HANDBOOK of LNG Baltic Sea Ports PDF

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the LNG in Baltic Sea Ports project which aims to establish LNG terminals in participating ports in the Baltic Sea region and summarize the experiences from these ports in a handbook to help other ports develop LNG.

The ports participating in the LNG in Baltic Sea Ports project are Stockholm, Helsinki, Turku, Tallinn, Copenhagen-Malmö, Aarhus and Helsingborg.

Some of the ports like Stockholm and Helsinki have functioning LNG supply chains established for ferry and coast guard vessels respectively. The participating ports have gained experiences from technical, financial and safety aspects of establishing LNG terminals.

LNG Handbook, based on experiences from the project LNG in Baltic Sea Ports

The Handbook is part of the project LNG in Baltic Sea Ports. The purpose of the
handbook is to provide advice and guidance for other ports planning to establish LNG
terminals or other types of supply for the marine market.
The Handbook is based on the experiences gained from the participating ports in the
project, as well as other ports in the area with experience from establishing LNG
terminals and LNG as ship fuel.

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Summary and recommendations

The project LNG in Baltic Sea Ports, partly financed by TEN-T, supports and initiates the
establishment of LNG terminals in participating ports. The ports that participate are:
Stockholm, Helsinki, Turku, Tallinn, Copenhagen-Malm, Aarhus and Helsingborg.
Some of the ports have reached far in their planning and development for supplying
LNG to ships. Stockholm, for example, has a functioning LNG supply chain for the ferry
Viking Grace. Port of Helsinki has a functioning LNG supply chain for the coast guard
vessel Turva. Other ports are planning for and acquiring permits for the establishment.
One of the main purposes of the project LNG in Baltic Sea ports is to find good
solutions and manageable ways of establishing LNG in ports, in order to supply LNG to
end users. The ports that have participated in the project have all gained a lot of
experiences and have reached far in striving towards LNG establishment.
It is also equally important to disseminate the results from the project, in order to
facilitate the establishment of LNG in other ports in the Baltic Sea area, and the rest of
Europe as well.
The experiences gained from the participating ports are therefore summarized in this
handbook, created for supporting ports in their work of planning and developing LNG.
The handbook outline is based on the process of developing an LNG terminal, and the
phases that are connected to this process (planning, construction, production,
operation, bunkering etc).
The handbook starts with an overview of the status of LNG supply in the Baltic Sea
countries today, including future scenarios, and possible market and supply chain
The general process of establishment is described, looking specifically at technical,
financial and safety aspects.
The obtained experiences from the participating ports are described and discussed.
The experiences are summarized into obstacles and possibilities for the development
of LNG, from a technical, financial and safety viewpoint, and to conclude, a checklist to
ports for LNG development is given.
The table below shows the existing LNG terminals.






ra, Norway


6 400


In operation

Local gas grid and redistribution by




20 000


In operation





The table below gives an overview of the LNG planned so far.



(m )





30 000


Local gas delivery to refinery and redistribution

by truck. Maritime redistribution by bunker


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barge. Planned operation by Q4 2014.



320 000


European gas grid and redistribution by truck.

Maritime and rail based redistribution and
bunkering is under discussion. Planned
operational start: December 2014.



170 000


FSRU designed to connect to the local gas grid.

Planned to be operational by December 2014.

terminal, Gulf
of Finland


300 000


Regional terminal for the Baltic energy market

area located in either Finland (Inkoo) or Estonia

Tallin Muuga,




Local gas hub in the first phase, regional open

access hub in the second phase.



10 000


Work on the terminal is set for completion in

early 2017. The Finnish government has
decided on financial support to Rauma.

Pori, Finland


30 000


Regional terminal dedicated to the Finnish gas

market with planned truck distribution.
Planned operation in 2016. Finnish government
support has been granted.



30 000


Terminal with pipeline distribution in the Turku

loading/unloading via existing jetty. Planned to
be in operation by 2017.



50 000


Terminal mainly for industrial use. Unloading to

trucks and vessels is under discussion. Planned
operation by 2017. Finnish government support
has been granted.





LNG station in the Port of Lbeck planned to be

completed 2016. Bunkering and storage.



5 500


Terminal with loading/unloading of trucks,

containers and ships. Option to expand.
Planned operation by 2015.



30 000


Terminal with loading and unloading of LNG to

vessels as well as to LNG trucks is discussed. For
the future, train unloading is discussed.
Planned operation by 2018.





Terminal in Gvle, potentially with a connected

gas pipeline infrastructure.



5 000


Terminal dedicated to industrial purposes and

transportation. Planned loading to trucks and
rail distribution.



30 000


Redistribution by truck and through a

connection to Swe/Dan gas grid as well as
bunkering is under discussion.



10 000


Redistribution by truck and train and through

the Swe/Dan gas grid as well as bunkering is
under discussion.

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10 000


Terminal for marine purposes. Possible loading

of trucks.



<15 000


Redistribution by truck, train, maritime and

through local gas grid as well as bunkering is
under discussion.



360 000


Planned operation by 2016





Project starts in 2014. Terminal for marine






Small tank for bunkering of ferries.

There are several issues that need to be considered with applications for LNG bunker
operations and the establishment of LNG terminals: regulative work, technical,
financial and security and risk and safety aspects, among others.
From a regulative perspective, an LNG project can be divided into two parts: the
maritime side which is usually regulated by a national authority, and the land side that
is usually covered by a local authority (e.g. national Maritime Authorities and affected
municipalities/rescue agencies), but other authorities may/need be consulted and/or
grant permits for specific activities. Road transports are regulated by the European
Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
applicable from 1 January 2013.

During the planning and development phase of an LNG terminal, it is necessary that
different stakeholders and responsible authorities have regular communication,
enabling a clear project outline and discussions of different alternatives, opportunities,
risks etc.

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The illustration gives a picture of the regulations and conventions that are relevant for
each step of the supply chain.

The ports that have participated in the first phase of LNG in Baltic Sea Ports have
gained important experiences, which can assist following ports in the development of
LNG. The experiences are summarized in the list below.

As a first step, a clear distinction should be made of the roles in establishing the
LNG terminal. The port is most often the owner of the land, while the
investment in the terminal can be the responsibility of the port, the
municipality, the gas supplier and/or the operator. Determining the different
investment roles is important at project start.

The development of an LNG terminal and the volume estimations must be

based on demand, which implies that a thorough analysis of demand and
market must be performed. This analysis must include the land based demand,
as this is crucial for obtaining volumes that are large enough for the
establishment. To avoid over establishment of LNG supply, cooperation
between ports is recommended.

The permit process takes time and can be costly for the port. One lesson
learned is that the process for LNG is often unknown to the authorities
involved, and therefore the process takes even longer time.

The regulations controlling LNG are several: international directives and

conventions, as well as national laws and local regulations. Finding and
involving the relevant authority responsible for LNG is sometimes difficult.

Risk and safety is deemed as crucial when planning for LNG, when discussing it
with the relevant authorities, and when applying for a permit. Training of staff
in risk and safety measures is necessary.

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Land use and design: for the design of the LNG terminal, the land use and the
surrounding area must be designated. The technical equipment needed in the
terminal increases the land use significantly.

Financial aspects: it is very important to find ways of cooperation with

stakeholders, in order to share the investment cost for the terminal. In an early
stage of the planning process, it is necessary to start a dialogue with financers,
gas suppliers, operators etc, for identifying financing solutions.

