Risk Analysis ATEX
Risk Analysis ATEX
Risk Analysis ATEX
Risk analysis for equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres
J . P. Pineau, INERJS, BP.2, 60550, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France, tel 333 44 55 65 14, fax 333 44 55 66 00,
email [email protected]
EU Directives 98/37/EC (machinery directive) and 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a) have to be applied by manufacturers
of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. These Directives
include Essential Safety Requirements and place an onus on manufacturers to carry out a risk assessment for the
intended use of their equipment. In order to help manufacturers in this task, the European Standards
organisation, CEN, TC 305 has mandated its WG 4 (terminology and methodology) to write a standard on the
risk assessment of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The
RASE project was set up as a prenormative research work to define the requirements for developing such a
standard as specified in the dedicated call of the European Commission's Standards Measurement and Testing
programme concerned with subjects relating to the standardisation activities of CEN - Explosive atmospheres risk assessment of unit operations and equipment. The project (December 1997-May 2000) was co-ordinated by
INBUREX with the participation of FSA Germany, INERIS France, HSE England, NIRO Denmark and CMR
Norway. Since March 2000, WG 4 (TC 305) is actively involved in preparing the final draft of this standard.
This paper describes the objectives and the results obtained to date in RASE project and in WG4. An outline is
given of the contents of the standard being developed for the risk assessment of equipment and protection
systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Keywords: risk assessment, explosive atmospheres, equipment, protective systems
The Essential Safety Requirements relating to EU Directives 98/37/EC (machinery directive) and 94/9/EC
(ATEX 100A) are to be applied by manufacturers of equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres. Current standards (e.g. EN1127-1 and 2) only consider the basic concepts
and methodology dealing with explosion prevention and protection respectively for groups II and I equipments.
There is a lack of a common methodology which can be used by manufacturers facing the design of the wide
variety of equipment and protective systems (both electrical and non-electrical) intended for use in explosive
CEN/TC305 has mandated (december 1994) its working group 4 (terminology and methodology) to write a
specific European standard dealing with risk assessment of equipment for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres before end 2001. This means that there is an urgent need for a standard on risk assessment.
In order for manufacturers to meet the Essential Safety Requirements, it is necessary that they carry out a risk
assessment of their products including its intended use. Current Risk Assessment Methodology standards, for
example EN 1050, provide a good general overview of the techniques and the concepts involved for application
of the machinery directive. However they need to be extensively and clearly extended to cover the specific
situation and problems associated with risk assessment of equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres.
Thus it is necessary to develop a flexible and comprehensive unified methodology that will assess the process
parameters including those of equipment and protective systems to identify the hazardous situations and evaluate
the risks. This methodology needs to provide a link between the risk, its severity and probability of occurrence
and the consequences whilst allowing the evaluation of mitigating effects arising from both the design and
construction of the equipment and also the provision of additional protective systems (risk reduction).
The RASE project was set up to meet the requirements for developing such a standard as specified in the
dedicated call of the European Commission's Standards Measurement and Testing programme concerned with
subjects relating to the standardisation activities of CEN - Explosive atmospheres - risk assessment of unit
operations and equipment.
The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive flexible Risk Assessment Methodology for
identifying potential hazardous situations in equipment such as reactors, dryers, mixers, storage systems
intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in various industries (chemical, oil, food and provender,
metallurgy etc.).
The developed Risk Assessment Methodology will help manufacturers of such equipment fulfil their obligations
under the ATEXlOOa (Equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, 94/9/EC) Directive, i.e. it will be
related to the equipment groups and categories defined in this Directive and has been produced in a form that
can be readily discussed as an input for a European Standard. The project has been developed to ensure a close
relationship with the work performed in CEN/TC305 and CENELEC/TC31, the European Standards bodies
concerned with this topic.
As a consequence of this scientific objective, the following technical objectives will be achieved:
As the proposed project has been planned to be accomplished in close co-operation with CEN/TC305 and
CENELEC/TC31, the end result has been a methodology that can be used as an input for the work to be
performed by CEN/TC305/WG4 which will enable manufacturers to simply and quickly assess the risks
associated with the intended use of their products, thus contributing to the improvement of Health, Safety and
Environment in Europe.
