REF 1 55A - Finite in This Study Static Linear Finite Element Analysis Was Used To Obtain Results

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REF 1 55A_Finite

*In this study Static Linear Finite Element Analysis was used to obtain results.
*These vessels are designed to store reactive fluids (eg: acid gas) and sustain
chemical reactions that may occur in the vessel
*These types of vessels are
mostly used in oil and petroleum industry for storage purposes
A pressure vessel with inside diameter ID, tangent to tangent line length of L and
with ellipsoidal heads is
considered. The three dimensional model is made using Solidworks 2012 from the
two dimensional drawing. Different
configurations of models were made for the purpose of analysis as shown in the
1) Pressure vessel Model (Without stiffener rings)
a) Saddle placed at given distance (Fig 1-a)
b) Saddle placed at ends (Fig 1-b)
2) Pressure vessel Model (With stiffener rings)
a) Saddle placed at given distance
Stiffener ring on the axis of saddle (Fig 1-d)
Stiffener rings adjacent to the saddle (Fig 1-c)
b) Saddle placed at ends
Stiffener ring on the axis of saddle (Fig 1-e)
* to mention the Table 1 tank dimensions
*to mention the properties of materials used
The finite element analysis is done using ANSYS software. The parasolid model is
created using cad software and
is imported to ANSYS so that volumes are generated. Solid 187 type element is used
in the analysis. This element is
used to mesh volumes in ANSYS and the geometry is fully defined by the element
nodes. Meshing is done in the

ANSYS software and node connectivity between elements in different surfaces has
been achieved as shown in figure 2.
The mesh size was limited on the basis of computer ability to process the generated
equations during solving. The
discretized model is then applied with boundary conditions at the solution stage in
A boundary condition for the model is the setting of a known value for a
displacement or an associated load. To
serve its purposeful function, structures are prevented from moving freely in space
at certain points called supports.
Since the pressure vessel is supported by means of saddle supports, we need to
constrain only the required degrees of
freedom at the supports. Considering practical application of vessel, initially the
model is given with bolts holes on left
saddle (fig 1-f) and slots on right saddle (fig 1-g). The master and slave nodes are
created for both holes and slots. Then
the displacement boundary condition which defines degrees of freedom to be
constrained is applied on master nodes
only. The pressure is applied on the inner surface of the vessel. Also the self weight
of the vessel for both operating
case and hydrotest case is considered as shown in figure 3 below.
*include vonmises stress and stress intensity values
*F. Optimization of shell thickness
After comparing the stress values for various configurations of pressure vessel on saddle supports with rings, the
vessel supported on saddles placed away from head with adjacent stiffener rings had least stress values and is well
below the limiting values in both operating case and hydrotest case. In order to show that provision of additional
stiffening reduces the stress in vessel, the thickness of the shell is reduced in view of reducing the weight of the
and thus lowers the overall cost. To achieve this, the thickness of the vessel is made equal to ellipsoidal head
Now the constrained optimization method is used to evaluate the reduction in thickness. In constrained optimization
method the objective is to minimize the function which is subjected to constraints. In this work the objective is to
the reduction in weight of the vessel when the thickness is reduced which is subject to constraints such as stress and
deflection. The volume is kept constant and in turn the inside diameter.
Weight of the shell is given by: WDmtL
Weight of the shell, when shell thickness is 23 mm:
6 W 4290 23 13107 7.833 10
W 31824.854N

Weight of the shell, when shell thickness is 18 mm:

6 W 4285 18 13107 7.833 10

W 24877.379N

Reduction in weight of the shell: 6947.475 N

REF 2013-03-29_FEAofPressureVessel_Part1


The main objective of this project was to understand the Finite Element Analysis
capability of Open
Source Software Salome for Pre-processing and Post-processing and Code_Aster for
analysis of a
Pressure Vessel Nozzle junction. Main goal was to calculate Stresses by hand and
compare them
with the Finite Element Analysis results.
Analysis was carried out on a quarter section of a pressure vessel with nozzle in the
middle of the
geometry, with sufficient symmetry and other boundary conditions added for
stability of the model.
Linear analysis using Tetrahedral elements was carried out for this study.
Salome version 6.3.0 and Aster version 1.10.0 was used for this analysis.
From the study it can be seen that hand calculations closely match the Finite
Element Analysis
results. Further studies are required to evaluate stresses and analyse them based
on ASME Section
VIII Division 2.

Model Geometry
The model geometry is a quarter section
of a Pressure Vessel modelled in positive
X-Y-Z zone of the co-ordinate system. This
pressure vessel has a nozzle at the centre
of it pointing in positive X-Y direction.
The geometry modelling is carried out in
Salome Geometry module, meshing was
carried out in Salome Mesh module and
then the mesh was exported in .msh
format. Finite Element Analysis was
carried out in Code_Aster and the result
was exported in another .msh format.
This result mesh was imported in Salome
again and Post Processing was carried out
where Displacements and Vonmises
stresses were evaluated.
Quarter model of the entire pressure
vessel was used in this study as the notmodelled

section of the pressure vessel

was very remote to the Nozzle geometry.
Flange was not modelled on the nozzle end to minimise mesh size and computation
time as this is
the standard practice used in commercial software packages.
Solid modelling was carried out in this study. Comparable results can be obtained by
using shell
elements, and in future another study may be carried out to understand the
difference between the
two modelling approaches.

Loads and Restraints

Vertical faces are given symmetric boundary
condition. Vertical Face in the XOZ plane
gets boundary condition of DY=0. Vertical
Face in the YOZ plane gets boundary
condition of DX=0. Horizontal bottom face
gets boundary condition of DX=0, DY=0 and
Five Load cases were considered for this
study. To balance the unbalanced pressure
an equivalent force is applied on the front
face of the nozzle.
Loads to be considered for this study are
Internal Pressure = 0.5 MPa
Force = 9000 N
Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 210 GPa
As the nozzle is facing positive XY direction,
force on the nozzle face was reduced in X and
Y direction and then applied to the face. So
the force of 9000N in lateral direction of the nozzle shell junction is reduced to
6363N in +Y direction
and 6363N in X direction.

Analysis of results

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