Astm E202

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Designation: E 202 00

Standard Test Methods for

Analysis of Ethylene Glycols and Propylene Glycols1

This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 202; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

Methods for Chemical Analysis of Metals5

E 180 Practice for Determining the Precision of ASTM
Methods for Analysis and Testing of Industrial Chemicals2
E 200 Practice for Preparation, Standardization, and Storage of Standard and Reagent Solutions for Chemical
E 203 Test Method for Water Using Karl Fischer Reagent2
E 394 Test Method for Iron in Trace Quantities Using the
1,10-Phenanthroline Method2
E 611 Test Methods for Low Concentrations of Diethylene
Glycol in Ethylene Glycol by Gas Chromatography2

1. Scope
1.1 These test methods cover the chemical and physical
analysis of the commonly available grades of ethylene glycol,
diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and
dipropylene glycol. The key sections appear in the following
Purity of Reagents
Specific Gravity
Distillation Range
Gas Chromatographic Analysis


3. Significance and Use

3.1 These test methods measure certain chemical and physical properties of ethylene glycols and propylene glycols and
may be used to determine compliance with specification in
which limits are established for these properties. For those tests
that use the procedure of another ASTM test method, that test
method should be consulted for additional information on the
significance and use of that test.

1.2 Review the current appropriate Material Safety Data

Sheets (MSDS) for detailed information concerning toxicity,
first aid procedures, and safety precautions.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

4. Purity of Reagents
4.1 Purity of ReagentsReagent grade chemicals shall be
used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that
all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society,
where such specifications are available.6 Other grades may be
used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of
sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the
accuracy of the determination.
4.2 Unless otherwise indicated, references to water shall be
understood to mean reagent water conforming to Specification
D 1193, Type II or III.

2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 891 Test Methods for Specific Gravity, Apparent, of
Liquid Industrial Chemicals2
D 1078 Test Method for Distillation Range of Volatile
Organic Liquids3
D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water4
D 1209 Test Method for Color of Clear Liquids (PlatinumCobalt Scale)3
D 1613 Test Method for Acidity in Volatile Solvents and
Chemical Intermediates Used in Paint, Varnish, Lacquer,
and Related Products3
E 60 Practice for Photometric and Spectrophotometric

5. Procedure
5.1 Determine the specific gravity of the sample at 20/20C

These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E15 on
Industrial and Specialty Chemicals and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E15.01 on General Standards.
Current edition approved October 10, 2000. Published November 2000. Originally published as E 202 62. Last previous edition E 202 94a.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.05.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.04.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.

Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,

Copyright ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 202
TABLE 1 Thermometers for Distillation Range
Ethylene glycol
Diethylene glycol
Triethylene glycol
Propylene glycol
Dipropylene glycol


this case, up to 30 min can be allowed to collect the first drop, and a
distillation rate of 2 to 3 mL/min is satisfactory. Alternatively, the flask
chamber may be covered with a suitable shield so that only the upper neck
and thermometer are exposed to room air to achieve the specified rates.




8.2 Use the following values of K in the equation for

barometric correction (Test Method D 1078):

Ethylene glycol
Diethylene glycol
Triethylene glycol
Propylene glycol
Dipropylene glycol

using the pycnometer test method in accordance with Test

Methods D 891, except determine the water and sample
weights of the pycnometer at 20.0 6 0.1C.


9. Report
9.1 Report the corrected temperatures to the nearest 0.1C at
each volume required by the specification for the glycol being

6. Report
6.1 Report the specific gravity at 20/20C (in air) to the
nearest 0.0001 unit.

10. Precision and Bias

10.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results (Note 3):
10.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)The standard deviation for a single determination has been estimated to be the
value in Table 2 at the indicated degrees of freedom. The 95 %
limit for the difference between two such runs is the value in
the table.
10.1.2 Laboratory Precision (Within-Laboratory, BetweenDays)The standard deviation of results (each the average of
duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on different days, has
been estimated to be the value in Table 2 at the indicated
degrees of freedom. The 95 % limit for the difference between
two such averages is the value in the table.
10.1.3 Reproducibility (Multilaboratory)The standard deviation of results (each the average of duplicates), obtained by
analysts in different laboratories, has been estimated to be the
value in Table 2 at the indicated degrees of freedom. The 95 %
limit for the difference between two such averages is the value
in the table.