The work (WI 00305061) mandated to WG 4 in TC 305 is concerning a methodology for risk assessment of
equipment and protective systems for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
The proposed scope is the following :
This standard will give guidance on risk assessment related to dangerous (hazardous) situations arising from
potentially explosive atmospheres.
This includes :
A draft version of a risk assessment methodology which can be used by manufacturers of equipment designed
for use in potentially explosive atmospheres was produced in May 2000.
This methodology was established as an end product after completion of four discrete work packages :
The starting point has been the existing experience of manufacturers and users. An inquiry was carried out
through questionnaires (respectively for manufacturers and users). Included in these questionnaires were aspects
such as the intended use, the level of training of operators, the degree of automation of the equipment, the choice
of safety measures used, the severity of harm, the probability of occurrence of hazardous situations, the
reliability data of equipment and safety measures, the efficacy of the safety measures, the maintenance, the
lessons learnt from accidents, the knowledge of existing national regulations, standards and codes of practice,
the safety rules specified in the instructions for use and whether and how manufacturers currently carry out risk
These questionnaires were translated into French, German, Danish and Norwegian and sent to firms in England,
Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The distribution was
mainly to manufacturers (mainly non-electrical but also some electrical) as well as to some users of equipment
for use in both gas and dust explosive atmospheres. Both large and small companies were approached as well as
Engineering Contractors. Unfortunately due the time constraints of the project, it was not possible to cover
Southern European countries.
Approximately 200 responses were received and the results reported using an Excel spread sheet specially
developed to aid with the evaluation of the results. The main conclusions that can be drawn from this survey
most respondees have little awareness of the European Directives dealing with potentially explosive
atmospheres, however the majority are aware of national legislation in this field.
in many instances, manufacturers do not consider that it is their responsibility to define hazardous zones and
assess risks, however customers specifications are taken into account. They do not seem to use the results of
any risk assessment which would appear to contradict the response that the majority consider 'intended use'.
the risk of occurrence of explosive atmospheres is assessed by Users with a large diversity of methods. Both
potential gas/vapour and dust explosive atmospheres are taken into account. For this risk assessment, topics
such as flammability and explosivity characteristics of products, hazardous areas classification, protective
and preventive methods are considered.
1/2 of users had had explosions in their plant ; protective systems were present in the majority of these
a large variety of safety measures were used by users however surprisingly such safety measures were
chosen as a result of a risk assessment in only 50% of the cases.
with respect to efficacy, there were a lot of standards used by manufacturers either related to the equipment
in general and for specific protective measures but only 50% of the users said that they received such
ca. 8 5 % of the users consider reliability of equipment and protective systems as a part of their risk
assessment whereas only ca. 50% of manufacturers consider this aspect.
The questionnaires identified that both manufacturers and users are still looking for suitable tools to use for risk
Additionnally, incident data have been collected and evaluated to determine relevant aspects which would have
a bearing on the proposed risk assessment methodology. The review included approximately 750 dust explosion
accidents and 20 gas explosion incidents.
The investigation revealed the following with respect to the cause and effects of dust explosions:
26 % of the accidents are caused by human action (based on German records, UK records indicate that only
7 % of the accidents are caused by human action)
2-7 % of the consequences of the accidents were worsened due to human action
in 19-21 % of the accidents poor design can be pointed out as a factor for worsening the effects
it was found that in almost all cases knowledge of ignition properties of the respective dusts would not have
been able to prevent the accidents from happening. Explosion protection was applied in many cases but
worked satisfactory in only a fraction of the cases that it was applied.
With respect to the causes of gas explosions it was found that:
33-67 % of the accidents can be attributed to human action (respectively offshore and onshore)
both offshore and onshore design errors are responsible for approximately 33 % of the accidents
poor maintenance appears to be responsible for 11 and 17 % of the accidents occurring offshore and
onshore respectively however, 46 % of the accidents concerned mechanical failure.
> in all investigated gas explosion accidents the design was too poor to withstand the gas explosion effects.
Overall the review showed that important issues in risk analysis are: human factor, plant design and maintenance
and that these factors should be taken into account in the development of the risk assessment methodology.
