Tragedy of Cocoa in African Farms
Tragedy of Cocoa in African Farms
Tragedy of Cocoa in African Farms
The Church of Sweden works for a just world without hunger, poverty and oppression. The
Church of Sweden works to exert an influence on public opinion, and works with
development cooperation and emergency relief work together with local partners in around
40 countries.
West Africa
Atlantic Ocean
(Ivory Coast)
Chocolate and cocoa comprise a product that clearly links consumption patterns in the
North with working conditions for farmers and farm workers in the South. For most
Swedes, various types of chocolate products are a source of pleasure and joy. But for
many farmers and farm workers, cocoa production is associated with terrible working
conditions, poor wages and major health risks.
Several organisations working with development cooperation and human rights have
drawn attention to the serious situation. In 2000 and 2001 several alarming reports
showed that children were suffering on the cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast. These
promoted a reaction from both cocoa companies and political decision-makers, but
progress is slow and major problems remain. Our report confirms that there have only
been marginal improvements in conditions so far, and that the working conditions for
thousands of workers and farmers are totally unacceptable.
The Church of Sweden is positive to the initiatives taken by the chocolate-producing
companies as a result of the Harkin-Engels Protocol. However, we feel that the
problems are still so serious, and that the progress towards improved conditions is too
slow, that the problems must be given a higher profile in Swedish public debate than
has been the case so far.
We feel it is important that attention is drawn to child trafficking and the use of child
labour on the farms, but it is also important to highlight the problem from a broader
perspective of worker rights. The discussion and measures must be based on the
working conditions of both the child workers and the older workers, which is what the
report tries to illustrate.
We hope that the report will stimulate a discussion about how companies and
consumers can improve the conditions for those people working in cocoa production.
May 2006
Karin Lexn
Policy Manager, Church of Sweden
Cocoa is harvested regularly, and the harvest takes place all year round. Machinery cannot be
used during the harvest, because the fruits on the same tree ripen at different rates. The ripe
pods are cut down with machetes. After just over a week, the pods are opened, and the wet
cocoa beans are removed for drying. They are then packed in sacks for export to the buyers,
who are mainly in Europe and USA.
Photo: Issouf Sanago/Pressens bild.
Part 6: What are the chocolate companies doing to reduce the problem
6.1 Cloetta Fazer
6.2 Kraft Foods
6.3 Nestl
We see positive messages about chocolate everywhere, and the health-enhancing
properties of cocoa are lauded. This is mainly due to the skilful marketing of chocolate
products in Sweden by the chocolate companies. Advertisements, articles and features
in newspapers and on radio and TV promote all the positive benefits of chocolate.
But chocolate has a dark side that seldom reaches the media. People producing the
cocoa used in the chocolate sold in Sweden are often forced to work in very difficult
conditions. Many of these are children and young people. In cooperation with the
Church of Sweden through Church of Sweden, SwedWatch has carried out a survey of
the working conditions on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast and Ghana.
An intensive international debate has considered the actual scale of child trafficking.
However, such a discussion risks concealing the social and economic structures
relating to child labour. By all accounts only a small proportion of the child workers
are sold by professional traffickers. Many young people under 18 years of age move
voluntarily to earn money for the family and themselves. Often a relative or friend
has told them what to do and whom they should contact. The majority of those
interviewed in the SwedWatch survey report they were recruited by a representative
from a farm, usually a relative, who then arranges transport to the farm. There are
also professional agents that smuggle groups of people from Mali and Burkina Faso
in to the Ivory Coast and Ghana, and then deposit them at different cocoa farms.
Regardless of how the children and young people end up on the farms, they can get
into trouble. The biggest problems are the lack of formal agreements and all forms of
monitoring, so they are totally unprotected. Many of the children and young people
are related to the owners of the farms, which usually means they are treated a little
better than those that have no ties to the owner at all.
neighbouring countries, and the need to generate income for both themselves and
for their families. In the work to improve the situation for children and young
people, it is important to consider all forms of recruitment, and not to focus simply
on trafficking.
Vulnerability of the migrant workers
The majority of the workers on the cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast are foreign nationals,
mainly from Burkina Faso and Mali. These workers often lack formal residence permits
in the country, so they are very vulnerable. It also makes it difficult to fulfil the
requirement to give them formal employment contracts. The armed conflict in the Ivory
Coast has further exacerbated their situation. The government has claimed that many of
the migrant workers are allied with the rebel forces in the northern part of the country,
so they are exposed to reprisals from the government forces. Many workers and even
farmers have been forced to return to their home countries. This problem affects adults,
as well as children and young people.
Forced labour
By all accounts, forced labour occurs on the cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast. ILO, the
UN body for labour rights, defines forced labour as work or service demanded of a
person under threat of punishment. Some of the people interviewed in the SwedWatch
survey said they had experienced this. The most usual way of preventing workers from
leaving a farm is, quite simply, that they are not paid until after one year, so they do not
want to, or cannot, leave the farm in spite of poor treatment.
Many workers interviewed by SwedWatch said that they had been punished in
various ways when the employer was dissatisfied with them. An example is that
employers have refused to give food to people that were ill.
Employers commonly pay for travel and bribes so that the workers can come to the
farms in question from one of the neighbouring countries. They have then deducted
these costs from the workers wages, which is not always agreed upon in advance.
The farmers and workers interviewed report that they have not been given any training
in handling pesticides. Some say that the person selling the pesticide has provided
information. The workers also say that they use the chemicals without any safety
equipment at all, i.e. no gloves and facemasks. This causes both serious accidents and
chronic injury from toxins.
Many of those people interviewed on the farms in Ghana deny that
children are used as labour when pesticides are being used, except when
they fetch water to mix with the pesticides. Others say that they use child
labour in all phases in the cultivation of cocoa, including those having to
do with pesticides. A conclusion from this is that the children used for
fetching water are probably also exposed to the pesticides when they walk
through the sprayed areas.
In the Ivory Coast, all the respondents report that they work with pesticides, and
several say that they became ill afterwards. None of them had used safety equipment,
nor had they received medical treatment.
One of the pesticides that the workers say they have used is Paraquat. This
substance is very hazardous, both for people and the environment. Eye injuries,
skin rashes and nosebleeding are common among those that work with the
substance. Paraquat attacks the lungs and can, at worst, cause death through
suffocation. Paraquat also accumulates in the ground, so the groundwater can be
Lack of formal contracts
Workers that SwedWatch interviewed in the Ivory Coast and in Ghana have no formal
contracts. Consequently, it is difficult for the workers to claim breach of contract.
They are not paid overtime, even if the agreed hours of work are exceeded. There is no
regulation of working conditions, no social protection, and no guarantee that the
workers are paid the amount agreed with the employer at the start.
Difficult to organise themselves collectively
For several decades, both Ghana and the Ivory Coast have been among the countries
ratifying ILO Conventions No. 87 and No. 98 about the right to organise and bargain
collectively. However, this does not seem to have led to any tangible improvements
for the workers engaged in cocoa production.
The interviewed workers in both Ghana and the Ivory Coast said they had never heard of trade
unions. In Ghana, the TUC trade union tried to organise farmworkers, but had not succeeded in
covering the whole of the country. Furthermore, the farm workers often felt that they had no time
and opportunity to take part in the work of the trade unions.
Workers do not seem to be organised at all in the Ivory Coast, so there is no party
to represent them in disputes or in different fora.
Salaries too low to live on
The workers themselves say that their biggest problem is the low pay, which is inadequate to
support themselves and their families. SwedWatchs survey also shows that the employers often
pay a lower wage than that agreed at the start. The lowest wages are paid to the children and young
people that work on the farms.
Both Save the Children Canada and the UN childrens rights organisation, UNICEF,
are engaged in projects in Burkina Faso and Mali aimed at preventing children and
young people being exploited on the cocoa farms of the Ivory Coast and Ghana.
Even if most human rights associations feel that the Harkin-Engel Protocol is a step in the right
direction, they stress that the main reason why people suffer on the cocoa farms is that the farmers
are paid too little for their cocoa.
