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Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl.

4: 1 -85 (2001)
Gesellschaft fr Biologische Systematik

Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Crinocheta, traditionally

placed in the family "Philosciidae" (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea)
Andreas Leistikow1
Universitt Bielefeld, Abteilung fr Zoomorphologie und Systematik
Received 15 February 2000 . Accepted 9 August 2000.

South America is diverse in climatic and thus vegetational zonation, and even the uniformly looking tropical rain forests are a mosaic of
different habitats depending on the soils, the regional climate and also the geological history. An important part of the nutrient webs of the
rain forests is formed by the terrestrial Isopoda, or Oniscidea, the only truly terrestrial taxon within the Crustacea. They are important,
because they participate in soil formation by breaking up leaf litter when foraging on the fungi and bacteria growing on them.
After a century of research on this interesting taxon, a revision of the terrestrial isopod taxa from South America and some of the Antillean
Islands, which are traditionally placed in the family Philosciidae, was performed in the last years to establish monophyletic genera. Within
this study, the phylogenetic relationships of these genera are elucidated in the light of phylogenetic systematics. Several new taxa are
recognized, which are partially neotropical, partially also found on other continents, particularly the old Gondwanian fragments. The
monophyla are checked for their distributional patterns which are compared with those patterns from other taxa from South America and
some correspondence was found. The distributional patterns are analysed with respect to the evolution of the Oniscidea and also with
respect to the geological history of their habitats.
Species that were probably introduced are marked with an asterisk (*), nomina dubia are marked with an accent (^).
Key words: Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea, Crinocheta, phylogenetical systematics, phylogeny, biogeography, Neotropis, South America


Introduction ..................................................
History ..........................................................
Material and Methods ...................................
Taxonomic Section .......................................
Phylogenetically Informative Characters .....
Generic Account ...........................................
The South American Genera ........................
Nomina dubia ...............................................
Genera used as Outgroups ............................
Key to the Genera of "Philosciidae"
of the New World ........................................
Phylogeny of South American
"Philosciidae" ..............................................
Evolution of Lung Structures .......................
Phylogenetic Reconstruction ........................





Biogeographical Section ...............................

Geological and Geographical Background ...
General Aspects ............................................
Tropical Central America and Caribbean .....
Neotropical South America ..........................
Andean Amazonas Subregion ......................
Caribbean Amazonas Subregion ..................
Temperate South America ............................
Littoral and Introduced Taxa ........................
Faunal Exchange between North and
South America .............................................
Summary ......................................................
Acknowledgements ......................................
References ....................................................


Welsingheide 160, 48163 Mnster, Germany, e-mail: [email protected]

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

1 Introduction
The taxon Oniscidea plays an important role in the
decomposition of organic material within the terrestrial
biota. They can occur in high densities, comprising the
bulk of terrestrial detritivores with numbers of up to
500 individuals per square meter (Davis 1984). In
South America, they are found in tropical ecosystems
where they are both terrestrially and arboreally distributed (Picardo 1913, Paoletti 1989, Nadkarni and
Longini 1990). Their contribution to the consumption
of decaying plant material may be up to 12% (Grnwald 1988), thus they play an important role in soil
formation. Although they are ubiquitous, little is
known about their life history and the phylogeny of
this interesting suborder of the Isopoda. The Oniscidea
is the only truly terrestrial taxon of the Crustacea.
The oniscidean fauna of Europe is well documented; and an identification key for the approximately
1230 nominal species is available (Schmlzer 1965),
although new species and even genera are still being
discovered (e.g. Schmalfuss 1998a). A survey of African Oniscidea listed 575 species (Ferrara and Taiti
1979). For the Americas, a number of 254 species of
terrestrial Isopoda was given by van Name (1936) and
several more were listed in subsequent publications
(van Name 1940 and 1942). A recent survey led to an
increase to up to 521 described nominal species in
1997 (Leistikow and Wgele 1999). But this is only
the tip of the iceberg since every expedition to the
tropical rain forests reveals new species and even
Up to now, about 4000 species of Oniscidea are
known, half of all known isopods (Gruner 1993).
Apart from some smaller taxa, the suborder is
subdivided into the monophyletic adelphotaxa Synocheta and Crinocheta, the latter comprising the bulk
of the species. A summary of the attempts made in the
last years to establish a phylogenetic system of the
higher taxa of Oniscidea was given by Erhard (1998).
Until recently, the phylogeny within the Crinocheta
had been poorly studied, with almost every known
family forming a paraphyletic assembly rather than reflecting the natural relationships within this taxon (H.
Schmalfuss, pers. comm.). New insight into the phylogeny of this group was provided by Schmidt (1999).
Among the Crinocheta, about one hundred genera
are placed in the so-called family "Philosciidae", the
phylogeny of it has not been discussed sufficiently yet.
This basal group is, besides the Armadillidae, one of
the most important groups of Oniscidea in tropical
habitats (Schmalfuss 1984a: 12), in South America
about one fifth of the nominal species belong to this

family (Leistikow and Wgele 1999). It is confined to

moist areas whereas the Armadillidae are adapted to
drier habitats (Taiti et al. 1998). While we have a
considerable understanding of the diversity of "Philosciidae" in Africa (Taiti and Ferrara 1980, Taiti and
Ferrara 1982, Ferrara and Taiti 1985), the islands in
the Indian Ocean (Barnard 1964, Ferrara and Taiti
1983, Taiti and Ferrara 1984), South and South East
Asia (Taiti and Ferrara 1986b, Manicastri and Taiti
1987, Taiti and Manicastri 1988, Green et al. 1990,
Taiti et al. 1992) and the Australian region (Herold
1932, Verhoeff 1926, Vandel 1973a, 1973b, 1977),
there are only few contributions to the systematics of
"Philosciidae" from South America. Particularly, the
early works on neotropical "Philosciidae" (Dollfus
1893, Budde-Lund 1893, van Name 1936) did not deal
with supra-generic systematics; and even the attempts
of Lemos de Castro (1958a, 1958b, 1958c, 1976,
1985b) and Vandel (1952, 1963, 1968, 1972) did not
clarify the situation convincingly. In a relatively recent
work on Mexican Oniscidea (Mulaik 1960), most
"Philosciidae" were simply placed in the genus Philoscia, although this genus is in fact confined to the
western Palearctic (Schmalfuss 1990b).
This study aims to establish monophyletic taxa for
the South American species showing a philosciid facies. The species and genera were described in the past
in a very superficial way and many characters have
been overlooked. Until very recently, sexual dimorphism for example was thought to be restricted to the
pereopods 1 and 7, whereas recent thorough descriptions gave evidence to the fact that almost all pereopods might be affected by sexual differentiation
(Schmidt 1998; Leistikow 1999a). The detailed study
of the species of all accessible genera from South
America are the basis for new definitions of these
genera in the last years (Leistikow 1997b, 1998a-c and
1999a-c, 2000a-b, 2001a-f, in press). Additional new
species for many taxa could be identified (Leistikow,
1997a, 1999c and d). The question whether all South
American representatives of the so-called family "Philosciidae" belong to a single monophylum or whether
they represent different monophyletic groups will be
discussed. For the taxa recognised, the biogeographic
patterns will be traced on an inter- and infracontinental
scale. For the higher taxa, the biogeography is discussed with regard to the colonisation of Gondwana in
comparison to other biogeographic scenarios presented
in the literature (e.g. Vandel 1946). The general infracontinental patterns worked out will be compared with
patterns known from other invertebrate and vertebrate
taxa. Fortunately, South America is well-studied biogeographically.

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

In order to make the determination of South American philosciids possible for non-specialists, a key to
the genera is included, keys on species level were
published for Androdeloscia (Leistikow 1999c), Erophiloscia (Leistikow 2001a), Ischioscia (Leistikow in
press) and Benthana (Leistikow and Arajo, in press).
They should facilitate the recognition of the species
and aid in the discrimination of the representatives of
this taxon in ecological studies where they are mostly
referred to just as "Isopods".

2 History
In this chapter, the history of the exploration of the
diversity of South American philosciids is presented in
a review of the enhancement of our knowledge from
both a taxonomic and faunistic approach over the last
100 years. At the begining of the century, the genus
Philoscia Latreille, 1804 was a "melting pot" for species which at least have the narrow pleon in common.
Budde-Lund (1904, 1908) made some efforts to resolve this genus into more natural groups which led to
the establishment of several subgenera, later elevated
to generic rank by subsequent authors, e.g. Aphiloscia
Budde-Lund, 1908, Benthana Budde-Lund, 1908, and
Pseudophiloscia Budde-Lund, 1904. Verhoeff (1908a,
b) contributed to the systematics on supra-specific
level, he mainly focussed on European representatives
of Philoscia. From the Americas, the first "philosciid"
species were mentioned in the middle of the last
century. Dana (1853) described some species from
Chile, as did Nicolet (1849); Miers (1877) focussed on
the Crustacea of Central America and described Philougria nitida Miers, 1877 from Nicaragua, the first
species of a taxon now known as Ischioscia Verhoeff,
1928. Budde-Lund (1885, 1893) and Dollfus (1890,
1893) added further species of "Philoscia" from Venezuela and Chile. Van Name (1936) adopted the subgeneric division of Budde-Lund (1908) but hesitated in
raising them to the rank of genera. New species were
still described as belonging to Philoscia although he
recognised the differences in these taxa. It was the
merit of Verhoeff (1928, 1939, 1941, 1951) to establish the first new genera of Philosciidae for the neotropical fauna. The works of Vandel on the faunas of
Venezuela (1952), Ecuador (1968) and Colombia
(1972) enhanced our knowledge on the philosciids of
South America, although several genera are described
superficially. But in many cases it is not conforming to
the rules of the ICZN or simply lacking the phylogenetic background. An example is the establishment
of the genus Ecuadoroniscus Vandel, 1968 with the
single species E. orientalis Vandel, 1968 based on

female specimens. In many "philosciid" taxa, it is quite

impossible to determine the female specimens isopod
without the knowledge of the characters of the corresponding male. The females are therefore just determined by the fact that they were found alongside males
of this species.
Further information on the isopod fauna of South
America was contributed by Lemos de Castro in his
revision of several "philosciid" species (1958a), the
genus Benthana Budde-Lund, 1908 (1958b) and the
description of a closely related species which was
placed in the new genus Benthanoscia (1958c). Subsequently, revisions of Balloniscus sellowii (Brandt,
1833) and Atlantoscia alceui Ferrara and Taiti, 1981
were published (Lemos de Castro 1976, 1985b).
Most recently, new species of Prosekia Vandel,
1968 were described by Lemos de Castro (1984),
Lemos de Castro and Souza (1986) and Lima (1997),
whereas Arajo and Buckup (1994) described a new
species of Benthana. The last new genera added to the
neotropical fauna were Paraguascia Schultz, 1995 and
Alboscia Schultz, 1995 from Paraguay (Schultz 1995)
For those forms mentioned above, Vandel (1943)
coined the term "Oniscidae infrieurs", which coincides with the sub-family Philosciinae of Oniscidae
established one decade later by the same author
(1952). However, instead of giving a definition, he
simply mentioned the term "Philosciinae" in a key of
the subfamilies with the following characters: Antennal flagellum three-articulate, genital papilla not bifurcate at the apex, small or medium-sized neopleurae,
pleon narrower than pereon. A short definition followed in the work on French Oniscidea (Vandel 1962).
Vandel (1962) did not notice that the subfamily
Philosciidae was first established by Maccagno (1933)
in her work on the Halophilosciinae. The institution of
the subfamily Philosciidae by Maccagno (1933) was a
proposal to substitute the taxon Halophilosciinae
Kesselyk, 1930. And although this doing is not conform to the nomenclatory rules, it is the first time the
term Philosciinae was mentioned.
In his work on Ecuadorian Oniscidea, Vandel
(1968) dedicated a chapter to the Philosciinae. Here,
the evolution of Philosciinae was interpreted as a regressive evolution with the reduction of several features like the linea frontalis, and lateral lobes on the
cephalothorax, the simplification of the molar penicil
of the mandibles, the setation of the pereopods, or the
reduction of neopleurae of the pleonites 3 to 5. Vandel
ignored that several of these reductions can be found in
other families, too. Vandel (1968) separated the genera
Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928, Proischioscia Vandel, 1968
and Oreades Vandel, 1968 in a "groupe ischioscien"

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

due to the shape of the cephalothorax and compound

eyes. All the other forms were lumped in the "groupe
philoscien proprement dit" which was regarded as homogenous but he accepted that more research was
needed. In two subsequent papers of Australasian
Oniscidea (Vandel 1973a, 1973b), several new genera
and species of Philosciinae were described and some
considerations on the systematics were presented. A
new definition for the family comprised the following
characters (Vandel 1973a): cephalothorax with linea
supra-antennalis, linea frontalis only in primitive species, pleon narrower than pereon, prominent neopleurae present in primitive species, three-articulate antennal flagellum, endite of maxilliped with penicil in
primitive forms, genital papilla simple. The following
groups were established: 1. "groupe rennelloscien" with
excentric noduli laterales on coxal plates II, IV and
VII; 2. "groupe plymophiloscien" for which no particular characters were given; 3. "groupe chaetophiloscien" with an excentric position of the nodulus
lateralis of coxal plate IV (inherited from their ancestors, the Oniscidae); 4. "groupe paraphiloscien" with
elongate, narrow body, noduli laterales close to lateral
margin, reduction of teeth of the maxillula to 3+2. The
Philosciinae gained the rank of a family Philosciidae
due to their abundance and variety in tropical and
subtropical habitats (Vandel 1973b), with a definition
which was summarized as an uninterrupted regressive
evolution. A new group was established: the "groupe
eurygastorien" which was considered as beinig intermediate between the Oniscidae and the Philosciidae
(Philoscia-type of cephalothorax and buccal appendages, prominent neopleurae). From Vandels point of
view, the most primitive group was the "groupe eurygastorien" from Australia, therefore he assumed that
the family originated from this area. This hypothesis
was never challenged by subsequent authors although
the monophyly of "Philosciidae" was questioned now
and then (e.g. Wgele 1989). Schmalfuss (1990a) even
found no autapomorphies for well-established genera
like Chaetophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908. The monophyly
of "Philosciidaae" seriously has to be doubted, because
autapomorphies never were found, it is set in parenthesis in this work and the species are addressed to as
Crinocheta of philosciid facies.
About one hundred genera are united in the family
"Philosciidae", most of them are representatives of the
so-called "runner-type": long-legged with narrow pleotelson (Schmalfuss 1984b). They try to escape from
their predators (spiders etc.) by running away and
hiding in the leaf litter or the like. Thus, they have the
same protective strategy which can be found in the
Ligiidae. Moreover, it is probable that this strategy be-

longs to groundpattern of Oniscidea. Even with respect

to behavioural aspects they show mostly plesiomorphic patterns similar to the Ligiidae (summary in
Warburg 1968). In other words, the family "Philosciidae" is a paraphyletic assembly of genera with plesiomorphic habitus (Wgele 1989). This assembly has
to be revised to clarify the natural relationships;
Schmalfuss (1990b) discussed a close relationship
between Philoscia Latreille, 1804 and Oniscus Linn,
1758 due to several characters in the lung morphology.
On the other hand, the separation of the family
Balloniscidae Vandel, 1963 has to be reconsidered.
Vandel (1963) instituted the family for the genera
Balloniscus Budde-Lund, 1908 and Plataoniscus Vandel, 1963, because the species bear five pairs of pleopodal lungs. As recently demonstrated (Ferrara et al.
1994), the evolution of lung structures can also be
found in members of the "Philosciidae", namely the
genus Aphiloscia Budde-Lund, 1908. Therefore, the
presence or lack of lung structures should not exclusively be used as a criterion to establish a taxonomic
To circumscribe the generic boundaries of the taxa
of philosciid facies, Taiti and Ferrara (1980) established a set of criteria which seemed appropriate to
them for recognition of the genera. The position of the
noduli laterales, the presence of cephalic lines or the
structure of mouth parts are important characters for
taxonomical investigations and to elucidate the phylogeny. However, there are several characters not considered up to now. Moreover, the phylogenetic information was not brought in a wider context. There are
many characters which contain information on the
phylogeny; the structure of the pereopods, genital papilla and antennae were not investigated in former
studies. It is one task of this contribution to describe
further characters.
As in other families of Crinocheta, the philosciids
most probably originated from the ancient continent
Gondwana (Vandel 1946); they are widely distributed
in Australia, southern Asia and Africa. The South
American fauna of Crinocheta of philosciid facies is
especially rich, where about 129 species in 42 genera
were described until 1997 (Leistikow and Wgele
1999). 12 species and ten genera are endemic to Cuba.
There are few contributions to the Oniscidea of South
America, and reviews on distinct faunal regions are
particularly scarce. Besides the works of Vandel (1952,
1968 and 1972), a comprehensive study on Mexican
Oniscidea was presented by Mulaik (1960), but unfortunately most of the descriptions are incomplete and
the taxonomy is not up to date, and it has not been
even at the time of publication. The only recent

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

contributions to faunal regions were made by Schultz

(1995) on Oniscidea from Paraguay and by Arajo et
al. (1996) on terrestrial isopods from southern Brazil.
As will be shown in this work, the number of species
described is merely the top of the iceberg and further
research in South America, especially in the Amazon
basin and the Andes will reveal a much higher number
of species. Another problem of our understanding of
the systematics and biogeography of the Crinocheta is
the superficial description of the species; sometimes
the descriptions do not allow a recognition of the species without re-examination of the type material. Particularly at the turn of the century it was common practice to lump all the slender Crinocheta in the single
genus Philoscia Latreille, 1804. Some good attempts
were made by Budde-Lund (1908) and Verhoeff
(1908) to split off several new genera from this melting pot. But almost 30 years later new species were
still described as belonging to Philoscia (van Name
1936). Lemos de Castro contributed a couple of papers
on several genera of philosciid facies (summary in
Leistikow and Wgele 1999) of Brazil, but without a
phylogenetic and biogeographic approach.
All the studies on Oniscidea from the New World
show that the Gondwanian origin of these taxa can not
be doubted. Interestingly, such species are totally
absent from the interior of North America, apart from
the synanthropic species Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli,
1793). Its occurrence is due to human introduction (J.
Jass and B. Klausmeier, pers. comm.). Only the littoral
species of the genus Littorophiloscia Hatch, 1947 are
autochthonously distributed along the shores of North
America (Schultz 1975,1977a). It seems as if only a
few genera have reached the Central American land
bridge. Until recently, only two contributions mentioning genera of philosciid facies were published (Schultz
1984; Leistikow 1997a). The authors own research in
Central America revealed the presence of a couple of
further genera. Within this study these distributional
patterns will be considered in detail, particularly with
respect to their northern distributional limits.

3 Material and Methods

For the present study, most of the known South
American genera of the so-called "Philosciidae" have
been examined using type material of museum collections. Furthermore, the fauna of Venezuela, Peru,
Costa Rica and Guatemala were analysed in detail. The
material was collected by Prof. Dr. J.W. Wgele, C.
Schmidt (Venezuela), Dr. W. Hanagarth (Peru), and
several researchers from Costa Rica; it was supplemented by the authors own collections in Central

America. For the reconstruction of phylogeny, additional species of Oniscidea were examined for outgroup
comparison. A list of the species examined is given
below (table 1).
The material was examined mainly by means of a
Wild stereoscope, for the appendages an Olympus
light microscope was used. The animals were dissected
and the appendages were mounted in glycerine jelly.
Line drawings were prepared using a camera lucida.
As far as museum material is concerned, microscopic
slides of the type material were examined. In cases
where it was not possible to elucidate details of the
morphology, the structures were examined via scanning electron microscopy (SEM Hitachi S 450). The
material was critical point dried with a Balzers Union
Critical Point Dryer and then coated with a 30 nm coat
of gold with an Anatech Hummer VII sputter.
Lung structures, which can be found in some
species, were investigated in detail: in addition to the
SEM analysis, the pleon was mounted in unicryl resin
and cut with a Leica microtome in 0.25 mm slides
which were stained with bromine-toluidine blue and
then examined with a light microscope. Ink drawings
of some representative slides were prepared.
For the analysis of phylogenetic relationships, the
Hennigian principles of outgroup comparison, determination of character homology and polarity, and tree
construction using the maximum parsimony method
were used. For the analysis of the phylogeny of the
taxa examined, groundpatterns were reconstructed for
the taxa recognized. Characters that are commonly
found within a taxon and particularly in their basal
representatives were adopted for the groundpattern,
both autapomorphies of the taxon and plesiomorphic
characters. In terminal taxa, in this work mainly genera, attention has to be paid to apomorphic characters
which evolved within a taxon. Such characters can not
belong to the groundpattern. Subsequently, groundpatterns for higher taxonomic hierarchies are reconstructed by comparing the groundpatterns of the subordinate taxa. The groundpatterns were used for the
reconstruction of the cladogram presented in chapter
5.2 (fig. 13a-d); the sistertaxon relationships were
evidenced by means of synapomorphies, the polarity
of character states was fixed by outgroup comparison.
All taxa, which do not belong to the taxon under
consideration were used as outgroups.
New genera were established to accommodate some
species which formerly were included in Philoscia
Latreille, 1804, but do not share the autapomorphies of
this genus. For the definition of new genera, the characters of the species were compared to those present
in existing genera. After a check monophyly of the

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Table 1. List of the species examined. Species that were probably introduced are marked with an asterisk (*), nomina dubia are marked
with an accent (^).
Ligia baudiniana Milne Edwards, 1840,
Costa Rica, own collection
Deto echinata Gurin, 1836, South Africa, NMHU

Atlantoscia floridana (van Name, 1940),

Brazil, own collection
Atlantoscia rubromarginata Arajo and Leistikow, 1999,
Brazil MNRJ, own collection
Balloniscus sellowii (Brandt, 1833),
Brazil, Argentina, own collection
Benthana convexa Lemos de Castro, 1958, Brazil, MNRJ

Adeloscia dawsoni Vandel, 1977,

Kermadec Archipelago, MNHN

Benthana longicaudata (Lemos de Castro, 1958), Brazil, MNRJ

^Andenoniscus narcissi Vandel, 1968, Ecuador, MNHN

Benthana taeniata Arajo and Buckup, 1994, Brazil,

own collection

Andenoniscus schmalfussi Leistikow, 1999, Panama, SMNS

Andenoniscus silvaticus Verhoeff, 1941, Peru, ZSM
^Andenoniscus tropicalis Vandel, 1968, Ecuador, MNHN
Androdeloscia albamaculata (Lima, 1997), Brazil, MNRJ
Androdeloscia conipus Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia dalensi Leistikow, 1999, Venezuela, MHNG
Androdeloscia digitata Leistikow, 1999, Brazil, MHNG
Androdeloscia feistae Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia ferrarai Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia formosa (Mulaik, 1960), Mexico, Guatemala, MUFM
Androdeloscia hamigera (Vandel, 1952), Venezuela, MHNG
Androdeloscia lejeunei (Castro and Souza, 1986), Brazil, MNRJ
Androdeloscia longiunguis Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia malleus Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia merolobata Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia opercularis Leistikow, 1999, Venezuela, MHNG
Androdeloscia plicatipus Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia poeppigi Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia pseudosilvatica Leistikow, 1999,
Venezuela, MHNG
Androdeloscia silvatica (Castro and Souza , 1986),
Venezuela, MHNG
Androdeloscia taitii Leistikow, 1999, Peru, SMNS
Androdeloscia tarumae (Lemos de Castro, 1984), Brazil, MNRJ

*Burmoniscus kohleri Schmalfuss and Ferrara, 1978,

Guatemala, own collection
*Burmoniscus meeusei (Holthuis, 1949),
Venezuela, own collection
Caraiboscia christiani Leistikow, 2001, Venezuela, own collection
Caraiboscia microphthalma Vandel, 1968, Ecuador, MNHN
^Chaetophiloscia frontalis Lemos de Castro, 1967, Brazil, MNRJ
^Chaetophiloscia walkeri (Pearse, 1915), Colombia, AMNH
Colombophiloscia alticola Vandel, 1968, Ecuador, MNHN
Ecuadoroniscus orientalis Vandel, 1968, Ecuador, MNHN
Erophiloscia acanthifera Leistikow, 2001, Peru, SMNS
Erophilosica longistyla Vandel, 1972, Colombia, MNHN
Erophiloscia recurvata Leistikow, 2001, Peru, SMNS
Erophiloscia waegelei Leistikow, 2001, Colombia, MNHN
Formicascia inquilina (van Name, 1936), Guyana, AMNH
*Halophiloscia couchi (Kinahan, 1875), Venezuela, own collection
Ischioscia amazonica Lemos de Castro, 1955, Brazil, MNRJ
Ischioscia bolivari Vandel, 1968, Brazil, MNHN
Ischioscia cadoangelis Leistikow, 1999,
Costa Rica, MUCR, own collection
Ischioscia debilis (Budde-Lund, 1893), Venezuela, BMNH
Ischioscia elongata Leistikow, 1997,
Costa Rica, USNM, own collection
Ischioscia fasciifrons Leistikow, 2001, Venezuela, BMNH

Androdeloscia valdezi Leistikow, 2000, Guatemala, MNHU

Ischioscia guamae Leistikow, 2001, Venezuela, BMNH,

own collection

Aphiloscia vilis (Budde-Lund, 1908), Tanzania, own collection

Ischioscia hanagarthi Schmalfuss, 1980, Peru, SMNH

Araucoscia chilenica Verhoeff, 1939, Chile, ZSM

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Ischioscia hirsuta Leistikow, 2001, Venezuela, BMNH,
own collection
Ischioscia irmleri Schmalfuss, 1980, Brazil, SMNH
Ischioscia longicauda Schmalfuss, 1980, Peru, SMNH
Ischioscia marmorata Leistikow, 1999, Costa Rica, MUCR
Ischioscia martinae Leistikow, 1997, Costa Rica, USNM,
own collection
Ischioscia mineri van Name, 1936, Dominica, AMNH
Ischioscia muelleri Leistikow, 1997, Costa Rica, USNM,
own collection

^Oreades lativentris Vandel, 1968, Ecuador, MNHN

Oxalaniscus ctenoscoides (Mulaik, 1960), Mexico, MUFM
Parischioscia omissa (van Name, 1936), Brazil, AMNH
^Pentoniscus exilis van Name, 1925, Guyana, AMNH
Pentoniscus pruinosus Richardson, 1913, Costa Rica, USNM
Pentoniscus vargasae Leistikow, 1998, Costa Rica, MUCR
^Philoscia colimensis Mulaik, 1960, Mexico, MUFM
^Philoscia demerarae van Name, 1925, Guyana, AMNH
^ Philoscia geayi Paulian de Felice, 1944, uyana, MNHN

Ischioscia nitida (Miers, 1877), Peru, Guiana, BMNH

^ Philoscia gracilior Paulian de Felice, 1944, Guyana, MNHN

Ischioscia panamensis Leistikow, 1999, Panama, SMNS

^Philoscia moneaguensis van Name, 1936, Jamaica, AMNH

Ischioscia pariae Leistikow, 2001, Venezuela, BMNH,

own collection

Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli, 1793), Germany, Bielefeld,

own collection

Ischioscia plurimaculata Leistikow, 1999, Costa Rica, MUCR,

own collection

^Philoscia diminuta Budde-Lund, 1893, Venezuela, BMNH

Ischioscia quadrispinis Leistikow, 1999, Costa Rica, MUCR,

own collection

Plataoniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897), Argentina, MNHN

^Philoscia seriepunctata Budde-Lund, 1893, Venezuela, BMNH

Ischioscia stenocarpa Schmalfuss, 1980, Peru, SMNH

Portoricoscia richmondi (Richardson, 1901), Puerto Rico, USNM

Ischioscia sturmi (Vandel, 1968), Ecuador, MNHN

Prosekia rutilans (Vandel, 1952), Venezuela, MNHN

Ischioscia trifasciata Leistikow, 2001, Venezuela, BMNH,

own collection

Pseudophiloscia inflexa Budde-Lund, 1904, Chile, MNHU

Ischioscia variegata (Dollfus, 1893), Venezuela, MNHN,

own collection

Pulmoniscus insularuminfraventum Vandel, 1952,

Venezuela, MNHN
Quintanoscia contoyensis (Mulaik, 1960), Mexico, MUFM

Ischioscia zebricolor Leistikow, 1999, Panama, SMNS,

own collection

Roraimoscia roraimae (van Name, 1936), Venezuela, AMNH

*Littorophiloscia denticulata (Taiti and Ferrara, 1981),

Guatemala, own collection

Xiphoniscus mirabilis Vandel, 1968, Ecuador, MNHN

Littorophiloscia insularis (Castro and Souza, 1986),

Venezuela, own collection
Metaprosekia nodilinearis Leistikow, 2000,
Venezuela, own collection
Mirtana costaricensis Leistikow, 1997, Costa Rica, MUCR
Oniscophiloscia anomala (Dollfus, 1890), Chile, MNHN

Tropiscia flagellata Vandel, 1968, Venezuela, MNHN

Yaerikima kartaboana (van Name, 1936), Guyana, AMNH
Scleropactes talamancensis Leistikow, 1997, Costa Rica, USNM
Reductoniscus tuberculatus Leistikow, 1997,
Borneo, MNHG, MNHU

Oniscophiloscia mirifica Wahrberg, 1922, Juan Fernndez,

own collection

taxon and if there was sufficient evidence for the

separate status of a taxon with respect to those characters commonly thought to show minor interspecific
variation, a new genus was established. Characters,
which are supposed to be important of a supraspecific
level (Vandel 1973a and b, Taiti and Ferrara 1980) are
the shape of the cephalothorax and the compound eyes,
the presence and position of noduli laterales on the

coxal plates, the presence of a sulcus marginalis, the

structure of the maxilliped, the arrangement of teeth on
the lateral maxillular endite, setal patterns of the
pereopods, the shape of pleon and pleotelson, the
shape of the male pleopod 5 and the genital papilla.
The characters mentioned above leave their mark on
the generic diagnosis.

