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Thursday, October 1, 2015 Vol. 134, No. 10 Stoughton, WI

ConnectStoughton.com $1

Stoughton Inclusive Dream Park

7th Annual
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 9am-12pm
Lunch & Entertainment to follow

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Courier Hub

Kettle Park West

Council OKs
Money would reimburse developer
for infrastructure improvements
Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group

Julie Erdmann and her 4-year-old son, Ben,

near the finish line.

The Common Council last week approved

borrowing up to $4.8 million to fund infrastructure improvements leading to the Kettle
Park West commercial development. At its
Tuesday, Sept. 22 meeting, the council voted
10-1 to approve the borrowing for a threeyear period. After three years, the city will
refinance its loan using either General Obligation Bonds or General Obligation Notes

Turn to Borrowing/Page 4

City of Stoughton

Council appoints
Truehl to Dist. 4 seat
New alder will serve until April
2016 election
Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group

Photos by Samantha Christian

On the web

Walk, run and roll

See more photos from the event:

About 35 people participated in the third annual Walk, Run and

Roll 10K/3K fundraiser for the Stoughton Inclusive Dream Park
on Sept. 26, starting and ending at Norse Park.
Above, Will Meissner and David Miller participate in the event
representing Assist Wisconsin, a nonprofit that pairs volunteers
with families traveling to the Wisconsin Dells area that have
unique needs.

Track the progress of the park:


Bronwynn Ziemann runs up a hill.

New group to promote civic action, education

Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group

A group of city residents

has launched a new civic
engagement organization,
the Stoughton Action Coalition, and plans to hold monthly meetings to address issues
of importance to residents and
Coalition member Steve
Tryon told the Hub that with
the 2016 spring elections

not far away and numerous

changes to voting laws voter ID, voter registration and
absentee voting the group is
sponsoring a 75-minute workshop at 11: 30 a.m. Saturday,
Oct. 3, at the Pizza Hut on
West Main Street to prepare
voters on what to expect.
Our group wants to be proactive in making Stoughton a
better place, and few things
are more important to achieving that goal than making

Courier Hub

sure people vote, Tryon said.

The changes in voting laws
tend to make voting more difficult.
The spring elections will
be sort of a trial run for
the presidential election in
the fall, Tryon added. He
said the coalition wants to
recruit voting ambassa dors to help educate people
about the changes, assist
them in obtaining the proper

If you go
What: Stoughton Action
Coalition workshop on voting
law changes
When: 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, Oct. 3
Where: Pizza Hut, 1424
Hwy. 51, Stoughton
More info:

T h e C o m m o n Council debates
Council last Tuesquorum rules
day appointed a
member of the PlanPage 8
ning Commission
and Redevelopment
Authority to fill a vacant seat on the council.
On a 7-0 vote with three abstentions, the
council chose Scott Truehl to represent District 4 on the citys west side until an election
is held next April. Truehl was the only applicant for the seat, vacated when former Ald.
Eric Hohol resigned after moving out of the
city in July.
Truehls bid for the seat was supported by Alds. Paul Lawrence, Sid Boersma,
Mike Engelberger, Ron Christianson, Sonny
Swangstu, Pat OConnor and Greg Jenson.
Regina Hirsch, Tom Selsor and Tom Majewski abstained.
Majewski told the Hub he didnt vote in
favor of Truehls appointment because the
vote had little meaning without other applicants in the running.
Truehl and his family moved to Stoughton
in 1991. Prior to relocating here, he had been
a member of the Madison Common Council
from April 1987 to April 91.

Turn to Coalition/Page 16

Turn to Truehl/Page 8

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October 1, 2015

Courier Hub


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Glenn McNaughton, of the Stoughton Kiwanis, helps Rory Dexter, 6, with her kite string.


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Photos by Samantha Christian

Lets fly
a kite
The Stoughton Kiwanis,
Optimist Club and Cummins
Asian Affinity Group held a
workshop for kite building and
flying at Sandhill Elementary
School on Sept. 26.

I T.

Above, Chalee Pinnow, 8, flies

a kite while her father, Alan,
sets up another and her mother,
Diane, watches.
At right, Lola Martinson, 6,
directs her kite by pulling on the
* APY is annual percentage yield. Offer expires October 17, 2015. Advertised introductory rate is available on new Money Market Plus Special accounts only. The introductory
rate may not be applied to funds from another Summit Credit Union account. A minimum of $10,000 in new money to Summit Credit Union required to open the account
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that time. The first year APY is a blended APY that combines the introductory rate from the account opening date to April 30, 2016 with the current posted rates on
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per account.

On the web
See more photos and order prints
online from Kite Day:



October 1, 2015

Braaten allegedly
collected nearly
$30K in public
Jacob Bielanski
Unified Newspaper Group

A Stoughton woman who stands accused

of embezzling nearly
$300,000 since 2009 now
faces new charges of welfare fraud from the same
time period.
to a criminal complaint filed
in Dane
County Circuit Court,
D e a n n a Braaten
Braaten now
faces three
additional felonies for misstating her income on BadgerCare and food stamp
A Dane County Department of Human Services
worker began investigating Braaten in June after
learning of the embezzlement charges, according to the complaint. The
investigator said Braaten
had filed applications for
BadgerCare medical assistance and food stamps
during that same period
of time but did not report
the income that was being
allegedly being stolen.
Braaten was charged in
May for virtually emptying
the account of the Stoughton Vikings Wrestling
Club, for which she served
as treasurer, and draining
the account of a woman
in an assisted living facility for whom Braaten held
power of attorney.
Braaten pleaded not
guilty to those charges on
July 6.
According to spreadsheets submitted by the
investigator, the additional income meant Braaten
was overpaid $22,227 in
BadgerCare assistance
and $7,322 in food stamp
assistance. The complaint
alleges she would not have
qualified for those benefits
based on the additional
The investigator said he
underestimated Braatens
additional income, choosing not to count charges
Stoughton detective allege
were made directly by
using debit cards from the
affected accounts, according to the criminal complaint.
Earlier this year, the
investigation into Deannas alleged embezzlement
also revealed evidence
that her husband, Byron
D. Braaten illegally possessed firearms, and he
faces seven felony counts
of possession of a firearm
by a felon.
If convicted on the welfare fraud charges, Deanna Braaten faces up to
$30,000 in fines and up to
15 years and six months in
prison. A status conference
in the latest case is set for
Oct. 26.

Stoughton High School

student Thu McKenzie
is one of around 16,000
semifinalists in the 61st
annual National Merit
Scholarship Program.
They are competing for
7,400 National Merit
Scholarships worth more
than $32 million that will
be offered next spring,
according to a press
release from the National
Merit Scholarship Program.
To be considered for a
Merit Scholarship award,
semifinalists must fulfill several requirements
to advance to the finalist
level of the competition.
About 90 percent of the
semifinalists are expected
to attain finalist standing,
(students will be notified in February), and
about half of the finalists

will win a National Merit

According to the press
release, to become a finalist, the semifinalist and his
or her high school must
submit a detailed scholarship application, in which
they provide information
about the students academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities,
employment, and honors
and awards received. A
semifinalist must have
an outstanding academic
record throughout high
school, be endorsed and
recommended by a high
school official, write an
essay and earn SAT scores
that confirm the students
earlier performance on the
qualifying test.

State ACT scores remain high

SHS scores top
national averages
Wisconsins 2015 high
school graduates posted
scores ranking them near
the top of the nations students on the ACT test.
According to a press
release from the Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction, state students
average score on the test
was 22.2, second only to
Minnesota (22.7) among
states where at least half
of students take the annual assessment. Stoughton
High School students who
took the exam averaged
Around 73 percent of
the states 2015 public
and private school graduates (46,738 students) took
the ACT, with composite
score the same as 2014.
Nationally, only 59 percent of graduates took the
According to the press
release, with virtually
all of Wisconsins public school 11th-graders
having taken the ACT
this past spring as part of
statewide assessments,
ACT participation will
rise dramatically next year
and scores are expected to
decline. Those results will
be reported later in fall.

