The Lost Gospel of James
The Lost Gospel of James
The Lost Gospel of James
ble for us, spread with food from heaven?" He said: "If you have faith, then fea
r God."
15. They said: "We only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts, and to know
that you have indeed told us the truth. We want to be witnesses of the miracle.
16. Jesus, the Son of Mary, said: "God, our Lord, send down for us a table, spre
ad with food from heaven. Let it be a feast for us, for the first of us and for
the last of us, as a sign from you. Give us sustenanse, for you are the best pro
17 God said: "I will send it down for you. But after that, if any of you resists
faith, I will chastise him with a chastisement such as I have not inflicted on
anyone among all the nations."
18. Jesus came with them at the head of the whole congregation of Israel with al
l his brothers , the sons of Aaron the preists, those called to the congregation
, the men of renown. And they sat before him, each man , in the order of his dig
19. This is the sitting of the men of renown called to the assembly for the Coun
cil of the Community when God has begotten the Messiah among them.
20. As it is written: "Then Shem will be glorifed, because the Lord God, the Mig
hty One of Israel, shall appear upon earth as man, and Adam will be saved by him
Then all the spirits of deceit will be trampled under foot, and men shall rule
over the wicked spirits. Then I will arise in joy, and I will bless the Most Hig
h for his marvelous works. For God has taken a body, and eaten with men, and sav
ed men."
21. "And you shall be set at nought in the dispersion as useless water, until th
e Most High shall visit the earth. He shall come as a man, eating and drinking w
ith men . The water he uses in peace will break the head of the dragon. God, spe
aking in the person of man, will save Israel and all the Gentiles."
22. Now our Lord Jesus Christ chose to distribute his holy flesh and blood to th
e disciples and believers. First he began like this. He opened their minds, sayi
ng: " My flesh is true food and my blood is the true drink." And again he said:
"I am the bread of life which came down from heaven. He who eats this bread shal
l live forever."
23. Jesus said: "I am the bread that came down from heaven. He who comes in love
and receives it, lives in me forever, and inherits the kingdom."
24. "I am the gate of life. He who enters trough me enters into life."
25. "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I in him, just as
the Father is in me, and I in Him."
26. "I swear to you: if you do not receive the body of the Son of Man as the bre
ad of life, you do not have life in him."
27. "Whoever does not receive my body and my blood is a stranger to me."
28. "Unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh, you will not enter into the kin
gdom of heaven. But even if you drink the cup which I drink, where I go, there y
ou cannot come in."
29. Jesus himself said: "To you it has been given to understand God's sacraments
47. He took one unleavened loaf in his hands, blessed it, gave thanks, and broke
it. He said: "Take this and eat it. This is my body, which for you many is dist
ributed for the expiation and remission of sins."
48. "Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you for the forgiveness of s
ins. When you do this, you resurrectme."
49. He prayed earnestly for the almighty Father to change the bread into his tru
e precious body. This is why it says "he blessed." He prayed to the Lord to trul
y change the bread into his body. And so it was assuredly changed by the Spirit
of the heavenly Father. And when he saw that the bread was changed into his body
, then he thanked the almighty Father for having changed it into his body and bl
50. He gave his body to be eaten, so that when eaten it might enliven those who
ate him. Likewise he gave himself to be offered, that by his Cross the hands of
them that offered him might be sanctified.
51. And he spoke likewise in regard to the cup.
52. In the same way, after supper, he took the cup. Having mixed wine and water,
he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and presented it to his God and Father. He gav
e thanks, and sanctified and blessed it, and filled it with the Holy Spirit. He
gave it to us, his disciples, saying:
53. "Drink a cup of fine wine. It will give you great joy. Drink deeply. Let you
r heart rejoice, as it removes your distress. Sing aloud; rejoice! Give thanks t
o your God. Eat and drink to the full and be healed trough fine food and fine wi
ne. Drink my mysteries in a very large cup. Let it be a sacrificial offering. Ma
y you always celebrate the day again during your lifetime. May you all remember
me kindly. May the Lord forgive you and me. Celebrate the day again in peace, du
rning this blessed feast of Passover, the festival of the Lord. It is that night
of the Lord, to be observed by all the children of Israel durning their generat
54. "Take this, share it among yourselves. This is the new covenant in my blood.
For I tell you: by no means shall I drink from now on of the fruit of the vine,
until the Kingdom of God comes."
55. And he gave it to them alone.
56. The disciples received the bread of the Son. He called it Body, and wine his
Blood: "I have eaten the Mystery with you in the Church. You shall eat with me
again in the Kingdom."
57- Dodatek autora w nawiasie
58. Jesus said: "Celebrate the remembrance of my death, which is the Passover."
59. And we asked him: "Lord, have you not completed the drinking of the Passover
? Must we do it again?" And he told us: "Yes, until I come from the Father with
my wounds."
60. The Lord said: "If anyone partakes of the body of the Lord and then joins in
a ritual bath, he will be accursed."
61. As it is written: "Behold, from today, you will be renewed and formed anew a
nd made alive again. You will eat the blessed bread of life, drink the blessed c
up of immortality, and anoint yourself with the blessed ointment of incorruptibi
62. Blessed be God, who blesses and sanctifes us all at the presentation of the
divine and pure mysteries. He gives rest to the blessed souls among the holy and
just, now and always, and to all eternity.***