Calc Stab
Calc Stab
Calc Stab
Electronic Version for Distribution Via the World Wide Web
Subj: Voluntary Standards for U.S. Uninspected Commercial Fishing Vessels
1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this circular is to establish voluntary minimum standards for U.S.
uninspected commercial fishing vessels.
2 DIRECTIVES AFFECTED: Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars No. 5-85, 6-85, 7-85, 8-85,
and 9-85 are canceled.
a. In response to the poor safety record of uninspected commercial fishing vessels the Commandant of
the Coast Guard recommended a Fishing Vessel Safety Initiative to the Secretary of Transportation to
reduce the number of casualties. The program was approved by the Secretary and became one of the
Department of Transportation's' Safety Initiatives.
b. To develop the initiative, the Commandant formed a Fishing Vessel Safety Task Force. After visits to
a number of port areas and soliciting advice and recommendations from industry representatives,
government agencies and other Coast Guard personnel, it was determined that a voluntary program
dealing with vessel standards and crew safety awareness and education was needed and could be
effective in improving safety.
c. The safety awareness and education program was pursued by the Coast Guard in company with the
North Pacific Fishing Vessel Owners' Association (NPFVOA). A looseleaf "Vessel Safety Manual" was
published with chapters paralleling the vessel standards It is illustrated with pictures and diagrams and
in a format tailored for fishermen. Persons interested in purchasing a copy of the guide may do so by
writing to NPFVOA Safety Program Office, Suite 207, Building C3, Fishermen's Terminal, Seattle, WA
98U9 (206-283-0861).
d. The vessel standards program, which this NVIC addresses, originally consisted of a series of five
NVICs; Stability (5-85), Radio and Shipboard Navigation Equipment (6-85), Fire Safety Measures (785), Lifesaving Equipment and Protection of the Crew (8-85), and Hull, Machinery, and Electrical
Installations (9-85). Many of these NVICs contained specific operational and educational material for
fishermen which could be used before the "Vessel Safety Manual" was published; therefore, some
material previously contained in any one of the NVICs has been moved to the manual, although some
overlap still exists.
e. Since input from the fishing industry and other interested parties was essential, we published NVICs
5-85 thru 9-85 as proposed standards and distributed them to over 230 individuals, groups and
organizations throughout the U.S. who have an interest in fishing vessel safety. These groups included
safety consultants, marine surveyors, naval architects, insurance underwriters, fishing vessel owners'
associations, boat builders, fisheries unions, personnel associated with the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Sea Grant program, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. Several sent
-detailed comments; all expressed a favorable reaction to the standards. Other methods were also used to
inform Coast Guard personnel and the public about the safety initiatives i.e. District Commander
Conferences, District "M" Officer Conferences, Commandant Notice, Commandant's Bulletin, Fish
Expo 85', industry sponsored fishing vessel safety seminars and conferences throughout the country,
Federal Register notice, and articles in industry periodicals.
f. Enclosure (1) is a consolidation of NVICs 5-85 thru 9-85 taking into account the comments and
recommendations received. For continuity, certain regulatory requirements (although not voluntary)
have been included where appropriate.
a. Commercial fishing activity has only limited federal regulations dealing with vessel safety. Of
significance are existing regulations, found in Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subchapter
C, "Uninspected Vessels," which cover minimal lifesaving and firefighting equipment.
b. Enclosure (1) includes recommended voluntary standards intended to be used as guidelines for
increased safety on board U.S. uninspected commercial fishing, fish processing, and fish tender vessels.
Much of the material used to develop the standards already exists; however, it is scattered throughout
several different foreign and domestic publications and documents. Enclosure (1) was assembled using a
variety of sources including feedback received from persons having an interest in fishing vessel safety,
classification society rules; the Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels prepared by the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Labor Organization (ILO) and
the International Maritime Organization (IMO); Canadian and United Kingdom fishing vessel
requirements; American Boat and Yacht Council's (ABYC) Safety Standards for Small Craft; Coast
Guard Publications; applicable industry standards; and appropriate portions of federal regulations. This
NVIC does not modify or supersede any existing or future laws or regulations.
c. This NVIC is one component of an overall safety program aimed at improving the safety record of
commercial fishing vessels. The other components are the NPFVOA/USCG "Vessel Safety Manual" and
industry sponsored training courses.
d. Whereas this NVIC focuses on the technical aspects of fishing vessel design, construction and
equipment, the "Vessel Safety Manual" is specifically tailored for fishermen and addresses general
operational concerns common to all commercial fishing vessels. Enclosure (2) is a copy of the general
table of contents and each chapter index of the NPFVOA/USCG "Vessel Safety Manual". An order form
is also included.
e. The "Vessel Safety Manual", as written, is a ready reference guide for masters and their crews
operating a variety of vessels in different fisheries nationwide. Fishing vessel owners, operators, and
masters will find that the principles presented in the manual can be adopted to establish safety practices
aboard their vessels. Associations and other interested groups may wish to add to this manual especially
if a specific fishery has safety concerns unique to what now exists in the manual. Those wishing to
supplement the NPFVOA/USCG "Vessel Safety Manual" by developing specific local safety
recommendations should contact Commandant (G-MTH-F/V), 2100 Second Street, S.W., Washington,
DC 20593. Printing plates for the Vessel Safety Manual can be made available for such purposes.
f. The Vessel Safety Manual in combination with the voluntary vessel standards contained in this NVIC
gives persons in the fishing industry the framework necessary to develop and implement safety
programs on their own. These voluntary vessel standards coupled with the NPFVOAIUSCG "Vessel
Safety Manual" and private industry training courses, provides the commercial fishing industry with an
overall fishing vessel safety enhancement program that will significantly improve its safety record by
reduction in the number of injuries and loss of lives and vessels.
5. ACTION. The Coast Guard recommends that vessel builders, marine surveyors, insurance
underwriters, fishing vessel owners, operators, industry associations, and other interested parties:
a. Adopt and implement these voluntary vessel standards;
b. Develop regional specific safety recommendations and incorporate them into the NPFVOAIUSCG
Vessel Safety Manual; and
c. Develop and implement regional training programs using the NPFVOAIUSCG "Vessel Safety
Manual" as input into a curriculum outline and reference text.
End: (1) Voluntary Standards for U.S. Uninspected Commercial Fishing Vessels
(2) General Table of Contents and Chapter Index from the NPFVOAIUSCG "Vessel Safety Manual"
C:e Baltimore, Port Arthur, Puget Sound, Miami, Mobile, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Portland OR, Boston,
Providence (75); Long Beach, Portland ME, Anchorage, San Diego (50); Alameda (40); Honolulu,
Tampa, Juneau, Valdez, Charleston (35); Cleveland (12); Cincinnati, Louisville, Memphis, Nashville,
Paducah, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Savannah, San Juan, Galveston, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, Duluth,
Milwaukee (10); Huntington, Wilmington, Corpus Christi, Toledo (5)
C:m New Orleans (140); New York, Philadelphia (75); Houston (25); St. Ignace (5); Sturgeon Bay (4).
D:l CG Liaison Officer MILSEALIFTCOMD M-65 STRAT MOB, CG Liaison Officer JUSM&GPHIL
Coast Guard statistics continue to indicate a disproportionate number of fishing vessel casualties in
relation to the number of vessels in service. Improper loading and progressive flooding continue to be
the primary causes in the capsizing, foundering and sinking of fishing vessels. Physical changes to
vessels without consideration for their effect on stability and watertight integrity are also of major
Fishing vessels are typically of small to moderate size and are operated in harsh environments. This is a
major part of the reason for the high loss rate for fishing vessels, since a severe seaway can easily
overwhelm the average fishing vessel. Combined with this are the following real world factors which
also Rust be considered:
Some design features which are desirable from a stability point of view may be a hindrance to fishing on
a day-to-day basis.
Shortened seasons for various fisheries result in economic pressures on the operator to overload the
vessel to maximize the catch during the limited fishing season.
Modifications to vessels in service which are necessitated by a change of service or fishing practice
usually result in degradation of vessel stability. The practice of using the same vessel in several different
fisheries on a seasonal basis often results in a design which is perfectly acceptable for one fishery but
marginal or unsafe for another.
Fishing vessel operators in general do not have an appreciation for the factors affecting the stability of
their vessels, particularly those factors which can be significantly influenced by their operating
Since all of these considerations must be reviewed to help assure the safety of the boat, fishing vessels
are among the most difficult types of vessels to properly design from a stability standpoint.
Nevertheless, consideration of each of these factors is a must for any designer or naval architect who
becomes involved in fishing vessel design and modifications.
In June of 1985, the Coast Guard published Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 5-85,
"Proposed Voluntary Stability Standards for Uninspected Commercial Fishing Vessels". The Coast
Guard has received many comments on this NVIC regarding the proposed fishing vessel stability
standards. This chapter of NVIC 5-86 revises the previous stability recommendations based on these
comments and makes several additional changes. The major changes included the current circular are:
Revising the recommended IMO Severe Wind and Rolling Criteria so that the pressure factor is based on
the height of the vessel's structure above the waterline;
Recommending that flooding protection be provided for all new fishing vessels over 79 feet; and
Recommending a stability standard for fishing vessels when lifting over the side.
Much of the material previously presented in NVIC 5-85, "Graphical Presentation of Stability for
Fishing Vessel Operators" has been incorporated in the Vessel Safety Manual, published by the North
Pacific Fishing Vessel Owners Association and has been deleted from this NVIC. Fishing vessel
operators and marine surveyors are referred to this manual for a discussion of vessel stability and those
operational factors which affect stability with illustrated examples. This manual may be ordered at the
address below. The cost is $30.00.
Vessel Safety Program
Room 207, C-3 Building
Fisherman's Terminal
Seattle, Washington 98119
The areas to be considered in these guidelines are outlined below. Each of the items in the outline is
followed by a one letter code to indicate its suggested usage. The codes are:
R: Recommended
C: Should be Considered in the design process and/or the operation of the vessel where applicable
Intact stability criteria (R).
Damaged stability criteria (R).
Design characteristics which affect stability.
Inclining Experiment and Deadweight Surveys (R)
Method of Calculating Righting Arms (R)
Effect of Trim (C)
Recommended Loading Conditions (R)
Free Surface (R)
Treatment of Lifting Weights during Fishing Operations (R)
Ballasting (R)
Watertight Integrity (C)
Freeboard (C)
Environmental factors affecting stability.
Beam Seas (C)
Following Seas (C)
Icing (R)
Water on Deck (C)
Operating Information for Fishing Vessel Designers and Operators
Presentation of Stability Information to Fishermen (R).
The effects of Modifications on Fishing Vessel Stability (R).
Assessing the Combined Effects of Environmental Factors on Ice Accumulation (C).
Fishing vessel designers, owners, operators, industry associations, builders, marine surveyors, insurance
underwriters and other interested parties are encouraged to adopt and implement these voluntary
standards. The attached recommendations are intended for the improvement in design and operation of
all sizes and types of fishing vessels. The known limitations of these recommendations are addressed in
each section. The Coast Guard believes that these recommendations are based on the best possible
information currently available both domestically and internationally.
The Coast Guard invites comments on the guidelines presented, especially as they impact on the design
and operational aspects of fishing vessels. The Coast Guard also welcomes information on other
methods of evaluating stability which have been used successfully on vessels in service. Comments
should be sent to Commandant (G-MTH-3), 2100 Second Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20593.
Comments received will be evaluated for use in modifying these recommendations.
Recommend Intact Stability Criteria
A. General - In preparing this NVIC, much consideration was given to criteria which had been
previously developed for fishing vessels. On pages 35 and 36, there is a summary of the many criteria
which were considered pertinent to fishing vessels. Two criteria are proposed as voluntary standards for
the U.S. fishing industry. They are the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Resolution
A.168(ES.IV), more commonly known as the Torremolinos Convention Criteria, and the IMO Severe
Wind and Rolling Criteria. There are many reasons for supporting these criteria, but the primary ones are
1. Since the criteria were first recommended by IMO, there have been few known instances in which
vessels that allegedly met the criteria have been lost.
2. Most naval architects are familiar with righting energy, metacentric height (GM) and range of stability
as parameters used in evaluating stability.
3. As an alternative, where there has. been successful operation over a long period of time (at least ten
years) for vessels operating in a specific fishery or in particular waters, the stability characteristics of
these vessels may be used by the designer to determine safe loading characteristics for the design vessel.
4. Although meeting these criteria is not an absolute guarantee of safety, the Coast Guard believes that if
fishing vessels comply with these criteria in all conditions of loading, then a significant decrease in the
number of stability-related fishing vessel casualties will result. In order to meet the criteria in all
operating conditions, the designers must have a full understanding of the limits they impose.
B. Roll Period Test - The Coast Guard declines to endorse the use of a roll period test in IMO Resolution
A/ES.IV/168 for several reasons.
1. First, a roll period test may be used by the operator to evaluate the vessel's stability while underway
by operators who do not fully understand the limitations of measuring the roll period to evaluate
stability. Measuring the roll period in still water is a case of free oscillation where the measured roll
period is the vesselt 5 natural roll period. This may or may not be the case when the vessel rolls in a
seaway. If waves of a constant period act upon the vessel for a sufficiently long period of time, the
measured roll period will be that of the waves. If waves of a constant period are not experienced, the
measured roll period may be the natural period of the vessel or, more likely, a combination of the
vessel's natural period of roll and the period of the seaway.
2. Second, the roll period is only indicative of the vessel's metacentric height (GM) and not the area
under the righting arm curve or other important stability characteristics such as the maximum righting
arm, the angle at which the maximum righting arm occurs or the range of stability.
3. Third, the data used to develop the nomogram shown in IMO Resolution A/ES.IV/168 was taken from
European fishing vessels and coastal freighters. The Coast Guard is not convinced that the roll
coefficients recommended are appropriate for U.S. fishing vessels considering the number of fisheries
that U.S. fishermen are engaged in and the diversity of hull forms and arrangements used.
4. Finally, the Coast Guard is concerned that the roll coefficients do not accurately account for the
changes in the roll gyradius as the vessel operates between full load and burned out conditions. A
significant change in the roll gyradius means that the actual GM may be much different than that
indicated from measuring the roll period and calculating the GM based in the equations given.
C. Torremolinos Convention Criterion Requirements - This criterion requires: (See Figure 1-1)
1. The area under the righting arm curve should not be less than 10.3 ft-degrees (0.055 meter-radians) up
to an angle of heel of 30 degrees.
2. The area under the righting arm curve between the angles of heel of 30 degrees and 40 degrees or
between 30 degrees and downflooding ( f) if downflooding occurs at less than 40 degrees, should not
be less than 5.6 ft-degrees (0.030 meter-radians).
3. The area under the righting arm curve should not be less than 16.9 ft-degrees (0.090 meter-radians) up
to an angle of heel of 40 degrees or the angle of downflooding ( f) if this angle is less than 40 degrees.
NOTE: This criteria requires that the sum of the area under the righting arm curve to 30 degrees and the
righting arm curve between 30 degrees and 40 degrees or 30 degrees and the angle of downflooding be
greater than 16.9 ft-degrees. This means that either or both of these areas must be greater than that
specified in paragraphs (a) and (b).
4. The righting arm should be at least 0.66 feet (0.2 meters) at an angle of heel greater than or equal to
30 degrees.
5. The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30 degrees but not
less than 25 degrees.
6. Initial GM should not be less than 1.15 feet (0.35 meters).
7. As an additional part of this criterion, the Coast Guard is recommending a minimum range of stability
of 60 degrees. It is noted that the Federal Republic of Germany requires a 60 degree range and that the
Norwegian government requires a 60 degree range of stability for existing vessels and an 80 degree
range for new vessels.
8. Example - On page 1-37 is an example applying the Torremolinos -Convention Criteria to a fishing
vessel (here a scallop boat) in a loaded condition. The calculation assumes that the designer has access
to a program which will calculate righting arms given a KG value and a set of hull offsets.
D. Restrictions
1. In previous NVICs, designers were cautioned against the use of the criteria for vessels under 79 feet
in length. The Coast Guard continues this caution. As smaller vessel designs are considered, certain
adverse effects are magnified. For example, although righting arms are generally the reference, it is the
magnitude of the heeling energy which must be dealt with. For a small vessel, the heeling energy in a
given wave is greater relative to the total righting energy developed by the hull than it is for a larger
vessel. Other effects which must be considered are:
a. Freeboard becomes more critical (the chances of a given wave swamping the vessel increase with
decreasing freeboard);
b. Downflooding occurs earlier;
c. Significant changes in trim as the vessel heels become very important regarding downflooding and
deck immersion; and
d. The location of the center of gravity of the vessel becomes far more critical and deck loads and
fishing practices become the driving forces in a design.
2. Designers and operators alike should recognize that on a smaller vessel, it may be necessary to
increase some of the Torremolinos Convention Criteria requirements in order to provide a level of safety
equivalent to that of larger vessels. To date, there has not been adequate research to establish what these
increased requirements should be for vessels less than 79 feet.
3. The designer should also realize that a small vessel may not be able to survive an extreme sea
condition, regardless of the criteria it has been designed to.
4. The Coast Guard also warns that this criteria may not provide adequate stability for fishing vessels in
the light condition. One vessel capsized in the light condition even though the stability of the vessel
exceeded the Torremolinos Convention Criteria by 10 percent. It has been reported at recent meetings of
the IMO Subcommittee on Stability, Load Lines and Fishing Vessel Safety that several vessels have
capsized while in the light condition even though they supposedly met the Torremolinos Convention
5. The Coast Guard believes that the Torremolinos Convention Criteria and the IMO Severe Wind and
Rolling Criteria are the best that are currently available, but it must b& recognized that an accurate
assessment of operational requirements which will affect a vessel's stability must also be made to
supplement the criteria used.
6. The Torremolinos Convention Criteria recommend minimum values, but no maximum values. While
it is important to design for a reserve of stability above the minimum, it is advisable to avoid excessive
values, since these might lead to high accelerations resulting in excessively high forces on the vessel and
may cause injuries to the crew.
E. IMO Severe Wind and Rolling Criteria Requirements - In conjunction with the Torremolinos
Convention Criteria the Coast Guard also recommends that designers and naval architects apply the
IMO Severe Wind and Rolling Criteria. This criteria is presented on the following pages. The reader
should refer to Figure 1-2 when using this criteria. All units are in English and the metric equivalents are
given in parenthesis.
1. This criteria measures the ability of the vessel to withstand the effect of beam winds and rolling.
a. The vessel is assumed to be subjected to a steady wind pressure acting perpendicular to the vessel's
centerline which results in a steady wind heeling arm (Lw1). The vessel heels to an angle of
e. Free surface effects should be accounted for in the standard conditions of loading as discussed in
Section E. on page 19.
2. The angles in Figure 1-2 are defined as follows:
- angle of heel under action of steady wind (i.e. the intersection of the wind heeling arm curve, Lw11
and the righting arm curve)
- angle of roll to windward due to wave action
- angle of downflooding (
) or 500 or
, whichever is less
- angle of first intercept of wind heeling arm curve, Lw2, and righting arm curve
= angle of second intercept of wind heeling arm curve, Lw2, and righting arm curve
3. The wind heeling arms Lw1 and Lw2, referred to above, are constant values at all angles of inclination
and should be calculated as shown below (See Figure 1-3).
Where: X1 = factor as shown in Table 1-1
(intermediate values in Tables 1-1 through 1-4 should be obtained by linear interpolation).
Rolling period
(sec.) (Metric)
where: C = 0.373 + 0.023 (B/d) - 0.00131 L = 0.373 + 0.023 (B/d) - 0.043 (L/100) (Metric)
The symbols in the above tables and formula for the rolling period are defined as follows:
L = waterline length of the ship (ft.)
B = molded breadth of the ship (ft.)
d = mean molded draft of the ship (ft.
CB = block coefficient
AK = total overall area of bilge keels, or area of the lateral projection of the bar keel, or sum of these
areas (ft.2)
GM - metacentric height corrected for free surface effect (ft.)
* The angle of roll for ships provided with anti-rolling devices should be determined without taking into
account the operation of these devices. For vessels with anti-roll tanks, the full free surface effect of the
tanks should be used to determine the GM value used in calculating the angle of roll.
5 EXAMPLE: Page 1-37 is an example which demonstrates the application of the IMO Severe Wind and
Rolling Criterion to a fishing vessel in a loaded condition.
A. General - No damage stability criteria has previously been applied to fishing vessels. However, 1983
casualty statistics indicate that of the 248 vessels lost, 139 vessels were lost as a result of collision,
grounding or flooding, many of these as a result of minor side penetration. The Coast Guard believes
that a damage stability standard may vastly improve the chances for fishing vessels to survive minor
damage and recommends the following as a damage stability standard for new fishing vessels over 79
feet. It would be beneficial to modify existing fishing vessels so that they can withstand the flooding of
at least the lazerette and the engine room spaces, taken separately, and still meet the survival criteria
proposed for new vessels.
1. Each fishing vessel should have a collision bulkhead located between five and fifteen percent of the
length of the vessel aft of the forward perpendicular. The forward perpendicular is defined as the
intersection of the stem of the vessel and the designer's waterline. The collision bulkhead should not
have watertight doors in it. Any penetrations or openings should be located as high and as far inboard as
possible and should be capable of being made watertight in a short period of time in the event of
2. The vessel should meet a one compartment damage stability standard. That is, following the flooding
of any one compartment as a result of damage or unintentional flooding, the vessel will still remain
afloat with a minimum amount of residual righting energy.
B. Extents of Damage
1. The extent of damage to be applied should be:
a. Longitudinal extent - 0.1 L.
b. Transverse extent - 30 inches in from the side measured at right angles to the centerline at the level of
the deepest load waterline.
c. Vertical extent - from the baseline upwards without limit.
d. Ho main transverse bulkheads should be considered damaged.
e. Where the inboard longitudinal bulkheads are less than 30 inches from the side, the compartment
inboard should be considered damaged also. Where these bulkheads are greater than 30 inches inboard,
the compartment inboard should not be considered damaged.
2. Figures 1-4 and 1-5 indicate how the damage standard is applied.
C. Permeabilities - The permeabilities used should be 0.95 for tanks and quarters spaces; 0.85 for the
engine room, pumprooms, etc.; 0.95 down to 0.50 for fish holds depending on the type and amount of
catch, and 0.60 for stores areas, lazarettes, and other tightly packed areas.
D. Survival Criteria
1. After the damage standard above has been applied to a vessel, it should have the following minimum
stability characteristics:
a. 200 residual range of stability.
b. The angle of heel after damage should not be greater than 250.
c. No downflooding points submerged within the 200 residual range of stability.
d. The maximum righting arm should be at least 4 inches.
2. Figure 1-6 shows the survival criteria.
A. Lightship and the Inclining Experiment
1. The Coast Guard highly recommends that the first vessel in a class of vessels be inclined in every
case. Because minor changes to smaller vessels may significantly affect their stability, the Coast Guard
also recommends that deadweight surveys be conducted on each sister vessel to confirm the lightship
characteristics. After accounting for known weight changes, if the deadweight survey shows the
displacement differs by more than 3 percent from that of the lead vessel or if the longitudinal center of
gravity (LCG) differs by more than 1 percent of the length between perpendiculars, the vessel should be
2. It has been reported that many fishing vessels are not built strictly in accordance with the lines plan.
To insure an accurate stability analysis, the designer should verify that the vessel was actually built to
the lines plan by checking the dimensions of the vessel at several locations at the time of the inclining.
3. NVIC 15-81, "Guidelines for Conducting Stability Tests," provides information on how to properly
conduct stability tests. Designers should follow these guidelines to get the best test data results. It is
important that when an inclining experiment is conducted on a hard chine vessel, the chine must be
immersed at all times because of the rapid change in waterplane area and thus the height of metacenter,
KM, if the chine emerges when the vessel is heeled.
B. Calculation of Righting Arms
1. The hull designs of most fishing vessels, with house forward and working areas aft, generally cause
the vessel to change draft and trim significantly as it is heeled. The resulting change in the righting arms
may be accounted for by using constant trimming moment calculations. In the past, constant trim (fixed
trim) calculations were used to calculate righting arms since constant trimming moment (free trim)
calculations required unreasonably lengthy calculations. This is no longer the case since most designers
have access to computer programs which allow the righting arm curves to be calculated by the constant
trimming moment technique. The computer program SHCP has options to calculate righting arms using
either method.
Another factor to consider is the increasing popularity of hard chine hull designs. These vessels can have
rapid changes in waterplane area as a result of small changes in the angle of heel. In addition, fishing
vessels normally have very low freeboards and relatively low downflooding angles. Thus it is important
to know what the actual righting arms are. Because of the much greater accuracy in calculating the
actual righting arms, the Coast Guard strongly recommends that the constant trimming moment method
be used.
2. In calculating righting arms for loading conditions, designers should determine the sensitivity of the
righting arms to trim. If the righting arms are affected by trim, then they should be calculated for the
actual trim for each loading condition, instead of using the zero trim righting arms for all loading
3. Deckhouses should be included in the buoyant volume only if:
a. They are of substantial construction so that they can withstand the impact forces of waves,
b. They have internal access to the spaces below; otherwise it should be assumed that the exterior doors
will be used for access, thus disrupting the buoyant envelope watertight integrity.
c. All openings in the sides of the deckhouse are weathertight. (NOTE: Joiner doors should not be
considered as weathertight.),
d. All windows have deadlight covers.
4. Stern ramps should be deducted from the buoyant volume.
5. Bulwarks should not be included in the buoyant volume.
6. In general, volumes which are watertight and of sufficient strength are fully effective. The Coast
Guard recommends that all fully effective volumes be included in the buoyant volume for the righting
arm calculations. Although the exclusion of these volumes may be more conservative, using the allowed
buoyant volumes permits a more accurate assessment of the vessel's stability characteristics.
C. Effect of Trim
1. Trim is the difference between the drafts forward and the draft aft. Some vessels have a designed drag,
that is, the hull slopes down aft. The amount of drag is the greater designed draft aft minus the designed
draft forward. The trim of a vessel with designed drag is the difference in drafts in excess of the
designed drag.
2. Righting arms are calculated for a vessel assuming an initial trim of the vessel. As noted above,
changes in trim may result in -substantial changes in the righting energy a vessel can develop. Changes
in trim occur when:
a. Changes in buoyancy distribution result as the vessel heels due to the hull form.
b. The loading conditions being evaluated have a different initial trim.
3. The designer must be sure to consider the effect of trim that large buoyant volumes at one end of the
vessel can cause. A large number of vessels with deckhouses forward trim substantially when heeled due
to the higher distribution of reserve buoyancy at the bow. Vessels with deckhouses aft tend to fair better
in this regard because most of these vessels have forecastles forward to balance this distribution.
4. Where the trim in the loading conditions is different from that for which the righting arms were
calculated, additional righting arms must be calculated for these loading conditions.
5. In addition, the designer must also consider that as a vessel trims, there may be a change in the
position of the point of downflooding relative to the waterline, thus allowing downflooding to occur
sooner than expected. The designer should account for this in determining the point of downflooding in
applying the stability criteria.
6. Excessive trim has other detrimental effects. Too much trim by the bow means the vessel will tend to
collect water on deck and will also encounter increased sea spray, increasing the susceptibility to icing.
Too much trim by the stern increases the likelihood of a stern wave breaking over the transom and
swamping the vessel. Excessive trim may also cause the vessel to handle poorly.
D. Recommended Loading Conditions
1. As a minimum, the naval architect should evaluate the loading conditions discussed below:
a. Departure condition from port with full fuel, water, stores, ice, fishing gear, etc.;
b. Arrival at the fishing grounds with reduced fuel, water, and stores and no catch (the amount of fuel,
water and stores should be based on the distance to the fishing area);
c. At the fishing grounds with reduced fuel, water and stores and 50% catch;
d. Departure from the fishing grounds with reduced fuel, water, and stores and full catch;
e. Arrival at home port with 10 percent fuel, water and stores, and full catch (be sure to account for any
weights to be lifted or suspended and their effects on stability in a turn); and
f. Arrival at home port with 10 per cent fuel, water, and stores and 20 percent of full catch.
2. The naval architect should also consider other loading conditions in which the vessel may be
operated, such as other partial catch and tank loading combinations, with deck loads, using boxes to
store fish, while lifting, in ballast and during periods of icing. The sensitivity of the hull to each of these
factors must by considered if the design is to be worthwhile.
3. Important considerations to be made in assessing loading conditions.
a. In addition to the loading conditions noted above, loading conditions should be calculated for any
other unusual loads or operating practices not considered by the criteria which may have an effect on the
vessel being designed.
b. The designer should warn of operating conditions which may seriously impair the stability of the
vessel and recommend practical corrective measures in the stability information to the operator.
c. When calculating operating conditions, the weight of all fishing gear on deck in that condition, i.e.,
wet nets, tackle, pots, traps, etc., should be included.
d. The cargo may be assumed to be homogeneous unless this is inconsistent with practice,
e. Deck cargo must be included.
f. Free water in ballast tanks or fish wells should be included if it is present in normal operations.
g. If normal practice is to stow fish so that one end of the hold loaded higher, then the increase in VCG
should be accounted for.
E. Free Surface Effects
1. Free surface effect is a major consideration on a large portion of the fishing vessel fleet. Because of
this, the Coast Guard recommends the following to account for free surface effects:
a. For all conditions, the initial metacentric height and righting arm curves should be corrected for the
effect of free surfaces of liquids in tanks by calculating the following:
(1) For each type of consumable liquid, the free surface effect of at least one transverse pair of wing
tanks or a single centerline tank having the greatest free surface effect.
(2) The free surface effect of each partially filled tank containing other than consumable liquids.
NOTE: This assumes that only one pair of wing tanks or one centerline tank of each type of liquid will
be carried slack at any time. The naval architect should make this very clear in the stability information
to the operator, since the operator may severely reduce stability unintentionally by having more than this
maximum number of tanks slack.
b. Either the standard free surface calculation, based on the moment of inertia of the tank, or the moment
of transference method may be used.
c. Because of the large free surface moment, vessels with large fish wells should maintain these veils in
either an empty or fully pressed up condition. A check of the transition period at sea should be
completed if ballasting at sea is the practice of the operator.
d. The free surface correction for pairs of tanks fitted with cross connection piping but without valves
should be calculated assuming the tanks are one common tank.
F. Treatment of Lifting Weights and Heeling Moments Due to Fishing Gear
1. The lifting of weights is a commonplace occurrence in fishing but it has also led to a number of
capsizings. When a weight is lifted from the deck, the weight then acts at the tip of the boom. Designers
should account for this effect by adjusting the VCG and the righting -arm curves. Designers can
minimize the chances of capsizing as a result of lifting by:
a. Ensuring they have a thorough understanding of the fisherman's operating (eg. lifting, dragging)
b. Ensuring that the operator is aware of the effects of the lifting actions;
c. Ensuring that boom and power block heights are optimal and not excessively high; and
d. Ensuring that boom and power block structures are not so overdesigned that an excessive increase in
KG results.
2. If a vessel is in an already tender condition due to overloading, the moment caused by the lifting of a
fishing net filled with catch is often sufficient to heel the vessel past its limited range of stability.
3. Heeling Moments Due to Fishing Gear
a. Fishing gear can impose extremely high loads on a vessel, particularly when things go wrong. This is
another of those areas in which the designers knowledge of the fisherman's operating practices is crucial.
The normal heeling moments imposed by trawling or seining for instance, should be evaluated by the
designer and included when doing the stability analysis.
b. Recent IMO papers addressed the moments which would be experienced by a side trawler in common
trawling as well as when the vessel was attempting to clear a trawl which was snagged or fastened to the
bottom. The moment caused by a common trawl is reasonably small, given a trawl wire length of 2.5 to
3 times the water depth. The Coast Guard recommends that a residual righting area between the heeling
arm curve and the righting arm curve be at least 15 foot-degrees to the least of the following angles:
(1) angle of maximum righting arm;
(2) angle of downflooding; and
(3) 40 degrees.
c. In addition, the static angle of heel should not exceed 10 degrees.
d. This is illustrated in Figure 1-7. The heeling moment is the maximum generated based on the allowed
combinations of hook load and radius. The heeling arm curve is defined by
HA = Maximum heeling moment x cosine
e. In calculating the righting arm curve, the designer must remember to account for the increase in VCG
due to the lifting of the weight.
f. The designer should also consider the effect of a trawl snagging on the bottom. When the trawl
becomes snagged the potential heeling moment can exceed the righting moment. Figure 1-8 shows a
family of heeling moment curves for a given propeller thrust and vessel trawl geometry imposed on a
righting arm curve. The illustration is not intended to be numerically specific, but is instead presented to
show how operational practices must be considered by the designer. Note how the heeling moment
increases for decreasing trawl angles (a), where a is the angle which the trawl wire makes with the
vertical. The magnitude of the heeling moment is a function of the trawl angle, which is in turn a
function of the wire length and the water depth. Since normal practice is to shorten up on the trawl wire
and use power to break the trawl free, the angle at which the wire trails can be significantly reduced as
the vessel moves towards the location of the snag. Designers should consider the need for quick-release
devices on winches and other lifting equipment. Designers should also warn the operators that
attempting to release a fastened trawl by rapidly increasing the engine thrust or suddenly increasing the
power on the winch may cause the vessel to capsize.
G. Ballast
1. Ballast is normally used to improve the stability of the vessel. However, depending on the location of
the ballast, it can either raise or lower the center of gravity of a vessel. Ballast may also decrease the
reserve buoyancy of a given vessel and can adversely change the trim of the vessel.
