Van Roosmalen 1985 Sapotaceae

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Marc G.M. van Roosmalen.







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narrowly ovoid, 3 x 1.5 x I to 3.5 x 1.8 x

1.2 cm, 3-coccous. stipe slender, 0.2 cm long,
crowned by 3-lobed style: cocci 1.5-2 cm long.
0.4-0.5 cm wide, minutely veined and wrinkled,
with dorsal, membranaceous, basally and api-


9.15. Talisia sylvatica (Aubl.) Radik. (T. pedicellaris) boesiknepa (S); bosknippa (SD)
PI. 145, fig. 5
Leaves (l-)2-3-jugate. Panicles axillary near
j twig ends, to 6 cm long, simple or 1 2 x
branched, rachillae yellow-puberulous; fruiting
9.11. Talisia praealta (Sagot) Radik, sinja-oe- pedicels 0.1-0. 15 cm long, 0.1 cm thick; fruiting
i calyx lobes to 0.3 cm long. Berry subellipsoid,
doe (S); sinja-basoe (P)
Leaves 2- or less often 1 -jugate, petiole 3-5 to 2.5 x 1.3 cm, green to light orange-yellow,
cm long, petiolules 0.3-0.5 cm long. Panicles ax- black when dried, glabrous, shiny, apex some
times abruptly acuminate over to 0.2 cm: epiillary near twig ends, 2-5 cm long, sessile, 1-2 x
branched, rachillae racemose, pale brown-to- carp papillose or granular, woody, 0. 1 cm thick;
mentose; pedicels 0.2-0.5 cm long; calyx someseeds 1, ellipsoid, to 1.4 x 1 x 0.9 cm, brown.
Notes. Tree to 15 m; endozoochorous (at least
times persistent, coriaceous. Berry ovoid, 2-2.5
x 1-1.3 cm, yellowish-orange, glabrous, shiny, spider and howler monkeys); fairly common;
apiculate; epicarp leathery; seeds 1, ellipsoid, rain forest and forested slopes (on granite or
bauxite). Surinam. Fr. Guiana.
testa juicy, fragrant, edible.
Notes. Tree to 20 m; fairly common; rain and
(marshy) creek forests, and forested slopes (also 10. Thinouia Planch, et Triana
on bauxite). Surinam. Fr. Guiana.
10.1. Thinouia myriantha Planch, et Triana PI.
145, fig. 7
Leaves temate. Panicles axillary, solitary or
9.12. Talisia reticulata Radik.
Leaves 2-3-jugate. Panicles terminal and lat in fascicles, composed of thyrses. 1-1.5 cm in
eral, large, pyramidal; (lowers in dense clusters, diam., peduncle 1-6 cm long, sometimes with
tendrils at base; pedicels articulate above mid
subsessile. Fruit not seen.
Notes. Small tree; very rare; riverine forest. dle; calyx sometimes persistent, lobes basalj
Surinam, Fr. Guiana.
connate. Schizocarp 3-coccous, stipe slender0.4 (cm long; cocci hemispherical, to 1.5 x
9.13. Talisia retusa Cowan
0.7-0.8 x 0.7-0.8 cm, glabrous (puberulous
Leaves (l-)2-3(-6)-jugate. Panicles terminal, when young), reticulately veined; wings to 4 cm
sometimes leafy in basal part, 10-40 cm long, long, 1.4 cm wide just below apex, membrana
1-2 x branched, axes canaliculate-striate, min ceous, veined, obtuse; central axis filiform; seeds
utely whitish-puberulous; flowers few together
1 per coccus, exarillate.
in short lateral monochasia'or solitary; pedicels
Notes. Liana; anemochorous or hydrocho0.1-0.2 cm long. Berry subovoid, subacute, rous; rare; upland riverine forest. Surinam, Fr.
1.5-2 cm long, glabrous, obscurely venucose.
Nates. Tree to 20 m; very rare; upland rain
forest in far interior. Guianas.
11. Toulicia Aubl.
Leaves paripinnate, 6-many-foliolate. Inflor
9.14. Talisia squarrosa Radik, moroballi (A); escences paniculate, large, often composed of
sinjabasoe. tatoe (P) PI. 145, fig. 6
racemes; calyx petaloid, 5-merous. Fruit a schi
Leaves 1-jugate. Panicles axillary near branch zocarp (resembling fruit of Serjania), 3-coccous;
ends, to 25 cm long, 2 or 3 x branched, axes den cocci with long, membranaceous, veined wing,
sely gray-puberulous; pedicels short; fruiting ca with apical, oblique, curved apiculum; seeds one
lyx lobes almost free, ovate or narrowly ovate, per coccus, lenticular, dark hjpwn, glabrous.
ca. 0.25-0.3 cm long. Berry narrowly ovoid to
Notes. Small trees; anemochorous or hydroalmost fusiform, to 2.4 x 1.2 cm. at first gray- chorous.
tomentose. yellow-tomentellous when ripe: tes
ta edible.
11.1. Toulicia guianensis Aubl. hikuribianda
Notes. Tree to 30 m: very rare: upland rain
( AY.gawetri (S) PI. 145, fig. 8
forest. Guianas (not yet found in Surinam).
Leaves 12-18-foliolate. Panicles terminal.
stout, to 50 cm long, pyramidal, acutely 3-an
gled, composed of ferrugineous pulverulent, pu-


berulous racemes; calyx sometimes persistent,

lobes to 4 cm long. Schizocarp obovoid, to 4 x
3 x 1.5 cm, green, minutely puberulous; cocci
ca. 1.7 x 1.3 cm, veined: wings continuing along
cocci, basally subtruncate.
Notes. Tree to 15 m; rare; along water
courses. Guianas.

late, sessile; fruiting calyx lobes ca. 0.2 cm long.