7. Precision and Bias

7.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results (see Note 1):
7.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)The standard deviation for a single determination has been estimated to be
0.0000651 unit at 96 dF. The 95 % limit for the difference
between two such runs is 0.0002 unit.
7.1.2 Laboratory Precision (Within-Laboratory, BetweenDays)The standard deviation of results (each the average of
duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on different days, has
been estimated to be 0.0000598 units at 48 df. The 95 % limit
for the difference between two such averages is 0.0002 unit.
7.1.3 Reproducibility (Multilaboratory)The standard deviation of results (each the average of duplicates), obtained by
analysts in different laboratories, has been estimated to be
0.000191 unit at 5 dF. The 95 % limit for the difference
between two such averages is 0.0005 unit.
NOTE 1These precision estimates are based on interlaboratory studies
performed in 1962 and 1963 on six samples of the five glycols whose
specific gravity values range from approximately 1.0233 to 1.1255. A total
of ten laboratories cooperated in the studies in which each analyst
performed duplicate determinations on each sample on each of two days.7
Practice E 180 was used in developing these precision estimates.

NOTE 3These precision estimates are based on interlaboratory studies

performed in 1962 and 1963 on eleven samples of the five glycols whose
distillation ranges varied from 1.4 to 9.7C. A total of ten laboratories
cooperated in the studies in which each analyst performed duplicate
determinations on each sample on each of two days.7 Practice E 180 was
used in developing these precision estimates.

7.2 BiasThe bias of this test method has not been determined due to the unavailability of suitable reference materials.

10.2 BiasThe bias of this test method has not been

determined due to the unavailability of suitable reference

8. Procedure
8.1 Determine the distillation range of the sample in accordance with Test Method D 1078. Use the conditions as specified in Test Method D 1078, and the ASTM Solvents Distillation Thermometer shown in Table 1 . (See Note 2 for certain
allowable exceptions in applying this test method to triethylene

11. Procedure
11.1 Determine the acidity of the sample in accordance with
Test Method D 1613.
12. Report
12.1 Report the acidity, expressed as weight percent of
acetic acid, to the nearest 0.0001 %.

NOTE 2In the distillation of triethylene glycol, it may not be possible

to collect the first drop of liquid within 15 min or to maintain the
prescribed distillation rate of 4 to 5 mL/min with some sources of gas. In

13. Precision and Bias

13.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results (see Note 4):

Details of the interlaboratory study are available as Research Report E15-0013

from ASTM Headquarters.

E 202
TABLE 2 Distillation Range Precision Values

0 to 5C/qa

5 to 15C

0.154 (54A)

0.154 (54)

0.218 (52)

0.148 (56)



0.173 (27)

0.119 (23)









0.118 (54)



13.2 BiasThe bias of this test method has not been

determined due to the unavailability of suitable reference



0.147 (27)









Ethylene Glycol
Distillation Range

Initial boiling point, C:

Standard deviation
95 % limit
Laboratory Precision
(Within Laboratory
Between Days)
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Standard deviation
95 % limit
5 mL, C:
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Laboratory Precision
(Within Laboratory
Between Days)
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Standard deviation
95 % limit
50 mL, C:
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Laboratory Precision
(Within Laboratory
Between Days)
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Standard deviation
95 % limit
95 mL, C:
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Laboratory Precision
(Within Laboratory
Between Days)
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Dry point C:
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Laboratory Precision
(Within Laboratory
Between Days)
Standard deviation
95 % limit
Standard deviation
95 % limit

duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on different days, has

been estimated to be 0.000116 % absolute at 46 dF. The 95 %
limit for the difference between two such averages is 0.0003 %
13.1.3 Reproducibility (Multilaboratory)The standard deviation of results (each the average of duplicates), obtained by
analysts in different laboratories, has been estimated to be
0.000279 % absolute at 5 df. The 95 % limit for the difference
between two such averages is 0.0008 % absolute.

Diethylene Propylene
Triethylene Dipropylene





0.0783 (54)


0.129 (52)


0.0981 (27)











0.0837 (54)






0.126 (27)









0.384 (36)

0.272 (46)

0.193 (56)



0.640 (18)

0.103 (23)

0.250 (28)







14. Procedure
14.1 Determine the water content of the sample using any
suitable Karl Fischer reagent titration method. Test Method
E 203 is recommended.
15. Report
15.1 Report the water content to the nearest 0.01 %.
16. Precision and Bias
16.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results (see Note 5):
16.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)The standard deviation for a single determination has been estimated to be
0.000370 % absolute at 92 dF. The 95 % limit for the difference
between two such runs is 0.01 % absolute.
16.1.2 Laboratory Precision (Within-Laboratory, BetweenDays)The standard deviation of results (each the average of
duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on different days, has
been estimated to be 0.00819 % absolute at 58 df. The 95 %
limit for the difference between two such averages is 0.02 %
16.1.3 Reproducibility (Multilaboratory)The standard deviation of results (each the average of duplicates), obtained by
analysts in different laboratories, has been estimated to be
0.0187 % absolute at 9 df. The 95 % limit for the difference
between two such averages is 0.05 % absolute.


