Rule: Administrative Wage Garnishment Collection of Debts

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44512 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No.

148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations


Wastewaters Nonwastewaters
Facility name 1 and address Waste code hazardous Concentration Concentration
constituent Notes Notes
(mg/L ) (mg/kg)

* * * * * * *
Guardian Industries Jefferson D010 Standards under 268.40 Selenium NA NA 11 mg/L NA
Hills, PA (6), (11), and (12). TCLP.

* * * * * * *
Note: NA means Not Applicable.
1 A facility may certify compliance with these treatment standards according to provisions in 40 CFR 268.7.
* * * * *
6 Alternative D010 selenium standard only applies to electrostatic precipitator dust generated during glass manufacturing operations.
* * * * *
11 D010 wastes generated by this facility may be treated by Heritage Environmental Services, LLC at their RCRA permitted treatment facility in
Indianapolis, Indiana or by Chemical Waste Management, Chemical Services Inc. at their RCRA permitted treatment facility in Model City, New

* * * * * —E-mail: [email protected] concerning the existence or amount of a

[FR Doc. 05–15325 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 am] Include the number 1084–AA00 in debt, the administrative wage
BILLING CODE 6560–50–P the subject line of the message. garnishment hearing procedures
—Fax: (202) 208–6940. established in Treasury’s regulations
—Mail: William Webber, Focus Leader, will be utilized by the Department to
Asset and Debt Management, Office of provide the debtor an opportunity to
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Financial Management, U.S. contest the garnishment. The Office of
Department of the Interior, 1849 C Hearings and Appeals will conduct the
Office of the Secretary Street, NW., Mail Stop 5412 MIB, necessary hearings.
Washington, DC 20240.
43 CFR Part 39 —Hand delivery: Office of Financial The Department’s debt collection
Management, U.S. Department of the program does not require procedures
[1090–AA93] Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., Room different from those established by the
5412, Washington, DC. Department of the Treasury, and
Administrative Wage Garnishment FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: therefore the Department hereby adopts
William Webber, Focus Leader, Asset the Treasury regulation without
AGENCY:Office of the Secretary, Interior. modifications, except to designate the
and Debt Management, Office of
Final rule and request for
ACTION: Financial Management, U.S. Department Offices of Hearing and Appeals to
comments. of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., Mail conduct the hearings.
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Stop 5412 MIB, Washington, DC 20240;
Procedural Matters
Interior (the Department) adopts the (202) 208–5684.
authority established under the Debt SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Need To Issue a Direct Final Rule
Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) to Department is adding a new part 39 to
43 CFR to implement administrative The Department has determined that
use administrative wage garnishment to the public notice and comment
collect delinquent non-tax debts. The wage garnishment provisions under
section 31001(o) of the Debt Collection provisions of the Administrative
DCIA allows a Federal agency collecting Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(b), do not
delinquent non-tax debt from an Improvement Act of 1966 (DCIA), Public
Law 104–134, 110 Stat. 1321–358 (April apply because of the exception under 5
employee of a non-Federal entity to U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B), which allows the
issue a wage garnishment order without 25, 1996), codified at 31 U.S.C. 3720D.
Under this statute, the Department is agency to suspend the notice and public
first obtaining a court order. In order to procedure when the agency finds for
establish procedures enabling the adopting the administrative wage
garnishment regulation issued by the good cause that those requirements are
Department to use this authority, the impractical, unnecessary, and contrary
Department adopts, without change, the Department of the Treasury at 31 CFR
285.11. Under the DCIA, a Federal to the public interest. Because this rule
administrative wage garnishment
agency that is collecting delinquent commits the Department to follow
regulations issued by the Department of
non-tax debt may administratively without change an existing regulation of
the Treasury, and designates the Office
garnish the debtor’s wages using a the Department of the Treasury, which
of Hearings and Appeals to conduct
hearing process under the agency’s own has already been the subject of a
hearings under this authority.
regulations or in accordance with proposed rule and public comment
DATES: This rule is effective September when promulgated by Treasury, we
regulations promulgated by the
2, 2005. Comments must be received by Secretary of the Treasury, if the agency have determined that publication of a
October 3, 2005. adopts those regulations by reference. proposed rule and solicitation of
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, The DCIA allows a Federal agency comments is not necessary. While we
identified by the number 1090–AA93 by collecting delinquent non-tax debt from are not required to solicit comments
any of the following methods: a non-Federal employee to issue a wage under the Administrative Procedure
—Federal rulemaking portal: http:// garnishment order without first Act, the Department is soliciting Follow the obtaining a court order. Should a debtor comments to allow further public input
instruction for submitting comments. submit a written request for a hearing regarding these procedures and will

