Offshore Consultants
Statement of Qualifications
February 2, 2007
Representative Projects
Transportation . . . . . . .
Offshore Installation . . . .
Bridge Installation . . . . .
FPSOs, Spars and TLPs . .
Mooring and Mating . . . .
Ship Launch and Offloading
General Engineering . . . .
Software Development . . .
MOSES Installations
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Associate Consultants
Roger Burger . . . .
Claudia Claro . . .
Nelson S. Galgoul .
Huang H. Tao . . . .
Ultramarine Offshore Consultants is a privately owned professional organization which offers engineering services to the technical community. It specializes in engineering design and analysis as well as the development
of special purpose computer programs to assist in such analyses.
The closely controlled structure of Ultramarine ensures the superior quality of its products and services,
each of which is tailored to meet the individual clients specific requirements. This corporate framework also
guarantees prompt, continuing maintenance and support services of each product to ensure the repeated
satisfaction of its clients.
Representative Projects
Motions connection load for tanker moored to the side of an export FPSO. Sofec 1998.
Zafiro mooring repair work. Mooring analysis for worker FPSO. Mobil 199-2000.
Corocoro field. Study of FPSO yoke moored to a jacket with an export tanker side by side and in
tandem. Conoco Phillips 2003.
Belanack, side by side tanker mooring studies. Conoco Phillips 2001.
Sable, Exxon Mobil. Fatigue analysis.
Lowering of PLEMS for Sofec. Floatover recovery.
Transportation analysis for Chevrons Banzala project off West Africa.
Transportation and transportation fatigue analysis of Chevrons Lomba and Nemba jackets, decks, and
flare jacket.
Transportation analysis of a 5500 ton deck for a trans-Atlantic tow, including API code checks.
Transportation and transportation fatigue analysis for the Zafco jacket and deck.
Evaluation of static stresses and fatigue ratios for tiedowns and jacket members for the Harvest tow.
Nemba jacket, topsides and Lamba flare. Chevron 1997
KWIP water flood injection platform. ChevronTexaco
North Nemba topsides, Chevron 2001
Sanha jacket and topsides. Chevron 2002
Offshore Installation
Installation analyses for various PEMEX projects installed in the Bay of Campeche.
Installation analysis of Mobils Flare Buoy in Equatorial Guinea.
Installation engineering on Shell Offshores Spirit jacket in a water depth of 722 feet. Installed in
Viosca Knoll 780 during July, 1998, this 9700 short ton structure was analyzed for structural loadout,
transportation and launch (simulation and structural), and upend. Also performed was a launch
analysis in an environment, including wind, wave and current.
Installation engineering of Shell Offshores Salsa jacket in a water depth of 693 feet. This 10,200 short
ton structure was installed in Garden Banks 171 during December 1997. Analyses included loadout,
transportation, launch and upend, complete with structural analysis and associated API code checks
for everything except upend. Also included was an onsite forensic study to determine which flood
valves failed during launch.
Installation engineering for Shell Offshores Enchilada Platform. This involved a transportation analysis
and several unusual considerations. In particular, the docking of the base section over predrilled wells,
and the top section with the base section were analyzed. Also, a two crane uprighting procedure was
Transportation, transportation fatigue, and upending analysis for the British Gas Tunisia project.
Installation engineering of two jackets, a flare tripod and several deck sections for Chevrons Kokongo
Development project located offshore Cabinda, Africa in water depths ranging from 343 to 387 feet.
With fabrication in Brazil, the transportation analyses for the jackets included structural code checks
and spectral fatigue. These structures were successfully installed by Saipem.
Performed inplace, inplace fatigue, loadout, launch, and transportation of a 496 ft. water depth jacket
for the South China Sea, Lufeng 13-1.
Performed launch and transportation analysis of a compliant tower.
Analysis of the static and dynamic stability of the Texaco Harvest jacket on KSC-700.
Analysis of the jacket and barge hydrodynamics and structural stresses during the salvage tow of the
Eugene Island 361 platform.
The development of jacket upending, flooding, and lifting sequences for several jackets.
The planning and evaluation of the loadout, tow, and launch sequences of the Shell Eureka jacket.
Analysis to identify and suppress vortex shedding sensitive elements in the Texaco Harvest jacket for
a trans-Pacific tow.
Bridge Installation
Performed loadout, transport, mooring and mating studies for mating 5000 metric ton bridge sections
of the Kwang Ahn Bridge in Pusan, South Korea.
Performed side launch, towing, upending and setdown studies for 7 separate bridge support structures
in 12 to 90 meters of water in Chiapas, Mexico.
Mooring and Hydrodynamic Motions Analysis for multiple pontoon sections of the Hood Canal Floating
Bridge for the State of Washington, including structural dynamic effects.
ICA. Chiapas bridge project in Chiapas, Mexico. Innovative installation design of 8 jackets using
offshore technology. Launch, transportation, upending and positioning. Execution of installation
Motions analysis for TotalFinaElf , Girasol FPSO, global stress analysis (1998, 2000) including module
installation and stability Fatigue
Transportation and dynamic upending analysis of a truss spar.
Tow motion study of Chevrons Genesis spar.
Stability analysis of MARS and Ram-Powell tension leg platforms.
Assess the structural integrity and fatigue life for the flares on three FPSOs.
BP Holstein. Wet transportation, truss loadout and floatoff operations, truss and hard tank mating.
Spar upending and mooring. Fatigue analysis during wet tow. Modeling and fatigue analysis of hull
strakes during wet tow
Saipem SA. Erha FPSO. Hull Hydro-Structural model prepared with Builder3D, an Ultramarine software product
Tanker berthing studies for the Cabo Negro tanker terminal in the Straits of Magellan, Chile, for
Proceanic Ingenieria Ltd.
Analysis of lowering a float-over deck using water jacks.
Performed an analysis of mating the jacket to a template for Chevrons Lomba and Nemba jackets.
Study the relative motion of two tankers moored side by side with a turret moor.
Two body tanker motions analysis involving sizing the hawser between a production tanker and a
shuttle tanker for a floating production and off-loading system.
Analysis of motions at an offshore terminal to facilitate the design of the mooring equipment.
Analysis to determine the dynamic impact loads when positioning a platform onto template stabbing
Screening and down time analyses for several deep and shallow water mooring systems.
Analysis of the motions of a D.P. drillship during thruster failure.
Analysis of the dynamic responses of a jacket and a derrick barge during upending.
Analysis of the dynamic response of a moored, continuous span floating bridge excited by a random
Analysis of the applicability of synthetic fiber ropes for mooring systems.
Bohai Bay 2000, Worley.
Benguela Belice, Piece mating for compliant tower. ChevronTexaco 2004
Sakhalin, deck mating. Shell.
Float-off analysis of a floating casino vessel from a launch barge for Service Marine Industries.