0.0779 (14)


NOTE 4These precision estimates are based on an interlaboratory

study performed in 1962 and 1963 on six samples of the five glycols
whose acidity values ranged from 0.0008 to 0.0044 %. A total of ten
laboratories cooperated in the studies in which each analyst performed
duplicate determinations on each of two days.7 Practice E 180 was used in
developing these precision estimates.

NOTE 5These precision estimates are based on interlaboratory studies

performed in 1962 and 1963 on seven samples of the five glycols whose
water values ranged from 0.02 to 0.31 %. A total of ten laboratories
cooperated in the studies in which each analyst performed duplicate
determinations on each sample on each of two days. Each analyst
employed the form of the Karl Fischer reagent titration method commonly
used in the analysts laboratory. The 1962 study on three samples of
ethylene glycol by nine laboratories failed to show any significant
differences in precision attributable to differences in the methods used.7
Practice E 180 was used in developing these precision estimates.


Degrees of freedom indicated by values within parentheses.

13.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)The standard deviation for a single determination has been estimated to be
0.0000918 % absolute at 92 dF. The 95 % limit for the
difference between two such runs is 0.0003 % absolute.
13.1.2 Laboratory Precision (Within-Laboratory, BetweenDays)The standard deviation of results (each the average of

16.2 BiasThe bias of this test method has not been

determined due to the unavailability of suitable reference

E 202
solution. This curve must be determined for each instrument
and should be checked periodically.

17. Summary of Test Method
17.1 The sample is diluted with water and the iron determined photometrically at approximately 510 nm by the orthophenanthroline method without a preliminary ashing. The
amounts and the concentrations of hydroxylamine hydrochloride and ortho-phenanthroline solutions added has been increased over that given in conventional write-ups in order to
overcome the depression of the ferrous-ortho-phenanthroline
complex color by the large amount of glycol present.

22. Procedure
22.1 For samples containing 0 to 0.5 ppm Fe, weigh about
80 g of sample to the nearest 0.1 g into a 100-mL glassstoppered graduate. For samples of larger iron content, use
proportionally smaller samples. Dilute with water to 80 mL.
Add 80 mL of water to another graduate as a blank.
22.2 Add 5 mL of NH2OHHCl solution to each graduate
and mix. Make up to the 100-mL mark with orthophenanthroline solution and again mix.
22.3 Allow to stand for 5 min, fill a 5-cm absorption cell,
and measure the absorbance at approximately 510 nm, corrected for the blank (Note 8). From the calibration curve, read
the milligrams of iron present.

18. Significance and Use

18.1 This test method is essentially identical to Test Method
E 394, which should be consulted for details on possible
interferences. Both test methods assume that the amount of
color developed is proportional to the amount of iron in the test
solution and that the calibration curve is linear over the
specified concentration range.

NOTE 8Although the ferrous-ortho-phenanthroline complex is reported to have a maximum absorbance at approximately 510 nm, the
measurements on both the standard iron and sample solutions should be
made at or near the wavelength at which maximum absorbance is obtained
with each individual instrument, as indicated by scanning in this region of
the spectrum. This step will ensure that the measurements will be made
with a maximum of sensitivity and will reduce wavelength calibration

19. Apparatus
19.1 Spectrophotometer, capable of measuring light absorption at approximately 510 nm.
NOTE 6A discussion of photometers and photometric practice is
given in Practice E 60.

23. Calculation
23.1 Calculate the iron present, in parts per million, as

19.2 Absorption Cells, 5-cm light path.

20. Reagents
20.1 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution (300 g/L)
Prepare fresh as needed. See the paragraph on hydroxylamine
hydrochloride solution in the section on Nonstandardized
Reagent Solutions and Indicator Solutions in Practice E 200.
20.2 Iron, Standard Solution (1 mL = 0.005 mg Fe)
Prepare the standard iron solution (1 mL = 0.01 mg Fe) in
accordance with the paragraph on alternate method in the
section on Standard Ion Solutions of Practice E 200. Accurately dilute the resulting solution (0.01 mg/mL) 1:1 for the
0.005-mg/mL solution required.
20.3 Ortho-Phenanthroline Solution (3 g/L)Dissolve 0.9
g of 1,10-phenanthroline monohydrate in 30 mL of iron-free
ethanol (Note 7) and dilute to 300 mL with water.

