Distributed Security Policy For Ipv6 Deployment
Distributed Security Policy For Ipv6 Deployment
Distributed Security Policy For Ipv6 Deployment
Nowadays, Internet usage is rising hastily together with the
growth in technology. Internet can communicate nodes with
each other in a widespread area. The exhaustion of the IPv4
allocation pool has been an anxiety when the Internet began to
practise extraordinary expansion. Furthermore, current news
stated that the IPv4 has been declared totally diminished by
2011 as in [1].
To overcome the IPv4 depletion problem, IETF has
introduced an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) in 1995. IPv6
addressing uses 128-bits, making almost anything in the world
can be assigned an IPv6 address and makes communication
between every single user to another a possibility. Besides,
resolving the IPv4 address depletion, IPv6 permits security
enhancement and offers an extra extensible and simpler
header as in [2].
Security policies can offer enterprises numerous utilities
such as performing company security risk evaluations,
performing technical weaknesses evaluations, encouraging
and sustaining enterprise policies, security rules, procedures
and strategies and examining for fulfilment as in [11].
Security policies for IPv4 cannot be applied in IPv6
environment. Moreover, clients and tools in both networks
begin to be changing, thus when deploying IPv6 networks,
This paper highlights the distributed firewall technique and
respective policies for securing the IPv6 deployment in the
enterprise networks which include the aspect of green
computing. Since enterprises may have branches and
counterparts all over the region, their policies will possibly be
distributed among these sub networks. An enterprise requires
a complete structure for the consistent handling of all security
Security considerations and protection mechanisms must be
part of deployment plans for enterprises network. Hence,
This work was sustained in part by the Fundamental
Research Scheme Grant (FRGS), code project: 600RMI/SSP/FRGS 5/3/Fsp (54/2010). We would like to thank
the reviewers, participants of the research project and other
individuals who have indirectly contributed to this research.
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