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Additionally, a cladistic analysis was performed

using the PAUP 3.1.1 software (Swofford 1993). The
PAUP analysis was performed as a heuristic search,
the bootstrap tree was found by 1000 replicates with
simple weighting and simple taxon addition. The unrooted trees were rooted by using the taxon 17 "Ligia"
as outgroup. Characters were transformed in binary
data, which were characterzied as "ordered", with character state "0" the plesiomorphic and "1" the apomorphic character state. Wgele (1994) proposed to weigh
characters carefully after an a priori analysis of complexity, variability and gain/loss decisions. It was tried
to reduce character weighing to a minimal extent
mainly because it takes a "subjectivity" to the analysis
which actually is tried to be reduced by the use of
mathematical algorithms for reconstruction of the phylogeny. In cases where a convergent acquisition of a
character was highly unprobable, the character weight
was set "5", in cases, where a reductive character
occurred, its weight was set "2", the reduction of
noduli laterales was set "1", because it is not clear
whether the reduction occurred only one time. The
characters, which are new acquisitions (e.g. the shape
of the antenna-grooming brush (character 58), are
more complex compared to the reductive characters
(e.g. loss of the ornamental sensory spine, character
56). Furthermore, Wgele (1996) called attention to a
thorough a priori analysis of characters by using
Hennigs methodology. The use of "ordered" characters in the analysis reflects the a priori examination of
the polarity of a character. The results of the PAUP
analysis will not be published, since it appears to the
author as if the cladisitc analysis may be over-estimated in comparison to the "brain-work" cladogram. A
PAUP analysis of morphological data may suffer from
some adversities compared with an analysis of molecular data. First of all, the ratio of characters to taxa is
much higher when dealing with molecular data compared with morphological characters. The analysis of a
gene coding e.g. for an rRNA may reveal more than
1000 bases, in other words characters. In contrast, the
analysis presented in this study is performed with 75
characters. The probability thus is much higher for
each character, to "get lost" in a bootstrap cycle. If it is
a phylogenetically informative character, the bootstrap
value is lowered by chance. Due to the lower number
of characters, some taxa may solely be supported by a
single autapomorphy. This character may be rather
complex, therefore weighed in the data matrix. But
simply by chance, and this is a principle of the bootstrap algorithm, it may not be taken in consideration in
a sufficient manner, even when 1000 bootstrap replicates are performed. Carpenter (1992 and 1996) doub-

ted in the reliability of a bootstrap analysis mainly for

two reasons: firstly, even most of the molecular data
sets do not fulfil the statistical limitations of the bootstrap which needs for about 1000 or even 10000 data to
be performed reliably. Secondly, statistically sufficiently supported taxa with a confidence of 0.95 need at
least three synapomorphies, a fact wich may not be
fulfilled in many morphological data sets (cf. also
Felsentein 1985).
List of acronymes used:
AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New
BMNH British Museum (Natural History), London
IPNM Instituto Politcnico Nacional de Mxico,
Ciudad de Mxico
MNHG Musum dHistoire Naturelle de Genve, Genf
MNHN Musum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris
MNHU Museum fr Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitt, Berlin
MNRJ Museo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro
MUCR Museo de la Universidad de Costa Rica, San
MUFM Museo de la Universidad Federal de Mxico
SMNS Staatliches Museum fr Naturkunde, Stuttgart
USNM National Museum of Natural History, Smithonian Institution, Washington
Vandel Collection in the Musum National
d'Histoire Naturelle, microscopic slides
ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung, Mnchen

4 Taxonomic Section
4.1 Phylogenetically Informative Characters
This chapter deals with the phylogenetically informative characters of the morphology of the oniscidean
taxa examined with particular respect to the putative
groundpattern of Oniscidea and the groundpattern of
the Crinocheta recently worked out by Schmidt (1999).
Although Racovitza (1923a, b) proposed an orientation and nomenclature for the isopod body and its
appendages, some modifications are made in this study. The appendages are all orientated towards their
plesiomorphic position with respect to the groundpattern of Mandibulata hanging down ventrally regardless their functional orientation in the animal. Hence,
the terms "medial", "lateral", "rostral" and "caudal" are
used for describing structures on the appendages: the
rostral side of both the maxillula or pleopod 1 is the
side facing towards the cephalothorax, the lateral side
towards the lateral margin.
Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Each paragraph with the description of character

states of every tagma and its appendages is followed
by the codes used for the character states in the phylogenetic analysis in chapter 5. These lists of character
states do not represent a morphological row, some characters reflect alternative evolutional stages.
The cephalothorax of the Oniscidea and hence the
Crinocheta is divided by several cuticular furrows in
distinct areas which were described in detail by Jackson (1928): a linea supra-antennalis runs between the
antennal sockets and forms their lateral margin, dividing the frons in a postfrons ventrally and a profrons
dorsally of this line. On the postfrons, between the
insertions of the antennulae, a small distinct area is
demarcated, the "lame frontale" [Ct3-1], which was
figured by Vandel (1952: 117) for Ischioscia variegata
(Dollfus, 1893). This contrasts with the observations
of Jackson (1928) who reported that the lamina
frontalis is fused with the clypeus. In the following,
the term "lamina frontalis" is used in the sense of
Vandel (1943 and 1952). A detailed examination of the
morphology and the anatomy of this region of the
cephalothorax is needed to clarify the term lamina
frontalis. The linea frontalis separates the profrons
from the vertex and the genae. Both lines are missing
in some taxa due to reduction. In contrast, the linea
marginalis between the vertex and the genae is always
present, in some taxa ending caudally of the eyes, in
others joining the linea frontalis laterally and thus
forming lateral lobes. All three lines, linea frontalis,
linea supra-antennalis and linea marginalis are present
in species of the genus Ligia Fabricius, 1798, in
several Crinocheta and Synocheta and must belong to
the groundpattern of Oniscidea [Ct1-1]. Vandel (1943)
stated that the linea frontalis did not exist primarily
although he gave a drawing of Ligia oceanica (Linn,
1756) and of Ligidium hypnorum (Cuvier, 1792) with
indication of a linea frontalis (Vandel 1943: 42, fig 16
and 44/45, fig. 17). Few taxa like Prosekia rutilans
(Vandel, 1952) show the lines mentioned above and
bear lateral lobes [Ct1-5]. In the common European
species Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli, 1793) the linea
supra-antennalis is reduced [Ct1-2], whereas in the
bulk of the South American taxa the linea frontalis is
missing [Ct1-3]. The genus Pulmoniscus gen. n. lacks
both linea frontalis and lateral lobes [Ct1-6]. In a
distinct taxon of northern South America, the
cephalothorax is modified with a straight profrons
[Ct1-4], one well-known genus of this taxon is
Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928. The shape of the vertex is
arched in most taxa of Crinocheta [Ct2-1], in Oniscophiloscia, the linea frontalis and part of the profrons
form a t-shaped medial lobe [Ct2-4]. Some taxa like

Ischioscia have the vertex flattened and the compoud

eyes laterally protruding [Ct2-2], the profrons of Mirtana Leistikow, 1997 bears two swellings medially of
the compound eyes [Ct2-3]. The clypeus is in most
taxa formed by a broad basal part and a narrower distal
part adjacent to the labrum [Ct4-1], it may be subequal
in breadth in both the basal and the distal part [Ct4-2].
Ct1-1 Cephalothorax with linea frontalis and linea
supra-antennalis, no lateral lobes (plesiomorphic)
Ct1-2 Cephalothorax with linea frontalis and lateral
lobes, linea supra-antennalis reduced
Ct1-3 Cephalothorax with linea supra-antennalis and
lateral lobes, linea frontalis reduced
Ct1-4 Cephalothorax without lateral lobes, profrons
Ct1-5 Cephalothorax with linea frontalis, linea supraantennalis and lateral lobes
Ct1-6 Similar to Ct1-3, but lateral lobes reduced
Ct2-1 Cephalothorax more or less rounded in frontal
view (plesiomorphic)
Ct2-2 Cephalothorax with flattened vertex and laterally protruding compound eyes
Ct2-3 Similar to Ct2-2, but profrons with two swellings
Ct2-4 Similar to Ct2-1, but with T-shaped medial
Ct2-5 Similar to Ct2-2, but Cephalothorax T-shaped
in frontal view
Ct3-1 Lamina frontalis distinct (plesiomorphic)
Ct3-2 Lamina frontalis not clearly demarcated
Ct4-1 Clypeus with basis two times broader than
distal part (plesiomorphic)
Ct4-2 Clypeus with basis as narrow as distal part
In Ligia baudiniana Milne Edwards, 1840, the eyes
are composed of several hundred ommatidia [Ey-1]. A
large numer of ommatidia is considered to be a
plesiomorphic condition, because they are present in
most isopod taxa. In most Crinocheta, the number is
reduced considerably, and the larger species of South
American "philosciids" bear up to 30, which are arranged in four longitudinal rows [Ey-2]. In the genera
Benthana Budde-Lund, 1908 and Balloniscus BuddeLund, 1885 from southern South America, the number
is reduced to less than 20 ommatidia [Ey-3]. In other
cases, particularly in the smaller species of about
5 mm body length, the five to ten ommatidia are
arranged more randomly [Ey-4]. Some endogeous taxa

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

are eyeless [Ey-6] or possess few individualized

ommatidia [Ey-5]. The reduction of the number of
ommatidia is considered to have occurred several
times convergently, depending on the body size and
the life strategy of the taxon dealt with: in taxa of
small body size, only a couple of ommatidia may be
present; in endogeous or troglobitic taxa, eyes may be
useless for orientation and thus are prone to reduction.
Ey-1 Eyes composed of several hundred ommatidia
arranges in longitudinal rows (plesiomorphic)
Ey-2 Eyes composed of 20 to 30 ommatidia arranged
in four rows
Ey-3 Eyes composed of less than 20 ommatidia
arranged in four rows


Ey-4 Eyes composed of about ten ommatidia randomly arranged

Ey-5 Eyes composed of three to four individualized
Ey-6 Eyes totally reduced
Both pereon and pleon bear several distinct characters: In most of the taxa examined the dorsal tegument
is smooth with cuticular scales and scattered tricornlike setae [Ha1-1]. These setae are referred to as
"tricorn-like" [Ha3-1] since they differ from the real
tricorns of Porcellio Latreille, 1804 which were examined in detail by Holdich (1984). The cuticular plaque
is not shaped like an inverted "Y" with a thickened
base [Ha3-3]. In some taxa, the cuticular plaque of the
tricorn-like setae is broadened and forms a leaf-like

Fig. 1. The different ecomorphological strategies of the Oniscoidea.

Left: Oniscophiloscia mirifica Wahrberg, 1922, the clinger type; Middle: Ischioscia martinae Leistikow, 1997, the runner type; Right: Caraiboscia christiani Leistikow, 2001, the elongate endogeous type

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

structure with stronger cuticular ridges. The fine

structure of these tergal "Blttchenschuppen" was first
examined by Schmalfuss (1977) for Platyarthrus
Brandt, 1833 [Ha3-2]. These structures are referred to
as "leaflet scales" in this study. The general habitus is
influenced by the ratio of the breadths of both the coxal
plates and pleonal neopleurae. The plesiomorphic
character state is the so-called "runner type" (fig. 1)
described by Schmalfuss (1984b) with small
neopleurae [Ha2-1] and small coxal plates [Ha5-1]. In
Ischioscia these neopleurae, which are found in the
pleonites 3 to 5, are quite conspicuous and the pleon is
only slightly narrower than the pleon. In several taxa
like the genus Androdeloscia these neopleurae are
much reduced and attached to the lateral pleurites
[Ha2-3]. Within the Crinocheta, a change in the defensive strategies to the "clinger type" (Schmalfuss 1984b)
shows in their shorter pereopods and their prominent
neopleurae which lead to an ovate outline of the body
[Ha2-2], the coxal plates are much broader [Ha5-3].
Moreover, their tegument is more or less granulate
[Ha1-2] as in Mirtana costaricensis Leistkow, 1997 or
Benthana longicaudata (Lemos de Castro, 1958).
The pleotelson is slightly rounded in Ligia and the
basal Oniscoidea [Ha4-1]. It margins are straight in
several taxa like Pseudophiloscia Budde-Lund, 1904
[Ha4-2] or even concave [Ha4-3], additionally, Ischioscia has a semicircular pit apically [Ha4-5]; in the
genus Philoscia, the Porcellionidae and Onisidae, the
distal part of the pleotelson is triangular and much
narrower than the proximal part [Ha4-4]. In the
smaller species, the cuticle is soft, possibly due to a
lesser content of calcium carbonate [Ha6-1r], similar
to the cuticle of Ligia [Ha6-1]. All Crinochheta with
noduli laterales possess a cuticle with deposits of
calcium carbonate [Ha6-2], which protects the animal
from loss of moisture via the cuticle, the derived condition. Since the small genera like Androdeloscia
evolved from an ancestor within his specific taxon, as
can be evidenced from a set of apomorphies, their soft
cuticle is a reductive character.


Ha2-4 Neopleurae almost invisible, pleon much

narrower than pereon, coxal plates narrow
Ha3-1 Dorsal sensory receptors "tricorn-like" (plesiomorphic)
Ha3-2 Dorsal receptors with leaf-like cuticular scale
Ha3-3 Dorsal receptors real tricorns: cuticular plaque
fused with sensillum, basally thickened, shape of
an inverted Y


Pleotelson caudally rounded (plesiomorphic)

Pleotelson caudally with straight margins
Pleotelson caudally with concave margins
Pleotelson with angled lateral margins, distal
part triangular in shape
Ha4-5 Similar to 4-3, with semicircular pit on caudal
side of tip
Ha4-6 Pleotelson with two lateral concavities
Ha5-1 Coxal plates medium-sized as in Philoscia
Latreille, 1804 (plesiomorphic)
Ha5-2 Coxal plates very narrow
Ha5-3 Coxal plates broad as in Oniscus Linn, 1958
Ha5-4 Similar to Ha5-1, but coxal plate II distally
drawn out in the male
Ha6-1 Cuticle soft with low content of calcite (plesiomorphic)
Ha6-2 Cuticle with deposits of calcium carbonate

Ha1-1 Dorsum smooth, covered with tricorn-like

setae (plesiomorphic)
Ha1-2 Dorsum granulate
Ha2-1 Neopleurae small, pleon narrower than pereon
Ha2-2 Neopleurae broad, continuing outline formed
by coxal plates
Ha2-3 Neopleurae almost invisible, pleon much
narrower than pereon, coxal plates mediumsized

Fig. 2. Some examples of the shape of the antennula in the

A: Deto echinata Gurin, 1836; B: Ischioscia guamae Leistikow,
2001, arrow indicating character [A1-3]; C: Benthana taeniata
Arajo and Buckup, 1994, arrow indicating character [Ae1-1]; D:
Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli, 1793), arrow indicating [Ae1-4]; E:
Androdeloscia formosa (Mulaik, 1960), arrows indicating [Ae1-3]

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

The antennula or first antenna (fig. 2) is threearticulate in all examined species. This is the condition
in the groundpattern of the Oniscidea. In basal species
like Ligia baudiniana and Halophiloscia couchii
(Kinahan, 1875), the articles are elongate and cylindrical [A1-1], whereas in other species a derived
condition is found: the proximal article is bulky, the
distal articles - particularly the medial one - being
much shorter [A1-2], the members of the genus
Ischioscia (fig. 2B) have the distal margin of the
proximal article drawn out to form a shield-like
protrusion [A1-3]. On the distal articles, several sets of
aesthetascs are inserted, in all cases a set of two aesthetascs apically, the more medio-proximally aesthetascs are inserted in pairs in stepped order (fig. 2B/C)
which is certainly the plesiomorphic character state in
the Oniscoidea [Ae1-1], because it reflects the aesthetasc pattern of formerly unfused flagellar articles as
seen in other isopod taxa. These structures may be
modified in several ways: the proximal article can be
further shortened or enlarged, the sets of medial aesthetascs can be arranged in different positions. In the
genus Prosekia (fig. 2E), the lateral aesthetascs form a
tuft [Ae1-3]; in Philoscia Latreille, 1804 (fig. 2D), all
the aesthetascs are gathered in an apical group [Ae12]. A further characteristic arrangement is found in the
genera Caraiboscia Vandel, 1968, Colombophiloscia
Vandel, 1968 and Nesophiloscia Vandel, 1968. Here,
the aesthetascs are not attached to the article, they are
erected and form a cockscomb-like row [Ae1-4].


articles in the Ligiidae [A2-1], in the Oniscoidea no

taxon has such a multi-articulate flagellum. The
number of flagellar articles is reduced to fewer than
ten: the Scyphacidae and Detonidae are known to have
four flagellar articles [A2-2], The three-articulate
flagellum [A2-3] was one of the characters used by
Vandel (1962) to describe the family "Philosciidae".
This is however a character of the groundpattern of the
Oniscoidea sensu Schmalfuss (1989). Some differences in the flagellum concern the allometry of articles
and the position of aesthetascs; they can be found in
pairs on the medial and distal articles, sometimes there
are two sets on the medial article. Apically on the distal article, there is an apical organ composed of a tuft
of sensilla (fig. 3). This apical organ was examined in
detail by Mead et al. (1976) in Porcellionides sexfasciatus (Koch, 1847). The sensilla, which are free in
Ligia or Deto Gurin, 1836 (fig. 3A) [Ao1-1] are
wrapped in a cuticular sheath with just the tips free,
two sensilla pass through the cuticular sheath in the
proximal half of the apical organ [Ao1-2]. Two
different character states can be found: the apical cone
is much shorter than the distal article (fig. 3B) with the
free sensilla as long as the entire organ [Ao2-1], the
length ratio is further shifted towards a much shorter
apical organ in the "higher" Crinocheta like Philoscia
(fig. 3D) or Porcellio [Ao2-2]. In most of the "philosciids"examined and also in the Scleropactidae (fig.
3C), the apical cone is half as long as the flagellum
with short free sensilla [Ao2-3].

A1-1 Antennula slender, all articles subequal in

length (plesiomorphic)
A1-2 Antennula stout, medial article much shorter
than others
A1-3 Antennula with proximal article bearing a
shield-like protrusion
A1-4 Similar to A1-3, but protrusion only slight
Ae1-1 Aesthetascs medially in pairs, forming a
stepped row (plesiomorphic)
Ae1-2 Aesthetascs gathered apically
Ae1-3 Aesthetascs gathered in a medial tuft separated
from an apical pair
Ae1-4 Aesthetascs of cockscomb-like arrangement
The antenna is rather uniform in all the examined
species: The peduncle is composed of five free articles,
a further basal peduncular article is partially fused with
the cephalothorax (Schmalfuss 1974). The articles are
densely covered with tricorn-like setae and bear a
distal sensory spine at least in the distal articles 4+5.
The flagellum is composed of far more than ten

Fig. 3. The different character states of the apical organ of the

antenna in the Crinocheta, arrows indicating free sensilla. A: Deto
echinata Gurin, 1836; B: Benthana taeniata Arajo and Buckup,
1994; C: Ischioscia guamae Leistikow, 2001; D: Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli, 1793)

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

A2-1 Antennal flagellum multi-articulate (plesiomorphic)

A2-2 Antennal flagellum four-articulate
A2-3 Antennal flagellum three-articulate
Ao1-1 Apical organ a simple tuft of sensilla (plesiomorphic)
Ao1-2 Apical organ covered by cuticular sheath
Ao2-1 Apical organ shorter than distal flagellar article, long free sensilla (plesiomorphic)
Ao2-2 Apical organ less than half the length of the
distal flagellar article, long free sensilla
Ao2-3 Apical organ at least half the length of the
distal flagellar article, short free sensilla
In all Oniscidea, the mandibles lack a palp; and the
pars molaris which is present in the Ligiidae and Synocheta [Md1-1] is replaced by a molar penicil in the
Crinocheta [Md1-2]. This molar penicil can consist of
more than ten branches e.g. in Roraimoscia Leistikow,
2000 [Md2-1], about seven to ten partially fused
branches in Ischioscia [Md2-2], up to five partially
fused branches in Andenoniscus [Md2-3] or even a
simple penicil as in Colombophiloscia [Md2-4]. The
pars intermedia is identical in its equipment with penicils in all the examined species: the left mandible bears
two and the right bears one penicil, and several coniform setae. There are only slight differences in the
shape of the asymmetrical laciniae mobiles in the examined species. They are close to the groundpattern as
described by Schmalfuss (1974a).
Md1-1 Pars molaris present (plesiomorphic)
Md1-2 Pars molaris replaced by a molar penicil
Md2-1 Molar penicil composed of more than ten free
branches (plesiomorphic)
Md2-2 Molar penicil composed of seven to ten
basally fused branches
Md2-3 Molar penicil composed of three to five
basally fused branches
Md2-4 Molar penicil simple
More differences can be observed in the maxillae 1
or maxillulae (fig. 4): In the groundpattern of Oniscidea, the medial endite bears three apical penicils
[Mm1-1], this number is reduced to two in the Crinocheta, with an apical tip most probably representing the
remainder of the third penicil [Mm1-2]. There are
some taxa like Benthana Budde-Lund, 1908 (fig. 4C)
or Atlantoscia Ferrara and Taiti, 1981, where the apical


tip is reduced [Mm1-3]. The lateral endite bears a

fringe of trichiae latero-distally. In Ligia, a set of five
strong teeth is inserted laterally on the apex, they are
placed in a semi-circle in the middle with a feathery
stalk [Ml1-1]. The number of teeth is subsequently
reduced with the inner set bearing six teeth (fig. 4B) in
Deto [Ml1-2]. In all the other taxa examined herein,
there are only four prominent simple teeth laterally, at
the base of the rostral tooth a small plaque can be
found representing the fifth tooth. Among the teeth, a
so-called slender stalk is present in most genera [Ml21]. This stalk was first observed by Ferrara et al. (1995)
on the maxillula of Torajiinae, a Southeast Asian subfamily of Scleropactidae, but can be found in most
crinochete taxa (Schmidt 1999). The stalk is the vestigial feathery slender tooth present in Ligia. Within
the Oniscoidea, it may sometimes be reduced as in
Balloniscus [Ml2-2] or inserted more medially as in
Oxalaniscus Leistikow, 2000 [Ml2-3]. The medially
placed set of six smaller teeth is diverse in tooth
morphology. The following different conditions have
been observed: most of the teeth are ctenate in the
genus Benthana (fig. 4B) and its allies [Ml1-3], or they
bear one additional tip (fig. 4A/D), which is called a
cleft tooth [Ml1-4]. The latter is the most common
condition in the South American philosiids. Few taxa
have lost the additional tips totally, all the teeth of the
maxillula are simple as in Caraiboscia Vandel, 1968
(fig. 4E) or Pseudophiloscia Budde-Lund, 1904 [Ml15] or the number of teeth is reduced [Ml1-6], particularly in the smaller species. Moreover, in Pseudophiloscia Budde-Lund, 1904 the lateralmost tooth is
huge compared to the others [Ml1-8]. On the rostral
surface of the endite, two small subapical teeth can be
found. In most species examined, there is only one
subapical tooth, if there is any. A particular type of
smaller teeth is found in the genus Pulmoniscus gen.
n.: the apex of the tooth is bearing three points which
produce a crown-like appearance [Ml1-7].
Mm1-1 Medial maxillular endite with three penicils
Mm1-2 Medial maxillular endite with two penicils
and apical tip
Mm1-3 Similar to MM1-2, apical tip reduced

Lateral maxillular article with 5+7 teeth, plumose slender stalk, inner set ctenate (plesiomorphic)
Lateral maxillular article with 5+6 teeth, teeth
of inner set simple

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Fig. 4. Different character states of the maxillula in the Crinocheta.

A: Ischioscia guamae Leistikow, 2001 [Ml1-4]; B: Deto echinata Gurin, 1836 [Ml1-1, with simple teeth]; C: Benthana taeniata Arajo and
Buckup, 1994 [Ml1-3]; D: Androdeloscia formosa (Mulaik, 1960) [Ml1-4/6]; E: Caraiboscia christiani Leistikow, 2001 [Ml1-5/6]

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morphology of the maxilla: the medial lobe is reduced

in size and it looks like being embraced by the lateral
lobe [M2-3]. In other taxa the medial lobe is broader
than the lateral, obviously a convergence to the plesiomorphic condition found in Ligia [M2-1]. Among
those taxa, Ischioscia is characterized by a strong
sclerotized clasp (fig. 5B), proximal to the inner lobe
[M2-4]. There is a row of small innervated cusps on
the apex of the medial lobe, their number ranging from
five to about 20.
M2-1 Maxilla with inner lobe broader than outer lobe
M2-2 Maxilla with both inner and outer lobe subequal in breadth
M2-3 Maxilla with inner lobe smaller than outer lobe
M2-4 Maxilla with a slcerotized clasp proximally of
inner lobe

Fig. 5. Three typical maxillae of the Crinocheta.

A: Deto echinata Gurin, 1836 [M2-1]; B: Ischioscia guamae
Leistikow, 2001, arrow indicating [M2-4]; C: Philoscia muscorum
(Scopoli, 1793)


Lateral maxillular article with 4+6 teeth, inner

set ctenate
Lateral maxillular article with 4+6 teeth, inner
set cleft
Lateral maxillular article with 4+6 teeth, inner
set simple
Number of teeth of inner set reduced
Shape of some smaller teeth modified: apex
crown shaped
Lateral tooth huge, remaining teeth subequal
in length
Simple slender stalk present in lateral position
Slender stalk reduced
Similar to Ml2-1, but stalk more medially inserted

The maxilla (fig. 5) is composed of two endites

which are fused over most of their length. In the
groundpattern of the Crinocheta, which is similar to the
character state found in Deto (fig. 5A), both lobes are
of equal breadth [M2-2], densely covered with small
trichiform setae and pectinate scales. This character
state is found in several of the genera examined in this
work. The bulk of species possess a more derived

In the groundpattern of the Oniscidea, the

maxilliped (fig. 6) is bearing a palp - the endopodite
of this appendage - which is composed of five partially
fused articles, defined by the medial setal tufts, which
are placed distally on the edges of the former articles
[Mp2-1]. In the Crinochaeta, the number of articles is
reduced, the palp is composed of three articles [Mp2-2
to Mp2-4]. The proximal article remains unfused, it
normally bears two spines which can be subequal in
length [Mp5-1] as in Halophiloscia; in most cases the
medial one is more prominent [Mp5-2]. In several
species, the smaller lateral spine is totally reduced. The
setal tufts are simplified in the different taxa and, thus,
can be used for the reconstruction of phylogeny: in the
basal taxa like Quintanoscia Leistikow, 2000, the setal
tufts are very prominent, bearing more than 30 sensilla
[Mp2-2]. These tufts are smaller in Ischioscia (fig. 6B)
or Mirtana, though comprising more than 20 sensilla
[Mp2-3]. The setal tufts may be even smaller, composed of even fewer setae [Mp2-4] as in Andenoniscus
(fig.6D). Moreover, the smaller species have the
proximal tuft reduced [Mp2-5]. Most of the South
American genera with philosciid facies have the medial setal tuft on a slender stalk (fig. 6D), a medially
directed protrusion of the second article [Mp2-6]. This
character is shared with the Scleropactidae and is a
common derived character of those taxa.
In Deto (fig. 6A) and several other taxa the endite is
long, densely covered with setae and with a prominent
penicil on the rostral surface [Mp3-1]. The length of
both the endite and penicil and the setation are reduced
in some taxa [Mp3-2], the more derived character state
is a bare endite without penicil but with two prominent
caudal teeth [Mp3-3]. In Philoscia (fig. 6C) and the

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Porcellionidae, the endite is free of setation, but its

distal margin is transverse, bearing some small points
[Mp3-5], Benthana lacks these points [Mp3-4]. The
basipodite is covered with tricorn-like setae caudally
and may bear a latero-proximal groove, the sulcus
lateralis [Mp4-2]; this groove is lacking in Ligia and
Deto [Mp4-1]. In Ligia and the basal Crinocheta, the
basipodite is rather weak [Mp1-1], whereas it is much
more prominent in the more derived Oniscoidea [Mp1-


2 and Mp1-3]: it is rectangular in shape and almost as

long as the maxillula, the palp is comparatively
Mp1-1 Basipodite only slightly broader than apical
region with endite and palp (plesiomorphic)
Mp1-2 Basipodite much broader than apical region
Mp1-3 Similar to Mp-2, but latero-distal edge bearing
fine hair-like setae

Fig. 6. Aspects of the morphology of the maxilliped in the Crinocheta, arrows indicating [Mp2-6].
A: Deto echinata Gurin, 1836 [Mp1-1/Mp2-2/Mp3-1]; B: Ischioscia guamae Leistikow, 2001 [Mp1-3/Mp2-3/Mp3-2]; C: Philoscia muscorum
(Scopoli, 1793) [Mp1-2/Mp2-4/Mp3-4]; D: Androdeloscia formosa (Mulaik, 1960) [Mp2-4/Mp3-3]; E: Caraiboscia christiani Leistikow, 2001

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Fig. 7. Some examples of the structure of the pereopod 1 carpus and propus in the Crinocheta. A: Deto echinata Gurin, 1836; B:
Benthana taeniata Arajo and Buckup, 1994; C: Androdeloscia formosa (Mulaik, 1960); D: Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli, 1793); E:
Plataoniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897)

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Mp2-1 Palp with five articles, all but proximal one

with prominent setal tufts of more than 30
setae (plesiomorphic)
Mp2-2 Palp with three articles, all but proximal one
with prominent setal tufts of more than 30
Mp2-3 Palp with three articles, distal setal tufts
bearing 20-30 setae, inner tuft smaller
Mp2-4 Like Mp2-3, distal tuft of about 15 setae,
medial and proximal tuft of a long and a short
Mp2-5 Proximal setal tuft reduced
Mp2-6 Medial setal tuft on a slender stalk
Mp3-1 Endite apically setose, very slender, with long
penicil (plesiomorphic)
Mp3-2 Endite apically setose, much shorter, with
knob-like penicil
Mp3-3 Endite rectangular, without setae and knoblike penicil
Mp3-4 Endite apically transverse, without setae and
knob-like penicil
Mp3-5 Like Mp3-4, but with two latero-distal points
Mp4-1 Basipodite without sulcus lateralis (plesiomorphic)
Mp4-2 Basipodite with sulcus lateralis
Mp5-1 Setae of proximal article of palp subequal in
length (plesiomorphic)
Mp5-2 Medial seta of proximal article of palp much
longer than lateral one
In most taxa the seven pairs of pereopods are slender, enabling the animals to escape from danger by
running fast. In most species, at least the pereopods 6
and 7 can be seen in dorsal view. Only in a few
species, which have prominent neopleurae on the
pleonites 3 to 5, the pereopods are covered by the
neopleurae. As in all Crinocheta, the propus of pereopod 1 and also the carpus bear devices for antennagrooming, and cleaning of the mouthparts (fig. 7).
These devices were described by Verhoeff (1908b).
The antenna-grooming brush of the carpus is composed of a furrow on the rostral surface of the carpus,
which is equipped with elongate cuticular scales. The
distal scales may be broader and combed on their distal
part of the antenna-grooming brush ("Grannenkmmchen" of Verhoeff) [PE10-2]. The groove may be
arranged in a longitudinal [PE3-1] or transverse [PE32] position. The latter character state is present in
members of the Oniscoidea sensu Schmalfuss (1989)
and similarly in the outgroup e.g in several "Scyphacidae" like in Deto echinata (fig. 7A), and thus most


probably reflecting the plesiomorphic character state.

The distal part of the antenna-grooming brush may be
broadened and then bears a set of fringed scales
[PE10-2]. In the taxa with a transverse antennagrooming brush, the representatives which are basal
with respect to several characters, e.g. Alloniscus, have
no latero-distal tuft of setae on the carpus [PE1-1]; this
tuft is missing in Pseudophiloscia with a subquadrangular carpus [PE5-3] as well. But it is present in e.g.
Ischioscia or Benthana [PE1-2].
The medial margin of propus to merus bears several
sensory spines, long cuticular structures which contain
a sensillum, that is uncovered in the subapically region
in the basal taxa [PE8-1]. The sensillum may be
enclosed by a cuticular cover [PE8-2], as in Philsocia;
this certainly reflects the apomorphic chatacter state.
This type of spine is similar to the spines of marine
Isopoda (J.W. Wgele, pers. comm.) and are described
in detail by Brandt (1988). In Alloniscus and also in
Philoscia and the Porcellionidae, the medial margin of
the carpus 1 bears many sensory spines which do not
represent a distinct pattern [PE4-1]. The genera related
to Ischioscia and Prosekia (fig. 7C) have two to four
medial sensory spines which are increasing in length
towards the distal margin of the carpus 1 [PE4-2]. In
Pseudophiloscia, the sensory spines are located on
small humps along the medial margin, forming three
longitudinal rows [PE4-3].
At least one of the sensory spines differs considerably from the others: the cuticle is flattened on its
apex and forms a double-fringed serrate [PE7-1] or
hand-like [PE7-2] structure. This particular sensory
spine is located proximally of the carpal antennagrooming device and was called "Schutzstachel" by
Verhoeff (1908b). Since its protective function is not
evidenced, the term "ornamental sensory spine" will be
used in the following; it should be used in a more
descriptive way. Such a type of double-fringed sensory
spine can be found in marine Isopoda and in Ligia and
Deto as well, thus being a plesiomorphy for the Oniscoidea. The ornamental sensory spine is lost in the
Balloniscidae [PE7-3].
In the males of several taxa, specialized devices for
clinging to the female during copulation have evolved.
Most taxa of philosciid facies bear more or less
expanded setal fields on the rostral surface of the
pereopod 1 carpus [PE2-2], whereas in the bulk of
Oniscoidea the medial margin is flattened and the
number of sensory spines is multiplied [PE2-1]. Since
the most basal representatives of Oniscoidea (the
species of Alloniscus) have such fields of sensory
spines, it is considered the plesiomorphic character
state in this work. Some genera like Andenoniscus do
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Philoscia, the Balloniscidae and Porcellionidae, their

number is much higher [PE9-2].