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Table of contents
Summary and recommendations...................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 16


Background to the project .............................................................................................................................. 16

Background to the Handbook ....................................................................................................................... 16
Objective................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Method .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Outline of the handbook .................................................................................................................................. 17

LNG IN THE BALTIC SEA, AN OVERVIEW OF STATUS .............................. 18


Existing and planned terminals ................................................................................................................... 18

Prognosis for LNG vessels .............................................................................................................................. 20
Market development and LNG availability ............................................................................................. 21
Future market scenarios ................................................................................................................................. 23

ESTABLISHING AN LNG TERMINAL................................................................ 26


General procedure of establishment ......................................................................................................... 26

Regulations ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
Permits .................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Specific example of amendments ................................................................................................................ 29
Technical aspects and logistics .................................................................................................................... 30
Technical equipment and tanks ................................................................................................................... 30
Bunkering .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
Financial aspects................................................................................................................................................. 35
Security aspects .................................................................................................................................................. 35
Risk and safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Hazards ................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Risk assessment process ................................................................................................................................. 37
Safety zones .......................................................................................................................................................... 39

EXPERIENCES GAINED........................................................................................ 42


Status in project ports ...................................................................................................................................... 42

Stockholm .............................................................................................................................................................. 42
Helsingborg ........................................................................................................................................................... 43
Copenhagen Malm Port ................................................................................................................................. 44
Port of Aarhus ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
Port of Tallinn ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
Port of Helsinki .................................................................................................................................................... 46
Port of Turku ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Communication ................................................................................................................................................... 48
Obstacles ................................................................................................................................................................ 49

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Regulations ........................................................................................................................................................... 49
Technical aspects ............................................................................................................................................... 49
Financial aspects................................................................................................................................................. 50
Security aspects .................................................................................................................................................. 51
Risk and safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 51
Possibilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Regulations ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Technical aspects ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Financial aspects................................................................................................................................................. 52
Security aspects .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Risk and safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 52
Conclusions of experiences gained ............................................................................................................. 53

GUIDANCE AND CHECKLIST ............................................................................. 54

REFERENCES AND SOURCES ............................................................................. 58

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Table of Figures
Figure 1. Planned and existing LNG terminals in Baltic Sea region. ............................................ 20
Figure 2. Development of LNG fuelled fleet. Confirmed projects in 2014-03-07 (DNV GL,
2014)........................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 3. Estimated world LNG prices September 2014 in $US/MMBtu (Waterborne
Energy Inc, 2014). .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 4. Global LNG bunker demand by 2020 (Ocane Balland DNV GL, 2014) .................. 23
Figure 5. Annual LNG demand 2020 for different sub regions of the SECA for ships being
100% of the time in SECA (DMA, 2012). .................................................................................................. 24
Figure 6. Rules and regulations process from an EU perspective. ............................................... 26
Figure 7.Interface in Denmark between maritime and shore side legislative areas, where
the Maritime authority is responsible for the left side, and the municipality is responsible
for the land side. (DMA, 2014) ..................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 8. Laws and regulations to be considered for LNG handling. ........................................... 28
Figure 9. Example of authorities and rules applicable in different links of the LNG supply
chain. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 10. Schematic flow diagram of terminal activities. ............................................................... 31
Figure 11. Example of semi-pressurized tanks ..................................................................................... 32
Figure 12. Example of design and dimensions for a FBT .................................................................. 32
Figure 13. Principal layout of the planned terminal in Gothenburg. ........................................... 33
Figure 14. Methods of bunkering (SSPA Sweden AB) ........................................................................ 34
Figure 15. Possible fire scenarios when LNG is spilled on water [SSPA, (Based on LuketaHanlin, 2006)]. ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 16. General structure of risk assessment approach. ............................................................ 38
Figure 17. Schematic picture over the safety zone range during bunkering and the risk
area in case of an accident. ............................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 18. Bunkering of Viking Grace in Stockholm (Source: AGA, 2014)................................ 42
Figure 19. Localization for LNG terminal in Helsingborg within the industrial area of
Industry Park Of Sweden (IPOS). ................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 20. Three localizations within the port of Malm were investigated. Alternative C
was found to be the most suitable (Source: CMP, 2013) .................................................................. 44
Figure 21. Overview of Port of Aarhus (Source: Port of Aarhus, 2013). .................................... 45
Figure 22. Overview of Muuga Harbour (Source: Port of Tallinn, 2013) .................................. 46
Figure 23. South Harbour and Katajanokka (Source: Port of Helsinki, 2013) ........................ 47
Figure 24. Proposed localization for LNG-terminal in Pansio Harbour, Port of Turku. ...... 47

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Abbreviations and Definitions




Automatic Identification System


Boiling liquid expanding explosions


Boil off gas


Baltic Port Organization


Capital Expenditure


Compressed Natural Gas


Den Norske Veritas


Dead Weight Tonnage (tot weight of a ship's cargo, fuel,



Emission Control Area


Environmental Impact Assessment


Flat Bottom Tank


Front End Engineering Design


Final investment decision


Free On Board (with regard to bunker prices)


Floating Storage and Regasification Unit


The International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas



Green House Gas


Gross Tonnage (an index of ships overall internal volume)


Heavy Fuel Oil


International Code for the Construction and Equipment of

Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk


draft International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or

other Low flashpoint Fuels


International Maritime Organization (www.imo.org)

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International Organization for Standardization


The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code


Intermediary Tank via Pipeline to Ship (LNG bunkering



Lower Flammability Level


Liquefied Natural Gas


The International Convention for the Prevention of

Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of
1978 relating thereto.


Marine Diesel Oil


Marine Gas Oil


Million British Thermal Unit, 1 MMBtu = 293 kWh = 1.055



The National Balancing Point, commonly referred to as the

NBP, is a virtual trading location for the sale and purchase
and exchange of UK natural gas. Together with TTF it is use
as the main indicator of the natural gas price in Europe.


Nautical miles


International Association of Oil and Gas Producers


Operating Expenditures


Rapid Phase Transition


Sulphur Emission Control Area


Ship To Ship (LNG bunkering concept)


Truck To Ship (LNG bunkering concept)


Upper Flammability Level

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Background to the project

The project LNG in Baltic Sea Ports, partly financed by TEN-T, supports and initiates the
establishment of LNG terminals in participating ports. The ports that participate are:
Stockholm, Helsinki, Turku, Tallinn, Copenhagen-Malm, Aarhus and Helsingborg.
Some of the ports have reached far in their planning and development for supplying
LNG to ships. Stockholm, for example, has a functioning LNG supply chain for the ferry
Viking Grace. Port of Helsinki has a functioning LNG supply chain for the coast guard
vessel Turva. Other ports are planning for and acquiring permits for the establishment.


Background to the Handbook

One of the main purposes of the project LNG in Baltic Sea ports is to find good
solutions and manageable ways of establishing LNG in ports, in order to supply LNG to
end users. The ports that have participated in the project have all gained experiences
and have reached far in striving towards LNG establishment.
It is also equally important to disseminate the results from the project, in order to
facilitate the establishment of LNG in other ports in the Baltic Sea area, and the rest of
Europe as well.
The experiences gained from the participating ports are therefore summarized in this
handbook, created for supporting ports in their work of planning and developing LNG.



The objective of this handbook is to provide information based on previous

experiences, in order to facilitate the establishment of LNG as ship fuel in ports in the
Baltic Sea area.



The elaboration of the LNG Handbook is based mainly on the results and findings of
the LNG projects in the participating BPO ports. Some other relevant experience from
ports in the Baltic Sea area are also included in the assessment of obstacles and
possibilities during the development and establishment of LNG as marine fuel.
The participating ports have been visited and/or interviewed, and the results and
findings have been compiled into these recommendations and guidance for other

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Outline of the handbook

The handbook outline is based on the process of developing an LNG terminal, and the
phases that are connected to this process (planning, construction, production,
operation, bunkering etc).
The handbook starts with an overview of the status of LNG supply in the Baltic Sea
countries today, including future scenarios, and possible market and supply chain
The general process of establishment is described, looking specifically at technical,
financial and safety aspects.
The obtained experiences from the participating ports are described and discussed.
The experiences are summarized into obstacles and possibilities for the development
of LNG, from a technical, financial and safety viewpoint, and to conclude, a checklist to
ports for LNG development is given.

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Several projects have contributed to the development of LNG infrastructure in the

Baltic Sea Region. This chapter gives an overview of LNG terminal statuses and
estimations on the LNG market development.


