Oposa Vs Factoran
Oposa Vs Factoran
Oposa Vs Factoran
et al
(G.R. No. 101083)
This case is unique in that it is a class suit brought by 44 children, through their parents, claiming that
they bring the case in the name of their generation as well as those generations yet unborn. Aiming to
stop deforestation, it was filed against the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, seeking to have him cancel all the timber license agreements (TLAs) in the country and to
cease and desist from accepting and approving more timber license agreements. The children invoked
their right to a balanced and healthful ecology and to protection by the State in its capacity as parens
patriae. The petitioners claimed that the DENR Secretary's refusal to cancel the TLAs and to stop issuing
them was "contrary to the highest law of humankind-- the natural law-- and violative of plaintiffs' right to
self-preservation and perpetuation." The case was dismissed in the lower court, invoking the law on nonimpairment of contracts, so it was brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari.
Did the children have the legal standing to file the case?
Yes. The Supreme Court in granting the petition ruled that the children had the legal standing to file the
case based on the concept of intergenerational responsibility. Their right to a healthy environment
carried with it an obligation to preserve that environment for the succeeding generations. In this, the Court
recognized legal standing to sue on behalf of future generations. Also, the Court said, the law on nonimpairment of contracts must give way to the exercise of the police power of the state in the interest of
public welfare.
The case of Oposa vs. Factoran has been widely cited worldwide for its concept of intergenerational
responsibility, particularly in cases related to ecology and the environment. For example:
This case has been widely-cited in jurisprudence worldwide, particularly in cases relating to
forest/timber licensing. However, the approach of the Philippino Supreme Court to economic,
social and cultural rights has proved somewhat inconsistent, with some judgments resulting in
the enforcement of such rights (e.g., Del Rosario v Bangzon, 180 SCRA 521 (1989); Manila
Prince Hotel v Government Service Insurance System , G. R. No. 122156 (3 February, 1997) but at
least one instance in which the Court made a statement that economic, social and cultural rights
are not real rights (see, Brigido Simon v Commission on Human Rights, G. R. No. 100150, 5 January