Pereopods without those setal tufts (plesiomorphic)

Pereopods with setal tufts on latero-distal
edge of carpus and merus


Pereopods with brushes of sensory spines on

carpus and merus (plesiomorphic)
PE2-2 Pereopods with brushes of cuticular scales on
carpus and merus
PE2-3 Pereopods without setal brushes

Antenna-grooming brush longitudinal (plesiomorphic)

PE3-2 Antenna-grooming brush transverse, with
hyaline scales distally at about one third of
breadth of carpus
PE3-3 Similar to PE3-2, but broader, about one half
of the breadth of the carpus

Fig. 8. Schematic cross sections of male pereopod 1 carpus

showing position of the convergently evolved setose clinging brush
(Scb) and the homologous antenna-grooming brush (Agb). Arrows
mark the allometric changes of the carpus. Left: Alloniscus Dana,
1853, right: Halophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908

not bear any clinging devices [PE2-3]. The rostral

setal brushes may be located on medially directed
lobes in Ischioscia [PE6-4], in the Halophilosciidae,
even the propus is flattened and enlarged [PE6-2]. A
schematic cross section for the two types of clinging
brushes is shown in fig. 8. The South American taxa
with philosciid facies bearing such setal fields are
characterized by a distinct arrangement of the medial
sensory spines of the carpus, which may be evident
only in the female in cases where the pereopod 1 is
sexually dimorphic [PE4-2], in Benthana, Plataoniscus (fig. 7E) and other genera with brushes composed
of sensory spines, the carpus 1 is more cylindrical in
shape [PE5-1].
Furthermore, the merus and ischium of the pereopods 5 to 7 may be involved in sexual differentiation, a
common character is the number of sensory spines on
the lateral margin of the ischium 7; in the basal taxa,
there are no more than four sensory spines [PE9-1], in

Sensory spines of carpus 1 arranged without

distinct pattern (plesiomorphic)
PE4-2 Sensory spines of carpus 1 arranged in two
rows of three (two to four) spines decreasing
in length from distal to proximal, rostrally a
parallel row of tricorn-like setae
PE4-3 Sensory spines of carpus arranged in three
parallel rows of about four spines standing on
PE5-1 Pereopod 1 carpus cylindrical (plesiomorphic)
PE5-2 Pereopod 1 carpus rhomboidal
PE5-3 Pereopod 1 carpus subquadrangular

Male pereopods without enlargements (plesiomorphic)

Male pereopod 1 carpus and propus enlarged
Male pereopods 1 to 4 propus enlarged
Male pereopod 1 carpus with medial circular
Ornamental sensory spine apically with serrate double-fringe (plesiomorphic)
Ornamental sensory spine apically hand-like
Ornamental sensory spine reduced


Sensory spines with free sensillum (plesiomorphic)

PE8-2 Sensory spines with covered sensillum
PE8-3 Similar to PE8-2, but spines apically threetipped

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Male pereopod 7 ischium with laterally two to

four sensory spines (plesiomorphic)
PE9-2 Male pereopod 7 ischium with laterally more
than four sensory spines
PE10-1 Narrow distal end of antenna-grooming brush
without fringed scales (plesiomorphic)
PE10-2 Broad distal end of antenna-grooming brush
with fringed scales
PE10-3 Similar to PE10-1, but fringed scales present
Particular interest is focussed on the dactylus (fig.
9) of the pereopods. In all taxa, there is an inner claw,
which may be short [Da1-1] or almost as long as the
outer claw [Da1-2]. It is probably not homologous
with the inner claw of the Ligiidae and Tylidae. Since
the genus Olibrinus Budde-Lund, 1913 has no inner
claw, the inner claw of the other Crinocheta may be a
derived sensory spine. An interungual seta, which may
be of sensory function, is present in all taxa, in most
taxa it is slender, straight [Da2-1] or sinuous [Da2-2];
in the Halophilosciidae (fig. 9D), it is more prominent,
with a particularly differentiated apical region [Da2-3].
The dactylar seta ("organ dactylien" of e.g. Vandel
1960) is a derived sensory organ with a plumose apex
[Da3-1] in the basal genera like Ischioscia (fig. 9B),
spatuliform [Da3-2] in Ischioscia zebricolor Leistikow, 1999, knob-like (fig. 9C/D) in Philoscia [Da3-3],


or simple [Da3-4] in most higher taxa (fig. 9F) like

Balloniscus, and e.g. Porcellionidae. The plumose type
of dactylar seta is certainly plesiomorphic for the
groundpattern of Oniscoidea, and it is even present in
the Scyphacidae. In contrast to Vandel's (1943) statements, it is never totally reduced but shortened and of
simpler structure in many species.
Da1-1 Dactylus with short inner claw (plesiomorphic)
Da1-2 Dactylus with long inner claw
Da2-1 Interungual seta straight (plesiomorphic)
Da2-2 Interungual seta sinuous
Da2-3 Interungual seta prominent

Dactylar seta apically plumose (plesiomorphic)

Dactylar seta apically spatuliform
Dactylar seta apically knob-like
Dactylar seta simple

The basal article of the pereopods, the coxa is

broadened and fused with the tergites of the pereonites
in most isopods except the basal ones (Asellota, Phreatoicidea). These coxal plates may be delimited from
the tergites by a sulcus in ovigerous females, most
probably for making this fusion more flexible due to
the development of a marsupium in thoracic segments
3 to 5. Similar to the tergites, the tegument of the coxal

Fig. 9. The different shape of the pereopod dactylus in the Crinocheta.

A: Deto echinata Gurin, 1836 [Da1-1/Da2-1/Da3-1, modified]; B: Ischioscia pariae Leistikow, 2001 [Da1-2/Da2-1/Da3-1]; C: Androdeloscia
formosa (Mulaik, 1960) [Da1-2/Da2-1/Da3-4]; D: Littorophiloscia insularis (Castro and Souza, 1986) [Da1-2/Da2-3/Da3-4]; E: Philoscia
muscorum (Scopoli, 1793) [Da1-2/Da2-2/Da3-1]; F: Plataoniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897) [Da1-2/Da2-2/Da3-4]

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

plates may be granulate or smooth and is covered with

tricorn-like setae. Furthermore, the lateral margin is
delimited by a faint sulcus marginalis [Cx4-1], which
is reduced [Cx4-2] particularly in taxa with narrow
coxal plates. The area between the sulcus marginalis
and the lateral margin of the coxal plate may bear
gland pores [Cx1-2], although in most taxa examined
they were not present [Cx1-1]. Only one taxon of the
examined genera has clearly defined glandular fields
which can also be found in other taxa of Oniscidea
(Porcellionidae, Trachelipodidae and other families)
Among the tricorn-like setae of the coxal plates, one
or two can differ remarkably in structure and size, the
noduli laterales ("Seitenkntchen" of Verhoeff 1907)
[Cx2-2]. There are no ultrastructural investigations on
these receptors and the homology of these structures
has not been proved yet. Deviated dorsal receptors
were found in some Synocheta by Schmidt (1999).
According to the present systematics, the basalmost
genus of the Oniscoidea sensu Schmalfuss is Alloniscus Dana, 1852, which lacks the noduli as well as
outgroup taxa of the Oniscidea [Cx2-1]. Noduli
laterales do not belong to the groundpattern of Oniscoidea. The question whether the noduli laterales are
primarily lacking in several "philosciids"-like Ischioscia, or whether they are reduced remains still open
debate. Possibly, there was a selective pressure to
differentiate one or two of the dorsal receptors to fulfil
a particular task which is still unknown. The different
position of the noduli in many taxa may be an argument for treating the noduli laterales of different taxa
as convergent structures. But more research is needed
to clarify this question. In the Halophilosciidae, all
noduli are inserted at the same distance from the lateral
margin [Cx3-1]. Most taxa have the nodulus IV inserted more distantly from the lateral margin, the
subsequent ones abruptly [Cx3-3]or gradually [Cx3-4]
nearer to the margin. In Burmoniscus Collinge, 1914
and several Indopacific genera, the nodulus II also is
more distantly inserted [Cx3-5]. The genus Pseudophiloscia with aequidistant noduli, bears two per coxal
plate [Cx3-2].
Cx1-1 Coxal plates without gland pores (plesiomorphic)
Cx1-2 Coxal plates with scattered gland pores
Cx1-3 Coxal plates with gland pore fields
Cx2-1 Coxal plates without nodulus lateralis (plesiomorphic)
Cx2-2 Coxal plates with nodulus lateralis


Cx2-3 Similar to Cx2-1, but some variation in shape

of tricorn-like setae
Cx3-1 All noduli laterales at same distance from medial margin (plesiomorphic)
Cx3-2 Coxal plates with two noduli laterales
Cx3-3 Nodulus lateralis IV extraordinarily shifted
dorsally, distal ones abruptly nearer to margin
Cx3-4 Nodulus lateralis IV extraordinarily shifted
dorsally, distal ones gradually nearer to margin
Cx3-5 Nodulus lateralis II and IV extraordinarily
shifted dorsally
Cx3-6 Noduli laterales extraordinarily long
Cx4-1 Sulcus marginalis present (plesiomorphic)
Cx4-2 Sulcus marginalis reduced
The pleopods are at first glance rather similar in all
species examined. The rami are plate-like, inserting on
a broad sympodite. The endopodite is covered by a
thin cuticle and has osmoregulatory function, the exopodite bears a lateral row of sensory spines, the medial
margin is covered by pectinate scales. The endopodites
of pleopods 3 to 5 are similar in both sexes, Ligia has
subrectangular endopodites [PL9-1], most taxa examined in this study have bilobate exopodites [PL9-2]
and in two taxa of northern South America, the females have the endopodite 3 distally drawn out at its
medial point [PL9-3]. The exopodite 1 is rounded in
several taxa of Oniscoidea [PL3-2]. The basal species
of Oniscoidea have a pointed exopodite which is the
plesiomorphic character state [PL3-1]. In the males,
the pleopod 1 exopodite may have various shapes, being elongate in Oniscophiloscia [PL3-6], drop-shaped
in Caraiboscia [PL3-5] or bearing a lateral incision
[PL3-3]. Such an incision is present in Benthana or
Ischioscia, these taxa acquired this character most
probably independently, because the basal representatives of both taxa do not bear such an incision.
The exopodites bear a lateral row of sensory spines
[PL8-1], which derived from the plumose setae in
Ligia. In Plataoniscus Vandel. 1963 and Roraimoscia
Leistikow, 2000, there are two rows of spines [PL8-1].
Since both taxa belong to different monophyletic
groups, evidenced from several derived characters, the
double row must have evolved independently.
On the caudal surface of pleopod 5 exopodite, a
transverse or sinuous row of pectinate scales is present
in almost all taxa examined [PL7-2], forming a creel
to protect the pleoventral cavity (Hoese 1981). The
taxa of the Ischioscia-group (pl. 62, PL5) have three
rows of pectinate scales [PL7-3]. The basal Crinocheta
like Deto do not bear such a creel [PL7-1].

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


The male pleopod 1 and 2 endopodites are transformed to copulatory organs which interact with the
genital papilla. Thus, several interlocking structures
have evolved, as recently demonstrated by Erhard
(1997) and first described by Legrand (1946). The
endopodite 1 has a caudal furrow, its medial margin
bears a row of small spines [PL4-2], which may be
reduced in several taxa [PL4-1]. The pointed shape of
the endopodite is deviated several times and may be
specifically complex in some neotropic "philosciids".
The elongate endopodite 2 can reach a length of more
than twice the length of the exopodite [PL5-2]. This
faint structure is then retained by the pleopod 5
exopodite, which is medio-proximally protruding and
may show a caudal furrow for holding the endopodite
2 [PL6-3]. Such a "guide slot" certainly evolved several times convergently in taxa with extremely prolonged pleopod 2 endopodites. For Porcellio dilatatus
Koch, 1846, Legrand (1946) described the structure in
detail. He also stated that this guide slot which he
called "gouttire marginale" is present in several Synocheta, all higher Crinocheta, but is lacking in the
Scyphacidae primarily, and in the Trachelipodidae and
Hemilepistus Auduoin, 1825 due to the short pleopodite 2 endopodite. Verhoeff (1920) misinterpreted this
guide slot as part of a water conducting system. He
referred to the rim - the "Innenrandlngsrinne" - as a
structure to divert a surplus of water from the pleoventral area.
Pleopodal lungs [PL1-1] are evolved several times
in the Oniscoidea; among the taxa of philosciid facies,
only few have pleopodal lungs [PL1-2]. The members
Balloniscidae (pl. 150, E/F) both bear semi-covered
[PL2-1] and covered lungs [PL2-2], semi-covered
lungs are present in Atlantoscia rubromarginata
Arajo and Leistikow, 1999, too.

PL3-6 Male pleopod 1 exopodite elongately pointed

PL1-1 Pleopods without respiratory areas on exopodites (plesiomorphic)

PL1-2 Pleopods with repsiratory areas on exopodite 1

PL9-1 Female pleopod 3 exopodite subrectangular

PL9-2 Female pleopod 3 exopodite bilobate
PL9-3 Female pleopod 3 exopodite medially extremely drawn out

PL2-1 Pleopods with semi-covered lungs on exopodites 1 to 5, bearing transverse clasps (plesiomorphic)
PL2-2 Pleopods with monospiracular covered lungs
on exopodites 1 to 5
PL3-1 Male pleopod 1 exopodite pointed (plesiomorphic)
PL3-2 Male pleopod 1 exopodite rounded
PL3-3 Like PL3-1, but with lateral incision
PL3-4 Male pleopod 1 exopodite almost subquadrangular
PL3-5 Male pleopod 1 exopodite drop-shaped

PL4-1 Male pleopod 1 endopodite without caudomedial row of spines (plesiomorphic)

PL4-2 Male pleopod 1 endopodite with caudomedial
row of spines
PL4-3 Similar to 1, but apex with hyaline cuticular
PL5-1 Male pleopod 2 endopodite slightly longer
than exopodite (plesiomorphic)
PL5-2 Male pleopod 2 endopodite flagelliform
PL5-3 Similar to PL5-1, but apex club-like
PL5-4 Similar to PL5-1, but saw-like structure on
PL6-1 Male pleopod 5 exopodite rhomboid (plesiomorphic)
PL6-2 Male pleopod 5 exopodite with straight medial
PL6-3 Similar to PL6-2, but with a guide slot
PL6-4 Similar to PL6-2, but distally extremely drawn
PL7-1 Pleopod 5 exopodite with scattered pectinate
scales caudally (plesiomorphic)
PL7-2 Pleopod 5 exopodite with sinuous transverse
row of pectinate scales
PL7-3 Pleopod 5 exopodite with three sinuous transverse rows of pectinate scales
PL8-1 Pleopod exopodites with one lateral row of
sensory spines (plesiomorphic)
PL8-2 Pleopod exopodites with two lateral rows of
sensory spines

The shape of the uropod is uniform within the examined taxa, most have rather short endo- and exopodites which are inserted on a subtriangular, laterally
grooved protopodite. The insertion may be at the same
level [UR2-1], as in some species of Benthana; or the
endopodite is inserted more proximally than the
exopodite as in the bulk of taxa [UR1-2]. The insertion
at the same level is found in Ligia, thus it is thought to
represent the plesiomorphic character state; similarly,
the protopodites surpassing the pleotelson caudally
[UR3-1] are found in Ligia and are referred to as
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

plesiomorphic in the Oniscoidea. In few taxa, the

length of the rami is sexually dimorphic [UR2-2], this
occurs in some species of Benthana and Porcellio. The
dimorphism must have evolved convergently, since the
two taxa are only distantly related.
UR1-1 Insertion of rami at the same level (plesiomorphic)
UR1-2 Insertion of endopodite proximally of exopodite
UR2-1 Length of rami similar in both sexes (plesiomorphic)
UR2-2 Length of rami sexually dimorphic
UR3-1 Protpodites surpassing apex of pleotelson
caudally (plesiomorphic)
UR3-2 Protopodites shorter than pleotelson
All the species examined but Ligia baudiniana
Milne Edwards, 1840 belong to the Crinocheta. This
term was established by Legrand (1946) in order
toreplace the taxon name Embolophora of Verhoeff
(1938). Thus, all these species are characterized as
having two vasa deferentia within the genital papilla.
Within the Oniscoidea, the genital papilla bears a
strongly sclerotized ventral shield [Ge1-2] (Erhard
1997), surpassed by the orifices of the two separate
vasa deferentia. In the basal Crinocheta (pl. 136, Gen),
the ventral shield is less sclerotized [Ge1-1]. These
orifices are located on cuticular lobe, which was called
"spatule terminale" by Legrand (1946) for Porcellio
dilatatus Brandt, 1833. Within this work, the term
"terminal spatula" will be used. The terminal spatula is
rounded [Ge2-1] in Alloniscus and Philoscia, or truncate [Ge2-2] in Ischioscia. In the genus Halophiloscia
Verhoeff, 1908, the ventral shield is very short and the
orifices are located on a bilobate terminal spatula
[Ge2-4]. Within this family, the vasa deferentia are
much prolonged and are bent twice between the testes
and the genital papilla [Ge3-2]. In all other taxa, the
vasa deferentia are straight [Ge3-1], the proximal part
slender [Ge4-1], but in Formicascia where it is
inflated [Ge4-2].
Ge1-1 Genital papilla without sclerotized ventral
shield (plesiomorphic)
Ge1-2 Genital papilla with sclerotized ventral shield
Ge2-1 Terminal spatula rounded, surpassing ventral
shield (plesiomorphic)
Ge2-2 Terminal spatula truncate, surpassing ventral


Ge2-3 Terminal spatula truncate, as long as ventral

Ge2-4 Terminal spatula longer than ventral shield,
Ge3-1 Vas deferens straight (plesiomorphic)
Ge3-2 Vas deferens bent two times
Ge4-1 Proximal part of vas deferens narrow (plesiomorphic)
Ge4-2 Proximal part of vas deferens bulbous

4.2 Generic Account

4.2.1 The South American Genera
In the following, for each genus the data on their
distribution, status and type species are presented. The
autapomorphies for the described taxa are subsequently listed. The genera are ordered in the sequence of
their phylogenetic position proposed in chapter 5,
where a phylogenetic interpretation of the characters
and a hypothetical evolutionary scenario is given.
Some distinct taxa and adelphotaxon relationships of
several genera are indicated by their apomorphies.
They are included in the generic account mainly to
make the phylogenetic discussion clearer.
In the following, for each genus the data on their
distribution, status and type species are presented. The
autapomorphies for the described taxa are subsequently listed. The genera are ordered in the sequence
of their phylogenetic position proposed in chapter 5,
where a phylogenetic interpretation of the characters
and a hypothetical evolutionary scenario is given.
Some distinct taxa and adelphotaxon relationships of
several genera are indicated by their apomorphies.
They are included in the generic account mainly to
make the phylogenetic discussion clearer.
Although this work deals with the phylogeny of the
family "Philosciidae", some additional family names
are included, viz. Halophilosciidae and Balloniscidae.
These taxa are included in the analysis because historically they were treated as members of the genus
Philoscia Latreille, 1804, separated at the beginning of
this century by Budde-Lund (1908) and Verhoeff
(1908) in new genera. Their phylogenetic status is not
resolved until now and, therefore, it shall be elucidated
in this work. The taxonomic units called families are
artifacts of the traditional systematics and do not represent a hierachic category which is present in nature.
The units should be avoided in the phylogenetic systematics.

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

The codes used to describe character states in the

remarks to the taxa are identical with those in chapter
4.1; the symbol n indicates that a character is apomorphic, whereas the symbol o is used for the
plesiomorphic character state.

Adelphotaxa Quintanoscia Leistikow, 2000 and

Oxalaniscus Leistikow, 2000
These two genera from Mexico are quite basal with
respect to several characters: They bear a subrectangular maxilla, the maxillipedal palp is equipped with
very prominent setal tufts and the penicil of the endite
is still prominent. Nonetheless, they are united in an
adelphotaxon relationship due to the following synapomorphies:
n Cephalothorax with linea frontalis reduced [Ct1-3]
o linea frontalis present [Ct1-5]
n Molar penicil composed of three branches [Md2-3]
o molar penicil composed of about ten branches
n Lateral endite of maxillula with 4and6 teeth, one of
inner set absent or at least vestigial [Ml1-6] o no tooth
reduced in size [Ml1-1]
n Maxillular teeth simple [Ml1-5] o inner set of teeth
cleft [Ml1-4]
In the outgroup, the mandibles bear molar penicils of
about ten almost free branches, and the maxillular
teeth of the inner set are pectinate or cleft. Therefore,
the character states in both genera mentioned above
are interpreted as being derived.

Genus Quintanoscia Leistikow, 2000

Type species: Philoscia contoyensis Mulaik, 1960 (by
Number of nominal species: 1
Distribution: Only known from southeastern Mexico
on the Yucatn Peninsula
Remarks: The genus was established for the Mexican
species Philoscia contoyensis Mulaik, 1960 because of
its unique character set (Leistikow 2000b). As
indicated above, it is close to Oxalaniscus Leistikow,
2000, but differs in some characters in the cephalothorax, which are commonly accepted to be of importance on the generic level. The genus Quintanoscia is
close to the groundpattern of the Oniscoidea, the shape
of the maxilliped is similar to Deto Gurin and Alloniscus Dana, 1852. The pereopod 1 is equipped with a
longitudinal carpal brush and the medial margin is
bearing several bifid sensory spines. The autapomorphies of the genus are:


n Reduction of the lateral lobes [Ctt1-6] o lateral

lobes present [Ctf1-3]
n Cephalothorax broadened o vertex not broader than
height of cephalothorax
The coxal plates bear several tricorn-like setae. One of
those setae bears a distinctly longer sensillum, which
is twice as long as the basal cuticular plaque. This
structure can be interpreted as a nodulus lateralis.

Genus Oxalaniscus Leistikow, 2000

Type species: Philoscia ctenoscoides Mulaik, 1960 (by
Number of nominal species: 1
Distribution: Southern Mexico
Remarks: The genus Oxalaniscus belongs to the most
basal species of the taxon Oniscoidea. It seems closely
related to Quintanoscia. The putative synapomorphies
are given above. The following characters are the
autapomorphies of this genus:
n Slender stalk of maxillula in a more lateral position
[M12-3] o slender stalk medially, surrounded by
group of lateral teeth[M12-1]
In all other taxa with a slender stalk on the maxillula, it
is in a medial position on the apical region, surrounded
by the medial teeth of the outer group.

The Balloniscidae Vandel, 1963

Remarks: In his work on the Oniscidea of Venezuela,
Vandel (1952) stressed the taxonomic value of the
presence of five pairs of pleopodal lungs in the genus
Balloniscus Budde-Lund, 1908 and placed this genus
in the sub-family Porcellionidae quinquetracheatae
(=Trachelipodidae Strouhal, 1953). In a subsequent
paper, the genus was devided into the genera Balloniscus and Plataoniscus Vandel, 1963 to accommodate
the differences in lung structure and morphology of the
cephalothorax. Both genera were placed in an own
family Balloniscidae of uncertain relationships.

Adelphotaxa Balloniscus Budde-Lund, 1908 and

Plataoniscus [Vandel, 1963] gen. n.
Among the South American genera with threearticulate antennal flagellum, the two lung-bearing
genera Balloniscus Budde-Lund, 1908 and Plataoniscus gen. n. from the southern temperate regions of the
continent are united in a monophylum by a single

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

n reduction of the ornamental sensory spine in the

male [PE7-3] o ornamental sensory spine present in
both sexes [PE7-1]
This character is a reductive character and in consequence the hypothesis of an adelphotaxon relationship
can not be falsified. It is desirable to find additional
positive characters to support this sister group relationship. Another character, the presence of sencory
spines on the medial margin of the male pleopod 1 is a
symplesiomorphy, as a similar disposition can be
observed in various palearctic genera from several
families, e.g. Philoscia Latreille, 1804, Protracheoniscus Verhoeff, 1917 or Acaeroplastes Verhoeff, 1917.
One has to focus on the putative common ancestor of
all these genera. For the moment no ancestor for a
group consisting exlusively of the genera with sencory
spines on the medial margin of the male pleopod 1 can
be reconstructed due to differences in the morphology
of lungs, the shape of the cephalothorax among others.
For the time being, the apomorphic character given
above is used as indication for a close relationship of
Balloniscus and Plataoniscus.

Genus Balloniscus Budde-Lund, 1885

Type species: Philoscia sellowii Brandt, 1833
Number of nominal species: 6, all from the New
World (the records of B. nigricans (Budde-Lund,
1885) and B. brevicornis (Budde-Lund, 1885) from
Mississippi/USA are unsubstantial and may be wrong)
Distribution: Southeastern Brazil and adjacent Argentina
Remarks: Among the genera described herein,
Balloniscus is recognized by several autapomorphies:
n Presence of semi-covered pleopodal lungs in all five
pairs of pleopods, respiratory area formed by longitudinal foldings connected by transverse clasps [PL2-1]
o lungs lacking the transverse clasps [PL1-2]
n Male pleopod 1 exopodite subquadrangular to rounded [PL3-4] o pleopod 1 exopodite pointed [PL3-1]
Particularly the characteristic lung structure supports
the monophyly of this genus.
The pereopods, which are stout with no setal tufts on
the latero-distal edge of carpus and merus differ remarkably from the other genera, but since similarly
shaped pereopods are known from several other
genera, the systematic value is still unknown. Another
autapomorphy is the lack of an ornamental sensory
spine in the male pereopod 1 carpus, which is present
in the female and similar to those of e.g. Atlantoscia


Ferrara and Taiti, 1981. The genus was re-examined

by Arajo and Leistikow (1999).

Genus Plataoniscus gen. n.

Diagnosis: Cephalothorax with linea frontalis and faint
linea supra-antennalis, lateral lobes present, compound
eyes composed of more than 20 ommatidia. Antennula
not described, antenna with three-articulate flagellum
bearing short apical organ.
Mandibles undescribed, maxillula with 4+5 slender
teeth on lateral endite, maxillula with lateral lobe two
times broader than medial one, maxilliped without
knob-like penicil on endite.
Pereopods rather stout with longitudinal antennagrooming brush on carpus 1, ornamental sensory spine
double-fringed serrate, dactylar seta simple. Pleopods
with exopodites bearing more than 20 sensory spines
laterally, in apical region a second row more centrally,
covered lungs in all pleopods, lungs 1 to 2 monospiracular, lungs 3 to 5 multispiracular, spiracular area
covered with pectinate scales and a derivative of those
scales, forming a triangular lobe. Uropod with protopodite subtriangular, laterally grooved, insertion of
endopodite proximal to exopodite.
Type species: Vandel (1963) included in his new
genus Plataoniscus two species of Balloniscus, namely
P. borelli (Dollfus, 1897) and P. griseus (Dollfus,
1897) without designating a type species. Thus, the
genus name is not available according to 13a ICZN.
To make the name Plataoniscus available to science,
P. borellii is designated the type species of the genus
Number of nominal species: 2, all reported from
austral South America
Distribution: Temperate eastern South America
Plataoniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897) (figures 10-12)
Synonym: Alloniscus borellii Dollfus, 1897
Balloniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897): Arcangeli (1958)
Material: Microscopic slides of an adult female (VC
4941) and male (VC 4942) and a juvenile male (VC
4940) of the Vandel collection, now courtesy of
MNHN, Paris.
Colour: A figure of the habitus in dorsal view is given
in Vandel (1963: 84, fig.12).
Cephalothorax: Differing from Balloniscus in the presence of a linea frontalis and a very faint linea supraantennalis (Vandel 1963), slight lateral lobes, compound eyes described for P. argentinus as comprising
about 20 ommatidia (Dollfus 1894) and for P. borellii
a comparable size was mentioned (Dollfus 1897).

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 10. Plataoniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897), male (microscopic slides)

Mxp maxilliped, with detail of endite in rostral view; Mx1 lateral maxillular endite, with detail of apical lateral endite in caudal and lateral
view; Mx2 maxilla

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 11. Plataoniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897), male (microscopic slides)

An2 antenna, with detail of apical organ; Dac dactylus of pereopod 1 in rostral view; PE1/7 pereopods 1 (rostrally) and 7 (caudally); Sb1
tricorn of basis 1; Sc1 sensory spines of carpal brush; Sc7 distal sensory spine of capus 7; Si7 lateral sensory spine of ischium 7; Sp1
distalmost sensory spine of propus 1

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 12. Plataoniscus borellii (Dollfus, 1897), male (microscopic slides)

Cx4 coxal plate IV with detail of nodulus lateralis; Gen genital papilla; PL1 pleopod 1 in caudal view with details of endopodite in caudal and
rostral view; PL2 pleopod 2 in rostral view, with detail of spiracular area in caudal view; PL5 pleopod 5 exopodite in caudal and rostral view

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Pereon: Smooth tegument covered with tricorns, coxal

plates with sulcus marginalis, nodulus lateralis and few
gland pores (fig. 12, Cx4).
Pleon: Only slightly narrower than pereon, covered
with tricorns, pleotelson acute.
Antennula: Not known in detail.
Antenna: Rather slender with article 5 four times longer than basal article, flagellum composed of three
articles, distal article the longest, bearing short apical
organ with long free sensilla (fig. 11, An2).
Mandible: Not known in detail.
Maxillula: Lateral endite with 4+5 slender teeth, the
inner set cleft, no additional stalk or supapical spine
discernible (, Mx1).
Maxilla: Lateral lobe two times broader than medial,
bearing faint setation laterally, medial endite apically
setose with several rows of cusps (fig. 10, Mx2).
Maxilliped: Basipodite stout with short sulcus lateralis,
covered with tricorns, latero-proximally scaly, endite
without setation, small smooth knob apically on rostral
surface, palp three-articulate with distal setal tuft, two
proximal pairs of a long and short seta on medial
article, proximal article with two spines (fig. 10, Mxp).
Pereopods: Rather stout, covered with tricorns, no
latero-distal setal tuft on carpus (fig. 11, PE1/7),
antenna-grooming brush of carpus 1 longitudinal, most
distal sensory spines with ornamental apex, medial
sensory spines simple or bifid, dactylus with long
inner claw and a cuticular scale in pereopod 7 (fig. 11,
PE7), dactylar seta simple.
Sexual differentiation: Males with setal brushes on
medial margin of pereopod 1 to 3, setal brush composed of sensory spines, ischium of pereopod 7 with
medial margin slightly concave, distal margin of caudal side bearing about eight sensory spines.
Pleopods: Pleopod exopodites missing in examined
material, exopodites with more than 20 sensory spines
laterally, in apical region a second row more centrally
(fig. 12, PL1-5), respiratory devices in all five pairs of
pleopods: covered lungs with a single spiraculum in
pleopod 1 and 2, pleopod 3 to 5 with main spiraculum
and additional openings more proximally, perispiracular area with cuticle concentrically wrinkled, the periphery bearing several distinct cuticular scales (fig. 12,
Sexual differentiation: Male pleopod 1 exopodite circular with obtuse distal apex, sensory spines on lateral
and medio-distal margin, endopodite slender, two
times longer than exopodite, apex with three lobes,
two delimiting spermatic channels, one on rostral side,
two apical tufts of fine hairs, medio-caudal row of
spines present (fig. 12, PL1). Pleopod 2 exopodite


elongate with sinuous lateral margin, endopodite

slightly longer, apex pointed (fig. 12, PL2). Pleopod 5
exopodite with medial furrow on caudal surface (fig.
12, PL5).
Uropod: Similar to Balloniscus.
Genital papilla: Ventral shield pyriform, orifices laterally of apex of ventral shield, terminal spatulae rounded (fig. 12, Gen).
Remarks: Arcangeli (1958) stressed the separate state
of the genus Balloniscus, in which he placed Plataoniscus borellii, from the Porcellionidae, which have
according to an earlier work of Arcangeli (1954) only
two flagellar articles. The three-articulate flagellum is
a plesiomorphic character found in all the species of
philosciid facies which can not be used to define the
relationship to other genera. This argument is also
valid for the definition of the genus and the family
Balloniscidae by Vandel (1963). The presence of a
linea frontalis is a plesiomorphy and thus uninformative for differentiating the genus from Balloniscus.
The following characters are autapomorphies of the
n Pleopod 1 to 5 exopodites with covered lungs, monospiracular in pleopods 1 and 2, multispiracular in
pleopods 3 to 5 [PL2-2] o lungs semi-covered [PL1-2]
n Perispiracular area with triangular or three-tipped
cuticular scales as derivatives of pectinate scales o
perispiracular area with simple pectinate scales
n Pleopod exopodites with second, more centrally located row of sensory spines in apical region [PL8-2] o
only one row of lateral sensory spines present [PL-8-1]
n Male pleopod 5 exopodite with furrow on medial
margin of caudal surface [PL6-3] o no such furrow
Most of these characters are related to the respiratory
organs. The pleopodal lungs are quite characteristic in
having both mono- and multispiracular orifices.

Genus Pulmoniscus gen. n.

