data port 1 1233 2280 tone 980, 1031
to data port 2 1233 DC 980, 1002, 1031, 1066
to primary link 1232 pulsed DC 981, 1031
to voice channel(s) 1233 wink start 981, 1002, 1031, 1066
DS0 Connections E1 Parameters 1206
display 1246, 1273 E1 Voice Modules 1180
DS0 Signaling Bits Echo Cancel Erl Improve 982
display 1248, 1275
Echo Cancel Filter Length 982, 1004
DS0Connect 1229
Echo Canceller 982, 1004, 1029, 1030, 1064,
DS0ConnString 1229 1065
DSCPMap 375 Echo Canceller Filter Length 1029, 1064
DSCPMask 376 Egress Table 944, 948
DTMF Burst Gen Length 972, 997 display 1494, 1517
DTMF Burst Regen Length 972, 997 Egress/Ingress Examples 953, 959
DTMF Detector Regen Burst Length 1020, 1056 Enable basic mode 439
DTMF Generator Burst Length 1020, 1057 Enable OSPF 654
DTMF Tone Detection 973, 997 Enabling and setting traps 1717
DTMF Tone Detector 1021, 1057 CLI procedures 1719
Configurator procedure 1717
DTR Control 1218
Enabling authentication trap 1721
DVEM See Digital Voice Expansion Module
CLI commands 1721
DVM 1022, 1058
End of Dial Character 982, 1004, 1033, 1068
DVM See Digital Voice Modules
End of Dial Character Status 1033, 1068
DVM Signaling Format 973, 997, 1022, 1058
EPROM Status
Clear Channel 974, 1023
display 1492

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1817

E-Type filters Frame relay management interface SVC 311

CLI commands 491 Frame relay monitoring
Configurator procedure 481 Async/TCP system status (Configurator) 176
EVM Interface Type 1005, 1069 circuit statistics (Configurator) 173
EVM See E1 Voice Modules CLI 179
Configurator procedures 173
Examples, Egress/Ingress 959
CTS/RTS control signals (CLI) 179
CTS/RTS control signals (Configurator) 177
F MSM link status (Configurator) 305
FAX Digitizing Rate 983, 1005, 1033, 1069 switch map status (Configurator) 175
WAN global statistics (Configurator) 177
Filter Length, Echo Canceller 1029, 1064
WAN interface (Configurator) 175
Filtering 475
Frame relay system parameters 159
Flash memory banks 1620 CLI procedure 160
CLI command for loading defaults 1622 trap status (Configurator) 159
Configurator procedure for loading
FRF3.1 765
defaults 1621
FXO Number of Rings 983, 1006
Format DTMF 987, 1034
FXS Ringing Frequency 983, 1006
Format, Dial Pulse 987, 1034
FXS signaling 1035
Forwarded Digits, Max Number 1039, 1074
FXS Signaling Format 984, 1035
Forwarded Digits, Max. 985, 1009
Frame relay
configuration 113
configuration (CLI) 121 Gain, Input Level 984, 1007, 1036, 1071
configuration (Configurator) 114 GCM
guidelines 113 backup netlink 184
illustration 133 backup port 184
monitoring 172 customizing 205
optional parameters 147 defining GCM links 211
overivew 111 link switching
PVC 147 backup manual switch
PVC CLI commands 152 Link switching
PVC Configurator procedure 147
SVC 147
backup manual switch
SVC CLI commands 154 229
SVC Configurator procedure 149 backup manual switch
Frame relay line parameters (CLI) 230
CLI PVC commands 169 fast switch 229
Configurator 162 manual switch 230
overview 161 modifying 231, 233
SVC (Configurator) 165 modifying (CLI procedures) 232
Frame relay management interface SPVC 312 modifying (Configurator procedures) 231

