Notice: Organization, Functions, and Authority Delegations: National Center For HIV, STD, and TB Prevention

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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No.

210 / Tuesday, November 1, 2005 / Notices 65901


was established by Executive Order HUMAN SERVICES activities, and special studies of
12963, dated June 14, 1995, as amended tuberculosis and other mycobacteria-
by Executive Order 13009, dated June Centers for Disease Control and caused diseases; (2) administers
14, 1996. PACHA was established to Prevention contracts to provide Mycobacterium
provide advice, information, and tuberculosis genotyping, maintains a
Statement of Organization, Functions, national database of genotypes, and
recommendations to the President
and Delegations of Authority conducts operational research to
regarding programs and policies
intended to (a) promote effective Part C (Centers for Disease Control implement genotyping; (3) develops and
and Prevention) of the Statement of evaluates new methods to subtype
prevention of HIV disease, (b) advance
Organization, Functions, and mycobacteria for epidemiologic studies;
research on HIV and AIDS, and (c)
Delegations of Authority of the (4) serves as primary CDC focus for
promote quality services to persons diagnostic mycobacteriology laboratory
living with HIV disease and AIDS. Department of Health and Human
Services (45 FR 67772–76, dated services and for laboratory aspects of
PACHA was established to serve solely nontuberculosis Mycobacterium species
as an advisory body to the President and October 14, 1980, and corrected at 45 FR
69296, October 30, 1980, as amended and of Hansen disease (leprosy); (5)
the Secretary of Health and Human administers grants and cooperative
Services. PACHA is composed of not most recently at 69 FR 77756, dated
agreements with states and others to
more than 21 members. PACHA December 28, 2004) is amended to
upgrade laboratory activities and
membership is determined by the reorganize the National Center for HIV,
provide special services; (6) provides
STD, & TB Prevention.
Secretary from individuals who are reference diagnostic services,
Section C–B, Organization and
considered authorities with particular consultation, technical assistance, and
Functions, is hereby amended as
expertise in, or knowledge of, matters training to State, Federal, and municipal
concerning HIV/AIDS. public health laboratories; (7) provides
Delete in its entirety the following
The agenda for this meeting includes laboratory support, reference services,
titles and functional statements:
assessment, consultation, and training
the following topics: HIV/AIDS Division of AIDS, STD & TB Laboratory
for CDC’s international tuberculosis
prevention, care and treatment, and Research (CK7), Office of the Director
activities; (8) develops, evaluates, or
global HIV/AIDS issues. Time will be (CK71), HIV, Immunology and
improves conventional and molecular
allotted during the meeting for public Diagnostics Branch (CK72), HIV
methods for the detection, classification,
comment. Immunology and Diagnostics Branch
identification, characterization, and
(CK73), Sexually Transmitted Infectious susceptibility testing of mycobacteria
Public attendance is limited to space
Diseases Branch (CK74), Tuberculosis/ and mycobacteria-caused diseases; (9)