2. Additionally, if liquid ballast is used, it can adversely affect stability by contributing a large free
surface effect. When directing fishing vessel operators to ballast, designers must consider the free
surface effect which will exist during the interim period until the ballast tank is pressed up.
3. If permanent ballast is installed it should not be removed without first evaluating the effect on
H. Watertight Integrity and Flooding
1. The importance of providing watertight closures that can be quickly closed and easily maintained
cannot be overemphasized. The painstaking effort taken in developing a hull which can meet or exceed
the stability criteria and provide an efficient fishing platform is a wasted effort if the vessel downfloods
at a low angle of heel because of ineffective closures.
2. All closures which must be opened at sea should be kept as far inboard and as high as possible in
order to maximize the angle at which downflooding occurs. Doors to fo'c'sles and poops are often
located at the side of the vessel and so may be immersed at a low angle of heel. If these could be kept
closer to the centerline, then the angle of downflooding is considerably increased with a resultant
increase in safety.
3. Instructions to the master should be provided to keep all watertight closures closed except when
actually being used. These closures should be clearly labeled "KEEP CLOSED". The Coast Guard also
recommends that a diagram showing the location of all watertight closures be placed aboard the vessel
in the stability information provided to the operator. An example of this is shown in Figure 1-9.
Recommendations on other aspects of watertight integrity are offered below.
a. Main Deck Hatches - Openings in the main deck accessing the engine room, hold, pumproom, or
lazarette are among the most common sources of downflooding. It is understood that many of these
locations require frequent access. Hatches that must remain open for long periods during the fishing
evolution should be capable of being closed rapidly and be of substantial construction to withstand the
pounding of large waves.
b. Watertight and Weathertight Doors - To maintain a deckhouse as a buoyant volume, doors into the
deckhouse should be quick acting weathertight doors. Multiple dog doors are too slow to be effective
when the water is already coming in. Joiner doors or doors of light construction can be easily warped by
pounding seas and may fail to prevent water from entering the vessel at crucial times. Quick-acting
watertight doors should be used below the main deck when access between spaces is required.
Preventing progressive flooding can provide the needed reserve buoyancy to keep the vessel afloat.
Marking the doors with distinctive labels saying "KEEP CLOSED" serves as a helpful, lifesaving
c. Deadlight Covers - Port glass and window glass on oceangoing vessels should be of substantial
construction. However, even heavy windows and ports can be damaged by the repeated pounding of
heavy seas, so deadlight covers and portable storm covers of substantial construction should be provided
for the ports and windows. Directions to the operators to secure these covers in heavy weather should be
included in the stability information to the operator.
d. Bulkheads - Bulkheads needed for damage stability or subdivision must be maintained watertight. In
practice, it is a good idea to design and maintain all bulkheads watertight. Access through bulkheads
should be provided only where absolutely necessary, such as from the engine room to the quarters, and
then only by quick acting doors. Doors which must be secured by bolts or the action of dropping weights
should not be used. Where a compartment has only the door as a means of ventilation, alternate means
of ventilation should be provided and the door kept closed. Bolted manhole covers should not be used
for access between spaces. Electrical cable penetrations should run through stuffing boxes. Piping
penetrations should be arranged near the centerline and as high as practicable, and provided with
bulkhead stop valves.
e. Bilge Alarms - The Coast Guard highly recommends that remote unmanned spaces should be
provided with alarms warning of high water levels. Sending units should be mounted near the bilge in
the engineroom, lazarette, dredge pump room, shaft tunnel or any other normally unmanned space where
flooding can occur from within (piping, packing glands) or from the deck (hatches left carelessly open).
Indicating panels should be located in the pilothouse and/or normal operating station where early
warning of flooding will allow the operators to take corrective action.
f. Check Valves at Circulating Pumps for Fish Tanks - Some vessels have fish holds which are actually
tanks filled with sea water. Circulating water is continuously pumped in from the sea. The water is
pumped into the tank bottom, flows up through the tank and goes out onto the deck through a discharge
in the hatch coaming and then goes overboard. There have been a number of casualties on these vessels
because of the sudden failure of a pump. The fuse or circuit breaker kicks out and the pump stops. The
machinery spaces are normally unmanned and the crew generally doesn't detect it. If there is no check
valve in this system, the water flows in the reverse direction through the pump and out the seachest.
When this happens, the level of water in the fish tank drops below the hatch coaming and there is a full
free surface in tanks served by that pump, which can lead to capsizing. These vessels should be provided
with check valves at the discharge pump to prevent the water level dropping down below the coaming
upon failure of the pump.
I. Freeboard
1. Fishing vessels loaded with catch generally display very little freeboard. Freeboard is beneficial to
stability because it allows the vessel to develop additional righting energy. The effects of a reduction in
freeboard are:
a. The deck area becomes more susceptible to waves allowing water to be trapped on deck and causing
downflooding to occur more easily, particularly if there are openings on deck.
b. Stability is reduced and the vessel is more likely to capsize.
2. As previously mentioned, consideration of freeboard is extremely important on small vessels. Even
moderate seas can result in the entrapment of water on deck and in deck edge immersion.
A. Beam Seas - Operating a vessel in beam seas can have two adverse effects on vessel operations. One
is that the vessel ships water on deck more readily. The other is that the vessel can be rolled past its
range of positive stability. Careful design of freeing ports as discussed in a following section can help
eliminate the water on deck effect. The effect of rolling in the trough can be mitigated by maintaining a
large range of stability in all conditions. The effect of being caught in the trough of a breaking wave can
be mitigated by avoiding the use of high solid bulwarks in the after part of the vessel. High bulwarks
present a large impact area to the high energy in the crest of a breaking wave. Providing a large roll
moment of inertia by re-arranging the weight distribution can also lessen the effects of a breaking wave
by absorbing much of the roll energy from the wave. However, other weight and center of gravity
considerations would have to be carefully balanced with this.
B. Following Seas
1. The greatest concern when operating in following seas is that at speeds in which the vessel is fixed on
a wave and the wave is located with the crest amidship and a trough at either end, there is a substantial
reduction in righting energy which cannot be practically compensated for in design. The reduction in
righting energy is related to hull form and the configuration as to house location and type (e.g. hard
chine, ship shape, etc.). Depending on the hull form, the available righting energy may be further
reduced due to the dynamic effects caused by the vessel moving through the water and disturbing the
wave profile.
2. An additional problem in following seas is that when the vessel travels slightly faster or slower than
the wave and alternately climbs and falls off the waves, it can be forced into a rolling motion which is
synchronous with its natural roll period. Continued operation in this mode can result in increased rolls
until the vessel capsizes. As a vessel either perches on a wave or climbs over it, the rudder and propeller
may come out of the water and the operator can lose steerage. The designer should also be concerned
that in a following sea, it is more likely that a vessel will be in a condition where the stern is lifted by a
wave and any water on deck will run forward.
3. The solution here is to caution fishing vessel operators against this condition and to recommend that
they avoid it by changing speed or course so that they remain on the crest of a wave for as short a time
as possible.
C. Icing
1. The effect of icing on a vessel is a reduction in stability due to an increase in displacement and a rise
in vertical center of gravity (VCG). In addition, a heeling moment may also develop due to an off-center
accumulation of ice. Designers should be aware of the dependency of ice accumulation on vessel
heading. The need for the operator to make good a specific course can greatly influence the symmetry or
asymmetry of ice accumulation.
2. Designers should consult with operators as to the amounts of icing experienced in the intended
operating areas. Where a vessel operates in areas where icing is known to be more severe than that
proposed below, the designer should account for it. Operators should be strongly reminded that icing
increases with the amount of time spent in icing conditions. Therefore, the icing loads used in design
may be quickly exceeded during actual operation if the operator remains too long under icing conditions.
3. The following guidance, which is derived from IMO, is offered for consideration:
a. The vessel's stability should be calculated in the worst possible conditions of loading.
b. If the vessel operates north of latitude 66-30 N or south of latitude 60-00 S, the following weights of
ice should be assumed:
(1) The weight of ice per square foot on all horizontal surfaces should be at least 6.14 lbs per square foot
(30 kg/m2),
(2) The weight of ice per square foot of the projected vertical area above the waterline should be at least
3.07 lbs per square foot (15 kg/m2).
c. The weight of ice for other geographical areas should be assumed to be one half of these values.
d. The height of the center of gravity of the accumulated ice should be calculated according to the
position of the corresponding horizontal surfaces (decks and gangways) and other continuous surface on
which ice can reasonably be expected to accumulate. The projected lateral area of small discontinuous
surfaces such as rails, spars, and rigging with no sails can be accounted for by increasing the calculated
area by 5 percent and the static moments of the area by 10 percent.
e. To minimize the effects of icing, the naval architect should, where possible, create a design that:
(1) Is kindly to a minimum of spray and water on deck, such as using high bulwarks or spray shields in
the forward part of the vessel and bow flare; and
(2) Uses a minimum of high structure.
D. Water on Deck
1. Water on deck should be viewed as a liability which is to be avoided if at all possible. Water on deck
has four detrimental effects on a vessel's stability:
a. It adds to the displacement of the vessel;
b. It raises the VCG;
c. It creates a free surface; and
d. It may increase the rolling acceleration and the roll angle.
2. The actual effect of water on deck should be determined based on the volume involved, freeing port
area and design, freeboard and anticipated sea conditions.
a. Results of research - As with other complex aspects in vessel design, there is little agreement in the
industry as to how to treat water on deck. Numerous studies have looked at various parts of this
problem, yet a simple Bet of rules to accurately account for the effects of water on deck has not been
developed. Still the results of these studies are useful and the significant conclusions of the studies
surveyed are presented below.
(1) Ships with lower freeboard, have worse performance in stormy weather and are more seriously
affected by water on deck;
(2) Smaller vessels are worse off in that the probability of complete flooding is great and the volume
which can be flooded is quite large relative to the total volume of the vessel;
(3) Water on deck causes unsymmetrical rolling (the vessel rolls further into the wave than away from it)
as well as additional list;
(4) The amplitude of the vessel's roll relative to the sea surface approaches a constant magnitude for
higher sea states. This implies that if the freeboard is high enough, deck edge immersion may not occur,
regardless of how severe the seaway;
(5) Small ships require much greater freeboard to prevent deck edge immersion than large ships;
(6) Sloshing of. water on deck can cause roll motion to be decreased or increased, depending on the
wave height and frequency and the volume of water entrapped;
(7) Hard chine hulls have a higher roll damping coefficient than round bottom ones but the dramatic
changes in waterplane area which occur with these hull types cause other deleterious effects on the
stability of vessels;
(8) Bilge keels and bar keels can contribute significantly to roll damping. The roll damping coefficient
for a hull with bilge keels can be four to eight times larger than that for a hull without them; and
(9) Large flows of water onto and off the deck decrease the effectiveness of water as a damper. This is
due to phase shifts between the water flow and the rolling of the vessel. Large flows can actually
increase the amplitude of the rolls.
b. Water on deck is a complex issue which is affected by many factors. The following considerations,
although simplistic, are worth repeating regarding their effects on water on deck.
(1) Effect of Freeboard - As the freeboard is increased, the amount of water likely to collect on deck will
be significantly reduced. If the water on deck is kept to a minimum, the effect of water on deck on the
roll motion of the vessel will be limited.
(2) Effect of Bulwark Height - High bulwarks provide protection for the crew when working on deck.
High bulwarks may also serve as a shield against sea spray during conditions when icing is likely. In
severe weather, however, high bulwarks can trap relatively large amounts of water and increase the roll
moment. Rails combined with low bulwarks should be considered on small vessels instead of high
bulwarks. Where it is necessary to use bulwarks to contain the catch, an alternative may be to fit gratings
over the lower half of the bulwarks.
(3) Effect of Sheer and Deck Camber - Sheer and deck camber are essential in removing water from the
deck. Deck camber is also effective in reducing roll amplitude in moderate waves for small amounts of
water trapped on deck. Sheer and deck camber are affected by other design considerations and thus must
be determined for each vessel.
(4) Freeing ports also serve to drain water from the deck. The Coast Guard recommends the following,
taken from the ABS Rules for Steel Vessel Under 61 Meters (200 Feet) in Length, as minimum freeing
port areas:
(i) For each well less than 66 feet in length, the minimum freeing port area, A, on each side of the vessel
should be
A = 7.6 + 0.115 1
(ii) When the bulwark length exceeds 66 feet, the minimum freeing port, A, on each side of the vessel
should be
A = 0.231 1
where A = freeing port area in square feet
where 1 = the length of the bulkwark in feet
(iii) Freeing ports should be located to allow rapid clearing of water in all probable conditions of list and
trim. This means they should be located far enough forward so that water can still run off in the event
that the vessel trims by the bow.
(iv) In general, the smaller the vessel, the greater the need to drain water more rapidly; thus, the freeing
port area should be increased for smaller vessels. The freeing port area should also be increased when
higher bulwarks are used. If a bulwark is more than 48 inches high, the freeing port should be increased
by 0.04 square feet per foot of length of well for each 12 inch difference in height. If a bulwark is less
than 36 inches in height, the freeing port area may be decreased by the same ratio. In vessels with no
sheer, the calculated area should be increased by 50%.
(v) Covers placed over freeing ports reduce the outflow. When covers are used, the freeing port area
should be increased to compensate. If hinged covers are used, the hinges should be placed well above
the middle of the covers. If not, then mechanical means must be used to prevent rotation which can
result in almost total closing of the freeing ports. Research has shown that the outflow may be increased
by positioning a horizontal plate above the freeing port area.
7. Recommendations on Handling Water on Deck in the Design Process
a. The Coast Guard recommends that designers use the IMO Guidance as a means of evaluating the
residual stability of the vessel with water on deck.
b. This Guidance proposes that the area above the righting arm curve and below the heeling arm curve
(caused by water on deck) should be equal to or exceeded by the area which represents the residual
righting energy to forty degrees or downflooding, whichever is less. The Guidance also suggests that the
area required should be factored by a K value, whose effect is to increase (for smaller vessels) or
decrease (for larger vessels) the amplitude of the heeling energy which must be matched. The IMO
Guidance is repeated below.
8. Guidance on a Method of Calculation of the Effect of Water on Deck
a. The ability of the vessel to withstand the heeling effect due to the presence of water on deck should be
demonstrated by showing that with the vessel in the worst operating condition, the ratio of area "b" to
area "a" shown in Figure 1-10 should not be less than 1.0. That is, it satisfies the following equation in
the worst operating condition:
b. The angle which limits area "b" should be equal to the downflooding angle
or 40 degrees
whichever is less.
c. The value of the heeling moment Mwod (or the corresponding heeling arm) due to the presence of water
on deck should be determined assuming that the deck well is filled to the top of the bulwark at its lowest
point and the vessel heeled up to the angle at which this point is immersed (See Figure 1-11).
2. Figure 1-12 shows a profile view of the subject vessel indicating the loading condition. The lower part
of the figure shows the righting energy calculated based on the righting arms. The figure details how the
vessel meets or exceeds each of the requirements of the Torremolinos Criteria.
SEVERE WIND AND ROLLING CRITERIA - The following is an example of how to use the IMO
Severe Wind and Rolling Criteria in evaluating the stability of the F/V DIANE L. as loaded in the
previous example. See Figure 1-13
Calculate Lw1:
conditions and also in those which are determined to be particularly unsafe. Those that are unsafe should
be clearly marked as such. These conditions should be sequentially ordered (fuel burn sequence or fish
hold loading sequence or a combination of both). A blank form is used by the operator to show the
loaded condition of his vessel. He can then visually compare the loaded condition of his vessel,
including the deck loads and equipment, with those in the loading booklet to make sure his vessel is in a
safe loading condition.
(2) This method is simple and easy to use. It involves no calculation on the part of the operator since all
loading conditions are pre-calculated It allow. the operator to readily see what he can do to put his vessel
in a safe condition. The main disadvantage is that it is practical to show only a limited number of
loading conditions. Therefore, it is not possible to show every possible safe loading condition.
(3) An example showing this method is presented in Figures 1-14 through 1-20. Figures 1-14 through 118 show a sequence of consuming fuel and water and catching fish during a voyage. Figure 1-19 shows
an arrival condition with approximately 10 percent consumables and 20 percent catch. Figure 1-20
shows a condition in which the vessel should not be loaded under any circumstances. This example is
intended t6 show only how this method may be used, and does not include all possible loading
conditions. Other conditions which should be covered are safe combinations of intermediate tank and
fish hold levels, icing conditions and deck load conditions.
b. Tabular Format - This method is similar to the pictorial format except that the satisfactory loading
conditions are presented in tabular form. This method is also very direct and easy to use but presents
limitations in the number of loading conditions which can be shown. This method is shown below.
(2) This method presumes little knowledge of stability on the operator's part, only an ability to add,
substract, divide and multiply. The operator does not need to know how to calculate draft, trim,
metacentric height, free surface or righting energy. An example is presented on the following pages.
* To avoid confusion, the Coast Guard recommends that all LCG values be referenced to the forward
perpendicular so that plus and minus values for LCG are eliminated.
** Operational lightship includes crew and effects and stores
Example: Vertical Moment for the DECK LOAD - 5.0 TONS x 14.0 FT = 70.0 FT-TONS
Example: Longitudinal moment for the DECK LOAD - 5.0 TONS x 47.9 FT = 239.5 FT-TONS
(3) The calculated VCG and LCG values are plotted on the curves of VCG versus Displacement and
LCG versus Displacement.
(4) A further simplification of this method is to provide fish hold and tank tables for incremental stages
of filling (e.g. 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) and include only the weights, vertical and longitudinal
moments in the table used to evaluate the stability of the vessel. An example of this is shown below. The
advantage of this simplification is that the operator need only look up the precalculated moments for
each of the tanks and simply add them. Using this method, the free surface effect for each tank can be
included in the moment values rather than having to account for it in the Allowable LCG and VCG
Example: #1 Fuel Oil Tanks (Port and Starboard) Values listed are for both tanks
(5) Using tables like this for each of the compartments, including crab pots perhaps broken down by
tiers or deck load broken down into tonnage increments, each of the loads on the vessel could be
accounted for in terms of moments and weights. All that would then be required would be to add the
moments for the operational lightship plus all of the loads and then divide them by the sum of the
weights to obtain LCG and VCG values. This further simplification allows calculation of these values
with only three additions and two divisions. The only shortcomings of the technique are its inability to
handle unusual loads and a slight loss in accuracy. These are far outweighed by the ease of use.
d. Simplified letter format - Another acceptable format is a simple letter prepared by the designer stating
limitations on loading of catch based on specific amounts of fuel oil, water and ballast in designated
tanks on board the vessel. Below is a sample of this format which has been used for a crab boat.
I. To comply with the intact and damage stability standards for fishing vessels recommended by the U.S.
Coast Guard, the following limits on number of crab pots to be carried must be observed:
A. With both hold tanks empty of liquid, with any amount of diesel oil and fresh water aboard, in nonicing conditions, a maximum of 74 pots may be carried, of which 16 must be in the holds, and not more
than 41 in the first layer on deck, and not more than 17 in the second layer on deck.
B. With both hold tanks empty of liquid, with any amount of diesel oil and fresh water aboard, in icing
conditions, a maximum of 57 pots may be carried, of which 16 must be in the holds, and not more than
41 on deck, all in one layer.
C. With both hold tanks empty of liquid, with any amount of diesel oil and fresh water aboard, in nonicing conditions, with no pots in the holds, a maximum of 41 pots may be carried on deck, all in one
D. With both hold tanks empty of liquid, with any amount of diesel oil and fresh water aboard, in icing
conditions, with no pots in the holds, a maximum of 41 pots may be carried on deck, all in one layer.
E. With both hold tanks completely full and overflowing with salt water, with any amount of fresh water
and diesel oil except transom diesel oil tanks limited to not more than 50% full, in non-icing conditions,
a maximum of 52 pots may be carried, in not more than 2 layers on deck, with not more than 17 in the
second layer.
F. With both hold tanks completely full and overflowing with salt water, with full fresh water and diesel
oil except transom diesel oil tanks limited to not more than 50% full, in icing conditions, a maximum of
35 pots may be carried, in one layer on the deck.
G. With both hold tanks completely full and overflowing with salt water, with any amount of fresh water
and diesel oil, including the transom diesel oil tanks more than half full, in non-icing conditions, a
maximum of 27 pots may be carried, in one layer on the deck.*
H. With both hold tanks completely full and overflowing with salt water, with any amount of fresh water
and diesel oil, aboard, including the transom diesel oil tanks more than half full in icing conditions, a
maximum of 15 pots may be carried, in one layer on the deck.*
*Note that having the transom diesel oil tanks more than half full substantially reduces the stability, as
evidenced by the number of pots allowed to be carried. Compare Conditions G and H with preceding
Conditions E and F.
B. The Effects of Modifications on Fishing Vessel Stability
1. Nearly all of the fishing vessel casualties investigated by the Coast Guard involve vessels in which
one or more modifications have been made. Typically, the changes have not been documented nor has
the stability of the vessel been re-evaluated in order to provide updated stability information to the
operator. In most cases, the modifications consist of adding deck equipment, such as winches, A-frames
or other fishing gear, adding or modifying deckhouses or changing out engines. Where modifications
have been made, they have generally increased the displacement of the vessel, resulting in a decrease in
reserve buoyancy. In many cases, these changes have also substantially increased the VCG of the vessel.
Both of these actions adversely affect the stability of the vessel.
2. So that operators and naval architects alike will recognize the extent of stability analysis needed
following modifications, the Coast Guard offers the following recommendation:
a. If the cumulative total of weights added plus weights removed is less than one per cent of the original
lightship weight, no inclining experiment or deadweight survey is required. A weight summation may be
used to adjust the stability information to the operator.
b. If the cumulative total of weights added plus weights removed is between one and ten per cent of the
original lightship weight, then a corrected lightship weight, VCG and LCG should be calculated based
on the weight summation and then verified by a deadweight survey. If the results of the deadweight
survey show a change in the lightship displacement of more than 10 % or a change in the LCG of more
than 1% of the LBP, then an inclining experiment should be conducted.
c. If the cumulative total of weights added plus weights removed is greater than ten per cent of the
original lightship weight, a new inclining is recommended.
d. As an example, assume a fishing vessel whose lightship displacement is 100 tons. During a
conversion, 8 tons are added and 12 tons are removed. Because the total of weights added and removed,
20 tons, is greater than ten per cent of the lightship weight, a new inclining and stability analysis should
be completed.
3. Operators should be aware that weight summation calculations are only as good as the weight, VCG
and LCG estimates. The Coast Guard's experience has been that many of these estimates are not
accurate enough because some items are overlooked or weights, VCG and LCG values are incorrect.
Thus, the operator should keep a record of the weights added and removed. The record should include
the estimated weight, the distance from a known longitudinal reference point such as a bulkhead or the
end of a deck house and the distance above a known vertical reference point, such as the main deck.
When the record book shows that the sum of the weights added and removed exceeds one per cent of the
original lightship weight, a new stability analysis should be conducted.
4. The Coast Guard also recommends that surveyors take photographs at each survey so that changes to
the vessel can be readily detected and the need for a new stability analysis thoroughly evaluated.
Likewise, the Coast Guard recommends that designers maintain plans and calculations which indicate
the vessel's configuration and the equipment on board at the time of the most recent inclining experiment
and stability analysis.
5. Vessels also have a tendency to "grow" in displacement over a period of a few years. This may be due
to new equipment brought aboard the vessel, additional stores and spare parts not accounted for, or
piecemeal modifications. Although few of these changes have a major effect by themselves, they do
have a cumulative effect. As a check, operators should record the actual draft or freeboard readings for a
particular loading condition (i.e. departure condition) at least every six months to ensure that the vessel
has not added unaccounted weights. If the these readings have changed by more than two inches from
the original readings, then the operator should ask for a new stability evaluation. Painted lines, such as
waterlines or boot toppings, should not be used since these may change when the vessel is repainted.
C. Assessing the Combined Effects of Environmental Factors on Ice Accumulation
1. The effects of icing on stability were previously discussed. What is presented here are some basic
graphs which can be used to provide operators with a means of estimating the likelihood of ice
accumulation on their vessels. Generally, any time the air temperature is below 280 F, icing can occur.
There are increased chances for icing on smaller vessels, on vessels which take more water and spray on
deck, and on vessels with larger deckhouses and topside equipment. Vessels whose displacement is
much less than 150 tons can expect heavier icing than that indicated.
2. When an operator is in or expecting a serious icing event, the guidelines below should be followed:
a. All deck equipment should be covered and secured or moved below.
b. Derricks, booms, and like items should be stowed in the lowered position.
c. Watertight doors, manholes, and hatch covers should be battened down.
d. Ice removal equipment should be readied for use; ice removal should be a frequent, almost
continuous, operation.
e. Freeing ports, lifesaving equipment, and rigging should be kept clear.
f. Lifelines should be rigged and crew working on deck should wear safety harnesses.
g. A regular radio watch with shore and other vessels should be established and maintained throughout
an icing event.
3. Figures 1-23 and 1-24 were adapted from the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
(CRREL) Report 77-17. Figure 1-25 is a grouping of the latest icing nomographs developed by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from actual icing reports from fishing,
Coast Guard, and towing vessels operating in Alaskan waters. These reports were of icing events that
lasted anywhere from I to 26 hours but averaged about 3 to 6 hours. The icing rates predicted by these
nomographs are over three times those predicted by earlier reports.
a. Sea spray is the major source of water for ice on vessels. Figure 1-23 shows the amount of spraying
related to the ship's heading to the waves. This graph is entered with the vessel's speed and the angle
difference between the vessel's course and the waves. The frequency of spraying can be read from the
vertical axis. This graph shows the importance that speed and heading can have on sea spray and thus ice
buildup. A slight reduction in speed or change in course provides a greater reduction in spraying, thus a
reduction in icing.
b. Figure 1-24 shows the combined effects of wind speed and air temperature. This graph shows how
changes in wind speed and air temperature can affect expected icing. Entering the graph with the
existing or the forecast air temperature and relative wind speed, the point determined will show the
operator what to expect for icing. For example, if the air temperature is expected to be 200 F and the
wind offshore at 25 knots, a return trip to port at 10 knots will mean a relative wind of 35 knots and
heavy icing can be expected.
c. Figure 1-25 shows icing rates expected for different wind speeds, water and air temperatures. These
nomographs give an idea of how much ice may accumulate for various environmental conditions. Used
in conjunction with a stability evaluation which shows reduced catch based on amounts of ice
accumulation, these graphs could provide valuable information to an operator on how to safely
maximize the catch in a given set of environmental conditions.
5. Radio checks may not be conducted with the Coast Guard on 2182 kHz or channel 16. Conduct radio
checks with another vessel or station on a working frequency.
6. The Coast Guard broadcasts marine safety information, including notices to mariners, weather
warnings and forecasts, and distress notices, for receipt in printed form on NAVTEX receivers on the
frequency 518 kHz. Marine safety information is also broadcast on the VHF Radiotelephone channel 2A
and the SSB radiotelephone frequency 2670 kHz. For more information concerning these and other
safety broadcasts on other frequencies see "Radio Navigational Aids", Publication 117A (Atlantic and
Mediterranean Area) and 117B (Pacific and Indian Ocean Areas) of the Defense Mapping Agency
Hydrographic/Topographic Center, Washington, DC.
C. Antenna
1. All parts of the antenna system should be designed and installed to withstand stresses likely to be
imposed on the system, such as strong wind, heavy seas and icing conditions.
2. A qualified technician should select the proper antenna, establish its best location on the vessel and its
electrical connection to the radiotelephone.
3. The antenna, antenna mount and connections should be located so they will not be used as handholds.
4. Where a long wire antenna is used, interlocking type strain insulators should be installed at the ends
of the antenna or that portion of the rigging used as an antenna. Where the antenna is not an integral part
of the rigging, then strain relief should be provided.
D. Power Supply
1. Equipment should be protected from excessive currents, voltages, transients, and accidental reversal
of the power supply polarity.
2. A separate circuit fused at the main distribution panel should be provided for each radio installation.
3. Batteries should be chargeable and tested weekly.
4. Batteries and cable connections should be easily accessible and protected from corrosion.
E. Operational Controls
1. Radio and/or a remote control unit should be mounted in a position accessible to the helmsman for
2. Illumination should be provided to enable identification of controls and facilitate reading of indicators
at all times. Means should be provided for dimming the output of any light source if it could interfere
with navigation.
F. Emergency Power A reserve source of electrical energy (i.e. batteries), independent of the propelling
power of the fishing vessel and of the fishing vessel's main electrical installation should be provided
and, where practicable, be situated in the upper part of the vessel. This energy source should be capable
of immediate operation and be capable of supplying energy continuously for a period of at least six
hours. Additional information is contained in chapter 7.
G. Interference Electrical interference or mechanical noise produced by the radio or any other equipment
should not mar the effective reception of radio signals, nor should there be interference from induction
caused by fans, motors, mains and other electrical sources, or from noise caused by the working
H. Position Reporting
1. The Master should inform the owner or other responsible person of his departure from port, the
proposed area of fishing and approximate duration of the voyage. A float plan, similar to one
recommended in the NPFVOA/USCG Vessel Safety Manual, should be completed and left ashore prior
to departure. The Master should notify the same person of his return to port. Whenever possible, position
reports should be sent at not more than 24 hour intervals so the last known position -can be fixed with
reasonable accuracy in the event of any mishap.
2. Voice privacy devices are available on the open market for persons who want their positions to remain
3 In case of radio failure, the captain should verbally pass his position to a nearby vessel (with radio
facilities) so that it may be reported.
4. As required by the "Maritime Safety Act of 1984" (PL 98-498), an owner or other responsible person
having reason to believe (because of the lack of communication with or non-appearance of a vessel or
any other incident) that the vessel may have been lost or imperiled shall notify the Coast Guard and use
all available means to determine the status of the vessel. The person notifying the Coast Guard should
provide the:
a. Name and identification number of the vessel; and
b. Names of individual on board.
5. The Act a180 states the owner or other responsible person shall also submit written confirmation to
the Coast Guard within 24 hours after verbal notification.
6. Notification required by the Act should be made to the cognizant Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)
or local Search and Rescue (SAR) authority.
I. Distress Communications
1. A card of instructions summarizing the radio distress procedures should be displayed in full view of
the radio operating station. A sample "Distress Communication Form" and information to include in a
MAYDAY message is provided in the NPFVOAIUSCG Vessel Safety Manual.
2. All vessels are required to monitor the calling and distress frequencies. You may be the vessel in the
best position to assist a distressed vessel or relay important information to rescue units. Marine weather
warnings are transmitted on Channel 16 and the broadcast notice to mariners on Channel 2 Simplex.
J. General
1. Radio equipment should be capable of continuous operation under the conditions of various sea states,
ship's motion, vibration, humidity, and temperature likely to be experienced.
2. Manufacturers should provide installation and maintenance instructions. Where applicable, these
instructions must meet FCC requirements. Information should also be available to operate and maintain
the equipment including step-by-step instructions for all operating modes and options as necessary.
3. Distress channels should be readily identifiable day and night.
4. Radio and components should be firmly secured in their operating positions. Speakers, wiring or other
components designed to be mounted on open decks or cabin tops should be secured so they will not be
dislodged or damaged by deck wash or breaking seas.
5. More information concerning radiotelephone equipment can be found in the "Marine Telephone Users
Handbook". This book can be purchased from Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
(RTCM), P.O. Box 19087, Washington, DC 20036.
A. Transmitter-Receiver
1. Radar emissions may contain harmful radiations; therefore, extended exposure should be avoided.
2. All radar equipment shall be Type Accepted by FCC and installed in accordance with FCC
3. Each installation must have a FCC station license.
4. The indicator should be mounted in a position accessible to the operator.
5. Controls should be accessible and readable by day and night.
6. More information on RADAR installation can be found in the following publications:
a. "Standards and Recommended Practices for Small Craft", published by the American Boat and Yacht
Council Inc., P.O. Box 806, Amityville, NY 11701.
b. "Performance Standards for Navigational Equipment" (Sales Number 979 82.07.E ISBN 92-8011137-x), published by the International Maritime Organization, London. Copy can be obtained by
writing to IMO Sales, New York Nautical Instrument and Services Corp., 140 W. Broadway, New York,
NY 10017.
c. "Standards for Navigating Appliances and Equipment 1983", TP 3668, published by Transport Canada
(Canadian Coast Guard), Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N7.
B. Scanner
1. If practical, the radar scanner (antenna) should be elevated to provide 360 degree radar vision. It
should be located to avoid injury to personnel or fouling of rigging. Safe access to the scanner for
service should be provided.
2. The scanner should be well above eye level of operating personnel.
A. Compass Interference
1. Steel fittings with doors or drawers opening towards the compass should be arranged so a safe
distance is maintained.
2. If electronic equipment is installed or the ship's wiring modified within a 3 foot range of the compass,
the compass should be re-checked for deviation and re-compensated if necessary. In some cases it may
be necessary to make different deviation tables for use when electronic equipment is operating or
switched off.
3. A compass deviation table should be on board.
4. Deviation tables should be kept up to date, particularly after alterations to the vessel that might affect
the compass deviation (i.e. alteration to electrical wiring and equipment or the installation of new
electronic equipment).
B. Adjustment of Compass
1. Adjustable magnetic compass should be provided.
2. The magnetic compass should normally be adjusted when:
a. The compass is first installed;
b. The vessel undergoes structural repairs or alterations that are liable to affect its permanent and
induced magnetism;
c. Any alteration or addition of electrical or magnetic equipment in the vicinity of the compass that may
affect its performance;
d. At least every three years; or
e. It becomes unreliable.