Iron, ppm 5


S 3 1000


W = iron found, mg, and
S = sample used, g.
24. Report
24.1 Report the iron content of the sample to the nearest
0.01 ppm.
25. Precision and Bias
25.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results (see Note 9):
25.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)The standard deviation for a single determination has been estimated to be
0.00744 ppm at 92 dF. The 95 % limit for the difference
between two such runs is 0.02 % ppm.
25.1.2 Laboratory Precision (Within-Laboratory, BetweenDays)The standard deviation of results (each the average of
duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on different days, has
been estimated to be 0.00971 at 45 dF. The 95 % limit for the
difference between two such averages is 0.03 % ppm.
25.1.3 Reproducibility (Multilaboratory)The standard deviation of results (each the average of duplicates), obtained by
analysts in different laboratories, has been estimated to be
0.0255 ppm absolute at 8 df. The 95 % limit for the difference
between two such averages is 0.07 ppm.

NOTE 7Specially denatured alcohol conforming to Formula No. 30 of

the U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue has been found satisfactory for this

21. Preparation of Calibration Curve

21.1 Prepare a series of at least five standards by adding 1.0
to 12.0 mL of standard iron solution (1 mL = 0.005 mg Fe)
from a buret to 100-mL glass-stoppered graduates so that the
concentration range from 0.000 to 0.060 mg Fe is covered in
approximately equal increments. Make up to 80 mL with water.
Add 80 mL of water to another graduate as a blank. Add 5 mL
of NH2OHHCl solution, make up to the 100-mL mark with
ortho-phenanthroline solution and mix.
21.2 Obtain the absorbance of each standard, corrected for
the blank, in accordance with 22.3. Prepare a calibration curve
by plotting the absorbances of the standard iron solutions in
5-cm cells against the milligrams of iron per 100 mL of

NOTE 9These precision estimates are based on interlaboratory studies

performed in 1962 and 1963 on a total of seven samples of ethylene
glycol, propylene glycol, and dipropylene glycol whose iron values ranged
from 0.06 to 0.45 ppm. A total of ten laboratories cooperated in the studies

E 202
more than 1 %, each. Up to 1 % tetraethylene glycol in
triethylene glycol may be analyzed by this test method. The
isomers of dipropylene and tripropylene glycol are not completely resolved under the conditions used. Gas chromatographic test methods for determining less than 0.1 % diethylene glycol in ethylene glycol are in accordance with Test
Methods E 611.

in which each analyst performed duplicate determinations on each sample

on each of two days.7 Practice E 180 was used in developing these
precision estimates.

25.2 BiasThe bias of this test method has not been

determined due to the unavailability of suitable reference

30. Summary of Test Method

30.1 The sample is injected into a gas chromatographic
column. The components are separated as they pass through
the column with helium carrier gas, and their presence in the
effluent is detected and recorded as a chromatogram. The
composition of the sample is determined by measuring the
areas under the peaks of the chromatogram. Two modes of
operating the gas chromatograph are described: linear programmed temperature and isothermal. Linear programmed
temperature operation tends to give sharper peaks, and is,
therefore, preferred when it is desired to detect very low
concentrations of impurities.

26. Procedure
26.1 Determine the color of the sample in accordance with
Test Method D 1209.
27. Report
27.1 Estimate and report the color to the nearest one
platinum-cobalt unit.
28. Precision and Bias
28.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results (see Note 10):
28.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)The standard deviation for a single determination has been estimated to be 0.0 unit
at 40 dF. The 95 % limit for the difference between two such
runs is two units.
28.1.2 Laboratory Precision (Within-Laboratory, BetweenDays)The standard deviation of results (each the average of
duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on different days, has
been estimated to be 0.64 unit at 46 dF. The 95 % limit for the
difference between two such averages is two units.
28.1.3 Reproducibility (Multilaboratory)The standard deviation of results (each the average of duplicates), obtained by
analysts in different laboratories, has been estimated to be 2.47
units at 9 df. The 95 % limit for the difference between two
such averages is seven units.