One of the recommendations of SwedWatch and The Church of Sweden is that the
chocolate companies must try to create an interim monitoring system for production
in the Ivory Coast and in Ghana, before the international monitoring and certification
system comes into effect on 1 July 2008.
A complete list of SwedWatchs and Church of Swedens recommendations is
presented later in the report.
In this report, SwedWatch and The Church of Sweden intend to review the current
situation in the Ivory Coast and Ghana, two of the biggest cocoa producing countries.
At the same time, we want to know what the chocolate companies in Sweden are
doing about the issues relating to the working conditions on the cocoa farms in the
Ivory Coast and Ghana. The chocolate producers active in Sweden that were reviewed
in this report are Cloetta/Fazer, Marabou/Kraft and Nestl.
Cocoa cultivation
After cereals, sugar and coffee, cocoa is the biggest agricultural raw material on
the global market.4 Production, sales and processing of cocoa have developed
into a global industry. In 2003-04 world production of cocoa was 3.1 million
The world market for chocolate products was worth just over SEK 550 billion in 2001,
an increase of around one-fifth since 1996. Europe is the biggest individual market,
accounting for 42 percent of all imports. 6
Cocoa is grown in a belt around the Equator. West Africa (the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ghana and
Cameroon) is the biggest producer, with an output of 2.1 million tons. Asia is second with 435,000
tons and then Central and South America with 258,000 tons. The biggest single cocoa-producing
country is the Ivory Coast, with Ghana and Indonesia in second and third places. In 2002, West
Africa accounted for nearly 70 percent of the world production. Several countries in South and
Central America, such as Brazil, Ecuador and Venezuela, also produce small amounts of cocoa. 7
An estimated 3.5 million people in the Ivory Coast are employed in the production of cocoa. The
corresponding figure for Ghana is 3.2 million.8
Amsterdam in the Netherlands is the port that handles the biggest proportion of cocoa
in the world, approximately a fifth of the world production, corresponding to 600,000
tons annually.9 Most of the cocoa processing takes place in Western Europe, just over
35 percent. Grinding and other processes are mainly carried out in Germany and the
Cocoa production increased drastically towards the end of the 1980s, when more export countries
broke into the market, attracted by the relatively favourable world market price. The current world
production of cocoa is nearly double what it was in the 1980s.11 The result was a major drop in the
price of cocoa beans, which is now only a quarter of what it was 20 years ago.13
The proportion of agricultural products in the EUs total trade of goods with other
countries has fallen from nine percent in 1995 to six percent in 2003. Imports consist
mainly of tropical products such as cocoa, coffee, tea and spices.15 The decreasing
world market price has hit the small-scale farmers hard, and they fall into a vicious
cycle where they have less chance to invest in their farms and to cope with
unforeseen costs. An example is that the farmers have less money available to
combat the attack of disease on their crops, which in turn increases the risk of lower
yields. 16
Farmers that grow crops on another persons land in return for a share of the
yield. (Sharecroppers)
This category shares the yield with the landowner, usually in the ratio of
one-to-two or, less commonly, one-to-one. The system has existed for a
long time, but is most common in areas in the Ivory Coast that have been
brought into cultivation more recently. Many of these sharecroppers are
immigrants from Mali and Burkino Faso. These farmers receive a lower
share of the yield than farmers that own their own land, so a paid
workforce is unusual.
Farmers that manage a farm.
The managers are responsible for growing the crop, and are compensated
either through a fee, salary or promise of a future share in the farm. This is
most common on farms that are under development, i.e. before the start of
commercial production. It is also common that small-scale farmers, in
addition to running their own farms, are commissioned as managers by
larger-scale farmers. The same problem of a paid labour force applies as
for sharecroppers.
Immigrants have played an important role in building up the cocoa industry in both
the Ivory Coast and Ghana. It is estimated that half the farmers in the Ivory Coast and
30 percent in Ghana originally came from the neighbouring countries, mainly Burkina
Faso and Mali. The immigrants have mainly been involved in clearing the new
farmland areas, as they are more mobile than the local farmers.19
The labour force used on the farms can be divided into:
The farmer
The farmers immediate family
The farmers relatives
Labour paid by the day
Labour in long-term employment
Illegal labour (forced labour, slaves, child workers)20
It is difficult to get precise information about the scale of the use of child labour. The
difficulties include the impossibility of making a random selection of farmers, as
these are not registered with any authority. Furthermore, the use of child labour is a
sensitive issue that is not made public, and the exploited children do not dare to
come forward. Consequently, the information about the number of children working
on cocoa farms varies according to the source and the method used.
Health risks for children working on cocoa farms, according to ILO: 23
Muscular and skeletal injuries due to monotony, movements
and heavy lifting;
Minor injuries and total amputations of body parts caused by work with
Poisoning from different pesticides;
Long working days;
Snake and insect bites.
Cocoa consumption
I make an agreement with the father about a price for each child and how
many years they will work. Their father sends them to the farm and if they are
too young to find the way, my brother goes to fetch them. I pay around CFA
100,000 (approximately SEK 1,300) for an older child, and approximately
CFA 70,000 (approximately SEK 950) for a young child. 25
The future for these children is uncertain. Probably they remain in tough farmwork
for many years. Most of them are not registered in the school system, so they have no
chance of formal education either. They are at the mercy of the farmer in terms of
punishment and physical assault and the conditions they are to work under. Some of
the children return to their home villages after the agreed time with some money
earned, while others are not paid the amount agreed with the farmer and are forced to
remain on the farms much longer than was planned. It is primarily the parents
poverty that causes their dependence on their children contributing to the households
income by working on a cocoa farm.
Cocoa production by
Ecuador 3%
Cameroon 5%
Nigeria 5%
Brazil 6%
Cocoa beans
Cocoa mass
Cocoa powder
SwedWatchs conclusions about the workers conditions on the cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast and
Ghana are based on a number of sources. SwedWatch commissioned Kemby Consultants, under
the management of Dr Yao Bah Noel, to conduct a study in the district of Abengourou in the Ivory
Coast, which is an important area for cocoa farming. Lennart Rahm translated this study to
Swedish. Because of the tense situation in the Ivory Coast, we also held twelve in-depth interviews
with cocoa workers in Burkina Faso, on the border to the Ivory Coast. In addition, we held four indepth interviews with cocoa farmers. The interviews of two of these workers and two of the
farmers are presented in the section about the Ivory Coast. Denis Batienon, a research assistant,
carried out the interviews. It is important to emphasise that these interviews do not
reflect a representative sample of people, and were only conducted on a random basis.
Sigrun Helmfrid, a social anthropologist conducting research focusing on Burkina
Faso, was invaluable in the work of collecting and evaluating data concerning
migrant workers from Burkina Faso.
SwedWatchs own survey complements the very detailed report on the scale and
conditions of child labour on the cocoa farms of the Ivory Coast that was carried by the
African National Research Institutes/ International Institute for Tropical
Agriculture/ILO in collaboration with other parties, including the chocolate industry.
This report covers all the 20 cocoa producing regions in the Ivory Coast, and the
investigators visited 250 villages throughout the country.
SwedWatchs field study in Ghana was carried out by the Institute of African Studies
at the University of Ghana, under the management of Dr Osman A-R Al Hassan. The
survey was carried out in the Sefwi-Wiawso district in western Ghana. Sefi-Wiawso
is an agricultural area, and one of the leading cocoa producing areas in Ghana. The
district is also the first area that migrant workers reach when they come from the
poorer northern Ghana looking for ways of supporting themselves. Sefi-Wiawso is
included in WACAP/IPECs pilot project about child labour. SwedWatch chose three
settlements at random, Fawokabra, Kramokrom and Bonwire, and interviews were
held with owners of cocoa farms, workers, cocoa buyers and representatives of local
These SwedWatch studies are supplemented with reports produced by the World Bank,
the aid organisation Terre de Homme, UNICEF, the African National Research
Institutes/ International Institute for Tropical Agriculture/ILO and individual
The cocoa fruits are harvested with machetes, and workers on the farms often injure themselves on the
sharp blades. Photo: Anders Gunnartz.