Normative references
Aspects on how to influence explosion risks
Risk assessment procedure
Determination of intended use (Functional / State-Analysis)
Hazard Identification
Risk Estimation
Risk Evaluation
Risk Reduction Option Analysis
Methods and/or techniques that could favourably be applied
Informative Annexes
Annex I
Equipment characteristics
Annex II
Operational aspects and influences
Annex III
Human factors and organisational aspects
Annex IV
Risk estimation and evaluation
Annex V
List of risk assessment techniques
Annex VI
Examples: Application of risk assessment methods
Table 1 : Contents of proposed standard on Risk assessment of equipment
1.2.2 Risk Assessment procedure
A risk assessment methodology needs to consider all risk factors including unexpected parameters. The
methodology needs to answer the following basic questions:
< What do we know? What is the risk?
Risk evaluation
< Risk reduction option analysis.
The first three steps of risk assessment (determination, identification, estimation) are often referred to
collectively as risk analysis. Risk assessment is an iterative process. If, after risk has been evaluated, the decision
is made that the risk needs to be reduced it is necessary to re-estimate the risk. A decision can then be made as to
whether the measures taken have reduced the risk to an acceptable level. It is also essential to check that the
measures used to reduce risk have not themselves introduced any new hazards. Therefore a feedback loop from
Risk Reduction Option Analysis to Hazard Identification has to be made.
1.2.3 Determination of intended use (Functional / State-Analysis)
As mentioned above, the trials of the methodology with manufacturers showed that this aspect was often poorly
defined particularly in terms of nature of the explosive atmosphere that may be present. A functional state
analysis procedure has therefore been developed by the project team and included in the proposed standard.
In this respect it is an advantage to establish an Equipment / Process Flow Diagram in the light of a Functional /
State-Analysis with the inclusion of energy levels (i.e. temperatures, pressures etc.) for each phase of the
equipment's operation. Such a diagram helps the assessor to consider and/or to define the status of the materials
being handled and the status of equipment itself, see Figure 1.
In addition, such a flow diagram not only helps to define the intended use but also can be used as the key part of
the iterative risk assessment process. It refers the ATEX product characteristics to energies involved and/or the
operating state as well as the physical state of the substance. Thus the analyst is able to determine what, why and
how things can happen, especially when dealing with complete machines or more complex products. The
diagram is based on the fact, that any ATEX product has limits to its functionality and to its use, especially the
intended use, its lifetime and space it occupies (configuration). These limits form part of constituent elements or
parameters which need to be taken into account in any phase of the Functional/State-Analysis. These constituent
elements could serve as a screen to register, for example,
combustion properties
When defining those limits, the following items have an important impact, for example, in terms of use, time
and space:
intended use
life time
abrasion, corrosion, parameters of process like ageing by temperature, pressure, vibration, characteristics of
substances, maintenance, change of use, change of environment
range of movement, space requirement, location, volume, confinement, weight, kind of interconnections,
physical state
of the substance
unit operations
operating state
solid, grains,
dusty, gaseous,
liquid, emulsion,
grinding, mixing,
fluidizing, spraying,
drying, evacuating,
storing, transporting
dynamics, statics,
E1 heating
E2 cooling
paste-like S4
Mixture with for a short
period only filling part
air of
Cloud of
in normal
sparks in
rubbing on
of ignition
likely to
occur during
as surface
malfunction temperature
> ignition
likely to
Due to slow
occasionally bucket speed
in normal
The seventy or consequence of an explosion can often be adequately characterised however the probability of its
occurrence is usually more difficult to quantify.
Risk is usually expressed in one of 3 ways:
Semi-quantitatively where elements of risk such as consequence, exposure and likelihood are given a
numerical score which are then combined in some way to give a pseudo-quantitative value of risk which
allows risks to be ranked one against another.
In many situations it is not possible to exactly determine all the factors that effect risk, in particular those which
contribute to the likelihood of a specified event occurring. Thus risk is often expressed in a qualitative rather
than a quantitative way.
Severity can be expressed as defined levels, one or more of which can result from each hazardous event. Thus in
terms of injuries, damage to health or system damage severity can be expressed as shown in Table 2.