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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations 44513

consider revising this rule if comments PART 39—COLLECTION OF DEBTS BY the Commission’s duplicating
warrant. ADMINISTRATIVE WAGE contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc.,
Regulatory Flexibility Act GARNISHMENT 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC 20554, telephone 301–
In accordance with the Regulatory Sec.
39.1 Procedures for collection of debts by
816–2820, facsimile 301–816–0169, or
Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96–354, as administrative wage garnishment. via-e-mail [email protected].
amended by Pub. L. 104–121), the 39.2 Requests for Hearings. This document does not contain [new
Department has reviewed this
Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3720D. or modified] information collection
regulation, and by approving it, certifies
requirements subject to the Paperwork
under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this § 39.1 Procedures for collection of debts
regulation will not have a significant Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public
by administrative wage garnishment.
economic impact on a substantial Law 104–13. In addition, therefore, it
The Department hereby adopts the does not contain any new or modified
number of small entities. The administrative wage garnishment rules
Department’s debt collection activities ‘‘information collection burden for
issued by the Department of the
do not affect a substantial number of small business concerns with fewer than
Treasury at 31 CFR 285.11.
small entities. Moreover, as found by 25 employees,’’ pursuant to the Small
the Department of the Treasury, wage § 39.2 Requests for Hearings. Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002,
garnishment requirements do not have a Any request for a hearing under 31 Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.
significant economic impact on small CFR 285.11 must be filed with the 3506(c)(4).
entities. Employers of delinquent Director, Office of Hearings and The Commission will send a copy of
debtors must certify certain information Appeals, U.S. Department of the this Report & Order etc. in a report to
about the debtor, such as the debtor’s Interior, 801 N. Quincy Street, Suite be sent to Congress and the Government
employment status and earnings. This 300, Arlington, Virginia 22203. Accountability Office pursuant to the
information is contained in the [FR Doc. 05–15258 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 am] Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.
employer’s payroll records. Therefore, it BILLING CODE 4310–RK–M 801(a)(1)(A).
will not take a significant amount of
time or result in a significant cost for an List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73
employer to complete the certification FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
form. Even if an employer is served Television, Digital television
withholding orders on several broadcasting.
employees over the course of a year, the 47 CFR Part 73 ■ Part 73 of Title 47 of the Code of
cost imposed on the employer to
[DA 05–2051, MB Docket No. 04–289, RM– Federal Regulations is amended as
complete the certification would not 10802] follows:
have a significant economic impact on
that entity. Employers are not required Digital Television Broadcast Service PART 73—[AMENDED]
to vary their normal pay cycles in order and Television Broadcast Service;
to comply with a withholding order Columbia and Edenton, NC ■ 1. The authority citation for Part 73
issued under this rule. For these continues to read as follows:
reasons, a regulatory flexibility analysis AGENCY: Federal Communications
is not required. Commission. Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 334 and 336.
ACTION: Final rule.
Executive Order 12866 § 73.606 [Amended]
The Commission, at the
■ 2. Section 73.606(b), the Table of
This rule is not a significant
request of the University of North
regulatory action as defined in Television Allotments under North
Carolina, license of non-commercial
Executive Order 12866 and is therefore Carolina, is amended by removing TV
television station WUND–TV, channel
not subject to review by the Office of channel *2 at Columbia and adding
*2, and paired DTV channel *20,
Management and Budget. Edenton, TV channel *2.
Columbia, North Carolina, re-allots
Paperwork Reduction Act channel *2 and DTV channel *20 from § 73.622 [Amended]
Columbia to Edenton, North Carolina, at
This regulation contains no WUND’s current site location. See 69 FR ■ 3. Section 73.622(b), the Table of
information collection requirements 50146, August 13, 2004. With this Digital Television Allotments under
subject to review by the Office of action, this proceeding is terminated. North Carolina, is amended by removing
Management and Budget under the
DATES: Effective September 6, 2005. DTV channel *20 at Columbia and
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Clay adding Edenton, DTV channel *20.
U.S.C. Chapter 35).
Pendarvis, Media Bureau, (202) 418– Federal Communications Commission.
List of Subjects in 43 CFR Part 39 1600.
Barbara A. Kreisman,
Garnishment of wages, Debt SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau.
collection. synopsis of the Commission’s Report [FR Doc. 05–14955 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 am]
Dated: June 28, 2005.
and Order, MB Docket No. 04–289,
adopted July 21, 2005, and released July
P. Lynn Scarlett,
22, 2005. The full text of this document
Assistant Secretary—Policy, Management is available for public inspection and
and Budget.
copying during regular business hours
■ For the reasons given in the preamble, in the FCC Reference Information
Title 43 of the Code of Federal Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Regulations is amended by adding a new Room CY–A257, Washington, DC. This
part 39 to read as follows: document may also be purchased from

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