31. Significance and Use

31.1 The concentrations of the components are obtained by
a normalization technique, based on the assumption that all
components are eluted under the conditions used. If all
components should not be eluted, the calculated concentrations
will be erroneously high, with the major components showing
the most significant error on an absolute basis. Although water
is detected under the conditions used, the best accuracy is
obtained by calculating the gas chromatographic results on a
water-free basis and correcting these results for the water
content of the sample in accordance with Sections 14-16.
32. Apparatus
32.1 Gas Chromatographic Instruments, having the minimal following characteristics.8
32.1.1 Sample Injection Port, with heater characteristics
necessary for operations at 215 and 235C.
32.1.2 Column Oven, capable of isothermal operation at 170
to 200C, or linear programmed temperature operation between 150 and 225C at approximately 5C/min.
32.1.3 Detector of the conventional dual-pass thermal conductivity type, capable of operation at 270C.
32.1.4 Recorder, 0 to 1-mV range, 1-s full-scale deflection
with a chart speed of approximately 12in./min (12.7 mm/min)
or other convenient speed that will produce a satisfactory
chromatogram, and an attenuator switch to change the recorder
range as required.
32.1.5 Column, 4 ft (122 cm) long, 14 in. (6.35 mm) in
outside diameter with a wall thickness of 0.032 in. (0.813 mm)
for aluminum or 0.065 in. (1.65 mm) for stainless steel
construction; packed with 7 % polyethylene glycol on tetrafluoroethylene polymer.
32.2 Microsyringe, 50-L capacity.9

NOTE 10These precision estimates are based on interlaboratory

studies performed in 1962 and 1963 on a total of six samples of the five
glycols whose color ranged from 2 to 21 platinum-cobalt units. Because
the test results are based on visual comparison of the untreated sample
with standards, duplicate determinations at low levels of color are almost
always in perfect agreement. This was confirmed in the 1962 study of two
samples of ethylene glycol with average colors of 2 and 21 platinumcobalt units. The standard deviation for duplicate determinations was
estimated to be 0.0 units at 40 dF. Therefore the stated 95 % limit in the
repeatability statement is based on the reporting of results to the nearest 1
unit. The 1963 study omitted the duplicate determinations. A total of ten
laboratories cooperated in the studies in which each analyst performed
duplicate determinations on each sample on each of two days.7 Practice
E 180 was used in developing these precision estimates.

28.1.4 BiasThe bias of this test method has not been

determined due to the unavailability of suitable reference
29. Scope
29.1 This gas chromatographic test method is intended for
the analysis of mixtures of ethylene, diethylene, and triethylene
glycols or mixtures of propylene, dipropylene, and tripropylene
glycols in which one of the glycols is the principal component
and the other two are present in concentrations of 0.1 to not

These parameters are summarized in Table 3 as typical values. See Note 13.
Hamilton Microsyringe No. 705 has been found satisfactory and is available
from supply houses.

E 202
calibration factors may be obtained using standards prepared
fromhearts cuts from the distillation of each of the glycols, or
from commercial grades of each glycol as described in the
following test methods. For highest accuracy, glycols obtained
from hearts cuts should be used. The calibration factors
should be checked periodically or whenever there is evidence
of a change in the column or instrument.
35.2 Test Method A:
35.2.1 Purify the commercial grade of each glycol needed
by careful fractional distillation in glass at reduced pressure,
discarding the first 30 % and retaining the next 30 % as the
hearts cuts. These fractions should be analyzed in accordance with 36.2 or 36.3 to be sure they are free from other
homologues of the glycol.
35.2.2 Prepare a standard mixture of these glycols whose
composition approximates that of the glycols to be analyzed.
The composition of this standard should be known to the
nearest 0.01 %. Correct the composition for any water present
as determined in accordance with 14.1, using the equation in
35.2.3 Obtain at least two chromatograms of the standard
mixture in accordance with 36.2 or 36.3 and calculate the
average area percent for each of the glycols present in
accordance with 37.2.1 (Note 12). Do not include any areas
associated with air and water in calculating the area percentages. Using the weight percent in the standard mixture and the
average area percent, calculate the factor for each glycol in
accordance with 37.1.1.