C. General
1. The compass should operate satisfactorily and remain usable under the operational and environmental
conditions likely to be experienced.
2. The magnetic compass equipment should be installed, if practicable and reasonable, on the ship's
centerline and so it is easily accessible for correction and maintenance.
3. Securing devices for the compass and compensators should be made of non-magnetic materials.
4. If illumination is provided by the vessel's main electrical supply, emergency illumination should be
available. Primary and emergency illumination (if installed) should be provided so the card may be read
at all times.
5. Illumination and facilities for dimming should be provided to enable reading of the compass card at
all times.
6. With the exception of the illumination, no electrical power supply should be necessary to operate the
magnetic compass.
A. Transducer Location
1. The location and installation of the transducer is perhaps the greatest single contributing factor
towards the effectiveness of a depth sounding system. Each type of hull presents different problems for
an echo sounder installation depending on its width, length, hull material and construction. Consider the
following when deciding on a location:
a. Locate away from the effects of the propeller, sea-chests and overboard discharge.
b. A position near but off the center line should be chosen to minimize the effects of roll and pitch.
c. The ideal position is where the effect of surface, engine and propeller noise is minimal. Few positions
are suitable in every respect and optimum positions vary from one design of a vessel to another. The
principal source of aeration is the bow wave created by a moving vessel. This wave rises some way up
the stem, curls over, and then is forced down beneath the vessel, taking a quantity of air with it. The
bubble stream produced varies in form and intensity according to the speed, draft, shape of bow and
hull, and the trim of the vessel as well as sea state. To avoid aeration a position at the forepeak may seem
desirable; however, it is unlikely to be satisfactory in a vessel with a light draft forward or large trim by
the stern, especially in bad weather conditions. Also the hull form in the bow section is restrictive and
makes fitting difficult. Ensure that the receiving transducer is not too far aft to be affected by noise or
aeration from the propeller; tests may be necessary to confirm this.
d. When separate transmitting and receiving transducers are fitted, they should be sufficiently separated
to prevent interaction but close enough to ensure accurate sounding in shallow water. Positions either
side of the keel are sometimes satisfactory.
e. Install transducers according to manufacturer's instructions.
f. If a windowed transducer must be used, the window should be acoustically thin, preferably of glass
reinforced plastic so that the range of the equipment will not be diminished.
g. Keep the length of transducer cable run to a minimum. Protect it to prevent mechanical damage.
B. Interference Some echo sounder equipment (i.e., spark recorders) may radiate interference. Separate
them as far as operationally practicable from radio receiving aerials, including unscreened feed cables
and unscreened parts of sensitive equipment i.e. radio receivers.
C. General
1. The equipment should be capable of continuous operation under the conditions of sea state, vibration,
humidity and change of temperature likely to be experienced in the vessel in which it is installed.
2. Transceiver-receiver should be designed for reliable operation and should be durable. The power
output and receiver sensitivity should permit soundings at the equipment's maximum range.
3. Provide information so personnel can operate the equipment efficiently.
4. Provide adequate illumination to enable identification of controls and facilitate reading of record and
scales at all times. Provide facilities for dimming.
5. The display should be in the wheelhouse. It should be positioned to provide suitable access, viewing
and servicing and where the effect of any necessary lighting does not interfere with the keeping of a
proper lookout.
6. Internal access should be available to the transducer for maintenance. Put the transducer and junction
boxes in a dry space.
7. Echo-sounding apparatus should be frequently tested and well maintained.
8. Depth indicator (flashing light, meter, digital or cathode ray tube) should be durable and free of loose
or fragile parts.
9. Equipment should be protected from excessive currents and voltages, transient and accidental reversal
of power supply polarity.
10. If provision is made for operating the equipment from more than one source of electrical energy,
arrangements for rapidly changing from one source of supply to the other should be provided.
A. General
1. LORAN C receivers should meet the following standards/specifications:
a. RTCM Minimum Performance Standards (MPS); and
b. RTCM MPS Automatic Coordinated Conversion Systems if the LORAN C receiver contains an
automatic Loran C time difference to latitude/longitude coordinate converter.
2. The LORAN C receiver should be labeled or otherwise identified to show it meets the RTCM
3. Install the receiver, antenna, and transmission line according to the manufacturer's instructions. Keep
the lead-in from this antenna (which may pick up noise) as short as possible.
4. Scheduled LORAN C off-air periods are announced by selected Coast Guard radio stations during
their Local Notice to Mariners broadcasts. For more information contact the Chief, Aids to Navigation
Branch at the nearest Coast Guard District Office.
5. LORAN C USERS HANDBOOK (GPO Stock No. 050-012-00171-5) published by the Coast Guard,
is available for a nominal fee from the Superintendent of Documents, Order Section, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
A. General
1. As appropriate for the intended voyage, vessels should carry at least one up-to-date copy of:
a. Charts;
b. Coast Pilots;
c. Light List;
d. Notice to Mariners;
e. Tide Tables;
f. Current Tables; and
g. International and Inland Navigational Rules (COLREGs).
2. In the interest of safety, charts should be the latest editions available and of as large scale as
practicable. The latest additional information from Notice to Mariners and Local Notice to Mariners,
(and in particular that referring to buoys, extinguished lights and other navigational hazards), should be
kept up to date on the charts.
3. Charts should show: all navigational marks which may be used when navigating; all known hazards
affecting those waters; and any information concerning traffic separation schemes, two-way routes,
inshore traffic zones, ferry routes and routes applicable to those waters and areas which are to be
4. Charts issued specifically for use with electronic position-finding aids (i.e., LORAN C) should be
5. Vessel should have harbor scale charts for the port from which they normally operate and other ports
which they regularly visit.
A. General
1. Keep steering gear in good working condition by frequent checks and performing preventative
2. Test steering gear before getting underway.
3. When the automatic pilot is used in areas of high traffic density, conditions of restricted visibility, and
other hazardous navigational situations, the master or operator should ensure that:
a. It is possible to immediately establish manual control of the ship's steering;
b. A competent person is ready at all times to take over steering control; and
c. The change-over from automatic to manual steering and vice versa is made by or under the
supervision of a qualified person.
4. Additional information is contained in chapter 6.
A. Rules of the Road
1. The Navigational Rules of the Road apply to all vessels. The "International Rules" apply on the high
seas and the "Inland Rules" upon the inland waters and Great Lakes. Every vessel operator is required to
know and follow the navigational rules. Violators of these rules are liable to a civil penalty of not more
than $5,000 for each violation.
2. The operator of each self-propelled vessel of 39.4 feet (12 meters) or more in length operating on the
U.S. inland waters and U.S. vessels operating on the Great Lakes shall carry on board and maintain for
ready reference a copy of the Inland Navigation Rules.
3. All navigation and special purpose lights and sound signals shall conform with applicable
International Rules for the Prevention of Collision at Sea.
4. Recommendations on the use of radar information as an aid to avoiding collision at sea are contained
in Rule 7 of the Navigation rules.
5. Navigational lights should be electrically wired so that only the appropriate navigational lights can be
switched on.
6. Positioning details for navigational lights (international rules) are contained in Tables 2-1 (power
driven vessels) and 2-2 (vessels engaged in fishing). Table 2-3 contains sound signaling device
requirements. To use the Tables do the following:
a. In Table 2-1, use the "Vessel Length" column on the far left to determine the positioning and lighting
requirements to the right.
b. In Table 2-2, determine the type of fishing activity (far left column) and size of vessel (next column to
the right) to determine the positioning and lighting requirements to the right.
c. Table 2-3 is self explanatory.
7. The Coast Guard publishes the Navigational Rules, International-Inland (COMDTINST Ml6672.2)
which is available for a nominal fee from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC 20402.
SOLAS 74 Chapter V, (Safety of Navigation) of SOLAS 74 and the Protocol of 1978 relating to SOLAS
74 apply to all ships. Chapter V "applies to all ships on all voyages, except ships of war and ships solely
navigating the Great Lakes of North America and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as the
lower exit of the St. Lambert Lock at Montreal in the Province of Quebec, Canada." Requirements are
contained below. For the purpose of this section, "constructed" means a stage of construction where the
keel is laid; or construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; or assembly of that ship has
commenced comprising at least 50 tons or 1% of the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever
is less.
A. Ships of Less Than 150 Gross Tons Steering Compass and means for taking bearings.
B. Ships of 150 Gross Tons and Upward shall be fitted with:
1. A standard magnetic compass.
2. A steering magnetic compass, unless heading information provided by the standard compass required
under (A) is made available and is clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position.
3. Adequate means of communication between the standard compass position and the normal navigation
control position to the satisfaction of the Administration.
4 Means for taking bearings as nearly as practicable over an arc of the horizon of 360 degrees.
5. Each magnetic compass referred to above shall be properly adjusted and its table or curve of residual
deviation shall be available at all times
6. A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard compass, shall be carried, unless the
steering compass mentioned in subparagraph (2) or a gyro compass is fitted.
C. Ships of 500 Gross Tons and Upward constructed on or after 1 September 1984 shall be fitted with:
1. Gyro compass. The master gyro compass or a gyro repeater shall be clearly readable by the helmsman
at the main steering position.
2. Radar (at least a 9 inch display) installation. Facilities for plotting radar readings shall be provided on
the navigating bridge.
3. Indicators showing the rudder angle, the rate of revolution of each propeller, and if fitted with variable
pitch propellers or lateral thrust propellers, the pitch and operational mode of such propellers. All these
indicators shall be readable from the conning position.
D. Ships of 1,600 Gross Tons and Upward shall be fitted with:
1. A gyro repeater or gyro repeaters suitably placed for taking bearings as nearly as practicable over an
arc of the horizon of 360 degrees.
2. In ships constructed before 1 September 1984:
a. A radar (at least a 12 inch display) installation. Facilities for plotting radar readings shall also be
provided on the navigating bridge a
b. Indicators showing the rudder angle, the rate of revolution of each propeller and in addition, if fitted
with variable pitch propellers or lateral thrust propellers, the pitch and operational mode of such
propellers. All these indicators shall be readable from the conning position.
3. In ships constructed on or after 1 September 1984 the plotting facilities shall be at least as effective as
a reflection plotter.
E When Engaged on an International Voyage
1. All ships of over 150 gross tons shall have on board an efficient daylight signaling lamp which shall
not be solely dependent upon the ship's main source of electrical power.
2. Ships of 1,600 gross tons and upwards constructed before 1 September 1984 shall be fitted with a
gyro compass complying with the following:
(1) The master gyro compass or a gyro repeater shall be clearly readable by the helmsman at the main
steering position.
(2) The gyro repeater or gyro repeaters shall be provided and shall be suitably placed for taking bearings
as nearly as practicable over an arc of the horizon of 360 degrees.
3. Ships of 1,600 gross tons and upwards constructed before 25 May 1980 and ships of 500 gross tons
and upwards constructed on or after 25 May 1980 shall be fitted with an echo-sounding device.
4. Ships of 500 gross tons and upwards constructed on or after 1 September 1984 shall be fitted with a
device to indicate speed and distance.
5. Ships of 1,600 gross tons and upwards shall be fitted with a radio direction-finding apparatus
complying with these provisions:
a. It shall be efficient and capable of receiving signals with the minimum of receiver noise and of taking
bearings from which the true bearing and direction may be determined.
b. It shall be capable of receiving signals on the radiotelegraph frequencies assigned by the Radio
Regulations for the purpose of distress and direction-finding and for maritime radio beacons.
c. In the absence of interference it shall have a sensitivity sufficient to permit accurate bearings being
taken on a signal having a field strength as low as 50 microvolts per meter.
d. As far as is practicable, it shall be located so that as little interference as possible from mechanical or
other noise will be caused to the efficient determination of bearings.
e. As far as is practicable, its antenna system shall be erected so that the efficient determination of
bearings will be hindered as little as possible by the close proximity of other antennae, derrick, wire
halyards or other large metal objects.
f. An efficient two-way means of calling and voice communication shall be provided between the
direction-finder and the bridge.
g. It shall be calibrated on first installation. The calibration shall be verified by check bearings or by a
further calibration whenever any changes are made in the position of any antennae or of any structures
on deck which might affect its accuracy. The calibration particulars shall be checked annually or as near
thereto as possible. A record shall be kept of the calibrations and their accuracy.
6. Ships of 1,600 gross tons and upwards constructed on or after 25 May 1980 shall be fitted with radio
equipment for homing on the radiotelephone distress frequency, complying with the provisions below:
a. It shall be capable of taking direction-finding bearings on that frequency without ambiguity of sense
within an arc of 30 degrees on either side of the bow.
b. When installing and testing the equipment referred to in this paragraph due regard should be given to
the relevant recommendation of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR).
F. All Ships
1. In areas of high traffic density, in conditions of restricted visibility and in all other hazardous
navigational situations where the automatic pilot is used:
a. It shall be possible to establish human control of the ship's steering immediately;
b It shall be possible for the officer of the watch to have available without delay the services of a
qualified helmsman who shall be ready at all times to take over steering control;
c. The change-over from automatic to manual steering and vice versa shall be made by or under the
supervision of a responsible officer; and
d. The manual steering shall be tested after prolonged use of the automatic pilot, and before entering
areas where navigation demands special caution.
2. All ships shall carry adequate and up-to-date charts, sailing directions, lists of lights, notice to
mariners, tide tables and all other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage.
3. All ships which are required to carry a radiotelegraph or a radiotelephone installation shall carry the
International Code of Signals.
G. General
1. All reasonable steps shall be taken to maintain the gyro compass, gyro repeater etc., in efficient
working order.
2. All equipment shall be of a type accepted by the Federal Communications Commission.
A. Introduction
1. The purpose of this Chapter. is to provide recommended fire safety measures to naval architects,
marine surveyors, the fishing community, and others involved in the design and operation of uninspected
fishing vessels.
2. Coast Guard statistics continue to indicate a disproportionate number of fishing vessel casualties in
relation to the number of vessels in service. On the average ten per cent of all fishing vessel casualties
and twenty per cent of the vessels declared a total loss are caused by fire.
3. A review of the casualty files maintained by the Coast Guard indicates that the majority of fires occur
on board vessels less than 100 feet in length and start in unattended machinery spaces. These fires are
often detected too late, either when the machinery stops or when smoke billows from the machinery
space. Initial fire fighting efforts often entail using portable fire extinguishers and occasionally a fixed
CO2 or halon system, but this is usually inadequate because the fire has had time to build and there is not
enough fire extinguishing agent to put out the fire. The vessel is abandoned and the fire soon engulfs the
accommodation area and pilot house either through openings such as doors, vents, cable and pipe
penetrations, etc., or by transmission of heat to combustibles located on the other side of the deck or
bulkhead. Several causes of machinery space fires include broken fuel or lube oil lines that spray fuel on
hot engine parts, faulty electrical systems (e.g., frayed cables, burned electric motors, etc.), uninsulated
exhausts penetrating decks made of combustible materials, rags and other combustibles in the vicinity of
hot motors or engines, and self ignition of oil soaked rags.
Other common areas where a fire is likely to start are in the accommodation spaces (often from careless
smoking), and in galleys from cooking oil that is allowed to become too hot or from combustible
materials in close vicinity of hot stoves.
4. Minimum regulatory requirements for fire fighting equipment are contained in Title 46, Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) Subchapter C. The Coast Guard believes that compliance with the additional
recommended fire safety measures found in this Chapter on the part of the fishing industry will have a
significant effect in reducing casualties.
5. Many fishing vessel fires could be eliminated by proper stowage of oily rags, oil free bilges, sound
electrical systems, insulated engine exhausts, and care when smoking or cooking. Damage can be
minimized through early detection, minimized use of combustible materials in the vessel's construction,
tight compartmentation to isolate the fire, and adequate fixed fire extinguishing systems and portable
fire extinguishers.
6. Design features should be used during construction of new vessels or renovation of existing vessels to
minimize the consequences of ship-board fires. This involves built-in fire endurance for bulkheads and
decks to provide barriers to contain a fire, and also allow escape of personnel and time for putting the
fire out.
B. Basic Fire Safety
1. Basic Fire Safety is general and points out the need for good housekeeping practices, fire detectors,
fire extinguishing equipment, and training.
2. It is a fact of life that fires do and will continue to occur on vessels whether they are tied up to the pier
or underway. A program to prevent a fire and to minimize the damage to a vessel after a fire occurs
should be the goal of all fishing vessel owners, operators, and crew members.
3. Many aspects of fire prevention measures are basic common sense, but their importance cannot be
overstressed. The below conditions should be met at all times.
a. Bilges should be kept dry and oil free.
b. Used rags should be stowed in a covered metal container.
c. Fuel and lubricating oil lines should be free of kinks; hoses should be replaced if cracked, brittle or
otherwise damaged; connections should be tight; and pipes should be arranged to prevent rubbing
against structural members of the vessel.
d. Electrical outlets should not be overloaded. All loose, frayed, or worn electrical cables should be
replaced. Fuses and circuit breakers should be properly sized, electric motors should not be overloaded,
and short circuits should be properly repaired.
e. Paints, thinners, solvents, and other combustible or flammable liquids should be properly stored in a
designated locker or storeroom that has good ventilation and which is protected with sufficient fire
extinguishing equipment.
f. Smoking should be prohibited in bed and in areas where combustible materials or flammable liquids
or vapors are present. Cigarette butts and matches should be properly disposed of in ashtrays.
g. Noncombustible materials should be used for bulkheads, decks, and other structures, in
accommodations, service areas, and control spaces. Fire resistant materials should be used for all
curtains and carpets.
h. Noncombustible materials should also be used for furniture in accommodations, service areas, and
control spaces. Where this is not practicable hardwood furniture may be used provided it is not
overstuffed or does not have thick foam padding. This is intended to minimize the fuel available for a
i. Cardboard boxes, plywood, and other combustible materials should not be stored in machinery spaces,
galleys, and other spaces where a source of heat is present.
j. Heaters, stoves, etc., should be turned off when left unattended. Galley hoods and filters should be
cleaned regularly.
4. Fires are usually much easier to put out if discovered when they first start. Fire and smoke detectors
are very important on vessels; especially in machinery spaces, galleys, and accommodations. An
Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (UL) approved house type smoke detector is usually adequate for
accommodations and galleys. Machinery spaces, because of the noise level and the high fire risk
involved, should have a fire or smoke detecting system with an audible and a visual alarm located in the
pilot house and on deck if necessary.
5. Small fires may often be put out with a proper size and type of portable fire extinguisher. If this is
unsuccessful or the fire is large when discovered, it is best to isolate the fire; that is, close the doors,
notify the skipper, begin further fire fighting efforts, secure ventilation fans and openings, deenergize the
electrical circuits for the space; remove combustible materials from the other side of the bulkhead and
decks, etc.
6. It is very important to limit combustible materials on board the vessel to reduce the amount of fuel
available for a fire. Some construction materials such as insulating foams and plastics produce extremely
toxic products when burning. These should not be used or at least reduced in quantity wherever possible.
7. Machinery spaces, especially' unattended engine rooms, should have a fixed fire extinguishing
system. A properly designed fixed fire extinguishing system is very effective in putting out a fire;
provided doors are closed, fans are shut down, and there are no openings in the bulkheads and decks. To
prevent a reflash after a fixed fire extinguishing system is discharged; the space should not be entered
until the space has cooled down. For further information on the use of fire fighting equipment consult
manufacturers instructions or maritime fire fighting handbooks.
8. All fishermen should be trained in the use of fire fighting equipment and systems aboard a vessel.
This may be accomplished through a formal training program organized by fishing associations on their
own or through local, state or federal firefighting training facilities and informal training on the vessel.
Each crew member should know where all fire and lifesaving equipment is stored and how to use it.
Fishermen should also have preassigned duties in the event of a fire or other emergency condition. This
should be in the form of a station bill. Crew members should know their duties at all times and under all
9. An additional source of fire safety information and guidance is: National Fire Protection Association
(.NFPA), Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
A. Introduction This Section applies to existing and new fishing vessels and contains detailed
recommendations for fire detection, fire extinguishing equipment, means of escape, heating and cooking
appliances, and good housekeeping design standards. In addition, for existing vessels, considerations are
provided for structural fire protection, and ventilation and fire main systems which recognize the costs
of major modifications in these areas.
B. Definitions
1. "Noncombustible material" is a material which neither burns nor gives off flammable vapors in
sufficient quantity for self-ignition when heated to 13500F or above.
2. "Fire resistant material" is a term applied to materials such as wood, FRP, fabrics, paddings and floor
coverings. It is a considerably lower degree of fire protection than noncombustible, yet maintaining a
degree of protection higher than that of non-fire resistant materials of similar construction. The intent of
recommending fire resistant materials is to provide a construction method with a lower probability of
ignition, slower flame spread, and a reduction in smoke.
3. "'A' Class divisions" are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks made of steel or equivalent
material construction, suitably stiffened and made intact with the main structure of the vessel; such as
shell, structural bulkheads, and decks. They are built so that if subjected to the standard fire test, they
would be capable of preventing the passage of flame and smoke for one hour.
4. "'B' Class divisions" are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks made of noncombustible
materials and made intact from deck to deck and to shell or other boundaries. They are built so that if
subjected to the standard fire test, they would be capable of preventing the passage of flame for one half
5. "Steel or equivalent material" means steel or any noncombustible material which, by itself or due to
insulation provided, has structural and integrity properties equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable
exposure to the standard fire test (e.g., aluminum alloy with appropriate insulation).
6. "Accommodations" are those spaces used as halls, dining rooms, lounges, corridors, lobbies, cabins,
offices, hospitals, pantries without cooking appliances, etc.
7. "Service areas" are those spaces used as galleys, pantries with cooking appliances, lockers and
storerooms, workshops, etc., and trunks to such spaces.
8. "Control spaces" are those spaces in which the ship's radio, main navigation equipment, or emergency
source of power is located.
9. "Machinery spaces" are those spaces containing propulsion machinery, boilers, fuel oil units, steam
and internal combustion engines, generators, steering gear, major electrical machinery, oil filling
stations, refrigerating, stabilizing, ventilating and air conditioning machinery, etc., and trunks to such
C. Automatic Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems
1. Each unattended main machinery space should have a smoke or fire detection system that initiates an
audiovisual alarm in the wheelhouse and in other spaces where it can be noticed when the vessel is
underway or in port. This smoke or fire detection system should be fed automatically from an
emergency source of power or batteries.
2. Smoke or fire detection systems should be installed to indicate the presence and location of fire or
smoke in galleys, accommodations, and other high risk spaces.
3. Smoke or fire detection equipment should meet either the requirements found in 46 CFR 161.002 or
NVIC 7-80 "Use of Fire Detection Systems Which are Not Approved Under 46 CFR 161.002".
Equipment that is listed and labeled by a nationally recognized testing laboratory such as Underwriters
Laboratory, Inc. (UL) can be used.
D. Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems
1. Machinery spaces containing oil fired boilers, fuel oil units, or internal combustion engines should
have a fixed fire extinguishing system. The medium should be carbon dioxide or Halon 1301.
2. Cargo spaces with a high fire risk should be protected by a fixed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing
3. All fixed fire extinguishing systems should be designed to 46 CFR 95.15, NVIC 6-72, "Guide to
Fixed Firefighting Equipment Aboard Merchant Vessels", and Change 1 to NVIC 6-72, and use fittings,
materials, and equipment suitable for marine use. NFPA 12 (C02 Extinguishing Systems) and NFPA l2A
(Halon 1301 Extinguishing Systems) are also a good source of information as long as they are applied in
conjunction with the above guidelines.
E. Portable Fire Extinguishers
1. Minimum requirements for fire extinguishing equipment on uninspected vessels are found in 46 CFR
25.30. The following tables provide minimum recommendations for fire extinguishing equipment on
uninspected fishing vessels which in some cases exceed the regulatory requirements for the type and
quantity of fire extinguishers. All portable fire extinguishers should be suitable for marine use.
Extinguishers are broken up into various "Types" to indicate what type of fire they are best suited to
extinguish. They are as follow:
Type A - Those extinguishers used to put out fires in ordinary combustible materials (such as wood,
bedding, clothing, canvas, rope and paper). Class A fires leave hot embers or ashes. Materials of this
type must be cooled throughout to make certain the fire does not start up again.
Type B - Those extinguishers used to put out fires in flammable liquids (such as gasoline, oil, grease,
paint, etc.). These materials burn at the surface where the vapors are given off. The burning liquid
should be smothered or blanketed with foam, C02, halon 1301, dry chemical or water fog.
Type C - Those extinguishers used to put out fires in electrical equipment. Here the use of a
nonconducting extinguishing agent is of first importance. In most electrical fires it will be necessary to
cut the power to that equipment before any progress can be made. C02 and halon 1301 are
nonconductors and will not damage electrical equipment. Dry chemical can also be used.
* On motor vessels of over 300 gross tons either one B-Ill semiportable fire extinguishing system or a
fixed fire extinguishing system must be fitted in the machinery space (See 46 CFR 25.30-20(b)(2)(ii)).
** Foam is not recommended in this application.
F. Means of Escape
1. Stairways, ladders, and corridors serving accommodations and other spaces where the crew is
normally employed, other than machinery spaces, should be arranged to provide a ready means of
escape to the open deck where the survival craft are located. The following should be considered for the
means of escape.
a. There should be at least two widely separated means of escape for each accommodation area. Below
the weather deck the means of escape should be a stairway and the second escape could be a trunk or a
stairway. Above the weather deck the means of escape should be stairways or doors to an open deck, or
a combination of them. Where it is not practical to fit stairways or doors, one of the means of escape
could be through adequately sized and easily accessed (provide ladders or steps) portholes or hatches
protected where necessary against ice accumulation, blockage by stores, ships gear, etc.
b. A corridor or part of a corridor from which there is only one route of escape should not exceed 8 feet
in length.
c. The width and the continuity of the means of escape should be based upon the size of the vessel and
the number of persons using it.
2. Two widely separated means of escape should be provided from every machinery space. Stairs and
vertical ladders used as means of escape should be made of steel.
G. Heaters and Cooking Appliances
1. All heating and cooking appliances should be suitable (preferably UL or FM listed) for the desired
2. Electric radiators should be built and secured to reduce the risk of fire. No element should be exposed
such that clothing, curtains, etc., can be scorched or set on fire by the heating element.
3. Open fires should not be used for heating. Heating stoves and other similar appliances should be
firmly secured and insulated from beneath and around, and also in way of their uptakes. Uptakes of
stoves should be arranged to minimize the possibility of becoming blocked by soot and should have an
easy means for cleaning. Dampers for limiting drafts in uptakes should, when in the closed position,
leave an adequate open area to prevent a buildup of combustion gases in the uptake. Spaces where
stoves are installed should be provided with ventilators to provide an adequate supply of air for
combustion of the stove. These ventilators should not have a means of closing.
4. Kerosene heaters should not be used for heating unless designed and approved for marine use.
5. Open flame gas appliances, except cooking stoves and water heaters, should not be used. Spaces
where open flame stoves and water heaters are installed should have adequate ventilation to remove
fumes and possible gas leakage to a safe place. This should be done through an exhaust type ventilation
system with the inlets placed low (or high in the space dependent on the fuel used) in the space. All
pipes that convey gas from a container to a stove or water heater should be made of steel or equivalent
material. Automatic shutoff devices should be fitted to operate on loss of pressure in the gas main pipe
or a flame failure.
6. Gasoline appliances should not be used on any vessel.
7. For further information on the installation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or compressed natural gas
(CNG) systems, galley stoves, and heating systems see NFPA-302 (Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure
and Commercial Motor Craft) or American Boat and Yacht Council, Inc. (ABYC) Projects' A-l, A-3, A7, and A-22. Also NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code) can provide additional guidance but where this
code conflicts with NFPA 302 or ABYC, due to marine constraints, the latter take precedent.
H. Storage of Gas Cylinders and Other Dangerous Materials
1. Gas cylinders should be properly secured and should meet U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
standards for construction, testing, and marking.
2. Spaces that contain highly flammable liquids, (e.g., volatile paints, paraffin, etc.) should have direct
access only from open decks.
3. Electrical wiring and equipment should not be installed in spaces with highly flammable liquids or
liquefied gases unless the equipment is explosionproof, intrinsically safe, or purged and pressurized.
Sources of heat should be kept clear of these spaces and "No Smoking" and "No Open Lights" notices
should be prominently displayed at the entrance to the space.
4. NFPA 30 (Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code) can provide additional guidance on the use,
storage and protection of these materials.
5. Additional information is contained in chapters 4 and 6.
I. Firemants Outfit Fishing vessels having provisions for a fire fighting -party should have a sufficient
number of fireman's outfits on board the vessel. A fireman's outfit should contain the following
equipment: Self-contained breathing apparatus with lifeline attached, flashlight, rigid helmet, boots and
gloves, protective clothing, and fire axe. It is important when a fireman's outfit is provided that
personnel be properly trained in its use. NFPA standards 1971, 72, 73 & 81 provide guidance on
requirements for the types of acceptable outfit equipment and their construction. These standards can
provide some good recommended guidelines for choosing fireman's outfits.
J. Foam Insulation Polyurethane and other organic foam materials are often used on vessels because of
their excellent insulating properties and light weight. When organic foams are exposed to fire or heat,
they may ignite and burn with rapid flame spread, high temperature, toxic gases, and a large amount of
smoke. Thus, insulation fitted in refrigerated compartments and fishholds should be noncombustible
unless the exposed surfaces are protected by close fitted cladding. For further information consult NVIC
8-80, "Fire Hazard of Polyurethane and Other Organic Foams When used as a core material in sandwich
construction of hulls, the selected foam should be fire retardant or at least protected by a skin of fire
retardant FRP.
K. Periodic Inspection and Testing
1. Portable fire extinguishers should be examined at least monthly to ensure the following:
a. Proper location;
b. Absence of corrosion or mechanical damage;
c. A full charge;
d. A clear nozzle; and
e. Good condition of the hose.
2. All portable and semiportable fire extinguishers should be checked annually by a qualified fire
extinguishing service facility or qualified vessel personnel. This should include examining them for
excessive corrosion and by testing in the below manner.
a. Foam - Discharge. Clean hose and inside of extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge.
b. Carbon dioxide - Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight loss exceeds 10 percent of the weight of
charge. Inspect hose and nozzle to be sure they are clear. Semiportable C02 cylinders should be tested
and marked; and all flexible connections and discharge hoses should be tested and renewed in
accordance with 46 CFR 147.04-1.
c. Dry chemical (cartridge operated type) - Examine pressure cartridge and replace if end is punctured or
if the cartridge is otherwise determined to have leaked or to be in an unsuitable condition. Inspect hose
and nozzle to be sure they are clear. Insert charged cartridge. Be sure dry chemical is free flowing (not
caked) and chamber contains a full charge.
d. Dry chemical (stored pressure type) - See that the pressure gage is in the operable range. If not
recharge the extinguisher.
e. Halon 1301 - Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight loss exceeds 5% or if a pressure drop of more than
10% is noted. Cylinders, hose and connections should be tested as per NFPA 10.
f. Additional guidance for portable and semiportable extinguishers use, maintenance and testing can be
found in NFPA 10 (Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers).
3. Fixed CO2 and Halon 1301 extinguishing systems should be tested annually by a qualified fire
extinguishing service facility. CO2 systems should be tested by weighing the cylinders and recharging if
weight loss exceeds 10 percent of the weight of the charge. Halon 1301 systems should be tested by
weighing each cylinder and replacing or recharging if weight loss exceeds five percent; and checking the
pressure of each cylinder and recharging or replacing the cylinder if a pressure drop (adjusted for
temperature) of more than ten percent is recorded. In addition, alarms, release mechanisms, and
automatic shutdowns should be checked, and cylinders should be tested and marked and all flexible
connections should be renewed or subjected to a pressure test in accordance with 46 CFR 147.04-1 (It
should be noted that Halon 1301 should only be tested to a pressure that is 1 1/2 times that of the system
pressure. See NFPA 12A (Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems) for further guidance).
4. The fire main system should be operated at least every six months and the pressure checked at the
outlets having the greatest pressure drop between the fire pumps and the nozzles. All fire hose should be
subjected to a test pressure equivalent to the maximum pressure to which it may be subjected, but not
less than 100 psig. On small vessels (65 feet in length and less) where 3/4-inch hose of good commercial
grade together with a commercial garden hose nozzle is used, the fire hose should be tested to the
available fire pump pressure.
5. All fire detection systems, fire nozzles, applicators, etc., should be inspected monthly or as necessary
by the crew to determine that they are in a good and operable condition.
L. Miscellaneous
1. Primary deck coverings in accommodations, service areas, and control spaces should be made of a
material which will not readily ignite or give rise to toxic or explosive hazards at elevated temperatures.
2. Exposed interior surface finishes should be of a type to restrict the spread of flames and should not be
capable of producing excessive quantities of smoke.
3. Materials that will melt or deform at temperatures below 17000F (aluminum, plastics, etc.) should not
be used for overboard scuppers, sanitary discharges, and other through hull fittings below the working
deck unless adequately protected with insulation.
4. Skylights to spaces containing main propulsion machinery and auxiliary internal combustion type
machinery should be operable from outside the space. Windows in skylights should be nonopening, wire
reinforced, and have permanently attached external shutters made of steel or equivalent material.