Berry ovoid, to 2.2 x 1.6 cm, green when young,

tomentose, apiculum to 0.2 cm long; seeds 1 .
Notes. Tree to 8 m; not common; rain and
creek forests. Surinam. Fr. Guiana.

1 1.2. Toulicia pulvinata Radik, hikuribianda

(A); mankrapa (S); tatoe (P) PI. 145, fig.
Leaves 12-18-folioIate. Panicles terminal,
very large, to 1 m in diam., peduncle to 90 cm
long; calyx sometimes persistent, lobes 0.25-0.3
cm long. Schizocarp subquadrangular, 3.3 x
2.5 x 1.3 to 4.6 x 3.3 x 1.6 cm, pale yellowishgreen, cocci hemispherical, 1.3 x 1 x 1 to 2.3
x 1.2 x 1.2 cm, veined; wings continuing along
cocci, base and apex truncate.
Notes. Tree to 15 m; common; rain, creek,
and riverine forests and forested slopes. Gui


12. Urvillea H. B. K.
12.1. Urvillea ulmacea H. B. K. PI. 145, fig. 18
Leaves ternate, terminal leaflet to 10 cm long,
5 cm wide. Racemes axillary, flowers in small
fascicles (cincinni), sessile, rachis slender, 6-8
cm long, densely puberulous; fruiting pedicels
slender, 0.2 cm long; fruiting calyx lobes 4, ca.
0. 1-0.2 cm long, 1 lobe 2-lobate. Schizocarp

cally rounded wipg.

Notes. Small liana; anemochorous or hydrochorous; not common; riverine forest and forest
margins. Guianas.

13. Vouarana Aubl.

13.1. Vouarana guianensis Aubl. kulishiri (A);
bergi-gawetri(S) PI. 145, fig. 11
Leaves 4-8-foliolate. Panicles axillary, pyra
midal, 10-20 cm long; fruiting pedicels 0.3-0.6
cm long; calyx petaloid, membranaceous, lobes
free, 0.2 cm long. , Capsule compressed-pyri
form, woody, 2.2 x z.3 x 1.2 to 2.8 x 2.5 x
1.6 cm, green to black, glabrous, shiny, with a
fairly deep, medial groove on both sides, base
tapering over 0.3-0.5 cm and truncate, firm,
apex abruptly acuminate (over to 0.2 cm),apiculate, 2-locular. loculicidally 2-valved dehiscent:
valves tomentose to glabrous inside, equal, each
bearing part of septum and central axis; seeds
(1)2, ellipsoid. 1.3 x 1 to 2 x 1.5 cm, black.
shiny, finely wrinkled, attached ca. 1 cm above
base of valve, 1/3 surrounded by fleshy aril.
Notes. Tree to 15 m; endozoochorous; not
common; esp. upland creek, riverine, and rain
forests. Guianas.


i Vi


Leaves alternate, simple, entire, usually exstipulate. Inflorescenses fasciculate, axillary or cauliflorous; flowers small, regular, 3-6(-7)-merous; petals more or less connate; ovary superior,
1-12-locuIar; styles 1. Fruit a berry, globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, woody or fleshy and edible, indehiscent; seeds large, shiny, testa corneous, with an usually large, dull, very variable hilum.
Notes. Trees, bark with white latex; mainly endozoochorous (esp. spider monkeys, howler mon
keys, tortoises, cotingas, toucans); young seeds heavily predated upon by saki monkeys (Chiropotes,
Pitbecia), parrots, and macaws.
1. Achrouteria Eyma
1.1. Achrouteria pomifera Eyma (Planchonella
guianensis) limonaballi. paripiballi (A):
laurierkers (SD.): kimboto (S): boesisoke.
monkisoki(P) PI. 146, fig. I
Fascicles axillary or above leaf scars; pedicels
0.15-0.2 cm long, appressed-pilose, in fruit 0.3
cm long, 0.4 cm thick, fruits solitary or in pairs;

fruiting calyx lobes 5, broadly ovate, recurved.

0.2-0.3 cm long. Berry obovoid when young.
subglobose when ripe, 2 x 1.7 cm to 4 x 3.5
cm. yellowish, apiculate and with apical pit ca.
0.4 cm in diam.. epicarp thin, smooth, not
wrinkled when dry; pulp fleshy, firm, edible;
seeds few, flattened laterally, hilum long, nar
row, straight.





Notes. Tree to 35 ra; fairly rare; endozoochorous (spider and howler monkeys); creek forest,
forested slopes and mountain savanna forest on
granite. Guianas.