The civil population has been badly affected by the chaotic situation in the country.
More than a million people are estimated to be on the run in the Ivory Coast. Half of
the 800,000 inhabitants of the city of Bouak are estimated to have left the city.28
According to the UN organisation, the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF),
approximately 15 percent of the children are undernourished in the rebel-controlled
northern part of the country and in the government-controlled western part of the
country. 29
There are many reports of massacres and other assaults on civilians. Both government
troops and rebels have set up roadblocks where they harass the civil population and
demand bribes to avoid assault. There are also reports that both sides conduct arbitrary
executions of people suspected of collusion with the opposition.30
The living conditions in the country differ considerably between poor and rich, and
access to food, housing and work is highly varied. This is partly due to widespread
corruption in the country, where some people are able to accumulate significant
Many children are forced to leave the school system already at the age of 12-14 because
of lack of money. In large areas of the Ivory Coast, the educational system has broken
down since the start of the conflict. Information indicates that less than 50 percent of
children and young people between 6 and 18 years attend school, and that
approximately half of the population in the country is literate. 31
The farmworkers tell SwedWatch that their biggest problem is the low wages. Photo: Anders
Labour rights
In principle, discrimination in working life because of gender, skin colour, religion,
political views, nationality, or similar has not previously occurred, but the ongoing
crisis has changed the situation. For several years the authorities have tended to
recommend that employers recruit citizens of the Ivory Coast rather than people from
other countries.
The authorities decide on minimum wages that vary according to sector and the type
of employment. The most recent review was in 1996. The lowest minimum monthly
salary was then set at CFA 36,000 (approximately SEK 500) for an industrial worker,
which is not sufficient to support the employee and his family. Employees have a
statutory working time of 40 hours per week, they are to be paid overtime, and have
at least one rest period of 24 hours per week. In the informal sector, where most
people work, the conditions are often worse.
Forced labour is forbidden according to Ivory Coast law. According to the constitution,
all citizens apart from the police and military are entitled to join employee
organisations and have the right to collective bargaining. Only a small proportion of
the countrys employees are organised, because most people work in the informal
sector. Many bigger employers in the public and private sectors are bound by
collective agreements. The right to strike is guaranteed in the constitution, but certain
formal requirements, such as negotiations and notice, must first be fulfilled. The
countrys trade unions use the right to strike quite often, and the authorities usually
respect this.
A study carried out by Save the Children Canada showed that children from the
countries neighbouring the Ivory Coast played a very important role in building up the
countrys cocoa production.43 The prelude to the alarming reports about child labour
on the cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast was a BBC documentary, which claimed that
many of children and young people from Mali lived in slavery-like conditions on the
farms. The documentary prompted many media reports around the world, and formed
the basis of the Harkin-Engel Protocol. There were several problems with both the
original and the ensuing reports, including the extent and form of trafficking and the
actual concept of slave trading.
An intensive debate has taken place about the actual extent of child trafficking.
However, such a discussion risks hiding the social and economic structure behind
the child labour. By all accounts, only a small proportion of child workers are sold
by professional traffickers. Many young people under 18 choose to leave home in
order to earn money for themselves and the family. In a major survey of child labour,
over half of the paid child workers said that they had left home to give themselves
and their families a better life. None of the respondents said they were forced to
leave home against their will.44 Furthermore, all of them stated that they knew they
would be working with the harvesting of cocoa.
Relatives or friends have often given the children information about what to do, and
whom they should contact.45 A representative from a farm, usually a relative, recruited
the majority of those interviewed in SwedWatchs survey, and the representative also
handled the transport to the farm. No less than 94 percent of the paid child workers
state that they know the agent that recruited them.46
There are also professional agents that smuggle groups of people from Mali and
Burkina Faso into the Ivory Coast and Ghana, and then leave them at different cocoa
farms. A study published by the International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) in 2002 states
that many cocoa farmers depended on agents to provide them with a labour force from
the neighbouring countries in order to be able to harvest and package their cocoa.47
Even if the information in the ILRF study was perhaps slightly overexaggerated, and
did not take into account the prevailing social and economic conditions in the area,
studies such as those by the World Bank and Terre des Hommes show that the problem
of child labour is serious.48 The survey focused on the migration from the neighbouring
country of Burkina Faso. One-tenth of the children in Burkina Faso had left their
parents in order to work. Of these, one-third lived in other countries, most of them in
the Ivory Coast. The average age of the children who left their parents in order to work
was 13. According to the statistics in the report, the overwhelming majority of the
children left home with a relative or friend. However, one-fifth travelled with someone
who they either did not know at all or who they had very distant contact with. Nearly
all children that left to work on cocoa farms were boys, probably because the work is
tough. Furthermore, the agents that smuggle children and young people into the Ivory
Coast also prefer boys, because the cocoa farmers pay considerably more for these.49
Poverty was the main reason that the parents gave for allowing their children to leave
in order to work, but it is interesting that this applied to less than half of the children.
Many parents look on their childrens and young peoples work as part of their
upbringing, as an opportunity to create a better life, and as an integrated part of
supporting the family.50
Regardless of how the children and young people end up on the cocoa farms, they
can end up suffering. The childrens parents and representatives of the farmers
often enter into verbal agreements in the home villages. Once on the cocoa farms,
the farmers can break the agreements, and the children have no chance to assert their
rights. There are no written agreements, and the lack of formal agreements and
monitoring leave the children totally unprotected. Many of the children and young
people are related to the people that own the farms, which usually means that they
are treated a little better than those that have no ties to the owner at all.
The work on the farms is tough, and the heavy lifting can cause skeletal and muscular
injuries. Many children are also seriously injured when they work with machetes.
Another problem is that the children are often forced to work with dangerous pesticides
without safety equipment. When children are exposed to work that entails risk of
serious and long-term injuries, this violates the ILO Convention No. 182. This
Convention demands immediate measures to eliminate the worst forms of child labour.
The Ivory Coast has ratified this convention, but recent studies indicate that these forms
of child labour still occur in the country.
Finding a successful and quick solution for tackling the problem of child labour in the
Ivory Coast is not easy. The households in Burkina Faso and Mali often need the
childrens income, and if the incomes were to disappear, the parents would probably be
even less inclined to send their children to school. Several different measures must be
taken. The purchase price of cocoa must be increased, and both the authorities and the
chocolate-producing companies must inform the farmers that hazardous child labour is
not acceptable. Furthermore, an efficient random checking system must be developed
in order to monitor how the information is disseminated and its impact.
A study conducted by the World Bank in 1998 shows clearly that falling purchasing
prices for cocoa increases the recruitment of children on the farms.51 The fall in
price also results in the cocoa farmers cutting down on paid labour and increasing
the workload on the family. The farmers own children are forced to work more,
and this may affect their school education. In the Ivory Coast, children account for
on average of one-quarter of the familys total work with cocoa.52
The study also shows that just less than two-thirds of all children in rural areas in
the Ivory Coast did not complete compulsory education, and that one-third of the
children did not go to school at all. The average length of education for child
labourers in the agricultural sector in the Ivory Coast is just over one year.53
However, the situation is even worse for the children and young people that were
engaged in paid work in cocoa production. Of these, 88 percent had never been to
school at all.54
In those cases where the childrens families own the farms, only two-thirds of them
have ever been to school. Approximately 60 percent of the farmers that use paid child
labour are from the Ivory Coast, and the rest are from Burkina Faso.55
Forced labour
By all accounts, forced labour is common on the cocoa farms of the Ivory Coast. ILO
defines forced labour as work or service demanded of a person under threat of
punishment. Some of the workers that were interviewed state that they have
experienced this. However, the most common way of preventing workers from leaving
a farm is quite simply that they receive no pay until after a year, so they do not want to,
or cannot, leave the farm, in spite of poor treatment. SwedWatchs survey shows that
the practice of paying workers after a year is common, and their ability to change this
is very limited. Cocoa farmers also say that children and young people are often not
paid by the farmers themselves but through an agent. There is therefore a great risk
that children and young people do not receive the sum that was agreed.