Existing and planned terminals

There are a number of LNG terminal projects in the Baltic Sea Region of various
capacities. While some projects have resulted in constructed LNG terminals, other LNG
terminals are planned and/or under discussion. Of the existing terminals in the Baltic
Sea Region, listed in Table 1, there is none of large scale. Large scale terminals have a
capacity of more than 100 000 m3 LNG. Both of the existing are of the type closed,
meaning that the storage capacity is reserved by the operator of the terminal. An open
access terminals implies that independent LNG suppliers may reserve capacity in the
Table 1. Existing terminal projects in the Baltic Sea Region.







ra, Norway


6 400


In operation

Local gas grid and redistribution by




20 000


In operation

Redistribution by truck and


The majority of terminals under discussion are medium scale terminals, approximately
larger than 10 000 m3 LNG. A few large scale terminals are under consideration in the
northeast part of the Baltic Sea Region. Table 2 gives examples of planned terminals,
but is not exhaustive as new plans are made continuously. Figure 1 shows a map of
existing and planned terminals/bunkering possibilities in the Baltic Sea Region.
Table 2. Planned terminal projects in the Baltic Sea Region. (TBD= To Be Determined)



(m )





30 000


Local gas delivery to refinery and redistribution

by truck. Maritime redistribution by bunker
barge. Planned operation by Q4 2014.



320 000


European gas grid and redistribution by truck.

Maritime and rail based redistribution and
bunkering is under discussion. Planned
operational start: December 2014.



170 000


FSRU designed to connect to the local gas grid.

Planned to be operational by December 2014.

terminal, Gulf
of Finland


300 000


Regional terminal for the Baltic energy market

area located in either Finland (Inkoo) or Estonia

Tallin Muuga,




Local gas hub in the first phase, regional open


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access hub in the second phase.



10 000


Work on the terminal is set for completion in

early 2017. The Finnish government has
decided on financial support to Rauma.

Pori, Finland


30 000


Regional terminal dedicated to the Finnish gas

market with planned truck distribution.
Planned operation in 2016. Finnish government
support has been granted.



30 000


Terminal with pipeline distribution in the Turku

area, truck loading facilities and
loading/unloading via existing jetty. Planned to
be in operation by 2017.



50 000


Terminal mainly for industrial use. Unloading to

trucks and vessels is under discussion. Planned
operation by 2017. Finnish government support
has been granted.





LNG station in the Port of Lbeck planned to be

completed 2016. Bunkering and storage.



5 500


Terminal with loading/unloading of trucks,

containers and ships. Option to expand.
Planned operation by 2015.



30 000


Terminal with loading and unloading of LNG to

vessels as well as to LNG trucks is discussed. For
the future, train unloading is discussed.
Planned operation by 2018.





Terminal in Gvle, potentially with a connected

gas pipeline infrastructure.



5 000


Terminal dedicated to industrial purposes and

transportation. Planned loading to trucks and
rail distribution. Two bunker vessels planned.



30 000


Redistribution by truck and through a

connection to Swe/Dan gas grid as well as
bunkering is under discussion.



10 000


Redistribution by truck and train and through

the Swe/Dan gas grid as well as bunkering is
under discussion.



10 000


Terminal for marine purposes. Possible loading

of trucks.



<15 000


Redistribution by truck, train, maritime and

through local gas grid as well as bunkering is
under discussion.



360 000


Planned operation by 2016





Project starts in 2014. Terminal for marine






Small tank for bunkering of ferries.

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Existing terminal
Existing terminal within BPO
Planned terminal
Planned terminal within BPO
Figure 1. Planned and existing LNG terminals in Baltic Sea region.

Planned terminals in the eastern parts of the Baltic Sea Region aim for an alternative
source of gas for the national gas grid infrastructure besides the marine distribution.
This increases security of supply.


Prognosis for LNG vessels

Several factors will affect the development of LNG vessels. Uncertainties regarding
global trends, forces and technological development are difficult challenges. More and
more geographical areas will have emission restrictions, so called emission controlled
areas (ECA), boosting the number of LNG fuelled vessels. North America already have
ECA, while Asia, specifically Singapore and Hong Kong will have stricter restrictions
from 2020 (DNV, 2013). The stricter regulation of sulphur in Northern Europe (SECA)
will also affect the development.

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The price of LNG, tied to global trends in global economy, and the transport demand is
one perspective. Maritime regulations and technical developments are other identified
Different studies indicate that liner traffic and vessels with regular routes initially are
the types of vessels assumed to convert to LNG propulsion. It is also reasonable to
assume that more new-buildings than retrofits will be LNG fuelled due to the fact that
it is less expensive compared to a retrofit. This makes the transition to LNG long-term
compared to other SECA compliance strategies, such as using scrubbers or switching to
In March 2014 there were in total 101 confirmed LNG fuelled ship projects (DNV GL,
2014). Figure 2 shows the development

Number of ships delivered

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Year of delivery
Total In operation

Total Under construction/contract signed

Figure 2. Development of LNG fuelled fleet. Confirmed projects in 2014-03-07 (DNV GL, 2014)

The number of LNG fuelled ships through 2020 depends heavily on fuel prices. With a
LNG price 10% above heavy fuel oil (HFO), it has been estimated that 7-8% of the newbuildings between 2012 and 2020 will run on LNG. If the LNG price would go down to
30% below HFO, the uptake of LNG is expected to increase to 13% and, in the extreme
case of LNG price 70% below HFO, the LNG share of new-buildings is 30 % (DNV GL,


Market development and LNG availability

The availability of LNG in the North European and Baltic Sea market can be connected
to two main developments; the development of a small scale distribution network for
LNG in the North European countries, and the costs of such an infrastructure on one
hand, and the availability of LNG shipped to Europe on the other hand.
The small-scale infrastructure in the Baltic Sea region in the near future (up to 2017)
will offer different sourcing alternatives for LNG to a terminal. Depending on the size

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of the terminal, sourcing possibilities looks different. For a medium scale terminal,
serving demand from the maritime side as well as local industrial customers and other
land based users, it might be possible to serve a medium scale terminal with a feeder
vessel. A medium size or a small size terminal could also be served by truck loads from
larger terminal establishments in the vicinity.
In the last couple of years, due to the relatively high price levels in Asia, very few spot
LNG supply vessels have been going to Europe. Possibly, this situation will change in
the near future due to American gas export permits. It is not likely though that this will
have large effects on pricing levels neither for the Asian nor the European markets.
Figure 3 shows estimated world LNG prices in September 2014 where the highest
prices were found in Asia and the lowest in North America.

Figure 3. Estimated world LNG prices September 2014 in $US/MMBtu (Waterborne Energy Inc, 2014).

When evaluating the potential market for, and the price of LNG supplied to the
maritime sector, the development of the underlying demand of LNG in combination
with availability and price is considered as the dominating factors. In a more local
perspective, factors like EU project support and governmental initiatives, such as the
Norwegian NOx Fund and the Finnish government support for small scale LNG
infrastructure, will strongly influence the development of LNG.
The FOB price, which is the price of LNG delivered as bunker fuel, consists of two main
cost components. The first is the market price of LNG, based on the HUB price of gas.
The second cost component is the supply cost that occurs when moving the LNG from
the LNG source to each specific user.
Since the HUB cost is difficult to influence, the main focus when developing a supply
chain for LNG as marine fuel is to create the most cost efficient supply chain that is

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possible, in order to meet the demand of the client in terms of both availability and
Seen in a long term perspective, the price development of LNG and NG compared to
crude oil related products such as the traditional ship fuel looks very promising,
primarily dependent on the lower consumptions to reserves ratio for NG. For crude
based products there are also a lot of less price sensitive consumers within other
industries than energy and transportation, such as plastics, lube oil etc.
2.3.1 Future market scenarios
There are many scenarios outlining probable future demand of LNG. DNV GL have
forecasted the bunker demand in 2020 to 4 -7 million tonnes globally, based on that
there will be 1000 LNG fuelled vessels. The demand in Europe and the Baltic Sea has
been forecasted to 1.4 2.2 million tonnes (DNV GL, 2014), see Figure 4.

Figure 4. Global LNG bunker demand by 2020 (Ocane Balland DNV GL, 2014)

For a scenario of 2030 while business as usual is assumed, Lloyds Register Marine &
University College London (2014) has forecasted the share of LNG as shipping fuel on a
global market to 11 %. According to an analysis by Pyry (2013), a higher share, 29 %,
is likely in the Baltic Sea region.
In a study by DMA (2012), the total demand of LNG by 2020 in SECA has been
forecasted to 4 million tonnes annual. Figure 5 is showing the forecasted demand in
different sub-regions for ships spending 100 % of their time is SECA (total demand
from these vessel types is about 2 million tonnes).