2. Chrysophyllum L.
Young twigs, leaves (abaxiaily), and petioles
golden-, brassy-, or brownish-red sericeous.
Flowers 5(-7)-merous; ovary 5-1 1-locular.
Notes. Trees.

t )

2.1. Chrysophyllum auratum Miq. (Cynodendron auratum) sururuburuen (A); pinto-boletri (S) PI. 146, fig. 2
Fascicles axillary; pedicels ca. 0.3 cm long (in
fruit 0.4-0.5 cm long), ferrugineous-tomentose;
fruiting sepals 5, 0.15-0.25 cm long, ferrugin
eous-tomentose; fruits solitary or in pairs. Berry
narrowly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, to 2.5 cm long,
green to yellow, finally red, or purplish, shiny;
prickle ca. 0. 1 cm long; pulp sweet-tasting; seeds
Notes. Slender tree to 15( 20) m; fairly com
mon; rain, riverine, and creek forests, forested
slopes, esp. on sand. Guiimas.








2.2. Chrysophyllum cainito L. slar'apra (S);

sterappel (SD) PL 146, fig. 3
Fascicles axillary, dense; pedicels ca. 1 cm
long, red-sericeous; calyx sometimes persistent,
red-sericeous, lobes 5, rounded. Berry at first el
lipsoid, subglobose when ripe, to 7.5 x 6.5 cm
(sometimes to 10 cm long), green to purplish,
glabrous; pulp white; seeds 7-10 (some aborfive), depressed-ellipsoid, brown; cross section
of fruit shows stellately arranged locules.
Notes. Tree to 15(20) m; cultivated, also na
turalized in riverine forest and on forested
slopes (on bauxite). Guianas.

3. Ecclinusa Mart.
3.1. Ecclinusa guianensis Eyma bartaballi (A);
batambali (S, P) PI. 146, fig. 5
Fascicles axillary; flowers sessile; fruits soli
tary or in small fascicles. Berry globose, 1.5 x
1.5 to 3.5 x 3 cm (sometimes to 5 or 6 cm in
diam.), yellow to brownish-orange, brown- or
gray-tomentose, base sometimes short-taper
ing; pulp edible; seeds ( 1)2(5), narrowly ellip
soid, ca. 2.6 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm, hilum oblong, ca.
0.7 cm wide.
Notes. Tree to 30 m, trunk straight, bark
brownish-gray; endozoochorous (spider and
howler monkeys, tortoises); common; rain, sa
vanna, and marsh (riverine) forests, also rocksavannas and mountain savanna forest. Guianas.
4. Eremoluma Baili.
4. 1 . Eremoluma sagofiana Bail!. (Pouteria sagotiana) apra-oedoe, djoe-bortri (S) PI. 146,
fig. 6
Fascicles in leaf axils, above leaf scars-, or on
short, leafless twigs (sometimes with leaves at
tip); pedicels 0.3-0.5 cm long, in fruit ca. 0.5 cm
long; fruiting calyx lobes recurved, to 0.1 cm
long. Berry ellipsoid or ovoid, to 2 x 1.4 cqj.
green to black, apiculate; seeds 1, to 1.7 x T
x 0,7 cm, hilum linear, to 1.6 cm long, 0.3 cm
Notes. Tree to 12 m (or more?); fairlv com
mon; rain, savanna, and mountain savatya for
ests (on granite). Guianas.

5. Franchetella Pierre
5.1. Franchetella gonggrijpii (Eyma) Aubr.
(Pouteria gonggrijpii) apra-oedoe , pinto-boletri (S); akwansiba (P) PI. 146, fig. 7
Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars,
dense; pedicels slender, ca. 0.6 cm long, brownpuberulous, in fruit ca. 1.25 cm long; fruits soli
2.3. Chrysophyllum rufocupreum Ducke PI. tary; fruiting calyx lobes (4-)5, recurved or pa'
146, fig. 4
tent, ca. 0. 1 5 cm long, brown-puberulous. Berry
Fascicles axillary; pedicels 0.6-0.8 cm long (in . ellipsoid or ovoid, fleshy, 1.7 x 1.5 cm (possibly
fruit to 1 cm long), rufous-tomentose; calyx larger), green, base and apex rounded; seeds
sometimes persistent, lobes 5, acute, ovate, K-2).
0.3-0.5 cm long, tomentose. Berry ovoid. 5.5 x
Notes. Tree to 18 m (or more?); fairly com
4.5 to 7 x 6 cm, brown, glabrous, apex obtusely mon; rain forest, esp. on slopes. Surinam. Fr.
acuminate over to 0.7 cm; pulp very thick, firm; Guiana.
seeds to 5.
Notes. Small to middle-sized tree: rare: up 6. Nlanilkara Adans.
land rain and riverine forests. Surinam.
Flowers in fascicles in or above leaf axils: ca
lyx with 2 pairs of 3 sepals: ovary 6-14-locular.
Berry subglobose; epicarp firm; seeds slightly














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Plate 146. Figs. 1-7. SAPOTACEAE. 1. Achrouteria pomi/era, a. young fr.; b. fr.; c. fr. from below; d. cross
section of fr.; e. seed. 2. Chrysophyllum auratum. a. young fr.; b. fr.: c. seed. 3. Ch. cainito, a. fr.; b. cross
section of fr. 4. Ch. rufocupreum. fr. partly opened to show the seeds. 5. Ecclinusa guianensis, a. fr.; b. seed.
6. Eremoluma sagotiana. a. infruct.; b. seed. 7. Franchetella gonggrijpii.



flattened, hilum on ventral side, oblong or lin

Notes. Trees.
6.1. Manilkara amazonica (Hub.) Chev. PI.
147, fig. 1
Fruiting pedicels fasciculate, to ca. 3.5 cm
long, tomentose, apically thickened; fruiting ca
lyx tomentose, lobes acute. 0.4-0.5 cm long.