Several workers that SwedWatch interviewed say that they were punished in various
ways when the employer was not satisfied with them. An example is that the
employer has refused to give food to people that were ill.
A common practice is that the employers pay for the travel and the bribes required
for the workers to reach the farm in question from one of the neighbouring countries.
They have then deducted these costs from the workers salaries, which the parties had
not agreed on in advance, or the workers had not understood that this would happen.
Several farmers and workers that were interviewed say that they have not been trained
in how to handle pesticides. Some people say that the person selling the pesticide
provided information. Many of the workers also say that they use the preparation
without any safety equipment at all, i.e. without gloves and facemask, causing both
serious accidents and chronic poisoning injuries.
All interviewees say that they have worked with spraying, and several say that they
became ill afterwards. None of them had worn safety equipment, nor had they been
given medical treatment afterwards.
One of the pesticides that the workers say they have used is Paraquat, which was
banned in Sweden in 1983. The agent is highly hazardous both to people and the
environment. Eye injuries, skin rashes and nosebleeds are common among those people
handling the agent. Paraquat attacks the lungs and can, in worst cases, cause death
through suffocation. Paraquat accumulates in the ground, and risks contaminating the
Another agent that is commonly used on the farms is Lindan, which is also highly
dangerous to health.
In the SwedWatch survey in the Abengourou region, just under 40 percent of the
workers reported that they work with spraying. By all accounts, children and young
people spray to the same extent as the adults.56
Just over a third of these say that they do not protect themselves when they spray with
pesticide. However, those people that say they use safety equipment claim that they do
not have access to complete protection. In some cases they have only used gloves and
boots. There was no complete safety equipment at any of the farms that were visited.
Complete safety equipment comprises an overall with long arms, hat, safety goggles,
boots, gloves and facemask. However, farmers in the Abengourou region say that they
usually appoint specialist personnel to handle the spraying against insects.
Many of the workers on the cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast come from the neighbouring countries of
Burkina Faso and Mali. They often lack a social safety net, and have been badly hit by the
armed conflict in the Ivory Coast.
Photo: Gustaf Eneroth
The workers themselves say that their biggest problem is the pay, which is too low to
support themselves and their families. SwedWatchs survey also shows that the
employers often pay a lower salary than was agreed at the start. The average annual
salary for workers on the cocoa farms is just over SEK 1,500, but Swedwatch has
reports of workers who received less than SEK 1,000 SEK. As noted above, children
and young people are paid less.
For several decades, the Ivory Coast has ratified ILO Conventions Numbers 87 and
98, about the right to free organisation and collective bargaining. However, this does
not seem to have improved the situation noticeably for the workers in cocoa
production. None of the workers that were interviewed had even heard that there were
trade unions, and there is no organisation of the workers at all. This means that the
workers have no one to represent them in conflicts or represent them in different fora.
In the study that SwedWatch carried out in the Abengourou region, over 97 percent of
the interviewed workers were illiterate.
At home in the village I watched cattle, but it gave no money. I saw young people
from the village coming home with bicycles, radios and fine clothes. I decided to
move to a relative who runs a cocoa farm in the Ivory Coast so that I could also get
these things. Four of us went at the same time. An agent looked after the transport
himself and paid for our travel.
I was to be paid 65,000 francs (just under SEK 1,000) for a year, but the employer
refused to pay us any money until we had been there for a year. He wouldnt let us
leave to work anywhere else, but we could use our free day to work on someone elses
farm to get some pocket money.
Augustin never signed a contract, and there were no written guarantees at all. He
had never even heard of a trade union that represented the workers.
The work on the cocoa and coffee farm consisted of cultivating the soil, and clearing
the undergrowth and weeds using a machete.
The hardest work was transporting the cocoa from the farm to the storage site. The
absolute worst was spraying the cocoa bushes. We used substances such as Paraquat,
which is really dangerous. I had nothing to protect myself with. I wore my normal
clothes, and no gloves.
One day I felt dizzy, and collapsed while working. My employer made sure I got
some cooked rice with loads of oil, and after a while I felt better. But even now, a
couple of years later, I still dont feel well.
Augustin explains the work began at 6.30 in the morning. There was a 30-minute food
break, and then work continued until 5 oclock.
Our boss gave us food and accommodation. We got enough food, but it was
barely edible. Sometimes he made us work even when we should have rested. He
didnt pay us everything he owed us, and he punished us if he wasnt satisfied
with our work. Then we didnt get to eat for a whole day. Perhaps the worst thing
of all was that we never got any help when we were ill or after an accident. The
boss said we should look for medicinal plants in the wild, even if we had injured
ourselves on a machete.
The hardest part of all is selling the cocoa. There are far too many buyers and they
are skilled at forcing down the price.
It is usually me that sprays my farm. I dont protect myself. After the treatment I
drink milk and vinegar. My neighbours have often asked me to come and treat their
farms too.
Zongo has a few employees, only men.
We dont divide up the work tasks, we do everything together. Clearing the forest
is the toughest job, particularly when we have to fell large trees. In addition,
transporting the cocoa is dangerous to health the cocoa is very heavy to carry.
All farm owners that were interviewed claim that they have treated their workforce
well. Zongo is no exception.
If a worker wants to break his contract, he can do. It happens sometimes. Some
people are good workers, but have bad character. When youve had enough of a
worker, its best to pay him for the time he has worked and let him go.
Children under 14 are not strong enough to carry the cocoa sacks on their
Adama Bationo is 43. He is from Burkina Faso, but has owned a cocoa farm of a few
hectares in the Ivory Coast since 1980. When the armed conflict broke out, he fled to
Burkina Faso with his family. He currently lives in a camp on the border to the Ivory
I bought my plot of land, partly for payment and partly by working for the former
owner. When I got the land, I divided it up into three parts that I rented out. I
monitored how they worked until they had harvested the cocoa fruits.
The first years were difficult. It took ten years before I could rent out the land. As well
as cocoa, I grew rice, yams and maize. I grew the cocoa to sell, and the other crops
were to eat.
Adama could earn the equivalent of approximately SEK 50,000 per year. When he
had paid all the expenses, about half of the money was left. But the civil war more
than halved his income.
Its not worth growing cocoa any more. The only cheap thing is your suffering!
Adama was a member of a farmers cooperative, COOPAN. The cooperative
distributed equipment such as boots, machetes and insect repellent to the farmers.
Another advantage was that the cooperative paid more for the cocoa than other buyers.
The cooperatives buyers then transported the cocoa to the cooperative for weighing.
The cooperative often did not pay for the cocoa until afterwards.
The price per kilo is usually just over SEK 3, and each sack contains 80 kilo.
I have never sold directly to a multinational company. Agents travel round to the
farms during harvesting and place bids for the cocoa. If the price seems good, you
accept it otherwise you have to wait. I have often accepted the price directly, because
often I cant afford to wait.
It was Adama and his brother, and their two wives, who ran the farm. Adama currently
has seven paid workers. They have been working for him for eight years, and all come
from Burkina Faso.
I arrange the workers myself, through contacts. I think its important to know the
parents of the workers, as that causes fewer problems. If you recruit a worker
whose parents you dont know, he can cause problems so that you lose the farm.
The workers pay for their own transport here.
There is no division of activities on Adamas farm. He points out that the young
people learn the skills through working with the adults. But children under 14 are
not strong enough to carry the cocoa sacks on their heads like the adults do. The
hardest work is when the farm is set up, according to Adama. The trees on the plot
must be cut down, the weeds removed, and the cocoa trees planted. Until the trees
start to produce fruit, the farmers have nothing to sell, and therefore have no
I have used many chemical agents on my farms, including Paraquat. If I am on
the farm, I do the spraying or otherwise one of the workers has to do it. We
usually wear gloves and a mask when we spray. We also make sure we do not
spray while people are working.