5. Insulating materials in accommodations, service areas, control spaces, and machinery spaces should
be noncombustible (Mineral wool, etc.). Machinery space insulation should have a barrier impervious to
oil or oil vapors applied to its surface.
6. Internal combustion engines of 3350 HP and over should be fitted with crankcase oil mist detectors or
engine bearing temperature detectors.
7. All fuel pumps should be fitted with remote stopping controls located outside the space.
8. Pipes that convey oil, other combustible liquids, gases, or compressed air should be made of steel or
other equivalent material.
9. Drip trays should be fitted to prevent oil from leaking into bilges.
10. All waste receptacles other than those used in fish processing should be made of noncombustible
materials with no openings in the side or bottom and have a tight fitting and self-closing cover of the
same material.
11 All vessels should have at least one readily accessible fire axe.
12. All vessels should have at least one gasoline or diesel powered portable fire pump for emergency
backup of the main fire pump. The fire pump is usually in the main machinery space or which if in
another space is supplied with power from the main machinery space or if the vessel does not have
affixed fire pump a portable will provide a source of firefighting water.
13. Batteries should be installed in accordance with guidance in NFPA 302.
14. Sources of approved or listed materials and equipment are the Coast Guard Equipment List
(COMDTINST Ml6714), and UL Building Materials Directory and Fire Protection Equipment
A. Existing Vessels
1. The recommendations for structural fire protection, and ventilation and fire main systems found in
paragraph B below should be considered for existing vessels; however, where this is not practicable an
existing vessel should meet at least the following:
a. Penetrations in accommodations, galleys, and machinery space bulkheads and decks for the passage
of cables, pipes, etc., should be made tight with materials which will prevent the spread of fire;
b. Maintain all doors, hatches, skylights, etc. in good working order to ensure tight closure and easy exit
from a space;
c. Combustible furnishings should be kept to a minimum;
d. Ventilation fans should have a remote means of stoppage from outside the space served; and
e. Sufficient hose should be available to the deck water washdown valve to reach all areas of the vessel.
B. New Fishing Vessels
1. This section has recommendations for structural fire protection, ventilation systems, and fire mains for
new fishing vessels 79 feet (24 meters) in length and less, and new fishing vessels greater than 79 feet
(24 meters) in length. These recommendations are based on the requirements for small passenger vessels
inspected under 46 CFR Subchapter T, large inspected vessels. The requirements of the Torremolinos
Convention (which are used as necessary to spell out the intent of the regulations), and sound marine
2. General - Containment of a fire within the space of origin is a very important aspect of fire safety and
is accomplished by specifying the fire endurance of bulkheads and decks and minimizing the amount of
combustible materials in a space. Steel or equivalent material used for the construction of the hull,
superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses provides a much better fire integrity than
wood or fiberglass reinforced plastic (FEP) and should be used for construction whenever possible.
Vessels over 180 feet (55 meters) in length should always be built with steel or equivalent materials. The
following recommendations for structural fire protection, ventilation systems, and fire mains are derived
from the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977, Voluntary
Guidelines for the Design, Construction, and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels, 1980, and portions of
Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations.
C. New Fishing Vessels 79 Feet (24 Meters) in Length and Less
1. Vessels with the hull, superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses constructed of
noncombustible materials should meet the following:
a. The decks and bulkheads that separate machinery spaces from control spaces, other machinery spaces,
accommodations, and service areas should be constructed to a minimum "B" class division standard.
Doors and other openings in these decks and bulkheads should be kept to a minimum; however, where
installed, they should be built to provide the same protection in resisting fire as the deck or bulkhead in
which they are fitted.
b. Corridor bulkheads serving the accommodations, service areas, and control spaces should extend from
deck to deck. These bulkheads and decks should be built to a minimum "B" class division standard.
Doors and other openings in these decks and bulkheads should be kept to a minimum; however, where
installed, they should be built to provide the same protection in resisting fire as the surrounding
c. Interior stairways serving machinery spaces, accommodations, service areas, or control spaces should
be made of steel or other equivalent material.
2. Vessels with the hull, superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses constructed of wood
or FRP should meet the following:
a. To meet the requirements of A- and B-Class construction the divisions must be constructed of
noncombustible materials. However, vessels using combustible construction can meet the intent of these
divisions by providing noncombustible insulation and cladding. They also can try to use noncombustible
construction in joiner work, inside the hull and in the deckhouse as much as possible.
b. The internal surfaces of the overhead, boundary bulkheads, sideshell down to the light waterline, and
casings of machinery spaces, enclosures to stairways, bulkheads and decks enclosing control spaces, and
corridors serving accommodations should be insulated to provide a minimum equivalent to a "B" Class
division standard.
c. The number of openings in the bulkheads and decks should be kept to a minimum and have closing
devices which provide the same protection in reacting fire as the surrounding structure.
d. Special attention should be given to adequately insulating and properly positioning exhaust pipes,
ducts, and equipment which could otherwise present a fire risk. NFPA 37 (Stationary Combustion
Engines and Gas Turbines) and NFPA 302 provide guidance on exhaust system construction and
installation in combustible divisions.
e. Vessels having FRP construction should be built with fire retardant resins within accommodations,
service areas, and machinery spaces. Fire retardant resins are used to reduce the fire risk of the material.
f. Vessels having wood construction should be built with wood (plywood) that is treated to increase its
resistance to fire within the accommodations, service areas and machinery spaces.
3. Ventilation systems should meet the following:
a. There should be a means to stop ventilation fans and to close main openings to ventilation systems
from outside the space served.
b. Ventilation systems serving machinery spaces should be independent of systems for other spaces. The
ventilation ducts for main machinery spaces should not pass through accommodations, service areas, or
control spaces unless they have an automatic/manual operable steel fire damper installed and the duct is
steel at the machinery space division for a length of 36 inches, preferably divided 18 inches on either
side of this division. NVIC 6-80 provides additional guidance on penetrations of fire protection
c. Ventilation ducts for accommodations, service areas, or control spaces should not pass through main
machinery spaces unless the ducts are made of steel and arranged to preserve the integrity of the fire
d. Storerooms that contain appreciable quantities of highly flammable products should have a separate
ventilation system. Ventilation should be arranged at high and low levels and the inlets and outlets of
ventilators should be positioned in safe areas, capable of being closed from outside the compartment,
and fitted with spark arresters.
4. Every vessel should have a fire main system designed and outfitted to the provisions found in
Subparts 181.10 and 181.15 of 46 CFR Subchapter T (Small Passenger Vessels (Under 100 gross tons)).
D. New Fishing Vessels Greater Than 79 Feet (24 Meters) in Length
1. Vessels with the hull, superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses constructed of
noncombustible materials should be built to the provisions of Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, Part
92.07 - Structural Fire Protection and NVIC 6-80, "Guide to Structural Fire Protection Aboard Merchant
2. Vessels with the hull, superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses constructed of
combustible materials should meet the following:
a. To meet the requirements of A- and B-Class construction the divisions must be constructed of
noncombustible materials. However, vessels using combustible construction can meet the intent of these
divisions by providing noncombustible insulation and cladding. They also can try to use noncombustible
construction in joiner work, inside the hull and in the deckhouse as much as possible.
b. The decks and bulkheads separating machinery spaces from accommodations, service areas, or
control spaces should be built to a minimum equivalent of the "A" Class division standard.
c. Decks and bulkheads separating control spaces from accommodations and service areas should be
built to a minimum equivalent of the "B'. Class division standard.
d. Bulkheads of corridors that serve accommodations, service areas, and control spaces should be built
to a minimum equivalent of the "B'. Class division standard. The bulkhead should extend from deck to
deck unless a continuous ceiling of the same Class as the bulkhead is fitted on both sides of the
bulkhead, in which case the bulkhead could end at the continuous ceiling.
e. Boundary bulkheads and decks of spaces containing any emergency source of power, galleys,
combustible liquid or highly flammable material storerooms, accommodations, service areas, or control
spaces should be built to a minimum equivalent of the "A" Class division standard.
f. Interior stairways serving accommodations, service areas, or control spaces should be built with steel
or other equivalent material. These stairways should be within enclosures constructed of "B" Class
divisions. However, if a stairway penetrates only one deck it could be endorsed at one level, otherwise it
should be enclosed at each level.
g. All doors should be built to provide the same level of fire resistance as the divisions in which they are
fitted. Doors to machinery spaces should be self-closing.
h. Penetrations for electrical cables, trunks, ventilation ducts, etc., that pass through bulkheads and decks
should be arranged to ensure the fire integrity of the division is not impaired.
i. Air spaces enclosed behind ceilings, panellings or linings in accommodations, service areas, and
control spaces should be divided by close fitting draft stops not more than 23 feet apart. A draft stop is a
division installed between ceilings or linings and the vessel's structure to prevent the horizontal and
vertical spread of fire in hidden and concealed spaces.
j. Vessels having FRP construction should be built with fire retardant resins within accommodations,
service areas and machinery spaces. Fire retardant resins are used to reduce the fire risk of the material.
k. Vessels having wood construction should be built with wood (plywood) that is treated to increase its
resistance to fire within the accommodations, service areas and machinery spaces.
3. Ventilation Systems - Ventilation systems should be designed and arranged to meet the provisions of
Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Parts 92.15-5 thru 92.15-15.
4. Fire Main System - Fire pumps, hydrants, and nozzles should be provided for all vessels. The
arrangement and details of the firemain system should meet the provisions of Title 46, Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 95.10-5 thru 95.10-15.
A. Federal Regulations (46 CFR 25.25)
1. Vessel under 40 feet - There must be one wearable personal flotation device (PFD) for each person on
a. Each PED must be either Type I, II or III, except that vessels carrying passengers for hire must carry
b. Certain Type V PFDs may be substituted for Type I, II, or III PFDs, if the intended use statement on
the label specifies that the Type V is an approved substitute for the particular service in which the vessel
is employed. At present, only certain anti-exposure coveralls have been approved to be substitutes for
Type II or Type III PFDs.
c. Coast Guard approved exposure suits may be substituted for Type I, II, or III PFDs, if the vessel does
not carry passengers for hire.
2. Vessel 40 feet and over - There must be one wearable personal flotation device (PFD) for each person
on board.
a. Each PFD must be a Type I.
b. Although none are approved at present, Type V PFDs may be approved that could be substituted for
Type I PFDs, if the intended use statement on the label specifies that the Type V is an approved
substitute for the particular service in which the vessel is employed.
c. Coast Guard approved exposure suits may be substituted for Type I PFDs, if the vessel does not carry
passengers for hire.
3. All vessels - Each wearable PFD must be:
a. Coast Guard approved;
b. Readily available;
c. In serviceable condition;
d. Of suitable size for the intended wearer;
e. Equipped with Coast Guard approved retroreflective material, a minimum of 31 square inches on both
front and back and on any reversible side located around the shoulder area so it will not be submerged
when in water (see 46 CFR 25.25-15); and
f. If in ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes service, equipped with a Coast Guard approved personal
flotation device light. The light must have an up-to-date power supply (unexpired battery) and be
securely attached to the shoulder area of each PFD. Note that approved lights are available in a wide
selection of quality and performance. Strobe lights are the most expensive approved lights available, but
they are also the most effective.
B. Recommendations
1. Each PFD comes with an information pamphlet. This pamphlet should be retained on board so it can
be read and understood by the crew.
2. Appropriate PFDs should be provided and worn by everyone working on an open deck, especially in
bad weather or at night. There are a number of Type V PFDs (see following discussion) designed
specifically as devices intended to be worn while working. Work vests provide flotation, yet allow the
freedom of movement necessary to complete most tasks. Some PFDs are made up as deck suits or coats,
and provide protection from cold air and cold water, in addition to flotation.
C. Discussion of PFD Types There are five types of Coast Guard approved PFDs. Some PFDs have the
characteristics of more than one type.
1. TYPE I - A Type I PFD is designed to turn an unconscious person in the water from a face-down
position to vertical or slightly backward position with the face out of the water. The TYPE I is the best
performing of all PFD types, and therefore provides the greatest protection to the wearer. The TYPE I is
recommended for all waters, but especially for offshore and ocean operations when there is a probability
of delay in rescue. TYPE I PFDs are available in two sizes - ADULT and CHILD.
2. TYPE II - A Type II PFD is intended to keep its wearer in a vertical or slightly backward position in
the water. It will turn many persons from a face-down position to a position with the face out of the
water, but it should not be relied upon to do this for everyone. The Type II PFD is suited for operations
closer to shore. Type II PFDs are available in three sizes - ADULT, MEDIUM CHILD, and SMALL
3. TYPE III - A Type III PFD is designed to keep a conscious person in a vertical or backward position
in the water. It will not normally turn a person from a face-down position to a position with the face out
of the water. The Type III is suitable for use in close inshore operations, in relatively calm waters where
there are other boats around. Type III PFDs are available in a variety of sizes.
4. TYPE IV - The Type IV PFD is a device designed to be thrown to a person in the water. See the
following section on "RING LIFE BUOYS."
5. TYPE V - A Type V PFD is a device designed for specific and restricted use. The specific approved
use of a Type V will be described on its label. Some Type V PFDs are also approved as Type III devices1
such as some "float coats" and "work vests."
A. Federal Regulations
1. Vessel 26 feet and over - At least one ring life buoy (Type IV PFD) is required on board in addition to
the wearable PFDs required.
a. The ring life buoy must be Coast Guard approved with an approval number beginning with
"160.050/-". Older cork ring life buoys with approval numbers beginning with "160.009/-" may continue
to be used if they are in good and serviceable condition.
b. The ring life buoys may be of the 20, 24, or 30 inch diameter sizes.
c. Ring life buoys must be stowed so that they are immediately available, and must be kept in
serviceable condition.
2. Vessel under 26 feet, No requirements for ring life buoys.
B. Recommendations
1. Each vessel should have a ring life buoy near each working area on an open deck. On vessels where
the work is physically separated from the operations area, buoys should be provided in both areas.
2. Each ring life buoy should be equipped with Coast Guard approved retroreflective material.
3. At least one ring buoy should have a waterlight and another ring buoy should have 60 feet of 3/8 inch
buoyant line attached.
A. Federal Regulations (46 CFR 25.25) Exposure suits may be substituted for required Type I, II or III
PFDs on vessels not carrying passengers for hire. Exposure suits substituted for PFDs must be:
1. The suit comes in a storage bag and should be kept in that same bag. The bag itself is tested to provide
significant protection to the suit, and is clearly marked.
2. The zipper of the suit needs to be waxed periodically to lubricate it. If no wax came with the suit, or if
it is used up, buy paraffin (the type used for home canning, from a supermarket) or beeswax (from a
sewing or fabric store). Rub the wax over the zipper teeth, then open and close the zipper several times
to spread it around. Store the suit with the zipper OPEN.
3. Do take the suit out and try it on, in the water if possible, as soon as you get it and periodically after
that. This is a good way to check its condition, and the more familiar you are with it the more likely you
are to survive if you ever need it. Treat it with reasonable care.
4. After use, hang or spread the suit out to dry thoroughly. When the outside is dry, turn it inside out to
dry again. Water usually does get inside somehow, and it will cause mildew and odor if you skip this
5. Leaks or rips can render the suit ineffective. If they cannot be repaired using a kit packed with the
suit, or by the manufacturer, the suit must be replaced.
6. If the fabric covering the exterior of the suit is worn through, exposing the foam underneath, it's time
to replace the suit.
7. Two manufacturers voluntarily recalled early suits because of problems with the inflation tube for the
auxiliary buoyancy unit. We still find these suits in use today on some uninspected vessels who didn't
get the word. If your suit manufactured in 1981 or before does not have a clamp around the tube at each
joint, contact the manufacturer. You may have one of the problem suits. The manufacturers involved are
still making free repairs to those early suits. (See the section on recalls on page 19 of this NVIC)
8. Mark the suit with the vessel's name in large letters using a waterproof marker or stencil. Avoid using
paint which may become brittle. Marking the suit permanently may help prevent theft and will help
rescuers who may find a suit afloat to identify the vessel it came from.
A. Recommendations
1. All fishing vessels operating in the ocean more than 20 miles offshore should carry either a Class A or
2. All fishing vessels operating up to 20 miles of shore, on the Great Lakes, and on other large inland
waters should carry a Class C EPIRB.
B. EPIRB Classes There are three types or classes of EPIRBs.
1. Class A and B EPIRBs - These transmit a swept tone signal on the civil aviation distress frequency,
121.5 MHz, and the military distress frequency, 243.0 MHz.
a. They are required to operate at least 48 hours in freezing water, and will operate much longer in
warmer water, up to seven days in water of 70 degrees F.
b. Their signal is transmitted "line of sight", and will not follow the curvature of the earth, and can be
interrupted by waves, hills and the like.
c. Reception range to an aircraft under ideal conditions is about 200 miles at about 40,000 feet, and
decreases as the height of the receiving antenna decreases.
d. They are intended for use on vessels operating 20 or more miles offshore.
e. They can be detected and located by SARSAT satellite which will relay their position to the
appropriate Rescue Coordination Center (RCC).
f. Class A EPIRBs are designed to float off the sinking vessel and automatically activate.
g. Class B EPIRBs are not required to float and must be manually activated.
2. CLASS C EPIRBs - These transmit a brief alerting signal on VHF-FM channel 16 and then
alternately a homing signal on channel 15.
a. The channel 16 alerting signal is long enough to recognize as an EPIRB for anyone monitoring
channel 16. The channel 15 homing signal is long enough to get a directional fix. The silent period
conserves battery power.
b. Their range is about 20 miles depending on the height of the receiving antenna.
c. Their signals can be received by other vessels, Coast Guard stations and search and rescue units.
d. These EPIRBs must be manually activated and transmit for 24 hours and then automatically shut off.
They can also be manually reactivated for additional transmissions.
C. About EPIRBs
1. EPIRBs are vital in distress situations where radio communications have not been or can not be
established. Using the EPIRB is a simple, effective way to bring the Coast Guard to your aid during
disasters at sea. Waiting until a vessel is reported "overdue" usually results in long, fruitless, frustrating
and expensive searches. The number of "saves" and the marked reduction in search time clearly
indicates the value of EPIRBs.
2. No emergency rescue/survival equipment is foolproof, and EPIRBs are no exception. Activating an
EPIRB may not result in an immediate rescue. Much of survival and rescue depends on good judgment
and using good quality and well-maintained equipment. Accidental activation must be avoided to assure
availability of rescue forces and a fully charged battery for real distresses.
3. Just as visual distress signals must be seen, EPIRBs must be heard. There have been many rescues
involving the use of EPIRBs. Commercial and private aircraft are not required to monitor Class "A" and
"B" EPIRBs. Many do if they have a spare receiver, but around busy airports they generally monitor
traffic control and/or company channels. Normally U.S. military and Coast Guard aircraft monitor the
EPIRB frequencies. Larger Coast Guard cutters also monitor, but their receiving range is limited by
antenna height.
4. Distress frequencies used in Class "A" and "B" EPIRBs are a180 monitored by satellite (SARSAT or
COSPAS/SARSAT) which greatly enhances the chances of rescue by providing an accurate location of
the distress. The extreme altitude of the satellite also provides a broad area of coverage but due to its
track path on the earth, it could be hours before the satellite receives the distress signal and relays
information to search and rescue authorities. Class "C" EPIRBs will not be picked up by SARSAT; they
operate alternately on channels 15 and 16 in the FM marine band and are intended for use within 20
miles of the coast.
5. Recommendations on operating EPIRBs:
a. EPIRBs should be turned on and left on when used. A continuous transmission provides the best
means for alerting, determining position, and homing.
b. The lanyard attached to the EPIRE should be securely fastened to the raft or the individual in the
c. EPIRBs operate best when floating with the top out of the water and the antenna vertical.
d. In rough conditions, it is recommended that the EPIRB be operated inside the life raft, even though
this may reduce the range of the signal. Hold it upright, clear of the raft and do not touch the antenna.
CAUTION: EPIRBs with water-activated switches must be kept in the water.
e. When rescue units are near, use your visual distress signals, (found in Rule 37 and Annex IV of the
Navigation Rules) so your position can be pinpointed.
6. To test a Class "A" (automatic) or Class "B" (manual) EPIRB you will need the EPIRB, a small FM
broadcast receiver (small commercial radio), a bucket with enough water to activate the water activated
switch if the EPIRB is so equipped, and a watch:
a. Operate the battery test switch. Turn on the FM radio and tune it to 99.5 MHz. - Check the time. The
full-power test can be made only during the International Distress Frequency test period (00 to OS the
first five minutes of any hour).
b. Before placing the EPIRB in the water, visually examine the sealing gasket. If the gasket is missing,
torn or lose, do not conduct the emersion test because the EPIRB could fail.
c. When the time is right, dunk the bottom of the class "ATM (automatic) EPIRB into the water. For a
class "B" (manual) EPIRB just turn it on. Watch the indicator lamp and listen to the radio. NOTE: You
cannot hear the EPIRB operating unless the radio is tuned to 99.5 MHz.
d. If the EPIRB is operating properly, the indicator lamp will light and you will hear the EPIRB signal an oscillating tone -on the radio. Pull the EPIRB out of the water - turn it off as soon as you hear the
signal. This full power test must not last longer than one second or three audio sweeps.
e. If you do not hear the signal on the radio, the EPIRB needs service. Perform this test each month and
log the results.
A. Recommendations
1. Visual distress signals are recommended for all vessels, and are required equipment for all inspected
commercial vessels (46 CFR 75.90, 94.90, 180.35) and most recreational boats (33 CFR 175.110).
Visual distress signal ARE NOT required equipment for uninspected commercial fishing vessels. The
prudent fisherman should however, carry visual distress signals on board the vessel and any life raft.
Signals should be effective, safe and reliable.
2. As a minimum, vessels should carry both day and night visual distress signals that meet the minimum
requirements for recreational boats. Any one of the below categories will meet both the day and night
a. Three hand-held red flare distress signals, with Coast Guard approval numbers beginning 160.021/-.
b. Three parachute red flare distress signals, with Coast Guard approval numbers beginning 160.024/-. A
37 mm flare pistol with Coast Guard approval number beginning 160.028/- is necessary to launch these
c. Three hand-held, rocket-propelled parachute red flare distress signals, with Coast Guard approval
numbers beginning 160.036/-.
d. Three red aerial pyrotechnic flares, with Coast Guard approval numbers beginning 160.066/-. These
devices may be either meteor or parachute-assisted type. Some of these signals may require use in
combination with a launching device with an approval number beginning 160.028/-.
3. Any combination of both a day and night signal listed below will also meet the visual distress signal
a. Day signal
(1) Three floating orange smoke distress signals, with Coast Guard approval numbers beginning
(2) Three hand-held orange smoke distress signals, with Coast Guard approval numbers beginning
(3) Three floating orange smoke distress signals, with Coast Guard approval numbers beginning
(4) An orange flag with black ball-and-square distress symbol certified to meet 46 CFR 160.072.
b. Night signal - An automatic electric "S-O-S" distress light certified to meet 46 CFR 161.013.
4. Vessels operating on ocean or coastwise routes should carry more signals and be of higher performing
a. Vessels operating up to 20 miles offshore should carry at least 6 hand-held flares, aerial flares, or
parachute flares. The signals should be selected from those with Coast Guard approval numbers
beginning with 160.021/-, 160.024/-, 160.036/-, or 160.066/-, provided the device has a minimum 25second burn time.
b. Vessels operating more than 20 miles offshore should carry at least 12 parachute flares. The signals
should be selected from those with Coast Guard approval numbers beginning with 160.024/-, or
5. Inflatable liferafts should also have pyrotechnic distress signals in their emergency packs. Liferaft
servicing facilities can equip rafts with a package of signals suitable for the type of service in which the
vessel is engaged.
B. Types of Visual Distress Signals
1. Coast Guard approved visual distress signals are recommended because they must meet minimum
performance and quality control requirements. Railroad or highway type flares should be avoided
because their signals are not nearly as bright as approved marine flares, and they may eject a large
amount of hot slag as they burn.
2. Flare pistols should be inspected regularly and projectiles should be replaced
C. Stowage Visual distress signals, as well as all types of emergency equipment, should be stored where
they are readily available for use in an emergency. Flare guns and projectiles should be stored in a cool
dry place and labeled. Flares should be kept in their original plastic wrappers.
D. Signaling Mirrors Signaling mirrors or "heliographs" can be useful over long distances in bright
sunlight. Coast Guard approved signaling mirrors are available with approval numbers beginning
160.020/-. These mirrors come in airtight packages to protect them from oxidation, and include an
aiming circle and instructions.
A. Recommendations
1. Each vessel should have one or more inflatable liferafts of a combined capacity large enough to
accommodate every person on board the vessel. An inflatable liferaft is vital to the safety of the
2. The Coast Guard recommends inflatable liferafts with water ballast systems to minimize the chances
of capsizing in wind and waves. (See discussion in "Selection of Liferafts" section, below.)
3. The crew should be familiar with the instructions for launching the raft (usually on a label on the raft
container). Arrangements should also be made to have crewmembers visit the facility where their raft is
B. Servicing
1. For satisfactory performance in an emergency, an inflatable liferaft should be inspected, tested, and
overhauled yearly. This precaution will ensure that the CO2 cylinder remains fully charged and that the
raft is able to pass a working pressure leakage test. The annual servicing by specialists ashore will also
include the renewal and replacement of such things as light cells, pyrotechnic signals, water and
provisions, etc.
2. Servicing should be done ONLY by a servicing facility AUTHORIZED BY THE MANUFACTURER
OF THE LIFERAFT. While much emphasis has been placed on liferaft design in recent years, even the
best liferaft is useless if it does not inflate, or fails when it does inflate.
a. If a liferaft has not been recently serviced by someone who has been trained by the manufacturer to
inspect, test, and repack the liferaft correctly, it may not inflate properly.
b. If a liferaft has not been recently serviced by a facility that has the manufacturer's servicing manuals
with all current updates and servicing bulletins, it may not inflate properly.
c. If a liferaft is not repaired with parts and materials that the manufacturer intends for use with the
liferaft, it may not inflate properly, or may fail when it does inflate.
d. The names of the servicing facilities for the make of raft are readily available from the manufacturer
or listed in the instructions included with the raft when purchased. A servicing facility that is authorized
by the manufacturer will have a recent letter of authorization on the manufacturer's letterhead and signed
by a company official. In addition, if the manufacturer makes Coast Guard approved liferafts, the
servicing facility will have a copy of a letter from the Coast Guard to the manufacturer stating that the
facility is approved by the Coast Guard to service that brand of liferafts. Before you turn your liferaft
over to a servicing facility, ask to see these letters. A legitimate servicing facility will be happy to show
them to you. When servicing is complete, a legitimate servicing facility will give you a manufacturer's
servicing certificate.
e. One manufacturer has notified the Coast Guard of an additional precaution that they have taken to
protect liferaft owners from "pirate" servicing stations. The manufacturer issues inspection stickers to its
authorized facilities. These inspection stickers bear the registered trademark of the manufacturer, and
have names of months printed along the left edge and years along the bottom edge. These are punched
out to indicate the date that the servicing of the raft expires.
f. If at all possible, ask the servicing facility to allow members of the crew to visit the facility while the
raft is being serviced. This will probably be the only chance they have to see the raft and become
familiar with it. This familiarization could be very important if the raft has to be used in an emergency.
Many servicing facilities will be happy to have crew members in to see the raft and to show off their
C. Selection of Liferafts
1. The Coast Guard approves inflatable liferafts for use on "inspected" (i.e. cargo, tank, and passenger)
vessels, but manufacturers offer approved rafts to any purchaser. Coast Guard approval provides the
purchaser some assurance that the liferaft is built to pass a series of rigorous tests, that it is made of high
quality materials, and that it will operate reliably if it is properly serviced.
2. Liferafts not approved by the Coast Guard are also available; these are eligible for use aboard
"uninspected" vessels such as commercial fishing vessels and yachts. The quality varies widely. Some
are of excellent quality and construction, while others are not. Purchasers should carefully consider the
details of the raft they intend to purchase. The Coast Guard recommends that rafts have a canopy to
protect the occupants from wind and seas and an inflatable floor to insulate occupants from cold water
3. On January 11, 1985, the Coast Guard published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making intended to
improve the stability of inflatable liferafts in high winds and heavy seas. The proposed rules would
require Coast Guard approved rafts to be equipped with water ballast systems underneath the raft to
reduce the probability that the raft will capsize. The proposed rules do not require any particular design,
but they do include a number of performance tests that a raft would have to complete in order to be
Coast Guard approved. The proposal states, "... it is evident that a large water volume can improve the
stability of liferafts." The Coast Guard can not endorse any particular designs, but it is evident that rafts
with large water volumes in their ballast appendages will perform better than rafts of a similar design but
with less water volume. The raft must, of course, be constructed substantially enough that the forces
imposed by the water ballast do not damage or destroy the raft.
4. One important consideration in selecting a raft is its survival equipment. Coast Guard approved rafts
come with either an "ocean service" or "limited service" equipment pack. This will be clearly indicated
on the raft container.
a. Rafts of both of the above categories have such things as canopy lights, paddles and distress signals.
b. Ocean service equipment packs also contain emergency drinking water and food, a first aid kit,
fishing tackle, and some other items. Ocean service rafts should be used on all vessels operating in the
c. The Coast Guard recommends that liferafts also be equipped with an EPIRB. Additional information
concerning EPIRBs is contained on chapter 2.
5. Rafts not approved by the Coast Guard may be provided with a complete equipment pack or with
little or no survival equipment packed inside. The owner should specify what items will be in the
equipment pack. The following items are recommended:
a. Boarding ladder or ramp;
b. Heaving line;
c. Survival instructions;
d. Safety knife;
e. Interior and exterior canopy lights;
f. Paddles;
g. Painter;
h. Manual inflation pump;
i. Sea anchor;
j. Bailer;
k. Flashlight;
1. Repair kit;
R. Distress signals;
n. Sponge;
p. First aid kit (for vessels in ocean service);
q. Signaling mirror (for vessels in ocean service);
r. Emergency drinking water (for vessels in ocean service); and
s. Provisions (for vessels in ocean service).
D. Installation
1. Once aboard the vessel, the raft should be installed in a carefully selected location.
a. The raft should be accessible to the crew but so located as to permit the raft to float free if the vessel
should sink.
b. The location should be clear of deckhouse overhangs or rigging that could foul a raft's upward
floatation. At the same time, a raft should not be installed on a lower deck subject to boarding seas that
could damage the container and its contents.
c. Do not install the rafts near exhaust stacks, as heat and gases will deteriorate the rubber gaskets on the
container. This will allow corrosive salt spray to enter the raft container and most probably damage the
raft stored inside.
d. Life rafts should display operating instructions on their containers or nearby and printed in a language
understood by the users. All crewmen should receive instructions in their use.
2. The Coast Guard does not recommend the common practice of lashing rafts to the tops of deckhouses.
Frequently, life rafts lashed in this manner have gone down with the vessel. Sharp knives are not always
handy in an emergency. There are other storage methods that will allow either a rapid manual launching
or permit it to float free in the event of a rapid sinking or capsizing.
a. The two fold purpose of hydraulic (hydrostatic) releases is to permit either manual or automatic
release at a predetermined depth. The raft should be installed on a foundation or bed shaped to fit the
bottom of the raft's storage container, and secured by a band or wire with a turnbuckle at one end and a
release at the other. The turubuckle is used to put the right tension on the release mechanism. The
maintenance of a hydrostatic release calls for its inspection and testing at the same time the raft
undergoes annual servicing. (See Figure 4-1)
b. Racks designed to allow rafts to float free without the aid of a hydrostatic release exist primarily on
larger vessels. Borne manufacturers have racks available for their rafts, but the same thing is possible by
an arrangement of four to six pipe uprights that surround the raft container. The pipes are loose fitting
and pinned at the bottom, so they can be easily removed for manual launching of the raft, if necessary.
There must be adequate clearance between the pipes and the raft so the raft will not jam as it floats off
the vessel. (See Figure 4-2)
3. Whether you use a hydraulic release or a float-free rack, attachment of the raft's painter to the vessel
is necessary by means of the weak link supplied with the raft. The painter, when completely pulled out
of the container, will automatically activate the inflation mechanism. As the raft continues to pull on the
painter, it will break the weak link and allow the raft to float to the surface.
4. For a complete discussion on care and installation of hydraulic releases see NVIC 4-86, "Hydraulic
Release Units for Liferafts, Life Floats, and Buoyant Apparatus, and Alternate Float-Free
A. Regulations (46 CFR 25.25)
1. Each wearable PFD must have retroreflective material (see section on wearable PFDs).
2. If the PFDs do not have retroreflective material, it is a simple task to add it.
a. Coast Guard approved material and adhesive primer can be obtained from most marine supply stores.
It usually comes in 4" by 4" squares. Four squares are needed for each Type II or Type III PFD, two for
the front side and two for the back side. The number of squares needed for Type I's depends on the
number of reversible sides. Standard Type I PFDs need eight squares. 'Horse-collar' Type I's need six.
See NVIC 4-80 for more information on location of the retroreflective material.
b. Put the material in a place that is dry and free of dirt and grease. Mark off the area of each piece of
tape. Apply the adhesive primer to the marked area, allow to dry. Peel the backing off the retroreflective
material, and carefully apply it to the PFD.
c. Even though the retroreflective material has a self-stick backing, do not skip application of the primer.
The material will easily peel off if the primer is not used.
B. Recommendations Retroreflective material is recommended for all other lifesaving equipment. See
NVIC 4-80 for suggested arrangement.
devices, like other manufactured products, are sometimes defective or are unsuitable for various reasons.
