Subconscious Restructuring: A Beginner's Guide

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Subconscious Restructuring

A Beginners Guide

Hypnosis for Life All Rights Reserved

Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide
This brief report is intended to offer an introductory framework to the individual who is
interested in ethical clinical hypnotherapy.
As with all professions, every therapist brings a range of personal experiences and
training into the helping process. This framework reflects what I have come to see as
basics truths when it comes to creating long term change.

The life we are living is consistent with our self image not our potential
The self image we have is not of our genuine true self; rather it is a habituated response
that has been programmed into our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The subconscious
mind houses our identity; we cannot ignore the reality that our self perception regulates
our lives.
Our abilities, talents, wisdom and purpose are often shamed into the back seat at an early
age. This is part and parcel of social programming, but we can open up to healthier
influences and move back into potential. We can program and step into a self image that
serves us.
When we begin to influence the subconscious mind we are restructuring it. When we
begin to restructure we create a new self image. We must do this deliberately.

We run programs that do not serve us

Programs are the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that get in the way of achieving your
goals. These programs block the path to your potential. These programs run deep. Most
are so deeply embedded that they are unconscious.
If we are not satisfied with our lives we are not broken crazy or incapable we
simply need to offer our subconscious mind a new program/blueprint. However, the
subconscious mind is stubborn and prefers to hold on to old programs. This holding on
occurs with both useful and damaging ways of being.
We cannot force nor will new programs onto the subconscious mind. Creating
permanent change requires collaboration between the parts. For many people these parts
are the conscious, subconscious and higher self. For others, collaboration between the
conscious and subconscious is sufficient.

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Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide

Programming begins early

Some would suggest that programming begins in the womb. Others suggest that
programming begins with the trauma of birthing. Others believe that programming begins
after the birth. Still others subscribe to the notion that we reincarnate and choose our
parents, so that our soul can complete its learning.
For our purposes here, we focus on a common belief that critical programming occurs up
to the age of 5 or 7. To that I would add there is a resurgence of receptivity during the
teen years.
The reality is that how you think, feel and behave today is a result of your spongy-like
mind absorbing information, both good and bad, from a range of sources during times
when you did not have the capacity to critique incoming data.
Whether you are 20, 40, 60, and 80 or 100 years old, you still carry beliefs (rules, ideas,
values) foisted upon you at earlier ages. Many learned beliefs are useful and allow us to
live well, be healthy and contribute to the world. Other beliefs limit the expression of
potential and create miserable lives.
What was your little mind fed? Is life meant to be hard? Is the world a jungle with a
scarcity of resources? Now, you are an adult. So, what would you like to feed your mind
today? What beliefs would serve you now?

Early programmers had their own baggage

We were all programmed by amateur parents, relatives and stressed out teachers who
likely did the best they could. The individuals who had the most influence and authority
over your little mind were not always in an emotionally healthy place.
Most early programmers had a whole range of both conscious and unconscious emotional
baggage. The outcome resulted in irritable and frustrated responses to the normal
developmental behaviour of children. The often unintended result became a negative shift
in self esteem and identity.
Shame and blame are social programming tools that work to make little ones fall into
line. This begins in the home and is continues into the school setting and beyond.
Thinking and behaving is often shaped through pain; the fear of not belonging or fitting
in continues to shape and reinforce adult behaviour.

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Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide
When this painful conditioning occurs in childhood, parts of the self naturally retreat. An
internal knowing of not being ok begins. It is a primitive survival response at a time
when little minds do not have the cognitive or functional capacity to reason.
This negative programming is generally not intended to be malicious. After all, some
level of care rituals are required to create order out of the chaotic, combustive, frenetic
state of little minds and bodies... The intention may be honourable; however the methods
often create unfavourable results that carry over into adulthood and are manifested intoanxiety states, depressive states, weight issues, phobic responses, anger issues,
confidence challenges substance addictions and more.