Adama pays his employees just over the equivalent of SEK 2,000 per year.
When I pay the children, I give the money to the agent that I commissioned to
recruit them, and he then pays the children. I dont know if he makes money
himself on it, its none of my business.
Adama feels that the children and young people that work for him have a good life.
My absolute biggest problem is that I dont have enough money. For example, you
should really spray six times a year, but it is hard to afford all the pesticide. But once
the cocoa tree has grown, it is easier to manage than most of the other crops.
The absolute cheapest workforce is the farmers relatives and paid children and
young people. Furthermore, the majority of the workers come from the
neighbouring countries of Burkina Faso and Mali, which makes them extra
Bildtext Ivory Coast
Sefwi-Wiawso district
Labour rights
Trade unions operate freely, but must undergo a registration process with the
authorities. However, the proportion of the workforce with membership of a trade
union is low. There are legal rights to bargain and to strike. A labour rights law
regulates working hours and safety regulations, and the working conditions are well
organised in the formal sector. The problems primarily occur in what forms the
backbone of the economy, the informal sector. Here, the salaries are often lower
than the fixed minimum salary, the working hours longer, safety procedures almost
non-existent, and trade unions an unknown concept.
Type of government: Republic
Area: 238,537 km2
Highest mountain: Mt Afadjato (885 m)
Longest rivers: Mouhoun/Svarta Volta, Nakambe/Vita Volta
Capital: Accra (2.0 million inhabitants in 2000, including suburbs)
Biggest lake: Lake Volta (approx. 8,500 km2, artificial)
Population: 20.2 million (estimate 2002)
Inhabitants/km2: 79 (2000)
Literacy: men 74 %, women 66 % (2002)
Ethnic groups: Akan (inc. Ashanti and Fanti), Mole-dagbani, Ewe, Ga-andangme
Languages: English is the official language, Akan, Ewe, Mole-dagomba and Ga are the
biggest domestic languages
Religion: Christians 64 %, Animists 7-30 % (data varies), Muslims approx. 15 %
GNP/inhabitant: USD 299 (2002)
Proportion of GNP for different sectors: agriculture 36 %, industry 25 %, service,
trade and miscellaneous 39 % (2001)
Natural resources: gold, diamonds, manganese, bauxite
Key exports: gold, cocoa, wood products, diamonds
Membership of international and regional organisations: UN, Commonwealth,
AU, ECOWAS, IMF, World Bank
Information taken from Lnder i fickformat, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 2004
Childrens rights
Ghana has ratified the UN child convention. A programme run in cooperation with
different aid donors is in place to implement the child convention. An action plan
to eliminate hazardous child labour has also been produced in collaboration with
Ghana is a country of origin, destination and transit for trafficking of women and
children. One of the reasons for this is the lack of a specific law that unequivocally
criminalizes trafficking. Within the framework of the initiatives of the regional
cooperation organisation, ECOWAS, Ghana has now undertaken to set up a
National Commission on Trafficking.
Child labour
Child labour is prohibited, yet is common in Ghana. According to one of the ILO
surveys of child labour, an estimated 1.27 million children younger than 15 in Ghana
work under difficult and hazardous conditions. In 2002 the International Institute of
Tropical Agriculture carried out a survey of 85 villages in the district of Brong Ahafo,
Ashanti, Eastern and Western region, areas that together represent approximately 90
percent av Ghanas total cocoa production.63 The report showed that an estimated
38,700 children in Ghana helped clear land for cocoa cultivation. Of these, the
majority are 15-17 years of age, 44 percent are children between 10 and 14, and 3
percent of the children working to clear land are under 10 years old.
Often, children work in a small family company. Forced labour and slavery-like
conditions also exist.
The Ghanaian state has taken certain measures to reduce the occurrence of child labour.
The government has ratified the ILO Convention No. 182, which prohibits the worst
forms of child labour.
In the past, the workforce on the cocoa farms in the area has mainly comprised family
members, but a growing drift to the cities has reduced the supply of labour, particularly
in the high seasons of June and December/January. This attracts migrant workers who
move into the area. The migrant workers largely comprise family members, who
accompany the person supporting the family from the northern parts of the country.
Children from these families comprise a major part of the workforce.
Narook Samuel, an officer at the Produce Buying Company (PBC) in Sefwi-Wiawso,
explains that child labour is a common problem in many sectors in society. The
production of cocoa is no exception. The children that work on the cocoa farms are
often members of families that migrated from the countrys northern parts, but the
proportion of children who migrate by themselves has increased recently. Narook
emphasises that the children who moved voluntarily to the area are just as vulnerable
as children that come via agents. The majority of the interviewees state that poverty is
the main cause of child labour.
The agreed period of contract for the children is usually between one and two years, after
which a new contract period can begin. Reward can be both financial and take other forms.
For example, a common practice is a cash payment and a bicycle for boys, and a sewing
machine for girls, at the end of the period of contract.
When the children are handed over to the cocoa farmer, the agent receives payment. The
cocoa farmer now takes over responsibility for food, accommodation, health care and
protection. The cocoa farmer is obliged to report the childs behaviour to the agent. The
agent acts as a substitute for the parents.
The workforce varies according to the different stages of cocoa production. Men,
women and children work with different tasks. Children over 15 are used to prepare
the ground for new cultivation. Boys clear vegetation, and girls collect what has
been cleared.
When an area has been cleared, new planting takes place, mainly by adults but
boys of 15 and above often take part in this work.
When the Institute of African Studies interviewed the regional manager for agriculture
in Sefwi-Wiawso she says that only a few farmers have been trained in how to use
pesticides due to lack of personnel. The primary aim is to train farmers who can pass
on the information in their respective villages.
Interviewed farmers confirm that they have not been trained in handling pesticides.
Some say that the local salesman has instructed them. The farmers also say that
they use the preparation without any safety equipment. Farmers interviewed in
Bonwire say that colleagues have suffered acute skin and eye diseases because of
the pesticides. The majority of the interviewees deny that children are used as
labour when pesticide is being used, except for fetching water to mix with the
agent. Others say that they use child labour in all phases in the cultivation of cocoa,
including pesticide use. The conclusion from this is that the children fetching
water are probably also exposed to the pesticides when they walk through the
sprayed areas.
Working conditions
Trade unions were unknown to the interviewed workers. According to the Institute
of African Studies, only employees in the formal sector are members of trade unions.
The workers in Fawokabra say that regular wages are primarily paid to temporary
employees working for two to three weeks during the high season. The average wage
in the area for a man is the equivalent of approximately SEK 10 per day, and about
half for women and children between 14 and 17. Those people working on the cocoa
farms on a more permanent basis receive lower wages. It is common that the manager
of the cocoa farm is not paid until after three to six months work and, in some cases,
they are not paid until the cocoa is sold. On these occasions a contract sum has been
agreed that is paid after each harvest. Payment varies according to the workers health
and age, and the size of the cocoa farm. A figure mentioned is SEK 2,700. In addition
to financial payment, the administrators agreement includes the right to grow crops to
sustain the family on land that is part of the cocoa farm.
Rainforest Alliance
Rainforest Alliance is an independent
organisation that has developed certification
systems for different product groups. Rainforest
Alliance currently has certified cocoa farms in
Ecuador and Brazil. A project has just been
started to certify cocoa farms in Ghana and in
the Ivory Coast. The long-term objective is to be
able to offer certificated cocoa from these
countries also.
Rainforest Alliance has set up social and environmental criteria. The producers must
work to reduce the use of pesticides. The chemicals used must be approved by
national authorities and the US environmental agency (EPA), and they must not be
listed by the Pesticide Action Network*. Chemicals that are forbidden in their
original countries or by national or international agreement may not be used. There
are rules about protective clothing, and how the pesticides are to be handled. The
criteria also state that ecosystems are to be preserved and allowed to recover when
possible. New and enlarged farms must not damage the ecosystems.