32.3 PlanimeterThe use of a planimeter to measure peak

areas is recommended unless the recorder used with the
chromatograph is equipped with an integrator.
32.4 Aluminum or Stainless Steel Tubing, 0.25 in. (6.35
mm) in outside diameter, with wall thickness of 0.032 in.
(0.813 mm) for aluminum and 0.065 in. (1.65 mm) for stainless
33. Reagents and Materials
33.1 Polyethylene Glycol,10 20 000 molecular weight.
33.2 Tetrafluoroethylene Polymer.11
33.3 Methylene Chloride (CH2Cl2).
33.4 Helium (He).
33.5 Ethylene, Diethylene, Triethylene, Tetraethylene, Propylene, Dipropylene, and Tripropylene Glycols See Section
35 for purity requirements.
34. Preparation of Chromatographic Column
34.1 Dissolve 14 g of the polyethylene glycol in approximately 200 mL of CH2Cl2 with gentle warming to aid solution.
Add 186 g of tetrafluoroethylene polymer and sufficient CH2Cl
2 to form a slurry, and mix well, making certain that all
particles are wetted. Evaporate CH2Cl2 by heating gently over
a steam bath in a fume hood until the mixture is dry. Frequent
stirring of the slurry during the drying operation is necessary to
obtain a uniform coating. The use of a vacuum rotary evaporator will greatly shorten the time required for drying.
34.2 Screen the dried packing through a No. 30 mesh sieve
to remove lumps. Fill a 4-ft (122-cm) section of 14-in. (6-mm)
outside diameter aluminum or stainless-steel tubing with the
screened packing (Note 11). Gently vibrate or tap the column
during the filling to ensure uniform packing, but exercise care
not to pack too tightly. Approximately 25 mL, or 14.1 g, of
packing is required to fill the aluminum tubing. Plug the ends
of the tubing with glass wool, and shape the tubing so it may
be mounted conveniently in the oven of the chromatograph.

NOTE 12The same mode of operation of the chromatograph must be

used in analyzing the standard mixture as will be used to analyze samples.
Different calibration factors may be obtained for linear programmed
temperature and for isothermal operation.

35.3 Test Method B:

35.3.1 For routine analyses, commercial grades of each
glycol may be used if the gas chromatographic analysis in
accordance with 36.2 or 36.3 indicates that the other glycols
present do not exceed 1 area %, each.
35.3.2 Prepare a standard mixture of the glycols whose
composition approximates that of the glycol to be analyzed.
The composition of the standard should be known to the
nearest 0.01 %. Correct the composition for any water present
as determined in accordance with 14.1, using the equation in
37.2.4. If the concentrations of the minor components in the
glycols added to the principal component in the standard
mixture do not exceed 1 area %, the concentrations of these
impurities in the mixture are insignificant at the concentration
levels included in the scope of this test method.
35.3.3 Obtain at least two chromatograms of the standard
mixture and of the principal glycol in accordance with 36.2 or
36.3 and calculate the average area percent for each of the
glycols present in accordance with 37.2.1 (Note 12). Do not
include any areas associated with air and water in calculating
the area percentages. Using the weight percent for each glycol
added to the principal glycol component and the average area
percents for each of these glycols, calculate the calibration
factor for each minor component in the standard mixture in
accordance with 37.1.2. Assume a calibration factor of unity
for the principal glycol in the standard mixture.

NOTE 11Chilling the packing in a refrigerator has been reported to

facilitate the handling of the packing during the filling of the tube.

34.3 Condition the column prior to use by placing the

column in the chromatograph in accordance with 36.2, except
heat the column to 225C and maintain at that temperature for
at least 4 h. Pass helium through the column at the specified
35. Calibration Factors
35.1 In order to obtain the composition of the sample in
terms of weight percent, the areas associated with each
component must be multiplied by an appropriate calibration
factor. These factors are obtained from mixtures of known
composition, and should be determined for each apparatus. The
Carbowax polyethylene glycol compound 20M, which is available from
supply houses, has been found satisfactory. Other polyethylene glycols having a
molecular weight of 20 000 may not perform in a satisfactory manner, and their
stability and ability to separate the glycols when used in column packing should be
checked by the use of standard mixtures.
Haloport F, available from Alltech Assoc., 2051 Waulkegen Rd., Deerfield, IL,
has been found satisfactory. Other fluorocarbons may be used if satisfactory
performance is obtained.

E 202
TABLE 4 Retention Time Data

36. Procedure
36.1 In analyzing the sample, either of two modes may be
used in operating the gas chromatograph: linear programmed
temperature or isothermal. Except for the column temperatures,
the procedure is the same for either mode, but other parameters
will change depending on whether ethylene or propylene
glycols are being analyzed. The procedure using linear programmed temperature will be described first.
36.2 Linear Programmed Temperature Operation:
36.2.1 Mount the column in the chromatograph, and adjust
the operating conditions in accordance with the parameters
given in Table 3 (Note 13). Allow sufficient time for the
instrument to reach equilibrium as indicated by a stable base
line on the chart at the maximum sensitivity setting to be used.

Retention Time, min


Air and water

Ethylene glycol
Diethylene glycol
Triethylene glycol
Tetraethylene glycol



Operation at

Air and water

Dipropylene glycol, 3 unresolved



Tripropylene glycolB

Retention times vary with component concentrations and from instrument to

instrument. Thus, the times listed, measured from the point of sample injection to
the peak maximum, are approximate.
Several isomers are usually indicated by the shape of the peak, but they are not
sufficiently resolved to list separate retention times.

