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Manufacturing Proccess For Industrial Development of Palm Oil

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Manufucturing Process and Potensial Industries of Palm Oil

In West Sumatera
Rizky Gian Pratama
Industrial Engineering, Faculity of Industrial Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Manufacturing is a human activity that almost all countries do so. Even the
economy of developed countries is suistained by the manufacturing sector. One
of part manufacturing that requires special attention, namely manufacturing
process. Undestanding of the manufacturing process is transpormation of
material handling to making a goods with vallue added process
Manufactur process of palm oil requires a long process with multiple times
changesthe shape to be a ready-made product. Raw materials of palm oil product
are the result of palm plantations and raw materials shaped bunches of palm
which will into CPO, DPO, DBPO, and RBDPO. This process runs with the help of
advanced machinery and equipment as well as standardized factory to support
the palm oil production capacity.
West Sumatera is a geographic area and rich natural resoources. The
support of natural factor be potensial to development of the palm oil industry in
West Sumatera is very large. Such development requires large invesment and
support from all parties. A form of development that could be done, namely the
construction of the factory and the purchase of production machinery. Thus the
expected West Sumatera economic can be suistaned by the palm oil indstry.
Key word : Manufacturing, Palm oil, industries, potensial, and West Sumatera
1. Introduction
There are have many definition of Manufacturing, one of them like
statement from Random House Websters College Dictionary, Manufacturing is
making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, espesially on a large
scale (2010:324). Another definition from National Sains Foundation,
manufacturing is the creation and integration of informational and physical
processes to create economic wealth through the production of artifacts
(2011:25). That several definition of manufacturing, but if we talking about
manufacturing proccess can be more open minded about manufacturing in
general. So the manufacturing proccess have definition transformation of
material handling to making a goods with value added proccess.
In this paper will show the potensial industries in west sumatera espesially
for Palm Industries. Look at from statistical industries of west sumatera, journal
economic and goverment report have be reference to make it. This paper also
show the strategic development of west sumatera developing of economic and
trying to look at the potensial of palm oil to be mainly support sustainable
2. Main body
2.1 General Condition of West sumatera
The province of west sumatera have many natural resources in there are
areas. That have be potensial bussines to explore more in there are location.

The arable land with mountains Bukit Barisan streach the area make fertile
soil and agricultural potensial to be vallue added product. Therefore, the main
comodity of west sumatera in generally is result of the agricultural industries.
The total value of West Sumatera exports too US $16,322,174.57 in 2015
(www.setneg.go.id) That come from any comodity espesially for agricultural
industries like rubber, coffee, cinnamon, nutmeg, kapulaga, fish, any kind
fruits. Fraction of export product come from esensial oil, woods, nabati oil,
cement, and other mining. From this statistical, we can see the main booster
of west sumatera economic is agricultural sector.
Statistical report of national secretary show the export comodity of West
Sumatera. We can see, Rubber 86,552.00 ton from 144,717.00 ha, cattle farm
1,356,699.00 tail, palm oil 686,356.00 ton from 230,099.00 ha
(www.setneg.go.id). For More explination can see in the diagram statistical
export below.

Statistical Exports Comodity of West Sumatera

(statistical report of national secretary)


8% 7%





Palm iol

processing gambir fish culvation



The data show that many sectors could be developed in West Sumatera.
That many industries potential, several sector will be the planing of
development and construction. That planning of development economic is
section of long term Indonesia strategic planning. The containted in guide
book of economic development by National Development Planning Agency us
we know BAPPENAS. The potential enterprise will developed in west
Sumatera is about :
1) Palm oil in Sungai Pagu, Sangir, and Sawahlunto.
2) Palm oil plantation Lima Puluh Kota and Pesisir Selatan.
3) Cacao plantation in Tanjung Mutiara
4) Cassiavera plantation in Tanah Datar
5) Rubber plantation in Salawahlunto, Dhamasraya, and Solok Selatan.
It can be seen that the strategic planning by BAPPENAS for West Sumatera
region is in the filed of agricultural industries. This because they condition
area, land, dan culture of the surrounding community as a farmer.
Manufacturing process of Palm Oil
The manufacturing process of palm oil have a unique and special
characteristic. In order for palm fruits as raw material is transformed into

palm oil needs along process. Starting from cleaning of fruits by washing,
then grinding to palm oniliquid if formed. With a long and complex process
that requires large investments in palm oil manufacturing process.
Support of manufacturing process palm oil factories is as initial capital.
The selection of the location of a plant usually consider the mileage from the
location of the raw materials or the location of a plant usully consider the
mileage from the location of the rawmaterials or the retailer as a marketing
product to facilite the affordability of consumers. On the planning of plant oil
palm more prioritizing on the distance of the factory with the location of the
provision of raw materials, therefore the palnt is placed close to the palm oil
plantations. Likewise with the production floor, in a required precision in the
selection of plan lay out is used. Consideration of effective and efficient
process is to die for manufacturing floor production optimal process so as to
reduce the production cost of process manufactur of palm oil.
Manufacturing process palm oil belongs in the processing industry requires
large capital because of the complexity of the stages in the making. Process
and stages of processing is long enough, as seen in the pictures below :