Employees must earn at least the minimum wage. Workforce agents are not
permitted. The working environment must be safe and healthy, and employees must
be trained in how to handle pesticides. Seasonal workers have the same rights as
permanent employees. The criteria also regulate the participation of children and
young people in the work. Specialists from local environmental and development
organisations carry out checks. The purpose of this is to give the certification a local
base. The checks are carried out each year, and sometimes without prior warning.
The checks include interviews with both management and employees.
Sources: Rainforest Alliance, Sustainable Agriculture Standard and Additional Criteria
and Indicators for Cocoa Production, 2000.
* PANs list comprises 17 highly toxic agents, including Paraquat.
Many human rights organisations felt that the Harkin-Engel Protocol was a step in the
right direction, but it was criticised for not attacking the root cause of child labour in
the cocoa industry, i.e. the unstable and often excessively low price of cocoa.
As a result of the Protocol, the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI) foundation was
formed in July 2002, with its headquarters in Geneva. Its members are the international
cocoa and chocolate companies, via their international organisations, and NGOs such
as Free the Slaves, Global March Against Child Labor, Child Labor Coalition and
international employee and consumer organisations. ILO also acts as advisor to the
board. ICI is funded by the international chocolate industry, and has the task of
supporting projects to develop methods aimed at ending the worst forms of child labour
in cocoa production. It also aims to develop programmes for research, exchange of
information, and activities against child labour, and by doing so introduce
internationally agreed standards in cocoa production. ICI is also to develop an
independent monitoring system to appraise and report on compliance with these
In February 2005 Senator Tom Harkin announced that negotiations with the chocolate
industry had virtually broken down, and that the time schedule for getting a
monitoring system in place by 1 July 2005 could not be kept.64
The parties had not succeeded in introducing a monitoring system that eliminates the
harmful forms of child labour in the intended time, so the chocolate industry made a
joint announcement with Senator Tom Harkin. The international chocolate industry
has undertaken to have a functioning certification system in place, covering half of the
cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast and Ghana, within three years, i.e. by 1 July 2008.65
Another result of the chocolate industry failing to introduce a credible monitoring
system by the agreed date is that American civil rights and human rights organisations
issued a writ of summons on 14 July 2005 against the major cocoa buyers, Nestl,
Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill. Since the Senate had not yet adopted the
legislative amendment submitted by Eliot Engel, the writ was based on two federal
laws, the Torture Victims Protection Act and the Alien Torture Claims Act.
Jacob Patton, manager of the Free the Slaves organisation, made a statement as
Naturally it is a failure that we could not keep to the agreed time schedule.
Our level of ambition was too high. I see it as positive that non-profit
organisations, the international chocolate industry and authorities have united,
and are working together to solve the problems in the cocoa industry. We will
continue to cooperate with the chocolate industry to reach the objective of
eliminating slavery in cocoa production.
Jon Sundn talks about the certification system that is under development as a result of
the Harkin-Engels Protocol. The problems on the cocoa farms are not easy to solve. It
is unfortunate that a realistic time schedule was not set up from the start.
He is doubtful whether a successful certification system will be in position according to
the new time schedule. There are many factors involved, and if the civil war in the
Ivory Coast is not resolved, it will be difficult to get a successful monitoring system in
Kraft Foods
Kraft Foods has a general Code of Conduct that covers the activities of the entire
group, including purchase and processing of cocoa. According to the Code of Conduct,
Kraft Foods undertakes to work actively with its suppliers and other stakeholders to
eliminate child labour and forced labour.
Annemieke Wijn is sustainability director for the companys international unit, Kraft
Foods International.
We mostly buy processed cocoa from the sub-suppliers in Europe. The proportion
of cocoa beans that are purchased directly from exporters is only a very small
proportion of the companys total purchases of cocoa. Kraft Foods has no
representation of its own in Ghana or the Ivory Coast, and at present does not check
the working conditions.
Annemieke Wijn goes on to say that her company currently only checks that its
suppliers and sub-suppliers have a policy that corresponds with that of Kraft Foods.
There is growing awareness of the importance of avoiding hazardous child labour
and forced labour further down in the supplier chain.
Kraft Foods is currently certifying parts of its coffee purchases in accordance with the
criteria of the certification body, Rainforest Alliance. It is also planning to try to
certify some of the cocoa that is grown in West Africa, in accordance with Rainforest
Alliance requirements.
The main long-term objective is to create the conditions whereby children are no
longer needed as cheap labour.
Annemieke Wijn states that Kraft Foods has already started this certification process.
Kraft Foods is cooperating with the German aid organisation GTZ, the American aid
organisation USAID, and has selected two areas in the central and eastern parts of the
Ivory Coast (Delao and Abengourou). A project has recently started in these areas
aimed at supporting the farmers. Measures such as training in sustainable cultivation
will help to create the conditions so that the farms in the long term can be certified in
accordance with the Rainforest Alliance criteria. Over a three-year period, the project
will cover 3-4,000 cocoa farms. The plan is to gradually increase the scale of this
The Nestl Group is the worlds biggest producer of food. Nestl was founded in 1866,
and currently has 247,000 employees. It engages in activity in nearly all countries of
the world. In 2004 consolidated profits were SEK 40 billion. The same year, sales
were SEK 522 billion66.
In the groups business principles Nestl states that the company will follow the UNs
ethical directive for business, Global Compact, and the ILO conventions. Nestl
requires that the companys suppliers ensure that production has not been based on
child labour or forced labour, that all employees are treated with respect, and that they
have a safe working environment. National legislation about working hours, salaries
and overtime pay are to be respected, and union rights are to be respected.
When SwedWatch contacts Nestl we hear from information manager Marie
Louise Elmgren that the groups American lawyers encouraged her not to answer our
questions about the companys trade with cocoa. She explains that this is because of the
ongoing legal process in the United States involving the company. The background is
that Nestl, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) and Cargill, all of which are major players
in the cocoa business, have been sued by the American human rights organisation, the
International Labour Rights Fund (ILRF), for using cocoa that has been grown and
harvested using child labour. The process is based on testimonies from a group of
people that were taken from Mali to the Ivory Coast and were forced to work 12 to 14
hours a day without pay, minimal sleep and food, and were subjected to repeated
assault. The three who represent the prosecuting party are proceeding anonymously
because of the fear of reprisals from the farmers and local buyers of cocoa.
After the liberalisation of the cocoa trade in Ghana, the Kuapa Kokoo cooperative
was formed in 1993. The purpose was to buy the members cocoa and sell it to the
state purchasing unit, The Cocoa Buying Board, as well as promoting the farmers
interests. Over the years, Kuapa Kokoo has developed into a powerful body on the
Ghanaian cocoa market. Today it has more than 35,000 farmer members from 937
settlements in five of the six regions where cocoa is grown in Ghana.68 Kuapa Kokoo
consists of five units.69
Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Union, comprising village associations that elect
representatives to the national association.
Kuapa Kokoo Limited, which handles cocoa trading.
Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Trust. Responsible for allocation of funding intended for
social projects.
Kuapa Kokoo Credit Union. Offers credit and banking services to the farmers.
Day Chocolate Company. London-based production and sales company for the
Divine chocolate label.
Kuapa Kokoo is run on democratic principles, and engages in buying and selling
cocoa, but also offers services such as credit, training, and advice about cultivation
techniques. In addition, the cooperative runs projects that support communities, such
as schools, drinking water, etc.
In recent years, the chocolate companies have skilfully marketed chocolate products in
Sweden. The marketing has had a great effect. Advertisements, articles and features on
both radio and television promote all the positive benefits of chocolate.
But there is a dark side of chocolate that is seldom mentioned in the media. People are
often forced to work under very difficult conditions to produce the cocoa used to make
the chocolate sold in Sweden. SwedWatchs survey shows that Swedish chocolate
companies such as Kraft Foods, Nestl and Cloetta/Fazer cannot guarantee that their
products are produced in a way that guarantees human rights.
