Evoked Potential
Evoked Potential
Evoked Potential
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Evoked potential
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Evoked potential
Evoked potential amplitudes tend to be low, ranging from less than a microvolt to several microvolts, compared to tens of
microvolts for EEG, millivolts for EMG, and often close to a volt for ECG. To resolve these low-amplitude potentials against the
background of ongoing EEG, ECG, EMG, and other biological signals and ambient noise, signal averaging is usually
required. The signal is time-locked to the stimulus and most of the noise occurs randomly, allowing the noise to be averaged
out with averaging of repeated responses.[1]
Signals can be recorded from cerebral cortex, brain stem, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Usually the term "evoked
potential" is reserved for responses involving either recording from, or stimulation of, central nervous system structures. Thus
evoked compound motor action potentials (CMAP) or sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP) as used in nerve conduction
studies (NCS) are generally not thought of as evoked potentials, though they do meet the above definition.
Contents [hide]
1 Sensory evoked potentials
1.1 Steady-state evoked potential
1.1.1 The "simultaneous stimulation" technique
1.1.2 The sweep technique
1.1.3 Evoked potential feedback
1.2 Visual evoked potential
1.2.1 VEP Stimuli
1.2.2 VEP Electrode Placement
1.2.3 VEP Waves
1.2.4 Types of VEP
1.3 Auditory evoked potential
1.4 Somatosensory evoked potential
1.5 Laser evoked potential
2 Intraoperative monitoring
3 Motor evoked potentials
4 See also
5 References
6 External links
Sensory evoked potentials (SEP), are recorded from the central nervous system following stimulation of sense organs (for
example, visual evoked potentials elicited by a flashing light or changing pattern on a monitor;[2] auditory evoked potentials by
a click or tone stimulus presented through earphones) or by tactile or somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) elicited by
tactile or electrical stimulation of a sensory or mixed nerve in the periphery. They have been widely used in clinical diagnostic
medicine since the 1970s, and also in intraoperative neurophysiology monitoring (IONM), also known as surgical
There are three kinds of evoked potentials in widespread clinical use: auditory evoked potentials, usually recorded from the
scalp but originating at brainstem level; visual evoked potentials, and somatosensory evoked potentials, which are elicited by
electrical stimulation of peripheral nerve. See below.
Long and Allen [3] reported the abnormal brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) in an alcoholic woman who recovered
from Ondine's curse. These investigators hypothesized that their patient's brainstem was poisoned, but not destroyed, by her
chronic alcoholism.
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experimental subject.[4][17] For example, the running average of the SSEP can be arranged to increase the luminance of a
checkerboard stimulus if the amplitude of the SSEP falls below some predetermined value, and to decrease luminance if it
rises above this value. The amplitude of the SSEP then hovers about this predetermined value. Now the wavelength (colour)
of the stimulus is progressively changed. The resulting plot of stimulus luminance versus wavelength is a plot of the spectral
sensitivity of the visual system.[5][17]
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Intraoperative monitoring
Somatosensory evoked potentials provide monitoring for the dorsal columns of the spinal cord. Sensory evoked potentials
may also be used during surgeries which place brain structures at risk. They are effectively used to determine cortical
ischemia during carotid endarterectomy surgeries and for mapping the sensory areas of the brain during brain surgery.
Electrical stimulation of the scalp can produce an electrical current within the brain that activates the motor pathways of the
pyramidal tracts. This technique is known as transcranial electrical motor potential (TcMEP) monitoring. This technique
effectively evaluates the motor pathways in the central nervous system during surgeries which place these structures at risk.
These motor pathways, including the lateral corticospinal tract, are located in the lateral and ventral funiculi of the spinal cord.
Since the ventral and dorsal spinal cord have separate blood supply with very limited collateral flow, an anterior cord
syndrome (paralysis or paresis with some preserved sensory function) is a possible surgical sequela, so it is important to
have monitoring specific to the motor tracts as well as dorsal column monitoring.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation versus electrical stimulation is generally regarded as unsuitable for intraoperative
monitoring because it is more sensitive to anesthesia. Electrical stimulation is too painful for clinical use in awake patients.
The two modalities are thus complementary, electrical stimulation being the choice for intraoperative monitoring, and
magnetic for clinical applications.
Motor evoked potentials (MEP) are recorded from muscles following direct stimulation of exposed motor cortex, or transcranial
stimulation of motor cortex, either magnetic or electrical. Transcranial magnetic MEP (TCmMEP) potentially offer clinical
diagnostic applications. Transcranial electrical MEP (TCeMEP) has been in widespread use for several years for
intraoperative monitoring of pyramidal tract functional integrity.
During the 1990s there were attempts to monitor "motor evoked potentials", including "neurogenic motor evoked potentials"
recorded from peripheral nerves, following direct electrical stimulation of the spinal cord. It has become clear that these
"motor" potentials were almost entirely elicited by antidromic stimulation of sensory tractseven when the recording was from
muscles (antidromic sensory tract stimulation triggers myogenic responses through synapses at the root entry level). TCMEP,
whether electrical or magnetic, is the most practical way to ensure pure motor responses, since stimulation of sensory cortex
cannot result in descending impulses beyond the first synapse (synapses cannot be backfired).
TMS-induced MEPs have been used in many experiments in cognitive neuroscience. Because MEP amplitude is correlated
with motor excitability, they offer a quantitative way to test the role of various types of intervention on the motor system
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(pharmacological, behavioral, lesion, etc.). TMS-induced MEPs may thus serve as an index of covert motor preparation or
facilitation, e.g., induced by the mirror neuron system when seeing someone's else actions.[23] In addition, MEPs are used as
a reference to adjust the intensity of stimulation that need to delivered by TMS when targeting cortical regions whose
response might not be as easily measurable, e.g., in the context of TMS-based therapy.
