Generator Protection Functions and Test Methods (Autosaved) Collection Unzip
Generator Protection Functions and Test Methods (Autosaved) Collection Unzip
Generator Protection Functions and Test Methods (Autosaved) Collection Unzip
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CLASS – A :- This covers all electrical protections for faults within the generating unit in which
generator field breaker, generator breaker and turbine should be tripped.
CLASS – B:- This covers all mechanical protections of the turbine in which turbine will be tripped
first and following this generator will trip on reverse power / low forward power
CLASS – C:- This covers electrical protection for faults in the system in which generator will be
unloaded by tripping of generator breaker only. The unit will come to house load
operation and the UAT will be in service. Various protections of this class are:
Inter-turn fault
Stator Earth Fault (95% & 100%)
Rotor Earth fault (2 Stage)
Differential protection
Bias test
REF protection
It is unit type protection, covering the stator winding for phase to phase faults due to breakdown of
insulation between stator phase windings. This relay is not sensitive for single line to earth faults as the
earth fault current is limited due to the high neutral earthing resistance. If CTs of identical ratios are used
on neutral and line side of generator, an operating current setting of 20% it can be adopted. It is
instantaneous in operation and it trips the generator breaker (Class – A) to eliminate the system in – feed to
the fault along with field breaker and turbines.
For all machines of ratings 10 MVA and above, this protection shall be provided.
Pickup Value of Differential Current : 0.10 I/InO
T I-DIFF> Time Delay : 0.00 sec
Pickup Value of High Set Trip : 2.0 I/InO
T I-DIFF>> Time Delay : 0.00 sec
Testing Method:
Note: Calculated value: Ifull=MVA/(1.732*KV)
Phase Set Value I/In Cal Value Optd Value Set Time (S) Optd Trip
Diff >> (Amps) (Amps) Time(Ms)
Apply the full load current on both terminal and neutral side with an angle of 180 degree phase shift
on any one side. (Angle will be vary depends on the vector group)
Dyn1 (-30° displacement between HV and LV)
Dyn11 (+30° displacement between HV and LV)
Dd0 (no phase displacement between HV and LV)
Dd6 (180° displacement between HV and LV)
Formerly, this type of protection was considered unnecessary because breakdown of insulation between
points on the same phase winding, contained in the same slot, and between which a potential difference exists, will
very rapidly change into an earth fault, and will be detective by either the differential protections or the stator earth
fault protection. An exception is the generator designed to produce a relatively high voltage in comparison to its
output and which therefore contains a large number of conductors per slot. With the size and voltage output of
generators increasing, this form of protection is becoming essential for all generating units.
The recommended relay is the high impedance relay having a setting range of 10-40% of rated current.
L-E Voltage of Faulted Phase Uph Min 110 V
L-E Voltage of Unfaulted Phase Uph Max 110 V
Uen> Earth Displacement Voltage 10 V
T-DELAY TRIP Uen/3U0 0.50 sec
Vr-n 61.1 0
It is an over voltage relay monitoring the voltage developed across the secondary of the neutral grounding
transformer in case of ground faults. It covers generator, LV winding of generator transformer and HV
winding of UAT. A pickup voltage setting of 5% is adopted with a time delay setting of about 1.0 Sec. For
all machines of ratings 10 MVA and above this shall be provided. Relay application for this protection is
mainly influenced by the method of stator earthing. Two methods are in common use.
Resistor earthing
Distribution transformer earthing
With resistor earthing, the fault current is limited to 200-300Amps while with distribution transformer
earthing; it is limited to 5-10Amps. The latter method has the advantage of ensuring minimum damage to the
stator core, but it is only practicable when the stator winding is directly connected to the delta winding of the
main transformer. The two schemes for stator earth fault protection (95%) are shown below:-
Distribution transformer earthing (High impedance Resistor earthing(Low impedance earthing):
earthing): In the resistor earthed scheme, a CT is required in the
Earth fault protection is provided by connecting an neutral to earth connection, and the relay used is an
Over voltage relay across its secondary, as shown. inverse time current relay so that it can grade with other
The maximum earth fault current is determined by the earth fault relays in the system. It also provides
Size of the transformer and the loading resistor R. The protection for the neutral earthing resistor. In this
Relay used for this Application is an inverse time or system, it is impossible to protect 100% of the stator
definite Time over voltage relay (Also known as neutral winding. The percentage of winding protected depends
displacement Relay) with a setting range Of 2.5 to 20 on the value of the neutral earthing resistor and the relay
Volts. The relay is Provided with an inbuilt third setting. In the figure below, the percentage of winding
Harmonic filter so as to avoid Unwanted operations due protector is given for various values of earthing resistor
to third Harmonic currents and the Problems associated at different relays settings, from 5-100 %.
with transformer inter winding capacitance. It is possible
to protect up to 95% of the generator stator Winding
with this relay.