Palm oil processing into edible oil palm starts processing of fresh fruit
bunches intocude palm oil (CPO), then from CPO processed into cooking oil.
CPO is the raw material for derivative products for the food and non-food
industry. Processing of CPO in refinery produce stearin with product of palm
fatty ACID Destillate (PFAD), ollein, stearin, can be further processed into food
product such as cooking oil, margarine, shortening of the non food products
as well as fats such as candles, SOAP, detergents, cosmetic, while PFAD only
non agricultural product(TAMSI-DMSI:2010)
Processing of palm oil became CPO process begins with boiling of fresh
fruit bunches into sterilizer, earlier also there is the process of collecting oil
palm from different suppliers. After passing through the stelizer process, palm
tresher on AID Swith the conveyor. Then the fruit is cooked put typical
analysis for digester and stirredso much so that most of the flesh of hte fruit
is already detached from the seed.
Then crude oil that has been diluted to vibrating screen, nomally this
rather large-sized funnel to separete sand, fibers, and other materials that
still contain oil. To know the appropriateness of adding water then every two
hours once taken sample cruide oil before entering the vibrating screen for

continiue with hand/ electric centrifuge known the composition, oil, NOS, and
air (TAMSI-DMSI:2010). The exact composition if comparasion of oil and
sludge 1 : 2 (convensional) and if by comparation of oil and sludge 1 : 1.
Coarse filtered oil flowed a crude oil tank adn the temperature maintained 9095 C, then crude oil is pumped into the setting tank (TAMSI-DMSI:2010).
The function of oil refining (oil purifier0 is to separate the sludge that fly or
emulsion in oil and reduce the moinsture contained in the oil, so that the oil
production levels of the shit going down. The temperature of the oil purifier
of 90-95 C, finally oil of purifier put into vacuum oil dryer 7.
After the fruits palm be CPO, then turning into the next process is to CPO
intercooking oil palm. Outline CPO processing into edible oil palm, consists of
two phases. That is the stage of refinery, degumming, bleching,
deodorization, crystalization and separation of fraction. CPO tank sheleters
that derives from CPO pumped through a typical analysis for stainer headed
for the refinery. This process occurs on warming to ease CPO to easily
pumping into the tank. The end of this process is called Degummed Palm Oil
DPO resulting from the process of degumming pumpued towards thedryer
with vacuum conditions. After drying, DPO pumped to reactor which first past
the static mixer and then down to the slurry tanks. In the tank occur again
until the warming temperature of 90-120C and the addition of H 3PO4, CaCO3,
and BE7. Slurry tanks of oil will flow down bleacher and do the filtration. The
result of this filtration is Degummed Bleached Palm Oil) which was streamed
to the intermediate stage of tank for deodorizing.
DBPO from Siwang tank streamed toward to the deaerator, then pumped
to the Spiral Heat Exchanger (SHE). In this process heat addition occurs with
temperature of 185-200C and streamed to flashvessel down to packed
column then flowed toward deodorize. In this process to occur removal of
subtances of 240-265C7 . DBPO already missing it smells pumped back to
DHE for experience exchange of heat. In this case the oil already in the form
of Refined Bleached Palm Oil (RBDPO). Undergoes exchange of heat with the
CPO at PHE. After streamed to Plate Cooler Water then analyzed in a
laboratory. If in accordance with the specifications then RBDPO can be
streamed directly to the shelter or to the thank of crystallization in
accordance with its quality to be processed at the stage fraksination 7.
Oil phase includes two process namely crystallization and filtration.
Working principles used in the crystallization is the formation crystals through
the cooling and stirring, so the phases of stearin and olein phase can full with
crystalization use agitator who has 14 rpm speed. This is stirring function
coolung in the tank more homogenized, so that separation of oelin and
stearin easier.
Temperature of crystallization depends on the quality of oil 7 :
1. The quality of fat crystals formed on the consumer temperature < 17C
2. Quality semi crystalline formation occur in the consumer temperature
3. The quality of crystal formation occured at drumming temperature >
On the process of filtration RBDPO crystals that are already formed in your
tank crystallization is transferred to the filter press for separation of oelin and
stearin. Oelin result of filtration is transferred to tanks. The olein tank quality
analyzed if in accordance with specifications straight into storage tanks olen
(quality of bottling). Before transfed to intermediate tanks, for the quality of
bottling and tinning added to intermediate to maintain oil qualit. As for the
quality if the drumming and not added antioxidants. This is due quality of oil
industry and drumming immediately use or consume.