Berry (only immature seen) depressed-globose,

0.9 x 1.2 cm, yellow, apiculate.
Notes. Tree to 25 m; rare; savanna forest and
forested slopes. Guyana. Surinam.
6.2. Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) Chev. batata
burue (A); bortri. boietri (S); boiti (P) PI.
147, fig. 2
Flowers above leaf axils near twig ends, pen
dent; pedicels 1.5-3 cm long, in fruit 1 .53(5)
cm long, stout, apically thickened; fruiting calyx
brown-puberulous, lobes triangular, 3 large, to
0.4 cm long, alternating with 3 smaller ones, to
0.3 cm long. Berry ellipsoid (depressed-globose
when young), 2.5-3 x 1.8-2.5 cm, yellowishorange, prickle 0.1-0.3 cm long; pulp edible,
sweet-tasting; seeds 1 (sometimes 2), depressedellipsoid, ca. 2.2 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm, with a dark
and a light patch, hilum oblong, ca. 1.1 cm long,
0.45 cm wide, dull.
Notes. Tree to 40 m, buttresses to 1 m high
and wide, bark with copious white latex (balata'), crown broad, dense; common; rain and
marsh forests. Guiancts.

6.3. Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Chev. basraborlri. basra-boletri (S) PI. 147, fig. 3
Flowers near twig ends; pedicels 2.4-3 cm
long (sometimes longer), in fruit to 4 (or more)
cm long, pale-tomentose, apically thickened;
fruiting calyx lobes broadly triangular, to
0.35(-0.4) cm long, tomentose. Berry globose,
to 3 x 2.8 cm, green to light yellow or more
or less red, apiculate; seeds 1-2.
Notes. Tree to 30 m: fairly rare; rain forest,
esp. riverine forest. Guianas.
6.4. Manilkara zapota (L.) P. van Royen (Achras zapota) sapot'ille (SD); sapatia (S) PI.
147, fig. 4
Flowers solitary in leaf axils; pedicels 1-3 cm
long, pubescent, in fruit to 3.5 cm long, apically
thickened; fruiting calyx lobes (5)6( 8) in 2 se
ries. acute-ovate, 0.8-1 cm long, tomentose.


Berry globose, ellipsoid or ovoid, 5.5 x 5 cm

(4-10 cm in diam.), grayish or dirty brown, dark
mottled, apiculate: epicarp thin-leathery; pulp
brownish-yellow, edible; seeds 10-12, laterally
flattened, hard, 2 cm long, brown or black,

7.1. Micropholis egensis (A. DC.) Pierre bakoeman (S); kimboto, bakoeman (P) PI. 147,
fig. 5
Fruiting fascicles axillary near twig ends;
fruiting pedicels 2-3.2 cm long, apically some
what thickened; fruiting calyx lobes 5, ca. 0.2
cm long. Berry to 4 x 2.3 cm (2-3 cm in diam.),
green to yellow, somewhat bullate when dry,
apex abruptly acuminate; pulp yellow, edible,
sweet-tasting (like plums).
Notes. Tree to 20 m; not common; swamp for
est op bauxite, and on forested slopes. Guianas

7.2. Micropholis guyanensis (A. DC.) Pierre looedoe (S), riemhout (SD); wetibakoeman.
mamanlen (P) PI. 147, fig. 6
Fascicles axillary and on leafless twigs, pe
duncle 0.2-0.5 cm long, lepidote; pedicels
0.4-0.7 cm long, in fruit ca. 1(1.5) cm long,
stout, straight; fruiting calyx brown-puberu
lous, lobes 5, obtuse, 0.15-0.3 cm long. Berry
depressed-globose to ellipsoid, 1.2 x 1.5 to
2.5(3) x 2 cm, green to yellow, reddish-brown
to black when ripe, light brown-puberulous,
base rounded, apex rounded, short-apiculate:
epicarp soft, weakly longitudinally grooved
when dry; pulp soft, white, transparant, edible:
seeds 1 (rarely 2-3), conical-ellipsoid, black.
Notes. Tree to 40 m. buttresses flat, to 2 m
high: very common: rain and savanna forests.

7.3. Micropholis venulosa (Mart, et

Lt u







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Pierre kudibiushi (A); riemhout (SD) PI.

147, fig. 7
Fascicles axillary, small: pedicels 0.2-0.5 cm


shiny, hilum linear.

Notes. Tree to 20 m; cultivated (originating
from Central America).

7. Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre

Flowers (4-)5-merous, corolla tube usually
much longer than lobes; ovary (4-)5-locular.
Berry subellipsoid; epicarp firm; seed usually 1,
flat, hilum oblong.
Notes. Trees.