Stator Earth Fault Protection ON
U0> Pickup 4.8 V
T S/E/F Time Delay 0.20 sec
Voltage Voltage measured at relay Set value (V) Operated Set time(s) Optd
injected(V)UE (After voltage divider ) (V) value (V) time(s)
To provide 100% stator earth fault protection, an additional relay for covering 95-100% of the winding is provided..
This is a 3rd harmonic U/V relay. It protects 100% of stator winding. During the machine running condition there
will be certain third harmonic voltage at neutral side of the generator. This 3rd harmonic voltage will come
down when a stator earth fault occurs causing this relay to operate. This shall have voltage check or current
check unit, to prevent faulty operation of the relay at generator stand still or during the machine running down
period. The third harmonic relays setting is determined from the amount of generator neutral third harmonic neutral
voltages. Calculations can be based on mission specifications and equipment capacitances or on field measurements.
To prevent 64G2 function from false tripping when there is no voltage, or low voltage, on the generator it's
supervised by the phase under-voltage relay 27.Set this relay at 90% of the rated voltage.
100% Stator-Earth-Fault Protection ON
Pickup Value of Alarm Stage Rsef< 168 Ohm
Pickup Value of Tripping Stage Rsef<< 84 Ohm
Time Delay of Alarm Stage Rsef< 10.00 sec
Time Delay of Tripping Stage Rsef<< 1.00 sec
Pickup Value of I SEF>> Stage 0.75 A
Supervision Threshold of 20Hz Voltage 1V
Supervision Threshold of 20Hz Current 10 mA
Test: (According to the theory the test method was given below. With the help of setting, the method was
shorting the PT terminal of generator. For an example short GRP1 TB 18&20 then the relay will
operate after time delay)
set value of voltage(V) Set value of frequency(Hz) set time (s) operated time (s)
A single earth fault on the field winding or in the exciter circuit of a generator is not in itself a danger to the
machine. Should a second earth fault develop, however, part of the field winding will become short circuited,
resulting in magnetic un-balance of the filed system with subsequent mechanical damage to the machine
bearings. It is necessary to ensure that should a second rotor earth fault occur, the machine is disconnected. This is
achieved by the use of a second rotor earth fault relay which comprises adjustable resistors and a sensing element.
Characteristics diagram:
multiplied by a safety factor of 1.05, the setting value of CHAR. 1 = 1.05 x 0.42 = 0.44 with an
angle of 80deg. Time delay setting 2.0 Second.
CHAR. 2 is set to 0.9 times CHAR. 1 = 0.9 x 0.44 = 0.4 with an angle of 90deg. Time delay
setting 2.0 Second.
CHAR. 3 is set to 2 times CHAR. 1 = 2 x 0.44 = 0.88 with an angle of 100deg. Time delay
setting 0.3 Second.
Note: The below test was performed by means of voltage and current. But an actual setting is given in
susceptance. The susceptance value will be calculated(given above) inside the relay, when we are
injecting voltage and current.
Under excitation Protection(with out U/V) : ON
Susceptance Intersect Characteristic 1 : 0.52
Inclination Angle of Characteristic 1 : 80 °
Characteristic 1 Time Delay : 2.00 sec
Susceptance Intersect Characteristic2 : 0.47
Inclination Angle of Characteristic 2 : 90 °
Characteristic 2 Time Delay : 2.00 sec
Susceptance Intersect Characteristic 3 : 0.94
Inclination Angle of Characteristic 3 : 100 °
Characteristic 3 Time Delay : 0.30 sec
Characteristics 1 set value 0.52 at 80 deg & 2sec. ( ) Ir from 100mA..