Analyze the float-off of a 39 meter average diameter by 15 meter long caisson from a submersible barge,
for China Offshore Oil Marine Engineering Co. This analysis used gap elements to connect the two
bodies, and included a complete ballasting procedure and stability check for each stage of the float-off.
Analysis of launching a jackup drill rig from a set of ways at the shipyard.
Analysis of offloading a truss spar structure from a barge.
Analysis of launching a 600 ft. spar structure from a fabrication bulkhead.
Dynamic Launch analysis of a Roll-on/Roll-off passenger vessel launched from a shipyard for Halter
General Engineering
Software Development
Modify MOSES to allow for dynamic flooding of compartments so that dynamic upending could be
Modify MOSES to include the inertia and deformation during static, time domain, and frequency
domain analyses for the Mobil Offshore Base assembling 6 semisubmersibles with a combined length
of 4000 feet.
The development of a computer program which computes inertial, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads
on a vessel and its cargo, and then performs stress and fatigue structural analysis on the composite
structure (OTTO).
The development of a computer program to simulate the jacket launching procedure from an articulated
The development of a computer program to plan and evaluate the hydrostatics and loadout sequence
of a large structure onto a floating vessel (ISAAC).
The development of a computer program to simulate the dynamics of launching a jacket from a barge,
and the statics of upending the jacket (OSCAR Launch and Upend).
The development of an onboard computer program to control the positioning of a subsea payload being
lowered by moored barges.
The development of a finite element computer program to analyze piping systems.
MOSES Installations
Marcelo E. Canga
Georgina Maldonado Aguirre
Greg Hook
David Kummer
Yvan Leipold
R. Ray Nachlinger
Allan R. Schultz
John Windus
Summary of Qualifications
Experience in design of offshore installation operations including Loadout, Offload, Transportation, Upending, Mating, Lowering, Launching and Mooring. Stinger and pipelay analysis. Advanced analytical skills
with emphasis on Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics and Structural analysis. Nonlinear Finite Element analysis. Proven ability to lead a team, to organize, to negotiate and to communicate with peers,
committees and governing bodies.
Dec. 2004
June 93 - Dec. 97
Sept. 90 - May 92
Mar. 82 - Oct. 88
Work Experience
Ultramarine Offshore Consultants, Houston, TX, USA
Versabar Inc. ChevronTexaco
West Africa Module Installation
Installation of a 2,500 Ton module onto South Nemba fixed platform. Module
and Barge dynamic interaction analysis. Tip-hook dynamic force amplification
factor. Mooring lines, hawsers, barge supports and rigging design forces.
Engineering Consultant
Canga & Associates, Houston, TX, USA
Paragon Engineering Services. Project Costa Afuera Pemex. Installation engineering for 3 jackets and decks, Manik-A, Maloob-A and Maloob-B. Loadout,
transportation, flotation and jacket upending. The scope includes ballasting
plans, mooring design, motion analysis, stability analysis and structural analysis of cargo and barges. Lead for the execution of the loadout operations
Torch Offshore. Alba Field Development. Stationkeeping analysis on the Midnight Brave. Damage and Intact cases.
Stolt Offshore. Pipelay Angostura Project. Two body structural analysis of the
46m stinger. Pipelay analysis for 18 in and 30 in pipe.
Engineering Consultant
Ultramarine Engineers and Analysts, Houston, TX, USA
Technip. Holstein Truss-Spar. Loadout and Floatoff operations. Truss - Hard
tank mating operations. Mating tank removal operation.
Saipem SA. Erha FPSO. Hull Hydro-Structural model prepared with Builder3D,
a model generator software developed by Marcelo Canga.
Technip-Coflexip. Holstein Truss-Spar. Structural analysis of transportation
and upending operations. Fatigue analysis during wet tow. Modeling and
fatigue analysis of hull strakes during wet tow.
Shell. Bonga FPSO. Suction Pile Mooring installation analysis.
ICA. Chiapas bridge project in Chiapas, Mexico. Project manager and Chief
Engineer. Innovative installation design of 8 jackets using offshore technology.
Launch, transportation, upending and positioning. Responsible for all communications with Mexican Construction Contractor, Mexican Design Engineers
and the Department of Transportation, Mexico. In addition, Technical Lead
for all installation engineering for the project
Responsible for successful bid for the Chiapas bridge project in Chiapas, Mexico
Shell. Marine Advisory System documentation project.
OPE. Stability and bollard pull analysis for AMT carrier barge.
CSO-Aker. Mountain Horn. Quality assurance consultant for the Truss-Spar
upending operation
Ultramarine. Responsible for software development for the analysis and design
of floating marine structures
Ultramarine. Developed a three and four node shell element for incorporation
in the MOSES analysis software
Paragon Engineering Services. Flotation and upend analyses of a three leg
jacket for Benchamas BWD project.
Paragon Engineering Services. Flotation and upend analysis of a four leg jacket
for the High Island Block A368 project.
Alliance Engineering. Transportation analyses of the Dong-Fang project jackets
and decks; flotation and upend analyses of two jackets; launch analysis of a four
leg jacket. Work included stress and fatigue analysis.
Lowe Offshore. Flotation and upend analysis of a three leg jacket for the South
Marsh Island project.
Dec. 97 - Feb. 98
June 93 - Dec. 97
Research Assistant.
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.
Developed a 3D object oriented Finite Element Code (C++). The code supports
hyperelastic and viscoelastic material models; direct and iterative solvers
Studied friction laws for deformable-deformable 3D contact algorithms
Developed numerical techniques for the solution of viscoelastic materials subjected to large deformations and damage
Developed iterative techniques for nearly incompressible materials such as rubber
Research supported by the National Science Foundation.
June 95 - Feb. 98
Engineering Consultant
MSI, Austin, TX, USA.
Thiokol Corporation. Developed a finite element numerical algorithm for the
constitutive modeling of solid rocket propellants.
Medical Carbon Research Institute. Conducted the fluid mechanic analysis of
blood flow through a valve heart. Commercial software packages used: FLUENT, CFD-ACE, ProEngineer.
International Fatigue Life Research Project. Analyzed the fatigue life prediction
of rubber components.
MSI. Developed 3D friction models for FLEXPAC, a 3D finite element program.
March 93 - May 93
Engineering Consultant
Hemarsa, civil engineering construction company. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Land recovery from the river Rio de La Plata: designed and analyzed retaining
walls and piles. (Rio de la Plata)
Sept. 90 - Feb 93
Research Assistant.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Developed 2D and 3D Finite Elements codes for the modeling of thermoelastoplastic deformation of materials in industrial metal forming processes
Developed and implemented models of elastoplastic contact with arbitrary friction laws
Developed a 2D explicit dynamic code
Studied the closure of centerline porosity in flat rolling of thick steel plates
Collaborated in the modeling of the Hot Isostatic Pressing of metallic powders.
