CS2060 - High Speed Networks Question Bank PDF
CS2060 - High Speed Networks Question Bank PDF
CS2060 - High Speed Networks Question Bank PDF
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1.25. What are the uses of wireless LAN? ( May/ June 2008)
1.26. What is the access method used by wireless LAN? ( Nov./ Dec.2008)
1.27. List out some of the control functions of LAPF core.
1.28. What is VPI?
1.29. What is CLP?
1.30. What are the services of ATM?
1.31. What is the message types needed for Frame relay call control?
1.32. What is SNP?
1.33. What are the benefits of 10 Gbps Ethernet over ATM?
1.34. What is the purpose of Fiber channel?
1.35. What are the IEEE 802.11 services?
1.36. What are the physical Medias defined in 802.11?
1.37. Define - Cell lose ratio
1.38. Define- Cell transfer delay
1.39. Define - Cell delay variation tolerance
1.40. Define - Sustainable cell rate.
1.41.Define- peak cell rate
1.42. Explain the physical layer access mechanisms, MAC layer protocol and the MAC layer
frame format for wireless LAN 802.11 ( Nov./Dec 2008)
1.43. Write short notes on: Gigabit Ethernet and fast ether net. ( Nov./Dec 2008)
1.44.Draw the NNI and UNI ATM header cell format and explain the significance of each field. (
Nov./Dec 2008)
1.45.Describe the architecture of 802.11. ( Nov./Dec 2007)
1.46.what are the services provided by ATM adaptation layer? Explain the operation of various
protocols. ( Nov./Dec 2007)
1.47.What are the major strengths of fibre channel? Explain. ( Nov./Dec 2007)
1.45.Describe the various requirements of specific to wireless LAN. ( April/May 2008)
1.46.Explain the call establishment process using virtual channels and virtual paths. Describe the
characteristics of virtual channels. ( April/May 2008)
1.47. Compare X.25 and frame relay protocol stacks. ( April/May 2008).
1.48. Describe the features of Gigabit Ethernet. ( April/May 2008)
1.49.Explain the fibre channel protocol architecture. ( April/May 2008)
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Unit II
Congestion and Traffic Networks
2.1. When will queue be formed in a network?
2.2.State the key characteristics to be considered for deriving the analytic equations for the
queuing model. ( Nov./Dec. 2011)
2.3. What are the types of queuing models? ( April/ May 2010)
2.4. List the various queuing models and its applications. ( May/June 2009)
2.5. List any four important parameters associated with a single server queue. ( Nov./Dec.2009)
2.6. List te parameters for a single server queue. ( Nov./Dec.2012)
2.7. List any four queuing models used to measure the performance of networks.
( April/ May 2008)
2.8. Define mean residence time. ( Nov./Dec 2008)
2.9. Write short notes on Littles formula. ( Nov./Dec. 2007, 2009)
2.10. Write the kendalls notation.
2.11.Compare multi server with multiple single server queues. ( Nov./ Dec.2007)
2.12. Define Congestion
2.13. What are the causes for congestion? ( may/June 2009), (April/May 2010)
2.14.List the different congestion control techniques.
2.15.What is meant by choke packet? ( Nov/Dec 2011)
2.16. What is the role of end-to-end probe packet in congestion control? ( Nov/Dec 2009)
2.17. Define back pressure
2.18. Define- FECN
2.19. What are the drawbacks of Backpressure? ( May/June 2009)
2.20. What is meant by BECN? ( Nov/Dec 2012)
2.21. What is meant by explicit congestion signaling?
2.22. What is implicit congestion signaling? ( Nov/Dec 2010)
2.23. List some of the model characteristics.
2.24. Difference between multiserver queue and multiple single server
2.25. Define: Mean residence time
2.26. What is Discard Strategy?
2.27. List the congestion control mechanism in packet switching networks.
2.28.What is Congestion Avoidance?
2.29. What is Congestion recovery?
Prepared by S.Vivekpandian., Assistant Professor., Dept/ CSE
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2.5. Explain the explicit congestion control technique, classify explicit congestion control
approach and explain.
2.6.Discuss the various issues related to congestion control in a network. (8)( April/May 2008)
2.7.Explain the various frame relay congestion control techniques.
2.8.What is the fundamental task of queuing analysis? What are the different ways of developing
a queuing model? Explain how analysis is done for various models.
2.9. What are open loop and closed loop congestion control?
2.10.Explain M/M/1 and M/D/1 queuing model and derive expression for (16) (Nov./Dec 2008)
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2.11. What is the need for queuing analysis? Write the significance with queuing model
(8) ( May/June 2009)
2.12. Explain the various mechanisms for congestion control in packet switching networks.
(16)( May/June 2009)
2.13. Discuss the issues of fairness, quality of service and reservations in traffic management.
(6)( Nov./Dec 2009)
3.1.List the various retransmission strategies in the implementation of TCP.