ACT scores

Dane County

Lake levels to drop for winter

Drawdown begins
Oct. 1

Lake users are also asked
to check for any zebra mussels that might have attached
themselves to equipment
while submerged in water
over the summer. Zebra
mussels can clog water
intakes and pipes, encrust
piers, boats and motors, and
their sharp shells can cut the
feet of swimmers.
If zebra mussels or other
invasive species are found:
Check that the invasive
species has not been previously found on the water

body by visiting dnr.wi.gov

Note the exact location
where the animal was found.
Take a digital photo of
the animal in the setting
where it was found (if possible). Then collect up to five
specimens of varying sizes.
Place in a jar with water;
put on ice and transport to
Contact Pete Jopke,
Dane County AIS Coordinator at 608-224-3733.
For more info, visit

Dane County will start to

prepare the Yahara Chain
of Lakes for the upcoming
winter season this week.
Lakes will be lowered to
summer minimums beginning Oct. 1 and transition to
winter operating levels starting on Nov. 1. The annual
winter lake level drawdown
is intended to prevent shoreline ice damage and allow
for flood storage capacity
after the spring runoff.
Dane County annually
Closing in on 100,000 Buildings Sold
places more than 160 buoys
More than 37 years in business and still going strong!
in the Yahara River and
lakes to aid boaters with
navigation and help to idenCALL US FOR
tify hazards. The removal of
buoys will also start Oct. 1
and be complete by Nov. 1.
With this in mind, lake users
are asked to use caution and
be on the alert for underwa- 608-845-9700
ter hazards that may damage


New charges SHS student a National

for accused Merit semifinalist

Courier Hub

800-373-5550 ClearyBuilding.com

Average composite
scores for 2014:
Stoughton 23.6
Wisconsin 22.2
United States 21.0
State Superintendent
Tony Evers said the ACT
test has established college-readiness benchmark
scores by tying student
test results to postsecondary outcomes.
Wisconsin students tested better than the national average in all areas.
Nationally, 40 percent of
students met three or more
benchmarks; 28 percent
met all four benchmarks.
According to the press
release, ACT research has
shown students meeting
three or four ACT college
readiness benchmarks are
likely to be successful in
postsecondary education.
Our students, their
families, and teachers will
rise to the higher expectations we set, Evers said.
The research is clear, and
business and industry tell
us, that college-ready is
career-ready. That is the
goal for all of our graduates.

Oregon Firefighter/EMT

Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, October 4th
7 am - Noon
131 Spring Street, Oregon

Fundraiser Oregon FF/EMT Association with

proceeds being used to enhance the
Oregon Fire/EMS District.



October 1, 2015


Courier Hub


Sugar River draft plan

available for review
Public can submit
comments through Oct. 8
People who enjoy the Sugar
River and all its wildlife and
recreational opportunities will
have a chance to voice their
opinions on a new master plan
for the area.
The draft master plan for 12
wildlife, fishery, natural areas
and park properties, as well as
14 smaller habitat areas in the
Sugar River Planning Group, is
available for public review and
comment through Oct. 8.
The document contains a
feasibility study for a pro posed Footville Public Hunting Ground project, and recommendations from the Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources for habitat and recreation goals and objectives for
the following properties:
Wildlife areas - Albany,
Avon Bottoms, Badfish Creek,
Brooklyn, Evansville, Hook
Lake/Grass Lake and Liberty

Fishery areas - Anthony

Branch, Allen Creek and Story
Natural areas - Hook Lake
Parks and recreation - Montrose State Ice Age Trail Area
The plan is available for public review during public hours
at the Fitchburg DNR Service
Center, 3911 Fish Hatchery
Road, and at the State Natural Resources Building, 101 S.
Webster St., Madison.
A physical copy of the draft
master plan also has been provided to the Oregon Public
Library and Stoughton Public
Public comments can be submitted at the aforementioned
open houses, sent to Ed Jepsen,
FL/6, PO Box 7921, Madison,
For more information and to
submit comments online, visit
dnr.wi.gov and search key words master planning and
select the Sugar River Planning Group.

Thursday, October 1, 2015 Vol. 134, No. 10

USPS No. 1049-0655

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Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group,
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POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
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Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473
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Jim Ferolie
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Scott De Laruelle, Jacob Bielanski

Unified Newspaper Group, a division of

Woodward Communications,Inc.
A dynamic, employee-owned media company
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville


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Stoughton Courier Hub
Oregon Observer Verona Press

14th Annual Holiday


Saturday, October 3, 2015

9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
275 Taylor Lane Stoughton, WI

Variety of crafts, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, wood

items, knitware, baby items, table runners, quilted items,
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Tupperware, Norwex, & lots more! Lefse & baked goods also.

Ann Garvin and her

dog, Peanut, and
Carolyn Bach and her
dog, Millie, go for a
walk in Stoughton the
morning of Sept. 26.
Photo by Samantha Christian

Borrowing: Engelberger casts lone no vote

Continued from page 1
depending on the term of the
borrowing. Notes are used in borrowing for a period of less than
10 years and bonds are used for
borrowing longer than 10 years.
The cost of borrowing is the
same with each, said Joe Murray,
the citys financial advisor.
He said the city received the
highest rating for short-term borrowing from Moodys credit rating agency because of its financial stability, relatively low debt
and proximity to Madison.
Voting to authorize the borrowing were Alds. Paul Lawrence,
Ron Christianson, Greg Jenson,
Pat OConnor, Regina Hirsch,
Sonny Swangstu, Tom Majewski,
Scott Truehl, Sid Boersma and
Tom Selsor. Mike Engelberger
cast the sole vote against the borrowing because he doesnt support the citys use of tax-increment financing to support the
KPW development.
TIF was designed to channel
funding toward improvements in
distressed, underdeveloped, or
under utilized parts of a jurisdiction where development might
otherwise not occur. TIF creates funding for public or private
projects by borrowing against the
future increase in these propertytax revenues.
Under the citys financial plan,
it will borrow up to $4.8 million
and make only interest payments
for the three-year term of the
loan. In 2018, the city will refinance its borrowing.
Murray explained that using
note or bond anticipation notes
would give the city three years
for development to take place. It
would also allow the city in three
years to structure its debt service
payments based on whats happening on the ground at the time.
The city could pay off its
KPW-related debt in 17 years (or
sooner if there is more tax-increment generated than expected),
or it could extend the life of Tax
Increment Finance District by
another three years if the increment is less than expected.
The KPW developer Forward
Development Group is obligated under its agreement with
the city to begin paying the citys
debt service in 2018. If there isnt
enough increment to cover the
payments, the city may draw on

and his new book Jesus Cow

Sat., Nov. 7 9:00 AM

Edgerton Performing Arts Center


the developers Letter of Credit

to pay the debt service.
If theres a projected shortfall
between the increment and the
estimated principal and interest
payments, the developer would
be required to provide a letter of
credit to cover that shortfall that
would be based on the 2018 interest rate, Murray told the council
last March when it first approved
the borrowing plan.
City attorney Matt Dregne
explained that the developer is
required to provide the city with
two letters of credit initially: a
one-year letter to secure construction, and a three-year letter
of credit to guarantee the citys
debt payments.
The Kettle Park West commercial center is the cornerstone of a
planned mixed-use neighborhood
located on the citys west side at
the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 51
and State Hwy. 138. The commercial center comprises about
35 acres out of a total of almost
300 acres at the site. The developer was required to provide the
city with both letters of credit
before the city borrowed money
for the infrastructure work, which
began this summer with work on
Jackson Street. Other improvements will be performed along
the U.S. Hwy. 51 corridor and
also on State Hwy. 138.