Despite quality control at the factory and production testing by the Coast Guard, defective products
occasionally escape detection and may be sold for shipboard use. Some of these defects can be corrected
simply on the vessel; others may require recall of the product by the manufacturer. In spite of the efforts
of the manufacturer to notify purchasers of recalled items, these notifications are often not fully
successful. Navigation Vessel Inspection Circular 4-85 of 29 May 1985 contains information on current
manufacturers' recalls of lifesaving equipment, and information on corrections that should be made to
other items of lifesaving equipment. Because of the time lag involved in revising NVIC 4-85, persons
seeking information concerning approval or recall status of an approved equipment item should contact
the local Coast Guard Marine Inspection Office, Marine Safety Office, or Commandant (G-MVI-3) at
(202) 267-1444 for current information.
A. Station Bill and Abandon Ship Procedures
1. Military and inspected commercial vessels prepare a station bill identifying special duties to be
performed by personnel in case of an emergency. Fishing vessels should have a similar document which
should be drawn up prior to the vessel leaving port. Special duties to be performed in an emergency
should be allotted to each member of the crew. The station bill or similar document should include the
information below.
2. All confined spaces are assumed to be immediately dangerous to life and health unless proven
otherwise. Asphyxiation (or death by suffocation) in fish holds has claimed the lives of at least 32
fisherman in the past 15 years. Deaths and injuries can be prevented by making everyone aware of the
danger posed by confined spaces, and taking precautions as outlined below.
a. TEST the space with appropriate instruments, if available, before entering.
b. VENTILATE before entering and while remaining in the space.
c. RETEST and CONTINUE VENTILATING until the space is safe.
d. WEAR A Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCM) while in a confined space which has not been
proven to be safe, and
e. HAVE A RESCUE PLAN ready in case someone collapses in the space.
4. Although adequate ventilation will usually make a space safe to enter, it is advisable to test the
atmosphere in the space before entering without an SCBA.
B. Equipment - Vessel owners may wish to consider outfitting their vessels with some of the equipment
listed below. The amount and type of equipment selected may vary depending upon the crew size, size
of the vessel, type of fishing activity, length of the trip, size of fish holds or tanks, and climate.
1. Portable Blowers (preferably explosion proof).
2. Positive pressure-demand Self contained breathing apparatus (SCM). (Other types of respirators do
not supply oxygen and supply less effective protection from toxic gases. Their use is not recommended
in spaces which may be oxygen deficient).
3. Oxygen meter.
4. Combustible gas indicator.
5. A meter or calorimetric detector tube kit for each toxic gas that can be expected to be found on board.
6. Rescue harness, lifeline and rigging designed to hoist an unconscious person from a space.
C. Description of Hazards
1. Lack of Oxygen - Normal fresh air contains about 20.9% oxygen by volume. Oxygen is consumed by
internal combustion engines, by persons breathing in the space, and by chemical reactions such as the
formation of rust or the action of bacteria as they decompose organic material (such as fish products).
Oxygen can also be displaced by other gases which may be either heavier or lighter than air. These gases
can be particularly dangerous because they can exist in invisible pockets within a space. There are many
devices available on the market which allow you to measure the amount of oxygen in a space. Any space
which contains less than 19.5% oxygen should not be entered without a self-contained breathing
apparatus. Oxygen content of less than 20.9% indicates the existence of another gas which is displacing
the oxygen. It is preferable to continue ventilation of any confined space until the oxygen content is
approximately 20.9%.
2. Combustible gases and vapors - METHANE (also called swamp gas) and in some cases HYDROGEN
SULFIDE are formed by the decomposition of fish products (or other organic materials) by bacteria.
HYDROGEN is formed in lead-acid batteries as they are charged. Among the dangers that these gases
pose is the ability to form explosive mixtures in air. The introduction of a flame or spark into such a
space can be disastrous. There are combustible gas meters available to measure spaces for the existence
of explosive gases. These meters usually have direct readout expressed in terms of percent of the lower
explosive limit (LEL). The lower explosive limit is that percent by volume of a particular gas that will
form an explosive mixture when mixed with air. Any space which contains greater than 10% of the LEL
should not be entered without further ventilation and testing.
3. Toxic Gases and Vapors
a. Toxic substances are those materials which can produce disease, acute discomfort, bodily injury or
death. Airborne toxins are classified as either acute (fast acting) or chronic (long term). In substances
possessing both acute and chronic effects, acute effects usually occur in response to higher dosages than
chronic effects. An example of an acute effect is death caused by respiratory failure from exposure to .
1% (1000 parts per million [ppm]) hydrogen sulfide. Asbestos is a chronic toxin because cumulative
exposure has been linked to respiratory diseases years after the exposure has stopped.
b. Concentrations of toxic gases are normally expressed in parts per million by volume (ppm). The
maximum recommended concentration of toxic materials to which a worker may be exposed can be
expressed in several ways.
(1) Eight hour time weighted average (TWA) is the maximum average concentration to which the
average worker can be exposed 8 hours/day 5 days/week. It is also called the threshold limit value
(2) The TLV-C is a ceiling value that should not to be exceeded.
(3) The short term exposure limit (STEL) is the acceptable excursion limit concentration above the TLV
which may be exceeded for a specified period of time.
c. These values are published annually by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists. It is entitled "TLVs Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances in Work Air Adopted
by ACGIH for (current year)." Copies may be obtained by writing to: ACGIH, 6500 Glenway Ave.,
Bldg. D-5, Cincinnati, OH, 45211.
d. In depth evaluation of the hazards of toxic substances is an exceedingly complex subject and should
only be done by a trained industrial hygienist.
e. The toxic gases that follow can be expected to be found on fishing vessels.
(1) NITROGEN DIOXIDE is a brown non-flammable gas with a pungent odor. It is present in the
exhaust of internal combustion engines. It causes severe irritation to the skin and eyes. It reacts with
moisture to form nitric acid. It is extremely toxic and acts principally on the respiratory tract.
(2) SULFUR DIOXIDE is a colorless, non-flammable gas with a strong suffocating odor. Small amounts
of this gas are present in the exhaust of internal combustion engines. The use of excess sodium bisulfite
to prevent blackspot on shrimp has been linked to the formation of this gas. Sulfur dioxide reacts with
moisture to form sulfuric acid. Exposure causes irritation of the eyes and lungs with severe choking.
(3) HYDROGEN SULFIDE is a very toxic, colorless, flammable, poisonous gas with a characteristic
rotten-egg odor. Concentrations as low as .1% (l000 ppm) can be lethal. In large concentrations, the gas
quickly desensitizes the nostrils and cannot be smelled. It is found in many mineral waters and is also
formed by the rotting of fish products and other organic materials. It acts as a poison by inhibiting the
ability of the body's cells to absorb oxygen. Exposure to this gas in high concentrations can cause
immediate coma, convulsions, and death from respiratory failure. Symptoms of sub-lethal dosages
include headache, dizziness, excitement, nausea, and diarrhea.
(4) CARBON MONOXIDE is a colorless, odorless and tasteless flammable gas which is formed from
the incomplete combustion of carbon. Gasoline or diesel engines are common sources of this gas. It
binds with the hemoglobin in the blood and interferes with the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to the
body's cells. Symptoms of exposure include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, collapse,
coma and death.
(5) AMMONIA is a pungent colorless gas which is very soluble in water. It is sometimes formed during
the decay of fish products. Ammonia is also used in some refrigeration systems. It is irritating to the
eyes, nose and moist skin. Other symptoms of exposure include headache, burning in the throat, loss of
ability to smell, nausea, vomiting, swelling in the throat, respiratory arrest and death.
f. The gases listed below have no toxic properties but they act by displacing oxygen.
(1) CARBON DIOXIDE is an colorless, odorless gas which is produced by normal breathing and the
decay or combustion of organic matter. It is a major problem in the fishing industry because it begins to
form shortly after the fish die. Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide and can also be a source of this gas in
fish holds. Fire extinguishers employing carbon dioxide are another potential source. It acts as a simple
asphyxiate, that is, it displaces oxygen causing death by oxygen deficiency. Since carbon dioxide is
heavier than air, it will form in pockets at the bottom of the tank or fish hold.
(2) METHANE is a colorless, odorless flammable gas. Methane acts as a simple asphyxiant in addition
to being highly flammable. Methane is lighter than air and will rise to the top of a compartment.
(3) FREON is widely used as a refrigerant and aerosol propellant. It can also act as a simple asphyxiant.
When exposed to extremely high heat, it decomposes into highly poisonous phosgene gas and related
compounds. Freon is heavier than air and will sink to the bottom of a compartment.
D Entry Procedures
1. All vessel personnel should be properly trained in;
a. The dangers posed by confined spaces;
b. Safe entry procedures for these spaces; and
c. Emergency rescue procedures.
2. No one should enter a confined space until they have obtained the permission of the vessel's master.
3. Fish holds should be cleaned as soon as possible after off-loading. Attempt to use clean seawater. Do
not use water known to contain a large percentage of sewage or waste.
4. Any equipment in a confined space that could injure personnel if accidentally energized should be
shut off at the electrical power supply. A tag should be placed on the power supply warning personnel
not to re-energize the equipment.
5. Internal combustion engines should only be used in a confined space when there is adequate
ventilation. Exhaust from these engines should always be vented out of the vessel.
6. Exhaust piping should be inspected frequently for leaks.
7. Ventilate spaces using blowers or other method of forced ventilation. Blowers should be explosion
proof. The length of time needed to exchange the air in a space depends upon a number of factors
including the size of the space and capacity of the blower.
8. If equipment is available measure the atmosphere to ensure that there is sufficient oxygen available (at
least 19.5%). If the space is oxygen deficient then forced ventilation should be continued until the space
has adequate oxygen. If emergency entry into an oxygen deficient space is necessary then an SCBA
should be worn.
9. If equipment is available measure the atmosphere for the presence of combustible gases. If
combustible gases in the space exceed 10% LEL, then continue forced ventilation and retest.
10. If equipment is available measure the atmosphere for those toxic gases listed under "Description of
Hazards" above. If the concentration of toxic gases exceeds the published TLV, then personnel should
not enter the space until concentrations of have been reduced to below the established TLV. Personnel
who enter a confined space where the concentration of any toxic gas exceeds the TLV should wear
proper respiratory equipment and be properly trained in the use of this equipment.
11. Continue to apply forced ventilation while personnel are in the confined space.
12. The person entering the space should wear a harness with a lifeline attached.
13. A self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn when entering any space which has not been
ventilated and tested. Additionally, there should be at least one person stationed at the entrance to the
space equipped with SCBAs and rigging to hoist the person from the space in case emergency rescue is
necessary. This person should be in continuous visual or verbal contact with the persons in the space.
14. One half of the accidents happen because of atmospheric changes that occur after initial testing;
therefore if equipment is available the atmosphere should continually be retested as the work progresses.
Disturbing a pool of sludge or chipping rust can change the atmosphere by reintroducing hazardous
gases into the space.
15. Entry into a confined space to effect rescue should be done only after donning a Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).
16. Training and drilling in rescue procedures should be carried out frequently.
17. Personnel should be familiar with the operation of SCBAs, gas testing meters, and other rescue
equipment which may be on board. Even the best confined-space entry program is useless unless
personnel understand how to comply with it.
18. Additional specialized training i5 recommended for persons charged to use and maintain
atmospheric monitoring devices and SCBAs if carried on board.
19. A respiratory protection program should be considered. Program content may vary depending upon
the type of equipment carried. Items to consider are listed below.
a. The proper type of respiratory equipment should be selected and maintained in proper working
condition. (A positive pressure-demand type SCBA is the only respirator approved for entry into
unknown atmospheres).
b. The user should be instructed and trained in the proper use of respirators and their limitations.
c. Where practicable, the respirators should be assigned to individual crewmen for their exclusive use.
d. SCBAs should be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Those issued for the exclusive use of one
crewmen should be cleaned after each day's use, or more often if necessary. Those used by more than
one crewmen should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use.
e. SCEAs should be stored in a convenient, clean, and sanitary location.
f. SCEAs used routinely should be inspected during cleaning. Worn or deteriorated parts should be
replaced. SCBAs designated for emergency use should be thoroughly inspected at least once a month
and after each use.
g. Appropriate surveillance of work area conditions and degree of personnel exposure and stress should
be maintained.
h. There should be regular inspection and evaluation to determine the continued effectiveness of the
i. Crewmen should not be assigned to tasks requiring use of respirators unless it has been determined
that they are physically able to perform the work and use the equipment. The local physician should
determine what health and physical conditions are pertinent. The respirator user's medical status should
be reviewed periodically (for instance, annually).
j. SCEA bottles should only be refilled with air suitable for human respiration.
k. SCM bottles must be periodically requalified in accordance with DOT regulations (usually
hydrostatically tested every five years).
E. Atmospheric Monitoring Devices
1. There are many devices available on the market. These devices incorporate various scientific
principles to detect the gas of interest. It is beyond the scope of this NVIC to outline the principles,
calibration techniques and required maintenance for each available meter. This information is best
obtained from the manufacturer of each device. In general, a specific meter will be needed to measure
oxygen, one for combustible gases and one for each type of toxic gas that you expect to encounter. Some
manufacturers have combined two or three of these capabilities into one instrument. When choosing a
meter consider:
a. The accuracy of the meter;
b. Capability of both remote and diffusion sampling;
c. Ease of maintenance and calibration;
d. Ease of operation with minimal margin for human error;
e. Sensor life including its sensitivity to contamination; and
f. Explosion proof. (Devices certified "intrinsically safe" by Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual
or other recognized testing facilities are recommended).
2. Meters should be calibrated in accordance with manufacturers' instructions before each use.
3. Calorimetric detector tubes are an easy and simple method to measure toxic gases. A gas sample is
drawn through a detector tube which contains a specific chemical. If the toxin is present, a color stain
will be produced. The length of this stain can be correlated to the concentration of that toxin.
4. There are two main techniques for sampling the atmosphere of confined spaces. Remote samples
should be taken first. This is accomplished by inserting a probe into the atmosphere through an opening
and drawing a sample through a length of tubing with either a pump or hand aspirator. Several readings
should be taken at various heights and locations within the space. This will aid in detecting those gases
which are lighter or heavier than air. Test first for combustible gases, then for oxygen then for toxic
substances. While in the spaces, meters Should be operated in the diffusion mode. Samples reach the
meter in this case through normal air movements.
F. Respiratory Equipment - Various types of respiratory devices are available. The only device
recommended for entry into known hazardous atmospheres which may be deficient in oxygen is the
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) (Pressure-demand type). All respirators must be approved
by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Mine Safety and Health
Administration (NIOSH/MSHA). Chemical cartridge masks or gas masks do not supply oxygen. The
pressure demand type maintains a slight positive pressure inside the wearers mask to prevent hazardous
gases from leaking in. SCBAs should be cleaned after each use, and maintained in accordance with
manufacturers' instructions. A current listing of approved respirators can be obtained from: Publications
Department, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226.
G Additional References:
"Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Work Environment
Adopted by the ACGIH", ACGIH, 6500 Glenway Ave., Bldg D-7, Cincinnati, OH, 45211, (513) 6617881
"American National Standard; Practices for Respiratory Protection", ANSI Z88.2-1980, American
National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 10018
"Compressed Air for Human Respiration, Pamphlet G-7", Compressed Gas Association, Crystal
Gateway Number 1, Suite 501, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA., 22202
"Working in Confined Spaces; Criteria for a Recommended Standard", Publication NO. 80-106,
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH., 45226
A. Main Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery
1. All machinery such as engines, electrical motors, gearing, chain and belt drives, friction clutches and
shafting which by reason of their situation can cause injury to personnel should be securely fenced or
protected as far as practicable without impeding the safe operation of the vessel. All hot exhaust pipes
within reach of personnel should be properly insulated or otherwise protected to prevent accidents or
2. If safety devices or insulation have to be removed, they should be replaced as soon as possible, and in
any case before the machinery or system is put into operation.
3. Parts of machinery not securely fenced or guarded should not be lubricated, adjusted or repaired while
in motion. If such operations must be carried out while the machinery is running, they should be done
only by competent persons. Before machinery is started or turned over, care should be taken to ensure
that nobody is working on, or in the way of, moving parts. Always check that the stern is clear before
moving the rudder or turning the propeller when in port.
4. Persons servicing machinery should wear clothing as close-fitting as possible and head gear to cover
long hair. Rings on fingers should not be worn.
5. When machinery is stopped for servicing or repair, measures should be taken to prevent inadvertent
restarting or turning. Fuses should be removed or circuit breakers secured from electrical circuits; water
or air valves should be secured in the closed position; other machinery should be locked to prevent
movement. Propulsion and -steering gear should be effectively prevented from moving when repairs are
carried out at sea. Any secured valves, controls, circuit breakers etc. should be tagged by the person
conducting repairs stating that the equipment is not to be operated or exercised until permission is
received by the person performing the repairs.
6. Before work is attempted on a valve or any other piece of equipment which operates under pressure, it
should be determined that pressure has been relieved. In doubtful cases, securing nuts should be eased
off slightly before the joint is broken.
7. Spare machinery or heavy pieces of equipment should be secured to prevent movement in heavy seas.
8. Engine room floor plates, ladders to and from the engine room, handrails etc., should be kept free
from grease and oil.
9. Railings on gratings in the engine room should consist of a handrail and guard rail where practicable;
toe boards should be affixed to the edge of all gratings.
10. All machinery platforms should have handrails, hand-holds, or guardrails as appropriate.
11. All floor plates should be properly fitted and secured in place and have a non-slip surface.
12. Engine room ladders should be fitted with non-Blip treads, and guardrails on exposed sides, as
appropriate and should be wall maintained.
B. Winches and Hoists
1. All moving parts of winches which may present a hazard should be securely guarded or fenced. In
addition, protection should be provided around winch foundations to prevent a person from being caught
or dragged under. Sheaves should also be guarded where practicable.
2. A winch or windlass should only be operated by a competent person.
3. All equipment used in hoisting should be tested and examined at periodic intervals.
4. Blocks and sheaves should be properly lubricated at regular intervals. All shackles used aloft should
be a locking type or should be fixed so they cannot come loose by themselves.
5. Wires should be secured to winch barrels at least by clamps, shackles or other equally strong method.
6. Winch operators should not leave winches unattended with power on or with a load suspended.
7. The winch operator should make sure that all persons are standing clear of the danger zone before
applying any load.
8. Loads being hoisted or lowered should not pass or remain suspended over persons.
9. Scarves, loose clothing and long hair are liable to be caught in a winch and should not be worn.
4. All non-conducting metal parts of electrical equipment should be grounded or otherwise suitably
protected such as by double insulation or by an isolating transformer. Ground faults should not be
allowed to persist, but should be remedied as soon as possible.
5. All possible precautions should be taken to prevent steam, water or dirt from accidentally contacting
switchboards, generators, motors and other electrical equipment.
6. Smoking or generating of sparks should be prohibited near electrical storage batteries.
7. Battery storage areas should be well ventilated, and under no circumstances should they be fitted in an
accommodation space.
8. Additional information is contained in chapter 7.
F. Hand Tools
1. Handles of hand knives should have guards or finger grips to prevent the hand from sliding onto the
2. Open-bladed knives, fish-hooks, gaffs and similar sharp implements should be sheathed or otherwise
put safely away when not in use.
3. Tools or small parts of equipment should never be left lying on staging, gratings, etc., in the engine
room, aloft or on deck. They should be placed in a box, bucket or bag, or lashed to prevent them from
accidentally falling and injuring persons passing or standing below.
4. Tools and other equipment should be lowered from above by use of a gantline.
5. It is dangerous to use a wrench on moving machinery. Tools or other gear should be removed before
restarting a machine which has been serviced.
G. Hot Work
1. Soldering, welding and similar hot work should not be undertaken on tanks and other containers
holding flammables or on empty tanks and containers or in spaces which have held flammables or acids.
2. A fire watch should always be kept when cutting, burning or welding is being done. Fire extinguishers
should be available for immediate use in case of an emergency.
A. Gangways, Stairways, Ladders, Railings, Guards and Lifelines
1. Gangways, stairways, ladders and passageways should be kept clean and dry to prevent falls due to
slippery conditions. Stairways and ladders should have non-skid treads.
2. Gangways and ladders should be secured 80 they do not come loose or collapse. They should not be
located within the swinging radius of derricks or expose personnel to other hazards.
3. Frequently accidents occur through not using the proper means of getting on or off the vessel. Never
jump from the vessel to shore or from the shore to the vessel. When a vessel does not lie close against a
dock, and platforms are used, they should be hooked over the bulwark. When vessels are berthed
alongside each other, suitable steps should be provided to give safe passage between vessels. There
should also be a lifebuoy with a suitable line readily available by the gangway. A net under the gangway
may also be useful in some circumstances.
4. When the shipboard end of a ladder or gangway rests upon the bulwark, firmly fixed steps should lead
from the top of the bulwark to the deck, and be provided with a handhold such as a rail or stanchion.
Care should be taken that the arrangement permits easy and comfortable access from ladder or gangway
to steps, or vice versa.
5. Gangways should be not less than 22 inches in width and of sufficient strength. Railings or ropes
should be provided at each side to a height of 36 inches with footstops and intermediate rails or ropes
not more than 18 inches apart.
6. Portable ladders should stand on a firm base and be secured by effective lashing.
7. A ladder should not be used if it has a missing or defective rung or is attached by nails or other unsafe
8. Precautions should be taken when ladders are used. Loads should not be carried on them, and ladders
should never be used where stairways or gangways are provided for boarding or leaving the vessel or for
crossing from one vessel to another.
9. The use of portable ladders at sea should be avoided. If it is necessary to use them, they should be
firmly secured. Non-slip bases should be used or the ladder held at its lower end by another person. The
legs at each end should be placed on flat, solid -surfaces and lashed in place.
10. If rope ladders are used, they should be provided with two cross battens to prevent twisting. They
should not be made of steel wire rope or be used if any rungs are missing, cracked or rotten, the rope is
in poor condition or has broken strands, or the ladders are not long enough to reach the water-level or
11. Rope ladders should be fully extended and should not be secured to the bulwark by the rungs. Only
one person at a time should be permitted on a rope ladder. Persons going up or down a rope ladder
should take care to hold the ropes and not the rungs.
12. Portable handrails should be in place when the vessel is underway and secured so they do not
accidentally come loose.
13. Adequate lifelines should be rigged to assist men walking on the open deck in rough weather. A PFD
or exposure suit should also be worn.
14. Fishermen required to work aloft or outboard of the bulwark rails or down the ramp of a stern
trawler should be secured by a safety belt. A PFD should also be worn.
15. Stern trawlers should be provided with suitable protection such as doors, gates or nets at the top of
the stern ramp at the same height as the adjacent bulwark or guard rail. When such a protection is not in
position, a chain or other means of protection should be provided across the ramp.
16. Bulwarks, rails, chains, and wire rope should be fitted around all exposed parts of the working deck
and superstructure decks if they are working platforms. Chains and ropes where fitted should be kept
B. Deck Lighting
1. During hours of darkness sufficient lighting should be provided at gangways, and all other locations
on deck where personnel must work or pass, so that obstructions are readily visible. A hand lantern
should be used if necessary.
2. Lighting should be placed so that it does not interfere with the keeping of a proper lookout or
prescribed navigational lights.
3. Additional information is contained in chapter 7.
C. Ropes and Lines
1. Wire rope should be handled with care, and gloves used as a protection against injury from projecting
2. Care should be taken to see that all ropes in use are in good condition and have a strength appropriate
to their application.
3. Wire ropes should be periodically lubricated and frequently examined for abrasions and broken,
deteriorated or displaced fibers or strands and other defects.
4. Ropes should not be exposed to excessive heat or harmful chemicals. When not in use they should be
coiled and stored under well-ventilated conditions away from direct sunlight.
5. All blocks should be of sufficient strength and large enough for the rope. The diameter of the sheaves
should be suited to the ropes.
6. A wire rope should not be passed over an undersized diameter pulley, sheave or winch barrel.
7. A wire rope around a thimble of suitable size to form an eye should be well spliced or secured by
means of U-clamps so that the U-bolt fits over the short end of the wire.
8. During the handling of mooring lines or other wires or ropes, care should be taken not to stand in the
bights. Hawsers should be coiled down in their correct places and wires wound on their reels to reduce
the likelihood of bights forming.
9. Sheaves should be guarded where practicable.
10. Blocks should be inspected for wear and damage and lubricated at regular intervals.
A. General
1. Toilet, washing and shower facilities, lockers and other personal service spaces should be maintained
clean and sanitary and protected against insects, rats, mice and vermin.
2. Galley and food storage areas are particularly prone to infestation by insects, rats, mice and vermin.
These areas always should be kept clean and food should not be left out and exposed to the air. Dishes
and utensils should be washed properly and a suitable disinfectant used when washing dishes.
3. Soil pipes should not pass overhead in the mess rooms, sleeping rooms, dry provision store rooms or
galleys, except where it is impracticable to place then elsewhere.
4. No soil pipe or waste pipe should pass through drinking water tanks or other fresh water tanks.
A. Protective Clothing and Equipment
1. Work clothes should fit as closely to the body as possible; there should be no loose strings or cuffs on
2. Footwear should be in good condition and appropriate for the work being performed.
3. Waterproof safety boots should be worn in certain working conditions such as on deck while handling
heavy objects.
4. During rain or bad weather and in darkness, protective clothing having a highly visible color should
be worn. A PFD should also be worn.
5. Aprons should not be worn near revolving or reciprocating machine parts or electric motors.
6. Safety belts and harnesses should be tested periodically and checked before being used.
7. Gloves sufficiently reinforced to provide adequate protection against cuts should be worn when
cutting or gutting fish. In selecting work gloves, consideration should be given to the hazards the wearer
may encounter and to the need for free movement of the fingers. Gloves should fit snugly at the wrists.
8. The attention of fishermen should be drawn to the harmful effects of high noise levels in the engine
room and to the various methods to minimize them. Protective earplugs or other suitable equipment
should be worn in the presence of high and medium speed diesel engines.
9. Eye injuries are often caused by fragments of metal or paint, and are generally serious. Goggles
should be worn for protection when performing such work as chipping rust or paint, working on
electrical storage batteries, sanding, grinding and spray painting etc.
A. Marine Sanitation Devices
1. Use of Chemicals - These devices use chemicals and produce gases as a byproduct. Some of these
chemicals and gases present a potential hazard. The manuals for all marine sanitation devices employing
chemical treatment list the type of chemical to be used by brand name and state the amount to be used.
The vast majority use chlorine bleach in one form or another. Bleach when mixed with certain cleansers
(Ammonia) will form a poisonous gas (chlorine gas) that may cause death. Do not experiment with your
chemical treatment tank. The safest method of treating the black water is described in the manual
supplied by the manufacturer and should be followed to the letter.
2. Personal Protection
a. In all cases when working in these tanks, wear rubber boots, overalls, rubber gloves, and hair
covering. No one working on these tanks should be allowed free movement about the vessel until their
protective clothing has been removed and placed in plastic bags. The used clothing should be either
discarded or washed immediately.
b. Methane and Hydrogen Sulfide are gases which are a product of the decay of matter. The hazards
associated with these two gases cannot be overstated. Methane is a highly explosive gas. Before entering
large holding or treatment tanks or even spaces containing these tanks make sure the space has been
adequately ventilated and that the tanks are safe for workers (see the section on toxic gases). Use
explosion-proof lights. Do not allow smoking.
B. Dangerous Work
1. In heavy weather, fishermen should not work alone on deck without the watch in the wheelhouse
being aware of their presence.
2. All exposed weather deck hatches should have hatch locking devices. In spaces where personnel are
located, the locking devices should be able to be opened from the inside.
3. A draw-bucket should not be used when a vessel is under way as there is a danger that the person may
be pulled overboard.
4. It is hazardous to work in the vicinity of radio antennae or radar scanners due to danger from both
radiation and the rotation of scanners. Permission should be obtained from the person in charge of the
bridge before such work is undertaken and the circuit fuses should be removed to make the equipment
inoperable; A MAN ALOFT notice should be placed on the equipment.
C. Galley
1. In rough weather, pots and kettles should be removed from the stove or should only be partially filled.
The stove should be fitted with sufficient rails or equivalent restraining devices.
3. Towels or similar items should not be left hanging above the stove.
4. Every galley range, exhaust hood, filter and exhaust duct should be kept free of accumulated grease
and other waste products.
5. Galley floors should be constructed of, or covered with, non-slip material.
6. Dangerous parts of slicing machines should be securely fenced with permanent guards.
D. Painting - Protective gloves or barrier creams should be worn when painting. Persons painting in
closed spaces should wear a respiratory mask (filter type) and safety goggles. Spaces should also be
E. Heaters
1. Electric heaters should be built and secured to reduce the risk of fire. No element should be exposed
such that clothing, curtains, etc., can be scorched or set on fire by the heating element.
2. Open fires should not be used for heating. Heating stoves and other similar appliances should be
firmly secured and insulated from beneath and around, and also in way of their uptakes. Uptakes of
stoves should be arranged to minimize the possibility of becoming blocked by soot and should have an
easy means for cleaning. Dampers for limiting drafts in uptakes should, when in the closed position,
leave an adequate open area to prevent a buildup of combustion gases in the uptake. Spaces where
stoves are installed should be provided with ventilators to provide an adequate supply of air for
combustion of the stove. These ventilators should not have a means of closing.
3. Open flame gas appliances, except cooking stoves and water heaters, should not be used. Spaces
where open flame stoves and water heaters are installed should have adequate ventilation to remove
fumes and possible gas leakage to a safe place. This should be done through an exhaust type ventilation
system with the inlets placed low in the space. All pipes that convey gas from a container to a stove or
water heater should be made of steel or equivalent material. Automatic shutoff devices should be fitted
to operate on loss of pressure in the gas main pipe or a flame failure.
4. Gasoline appliances should not be used on any vessel.
5. For further information on the installation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or compressed natural gas
(CNG) systems, galley stoves, and heating systems see NFPA-302 or American Boat and Yacht Council,
Inc. (ABYC) Projects' A-l, A-3, A-7, and A-22.
F. First Aid
1. At least one crewman should be trained in giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation and maintain a valid
2. At least one crewman should be trained in giving first aid.
3. A first aid kit should be carried and placed in a weatherproof container with individual sealed
packages for each type of item. Contents should be checked before getting underway for each trip to
ensure that all expended items have been replaced. Kits can be obtained from a number of sources and
contents may vary depending on crew size and operation of the vessel.
4. Contents of unopened or intact sterile disposable packages should remain sterile until opened.
However, to be assured that the contents have not deteriorated, they should be replaced at least every
five years or on the expiration date. One of the first aid trained crewmen should be assigned the
responsibility of maintaining the kit. The kit should have a paper seal on it so it can be easily determined
if it has been opened and needs to be restocked.
5. Vessel owners should consider carrying a copy of the U.S. Public Health Service book "Ships
Medicine Chest and Medical Aid at Sea" (DHHS Publication No. [PHS] 84-2024 revised 1984). It can
be ordered by writing to: Department 39, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC 20402. Request the latest edition. Among other things, this book contains a
recommended list of the minimum number of items to carry in a first aid kit for fishing vessels which
normally do not carry more than 15 persons, and are never more than a few days from home port, or a
few hours from a port of call. The book also describes in non-technical language, the diseases and
medical emergencies most commonly encountered while at sea and "first aid" and "follow-up" care
required until the patient can be evaluated and treated by a physician.
6. The North Pacific Fishing Vessel Owners' Association's "Vessel Safety Manual" also contains a
chapter on medical emergencies at sea and lists recommended supplies for a first aid kit.
These recommendations are intended to serve as a guide for the design and construction, arrangements,
maintenance, and repair of the hull and equipment on fishing vessels. These guidelines apply to all
fishing vessels, and are drawn in large part from the 1977 Torremolinos Fishing Vessel Convention.
Recommendations in this chapter cover features commonly found on fishing vessels and are based on
accepted good practice. They are drawn from international conventions, Coast Guard regulations,
professional society standards, classification society rules, and published guidelines for fishing vessels
listed on pages 5-20 thru 5-23 at the end of this chapter.
A. General
1. Hinged covers of hatchways, manholes and other openings should be latched to protect against
accidental closing. Heavy covers on escape hatches should be equipped with counterweights.
2. Accommodations, recreation spaces, and the pilot house should be separated from sources of noise
and odors. Machinery should not be located next to such spaces unless noise reduction procedures are
taken. Vents from machinery spaces and tanks should not lead into manned spaces.
3. Dimensions of access hatches should not be less than 24 by 20 inches.
4. Railings should be provided to prevent personnel from falling through deck openings. Skylights and
hatches should have coamings or guards.
5. Handholds should be provided above the level of the deck over escape openings.
B. Bulwarks, Rails and Guards
1. Bulwarks should have rails to provide a handhold in rough seas. Storm rails should be fitted on the
outside of superstructures and deckhouses. Guard rails, gangways, lifelines, or underdeck passages
should be provided for the crew to get between quarters, machinery spaces, and other working spaces.
2. Bulwarks and exterior rails should be at least 39.5 inches high. Clearance between the lowest course
of a rail and the deck should be less than 9 inches, with other courses spaced not more than 15 inches
apart. Stanchions should be spaced not more than 5 feet apart. Stanchions and rails should not have
sharp edges or corners and should be of substantial (rigid) construction.
