An Analysis of Wave Guide E-Plane Tee As 3dB Splitter at X Band Using HFSS Software
An Analysis of Wave Guide E-Plane Tee As 3dB Splitter at X Band Using HFSS Software
An Analysis of Wave Guide E-Plane Tee As 3dB Splitter at X Band Using HFSS Software
Waveguide E plane tee is an important passive element in
microwave and millimeter wave engineering. Tee junctions
are generally used to split the line power into two or combine
the power from two lines with proper consideration of phase.
However, because of the complicated structure and small size,
good performance E plane tee at microwave frequencies such
as at X band or higher frequencies is difficult to realize. On
the other hand, a precise field analysis on waveguide E plane
tee is also difficult. So proper numerical analysis of
waveguide tee junctions will help to analyze the power
distributions between different ports along with phase of
transmission coefficient.
Several workers already made significant contributions in
this field. Liu [1] made a comparative analysis of planar SIW
magic tee with traditional rectangular tee. Novel four planar
magic tee was proposed by You et. al. [2] for networking
applications using waveguide side-wall slot directional
coupler and a double dielectric slab filled waveguide phase
shifter. The present author [3] also analyzed magic tee
structure in X-band for useful practical applications, which is
matched with findings of others [4]. Experimental results [5]
are well fitted with the recently available numerical studies.
Shen first presented the detailed analytical model [6] for tee
structures using hybrid finite-element-modal-expansion
method. As HFSS is an interactive software package for
calculating the electromagnetic behavior of a structure, so one
can compute basic electromagnetic field quantities,
generalized S-parameters and S-parameters renormalized to
specific port impedances, the eigenmodes, or resonances, of a
structure [7]. HFSS is a high-performance full-wave
electromagnetic field simulator for arbitrary 3D volumetric
passive device modeling. Proper materials are always chosen
prior to the simulation for future experimental works.
An Analysis of Wave Guide E-Plane Tee as 3dB splitter at X Band Using HFSS Software
An E plane Tee in X band has been designed using HFSS
software as shown in Fig. 2, in which port 2 and port 3 has
been assigned to two collinear arms, whereas port 1has been
assigned for side arm .
As described earlier when the waves are fed into port 1, the
waves appearing at port 2 and port 3 will be in opposite phase
and in the same magnitude. Therefore S12= - S13.
S 21
S 22
S 23
S 31
S 32
S 33
M.Liu, Z.Feng, A novel hybrid planar SIW magic Tee, , pp. 1-4,
APMC 2008.
[2] L.Z.You, W.B.Dou, Design and Optimization of Planar Waveguide
Magic Tee at W-band, pp. 1- 4, ICMMT-2007.
[3] Pampa.Debnath,Snehasis,Roy, An Analysis of Wave guide Magic Tee
at X band using HFSS, IJETAE,ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue
5,May 2012.
[4] P.Dawar, Design and Simulation of Magic Tee and Ring Hybrid
Coupler using Ansoft HFSS, IJCST, vol 2, issue1,2011.
[5] T.Sieverding and F. Arndt, Modal analysis of the magic tee, IEEE
Microwave Guided Wave Lett., Vol. 3,150152,1993.
[6] Z.X.Shen,
finite-element-modal-expansion method for matched magic
T-junction , IEEE Trans. Magnetics, Vol. 38,385388, 2002.
[7] HFSS: High Frequency Structure Simulator based on the Finite
Element Method, v. 9.2.1, Ansoft Corporation, 2004.
[8] A.Das and S.K.Das, Microwave Engineering,2nd edition, New
Delhi,Tata McGraw Hill,2009.
[9] D.M.Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, and New York:
John Wiley &sons Inc,1998.
[10] R.E.Collin, Foundation of Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition
McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York,1996.
[11] M.L.Sisodia, G.S. Raghuvanshi, Microwave circuits and Passive