In other business
The council also:
Renewed the citys five-year
contract with Accurate Appraisal
for municipal assessment services, at a cost of $44,000 per year.
The company has been the citys
assessor since 2002.
Approved a Conditional Use
Permit for David Eugster and
Kathy Jo Vike to install a pier,
wharf and to operate an indoor
commercial entertainment establishment (Water Front Dining
and Entertainment) at 324 Water
Approved a Conditional Use
Permit for Winfred Byrd to operate a martial arts studio at 135 W.
Main St.
Heard a first reading of an
ordinance change amending the
zoning classification for parcels
bounded by Fourth and Seventh streets, South Street and the
Yahara River, which includes the
MillFab property. The properties
are proposed to be rezoned from

Michael Perry


Craft Sh w


For more information:


Also featuring:
Jerry Apps
Kathleen Ernst
Patty Loew
Lucy Sanna
plus many others

heavy industrial, single-family

residential, neighborhood business and institutional to multifamily residential.
Planning director Rodney
Scheel said the new zoning classification is merely a placeholder until more specific redevelopment plans for the area are
determined. The zoning change
was opposed by John Stark, the
court-appointed receiver for Holly MillFab Holding Company,
who is charged with liquidating
the company for the highest value possible, he said in addressing the council.
Stark said he wants to reestablish a dialogue with the city
that I initiated earlier in the year
that has fallen off. He asked the
city to withdraw the rezoning
proposal because it would limit
his ability to sell the property for
the highest value.
He called the move an unlawful taking of value from this
He warned, This is not something that I am going to continue
to ignore.
Stark estimated the rezoning
would reduce the property value
of the MillFab site by approximately $1 million, and said he
did not receive legal notice of the
plan to rezone the property.
Mayor Donna Olson said the
city mailed the proper documents
to Stark as well as the owner of
the property. The latter document
came back to the city marked
undeliverable, she said, but the
letter to Starks office was not
Stark said, Im just trying to
protect the rights of the creditors
of the estate.
City attorney Matt Dregne told
the council he plans to address
the charge that this is an unlawful
taking of a property.
Dregne said his firm hasnt
done a thorough analysis yet of
Starks charge, but believed that
all of the legal notice requirements were satisfied.
City officials hope to redevelop
the strip of land in question along
the Yahara River and south of
downtown into a mixed-use area
of businesses and private residences. The council anticipates a
second reading of the ordinance
change at its next meeting, when
it is likely to vote to approve the

Pancake Breakfast

Saturday, October 10th, 7:00-11:00 a.m.

Stoughton Masonic Lodge #73
125 S. Fifth Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

Eggs, pancakes, and sausage
Adults: $6
Children Under 12: $3

Stoughton Area School District Fundraiser



October 1, 2015

Courier Hub

Senior Expo set for

Oct. 7 in Stoughton

Photos by Mark Ignatowski

Music appreciation series

The performance was part of a music appreciation series held
Mondays at the senior center. The series continues at 3 p.m. on
Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 and Nov. 2.
The free series is open to the public for people who love music
and would like to know more about it.
The sessions are organized by John Beutel and supported by the
senior center, a grant by the Bryant Foundation and donations from
class participants.
Future programs include:
Mon., Oct. 5 A program of World Music for Flute and

Mon., Oct. 26 UW Wingra

Woodwind Quintet (flute, oboe,
clarinet, bassoon and horn)

Professor Emeritus John Barker from Madison narrates the story/

history of the composer Sir Arthur Sullivan and the librettist,
William Gilbert and their operettas.

We gather the news. We

go to the events. We edit
the words. But we cant be
everywhere or know everything.
The Stoughton Courier
Hub depends on submissions from readers to keep
a balanced community perspective. This includes photos, letters, story ideas, tips,
guest columns, events and
If you know of something other readers might be
interested in, let us know.
E-mail ungeditor@wcinet.
com or call 873-1643 and
ask for editor Jim Ferolie.

VFW Badger Post 328 Inc.

200 Veterans Rd., Stoughton

Friday Night
All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry
Dine-in only.
Regular menu also available.

Juke Box Night

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Every Thursday night Bingo starting at 7:00 p.m.
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Open to the Public

Like us on Facebook


Its your paper, too

Mon., Nov. 2 The Kat Trio, a

Russian Trio that includes violin,
clarinet and piano (This final
session will be at the Stoughton
Opera House.)


Ron & Elaine


Year Anniversary

317 S. Page St., Stoughton

Mandt Lodge, 873-7209
handicapped accessible!

SonS of norway
Mandt Lodge
fiSh BoiL tiMe!

authentic icelandic
Cod fish Boil - friday, oct. 9 at
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time from Jane Conner
(873-1696) or at the door.
Bingo - food available at 5pm
and Bingo begins at 6pm.
our 2015 remaining dates
are oct. 17 and nov. 21.
Meeting Programs 7pm:
oct. 14 - foundation Month
Program. Come at 6pm and
enjoy the festivities, basket
auction and meeting;
nov. 11 - Potluck at 5:30pm
and Michael hecht program on
edvard Munch;
dec. 10 (thursday) - Christmas
Program at 7pm.
watch for info on our
destination Stoughton weekend
oct. 30-nov. 1;
fall Bake Sale- nov. 21; and
family Christmas PartySat, dec. 12.
we are handicapped accessible
with a lift on the south
side. for more information:
[email protected] or
facebook: Sons of norway
Stoughton and visit
The public is always welcomed
at Mandt Lodge!

Lunch will be served

from noon to 1 p.m. by
Sugar & Spice Eatery, featuring hot pulled pork or
shaved ham sandwiches,
au gratin potatoes, coleslaw and beverage for
$7.50. Musician Mike
McCloskey will perform
from 12:30-1:30 p.m. followed by bingo and door
prizes from 1:30-2:30.

Craft FAIR

Skaalen Nursing &

Rehabilitation Center Chapel

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Saturday, October 3
9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.
For additional information, please call
Pam Parsons at 873-5651, ext. 215.
email: [email protected]

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7th Annu

Stoughton Special Olympics

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Saturday, October 3rd 4 - 7 p.m.
American Legion Post 59
803 North Page Street - Stoughton, WI

$8 Adults (13 & older); $6 Children (5-12); Under 5 Free; Carry-Outs $8

Prices include Sales Tax

Stoughton Special Olympics Contact:

Brenda Slovacek (608) 873-1340

Sunday, October 11 from 1:00-4:30 p.m.

at the Stoughton VFW

Hosted by Ron and Elaines children (Diana, Ron, Scot, Jackie, Cheryl & Dan)

What: Seventh Annual

Senior Expo
When: 9 a.m. to 2:30
p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7
Where: Stoughton
Senior and Wellness
Center, 2300 Hwy. 51/138
Info: 845-9559


Mon., Oct. 19 A program of

classic music for the French Horn
performed by Craig Mason, Horn
and Linda Kunz, Piano.

SonS of


Mon., Oct. 12 Ludwig van

Beethoven-Titan among the greatest composers of the world.

If you go


Greg and Margaret Walters of the Madison Savoyards sing a roundabout love song as Ted Reinke plays piano.

Come for the valuable

information, stay for the
Thats the plan for the
seventh annual Senior
Expo, which like the
areas senior population keeps growing.
Around 40 vendors will
be on hand from all over
the area to provide information on everything
from legal assistance and
estate planning to health
and wellness, and plenty
more. Stoughton Hospital personnel will provide
blood pressure and bone
density screenings, and its
Rehabilitation and Sports
Medicine Clinic will host
an open house featuring a
senior fitness test, health
fitness assessments and
depression screenings.
Miracle Ear of Madison
will provide free hearing

Proudly Sponsored by:

American Legion American Legion VFW Badger VFW Auxillary

Post 59
Auxillary Unit 59 Post #328 Badger Post #328

cial Olympics

Stoughton Spe

l Olympics Co
nda Slovacek
ntact: Brenda
Contact: Bre

ek (608) 873-13


October 1, 2015

Courier Hub


Coming up

Community calendar

build bird feeders with the Stough- Hospital.