3. Stern trawlers should have doors, gates, or other protective arrangements at the top of the stern ramp
as high as adjacent bulwarks. A chain or other device should be fitted across the ramp when the doors
are open.
C. Deck Coatings Effective coating of decks and working areas should consist of a two part system. A
non-skid paint or grating system should be provided for personnel working and walking areas to insure
good footing. Abrasion resistant coatings should cover other areas where nets and lines are worked to
better protect the deck. Peel and stick mats or sand sprinkled in the last coat of paint are appropriate for
light use areas. Specially developed aggregates of aluminum oxide, or even sand blast grit, can be
applied with epoxy or urethane paints in heavy use areas. Rubber, fiberglass, or rubber coated fiberglass
gratings are also effective for heavy use walking and working areas. Paint manufacturers recommend
carefully prepared and applied inorganic zinc and anti-corrosive undercoats to these areas because of the
extra loads imposed on the paint films.
D. Means of Escape The galley, messing areas, machinery space, accommodations, work areas, and
other normally manned spaces should have at least two means of escape. These should be as remote
from each other as possible in order to minimize the chance that both escapes could be blocked by the
same incident, such as fire, fallen fishing gear, or ice. If possible, the means of escape should not be
through watertight doors in the hull because they may not be usable in the event of flooding. The means
of escape, whether they are doors, scuttles, or hatches, should be capable of being opened from the
inside. They should not have locks or other devices which would prevent them from being opened
quickly in an emergency.
E. Stairways and Ladders
1. Stairways and ladders should be provided for safe working at sea and in port. They should be of
adequate size and strength with treads that are flat and specially prepared to minimize slipping.
Stairways and ladders leading to holds, 'tweendecks, bunkers, or used for emergency escape should be
permanently attached. Emergency escapes may be portable if stowed adjacent to the escape and can be
secured in place without using tools or other mechanical aids.
2. Permanently attached vertical ladders should be at least 6 inches from the bulkhead. The rungs of steel
vertical ladders should be of square bars with a sharp edge upwards. Where ladders are constructed with
stringers, the rungs should pass through the stringers. Handholds should be provided if necessary.
3. Stairways more than 39.5 inches high should have handrails or hand grips on both sides.
F. Rudder and Propeller
1. A naval architect or marine engineer can give advice on the best combination of engine and propeller
for a vessel. A kort nozzle may provide increased efficiency for trawling or dredging.
2. In order to prevent lines or wire ropes from jamming the propeller, a rope guard can be fitted around
the gap between the end of the stern tube and the propeller boss. The guard, which is a metal ring that
fits closely over the gap, should be maintained in good condition.
3. Rudder and propeller design should consider the necessary maintenance to be performed including
removal of the propeller shaft and examination of the bearings.
4. Nuts used for attaching the rudder and propeller should be lockable or have a method of locking them
in place.
G. Forepeak The forepeak should not be used for carrying fuel. Coast Guard pollution regulations (33
CFR 155.470) prohibit the carriage of oil forward of the collision bulkhead on some vessels over 300
gross tons, and they provide for grandfathering certain vessels depending on when they were
constructed. The regulations should be consulted to determine whether a vessel is exempt from the
prohibition of carrying fuel forward of the collision bulkhead.
H. Ice Operation
1. The hull may require additional strengthening for operation in ice.
2. Vessels should be equipped with de-icing arrangements and tools such as axes and wooden clubs to
remove ice from rails, bulwarks, and structures in order to maintain adequate stability. Wooden vessels
should have appropriate ice protection sheathing. Classification societies have guidance in this regard.,.
I. Single Person Operation
1. Vessels which are operated with one person on watch should have a means to allow the operator to
climb back on board after an accidental fall overboard. The operator should wear a lifeline designed so
that a fall overboard causes the engine to stop.
2. Vessels operated by one person, with others aboard in a compartment other then the wheelhouse,
should contain an efficient intercom (call) system.
J Noise and Vibration
1. Harmful noise and vibration should be minimized. Coast Guard Navigation and Vessel Inspection
Circular (NVIC) 12-82, "Recommendations for the Control of Excessive Noise" contains useful
guidelines on noise reduction measures. Where practical, maximum noise levels in a given area should
not exceed 75dB(A).
2. Means for reducing noise levels include:
a. Resilient mounting of vibrating machinery, especially generators;
b. Noise barriers such as sound absorbing material around high noise spaces;
c. Flexible mountings for exhaust, ventilation, and other service lines;
d. Ensuring that all fit-ups are tight;
f. Seals around penetrations through spaces;
g. Silencers or attenuators on air intakes and exhausts;
h. Sound absorption treatment of accommodation spaces; and
i. Isolation of noisy spaces or manned spaces.
K. Chains and Anchors
1. The anchoring system should hold the vessel and stand up to wear and tear.
2. Vessels over 79 feet long should meet the standards in Section 22, ABS "Rules for Building and
Classing Steel Vessels Under 61 Meters in Length." Vessels more than 200 feet long should meet the
requirements in Section 28, ABS "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels."
3. The following guidelines are for those vessels less than 79 feet long. The following formula may be
used to calculate if one or two anchors should be carried on board.
E = L*(B+D)
L, B, and D are the length, breadth, and molded depth in feet
If the value of E is greater than 400, then two anchors should be carried. The Coast Guard encourages all
fishing vessels to carry at least two anchors.
4. The holding power of an anchor depends on factors such as vessel type, bottom conditions, and
weather and sea conditions. Anchor manufacturers can recommend anchor sizes.
5. The anchor rode (between the anchor and the deck shackles) should have a breaking strength of five
times the anchor hold if made of line or wire rope, or two times the design load if made of chain. The
rode should be at least 7 times the water depth.
6. The rode absorbs most of the loading due to waves and should be compliant. Chains and lines best
serve this requirement. If a wire rope is chosen for the rode, a short length (10-12 feet) of chain should
be used to attach the anchor to the rope. The short length of chain will help weigh the anchor.
7. A safe method of stowing the rode should be in place. Loose line on the deck should be avoided.
L. Winches, Tackle and Lifting Gear
1. A fishing gear system, including warping heads, winches, tackle, nets, etc., should provide safe and
convenient operation. Wires and warps should be of adequate strength for the anticipated loads. Moving
parts of winches and of warp and chain leads which may present a hazard should have adequate guards.
Repairs to winches, tackle, and lifting gear should be to original standards of construction. Repairs
should be tested using dead loads before the gear is placed back in service.
2. The diameter of blocks and fairing leads used with ropes should be at least 6 times the diameter of the
rope. For wire ropes the diameter should be at least twelve times the diameter of the rope.
3. Winches should be designed such that the maximum effort necessary for operating handwheels,
handles, crank handles, levers, etc., does not exceed 36 pounds and in the case of pedals, 72 pounds.
4. If a winch has local and remote controls, they should be arranged to prevent simultaneous operation.
The operator should have a clear view of the winch and adjacent area. An emergency cut-off should be
provided at the winch and in the pilothouse. Controls should have a means to prevent accidental
movement or unauthorized use.
5. Winches should have a means of stopping and holding the safe working load. Brakes should be prooftested with a dead load in excess of the maximum safe working load. Brakes should be easy to adjust.
Every winch drum which could be uncoupled from the drive should have a separate brake.
6. Where manually operated "guiding on" gear is installed, the operating wheels should not have open
spokes or protrusions that could injure the operator. Such gear should be able to be disengaged when the
warps are playing out.
7. Winch barrels should have a means for fastening wire ends, such as clamps, shackles or other methods
which should not kink the wires.
8. Regular periodic testing as shown in pages 5-23 thru 5-25 should be performed on the fishing gear
M. Fish Holds
1. The fish hold should be divided 80 that boxes may be secured at sea. Portable divisions can help
subdivide the fish hold for better stability, but they must be of adequate strength.
2. The hold should be designed for easy cleaning so that water and fish waste drain freely from all points
in the hold to the bilge suction point. Dampness can lead to structural deterioration as well as unsanitary
conditions, so adequate drainage and ventilation are necessary. Ventilation is extremely important for
personnel working in the holds. Hydrogen Sulfide (poisonous) and Carbon Dioxide gasses generated by
decaying fish and Freon from leaking refrigeration lines can cause serious illness or death for workers in
poorly ventilated holds.
3. The hold should be lined with a material which keeps the fish boxes away from the sides of the vessel.
The lining may be of wood, metal (galvanized iron or aluminum) or fiberglass reinforced plastic. These
materials require frequent inspection for deterioration, especially at the fastenings.
4. Insulation used in fish holds should be nonabsorbent and not susceptible to rot or fungus growth. On
wooden vessels there should be some circulation of air between the insulation and the hull to inhibit rot
and decay of the wood. Fiberglass insulation similar to that used in home construction allows for a small
amount of air circulation.
5. Hatches to fish holds must be capable of being made watertight, and hatchcovers should be designed
and constructed for easy closing, preferably by one person. Hatches should be kept closed except when
being loaded, to minimize the possibility of downflooding.
A. General The number of openings through which water can enter the vessel should be kept to a
minimum. Openings should be kept as high up in the vessel and as close to the centerline as possible. All
external openings should be capable of being made watertight or weathertight by closures such as
covers, coamings, or doors. The number of openings in the side of. the vessel below the working deck
should be kept to a minimum. Openings should be above the deepest operating waterline if possible.
Closures on side openings should be watertight and as strong as the surrounding structure. A notice
should be posted at closures stating that they should be closed at sea except when in use.
B. Hatches and Hatch Covers
1. All flush hatch covers in the deck should be watertight and easy to handle by one person. They should
be as strong as the surrounding deck structure.
2. Raised hatch covers and doors should be weathertight. Hatch covers should be kept closed at sea.
They should be marked to indicate the proper position of dogs or other fastening devices for closing.
3. Watertight hatch covers should not be made of wood except on wooden vessels. Wood weathertight
covers are acceptable on all vessels, except for machinery space openings, where fire hazards, heat, and
moisture make wood unsuitable.
C. Exterior Doors Access openings on the main deck to superstructures should have weathertight
closures which can be secured from either side. Doors on the working deck should have a sill at least 12
inches high for vessels up to 40 feet long, and at least 23.5 inches high for vessels over 79 feet long. Sill
height on vessels between 40 and 79 feet can be calculated by interpolation. Exterior door sills above the
working deck should be 12 inches high.
D. Pilothouse The pilothouse should be weathertight. Windows should have deadlights or other suitable
storm shutters and should be made of untinted tempered or safety glass. The door to the pilothouse
should be capable of being secured weathertight from either side by one person. The door to the
pilothouse should have a sill at least 15 inches high.
E. Portholes Portholes on or below the working deck should have inside hinged watertight deadlights.
Portholes should be at least 19.5 inches above the deepest operating waterline.
F. Skylights Skylights should be above the working deck. They should be of substantial construction and
be capable of being closed weathertight. In case the skylights are damaged, there should be a backup
means for closing the opening such as wood or canvas covers.
G. Ventilators
1. Ventilators should be as strong as the surrounding structure and have weathertight closures for storm
2. Engine supply air should be available under all weather conditions from a high, protected part of the
vessel, near the centerline, to limit downflooding when heeled or taking on water due to wave action.
H. Vents Exposed vents to tanks or other spaces below deck should be strong and located as close to the
vessel's centerline as practical. Ball check valves, hinged closures, wooden plugs, canvas hoods, or other
permanently attached means should be provided for closing vents in high seas. Fuel oil tanks must have
a way of equalizing air pressure when the vessel is secured for storm conditions. Vents should be at least
30 inches high on working decks, and 18 inches high on superstructure decks.
I. Inlets and Discharges
1. Pipe discharges leading through the hull should have means for preventing water from passing
inboard. Each discharge should have an automatic non-return valve with a readily accessible positive
means of closing it. Discharges from unmanned spaces should have valves operable from a position on
or above the working deck. Valves should have an indicator showing whether the valve is open or
2. In manned machinery spaces, inlets and discharges essential for the operation of machinery should be
controlled locally. Controls should be easily accessible and provided with means of indicating open or
shut valves. Alarms should be placed to indicate leakage of water into the space.
J. Watertight Bulkheads
1. The vessel should have a watertight collision bulkhead between five and fifteen percent of the vessel's
length aft from the bow. Doors, manholes, ventilation ducts or any other openings should not be fitted in
the collision bulkhead below the working deck. Pipes piercing the collision bulkhead should be fitted
with screw down valves easily operated from the working deck.
2. The main machinery space should also be bounded by watertight bulkheads which extend up to the
working deck.
A. Design Guidelines The design and construction of a vessel should be sufficient to withstand the
intended service. Classification societies have rules for building and maintaining vessel structures and
machinery, and although they are not intended specifically for fishing vessels, they may be applied in
most cases. Rules which may be useful for fishing vessels include:
1. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 61 Meters
(200 Feet) in Length";
2. Lloyds Register of Shipping (LR) "Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Yachts and Small
3. Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 11-80, "Structural Plan Review Guidelines for
Aluminum Small Passenger Vessels";
4. ABS "Rules for Reinforced Plastic Vessels"; and
5. American Boat and Yacht Council's (ABYC), "Safety Standards for Small Craft'..
B. Deck
1. The deck must be designed to carry all anticipated loads from equipment, gear, nets, and cargo. It
should be reinforced to support heavy equipment such as winches and pot haulers, or to support
equipment added to meet different fisheries needs on the same vessel. Decks may be reinforced by pads
(doublers) under heavy loads to spread them over a larger area. Additional underdeck framing may also
be necessary.
2. Equipment on the deck should be arranged so as not to impair visibility or access. Suitable storage
should be provided for gear so that it is not lying loose during transit or is in the way of normal
A. Design for Maintenance The hull and equipment should be arranged for ease of regular maintenance.
Care taken during the design and construction stages will reduce maintenance and repair costs. Design
considerations related to maintenance include:
1. Deck drainage should be arranged to avoid water pockets;
2. The outer hull should be painted with anti-fouling and anti-corrosion coatings and protected with
fenders and/or rub rails;
3. Moving parts should be arranged for ease of lubrication; and
4. The inner hull should be arranged for easy access behind linings. Most corrosion on steel and decay in
wooden hulls starts at the fittings. Easy access will allow the inner hull to be inspected and maintained.
B. Maintenance Plan Maintenance should be performed regularly. A maintenance plan which identifies
all items that need maintenance, the type of maintenance necessary, and the frequency should be
prepared and followed. It should be prepared during construction or before the vessel is put in service.
This plan can be divided into items which should be checked daily) weekly, monthly, semi-annually, or
annually. As routine maintenance is performed, a work list of necessary repairs should be prepared.
Pages 5-26 thru 5-28 at the end of this chapter contains sample maintenance checklists. They can be
used as a starting point for a preventative maintenance program tailored for any vessel. The checklist
should be modified as necessary based on experience in operating the vessel. Specific instructions for
performing maintenance can be obtained from manufacturers' operating guides.
C. Outer Hull Maintenance
1. Steel and aluminum vessels should be hauled out or drydocked every two to three years. Wooden
vessels should be hauled out every two and a half years if practicable. Vessels under constant use in
harsh environments may require more frequent haulings, while vessels used seasonally in fresh water, or
in mild environments may go somewhat longer between haul outs. Each vessel should be placed in a
drydock or on a slipway on blocks of sufficient height to enable the bottom to be examined throughly.
Preparation for inspection, painting, or repairs can vary from high pressure water washing to sand
sweeping to a complete white metal sand blast.
2. Many coatings are available for different applications. Coatings may perform differently depending
on the weather conditions when they are applied. When using anti-fouling paints, the primer and paint
must be compatible with each other. This usually can be assured by choosing the primer and paint from
the same manufacturer. Special epoxy paints can be applied near the rudder and screw to protect against
prop wash erosion.
D. Inner Hull Maintenance
1. Many places on the interior of vessels can be painted only during the initial fitting out. On steel
vessels a good coating free from defects should be obtained during the initial fitting out.
2. Interior deck and structural members on wooden vessels should not be painted, but treated with a
preservative, so that any damage will be readily apparent. Linings should be removable or have access
panels so that preservatives may be sprayed behind them. A light colored oil resistant paint should be
used in the engine compartment so that leaks are visible.
3. Paints used near intense heat should be heat resistant.
4. The lining and insulation in the fish hold should be maintained as free as possible from nicks and
gouges which expose the planking and/or sheathing behind. This is especially necessary on wooden
vessels to prevent the underlying planking from rotting. Gouges also provide a breeding place for
bacteria which could cause the catch to spoil.
E. Propulsion System The propeller and rudder assembly should be checked at each drydocking for
corrosion, fracture, bent blades or shafts, and misalignment. Bearings should be checked for excessive
wear. The propeller should be polished to improve efficiency. Loose bolts and fittings should be repaired
or replaced.
A. General The material condition of a vessels hull affects its strength and integrity. Periodic inspection
and maintenance is necessary to identify and correct deficiencies which affect the hull to the extent that
the vessel could become unsafe. When a deficiency is found, it must be evaluated to decide if safety is
compromised. The extent and degree of the damage will determine whether immediate repair is
necessary. In general, when serious damage is discovered, the safest thing to do is "renew in kind." Brief
information concerning deterioration, inspection, and repair is provided in the following sections.
Additional details, including structural design standards, can be found in classification society. rules and
guides, U.S. Coast Guard Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICs), Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), or American Welding Society (AWS) publications and a
variety of books and magazines published by public and private marine-oriented organizations. See
pages 20 thru 23 for purchase information on these and other references.
B. Deterioration The most common source of deterioration of metal hulls is corrosion. Corrosion results
in widespread or localized wastage or pitting of the hull. Corrosion may be severe in vessels built with
dissimilar metals and used in salt water. Various methods are used to inhibit corrosion; the simplest and
most common methods are hull coatings and sacrificial anodes. Sacrificial anodes (zinc or aluminum for
steel hulls, zinc for aluminum hulls) are often placed near the stern and rudder area to provide partial
underwater hull protection. Caution should be taken when using impressed current, because corrosion
can be accelerated if it is used improperly. Other suggestions to prevent corrosion include use of plastic
insulators or bushings between dissimilar metals (such as with steel bolts or cast iron fittings on
aluminum hulls) and by avoiding stray currents produced from electrical equipment. Power tools used
on board should use the power supply from the boat. A shielded ground and not the hull should be used
as an electrical return.
C. Inspection
1. Inspections should coincide with maintenance. Inspection begins with an overall look at the exterior
of the hull. Any areas of distortion of the hull surface, evidence of local damage, local cracking, interior
wetness, seam weeping, rust streaks, and other discoloration should be noted. Any of these defects may
be an indication of trouble, requiring more detailed examination of the hull. After the exterior structure
has been inspected, a visual inspection of the interior of the hull should be made with special attention
given to framing and heavily loaded areas such as the bow and bottom impact areas, engine mountings,
and cargo gear attachments, and connections of the frames to the shell. Construction details, such as
joints, framing attachments, and fasteners should be inspected. Defects noted in the course of inspecting
the shell and decks deserve special attention on interior inspections. This overall inspection is followed
by a close observation of highly stressed areas such as in the vicinity of rigging attachments, hard spots,
areas of support when the vessel is in storage, and bottom impact areas near the bow or transom.
2. Most common problems in vessel structures are caused by poor design details and arrangements
which produce stress concentrations or hard spots. A stress concentration is created by holes or abrupt
changes in the size or shape of a stressed member. Cuts in the deck for hatch openings are a source of
stress concentrations and merit close inspection.
D. Repairs
1. When deficiencies are found, the following questions should be answered by a qualified person prior
to making repairs:
a. What is the extent and degree of deterioration;
b. Is the defect progressive and, if so, how can its progress be stopped; and
c. How long will it be before the area in question is next inspected?
2. Consideration of these questions will help decide which repairs to make and which can be postponed.
Repairs necessary to maintain the vessel in a safe condition should be done immediately.
3. Repairs to vessels should follow these guidelines:
a. Use material compatible to that being replaced;
b. Make repairs extensive enough to ensure that the hull is essentially as strong as original;
c. Use details and fastenings at least equivalent in strength and in quality to those replaced; and
d. Use good workmanship.
A. Deterioration Corrosion is the most common problem with steel vessels. It is aggravated by age,
inadequate maintenance, working of the hull, chemical or corrosive action of the cargoes, electrolysis,
local wear, and improper design. In many cases, it is impossible to determine the amount of deterioration
without gaging. As a general rule, local wastage of up to 25% of the original thickness (assuming a
wastage allowance was originally built in) can be tolerated before replacement is necessary. In some
cases, wastage less than 25% may call for replacement of material where deterioration results in radical
changes in section thicknesses or obvious weakening.
B. Inspection
1. The bottom and side plating, especially in splash zones, should be examined for excessive
deterioration or damage at each drydocking. Riveting and welding should be examined along with the
hull plating. Areas of high stress and mechanical abuse, such as deck plating, should be inspected for
cracks and leaks. Excessive wastage in an area relative to the surrounding plates should be repaired
immediately. Serious localized corrosion may also take place around overboard discharges and scupper
openings. Structural members, including deck and shell plating, frames, beams and stiffeners should be
inspected for corrosion, distortion, or buckling. Structural members with more than 25% overall wastage
should be replaced. Severe localized pitting or corrosion may be indicative of a problem requiring expert
2. Some deformation of the hull plating is common in the forward portions of the vessel and may not
require repair. Severe buckling or set-in, however, should be repaired. Tanks which are an integral part
of the hull structure should be examined internally and may be pressure tested by liquid to a pressure
equivalent to the maximum load experienced in service. Leaks should be repaired immediately.
Watertight and oiltight bulkheads forming the boundaries of main compartments should be examined
throughout their vertical and transverse extent. Thoroughly ventilate all tanks and closed voids and
follow proper tank entry precautions and procedures before entering. Additional information is
contained in chapter 4.
C. Repairs
1. Welding
a. Most repairs to steel vessels involve welding. Welding should be done by qualified welders and to an
acceptable standard. Useful guidelines for steel hull welding are found in Section 30 of the ABS "Rules
for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" and in the American Welding Society's "Guide for Steel Hull
b. Replacement steel must be similar to the original material. high strength steels are used, special care
must be taken in matching strength levels, using special filler metals, controlling heat input, and using
post weld heat treatment.
c. ABS publishes a list of "Approved Welding Electrodes for Wire-Flux and Wire-Gas Combinations."
Filler metals should be selected from that list. Electrodes should be kept dry while in storage. Low
hydrogen electrodes must be baked prior to use.
d. Other important considerations for welding include proper edge preparation, welding sequence,
procedure, and inspection for defects. Improper techniques will result in repairs which may be
detrimental to the safety of the vessel.
e. When welding at the dock, the welding machine electrodes, work leads and associated control
equipment should be on the vessel to avoid stray currents and its corrosion effects. Power tools used on
board should use the power supply from the vessel and the ground should be close to the repair work.
2. Cracks which can be repaired without steel replacement should be drilled just beyond the end of the
crack to inhibit further crack propagation after repair. The crack should be prepared by grinding, carbon
arc gouging, or other suitable means before welding. Full access to both sides of the crack should be
obtained to weld from both sides. If a crack in a plate runs across framing, the framing should be
released before welding up the crack, then re-attached.
3. If repair is necessary to the sheer strake, the upper edge of the strake should be fair and smooth and
any attachments should be faired in with curved brackets. Welding should be done with low hydrogen
electrodes or using a 1500 F preheat throughout the operation.
4. Welding of heavy deck fittings to the working deck should use the same techniques described above.
Ends of deck fittings should be kept clear of deck butts and seams. Fittings should be properly spaced
and trimmed of sharp corners to minimize local stress concentrations.
5. Insert Plates
a. Repairs involving less than a full plate should be made with inserts rather than doubler type patch
plates. Patch plates should be used only for emergency repair, and then with caution. When less than
complete plates are replaced, the cuts and new welding should, as far as practicable, lie in existing lines
of welding. Inserts should cover at least one frame space.
b. The welding sequence should be chosen considering the restraint imposed by the structure
surrounding insert plates to minimize locked in stresses. Care must be taken when welding on or near
existing welds.
6. Welded doubler plates should not to be used as permanent repair measures for the main hull girder.
They can be used to provide local reinforcement, as strapping to increase hull girder strength and
stiffness, or to restore watertight (not oiltight) integrity in non-strength areas. The corners of the doubler
should be tapered and well rounded, and the plating to which it is attached should be in good condition
to ensure efficient attachment.
7. Damaged or wasted sections of structural members (frames, beams, stiffeners) should be cropped out
and replaced with new material. There should be sufficient material in the remaining portion of the
member to permit sound attachment of the new material and sufficient room to permit a good weld.
Otherwise, the entire member should be renewed.
8. Coast Guard NVIC 7-68, "Notes on Inspection and Repair of Steel Hulls," contains more detailed
guidelines on repair to steel vessels.
A. Deterioration
1. Aluminum hulls generally do not exhibit excessive corrosion under normal operating conditions.
Areas where water collects and which are largely inaccessible should be treated with a heavy mastic
coating or be constructed with special alloys designed to resist exfoliation. Exfoliation, characterized by
swelling, flaking and an accumulation of a white aluminum hydroxide powder, can also occur near
intersections of aluminum and steel plating. Aluminum alloys in contact with dissimilar metals, locally
exposed by coating failures, or having prolonged contact with steel piers can corrode at an accelerated
rate. Such conditions may occur between faying surfaces of aluminum and other metals, or when nonaluminum piping passes through aluminum bulkheads, decks, hull, etc. In such cases, aluminum should
be isolated from the other metal by means of suitable non-water absorbing insulating tapes coatings or
gaskets or by use of special pipe hangers or fittings. The use of sacrificial anodes are also a cost
effective way to combat generalized corrosion of aluminum hulls in sea water. Aluminum in contact
with wood, insulating materials or concrete should be protected against the corrosive effect of impurities
in these materials by suitable coverings or coatings.
2. Mercury or copper-based anti-fouling systems are not recommended as they can cause severe
corrosion of the aluminum. Instruments containing mercury, such as thermometers, barometers, or
switches should not be carried because spilled mercury on aluminum can create a serious corrosion
problem if not completely cleaned up.
3. Electrical shore ties should have a separate transformer for each aluminum vessel to prevent it from
becoming an anode for another vessel.
B. Inspection Inspection of aluminum vessels is similar to that for steel. Aluminum is more susceptible
to fatigue cracking than steel. Small cracks will likely occur at intersections of structural members and
penetrations through decks and bulkheads. Fatigue cracks are formed easily in aluminum and will
continue to grow if not corrected.
C. Repairs
1. Aluminum vessels should be repaired using many of the same principles as for steel hulls. Old
material should be replaced with material of the same alloy and temper. It is likely that most aluminum
fishing vessel hulls are made of 5083, 5086 or 6061 alloy, but this should be confirmed by noting
stenciled marks on the inside of plating or checking with the manufacturer of the vessel. Weld filler wire
for repairs should be selected to match the alloy. Most welding on aluminum is done with inert gas
welding processes (gas tungsten arc or gas metal arc). Shielded metal arc welding or use of flux-cored
electrodes is not recommended as they may result in inferior welds, because the flux is corrosive to
aluminum and is difficult to remove. Repair of cracks in aluminum structures requires special care
because cracks in aluminum do not usually follow a straight line through the thickness of the material.
Complete removal of the crack must be assured by examining both sides of the plate. Cracks probably
cannot be stopped by drilling out the ends, or adding more material in the form 0 doubler plates.
Doublers may add additional stress concentrations while providing no resistance to further crack
propagation. It is essential that cracks be welded from both sides; the first side is welded, the root
ground to sound metal from the second side, and then the second side is welded. As with any repair
weld, sharp notches at the weld toe or in the reinforcement must be ground to blend smoothly with
surrounding metal. Where proper crack repair cannot be obtained, or where repaired cracks have recracked, it is advisable to cut that portion of the plating out and replace with an insert, not a doubler
2. Proper welding sequence and procedures are extremely important in, welding aluminum due to high
heat input and consequential expansion of the metal. The American Welding Society "Guide for
Aluminum Hull Welding," ANSI/AWS D3.7-83 is a good reference for aluminum hull welding.
A. Deterioration Wooden hulls are affected mostly by decay and marine borers. This kind of
deterioration can occur with surprising rapidity. Marine borers can attack any kind of wood regardless of
the method of protection. Borers can enter the wood through hairline cracks or scrapes in the bottom
paint. If borer attack is caught early, the holes can be burned clean and filled with a suitable compound.
However, extensive damage can only be repaired by replacement of the wood. The best way to prevent
borer attack is to keep the worm away from the wood. This is accomplished by sheathing or by toxic
paints. The sheathing and bottom paint should be inspected often for nicks and scratches which render
the sheathing and paint ineffective.
B. Inspection
1. A thorough internal inspection of wooden hulls should be conducted yearly to determine if hauling out
is necessary. A severe problem on the outside will be apparent from the inside. Wooden vessels must be
inspected for cracks, broken members, failures of fastenings and caulking, and damage due to collision
or grounding. Distorted planking, cracked paint, pulled butts between planking, local damage, and
unexplained wetness are telltale indications of potential problems.
2. In general, areas which are hard to maintain, have poor ventilation, or are subject to heavy stresses
have the most damage. Particular attention should be paid to the stern and transom, regions under
covering boards, the splash zone, and around hull fittings.
3. A wooden vessel is best inspected for leaks immediately after hauling out, and for decay and borers
when completely dry. Decay can be detected by sounding with a hammer. Sound wood will give a solid
quick response when tapped with a hammer. Unsound wood will give a dead or dull sound. Rotted out
timbers give a distinctive drum sound. Probing and boring should not be done as a matter of routine as it
can help to start decay. It is important to remember that decay can progress rapidly. It is more
economical to repair small decayed areas early rather than make major material replacement later due to
neglected repairs.
4. Specific inspection items for wooden hulls are included below.
a. Fastenings which are loose, broken or wasted often result in sprung butts or in planks which are loose,
or chatter when sounded with a hammer. Loose planking is best corrected by additional fastenings if
there is sufficient room to obtain good holding power without weakening the planking. Often, the
framing structure itself may be decayed and must be made sound before new fastenings can be installed.
Rudder and propeller strut fastenings should be closely examined.
b. Caulking is subject to deterioration and should be checked often and replaced as necessary. Caulking
should be applied evenly, without pushing it through the seams. Allowance must be made for expansion
of the planking as it absorbs water.
c. Cracks or broken structure will most likely occur in areas of high stress or where the structure
undergoes a sudden change in shape. The turn of the bilge is a prime location for damage. Wooden hulls
are more prone than steel hulls to secondary damage remote from the site of collision or grounding.
Damage may consist of pulled fastenings, sprung or cracked frames, and misalignment of the structure.
Because of secondary damage, the entire hull should be inspected if serious damage is found.
C. Repairs
1. When it is necessary to replace planks in the structure, the supporting structure should be thoroughly
inspected and restores to good condition as needed. Old fastening holes should be plugged to ensure that
new fastenings will hold. Planks should be replaced in their entirety. Replacement planks should extend
for at least six frames, and should not be less than five feet long. Butt joints should be staggered as much
as possible (both horizontally and vertically in double skin boats) and should be mechanically fastened,
never glued.
2. Portions of a plywood panel should not be replaced. A plywood patch may be used for temporary
repairs for small damaged areas. In this case, the patch should be flush, have backing blocks, and be
sealed with a suitable compound. All decayed material must be removed. Plywood is susceptible to
decay, which can spread rapidly in all directions. Plywood replacement panels should be of marine grade
3. Fastenings should be equal in size and number to those in the rest of the planking. Ferrous fastenings
should be galvanized. Brass or bronze fastenings, bolts or washers should not be used in conjunction
with steel fasteners as they will cause excessive corrosion of the steel.
4. Damage (not decay) to a single frame or several scattered frames may be repaired by the use of sister
frames. They should not be used on two adjacent frames. The sister frame should be at least as large as
the original frame and as long as possible. It should be fastened to the planking in the same manner as
the original, with a preservative used on all faying surfaces. Decayed frames should not be "sistered" as
the decay can rapidly spread to the sister frame. The only acceptable alternative is to replace the entire
5. Fiberglass reinforced plastic (GRP) should only be used as a temporary repair in wooden structures. It
does not provide the strength of wood, it develops cracks under stress allowing the entry of marine
borers, it does not adhere to painted or preserved surfaces well, and it permits continued decay under the
glass. Full GRP sheathing of an existing wooden hull to restore strength and watertightness is not
recommended due to the possibility of covering over existing decay.
6. Additional details regarding repair methods, materials, preservatives, decay and marine borers is
found in NVIC 1-63, "Notes on Inspection and Repair of Wooden Hulls."
A. Deterioration
1. GRP will not corrode or decay, but is susceptible to progressive deterioration due to aging, built-in
construction defects, or damage in service. Over time fiberglass surfaces will craze and check, which
does not seriously degrade strength if repaired early. Fiberglass laminates can begin to break down and
produce voids if water finds its way in. This can happen as a result of chips and surface cracks in the
exterior gel coat.
2. Care is taken during GEP construction to control the laminating process, the temperature and
humidity, and in the final inspection procedures; for this reason, most GRP boats are basically
maintenance-free. Still, defects found during the service of a GRP vessel include the following:
a. Voids or air bubbles created during construction by air entrapped in the resin, excessive heat produced
during curing, or by failure to work out the air trapped under a ply of reinforcement during lamination;
b. Delaminations in areas where the bond between adjacent plies in the laminate has failed, or was never
achieves; and
c. Surface flaws such as crazing (small cracks), pitting, alligator skin, blistering and peeling, caused by
poor fabrication practice. These do not seriously affect the strength of the hull, but should be repaired to
prevent further deterioration.