Diagnosis: Cephalothorax without lateral lobes and
linea frontalis, linea supra-antennalis present, compound eyes consisting of 14 ommatidia in three rows.
Antennula three-articulate with coniform distal joint,
antennae with three-articulate flagellum bearing short
apical organ.
Mandibles with molar penicil composed of about ten
branches, maxillula with 4+5 teeth on lateral endite,
inner set cleft, lateral lobe of maxilla two times broader than medial one, maxillipedal endite without knoblike penicil.
Pereopods stout, carpus 1 with brush of sensory spines
medially, antenna-grooming brush longitudinal, dactyOrg. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

lar seta simple, coxal plates with nodulus lateralis and

sulcus marginalis. Pleopods with rhomboidal exopodites bearing covered lungs, perispiracular area concentrically wrinkled, endopodites subrectangular. Uropod
protopodite subtriangular with lateral groove, endite
inserting proximally of exopodite. Genital papilla with
truncate terminal spatula.
Type species: Balloniscus insularuminfraventum Vandel, 1952 (by monotypy)
Number of nominal species: Only type species is
Distribution: Only known from Windward Islands.
Pulmoniscus insularuminfraventum (Vandel, 1952)
comb. n. (fig. 13-15)
Material: Microscopic slides of a male VC 3771.1-7
(designated holotype herein) and a female VC 3772
(paratype), Gran Roque (Windward Islands), Cerros
orientales, leg. 2.IX.1950, G. Marcuzzi
Colour: Vandel (1952) gave the following description:
"...sur un fond jauntre se dtache un dessin de coulour
brun compos d'une ligne mdiane, et de deux lignes
latrales qui n'atteignent pas le bord des pleurpimres,
ce dernier restant clair. Entre les trois lignes fonces,
apparaissent les zones de linoles. Le pleon presente
une coloration fonce. Le basis des priopodes est
tach de brun; les autres articles sont recouvertes d'un
rseau assez lche de chromatophores."
Cephalothorax: A faint linea supra-antennalis is present, no linea frontalis and lateral lobes, compound
eyes composed of about 14 ommatidia in three rows.
Pereon: Tegument smooth, covered with few tricornlike setae, coxal plate with sulcus marginalis and
nodulus lateralis, all at almost the same distance from
the lateral margin.
Pleon: Slightly retracted from pereon, neopleurae of
pleonites 3 to 5 distinct, pleotelson with sinuous lateral
margins, slightly pointed, covered with tricorn-like
setae, fringe of tricorns caudally.
Antennula: Three-articulate, medial article shortest,
distal one coniform, bearing pairs of aesthetascs in
stepped position (fig. 13, An1).
Antenna: Rather slender, peduncle similar to Plataoniscus borellii, flagellum three-articulate with articles
subequal in length, apical organ much shorter than
terminal article, bearing long free sensilla (fig. 14,
Mandible: Pars intermedia with two penicils on right
and one on left side, bearing few coniform setae, molar


penicil prominent, composed of about ten branches,

additional penicil present (fig. 13, Mxl/r).
Maxillula: Medial endite with two penicils, lateral endite apically bearing 4+5 teeth, inner set cleft, two prominent inner teeth with apex crown-shaped, composed
of three tips, slender stalk present (fig. 13, Mx1).
Maxilla: Lateral lobe two times broader than medial
one, only sparsely setose, medial lobe with about ten
cusps apically (fig. 13, Mx2).
Maxilliped: Basipodite rectangular covered with tricorns, short sulcus lateralis, palp composed of three
articles, apically with setal tuft, proximally two pairs
of long and short seta, proximal article bearing two
setae of subequal length. Endite with few setae, no
knob-like penicil rostrally (fig. 13, Mxp).
Pereopods: Slender, densely covered with tricorns (fig.
14, PE1/7), carpus 1 with longitudinal antenna-grooming brush, small antenna-grooming brush on propus 1,
dactylus with long inner claw and simple dactylar seta
(fig. 14, Dac).
Sexual differentiation: Male pereopods with medial
margin of carpus and merus bearing denser brushes of
sensory spines, standing in three to four rows.
Pleopods: Pleopod endopodites subrectangular, distal
margin slightly convex, exopodites rhomboid with
about seven sensory spines laterally (fig. 15, PL1-5),
covered lungs in all five pairs, spiracle opening proximally of half-length of lateral margin, perispiracular
area covered with concentric cuticular wrinkles, lateroproximal edge of caudal side with slight ledge (fig. 15,
Sexual differentiation: Pleopod 1 exopodite medially
rounded, laterally straight, endopodite two times longer, pointed, bearing a subapical lobe on lateral margin, some spines apically (fig. 15, PL1). Pleopod 2
exopodite more pointed than other, endopodite slender,
almost two times longer than exopodite (fig. 15, PL2).
Pleopod 5 exopodite with straight medial margin, bearing a caudal ledge (fig. 15, PL5).
Uropod: As in generic diagnosis.
Genital papilla: Apically truncate, ventral shield
pyriform, not surpassed by orifices (fig. 15, Gen).
Remarks: The closest relative of this new genus most
probably is not Balloniscus since it differs remarkably
in the shape of the cephalothorax and the structure of
the pleopodal lungs. The latter character is similar to
Agnara Budde-Lund, 1908. The autapomorphies of
Pulmoniscus gen. n. are:

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 13. Pulmoniscus insularuminfraventum (Vandel, 1952), male (microscopic slides)

An1 antennula; Mdl/r left and right mandible; Mxp maxilliped, with detail of endite in rostral view; Mx1 maxillula, with details of apical lateral
endite in rostral view; Mx2 maxilla

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 14. Pulmoniscus insularuminfraventum (Vandel, 1952), male (microscopic slides)

An2 antenna, with detail of apical organ; Dac dactylus of pereopod 1 in rostral view; PE1/7 pereopods 1 (rostrally) and 7 (caudally); Sc1
sensory spines of carpal brush; Si7 lateral sensory spine of ischium 7; Sp1 distalmost sensory spine of propus 1

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 15. Pulmoniscus insularuminfraventum (Vandel, 1952), male (microscopic slides)

Gen genital papilla; PLf female pereopod 1 in rostral view; PL1-5 pleopods 1 to 5 in rostral view, with detail of endopodite 1 and
perispiracular area of exopodite 5 in caudal view

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

n Cephalothorax without lateral lobes [Ct1-6] o

lateral lobes present [Ct1-3]
n Lateral endite of maxillula with particular teeth,
bearing a crown-shaped 3-tipped apex [Ml1-7] o
maxillular teeth cleft [Ml1-4]
n Covered lungs in all five pairs of pleopod exopodites [PL2-2] o semi-covered lungs [PL1-2]
n Spiraculum opening distally at more than one third
of lateral length o no definite spiraculum
In contrast to the statements of Vandel (1952), the
pleopod exopodites all bear covered lungs, and not
only pleopod 1 and 2. The cuticle of the perspiracular
area of these pleopods is slightly wrinkled in concentric lines. At 400x magnification, this wrinkling can be
observed on pleopod 3 to 5, too. The spiracle is difficult to trace, it is located on half-length between the
latero-proximal insertion of the exopodite and the most
proximal sensory spine of the lateral margin.
The male of Pulmoniscus insularuminfraventum (Vandel, 1952) has pleopods quite similar to the species of
the genus Agnara Budde-Lund, 1908. On the other
hand, the genera differ in the shape of the cephalothorax, the tegument, which is smooth in Pulmoniscus
but granulate in Agnara, and the number of flagellar
articles with only two in Agnara. So this enigmatic
species should be treated as a valid taxon.

Genus Benthana Budde-Lund, 1908

Synonym: Benthanoscia Lemos de Castro, 1958
Type species: Philoscia picta Brandt, 1833
Number of nominal species: 15, all from the New
Distribution: Eastern tropical and subtropical South
America, the genus Benthanoides is found in Andean
temperate South America.
Remarks: The shape of the maxillular teeth is often
used for defining this genus (Gruner 1955, Lemos de
Castro 1958b), although some other Oniscoidea of
philosciid facies with serrate teeth are known: Ctenoscia Verhoeff, 1928 from southern Europe, Benthanops Barnard, 1932 from South Africa, Benthanoides Lemos de Castro, 1958, Benthanoscia Lemos
de Castro, 1958, both from southern South America
and Alboscia Schultz, 1995 from Paraguay. Ctenate
teeth are equally known from the members of Ligiidae
Brandt and Ratzeburg, 1831. Thus, this may be the
plesiomorphic character state for the Crinocheta of
philosciid facies, as is the additional stalk, which is
also found in Ligiidae and Scleropactidae Verhoeff,
1938. In Benthana, the maxillular teeth are arranged in
a quite different manner than in the other genera
examined herein. The apex of the lateral endite is


broader. Therefore, the teeth are standing in a semicircle laterally, similar to Ligia Fabricius, 1798, representing the position found in the groundpattern of
Oniscidea. This character can not be used to define the
adelphotaxon of Benthana nor the close relationship of
the forms bearing ctenate teeth.
The generic independence of Benthana and Benthanoides has to be doubted, it seems as if the species of
Benthanoides are simply the more basal species which
lack the characteristic dentiform protrusion of the pleopod 1 exopodite. This character was used by Lemos de
Castro (1958b) for separation of Benthana pauper
Jackson, 1928 in the genus Benthanoides. For a formal
synonymization of the two genera, a detailed phylogenetic study of all the species hitherto known has to
be undertaken. It is likely that the genus Benthanoides
represents the basal representatives of the genus Benthana in its original extent (Benthana s.l.), with the
autapomorphies of Benthana s.str.:
n Cordiform shape of pleopod 1 exopodite with a lateral dentiform protrusion [PL3-3] o exopodite pointed
without protrusion [PL3-2]
n Ornamental sensory spine of carpus 1 with hand-like
apex, slightly merged with cuticular stalk [7-2] o
ornamental sensory spine with serrate double-fringe
The second character is at first sight similar to that
seen in Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928, but details indicate
that the similarity is a convergency: In Ischioscia and
its allies, the stalk is clearly separated from the handlike apex, whereas it is intervening in the present genus. It thus is postulated to have evolved independently.
More information on the phylogeny and a description
of the hitherto unknown male of B. convexa Lemos de
Castro, 1958 were given in Arajo and Leistikow
(1999), the status of Benthanoscia Lemos de Castro,
1958 was discussed in Leistikow and Arajo (2000b).

Genus Atlantoscia Ferrara and Taiti, 1981

Synonym: Ocelloscia Schultz and Johnson, 1984
Type species: Atlantoscia alceui Ferrara and Taiti,
1981 (syn of. Philoscia floridana van Name, 1940), by
Number of nominal species: 2, one restricted to coastal
Brazil (Sergipe)
Distribution: Coastal areas of the western Atlantic
from Florida to Uruguay
Remarks: Atlantoscia is quite basal with respect to
most of the neotropical Oniscidea of philosciid facies,
characterized by the less derived shape of the antennula, the structure of the apical organ of the antenna
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

and the short noduli laterales. The structure of the cephalothorax is quite similar to that in the genera Erophiloscia Vandel, 1972, Androdeloscia Leistikow,
1999 or Xiphoniscus Vandel, 1968. The shape of the
antennula and the presence of lateral lobes on the
cephalothorax are plesiomorphies within the Oniscoidea. The apomorphic characters of this genus are:
n Sensory spines of carpus and merus with up to five
subapical tips, sensillum laterally o sensory spines
with up to two subapical tips, sensillum apically
n Reduction of the tip on the medial endite of the
maxillula [Mm1-3] o medial endite with apical tip
n Lateral lobe of the maxilla apically truncate o
lateral lobe apically rounded
These apomorphies have to be evaluated with respect
to the closest relative of the genus Atlantoscia, the
genus Benthana, with which it shares the shape of the
maxilliped. They are mainly confined to the mouthparts and may be susceptible to convergence. At least
the first character, the shape of the sensory spines is
quite unique among the philosciids and supports
monophyly of the genus.

The Halophiloscia-group: Halophilosciidae

Kesselyk, 1931
Remarks: Taiti and Ferrara (1986a) in their revision of
the genus Littorophiloscia Hatch, 1947 stressed the
similarity of the male pereopods 1 and the interungual
The following synapomorphies for Halophiloscia Verhoeff, 1928 and Littorophiloscia can be given:
n Male with pereopod 1 carpus enlarged and propus
inflated, both bearing prominent brushes composed of
cuticular scales [PE6-2] o male pereopod carpus and
propus cylindrical, no setal fields [PE6-1]
n Interungual seta strong, apically spatuliform [Da2-3]
o interungual seta simple, similar to inner claw in
strength [Da2-1]
n Vasa deferentia run from the genital papilla in pereonite 7 rostrally and bend two times caudally and again
rostrally [Ge3-2] o vasa deferentia running from genital papilla to pereonite 4, straight [Ge3-1]
The other character mentioned by Taiti and Ferrara
(1986a), the shape of the maxillipedal palp, is a symplesiomorphy as stated below. It is similar to the
groundpattern of Oniscoidea and can be found in Alloniscus Budde-Lund, 1908 and Quintanoscia Leistikow, 2000 as well.
The separation of the genera Halophiloscia Verhoeff,
1908 and Stenophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908 in a (sub)-


family of their own was proposed by Kesselyk

(1931). He gave reasons for this separation concerning
the particular structure of the vasa deferentia which are
prolonged and bent two times along their course. This
character is present in the species of the genus
Littorophiloscia as well (present study). They therefore, too, belong to this monophylum. The vasa deferentia differ slightly in size: they are more voluminous
and slightly shorter than in Halophiloscia, but they are
bent two times.

Genus Halophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908

Type species: Halophiloscia couchi (Kinahan, 1875)
Number of nominal species: 17, only one reported
from the Neotropics
Distribution: Mediterranean, coast of eastern Atlantic,
southern Caribbean
Remarks: The genus Halophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908
was instituted to comprise a couple of species of philosciid facies which are characterized by the setal fringes on the maxillipedal palp (Verhoeff 1908a). The
presence of a bifurcate genital papilla and prominent
vasa deferentia was observed by Kesselyk (1930). As
mentioned in Taiti and Ferrara (1986a), the bifurcate
genital papilla may be just the terminal stage of an
evolutionary line from with intermediate stages in the
genus Littorophiloscia. At the moment, with some
restriction, the only autapomorphy of the genus is:
n Vasa deferentia run from the genital papilla in pereonite 7 to pereonite 3 (part C), then bend backwards to
pereonite 6 (part B) and run rostrally to segment 4
(part A), where the testes are located o vasa deferentia
run from the genital papilla in pereonite 7 rostrally and
bend caudally and again rostrally, but not as far
Since the only species examined in detail are Halophiloscia couchi (Kinahan, 1875) and Stenophioscia
glarearum Verhoeff, 1908, it is difficult to judge the
value of the length ratios of the parts of the vasa
deferentia for generic separation. In S. glarearum, the
part B is turning rostrally in pereonite 5.
Furthermore, the number of noduli laterales or similar
receptors on the coxal plate varies within the genus,
e.g. several noduli-like receptors in H. couchi (Kinahan, 1875) but only one nodulus lateralis per coxal
plate in H. hirsuta Verhoeff, 1928 (S. Taiti, pers.
comm.). This family is in need of revision on a
worldwide scale.

Genus Littorophiloscia Hatch, 1947

Diagnosis: Cephalothorax with linea supra-antennalis,
slight lamina frontalis and lateral lobes, linea frontalis
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

lacking, compound eyes composed of about 15 ommatidia. Antennula three-articulate, slender, antenna long
with three-articulate flagellum, apical organ longer
than distal article.
Mandible with molar penicil consisting of about ten
free branches, maxillula with lateral endite bearing 4
and 6 teeth, inner set with five teeth cleft, slender stalk
present, maxilla with both lobes subequal in breadth,
maxilliped with endite setose, bearing prominent penicil rostrally, palp three-articulate, with three prominent
setal tufts.
Pereopods slender, ornamental sensory spine of carpus
1 with serrate double-fringe, dactylus with interungual
seta long, more conspicuous than dactylar seta, inner
claw short, coxal plates without gland pores, sulcus
marginalis and nodulus lateralis present, all noduli
inserted at same distance from lateral margin. Male
pereopod 1 propus and carpus inflated, bearing more
or less prominent setal brushes.
Pleopods without respiratory areas, exopodites with
about five sensory spines laterally, endopodites bilobate. Uropod with protopodite laterally grooved, endopodite inserting more proximally than exopodite.
Genital papilla with short ventral shield, orifices on
small to conspicuously elongate protrusions of the
terminal spatula.
Type species: Philoscia richardsonae Holmes and
Gay, 1904
Number of nominal species: 23, four reported from the
Distribution: Interestingly, the genera Halophiloscia
and Littorophiloscia vicariate each other. As stated
above, the genus Halophiloscia is distributed in the
Mediterranean area and on the Atlantic coasts of
Europe. On the other hand, Littorophiloscia is found in
the temperate Pacific, the western Atlantic coasts and
the subtropical to tropical regions of the world.
Remarks: The genus was instituted by Hatch (1947)
for the eastern pacific L. richardsonae. Lemos de
Castro (1968) gave a synopsis of the genus and
presented a generic definition without indicating the
apomorphies of the genus. A close relationship of
Littorophiloscia, Halophiloscia, and Alloniscus Dana,
1853 was postulated based on the similarities of the
maxillipedal palp and the presence of a dactylar seta in
the three genera. As stated above, the former character
is a symplesiomorphy, and this is true for the latter
character. Moreover, dactylar setae are present in most
of the Crinocheta. Another character was interpreted
erroneously as an ancestral state: the bifurcate genital
papilla of Halophiloscia was thought to be intermediate between the two separate genital papillae of Ligia
(plesiomorphic state) and the fused papilla of Crino-


cheta. Recent investigations of Erhard (1997), Schmidt

(unpubl.) and own observations showed the secondary
separation of the orifices in Halophiloscia within a
highly derived genital papilla with heavily sclerotised
ventral shield and interlocking mechanisms to pleopod
1 endopodite. Thus, the genital papillae of the species
of Littorophiloscia represent the plesiomorphic character state in comparison with Halophiloscia.
The genus has been revised by Taiti and Ferrara
(1986a) in detail and a new synonymy was established.
They gave a diagnosis for recognition of this circumtropically distributed genus. A close relationship of
both Halophiloscia and Littorophiloscia was postulated, the synapomorphies are the shape of the male
pereopods 1 - particularly the inflated propus and carpus with prominent setal brushes - and a prominent
interungual seta erroneously called the "dactylar
organ". The other character mentioned - the palp with
the more or less rounded, thick setal tufts - resemble
the character state found in Deto echinata Gurin,
1836 which is close to the groundpattern of the Oniscidea realized in Ligia Fabricius, 1798. The maxillipedal palp is intermediate between the groundpattern
of Crinocheta and the more derived forms of the
"Philosciidae" with their three pointed setal tufts as in
Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928. Thus, it is a symplesiomorphy for the Halophilosciidae and Deto.
Since the most conspicuous characters of the genus the shape of the male pereopod and the interungual
seta - are also found in Halophiloscia, there are no
autapomorphies known for Littorophiloscia. It is probable, that the genus Littorophiloscia just comprises the
more basal representatives of the phylogenetic line of
which the species of Halophilosica are the most derived, particularly since the morphology of the genital
papilla of the members of Littorophiloscia shows all
transitional stages from an Ischioscia-type, which will
be described below (cf. chapter 5.2), and the bifurcate
Halophiloscia-type (Taiti and Ferrara 1986a). A formal synonymization of the two genera requires the reexamination of the nominal species of the Halophiloscia-group.

Genus Pentoniscus Richardson, 1913

Type species: Pentoniscus pruinosus Richardson, 1913
(by monotypy and original designation)
Number of nominal species: 5 (4 from the Neotropics,
two species are nomina dubia)
Distribution: Northern South America, Central America, Lesser Antilles; China
Remarks: Pentoniscus was originally considered to
have a five-articulate antennal flagellum and therefore
obtained its generic name. Schultz (1968) re-examined
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

the material of Richardson and found the antennal to

be flagellum three-articulate as in other Oniscidea of
philosciid facies. Thus, he reduced Pentoniscus to a
synonym of Philoscia without correct evaluation of the
other characters of the genus. Obviously, the two genera differ in quite a lot of characters, i.e. the presence of
a linea supra-antennalis, long apical organ of antenna,
medial lobe of maxilla broader than lateral lobe, two
setal tufts on palp of maxilliped, coxal plates without
noduli laterales and gland pores, dactylus with short
inner claw and plumose dactylar seta, lack of respiratory areas on pleopods in Pentoniscus whereas Philoscia shows the following charcters: lack of linea supraantennalis, short antennal apical cone, lateral lobe of
maxilla broader than medial lobe, medial setal tuft of
palp reduced to two setae, coxal plates bearing gland
pores and noduli laterales, dactylus with long inner
claw and dactylar seta with knob-like apex, respiratory
areas on pleopods 1 to 5.
Most of the the above mentioned characters are known
from other South American genera of "Philosciidae",
too. Autapomorphies of the genus Pentoniscus are:
n Pleopod 5 exopodite triangular [PL6-2] o pleopod
5 rhomboid in shape [PL6-1]
n Quadrangular scales on male pereopod 2 and 3
merus [modified PE2-2] o no scales of this shape present [typical PE2-2]
n Molar penicil simple [Md2-4] o molar penicil
composed of about ten branches [Md2-1]
Since a simple molar penicil of the mandible occurs in
several monophyla of crinochete Oniscidea, it is a
character of little weight. It evolved most probably
independently from other genera, thus representing an
autapomorphy of the genus.

Genus Yaerikima Leistikow, 2000

Type species: Philoscia kartaboana van Name, 1936
(by monotypy)
Number of nominal species: Only known from type
Distribution: Northeastern South America
Remarks: Like many other species of South American
Oniscidea, the genus Yaerikima lacks conspicuous
noduli laterales on its coxal plates. Among the many
characters of this genus, three are autapomorphies:
n Coxal plates with subrectangular margins, sulcus
lateralis reduced o coxal plates at least anteriorly
rounded, sulcus marginalis present
n Cephalothorax with two sinuous ridges on profrons
o profrons without ridges


n Clypeus at its base as narrow as at its distal part

[Ct4-2] o clypeus basally two times broader than
distally [Ct4-1]
Yaerikima kartaboana is quite similar to Formicascia
inquilina but the structure of the cephalothorax differs
remarkably in both species: Y. kartaboana has a more
convex vertex and a lamina frontalis, the clypeus is
narrow even at its base. In F. inquilina the vertex is
more flattened and the basally broad clypeus is
medially ridged. The shape of the coxal plates and the
pleotelson differs, as does the shape of the female
pleopod 3 exopodite.
The relations of Y. kartaboana to other species of
philosciid facies in South America are difficult to establish, as most of the genera known from this region
bear only slight differences from the groundpattern.
There are some characters which might support a
common ancestry of Yaerikima Leistikow, 2000 with
the Prosekia-group, although the similarities are
possibly due to convergence. This might be the case in
the flagelliform endopodite of the male pleopod 2, the
shape of the antennula. The divergent sets of aesthetasc resemble the character state in the genera close to
Prosekia. But they are united in one tuft, no apical pair
is separated. The pleopod 5 exopodite with its straight
and proximally prolonged medial margin is similar to
Pentoniscus Richardson, 1913, recently redescribed by
Leistikow (1998b). This might be a common derived
character of both taxa, but further research is

The Roraimoscia genus-group

To this monophylum belong the genera described in
the following paragraphs: Formicascia Leistikow,
2000, Roraimoscia Leistikow, 2000, Portoricoscia
Leistikow, 1999, Parischioscia Lemos de Castro, 1967
and the new taxon Ischiosciini (compare fig. 19 D).
They all share the following character:
n Profrons level with no depressions for holding the
antennae, lateral lobes and linea frontalis reduced
[Ct1-4] o both lateral lobes and linea frontalis present,
profrons with two slight depressions [Ct1-5]
The shape of the cephalothorax is different to that
which is known as the "type chaetophiloscien" of
Vandel (1952), although the presence of a linea supraantennalis and the lack of a linea frontalis are shared
with this type. It differs from those described by
Jackson (1928) in the straight profrons without any
depressions for holding the antennae, which is found
even in the above mentioned "type chaetophiloscien",
which may be considered to be the most primitive type
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

within the Oniscoidea (H. Schmalfuss, pers. comm.)

only differing in the lack of a linea frontalis. There are
not few genera showing a level profrons. Ischioscia
differs in the protruding compound eyes, and Cubanophiloscia Vandel, 1973 in the presence of noduli
laterales on the coxal plates. This monopyhletic group
is including the "Ischioscia"-group, which has a level
profrons, too. Since the most derived genera of this
taxon, Ischioscia and Tropiscia, have a linea frontalis,
it must have been reduced several times within this

Adelphotaxa Formicascia Leistikow, 2000 and

Roraimoscia Leistikow, 2000
The two species Formicascia inquilina (van Name,
1936) and Roraimoscia roraimae (van Name, 1936)
are very different in size. Nonetheless, they bear two
characters which are synapomorphies of these sister
n Medial part of female pleopod 3 exopodite elongate,
surpassing the exopodite [PL3-3] o pleopod exopodite
more or less subrectangular [PL3-2]
n Pleotelson with lateral margin bearing two concavities [Ha4-6] o pleotelson with straight lateral margin [Ha4-2]
These characters are not found in any other species
examined. Particularly the long pleopod 3 endopodite
of the female is a unique character which supports
monophyly of this group. On the other hand, the shape
of the compound eyes, the pereopods, the coxal plates
and the genital papilla are too different to lump them
in a single genus.

Genus Formicascia Leistikow, 2000

Type species: Philoscia inquilina van Name, 1936 (by
Number of nominal species: Only known from type
Distribution: Northeastern South America
Remarks: Formicascia inquilina (van Name, 1936) is
another small species of which the affinities remained
uncertain until now. The genus is characterized by the
shape of the cephalothorax with two slight depressions
on the profrons as in Chaetophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908,
but not only the frontal line, also the lateral lobes are
The two following characters are autapomorphies of
this genus, whereas the shape and setation of the
mouthparts are plesiomorphic:
n coxal plates without sulcus marginalis, distal edges
broadly rounded o sulcus marginalis present, distal


edges only slightly rounded

n genital papilla short, with the vasa deferentia proximal of the ventral shield much inflated [Ge4-2] o vasa
deferentia not inflated [Ge4-1]
The second character resembles the genus Halophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908, but the inflated part is close
to the basis of the genital papilla, more bulbous and
not as cylindrical as in Halophiloscia. The shape of the
pleopod 1 exopodite of the male is a plesiomorphic
character. It is similar to Yaerikima Leistikow, 2000,
Burmoniscus Collinge, 1914 and Atlantoscia Ferrara
and Taiti, 1981. From the latter two genera Formicascia Leistikow, 2000 differs in at least the shape of
the cephalothorax, the structure of the apical organ of
the antenna, the antenna-grooming brush of the
pereopod 1 and several other characters.

Genus Roraimoscia Leistikow, 2000

Type species: Philoscia roraimae van Name, 1936 (by
Number of nominal species: Only known from type
Distribution: Northeastern South America
Remarks: This single species of the genus is - like the
preceding ones - only known from the type series collected in the twenties of this century. Roraimoscia
roraimae is quite different from all "philosciids" hitherto known, so it is separated in a genus on its own.
The autapomorphies of the genus and of the type
species, at the moment the only species known are:
n Waxy plates covering the groove of the basis of the
pereopods o basis smooth
n Very prominent sensory spine on the medial margin
of the ischium o sensory spines of the ischium much
n Two rows of sensory spines on the lateral margin of
the pleopod exopodites [PL8-2] o only one row of
lateral sensory spines[PL8-1]
n Male genital papilla with pectinate scales [Ge1-3] o
pectinate scales lacking [Ge1-2]
The coxal plates are covered with tricorn-like setae of
different shapes, one being especially slender. This
might be a nodulus lateralis, but to get more evidence,
new material for ultrastructural investigations has to be
R. roraimae bears several characters which are plesiomorphic, especially the setation of the mouthparts is
shared with many basal genera of philosciid facies.

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Genus Portoricoscia Leistikow, 1999

Type species: Philoscia richmondi Richardson, 1901
(by monotypy)
Number of nominal species: Only known from type
Distribution: Confined to the Greater Antilles
Remarks: The only Crinocheta of philosciid facies
known from Puerto Rico. It is a basal representative of
Crinocheta since it shows in many features the plesiomorphic character state in comparison with higher
Crinocheta, i.e. rich setation of palp and endite of
maxilliped, dactylar seta apically plumose, inner claw
of dactylus short. But there are several characters
which are autapomorphic for this taxon:
n Cephalothorax in frontal view much higher than
broad [modified Ct1-4] o cephalothorax at least as
broad as high or broader than high [typical Ct1-4, Ct21]
n Antennae very slender, apical organ extraordinarily
long o apical organ maximally half as long as
n Longest sensory spines of propus and carpus 2 to 7
with sensillum much surpassing apex of cuticular
sheath [modified PE8-1] o sensillum only slightly
surpassing cuticular sheath [typical PE8-1]
n Male merus 1 to 5 with medial brushes of proximally directed cuticular scales [modified PE2-2] o
medial brushes lacking or different [PE2-2]
Concerning the pereopods, the carpus 1 of the male is
almost cylindrical with parallel margins and there are
no macroscopically visible differences in both sexes.
Probably the meral brushes of proximally directed
cuticular scales are a male adaptation to mounting during the precopula. The apomorphic shape of the sensory spines might be easily overlooked. The long free
sensillum gives the spine a drawn out appearance; interestingly, the tricorn-like setae of the basis are long
and slender. In contrast, the dactylar seta represents the
plesiomorphical character state, the plumose area is
even more prominent than in Ischioscia, it resembles
that of Scleropactes Budde-Lund, 1885 (cf. Leistikow
1997a). All the characters given above are different to
those found in Philoscia Latreille, 1804, to which it
was ascribed by Richardson (1901). Since there is no
other genus of philosciid facies showing this combination of characters, this species is best treated as
belonging to a monotypic genus. For the time being, it
is almost impossible to say if the closest relatives of
Portoricoscia richmondi belong to the Caribbean fauna or are found on the adjacent regions of the South
American continent, because of the lack of detailed


descriptions of other Caribbean Oniscidea of philosciid

Portoricoscia belongs to a basal group of crinochete
Oniscidea due to the lack of noduli laterales and gland
pores on the coxal plates and the slender pleon with
caudally rounded pleotelson. In a monophyletic group
within the Crinocheta, constituted by the autapomorphy of distinct noduli laterales, the dactylar seta is
much derived, i. e. the plumose apex reduced.
From the Venezuelan Roraimoscia roraimae (van
Name, 1936), it differs in the shape of the pleotelson,
the dactylar seta, the endopodites of the pleopods 3
and 4 and by the molar penicil. Together with Formicascia inquilina (van Name, 1936), Portoricoscia
richmondi is a close relative of this continental species,
with respect to the molar penicil, which is composed
of seven basally fused branches, it is more derived
than Formicascia and Roraimoscia. Portoricoscia is
most probably the sister species of the taxon described
in the following paragraph.

Adelphotaxa Parischioscia Lemos de Castro,

1967 and Ischioscia-group
The monotypic genus Parischioscia Lemos de Castro,
1967 is the sister taxon of the most important subtaxon
of the Roraimoscia genus-group, the Ischioscia-group.
The adelphotaxon relationship of the two taxa is
supported by two synapomorphies:
n First article of the antennula with slightly shield-like
lobe [A1-4] o distal margin of first antennular article
without lobe [A1-1]
n Ornamental sensory spine with hand-like apex
[PE7-2] o apex with serrate double-fringe [PE7-1]
The second character is susceptible to convergence, a
similar sensory spine can be found in many taxa, e.g.
Benthana, although there are faint differences as described in the remarks to the latter genus. The small
distal lobe of the first antennular article is much more
evident in the Ischioscia-group, Parischioscia representing the plesiomorphic character state in comparison with its adelphotaxon (pl. 81, An1). The presence
of such a sinuosity is not recorded from any other
taxon of Oniscoidea. It strongly supports the monophyly of this taxon.

Genus Parischioscia Lemos de Castro, 1967

Type species: Parischioscia omissa (van Name, 1936)
(by monotypy)
Distribution: Amazon basin, Guyana
Number of nominal species: Only known from type
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Remarks: This species was originally described by van

Name (1936) on specimens collected at several sites at
Guayana, e.g. Kartabo, Kamakusa, Mouth of Meama
River. Further records are from Brazil (Lemos de Castro 1967). The largest specimens were about 11 mm,
so the male paratype which could be examined is
rather small. Nonetheless, it is a mature specimen
since there are spermatids within the ductus ejaculatorii of the genital papilla.
The autapomorphic characters of this genus are:
n Male pereopods 1 to 5 with transverse groove on
carpus proximally bordered by hyaline cuticular fringe
o no transverse groove on pereopods 1 to 5
n Cephalothorax laterally slightly expanded due to
prominent compound eyes [Ct2-2] o cephalothorax
not laterally protruding [Ct2-1]
In a contribution to the Oniscidea of the Amazon
region, Lemos de Castro (1967) erected for Philoscia
omissa the monotypic genus Parischioscia mainly
because of the great laterally protruding compound
eyes and postulated a close relationship to Ischioscia.
Since the pereopods 1 to 3 have no plate-like carpus
with prominent setal fields, Parischioscia should be
considered more primitive in this character. The close
relationship between Ischioscia and Parischioscia is
doubtful, because no convincing synapomorphies can
be found: Parischioscia has no ventral pit on the pleotelson, the shape of the antennula is different.
Three characters may indicate a close relationship, i.e.
the morphology of the cephalothorax with the distinct
shape of the eyes, the distally prolonged proximal article of the antennula and the ornamental sensory spine
of carpus 1 with its hand-like apex. The latter character
can be found in several other genera and, therefore,
must be considered to be a synapomorphy of a wider
group. On the other hand, the morphology of the pleotelson represents a plesiomorphic character state: its
shape is triangular and the semicircular ventral depression, an autapomorphic character of the Ischiosciini, is
absent. And also a second character, which is apomorphic for the Ischiosciini, is missing in Parischioscia:
the shield-like basal article of the antennula. Thus,
other species might be better candidates to be the
sistergroup of Ischioscia. For example Tropiscia flagellata Vandel, 1968, shares some apomorphic characters with Ischioscia as shown in the next paragraphs.