available and pre-registration is required
Mycobacteriology Branch (CK75). conducts studies to define the role of
for both attendance and public Following the Training and Health
comment. Any individual who wishes bacterial virulence factors, host factors,
Communication Branch (CK37), and pathogenic and immunologic
to attend and/or comment must register Division of STD Prevention (CK3), insert
on-line at mechanisms in disease processes and
the following: protective immunity and develops,
Individuals who need special Laboratory Reference and Research
assistance, such as sign language evaluates, and improves immunologic
Branch, (CK38). (1) Performs research methods for the diagnosis and
interpretation or other reasonable on the pathogenesis, genetics, and prevention of mycobacteria-caused
accommodations, should indicate when immunology of syphilis and other diseases; (10) develops tissue culture
registering on-line. treponematoses, gonococcal and and animal models of mycobacteria-
Members of the public will have the chlamydial infections, chancroid, caused diseases and conducts studies on
opportunity to provide comments at the genital herpes, donovanosis, bacterial chemotherapy, immunotherapy,
meeting. Public comment will be vaginosis and trichomoniasis; (2) pathogenesis, pathology, and vaccines
limited to three (3) minutes per speaker conducts and participates in clinical, for mycobacteria-caused diseases; (11)
and to time available. Written field, and laboratory research to conducts studies on the isolation,
testimony, not exceed five (5) pages, develop, evaluate, and improve taxonomy, and ecology of mycobacteria
laboratory methods used in the and develops tests to identify new
will be accepted by mail or facsimile at
diagnosis and epidemiology of these species; (12) conducts and supports
sexually transmitted infections (STIs); studies to characterize newly emerging
Written testimony will not be (3) provides consultation and reference/ pathogenic species of Mycobacterium
accepted after 5 p.m., Wednesday, diagnostic services for these STIs; (4) and associated diseases.
November 9, 2005. conducts laboratory-based surveillance Following the HIV Incidence and
Dated: October 26, 2005. for and research on the genetics of Case Surveillance Branch (CK56),
antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria Division of HIV, AIDS Prevention—
Joseph Grogan,
gonorrhoeae; (5) serves as the WHO Surveillance and Epidemiology (CK5),
Executive Director, Presidential Advisory International Collaborating Center for insert the following:
Council on HIV/AIDS.
Reference and Research in Syphilis HIV and Retrovirology Laboratory
[FR Doc. 05–21714 Filed 10–31–05; 8:45 am] Serology; and (6) provides consultation Branch (HCK57). (1) Conducts studies of
BILLING CODE 4150–43–P and laboratory support for international human immunodeficiency viruses
activities. (HIVs) and other human and zoonotic
Following the International Research retroviruses, including the diseases they
and Programs Branch (CK47), Division cause, their modes of transmission, and
of Tuberculosis Elimination (CK4), the means for their control through
insert the following: virus detection, isolation, and
Mycobacteriology Branch (HCK48). (1) characterization by virologic, molecular,
Provides laboratory support for and cellular biologic methods; (2)