3. GRP decks and working areas can survive extended wearing under normal conditions but are
susceptible to damage from impact loads. Many decks are made of GRP laid up over marine plywood.
This provides a strong deck, but can cause problems if the GRP coating becomes damaged and water
gets between the plywood layers, separating them and causing rapid deterioration.
B. Inspection
1. Inspection is required annually to detect and repair defects which were not found during construction
or which have occurred due to abuse in service. GRP vessels should also be hauled out about every two
years for a complete hull inspection. Detrimental structural cracks in GRP will usually occur in areas of
stress concentrations. Special attention should be given to areas which contain wood or other materials
encased in laminates.
2. Determination of the quality of the laminate can be made by observing transmitted light and sounding
the laminate. This inspection should be done prior to applying any gel coats. Under a strong light shining
through the hull, a good laminate will appear uniformly translucent with only minor variations. When
tapped with a coin or other hard object, a good laminate produces a clear, hard sound. A dull or muffled
sound indicates the presence of substantial quantities of air bubbles, that delimitation has occurred, or
that the resin has not properly cured. When tapping, attention should be given to the laminate in
restricted areas such as sharp bends where it was difficult to work out entrapped air in constructing the
3. Construction details are very critical on GRP vessels and must be routinely inspected. The shell-todeck connection is critical since failure of this joint may lead to failure of the structure as a whole even
though the shell and deck laminates and framing are sound. Local damage due to impact should always
be repaired as 800n as possible to prevent progressive failure.
4. Deterioration of sandwich construction is very difficult to determine until it is well advanced.
Structural failures in sandwich panels are best detected by checking for flatness or fairness. Shear failure
of the core usually takes place at the edge of a panel along the line of support and will appear as a small
jog in the surface. Failure of the bond between the facings and core may be detected by tapping for
differences in sound. In very severe cases the facing may actually be wrinkled. If the facings are very
thin, a change in the color of the facing may be noticeable in the area where the bond has been broken.
5. Local failure due to impact, often caused by dropping a heavy object on the deck, will appear as a
permanent dimple in the surface usually accompanied by a change in color of the facing such as that
which results from facing-core delimitation. Most common core materials lack resilience under local
impact loads and retain a permanent deformation.
C. Repairs
1. Damage is usually restricted to the immediate area of impact although inspection after damage should
include the entire hull.
2. Minor Repairs
a. Repairs to surface damage consist of little more than filling voids and scratches with gel coat from a
commercially available repair kit.
b. Minor damage to the laminate, where only one or two layers of reinforcing fiber are broken, will
require an some additional steps. The damaged laminate should be carefully ground or sanded out, the
edges tapered, and the gap layed up with a laminate similar to original, with cloth on the outside layer if
the repair is external. Then the pure resin gel coat can be placed to match the surface and provide the
3. Major Repairs
a. Repairs to holes or significantly cracked areas require a series of steps which are summarized here.
More complete guidance should be obtained from an experienced repair facility or one of the many
manuals and guides available from fiber and resin manufacturers. One of these is the Gibbs and Cox
Fiberglass Marine Survey Manual, reference H.10.
b. Major repair steps are:
(1) Prepare a male or female mold or template to lay the repair up against.
(2) Cut out the damaged area, using edges beveled wider towards the side the repair is to be worked in a
slope of at least 8 to 1 and preferably 16 to 1, rough the surrounding surfaces and clean thoroughly to
provide a good working surface for the secondary bond.
(3) Coat the mold with mold release and attach.
(4) Build the repair, following the original lay up sequence or, if that is not known or available, use
alternating layers of chopped strand mat and woven roving soaked in resin.
(5) Work air bubbles out of each layer as it is applied.
c. Some additional notes to consider are:
(1) Use an epoxy resin for a better secondary bond.
(2) Apply a good gel coat outside a cloth layer to help prevent water penetration.
(3) Saturate any wooden reinforcing members with resin for a quality bond.
(4) Consult the builder for repairs to unidirectional fiber reinforced hull or framing members.
(5) Repairs to thin laminates may require reinforcing laminations over the repaired area to hold it in
A. Abbreviations
1. ABS American Bureau of Shipping 45 Eisenhover Drive, Paramus, NJ 07652
2. AWS American Welding Society 2501 N.W. 7th St., Miami, FL 33125
3. ABYC American Boating and Yachting P.O. Box 806, Amityvilie, NY11701
4. CFR Code of Federal Regulations Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402
5. IMCO Inter-governmental Maritime Consultive organization (now IMO)
6. IMO International Maritime Organization 4 Albert Embankment, London SEl 75R, England
7. LR Lloyds Register of Shipping 17 Battery Place, New York, NY 10004
8. NVIC Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular Commandant (G-MP-2)
United States Coast Guard
2100 Second St. S.W., Washington, DC 20593
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
9. SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Publications Coordinator One World
Trade Center, Suite 1369, New York, NY 1004822
10. USCG United States Coast Guard 2100 Second St. S.W., Washington, DC 20593
B. USCG Regulations
1. Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations for Vessels (33 CFR Part 155)
2. Load Lines (46 CFR Parts 42-46)
3. Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels (46 CFR Parts 90-106)
4. Small Passenger Vessels (46 CFR Parts 175-187)
C. Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICB)
1. NVIC 1-63 Notes on Inspection and Repair of Wooden Hulls
2. NVIC 7-68 Notes on Inspection and Repair of Steel Hulls
3. NVIC 3-80 Acceptance of Gel Coats and Composite Laminate Coatings Which Meet 46 CFR 177.lO5(a-l)
4. NVIC 11-80 Structural Plan Review Guidelines for Aluminum Small Passenger Vessels
5. NVIC 15-81 Guidelines for Conducting Stability Tests
6. NVIC 12-82 Recommendations On Control of Excessive Noise
D. American Bureau of Shipping Standards
1. Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 61 Meters (200 feet) in Length
2. Rules for Building and Classing Reinforced Plastic Vessels
3. Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels
4. Approved Welding Electrodes for Wire-Flux and Wire-Gas Combinations with Appendix on Rules for
5. Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels
6. Rules for Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds
E. American Welding Society Guides
1. Guide for Steel Hull Welding
2. Guide for Aluminum Hull Welding (ANSI/AWS D3.7-83)
F. Lloyds Register of Shipping Rules
1. Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Yachts and Small Craft
2. Provisional Rules for the Application of GRP to Fishing Craft
3. Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships
4. Rules for the Hull Construction of Steel Ships Under 90 Meters (295 feet) in Length
G. International Maritime Organization Codes
1. International Conference on Safety of Fishing Vessels 1977, Final Act of the Conference, with
attachments, including the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels,
2. FAO/ILOIIMCO Voluntary Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing
Vessels, 1980
H. Other References
1. American Boating and Yachting Council: Safety Standards for Small Craft (revised annually)
2. Bureau Veritas: Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Steel Vessels, Volume F, Fishing
Vessels, 1250 Broadway, New York, NY 10001
3. Bureau Veritas: Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Wooden Fishing
Vessels with Amendments (1970)
4. Canada: Regulations Respecting the Construction and Inspection of Fishing Vessels Not Exceeding
Eighty Feet in Registered Length, Transport Canada, Place de Ville, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0N7
5. Det Norske Veritas, Rules for Classification of Steel Ships, Part 5, Chapter 6, Fishing Vessels, 111
Galway Place, Teaneck, NJ 07666
6. Det Norske Veritas, Rules for the Building and Classification of Wooden Vessels, 1970
7. Det Norske Veritas, Rules for the Construction and Certification of Vessels less than 15 meters
8. Edmunds, Arthur H.: Fiberglass Boat Survey Manual, John de Graf, Inc., Clinton Corners, NY, 1979
9. Germanischer Lloyd: Rules for the Classification and Construction of Seagoing Steel Ships (1982), 11
Broadway, New York, NY 10004
10. Gibbs & Cox, Inc. and Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp.: Marine Survey Manual for Fiberglass
Reinforced Plastics, 1962
11. Her Majesty's Stationery Office: The Fishing Vessels (Safety Provisions) Rules 1975. P.O. Box 569,
London SEl 9NH, England
12. Her Majesty's Stationery Office: Survey of Fishing Vessels Instructions for the Guidance of Surveys
13. Holtyn, C. H.: Corrosion Protection Guidelines for Aluminum Hulls; Marine Technology, Vol. 22,
No. 2, SNAME, April 1985, pp. 155-163
14. Pike, Dag: Fishing Boats and Their Equipment, 1979. Available from Fishing News Books, LTD,
London, England, 1979. ISBN # 0 85238 0909
15. Roberts, John A.: Fiberglass Boats - Construction, Repair, and Maintenance, W.W. Norton & Co.,
New York, 1984
16. U. S. Coast Guard: Commandant's International Technical Series; Code of Safety for Fishermen and
Fishing Vessels - Part B Safety and Health Requirements for the Construction and Equipment of Fishing
Vessels. Report NO. USCG CITS-13-l-l. Available from NTIS, Springfield, VA, 22151
The following lists identify specific items or areas of the vessel which should be inspected, tested, or
maintained on a regular schedule. Maintenance, repairs, or replacement should be made as necessary.
A. Daily:
1. Test electronics;
2. Test navigation lights, horn, windshield wipers;
3. Test alarms;
4. Check fluid levels such as fuel oil, engine coolant, lube oil, power steering fluid, battery electrolyte,
marine gear lube oil;
5. Inspect engines externally including alternator belts and controls;
6. Check engines while running for proper operation and no leaks;
7. Check drip rate at propeller shaft packing gland;
8. Check operation of watertight closing devices;
9. Make sure bilges are dry and test bilge pumps;
10. Check operation of winches;
11. Secure equipment and watertight closures; and
12. Exercise steering system from full left to full right rudder.
B. Weekly:
1. Perform a visual and operational check of electronics systems including VHF-FM transceiver system,
internal communications systems, depth sounder, radar, antennas;
2. Check operation of auxiliary generators;
3. Inspect galley and fish processing equipment;
4. Inspect starting system batteries;
5. Clean sea water strainers;
6. Inspect fuel oil filters;
7. Inspect fuel system for leaks;
8. Check and test batteries;
9. Verify proper operation of propulsion, auxiliary and steering Systems while underway;
10. Check hydraulic system for evidence of leaks;
ll. Drain and refill potable water supply;
12. Inspect condition of steering gear, especially bearings in rudder and stern tube;
13. Check operation of chain stoppers, brakes, clutches, controls of hoisting systems; and
14. Grease winches and lead blocks.
C. Monthly:
1. Test shipboard lights;
2. Inspect emergency equipment such as flares, potable water, food, life preservers, anchor and rode,
communications equipment, life rafts, and fire extinguishers;
3. Lubricate windshield wipers;
4. Check alternator belt tension and pulley alignment;
5. Change engine and gearbox oil and filters;
6. Check for corrosion of machinery, equipment and compartments;
7. Check main engine expansion tank, salt water pump, and raw water tank;
8. Inspect galvanic anode system upon docking;
9. Inspect compartments for leaks;
10. Inspect lines, wire ropes and chains; and
11. Lubricate all moving and sliding parts on the vessel - especially the hoisting and steering systems.
D. Quarterly:
1. Inspect electrical distribution system;
2. Replace primary fuel filters;
3. Adjust alternator belt tension and connections and components;
4. Clean air filter units;
5. Visually check engines for leaks and change fuel oil filter and crankcase breather fitting;
6. Change water filter on diesel engines;
7. Check and lubricate steering system;
8. Check condition of non-skid coatings; and
9. Check winch hydraulics.
E. Semi-annual:
4. Adequate lighting
5. Condition of hooks on drawers and doors
J. Firefighting Equipment
1. Minimum approved extinguishers aboard
2. Extinguishers hung in easy-to-reach positions
3. Extinguishers full by weight (C02) or by pressure (dry chemical)
K. Alarms and Alarm Systems
1. Alarm signals within hearing range
2. All alarms working especially those for engine oil temperature, engine
water temperature, water in the bilge, fire and smoke, water in the voids, high pressure
L. Fishing Equipment and Gear
1. Location of winch controls
2. Condition of towlines and links
3. Condition of back deck lighting
4. Condition of net reels
5. Condition of hydraulics
6. Knives handy
7. Condition of main and lifting booms
8. Condition of bulwarks and rails in the working area
9. Condition of blocks and launchers
10. Safety chain on lifting blocks for boom
11. Condition of hydraulic systems for any fishing equipment
M. Other
1. First-aid kit in good shape and easy to reach
2. Crew familiar with all safety procedures including emergency evacuation,
survival techniques
3. Paint and solvents stowed in closed, well vented, approved safety containers
4. Crew familiar with safety equipment and location
These recommendations are intended to serve as a guide for the installation, operation and maintenance
of marine engineering systems and equipment on fishing vessels. They suggest good general practice to
ensure the suitability and durability of equipment, and the safety of the vessel and its crew. Additional
guidance can be found in the Modern Marine Engineer's Manual, Vol. 1, by A. Osborne and published
by the Cornell Maritime Press, Inc.; the rules published by the various classification societies such as the
American Bureau of Shipping; the Coast Guard Marine Engineering Regulations (46 CFR 50-64); and
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 302, "Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft."
Various design and operating standards for marine systems and equipment are referenced in the Coast
Guard Marine Engineering Regulations. These include the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code as well as numerous American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM), American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Manufacturers' Standardization
Society (MSS) Standard Practices for Pipe, Tubing and Pipe Fittings. These should be consulted when
additional, detailed information is required.
A. General
1. Machinery, boilers, and pressure vessels should be of a design and construction adequate for the
service for which they are intended and be installed and protected so as to minimize any danger to
persons on board. Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Hot Water Heaters that are built to ASME or
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards are commercially available and are recommended.
2. All controls for operating the machinery, equipment measuring devices (e.g. pressure gages), pumping
systems and arrangements, valves, cocks, air pipes, inlets, sounding pipes, switches, etc. should be
permanently marked to clearly show their purpose. All handwheels should be marked to show the
direction of closure, which generally should be clockwise.
3. Machinery spaces should be designed to provide safe and free access to all parts of the machinery
which may require servicing at sea.
4. Steam fittings, steam pipes, exhaust pipes, and other hot surfaces within reach of personnel should be
properly insulated or otherwise protected to prevent accidents or burns. Hot surfaces which could cause
ignition should be protected from all possible contact with combustible liquid.
5. Railings on gratings in the machinery spaces should consist of a handrail and guard rail where
practicable; toe boards should be attached to the edge of all gratings when appropriate.
6. Engines, electric motors, gearing, chain and belt-drivers, friction clutches and shafting which can
cause injury to personnel should be provided with adequate guards or otherwise protected.
7. Floor plates should be properly fitted and secured in place and should have a non-slip surface where
8. Machinery space ladders should be steel, well maintained and fitted with non-slip treads. Adequate
handrails should be provided.
9. On vessels not equipped with pilothouse controls, an efficient communication system should be
provided between the principal steering station and the engineroom. Due account of the noise level in
the engine room should be taken in selecting and locating the means of communication.
10. Machinery spaces which will be periodically unattended at sea should be provided with proper
alarm, detection and machinery control systems.
11. Valves and cocks not forming part of a piping system should not be permitted in watertight
12. An adequate number of Spare parts, including Spare Fuses, Engine Belts, Filter Elements, Pump
Impellers, etc. Should be available on board the Vessel.
13. Non-Metallic Flexible Hose used in Fuel, Lubricating or Hydraulic Oil Service should be wire
Reinforced and have a Fire Resistant, Self-Extinguishing Outer Jacket.
14. PVC and other Non-metallic Pipe should not be used in Fuel Oil and Fire Fighting Systems.
B. Boilers, Hot Water Heaters and Pressure Vessels
1. Means should be provided to prevent overpressure in all boilers and other pressure vessels. Every
boiler should be provided with not less than two safety valves except that only one safety valve may be
fitted if, when considering the steam output or any other features of the boiler, the valve has adequate
capacity to protect against overpressurizing the boiler. Each hot water heater and each unfired pressure
vessel should be provided with at least one relief valve of adequate capacity to prevent overpressure.
2. Prior to installation, and at periodic intervals which should not exceed 3 years, every boiler or other
pressure vessel and its mountings should be internally and externally inspected and subjected to a
hydrostatic test at a pressure of 1 1/4 times its normal working pressure to ensure it is adequate in
strength and design for the intended service, having regard to:
a. The design and the material of construction;
b. Its intended purpose; and
c. The working conditions under which it is intended to be used.
C. Boiler and Hot Water Heater Feed Systems
1. Every boiler, which could become dangerous by the failure of its feed water supply, should be
provided with not less than two efficient and separate feed water systems so arranged that either of the
systems may be opened for inspection or overhaul independently of the other. Means should be provided
which will prevent overpressure in any part of the systems.
2. Valves, fittings and pipes in feed water systems should be designed and constructed to a pressure
which exceeds the normal working pressure of the boiler. Valves, fittings or pipes should, prior to
installation, be subjected to a hydrostatic test of at least 1.5 times their rated pressure.
3. Water level indicators, pressure gauges and other measuring devices should be so installed and
illuminated as to be readily visible.
4. Where it is possible for oil to enter the feed water system of a boiler or a hot water heater,
arrangements should be provided for extraction of the oil in the feed water.
5. Boiler feed systems should be maintained in an efficient condition and the feed pipes should be
adequately supported.
6. Provision should be made to ensure that an adequate reserve of feed water is available.
D. Steam and Exhaust Pipe Systems
1. Steam piping systems should be designed and constructed to withstand the maximum working
pressures to which they may be subjected, with an adequate factor of safety, having regard to:
a. The material of which they are constructed; and
b. The working conditions under which they will be used.
2. Each steam pipe or fitting should, prior to being put into service for the first time, be subjected to a
hydrostatic test of 1.5 times its rated pressure. Each steam pipe or fitting should be maintained in an
efficient condition.
3. Where fitted, main and auxiliary steam stop valves should be operable by one person, readily
accessible and arranged to seat against boiler pressure.
4. Where more than one power boiler is fitted, the auxiliary steam piping should be 80 arranged that
steam can be supplied from any power boiler.
5. Steam pipes should not be led through dry cargo spaces. In vessels built of materials other than steel,
steam piping should be insulated so that structural materials adjacent thereto are neither ignited nor
rendered ineffective by heat.
6. Where positive shut-off valves are fitted in steam exhaust lines of machinery, and the exhaust lines are
not designed for the maximum inlet pressure, relief valves of sufficient capacity should be fitted
between the machinery exhaust and the shut-off valves.
7. Where a steam range may receive steam from any source at a higher pressure than it can withstand
with an adequate factor of safety, an efficient reducing valve, relief valve and pressure gauge should be
8. Steam pipes should be adequately supported to avoid damage due to variation in temperature,
vibration or the like.
9. Flanges in steam pipe systems should not be situated above or in the vicinity of switchboards or other
electrical equipment. Where this is not practicable, provision should be made to prevent leakage onto the
E. Diesel Engine Exhaust Systems
1. The exhaust pipes should be water-jacketed or effectively insulated. Exhaust pipes of several engines
should not be connected together, but should be run separately to the atmosphere unless arranged to
prevent the return of gases to an idle engine.
2. Exhaust lines which are led overboard near the waterline should be protected against the possibility of
water finding its way inboard. Boiler uptakes and engine-exhaust lines should not be connected.
F. Compressed Air Systems
1. Where machinery is required to be started, operated or controlled solely by compressed air, the vessel
should be provided with an efficient air system, including an adequate number of air compressors and air
receivers, arranged to ensure that an adequate supply of compressed air is available under all foreseeable
service conditions.
2. Compressed air systems and their component parts, other than pneumatic control systems, which are
subjected to air pressure, should be designed and constructed to a pressure equivalent to the maximum
working pressure of the system. Prior to being put into service for the first time, compressed air pipes
and fittings should be subjected to a hydrostatic test at least 1.5 times the system's maximum working
3. Adequate pressure relief devices should be provided to prevent overpressure in any part of a
compressed air system including water jackets of casings of air compressors and coolers which might be
subjected to overpressure due to leakage into them from air pressure parts. Relief Valves should be
periodically tested and kept in proper operating condition.
4. Discharge pipes from starting air compressors should lead directly to the starting air receivers.
Starting air pipes from the air receivers to main or auxiliary engines should be separate from the
compressor discharge pipe system.
5. Where a compressed air pipeline may receive air from any source at a higher pressure than its design
pressure, an efficient reducing valve, relief valve and pressure gauges should be fitted.
6. Provision should be made to drain condensation from air systems and to minimize the possibility of
oil entry into any compressed air system.
7. Compressed air systems should be maintained in an efficient working condition.
11. Where steam is generated for main propulsion or essential auxiliary machinery by burning fuel oil
under pressure, not less than two fuel oil units should be provided, each comprising a pressure pump,
filters and a heater. The pump, filters and heater shall be of efficient design and substantial construction.
Piping systems conveying oil that does not need to be heated for service should not have fuel oil heaters
installed and should not be interconnected in such a manner that the oil can be heated in other fuel oil
systems. Provision shall be made to prevent overpressure in any part of the fuel oil units.
12. Removable oil burners for boilers should be so constructed as to be removable only after the burner's
fuel oil valve has been closed. To ensure the correct sequence for turning on and off fuel oil burners of
boilers, fuel oil valves and air dampers should be so arranged that fuel oil inlet valves can be opened
only after air inlet dampers have been opened, and that in turning off oil burners, air inlet dampers can
be closed only after fuel oil inlet valves have been secured.
J Fuel Oil Installations (cooking ranges and heating appliances)
1. Where cooking ranges are supplied with fuel from an oil tank, the tank should be located outside the
space containing the cooking range and the supply of oil to the burners should be capable of being
controlled from outside that space. Means should be provided to shut off the fuel supply automatically at
the cooking range or heating appliance in the event of fire or if the combustion air supply fails. Such
means should require manual resetting in order to restore the fuel supply.
2. The oil tank supplying the cooking range should be provided with a vent line leading to weather, and
in such a position that there will be no danger of fire or explosion resulting from the venting of oil vapor
from the vent outlet. The outlet should be fitted with a flame screen of non-corrosive material.
3. Means should be provided for filling every such tank and for preventing overpressure. Every space in
which a fuel oil tank or any part of a fuel oil installation is situated should be adequately ventilated.
Reference should be made to "Recommended Fire Safety Measures for Uninspected Commercial
Fishing Vessels," Section I, Part F for further guidance on portable heaters and cooking appliances.
K. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installations (cooking ranges and heating appliances)
1. All gas-consuming appliances used for cooking and heating should be of a type tested and found
satisfactory by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Continuous-burning pilot flames should not be
used on gas appliances when installed below deck.
2. Spaces where appliances consuming liquefied petroleum gas are used should be adequately ventilated.
Mechanical ventilation systems fitted to any space in which gas cylinders or appliances are located
should be of non-sparking design. The ventilation systems serving spaces containing gas cylinders or
gas-consuming appliances should be separate from any other ventilation system. LPG cylinder
compartments should be vented from the bottom and CNG cylinder compartments should be vented at
the top.
3. An odorant should be added to the gas to enable gas leakage to be detected by smell, even when its
concentration is lower than its lower flammable limit (LFL).
4. Printed instructions for proper installation, operation and maintenance of each gas-consuming
appliance should be furnished by the manufacturer and should be available for use on the vessel.
L. Storage of Flammable Liquids, Toxic Liquids, Toxic Gases and Compressed Gases
1. When stored in compartments located on the weather deck, such compartments should have boundary
bulkheads constructed from non-combustible materials. Where boundary bulkheads of such
compartments are adjacent to other enclosed spaces, they should be gas tight, adequately insulated, and
provided with ventilation arrangements which are separate from other ventilation systems. Ventilation
should be arranged at high and low levels and the inlets and outlets of ventilators should be positioned in
safe areas.
2. Where cylinders containing flammable or other dangerous compressed gases have to be carried below
deck, separate stowage facilities should be provided for cylinders containing different types of
compressed gas.
3. Additional information is contained in chapters 3 and 4.
M Bilge and Ballast Systems
1. Arrangements should be provided for draining any watertight compartment (other than small
buoyancy compartments) under all service conditions. As an alternative, for the compartment forward of
the collision bulkhead, a portable bilge pump or other equipment may be fitted, provided it is capable of
effectively draining water from this compartment.
2. Bilge and ballast pumping Systems should be so arranged as to prevent water from the sea or water
ballast spaces from passing into holds or machinery spaces, or from one watertight compartment to
3. Sea inlets and discharges for bilge and ballast systems should be fitted with a shutoff valve located as
near the shell plating as practicable. Additionally, discharges should be equipped with automatic nonreturn valves The shutoff valve could be locally controlled if it is located in a manned machinery space.
Valve controls should be readily accessible and should be provided with an indicator to show whether
the valve is open or closed. In unmanned machinery spaces, all sea inlets and discharges should be
remotely operable from an accessible location outside of the compartment in which they are located.
4. Individual bilge suction lines should be led to a central area or manifold. Each line should be provided
with a stop valve at the central area or manifold and in addition should be provided with a check valve at
some accessible point in the bilge line. A stop-check valve located at the central area or manifold will
meet the recommendation for both a stop valve and a check valve.
5. A bilge line piercing a collision bulkhead should be fitted with a screw-down valve at the bulkhead
with remote control from the weather deck with the appropriate indicator. If the valve is fitted on the
after side of the bulkhead and is readily accessible under all service conditions, the remote control is not
6. Not less than two power-driven bilge pumps should be provided. Each pump should be driven by a
separate prime mover, one of which may be the main propulsion engine. A ballast pump or other general
service pump of sufficient capacity may be used as an independent bilge pump. One of the powered
bilge pumps should have bilge suction capability from the compartment where the pump is located.
7. Bilge suctions should not be less than 1 inch diameter and should be fitted with suitable strainers
having an open area not less than 3 times the area of the bilge pipe.
8. It should be noted here that fishing vessels are subject to the pollution prevention regulations of 33
CFR Parts 151 and 155. In most instances these regulations will require the installation of oily-water
separating and monitoring equipment in bilge and fuel/ballast tank overboard discharge lines (see
chapter 8).
N. Refrigeration Plants
1. Cold storerooms and spaces where evaporators are fitted should be provided with:
a. Tight fitting doors operable from each side;
b. An alarm which can be operated from within evaporator rooms and cold stores and audible in a
normally occupied space. The alarm should be labeled so a person within the room knows what it is for;
c. Means for indicating the location of the exit door, in the event of lights in the room being switched off
or failing; and
d. A venting system for the extraction of leaking refrigerant gases, provided that the associated controls
should be operable from inside and outside the room;
2. Cold storerooms and spaces where evaporators are fitted should not have any permanently open vent
which would permit the passage of refrigerants to other parts of the vessel.
3. When the refrigerant gas is either toxic or more dense than air, piping should be run so that leaking
gas would not endanger personnel in their accommodation or working spaces. Refrigerating machinery
utilizing toxic refrigerants should be located in an area separated from any adjacent crew
accommodations by a gastight bulkhead. The space should be provided with a separate and selfcontained ventilation system. Escape exits from such spaces should not lead directly into crew
accommodations. Where toxic refrigerants are used, one of the exits should lead to the weather deck.
4. Portable means of detecting the concentration of any leakage of harmful gas should be provided.
5. Apparatus and pressure vessels of the refrigerating system should be provided with means for
emergency drainage of refrigerants. Refrigerants should be drained off in suitable spaces so as to ensure
the safety of the crew.
6. Each pressure vessel containing refrigerants, which may be isolated from the rest of the system,
should be protected by a relief valve set to relieve at a pressure not exceeding the maximum allowable
working pressure of the vessel. When a pressure vessel forms an integral part of a system having a relief
valve, such vessel need not have an individual relief valve. The outlet of the relief piping should be
located in the weather and directed to eliminate the possibility of discharge harmful to personnel.
7. Machinery compartments containing equipment for ammonia should be fitted with a sprinkler system
providing an effective water spray and having a remote actuator.
8. Additional information is contained in chapter 4.
O. Automatic and Remote Control of Propulsion Machinery
1. To the greatest extent practicable, automatic or remote control systems should be designed and
constructed 80 that a single failure will not prevent continued or restored operation of the vessel
propulsion system.
2. Special attention should be paid to the strength, reliability, and location of any component that is not
provided in duplicate or with a backup. This should include extra-strong construction, frequent
inspection and maintenance, and the carriage of spare parts or components aboard the vessel.
3. All switches, valves, etc. for operating automatic or remote control systems should be clearly and
permanently marked to show their purpose and operations.
4. A means to pass engine orders from the wheelhouse, to the engineroom (if applicable), should be
5. An alternate means of control should be provided in the event of failure of any automatic or remote
control system, component, or power source. Means to manually override the failed automatic or remote
control should be provided. The alternate control should be readily available, tested periodically, and
instructions for its use should be posted.
6. Remote control should not overload or damage the propulsion machinery.
7. An automatic or remote control system should be at least as effective and safe as machinery under
direct local manual control.
8. To the greatest extent practicable, failure of a remote propulsion control system should be alarmed in
the wheelhouse. This item is particularly important for pneumatic, hydraulic, and electric control
9. Unless propulsion control station throttle or pitch control settings are linked to ensure identical
settings, control station transfer should not be possible until acknowledged by the station taking control.
Emergency override from the engineroom is acceptable.
10. The wheelhouse should include:
a. Means to control and monitor speed and direction of propeller rotation, or propeller pitch if
controllable pitch propellers are used;
b. A means, independent of the propulsion control, to shutdown the propulsion machinery in an
c. Instruments for monitoring the conditions, as applicable, listed in Table 6-1;
d. A means to charge the firemain, if provided; and
e. A means to start the main bilge pump.
11. The main machinery space, if provided, should include:
a. The controls and instruments listed in Table I for the wheelhouse;
b. Means to manually start the bilge pump(s);
c. Means to start the propulsion machinery;
d. Means to start, control, and shutdown electrical generators; and
e. Means to override remote or automatic control of main or auxiliary propulsion machinery.
P. Steering
1. All vessels should have two effective means of steering: a main steering gear and an auxiliary
(emergency) steering gear. The steering gear, including the rudder and associated fittings, should be
designed and constructed to steer the vessel at maximum speed, ahead or astern, as well as during
maneuvers required by fishing operations.
2. The main steering gear should be capable of moving the rudder from hard-over (350) to hard-over in
30 seconds with the vessel at design service speed.
3. The auxiliary steering gear should be capable of moving the rudder from 150 on one side to l50 on the
other side in no more than 60 seconds with the vessel at one half its design service speed ahead, or 7
knots, whichever is greater. A tiller, a block and tackle operating tillers or quadrants, chain falls, or
winch operation of block and tackle may serve as an acceptable auxiliary steering gear, if this movement
can be obtained. Such equipment should be readily available and used periodically, and instructions for
its use should be posted. If use of this type of gear would expose the crew to extreme danger in heavy
weather, a different type of auxiliary steering gear should be considered.
4. If the main steering gear is provided in duplicate, either one of the two may be considered the
auxiliary steering gear.
5. On vessels less than 79 feet in length, an auxiliary steering gear is not necessary if:
a. The vessel has twin screw propulsion;
b. There are separate and independent controls in the wheelhouse for each screw; and
c. The vessel can be reasonably maneuvered by the use of the screws.
6. As an alternative or a supplement to these guidelines on steering systems, fishing vessel designers and
owners should consider the Coast Guard's standards for steering systems on offshore supply vessels of
comparable gross tonnage, or the standards for cargo vessel steering systems, found in 46 CFR 58.25
and 111.93.
7. The wheelhouse should be arranged to permit the person steering to have the best possible all around
8. Power driven steering systems should automatically resume operation, without reset, following
electrical blackout.
9. Control of power-driven steering systems from the wheelhouse should include, as applicable:
a. Control of equipment such as motors, pumps, and valves necessary to operate the main steering gear;
b. A pilot light to indicate operation of each power unit; and
c. Visual and audible alarms to indicate loss of electric power to the controls or power units and overload
of any electric motors.
10. To the greatest extent practical, the main and auxiliary steering gear should be designed and
constructed so that a failure or damage to one of them will not prevent effective use of the other.
Isolation valves, disconnect switches, disconnect links, or completely separate systems may be
necessary to do this.
11. A block and tackle, chain falls, restraining lines or other suitable means should be provided to center
and steady the rudder(s) in an emergency. This is to permit towing of the vessel and transfer from the
main to auxiliary steering gear.
12. Where a steering device other than a rudder is fitted, such as an outboard motor, an out drive, a Z
drive, etc., its design, construction, and operation should be in general keeping with these guidelines.
13. A means to pass steering orders should be provided between the wheelhouse and any other location
intended for control of the main or auxiliary steering gear.
14. Where the steering gear is power operated, a rudder angle indicator should be provided at the
wheelhouse steering controls. The indicator should be independent and separate from any steering
15. Strong and effective rudder stops should be provided to prevent jamming and damage to the rudder
and its fittings. These stops may be structural or internal to the steering gear. Power operated steering
gear should have a means, such as a limit switch, to stop the gear before it reaches the stops. Both the
stops and the limiting device should be independent of the control system.
16. If the main steering gear consists of cables, chains, rods, and similar non-hydraulic means, buffers or
springs should be provided to relieve the gear of shocks to the rudder.