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Figure 5. Annual LNG demand 2020 for different sub regions of the SECA for ships being 100% of the time
in SECA (DMA, 2012).

It is reasonable to believe that the land-based LNG market and the LNG maritime
market will be closely connected in the future, enabling to sign long term supply
contracts, hence securing the terminal investment. Within the BPO projects, local
market analyses have been performed for the participating ports. From these, it can be
concluded that most of the planned terminals rely on land-based demand in addition
to the expected demand from shipping. For those ports that have not identified any
land-based demand, the volumes of LNG are smaller and demand predictions are
difficult to make.

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General procedure of establishment

There are several issues that need to be considered with applications for LNG bunker
operations and the establishment of LNG terminals: regulative work, technical,
financial and security and risk and safety aspects, among others. This chapter give a
general overview of the process of establishing an LNG terminal, from a regulative,
technical, financial, safety and security perspective.



When planning for an LNG terminal and associated activities, a number of rules and
regulations need to be considered to get a permit approval. The regulative process
seen from an EU perspective is illustrated in the figure below, where EU directives are
agreements between EU states regarding what rules should be included in each
nations laws.

Figure 6. Rules and regulations process from an EU perspective.

On government level the regulative authorities differ depending on aspect but no

authority is solely responsible for the whole permit approval.
The overall permit process requires consultation with different authorities and
stakeholders for the planned activities, enabling the continued process and collecting
opinions and data to be used in the permit process.

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From a regulative perspective, an LNG project can be divided into two parts: the
maritime side which is usually regulated by a national authority, and the land side that
is usually covered by a local authority (e.g. national Maritime Authorities and affected
municipalities/rescue agencies), but other authorities may/need be consulted and/or
grant permits for specific activities. Road transports are regulated by the European
Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
applicable from 1 January 2013.

Figure 7.Interface in Denmark between maritime and shore side legislative areas, where the Maritime
authority is responsible for the left side, and the municipality is responsible for the land side. (DMA, 2014)

During the planning and development phase of an LNG terminal, it is necessary that
different stakeholders and responsible authorities have regular communication,
enabling a clear project outline and discussions of different alternatives, opportunities,
risks etc.
3.2.1 Permits
Once the terminal layout and the different activities have been decided upon, the
regulative/legal permit process can start and consideration must be taken to both
safety and environmental issues. Note that the permit process can start earlier, but
there is a risk that permit application details will change along the way if not discussed
thoroughly at project start, and/or that the permit application is incomplete, resulting
in longer permit process times.
Necessary permits are: Building permit, environmental permit and permit for handling
and storage of dangerous goods. If distribution is to be performed with pipelines
regulations/transportation of dangerous goods are applicable. Import by LNG carrier
requires a permit for the port. The land-use is usually regulated in a municipal local
plan (detaljplan in Sweden, lokalplan in Denmark). If the regulations in the plan do not
include handling of LNG, a process for correction of the local plan is required.
The illustration in Figure 8 shows schematically the different laws and regulations that
need to be considered for various parts of the LNG handling.

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Figure 8. Laws and regulations to be considered for LNG handling.

To enable construction and operation, the impact of the installation on the

environment must be assessed and a permit will be given according to the national
governments Act on environmental protection. Smaller quantity terminals are usually
handled by the Municipality.
The environmental permit process requires an Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA). The act on environmental protection gives instructions on what an EIA shall
include and once the location is set, a detailed EIA is performed. The threshold value
when EIA is required varies between governments, e.g. in Sweden and Denmark the
limit is 200 tonnes stored LNG, while in Finland, the need for an EIA is decided from
case to case.
In Table 3, an overview of the steps in the regulative process for the construction and
operation of a LNG terminal is presented.
Table 3.Short descriptive table overviewing the steps of the regulative process for an LNG terminal


Permitting Authority


Initial consultation

The Municipality

Feasibility study

Approval by the port


The Municipality

Occupational health

Work Environment

Risk assessment

The Municipality

Responsible authorities and

stakeholders discuss possibilities,
risks etc.
Ordered by port/stakeholders to
get a focused and specific outline
of the project.
Generates necessary information
for further decisions regarding
the project proposal.
Included in the building permit.
Requires a written action
program according to Seveso.
Includes QRA, HAZID and

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consultation, further described in

Licence for construction

Building permit
Environmental permit

The Municipality

Permit for handling

and storage of
dangerous goods

The Municipality/Regional
rescue services

Ministry of Environment/

Including full EIA. Scope and

permitting authority is dependent
on stored quantity at the
Licence for handling and storing
dangerous goods

Seveso is a European Directive for consequence reduction in the case of a serious

chemical accident that is applied to around 10 000 industrial establishments where
dangerous substances are used/stored in large quantities; chemicals, petrochemicals,
storage, and metal refining sectors. All installations holding storage of more than 50
tonnes (1 tonne 2.32 m3, 50 tonnes 116 m3) of LNG fall under the scope of the
Seveso Directive. Establishments with more than 200 tonnes (464 m 3) also require a
safety report and an action program. The operators of such installations are also
obligated to regularly inform the public likely to be affected by an accident, providing
safety reports, a safety management system and an internal emergency plan. The
process, permits and operations concerning risk and safety is further described in
section 3.6.
For the maritime side, all installations where LNG is used as fuel, the IMO
MSC.285(86), Interim guidelines for natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ships is
applicable, awaiting the IGF Code (The draft International Code of Safety for Ships
using Gases or other Low flashpoint Fuels). For LNG carriers, the IGC Code is applicable
(the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
Gases in Bulk).
There is currently no common regulatory framework addressing the LNG bunkering in
the EU. On the other hand, various safety standards and regulations, making initiatives
in relation to the LNG bunkering developments, have been produced, including the
preparation of international guidelines for the LNG bunkering (BV, 2014) and LNG
bunkering guidelines developed at International Standardisation Organization (ISO),
ISO TC 67 WG10.
3.2.2 Specific example of amendments
Within the project LNG in Baltic Sea ports, the Ports of Stockholm has elaborated a
safety manual with LNG specific check lists as a complement to the port regulations
and guidance for training needs. Within this work, different authorities and rules
applicable in different links of the LNG supply chain have been identified and mapped.
This is illustrated in Figure 9.

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LNG storage and

loading to trucks
at the Nyns

Road transports
of LNG to

Reloading from
truck to bunker
vessel at

Bunker vessel
traffic and
bunkering in the

The environmental court

Review of localisation, Seveso requirements etc.

The Swedish Transport Agency, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

and the County Administrative Board
The law regarding transports of dangerous goods ,ADR-S, road routing,
local traffic regulations

City of Stockholm, Ports of Stockholm, Stockholm Fire Department

Bunkering TTS (Truck To Ship), industry standards

The Swedish Transport Agency

Risk analysis, Bunkering STS (Ship To Ship), Safety zones, International guidelines

Figure 9. Example of authorities and rules applicable in different links of the LNG supply chain.


Technical aspects and logistics

3.3.1 Technical equipment and tanks

An LNG terminal functions as a link in the supply chain between import and local
and/or regional markets. Depending on activity and function, the terminal includes a
storage facility for imported volumes and a distribution system from terminal to end
users. Figure 10 shows a schematic flow diagram of terminal activities.

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Figure 10. Schematic flow diagram of terminal activities.

In the localization process for the terminal, several aspects need to be considered, for

Water depth at the quay and need for dredging

Characteristics of the ground and sufficient stability where the storage tank/s
are to be located

The surrounding infrastructure and possible distribution systems; tank trucks,

pipeline, feeder vessel

Possible need for BOG (Boil Off Gas) handling

There are two different main types of storage tanks; semi-pressurised tanks, illustrated
in Figure 11, and Flat Bottom Tank (FBT), illustrated in Figure 12.