Research supported by the National Science Foundation.
Oct. 88 - Sept. 90
SIDERCA , integrated seamless steel tube manufacturer, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Studied the thermo-mechanical behavior of the material during the continuous
casting of steel
Developed a finite element flow model for viscoplastic materials (steel at elevated
Participated in several engineering projects.
1987 - 1988
Research Assistant.
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dissertation topic: Structural stability of circular arcs subjected to concentrated loads. Research supported by the University of Buenos Aires.
Teaching Experience
1995 - 1996
1995 - 1996
1989 - 1990
1985 - 1986
upek. Constitutive modeling of viscoelastic materials with damage M. Canga, E. Becker, and S
ebnem Oz
computational aspects. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 190(15-17):2207 2226, 2001.
M. Canga and E. Becker. An iterative technique for the finite element analysis of near-incompressible
materials. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 170(1-2):79101, 1999.
upek. Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model with damage for
E. Becker, M. Canga, and S
ebnem Oz
propellant. In JANNAF Working Group on Mechanical Behavior, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 1998.
Defense material, not released.
Marcelo E. Canga. An Iterative Algorithm For The Finite Element Analysis of Near-Incompressible Materials. PhD thesis, University of Texas, Austin, December 1997.
M. Canga, T. Miller, and E. Becker. A displacement based friction algorithm. In International Fatigue Life
Research Project, number IFL/23, Austin, Texas, April 1994.
M. Canga and E. Becker. An iterative technique for the solution of finite element analysis applied to nearincompressible materials. NSF #CDR-8721512, University of Texas, Offshore Technology Research Center,
Austin, Texas, July 1996.
M. Canga and E. Becker. State of the art in the modeling of cracks in elastomeric bearings. NSF #CDR8721512, University of Texas, Offshore Technology Research Center, Austin, Texas, September 1994.
J. Trasorras, M. Canga, and W. Eisen. Modeling the hot isostatic pressing of titanium parts to near-net
shape. In Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, volume 7, pages 5169, Princeton, New
Jersey, 1994. American Powder Metallurgy Institute.
E. Dvorkin and M. Canga. Incompressible viscoplastic flow analysis using a quadrilateral 2d element based
on mixed interpolation of tensorial components. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering,
9(2):157164, 1993.
nate, E. Dvorkin, M. Canga, and J. Oliver. On the calculation of the tangent matrix for geometric
nonlinear analysis using continuum based beam/shell elements. In W.B. Kratzig and E.O
nate, editors,
Computational Mechanics of Nonlinear Response of Shells, 1990.
E. Dvorkin and M. Canga. On the geometric non-linearities of structural elements. In MECOM 88, Cordoba,
Argentina, 1988. XI Latin-American and Iberian Congress on Computational Methods for Engineering.
May 2, 2005
Georgina Maldonado-Aguirre
Summary of Qualifications
Twelve years experience in engineering computer simulation and analysis of the installation, design, and
review of offshore structures. Experience also includes client support of software products.
Work Experience
2006 - Present
2002 - 2006
Two block upend analysis for Devon Energy - Campos Basin development. Two
analyses were performed, one with the jacket being rotated mostly in the air,
the second with the jacket being rotated mostly in the water. Both simulations
included a structural analysis.
Loadout analysis for a gas barge salvage. This analysis modeled the loadout of
a barge being loaded onto a drydock via Mammoet trailers. The study results
included longitudinal strength and ballast arrangements during the procedure.
Bollard pull calculations for Horizon Offshore Brazos pipelay barge and the Sea
Horizon barge.
MOSES Training Seminar. Planner and instructor for MOSES engineering software seminars. Developed a workbook as a companion to the training sessions.
Magnolia TLP ballast sequence analysis and design. This project lowered the
TLP from a transportation draft to the final operational draft. The design kept
the TLP at even keel, maintained the stress in the tendons within acceptable
limits, and coordinated the pump sequence for weight and time efficiency.
High Island A-582 - D Cyrus. Performed the engineering analysis to verify
the upending procedure. This procedure included the use of two independent
crane hooks.
Eugene Island - Block 252. Performed the upending analysis for a four pile
jacket. This procedure used only one crane hook.
Alba Field Development. Performed the transportation engineering analysis
of the jacket and the two deck modules. The analysis predicted the expected
forces on the jacket and deck members as well as a structural code check.
Motions Study for a New Build Floating Production Storage and Offloading
Vessel (FPSO). The analysis predicted the motion and accelerations at several
locations. The motions were based on the expected five environments and
included five drafts. The study results were used to determine the optimal
transportation draft.
Scarabeo Semi-Submersible. 3D panel modeling for use in a motion analysis.
Na Kika TLP. Review of messenger line transportation design.
2000 - 2001
1997 - 2000
Engineering Projects
Brutus TLP. Stability analysis.
DIANA Deep Draft Caisson Vessel. Transportation feasibility study of the deck
modules and caisson hull.
Chinook Deck Loadout. Design and execution of loadout ballast plan and
dimensional control.
Hercules Pipelay Vessel. Structural analysis of the stinger.
Spirit Deck Loadout. Design and execution of ballast plan.
Destin Deck Loadout. Design of ballast plan.
Storage Unit Salvage. Analysis of several transportation scenarios for salvage
of a Torus based storage unit.
Unocal Thailand FPSO mooring development study.
Global Marine Drilling Company Arctic I upgrade study.
1993 - 1997
Engineering Projects
Marlin proposal Side Launch analysis of a spar off a quay.
Gulf Oil Company NSano Well Platform A. Transportation analysis of jacket
and deck structures.
Ocean Clipper conversion. Motions analysis to a Drillship with dynamic position
Chevrons Main Pass 313B jacket. Upend analysis.
Chevron GENESIS spar. Stability analysis.
Elf Virgo jacket. Launch analysis.
1989 - 1993
Projects included extensive use of OSCAR II (Ocean System Computer Analysis Routines II) for barge, tanker, and semi-submersible motion analyses. Programming of in-house software included: creating a software package (VLCC
Load Predictions) to predict wind and current loads on very large crude carrier
(VLCCs). The software incorporated data from the 1977 OCIMF (Oil Company International Marine Forum) report. Also enhanced tension leg platform
program (TLP-SIZE) by adding algorithms to determine the size of a TLP
based on specified water depth and environmental conditions and assessed the
accuracy of VESDYN, a vessel dynamics software package.
Fluent in Spanish
Gregory S. Hook
Summary of Qualifications
Eighteen years of offshore construction, naval architecture and project management experience. The experience ranges from seagoing operations to the study and design of ports and shore protection projects to the
design and installation of spars and jackets.
Work Experience
2000 - Present
1997 - 2000
Naval Architect
Aker Engineering, Inc.