The Ischioscia-group: taxon Ischiosciini tax. n.

The taxon Ischiosciini is composed of several genera
from northern South and Central America. The definition is different to the "groupe ischioscien" of Vandel
(1952) for which no autapomorphies are known. The


following genera should be considered members of

this group: Ecuadoroniscus Vandel, 1968, Oreades
Vandel, 1968, Tropiscia Vandel, 1968, Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928 and Mirtana Leistikow, 1997. The autapomorphies of Ischiosciini are:
n Antennula with proximal article bearing a shieldlike protrusion distally [A1-3] o antennula with distal
margin of proximal article straight [A1-1]
n Pleotelson with ventral semicircular pit apically
[Ha4-5] o distal part of pleotelson with transverse
furrow [Ha4-3]
The shape of the mouthparts is quite similar to the
groundpattern of the Oniscoidea. The setal tufts of the
maxillipedal palp are prominent, composed of up to 15
setae, the endite bears a knob-like penicil and is
densely covered with setae; the mandibles bear a molar
penicil of about ten separate branches.

Genus Ecuadoroniscus Vandel, 1968

Diagnosis: Cephalothorax with lineae frontalis and
supra-antennalis, no distinct lamina frontalis, compound eyes composed of about seven ommatidia, pereon with smooth tegument, pleon narrower than pereon,
neopleurae on pleonites 3 to 5 present.
Antennula with shield-like protrusion of proximal article, antenna with three-articulate flagellum bearing
long apical organ.
Mandibles with molar penicil composed of several
branches, lateral endite of maxillula with 4 and 6 teeth,
five of inner set cleft, maxilla with medial lobe broader
than lateral, maxillipedal palp with tufts of setae,
endite with knob-like penicil.
Pereopods with short inner claw on dactylus, dactylar
seta apically plumose, ornamental sensory spine of
carpus 1 with hand-like apex, antenna-grooming brush
of carpus 1 transverse, coxal plates without gland
pores and noduli laterales. Pleopods without respiratory areas, exopodites rhomboid. Uropod with protopodite subtriangular, laterally grooved, endopodite inserting proximally of exopodite.
Type species: Ecuadoroniscus orientalis Vandel, 1968
(by monotypy and original designation)
Number of nominal species: Only known from single
Distribution: Ecuador
Remarks: This genus has to be treated as a nomen
dubium and thus also is mentioned in the chapter 4.2.2.
It is described herein for phylogenetic reasons:
Ecuadoroniscus orientalis is a species only known a
single female. Hence a recognition of the species in
collections or the wild is almost impossible due to the
lack of males, the species can not be defined in an
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

unambiguous way and should be treated as a nomen

dubium. The type locality is not precise, and the
ascription of males found in the vicinity of Puyo to E.
orientalis might be mere arbitrariness: for example,
about ten species of Androdeloscia were found in the
Peruvian province Huanuco, Distr. Puerto Inca, Rio
Yuyapichis, Biological station "Panguana" 937'S
7456'W, altitude 250m (Leistikow 1999c). All females are similar and it is difficult to determine a
female of Androdeloscia in absence of males. That
would mean that there is no type species for definition
of the genus which has to be rejected as a vaild taxon,
Nonetheless, the genus could be defined by several
characters and it is done so in the following for convenience of getting a better understanding of the phylogeny of the Ischiosciini.
The shape of the maxillula, prominent neopleurae,
hand-like ornamental seta on pereopod 1 carpus and
pleotelson with semicircular pit ventrally, all these
characters link this form with Ischioscia, Tropiscia,
Mirtana, and Oreades. Vandel (1968) described the
presence of noduli laterales only on coxal plates I and
II, which would be an autapomorphy of this form as
could be evidenced from the few material. But the reexamination of the type material did not reveal the
presence of any nodulus lateralis on the mentioned
coxal plates. Possibly, the following character is an
autapomorphy of Ecuadoroniscus:
n Faint double-traced linea frontalis o linea frontalis
a single line
In contrast to Vandel (1968), it has to be stressed that
no synapomorphy could be found to postulate a close
relationship between Ecuadoroniscus and Andenoniscus. The lateral endite of Ecuadoroniscus bears 4 and
6 teeth, five cleft, and a triangular lobe whereas
Andenoniscus has 4 and 4 teeth, three cleft. The shape
of the pereopods, the strucutre of the ornamental
sensory spines on carpus 1 and of the dactylar seta are
different in these genera. Vandel (1968) overestimated
the overall appearance of both genera, which both have
a rather unspecialised habitus.
Ecuadoroniscus orientalis Vandel, 1968 (figs 16-17)
Material: microscopic slides of female (body length
4mm): Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo, tropical rain forest at
600 m alt., leg. IV.1965, N. Leleup, VC 5230.1-9
Colour: After Vandel (1968) "coloration claire, violace. Rgion mdiane des prionites couverte de linoles blanchtres. Une tache blanche allong forme la
limite du tergite et du pleurpimre. Pleurpimres
entirement colors. Plon entirement color, sauf


une fine ligne blanche qui souligne le bord postrieur

des plonites."
Cephalothorax: Linea frontalis and linea supraantennalis faint, lamina frontalis lacking, no lateral
lobes, vertex rounded, smooth, compound eyes
composed of seven ommatidia.
Pereon: Tegument smooth, sparsely covered with tricorn-like setae, coxal plates without gland pores, no
noduli laterales, only some long tricorn-like setae on
coxal plate I and II, coxal plates V to VII distally
Pleon: Retracted from pereon but neopleurae of pleonites 3 to 5 prominent. Pleotelson with lateral margins
concave, apex rounded, ventrally with semicircular pit,
dorsally sparsely covered with tricorn-like setae.
Antennula: Three-articulate with distal article coniform, apically bearing five aesthetascs, proximal article with shield-like extension (fig. 17, An1).
Antenna: Flagellum three-articulate, distal article as
long as proximal, as is the apical organ, second article
of half the length, flagellum as long as peduncular
article 5, both peduncle and flagellum covered with
slender tricorn-like setae (fig. 16, An2).
Mandible: Only left mandible preserved but damaged,
after Vandel (1968) molar penicil dichotomic.
Maxillula: Medial endite with two slender penicils,
distally slightly pointed, lateral endite with 4 and 6
teeth, five of inner set cleft, rostrally beneath stout
simple tooth with triangular lobe, setal fringe looking
serrate, with sets of about five seta increasing in length
proximally, then followed by the shortest seta of
following set (fig. 17, Mx1).
Maxilla: Lateral lobe less broad than medial, bearing
pectinate scales, medial lobe covered with trichiform
setae, bearing about ten cusps medio-distally (fig. 17,
Maxilliped: Basipodite with sulcus lateralis, palp threearticulate, distal one terminated by prominent setal
tuft, medial article with setal tuft and two isolated
setae medially and two setae latero-distally, proximal
joint with two setae, endite rostrally with small setal
tuft and knob-like penicil, caudally bearing two teeth
and pectinate scales (fig. 17, Mxp).
Pereopods: Only pereopod 1 could be examined (fig.
16, PE1), rather slender, merus with translucent dentation medio-distally, carpus with rostral antenna-grooming brush slightly extending medio-proximally, ornamental sensory spine with hand-like apex (fig. 16,
Sc1), dactylus with very short inner claw and long
interungual seta, dactylar seta with plumose apex.
Pleopods: Could not be examined.

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Uropod: Protopodite with lateral groove bearing some

trichiform setae, endopodite inserting proximally of
Genital papilla: Unknown due to lack of male specimens.

Genus Oreades Vandel, 1968

Diagnosis: Cephalothorax slightly broadened, linea
supra-antennalis and lamina frontalis present, linea
frontalis reduced, no lateral lobes. Compound eyes
consisting of 14 ommatidia arranged in four rows.
Pleon with prominent neopleurae, continuing the outline of pereon.
Antennula with distal article pointed, bearing several
aesthetascs, mandible with simple molar penicil, lateral endite of maxillula with 4 and 6 teeth, five of
inner set cleft, maxillipedal palp with three setal tufts,
endite bearing knob-like penicil.
Pereopods with prominent coxal plates, lacking noduli
laterales. Pleopods and uropod lost.
Type species: Oreades lativentris Vandel, 1968 (by
monotypy and original designation)
Number of nominal species: Only known from a single

Fig. 16. Ecuadoroniscus orientalis Vandel, 1968, female 4mm

An2 antenna, with detail of apical organ; PE1 pereopod 1 in rostral
view, with detail of dactylus; Sc1 ornamental sensory spine of
carpus 1


Distribution: Confined to Ecuador.
Remarks: Unfortunately, the antennae, maxillae, pereopods, pleopods and uropods are missing in the single
known specimen. Since the specimen is a female and
due to the incompleteness of the preserved material,
the genus Oreades is merely a nomen dubium similar
to Ecuadoroniscus. It is described here with respect to
the phylogeny of the South American Oniscidea of
philosciid facies.
As an autapomorphy of the genus one character can be
n Mandible with simple molar penicil [Md2-4] o molar penicil composed of about seven branches [Md2-2]
There may be more and better characters of this kind
in this form, but they remain unknown due to the loss
of the rest of the material, i.e. the pereopods and
pleopods of this species.
Oreades lativentris Vandel, 1968 (fig. 18)
Material: microscopic slides of female (body length
4 mm): Ecuador, Oriente, tropical forest at Puyo, alt.
800 m a.s.l., humus, leg. IV.1965, N. and J. Leleup,
VC 5237.1-7
Colour: Vandel (1968) wrote: "Violace. Le vertex et
la partie mdiane sont couverts de linoles blanches,
correspondant aux insertions musculaires. Les pleurpimres sont entirement colors. Le plon est entirement pigment l'exception des deux premiers segments qui presentent, dans la rgion antrieure, une
zone dpigmente."
Cephalothorax: Linea frontalis and lamina frontalis
lacking, faint linea supra-antennalis present, compound
eyes composed of about 14 ommatidia arranged in four
Pereon: Tegument smooth, only few tricorn-like setae,
coxal plates with sulcus marginalis, lacking gland
pores and noduli laterales (fig. 18, Cx3).
Pleon: Neopleurae of pleonite 3 to 5 continuing body
outline of pereon, pleotelson with concave lateral margins and semicircular pit ventrally.
Antennula: Three-articulate with distal article pointed,
bearing some aesthetascs apically, single aesthetasc
more proximally (fig. 18, An1).
Antenna: Lacking in the only specimen.
Mandible: Only left mandible preserved, molar penicil
simple, slender, pars intermedia bearing few coniform
setae and two penicils, additional plumose seta more
proximally (fig. 18, Mdl).
Maxillula: Only left lateral endite preserved, apically
with 4+6 teeth, five of inner set deeply cleft, pointed
triangular lobe rostrally, lateral fringe of trichiform
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 17. Ecuadoroniscus orientalis Vandel, 1968, female 4mm

An1 antennula; Mxp maxilliped, with detail of endite in rostral view; Mx1 maxillula, with detail of apical lateral endite in rostral view; Mx2
maxilla; Tel pleotelson and uropod in situ

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 18. Oreades lativentris Vandel, 1968, female

An1 antenna; Cx3 coxal plate III; Mdl left mandible with detail of pars intermedia; Mxp maxilliped, with detail of endite in rostral view; Mx1
lateral endite of maxillula with detail of apex in rostral view; Tel pleotelson and uropod in situ

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

setae with uneven insertion area (fig. 18, Mx1).

Maxilla: Both maxillae lost.
Maxilliped: Basipodite with short sulcus lateralis, palp
with three setal tufts medially, proximal one composed
of three to four setae, proximal article bearing two
setae, endite rostrally with knob-like penicil, caudally
with pectinate scales and slender tooth (fig. 18, Mxp).
Pereopods, pleopods and uropod lacking.
Genital papilla: The only representative was a female
Remarks: Oreades lativentris is another Oniscidea
with long, caudally directed coxal plates V to VII and
pleonal neopleurae continuous with the pereonal body
outline as in Mirtana costaricensis Leistikow, 1997 or
Oniscophiloscia mirifica Wahrberg, 1922. These species lack any pleopodal lungs and, therefore, do not
seem to have closer links to the european genus Oniscus Linn, 1758. Vandel (1968) placed Oreades near
Ischioscia in a "groupe ischioscien" mainly due to the
laterally protruding compound eyes and the lack of a
linea frontalis. The latter argument is worthless since
there are members of Ischioscia still bearing a linea
frontalis. They were formerly placed in Proischioscia
Vandel, 1968, but it has been demonstrated that this
character is present in the groundpattern of Ischioscia
as well, and there are species intermediate between
Proischioscia and Ischioscia (Schmalfuss 1980). As a
consequence Proischioscia is a junior synonym of
Ischioscia. Since there exist only some microscopic
slides of the single specimen with all pereopods and
pleopods lacking, it is rather difficult to find the relatives of Oreades. There is little evidence that Oreades
lativentris could be treated as member of the "groupe
ischioscien" in the sense of comprising species bearing
a translucent triangular lobe on the rostral surface of
the lateral endite of the maxillula. This triangular lobe
is rather elongate in Oreades, thus separating the genus
from all the other genera bearing this lobe. Whether
the lack of noduli laterales is a synapomorphy or not is
difficult to evaluate, most probably it is an autapomorphy of Ischiosciini or a taxon of even wider limits.

Adelphotaxa Tropiscia Vandel, 1968 and

Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928
The two genera were discussed in several contributions
(Schmalfuss 1980, Leistikow, 1997, 1999d, 2000a,
2001e, f). Their distribution is in Ecuador (Tropiscia
Vandel, 1968) and northwestern South America (Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928). For the genus Ischioscia, a phylogeny is proposed in Leistikow (in press).


Genus Mirtana Leistikow, 1997

Type species: Mirtana costaricensis Leistikow, 1997
(by monotypy and original designation)
Number of nominal species: Only known by type
Distribution: Endemic to Costa Rica.
Remarks: The genus is somewhat enigmatic due to its
body outline, which resembles the higher Crinocheta.
The three-articulate antennal flagellum, the setation of
maxillipedal endite and palp and the lack of respiratory
areas are plesiomorphies which are common in some
taxa of philosciid facies, too. Due to their status these
characters lack a phylogenetic value. The pereopods
and the pleopods, especially the shape of the copulatory organs of the latter, reflect affinities to Ischioscia.
The morphology of the male pleopod 1 resembles in
quite all details those known from members of Ischioscia, especially the proximally bent accessory process
at the apex of the endopodite. This character and the
shape of the distomedial sensory spine with its handlike apex do not occur in any other known genus and
justify the treatment of Mirtana and Ischioscia as close
relatives, although their habitus is totally different.
The autapomorphies of Mirtana Leistikow, 1997 are:
n Cephalothorax with rather two "swellings" instead
of lateral lobes [Ct2-3] o cephalothorax with level
profrons [Ct2-2]
n Pleon continuing the pereon by means of large neopleura [Ha2-2] o pleon with small neopleurae [Ha2-1]
n Pereonites covered with granulae [Ha1-2] o pereonites smooth [Ha1-1]
Different to species of the family Oniscidae, which
have large neopleurae on their pleonites and three-articulate antennal flagellum, the cephalothorax of Mirtana shows no lateral lobes formed by the linea frontalis
and the antenna bears a long apical organ. The linea
frontalis is medially interrupted, thus producing only
two slight protrusions superficially resembling the
profrons of Yaerikima kartaboana (van Name, 1936).
The presence of large neopleurae is in convergence to
other Oniscidea, the apomorphic shape of the
antennula links Mirtana with the Ischiosciini.
For a detailed discussion and the description of the
type species see Leistikow (1997b).

The Prosekia-group: Prosekiini tax.n.

Diagnosis: This monophyletic taxon is besides the
Ischiosciini the largest group of South American philosciids. This group experienced a radiation which is
much more impressive than that of the Ischiosciini.
Especially conspicuous is the highly diverse and comOrg. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

plex differentiation of the male pleopods. The monophyly of this group is supported by the autapomorphies
listed below:
n Antennula with the medial aesthetascs gathered in a
tuft, directed more or less medio-distally, not attached
to article 3 [Ae1-3] o antennula with aesthetascs
paired in a medial line [Ae1-1]
n Transverse fold between aesthetasc tuft and distal
pair of aesthetascs o distal article coniform
n Male pleopod 1 with hyaline lamellae near apex
[PL4-3] o no such lamellae on pleopod 1 exopodite
In contrast to Vandel's statement (1952), no flagelliform noduli laterales could be observed in Prosekia
rutilans (Vandel, 1952). The noduli are slightly longer
than the tricorn-like setae but not considerably different to those of the genus Chaetophiloscia Verhoeff,
1908 in which the species was originally included. In
Metaprosekia Leistikow, 2000, the noduli are not much
longer than in Chaetophiloscia, too. Long Noduli
laterales are confined to the more derived taxa of the
Prosekiini. If flagelliform noduli were present in the
groundpattern of the Prosekiini, an independent reduction of the length of the noduli in Prosekia and Metaprosekia has to be postulated. There is no evidence for
such a reduction of the size, therefore, flagelliform
noduli laterales are considered not to be a character of
the groundpattern of this group.

Genus Prosekia Leistikow, 2000

Type species: Chaetophiloscia rutilans Vandel, 1952 designated in Leistikow (2000d), by monotypy
Number of nominal species: Only know from type
Distribution: Confined to Venezuela.
Remarks: According to the 13a ICZN, the genus
name was unavailable since no type species was
chosen. After the redescription of the genus (Leistikow
2000d). and a re-examination of all the members
ascribed to Prosekia (see below and Leistikow 1999c),
the genus now is monotypic with a Venezuela species.
The autapomorphies of Prosekia are:
n Cephalothorax with faint linea frontalis, medially
interrupted [modified Ct1-5] o linea frontalis continuous [Ct1-5]
n Male pleopod 2 endopodite with club-like apex
[PL5-3] o pleopod 2 endopodite pointed [PL5-1]
n Colour pattern: reddish brown with 3 lines of light
patches o colour more purplish brown, prominent patches solely on the coxal plates


Prosekia rutilans is recognized by the colour pattern of

reddish brown with some darker patches, not found in
any other species belonging to the Prosekiini. The faint
medially interrupted linea frontalis is similarly found
only in this species, in the outgroup of Prosekiini, the
linea frontalis is continuous. The club-like apex of the
male pleopod 2 endopodite is resembling those of several species of Ischioscia, but because it does not
belong to the groundpattern of Ischioscia and the two
taxa differ in the shape of the antennula, the more parsimonous explanation is the convergent acquisition of
such a shape of the endopodite. Moreover, the structure of the endopodite is not identical in both taxa.

Genus Metaprosekia Leistikow, 2000

Type species: Metaprosekia nodilinearis Leistikow,
2000 (by monotypy)
Number of nominal species: 1
Distribution: The type series was collected in Venezuela .
Remarks: This new species is included in a separate
genus due to the intermediate character set with similarities to Prosekia, Androdeloscia, and Andenoniscus.
It is part of the monophyletic Prosekiini, sharing the
characteristic shape of the antennula. The shape of the
pleopod 1 exopodite resembles the one of Prosekia, a
symplesiomorphy; its size and the flagelliform noduli
laterales are synapomorphies with the remaining genera of the Prosekiini. Some characteristic features are
only found in Metaprosekia Leistikow, 2000 and thus
are the autapomorphies of the genus:
n Eyes composed of three individualised ommatidia,
surrounded by pigments [Ey-5] o eyes with about
eight ommatidia with lenses distally fused [Ey-4]
n Noduli laterales all at same distance from lateral
margin of coxal plates [Cx3-1] o nodulis lateralis on
coxal plate IV inserted more dorsally [Cx3-3]
The former character is linked with the size reduction
of the entire group, but is here extremely marked. All
the other genera have about eight ommatidia, the lenses are fused distally, this structure is missing in Metaprosekia, the ommatidia are individualized.

Genus Andenoniscus Verhoeff, 1941

Type species: Andenoniscus silvaticus Verhoeff, 1941
Number of species: 2 [4, if the nomina dubia A.
tropicalis and A. narcissi are included, but see Leistikow (1998a)], both from the Neotropics
Distribution: Apparently disjunct distribution in Panama and northern Peru; species might have a wider
distribution than presently known.
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Remarks: Andenoniscus Verhoeff, 1941 is a genus of

rather small species inhabiting mainly the cordilleras
of South America. The recent re-examination (Leistikow 1998a) of the available material accomplished the
generic diagnosis of Andenoniscus. It is quite similar
to other small South American crinochete Oniscidea,
particularly to Erophiloscia Vandel, 1972 in general
appearance, and in the shape of the mouthparts.
Different to Verhoeff's (1941) diagnosis, the lateral
endite of the maxillula is composed of 4 and 4 teeth
with the inner set cleft, he may have taken the 8th
tooth for a small additional tip of one of the other
teeth, since he wrote that only one of the seven teeth is
equipped with a small additional tip. Although there
are several characters in common with the above
mentioned genera, the species of Andenoniscus are
united by the following synapomorphies:
n Linea supra-antennalis reduced [Ct1-2] o linea
supra-antennalis present[Ct1-5]
n Lateral lobes ventrally drawn out o lateral lobes not
reaching ventrally of antennal sockets
Particularly the shape of the lateral lobes represent a
good character for the identification of the genus. This
type of lateral lobes is not found in any other genus of
the Prosekiini. The reduction of the linea supraantennalis also is restricted to Andenoniscus, but as it
is a reductive character, its weight is small, if there are
no positive characters supporting monophyly of the

Genus Xiphoniscus Vandel, 1968

Type species: Xiphoniscus mirabilis Vandel, 1968 (by
monotypy and original designation)
Number of nominal species: 1
Distribution: Only known from Ecuador.
Remarks: The adult male of Xiphoniscus mirabilis is
easily identified by its prolonged coxal plates II, a
character which is unique among the Oniscidea. Apart
from this, the genus is closely related to Andenoniscus
Verhoeff, 1941, Prosekia and Erophiloscia Vandel,
1972, which can be concluded from the shape of the
cephalothorax with itsslight lateral lobes and the stout
male pleopod 1 endopodites, which are structurally
similar in Xiphoniscus, Andenoniscus and Prosekia:
the basis is stout and the apex denticulate. There are
two characters which represent the autapomorphies of
the genus:
n Coxal plates II drawn out caudally in the male [Ha54] o coxal plate II caudally rounded [Ha5-1]
n Molar penicil composed of a strong branch and
three shorter branches o molar penicil composed of
about five branches


The first character is a very striking autapomorphy of

Xiphoniscus as it is found in no other taxon described
up to now. The morphology of the mandible represents
a more derived character state compared to the mandible of the above mentioned genera since it has a reduced and modified number of branches. In Andenoniscus, Prosekia and Erophiloscia Vandel, 1972 the
molar penicil is composed of up to ten branches. All
these genera are members of the presumably monophyletic "groupe chaetophiloscien" as postulated by
Vandel (1968) with an excentric nodulus lateralis on
coxal plate IV.

Adelphotaxa Erophiloscia Vandel, 1972 and

Androdeloscia Leistikow, 1999
The two genera comprise the bulk of species of the
Prosekiini, the differentiation of the male pleopod 1
endopodite reaching within this group its highest level
of differentiation. Both genera share the following
synapomorphic characters:
n Lack of a proximal setal tuft on the maxillipedal
palp [Mp2-5] o palp with three setal tufts[Mp2-4]
n Maxillipedal endite without setation [Mp3-3] o
endite covered with fine setae [Mp3-2]
n Male pleopod 5 distally pointed, with straight medial margin somewhat prolonged proximally [PL6-2] o
pleopod 5 rhomboid in shape, without distal point
Hence the former two characters are reductive, they
are of minor weight for the evaluation of the hypothesis of a sister group relationship. On the other hand
the latter character is a rather complex one, which supports the monophyly of Erophiloscia and Androdeloscia. The presence of a straight medial margin has to be
seen in the light of its function for holding the flagelliform pleopod 2 endopodite. So it may be argued
that there is a selective pressure in the evolution of a
holding structure in pleopod 5. As can be seen in other
taxa, e.g. in Pentoniscus or Benthana taeniata, a
straight margin evolved convergently. Therefore, it is
important to stress the similarity of the shape in the
pleopods of Erophiloscia and Androdeloscia: the lateral margin is convex, bearing two sensory spines, and
a single row of pectinate scales is present on the caudal
side. Since both genera are closely related within the
Prosekia-goup as will be shown in chapter 5, the
explanation of a single event for the evolution of a
straight medial margin is conform to the principle of

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Genus Erophiloscia Vandel, 1972

Type species: Erophiloscia longistyla Vandel, 1972
(by original designation)
Number of species: 4 [6, if the nomina dubia E.
tropicalis and E.narcissi are included, but see
Leistikow (1998a)], all from the Neoptropics
Distribution: Eastern parts of Ecuador and Peru.
Remarks: This remarkable genus is distinguished from
other South American members of the Prosekiini,
which have a apomorphic morphology of the antennula
as discussed above, by the shape of the male pleopods,
especially the drawn out pleopod 5 exopodites and the
extraordinarily long pleopod 2 endopodites already
noted by Vandel (1972).
For the time being, the following character is recognized as the autapomorphy of the genus:
n Male pleopod 5 with extremely drawn out mediodistal point [PL6-4] o pleopod 5 with moderate distal
point [PL6-2]
The pleopod 5 exopodite bears no guide slot for the
pleopod 2 exopodite as it can be found in Androdeloscia. The endopodite 2 is held simply by the medial
margin of the exopodite 5.

Genus Androdeloscia Leistikow, 1999

Type species: Androdeloscia hamigera (Vandel, 1952)
Number of nominal species: 20, all from the Neotropics
Distribution: Northwestern South America and Central
America north to Mexico.
Remarks: The new genus is of vast distribution in
northern South America. It is also well represented in
Central America north to southern Mexico. A new
species is presented from Guatemala and a further species is reported from Mexico, which was described as
Philoscia formosa Mulaik, 1960 with incomplete diagnosis (Mulaik 1960).
As stated above, Androdeloscia is the sister group of
Erophiloscia. It is discriminated by the following autapomorphy:
n Male pleopod 5 exopodite with medio-caudal groove
delimited by pectinate scales [PL6-3] o some pectinate scales along medial margin, no medio-distal groove
present [PL6-2]
This character is found in a similar manner in several
taxa of Crinocheta, for example in the Porcellionidae,
but this is due to convergence since it is not found in
any of the closer relatives of Androdeloscia and there
are no synapomorphies shared by the Porcellionidae
and the new taxon. A detailed analysis of this groove,


the "Innenrandlngsrinne" of Verhoeff (1920), may

show some differences in the fine structure: In the
Porcellionidae, the margins of this groove is extended
in a hylaine cuticular lobe (Legrand 1946, Hoese
1981), which is lacking in Androdeloscia.

Genus Burmoniscus Collinge, 1914

A diagnosis of Burmoniscus was given in Taiti and
Ferrara (1986b).
Type species: Burmoniscus moulmeinus Collinge,
1914 (syn. of Philoscia coeca Budde-Lund, 1895)
Number of nominal species: 58, two are reported from
the Neotropics, both most pobably introduced from
West Africa and Southeast Asia
Distribution: Southeast Asia, East Africa, West Africa
(?), some species circumtropically carried off by
human activity.
Remarks: The genus Burmoniscus Collinge, 1914 has
been revised and newly defined by Taiti and Ferrara
(1986b). It is a heterogeneous group which probably is
paraphyletic, comprising blind and unpigmented species and species which are superficially similar to several members of Ischioscia, e.g. Burmoniscus davisi
Taiti and Manicastri, 1988. In fact, no autapomorphies
of the genus are described until now. The characteristic
position of the nodulus lateralis on coxal plate II is
shared with e.g. Anchiphiloscia Stebbing, 1908 (Ferrara and Taiti, 1986), from which it differs in the presence of gland pores and a sulcus marginalis, characters
which are with certainty plesiomorphies of Burmoniscus.
The genus is of oriental distribution where it occurs
with more than 30 species. The first records from
South America, B. meussii (Holthuis, 1949) was reported from Brazil by Arajo et al. (1996). New records for this species are from Venezuela. For the first
time, records of the rather unknown species Burmoniscus kohleri (Schmalfuss and Ferrara, 1978) are presented from Guatemala by Leistikow (2000b).

Adelphotaxa Caraiboscia Vandel, 1968 and

Colombophiloscia Leistikow, 2001
The two genera are adelphotaxa since they share the
following apomorphic characters:
n Modified tricorn-like setae on the dorsum: leaflet
scales, "Blttchenschuppe" of Schmalfuss (1977) [Ha32] o tricorn-like seate with simple cuticular scale
n Compound eyes reduced to four ommatidia [Ey-5]
o compound eyes consisting of about ten ommatidia
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

n Antennula with a single row of erected aesthetascs

[Ae1-4] o antennula with aesthetascs paired in medial
line [Ae1-1]
n Lateral endite bearing mostly simple teeth [Ml1-5]
o teeth of inner set cleft [Ml1-4]
The two genera were discussed to some extent in Leistikow (2001d). Their adelphotaxon relationship
appears to be well-reasoned.

Genus Caraiboscia Vandel, 1968

Type species: Caraiboscia microphthalma Vandel,
1968 (by monotypy and original designation)
Number of species: 2, both from the Neotropics
Distribution: Northern South America from Guyana to
Remarks: The genus Caraiboscia is a pigmentless
taxon with reduced compound eyes and lives "un mode
de vie humicole ou endog" (Vandel 1968). The generic diagnosis comprises a set of plesiomorphies.
Apomorphies of Caraiboscia are:
n Drop-like shape of the male pleopod 1 exopodite
[PL3-5] o pleopod 1 expodite subtriangular [PL3-1]
n Small bulbs at the apex of pleopod 1 endopodite o
apex of pleopod 1 endopodites smooth
n Saw-like structure on male pleopod 2 endopodite
[PL5-4] o pleopod 2 endopodite smooth [PL5-1]
n Linea supra-antennalis reduced [Ct1-2] o linea
supra-antennalis present [Ct1-5]
n Profrons with two prominent depressions o depressions on profrons shallow
n Lateral endite with 4+5 teeth, only one cleft [Ml1-5;
Ml1-6] o lateral endite with 4 and 6 teeth, five of
inner set cleft [M11-4]
The leaflet tricorns are slightly derived in Caraiboscia
compared to Colombophiloscia. The leaf-like cuticle is
fused with the supporting scale of the tricorn itself and
the setae are bent anteriorly.
Very particular characters of Caraiboscia are the shape
of the male pleopod 1 exopodite and the saw-like
structure on the male pleopod 2 endopodite. These are
complex characters which support the monophyly of
the genus whereas the reduction of the linea supraantennalis itself is rather susceptible to convergence.
This latter character has to be seen with the differentiation of the cephalothorax, with respect to the modification of the profrons and its depressions.
In contrast to the statement of Vandel (1968), the
noduli laterales are clearly discernible and are all
inserted at the same distance to the lateral margin of
the coxal plates.


After cautious re-examination of Phalloniscus langi

(van Name, 1936) and Phalloniscus pearsei (van
Name, 1936) the genus might be enlarged by these
species from Guyana. Some material collected on
Trinidad at Navet Dam Lake by the H.J. Just, deposited in the Zoological Muesum of Copenhagen, belong to this genus, too. The only male is too damaged
to allow specific recognition.

Genus Colombophiloscia Leistikow, 2001

Type species: Colombophiloscia alticola Vandel, 1968
(designated by Leistikow, 2001d)
Number of nominal species: 4, all from the Neotropics
Distribution: Northern tropical Andes.
Remarks: Leistikow and Wgele (1999) pointed out
the possible case of homonymy of Colombophiloscia
Vandel, 1968 and Colombophiloscia Vandel, 1981.
For the Cuban species, C. romanorum Vandel, 1981,
probably a new genus has to be established after
examiation of the type material.
The genus as defined herein is characterized by these
n Linea frontalis substituted by row of tricorn-like
setae [modified Ct1-3] o linea fontalis present [Ct1-5]
n Molar penicil a simple seta [Md2-4] o molar
penicil composed of about five branches [Md2-3]
n Gland pores reduced [Cx1-1] o gland pores on all
coxal plates [Cx1-2]
The first character is found in all species ascribed to
this genus, whereas in Caraiboscia, the cephalothorax
is even more modified. It is possible that the reduction
of the linea frontalis is a synapomorphy of both genera, the presence of tricorn-like setae arranged in a row
is typical only for Colombophiloscia. For the second
character, a reduction of the molar penicil in Colombophiloscia, a convergency to character states found in
other taxa like Burmoniscus or Pentoniscus is postulated, since there are no characters supporting an adelphotaxon relationship with one of these taxa. The adelphotaxon of Colombophiloscia excluding C. romanorum Vandel, 1981, the genus Caraiboscia, bears a compound molar penicil as postulated for the groundpattern of the Crinocheta, thus the reduction has occurred
in Colombophiloscia solely.