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Figure 11. Example of semi-pressurized tanks

Figure 12. Example of design and dimensions

for a FBT

Both types of tanks have double walls to minimise boil-off. The better the insulation,
the lesser the boil-off, even if it can never be totally prevented. An FBT tank stores LNG
under atmospheric pressure while a semi-pressurised tank can store LNG under
pressure (approximately 12 bars). In Table 4 and in Table 5, respectively, some of the
main points in regards to evaluating site-built FBT versus vacuum-insulated semipressurized tanks are summarized.
Table 4. Pros and cons of FBT as LNG storage technique

Advantages of FBT

Disadvantages of FBT

One tanks as opposed to several

Atmospheric, requiring downstream user or

boil off system
Generally more expensive for smaller tanks
Requires continuous operational management

Keeps temperature of LNG low

Generally allows for larger filling and
Lower cost solution for larger volumes

Generally larger project period

Depending on size roll-over protection to be

Table 5. Pros and cons of semi-pressurized tanks

Advantages of semi-pressurized tanks

Disadvantages of semi-pressurized tanks

Requires less operational staff.

Easier to scale tank park as change of
Longer holding time, easier pressure
management and sectioning
Generally easier foundation work
Less onsite work, which reduces risk of
weather prolonging installation period
Possibility to start-up operations earlier

As pressure rises the LNG becomes warmer

Filling and discharge from several tanks

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The land area needed depends on the physical dimensions of the terminal and
associated activities. A full activity terminal, including areas for loading and unloading
of LNG, taking into account both berths and tank truck filling stations, areas for piping,
possible liquefaction equipment and safety distances, usually generates a total
terminal area of about 30,000 to 40,000 m2. Figure 13 shows the layout for the
planned terminal in Gothenburg with both semi-pressurised tanks and an FBT.

Figure 13. Principal layout of the planned terminal in Gothenburg.

In addition to storage tanks, other major technical components to consider for the
terminal are:

Loading and circulation pumps

Cryogenic pipelines
Loading/unloading arms and/or hoses
BOG handling compressors

3.3.2 Bunkering
Methods for bunkering are generally divided into:

Ship-to-ship bunkering (STS)

Truck-to-ship bunkering (TTS)

Intermediate tank-to-ship bunkering, via pipeline (ITPS)

The main types of LNG bunkering are shown in Figure 14.

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Figure 14. Methods of bunkering (SSPA Sweden AB)

Bunkering ship-to-ship requires less space since this does not cause any installation
ashore. For ports where the demand of LNG is spread out in different locations of the
harbour, this alternative might be the most favourable. This is the case for Helsinki
where the demand of LNG is assumed to be spread out in different parts of the port.
Both tank-to-ship and truck-to-ship implies fixed installations ashore which may
constrain the accessibility for some vessels.
In order to select the best suitable solution for an individual port, parameters such as
bunkering volumes, physical limitations and logistical issues need to be considered.
The total LNG volume to be handled on a yearly basis in a port is perhaps the most
important critical parameter that affects the suitable solution for LNG bunkering of
vessels. Also the bunker frequency and the size of vessels are two very central issues
when selecting appropriate method. Requirements of large bunker volumes per vessel
and also high bunkering speed, point towards STS solutions rather than TTS. However,
a high bunker frequency of smaller vessels in a port probably also require a
supplementary land-based system (ITPS) in order to be able to handle all vessels,
especially if there are physical limitations in the port basin.
A useful standard for finding what materials to use for the construction of the terminal
is the European standard EN1160 Installations and equipment for liquefied natural
gas. General characteristics of liquefied natural gas.
Special requirements for LNG facilities can be found in:

EN 13645:2001 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas. Design of

onshore installations with a storage capacity between 5 t and 200 t.
EN 1473:2007 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas. Design of
onshore installations.

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In addition to the European standards, local regulations, standards and guidelines may
be applicable.


Financial aspects

Similar to other infrastructure projects, the investments are very heavy for the
development and construction of an LNG terminal. It is of importance for the project
owner to find supplementary financing sources.
Important aspects to consider during the planning phase of the project are:


An extensive market analysis of potential suppliers, customers, souring and

forecast is crucial to estimate the demand of LNG and the financial possibilities
for a LNG terminal. The market potential of a terminal can thereby be
examined. This step is crucial before starting the process of retrieving permits
and designing the terminal.
Existing onshore demand is important as a basis. Location of an LNG terminal
may be decided on onshore demand considerations. There is so far not one
single large-scale LNG project being planned or developed in the Baltic Sea Area
based on marine fuel use only.
When starting up a process of LNG development, it is important to start by
identifying, starting a dialogue with, and coming to agreement with a gas
supplier. The supplier can also be the operator of the facility. Questions to be
discussed are for example; sourcing, pricing, ownership, and sharing of
investment cost.

Security aspects

Security of the terminal implies measures for protection of the facilities. If a terminal is
to be constructed within the area of an international port, the terminal will most likely
be under the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) regulation and national
port regulations regarding port facility security. It is the obligation of the local port
administration to meet the regulations. Example of measures to enable a high security
of a terminal could be:

Fencing of the area

Surveillance of the area

Only allowing authorized persons within the area. All persons moving in the
port area shall carry an identity card with photo.

Establishment of a security zone

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Maritime authorities/authorities responsible for maritime security need to be involved

regarding securing the port area and LNG bunker installations according to provisions
on maritime security.


Risk and safety

Risk and safety aspects are composing a major part when an LNG terminal and LNG
bunkering possibilities are planned and outlined. As LNG bunkering to ships is relatively
new, available accident records cannot be used to derive accurate accident statistics
and probability figures. There are not yet any established standards for LNG bunkering
installations and procedures, however, there is a number of guidelines and
recommended practices concerning risk assessments presented by ISO and other
recognized organizations which should be considered:

Guidance on performing risk assessment in the design of onshore LNG

installations including the ship/shore interface - ISO/DTS 16901, 2013-02-20

Guideline for systems and installations for supply of LNG as fuel to ships OGP
Draft 118683, 2014-01-16

Guidelines on LNG Bunkering, Bureau Veritas, July 2014

Recommended practices Development and operations of liquefied natural gas

bunkering facilities, DNVGL, DNVGL-RP-0006:2014-01

3.6.1 Hazards
Hazards associated with the introduction of an LNG terminal can be identified in a
number of operational phases, such as import, truck loading, railroad loading, bunker
vessel loading and LNG bunkering.
LNG hazards result mainly due to the physical and chemical properties, cryogenic
temperatures, dispersion characteristics, and flammability characteristics. If an LNG
release occurs, there is an immediate potential for a range of different outcomes and
types of consequences. Of the following identified LNG specific potential outcomes of
an accidental release of LNG, fire scenarios are found to be the ones governing for
necessary risk control measures including determination of safety distances and site
selection for bunkering facilities and operations.

Cryogenic damage metal embrittlement, cracking, structural failure

Cryogenic injuries frost burns

Asphyxiation if the air oxygen is replaced methane asphyxiation may occur

Reduced visibility due to un-ignited vapour clouds

Thermal radiation from various fire scenarios

delayed or immediate ignition of vapour clouds (flash fire), slow fire front

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delayed or immediate ignition of vapour-air mixture (fire ball), rapid burn

LNG pool fires

flame jets from leaks in pipes, hoses, tanks or pressure vessels

Rapid phase transition, RPT

Vapour cloud explosion (in confined spaces and enriched with other

Boiling liquid expanding explosions (BLEVE)

Rollover in LNG storage tanks

Sloshing on board LNG tankers

Geysering expulsion of LNG from a quiescent liquid in piping

The figure below illustrates a pool fire when LNG is spilled on a water surface .

Figure 15. Possible fire scenarios when LNG is spilled on water [SSPA, (Based on Luketa-Hanlin, 2006)].

The level of consequence depends on the direct receiving environment and the
behaviour of the LNG. Since the flammability range for vaporized LNG (methane) in air
is relatively narrow, 5% (LFL) 15% (UFL) compared with many other flammable gases,
it is hard to ignite. If ignited, however, the emissive power from methane is higher
than e.g. for propane. Methane is, in contrast to propane, lighter than air and
vaporized LNG from small leakages will therefore dissipate relative quickly. For a large
LNG spill, the visible white cloud of cold vaporised LNG will initially have neutral
buoyancy in air.
3.6.2 Risk assessment process
The structure of the risk assessment process includes basic components according to
the figure below.