ton Optimist Club at 1 p.m. Saturday,
To register for the free series, call
Home Health United is conducting Oct. 3.
a network of seasonal public clinCall 873-8585 to register by Oct. 1.
ics in area communities, including
Diabetes presentation
Bunad jewelry
Dr. Dean Kresge, family medicine
Flu clinics will be held from 8:30Livsreise, 277 W. Main St., will physician at Dean Clinic Stoughton,
11:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 2, at the hold a presentation called The His- will share the facts about diabetes
senior center, and from 9 a.m. to noon tory and Magic of Bunad Jewelry and effective treatment including
Monday, Oct. 5, at St. Ann Catholic with Jorgen Sando at 7 p.m. Mon- medication and lifestyle choices at a
Church, 323 N. Van Buren St.
day, Oct. 5.
free presentation at 6 p.m. Thursday,
All vaccines are always adminisSando, who was born in Hallingdal Oct. 8, at Stoughton Hospital.
tered by nurses. A no shot nasal County, is a master goldsmith and is
For information, call 873-2356.
spray is available for healthy people devoted to keeping the handcrafted
ages 2-49 years old coming in October. bunad jewelry tradition, that started Oktoberfest celebration
Flu shots cost $31 and are covered in 1901 by his ancestors, alive from
The senior center will hold an
by Medicare Part B and Medicaid. his workshop in Rjukan, Telemark, Oktoberfest celebration at noon
Intranasal vaccines cost $33, and a Norway. His specialty is silver and Tuesday, Oct. 13.
high dose vaccine is available for $50. brooches and bunads.
The event will feature a classic
For information, call 241-7279 or
For information, call 873-7567.
German lunch for $5, special music
visit HomeHealthUnited.org.
from John Beutel and a presentation
Haiti program
on the German culture from visiting
Writing series
Join Cummins, Inc. employee German foreign exchange students.
The librarys Writing Series: Marc Laroque as he presents on
Reserve your spot by Oct. 8 by
Character Development will be held his home country of Haiti during calling 873-8585.
for adults and teens in grades 6 and Exploring World Cultures at the
up at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at the senior center at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Blood drive
fire department training room.
Oct. 7.
The American Red Cross encourHow do you make a character feel
For information, call 873-8585.
ages eligible donors to help their comreal to your reader? The program will
munities prepare for emergencies by
discuss how to create three-dimen- Forgiveness series
giving blood and platelets to support
sional characters who tie into the
Not being able to forgive can lead liver transplant patients and others
action and emotion of your plot.
to pain in many areas of our lives. Join needing blood products during Liver
Enjoy a free cup of coffee or hot instructor Tim Markle to learn meth- Awareness Month this October.
chocolate during the session. For ods of working toward forgiveness and
The next blood drive is from 1-6
information, call 873-6281.
learning to live a forgiving life.
p.m. Monday, Oct. 12, Covenant
The Freedom Through Forgive- Lutheran Church, 1525 Van Buren St.
Bird feeder building
To make an appointment, visit
ness series of six classes will be
Bring along friends, neighbors and held Wednesdays from 6:30-8 p.m. redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733grandchildren to the senior center to from Oct. 7 through Nov. 11 at the 2767.

Flu clinics

Bahai Faith

Ezra Church

For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911

or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225
us.bahai.org Stoughton study classes.

515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050 ezrachurch.com

Sunday: 10 a.m.

Bible Baptist Church

310 E. Washington, Stoughton

873-7761 flcstoughton.com
Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship

First Lutheran Church

2095 Hwy. W, Utica

873-7077 423-3033
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship

Christ Lutheran Church

700 Hwy. B, Stoughton

873-9353 e-mail: [email protected]
Sunday: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Worship,
9:10 a.m. Family Express followed by Sunday School

Christ the King Community Church

401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303
christthekingcc.org Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship

Christian Assembly Church

1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106

Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m. worship

The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

Stoughton Baptist Church

Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship;
6 p.m. - Evening Service



St. Ann Catholic Church

323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton

873-6448 873-7633
Weekday Mass: Nazareth House and St. Anns Church
Weekend Mass: Saturday - 5:15 p.m.;
Sunday - 8 and 10:30 a.m.

United Methodist of Stoughton

525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton

[email protected]
Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service; 10 a.m. - Full Worship

West Koshkonong Lutheran Church

Place your ad
here weekly!

Christopher Simon, Metro News

But if we walk in the light, as he is
in the light, we have fellowship with
one another, and the blood of Jesus,
his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1: 7 NIV

Western Koshkonong
Lutheran Church

Thursday, October 8

6 p.m., Diabetes presentation, Stoughton Hospital,

6:30 p.m., Thursdays With Murder book discussion,

1-6 p.m., Red Cross Blood Drive, Covenant Lutheran

Church, 1525 Van Buren St., 1-800-733-2767
3:30 p.m., Library Art Club: Puffy Paint (ages 9-14),
library, 873-6281
6 p.m., City of Stoughton Planning Commission,
Public Safety Building
7 p.m., Town of Dunn Plan Commission meeting,
Town Hall

Tuesday, October 13

Noon, Oktoberfest Celebration (RSVP by Oct. 8),

senior center, 873-8585
6 p.m., City of Stoughton Finance committee, Public
Safety Building
7 p.m. City of Stoughton Common Council, Public
Safety Building

Support groups
Diabetic Support Group
Parkinson Group
6 p.m., second Monday,
1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
Stoughton Hospital, 628- Wednesday, senior center,

Dr. Richard Albright

Dr. Phillip Oinonen
Dr. Thor Anderson
Dr. Thane Anderson


Wednesday, October 7

1 p.m., Exploring World Cultures Presentation: Haiti,

senior center
6:30 p.m., The Foundation Science Fiction/Fantasy
Book Group: Aliens and Humans, library

6 p.m., Friends of the Stoughton Public Library

meeting, library
6 p.m., Foundation Month Program with basket auction and meeting, Sons of Norway-Mandt Lodge, 317
S. Page St., 873-7209

Doctors Park
Dental Office

221 Kings Lynn Rd.

Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888

Tuesday, October 6

6 p.m. Pleasant Springs town board meeting, 2354

County N, 873-3063

Wednesday, October 14

2633 Church St., Cottage Grove

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study

1520 Vernon St.

Stoughton, WI

Monday, October 5

9 a.m. to noon, Public Flu Clinic, St. Ann Catholic

Church, 323 N. Van Buren St., 241-7279
3 p.m., Music Appreciation Fall Series: World Music
for Flute and Percussion, senior center, 873-8585
5-6:30 p.m., Free community meal, senior center,
7 p.m., The History and Magic of Bunad Jewelry with
Jorgen Sando, Livsreise, 277 W. Main St., 873-7567

Monday, October 12


A Life
Celebration Ceen

Saturday, October 3

10 a.m., Writing Series: Character Development, fire

department training room, 873-6281
1 p.m., Bird Feeder Building, senior center, 8738585

7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Farmers Market, Stoughton Plaza,

9:30 a.m., Coffee with the Mayor, senior center, 8738585
6 p.m., Authentic Icelandic Cod Fish Boil, Sons of
Norway-Mandt Lodge, 317 S. Page St., 873-7209


Covenant Lutheran Church

1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494

[email protected] covluth.org
Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship
Sunday: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worship
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Forgive Yourself
That we tend to remember misdeeds
years (and sometimes even decades)
after the original offense says something important about us. That is, we
are deeply imbued with a sense of
morality, and when we have committed a serious offense, especially one
which hurts another person, we may
have trouble getting over the shame
and humiliation, even long after the
other person has forgiven us. But what
good is holding onto all of that shame
and humiliation? We may never forget
the wrong committed, and the other
person probably wont either, if it was
something serious, but we should try
to find it within ourselves to forgive
ourselves. Jesus died for all of our
sins, even the ones we cant seem to
forgive ourselves for, and not forgiving
ourselves is tantamount to not trusting
that God has forgiven us. A good question to ask in these circumstances is
whether, knowing what you know now,
you would still commit the sin. If the
answer is no, then you have learned
your lesson and its time to move on.

Friday, October 2

7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Farmers Market, Stoughton Plaza,

8:30-11:30 a.m., Public Flu Clinic, senior center,
1 p.m., First Friday Movie: The Water Diviner,
senior center

Friday, October 9

616 Albion Rd., Edgerton

561-7450 [email protected]
Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10
Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath

1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship

11927 W. Church St., Evansville

Interim Pastor Karla Brekke
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School

Call 873-6671
to advertise on the
Courier Hub
Church Page.

1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton 873-5924

Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Education Hour for all ages: 9:15 a.m.