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1818 Index

monitoring 235 Indicators, Voice 1473

link failure 235 BRI voice module 1478
voice switch 229 digital expansion module 1477
primary netlink 184 T1/E1 1474
primary port 184 Ingress Table 934, 935, 939
GCM Configuration examples 215 display 1495, 1518
CLI procedure 223 Input Level 1036, 1071
Configurator procedure 222 Input Level Gain 984, 1007, 1036, 1071
Global traffic management configuration 1584 Interconnectivity
CLI 1586 digital module 1183
Configurator 1585 t1/e1 voice module 1183
Global traffic managment parameters 1582 Inter-LAN switching (ILS) and 6400
interworking 390
H Inverted DC5B 975, 1024
Hangover Time, Silence 1044 IP
HDLC 733 prioritizing for VoIP 1571
definition 733 IP Filtering 310
Hello protocol 633 priority order 311
Hoot and Holler 1088, 1099, 1323 IP Filtering and prioritization illustration 315
master configuration 1101 IP Forward filter
slave configuration 1104 CLI procedure 367
HTDS 1323 IP Forwarding system
definition 733 Configurator procedure 365
HTDS and CBR monitoring 764 IP Prioritization configuration over a three node
HTDS/CBR configuration 735, 736 network (CLI example) 336
Configurator procedures 737 IP Prioritization configuration over a three node
HTDS/CBR configuration for higher baud network (Configurator example) 316
rates 759 IP Routing
optional parameters 410
I adding a static route (CLI) 413
adding a static route (Configurator) 410
Idle Pattern 984, 1007
IP Routing procedure 399
Idle Pattern, Voice 1036, 1072 CLI procedure 404
If Commands, D-Channel, Physical 1351 Configurator procedure 399
If Index Table 1358, 1359, 1367 IP Traffic and priority overview 309
Impedance, Line 985, 1008, 1038, 1073 IPX
Incoming Call Restriction 1086, 1108 routing
Indicators 1478
T1 Access Module 1474
CLI commands 521

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1819

IPX Filtering 507 J

CLI commands 515
Net Jitter 984, 1008, 1036, 1037, 1072
Configurator procedure 508
RIP filters L
Configurator procedure 510
LAN Features 307
IPX Routing bridging 307
optional parameters 424 IP routing 308
CLI commands 426 IPX routing 308
Configurator procedure 424 overview 307
IPX Routing procedure 415 LAPB
CLI 419 Protocol Stacks 773
Configurator 415
LEDs 1478
add IPX circuits 416
Line Impedance 985, 1008, 1038, 1073
adding a second backup link 218, 225 Line Parameters
backup service 263 display 1278
backup service (CLI) 269 Line Status
backup service (Configurator) 264 display 1250, 1268, 1279
configuration 241 Line Tests 1299, 1304
configuration (CLI) 247
LineIndex 1229
configuration (Configurator) 242
monitoring 290 Link switching 228
monitoring (CLI) 292 fast switch
monitoring (Configurator) 291 229
optional parameters 275 voice switch
optional parameters (CLI) 283 229
protocols 240 List of Modules 1188
reference points 1349 LLC2 855, 857, 859
ISDN basic rate interface 240 Local and Virtual X.25 Connectivity 773
ISDN Channels 1349 Local managment interface (LMI) 112
ISDN Definitions 1349 Local X.25 Connectivity 772
ISDN overview 239 Loopback Test
ISDN peer entries (Configurator) 243, 291 voice channel 1540, 1541, 1542
ISDN Show Commands
physical 1361, 1369 M
ISDN Signaling Protocol 1355, 1357, 1367, 1373 MAC Filters
QSIG 1355, 1357 CLI commands 489
ISDN/BRI MAC filters
applications 1374 Configurator procedure 479
Israel CAS 977, 1026 Managing system memory banks 1619

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1820 Index

application code 1619 Configurator, viewing power and cooling 1728

boot code 1619 Configurator, viewing unit hardware 1729
configuration data 1619 Monitoring Traffic Management 1615
Manipulation String 938 Multiple frame relay switch maps 139
Manual switch 231 CLI procedure 145
Master Clock 1697 Configurator procedure 141
Matrix, Call Restriction 1111
Max Number of Forwarded Digits 1039, 1074 N
Max Output Level 986, 1009, 1039, 1075 NAC Cache 1138
add 1128, 1138
Max. Forwarded Digits 985, 1009
defining 1141
Maximum CIR 1600 delete 1135, 1142
maximum number of interfaces 679 display 1133, 1148, 1149
maximum number of peers 680 reset 1142
Memory bank status 1628 NAC Server
CLI command 1629 add 1130, 1139
Configurator procedure 1628 delete 1136, 1142
display 1134, 1150
Memory banks
modify 1132, 1145
activating 1625
activating (CLI) 1627 NAC Statistics
activating (Configurator) 1626 display 1151
committing 1622 NAC/NAS Address Resolution 1125
committing (CLI command) 1624 NAS Basic Aging Time 1147
committing (Configurator) 1622
neighbors 632
community string assignments 1703
GCM 184
user privilege assignment table 1704
Netlink monitoring
overview 305
Mode 1040, 1076
Netlink parameter configuration
voice only 988, 1011, 1040, 1076
CLI 106
voice/fax 987, 1010, 1040, 1076
Configurator 102
Modify NAC Server 1132, 1145
Netlink Parameters
Monitoring LAN services 517 optional 102
Configurator procedures 517
Monitoring Passport 4400 system overview 67
parameters 1725
Network limits
CLI commands 1730
DCE 78
Configurator procedures 1726
DTE 78
Configurator, viewing firmware 1726
netlinks 78
Configurator, viewing installed modules 1727
network hierarchy 78