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Definition of the process

Establishing the context, study basis

Hazard identification
Possible accident scenarios, risk ranking

Risk analysis


Risk control

Consequence reducing
mitigating measures

Risk evaluation
Acceptance criteria, regulations, policies

Figure 16. General structure of risk assessment approach.

The draft guidelines from OGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers)
(OGP, 2013) suggest two different approaches for conducting the risk assessment.
These recommendations depend on the characteristics and complexity of the
bunkering system and facility. For the non-complex basic case, a set of 24 functional
requirements, based on internationally recognised standards and good engineering
practices, is formulated. If these 24 functional requirements are met and if there is no
cargo handling conducted in parallel with the bunkering and no passengers on board
the receiving vessel during bunkering operation, a qualitative risk assessment may be
If the bunkering concept deviates from the non-complex base case or if all 24
functional requirements have not been met or if cargo handling is conducted in
parallel (SIMOPS, Simultaneous Operations), a more comprehensive quantitative risk
assessment (QRA) approach should be undertaken. If passengers will be present on
board the receiving vessel during LNG bunkering, acceptance from national competent
authorities and all other stakeholders is also required.

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3.6.3 Safety zones

One of the primary output results for the risk assessment of an LNG bunkering system
and facility is the establishment of adequate safety zones for LNG bunkering
operations. The safety zone is the area around the bunkering station on the receiving
vessel where only dedicated and essential personnel and activities are allowed during
bunkering, see Figure 17.
Safety zones/safety distances:
Range 25 meter in every direction
from the bunker vessel and along
the whole ferry (orange area).
Only educated and trained
personnel are allowed within the
safety zone.
The area is an active safety zone
only during the bunker operation.

Figure 17. Schematic picture over the safety zone range during bunkering and the risk area in case of an

Safety zones/ distances are not intended to provide protection from catastrophic
events or major releases but rather create an adequate separation zone around
equipment and offer a safe layout.
Corresponding safety zones may also need to be established for other LNG transfer
interfaces of the LNG supply chain, and it may also be relevant to establish additional
exclusion zones outside the safety zone where other categories and third parties must
not have access. In addition to the safety zone around the bunkering site, it may also
be necessary to establish a security zone around the bunkering facility and vessel
where ship traffic and other activities are monitored.
Zoning considerations and classifications are also important with regard to type and
location of electrical installations at the bunkering facility and standards such as the
IEC EN 60079 (IEC, 60079) and corresponding national standards.
There are two options for defining the design release scenario of adequate safety
designs. The first and simplest way is the deterministic approach, where a conservative
maximum credible accidental release is defined on the basis of the characteristics of
the bunkering system. This option takes into account such factors as hose dimension,
flow rate, pressure, temperature and ESD design. The second, and more sophisticated
way, is to apply a probabilistic approach, where the cumulative consequences of a

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number of possible different leakage scenarios are summarised, e.g. by the use of an
event tree model.
If a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) approach needs to be applied, the zoning
considerations and definitions of safety zones are normally based on probabilistic
approaches including detailed LNG dispersion, vapour cloud modelling and fire
calculations for derivation of heat radiation and contours for individual risk around the
bunkering site and supply facility.

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This chapter gives an overview of the status in the seven project ports. Experiences
gained from on-going and implemented LNG related projects are summarized and
concluded. The main obstacles and possibilities in different aspects that have been
encountered are listed as a summary of all experiences.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide other ports with valuable information about
the process of establishing an LNG terminal.


Status in project ports

4.1.1 Stockholm
Port of Stockholm is one of the two participating ports that have a functioning LNG
supply chain (the other being Helsinki). The ferry Viking Grace is bunkering LNG in the
port of Stockholm, using the bunker vessel Seagas for ship-to-ship bunkering.
The LNG is stored in the LNG terminal in Nynshamn, with a volume of 20 000 m3, and
is transported by truck to the port area in Stockholm, where the bunker vessel is
loaded. The bunker vessel then approaches Viking Grace on the outside, allowing for
bunkering while passengers are on-board, see Figure 18.

Figure 18. Bunkering of Viking Grace in Stockholm (Source: AGA, 2014)

Within the project LNG in Baltic Sea ports, the Ports of Stockholm has developed a
safety manual that describes the risk and safety aspects of LNG bunkering, and gives

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recommendations for safety management. Also, a study of future demand and

distribution of LNG in all parts of Ports of Stockholm (Kapellskr, Stockholm,
Nynshamn) was conducted.
4.1.2 Helsingborg
A business orientated design approach and localization studies shows that Helsingborg
is a suitable site for a regional LNG terminal in the southern part of Sweden, serving
the market between the terminals in Gothenburg and Swinoujscie. A terminal in
Helsingborg will serve 3 segments, shipping, industry and heavy vehicles. There is a
fast growing demand for liquefied biogas and LNG to be used by heavy vehicles. It is
most likely that the LNG volumes for the shipping segment will grow slowly, significant
volumes could be foreseen 2018 -2020.
This means that Helsingborg as a first step should invest in a liquefaction plant that
produce LBG and LNG for the transport sector (heavy vehicles and smaller ships). The
next step is to establish a regional LNG terminal of 15 000m3 serving the 3 segments.
The liquefaction plant and terminal is planned to be placed within the industrial area
of Industry Park of Sweden (IPOS), see Figure 19.
The business possibilities in the area, are in the long run excellent, due to the fact that
Helsingborg is the logistic hub in south of Sweden. 3 million heavy vehicles and 45 000
ships is passing Helsingborg every year. LNG will in Helsingborg, significant lower the
environmental impact from the transport sector.

Figure 19. Localization for LNG terminal in Helsingborg within the industrial area of Industry Park Of
Sweden (IPOS).

The Port of Helsingborg has been the leading applicant in the LNG in Baltic Sea Ports
and will remain so even in the second phase of the project, with other participating
ports. Within the framework of the second phase of the project, Helsingborg will

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design a multifunctional bunker ship. The multi-function ship will be able to provide
LNG bunkering, MGO bunkering and other ship supply services. When the maritime
market is ready the aim is to provide a sustainable bunker solution in the market area
of Helsingborg.

4.1.3 Copenhagen Malm Port

The Copenhagen Malm Port has produced a Feasibility Study, showing the volumes
needed, possible locations of the terminal and approximate costs. The demand in the
area and the volume estimations needed also include land-based demand, which is an
important basis for reaching larger volumes of the terminal.
The volume of the terminal is estimated to 10 000 m3. The recommended technology
for the terminal is semi-pressurised tanks, enabling a gradual build-up. The most
suitable location of the terminal was found to be in the northern part of the port,
location C in Figure 20.
In addition to the localisation study, a mapping of shipping activities within the area
and a cost market analysis has been conducted.

Figure 20. Three localizations within the port of Malm were investigated. Alternative C was found to be
the most suitable (Source: CMP, 2013)

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4.1.4 Port of Aarhus

The Port of Aarhus has developed a feasibility study, showing suitable size, location,
approximate costs, and type of the LNG terminal. The subsequent activity is the design
of the terminal area, and the process of retrieving a permit from relevant authorities.
The design and the permit process is currently on-going (2014) and is expected to be
finalized during 2015.
The LNG supply in Aarhus is closely connected to the ferry traffic, hence the ferries will
be the main users of LNG as marine fuel. The terminal will therefore be located within
the ferry terminal.
The ferry companies have stated that they will most likely switch to LNG in the future,
even though a time plan for the switch has not yet been decided.
Other ships do not bunker in Aarhus today, and their future LNG demand is therefore
deemed low. There is currently no land-based user of LNG, which reduces the total
volume of LNG demanded in the future.
The volume of the planned terminal will be maximum 10 000 m3, using semipressurized tanks of about 1 400 m3 each, and thus allowing for a gradual increase in

Figure 21. Overview of Port of Aarhus (Source: Port of Aarhus, 2013).