Scientifically speaking
You may be surprised to learn that the British Medical Association approved the use of
hypnosis as a legitimate treatment as early as 1892. Then, in 1958 both the British and the
American Medical Associations (AMA) sanctioned the official use of hypnosis by
physicians. In 1958, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) also approved
hypnotherapy for use by professionally responsible individuals.
The statement of professionally responsible individuals refers to the attainment of
professional human services training prior to hypnosis training and legislation of
practice. For example, social workers are professionally trained and legislated by the
Health Professions Act. These governing bodies accepted hypnotherapy as a main line
medical protocol, (US and UK) as opposed to complementary or alternative treatment
that most people associate it with in Canada today.
You may be interested to know that scientific studies show measurable changes in the
brain during hypnosis. There is a reduced activity in the left hemisphere (logic) as the
conscious mind retreats and increased activity in the right hemisphere, (imagination and
creativity). This does not mean that you lose "logic" but that the analytical part of your
mind relaxes.
This state allows for the subconscious mind to be communicated with. Why communicate
with the subconscious mind? Because it stores our memories, takes care of the automatic
functioning of our bodies and is the seat of our identity. To leave the subconscious mind
out of the transformation or change process simply is not a strategy that engenders long
term change.
Studies show that on average people require fewer sessions to address a concern with
hypnosis then through the use of more conventional therapies. Why? Only hypnosis
addresses the learning needs of the subconscious mind, otherwise all change is surface
level. The subconscious mind will go back to the norm unless new learning is fully
accepted, absorbed and cemented.
Hypnosis for Life All Rights Reserved

Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide

Subconscious restructuring and receptive state

The subconscious mind requires several variables to be in place for acceptance of
suggestion. Brain waves are just one of the variables.

-critical thinking state, logical working state
-high levels of beta are experienced as a hyper anxiety state
14 to 32 Hz
Note-the anxious perfectionist, type A personality is often stuck in this state, to the
detriment of physical and mental health.
-daydreamy relaxed state of mind
-great learning state, focused concentration
-first step into meditative state
7 to 14 Hz
Note-some individuals will access this state frequently as an escape. Programming
occurs in this state, however it is often negative. This is a light state of hypnosis.
-experienced in dreaming state
-accessed when we have deep creativity
-moments of quick realization or intuitive knowing
-mind and body healing
3.5 to 7 Hz

Hypnosis for Life All Rights Reserved

Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide
Note-this state is ideal for the majority of people. It allows for discovery and
programming. This state can be deliberately accessed on cue with a little practice.
-deep trance sleep state
-loss of body awareness
-access to collective conscious or universal mind
0.1 to 3.5 Hz
Note-this state is also ideal for programming and discovery. It is a deeper state, and I
believe it offers greater levels of healing when parameters are in place for collective
conscious. It usually requires guidance initially and can be cued with a little practice.

Robotic nature requires a systematic restructuring

Simple hypnosis, in and of itself, can be a useful method for self discovery. In terms of
habit formation, simple hypnosis has short term results for most people. The stubborn
subconscious mind will return to a path of least resistance; this is its nature. I often refer
to this as our "cow paths."
The cow path is familiar, comfortable (even if painful) and has countless mind files
associated. Simple hypnotic suggestion is somewhat like talk therapy, in that for the less
hypnotizable individual it is simply a short term feel good fix. Deeply rooted beliefs
and behaviours do not necessarily resolve with a single session; this flies in the face of
the stubborn nature of the subconscious mind.
Subconscious restructuring is a specialized process that takes into consideration the
ethical and practical reality of the mind being a robotic learning machine. Considering
that the subconscious mind is responsible for breathing, heart beat and digestion, it is a
good thing that getting it off course requires a systematic strategic approach.

NLP as a tool in subconscious restructuring

Incorporating neuro linguistic programming into the clinical hypnotherapy model adds
power and flexibly to the process. This is especially useful for clients who are not
reasonably suggestible, but rather cynical, thinkers or analytical types.
Often these individuals have a genuine respect for the learning process and like to gather
information as they prepare for a change. The conscious analytical mind can get in the
way of the therapeutic process and interferes with the ability/willingness to move into

Hypnosis for Life All Rights Reserved

Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide
trance or receptive state. NLP tools and strategies bring a rich dimension to subconscious
work and this technology is usually appreciated by the thinker.
The thinker is challenged to accept passive hypnosis. However if we want to cement
change we need to influence the subconscious mind. NLP has been termed software for
the brain and hypnosis in disguise. NLP incorporates many tenants of hypnotherapy but
true trance is not required to adjust or eliminate old patterns, making it an ideal model for
the cynic or the analyzer.