10 b

Plate 147. Figs. 1-10. SAPOTACEAE. 1. Manilkara amazonica. young infruct. 2. M. bidentata. a. young fr.:
b. fr. from below; c. seed. 3. M. huberi. 4. M. zapota. 5. Micropholis egensis. 6. M. guyanensis. a. young infruct.;
b. fr. 7. M. venulosa. a. b. different fruit forms. 8. Nemaluma engleri. 9. Neopomeua ptychundra. 10. Neoxythece
dura. a. fr.; b. seed.











cm long, apically thickened (to 0.35 cm thick);

fruiting calyx reddish-brown puberulous, lobes
4(-5), suborbicular, 0.1-0.2 (-0.4) cm long.
Berry subellipsoid, to 2.1 x 1.2-1.7 cm, green
to yellow, apex obtusely acuminate over 0.4 cm
or obtuse, apiculate; pulp soft-fibrous; seed 1.5
x 0.5 cm,' hilum 1.5 cm long, 0.25 cm wide, dull,
Notes. Tree to 35 m, buttresses small; fairly
common; rain forest on slopes, esp. on granite

flats. Guianas.

8. Nemaluma Baill.
8.1. Nemaluma engleri (Eyma) Aubr. et Pellegr.
(Pouteria engleri) konoko (A); groolbladig
zwart riemhout (SD): mamanten. lo-oedoe
(S) PI. 147, fig. 8
Fascicles on young twigs, small; pedicels
0.5-0.8 cm long, puberulous, in fruit fairly thin,
0.8 cm long; fruiting calyx lobes 5, ovate,
(0.15 )0.2 cm long, gray-sericeous. Berry globose or ellipsoid, fleshy, to 2 x 1.5 cm, light
green to yellow, finally orange, apex acuminate
over ca. 0.2 cm; seeds 1, hilum small.
Notes. Tree to 25 m (or more?), buttressed;
very common; rain and savanna forests. Guianas.
9. Neopometia Aubr.
9.1. Neopometia ptycbandra (Eyma) Aubr.
(Pouteria ptychandra) kimboto (S); kimboto. kwatabobi, weti-malobi (P) PI. 147, fig.
Fascicles on finger-thick twigs and trunk,
dense; pedicels 1.25-2 cm long, brown-puberulous, in fruit stout, to 2 cm long; fruits solitary
or in fascicles; fruiting calyx lobes 5, ovate, obtuse, somewhat patent, 0.2-0.3 cm long. Berry
ellipsoid or (depressed-) globose, 4 x 2.8-5 cm,
green to (orange-)yellow, apex obtuse or
abruptly acuminate; pulp pale yellow, ca. 0.7 cm
thick, edible; seeds l(-2), large, brown, hilum
narrowly oblong.
Notes. Tree to 20 m (or more?); fairly common; rain forest. Guianas.
10. Neoxythece Aubr. et Pellegr.
Calyx 4-5-merous. Berry with (sub)woodv
epicarp; seeds 1 (-2), hilum linear.
Notes. Trees, often buttressed.

10.1. Neoxythece cladantha (Sandw.) Aubr.

(Pouteria cladantha) aiomorokushi (A);

pinto-boletri (S)
Flowers on slender, usually leafless, 1-6 cm
long, ferrugineous-tomentose twigs above leaf
axils; pedicels 0.15-0.6 cm long; calyx
4(-5)-merous, outer sepals ovate to semiorbicular, ca. 0.15- 1 .75 cm long, inner ones somewhat
smaller and shorter. Berry depressed-globose,
to 1 .3 cm in diam.; seeds 1-2.
Notes. T ree to 20 m (or more?); not common;
rain and savanna forests. Guianas.











..- 7







11. Pouteria Aubl.

Fascicles axillary, sometimes on leafless
twigs, flowers small (sometimes to 1 .5 cm long),
4-5-merous; ovary 1-8-locular. Berry variable;
seeds usually not strongly flattened; hilum dull,
sometimes rough.



-8e -

Notes. Trees.
Plate 148. Figs. 1-8. SAPOTACEAE. 1. Neoxythece robusta. a. young fr., b. infruct. 2. Pouteria catmtio. 3.
P guianensis. a. young fr.; b. inlruct.; c. seed. 4. P. melanopoda. fairly young fr. 5. P. surinamensis. a. infruct.:
b. seed. 6. Prieurella cuneifolia. a. fr.; b. cross section of fr. 7. P. prieurii. 8. P. sp.. a. fr.; b. fr. partly opened
to show the seeds; c. cross section of fr.; d. large seed type: e. smaller seed type.

11.1. Pouteria caimito (Ruiz et Pav.) Radik.

asepokoballi (A); ingi-oedoe (S); pepeboiti
(P) PI. 148, fig. 2
Flowers solitary or in small fascicles, usually


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7 "a






Aubr. et Pellegr. (Pouteria robusta var.

longifolia) pinto-boletri (S) PI. 148, fig. 1
Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars,
dense; pedicels 0.7-1.2 cm long, brown-puberulous, in fruit stout, to 1.2 cm long; fruiting calyx
lobes 5, ovate, 0.25-0.3(-0.4) cm long. Berry
long-pyriform to fusiform, woody, to 3.5 x 1.7
cm, gray-puberulous, base tapering over to ca.
0.8 cm and subcylindrical, apex obtusely acuminate over to 0.4 cm, apiculate; seeds 1 .
Notes. Large tree, buttresses low, thick; cornmon; rain and savanna forests. GuianaA


10.2. Neoxythece dura (Eyma) Aubr. (Pouteria

dura) kokoritiballi (A); akwasiba (S) PI.
147, fig. 10
Fruiting pedicels on young twigs, stout,
0.5-0.6 cm long; fruiting calyx lobes 5, broadly
ovate, 0. 1(0.3) cm long. Berry pyriform, to 2.6
x 1.8 cm, green, darkly veined, base tapering
over 0.5 cm, apex abruptly acuminate (ca. 0.1
cm long); seeds 1, to 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm, hilum
to 1.5 cm long, 0.4 cm wide.
Notes. Tree to 27 m (or more?), buttresses (if
present) broad, long, zigzagging; fairly com-.
mon; rain forest. Guianas.