LakeView Church

Cooksville Lutheran Church

Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter

Martha Paton, Administrative Manager
Sara Paton, Administrative Assistant
Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant

Good Shepherd By The Lake

Lutheran Church

2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton

873-9838 lakevc.org
Sunday: 9 & 11 a.m. worship

825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton

877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary

1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton

Fulton Church

9209 Fulton St., Edgerton

884-8512 fultonchurch.org
Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8, 10:30 a.m. Worship;
9 a.m. coffee hour; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;
12-3 p.m. Varsity (teens); 3-5 p.m. AWANA

Seventh Day Baptist

Church of Albion

Thursday, October 1

1-5 p.m., Personal Essentials Pantry, 343 E. Main

St., pepstoughton.org
6:30 p.m., Adult Craft Club: Printmaking, library, 8736281

Grief Support Groups

Multiple Sclerosis Group
3 p.m., third Tuesday,
10-11:30 a.m., second
senior center, 873-8585
Tuesday, senior center,
Low Vision Support
Older Adult Alcoholics
1-2:30 p.m., third
Thursday, senior center,
2 p.m., Tuesdays, senior
center, 246-7606 ext. 1182

Submit your community calendar

and coming up items online:

[email protected]


October 1, 2015

Courier Hub

Ezra Church moves to old, brick warehouse

Lofty space
invigorates growing
Samantha Christian
Unified Newspaper Group

Couples considering
The Lageret as their wedding venue wouldnt have
to look far for a pastor to
perform the ceremony now
that Ezra Church has also
moved into the old tobacco
warehouse on 515 E. Main
Lead and teaching pastor
Jeff Lovell said the move,
which happened Aug. 23,
was prompted by the congregation of about 150 people outgrowing the building at 129 E. Main St. The
Personal Essentials Pantry
had been sharing the basement and meeting space
there with the church, but
it moved a few doors down
this summer, with Joining
Forces for Families.
Finding a new location for the church had
been in the works for over
a year because members
were feeling limited and
squished, Lovell said, but
the reasons went deeper
than that.
It didnt start with us
looking for a space; it
started with, What kind of
church do we want to be?
he said. And we want to be
a welcoming place for people with no church experience; we want to be a church
thats serving our community in practical ways.
A key factor in the relocation process was finding
a spot nearby.
Lovell said the growing
congregation was really committed to staying
in downtown Stoughton
because thats where were
When word spread of the
renovation project at the
brick building just past the
fire station, it caught his
We started just having
a conversation with them
about what they were going
to be doing, and they didnt
have plans for Sundays and
other times that we needed,
so it worked out well for us
and for them, he said.

Ezra Church
515 E Main St., Stoughton
Sunday Service: 10 a.m.
Pastor Jeff Lovell

Photos submitted

Ezra Church now shares building space with The Lageret at 515 E. Main St.

in Growth Groups, or
adult classes, held during the week in peoples
Jeff Lovell is the pastor or Ezra
As important as Sunday
Church, which now holds 10
morning is, its those small
a.m. Sunday services at 515 E.
groups that meet throughMain St.
out the week where a lot of
the great stuff of our church
larger building, and atten- happens, he said. Thats
dance has nearly doubled where we serve and connect
with other people.
Not afraid to admit he is
one of the oldest people in Sermon series
the building on Sundays,
Lovell said the first
Lovell said the congrega- month in the new space
tion is young and vibrant. has been filled with lots
The services are casual and of excitement and lots of
people are encouraged to people.
come as you are.
Weve been growing
This laid-back mental- steadily over the last sevity echoes the open meet- eral weeks; just lots of new
ing space, but thats not all people coming and checkthat bounces off the walls. ing it out, he said.
The high ceilings create
To capture the energy
amazing and beautiful and keep building on the
sounds, Lovell said.
momentum, the church held
Its just warm, bright a grand opening on Sept. 13
acoustics, he added.
and is planning a fall serWhile services feature mon series. Members will
loud live music from con- also be helping at the youth
gregation members and a center and food pantry over
fun childrens time dur- the next month.
ing worship, Lovell said
The church is kicking
many people are also active off the teaching series

Subscribe to

five-week series will feature topics about depression

and anxiety, finances, parenting, work and the hard
stuff of life like losing a
family member or enduring
We say the main reason
we exist is to help people
connect and reconnect with
God, Lovell said, and
addressing local issues like
these is what Ezra Church
is all about. Members often

see the needs in the community and meet them through

service, he said.
Theyre tutoring at
schools and theyre fixing
porches for their neighbors and theyre helping
their elderly lady next door
fix her car, he said. That
stuff happens all the time,
and thats the stuff that
never gets written about,
but I think its the stuff that
makes our church great.


The icing on the cake is

when the patient truly feels

they have received

the best care
Laura Flanagan, MD
Family Medicine

Natural fit
Lovell, 41, who has been
a pastor in Stoughton since
2001, started the Watershed Church in 2006, and
it merged with Ezra Church
in 2013.
The church used to hold
two Sunday services, but
only one is needed in the

during worship on Sunday,

Oct. 4, followed by a cookout and Packer party for
people to watch the football
game on a big screen.
The series will be based
on survey responses from
the community on some of
the biggest issues and questions that families are dealing with, Lovell said.
Fittingly called Overwhelmed: How to Win the
War Against Worry, the

by calling

or log on


Her approach: I aim to provide whole person care not only

focusing on disease diagnosis and numbers, but addressing
emotional wellness as well.
Her Field: I enjoy the versatility of full spectrum care. Its
rewarding to develop a genuine connection with my patients.
On Dean: I grew up in the Dean health care system, so I have
seen rsthand the great care they provide.
Medical school: Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Residency: University of Wisconsin Department of Family

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Chuck. Available Fresh or Frozen. $225 value

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2015 SSM Health. All rights reserved. WI-WI-15-108456

October 1, 2015

Courier Hub


Area Veterans
Memorial Park
About 150 people were present for
the groundbreaking ceremony of the
Stoughton Area Veterans Memorial Park
at the corner of Hwy. B and Country Club
Road in Pleasant Springs on Saturday,
Sept. 26. The 3-acre parcel of land was
donated by Oscar and Shirley Linnerud,
who were not present but were represented by their granddaughter Shelby
At left, turning the first shovels of
dirt at the site are Sonny Swangstu,
Commander of American Legion Post
59; Duane Broughton, keynote speaker
and project chair; Erich Pechmann
project contractor with Pechmann
Memorials; Mary Haley, chair of Pleasant
Springs Township Board; Shelby
Linnerud, granddaughter of Oscar
and Shirley Linnerud, who donated the
land; Paul Lawrence, president of the
Stoughton City Council; and Pat Nowlin,
Commander of VFW Post 328.
Photos by Samantha Christian

On the web
See more photos from the groundbreaking:

At left, the site of
the memorial, which
will be in front of
cornfields, is photographed by VFW
Post 328 member
Rodney Nedlose of
At right, project chair Duane
Broughton gives
the keynote speech
about the memorial.
He said the monument will honor
veterans rather
than glorify war. He
hopes it will be a
field trip destination
to educate youth,
and a place where
people can reflect
and respect service
men and women.

Truehl: Served on chamber of commerce, Mandt Community Center boards

renew your

Weve recently launched

the option to renew your
newspaper subscription
electronically with our
secure site at:

Continued from page 1

Truehl has served on the
Stoughton Area Chamber of
Commerce Board of Directors, the Mandt Community
Center Board of Directors,
and is presently a member
of the citys Planning Commission and Redevelopment
Authority. He is the executive vice president and a

partner of Friede & Associates Construction in Reedsburg.

The council followed its
regular procedure in filling
the vacant seat. It had Truehl
fill out a questionnaire as
part of the application process, and then asked him to
talk about his answers in an
open session of the council.
Truehl said the biggest

issues facing the city include

dealing with budget constraints, deteriorating infrastructure, the aging of our
overall population and managing growth on the citys
One ongoing issue that
Im interested in is the
strength of our main street
and the redevelopment of the
city center, Truehl wrote. I

believe that we must always

pay special attention to the
needs of our downtown, to
keep it vibrant and maintain
a diversity of businesses.
He said one of the keys to
this effort has to be encouraging the development of
additional housing within
both the redevelopment district and along Main Street.
As the former chairman of

the RDA and now a city

alder, Truehl said he would
continue to reach out to
potential developers to have
them consider investing in
Ive been very active in
the discussions regarding the
MillFab property and will
work to see how we can redevelop the riverfront between
4th and 8th streets, he said.