4.1.5 Port of Tallinn

Together with Vopak LNG and Elering, Port of Tallinn has been studying the possibility
to establish an LNG terminal at Muuga Harbour near Tallinn. The terminal would serve:

a cluster of industrial and domestic customers which are isolated from the grids
or wish to have an alternative access to the gas supplied through the grids;
the bunkering market of the ships, which is shortly going to face a challenging
change in the emissions regulation starting from the January the 1st 2015.

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In order to fulfil the needs of the bunkering market and, eventually, also the demand
of small commercial and domestic customers, Port of Tallinn and Vopak LNG are
investigating and preparing the possibility to develop a small facility which could be
considered as the first phase of the terminal development.
It remains the initiators ambition to develop the regional import terminal as phase II
of the project, as soon as the market conditions and the commercial demand will
require it.

Figure 22. Overview of Muuga Harbour (Source: Port of Tallinn, 2013)

4.1.6 Port of Helsinki

A feasibility study of LNG bunkering possibilities in the Port of Helsinki has been
conducted. From the study, it has been determined that the most practical solution for
LNG refuelling of ships is ship-to-ship bunkering since there are several separate ports
in Helsinki. One bunkering vessel could serve all of the harbour areas of the Port of
Helsinki. The vessel is assumed to be able to fill its tank with LNG flexibly from a LNG
terminal in Finland or, for example, Estonia. LNG can also be refilled to the bunkering
ship using tank trucks or by loading a filled cryo container onto the ship.
The expected demand and the users of LNG in Helsinki are still unknown. Hence the
bunkering capacity and localization have not yet been decided.

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Figure 23. South Harbour and Katajanokka (Source: Port of Helsinki, 2013)

4.1.7 Port of Turku

A LNG terminal has been proposed to be established in Pansio Harbour, which is a part
of Port of Turku. The facility is planned to have storage capacity of 30 000 m3 and the
bunkering is planned to be performed by trucks.

Figure 24. Proposed localization for LNG-terminal in Pansio Harbour, Port of Turku.

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In the project, the Port of Turku has also identified bunkering facilities of LNG in the
ports berth areas from both technical and safety perspectives, as well as set up safety
instructions for LNG bunkering. The LNG bunkering would be done with a tank truck,
and at a later stage, it will be possible to switch to bunkering with a vessel or from a
solid intermediary tank.
There is also a terminal planned in Pori (about 140 km from Turku) by the same
operator, Gasum, and the procedure of the project in Turku is partly dependent on the
project in Pori. The proposal of local detailed plan for Pansio LNG terminal area was
accepted in June 2013. The terminal was planned to be in operation in 2015 but an
appeal regarding the terminal have been made to the Turku Administrative Court and
is delaying the project.



Regarding communication with the general public, it is generally perceived by all

participating ports to be of great importance during the phase of permit application
and construction/start of operation.
The only port from the project LNG in Baltic Sea Ports that have successfully
established an LNG terminal/LNG supply that is operational is Stockholm. Ports of
Stockholm have been working proactively when it comes to informing about the LNG
bunkering in Stockholm to the general public. Information was published on the
webpage and a brochure with basic information about LNG and the bunkering process
has been provided, to mention two examples. The port has also communicated about
LNG, the bunkering process and the LNG vessel through other digital channels such as
social medias; Facebook and Twitter.
Ports of Stockholm held a meeting with the main stakeholders and relevant authorities
in order to discuss how to communicate in the event of an incident, both internally
between the stakeholders and with external parties.
Stockholm has also, as well as other ports such as Helsinki, Tallinn, Turku and
Helsingborg, communicated regularly with the authorities on different levels: local
level as well as national level. This has facilitated the process of retrieving permits, and
has increased the understanding of the process and the regulations.
Other stakeholders with whom a dialogue is crucial are the gas suppliers, the shipping
companies, the technical experts and the operators of bunkering vessels. Information
to nearby activities that may get affected and to local residents is also important in
order to get a smoother permit process and to avoid appeals later on.

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The subsequent sections, listing some obstacles and possibilities during the
establishment of LNG in the participating ports of the project, are summaries of the
experiences gained during the implementation of the project.
4.3.1 Regulations

Lack of international standardization regarding LNG as ship fuel, especially lack of LNG bunkering related regulations. Today bunkering LNG is only allowed
with special permission. This is experienced in several of the ports. For example
Ports of Stockholm was the first port to receive a permit for bunkering and
during the permit process discussions were held with relevant authorities.

Different local/regional regulations

Responsible authority not always clear. Port of Aarhus have experienced that
the responsibility for bunkering permits in ports was not yet clarified in
Denmark. During the implementation of the project, new instructions and
clarifications were received from the Danish Maritime Authority, stating the
responsibility for each authority.

Ownership and responsibilities is not clear

Permit for building process is long and sometimes complex. This is an

experienced gained from almost all the ports that have gone through a building
permit process. The terminal in Lysekil, Sweden, is one example.

The environmental permit process (including EIA) requested from the

authorities takes time and has a high cost. Again, Lysekil in Sweden can serve as
an example.

4.3.2 Technical aspects

Finding the right dimensions and type of terminal for intended purposes is a
process. Both Copenhagen Malm and Aarhus have experienced that finding
the right size volume of the terminal is an iterative process, with decisions
along the way that are changed and corrected.

Localisation of LNG activities and facilities can be complex. All participating

ports have performed localization analyses in order to find the optimal
localization for the terminal.

Finding suitable area for LNG activities is sometime complex. All ports have
experienced that suitable areas for LNG terminals must take risk and safety
aspects into consideration, which limits the number of suitable locations.

Lack of standardised equipment and technical solutions e.g. couplings and ESD

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LNG bunkering must be economically competitive to traditional fuels when it

comes to time, price, location and procedures

Connecting infrastructure and ports logistic system need to be updated

Mitigating measures in case of leakage/spill affects port infrastructure nearby.

This must be included in a risk assessment, or a safety manual such as the Ports
of Stockholm have produced.

4.3.3 Financial aspects

As a first step, a clear distinction should be made of the roles in establishing the
LNG terminal. The port is most often the owner of the land, while the
investment in the terminal can be the responsibility of the port, the
municipality, the gas supplier and/or the operator. Determining the different
investment roles is important at project start.

Safety distances affecting other activities require space and increase costs. Port
of Aarhus has experienced that the planned LNG terminal require more land
area than first anticipated. The technical equipment and the safety distances
strongly affect the land use in the terminal.

Additional structures

The permit process is costly for the ports.

Finding investors/partners can be difficult

Lack of competitive and transparent supply market. This is experienced by all

operational LNG suppliers, as the price of LNG controls the supply and the
availability of LNG.

Risk of over establishment. Finding a balance between demand and supply is

difficult in a developing market. The participating ports partly compete for the
same customers. It is therefore important to find ways of cooperation instead
of competition. The participating ports are located in two regions: around the
Finnish Gulf, and around the resund region. Localization analyses could
therefore be inclusive of the ports in the same region, in order to facilitate
optimal distribution of LNG. Port of Helsingborg has performed such a regional
localisation analyses, including the resund Region.

Supply of LNG to the ports is controlled by a large scale global market where
the dominating parties are found in Asia which makes it harder for smaller
importer in the Baltic Sea to be competitive

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4.3.4 Security aspects

The enlargement of ISPS area may prevent the development of other activities
in the vicinity. This is a possible obstacle, however, it has not been experienced
by any of the participating ports.

4.3.5 Risk and safety

Risk assessments include considerations to the risk and safety aspects listed below.
The Port of Aarhus and the Ports of Stockholm have performed risk assessments or
safety manuals that include risk and safety aspects.

Characteristics of LNG Methane is characterized as extremely flammable

Parallel cargo and passenger handling during bunkering procedures

Parallel activities adjacent LNG activity

Embrittlement of structures, in case of contact with LNG

Safety zones may prevent development of other activities in the port

Standardization of operations needed in order to ensure safe operations

Absence of thresholds for acceptable risk levels

Absence of standardized risk assessment procedures etc.

Standardisation of equipment systems - essential for a well-functioning and

safe infrastructure.

Personnel exposed to dangers due to cryogenic temperatures

Training and education of on-board and shore-based personnel needs to be

harmonized in structure and content for different levels

Mitigating measures must be identified and education provided. Ports of

Stockholm have included this in their safety manual.