Performed scantling calculations and weight estimate for floating production,
storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel study.
Completed scantling calculations for a barge shaped floating production unit.
Performed stability calculations and longitudinal strength analysis for the same
Performed preservice analysis for preliminary engineering of Angola Block 15
deep-draft caisson vessel (DDCV), and worked on the two-body analysis of the
DDCV and a FPSO in close proximity.
Performed preservice analysis of a deep-draft caisson vessel, including hull transportation, upending, and ballasting during deck installation, and provided support to installation personnel with ballasting and strength calculations.
1995 - 1997
Naval Architect
Alan C. McClure Associates, Inc.
Performed stability analyses on several different vessels, including drill ships,
offshore supply vessels, and a crane barge.
Completed a mooring analysis of a spread-moored drill ship in deepwater using
quasi-static methods.
Performed a motions study for a tanker to FPSO conversion.
Coducted Incline experiments on a semi-submersible drill rig and OSVs.
Performed a Finite Element Analysis of a pipeline for offshore tanker loading.
Performed structural study of a gangway davit.
Completed workability study for a 1000 S-Ton crane barge.
Completed semi-submersible drill rig operating manual revisions.
1993 - 1994
Study Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Anchorage, AK.
Managed reconnaissance and feasibility studies for navigation and shore protection projects working with local sponsors to define needs and solutions, and
coordinated efforts of Corps and contract personnel to achieve timely, costeffective results.
Performed as Corps Quality Assurance Representative on a seawall/revetment
project on Shemya Island, Alaska, and inspected construction and coordinated
with contractor to ensure the project met specifications.
Research Assistant
Edge & Associates, Inc., College Station, Texas
Conducted research into latest methods in determining hurricane surge effects
on coastal structures.
Conducted research into use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for shoreline bathymetry study.
1991 - 1993
Graduate Assistant
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Designed and conducted experiments investigating the interaction between third
order Stokes-like waves; the project involved extensive original FORTRAN programming and modifications of FORTRAN programs to calculate third order
wave interactions, generate wave trains, and analyze waves in both the frequency and time domains.
Designed, constructed, and conducted experiment to determine cnoidal wave
forces on a model barge, modified existing FORTRAN programs to analyze
data, and published report (see Publications section).
Supervised undergraduate fluid dynamics laboratory which demonstrated the
principles of fluid dynamics, experimental procedures, and data analysis; Graded
lab reports and administered tests.
1984 - 1992
Wave Exciting Forces on a Platform Fixed in Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves, by G. S. Hook, C. H. Kim,
and E. Huang. Civil Engineering in the Oceans V: Proceedings of the International Conference, ASCE, 1992.
MOSES (Offshore hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and structural analysis), AQWA (Hydrodynamics), WAMIT
(Hydrodynamics), General Hydrostatics (GHS), PATRAN (3d Modelling), FORTRAN, MATLAB, AUTOCAD, various word processors, spreadsheets, and data analysis packages. Familiar with UNIX and Microsoft
based operating systems.
David Kummer
Summary of Qualifications
1970 - 1973
Work Experience
1999 - Present
Designed structural modifications for the Phase II upgrade and life extension
program of the FPSO Zarifo Producer.
1997 - 1998
Senior Naval Architect, Nippon Oil Exploration (M), LTD., Kuala Lumpur,
Member of the engineering and construction project management team, responsible for the naval architecture and installation aspects of the detail design of
the Helang platform. Supervision of subcontractors engineers. Evaluation of
fabrication and installations bids.
1997 - 1998
1996 - 1997
1982 - 1995
1981 - 1982
1979 - 1982
1977 - 1979
1975 - 1977
Professional Memberships
Yvan Leipold
Project Expertise
Professional Experience
TLP project for the North Sea - Preliminary study.
WYP Platform (Chevron) - Calculation of sub-structure.
COHASSET Project (Canada) - Preliminary design of platform.
MORSE Project (CEP&M) - Feasability study of a new platform concept.
POS Project (IFREMER) - Feasibility study of floating structures (steel and
Transportation study of jacket 350m loaded onto two barges in catamaran
Motion analysis during sea transportation of the following platforms: TCHENDO,
Preliminary study for the RASCAS Project (French Navy).
Hydrodynamic studies of miscellaneous concrete structures (floating and gravity
based structures).
DYNATOUR project (CEP&M).
Mers profondes Project (CLAROM).
NEMO II Project (DCAN) Phases 1 and 2.
Principle user and instructor of the MOSES software package (Multi- Operational Structural and Engineering Simulator).
1984 - 1986
Nationality: France
Thirty-one years of consulting experience in advanced analysis and design. Experience includes both the
design and analysis of offshore structures with an emphasis in Dynamics, Hydrodynamics, Ship Motions,
Mooring Analysis, and Structural Analysis. Responsible for the development of over a dozen proprietary
computer codes, which have become industry wide standards for the offshore industry.
MS in Engineering Mechanics.
University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Professional Experience
Consultant to Brown & Root to improve their computer software for jacket
Consultant to J. Ray McDermott. Analyzed loss of the Nomorado jacket in the
North Sea while under tow. Testified on findings in court.
Added mooring capabilities to OSCAR.
Consultant to Raymond Technical Facilities. Designed and implemented a system to perform dynamic analysis of floating bridges. Analyzed the design of
the Hood Canal replacement bridge.
Developed OSCAR for Chevron. OSCAR combined PLAP and MARVAN into
one overall code.
Developed MARVAN, a computer program to compute ship motions and hydrostatics.
Developed PLAP, a computer program to simulate jacket launch and upending.
On Approximate Constitutive Equations for Nonlinear Viscoelasticity, with H. H. Calvit, Acta Mechanica
7, 1969, pp. 768-778.
The Bending of a Beam Made of a Fiber Reinforced Viscoelastic Material, with J. R. Leininger, AIAA
Journal, Vol. 7, No. 10, 1969, pp. 2016-2017.
A Constitutive Equation for Fiber Reinforced Viscoelastic Materials, with H. H. Calvit, Acta Mechanica
9, 1970, pp. 49-53.
Speed of Propagation of Acceleration Waves in a Binary Non-Reacting Mixture, with J. R. Leininger, The
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 49, No. 3, Part 2, March 1971, pp. 749-752.
Some Results on a Fiber Reinforced Viscoelastic Beam, AIAA Journal, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1971,
pp. 2300-2301.
On the Stability of a Viscoelastic Bar, with Carl Faust, ZAMM 52, 1972, pp. 179-181.
A Uniqueness Theorem for Rigid Heat Conductors with Memory, with L. T. Wheeler, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, 1973.
On Wave Propagation and Uniqueness in One-Dimensional Elastic Bodies, with L. T. Wheeler, Journal
of Elasticity, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1974.