NOTE 15Generally, three chromatograms may be required to obtain

agreement. The first injection of the sample seems to condition the
NOTE 16Frequent, rigorous cleaning of the injection port with hot
water and acetone may be required to avoid a buildup of carbonaceous
material in the injection port which will cause erroneous answers.
Frequent septum changes help prevent extraneous peaks.

36.2.4 Draw base lines under each glycol peak and measure
the area of each peak with a planimeter, unless the recorder is
equipped with an integrator.
36.3 Isothermal Operation:
36.3.1 Follow the procedure in accordance with 36.2, except use a constant column temperature of 170 C for the
analysis of mixtures of ethylene, diethylene, and triethylene
glycols. A temperature of 200C is used for mixtures containing tetraethylene glycol (Note 13 and Note 17). Approximate
retention times for the glycols are given in Table 4 and Table
5. Typical chromatograms for a sample of ethylene and of
diethylene glycol at temperatures of 170 and 200C respectively, are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. A typical chromatogram
of dipropylene glycol is shown in Fig. 5.

TABLE 3 Typical Instrument Parameters

Detector block temperature

Sample volume


36.2.3 Repeat 36.2.2 to obtain a duplicate chromatogram.

The area percent of each peak of the chromatograms should
agree within approximately 0.1 area % for duplicate chromatograms. If they do not agree this closely, obtain replicate
chromatograms until agreement is achieved.

Carrier gas
Detector current
Injection port temperature



Retention Time, min

NOTE 14Direct on-column injection of the sample has been reported to result in better-shaped peaks and to eliminate, or greatly reduce,
the buildup of carbon in the injection port. If this method of sample
injection is used, the temperature of the injection port should be the same
as that of the column.

Column temperature
(a) Programmed
(b) Isothermal operation



Isothermal Operation

TABLE 5 Retention Time DataA

36.2.2 Inject 10 L of the sample into the chromatograph by

means of a microsyringe, and obtain a chromatogram of the
sample using attenuation settings which allow for maximum
peak heights for each peak without going off scale (Note 14).
Approximate retention times for the glycols are given in Table
4 and Table 5. Typical chromatograms for diethylene glycol
and dipropylene glycol are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.

Strip-chart recorder
Chart speed


Retention times vary with component concentration and from instrument to
instrument. Thus, the times listed, measured from the point of sample injection to
the peak maximum, are approximate.

NOTE 13The instrument parameters given in Table 3 may be considered to be typical values. For any specific instrument some adjustment of
column temperature, programming rate, helium flow rate, etc. will
probably be required to achieve retention times similar to those in Table
4 and Table 5. The parameters should be adjusted so that the peaks
obtained are reasonably symmetrical, sharp, and exhibit satisfactory


programmed temperature gas

0 to 1-mV range
12 in. (12.7 mm)/min
4 ft of 14-in. (122 mm of 6-mm)
OD aluminum or stainless steel
tubing packed with polyethylene
glycol11 on tetrafluoroethylene

NOTE 17The higher temperature is used to obtain a reasonably short

retention time for tetraethylene glycol. Complete resolution of the
ethylene and diethylene glycol peaks may not be achieved at this higher
temperature if the sample contains more than approximately 1 % ethylene
glycol in the presence of high concentrations of diethylene glycol.

150 to 225C at 5.6C/min

170 or 200C for ethylene

glycols (refer to 36.3.1)
190C for propylene glycols
helium at 75 mL/min
190 mA
235C for ethylene glycols
215C for propylene glycols

37. Calculation
37.1 Calibration Factors:
37.1.1 When hearts cuts of glycols are used to prepare the
standard mixture, obtain the calibration factor for each glycol
as follows:

See Note Note 13.

E 202

FIG. 1 Chromatogram of Diethylene Glycol Linear Programmed Temperature Operation (Recorder Attenuation in Parentheses)

FIG. 2 Chromatogram of Dipropylene Glycol Linear Programmed Temperature Operation (Recorder Attenuation in Parentheses)

Fi 5 A

Fi 5 A 2 A



= calibration factor for component i,
= weight percent of component i in standard mixture,
A%i = average area percent of component i in standard
37.1.2 When commercial grades of glycols are used to
prepare the standard mixture, obtain the calibration factor for
each glycol present in minor concentration as follows:


Fi = calibration factor for component i,
Bi = weight percent of minor component i added to
principal glycol in preparing the standard mixture,
Asi = average area percent of minor component i in standard mixture, and
Abi = average area percent of minor component i in principal component.
37.2 Sample Composition:

E 202

FIG. 3 Chromatogram of Ethylene Glycol Isothermal Operation at 170C (Recorder Attenuation in Parentheses)

FIG. 4 Chromatogram of Diethylene Glycol Isothermal Operation at 200C (Recorder Attenuation in Parentheses)

37.2.1 Calculate the area percentage of each component as


A%i 5

AiTi 3 100
~A 1T1! 1 ~A2T2! 1 ~A 3T3! 1 ~A4T4!