Location of terminal close to civilians



Some of the possibilities presented below apply for the participating ports. Some,
however, will be available during later stages of development, during design and
building of the terminals. This will be valid for ports that chose to follow the first early
4.4.1 Regulations

New regulations and guidelines are developed, for example, ESSF LNG subgroup and PIANC 172.

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The introduction of SGMF (The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel) will result in
the presence of an industry body dealing with the technical and safety issues
associated with the use of LNG as ship fuel and the maintaining of high
standards across the industry.

The IGF Code is under development (seagoing vessels) and regulation for inland
waterway vessels is expected soon.

As several of the participating ports have experienced, for example Stockholm

and Aarhus, the knowledge and experience among authorities increase over
time, as they are involved in LNG projects, and decisions are made regarding
bunkering, building, and handling of LNG etc. The experiences gained among
authorities facilitate smoother processes for ports that follow.

4.4.2 Technical aspects

Concepts and systems are already available.

Several international organisations are involved in the process of improving

LNG handling and operations ensuring safe bunkering operations.

Developing and establishing ground breaking facilities/ports in every solution

Effective procedures through better equipment

4.4.3 Financial aspects

Dividing investment costs into different market segments/end customers

Finding operators/investors for an LNG terminal which can reduce the

investment cost. The participating ports that are in the planning stage, such as
Port of Turku, Port of Aarhus, and Port of Tallinn, all have large financial gains
in finding operators that can share the investment costs. For Ports of
Stockholm, development of the bunkering vessel Seagas was financed by the

Depending on market development: early adopters of LNG can possibly get

financial advantages compared to competing fuel alternatives.

4.4.4 Security aspects

Establishments within ISPS regulated area imply a high level of security.

4.4.5 Risk and safety

Overall LNG is a safe fuel, with low risks

The technical equipment is relatively simple with maintenance and correct

and adequate training of staff, it can be handled in a safe manner

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The safety will increase along with gained experiences from existing terminals
in operations. This will be an advantage mainly for the ports that develop LNG
as marine fuel as followers to the first ports.

Conclusions of experiences gained

The ports that have participated in the first phase of LNG in Baltic Sea Ports have
gained important experiences, which can assist following ports in the development of
LNG. The experiences are summarized in the list below.

As a first step, a clear distinction should be made of the roles in establishing the
LNG terminal. The port is most often the owner of the land, while the
investment in the terminal can be the responsibility of the port, the
municipality, the gas supplier and/or the operator. Determining the different
investment roles is important at project start.

The development of an LNG terminal and the volume estimations must be

based on demand, which implies that a thorough analysis of demand and
market must be performed. This analysis must include the land based demand,
as this is crucial for obtaining volumes that are large enough for the
establishment. To avoid over establishment of LNG supply, cooperation
between ports is recommended.

The permit process takes time and can be costly for the port. One lesson
learned is that the process for LNG is often unknown to the authorities
involved, and therefore the process takes even longer time.

The regulations controlling LNG are several: international directives and

conventions, as well as national laws and local regulations. Finding and
involving the relevant authority responsible for LNG is sometimes difficult.

Risk and safety is deemed as crucial when planning for LNG, when discussing it
with the relevant authorities, and when applying for a permit. Training of staff
in risk and safety measures is necessary.

Land use and design: for the design of the LNG terminal, the land use and the
surrounding area must be designated. The technical equipment needed in the
terminal increases the land use significantly.

Financial aspects: it is very important to find ways of cooperation with

stakeholders, in order to share the investment cost for the terminal. In an early
stage of the planning process, it is necessary to start a dialogue with financers,
gas suppliers, operators etc, for identifying financing solutions.

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The actions needed when establishing an LNG terminal are summarized in Table 6. The
table aims to serve as a checklist for the procedure and the required actions. The
actions are basically listed chronologically, even though some of the work can be done

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Table 6. Checklist for actions in the procedure of developing a LNG terminal.


Time aspect

Inform the municipality of the plans




Initiate feasibility study including:

2-6 months

Possible localizations
Expected demand of LNG
Possible technical solutions
Finding possible financial solutions
Consultation with concerned authorities and
Corrections made to municipal local/development

Between 3 and 12 months

Municipality, Maritime
authority, County administration
Municipality - Planning unit

When handling of LNG is not in

accordance with the existing

Basic design concept

Financial engineering, possible cooperation with
investors/operators/gas suppliers
Initiate environmental permit process


Risk analysis

Technical specification

55 (60)

8 12 months

County administrative board
(Sweden), Municipality
Environmental unit
County administrative board
(Sweden), Municipality
Environmental unit
County administrative board
(Sweden), Municipality
Environmental unit, Emergency

The required scope depends on

storage volume, threshold varies
between countries

Permit for handling and storage of dangerous gods

Building permit
Safety report

3 months before start of


Action program
Permit for transportation of dangerous goods
Permit for pipelines
Detail engineering design
Contracting costumers
Contracting gas suppliers

56 (60)

For installations falling under the

Seveso Directive and the
qualifying quantity 200 ton
For installations falling under the
Seveso Directive
If distribution will be performed
with trucks and/or rail
If distribution will be performed
with pipelines to the grid

57 (60)


Bureau Veritas (BV), 2014, Guidelines on LNG Bunkering, Guidance Note NI 618
DT R00 E.
Clean North Sea Shipping (CNSS), 2013, LNG Fuelled ships as a contribution to
clean air in harbours, CNSS Work package 4, Showcase LNG.
Danish Maritime Authority (DMA), 2012, North European LNG Infrastructure
Project, Full report
Danish Maritime Authority (DMA), 2014, LNG Overview of regulation, May
DNV, 2013, Shipping 2020,
DNV 2012, Shipping 2020, http://www.dnv.nl/binaries/shipping%202020%20%20final%20report_tcm141-530559.pdf, August 2012
DNV GL, 2014, LNG fuelled fleet as of March 2014, Sailing ships and orderbook
EC, European Commission, 2014, Chemical Accidents (Seveso I, II and III) Prevention, Preparedness and Response,
IEC, International standard IEC EN 60079 Explosive atmospheres
International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP), 2013, OGP Draft
118683 - Guideline for systems and installations for supply of LNG as fuel to
ships, 2013-06-04
International Maritime Organization (IMO), 2003, International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC
International Maritime Organization (IMO), 2009, Interim guidelines for natural
gas-fuelled engine installations in ships, MSC.285(86)
International Standardisation Organization (ISO), Guidance on performing risk
assessment in the design of onshore LNG installations including the ship/shore
interface, ISO TC 67
Lloyds Register Marine & University College London, 2014, Global Marine Fuel
trends 2030, http://www.lr.org/en/_images/21334172_Global_Marine_Fuel_Trends_2030.pdf

58 (60)

Pyry, 2012, Report on the LNG refuelling possibilities of ships in the operating
area of the Port of Helsinki, November 2012
Pyry, 2013, Feasibility study and cost-benefit analyses of liquefied natural
gas (LNG) bunkering infrastructure construction in the harbours of the port of
Tallinn, June 2013
SGMF (The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel), 2014, http://www.socgmf.org
Sfartsstyrelsen, 2014, LNG Overview of regulations,
SSPA Sweden AB, 2013, UPDATE Feasibility Study for LNG Terminal in Port of
Aarhus, November 2013
SSPA Sweden AB, 2013, Feasibility study regarding LNG in Copenhagen Malm
Port, September 2013
SSPA Sweden AB, 2013, Strategic planning for infrastructure, localization and
ship bunkering in the ports of Stockholm, December 2013
Waterborne Energy Inc, 2014, World LNG Estimated September 2014 Landed
Prices, Updated August 2014, http://www.ferc.gov/market-oversight/mktgas/overview/ngas-ovr-lng-wld-pr-est.pdf
WPCI, 2014, LNG Fuelled vessels world map,

59 (60)

This Handbook has been prepared by SSPA Sweden AB, assigned by the Baltic
Ports Organization.
Clients reference: LNG in Baltic Sea Ports, Emil Arolski
SSPA report No: RE20136642-01-00-A
Project manager: Ulrika Roup, [email protected], Tel +46 31 772 90 60

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