3.2.What is meant by self-clocking?
3.3.What is meant by binary exponential back off? ( Nov/ Dec 2012)
3.4.What do you mean by window-limited mode?
3.5What do you mean by rate-limited mode?
3.6What is meant by source traffic descriptor?
3.7.What are the characteristic captured by the ATM Traffic Descriptor?
3.8.Define: peak cell rate
3.9.Define: sustainable cell rate
3.10.Define: Maximum burst size
3.11.Define: Minimum cell rate
3.12.Define: Maximum frame size.
3.13.Define: Cell delay variation tolerance
3.14.Define: Cell loss ratio.
3.15.Define: Traffic policing
3.16.Define: Traffic shaping
3.17.What is meant by open loop control?
3.18.What is meant by closed loop control?
3.19.List the parameters for the rate of transmission of cells.
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3.4. What are the ATM traffic parameters and QOS parameters defined by ATM forum? Explain.
(8) ( Nov./Dec 2007)
3.5. What are the parameters that form the GFR traffic contract? Explain the different
mechanisms that support rate guarantees.
3.6. Explain the various techniques used in window management of TCP. (8) ( April/May 2008)
3.7. Explain the various techniques used for managing retransmission time TCP.
(8) ( April/May 2008)
3.8.Explain the generic cell rate algorithm with the help of a flow chart. (8)( April/May 2008)
3.9.Explain the retransmission timer management techniques used in TCP and also explain the
window management techniques used in TCP for congestion control.
3.10.Briefly explain the different types of traffic control functions used in ATM networks to
maintain the promised QOS parameter.
3.13 Discuss the ABR and GFR service categories in ATM networks
3.14. Explain the additive increase multiplicative decrease behavior of TCP congestion control
4.1.What are the requirements for inelastic traffic?
4.2.What are the functions that are provided by ISA to manage congestion and QoS transport?
4.3.What are the principal background functions of ISA?
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4.3.What are the design goals of RED? Explain RED algorithm in detail.(8) ( Nov./Dec 2007)
(8)( April/May 2008) (6)( Nov./Dec 2009)
4.4.What are the components of ISA? Explain.
4.6.Explain the Bit- round fair queuing (BRFEQ) discipline and compare with PS
(7)( April/May 2008)
4.7.Explain fair queuing and weighted fair queuing using an example.
Fair queuing(FQ)
4.12.Discuss the approach, components of integrated service architecture. (10)( May/June 2009)
4.13.compare Integrated and Differentiated service with example.
Prepared by S.Vivekpandian., Assistant Professor., Dept/ CSE
4.14. Explain the RED algorithm in terms of the estimation of queue size and determining packet
4.15.Describe the functional modules that should be present in ingress and egress of
differentiated services network.
5.1.What is meant by soft statein RSVP? ( AU: Nov./Dec.2012)
5.2.Define: Channel-changing capability.
5.3.What are the characteristics of RSVP?
5.4.Define: A session.
5.5.Define: Flow descriptor.
5.6.What is reservation attribute?
5.7.What is sender selection?
5.8.Define: Wild-card-filter style
5.9.Define: Fixed-filter style
5.10. Define: Shared-explicit style
5.11. List the requirements for connection-oriented QoS support.
5.12. What is traffic engineering? (AU: Nov./Dec. 2011)
5.13. Define: Label switched routers.
5.14.Draw the MPLS label format.
5.15. What is hop-by-hop routing?
5.16. What is explicit routing?
5.17. Define: Constraint-based routing algorithm.
5.18. What is a translator?
5.19. What are the fields in RTP fixed header?
5.20 What are the functions performed by RTCP?
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5.1. What are the functions that are performed by RTCP and explain RTCP transmission in
5.2. Explain the reasons why TCP is not suitable for real time applications. Also explain the
need for RTP.
5.5.What are the different RTCP packet types defines in RFC 1889. Explain their uses in RTCP
Prepared by S.Vivekpandian., Assistant Professor., Dept/ CSE
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5.6.Give the RTP packet format and describe the use of each field.
5.8. Draw the RTP protocol architecture and explain the concept. Also draw the RTP header
format and explain the significance of each field. What are the difference between RTP and
5.9. Explain the resource reservation protocol(RSVP) operation by giving its goals and
5.14. Discuss the labeling and label switched path of MPLS networks?
5.15.Explain the stacking rules followed in the label switching path of MPLS networks
(8)( Nov./Dec 2009)
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