Adelphotaxa Pseudophiloscia Budde-Lund, 1904

and Araucoscia Verhoeff, 1939
These two genera are closely related or might even be
considered synonymous. This question can not be resolved since the material of Pseudophiloscia angusta
(Dana, 1852) has been lost when the ship carrying the
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Dana collections sunk in the last century. For the two

genera these synapomorphies can be postulated:
n Two rows of noduli laterales per side [Cx3-2] o
only one row of noduli laterales per side [Cx3-1]
n Coxal plates very narrow [Ha5-2] o coxal plates of
normal breadth [Ha5-1]
n Coxal plates without sulcus marginalis [Cx4-2] o
coxal plates with sulcus marginalis [Cx4-1]
n Lateral endite of maxillula with about ten simple
teeth not fitting the 4+6-pattern [M11-8] o maxillula
with 4+6 teeth, five of inner set cleft [M11-4]
The differences in the shape of the pereopods and
pleopods in the male may be of significance at species
level. As stated in an earlier work (Leistikow 1998c),
good evidence for the synonymy of both genera can
only be given if a sister-species-relationship of Araucoscia chilenica Verhoeff, 1939 with one of the
species of Pseudophiloscia found in Chile is shown. In
particular, it is difficult to do so since no material of P.
angusta is available, which might be the sister species
of one of the two species P. inflexa Budde-Lund, 1904
and A. chilenica.

Genus Pseudophiloscia Budde-Lund, 1904

Type species: Pseudophiloscia inflexa Budde-Lund,
Number of species: 2, both from Chile
Distribution: Temperate trans-andean Chile.
Remarks: After nine decades of confusion with regard
to the status and synonymy of Paraphiloscia Stebbing,
1900 and Pseudophiloscia, Leistikow (1998c) proposed to retain the genus name Pseudophiloscia for the
South American species P. inflexa and P. angusta
(Dana, 1852) exclusively. It was postulated that this
genus is not related to the species of Pseudophiloscia
from the Old World, which are now in Paraphiloscia
Stebbing, 1900. In a footnote of a paper of the late
Budde-Lund (1912), Stebbing reduced Pseudophiloscia to a synonym of Paraphiloscia. This synonymysation was followed by Jackson (1927), but Nunomura
(1986) ignored the synonymization in a paper on "Philosciidae" from Japan and contributed to the confusion
about these two genera.

Genus Araucoscia Verhoeff, 1939

Type species: Araucoscia chilenica Verhoeff, 1939 (by
monotypy and original designation)
Number of nominal species: 1
Distribution: Temperate trans-andean Chile.
Remarks: The monotypic genus Araucoscia from
Chile is one of the enigmatic genera from southern


South America. It was found on Calbuco Island at

4146'30''S and 738'W.
The genus is characterized by the peculiar lateral endite of the maxillula:
n Lateral endite with seven simple teeth apically, described as 6+1 [2+1+1+1+1] by Verhoeff (1939) [M116] o lateral endite with ten simple teeth [M11-8]
The lateral endite is superficially similar to the one of
the Melanesian genus Oroscia Verhoeff, 1926, which
shows a 4+4 pattern instead of the 1+6 pattern of
Araucoscia. Interestingly, Oroscia squamuligera Verhoeff, 1926 bears a similar ornamental sensory spine
on carpus 1 and the longer sensory spines of the medial margin of carpus and merus are raising from a
prominent hump. Other genera from the Australasian
region also have a most lateral tooth of the maxillula
of huge dimensions, i.e. Adeloscia dawsoni Vandel,
1977 (North Island of New Zealand), Leucophiloscia
endogaea Vandel, 1973 (Papua-New Guinea) and certain species of Papuaphiloscia Vandel, 1970 like Papuaphiloscia rennelli Vandel, 1973 (Solomon Islands).
They all differ from Araucoscia chilenica in having
the molar penicil simple and - save Leucophiloscia
endogaea - bearing a knob-like penicil on the endite of
the maxilliped. A comprehensive discussion of the
genus was published in Leistikow (1998a).

Genus Oniscophiloscia Wahrberg, 1922

Diagnosis: Cephalothorax with medial and lateral
lobes, linea frontalis and linea supra-antennalis both
interrupted. Mandible with prominent compound molar penicil, lateral endite of maxillula with 4+7 simple
teeth, maxilla with sparse setation, endite of maxilliped
without knob-like seta and setation, bearing four teeth,
palp with proximal setal tuft composed of long and
short seta.
Pereopods stout, bearing three rows of sensory spines
medially, coxal plates with sulcus marginalis, gland
pore fields and noduli laterales, all inserted near lateral
Pleopods without respiratory areas, exopodites pointed, endopodites small. Uropod protopodite laterally
grooved, endopodite inserting proximally of exopodite.
Type species: Philoscia (Oniscophiloscia) mirifica
Wahrberg, 1922 (by monotypy and original designation)
Number of nominal species: 3, restricted to Juan Fernndez and adjacent coast of Chile
Distribution: Juan Fernndez Islands and temperate
trans-andean Chile (?).

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Remarks: Morphologically spoken, this genus is an

isolated representative of the Crinocheta. It is similar
to the genera Pseudophiloscia and Araucoscia with
respect to the shape of the pereopods and the dentation
of the lateral maxillular endite, which bears solely
simple teeth. For recognition of this genus, the autapomorphic characters are relevant:
n Cephalothorax with T-shaped medial lobe on postfrons dorsally limited by linea frontalis [Ct2-4] o no
such medial lobe [Ct2-1]
n Male pleopod 1 exopodite elongate, much longer
than broad [PL3-6] o male pleopod 1 subtriangular,
not longer than broad [PL3-1]
n Male pleopod 1 endopodite apically bulbous with
cuticular granules o pleopod 1 endopodite pointed,
As in Mirtana costaricensis, the members of Oniscophiloscia have an oval outline of the body due to
prominent neopleurae. This character is a convergent
adaptation to a life style different to most genera of
philosciid facies: the animals do not try to escape, they
try to hide attached to the ground. The structure of the
cephalothorax and the male pleopod are unique among
the crinochete Oniscidea, thus they have to be treated
as the autapomorphies of Oniscophiloscia. Wahrberg
(1922) stressed the similarity of the apical organ of
Philoscia Latreille, 1804. This type of apical organ is
most probably a symplesiomorphy of the two genera.
A better indication of the origin of this group may be
found in the shape of the tricorns which are similar to
those of Porcellionides Miers, 1877 (Wahrberg 1922).
The lack of a phylogenetic analysis in Wahrberg
(1922) was lamented by Strouhal (1960), but was not
supplemented by this author. He placed Oniscophiloscia in the Oniscidae (Strouhal 1960), but gave no synapomorphies which support the close link to Oniscus
Linn, 1758. Thus, this classification lacks a phylogenetic foundation.

4.2.2 Nomina dubia

The remaining nominal species are for the time being
nomina dubia since they were described based only on
female specimens which often do not have speciesspecific characters. It was common use to describe
new species based on solely females in the first
decades of this century. Pearse (1915) described some
species of Philoscia from Colombia, and Paulian de
Felice (1944) contributed to the Oniscidea fauna of the
Guyanas, both giving descriptions of some interesting
species of "philosciids" for which unfortunately male
specimens are not available:


Andenoniscus narcissi Vandel, 1968 (syn. Erophiloscia n.)

Andenoniscus tropicalis Vandel, 1968 (syn. Erophiloscia t.)
Ecuadoroniscus orientalis Vandel, 1968
Ischioscia debilis (Budde-Lund, 1893)
Ischioscia nitida (Miers, 1877)
Oreades lativentris Vandel, 1968
Pentoniscus exilis van Name, 1925
Philoscia colimensis Mulaik, 1960
Philoscia diminuta Budde-Lund, 1893
Philoscia gracilior Paulian de Felice, 1944
Philoscia geayi Paulian de Felice, 1944
Philoscia moneaguensis van Name, 1936
Philoscia seriepunctata Budde-Lund, 1893
For the following species a correct specific or generic
diagnosis can not be given due to the loss of intact
males or the refusion of the permission to examine
them in detail by the museum where the type is stored.
Therefore, the species are not available to scientific
Chaetophiloscia frontalis Lemos de Castro, 1967
Chaetophiloscia walkeri (Pearse, 1915)
Philoscia demerarae van Name, 1925
As stated above, Ecuadoroniscus orientalis and Oreades lativentris are nomina dubia due to the lack of a
male in the type material. Nonetheless, the genera
were dealt with in the generic account due to their
importance for the understanding of the phylogeny of
the Ischiosciini. For Chatophilosica frontalis one can
deduce a close relationship to one of the genera of the
Prosekiini, particularly the antennula is similar to the
members of this group. The male type material is lost,
so a correct identification is not possible. Since Lemos
de Castro (1967) did not give any description of the
male pleopods, the species name remains dubious. In
the case of Philoscia demerarae, there are males in the
AMNH collections but due to the loan policies it was
impossible to re-examine the material. The original
description (van Name 1925) is too poor to recognize
this species in the field. So it is decided to leave it as a
nomen dubium.

4.2.3 Genera used as Outgroups

Besides Ligia baudiniana Milne Edwards, 1840, Scleropactes talamancensis Leistikow, 1997 and Reductoniscus tuberculatus Leistikow, 1997 which were recently dealt with (Ferrara and Taiti 1990; Leistikow
1997a and 1997c), three further taxa are used for comparison to the South American taxa ( "Philosciidae":
Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Philoscia, Adeloscia) and for outgroup comparison

(Detonidae Budde-Lund, 1904: Deto).

4.3 Key to the Genera of "Philosciidae" of the

New World
1 Noduli laterales absent or weakly differentiated
from tricorn-like setae
- Noduli laterales prominent, sensillum much
longer than in tricorn-like setae
2 Maxilla with lobes of subequal breadth, maxillipedal palp with setal tufts composed of more than
30 setae, basis not much broader than both palp
and endite put together
- Maxilla with lobes not subequal in breadth, maxillipedal palp with tufts of less than 20 setae, basis
broader than both palp and endite put together


11 Pleopod 5 exopodite triangular with straight

Pentoniscus vargasae
- Pleopod 5 of different shape
12 Linea frontalis present
- Linea frontalis absent


13 Linea frontalis medially interrupted, both halfs

- Linea frontalis straight, very faint Ecuadoroniscus
14 Cephalothorax laterally broadened, pereonites
Ischioscia zebricolor
- Cephalothorax not broadened, pereonites lightspotted
15 Coxal plates latero-caudally rounded Formicascia
- Cephalothorax with two slight ridges on postfrons
16 Two rows of noduli laterales on each side
- One row of noduli laterales on each side


3 Cephalothorax without lateral lobes, nodulus

lateralis tricorn-like, slightly longer sensillum
distinguishing it from tricorn-like setae
- Small lateral lobes present, no noduli-shaped
tricorn-like setae on coxal plates

17 Lateral endite of maxillula with seven teeth

- Lateral endite of maxillula with ten teeth

4 Cephalothorax with prominent compound eyes

consisting of at least 20 ommatidia in four rows 5
- Cephalothorax with compound eyes consisting of
a maximum of 15 ommatidia randomly arranged 9

18 One of the noduli laterales more dorsally inserted

than others
- All noduli laterales at same distance from lateral
margin of coxal plates

5 Compound eyes laterally protruding, cephalothorax

in frontal view T-shaped
- Cephalothorax different

19 Pleonites 3 to 5 with broad neopleurae, continuing

- Pleonites with small neopleurae, not continuing
pereon outline

6 Pereopod 1 with enlarged carpus, prominent setal

- Pereopods without prominent setal fields
7 Pereopods 2 to 5 with transverse setal fringe medially
- Tricorns of coxal plates flagelliform, pleopod 1
exopodite with small protrusion laterally Tropiscia
8 Tegument smooth and shiny, small neopleurae
- Tegument with granules, prominent neopleurae
9 Pleonites 3 to 5 with broad neopleurae, continuing
- Pleonites with small neopleurae, not continuing pereon outline
10 Compound eyes of more than 5 ommatidia, dorsally well-pigmented
- Compound eyes absent or less than 5 ommatidia,
pigmentation reduced

20 Apical organ shorter than distal flagellar article,

free sensilla of same length
- Apical organ longer than distal flagellar article, free
sensilla short
21 Pigmentless with scale-shaped, frontally directed
tricorns on pereonite
- Pigmented, noduli laterales flagelliform
22 Lateral endite of maxilla with cleft teeth, pereopod
1 propus inflated
- Lateral endite of maxilla with ctenate teeth
23 Slender with long pereopods, genital papilla
apically with deep cleft
- More stout with star-shaped chromatophores dorsally, genital papilla with slight cleft
24 Lungs on pleopods 1 to 5


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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


advisable: For comparison of characters, it is necessary

to make sure that the structures dealt with are truly
homologous, in the Crinocheta, specialized dorsal receptors are commonly called noduli laterales, but until
now, no investigations on the ultrastructure of these
receptors were published. The homologization is done
merely by the differences in general appearance between the noduli and the tricorns.
Another problem is the case of pleopodal lungs in
the Crinocheta, they are homologies since they are respiratory devices of the pleopod exopodite, but a thorough examination of the structure of lungs reveal that
they evolved independently from simple respiratory
areas. This problem is discussed in chapter 5.1 with respect to lung evolution in South American taxa of philosciid facies.
Additionally, difficulties in determining the polarity
of characters should be mentioned. As in the case of
the shape of the apical organ or the shape of pereopod
1, often two main character states can be discerned,
which are not present in the outgroups. These problems of homologization were discussed by Hennig
(1961) and recently by Patterson (1982), who pointed
out the risk of defining paraphyla by means of homologous structures which are, phylogenetically spoken,


5.1 Evolution of Lung Structures

No pleopodal lungs but uncovered "respiratory


25 Cephalothorax without lateral lobes, small: <6mm

- Lateral lobes present, large: > 10 mm
26 Linea frontalis present, covered pleopodal lungs
- Linea frontalis reduced, semi-covered lungs
27 Lateral endite of maxillula with ctenate teeth, no
gland pore fields
Benthana longicaudata
- Maxillula with simple teeth, coxal plates with
distinct gland pore fields
28 Apical organ with long free sensilla, shorter than
distal flagellar article
- Apical organ longer than distal article, free sensilla
29 Respiratory areas or lungs present, mandible molar
penicil dichotomic
- No respiratory areas, molar penicil simple
30 Both linea frontalis and linea supra-antennalis
- Either linea frontalis or linea supra-antennalis
31 Linea supra-antennalis reduced
- Linea frontalis reduced



32 Pleopod 5 exopodite triangular and pointed

- Pleopod of different shape, coxal plate II drawn out
33 Pleopod 5 exopodite with guide slot on medial
- Pleopod 5 exopodite extraordinarily drawn out
34 Compound eyes with more than 20 ommatidia
arranged in 4 rows, pleopod 1 endopodite apically
- Compound eyes with seven to eight ommatidia,
pleopod 1 endopodite flagelliform
Erophiloscia (waegelei, longistyla)

5 Phylogeny of South American "Philosciidae"

In this chapter, the phylogeny of the South American
genera of philosciid facies is reconstructed by means
of the Hennigian methodology. A cladistic analysis is
performed with the PAUP software, and both topologies are compared. Some preliminary remarks seem

A detailed analysis of the lung morphology was performed by Hoese (1982 and 1983). His excellent work
led to some misinterpretations of the observed structures, and a simple morphological row was constructed
and found its way even in treatises on zoology (e.g.
Gruner 1993). Further research revealed the fact that
the lungs, which until then on the basis of available
data were supposed to have evolved only once in the
Oniscoidea and then been modified in the course of
further evolution must have evolved several times,
starting with folded lateral areas of the exopodites and
forming respiratory organs of different complexity, the
most specialized being covered lungs, which have contact to the surrounding air solely by a spiracle. For example, this morphological row can be traced in the Eubelidae (Ferrara et al. 1990). Furthermore, the thorough examination of the genus Aphiloscia BuddeLund, 1908 ended in the discovery of a convergent
evolution of covered lungs within this genus (Ferrara
et al. 1994). This contrasts with the opinion that within
the family "Philosciidae" lungs never occur [cf. Vandel's (1962) definition of the family]. For this study,
the respiratory organs of the genera Balloniscus, Benthana and Atlantoscia were examined and a converOrg. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

gent evolution of partially to totally covered lungs in

the Balloniscidae and Atlantoscia rubromarginata
(Arajo and Leistikow, 1999) has to be postulated.
The complexity of respiratory areas is very different
in the four species examined in this work, they reflect
a morphological transition from simple unfolded
uncovered lungs to semicovered lungs with anastomising lung tubules. This morphological transition does
not represent a phylogenetic transition, as can be seen
by comparing the position of the taxa in the phylogram
proposed in this study (chapter 5.2).These lung structures were described by Leistikow and Arajo (2000).
It has to be stressed that in contrast to the statements
of Warburg et al. (1997), in Androdeloscia tarumae
(Lemos de Castro, 1984) no pleopodal lungs are
present. These small animals seem to breathe via the
ventral cuticle of the exopods as most taxa of
philosciid facies. This analysis of lung structures in
South American Oniscidea of philosciid facies should
demonstrate the necessity of thorough examinations of
characters to avoid misinterpretations concerning the

5.2 Phylogenetic reconstruction

In contrast to the opinion of Vandel (1968, 1973a and
b), the family "Philosciidae" has to be regarded as
being paraphyletic. He postulated a "regressive evolution" of many characters like the reduction of neopleurae, simplification of the structure of the mouthparts,
reduction of eyes and cephalic lobes. He misinterpreted the polarity of these character states. There are no
autapomorphies for the family "Philosciidae". Moreover, as will be shown in the following paragraphs, the
European genus Philoscia is not related to the remainder of the "Philosciidae", it is closely related to
Oniscus Linn, 1758. The cladogram for the examined
taxa is given in fig. 19, the main autapomorphies are
indicated at the dichotomies and explained in the text.
The basalmost representatives of the Oniscoidea
found in South America are the Central American
species Oxalaniscus ctenoscoides and Quintanoscia
contoyensis. In the former, there are no noduli laterales
whereas in Quintanoscia contoyensis small tricorn-like
setae are present which resemble the noduli laterales.
The pereopod 1 carpus bears a brush of sensory spines
medially and a longitudinally directed antennagrooming brush [PE2-1, PE3-2]. The mouthparts, especially the maxillae and maxillipeds, have plesiomorphic character states [M2-1, Mp2-2, Mp3-1]. The mandible has a molar penicil composed of few branches
[Md2-3], a derived character. These character states resemble those found in Alloniscus, another genus of


Oniscoidea lacking noduli laterales. In Alloniscus, the

maxillula bears five teeth in the outer set of the lateral
endite, the plesiomorphic character state. In Oxalaniscus and Quintanoscia, there are only four prominent
teeth [Ml1-5] present. The genera Oxalaniscus and
Quintanoscia are adelphotaxa due to the apomorphic
shape of the molar penicil, they are more derived in the
shape of the maxillula than Alloniscus. The synapomorphies of Oxalaniscus and Quintanoscia are discussed in chapter 4.2.1. The tricorn-like setae of the
three taxa are of the same structure: the sensillum is
only loosely connected with the cuticular scales. This
character is another argument for treating Oxalaniscus
and Quintanoscia as basal. The derived character state
is a sensillum joined with the cuticular scale which is
found in the monophylum described below.
The remaining taxa of Oniscoidea belong to a taxon
with noduli laterales. As can be concluded from the
name of the taxon, the presence of noduli laterales is
the autapomorphy of this monophylum [Cx2-2]. Two
characters are important: For the groundpattern of the
taxon bearing noduli laterales, a cylindric carpus of
pereopod 1 with a longitudinal antenna-grooming brush
has to be postulated. These characters are present in
Alloniscus and less conspicuous in both Oxalaniscus
and Quintanoscia. They can be found in a similarly
developed way in Philoscia, in species of Oniscidae,
Porcellionidae and Agnaridae, among others. In most
of the philosciids found in South America, the antenna-grooming brush has a more transverse position.
The medial margin of the carpus is flattened in the
male bearing a dense cover of sensory spines which
form a spiny brush. This brush plays an important role
during courtship because it allows the male to mount
on the "slippery" cuticle of the female. These brushes
can be found on the pereopods 1 to 7 of several Armadillidiidae with very smooth dorsal cuticle. The other
character, the apical organ, is composed of a tuft of
sensilla wrapped in a cuticular sheath with two free
sensilla. Both the central body and the free sensilla are
of subequal length.
In the stem line leading to the sister taxon of most
of the higher Oniscoidea, the new taxon 0, which is
composed of the new taxon A and its adelphotaxon,
comprising the genera Adeloscia, Araucoscia and
Pseudophiloscia, two new characters evolved:
n Antenna-grooming brush in transverse position
[PE3-2] o antenna-grooming brush in longitudinal position [PE3-1]
n Reduction of number of sensory spines on the medial margin of carpus 1 o dense cover of sensory
spines on medial margin

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 19 A. Phylogeny of the South American "Philosciidae":

The dendrogram is reconstructed by brain work using the Hennigian principles, the phylogeny of the new taxon B is shown in fig. 19 B
Derived character states of the taxa are:
1 Reduction of palp of mandible; Antennula composed of three articles
2 Molar penicil replacing pars molaris [Md1-2]; lateral endite of maxillula bearing two penicils [Mm1-2]; Male pleopod 1 endopodite with
furrow for styliform pleopod 2 endopodite; Pleopod endopodites with muscles M49, 74, 84, 92 (Erhard 1997); Female marsupium with
cotyledones (Wgele 1989)
3 Ventral shield of genital papilla sclerotized [Ge1-2]; Antennal flagellum three-articulate [A2-3]; apical organ with cuticular sheath [Ao1-2]
4 Cephalothorax with linea frontalis reduced [Ct1-3]; molar penicil composed of 3 branches [Md2-3], lateral endite of maxillula with 4+6
teeth, one of inner set absent or at least vestigial [Ml1-6], maxillular teeth simple [Ml1-5]
5 Coxal plates with noduli laterales, specialized tricorn-like setae [Cx2-2]
6 Antenna-grooming brush transverse [PE3-2], reduction of number of sensory spines
7 Sensory spines arranged in three rows of four spines [PE4-3], inserted on small humps, carpus subquadrangular [PE4-3]; lateralmost
tooth of lateral maxillular endite huge [Ml1-8]
8 Two rows of noduli laterales per side [Cx3-2] , coxal plates very narrow [Ha5-2], coxal plates without sulcus marginalis [Cx4-2]
9 Hyaline fringe of fused scales rostro-distally on carpus [PE3-2], laterodistal edge of carpus and merus with setal tufts [PE1-2]; terminal
spatula of genital papilla truncate [Ge2-2]
10 Maxillipedal endite without setation, distal margin transverse [Mp3-4]
11 Tricorns with broadened basis, giving it the shape of an inverted Y [Ha3-3], more than 5 sensory spines on the lateral edge of the male
ischium 7 [PE9-2]
12 Reduction of the ornamental sensory spine on male pereopod 1 carpus [PE7-3]
13 Pleotelson with triangular distal part [Ha4-5]

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Fig. 19 B. Phylogeny of the new taxon B:

The dendrogram is reconstructed by brain work using the Hennigian principles, the phylogeny of the new taxon F in fig. 19C, of the new
taxon Ischiosciini is shown in fig. 19D.
Derived character states of the taxa are:
14 Carpal brushes formed by cuticular scales [PE2-2]; rostral surface of at least the male carpus 1 flattened, sometimes medially enlarged
15 Vasa deferentia run from the genital papilla in pereonite 7 to pereonite 3 (part C), then bend backwards to pereonite 6 (part B) and run
rostrally to segment 4 (part A), where the testes are located [Ge3-2]
16 Apical organ of antenna at least as long as distal flagellar article, free sensilla short [Ao2-3]; medial setal tuft of maxillipedal palp located
on a stalk-like protrusion of the medial article [Mp2-6]
17 Prominent neopleurae, oval body outline, pereonites very convex
18 Antenna-grooming brush distally broadened and deepened, terminated by a set of fringed scales [PE10-2]
19 Pleopod 5 exopodite with caudal creel composed of three sinuous rows of pectinate scales [PL7-3]
20 Cephalothorax without lateral lobes [Ct1-6]
21 Profrons level with no depressions for holding the antennae, lateral lobes and linea frontalis reduced [Ct1-4]
22 Medial part of female pleopod 3 exopodite elongate, surpassing the exopodite [PL3-3]; pleotelson with lateral margin bearing two
23 Molar penicil partially fused and consisting of maximally 7 branches [Md2-2]
24 First article of the antennula with slight shield-like lobe [A1-4]; ornamental sensory spine with hand-like apex [PE7-2]
25 Medial margin of pereopod 1 carpus with angle between part of antenna-grooming brush and part of sensory spines [PE3-3]; two rows of
three sensory spines and one row of three tricorn-like seta along medial margin of carpus 1 [PE4-2]

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 19 C. Phylogeny of the of the new taxon F:

The dendrogram is reconstructed by brain work using the Hennigian principles
Derived character states of the taxa are:
25 Medial margin of pereopod 1 carpus with angle between part of antenna-grooming brush and part of sensory spines [PE3-3]; two rows of
three sensory spines and one row of three tricorn-like seta along medial margin of carpus 1 [PE4-2]
26 Nodulus lateralis of coxal plate IV inserted more distantly from lateral margin [Cx3-3]
27 Antennula with the medial aesthetascs gathered in a tuft, directed more or less medio-distally, not attached to article 3 [Ae1-3],
transverse fold between aesthetasc tuft and distal pair of aesthetascs; male pleopod 1 with hyaline lamellae near apex [PL4-3]
28 Body length less than 6 mm, cuticle soft; eyes consisting of up to ten ommatidia not arranged in distinct rows [Ey-4]
29 Noduli laterales extremely long [Cx3-6]; male pleopod exopodites rounded [PL3-2]
30 Male pleopod 2 endopodite flagelliform [PL5-2]
31 Reduction of a proximal setal tuft on the maxillipedal palp [Mp2-5], maxillipedal endite without setation [Mp3-3]; male pleopod 5 distally
pointed, with straight medial margin somewhat prolonged proximally [PL6-2]
32 Modified tricorn-like setae on the pereonites: leaflet scales (Schmalfuss 1977) [Ha3-2]; compound eyes reduced to 4 ommatidia [Ey-5];
antennula with a single row of erected aesthetascs [Ae1-4]; lateral endite of maxillula bearing mostly simple teeth [Ml1-5]

Fig. 19 D. Phylogeny of the new taxon Ischiosciini:

The dendrogram is reconstructed by brain work using the
Hennigian principles
Derived character states of the taxa are:
33 Antennula with proximal article bearing a shield-like protrusion
distally [A1-3]; pleotelson with ventral semicircular pit apically [Ha45]
34 Maxilla with sclerotized cuticular clasp proximally of the medial
lobe [M2-4]
35 Cephalothorax laterally extended [Ct2-2]; male pleopod 1
exopodite with slight incision [partially PL3-3]
36 Cephalothorax with flattened vertex and compound eyes
laterally protruding, appearing T-shaped in frontal view [Ct2-5];
male pleopod 1 exopodite with bulbous lateral protrusion [partially

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

These characters are autapomorphies for the taxon

0, the shift of the antenna-grooming brush in a more
transverse position is most probably linked with a
change in the antenna-grooming process: the planes, in
which the articles of pereopod 1 move, must be slightly different to those where the brush is longitudinal.
This would only be possible if there is a change in the
insertion of musculature and the position of the articles
in relation to each other. In fact, the carpus 1 is distorted against the merus in many taxa. Hence, this character is of great complexity and therefore unlikely to
evolve several times.
The genera Adeloscia, Araucoscia and Pseudophiloscia are characterized by the following autapomorphies:
n Sensory spines on carpus 1 arranged in three rows of
four spines increasing in length from proximal to distal
margin [PE4-3] o sensory spines not arranged this
way, not inserted on humps
n Carpal 1 subquadrangular, almost as broad as long
[PE5-3] o carpus cylindrical [PE5-1]
n Maxillular teeth are all simple and the lateralmost
one is very prominent [Ml1-8] o maxilla with 4+6
teeth, inner set ctenate [Ml1-3]
The unique shape of the carpus with the invariably
placed sensory spines is supposed to be a good character to evidence the monophyly of the taxon. Similarly, the structure of the maxillula with the prominent
lateral tooth and the set of up to nine much smaller and
simple teeth is not found in any other taxon of Oniscoidea. The shape of the maxillipedal palp resembles
the one of Benthana, but the reduction of the setation
must have happened in convergence to this taxon.
In the new taxon A, comprising the taxa Benthana,
Atlantoscia, the Rhyscotidae and the new taxon B, the
modified structure of the carpus 1 and of the genital
papilla are autapomorphies:
n Hyaline fringe of fused cuticular scales on the
rostro-distal margin of the carpus present [PE3-2]o no
such fringe present
n Latero-distal edge of carpus and merus with setal
tuft [PE1-2] o no setal tuft on carpus and merus [PE11]
n Terminal spatula of genital papilla truncate [Ge2-2]
o terminal spatula rounded [Ge2-1]
The characters concerning the carpus are not found
in any other taxon of Oniscoidea, some hair-like setae
on the latero-distal edge of the carpus 1 can be found
in Detonella Lohmander, 1927. Since a setal tuft is not
present in the basal Oniscoidea and in the adelphotaxon of taxon A, it is considered a new acquisition
of taxon A. The genital papilla is equipped with a
strongly sclerotised ventral shield in the groundpattern


of Oniscoidea as described by Erhard (1997). In taxon

A, terminal spatula is truncate, and as long as or
slightly shorter than the ventral shield, the orifices
located laterally. The plesiomorphic character state is a
terminal spatula longer than the ventral shield, apically
rounded. The type of genital papilla with rounded,
long terminal spatula is found in Alloniscus and most
taxa of Oniscoidea. Hence, it must be present in its
groundpattern (Erhard 1998), whereas the truncate
terminal papilla is a derived character of taxon A.
The genera Atlantoscia and Benthana are basal
representatives of the taxon A; together with the Rhyscotidae, they form the Benthana-group. The taxon is
characterized by a slender pereopod 1 carpus with
transverse antenna-grooming brush; a medial brush of
sensory spines is present in several species of Benthana. It is lacking in Atlantoscia and Rhyscotidae,
which bear a set of three to four sensory spines of
decreasing length from distally to proximally, as some
species of Benthana, which are not sexually differentiated in the male pereopods. The Rhyscotidae have
the plesiomorphic structure of the ctenate maxillular
teeth in common with Benthana. The Benthana-group
is characterized by the following autapomorphy:
n Maxillipedal endite without setation, distal margin
transverse [Mp3-4] o endite covered with hair-like
setae, distal margin straight [Mp3-2]
The shape of the maxilliped is superficially similar
to the maxilliped of the Porcellionidae and related
taxa. In contrast to the latter, the endite is distally
transverse and lacks the two points, which are present
in the endite of the Porcellionidae and Philoscia. The
reduction of the setation and the loss of the knob-like
penicil are interpreted as convergent evolution in this
The habitus with the long uropods, the sympodite of
which surpasses the pleotelson, reflects the basal position of these genera within the taxon A. Ctenate maxillular teeth are also found within the South American
taxon Alboscia Schultz, 1995. No material of Alboscia
was available for the present study, so nothing can be
said about the relationships of this interesting taxon.
Possibly, the genus is related to the Prosekiini in which
case the ctenate teeth are a new acquisition of Alboscia
and would not be the same character state as in Benthana. The drawings of the pereopod 1 presented by
Arajo (1999) indicates that the genus might not belong to the taxon A, because the setal pattern is quite
different to the one found in taxon A. For a statement
founded on more facts, new material is necessary. A
close relationship of Benthana and Benthanops Barnard, 1932 was postulated by several authors (H.
Schmalfuss, pers. comm., Taiti and Ferrara 1980). How-