See also
Contingent negative variation
Difference due to Memory
Early left anterior negativity
Error-related negativity
Event-related potential
Evoked field
1. ^ Karl E. Misulis, Toufic Fakhoury (2001). Spehlmann's Evoked Potential Primer. Butterworth-heinemann. ISBN 0-7506-7333-8.
2. ^ OShea, R. P., Roeber, U., & Bach, M. (2010). Evoked potentials: Vision. In E. B. Goldstein (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Perception
(Vol. 1, pp. 399-400, xli). Los Angeles: Sage. ISBN 978-1-4129-4081-8
3. ^ Long KJ, Allen N (1984). "Abnormal Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials Following Ondine's Curse". Arch. Neurol 41 (10):
11091110. doi:10.1001/archneur.1984.04050210111028 . PMID 6477223 .
4. ^ a b c Regan D (1966). "Some characteristics of average steadystate and transient responses evoked by modulated light".
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 20 (3): 23848. doi:10.1016/0013-4694(66)90088-5 . PMID 4160391 .
5. ^ a b c Regan D (1979). "Electrical responses evoked from the human brain". Scientific American 241 (6): 13446.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1279-134 . PMID 504980 .
6. ^ a b c Regan, D. (1989). Human brain electrophysiology: Evoked potentials and evoked magnetic fields in science and medicine.
New York: Elsevier, 672 pp.
7. ^ Regan D., Lee B.B. (1993). "A comparison of the human 40 Hz response with the properties of macaque ganglion cells". Visual
Neuroscience 10 (3): 439445. doi:10.1017/S0952523800004661 . PMID 8494797 .
8. ^ Regan M.P., Regan D. (1988). "A frequency domain technique for characterizing nonlinearities in biological systems". Journal of
Theoretical Biology 133 (3): 293317. doi:10.1016/S0022-5193(88)80323-0 .
9. ^ a b Regan D., Heron J.R. (1969). "Clinical investigation of lesions of the visual pathway: a new objective technique". Journal of
Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 32 (5): 47983. doi:10.1136/jnnp.32.5.479 .
10. ^ Regan D., Regan M.P. (1988). "Objective evidence for phaseindependent spatial frequency analysis in the human visual
pathway". Vision Research 28 (1): 187191. doi:10.1016/S0042-6989(88)80018-X . PMID 3413995 .
11. ^ Regan D., Regan M.P. (1987). "Nonlinearity in human visual responses to twodimensional patterns and a limitation of Fourier
methods". Vision Research 27 (12): 21813. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(87)90132-5 . PMID 3447366 .
12. ^ Regan M.P., He P., Regan D. (1995). "An audiovisual convergence area in human brain". Experimental Brain Research 106 (3):
4857. doi:10.1007/bf00231071 . PMID 8983992 .
13. ^ Morgan S. T., Hansen J. C., Hillyard S. A. (1996). "Selective attention to stimulus location modulates the steady-state evoked
potential" . Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 93 (10): 47704774. doi:10.1073/pnas.93.10.4770 .
PMC 39354 . PMID 8643478 .
14. ^ Srinivasan R, Russell DP, Edelman GM, Tononi G (1999). "Increased synchronization of neuromagnetic responses during
conscious perception". Journal of Neuroscience 19 (13): 543548. PMID 10377353 .
15. ^ a b Regan D (1973). "Rapid objective refraction using evoked brain potentials". Investigative Ophthalmology 12 (9): 66979.
PMID 4742063 .
16. ^ a b c Norcia A. M., Tyler C. W. (1985). "Infant VEP acuity measurements: Analysis of individual differences and measurement
error". Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 61 (5): 359369. doi:10.1016/0013-4694(85)91026-0 .
PMID 2412787 .
17. ^ a b c d Regan D (1975). "Colour coding of pattern responses in man investigated by evoked potential feedback and direct plot
techniques". Vision Research 15 (2): 175183. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(75)90205-9 . PMID 1129975 .
18. ^ Nelson J. I., Seiple W. H., Kupersmith M. J., Carr R. E. (1984). "A rapid evoked potential index of cortical adaptation".
Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science 59 (6): 454464. doi:10.1016/0168-5597(84)90004-2 . PMID 6209112 .
19. ^ a b Norcia A. M., Tyler C. W. (1985). "Spatial frequency sweep VEP: Visual acuity during the first year of life". Vision Research
25 (10): 13991408. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(85)90217-2 . PMID 4090273 .
20. ^ a b Norcia A. M., Tyler C. W., Allen D. (1986). "Electrophysiological assessment of contrast sensitivity in human infants".
American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics 63 (1): 1215. doi:10.1097/00006324-198601000-00003 .
PMID 3942183 .
21. ^ Musiek, FE, & Baran, JA. (2007). The Auditory system. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
22. ^ Treede RD, Lorenz J, Baumgrtner U (December 2003). "Clinical usefulness of laser-evoked potentials". Neurophysiol Clin 33
(6): 30314. doi:10.1016/j.neucli.2003.10.009 . PMID 14678844 .
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23. ^ Catmur C., Walsh V., Heyes C. (2007). "Sensorimotor learning configures the human mirror system" . Curr. Biol. 17 (17):
15271531. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2007.08.006 . PMID 17716898 .
External links
Evoked Potentials
at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
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