Alarm stage can be set at 50% of continuous withstand capability of the machine with a time delay of 3 to
5 Sec.
SET % OF I calculated=3 times Injected current Set Time (S) Optd Time
In=Ir Ir=I injected = Ix (A) (S)
Note: In Omicron, for this test change the R, Y, B--Y, B, R or change the Phase angle 0, -120, 120--120, 120, 0
This operates for phase faults in the unit, in the HV yard or in the adjacent transmission lines, with a
suitable time delay. It operates as a backup when the corresponding main protection fails. In A.P. System
the reach is set as 120% of generator transformer with a time delay of about 1.0 to 1.5 Sec.
Impedance Protection :ON
Fault Detection I> Pickup :6.50 A
State of Under voltage Seal-in :ON
Under voltage Seal-in Pickup :77.0V
Duration of Under voltage Seal-in :3.00 sec
It is basically a relay which measures v/f of the generator and transformers. As modern power
transformers are designed to operate at very near saturation flux levels under normal operating conditions,
any increase in the voltage or decrease in the frequency, results in the saturation of the core and the
additional flux tries to find its fault through core bolts damaging the core bolt insulation. To prevent this,
over fluxing relay is used.
V/F=110volts/50Hz (Normal)
=2.2=1 P.U
Note: Here we can keep voltage constant and vary the frequency or frequency constant and voltage is
variable one.
Stage 1:
Voltage Applied in (V) Calc Value in (V) Set Value in Optd Value Set Time Optd
@ 50Hz, Ph-N(In Each V/F in V/F (S) Time(S)
Phase Separately)
69.9 121/ 3=69.85 1.10 1.10 10 10.06
Stage 2:
Voltage Applied Calc Value In Set Value Optd Value Set Time Optd
In Volts At @ 50hz Ph- Volts In V/F V/F (S) Time(S)
N (In Each Phase
88.9 154.0/ 3=88.9 1.40 1.40 1.0 0.99
In thermal machines, when the steam flow through turbine is interrupted by closing the ESVs(Electro static
valves) or the governor valves, the remaining steam in the turbine generates (low) power and the machine
enters to motoring conditions drawing power from the system. This protection detects low forward
power conditions of the generator and trips generator breaker after a time delay, avoiding motoring of
Forward Power Supervision ON
P-forw.< Supervision Pickup 0.50%
T-P-forw.< Time Delay 5.0 sec
Applied current Relay optd current Set value OPtd Set Optd time(S)
(A) (A) (MW) Value(MW) time(S)
Vr-n 63.5 0 Ir 0.025 0
Vy-n 63.5 -120 Iy 0.025 -120 1.786 1.78 5.0 5.23
Vb-n 63.5 +120 Ib 0.025 +120
Reverse power protection shall be used for all types of generators. When the input to the turbine
is interrupted the machine enters into motoring condition drawing power from the system. Reverse power
relay protects the generators from motoring condition. In thermal machines, reverse power condition
appears subsequent to low forward power condition. For reverse power relay, a setting of 0.5% of rated
active power of generator with 2 stage timer as given below.
Stage – I : - With turbine trip interlock, a time delay of 2 Sec. shall be adopted.
Stage –II:- Without ‘ turbine trip’ interlock, a time delay of about20 Sec. can be adopted to avoid
unnecessary tripping of unit during system disturbance causing sudden rise in frequency or
power swing conditions.
Applied current Relay optd current Set value OPtd Set Optd
(A) (A) (MW) value(MW) time(S) time(S)
b. With turbine trip binary input
Applied current Relay optd current Set value OPtd Set time(S) Optd
(A) (A) (MW) value(MW) time(S)
Vr-n 63.5 0 Ir 0.05 180
Vy-n 63.5 -120 Iy 0.05 +60 1.786 1.78 2.0 2.03
Vb-n 63.5 +120 Ib 0.05 -60
Class-B with stop valve tripping checked ok
Class-A without stop valve checked ok
In generator turbine was on by using turning gear, the field was not ON. The breaker will be closed by means of
human error. At this condition generator has energized by turn on the turbine. The machine will draw large stator
current (2 to 6 I rated) and possible damage to rotor. This current has induced to rotor body, and then rapid over
heating was damage the rotor also. So we need to avoid this, an inadvertent protection has provided. The
inadvertent energizing protection is blocked by a voltage criterion on exceeding a minimum voltage, in order
to avoid that it picks up during normal operation. This blocking is delayed to avoid that the protection is
blocked immediately by the time of an unwanted connection. Another pickup delay is necessary to avoid an
unwanted operation in case of high-current faults with a heavy voltage dip. This is otherwise known as dead
machine protection.