In order to estimate the frequency of each severity level a screening technique can first be applied to determine
the probability of each hazardous event in terms of both the occurrence of an ignition source and the explosive
atmosphere. The frequency of occurrence can be qualitatively expressed as shown in Table 3:
(explosive atmosphere)
Continuously present
Frequency of
By using more than one technique the possibility of overlooking any relevant hazards is minimised. However,
the additional time employed in using more than one technique needs to be balanced against the increased
confidence in the results.
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Figure 3 :Typical considerations in selecting type of analysis and depth of the study
During these trials many manufacturers found that the document contains a great deal of useful information but
from a practical point of view it was difficult to navigate. It was not easy to read, too extensive, doesn't spell out
in word of one syllable what manufacturers have to do, what is link between methodology and directives etc. In
applying the methodology it was found that the sections on risk estimation and evaluation were not consistent
and required further development.
However following the application of the methodology with the help of the project partners, it was found that
the use of the proposed pro formas helped to clearly summarise the results. Similarly, the methodology provided
a good framework to pull together existing safety studies forcing the consideration of the intended use /
limitations of the machines.
It was clear from the trials that had been carried out that most manufacturers found the methodology difficult to
use. This in part reflects the complexity of the subject but also because the manufacturers have little idea what is
involved in carrying out a risk assessment and what they have to do to meet the requirements of the Directives.
When guided through the process by project participants, it was clear that the methodology produced a
satisfactory risk assessment with the advantage of the results being transparent.
The above mentioned trials have shown that the basic framework of the developed methodology is suitable and
that when the suggested proformas are used for recording the results, the risk assessment which has been carried
out can be clearly followed. However it is clear from the trials that manufacturers have extreme difficulty in
applying the methodology. This is partly to be expected as the subject of risk assessment is extremely complex
and it is unlikely that someone without experience in the field can simply take the proposed draft and directly
apply it to their problem.
In order to improve the 'useability' of the methodology the project team has decided to develop and include a
'User-Guide' which will contain detailed examples of the use of the methodology for assessing the risk
associated with different types of equipment, unit operations and protective systems. Once this is completed, the
revised draft will be considered as the input for CEN TC305.
The RASE project is finished since May 2000 and has successfully achieved its objectives. A methodology for
the risk assessment of equipment and unit operations intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres has
been developed. It is based on the results of a review of existing methodologies for risk assessment together with
the responses from a questionnaire of manufacturers and users on their current experiences and a review of gas
and dust explosion incidents that have occurred. The draft methodology has been tested with six manufacturers
and the results from these trials have been used to produce a methodology which is flexible enough to be simply
applied to the equipment considered but comprehensive enough to cover all aspects required by the Directives.
As the project is being carried out in close co-operation with CEN/TC305 and CENELEC/TC31, the end
methodology is now an input for the work under progress by CEN/TC305/WG4 which will enable
manufacturers to simply and quickly assess the risks associated with the intended use of their products, thus
contributing to the improvement of Health, Safety and Environment in Europe.
Part of the work described RASE project) in this paper was partly funded by the European Commission under
contract number SMT4-CT97-2169. The author acknowledges the contributionsby the coordinator of the RASE
project and by colleagues from the other project participants namely, FSA Germany, HSE England, NIRO
Denmark and CMR Norway without whom this project would not have been possible. INERIS and the previous
organisations funded also this project.
Another part of the work is under progress in CEN, TC 305WG4/subgroup 3 and the author acknowledges the
contributions by the members of this group.
Machinery Directive 98/37/EC
ATEXlOOa (Equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres) Directive94/9/EC
EN 1127 - 1 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection Part 1 : Basic concepts and
EN 1050, 1996 Safety of machinery - Risk assessment
R.L. Rogers N. Maddison A risk assessment standard for equipment for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres : The RASE project IchemE HAZARDS XV Symposium Manchester 4-6 th April 2000
R.L. Rogers Risk assessment of equipment : a manufacturers obligation The RASE project Process Safety and
Industrial Explosion Protection, 27 th -29* March 2001 International ESMG Symposium, Nurnberg, Germany
J.P.Pineau European standardization in the non-electric field, Work Progress in CEN TC 305 , WG 4
" terminology and methodology "VDI Berichte NR 1601, 2001, p 97-99
J. P. Pineau Risk analysis for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres, International seminar on explosion safety in hazardous areas, November 15th, 2001, Cork, Ireland.