Council divided over quorum rule

Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group


The Common Council

took about an hours detour
from its agenda last week
when it got into a disagreement over what constitutes a
quorum to conduct business.
The discussion came
up during a vote on Scott
Truehls application to fill a
vacant council seat in District 4. Three of 10 alders
present abstained from casting a vote on seating Truehl,
who was the only applicant
for the seat.
Following a 7-0 vote with
three abstentions, Ald. Tom
Selsor (D-4), pointed out that
he did not believe the council could seat Truehl because

it lacked a quorum making

the vote invalid.
A quorum is the minimum
number of members present
at a meeting before a legislative body can validly proceed
to transact business. Council
rules state that two-thirds of
the 12-member body constitutes a quorum, which means
that at least eight members
must be present to have a
Selsor pointed out that
Roberts Rules of Order
states that those who abstain
from voting do not count
toward a quorum. He argued
with only 11 alders on the
council (one of whom was
absent) and three abstaining
from voting, that left only
seven members, which he

claimed was not enough for

a quorum.
City attorney Matt Dregne
pointed out, however, that
the councils own rules take
precedence over Roberts
Rules of Order.
Dregne read from the
councils rules, which state:
A council member who
abstains from voting for the
stated reason that voting
would violate or might be
perceived to violate a law
or ethical standard shall not
be counted for determining the number of members
present to constitute a quorum. He further explained
that since none of the alders
that abstained said they were
doing so out of fear of violating a law or ethical standard,

they must be counted when

determining if a quorum was
Mayor Donna Olson then
ruled Selsors point was out
of order and that the vote to
seat Truehl was valid. Selsor challenged the mayors
ruling and asked for a vote
of the council to override or
sustain it.
Her ruling was sustained
on a 5-4 vote, with Ald. Sid
Boersma abstaining. Alds.
Ron Christianson, Paul
Lawrence, Greg Jenson,
Pat OConnor and Sonny
Swangstu voted to sustain,
while Tom Majewski, Regina Hirsch, Mike Engelberger
and Selsor voted to override

Jeremy Jones, sports editor

845-9559 x226 [email protected]

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237 [email protected]
Fax: 845-9550


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Courier Hub
For more sports coverage, visit:

Girls tennis

Girls golf

Playoff time
for the Lady
The Stoughton High
School girls golf team traveled to Foxboro Golf Club
Wednesday for the WIAA
Division 1 Oregon regional.
Results did not meet the
Courier Hubs Tuesday
deadline. Check ConnectStoughton.com for a story
and photos.
The Madison West Sectional is at 9 a.m. Tuesday,
Oct. 6, at Odana Hills Golf

If you go
What: WIAA Division 1
Madison West sectional
When: 9 a.m. Tuesday,
Oct. 6
Where: Odana Hills Golf

Boys soccer

Photo by Jeremy Jones

Junior Sarah Benoy earned the No. 1 seed entering last weekends Badger Conference tournament and played to the first individual title for Stoughton since 1994. Benoy
won the first set of her championship match 7-6 (9-7) before Madison Edgewoods Emma Sango retired as a result of a nagging back injury.

Dream come true

Benoy wins No. 1 singles

title at conference
Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Long before stepping on the

courts inside Nielsen Tennis Stadium for the Badger Conference
tennis match last weekend, junior
No. 1 singles player Sarah Benoy

dreamt of this exact scenario.

Benoy played to a third-place
finish at conference the past two
years, but this year had a different
feeling as the junior earn the top
seed entering the two-day tournament.
Sporting just two losses on the
season Benoy went on to improve
to 24-2, winning the No. 1 singles
title over Edgewoods third-seeded
Emma Sango, who retired after

Benoy won the first set 7-6 (9-7).

Sango missed last season due to a
back injury and has been limited
this year.
I think Emma would have continued if he had won the first set,
but it was still a great back-andforth match, Benoy said. It was
really exciting to finally win a
title, since Ive been trying the last
two years.
It would be the only title of the

Vikings make
mark in 2-0
win over
Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

tournament taken by anyone not

playing for Waunakee or Madison
Benoy reached the WIAA Division 1 state tournament for a second time a year ago and went on
to win her first-round match. Shes
now hoping her body of work and
a strong showing against Dao Sysouvanh at the Sun Prairie Quad

Every game is adding a

new element to the Stoughton High School boys soccer team, and Tuesdays
2-0 win over Madison
Edgewood at Reddan Soccer Park was no exception.
The Vikings picked up
their first Badger South
Conference win, not only
controlling the possession
and creating opportunities
on offense, but they also
formed a wall on defense

Turn to Conference/Page 11

Turn to Soccer/Page 10


Stoughton falls short of third win

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

The Stoughton football team saw its shot

at wrapping up a second straight WIAA
playoff berth sail wide (right or left) of the
uprights, losing 26-24 at Milton on Friday.
Trailing by as much as nine points in the
fourth quarter, the Vikings rallied with a
4-yard touchdown strike from Jake Kissling
to Adam Krumholz. Stoughton then got
a defensive stop, which setup a potential
game-winning 24-yard field goal by Josh
Hitchcock, which was hooked wide of the
Isaac Phillips carried the Red Hawks on
his back throughout the contest, passing for
220 yards and a touchdown. He also rushed
a 1-yard touchdown run to break a scoreless
drought in the second quarter.
Stoughton answered with a 33-yard field
by Hitchcock, who also had a 91-yard rushing touchdown.
The Red Hawks and Vikings exchanged

the lead two more times before halftime.

Milton took the first swing as Chaney
Passer connected on his only pass of the
game, hitting Joey Stivarius for a 30-yard
A 91-yard kickoff return by Zach Kirby
quickly pushed Stoughton back on top
17-13 before the half, however.
Phillips hit Stivarius for a 14-yard passing
touchdown in the third quarter.
Passer, who caught three balls for 93
yards, hauled in a 38-yard strike from Phillips in the fourth quarter to extend Miltons
lead to 26-17.
Stoughton has three Badger South games
left to become playoff eligible against Oregon (3-1), Monona Grove (2-1) and Madison Edgewood (0-3).
The Vikings host the rival Panthers at 7
p.m. Friday.
Oregon is coming off a 33-13 victory
Photo by Joe Koshollek
over Fort Atkinson on Homecoming, which
made the Panthers playoff eligible for the Stoughton kicker Josh Hitchcock stands in shock after missing a 24-yard field goal in the final seconds
Friday at Milton. The Vikings lost the game 26-24.
second straight year.


October 1, 2015

Courier Hub


Girls cross country

Vikings finish ninth out of

30 teams at Midwest Invite
Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

If a young Stoughton girls cross

country team wants to be considered
one of the premier programs in the
state, its meets like Saturdays 78th
Midwest Invitational that will help the
Vikings get there.
Featuring six of the states top Division 1 programs and a second-ranked
Division 2 team, the Vikings held their
own, scoring 302 points for ninth place.
Abby Kittleson stepped up to pace
Stoughton, taking 35th place in 20 minutes, 31 seconds and Clea Roe (20:46)
finished 15 seconds later in 46th place
as the teams second runner.
A mere matter of seconds separated
Margaret Ross (21:10) and Anna Wozniak (21:12), who finished 57th and
59th as Stoughtons third and fourth
runners. Gigi Zaemisch rounded out the
top five with a lifetime best, placing
105th in 22:06.
Saturday was a great day for our
young runners, head coach Susan
Zaemisch said. Our top five runners,
Abby, Clea, Margaret, Anna and Gigi
ran tough races.
Augustyna Brestar competed but did
not score for the girls.
Fourth-ranked Arrowhead won the
meet by placing all five varsity scorers
in the top 34 for 85 points.
Sixth-ranked Kimberly finished four
points back. Eleventh-ranked Middleton (152) rounded out the top three a
distant third.
Sixteenth-ranked Madison West
(192) was fourth. Wisconsin Lutheran,
ranked second in D2, finished fifth
with 214 points, while 14th-ranked

Neenah (260) placed sixth and 18thranked Madison Memorial (270) took
The only teams we lost to were large
Division 1 schools that featured six of
the top 20 D1 programs and one of the
top teams in D2, Susan Zaemisch said.
The mental toughness of these ladies
shows that we can compete with the
best teams in the state.
We are continuing to close the gap
between conference rival Oregon.
Besides Gigi Zaemisch the Vikings
also had lifetime bests by Erin Boettcher, Kirsten Sanford and Gabrielle Skerpan, while Emily Reese placed 17th
in the JV race earning the teams only
Stoughton was without Aly Weum,
who is recovering from an injury.
The team goal since day one has
been winning conference, Susan Zaemisch said. We took a great step in
that direction this weekend.
We have two more weekends of racing and girls are continuing to try different strategies that will help make
them run their best on October 17.
Our top runners have been working
hard through their nagging injuries and
I have confidence that their hard work
will have them ready to run strong at
The Vikings host the Stoughton Invitational at 9 a.m. Saturday.
The meet will feature several teams
on the Wisconsin Cross Country
Coaches Association Division 1 state
poll, including top-ranked Stevens
Point, third-ranked Sun Prairie, fifthranked Appleton North, 11th-ranked
Middleton and 18th-ranked Madison