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

ever, there is no good evidence for such a relationship

but the similar shape of the maxillipedal palp which is
similar in both genera.
The sister taxon of the Benthana-group is the new
taxon B to which the Halophilosciidae, the Scleropactidae and the new taxon C belong. The taxon B is
characterized by two autapomorphies:
n Carpal brushes formed by cuticular scales [PE2-2]
o carpal brushes formed by sensory spines [PE2-1]
n Rostral surface of at least the male carpus 1 is flattened, sometimes medially enlarged [PE6-4] o carpus
1 cylindrical [PE6-1]
The medial margin of the carpus is pointed and not
broad as in the outgroup. The carpal brushes are important structures for the male to cling on the female
during the precopula. The specific shape of the carpal
brushes and the complexity of this character make a
single evolution of such a structure highly probable.
Hence the character is a good autapomorphy of the
new taxon B.
Within the taxon B, the Halophilosciidae branch off.
Many details of the mouthparts have a plesiomorphic
character state in comparison with its sister taxon, the
new taxon C (Scleropactidae and new taxon D). The
shape of the maxilla is similar to the basal Oniscoidea
Alloniscus and Quintanoscia, both lobes are subequal
in breadth and only slightly rounded distally. The
maxillipedal palp is prominent compared with the basipodite; it is equipped with prominent setal tufts, which
are present in the Ligiidae and may belong to the
groundpattern of Oniscidea. In Halophiloscia couchii,
the maxillula bears an outer set of five teeth, whereas
in Littorophiloscia insularis only four teeth are
present. The autapomorphies of the Halophilosciidae
were described above in the taxonomic section [PE6-2,
Most of the South American philosciids belong to a
monophyletic group which is called the taxon C in this
study. An important character is the apical organ, a
sensory device which was examined in detail by several authors [Mead et al. (1976) for Porcellionides,
Seelinger (1977) for Hemilepistus, Alexander (1977)
for Ligia]. Hoese (1989) gave some information on the
structure of the apical organ of the Oniscoidea, which
is divided into a basal and an apical part. The two parts
are connected by an articulation which has disappeared
in Hemilepistus. The phylogenetic evidence from this
organ is still ignored, although Schmalfuss (1989)
mentioned the apical organ as a synapomorphy of the
taxa of Oniscoidea. In a recent survey, Schmalfuss
(1998b) pointed out that the antennae are the most
important sensory organs; the apical organ and the


aesthetascs are receptors for mechanical and chemical

The primitive shape of the apical organ is still open
to debate (cf. Schmidt 1999). No data are available if
there was a short apical organ or an elongate one with
short free sensilla laterally. All the basal representatives of Oniscoidea, which show several plesiomorphic
characters in the mouthparts have a short apical organ
with long free sensillae inserted laterally. These taxa
are Alloniscus Dana, 1852; Oxalaniscus Leistikow,
2000; Quintanoscia Leistikow, 2000, Hawaiioscia,
Schultz, 1973 (Taiti and Howarth 1997); some Littorophiloscia Hatch, 1947 and Halophiloscia Verhoeff,
1926 bearing a subrectangular maxilla with subequally
broad lobes, a small maxillipedal basipodite and setal
tufts of more than 30 setae on the maxillipedal palp,
and Benthana Budde-Lund, 1908 and Rhyscotus
Budde-Lund, 1904 with ctenate teeth of the maxillula.
The evolution of this type of apical organ out of the
short tuft of sensilla present in Detonidae appears to be
simple: The cuticular sheath of the central body (Mead
et al. 1976) may have been formed by fusion of
cuticles of the neighboring sensilla. The apical organ
underwent two allometric transformations: while the
central body achieved the length of the distal flagellar
article or even half the length of the flagellum [Ao2-2],
the free sensilla were considerably shortened. The
distribution of the short apical organ in most of the
crinochete taxa makes it likely that the long apical
organ is the more derived character. Provided these
evolutionary scenario is correct, a monophyletic group
can be established which comprises the Scleropactidae
and most of the genera of "Philosciidae". Whether or
not the Halophilosiidae have to be included depends
on the character state present in the groundpattern of
this taxon. In Halophiloscia couchii and Littorophiloscia insularis, the apical organ is similar to the one of
Benthana. In L. denticulata, a considerably longer apical organ is present. This question can only be resolved by a re-examination of all the members of the
The autapomorphies of the new taxon C are:
n Apical organ of antenna at least as long as distal
flagellar article, free sensilla short [Ao2-3] o apical
organ much shorter than distal flagellar article, free
sensilla as long as apical organ [Ao2-1]
n Medial setal tuft of maxillipedal palp located on a
stalk-like protrusion of the medial article [Mp2-6] o
medial setal tuft inserting directly on the body of the
medial article [Mp2-3]
The stalked medial setal tuft of the maxillipedal
palp [Mp2-6] is found exclusively in taxon C. Whether
this character is due to a specific way of nutritition of

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

taxon C and then may be a functional necessity is not

known, because data on the live history of the members of taxon C are not available. In the basal members
of taxon C, the maxillipedal endite is setose, the plesiomorphic character state within the Oniscoidea. In
the more derived taxa, like the Prosekiini, the endite is
free from setation in most species [Mp3-3]. With respect to their habitus, the Scleropactidae are the more
derived taxon. Their ability of conglobation evolved
convergently to the Eubelidae, Armadillidiidae and Armadillidae among others; but it is not a character of the
groundpattern of this family since the basal genus
Colomboscia Vandel, 1972 is non-conglobating (Taiti
et al. 1995).
The South American taxa of philosciid facies, which
are united in the new taxon D, comprise the Roraimoscia genus-group and its relatives, the adelphotaxa
Caraiboscia and Colombophiloscia and the Prosekiini.
Taxon D, the adelphotaxon of the Scleropactidae, is
characterized an autapomorphy concerning the pereopod 1 carpus:
n Antenna-grooming brush distally broadened and
deepened, terminated by a set of fringed scales [PE102] o antenna-grooming brush without fringed scales,
subequal in breadth in proximal and distal part [PE101]
The derived character state of the antenna-grooming
brush is a prerequisite for further modification of the
carpus in taxon D. The broadened distal part is unique
among the Oniscoidea, as are the fringe of specialized
scales. These scales may have evolved from the broad
scales of the antenna-grooming brush. The basal split
in the South American members of the taxon D is into
a new taxon E, comprising the genera Pentoniscus,
Yaerikima, and the Roraimoscia genus-group, and a
new taxon F, to which belong the genera Caraiboscia,
Colombophiloscia and the Prosekiini. Possibly, several
paleotropic genera and the genus Chaetophiloscia Verhoeff, 1908 belong to taxon F, but the data on their
morphology are too scarce to establish this relation
with more certainty. In the taxon E, the maxilliped presents the plesiomorphic character state with setose endite and setal tufts of about 15 to 20 setae on the palp.
The following autapomorphic character was found:
n Pleopod 5 exopodite with caudal creel composed of
three sinuous rows of pectinate scales [PL7-3] o creel
composed of a single transverse row of pectinate
scales [PL7-2]
The genus Pentoniscus is the basalmost representative of taxon E, its autapomorphies are discussed in
Leistikow (1998b) and in chapter 4.2. It is excluded
from the remainder of taxon E, because it does not


share the synapomorphy of the genus Yaerikima and

the Roraimoscia genus-group:
n Cephalothorax without lateral lobes [Ct1-6] o
cephalothorax with lateral lobes [Ct1-5]
The autapomorphies of the Roraimoscia genusgroup were given in chapter 4.2, as are those of the
adelphotaxa Formicascia and Roraimoscia. The taxon
Formicascia and Roraimoscia is the sister group of the
remainder of the Roraimoscia genus-group, a subtaxon
Portoricoscia and [Parischioscia and Ischiosciini]
wich are united by the synapomorphic shape of the
n Molar penicil partially fused and consisting of maximally seven branches [Md2-2] o molar penicil composed of about ten individualized branches [Md2-1]
The sister group relationship Parischioscia and
Ischiosciini and the autapomorphies of the Ischiosciini
itself are presented in chapter 4.2. Within taxon E, the
high number of monotypic genera is conspicuous: Formicascia, Parischioscia, Portoricoscia, and Roraimoscia are solely known by the type species. This is most
probably a collection artifact, because our knowledge
on the Oniscidean fauna of the Guyanan Shield and the
Antilles is scarce. Particularly the adelphotaxa Formicascia and Roraimoscia differ remarkably in characters do not show much variation in species commonly
united in genera.
Within the Ischiosciini, all genera but Oreades have
a synapomorphic construction of the maxilla:
n Maxilla with sclerotized cuticular clasp proximally
of the medial lobe [M2-4] o maxilla without a sclerotized clasp [M2-2]
In the overall morphology, Ecuadoroniscus is the
most primitive form of this group, especially the
cephalothorax is similar to the outgroup taxa of the
Ischiosciini, e.g. the genus Roraimoscia. The remaining taxa of the Ischiosciini, i.e. Mirtana, Tropiscia and
Ischioscia show the following synapomorphy:
n Cephalothorax laterally extended [Ct2-2] o cephalothorax not laterally extended [Ct2-1]
n Male pleopod 1 exopodite with incision [PL3-3] o
male pleopod 1 exopodite triangular [PL3-1]
This extension is only slight in Mirtana, and more
prominent in Tropiscia and Ischioscia. The second
character is more conspicuous in Mirtana than in Tropiscia. Some caution with the second character is advisable, because both Oreades and Ecuadoroniscus are
only known by females. So evidence for the shape of
the male pleopod 1 exopodite in the groundpattern of
the Ischiosciini is not available, the presumable character state is derived from the relations found in Parischioscia. The adelphotaxon relationship of Tropiscia
and Ischioscia was established in Leistikow (2001e).

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

An exhaustive discussion of the phylogeny of the

species of Ischioscia is presented in Leistikow (in
Besides the South American genera, taxon F comprises several genera of the Old World, e.g. Chaetophiloscia and Burmoniscus. In taxon F, the pereopod
1 is further derived: the carpus is shorter in these taxa,
the antenna-grooming brush is broader, its distal end
with the "Grannenhrchen" of Verhoeff (1908b) takes
up almost one third to a half of the length of the carpus. The medial margin forms a conspicuous angle. The
number of sensory spines is constant: A row of medial
spines accompanied by submedial rows on the rostral
and caudal carpus surface. The number of spines in
each row is in most cases three, with some taxa bearing two to four spines:
n Medial margin of pereopod 1 carpus with angle
between part of antenna-grooming brush and part of
sensory spines [PE3-3] o medial margin of carpus 1
straight [PE3-2]
n Two rows of three sensory spines and one row of
three tricorn-like seta along medial margin of carpus 1
[PE4-2] o number of sensory spines and tricorn-like
setae variable
These characters are good autapomorphies of taxon
F; the superficial simplification of the structure of the
pereopod 1 carpus is in fact the establishment of a
constant pattern with three prominent sensory spines,
which increase in length from the proximal to distal
spine. The three-spine pattern is found almost invariably in all the members of taxon F. Burmoniscus
kohleri is an example of species which bear only a
two-spine pattern.
Within taxon F, the small endogeous genera
Caraiboscia and Colombophiloscia are adelphotaxa,
their synapomorphies were given in the generic account. They are related to the next taxon. It is possible
that there are further members of this taxon. The excentric position of the nodulus lateralis of coxal plate
IV is likely to be an autapomorphy of the "groupe
chaetophiloscien" postulated by Vandel (1973a). Most
of this subtaxon of taxon F have a simple dactylar seta
which possibly is another autapomorphy of a subtaxon; the new South American taxon Prosekiini is
part of it. Whether they are the next relatives of the
Prosekiini can only be concluded after re-examination
of the paleotropic genera of taxon F.
The genera belonging to the Prosekiini, i.e. Prosekia, Metaprosekia, Xiphoniscus, Andenoniscus, Androdeloscia and Erophiloscia, are characterized by apomorphic characters mentioned in chapter 4.2. The
genus Prosekia is the basalmost member of the Prosekiini. It is characterized by several plesiomorphic


features like a linea frontalis and compound eyes

consisting of about 22 ommatidia arranged in four
rows and an overall size of about 10 mm, being about
twice as long as the remaining taxa of this group. All
the other genera are united by their synapomorphic
body outline:
n Body length less than 6 mm, cuticle soft [Ha6-1r] o
body length more than 10 mm, cuticle strong [Ha6-2]
n Eyes consisting of up to ten ommatidia not arranged
in distinct rows [Ey-4] o compound eyes bearing more
than 20 ommatidia arranged in four rows [Ey-2]
The size reduction and the reduction of the number
of ommatidia depend on each other. With respect to
the eyes, it is of more importance that the ommatidia
are not arranged in rows. If these reductive characters
would be due to convergent evolution, the reduction of
the number of ommatidia would not necessarily lead to
the loss of an arrangement of the ommatidia in rows.
Ischioscia zebricolor is of comparable body length but
has eyes consisting of ommatidia arranged in this way.
Together with the reduction of body length, the cuticle
in the following taxa is much softer, it must contain
less calcium carbonate than in Prosekia.
The genus Metaprosekia lacks the autapomorphies
of the group containing Xiphoniscus, Andenoniscus,
Androdeloscia and Erophiloscia:
n Noduli laterales extremely long [Cx3-6] o noduli
laterales only slightly longer than tricorn-like setae
n Male pleopod exopodites rounded [PL3-2] o male
pleopod exopodites pointed [PL3-1]
The next character is found in the remaining taxa of
the Prosekiini but in Xiphoniscus. It is the derived
character state in this group:
n Male pleopod 2 endopodite flagelliform [PL5-2] o
male endopodite 2 only slightly surpassing exopodite
In the taxa Erophiloscia and Androdeloscia co-evolution between the slender pleopod 2 endopodite and
the male pleopod 5 exopodite took place. These characters, which are discussed in chapter 4.2 support an
adelphotaxon relationship of the two genera. Legrand
(1946) found this structure in several Crinocheta, but
he stated that it was not evolved in the Oniscidae
infrieures, Halophiloscia couchii has a simple fold for
retaining the endopodite 2. From the phylogeny proposed in htis study, a retention structure has coevolved with a flagelliform endopodite 2, as stated
above. In the basal genera of Prosekiini (Prosekia,
Metaprosekia) such a structure is missing due to its
short endopodite. The evolution within the genus Androdeloscia are treated in an additional publication
(Leistikow 1999c).

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Within the genus Erophiloscia, the reduction of the

row of spines on the male pleopod 1 endopodite is a
synapomorphy of all the species except E. waegelei
Leistikow, 2001. This species and E. longistyla
Vandel, 1972 are similar in the overall structure of this
endopodite with lamellae on the distal part, a
plesiomorphous character found in the groundpattern
of the Prosekiini. The Peruvian E. recurvata
Leistikow, 2000 and E. acanthifera Leistikow, 2000
are sister species due to the reduction of the linea
frontalis, the lamellae and the specific shape of the
distal sensory spine of the propus, which is similar to
species of Androdeloscia but must have been acquired
The sister taxon of the taxon 0 is the remainder of
the Oniscoidea, the taxon 5 of Schmidt (1999). The
Balloniscidae are probably a paraphyletic group. The
Caribbean species Pulmoniscus insularuminfraventum
may not belong to this taxon. The sole morphological
character used for the inclusion in the Balloniscidae,
five pairs of pleopodal lungs, is not convincing, since
such respiratory structures have evolved convergently
in several taxa as explained in Leistkow and Arajo
(2000a) and is summarized in chapter 5.1. The habitat
of P. insularuminfraventum is in hot desert climate
(Bwh of the Kppen system). A selection pressure for
more efficient respiratory devices has to be postulated:
the lack of moisture in the air led to a deposit of waxes
into the cuticle to reduce the risk of desiccation. The
deposit of waxes reduces the perviousness for gasses.
For a sufficient supply with oxygene, effective respiratory organs must have evolved. For the genera Balloniscus and Plataoniscus no synapomorphies other than
the reduction of the ornamental sensory spine can be
given, since the lung structure is supposed to be quite
different in both taxa (Vandel 1963). Due to the lack of
material, only the lungs of Balloniscus could be examined in detail, those of Plataoniscus are likely to be
derived from this type of lungs. Nonetheless, both taxa
belong to the same taxon as Philoscia and the higher
Crinocheta with "real" tricorns:
n Tricorns with broadened basis, giving it the shape of
an inverted 'Y' [Ha3-3] o tricorn-like setae without the
Y-shape [Ha3-2]
n More than 5 sensory spines on the lateral edge of the
male ischium 7 [PE9-2] o about four sensory spines
on ischium 7 [PE9-1]
This taxon including the higher lung-bearing
Crinocheta, is characterized by the high number of
sensory spines on the lateral edge of ischium 7 in the
male, another autapomorphy. In most of the genera,
the male pleopod 1 bears sensory spines on both the


medial and the lateral margins of the pleopod 1, another possible autapomorphy.
The genus Pulmoniscus has pleopods which resemble those of Agnara Budde-Lund, 1908: The position
of the lungs, the structure of the cuticle of the perispiracular area and the outline of the pleopod exopodites
are similar. If Pulmoniscus belonged to to a monophyletic group with the Agnaridae, the mandible
would be simplified: it lacks the multiple intermediate
penicils which are present in Agnaridae. Moreover, the
antennal flagellum of Pulmoniscus is three-articulate,
whereas the Agnaridae have a two-articulate flagellum.
In the case of a close relationship of Pulmoniscus and
the Agnaridae, the similarity in the mandible of the
Agnaridae and the Porcellionidae, Cylisticidae and
Porcellionidae, the multiplication of the intermedial
penicils, and the two-articulate flagellum must be convergencies. For the moment, the phylogenetic relationships of Pulmoniscus remain obscure.
The genus Oniscophiloscia, too, is part of this monophyletic group characterized by the presence of Yshaped tricorns [Ha3-3], but similar to Balloniscus, the
pleotelson is different from the pleotelson with triangular distal part found in Philoscia, the Oniscidae, Trachelipodidae and Porcellionidae, among others. Anyway, the ascription of Oniscophiloscia to the Oniscidae (Strouhal 1960) is not justified by any character. It
is more likely an early descendant of the unnamed
taxon 6 of Schmidt (1999), which is quite isolated
within this taxon.
Finally, the discussion of the phylogeny of South
American Crinocheta of philosciid facies again has to
focus on the noduli laterales. These "philosciids" belong to the recently established by Schmidt (1999).
Thus, noduli laterales should be present in all the taxa
dealt with. Interestingly, in some of the Scleropactidae
and in the Roraimoscia genus-group, such receptors
have not been found. Since they are present in the
basal genera of the Halophilosciidae and in both Atlantoscia and Benthana, they must have been reduced in
these taxa. Within the Scleropactidae, one of the tricorn-like dorsal receptors differentiated to a "nodulus
lateralis". These noduli differ in their position from
those known from other taxa. No ultrastructural work
has been done on these noduli, so the question is still
unanswered if these receptors were all homologous or
if they evolved several times. The noduli laterales of
the Prosekiini differ remarkably in size from those
found in Benthana or the Porcellionidae, and they
must not necessarily be homologues if there was a selective pressure to evolve specialized dorsal receptors.
To clarify this question, more ultrastructural research
on the dorsal receptors is necessary. Some first results

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

were given by Holdich (1984) and Schmalfuss (1978).

Noduli laterales are supposed to have evolved as an
autapomorphy of the Oniscoidea apart from Alloniscus
and Oxalaniscus. They therefore must have been reduced in the genera of the Roraimoscia genus-group
and possibly in part of the Scleropactidae.

6 Biogeographic Section
6.1 Geological and Geographical Background
South America is part of the former supercontinent
Gondwana. Until the late Triassic, Gondwana comprised Australia, Antarctica, Africa, India and South
America. Beginning at about 200 mio. years ago in the
Mozambique basin off East Africa (Mukasa and
Dalziel 1996), continental drift caused the split of
Gondwana into the continents of our days (fig. 20A).
The largest fragment was the South America-Africa
land mass which stayed unfragmented until the early
Cretaceous (fig. 20B). With the spread of the Atlantic
Ocean, the separation of Africa and South America
began. The oldest sea floor in the southern Atlantic is
about 130 mio. years old, it was formed in the Valangian stage of the Jurassic (Tarling 1980). Other authors
date the split off to 150 mio. years in the south and due
to the relative rotation of Africa around an Euler pole
in Western Africa in the region of the Niger delta, to
110 to 95 mio. years in the north (Pindell and Dewey
1982, Pitman et al. 1993). In the late Cretaceous, both
continents were separated by at least 200 km distance
(fig. 20C). The shallow water might not have effectively inhibited a faunal exchange, but the young ocean
was a great barrier for smaller organisms. An effective
barrier is postulated for a period of the last 100 mio.
years (Pielou 1979) although there was a long-lasting
stepping stone route between northeastern Brazil and
eastern West Africa due to the position of the Euler
pole in West Africa: presumably a swampy area with
small islets was filling the gap between the two continental crusts (Briggs 1987). For a period from 100 to
84 mio. years B.P. the pole of relative rotation shifted
to a position in the central Atlantic (Pitman et al.
1993), with persisting anticlockwise relative rotation
of Africa.
While South America and Africa have been separated for at least 80 mio. years, the connection of South
America and Antarctica existed for a much longer time
(fig. 20D). Although there is evidence for rocks in the
Weddell Sea as old as 160 mio. years (Musaka and
Dalziel 1996), the opening of the Drake passage began
35 mio. years ago, and the present position was reached


10 mio. years ago. For a period of about 7 mio. years,

a faunal exchange was possible, whereas nowadays
Antarctica is covered with ice and no terrestrial isopods are known from it or from the surrounding islands. Before the opening of the Drake passage, the
western part of Antarctica consisted of several small
fragments which were connected to New Zealand. A
modern reconstruction of Gondwanaland and the key
role of the Scotia Arc was presented by de Wit (1977)
and Dalziel (1982), recent evidence support these findings (Acosta and Uchupi 1996).
In present times, South America and North America
are connected via the Central American land bridge,
but this is, on a geological scale, a relatively recent
land mass. Such a connection existed in the PermoTriassic, with the Yucatan peninsula placed in a central
position in what nowadays is the Gulf of Mexico,
whereas nuclear Central America, referred to as the
Chortis block, was located where nowadays the bay of
Guadalquivir in Ecuador is (Pindell and Dewey 1982).
After the separation of Laurasia, of which North
America was a part, from Gondwana by the ingressing
Tethys 180 mio. years ago (basal Jurassic), there was
no direct connection between the two continents for a
long time (Rage 1995). Then, during the early Jurassic,
South America drifted towards the eastern margin of
North America. The spreading zone of the Caribbean
plate led to a new separation of both continental blocks
from the mid-Jurassic onwards to the Pliocene (Pitman
et al. 1993). It caused the development of an island
arch in the positon of Central America, which then
drifted eastward, thus forming the Antillean arch.
From the time of the ingression of the Caribbean plate
from the Pacific eastwards at about 135 mio. years
B.P., the Yucatn peninsula formed a part of the North
American plate while being separated from South
America (Pitman et al. 1993). This island arch arrived
at its present position in a period from 80 to 65 mio.
years ago (Pindell and Dewey 1982). It was replaced
by volcanic islands which raised until a land bridge
was formed about 3 mio. years ago (fig. 20E). Therefore, a faunal exchange took place for a rather short
period. A stepping stone route may be postulated for
the last 6 mio. years via the small islets of the volcanic
arch now forming the peaks of the Central American
cordillera (Pielou 1979). The uplift of the northern Andes in the last few mio. years due to the subduction of
the southern margin of the Caribbean plate under the
South American plate (Kellogg and Bonini 1982) may
have canalized the faunal exchange. An overview of
the continental drift on a more global scale is given by
Norton and Sclater (1979) and Cocks (1981).

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 20 A. The face of the earth in the Triassic (240-200 million years ago)
White: land masses, Light Blue: epicontinental water, Blue: ocean; after Cox (1981)

FIG. 20 B. The face of the earth in the upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgean stage: 145 million years ago)
White: land masses, Light Blue: epicontinental water, Blue: ocean; after Cox (1981)

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 20 C. The face of the earth in the lower Cretaceous (Hautevivian stage: 125 million years ago)
White: land masses, Light Blue: epicontinental water, Blue: ocean; after Cox (1981)

Fig. 20 D. The face of the earth in the upper Cretaceous (Senonian stage: 90-80 million years ago):
White: land masses, Light Blue: epicontinental water, Blue: ocean; after Cox (1981)

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae


Fig. 20 E. The face of the earth in the Eocene (45 million years ago):
White: land masses, Light Blue: epicontinental water, Blue: ocean; after Cox (1981)
Today South America spreads from about 12N to
45S and has the longest north-south extension of all
modern continents. It is quite clear that this situation
leads to interesting climatic conditions, the southern
areas are dominated by warm-temperate climates (Cfa,
Csa and Cw of the Kppen system) north to the Tropic
of Capricorn and in the higher mountain ranges of the
Andes just crossing the equator. Dry climates of the
BWh type are found in coastal Venezuela, BWk and
BSk are confined to most parts of Argentina and the
Atacama desert at the western slopes of the Andes.
The remainder of the continent is dominated by
tropical climates of the Af and the Aw type. The
climatic situation has changed remarkably since the
ice-ages. Van der Hammen (1982) reported of about
20 glacial cycles. During the glacials, the Andean
forest for example was found at an altitude of max.
2000 m whereas nowadays its upper limit is at 3200 to
3500 m (van der Hammen 1974). Since the climate in
the pleniglacial of the last ice-age at about 30.000 to
10.000 B.P. was much drier (although it is difficult to
say to what extent), the ecological zones were not only
lowered, they were also vertically compressed due to
the increase of the temperature gradient: The temperature was about 3 to 6C lower than today in the higher
Andes, for the lowlands a temperature 2 to 3C lower

than today can be calculated (Schubert 1988, van der

Hammen 1974). Similar to parts of Africa, the lowlands were therefore covered with savanna vegetation
or thorny forest due to the lower precipitation (van der
Hammen 1974, Absy 1982). Tropical rain forests were
restricted to moister areas. There is palynological evidence for higher precipitation in the Falcn/Maracaibo
area of Venezuela and the Windward Islands (Schubert
1988). On the other hand, it is difficult to trace the
forest refuges postulated by Haffer (1969) or Vanzolini
(1973). For example, the lake Valencia area was too
dry to support rain forest (Schubert 1988). For a new
interpretation of the vegetational type in these glacial
refuges cf. Colinveaux (1998).
The quarternary history of South America is important for the understanding of the present day biogeography in the Neotropics. The pleistocene glacial cycles had an effect on the vegetation of this area. The
tropical rain forest may have been restricted to smaller
separated areas in which allopatric speciation was postulated for many taxa (Haffer 1974, Whitmore and
Prance 1987). The biogeographic patterns of South
American Oniscidea of philosciid facies are compared
with these historical data.

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

6.2 General Aspects

The South American Crinocheta of philosciid facies
are quite abundant in most habitats where they were
searched for. The voluminous collections gathered in
Peru, Venezuela and Central America stress the importance of this group for the Neotropical biota. Within
this chapter, an attempt is made to trace the biogeographic patterns which can be deduced from the literature and new data. This analysis incorporates quite
an amount of uncertainty because the areas covered by
sampling are rather small. Whitmore and Prance
(1987) warned their readers not to draw conclusions on
the biogeography of a taxon by using insufficient samples. The risk of producing artifacts is great. Moreover,
there is some debate on the interpretation of biogeographical data with respect to the origin of a taxon.
There are two competing modi of interpreting these
data: in a phylogenetic approach, the centre of origin is
defined as the distributional area where the basalmost
representative of the taxon occurs (Brundin 1966); a
more general approach interprets the area where a
taxon has its highest diversity as its centre of origin
(Darlington 1957). For both approaches there are pro
and contra arguments. And ironically enough, some
arguments are valid for both approaches. E.g. extinction may obscure both the "real" abundance and diversity of subtaxa within a given taxon and the location
where the most primitive form was found. Cracraft
(1973: 497) dealt with the distribution of the avian
taxon Cathartidae, the so-called "New World vultures". The recent taxa are all confined to the New
World as indicated by their vernacular name. Ironically, both the most diverse fossil fauna and also the
basalmost known fossil is from the early Eocene
deposits in Germany. No concrete ideas exist about the
dynamics of historical population biology. Basal representatives of a taxon may be forced against the margin
of their range by more derived taxa or diversification
may be high in an area far away from the "origin" of a
taxon. So, one can not give a general hypothesis regarding the information content of distributional patterns of a distinct taxon until a foosil record would
give new evidence.
Generally, South America is believed to be ambivalent in its fauna, with a dramatic split into a northern
part, the Neotropis and a temperate to boreal southern
part which belongs to the Australis also covering temperate Africa and Australia (Fittkau 1969, Crisci et al.
1991, Morrone 1992). The Australis reaches north
beyond the equator in the higher Andes in the zones of
Puna and Paramo vegetation as evidenced by the
weevil faunas of Peru (Morrone 1994).


The high diversity of many taxa is of special interest. Haffer (1969) correlated species diversity and endemism with paleogeographic data and hence laid the
cornerstone for applying the refuge theory on tropical
ecosystems. The refuge theory explains diversity on a
subordinate taxonomic level, whereas for higher taxonomic levels, vicariance theories taking continental
drift in consideration are more appropriate (Haffer
1982). Evolution rates in the Neotropics seem rather
high and e. g. in the vertebrate taxa, most species may
be younger than 1.8 to 2 mio. years (Haffer 1979).
Hence, for the species and subspecies level the 'refuge
theory' as explained by Haffer in several publications
(1969, 1974, 1990) seems to give an appropriate explanation for the patterns observed. The refuge theory
does not exclude vicariance models, "refuge biogeography is but a recent chapter of vicariance biogeography on a sub-continental scale" (Whitmore and
Prance 1987: 188).
But it is not only changes in precipitation postulated
by the refuge theory (Haffer 1969) that caused a
drastic change in vegetation. The fluctuations of the
sea level are of importance, too. Inundation cylces, for
example, caused the submergence of vast parts of
central Amazonia three times in the last 100.000 years;
this may be a cause for the separation of the Caribbean
Amazonian and southern Amazonian region (Erwin
and Adis 1982). The changing course of river beds and
fluctuating water levels over millions of years contributed to the diversity of the Neotropis. For taxa with
low vagility and even for some vertebrate taxa of
Central Amazonia like forest birds (Haffer 1974) and
primates (Hershkovitz 1977) Erwin and Adis (1982)
postulated a strong influence of microbarriers like
climatic differences or small rivers. Sometimes, even
more motile taxa seem to be incapable of overcoming
water bodies, e.g. 21 bird species of tropical Australia
failed to cross the Torres Strait from Cape York peninsula to New Guinea despite the presence of stepping
stones (Garnett 1991). Moreover, in South America,
areas of endemism evidenced by bird distribution are
greatly congruent to those obtained from data on butterfly distribution (Cracraft 1985). Hence, there are no
general constraints to a direct comparison of distributional patterns of birds and terrestrial isopods in spite
of differences in motility.
Biogeographic analyses were performed for many
of the taxa mentioned above. For South America, a
synopsis of the biogeography of the well-studied tree
flora, the avifauna and the distributional patterns of
several Lepidoptera revealed areas of high species
diversity and endemism (Whitmore and Prance 1987).
Several other authors found similar patterns, e.g.

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Spassky et al. (1971) described five regions for Drosophila paulistorum semispecies: the Centroamerican,
Orinocan, Amazonian, Interior, and Andean-Brazilian
(coast) region.
Within the Neotropics, the easterns slopes of the
Andes intervening into the wide Amazon lowland,
which is lower than 500 m, are especially rich in
species of terrestrial isopods of philosciid facies. These
lowlands of the western part of Amazonia in eastern
Ecuador and northeastern Peru do not only harbour a
rich Oniscidean fauna, they are also among the most
diverse regions in relation to birds (Haffer 1990), reptiles (Dixon 1979), amphibians (Duellman 1988), butterflies, mammals and plants (cf. Gentry 1988). Interestingly, high diversity is not evidenced for the Gastropoda, which are quite abundant in other parts of South
America. Fittkau (1981) related this discrepancy to the
lack of calcium in the soils and to the nutrient cycles
which give place for many destruents (like Oniscidea)
but only little for phytophagous animals (like Gastropoda).
The climatic history of Central America seems to be
similar to that of Colombia, thus cylces of harsher
climates during the ice ages (cooler/drier) may have
led to the retraction of the tropical rain forests, e.g in
the Petn Itza and Izabal lake region of Guatemala
(Toledo 1982). The spread of rain forest persisted until
recently as can be evidenced from xeric floral elements
within the tropical rain forests (Prance 1982). Nowadays the tropical forests spread northwards to the 22nd
parallel. It is characterized by a low rate of endemism
and species diversity (Toledo 1982).
In a summary of the distribution of Andean Arthropoda, Morrone (1992) published a map detailing the
biogeographic subregions of South America.
In this work, the main focus is directed to the diverse Oniscidean fauna of the Neotropis, however
some considerations on the distributional patterns
found in southern South America and their consequences for the relationships to other continents are
discussed. Some of the findings on the biogeography
of South American Oniscidea of philosciid facies
coincide with those made in various taxa of both plants
and animals from the Neotropics and are discussed
below, starting in the north in Central America and
going south to the temperate climate of Argentina. The
most interesting fact is, that the phylogeny is reflected
by the biogeography of the taxa: while the temperate
South America is devoid of members of the taxon B,
members of Balloniscidae and Benthana are exclusively found in this region. Conversely, the tropical taxon
B is widespread in the Neotropis. The distributional
patterns of e.g. Prosekiini and Ischiosciini coincide


with the subregion concept of Morrone (1992), with

some interesting details given below.