Kraft Foods products include the famous chocolate brands of Marabou, Toblerone,
Twist, Dajm and Japp. Cloetta Fazers products include Dumle, Kexchoklad, Geisha
and Plopp, while Nestl markets After Eight, Kit Kat and Smarties.
SwedWatch has conducted three surveys, one in Ghana and two in the Ivory Coast. The
surveys show that the conditions for both farmers and workers are worst in the Ivory
One of the fundamental reasons why the workforce on the cocoa farms is so vulnerable
is because the purchase price of cocoa is far too low. This hits both farmers and workers
hard. Nearly 90 percent of all cocoa produced in the Ivory Coast is grown by smallscale farmers, on holdings smaller than five hectares. The situation in Ghana is similar.
Profitability is very low. The price of cocoa beans has fallen drastically since the 1980s,
and is now only a quarter of what it was 20 years ago. In addition, new manufacturing
methods have reduced the demand for cocoa, which has forced the price down even
more. One of the strategies the cocoa farmers use in order to survive the crisis is to
force the price of labour down as far as possible.
What has attracted most attention in the world is the practice of using child labour,
working under almost slavery-like conditions on the cocoa farms. However, it is
important to stress that children suffering on the farms comprise a minor part of the
workforce. Most of the people living under very difficult conditions on the farms are
men over 18 years old. Nearly all measures taken by international associations,
governments and NGOs are aimed at reducing hazardous child labour. However, the
situation of ordinary workers has been overlooked, which naturally is a problem. It is
very important to find mechanisms that ensure that the human rights of both groups are
respected. This report also shows that many adults started working as children, and then
continued into adulthood. The transition from child to adult in West Africa is often
gradual, so people in West Africa often find it difficult to accept directives that are
based on a clear boundary between child and adult.
An intensive debate has taken place about the actual extent of child trafficking. It is
important that this issue is brought under the spotlight, but such a discussion risks
concealing the social and economic structure of the child labour. By all accounts, it is
a minor proportion of child labourers that are sold by professional traffickers. Many
young people under 18 leave home voluntarily to earn money for their families and
themselves. Often they have received information about what to do, and whom they
should contact, from a relative or friend. The majority of those people interviewed in
SwedWatchs survey have been recruited by a representative from a farm, often a
relative of the owner, who then arranged the transport to the farm. There are also
professional agents who smuggle groups of people from Mali and Burkina Faso into
the Ivory Coast and Ghana and then deliver them to different cocoa farms.
Regardless of how the children and young people end up on the cocoa farms, they
can suffer. The biggest problems are lack of formal, written agreements and checks,
which means that the children and young people have no rights in practice. Many of
the children and young people are related to the people who own the farms, which
usually means that they are treated better than those that have no ties to the owner at
all. However, this can vary.
Mali. However, the most common form of recruitment in SwedWatchs survey is when
representatives from the farms manage the entire transport chain. The low living
standard in the neighbouring countries, and the need to generate income both for
themselves and their families, is the main reason why children and young people look
for work on the cocoa farms.
It is important that measures to improve the situation for children and young people
consider all types of recruitment and do not just focus on trafficking.
Vulnerability of the migrant workers
The majority of the workers on the cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast are foreign
nationals, mainly from Burkina Faso and Mali. They usually lack formal residence
permits in the country, which makes them very vulnerable. It also makes it difficult to
enforce the requirement to give them formal contracts of employment. The armed
conflict in the Ivory Coast has exacerbated their situation still further. The
government has claimed that many of the migrant workers are allied with the rebel
forces in the northern part of the country, so they are subjected to reprisals from the
government forces. Many workers, and farmers too, have been forced to flee back to
their home countries. This problem affects adults, as well as children and young
Forced labour
By all accounts, forced labour exists on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast. ILO defines
forced labour as work or service that is demanded of a person under threat of
punishment. Some of those people interviewed in SwedWatchs survey say that they
have experienced this. The most common way of preventing workers from leaving a
farm is not to pay them for a year, so they do not want to, or cannot, leave the farm, in
spite of the poor treatment.
Several of the workers interviewed by SwedWatch say that they have been punished
in various ways when the employer has not been satisfied with them. An example is
that the employer has refused to give food to people that were ill.
It is common that the employers have paid for the transport and the bribes needed for
the workers to reach the farms in question from one of the neighbouring countries.
These costs have then been deducted from the workers wages, which is not
something that was agreed upon in advance.
The farmers and workers interviewed say they have not been instructed in how to
handle pesticides. Some people say that the person selling the pesticide has provided
information. The workers also say that they use the preparation without any safety
equipment at all, i.e. gloves and facemasks, causing both serious accidents and chronic
poisoning injuries.
Several of the people interviewed on the farms in Ghana deny that children are used as
labour when pesticides are used. They claim that children are only used to fetch water
for mixing with the pesticide. Others say that they use children in all phases of cocoa
cultivations, including the use of pesticides. From this, the conclusion can be drawn
that the children used to fetch water are probably also exposed to the pesticide when
they walk through the sprayed areas.
All interviewees in the Ivory Coast say that they have worked with spraying, and
several say they have become ill afterwards. None of them have used safety equipment
and none have received medical treatment afterwards.
The workers state that one of the pesticides they have used is Paraquat. The agent
comprises a major risk to both people and the environment. Eye injuries, skin
rashes and nosebleeds are common among those people that work with the agent.
Paraquat attacks the lungs and can, in the worst case, cause death through
suffocation. Paraquat also accumulates in the ground, thereby forming a
contamination risk for the groundwater.
Lack of formal contracts
None of the workers that SwedWatch interviewed had formal, written contracts, neither
in the Ivory Coast nor in Ghana. This makes it difficult for the workers to claim breach
of contract. They receive no overtime pay, even if the agreed hours of work are
exceeded. There is no specification of the working conditions that are to apply, no
social protection, and no guarantee that the workers will receive the wage that was
agreed with the employer at the start.
Difficulty of collective organisation
Several decades ago, both Ghana and the Ivory Coast ratified the ILO Conventions
Numbers 87 and 98 about the right to free organisation and collective agreements.
However, this does not seem to have led to any tangible improvements for the
workers in cocoa production.
In SwedWatchs survey, the interviewed workers in both Ghana and the Ivory Coast
say that they have never even heard of any trade unions in the area. In Ghana, the
national trade organisation, TUC, has tried to organise farmworkers, but this has not
succeeded in covering the whole of the country. In addition, the farmworkers often feel
that they do not have time and the opportunity to participate in the work of the trade
There seems to be absolutely no organisation of the cocoa workers in most of the Ivory
Coast. This means that the workers have no party that can represent them in conflicts or
represent them in different fora.
Another factor that makes organisation of workers difficult is that they are often in
geographically isolated locations.
Both Save the Children Canada and the UN childrens rights organisation UNICEF are
engaged in activities in Burkina Faso and Mali to prevent children and young people
being exploited on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast and Ghana.
Even if most human rights organisations feel that the Harkin-Engel Protocol forms a
step in the right direction, they are careful to point out that the most important reason
for people suffering on the cocoa farms is the low purchase price for cocoa.
Together with its member organisation, Church of Sweden, SwedWatch makes the
following recommendations to the chocolate manufacturing companies, to consumers
and to authorities. The recommendations are based on information supplied by AntiSlavery International and Save the Children Canada.
Recommendations directed at the chocolate manufacturing companies
At present the chocolate manufacturers have poor or no information about which
farmer has produced the cocoa they buy. It is important that the companies develop
a system so they can identify the areas from where their cocoa comes, which would
enable them to improve poor social and environmental conditions.
The chocolate manufacturers should create an interim monitoring system of
production in the Ivory Coast and in Ghana before the international monitoring and
certification system comes into effect on 1 July 2008.
To begin with, they should prepare policy documents and codes of conduct that
prohibit child labour and forced labour and state that reasonable working conditions
should apply in all stages of cocoa production. The policy and codes are to be
supported by company management and downwards in the organisation. All
stakeholders, such as employees, sub-suppliers, consumers, workers and local
authorities in the cocoa-producing countries, should also support the policy.