10.3. Neoxythece robusta (Mart, et




on leafless twigs; pedicels 0-0.1 cm long; calyx

lobes 4, not persistent, ovate, outer 2: 0.25-0.4
cm long, inner 2: 0.35-0.5 cm long. Berry glo
bose, ovoid, or (narrowly) ellipsoid, 3 x 2.3 cm
(to 7 cm in diam ), yellow when ripe, apex obtuse
or acuminate; epicarp leathery, fairly firm; pulp
white or yellowish, edible; seeds 1-4, brown,
shiny, hilum narrowly oblong.
Notes. Tree to 40 m; not common; rain and
riverine forests. Guianas.

1 1.2. Pouteria guianensis Eyma asepoko (A);

jansnijder (SD); redi-jamboka (S); pepeboiti (P) PI. 148, fig. 3
Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars, ca.
6-flowered; pedicels 0.3 cm long, brown-puberulous, in fruit to 0.6 cm long, thickened; fruits
1-2 together; fruiting calyx lobes 4, ovate, pa
tent, 0.3-0.5 cm long, brown-puberulous, outer
2 convex. Berry globose or broadly ellipsoid, to
4.5-5 x 4-5.3 cm, dark green to yellow, tomentose when young, sometimes apiculate; pulp
firm, edible, sweet-tasting; seeds 2, depressedellipsoid. 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.1 to 2.5 x 1.8 x 1.4
cm, hilum fairly broad-oblong.
Notes. Tree to 35 m, buttresses narrow, thick;
endozoochorous (spider monkeys); common;
rain forest. Guianas.
11.3. Pouteria hispida Eyma
Fascicles above leaf scars on young twigs; pe
dicels ca. 0.1 cm long; sepals 4, acute-ovate,
white appressed-pilose. Fruit not seen.
Notes. Tree to 17 m (or more?); fairly rare;
rain and savanna forests. Surinam.
11 .4. Pouteria melanopoda Eyma (acc. to Aubreville not a Pouteria) moraballi (A);
riemhout (SD); blaka-jamboka (S); akwansiba (P) PI. 148, fig. 4
Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars on
young twigs, small; pedicels 0.4-0.7 cm long,
brown-puberulous, in fruit slender, ca. 0.9 cm
long; fruits solitary or in pairs; fruiting calyx
lobes 5, acute-ovate, patent, 0.2-0.3 cm long,
brown-puberulous: petals often persistent.
Berry ellipsoid, ca. 1.5 x 1.2 cm (not ripe),
green, apiculate; pulp white, transparant, edi
ble: seeds 1 (sometimes 2-5), to 1.4 x 0.9 x
0.7 cm. dark brown, hilum 1.4 cm long. 0.4 cm
wide, white.
Notes. Tree to 27 m (or more?); fairly com
mon; rain forest, esp. on slopes. Guianas.

1 1.5. Pouteria surinamensis Eyma (acc. to Aubreville probably a Neopometia) kimboto

(S); boesisoke, monkisoki (P) PI. 148. fig.
Fascicles in leaf axils or above leafscars; pedi
cels 0.2 cm long, appressed-pilose. in fruit
0.3-0.4(-0.9) cm long; fruits usually solitary;
fruiting calyx lobes 5. ovate, somewhat patent.
0.15 cm long (young fruit) to 0.6 cm long (ripe
fruit). Berry ellipsoid or globose, 2.5 x 1.4 to
4x4 cm, green to light yellow, orange-red
when ripe; pulp light yellow, edible; seeds 1, 2
x 1 x 0.9 cm (in one fruit 2.5 x 1.4 cm), dark
brown, base somewhat tapering, obtuse, hilum
narrow, not continuing the entire length, 1 .6 cm
long, 0.3 cm wide, with a light brown patch (1.7
cm long, 0.2 cm wide), on both sides.
Notes. Tree; fairly common; rain forest, esp.
creek and riverine forests. Surinam, Fr. Guiana.


12.2. Prieurella prieurii (A. DC.) Aubr. (Ecclinusa prieurii) peprebortri (S); kwatabobi.
malobi. pepehoiti (P) PI. 148, fig. 7
Fascicles on old, leafless twigs; pedicels 0.6-1
cm long (in fruit 1-2 cm long), ferrugineous-puberulous: fruiting calyx lobes ca. 0.2 cm long,
rounded, ferrugineous-puberulous. Berry ellip
soid to globose, to 3.5 x 3 cm, yellow to orange.
ferrugineous- or red-tomentose; epicarp hard:




a 2 b






12. Prieurella Pierre

Fascicles on old twigs; calyx 4-5-merous.
Berry with hard epicarp; seeds 1-5, depressedellipsoid.
Notes. Trees, buttressed.