A Theorem on the Uniqueness of Solutions in Nonlinear Heat Condition, with R. P. Herrmann, Quarterly
of Applied Mathematics, October 1974.
On the Determinacy of Motions for the Displacement Problem in the Dynamics of Elastic Bodies with
Viscosity, with L. T. Wheeler, ZAMM, Vol. 24, 1973.
Wave Propagation and Uniqueness, with L. T. Wheeler, Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Meeting of
the Society of Engineering Science.
Wave Propagation and Uniqueness in One-Dimensional Simple Materials, with L. T. Wheeler, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1974.
Uniqueness Theorems for Finite Elastodynamics, with L. T. Wheeler, Journal of Elasticity, Vol. 4, No. 1,
A Uniqueness Theorem for the General Theory of Heat Conduction with Finite Wave Speeds, with R. P.
Herrmann, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 12, 1974.
On Uniqueness and Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Heat Conductor with Memory, with R. P. Herrmann,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 50, No. 3, 1975.
A Uniqueness Theorem for Nonlinear Heat Conduction in Chemically Reacting Media, with J. W. Nunziato
and P. Chen, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 53, No. 1, January, 1976, pp. 137-144.
Theorems on Wave Propagation and Uniqueness for a Class of Nonlinear Dissipative Materials, with J.
Nunziato and L. Wheeler, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 51, No. 2, August, 1975,
pp. 449-460.
Wave Propagations and Uniqueness Theorems for Elastic Materials with Internal State Variables, with J.
Nunziato, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 14, No. 2, January, 1976, pp. 31-38.
On Thermal Instability in Rigid Heat Conductors with Non-linear Heat Generation, with P. J. Chen and
J. Nunziato, to appear in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics.
On the Domain of Attraction for Steady States in Heat Conduction, with C. O. Horgan, to appear in
International Journal of Engineering Science.
On Stability in the Linear Theory of Heat Conducting, Chemically Reacting Media, with J. Nunziato,
Proceedings of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October, 1975.
Ship Motions in Shallow Water, with A. C. McClure, Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference,
May, 1976.
On the Motion of Coupled Bodies in a Seaway, with A. C. McClure, Proceedings of Inter-ocean, June 1976.
Stability of Uniform Temperature Fields in Linear Heat Conductors with Memory, with J. Nunziato, International Journal of Engineering Science, 1977.
Uniqueness and Stability in Adaptive Elasticity Theory, with S. C. Cowin, Journal of Elasticity.
Frequency Domain Analysis of Dynamic Response of Floating Bridges to Waves, with D. J. Engel, Ocean
Structural Dynamics Symposium 82 Proceedings, Oregon State University.
Professional Memberships
April 5, 2002
Allan R. Schultz
Summary of Qualifications
Has a wide variety of experience in bid solicitation, contract writing, conceptual and detail design, onshore
/offshore construction, transportation and installation of offshore fixed and non-fixed structures including
FPSOs, TLPs, compliant and conventional platforms, jack-up rigs, pipelines, subsea equipment, SBMs, etc.
as well as onshore project experience involving the component transport, site installation and construction
for crude and gas processing and refinery plants detailed as follows:
As Naval Architect, has been responsible for the design and analysis of steel structures installed, towed and
lowered in deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere. Has served as Lead Naval Architect and/or
Project Manager during the fabrication and installation of many platforms and associated facilities in water
depths up to 260m and participated in analyses of compliant structures in water depths up to 488m and TLP
structures up to 45000 deadweight tonnes. Has carried out structural and marine analyses for many types of
vessels such as bulk carriers, tankers, FPSOs, cargo barges, crane barges, etc. Has carried out and developed
techniques for collision and allision reconstruction analysis having acted as a collision reconstruction expert
for various proprietor, underwriting and legal concerns on numerous cases.
As Pipeline/Subsea Engineer, has carried out sophisticated computer modeling techniques to analyze all
phases of pipeline installation, pipe-lay installation and pipeline profile analysis. This also included pipe
to J-tube initiation analysis, abandonment and recovery procedures, pipeline route curve lay procedures
and pipeline davit lifts. Has also been actively involved in the approval of pipeline installation procedures,
guidelines and criteria. Has carried out conceptual design for bid preparation and solicitation leading into
eventual contract management duties as well as detail subsea engineering related to subsea installations (i.e.
manifolds, pipelines, tie-ins, umbilicals, etc.).
As Marine Surveyor and/or Advisor, has carried out marine warranty approval, technical inspection and
investigation work for various marine industry proprietor, underwriting and legal concerns. This work has
involved design verification and associated field inspection for marine warranty approval, damage investigations and assessments of vessel (i.e. general cargo, tanker, barge, etc.) and fixed structures (i.e. platforms,
docks, cranes, etc.), marine salvage feasibility assessments, salvage and wreck removal operations and cargo
seafastening or damage assessment of improperly seafastened cargo. Also, has served as the Project Manager for numerous marine warranty projects and acted on numerous offshore / onshore projects as a Marine
Advisor to various clients on various a marine related operations (i.e. load-outs, load-ins, towages, heavy
lifts, etc.).
Work Experience
1975 - 1980
Red Eagle, Inc. - Owners USA representative for local support and chartering
of tow and supply boats in GOM.
1984 - 1990
Hudson Engineering Corporation (a McDermott Company) - Junior to Senior Naval Architect involved in fabrication/installation structural and marine
design and/or analysis for offshore fixed and non-fixed platforms, submarine
pipelines, ship and barge shaped structures.
1990 - 2001
London Offshore Consultants, Inc. - Senior Naval Architect and Marine Surveyor doing offshore project management, design, marine warranty survey review, casualty investigation, etc.