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65902 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 210 / Tuesday, November 1, 2005 / Notices

collaborates with NCHSTP investigators HIV antigen and antibody testing plus Plus of Michigan; SureScripts, RxHub
to conduct HIV epidemiologic and related standardized assays in support and MedCo. This is a unique project in
surveillance studies worldwide of the diagnostic/surveillance/ terms of size, sponsoring organizations,
particularly as they pertain to epidemiologic requirements of CDC- patient base, geographic area, and
prevention and intervention strategies; based and CDC-affiliated studies of the approach. This project is consistent
(3) identifies and characterizes new HIV HIV epidemic; (5) serves as a reference with CMS’ goals to improve health care
isolates and develops new screening laboratory for State and local health quality, patient safety, and the use of
tests for these isolates to determine their departments; and (6) provides electronic prescribing. Funding of this
prevalence in various populations; (4) diagnostic services to other Federal unsolicited proposal will result in a
determines geotypic and phenotypic agencies, the World Health desirable public benefit in that its aim
variations of HIVs that may affect Organization, CDC-affiliated academic is to provide needed information on the
pathogenesis, drug resistance, centers, CDC-affiliated studies with costs and critical success factors
persistence, virulence, and other countries, and community associated with the adoption of
transmissibility; (5) conducts and organizations, as appropriate. electronic prescribing, as well as to
supports field epidemiologic Dated: April 1, 2005. provide improvements in quality and
investigations of the prevalence, William H. Gimson, safety of care delivery.
distribution, trends, and risk factors Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Disease FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
associated with non-AIDS retroviral Control and Prevention (CDC). Maria Friedman, Project Officer, Office
infections and associated diseases; (6) [FR Doc. 05–21672 Filed 10–31–05; 8:45 am] of e-health Standards and Services,
serves as a World Health Organization Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
(WHO) Reference Center and as a Services, 7500 Security Blvd., Stop S2–
member of the UNAIDS Virus Network 27–17, Baltimore, MD 21244, (410) 786–
to provide international consultation DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND 6333 or Judy Norris, Grants Officer,
and technical assistance on laboratory HUMAN SERVICES Department of Health and Human
procedures for HIV isolation, detection, Services, OOM/AGG/CMS, 7500
and characterization; (7) develops and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Security Blvd., Stop S2–21–15,
evaluates procedures for the isolation Services Baltimore, MD 21244, (410) 786–5130.
and characterization of HIV and for the
detection of retroviral DNA or RNA Notice of Grant Award to MedCO Authority: Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Program No. 93–779, Center for
from clinical samples; (8) provides Health Solutions, Inc., To Evaluate an
Medicare and Medicaid Services, Research,
training, reference testing, and reference Open-Source Project Entitled, ‘‘A Demonstrations and Evaluations; Section
reagents for virologic and molecular Comparison of Multiple Methods to 1110 of the Social Security Act.
characterization of divergent HIVs for Incent Physicians To Adopt Electronic
Prescribing Devices’’ Dated: August 9, 2005.
public health laboratories in the United
States and WHO; (9) serves as a Mark B. McClellan,
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare and Administrator, Centers for Medicare and
reference laboratory for the isolation of Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
zoonotic retroviruses from clinical Medicaid Services.
ACTION: Notice of Grant Award. [FR Doc. 05–21731 Filed 10–31–05; 8:45 am]
samples; (10) develops collaborations
with other CDC and non-CDC scientists SUMMARY: The Centers for Medicare and
to promote scientific progress and Medicaid Services has awarded a grant
accomplishments; and (11) collaborates entitled, ‘‘A Comparison of Multiple
with industry to promote DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
Methods To Incent Physicians To Adopt
commercialization of useful technology, HUMAN SERVICES
Electronic Prescribing Devices’’ to
methodologies, and reagents of public Medco Health Solutions, Inc., 100 Administration for Children and
health importance. Parsons Pond Drive, Franklin Lakes, NJ Families
HIV Immunology and Diagnostic 07417 in response to an unsolicited
Laboratory Branch (HCK58). (1) proposal. The period of performance is Submission for OMB Review;
Conducts basic and applied studies of August 1, 2005 through July 31, 2006. Comment Request
microbial-host interactions that occur in The purpose of this grant is to fund an
infections, particularly infection with initial evaluation of the Southeastern Title: The National Evaluation of the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); Michigan e-Prescribing Initiative (SEMI) Court Improvement Program.
(2) conducts basic and applied project. Through the use of e- OMB No.: New Collection.
investigations of the immune cell prescribing, this program is intended to Description: The National Evaluation
interactions that occur in HIV infection reduce the costs associated with the use of the Court Improvement Program will
as well as in related immunologic/ of prescription drugs, and improve describe the many paths followed by
infectious diseases; conducts safety for patients, including Medicare state courts to improve their oversight of
investigations of genetic traits of the beneficiaries, associated with an child welfare cases, and will provide the
host that influence the susceptibility, estimated 6,000 targeted physicians/ field with information on effective
disease course, and immune response to prescribers in Southeastern Michigan. models for juvenile and family court
infectious disease, particularly HIV The project involves the active reform. Funded by the Children’s
diseases; (3) conducts studies related to collaboration of multiple employers, Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and
the development, evaluation, insurance entities and care providers in Human Services (HHS) in 2004, the five-
improvement, and standardization of eight counties in Southeastern year study is being carried out by a
laboratory technologies uses for the Michigan. Partners include the Big partnership of three organizations
diagnosis, surveillance, and monitoring Three automakers, Ford, General Motors consisting of Planning and Learning
of HIV infection both independently and Daimler Chrysler; Blue Cross/Blue Technologies (Pal-Tech, Inc.), the Urban
and in collaboration with the Shield of Michigan; Henry Ford Health Institute and the Center for Policy
biotechnology industry; (4) performs System/Health Alliance Plan; Health Research.

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