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1821

Passport nodes 78 CLI Pollinterval command 670

physical ports 78 CLI RetransInterval command 670
RFC 1490 78 CLI RouterDeadInterval command 671
virtual circuits 78 CLI RouterPriority command 671
Network managment system 435 CLI TransmitDelay command 672
Configurator procedure 436 Configurator add procedures 659, 660, 662
Configurator viewing procedures 663
Network managment system (CLI procedure) 444
OSFP vs RIP 642
Network Terminator 1350
area design rules 625
configuring virtual ports 435
areas 625
Node configuration database 625
central node (CLI procedure) 198 features 626
Noise Floor Offset 986 how it works 631, 632, 634, 635
Noise Level Background 1041 IP subnetting 626
link-state advertisement (LSA) 629
Non-stub area 635
link-state database 629
NT mode 993, 1049 overview 622
Number of Rings routing 622
FXO 983, 1006 security 626
supernetting 626
O warnings 673
OSPF components 627
alternative to CLI 63 OSPF configuration 643
CLI procedure 651
On-Hook/Off-Hook Delay 953
Configurator procedure 643
On-line documentation
OSPF network types 630
accessing 1689
broadcast 630
navigating 1689
nonbroadcast multi-access (NBMA) 631
printing 1690
point-to-point 630
Operation, Wink Start 979, 1000
OSPF protocols 636
Optional OSPF parameters 659 exchange protocol 638
CLI 664 flooding protocol 637
CLI add procedures 664, 665 hello protocol 636
CLI administration commands 667
OSPF routing hierarchy 639
CLI areaID commands 667
autonomous system border routers
CLI authentication key command 668
(ASBRs) 640
CLI authentication type command 668
backbone routers (BRs) 640
CLI delete commands 666
border routers (ABRs) 640
CLI display commands 673
internal router (IR) 639
CLI hello interval command 669
CLI IfType command 669 OSPF routing overview 639
CLI interface parameter commands 666 Outgoing Call Restriction 1085, 1109

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1822 Index

Output Level 1043, 1078 Premium Voice 986, 1010, 1043, 1078
Output Level Attenuation 986, 1009, 1043, 1078 Preside MDM 63
Output Level, Max 986, 1009, 1039, 1075 Primary and backup links 210, 214
Output Level, Maximum, E&M 1039, 1075 Primary netlink
Overbooking, Voice 1119 default 74
GCM 184
overview 69
Primary port
PANL definition 69
6400 interworking 67
Priority, Tx 1112
overview 65
PANL parameters
disconnect supervision 1019, 1055
bandwidth 1591
E&M signaling 1030, 1065
bandwidth and maximum frame size 1591
FXS signaling 1035
PANL switching 66 input level 1035
PANL-DCE maximum forwarded digits 1038, 1073
definition 66 ring frequency (FXO) 1044, 1079
PANL-DTE Profile, Switching, Options 1082
definition 66 Profile, T1/E1 1190, 1200
PANL-DTE configuration display 1255, 1282
Configuration 102 Profile, voice options 965
PANL-DTE connection Profiles, Voice Switching 1082
CLI 106
Progress Tones, Call 1016, 1051
Peer configuration
Protocol selection
CLI 284
CLI command 94
Configurator 277
Configurator procedure 84
Physical interface display 293
Protocol Stacks 773
Physical interface procedures (CLI) 286
Pulse Rate, BRI 970
Physical interface procedures (Configurator) 279
PVC parameters
Physical mode definitions 148
CLI command 95
Configurator procedure 84
Physical Show Commands, ISDN 1361, 1369
QSIG 1355, 1357
Ping utility 1680
CLI command 1681
Configurator procedure 1680 R
Point to multipoint 280, 287 R2/PUNCOM 976, 1025
Port R2/Q.421 976, 999, 1025, 1060
GCM 184 Rate, Data Port 1218