Exxon: Installation analyses for the Heritage and Harmony jackets for the Santa Barbara Channel offshore
California in 1200 foot and 1075 foot water depth
Shell Oil Company: Installation analyses for the Bullwinkle jacket for the Gulf of Mexico in 1350 foot
water depth
McDermott Articulated Barge: Preliminary design/development work to analyze the characteristics of an
articulated barge. Supervised the required model testing to prove the concept at Offshore Technology
Corporation in Escondido, California. Supervisor for McDermott during model testing sponsored along with
Exxon Production Research, at Marin in Wageningen, Netherlands, to pre-qualify the articulated barge for
launching of Exxons 2500 CPT Base Section Jacket
Shell Offshore Inc., U.S.A.: Loadout analysis of Boxer A Platform Green Canyon Block 19 in the Gulf of
Mexico in 750 foot water depth
Sohio Petroleum Company: Analysis and field support for Snapper Platform East Breaks Block 1655 in the
Gulf of Mexico in 863 foot water depth. Also served as Lead Naval Architect during the fabrication and
installation of the Snipper Platform Ewing Bank Block 826A in the Gulf of Mexico in 481 foot water depth
Mobil Oil Exploration & Production Southeast, Inc.: Installation analyses for 10.75 inch O.D. pipeline to
Green Canyon Block 18 in the Gulf of Mexico
Dugas Exploration and Production: Gas pipeline project to determine whether VLCC anchors are likely to
drag and in cases where dragging occurs, to what depth the tanker anchors could penetrate thus causing
pipeline damage in the Persian Gulf anchorage off the coast of Dubai
Texaco U.S.A.: Analysis and field support for Kilauea jacket on Green Canyon Block 6A in 616 water depth
AEDC U.S.A. Inc.: Lead Naval Architect for Mississippi Canyon Block 486 Platform in 596 water depth in
Gulf of Mexico
Petronas Gas SDN. BHD.: Conceptual/basic engineering for 8 export pipeline and CALM buoy ITB with
subsequent bid evaluations. Also, design/ installation engineering of 8 O.D. pipeline and CALM buoy for
export of LPG offshore Miri, East Malaysia in the South China Sea
Heidrun TLP - Conoco Norway: Design and consultancy work for A.R. Reinertsen regarding the subsea tow
and securing of subsea docking pipeline modules to the subsea template
Frigg Area Development - Elf Aquitaine Norge: Company representative for call for tender compilation/issuance
and subsequent tender evaluation on Lille Frigg 10 high pressure / temperature production pipeline and
Frostpipe 16 export pipeline along with engineering support on Lille Frigg A, B & C manifold templates
and Froy field jacket/pipelines
Snorre - Saga Petroleum: Company representative assisting in approval of pipeline installation procedures,
subsea tie-in and pigging equipment designs, etc. Review/approval of documents concerning marine operations and hull fabrication and attended for load-outs, load-ins and joining of hull nodes and pontoons.
Carried out reviews of deck mating operations, barge verifications and concrete foundation template installation verification
Cantarell Re-Development and Modernization Project - PEMEX: Deputy and Onsite Project Manager for
Marine Warranty Survey tasks on EPC25, EPC22 and EPC1 as well as Marine Advisor to PEMEX and
their numerous project contractors involved in the fabrication, load-out, transportation and installation of
over 25+ platform structures
Also carried out damage and casualty investigations and/or acted as a legal expert on behalf of insurance
and legal interests involving fixed objects (SPM buoys, MBM sea berths, pipelines, docks, bridges, etc.)
non-fixed objects (bulk carriers, tankers, jackup rigs,tugs, etc.) and cargo including but not limited to the
following major claims:
DAEDALUS, MBM PLEM damage with oil spill, Tumaco, Colombia
PRESIDENTE A.U. ILLIA, SPM damage with oil spill, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
SPORADES, SPM damage & investigation, Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina
NEVADA, SPM hose damage & investigation with hose testing, Tuxpan, Mexico
GUADALUPE VICTORIA II, SPM damage & investigation, Rosarito, Mexico
OCEAN SUMMIT, pipeline damage by jackup rig, Gulf of Mexico
OCEAN KING, pipeline damage by jackup rig, Gulf of Mexico
COLUMBUS, Texaco Refinery Dock allision, Las Minas Bay, Panama
ALLISON, dock allision, Aguadulce, Panama
MAUVILLA, tug/tow allision with Bayou Canot Bridge, Mobile, AL, USA
TOTONACA, jackup allision with platform, Gulf of Campeche, Mexico
BRIJ, dock allision, Galveston, TX, USA
IVAN SUSANIN c/w ANANGEL ENDEAVOR, collision reconstruction analysis, Mississippi River SW
Pass, Gulf of Mexico
ALMAS, crane damage, New Orleans, LA, USA
PROTEUS, allision with dolphin, Punto Fijo, Venezuela
TAKO INVADER, dock allision, Houston, TX, USA
SUGAR ISLAND, dock allision, Colon, Republic of Panama
NORSUL SOBRAL, allision with dock, barges & resulting oil spill, Parimaribo, Surinam
CSL ATLAS, dock landslide with surge damage to barges/loading arm & dock, Corpus Christi, TX, USA
KALLIO, crane boom failure with dock damage, Houston, TX, USA
TALARA, surge damage to loading arms/oil spill, Galena Park, TX, USA
OMNIPORT, dock, crane & loader allision damage, Greensport, TX, USA
WADAI, allision with gantry crane, Guadelupe, Lesser Antilles
BRAGE VIBEKE, transformer oil contamination, Houston, TX, USA
JOSEPH LYKES, stevedore casualty/cargo hold ladder/expert witness, Beaumont, TX, USA
GL142, dredger mast contact damage with power lines, Freeport, TX, USA
DAKILA UNO, structural design of supports for collapsed pipe stow, Colon, Panama
DIANA, structural design of cargo supports, Houston, TX, USA
OCEAN VOYAGER, surge with dock and loading arm damage, Houston, TX, USA
CORPUS CHRISTI & GALLANT II, hatch cover testing/repair, Port Arthur/Houston, TX & New
Orleans, LA, USA
MTI 307, barge salvage, feasibility study, Davenport, IA, USA
TMI 11, cargo salvage from sunken barge, P&I site rep., Offshore Daytona Beach, FL, USA
TEXAS THUNDER, expert witness on yacht design/P.I. claim, Galveston, TX, USA
SAN MATEO, investigation of Tuna Boat Mast failure on manufacturers warranty claim, review of mast
design and sea trial testing of repaired mast, Iquique, Chile and Manta, Ecuador
IVER EXPLORER, 12 pipeline damage at MBM sea berth in San Jose, Guatemala
* This signifies those cases that went to a U.S. Federal District Court thus involving testimony and/or court
acceptance as an expert.
John Windus
Summary Of Qualifications
Twenty-eight years of offshore construction and civil engineering experience, including twenty years of experience in marine projects and eight years of work in onshore civil engineering. Marine experience includes
analysis, design, fabrication and installation of TLPs, fixed platforms, spars, FPSOs, semi-submersibles,
construction vessels and the development of non-conventional solutions for offshore oil and gas production
installations. Skills include hydrostatic and dynamic analysis, stability, kinematics, mooring, structural
analysis and design and management, both project and corporate.
B.S. Civil Technology Empire State College (SUNY) Rochester, New York
Professional Experience
1999 - 2000
Development of a purpose built lift system to install pile cap beams for a dry
dock Land Level Transfer Facility for Bath Iron Works Shipyard. The lift system
is required to operate in shallow water with a significant tide range.
1996 - 1999
Vice President and General Manager, Barnett & Casbarian, Inc. Houston,
Responsible for operation of the Houston office. Direction and management
of design engineering, naval architecture, quality assurance activities including US Mineral Management Service certified verification and warranty marine
surveying along with office administration.
Project Manager, Marine Surveyor and Consultant for Exxons DIANA Deep
Draft Caisson Vessel.