12.1. Prieurella cuneifolia (Rudge) Aubr. (Eccuneifolia) kwatabobi (S) PI. 148j
fig. 6
Leaves compact at twig ends. Fascicles on ex
crescences on trunk and old twigs; pedicels
0.8-1.5 cm long (in fruit 1.5-2 cm long); fruiting
calyx lobes 4-5, recurved, 0.3-0.5 cm long, light
brown-sericeous, fierrysubpyriform to globose,
2.8-3.8 x 2.5-3.2 cm (sometimes to 5 x 4 cm),
yellowish or orange, glabrous or with goldenyellow tomentose patches, apiculate; epicarp
fairly hard; pulp edible; seeds (3-)4-5, some
what depressed-ellipsoid, equal in size, brown,
hilum narrowly oblong.
Notes. Tree to 15 (sometimes to 25) m, but
tresses slightly developed; commonbin and sa
vanna forests. Guianas.











i; i <s



Plate 149. Figs. 1-6. SAPOTACEAE. I. Pseudoctadia

minutiflora. infruct. 2. P. scytalophora. a. b. different

forms offr.: c. seed. 3. Radlkoferella grandis. 4. R. trigonosperma. 5. R. venosa. 6. Ragala sanguinolenta. infruct.





pulp white or yellowish, edible, sweet-tasting;

seeds 1(-5), depressed-ellipsoid, brownish.
Notes. Tree to 25 m, buttresses high, flat, fair
ly narrow, bark brown with longitudinal cracks:
fairly common; rain forest Guianas.

13. Pseudocladia Pierre

Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars; calyx
4-merous. Berry with hard epicarp; seeds 1.
Notes. Trees.
13.1. Pseudocladia minutifTora (Britton) Aubr.
(Pouteria minutiflora) moraballi (A) PI.
149, fig. 1
Fruiting pedicels sometimes slender, 0.9-1.4
cm long; fruits solitary or in small fascicles;
fruiting calyx lobes patent, broadly obtuse, 0.2


cm long, 0.3 cm wide. Berry ellipsoid or ovoid,

2.1 x 1.3 to 2.4 x 1.7 cm, green to orange-yel
low, apex abruptly acuminate (over ca. 0.1 cm)
or obtusely acuminate (over 0.3-0.4 cm), apiculate.
Notes. Tree to 1 5 m (or more?); not common;
rain and savanna forests. Guianas.

13.2. Pseudocladia scytalophora (Eyma) Aubr.

(Pouteria scytalophora) PI. 149, fig. 2
Pedicels 0.4-0.7 cm long, in fruit to 0.7(1.5)
cm long; fruiting calyx lobes broadly ovate,
0.15-0.2 cm long. Berry ellipsoid, 2.5 x 1.5 to
3 x 1.7 cm, green, apex sometimes obtusely
acuminate over 0.2-0.4 cm, apiculate; seed ca.
2 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm, testa thickly veined, some
what ribbed, darker than hilum, hilum shorter
than seed, to 1.7 cm long, wider near base (to
0.3 cm wide).
Notes. Fairly large tree; fairly common; rain
forest, esp. on slopes. Surinam, Fr. Guiana.

1 5. 1. Radlkoferella grandis (Eyma) Aubr. (Pouteria grandis) PI. 149, fig. 3.

Leaves large, petioles to 7 cm long. Fascicles
small; pedicels stout, ca. 1.75 cm long, in fruit
stout, thick, ca. 2.3 cm long; fruiting calyx lobes
recurved, 0.60.7( 1 .5) cm long. Berry globose
to broadly ellipsoid, (not ripe) to 5 x 5 cm; seeds
to 6.
Notes. Large tree; endozoochorous (spider
monkeys); young seeds heavily predated upon
by saki monkeys (Chiropotes); rare; rain forest
on bauxite plateaux and slopes. Guianas.

Notes. Tree to 20(25) m, buttressed; not

common; rain and marsh forests. Guianas.

15.2. Radlkoferella trigonosperma (Eyma)

Aubr. (Pouteria trigonosperma) kamahora (A); mabi-jari, sabana-djoebortri (S)
PI. 149, fig. 4
Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars,
3-4-flowered; pedicels 1.2-2 cm long, in fruit to
2.5 cm long, apically thickened; fruiting calyx
lobes 4, outer two 1 . 1-1 .3 cm long, dark brownpilose, inner two somewhat longer, light brownpilose. Berry somewhat depressed-globose, 4.5
x 6 cm (to 7 cm in diam.), apex sometimes ob
tuse-acuminate; pulp soft, pale yellow, with ap
ple fragrance; seeds (5-)7-8, flattened, trigo
nous, dark brown, testa thick, on hilum vttY
Notes. Tree; common; savanna forest and
sometimes on dry savannas. Guianas.

Leaves alternate, pinnate, leaflets entire, exstipulate. Inflorescences paniculate or racemose;

flowers usually unisexual, regular, (3-)4-5(-6)-merous, small (except Quassia); sepals free or basally
connate; petals free; ovary superior, 2-5-locular or 2-5, free, 1-locular ovaries. Fruit a berry (Picramnia) or a drupe (Quassia) consisting of 1-6 mericarps on a gynophore; seeds 1-2 per locule,
Notes. Trees or shrubs with bitter-tasting bark; endozoochorous.