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1823

Reference Points, ISDN 1349 RIP/SAP Spoofing 420

Regeneration Delay 986, 1010, 1018, 1053 router identification 632
Regeneration Format 987, 1034 Routing procedures 390
Regional node bridging (CLI procedures) 395
configuring a serial interface 223 bridging (Configurator procedure) 391
optional CLI bridging parameters 397
Remote Channel Status
display 1489 RSA 1155
Reregister Phone Number 1539, 1542 RSI
define 1165
Reset button (4460) 1674
baud rate 1676 RSI Parameter
cold start 1675 define 1166
warm reset 1674 RSI Parameters, Setting
Reset NAC Cache 1142 address resolution request attempts 1170
cache status 1170
Reset RSI Server 1169
response before timeout 1170
Resetting the system 1670
RSI Server
Restriction Class Code 1086 add 1161, 1162
Restriction Class, Voice 1110 define 1164, 1166
RFC 1060 1551 delete 1167, 1168
resetting 1169
RFC 1349 1551
RSI, Display
RFC 1490 307, 793, 854, 860
cache 1171
traffic management 1580
parameters 1172
RFC 1747 885 server information 1173
RFC 1795 860 set parameters 1174
RFC 1889 1551, 1571 statistics 1175
RFC 2024 885 RSI/RSA Address Resolution 1157
RFC 2474 377 RSI/RSA Configuration 1160
Ring Frequency 1044, 1079 RTP 1551
encapsulation 1571
Ringing Frequency, FXS 983, 1006
RTS Control 1219
configuration 450
RIP Filtering 492 S
CLI commands 507 SAP Filters
IP RIP incoming CLI command 491
Configurator procedure 498 Configurator procedure 483
IP RIP outgoing SDLC 855, 857, 858
Configurator procedure 502 definition 733
RIP gateway
Configurator procedure 494, 495, 497, 498
ingress table 939

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1824 Index

voice profile id 1080 deleting LLC 887

voice switching profile 1082 deleting service connections 866, 886
voice switching profile id 1115 displaying configuration 885
Setting RSI Parameters DLSw linkstation parameters 890
address resolution request attempts 1170 DLSw node parameters 889
cache status 1170 Ethernet frame formats 859
response before timeout 1170 I-frame traffic 859
LLC2 parameters 893
Setting system trap thresholds 1722
local and virtual connectivity 861
Setting the system clock 1712 local switching 854
CLI commands 1714 local termination 854
Configurator procedure 1712 multi-drop 854, 858
Setup 1553 multi-point 858
Show Commands 1484 network configuration 855
ISDN 1367 primary SDLC 858
SDLC linkstation parameters 901
Signaling Format
SDLC port parameters 898
DVM 973, 997
secondary SDLC 858
FXS 984
statistics 885
Signaling Format, DVM 1022, 1058 statistics via Configurator 864
Signaling Format, E&M 980, 1002, 1030, 1065 status 885
2280 tone 980, 1031 Spain CAS 977, 1026
DC 980, 1002, 1031, 1066
Specific configuration backup 1653
pulsed DC 981, 1031
wink start 981, 1002, 1031, 1066 SPVC Configuration
CLI procedure 382
Signaling Format, FXS 1035
Configurator procedure 380
Silence Hangover Delay 987
Static route 403, 407, 410
Silence Hangover Time 1044
Statistics, B-Channel 1361, 1369
Statistics, Signaling 1361, 1369
adding service connections 886
administration using CLI 884 Status, T1/E1 Line 1279
administration using Configurator 863 Stub area restrictions 635
configuring connections 919 Stub areas
configuring LLC2 916, 927 how they work 635
configuring SDLC 908, 919
stub areas 635, 662, 665
data link control protocols 857
data link switching 860 SVC Configuration 377
defining data link switching 878 CLI procedure 381
defining LLC2 ports 870 Configurator procedure 377
defining parameters 870 SVC parameters
defining SDLC linkstation 874 definitions 150
defining SDLC ports 873 Switching Profile Options 1082
deleting linkstation 887