Concept design and detailed development of a unique system for removing and
replacing the spud cans on Global Marine, Inc.s Labrador Jack-Up Drilling Rig
in a remote location outside a vessel repair facility.
Project Manager, Marine Surveyor and Certified Verification Agent for Chevrons
GENESIS spar platform.
Project Manager for Global Industries Hercules Pipelay Barge Conversion. Detailed engineering for Atlantic Marine, Inc. and Alabama Shipyard, Inc. for the
vessel lengthening and Forecastle house construction. Work included preparing
shipyard drawings for steel and piping fabrication.
Project Manager, Marine Surveyor, Consultant and Certified Verification Agent
for Shells URSA TLP platform.
Project Manager, Marine Surveyor, Consultant and Certified Verification Agent
for Elfs VIRGO platform.
Marine Surveyor, Consultant and Certified Verification Agent for Amerada
Hesss Baldpate Compliant Tower platform.
Project Manager, Marine Surveyor, Consultant and Certified Verification Agent
for Shells SPIRIT platform.
Marine Surveyor, Consultant and CVA for Shells RAM/POWELL TLP platform.
Marine Surveyor, Consultant and Certified Verification Agent for Shells MARS
TLP platform.
1984 - 1996
Senior Section Leader, Naval Architecture, Hudson Engineering, Inc. (McDermott) Houston, Texas
Managed and supervised efforts of marine design teams. Responsible for marine
engineering software and design methodologies used by department. Managed
and administered a UNIX based computer network.
Project Engineer for design of a 20-well drilling and production Spar for Chevron
U.S.A., GOM, Green Canyon 205 in 2590 ft. of water depth. Responsible for
Consulting naval architect for seakeeping and seafastening analysis for transatlantic transportation of Chevrons Takula ALP Deck. Work included model
testing and an inclining experiment.
Lead engineer and naval architect for transportation analysis of Exxons 3,100
ft water depth compliant tower and articulated launch barge.
Naval architect for flotation and upending study of Marathons self-floating
Steelhead Platform, Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Analyst for parametric study of stability for transportation of Shells Bullwinkle
jacket on articulated launch barge
Naval architect for installation engineering required for production and drilling
platforms for the ARCOs Coal Oil Point Project.
1981 - 1984
1980 - 1981
1975 - 1978
1970 - 1975
MOSES, MAESTRO, FASTSHIP, Rhinoceros, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft
American Petroleum Institutes Hull Structures Resource Group, American Petroleum Institutes FPSO Task
An Economical Pile-Handling Technique Using Dynamic Upend, with R. Converse, S. Bhattacharjee, and
J. Chen, Offshore Technology Conference, 1990, paper OTC 6379. Jacket Installation Design Criteria, with
R. Gair, T. Mills and S. Bhattacharjee, The Second Offshore Symposium, The Society of Naval Architects
and Marine Engineers, 1991, pp. XVII-1 - XVII-9.
Professional Memberships
Awards Received
Florida Atlantic University, College of Engineering, 1980 Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
Associate Consultants
Roger A. Burger
Claudia A. Claro
Nelson S. Galgoul
Huang H. Tao
Roger A. Burger
Summary Of Qualifications
Twenty three years of offshore construction and naval architecture experience working on multidiscipline
engineering teams for the design and installation of TLPs, fixed platforms, spars, FPSOs, construction
vessels and Naval Ships. Expert MOSES analyst with a high degree of communication skills developed
providing user support and training to engineers and naval architects worldwide.
June 79
Professional Experience
Sep. 91 - Present
Installation analyses for Elfs NKossa Jackets, located in 170 meters of water
offshore Congo.
Installation studies for various Spar structures.
Jacket docking analyses, stability booklets for tension leg platforms and jack-up
drilling rigs, jacket transportation including barge flexibility, and transportation
fatigue analysis. All these analyses involve various aspects of offshore installations, including hydrodynamics, naval architecture, and structural analysis.
Jun. 90 - Sep 91
Feb. 83 - Jun. 90
(McDermott), Houston,
May 79 - Feb. 83
May 78 - Aug. 78
May 77 - Aug. 77
The Design Experience for a one-piece jacket, 935 feet of water, Gulf of Mexico, with R. Converse, W.
Langley, and G. Whicher, Offshore Technology Conference, 1982, OTC paper No. 4186.
Professional Memberships
Additional Courses
PETROBRAS project for installation of several gas lines and a seabed manifold in the - Roncador Field
(Campos Basin);
Loadout and design of the PETROBRAS fixed platform PGA-7;
Conversion design and certification of the PETROBRAS-X semisubmersible into a production unit - for
Conversion design of the PETROBRAS -XIX semisubmersible, into a production unit, according to BV
Sea tow analyses of the nuclear plant components of Angra II, according to DnV Rules;
Certification of the loadout and transportation of the West Kokongo jacket - for Noble Denton;
As built analysis of the PETROBRAS-VIII semisubmersible using SESAM, according to DnV Rules;
As built analysis of over 20 fixed PETROBRAS platforms (water depths varying between 20 and 100m) in
order to establish inspection plans;
Conversion design of the PETROBRAS - XX semisubmersible into a production unit, according to DnV
Detailed engineering design of the following two PETROBRAS fixed platforms: PPG-1B and PCM-9;
Detailed engineering design of the following platforms for the Mexican Campeche Basin: ZAAP-A, ZAAP-B,
Installation analyses of an 8-legged platform, 3 tripods and 3 bridges in the Akal GC field in the Campeche
Basin, Mexico;
Design of several subsea manifolds including the transportation and installation analyses in water depths
varying between 600 and 1800m (PETROBRAS, Kvaerner and CBV/FMC);
Basic design of a 6-legged platform (2 alternatives) for the South Pars field in the Persian Gulf (NIOC);
Basic design of an alternative solution of a 150m water depth, 8 legged platform for a BP Trinidad & Tobago
Basic design of an alternative solution of a 190m water depth, 8 legged platform for Libya using 4 corner
suction piles.
Personal Data
Professional Experience
since Jun. 86
Jun. 79 - Dec. 88
SUPORTE as President
Oct. 78 - Jun. 79
Jun. 72 - May 76
NORONHA as Engineer
Main Activities in the Offshore Industry - Shallow waters (WD < 200m)
Structural design (static, hydrodynamic and equipment vibration analyses), foundation design and installation analyses of the following fixed platforms:
As project manager or responsible for the entire structural design: Carapeba-2 (87m water depth), Atum3 (45m), Agulha-3 (17m), Camorim-7 (19m), PAS-11 (70m), 3rd Family Concept (150m), PGA-7 (37m),
PGA-8 (37m) all in Brazil, IMP-F1 (56m) in Angola and ZAAP-A, ZAAP-B (85m), EKUA2, KU-A, KU-C,
KU-S, KAX-TA and Akal GC in Mexico.