Boys cross country

Vikes finish in upper half of Midwest invite

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Juniors Owen Roe and Tristan Jenny

both improved by more than 30 seconds
from their previous weeks effort to lead
the Stoughton boys cross country team Saturday at the 78th Midwest Invitational.
Roe led the way, covering the 5k Blackhawk Golf Course in 17 minutes, 12 seconds good for 56th place. It was 31 seconds faster than 11 days earlier at the Badger Challenge.
Jenny also bounced back with a solid
race, taking 79th place in 17:28 to help the
Vikings finish 11th out of 37 teams.
We ran well at the Midwest Invite.
It was a fast course, but we also showed
improvement, head coach Pat Schneider
Almost the entire varsity top seven ran
either seasonal or lifetime best times to
help the Vikings beat Monroe for the first
time this year, which was especially good
since Garett Model (the teams top runner)
did not run as he was invited to an elite
wrestling camp.
Madison La Follette, ranked atop
the Wisconsin Cross Country Coaches

Associations Division 1 state poll, saw all

five varsity scorers finish in the top 30 for
top place with 70 points. Finn Gessner led
the field in 15:22.
Kimberly finished a distant second with a
102, while Madison Memorial (142) came
in third overall.
Senior Gabe Ross broke 18 minutes to
finish 97th overall as the Vikings third
runner in 17:49.
Sophomores Carson Fleres and Collin
Maloney rounded out the back, crossing the
finish line within a tenth of a second of one
another, taking 126th and 127th in 18:09,
Carson probably ran the best race of
anyone on varsity, Schneider said. He
went from being on JV at the start of the
season to being our fifth runner at Janesville.
Sean McLaury and Ed Zeichert both
competed on varsity, but did not score.
The Vikings host the annual Stoughton
Invitational, which will feature top-ranked
La Follette, fifth-ranked Madison Memorial, eighth-ranked Stevens Point, 12thranked Sun Prairie, 13th-ranked Middleton, 18th-ranked Baraboo and 15th-ranked
Verona at 9 a.m. Saturday.

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Wednesday, October 28, to:
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Please be sure to include all
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Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Senior Spencer Weeden (right) celebrates with senior Andrew Beszhak (8), senior Jackson Hampton
(25) and sophomore Zander Hartberg following his goal Tuesday against Madison Edgewood at
Reddan Soccer Park. The Vikings won the Badger South match 2-0.

Soccer: Stoughton beats Baraboo

Continued from page 9
to prevent the Crusaders
from tying the game late.
It is always about getting better every game, and
in this game, we saw what
our potential was, head
coach Dave Wermuth said.
We know there are a few
things we can tighten up,
but we are marching forward.
They are playing fantastic.
Stoughton had several
chances to score, but it
wasnt until the 81st minute when senior Ben Stefanic found senior Spencer
Weeden in the box to put
the Vikings up 1-0.
It just came down to
the fact that we had the
majority of the possession
for the whole first half and
the whole second half but
we couldnt convert. We
finally put one in, and that
turned the tide and we kept
the pressure up, Weeden
After Stoughton took the
lead, Edgewood started
to push and forced senior
goalie Erik Hansen and the
defense to buckle down.
Despite allowing several

close calls, the defense

As a whole, we had
a letdown for about five
minutes, but our defense
kept us in it. Erik and our
two back defenders Noah
Doll and Andrew Beszhak
all kept us in it, Wermuth said. It was a matter of realizing what we
needed to do. They woke
back up, and they got that
second goal too.
Senior Nathan Varese
scored the dagger in the
89th minute for Stoughton.
Hansen finished with
three saves. Edgewoods
Aaron Ring finished with
nine saves.
The Vikings are now 1-2
in the Badger South, while
Edgewood drops to 1-1.
I think we have just
been looking at our previous games and how we
have been dropping off
after 60 to 70 minutes in.
We have been working on
keeping it up and getting
ahead to not have a drop
off, Weeden said. I think
we started doing that in
these last few games.
Hopefully, we can keep
this conference streak rolling.

Stoughton travels to Fort

Atkinson at 7 p.m. Thursday and then to Evansville at 6:30 p.m. Friday.
Stoughton also travels to
Madison East at 11 a.m.
Saturday and hosts Monona Grove at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6.

Watertown 2, Stoughton 1
The Vikings traveled to
Watertown on Thursday
and fell 2-1.
Stefanic scored the lone
goal for the Vikings, while
Hansen finished with two
Dan Esquivel and Jake
Last both scored for
Watertowns Steven
Jonas had six saves.

Stoughton 3, Baraboo 0
The Vikings hosted
Baraboo on Saturday and
won 3-0.
Senior Ethan Genter collected a goal, while Stefanic had a goal and an assist.
Weeden also scored, and
sophomore Anders Goetz
picked up an assist.
Hansen finished with
one save, and Baraboos
Erik Eilertson had six.

swim fast... please encourage your kids to try swimming lessons or join the STAR program


October 1, 2015

Stoughton turns in 20 best times, knocks off Fort

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Coming into Tuesday evenings

Badger South Conference dual meet
at Fort Atkinson, the Stoughton girls
swimming team knew they had a
chance to do something special.
We tried to put our best line up
out there knowing it would come
down to the second and third swimmers in each event, and those girls
really shined for us, said Vikings
head coach Katie Liebmann whose

team won its first conference dual of

the season, 100-70.
Maddie Kooima, Sophie Pitney,
Haley Foss and Abbie Kooima
opened the meet by swimming to a
meet-best time of 1 minutes, 20.6
seconds in the 200-yard medley
Maddie Kooima went on to add a
pair of individual titles on the night,
taking the 200 IM in 2:25.25 and the
100 backstroke in 1:06.98.
Sophie Pitney chipped in by winning the 100-yard breaststroke in

Audrey Killian secured Stoughtons final individual title by claiming the 500 free in 5:55.
The Vikings had 20 personal best
swims at the meet, including Sophia
Thompson who dropped three seconds in her 100 fly.
After the 50 free, all three girls
Ashley Foss, Pitney and Abbie
Kooima approached me with huge
smiles on their faces as all of them
reached a personal goal, Liebmann said. Elizabeth Hammond

continued her streak of best times,

with personal bests in both the 200
IM and 100 breaststroke.
Stoughtons JV team prevailed
Erin McCune was named the
swimmer of the meet for her excellent attitude and for trying the 500
for the first time, Liebmann said.
We can all take a lesson from her
when it comes to individuality and
positive attitude, she said. She has
amazing sportsmanship, and I love
having her here with us.

Conference: Vikings finish runner-up in Badger South Conference

ranked fifth in Division
1 by the state coaches poll,
Waunakee, which also
won the Badger North dual
season, claimed the Badger North crown for the
sixth straight year, winning
championships at five out
of seven flights.
It was great for our
program, finishing third
behind Waunakee, which is
fifth in the state in Division
1, and Edgewood, which
is No. 1 in D2, Reischel
said. Coming away with
32 points is a great tournament for us. Im very
pleased with our kids.
Sophomore No. 4 singles player Paige Halverson was the only other
Stoughton singles player to
reach Saturdays semifinal
Halverson rolled Isabelle
Krier of Oregon 6-3, 6-1
and then defeated Monona
Groves Paige Marten 6-4,
6-2. She meanwhile, held
off DeForests Grace Fanson 7-6 (3), 6-3 for third
Saturday morning however pitted Halverson
against top-seeded Lexi
Cords of Waunakee, who
took the match 6-0, 6-0.
Cord went on to defeat
Morgan Grover of MG for
the No. 4 singles title.
Sophomore No. 3 singles
player Gigi Barberino suffered a similar fate, rolling
6-1, 6-2 against Portages
Greta McKinnon before
falling to top-seeded and