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1825

Switching Profiles, Voice Channel 1082 assign profile 1213

System Action Commands connecting DS0 channels 1225, 1228
using 1538, 1541 data port configuration 1214, 1216
line configuration 1190, 1199
System administration
system clock configuration 1220, 1221
using assignment tables 1704
T1/E1 Diagnostics 1235
System administration overview
CLI commands 1684 T1/E1 Statistics Table
Configurator procedures 1683 display 1258, 1284
System identity 1685 T1/E1 System Clock
assigning a contact name using the CLI 1695 display 1260, 1285
assigning a location name using the CLI 1695 T1/E1 System Status
assigning a node name using the CLI 1694 display 1261, 1286
assigning a PCP IP address using the CLI 1696 T1/E1 Test Results
Configurator system identity window 1685 display 1262, 1287
viewing the identity of the Passport using the
T1/E1 Voice Module Interconnectivity 1183
CLI 1695
data port to e1 line 1187
System reset 1670 data port to T1 line 1186
CLI CPU reset 1673 local to network interface 1185
CLI current reset 1673
Taking a port offline 1723
CLI default reset 1673
CLI command 1725
Configurator procedure 1671
Configurator procedure 1724
System rollback 1630
TCP Port 1490 1548, 1571
CLI procedure 1634
Configurator procedure 1631 TCP/UDP service/port numbers 310
System Status, T1/E1 1285 TE mode 993, 1049
System Status, Voice TELNET
display 1505 utility 1669
System Transport Method 1117 Telnet session 59
Telnet utility 1669
T Testing
T1/E1 1288, 1290, 1296
T1 Parameters 1200
T1/E1 channel 1296
T1 Voice Modules 1178 T1/E1 line 1299, 1304
T1, E1 T1/E1 loopback 1318
optional parameters 296 T1/E1 port 1310
optional parameters (CLI) 299 T1/E1 system 1312, 1313
T1, E1, 56k interfaces 294 TFTP configuration backup 1648
configuration 294 upload base default 1648
configuration (CLI) 298 upload base specific 1648
configuration (Configurator) 294 TFTP configuration restore 1655
T1/E1 CLI procedure 1657

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1826 Index

Configurator procedure 1655 Transfer priority

TFTP default download 1639 default values 1580
CLI procedure 1642 SVC queues 1579
Configurator procedure 1639 Transmit Priority 1088
TFTP download monitoring 1644 Transparent CCS 1322, 1323
CLI command 1645 block diagram 1323
Configurator procedure 1644 configuration tasks 1324
TFTP monitoring backup 1654 External Cable 1344
CLI command 1655 features 1323
Configurator procedure 1654 Provision HTDS 1339, 1342
TFTP optional backup parameters 1649 Transport Method
channel 937
TFTP software download 1636
system 1117
TFTP software download (optional
Transport Method, System
parameters) 1637
display 1507, 1535
retry count 1638
timeout value 1638 Transport Method, Voice 1496
TFTP specific download 1643 Trap status
CLI 284
Tie Invert 974, 1023
Configurator 276
Tie Trunk 973, 998, 1022, 1059
Time Limit, Dial Digit 1018, 1054 trap messages
TN3270 854 bridging 1743
Tone Detection, DTMF 973, 997 CSU T1/E1 1749
frame relay 1743
Tone Detector, DTMF 1021, 1057
ISDN 1755
Tones, Call Progress 971, 995 LMI 1741
definition 1016, 1052 NAC/NAS 1761
TOS 1551 PANL 1740
ToSMap 373 RSI 1762
system 1736
ToSMask 373
T1/E1 1746
Traffic management TFTP 1742
BECN response 1584 voice 1744
discard eligibilty 1583
TVM See T1 Voice Modules
emission queues 1580
parameters 1582 Tx Priority 1112
line efficiency 1582
rate enforcement 1582 U
round robin 1583
UDP Port 490 1548, 1571
RFC 1490 traffic 1580
uLaw 971, 996
Traffic managment
overview 1579 Upgrading to 4.0 software 1658