6.3 Tropical Central America and Caribbean

Within the neotropical fauna, there is a gradient from
south to north in Central America. A similar pattern is
seen in frogs: the anuran genera of the Leptodactyluscomplex has a northern distributional limit in Texas.
Along the Central American land bridge, the number
of species decreases nordwards. The highest number of
species is found in the Amazon basin (Heyer and
Maxson 1982). This coincides with observations made
on butterflies of the taxa Heliconiini and Ithominae,
which occur with many species in South America,
whereas the Central American fauna is impoverished
(Whitmore and Prance 1987). The Central American
isthmus is a filter for the dispersal of taxa of South
American origin. For isopods, the total absence of autochthonous species of Crinocheta from North America
supports the assumption that these Oniscidea radiated
in South America. In contrast to this, the Gastropoda,
which may be an older taxon, were present in both the
northern part of South America and North America before the separation of the two continents in the oligocene or miocene (Scott 1997).
Central America shall now be examined from the
north to the south, with a final look to the Antilles:
The presence in Mexico of two endemic genera of
Crinocheta, Oxalaniscus and Quintanoscia, confirm the
separate status of the Yucatn peninsula in both geologic (Pindell and Dewey 1982, Pitman et al. 1993)
and biogeographic (Toledo 1982) respects. The corresponding species were originally described as members
of the genus Philoscia. However, their systematic position within the Oniscoidea is much more basal. They
actually belong to the same taxon as Philoscia (with
longitudinal antenna-grooming brush), but in the
morphology of the mouthparts they show the same
plesiomorphies as the genus Alloniscus, which represents the same evolutionary level. Only one species of
Alloniscus was described from the New World, Alloniscus thalassophilus Rioja, 1963 (Rioja 1963), whose
taxonomic relationships within the genus are uncertain.
A. thalassophilus is like all the members of its genus
of Indo-Pacific distribution. The distributional areas of
the two genera from Yucatn and Alloniscus exclude
each other. A member of the mainly South American
genus has reached the Mexican-Guatemalan border,
Androdeloscia formosa (Mulaik, 1960). In Guatemala,
only few more species of Oniscidea of philosciid facies
were found, belonging to the species-rich genera Ischioscia and Androdeloscia. They occur in low densities.
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Interestingly, both species of Androdeloscia, A. formosa and A. valdezi Leistikow, 2000 belong to different
subtaxa within the genus. A possible explanation may
be found in the distant position of nuclear Central
America and Yucatn in Triassic times (Pindell and
Dewey 1982). The presence of a member of the group
bearing three hooks on the merus 7 (i.e. A. formosa)
and of the hookless group (i.e. A. valdezi) in Guatemala was due to the colonization by an ancestor of the
hook-bearing group of Proto-Yucatn from Venezuela.
An ancestor of the hookless group must have colonized the "Protoguatemalan" portion (Chortis block)
from the Ecuadorian region in the Triassic before a
northward drift of the Chortis block led to a separation
from South America. Alternatively, Central America
might have been colonized twice after the Isthmus of
Panama was formed.
From the data available in the literature (Brian
1929, Schultz 1977b and 1984), the genus Troglophiloscia Brian, 1929 is restricted to Yucatn peninsula and the adjacent areas, i. e. in recent times Belize
and Cuba. This genus may be close to Colombophiloscia from northern South America. A faunistic link
between the Greater Antilles and nuclear Central
America was also found for several poeciliid fishes in
the Caribbean, which occur only in fresh water (Rauschenberger 1988).
For Costa Rica, besides the genera Androdeloscia,
Ischioscia and Mirtana, records of Pentoniscus and
"Chaetophiloscia" were reported (Arcangeli 1930;
Richardson 1913; van Name 1936). Especially in the
genus Ischioscia, many species occur in the southern
part of the Central American land bridge: seven species were described in recent times(Leistikow 1997a
and 1999d). Southern Central America must have been
colonized by representatives of the taxon Ischiosciini
at least twice: a first colonization gave rise to Mirtana
costaricensis, subsequently, members of Ischioscia
colonized the land bridge. The very distinct species of
the genus Ischioscia present in Panama, I. zebricolor,
suggesting a correlation of the Central American faunas and those of trans-andean Amazonia even found in
Scopiones (Loureno 1984). A further colonization of
Central America must have taken place from Venezuela, the core area of the martinae-variegata subtaxon.
It are members of this subtaxon, which probably
reached the rain forest of northern Guatemala. A resolution of this question will be possible when the males
of these forms will be found (cf. Chapter 4.2).
The Greater Antilles have shifted from a more westerly to their present day position since the late Cretaceaous to early Tertiary (Briggs 1987, Pindell and
Dewey 1982, Pitman et al. 1993), so the ancestor of


Portoricoscia may have colonized Puerto Rico via the

Northern Andes than from the Guianas via island
hopping. Therefore, the northwestern parts of South
America could be a source for the closest relatives of
Portoricoscia; possibly Roraimoscia is one of the
closer allies. While Portoricoscia is the only taxon of
philosciid facies known from Puerto Rico, the carstic
regions of Cuba harbour many taxa of philosciids
(Vandel 1973c, 1981). This discrepancy may be more
than a collecting artifact, because the moist forests of
the Greater Antilles seem to be less diverse than the
drier areas, an unusual pattern observed by Gentry
(1992). The Greater Antilles are biogeographically
connected to the Central American lowlands, and to
northern South America (Liebherr 1988), but there are
some relationships in the scorpion fauna of Hispaniola
and the northeastern Brazil (Loureno 1997b). The
island of Dominica in the Lesser Antilles harbours its
own distinct species of the genus Ischioscia, I. mineri.
It belongs to the martinae-variegata-group the distributional centre of which is in northern South America.
For several arthropod taxa of the Lesser Antilles, a
closer link to the South American mainland than to the
Greater Antilles was postulated by Liebherr (1988).
For stingless bees of the taxon Meliponini, a similar
pattern was observed (Roubik et al. 1997).

6.4 Neotropical South America

The two major monophyla of South American
philosciids, the Prosekiini and the Ischiosciini, are
both found in the Amazonian-Caribbean subregions,
where several genera occur. Interestingly, the basal
representatives of both groups live in different subregions. The basal genera Prosekia and Metaprosekia
are found in the coastal cordilleras of Venezuela and
the Cordillera Oriental, whereas the more derived
Erophiloscia, Androdeloscia and Andenoniscus occur
in the Cordilleras of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (fig.
22). Species of the former genus live at elevations
from 250 m to 2500 m in both lowland and montane
forest. Species of the latter genus were collected in
Peru and Panama. Most probably they occur in the
intermediate areas, too. As similar case in the Colombian and Ecuadorian scorpion fauna, where strong affinities between these regions and the Amazon area and
a displacement of some faunal elements to Venezuela
were observed. Furthermore, a high endemicity of
more than 60 per cent was registered (Loureno 1995
and 1997a). This may be parallel to the case of Erophiloscia with its distinct species in Colombia and
Peru. The disjunct distribution of Andenoniscus may
be a sampling artifact since particularly the higher
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

elevations are still unexplored. In contrast to the taxon

Prosekiini, the genera of the taxon Ischiosciini found
in the foothills of the Andes from Peru to Colombia
are the more basal ones (Oreades and Ecuadoroniscus,
fig. 21). As in the Ischiosciini, the most primitive
representatives of the Lepidopteran taxa Heliconiini
and Ithomiinae are distributed in the Andean region of
the Neotropis, which is postulated to be a centre of
diversification of these groups (Whitmore & Prance
1987: 81). Caution is needed when searching for the
origin of a taxon, because the centres of high biodi-


versity do not have to coincide with the centres of

diversification (Loureno & Blanc 1994) The split into
the genera Tropiscia and Ischioscia lead to a high
diversification of this monophylum. Besides the eastern Brazilian genus Benthana and the mainly AndeanAmazonian genus Androdeloscia; Ischioscia is the
largest genus of Oniscidea of philosciid facies known
from the Neotropis. Most of the species are known
from the Caribbean Amazonas region, as discussed below. This is quite interesting, since this relations are
contrary to those of Androdeloscia, which is most

Fig. 21. Projection of the dendrogram of the Ischiosciini on the map of South America:
Each square colour represents a genus

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Fig. 22. Projection of the dendrogram of the Prosekiini on the map of South America:
Each square colour represents a genus

diverse in the Andean-Amazonian region. Together

with the former genus, Ischioscia is the only genus of
Oniscidea of philosciid facies known to occur both in
South and Central America north to the northern limits
of the tropical rain forests.

6.4.1 Andean Amazonas Subregion

A north-south distributional pattern along the Andes
can be found in several taxa, among the Crinocheta
e.g. Androdeloscia or Ischioscia. In several cases,
differentiation is still at an infraspecific level. For ex-

ample, the Leptodactylus pentadactylus frogs from

Panama differ in their immunological data based on
serum albumine from the conspecific populations of
Peru (Heyer & Maxson 1982). As the Oniscidea have a
shorter reproductive circle, speciation may occur faster
than in Vertebrates. At least the number of generations
in a given period is higher.
With regards to the genera Erophiloscia and Androdeloscia, the high number of species in the Peruvian
Huanuco area is interesting, though possibly reflecting
a sampling artifact due to systematic collection. Further collecting in South America may reveal other
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

areas which have such a diverse fauna of Oniscidea.

The many sympatric species in the Huanuco area must
prefer different microhabitats to avoid concurrence. A
case of microhabitat differences was observed for two
savanicolous species of Tityus scorpions from Brazil
(Loureno 1994a). Haffer (1990) reported a high avian
species density in the foothills of the eastern Andes in
the western Amazon area and correlated this fact to the
higher nutritient content of the soils compared to the
Central Amazon basin (Fittkau 1982). Furthermore,
in this region the lowland and montane faunas come
into contact. On the other hand, the Peruvian Amazon
area was postulated to be a pleistocene refuge (Prance
1982). Gentry (1993) reported a high diversity of several plant taxa in this region with a high amount of endemism. Genera are large and exceptionally speciose.
Furthermore, a particular exceedingly dynamic speciation process was postulated for this region, similar to
the founder effects leading to the high diversity of
Hawaiian Drosophila (an "open-ended phenomenon":
Gentry 1989). On a supraspecific level, this statement
may be supported by the occurrence of four closely
related genera in the Andean region, i.e. Xiphoniscus,
Andenoniscus, Erophiloscia, and Androdeloscia. Loureno (1994b) encountered a highly diverse scorpion
fauna in these regions with a rate of endemism of over
70 per cent. The probably best studied taxon Aves is
highly diverse in this region and many endemics occur,
their ranges being restricted by intrageneric competition or topological and ecological barriers (Terborgh
and Winter 1982).
In the Andean-Amazonian region, the species of
Ischioscia are highly diverse in the morphology of the
male pleopods and the male pereopods 7, although the
species I. longicaudata; I. stenocarpa, and I. hanagarthi have a similar setation on the pereopod 7 merus;
these species are closely related to I. zebricolor from
southern Central America, as discussed in chapter 6.3.
The subandean and amazonian species are close to
each other because of their simple molar penicil and
the spatuliform dactylar seta (chapter 5.4). This reflects a biogeographical relation of the Nap Centre in
eastern Colombia with central Amazonia (Whitmore
and Prance 1987), especially with the parts north of the
Amazon river (Cardoso da Silva and Oren 1996).
Several genera have an interesting cis- and transAndean distribution. Moreover, the genera Androdeloscia and Caraiboscia are also found in the lowlands
of the Caribbean subregion. Androdeloscia is found
even on the Galapagos Islands. Caraiboscia is distributed throughout the Caribbean region and on Guadeloupe. In Venezuela, it was collected in considerable
numbers, and it is also present on the nearby island of


Trinidad. Some species of Phalloniscus from northern

South America are likely to belong to this genus. The
pseudoscorpion genus Pseudochthonius is distributed
in Central and South America, on Galapagos and in the
Caribbean (Liebherr 1988). The distribution on such a
remote archipelago like the Galapagos Islands which
are of volcanic origin must be due to hydrochorous
drift. Since the Hawaiian archipelago harbours a rich
fauna of Crinocheta of philosciid facies partially belonging to widespread genera (Taiti & Howarth 1996
and 1997), the colonization of these islands, which
likewise are close to South America, by taxa inhabiting
this continent is not surprising. Similarly to other taxa,
the faunal elements are closely related to the fauna of
northern South America (Vandel 1968). The closest
relative of Caraiboscia, the genus Colombophiloscia,
is known to have a similar distribution in the Andes of
Ecuador and Venezuela and on the Galapagos islands.
For the genera Androdeloscia and Colombophiloscia,
the same vicariance events are posulated for the continental distributions, whereas they may have arrived on
Galapagos independently.

6.4.2 Caribbean Amazonas Subregion

The Caribbean Amazonas region north to the drier
areas of Venezuela is another important centre of several taxa of terrestrial isopods of philosciid facies. In
constrast to the Andean-Amazonian region, the Caribbean and partially the Central American representatives of Ischioscia are closely related to each other,
and therefore form the martinae-variegata group within the genus Ischioscia. The ancestor of this subtaxon
must have reached the Venezuelan area along the
raising Andes. The uplift of e.g. the Sierra de Santa
Marta and adjacent areas of the northern Andes runs
along a northwest-southeast direction persisting until
today (Kellogg and Bonini 1982). This mountain range
may have canalized the colonization of Venezuela
from Colombia and vice versa by the members of the
genus Ischioscia: In northwestern South America, the
mountain ranges run in a northeast-southwestern direction, the Param region of the summits displays an adverse climate for the colonization by tropical fauna
elements, the isopods would fail in crossing these barriers. Dispersion must take place following the valleys
with tropical climates. In Venezuela, several species of
Ischioscia can be found which are restricted to small
areas as the coastal region near Caracas (I. colorata,
Venezuelan Montane Centre), the eastern slope of the
Andes (I. hirsuta, I. guamae, Meridan Montane Centre) or on the Pennsula de Paria (I. pariae, Parian
Centre); these distributional patterns coincide with the
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

postulated pleistocene forest refuges which were evidenced from various biogeographical studies (Cracraft
1985, Prance 1982). Some bird taxa are endemic to the
Caracas and Paria cordilleras (Whitmore and Prance
1987: 145). Interestingly, these restricted-range species
partially occur sympatrically with I. variegata which is
found in almost all the areas where distinct regional
species were collected. These regional species are
found in locations with a high rate of endemism. I.
variegata might be an expansive species which colonized many regions of Venezuela relatively recently. It
lives synantropically in many areas (Leistikow 2001f).
The phenomenon of one widespread species which
lives in sympatry or parapatry with restricted-range
species is well-kown in many taxa as diverse as marine
Peracarida (C.O. Coleman, pers. comm.), birds
(several monographs on neotropical bird taxa) or
plants: the genus Tecoma of the family Bignoniaceae,
for example, is composed of one widespread species
which can be found from the southern U.S.A. to
Argentina, two widespread South African species and
a set of about ten species endemic to certain Andean
ridges (Gentry 1992). Nonetheless, some of the records
of I. variegata from northern South America and Central America have to be reconsidered (Richardson
1914, Arcangeli 1930). With respect to the records
from the Caribbean islands, a different species might
be involved.
Some elements of the Guyanan and southern Venezuelan fauna may be derived from the evolutionary
line leading to the last common ancestor of the Ischiosciini, i.e. Pentoniscus, Formicascia and Roraimoscia. They may also be close to the fauna of the Caribbean islands. The avifauna of the Pantepu region is
related both to the Venezuelan cordilleras and the Andes (50 per cent of species) and to lowland Amazonia
(30 per cent) (Whitmore and Prance 1987).

6.5 Temperate South America

For the nontropical areas of South America which
form a part of the Australis, two different distributional
patterns are observed: On the one hand, there are the
transandean genera Pseudophiloscia, Araucoscia and
Oniscophiloscia, on the other hand, the Balloniscidae,
Atlantoscia and Benthana are found in Brazil and
northern Argentina.
Firstly, the affinities of the Chilean taxa are discussed. Both Pseudophiloscia and Araucoscia if they
are at all separable, have their closest relatives in the
western Pacific fauna, possibly in the genera Adeloscia
or Paraphiloscia, which have a similarly built
maxillula, as discussed above (chapter 4.2). Of course,


some divergent evolution occurred since New Zealand

and New Caledonia were separated from other land
masses at the beginning of the Tertiary, and even the
fligtless Insect faunas of New Caledonia and New
Zealand are quite different (Darlington 1965). Some of
the faunal elements of New Zealand and Chile might
be closer related to each other than those of New
Zealand and New Caledonia (cf. Verhoeff 1926).
Some strong affinities of the Chilean fauna to the New
Zealand faunas is supported by the findings of
Simonsen (1992) for the polydesmidean milliped family Dalodesmidae from Chile and Australia. Woodbourne and Zinsmeister (1984) discussed the fossils of
Marsupialia from southern South America and
Antarctica in relation to the Australian fauna. The
situation of New Zealand in paleogeography is still to
debate. De Wit (1977) and Dalziel (1982) postulated
an isolation of the islands and of New Caledonia along
a common geosyncline in the late Mesozoic, whereas
Kamp (1980) postulated that these islands were the
eastern border of a lost continent Pacifica. At least
there was an ancient connection between these regions
and southern South America, so an amphipacific
relation of the genera Pseudophiloscia and
Paraphiloscia is supported by paleogeography. Vandel
(1973a) discussed some amphipacific distribution but
focussed on the distantly related Palaioscia and
Proischioscia (a junior synonym of Ischioscia), thus
his statements may be erroneous. The oniscidean fauna
of Australia and Oceania have strong affinities to the
Oriental fauna (Vandel 1973a and b) but some
relationships with South America still prevail. These
relations are similar to the Herpetofauna of the two
areas (Tyler 1979).
The eastern Brazilian shield and the coastal forests
of Brazil are quite distinct from those of the remaining
Neotropis, although there is some similarity in the
composition of the respective faunas (Whitmore and
Prance 1987). Loureno (1994a) postulated a faunal
rupture in this area and a dispersion pathway along a
north-south axis. The genera found in this region are
Atlantoscia, Benthana, and the Balloniscidae, first described as belonging to the genus Philoscia and then
transferred to a separate subgenus (Budde-Lund 1908).
These three taxa are quite different in their distributional patterns. One species of Atlantoscia is present
along the western Atlantic coast from Florida in the
north to Uruguay in the south, possibly dispersed by
hydrochorous or anthropogenous mechanisms, the
other is found in the coastal forests of the Brazilian
state of Sergipe. The family Balloniscidae in its present concept may be paraphyletic, with the genus Pulmoniscus belonging to a different taxon. Its distribu-

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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

tion on one of the Windward Islands north of Venezuela in the Caribbean is biogeographic evidence for the
paraphyly of Balloniscidae, with the remaining species
found in southeastern and southern Brazil and Argentina.
Lastly, the genera Benthana and Benthanoides are
true austral faunal elements, which penetrated the Neotropis at its southeastern edge. The apparently disjunct
distribution of Benthana and Benthanoscia in southern
South America - if not a collecting artifact - may have
been caused by the lowering of the vegetational zones
during the glacials. The common ancestor of this stock
may have occurred in the intervening areas but is now
extint due to the drier climate in the cerrado areas of
Brazil, where no representatives of Benthana have been
found. Such a disjunct distribution has been found for
several taxa (Simpson 1973). Bigarella and de Andrade-Lima (1982) reported of a disjunct distribution of
the Araucaria-forests in the Andes and Brazil. They
found a colonization of Brazil by Andean genera in the
Oligocene with the pre-Andes as a ressource for this
colonization. This would coincide with a phylogenetic
scenario of Benthanoides being the less derived and
Benthana the more derived taxon. Benthana/Benthanoides is thought to be the sole strong link of the South
American and African fauna with Benthanops from
South Africa the closest recent relative (H. Schmalfuss, pers.comm.). Similarly, despite considerable coincidence the herpetofauna of South America and
Africa are distinct as regards the vicariance of the two
continents (Laurent 1979).

6.6 Littoral and introduced taxa

The members of the Halophilosciidae are truly litoral
species, and are found almost world-wide. Vandel
(1946) gave a short overview of the distribution of the
hitherto known species. The interpretation of their
phylogeny and thus the interpretation of the biogeography is misleading. It is not the European species of
the genus Halophiloscia but the species which in recent systematics were placed in Littorophiloscia which
are the more basal ones with respect to several characters. The genus Littorophiloscia is of circumtropical
distribution and can also be found on the temperate
coasts of the North Pacific and the northwestern Atlantic. The Halophilosciidae may be of circum-Tethyian
distribution dating back to the Mesozoic. The separation of Laurasia and Gondwana took place between the
early to the late Jurassic (Rage 1995). The ancestor of
the Halophilosciidae or of some distinct subtaxa of this
monophylum must have existed since the early stages
of the separation of Pangaea. This concurs with the


basal Oniscidea of the families Ligiidae and Tylidae.

Representatives of the paraphyletic taxon Littorophiloscia are now found in most of the area. The forms
found in the Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic
differentiated to the Halophiloscia-stock, which is defined by the bifurcate genital papilla. Since the phylogeny within the family is not resolved, giving more
details on the biogeography on a global scale would be
speculative. Even the monophyly of the genus Halophiloscia is doubted in recent times (S. Taiti, pers.
comm.). In the Americas, one widespread species is
found on tropical beaches of the Indopacific and the
Western Atlantic (Littorophiloscia tropicalis). The
other species is not known but from the Andamanes
and the new record in Guatemala may be due to anthropogenous causes (Littorophiloscia denticulata).
Within the litoral Oniscidea, only one other species,
Ligia exotica Roux, 1835, is distributed circumtropically. As can be seen from the distributional centre of
the genus in the Mediterranean, the Caribbean records
of Halophiloscia couchi are due to anthropogenous
Finally, those species of Oniscidea of philosciid
facies introduced to South America shall be briefly
mentioned. Two groups can be recognised: one is the
littoral family Halophilosciidae, the other is the genus
Burmoniscus. These species differ in their ecological
requirements: Littorophiloscia denticulata and Halophiloscia couchi live at the shore and thus may gain
new habitats quickly when escaping in the vicinity of
harbours. The two Burmoniscus species, i.e. B. meeusei and B. kohleri, are synanthropic and were found in
disturbed habitats and cultivations. These species have
to be displaced to adequate habitats where they can
establish themselves. Ideally, these habitats should
have a low density of other Oniscidea. B. kohleri was
collected in Guatemala in areas where no autochthonous species of Oniscidea was found; and particularly
B. meeusei seems to be of broad ecological capacity as
it has adapted to a life in greenhouses where it was
first encountered (Holthuis, 1949).

6.7 Faunal exchange between North and South

From the data available, it seems as if the Crinocheta
of philosciid facies have failed to establish in North
America. The northernmost records of neotropical taxa
are from Southern Mexico and Guatemala (Mulaik
1960, present study). Probably, the harsh climatic
changes in Mexico, with tropical climates in the south
and desert climates in the north is an effective barrier
for the dispersion of taxa with philosciid facies. In
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Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

most cases, these taxa do not bear pleopodal lungs, a

prerequisite for a successful colonization of dry habitats, where an effective reduction of water loss is
necessary. Since in this morphotype respiration takes
place via the entire cuticle of the pleopod exopodites,
water loss is essentially high. A reduction of water loss
would coincide with a reduction of gas exchange. In
desert species of the genera Hemilepistus Budde-Lund,
1885 or Periscyphis Gerstcker, 1873 effective lungs
are present (cf. Ferrara et al. 1997) which allow reduction of water loss via the cuticle of the pleopods by
deposition of waxes. Studies of other desert areas (e.g.
Barnard 1941, Ferrara and Taiti 1985, Taiti and Ferrara 1986) failed to find this morphotype. In contrast to
the distribution of Crinocheta with philosciid facies,
some species of the genus Venezillo Verhoeff, 1928
(Armadillidae) which is adopted to xeric environments, are found in Mexico (Rioja 1951, 1954 and
1955) and southern USA (Arcangeli 1932, Mulaik and
Mulaik 1942). Interestingly, many species are confined
to caves with a more humid climate.
The only area in North America, where autochthonous species with philosciid facies are found, is the
Peninisula of Florida. Floridoscia fusca Schultz and
Johnson, 1984 lives close to the shore. It may be related to the Crinocheta with philosciid facies from
Cuba. The largest island of the Greater Antilles is rich
in such taxa (Vandel 1973c and 1981), and probably
some shore-living species may have reached Florida.
Atlantoscia floridana is found along the subtropical
and tropical coasts of the western Atlantic. Its occurrence in Florida may be due to human activity because in this area it is mainly synantropically distributed (Schultz and Johnson 1984). On the other hand,
its natural habitat is also close to the shore and hydrochorous drift might have led to its vast distribution.
It is the genus Littorophiloscia which is found in
both North and South America. The North American
species are quite distinct and exclusively found on this
continent. Their relationships to the tropical species L.
insularis is difficult to establish due to the lack of a
reliable analysis of the phlyogeny of the Halophilosciidae. Similar to other littoral taxa like the genera
Ligia and Tylos Audouin, 1826, Littophiloscia is circumtropically distributed and there is no particular
evidece for a close relationship of L. insularis and the
North American species L. culebrae, L. richardsonae,
and L. vittata.

7 Summary
The analysis of South American Crinocheta of philosciid facies revealed the fact, that the family "Philos-


ciidae" and the genus Philoscia are paraphyla in which

species are united mainly due to a similar habitus as
indicated by Wgele (1989). All the representatives of
"Philosciidae" are species of the ecomorphological
runner type described by Schmalfuss (1984b): small
coxal plates, narrow pleon and long pereopods. This
habitus is similar to the basalmost Oniscidea, the representatives of the family Ligiidae and it is the plesiomorphic character state. For several neotropical species of "Philoscia", new genera had to be established
to accommodate their unique character sets differing
considerably from all the known genera: Androdeloscia, Formicascia, Oxalaniscus, Portoricoscia, Pulmoniscus, Quintanoscia, Roraimoscia and Yaerikima. For
the genera Colombophiloscia, Plataoniscus and Prosekia, a type species was chosen; 32 new species were
identified and subsequently described in the course of
this study (cf. publications of Leistikow 1997-1999).
The relationships of the taxa examined were resolved by the phylogenetic analysis: Two taxa from
Mexico, Oxalaniscus and Quintanoscia do not belong
to the taxon bearing noduli laterales due to the primary
lack of these noduli laterales, whereas these sensilla
are the autapomorphy of all noduli-bearing taxa. The
genera Araucoscia and Pseudophiloscia are related to
the genus Adeloscia from New Zealand with which
they share the apomorphic structure of pereopod 1
carpus. The monophyly of Balloniscidae, comprising
Balloniscus and Plataoniscus is still open to debate.
The autapomorphic character found for Balloniscidae
is a reductive character which can not be evaluated to
falsify the hypothesis of monophyly. It could be demonstrated that the Balloniscidae are distinct from the
other South American taxa of philosciid facies and belong to the unnamed taxon 6 of Schmidt (1999) due to
the presence of Y-shaped tricorns. In Oniscophiloscia,
such tricorns also are observed, it is an aberrant member of taxon 6 due to severa autapomorphies. Its relationships within taxon 6 are unresolved. The genus
Philoscia, namegiving for the family, is particularly
close to Oniscus and its European relatives. The structure of the pleopodal lungs is similar in Philoscia and
Oniscus, a synapomorphy of these taxa (Schmalfus
1990 and present study). As a consequence, if the
family Oniscidae should not be paraphyletic, Philoscia
has be included in this family. This would render the
taxon name "Philosciidae" superfluous. In recognition
of the far-reaching nomenclatural changes of the suppression of the term "Philosciidae", it should only be
done after a re-examination of all the taxa ascribed to
"Philosciidae" and the establishment of new taxa for
the Crinocheta of philosciid facies not included in this

Org. Divers. Evol. 1, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2001)

Leistikow: Phylogeny and Biogeography of South American Philosciidae

Most of the South American members of the family

"Philosciidae" are separated in a monophyletic taxon
A, which also comprises the families Rhyscotidae,
Scleropactidae and Halophilosciidae. The Rhyscotidae
are shown to be closely related to Atlantoscia and Benthana due to the shape of the maxillipedal endite, the
Scleropactidae are the adelphotaxon the new taxon D,
both have an apumorphic structure of the antennagrooming brush. Taxon D comprises all the South
American genera but the beforementioned. Most probably, several tropical taxa of philosciid facies have to
be included in taxon D when re-examined in detail. At
least Burmoniscus kohleri, a species native to Cameroon, and the mediterranean genus Chaetophiloscia
have to be included in taxon D. The genera Pentoniscus, Yaerikima, Formicascia, Roraimoscia, Portoricoscia, Parischioscia and the new taxon Ischiosciini
form a monophylum with similarly shaped creel on the
pleopod 5 exopodite; the taxon Ischiosciini is characterized by the apomorphic shape of the antennula, the
maxillula and the pleotelson, it comprises the genera
Ecuadoroniscus, Oreades, Mirtana, Tropiscia and
Ischioscia. In a subtaxon of taxon D with simple dactylar seta, the new taxon Prosekiini is exclusively neotropical. It is characterized by the apomorphic shape of
the maxillula; Prosekia, Metaprosekia, Xiphoniscus,
Andenoniscus, Androdeloscia and Erophiloscia are
members of the Prosekiini.
The distribution of the taxa examined is essentially
Gondwanian, the closest relatives of the Chilean genera Araucoscia and Pseudophiloscia are occur in New
Zealand and New Caledonia, those of Benthana are
found on bothsides of the Atlantic in Africa and South
America. The taxa Prosekiini and Ischiosciini are essential neotropical. They occur in the Amazon basin
and the adjacent tropical areas of the Andes and in
Venezuela. The evaluation of the distributional patterns recognises areas of endemism which were found
by examination of the distributions of representatives
of various taxa.
Until now, only few taxa are known from Central
America. Androdeloscia of the Prosekiini and Ischioscia of the Ischiosciini have their northernmost distributional limits in Guatemala and southeastern Mexico. The northern boundary coincides with the northern
limits of tropical rain forests. Possibly, ecolocigal factors prevent them from expanding their ranges northwards. Both Androdeloscia and Ischioscia do not bear
pleopodal lungs. Such lungs are postulated to be a prerequisite to colonize the dry parts of central and northern Mexico and southern USA. Effective internal
respiratory organs could replace respiration via the
pleopodal cuticle with the compromise of high water


loss. Reduction of water loss is thought to be essential

for a successful colonization of Mexican deserts.
Few taxa were introduced to South America by
human activity: two species of Burmoniscus from the
Paleotropis were encountered in Brazil, Venezuela and
Guatemala in degraded habitats, two species of Halophilosciidae may be brought to South America by ship
and then spread along the coasts where they occur in
natural habitats.

8 Acknowledgements
For the possibility to work on terrestrial isopods and their
phylogeny I would like to thank Prof. Dr. J.W. Wgele
(Ruhr-Universitt Bochum), who let me work in his department and use the facilities of the institute. He always
was a good supervisor of this work and I could freely
discuss special and common questions of phylogeny with
him. Similarly, I am indepted to Prof. Dr. T. Bartolomaeus (Universitt Bielefeld), Dr. H. Schmalfuss (SMNS),
Dr. S. Taiti (University of Florence), P.B. de Arajo
(Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul) for fruitious
discussions on the manuscript. My special thanks are for
C.O. Coleman (MNHU), A. Brandt and G. Wegener
(Universitt Hamburg), H. Dalens (University of Toulouse), D. Defaye (MNHN), Y.-R. Kim and M. Lawrence
(AMNH), M. Lowe (BMNH), M. Schotte (USNM), L.
Tiefenbacher (ZSM) and P. Young (NMRJ) for their uncomplicated aid in the loan of material. For the financial
and ideological support I would like to thank the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, especially making possible my collecting trip to Guatemala.

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