Inadvertent energization ON
I Stage Pickup 4.2 A
Release Threshold U1< 77.0 V
Pickup Time Delay T U1< 3.00 sec
Current inj in Optd Set value for reset Pickup set Opt time
phase In Amps value(amps) threshold (volts) time (s) (s)
Fuse fail block checked ok
Class-A tripping checked ok
This condition occurs when the machine is subjected to severe system disturbances involving rapid change
of voltage and frequency. In the present days, vector surge relays are used along with rate of change of
frequency relays (df/dt) to take care of these conditions. If the generator goes out of synchronism for more than
preset time, these relays will disconnect the machine from the system.
Characteristic diagram:
(This characteristic may differ from relay to relay. This is basically obtained from SIEMENS relay. According to
the settings it will drawn inside the relay. When the settings exceed beyond the range, then it will operate. )
Figure : power swing polygon and impedance vectors with angle δ
Ztot = Zb+Zc = 3.0 + 2.2 = 5.2 ohm. Za = 0.289 x 5.2 = 1.503 ohm. Selected za = 1.75 ohm.
Out-of-Step Protection ON
Pickup Current for Measuring Release I1> 120.00%
Pickup Current for Measuring Release I2< 20.00%
Resistance Za of the Polygon (width) 1.75 Ohm
Reactance Zb of the Polygon (reverse) 3.00 Ohm
Reactance Zc of Polygon (forward char.1) 2.20 Ohm
Reactance Dif. Char.1 - Char.2 (forward) 0.20 Ohm
Angle of Inclination of the Polygon 75.0 °
Number of Power Swing: Characteristic 1 2
Number of Power Swing: Characteristic 2 4
Holding Time of Fault Detection 25.00 sec
Min. Signal Time for Annun. Char. 1/2 0.15 sec
Characteristic – 1 (Forward char-1 will have the range b/w 1.75 to 2.20 ohm)
Volts applied Current Injected Set value Optd Set time Optd
In In Value (s) Trip time(s)
Volts Amps Mw
Characteristic – 2 (Reverse char-2 will have the range b/w 2.20 to 3.0ohm)
Volts applied Current Injected Set value Optd Set time Optd
In In Value (s) Trip time(s)
Volts Amps Mvar
The Under Frequency protection prevents the steam turbine and generator from exceeding the permissible
operating time at reduced frequencies. It ensures that the generating unit is separated from the network at a preset
value of frequency. It Prevents overfluxing (v/f) of the generator (large overfluxing for short times).The stator under
frequency relay measures the frequency of the stator terminal voltage.
Setting Recommendations:-
For Alarm : 48.0 Hz, 2.0 Sec. time delay.
For Trip : 47.5 Hz, 1.0 Sec. (or)
As recommended by Generator Manufacturers.
Under frequency test:
Voltage Applied (v) Set value In Hz Optd value (Hz) Set time (s) Optd time(s)
Voltage Applied (v) Set value In Hz Optd value(Hz) Set time (s) Optd time(s)
Fuse fail block checked ok
Class-C tripping checked ok
An over voltage on the terminals of the generator can damage the insulator of the generator, bus
ducting, breakers, generator transformer and auxiliary equipment. Hence over voltage protection should be
provided for machines of all sizes.
Settings recommendations:-
Volts applied in Set value Pickup Drop up Set time Optd trip
Volts value (v) value (v) (s) time(s)
Vr-n 69.9 0 121.0/ 3=69.86 69.9 66.20
Vy-n 69.9 -120 121.0/ 3=69.86 69.9 66.20 1.0 1.01
Vb-n 69.9 +120 121.0/ 3=69.86 69.9 66.20
volts applied in volts set value optd value in volts set time (s) optd trip
Vr-n 76.3 0 132.0/ 3=76.2 76.3
Vy-n 76.3 -120 132.0/ 3=76.2 76.3 0.05 0.07
Vb-n 76.3 +120 132.0/ 3=76.2 76.3
Remarks: Class-A tripping checked ok
A Differential relay compares the currents on both sides of the transformer. As long as there is no
fault within the protected equipment (Transformer), the current circulates between the two CTs and no
current flows through the differential element. But for internal faults the sum of the CTs secondary currents
will flow through the differential relay making it to operate.