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1827

Passport 4430/4450 hardware platforms 1659 optional parameters (Configurator

Passport 4455 hardware platforms 1659 procedure) 466
User core router 388 overview 433
SVCs 463
User privileges
SVCs (CLI commands) 465
categories 1699
SVCs (Configurator procedure) 463
Using Configurator 51
Virtual X.25 Connectivity 773
exiting 53
through a web browser 52 VoFR 1543, 1548, 1565
through the CLI 56 Voice
Using Install Tool 58 assign profile ID 1080
call restrictions matrix 1111
Using the CLI 58, 59
idle pattern 1036, 1072
accessing 60
mode 987, 1010
exiting 60
overbooking 1119
message displays 62
profile options 965
navigating tips 62
restriction class 1110
overview 59
switching profile setting 1082
structure 61
Voice Call Statistics
display 1529
Voice Channel Parameters
VEM See Digital Voice Expansion Module display 1496, 1520
Viewing the netlink table 69 Voice Channel Profiles
CLI 73 display 1522
Configurator 70
Voice Channel Statistics
virtual interface 660, 664 display 1501
virtual links 634 Voice Channel Status
Virtual port display 1484, 1509
adding IP addresses (Configurator Voice Indicators 1473
procedure) 436 BRI voice module 1478
Virtual port management (VPM) module digital expansion module 1477
interface 314 T1/E1 1474
Virtual ports Voice Level Adjustment Procedures
adding 458 analog 1426
adding (CLI procedure) 461 digital 1405
adding (Configurator procedure) 458 Voice Network Statistics
easyrouting 434 display 1500, 1529
Ifindexes 433
Voice Priority over RFC1490 1552, 1564, 1570,
optional parameters 465
parameter definitions 467
optional parameters (CLI command) Voice Profile
parameter definitions 469 display 1497

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1828 Index

Voice Switching Profile routing voice calls 1548, 1565

display 1504 RSI/RSA 1548
Voice Switching Profile ID setup using CLI 1565
assigning 1115 setup using Configurator 1553
T1 1543
Voice Switching Profiles 1082
transparent CCS 1551
display 1527
transport method 1565
Voice System Status user preferences 1548, 1565
display 1535 viewing parameters 1575
Voice/Fax Switch Module 1387 VNCS 1551
"force connect" mode 1387, 1391 when to use 1543
configuring 1397, 1401
functional description 1388 W
receiving/transmitting over network 1389
receiving/transmitting over pstn 1388 WAN
switching mode 1390 optional port parameters 136
VoicePriority 1552, 1564, 1570, 1576 WAN connections 680
VoIP 1565 WAN Optimization 421
analog voice 1543 WAN Optimization and RIP/SAP spoofing
AutoRingDown 1543 CLI commands 423
call bundle size 1573 Configurator procedure 421
setup using CLI 1574 Wink Start 978, 999, 1027, 1031, 1060, 1066
setup using Configurator 1574
Wink Start Operation 979, 1000, 1028, 1061
call management 1548
CCS 1551
disabling 1576 X
false 1548
call facilities 774
E1 1543
configuring SVCs using the CLI 804
fax 1543
configuring SVCs using the Configurator 804
Hoot-n-Holler 1543
defining LAPB parameters 819, 832
how it operates 1548
defining packet layer parameters 828
interoperability 1551
deleting PVCs 826
IP addresses 1548
deleting routing table entries 826
deleting service connections 816, 826
modem 1543
deleting virtual circuits 826
NAS/NAC 1548
DLCI 765
NAS/NAC table entries 1565
facilities supported 771
PANL 1543
LAPB CLI show commands 825
Passport 6400 1551
local connectivity 772, 773
Premium Voice 1543
packet layer CLI show commands 824
requirements 1548
packet size negotiation 776
router configuration requirements 1571
PVCs 793

206916-E Rev 00
Index 1829

between a Passport unit and a FRAD 795

between local physical ports 793
between Passport 4400 units 794
configuring using the CLI 800
configuring using the Configurator 797
service connections 826
service setup 789
setting up services 782
statistics 814
SVC facilities 774
SVCs 802
Passport-to-FRAD 769
Passport-to-Passport 768
Passport-to-Passport 6400-to-FRAD 770
Passport-to-Passport 6400-to-Passport 769
virtual connectivity 773
window size negotiation 778
X.25 defining parameters 817

Configuring and Operating the Passport 4400

1830 Index

206916-E Rev 00

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