The Potensial of palm oil industry in West Sumatera
In the previous sections have described about the opportunities the
industry in West Sumatera and their footsteps a year earlier. Then there is
also the manufacturing process of palm oil. For this section will show to us,
the potential palm oil industries in west Sumatera. Topographic conditions
and soil type in Indonesia are pepsolic and latosol, alluvial, very appropriate
with Sumatera, Kalimantan, and Papua for Palm plantation business
development8. The pespective of the needs of the market demand for wider
coverage. From the data collected show that world palm oil consumption
continiues continius to rise sharply. In 2009 world consumtion reach 42
million tons and increase in 2010 to 45 million ton (TAMSI-DMSI:2010).
Therefore the palm oil industries became one of the attractive prospects to
be developed in West Sumatera.
Needs and opportunities for these industries are not supported with
adequate production capacity. The main constraints of the problem is on
falicity and number of mill that are still a little bit. In the region of West
Sumatera oil palm factory there are as many as 26 bunches with a total
capacity of 1.645 tons/ hour. That need to be developed for industrial plants
in West Sumatera areas for fulfill the order of customer.
Thus it is clear that the sprawling development potential for palm oil
industries. The current required is massive invesment and support the local
community as well as the main goverment regulation to encourege industry
in developing West Sumatera. Construction of the factory as well as adequate
advanced machine technology will support the fulfillment of the needs of
market going to palm oil. Thefore, any related stakeholders must be
commited to do the improvement in the field of agricultural industries,
especially to palm oil industries. That be good reason to developt of this
country because Indonesia is a country with an average agricultural
population work a farmers.
3. Conclusion
West Sumatera with the whole potential need the process to further
development. The development includes factories, machines, people and
human resources. Thes aspects will support manufacturing process of a
company. The development of manufacturing in West sumatera areas more
focus to agricultural industries espesially for palm oil.
Palm oil industries is potential for evolved in West Sumatera. In addition to
the land and natural resources of Sumatera which supports, as well as high
demand aspect of the market going to palm oil. Statistical data showed a rise
in consumer demand are linear. Thus a great opportunity when oil palm
invesments developed and processed properly. In addition, the state as the
natural wealth manager has provided a special design that was implemented
by the national development planning agency or us we know BAPPENAS.
The manufacturing process of palm oil into a cooking oil product requires a
long process, the process of forming the Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Degummed
Palm Oil (DBO), or Degummed Bleached Palm Oil (DBPO). The process of such
length in help with sophisticated production technology, therefore increase
production capacity to fill market demand. In addition to sophisticated
machine technology, the increase of production capacity can be expansi
factory with building new factories for the production of palm oil.

The palm harvest in the form of Palm bunches are transported by truck to
the processing factory. Then the oil palm bunches put in stelizer to boiling
until formed Crude Palm Oil (CPO). The process of threser, degester, screw
press, vibriayor screen, cruide oil tank, storage tank for CPO to put in the
truck bought the CPO to pass next process. Cpo is processeed again by doing
phase refinery to eliminate degumming, bleaching, deodoritation, and phase
separation process of crystal and faction. End of result in this process be
Degummed Palm Oil (DPO) and then processed again to be Degummed
Bleached Palm Oil (DBPO).
Basically the manufacturing process of Palm Oil has a long process and
requires a large invesment to create a Palm Oil Industries. That is will be
succes with full support and commitment from all stakeholders related and
the palm oil industries in West Sumatera could be established. When the
industries could be developed it is not impossible the economy of West
Sumatera will be sustained by agricultural sector mainly Plam oil indutries.
Not only in West Sumatera but also others areas in Sumatera like Riau,
Bengkulu, And North Sumatera. In the others island also has a great potential
for developing of Palm Oil Industries, for example Borneo and Papua. Thus the
Indonesia economic which is currently derailed can return by agricultural
Reference :
Random House Websters College Dictionary. 2010. Manufactur. Accessible
September 28, 2015
FMIPA. 2011. Kumpulan Jurnal Humaniora. February vol.6:17-23
National secretary. 2010. Statistical report of export comodity. www.setneg.go.id
Tim advokasi minyak sawit indonesia-dewan minyak sawit indonesia (TAMSIDMSI). 2010. Fakta kelapa sawit indonesia. vol 1: 23-40
Bappenas statistical. 2010. Pengembangan Industri Kelapa sawit indonesia.

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