Two basic requirements that the differential relay connections are to be satisfied are:
a) It must not operate for load or external faults.
b) It must operate for internal faults.
I-RESTRAINT for Start Detection 0.10 I/InO
Factor for Increasing of Char. at Start 1
Maximum Permissible Starting Time 0.0 sec
Pickup for Add-on Stabilization 2.00 I/InO
Differential relay Diagram:
Current in phase Set value Calculated Operated Set trip time Operated
I /in diff >> value(amps) value(amps) (ms) trip time(ms)
R 2 8.8 8.85 0.0 31
Y 2 8.8 8.85 0.0 31
B 2 8.8 8.85 0.0 31
Current in phase Set value Calculated Operated Set trip time Operated trip
I /in diff >> value(amps) value(amps) (ms) time(ms)
R 2 2.08 2.10 0.0 30
Y 2 2.08 2.10 0.0 30
B 2 2.08 2.10 0.0 30
Apply the full load current on both terminal and neutral side with an angle of 180 degree phase shift
on any one side. (Angle will be vary depends on the vector group)
Dyn1 (-30° displacement between HV and LV)
Dyn11 (+30° displacement between HV and LV)
Dd0 (no phase displacement between HV and LV)
Dd6 (180° displacement between HV and LV)
To avoid unwanted relays operation under the above two conditions a "Percentage Bias" differential relays is
used. This test will also get vary from relay to relay.
Torque Region
I1+I2/2 ----
The current flowing through the operating coil of the relay should be nearly zero during normal operating
conditions and when external short circuit occurs the relay should not operate. While setting the differential relay on
a transformer, the (mismatch) current through differential element at normal tap and positive and negative extreme
taps are to be computed. Differential element pickup setting and/or bias settings is adopted based on maximum
percentage mismatch adding some safety margin.
|I1-I2 |
Bias Setting = -----------
Side 2 Current Is Increased & Slope Is Verified From Tripping Values Of Current.
Slope= (I1-I2)/(I1+I2/2)
Slope 1 =20%
Note: During bias test we have to put 180deg phase shift b/w both sides current. This angle may vary depends
upon the vector group of transformer. Here DYn1 i.e. -30deg displacement b/w HV and LV. So 180-
30=150degree balance angle.
As second harmonic always present predominantly in the inrush currents, hence second harmonics is used as
a stabilizing bias against inrush effect. The differential current is passed through a filter which extracts the
second harmonics; this component is then applied to produce a restraining quantity sufficient to overcome
the operating tendency due to the whole of the inrush current which flows in the operating circuit. The relay will
restrain when the second harmonic component exceeds 20% of the current.
1a Current Is Injected At 50 Hz Simultaneously In Each Phase & 100 Hz Current Is Reduced Till Relay Operates.
Current In 50Hz Current 100Hz Current 100Hz Current 2nd 2nd
Phase Injected (A) Injected (A) Optd Value (A) Harmonic Harmonic
Set Value Optd
(%) Value
R 0.947 0.80 0..171
Y 0.947 0.80 0..171 20 18.05
B 0.947 0.80 0..171
Current In 50Hz Current 100Hz Current 100Hz Current 2nd 2nd
Phase Injected (A) Injected (A) Optd Value (A) Harmonic Harmonics
Set Value Optd
(%) Value (%)
R 4.40 2.0 0.80
Y 4.40 2.0 0.80 20 18.18
B 4.40 2.0 0.80
This relay is operative only for the internal faults of the transformer and thus fast operating timer can be achieved.
An external fault on the star side will result in current flowing in the line CT of the affected phase
and a balancing current in the neutral CT and current in the relay is zero and hence relay is stable.
During an internal fault, the line current on the line CT gets reversed and hence relay operates.
The arrangement of residually connected CTs on the delta side of a transformer is only sensitive to earth faults
on the delta side because zero sequence currents are blocked by the delta winding. For external faults no
current flows through REF unless a CT gets saturated. Hence minimum pickup current setting is adopted (10% or
20% In) on REF relay. Based on this, through fault current, the stabilizing resistor is set such that the relay will not
operate for external fault when a CT gets saturated. This relay operates only for internal earth faults,
Stage 1
Set value Optd value(amps) Set time Optd trip time
I (s)
0.1 0.1 0.0 20ms
Stage 2
Set value Optd value(amps) Set time Optd trip time
I (s)
1.5 1.5 0.0 20ms