As subcontractor conducting only parts of the following fixed platform jobs: In Brazil: Pargo-1A (101m - consultant), Pargo-1B (101m - Installation analyses - launch and upending), PVM-1 (80m - launch and upending
analyses), PVM-2 (87m - launch and upending analyses), PVM-3 (81m - launch and upending analyses),
PCP-1 (87m - launch and upending analyses), PCM-10 and PCM-11 (transportation analysis);PDO1 (20m compressor vibration analyses); in Angola: PAM-F1 (90m - transportation and docking analyses), COBO-1
(90m - transportation analysis); in Iran: F9A (58m), Aboozar complex (38m) and Nooroz complex (32m);
in Ecuador: Basic design of 2 platforms for the Amistad field in the Gulf of Guaiaquil (40m).
Preparation of
data-bases, considering a reassessment of foundation resistance, structural reanalysis, equipment vibration
problems and strengthening of over 50 PETROBRAS platforms;
Structural and installation design of several types of offshore structures such as flare booms (over 12 varying
between 45 and 90m long, subject to wind vibrations induced turbulance and vortex shedding and inertial vibrations induced by vessel motions), manifolds (up to 500tons in 600m water depth, including all installation
analyses), modules (up to 1000tons), well head templates and other smaller offshore structures;
Development of software for offshore applications (nonlinear soil-structure interaction including group and
P- effects, spectral fatigue and dynamic analyses, pile capacity, wave equation pile driveability, etc.);
Pile monitoring and foundation bearing capacity evaluation of 12 different platforms installed in the Campos
and Santos Basins;
Design of a concrete platform to be installed in shallow waters (12m);
General foundation evaluation of the Campos Basin Platforms based on soil investigations and pile monitoring
Main Activities in the Offshore Industry - Deep waters (WD > 200m)
Conversion of semisubmersible drilling platforms into floating production systems - structural deck design
work on two eight legged semisubmersibles;
Design of mooring systems for barges and tankers in water depths up to 1650m; /par
Pipelay design including
inplace and installation analyses in water depths up to 1000m. /par
Conceptual viability studies for deep
water production installations including the field layout, the Production facilities and the implementation
Ship vibration problems caused by truster cavitation - design and implementation of structural dampers;
FPSO crane deck vibration problems - definition of cause and solution - P31 platform.
Flare evaluation analyses on floating platforms, in order to detect the causes of cracks occurred during an
ocean tow from Asia to Brazil.
Design of several RC and steel bridges (Rio-Niteri Bridge: 14km, Aparecida do Taboado Bridge 2.6km and
several others);
Central span of the a bridge over the Tocantins River, a 150m long steel arch;
Design of several heavy foundations, considering dynamic effects due to machinary (compressors, turbines,
Design of several RC towers up to 200m high considering wind vibrations due to turbulence and vortex
Overall analysis and strenghthening of a 4500m long cable car transporter with seven intermidiate steel truss
towers for an MBR iron mine;
Foundation design for the Angra 2 Nuclear Power Plant with over 200 piles;
Project manager on several road projects, including topographical surveys, definition of alignment, computation of volumes to be moved, etc.;
Pile monitoring at many construction sites using both concrete and steel piles.
Other Activities
Full Professor at the Fluminense Federal University (Lectures on offshore structures and dynamics of structures & Research);
Associate Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Lectures on nonlinear problems in RC design and structural analysis - dynamics);
Over 50 published papers on structural analysis and design of offshore structures,
RC structures and piled foundations.
Personal Data
After graduating from SJTU, Mr. Huang Hai Tao was assigned to Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Research Institute, a famous marine consultant company in China. He has participated in the design of more
than twenty ships, went through many projects from proposal design, bid document to final delivery of the
ship, and served as project engineer for several ships. He has carried out various naval architectural calculations (such as hydrostatic calculation, stability calculation, resistance & propulsion calculation, structural
strength calculation) during his stint with SJTU. He has also been involved in launch, inclination test, sea
trial, mooring tests.
In 1995, Mr. Huang Hai Tao joined Keppel FELS, where he was engaged in structural design & analysis
for offshore platforms and ships. He has performed a wide variety of structural design and analysis using
StruCAD*3D, such as grillage, truss, equipment platform and foundation. He has also carried out the FEM
analysis for the SAGA FPSO midship using SESAM for SAGA FPSO. He also has extensive experience in
carrying out lifting analysis.
He joined Pelmatic NEG Pte Ltd, in 1997 and was involved in two conversion design of FSO and FPSO. He
also carried out the FEM analysis for the mooring turret of Ruby FPSO.
He joined Brown & Root in June 1999. He was attached to a floatover specialist from Brown & Root
UK office to assist in hydrodynamic analysis for BP Vietnam Lan Tay Platform. He has gained valuable
experience from this project. He is capable of performing the design calculations for barge transportation
analysis, mooring analysis, floatover analysis and many other hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analyses. He
has also performed the structural analysis for Dong Hae jackets and topsides.
He joined Tero Marine (S) Pte Ltd in April 2001. He has been involved in structural analysis work of the
mooring systems and sea-fastening design work for heavy cargo transportation. He is very well conversant
with FEM analysis using different software and uses STRUCAD-3D and STARDYNE for the work under
taken by Tero Marine. He is also familiar with the relevant rules and codes for structural design work.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) BS, Naval Architecture Engineering BS,
Electronic Engineering
Professional Experience
April 2001
Tero Marine (S) Pte Ltd Senior Structural Engineer / Naval Architect
He is involved in the structural and naval architectural aspects of the different
project undertaken by Tero Marine. Currently he is involved in transportation
and motion response analysis / sea-fastening design for Mammoet (S) Pte Ltd
and fatigue life assessment for the hull of Ranger Oil FPSO.
Brown and Root Far East Engineers Pte Ltd Structural Engineer / Naval Architect
Dong Hae Project.
In-place and earth quake structural analysis for Dong Hae jacket.
Structural analysis for topsides.
BP Vietnam Nam Con Son Gas Project, Lan Tay Platform.
Topsides barge motion and stability analysis.
Jacket barge motion and stability analysis.
Floatover deck mating analysis and post processing of time domain results to
obtain force history.
Weight control for jacket and topside and reprogramming the input module for
Brown and Roots weight control software.
Generation of barge diffraction mesh model in AUTO Cad and conversion to
input format required by the 3D-Diffraction software.
Generation of a subroutine for getting barge motion responses in time domain
using barge RAO, wave spectrum etc. as input.
Generation of a subroutine in FORTRAN for Brown and Roots inhouse software, to predict 3 hour extreme responses using time domain results as input.
Computer Knowledge
Also, familiar with general purpose software like MS Excel and MS Word, and programming in FORTRAN.
Personal Particulars