The companies should carry out random checks to inspect conditions in the different
regions of cocoa production. This would allow the companies to discover and rectify
problems in the production process. It is important that the checks do not just focus
on child labour, but also include checks of the working conditions of all workers.
The companies should encourage all stakeholders with whom they work to report
any discoveries of violations of human rights and the ILO conventions mentioned
above. The companies must therefore inform employees, sub-suppliers and other
stakeholders of the requirements specified in the companies policies and codes of
The companies should actively work to ensure that the monitoring and certification
system based on the Harkin-Engel Protocol really does come into effect on 1 July
2008. The work of the trade organisations is important, but the companies
themselves must drive the process and show how they are doing this.
The companies should look to cooperate with the international community and with
the countries that import and produce cocoa, with the aim of tackling the problems
of lack of respect for human rights and the environment. All players should try to
work in the spirit of the Harkin-Engel Protocol, even before the monitoring and
certification system comes into effect on 1 July 2008.
The companies should demand full compliance with the international conventions
that the cocoa-producing countries have ratified. Regular violations of the
conventions should be reported to ILO.
The companies should work actively and long-term to introduce and/or
expand their range of Fairtrade/Rttvisemrkt and KRAV-labelled chocolate
products, or products whose labelling has at least as high a standard as those
Recommendations directed at public authorities
The government has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring compliance with the
countrys laws and international regulations that it has undertaken to respect.
The labour rights regulations in Ghana and the Ivory Coast are to protect peoples
working conditions. Both the countries have ratified the ILO Convention No. 182,
which prohibits child labour. They have also ratified the UN childrens convention,
and ILO Convention Nos. 87 and 98, about the right to free organisation and the
right to sign collective agreements. The governments in both countries are
responsible for informing the employers about the applicable regulatory framework
and for ensuring compliance with this. The government is also responsible for
ensuring that the general public in the country is informed about workers rights.
Governments and their authorities should improve inspection procedures and
ensure compliance with the laws aimed at protecting against the worst forms of
child labour and guaranteeing employee rights.
Recommendations directed at consumers
The consumers should also take their responsibility and put pressure on the
chocolate companies and on the retailers that sell chocolate. They should ask
both companies and retailers how they can guarantee that the chocolate has been
made in a way that respects both social and environmental requirements. They
should also demand Fairtrade/Rttvisemrkt and KRAV chocolate in the shops,
so that the shops extend their range of such products.
Child Labour in the Cocoa Sector of West Africa, International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture, August 2002
International Programme on Elimination of Child Labour, International Labour
Organization, Hazardous Child Labour in Agriculture, Cocoa, March 2004
Hur mnga svenskar tl vrlden? Miljeffekter i Syd av svensk konsumtion
Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Karin Gregow 2000
International Cocoa Organisation, 2 May 2000,
LMC International
ICCO, Annual Report 2002/2003
Tidningen Lutherhjlpen, issue 1, 2005
www., September 2003
FIVH-Rapport, 1/2004, Oslo 2004
Anti Slavery, 2004, The Cocoa Industry in West Africa, page 49
Working practices in cocoa in Cote dIvoire - A report for the BCCA, January 2001
Anti Slavery, 2004, The Cocoa Industry in West Africa, page 14
Working practices in cocoa in Cote dIvoire - A report for the BCCA, January 2001
Code du travail, 1995, no. 95/15, Titre II, Chapter 2, Article 22.2, 22.3, and 23.8 (http://
The Childrens Act, Act 560, 1998, Section 90 (
International Programme on Elimination of Child Labour, International Labour
Organization, Hazardous Child Labour in Agriculture, Cocoa, March 2004
ILO, Community Survey 2002
Anti Slavery, 2004, The Cocoa Industry in West Africa, page 50
Anti Slavery, 2004, The Cocoa Industry in West Africa, page 11
Telephone interview with Swedish Chemical Agencys pesticide consultation service, 4-4-2005
Svenska Freds and skiljedomsfreningen, Fredstidningen Pax 04/1 and Amnesty Press
25-3-2004, Ulf B Andersson
European Union/UNICEF project: Support with the health facilities affected by crisis,
Human Rights Watch, December 2005, Cote dIvoire: The Human Rights Cost of Political
Rapport om Mnskliga rttigheter 2004, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 27 January, 2005
Peter Murphy, Reuters, 25 November 2005, Ivory Coast rebels say cocoa funds their fight
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Cote d Ivoire New Marketing System For Cocoa and
Coffee 2001
Global Exchange, The news on chocolate is bittersweet, June 2005, page 2
Andersson, Ulf. B. 2004. Amnesty Press. 25-3-2004. 31 dda i Abidjan
fredsprocessen i The Ivory Coast hotad
Anti Slavery International. 2004. The Cocoa Industry in West Africa.
Cloetta Fazer. 2006. (19-1-2006)
Fieland, Anne and Sanogo, Ibrahim. 2002. Burkina Faso. Child Labor Migration
from Rural Areas: The Magnitude and the Determinants. The World Bank and the
International Federation Terre Des Hommes.
Fremtiden i Vre Hender. 2004.Report. 1/2004.
Ghana Cocoa Board. 2006. (2006-02-15)
Gilbert, Christopher L. 1997. Cocoa Market Liberalisation: its effects on quality,
futures trading and prices. London, The Cocoa Association of London.
Global Exchange. 2005. The news on chocolate is bittersweet. www.globalexchange.
org. (27-1-2006)
Gregow Karin. Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. 2000. Hur mnga svenskar
tl vrlden? Miljeffekter i Syd av svensk konsumtion. (21-11-2005)
Grootaert, Christian. 1998. Child Labor in Cte dIvoire: Incidence and Determinants.
Social Development. Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network.
The World Bank.
Harkin Tom. July 1, 2005. Joint statement from U.S. senator Tom Harkin,
representative Eliot Engel and the Chocolate/Cocoa industry on efforts to address
the worst form of child labour in cocoa growing. (6-122005)
Human Rights Watch. 2005. Cote dIvoire: The Human Rights Cost of Political
Impasse. (23-1-2006)
Human Rights Watch. 2005. Humanitarian Consequences of the No War No Peace
Impasse. Project: Support with the health facilities affected by crisis.
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. 2002. Child Labor in the Cocoa Sector
of West Africa: A Synthesis of findings in Cameroon, Ghana, Cte dIvoire and Nigeria.
Eliminate the worst forms of child labour and forced labour in cocoa farming in
West Africa through the International Cocoa Initiative, which supports different
field projects and spreads knowledge about the best working practices.
Offer practical training for cocoa farmers in order to increase family income on
the farms, and to promote responsible working methods. This training initiative,
Farmer Field Schools, is supported by bodies such as leading chocolate
companies, International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Institute
for Tropical Agriculture (IITA).
Develop cultivation cooperatives that give farmers better control over income, and
give participating farming families the chance of generating extra income. These
families support tens of thousands of children.
In addition to the cooperation projects, Kraft is also working directly with some
partners with the aim of enabling long-term sustainable cultivation of cocoa in the
Ivory Coast. The project will begin with selected cooperatives in the Daloa and
Abengourou regions. The activities include setting up farmer field schools and
supporting marketing initiatives, as well as reviewing the needs of the children in
the project area. We are expecting the first long-term sustainably cultivated cocoa
from the project at the start of 2007. The project participants will use the
experience at the start of the project to develop plans for extending the project to
other nearby farms and areas. We strongly believe that our measures are
contributing to a better future for children and adults in the cocoa-cultivating
region of western Africa.
Together with other initiatives, these measures help cocoa-producing families achieve
better harvests, higher prices for their products, provide education for their children,
increase awareness of responsible practices, and involvement with issues relating to
There are many indications that things are happening, but much remains to be done.
For Nestl, this means that we are involved in tackling these issues in the long term,
together with other stakeholders, as a way to provide basic welfare for the worlds
cocoa farmers.