15.3. Radlkoferella venosa (Mart.) Aubr. (Pou

teria venosa) kamahora (A) PI. 149, fig. 5
Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars; fruit
ing pedicels thick, 0.5 1(3) cm long; fruiting
calyx subpatent, lobes 0.3-0.4 cm long. Berry
subglobose, fleshy, 2.7 x 2.5 cm (to 6 cm in
diam.), green, prickle stout, 0.1 cm long; seeds

14. Pseudolabatia Aubr. et Pellegr.

14.1. Pseudolabatia filipes (Eyma) Aubr. (Pou
teria filipes) kamahora (A)
Fascicles on young twigs, ca. 7-flowered; pe
dicels filiform, ca. 0.7 cm long, appressed-pilose;
calyx lobes 4, narrowly ovate, ca. 0.3 cm long,
densely gray-pilose. Fruit not seen.
Notes. Tree with slender, ferrugineous-puberulous twigs; rare; upland rain forest on bauxite.
Guyana. Surinam (Brownsberg).

15. Radlkoferella Pierre

Fascicles in leaf axils or above leaf scars; fruits
usually solitary; calyx 4-merous. Berry with 5-8
Notes. Trees.

41 3

Notes. Tree to 35 m; not common; rain forest.

Guyana, Surinam.

16. Ragala Pierre

16.1. Ragala sanguinolenta (PierYe) Aubr. (Ecclinusa sanguinolenta) barataballi (A);
swit'anini (S); switi-amini (P) PI. 149, fig.

Pedicels on old, leafless twigs. 00.2(0.3) cm

long, in fruit to 0.5 cm long; fruiting calyx lobes
rounded, to 1 cm long. Berry globose or ovoid.
4 x 5 to 6' x 7 cm, castaneous. brown-senceous;
epicarp hard (finally 5-valved dehiscent): pulp
edible, sweet-tasting; seeds 4 5(10), ca. 1.8 x
1 x 0.7 cm.

17. Sandwithiodoxa Aubr. et Pellegr.

17.1. Sandwithiodoxa egregia (Sandw.) Aubr.
et Pellegr. (Pouteria egregia) kokoritiballi

Flowers in leaf axils or on short leafless twigs

(sometimes with few leaves at tip): pedicels

0.2-0.4 cm long, brown-sericeous; fruiting se
pals 4, broadly ovate to deltoid, brown-seri
ceous. Berry depressed-globose, to 2.5 x 3 cm.
tomentellous, base abruptly tapering; seeds
Notes. Large trees; rare; rain forest, esp. on
bauxite. Guianas.


1. Picramnia Sw.
Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets alternate, chartaceous. Inflorescences paniculate-racemose,
dioecious, glomerules ca. 4-fiowered; flowers
small. 3-5-merous; sepals imbricate, somewhat
basally connate; style short, sometimes absent;
stigmas 2(3). Fruit a berry, crowned by stig
mas; seeds max. 6.
Notes. Shrubs or small trees; endozoochorous
(birds, monkeys).
1.1. Picramnia guianensis (Aubl.) Gadella (P.
tariri) PI. 150, fig. 1
Leaflets 9-19, 2-6 cm long. Panicles axillary,
pendent near twig ends, densely appressed-puberulous; fruiting pedicels 0.2-0.3 cm long;
fruiting calyx lobes narrowly triangular, ca. 0. 1
cm long. Berry somewhat pyriform, to 1.5 x
1.2 cm, yellowish-green to orange, densely puberulous, apex with 2 or 3 stigmas.
Notes. Shrub or tree to 5 m; rare; rain forest
on bauxite. Guyana. Surinam.

1.2. Picramnia macrostachya Klotzsch ex Engl.

PI. 150, fig. 2
Leaflets (5 )79( 1 1), 5-20 cm long. Panicles
axillary, to 35 cm long, sparsely appressed-pilose; fruiting pedicels (0.2 )0.3 cm long, basally
articulate; fruiting calyx lobes narrowly trian
gular, acute, recurved, 0.05-0.1 cm long. Berry
narrowly ovoid or ellipsoid, to 1.2 x 0.8 cm,
green to orange, finally red. subglabrous, with

2 stigmas; seed with purple testa.

Notes. Tree to 8 m; fairly rare; creek forest
in hill and mountainous region. Guyana. Suri

1.3. Picramnia spruceana Engl. PI. 150, fig. 3

Leaflets (5)79(15), 416 cm long. Panicles

axillary, to 35 cm long, densely appressed-pi
lose, with few, erect, racemose rachillae; fruiting
pedicels 0.4-0.5(-0.8) cm long, basally articu
late; fruiting calyx lobes narrowly triangular,
acute, patent, ca. 0.2 cm long. Berry (narrowly)
ellipsoid or (narrowly) ovoid, 1.3 x 0.6-0.8cm.
red, glabrous, apex with 2 stigmas.
Notes. Shrub or small tree; not common;
along creeks and rivers in rain forest. Guyana.
2. Quassia L.
Leaves pari- or imparipinnate, or simple, leaf
lets opposite or alternate. Inflorescences race
mose or paniculate; flowers 4-6-merous; calyx
more or less lobed; disc cylindrical or suborbicular, varying in size. Fruit a drupe, composed of
1-6 (fairly) free mericarps on gynophore, each
with 1 seed.
Notes. Subshrubs, shrubs, or small trees.

2.1. Quassia amara L. kwasibita (S); asoemaripa (P) PI. 150, fig. 4
Leaflets usually 5, sessile, rachis winged. Ra
cemes terminal, 10-25 cm long, minutely puber-

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