E 202

FIG. 5 Chromatogram of Dipropylene Glycol Isothermal Operation at 190C (Recorder Attenuation in Parentheses)


A% i
A1, A2, A3, A4


area percent for glycol i,

area for glycol i,
recorder attenuation for area of glycol i,
areas for mono, di, tri, and tetraalkyl
glycols, respectively, and
= recorder attenuation for areas for mono,
T1, T2, T3, T4
di, tri, and tetraalkyl glycols, respectively.
37.2.2 Calculate the corrected area of each glycol as follows:
Aci 5 A %i 3 Fi


38. Report
38.1 Report the weight percent of each component to the
nearest 0.01 %.
39. Precision and Bias
39.1 The following criteria should be used for judging the
acceptability of results (see Note 18):
39.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)The standard deviation for a single determination has been estimated to be the
value in Table 6 at the indicated degrees of freedom. The 95 %
limit for the difference between two such runs is the value in
the table.
39.1.2 Laboratory Precision (Within-Laboratory, BetweenDays)The standard deviation of results (each the average of
duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on different days, has
been estimated to be the value in Table 6 at the indicated
degrees of freedom. The 95 % limit for the difference between
two such averages is the value in the table.
39.1.3 Reproducibility (Multilaboratory)The standard deviation of results (each the average of duplicates), obtained by
analysts in different laboratories, has been estimated to be the
value in Table 6 at the indicated degrees of freedom. The 95 %
limit for the difference between two such averages is the value
in the table.


Ac i = corrected area for glycol i,
A%i = area percent for glycol i, and
= factor for glycol i.
37.2.3 Calculate the weight percent of each glycol on an
anhydrous basis as follows:
C i 5 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 3 100

Ac1, Ac2, Ac3, Ac4


= weight percent of glycol i, expressed on an anhydrous basis,

= corrected area for glycol i, and
= corrected areas for mono, di, tri,
and tetraalkyl glycols, respectively.

37.2.4 Correct the weight percent of each glycol for the

water content of the sample as follows:
Gi 5

Ci~100 2 D!

= weight percent of glycol i, corrected for water content

of sample,
= weight percent of glycol i, expressed on an anhydrous
basis, and
= weight percent of water in the sample as determined
by Karl Fischer Reagent.

NOTE 18The precision estimates for the ethylene glycols are based on
a 19641965 interlaboratory study in which three samples of the glycols
were analyzed. The concentrations of the minor glycol components ranged
from 0.48 to 1.00 weight %. Seven laboratories cooperated in the study in



E 202
TABLE 6 Gas Chromatographic Precision Values
Ethylene Glycols
Standard Deviation,
absolute %

Propylene Glycols













0.1024 (6)

0.0527 (6)

0.0615 (7)

0.0499 (7)













0.1033 (6)

0.0528 (6)

0.0633 (8)

0.0536 (7)





Temperature, Weight %:
95 % limit
95 % limit
95 % limit
Weight %
95 % limit
95 % limit
95 % limit

Concentration range from 97 to 100 %.

Concentration range of less than 1 %.
Degrees of freedom indicated by values within parentheses.

which each analyst performed duplicate determinations by each mode of

instrument operation on each of two days, using seven different makes or
models of instruments.12 The calibration factors for converting area to
weight percent were obtained using standard samples which, unknown to
the participants, had the same composition as the test samples.12
The precision estimates for the propylene glycol samples are based on
a 1966 interlaboratory study in which four samples of the glycols were
analyzed. The concentrations of the minor components ranged from 0.25
to 0.79 weight %. Nine laboratories cooperated in the study in which each
analyst performed duplicate determinations by each mode of instrument

operation on each of two days, using eight different makes or models of

instruments.12 The calibration factors for converting area to weight
percent were obtained using samples of known composition prepared by
each analyst.12 Practice E 180 was used in developing these precision

39.2 BiasThe bias of this test method has not been

determined due to the unavailability of suitable reference
40. Keywords
40.1 acidity; color; distillation range; ethylene glycols; gas
chromatography; iron; propylene glycols; specific gravity;

Details of the interlaboratory study are available from ASTM Headquarters.
Request RR: E15-0028.


E 202
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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