Subconscious restructuring and cellular memory

Simple hypnosis is an excellent tool for self discovery work and implementing new
habits for the individual who is ready and reasonably suggestible. Even so, in order to
cement change we need to bring cellular memory into the equation. This simply means
that we must actively participate in our transformation.
This calls for a process of collaboration versus a simple recliner approach to
transformation. While hypnosis is an important part of subconscious restructuring, it
should only occur after a thorough interview to establish filtering/processing styles, and
conscious level connection with the ideal realistic result.
This active participation creates a deliberate, specific blueprint for the stubborn
subconscious mind. Through the principles of learning and active engagement though
both passive hypnosis and take home assignments, this blueprint becomes second nature,
automatic, robotic or subconscious.

Subconscious restructuring allows for the creation of a healthier self

Remember that our self image is formed early, by well meaning (usually) authority
figures that had a range of their own unresolved personal challenges. Most parents are
amateurs who did not complete their own healing journey prior to beginning a family.
Our self image is NOT generally consistent with our original potential. The reality is that
the single most powerful influence directing your life is your self image. You did not
personally design the self image you currently have of yourself. If you are not
experiencing the life you want to experience it simply means restructuring needs to occur.
Your self image is a programmed response. You may see yourself as a success or a
failure, capable or a victim, well or sick. You may experience a life of joy and purpose or
live with chronic frustration.

Hypnosis for Life All Rights Reserved

Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide

How well your life is going right NOW can be traced back to how you perceive yourself.
How we perceive ourselves is closely related to how we see the world and how we
navigate it.
You likely have limiting beliefs that you are not even consciously aware of. Sometimes
you may have a conscious level awareness that an internal belief is playing out, but for
the most part these ideas rule our lives from the subconscious level.
For example:

I experience the world as a scary place vs. I see the world as my playground
I am a victim and can not impact my own life vs. I am engaging with my original
potential to create a better life
I will always be fat vs. I am moving into a healthier mindset and habits
I have always been a nervous person vs. I deeply empower the parts of myself that
are more at ease
I cannot trust people vs. I am learning to trust myself to choose healthy
I always get sick easily vs. I am tapping into my bodys wisdom to build
I will always be an addict vs. I am learning new habitual ways of being

Your life is a reflection of your self image. Whether it is your weight, your finances, your
career, your relationships or your emotional and mental health, every aspect of your life
links back to the self image. This self image was formed for you. Isn't it nice to know that
you do not need to be struck with a self image that does not serve you?
Whether you want to reprogram a less then satisfying self image or simply improve your
self image subconscious restructuring can help. Remember that our abilities, talents,
wisdom and purpose are often shamed into the back seat at an early age. This is part and
parcel of social programming but we can reconnect with our potential and step into a self
image that serves us by engaging that part of the self that stores identity.

Beyond session work

Most transformation begins with awareness; however, it is almost impossible to see
yourself objectively. We see, hear and feel though programmed filters. Our limiting
beliefs spill out in language and body patterns but are obvious to the trained observer
and/or emerge during discovery work.

Hypnosis for Life All Rights Reserved

Subconscious Restructuring
A Beginners Guide
We rarely change what we are not aware of. In many ways, we spend our lives in a half
asleep state running robotic programs. We need to wake up, become aware and then
claim the power to program something new. We did not have that power as children but
we can accept the authority of internal influence now.
Subconscious restructuring is both a passive and active process that requires deliberate
intentional focus. It is not recliner hypnotism whereby a stranger waves a pendulum,
offers suggestions and sends you on your way in an hour.
This modality treats the mind of the client with more respect. The working of our mind
does not need to be mystical and feel out of our reach. Rather, a little additional effort
allows for a deep understanding and respects for ones own ability to eventually influence
the self. This means that subconscious restructuring includes both passive hypnosis and
active hands on assignments which allow for a deeper integration. This deeper integration
means change is maintained over the long haul. The new way of being becomes second
nature, easy and effortless.
When we are in crisis or a problem has become engrained we do need the support of a
framework. However, once shifts begin to occur, and we have gathered new tools and
strategies, we ideally can say to the professional helperthanks, I will take it from

Terri Cooper RSW NLP-M DCH

Hypnosis for Life All Rights Reserved

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