17. Special attention should be paid to the strength, reliability, and location of any component that is
common to the main and auxiliary steering gear. This attention should include extra-strong construction,
frequent inspection and maintenance, and the carriage of spare parts or components aboard the vessel.
18. All switches, valves, etc. for operating the steering gear should be clearly and permanently marked to
show their purpose and operation.
19. Where auxiliary steering equipment is provided, there should be:
a. Readily available means for steering gear transfer; and
b. Readily available tools, equipment, and instructions necessary to make the transfer.
20. Circuit breakers and fuses in steering systems should provide short circuit protection only. Fuses and
circuit breakers that trip on overload (e.g. slow-blow and dual element fuses), should not be used.
A. Boilers, Hot Water Heaters and Pressure Vessels
1. As discussed previously all boilers, hot water heaters and pressure vessels should be visually
examined for signs of distortion, cracks, serious corrosion etc. at least once every 3 years. The
inspection technique described here are not all inclusive for every vessel but include those features
common to most vessels and those of greatest importance.
2. If external or internal coverings, such as insulation, refractory protective linings, and corrosionresistant linings, are in good condition and there is no reason to suspect an unsafe condition behind
them, it is not necessary to remove them for inspection of the vessel. However, it may be advisable to
remove small portions of the coverings to investigate their condition and effectiveness and the condition
of the metal underneath them. Removal of insulation should be accomplished at the lowest point on the
vessel as this is where condensation or leaking liquids will collect and cause rusting.
3. Examine the surfaces of shells and heads carefully for possible cracks, blisters, bulges, and other
evidences of deterioration. Give particular attention to the skirt and to support attachment and knuckle
regions of the heads. If evidence of distortion is found, it may be necessary to make a detailed check of
the actual contour or principal dimensions and compare those contours and dimensions with the original
design details. The insulation that is removed should include removal from the lowest point on the vessel
as this is where condensation or leaking liquids will collect and cause rusting.
4. Examine welded joints for cracks or other defects. On riveted vessels, examine rivet head, butt strap,
plate, and caulked edge conditions.
5. Examine the surfaces of all manways, nozzles, and other openings for distortion, cracks, and other
defects, giving particular attention to all welding used for attaching such parts and their reinforcements.
Normally, weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage as
well as to prevent pressure build-up in the cavity. Examine accessible flange faces for distortion and to
determine the condition of gasket-seating surfaces. Periodically test the relief valve(s).
B. Piping Systems
1. All piping systems should be examined at regular intervals under full working pressure conditions,
including thorough examinations during all drydocking periods. Where necessary a sufficient amount of
lagging should be removed to give a good indication of the entire pipe line. If extensive corrosion is
found the section of pipe affected should be removed, thoroughly examined externally and internally (as
much as possible), and given a hydrostatic test of 1.5 times the working pressure.
2. During all drydocking periods all sea valves and sea chests should be opened, inspected, and repaired
or renewed as necessary. Sea valves should be examined for evidence of leakage through the valve,
stuffing box leakage or sticking valve stems. Leakage through the valve is generally caused by the disk
and the seat not making a tight joint, and may result from scale, dirt, or waste, lodged on the seat in such
a way that the disk can not be seated.
3. If the obstructing material can not be blown through, the valve will have. to be opened and cleaned
out. Leakage through the valve can also be caused by scores in seat or disk caused by attempting to close
the valve on scale or dirt, or by erosion. If the damage is slight the valve may be made tight by grinding;
if more extensive, the valve will have to be resented and then ground. Stuffing-box leaks can be
remedied by tightening up on the gland or repacking it if necessary. The gland should not be set up or
packed so tightly that the stem sticks. Sticking valve stems can be corrected by loosening the gland and
thereby relieving the packing pressure or by adjusting the positions of the nuts if the gland is misaligned.
Paint or rust on valve stems should be removed by cleaning.
4. When not in use piping system should be kept thoroughly drained. Strainers, particularly those used in
lubricating oil, hydraulic oil or fuel oil Systems, should be cleaned regularly. Every precaution should be
taken to prevent the entry of water into lubricating oil, hydraulic oil and fuel oil Systems.
5. Whenever extensive repairs have been made to any piping system, the entire system should be
thoroughly inspected and cleaned before being put back into service.
C. RefriReration Plants
1. At least once monthly the refrigeration system should be inspected. This should include an inspection
for condenser cleanliness as well as a check of the refrigerator door gaskets (where fitted), coils and
control contacts for their general condition. All soldered piping joints should be carefully examined.
2. A regular check should also be maintained of the refrigeration system while it is operating to assure its
proper care and operation. It is good practice to check all temperatures and pressures throughout the
system and of the oil level in the compressor crankcase. This will determine in due time the possible
necessity of any corrective measures. Good judgment must always be used in the analysis of service
troubles and specific corrections should be followed wherever possible. One of the best methods for
determining when and what corrective measures are necessary for a plant which is not operating
properly is by comparing the pressures and temperatures existing at various parts of the system with
corresponding readings taken in the past when the plant is known to be operating properly and under
similar heat load and circulating water temperature conditions.
D. Marine Engines
1. Trouble shooting marine engines is best carried out by following the trouble shooting guide contained
in most manufacturer's operating manuals. Be sure that you always have a manufacturer's operating and
maintenance manual for your engine. The manufacturer's instructions should be followed very closely
unless your personal experience dictates otherwise. Every routine maintenance should include changing
lubricating oil and fuel filters and cleaning sea strainers. Keep your fuel tanks clean, and a good
corrosion preventative system in the fresh water and in the raw water systems. Battery water should be
checked regularly.
2. Major overhauls of the engine and the drivetrain, including reduction gears, clutches, and couplings
should be done in accordance with manufacturers' shop overhaul manuals. These manuals are the best
source of guidance on permissible operating hours between major overhauls.
These recommendations are intended to serve as a guide for the design selection, installation and
maintenance of electrical equipment and systems on all fishing vessels. They suggest good electrical
practice to ensure the suitability and durability of equipment, and the safety of the vessel and its crew.
Equipment and systems are continually undergoing design changes and improvements that might not be
addressed in these recommendations. It should be ensured that such items, if used, provide safety and
reliability levels comparable to those of these recommendations. Additional guidance on electrical
equipment and installations, especially as appropriate for large vessels (e.g. greater than 150 feet
(45m.)), can be found in the Coast Guard Electrical Engineering Regulations (46 CFR 110-113), the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard No. 45 "IEEE Recommended Practice for
Electric Installations on Shipboard," and in rules published by classification societies such as the
American Bureau of Shipping. Standards and Recommended Practices published by the American Boat
and Yacht Council, Inc. can provide additional guidance specifically applicable to small vessels.
2. Where transformers are a necessary part of the electrical systems for propulsion and safety loads, they
should be provided in duplicate.
3. On vessels 79 feet (24m.) in length or greater, if electrical power is normally supplied by operating
only one generating set, there should be provisions (such as load shedding) to ensure that sufficient
power is provided for propulsion and steering loads. Should the operating generator fail, another
generator should be capable of being started to assume propulsion and steering loads.
4. On vessels 79 feet in length or greater, if electrical power is simultaneously supplied by more than
one generating set, there should be provisions to ensure that if one set fails, the remaining set(s) continue
to power propulsion and steering loads.
Emergency Source of Electrical Power
1. In addition to the main source of electrical power, an emergency source should be provided to supply
services necessary for the safety of the vessel and crew.
2. For vessels less than 79 feet in length not relying upon electrical power for propulsion or steering,
only emergency lighting and battery powered navigational and communication systems need be
considered. For vessels 39 feet (12m.) or less in length, the emergency lighting may consist of
flashlights located in the wheelhouse and near the engine. For vessels greater than 39 feet and less than
79 feet in length, emergency lighting may consist of battery-operated relay-controlled lanterns with
rechargeable batteries and an automatic battery charger that maintains the batteries in a fully charged
3. Vessels 79 feet in length or greater should have an emergency source of electrical power located
outside the machinery spaces. The emergency source should be either a generator or a storage battery or
batteries capable of providing power for six hours to the following loads (where provided):
communication equipment (internal and radio), fire detecting systems, signaling systems, navigation
lights, emergency fire pump, and sufficient lights throughout the vessel to ensure illumination for vessel
and machinery control, restoration of normal electrical power, and evacuation of the vessel. If a single
source is provided, these loads should be connected to an emergency switchboard near the power source.
The emergency switchboard should normally be supplied from the main source by a tie feeder circuit
that is automatically disconnected at the emergency switchboard upon loss of the main power supply.
Where individual storage battery installations are provided in lieu of a single source, they should be
relay-controlled and should have an automatic battery charger that maintains the batteries in a fully
charged condition.
4. Where the emergency source is a generator, it should have an independent fuel supply. If the generator
is automatically started, the automatic starting system should not run-down the source of starting energy
(hydraulic or air pressure or battery capacity). The capacity for at least three starts should be held in
5. Where the emergency source is a battery, it should be capable of maintaining battery voltage within
12% of its rating for 6 hours, without recharge.
D. Switchboards
1. Switchboards should be in as dry a location as possible. Piping, windows, and deadlights should not
be over or in the vicinity of switchboards. Switchboards should have a drip shield or be otherwise
installed to prevent liquid from dripping into them. All insulating material should be moisture resistant
and fire-retardant.
2. Switchboards should have adequate working space to permit operation and maintenance.
Switchboards should not have exposed live parts.
3. Non-conducting hand rails should be provided unless the switchboard installation provides nearby
non-conducting structure that a crew member can hold while operating the controls in heavy weather.
Non-conducting deck materials, mats or gratings should be provided in front of the switchboard. If there
is a rear working area, it should also have non-conducting deck materials, mats or gratings.
4. Metal cases of switchboard equipment should be grounded.
5. All circuits and equipment should be clearly identified.
6. Switchboard wire should be of the flame-retardant type.
7. Switchboards should be adequately sized for the expected loads. Bus and bus connectors should be
able to carry at least 75% of the total full load rated current of all equipment supplied.
8. It is recommended that vessels 150 feet (45m.) in length or greater, or vessels with electrical
distribution systems having a total generating capacity of 50 KW or greater have a ground detection
device. Such a device should continuously monitor the insulation levels to ground and should give an
indication of abnormally low insulation values.
E. Overcurrent Protection
Note: Overcurrent devices are an essential part of the vessel's electrical system, and their proper use is
essential to prevent personal injury and property loss. Overcurrent devices are used to protect from three
types of failures: overloads, short circuits, and ground faults. An overload is a condition where
equipment is operated in excess of its full load rating or a conductor is operated in excess of its currentcarrying capacity (ampacity). If this condition persists for a sufficient length of time, damage to
equipment or dangerous overheating could occur. A short circuit is a condition where a relatively low
resistance path exists (accidentally in this case) between two electrical points and current flows
essentially unlimited. This condition can be extremely dangerous and must be cleared immediately. A
ground fault is an unintentional path of relatively low resistance between the "hot" or line side of a
circuit and ground. This condition can cause current to flow through equipment enclosures and through
the hull of metal vessels. Overcurrent devices are normally fuses, circuit breakers or overcurrent relays.
1. Each power source should be protected against overcurrent. Overcurrent devices for generators should
be set at a value not exceeding 115% of the generator full load rating.
2. All circuits other than steering circuits should be protected against both overload and short circuit.
Steering circuits should only have short circuit protection.
3. Conductors should be protected in accordance with their current-carrying capacities. If the allowable
current-carrying capacity does not correspond to a standard device size, the next larger overcurrent
device may be used provided it does not exceed 150% of the conductor current-carrying capacity.
4. Circuit breakers should simultaneously open all ungrounded conductors.
5. On circuits of 50 volts or greater, there should be a switch on the supply side of and adjacent to all
fuses to de-energize the fuses for inspection and maintenance.
6. Overcurrent devices and switches should not be installed in permanently grounded conductors.
7. In general, lighting circuits (including crew convenience receptacles) should be protected by an
overcurrent device rated 15 amperes or less.
8. Circuit breakers should be of the proper voltage rating, continuous current rating, and short circuit
rating. They should be of the manually reset type and capable of repeatedly opening the circuit in which
they are used without being damaged. They should indicate whether they are in the open or closed
9. Instruments, pilot lights, ground detector lights, potential transformers, and similar devices should be
supplied by circuits protected by overcurrent devices.
10. Motors should be provided with protection against overload (running or overload protection). A
protective device internal to the motor which is responsive to motor current or both motor current and
temperature may be used. Overcurrent devices should be installed to protect the Rotor conductors and
control apparatus against overcurrent due to short circuits or ground faults. These devices should be
capable of carrying the starting current of the motor. Motor circuit overcurrent protection and motor
running protection may be combined in a single device. (Additional guidance may be found in 46 CFR
183, the Electrical Installation Part of the Rules and Regulations for Small Passenger Vessels, and in the
National Electrical Code).
F. Distribution Systems
1. If a grounded distribution system is provided, there should be only one connection to ground,
regardless of the number of power sources. This ground connection should be at the switchboard and
should be accessible for checking the insulation resistance of the generator to ground. The system
grounding conductor should be adequately sized and should not be smaller than No. 8 AWG. For dc
systems, the grounding conductor should be at least the size of the conductors supplying the system and
should be connected to the negative bus.
2. A vesselts hull should not be used as a normal current-carrying conductor except for impressed
current cathodic protection systems and locally grounded systems such as a battery system for engine
starting that is a one-wire system with the ground wire connected to the engine.
3. Where an underwater copper plate is installed for electronics grounding, it should be located away
from the propeller and should be connected to the vessel ground system.
G. Battery Installations
1. Batteries and battery installations should be capable of withstanding vessel roll, pitch and vibration, as
well as exposure to a salt water atmosphere. Battery cells should not spill electrolyte if the battery is
inclined at 300.
2. Batteries should not be located where they are exposed to seas or bilge water.
3. Batteries should be located in a well ventilated area to allow flammable gas generated by charging to
be easily dissipated. Ventilation may be either natural or powered. Battery installations should be away
from switches and other arcing devices. Vessels left unattended for extended periods with battery
chargers connected should be given special attention to ensure that vapors are dissipated.
4. Battery installations should be provided with ample room for battery removal and terminal access. If
the batteries are installed where items can fall on the terminals, insulated terminal covers should be
5. Batteries should be secured against shiftiflg due to motion of the vessel, and should have a drip tray or
be in a box made of a material that is corrosion-resistant to the electrolyte.
6. Battery connections should be made with permanent type connectors. Spring clamps or other
temporary connectors should not be used.
7. Battery chargers should be of the type using an isolation transformer, and should have an ammeter in
the charging circuit.
H. Cable Installations
1. All cable and wire should have copper conductors of the appropriate size and voltage rating for the
2. Each conductor should be at least No. 18 AWG. Conductors in power and lighting circuits should be
No. 14 AWG or larger. Conductors should be sized so that voltage drop at load terminals is not more
than l0%.
3. New installations should use stranded copper conductors.
4. New installations of circuits over 50 volts should use cable constructed in accordance with a standard
for flame-retardant marine cable. Consideration should also be given to the use of marine cables that
generate less smoke, less toxic gas, and less corrosive products under a fire condition.
5. Cable runs should be protected from the weather to the extent practicable. Wire and cable should be
supported in such a manner as to avoid chafing or other damage. Cable should not be installed with
sharp bends.
6. Cables in areas subject to mechanical abuse should be protected by metal coverings, angle irons, or
other suitable means. Cables passing through fish storage areas should have a watertight jacket,
watertight bulkhead and equipment fittings, and mechanical protection. Cables installed in refrigerated
compartments should be suitable for low temperature and high humidity. Cable should not be located in
a tank unless the cable provides power to equipment in the tank. Such cable should be compatible with
the fluid in the tank. Cable on hinged panels or where subjected to frequent movement should be extraflexible.
7. Cable and wiring serving vital or emergency loads should be routed, as far as practicable, from high
risk fire areas such as galleys, laundries, and machinery spaces. As far as practical, cables serving
duplicated equipment should be separated so that a casualty that affects one cable does not affect the
8. All metallic cable armor should be electrically continuous and should be grounded.
9. Terminations and connections should be made in fire-retardant enclosures. Splices in conductors
should be made in a manner that retains the original electrical, mechanical, flame retardant, and
watertight properties of the cable. Termination, connections and splices should be made in a manner that
is vibration resistant and should be accessible.
I. Shore Power
1. If provisions are made for connecting special precautions should be taken. vessel ground to the shore
ground and reversing polarity.
shore power to the vessel, These include connecting the having a method to prevent
2. Plugs and receptacles should be rated for the proper voltage and current, corrosion-resistant and
designed for outdoor service. They should a180 be of a polarized type.
3. Shore power Systems should have a polarity warning device to indicate when the polarity is not
4. The vessel's electrical system should prevent the simultaneous use of onboard generators and shore
5. The grounding (green) wire should always be connected between the vessel ground and the shore
ground. This topic has presented some controversy in the past. Disconnecting the grounding wire can
help reduce the corrosion problem on metal-hull vessels, but can lead to a serious personnel hazard. The
use of apparatus such as galvanic isolators or isolation transformers which can provide protection
against corrosion without introducing a shock hazard should be considered.
6. On vessels with large electrical systems (typically 3-phase, 450 volts), consideration should be given
to installing current-limiting fuses in the shore power feeders to limit the fault current available on the
7. Further information on shore power may be found in ABYC "Standards and Recommended Practices
for Small CraftTM.
J Miscellaneous Equipment and Systems
1. There should be sufficient receptacles throughout accommodation spaces for crew convenience items.
Receptacles for circuits greater than 50 volts should have a grounding pole.
2. Lighting should be installed throughout the vessel. In large machinery spaces, lighting should be
provided from at least two circuits 80 that failure of one circuit will not leave the area without light.
Lighting fixtures should be installed to prevent temperature rises that could damage wiring and to
prevent nearby material from becoming excessively hot.
3. Lighting fixtures in machinery spaces, fish holds, and in other areas subject to mechanical abuse, as
well as portable lights (trouble lights), should have impact-resistant globes or guards.
4. It is the responsibility of the owner and operator to ensure compliance with the applicable navigation
rules (1972 COLEEGS or Inland Rules), including the technical requirements for the navigation lights
(color, intensity, and arc of visibility), and fixture placement. Navigation light fixtures should be used
that have been designed for compliance with the applicable rules. For new installations, it is highly
recommended that navigation light fixtures be used that have been approved by the Coast Guard for the
appropriate rules and vessel length.
5. It is recommended that vessels 150 feet (45 m.) in length or greater have dual light sources for side,
masthead, and stern lights, and a navigation light indicator panel that signals the failure of each of these
navigation lights. Each light should be connected to a separate circuit in the panel having overcurrent
protection and the panel should have a fused disconnect switch or circuit breaker.
6. Electric air heaters should have enclosed heating elements made of corrosion-resistant materials, and
a thermal cut-out of the manually reset type in addition to the thermostat. Heaters should be mounted so
that items cannot be hung on them. Portable heaters should have a bracket to hold them securely. The
external temperature of a heater case should not be greater than 1250C, and should not cause adjacent
bulkheads and decks to get hotter than 550C.
7. Cooking appliances should be suitably mounted for vessel roll and pitch. Doors should have heavy
duty hinges and locking devices to prevent accidental opening in heavy weather. Grills and similar
cooking appliances should have a means to collect grease or fat and to prevent spillage on wiring or the
deck. Ranges should have sea rails with adjustable barriers to resist accidental cook pot movement. Grab
rails should be provided where necessary for crew safety.
8. Vessels should have a high intensity light with an on-off switch capable of being used for signaling,
and powered from a rechargeable battery or other emergency power source.
An effective electrical maintenance program can increase the safety and dependability of the electrical
system and can reduce costly electrical failures to a minimum. An electrical maintenance program can
ensure that equipment is ready for service, and that personnel and the vessel are protected from electrical
hazards. Such a program includes knowledgeable personnel and regular inspection, testing, and
servicing. Equally important is the application of sound judgment in evaluating inspection and test
results, the correction of deficient conditions, and the keeping of complete, concise and accurate records.
Some of the primary factors for satisfactory operation of electrical equipment include the following:
Circuits are correctly connected;
Electrical contacts are clean, tight, and of low resistance;
Moving parts function freely and in the way they are designed to operate; and
Electrical equipment is in good condition; clean, dry, and insulation of high resistance.
A. Safety Considerations
1. Before performing any electrical maintenance, the following general electrical safety
recommendations should be reviewed:
a. Before attempting any maintenance or repair work on electrical equipment, the equipment should be
disconnected from the power source and measures taken to ensure that it is not inadvertently energized.
If there is any doubt as to whether the equipment has been de-energized, it should be checked with a
voltmeter or voltage tester. (Before each use of the voltmeter or voltage tester, it should be checked for
proper operation on a known energized source).
b. Some electrical equipment may have more than one source of power. Other equipment, such as
motors and generators, may have various accessories with separate sources of power. Check to ensure
that all separate circuits and sources of power are de-energized prior to working on electrical equipment.
c. Some electrical and electronic equipment will have energy storage devices (capacitors or condensers)
installed. These devices can produce a severe shock after the power has been disconnected. These
devices can be discharged by connecting their terminals to ground and then to one another. Care should
be taken since large capacitors can store a significant amount of energy and produce a sizable arc when
2. An exception to the rule for de-energizing the equipment may be made under unusual circumstances.
In this case, special safety precautions are necessary. Every care should be taken to insulate the person
performing the work from ground and from energized parts That person should observe the following
additional safety precautions (as applicable):
a. Don't work alone;
b. Provide ample illumination;
c. Do not wear a wrist watch, rings, chains, any metal article or loose clothing that might make
accidental contact with live parts (Clothing and should should be as dry as possible);
d. Cover all grounded metal to which a worker might be exposed with insulating material;
e. Cover metal portions of hand tools with electrical insulating material to the maximum extent
f. Insofar as practicable, provide insulating barriers between the work and any other live parts;
g. Use only one hand to accomplish the work, if possible;
h. Wear rubber insulating gloves;
i. Use eye and face protection; and
j. Have someone standing by to turn off the power if necessary.
3. The importance of safety in performing electrical maintenance and repair cannot be over emphasized.
B. The Maintenance Program
1. The essential ingredients of an electrical preventative maintenance program are:
a. Responsible and knowledgeable personnel;
b. Survey and analysis of electrical equipment to determine maintenance requirements and priorities;
c. Programmed routine inspections and tests;
d. Analysis of inspection and test,
e. Performance of necessary work; and
f. Complete, concise records.
2. To develop an electrical maintenance program, the following four basic steps should be followed:
a. Compile a listing of all equipment and systems;
b. Determine what equipment and/or systems are most critical and most important;
c. Develop a system for keeping up with what needs to be done and when; and
d. Train people for the work that needs to be done, or contract for special services.
C. General Maintenance
1. Good housekeeping is an important factor in preventing failure of electrical equipment. Dust can
block cooling passages and thus reduce capabilities of motors, transformers, circuit breakers, etc. by
raising their operating temperatures above rated limits, decreasing operating efficiencies and increasing
fire hazards. It is very important to keep electrical equipment clean and dry.
2. An important part of an electrical preventative maintenance program is electrical insulation testing.
Electrical insulation deteriorates with time as it is exposed to heat, gases, fumes, vapors, liquids and
various other agents. At some point it becomes ineffective and unsafe. Therefore, it should be tested
3. Electrical insulation resistance is normally tested with a high range resistance meter with a built in
direct current generator. This test instrument is called a megohmmeter. Electrical insulation readings are
affected by temperature and humidity. Readings at different times on the same day can give different
results due to temperature changes. A rule of thumb is that for every 100C increase in temperature you
halve the resistance and for a 100C decrease in temperature you double the resistance. For this reason the
measure of insulation resistance that you get from a megohameter should be considered relative. It is
important to keep records of insulation resistance readings and watch for a trend of lessening resistance.
This is a warning of coming problems. There is another test method that is fairly independent of
temperature and can give conclusive information without past records. This is the time-resistance
method which is often referred to as absorption tests. In this test, resistance readings are taken at 30
seconds and 60 seconds. If the readings show a gradual increase the insulation is probably in good
shape. If the readings are fairly constant, it indicates that there is a potential insulation problem. The
instruction manual that comes with the megohmmeter should give information on how to conduct tests,
however a few important points should be remembered.
a. Make sure that the item being tested is isolated from other equipment;
b. Follow safety procedures; and
c. Do not perform mgobmmeter tests on circuits that contain electronic device.. Many such device. are
voltage sensitive and such tests will destroy them.
4. Switchboards should be inspected every six months. All connections should be checked and tightened
as necessary. Switchboards should be cleaned to remove all dirt. Switchboard meters and instruments
should be checked for calibration yearly.
5. Molded case circuit breakers should be inspected at least every 6 months. The housing should be
clean and inspected for cracks. If cracks are found, the circuit breaker should be replaced immediately. A
circuit breaker should always be replaced with one of the same size and type. Circuit breakers should
also be inspected for loose connections and signs of overheating. Loose connections should be tightened.
Each molded case circuit breaker should be mechanically exercised by manually tripping it off and on
several times. This operation will keep the tripping mechanism free while the wiping action by the
contacts tends to avoid resistance build up and minimizes heating. Vital circuits should not be tested
while underway.
6. Fuses should be replaced only with the same size and type, and should never be "jumpered".
7. Transformers should be inspected quarterly. Ventilation openings, casing, and the core (if accessible)
should be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner or a blower. Connections should be inspected, cleaned, and
tightened as necessary. Special attention should be given to ensure transformer connectors are suitable
for use with copper conductors. These connections should be inspected carefully for tightness and for
signs of corrosion. While terminals are disconnected, insulation resistance readings should be taken and
recorded. Voltage, current, and temperature measurements should be taken and compared to the
transformer ratings. High temperature, high current, and high or low voltage are indications of problems
that must be corrected.
8. Electrical cables should be kept clean and should be inspected yearly for damage such as cracking,
chaffing, jacket softening or oil absorption, and signs of overheating. Megohmmeter readings should be
taken at 2 to 3 year intervals. Cables rated at less than 100 volts need not be tested. Cables subject to
frequent flexing or located in areas subject to damage should be inspected more often.
9. Portable or spare electrical equipment should not be stowed in wet or damp locations.
10. Electrical equipment should be checked to ensure that air can circulate freely around it and no
equipment has been stored against it.
11. Motors should be inspected, quarterly. Windings should be vacuumed or blown free of loose dirt
with clean, dry air at no greater than 25 psig pressure. If the bearings are not of the sealed type,
lubrication should be checked and added in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation. Care
should be taken to not over lubricate, as oil may work its way into electrical windings. Motor
connections should be checked to assure that they are tight and that there is no evidence of overheating
of connections, fraying of insulation, or other insulation damage. Megohmmeter readings should be
taken and recorded. These readings can be taken on the load side of the motor starter without
disconnecting the motor. Voltage and current measurements should be taken and compared to the
nameplate ratings.
12. Batteries should be inspected weekly to ensure that they are mounted securely, terminals are free of
corrosion, fluid levels full, and there is no sign of leakage. The electrolyte should be tested with a
13. Porcelain electrical fixtures and fittings such as lampholders and fuseholders should be checked for
signs of cracking.
14. Lamps in lighting fixtures should be checked to ensure they do not exceed the rated wattage of the
15. Switches and receptacles should be checked to ensure that connections are tight and faceplates are in
16. Portable cords should be checked for fraying, weakened end connections, and for insulation and
should be placed out of traffic areas. When portable cables are used, the load end should be connected
before the cable is connected to the power source.
17. All portable power tools should be inspected to ensure they have a 3 prong plug (if of the grounding
type) or are double-insulated.
18. Portable appliances should be unplugged when not in use.
A. General
1. All U.S. flag fishing vessels are subject to the pollution prevention regulations contained in 33 CFR
Parts 151, 155, 156 and 159. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in civil penalties being
assessed against the boat owner and/or operator.
2. The basic purpose of Parts 151 and 155 is to implement the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto
(MARPOL 73/78). MARPOL 73/78 is an international treaty, to which the United States is a party,
intended to reduce worldwide oil pollution in the ocean. For waters off the United States it applies to all
oil pollution more than 3 miles off the coast. Within 12 miles, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
(FWPCA) also applies.
3. Part 151 contains the procedures that a vessel owner must follow in order to obtain certification that it
complies with MARPOL 73/78. These procedures include the requirement for certain fishing vessels of
400 gross tons and above to undergo surveys and obtain an International Oil Pollution Prevention
(IOPP) Certificate. In addition, Part 151 contains the oily-water discharge limits applicable to all fishing
vessels, regardless of size, and the requirement that all fishing vessels of 400 gross tons and above
maintain an Oil Record Book. Oil Record Books are available from the Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, stock number 7530-Ol-GF3-0660.
4. Subparts A and B of Part 155 give the design, equipment and operational requirements that vessels
must meet with in order to comply with MRRPOL 73/78 and the FWPCA. These requirements vary
depending on vessel size and include the following:
a. Fuel oil and lubricating oil discharge containment for vessels of 100 gross tons and above;
b. Bilge slop and fuel oil tank ballast discharge restrictions applicable to all vessels;
c. Oily-water separating/filtering requirements for vessels of 400 gross tons and above; and
d. Standard discharge connection requirements for oceangoing vessels of 400 gross tons and above.
5. Subpart C of Part 155 and Part 156 contains requirements applicable to oil transfer operations to, from
and within a vessel. These requirements are generally applicable to fishing vessels with a capacity of
more than 250 barrels (10,500 gallons) of oil.
6. Part 159 contains the requirements for the installation of marine sanitation devices with the intent to
prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage into U.S. waters. This part also
contains the requirements for the design, testing and certification of marine sanitation devices by the
Coast Guard.
B. IOPP Certificate and Required Surveys
1. An IOPP Certificate is documentary evidence, issued by the Coast Guard, that a vessel complies with
MRRPOL 73/78. All fishing vessels of 400 gross tons and above which engage in voyages to ports or
places under the jurisdiction of other countries that are party to MRRPOL 73/78 are required to have an
IOPP Certificate and its corresponding Form A supplement. A fishing vessel requiring an IOPP
Certificate must undergo an initial and certain periodic surveys. Specific guidance on the requirements
and procedures for obtaining an IQPP Certificate is contained in NVIC 7-83.
2. A fishing vessel of 400 gross tons and above that is not required to have an IOPP Certificate does not
have to undergo the surveys required in Part 151. However, it is still required to meet the applicable
regulations in Part 155. The owner/operator of one of these vessels may request a survey and a
completed Form A supplement. This will provide the vessel with documentary evidence that it has been
found to comply with the regulations and, further, will expedite the issuance of an IOPP Certificate
should the need suddenly arise for the vessel to have one.
C. Bilge Monitor/Separator Requirements All fishing vessels of 400 gross tons and above are required to
have oily water separating equipment for the processing of bilge slops. This equipment comes in two
categories, 100 parts per million (ppm) or 15 ppm. Under Part 151 and MARPOL 73/78, all vessels are
restricted from discharging oily-water mixtures exceeding 100 ppm when outside of 12 miles from the
nearest land and mixtures exceeding 15 ppm when within 3 to 12 miles from the nearest land. Under the
FWPCA, an oily-water mixture which would cause a sheen cannot be discharged within 3 miles from
shore. Therefore, owners/operators should carefully consider the area of operation of their vessels when
choosing the type equipment to install. It would be of little value to install 100 ppm equipment on a
vessel which primarily operates within 12 miles of land.
D. Fuel Carried in Fish Holds
1. It is not uncommon for fishing vessels, especially tuna seiners, to load fuel in the fish holds to
increase the range and duration of fishing operations. This practice raises a number of safety and
pollution prevention issues. In many cases this is done "over the top" by discharging directly from a
hose into an open hold. For vessels having a capacity of over 250 barrels, this is a violation of 33 CFR
156.120(g) which requires the oil transfer line be attached to a fixed connection on the vessel. In many
instances the vessels do not have a fixed connection to attach the hose to. Guidance concerning this
practice can be found in COMDTINST Ml6000.7, Section 31.E.3.c, which includes alternative
procedures the Coast Guard may accept under 33 CFR 156.107. These include the following:
a. Hose which meets the requirements of 33 CFR 154.500 or portable piping which meets 46 CFR Part
b. Connections which meet the requirements of 33 CFR 156.130;
c. A closure such as a manhole cover, Butterworth plate, flange or deepwell pump stack, which forms a
vapor-tight seal over the opening of the tank top through which the cargo is transferred. This closure
should be bolted or dogged in place, and the hose drop line should be connected to it;
d. A metallic drop line which meets the requirements of 46 CFR 153.282;
e. A drip pan of at least 1/2 barrel capacity under each connection on the weather deck or ashore; and
f. A shutoff valve at or near the point of entry into the tank.
2. Suitable venting should be provided for the fish holds. The vents should have a cross sectional area
equal to the cross sectional area of the hose or pipe being used to fill the hold with fuel. Vents
terminating in enclosed areas, such as a wet deck, present a hazardous situation because of the
possibility of accumulation of vapors and the presence of non-explosion proof electrical equipment
located in the area. Arrangements to avoid the hazardous accumulation of fuel vapors should be
provided. For example, a portable hose could be run from the vent in the hatch cover to a location
outside the enclosed area.
3. For vessels of 400 gross tons and above, permanent piping from the fish holds must be provided in
order that the oily wastes which accumulate when the hold is washed may be processed through the oil-
water separator required by 33 CFR Part 155 or retained on board in a slop tank for subsequent
discharge to a waste reception facility.