October 10, 2015

eventual champion Amanda Schuster of Waunakee

6-1, 6-0.
The Vikings advanced
all three third-seeded doubles flights on to Saturdays semifinals, but much
like their dual meet five
days prior, were unable to
get the better of Madison
Edgewood, settling for a
trio of third-place finishes.
Third-seeded juniors
Payton Kahl and Kendra
Halverson nearly blanked
Portages Reilly and Hicks
6-0, 6-1 in their one match
Saturday morning presented a much bigger challenge, however, falling to
the eventual runners up
Maddie Molitor and Abby
Fox of Edgewood 4-6, 6-1,
7-6 (2).
Top-seeded Bailey Chorney and Bobbi Stricker
cruised 6-0, 6-0 over Molitor and Fox in the championship match.
Kahl and Halverson
meanwhile, played to a
third-place finish with a
6-3, 6-2 victory over Miltons Faith Dittmann and
Bethany Crandall.
Sydney Johnson and
Holly Brickson entered
the conference tournament
seeded third just like Kahl
and Halverson. And just
like their teammates, they
fell to the Crusaders in Saturdays semifinals.
The Vikings No. 2
doubles team cruised
6-1, 6-1 against Miltons
Katie Chesebro and Anna

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on Saturday can help her

become the second Stoughton singles player to be
seeded at the state tournament.
Benoy sat through a firstround bye and then blanked
Baraboos Alexa Lindsay
6-0, 6-0 before being pitted
against Monona Groves
Amanda Newman on Saturday morning in the semifinals.
Benoy held on to win
6-4, 7-5 to setup a championship showdown against
Sango, who was held out
of the Vikings 6-1 loss at
The thing about Sarah
is nothing is going to come
easy to her opponent,
head coach Ryan Reischel
said. There were five or
six points in the first set
against Edgewood that she
probably had no business
being in, but she just has a
never say die attitude and
scrapped together a couple
of points that were the difference in that first set.
Jessica Inman, who Benoy defeated for Stoughtons lone win in that dual
four days earlier, was the
only other player not from
Waunakee to win a conference championship. Inman
secured the No. 2 singles
title with a 5-7, 6-4, 6-2
victory over top-seeded
Laura Kamm of Waunakee.
Junior Anna Nelson
breezed past Baraboos
Taylor Fish 6-1, 6-1 before
falling 6-0, 6-2 to Inman in
the second round.
Stoughton, which went
5-1 during the regular season, finished second to
Madison Edgewood in the
Badger South and third
overall at the Badger Conference tournament with 32
Edgewood, ranked No. 1
in Division 2, won the Badger South title yet again,
won a title at No. 2 doubles
but fell short of Waunakee



Girls swimming

Continued from page 9

Courier Hub

Harvatine only to fall

against eventual runners
up JoJo Munns and Sarah
Peterson of Edgewood 6-3,
Brickson and Johnson secured another third
place though, defeating
Baraboos Sydney Zalewski and Hannah Braun 6-0,
Just like the other two
Stoughton doubles teams,
Carrie Aide and Marissa
Robson, who won their
flight last year, opened the
tournament with a bye at
No. 3 doubles before cruising to a big win, knocking
off Hayley and Sydney
Copus of Oregon 6-2, 6-1.
Once again the Vikings
were unable to get past
Edgewood, falling 6-2, 6-2
against Grace Drake and
Catherine Smith.
The Vikings duo entered
the tournament with a

third-place consolation
price, however, beating
DeForests Isabelle Dreischmeier and Rachel Williams 6-1, 6-3.
Stoughton hosts subsectionals at 9 a.m. Monday,
Oct. 5 and sectionals on
Wednesday, Oct. 7.
Between now and then
though, the Vikings travel
to the Sun Prairie Quad
at 9 a.m. Saturday where
they will face the Cardinals
as well as playoff rivals
Watertown and Lake Geneva Badger.
Were all really excited
about this meet because
it gives all the girls three
meaningful matches against
competition we will see at
sectionals, Reischel said.
It will be a good measuring stick for everyone as all
our girls lost to at least one
of the teams they will be
playing earlier this season.

Vikings push
before falling
in three sets
Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High

School volleyball team
was in the match early
Thursday at Waunakee,
losing the first set by only
four points, but the Warriors didnt falter enough
as the Vikings fell 3-0 (2125, 19-25, 14-25).
Senior Hannah Hobson
picked up six of Stoughtons 23 kills. Junior
Rachel Hedman and sophomore Olivia Panthofer
each added five kills.
Junior Maggie Jo Wirag
collected 20 assists, two
aces, and a block, while
Hobson also blocked one
Hedman finished with
12 of the Vikings 38 digs.
Sophomore Tessa Berry
and Panthofer both had
nine digs, and Wirag had
The Vikings (12-10
overall, 1-3 Badger South)
continue the season at 7
p.m. Thursday at conference rival Oregon and
travel to non-conference
Sauk Prairie at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 6.

Stoughton Area
Little League (SALL)
Requests your attendance
at our Annual Meeting:
Sunday, October 11, 2015
At BBGs, in their banquet room,
starting at 7:00 p.m.
At the meeting we will be electing new officers and hearing
suggestions on how to improve our organization. Our
league is run solely on volunteer/parent involvement. From
coaching, league administration, field maintenance, umpire
coordination, clinics, concessions, safety, IT administration,
etc and we encourage anyone that would like to help us
continue to offer a great baseball experience to the youth of
Stoughton join us at the meeting.

BBGs is located at
800 Nygaard Street in Stoughton


October 1, 2015


Courier Hub

Kristin Mary Kris


Kristin Mary Kris Christenson

Kristin Mary (Kris)

Christenson, 71, of Stoughton passed away surrounded
by loved ones on Sept. 23,
2015, at St. Marys Hospital in Madison.She was
born in Edgerton, to the late
Don and Harriet Hillestad.
She graduated from Milton
High School and Methodist School of Nursing
where she received her RN
In 1965 she married
Steve Christenson; she was
the love of his life for the
last 50 years. Kris was an
outstanding nurse. After
graduating college, she
received the Madison Business Womens Club award
for Young Career Woman
of the Year.She started a
group for cancer patients
called I Can Cope while
working at Stoughton Hospital and was the first recipient of the Nurse Excellence award from the rural
Wisconsin Hospital Cooperative. Her contact with
coworkers and patients was
always a valuable part of
her life.
Kris was a quiet leader
who modeled the way for
others through her servants
heart. She loved singing,
playing the organ and piano, spending endless hours
with her beloved grandchildren, traveling with Steve
and friends, swimming and
exercising with her girlfriends, working in her
flower garden, antiquing,

James Otis Wagaman

James Otis Wagaman, 90,
Lockport, Ill. and formerly
of Stoughton, passed away
Friday, September 25, in
Joliet, Ill., with hisfamily
by his side.
Born in rural Cedar
County, IA, on April 29,
1925, he
son of Otis
and Margaret (Hines) Wagaman.
He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, leaving the home farm in Moscow, Iowa, for basic training in Moscow, Idaho. He
servedon a Navy destroyer
in the Aleutian Islands
and in the South Pacific
at the time his brother,
Lyle, was among the U.S.
Marineskilled on Iwo Jima.
Jim was a member of the
American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
He lived and worked in several communities in Iowa,
Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin due to promotional
opportunities, retiringfrom

playing cards with friends,

and giggling with her
Kris was a gentle spirit
who touched the lives of
many.She loved unconditionally and knew how to
She was an active member of Christ Lutheran
Church where she sang for
many years in the choir
and part of the Elizabeth
Circle. Many other civic
and community activities
were important to her such
as the Entre Nous Club,
PEO Stoughton Chapter
DG, and POSH (Partners of
Stoughton Hospital).When
her girls were young she
served as a troop leader and
community chairman of the
Girl Scouts. In the past she
also served on the Stoughton Mural committee, the
Friends of Norwegian Culture group, and was honored to serve as Syttende
Mai Queen in 2008.
Kris is survived by her
husband, Steve; two sisters, Karen (Dayton) Jones
of Madison and Martha
Johnson of Janesville; three
daughters, Anne (Mike)
Hall of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
Laura Arrigo of Palm Bay,
Fla., and Susan (Jason)
Model of Stoughton. In
addition, six grandsons, two
granddaughters, and one
great-granddaughter will
miss her immensely. Kris
also leaves behind many
friends and extended family
who will miss her kindness
and humble heart.
Funeral services were
held on Sunday at Christ
Lutheran Church in Stoughton. Private burial took take
place in Eastside Cemetery.
Memorials may be made
to the Christ Lutheran
Church Music Program or
the PEO Scholarship Fund.
Please share your memories of Kris at Cress
Cress Funeral Service
206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589

Helen E. Flee

Helen Elizabeth Flee,

age 96, passed away on
Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015,
from natural causes. She
was born on March 26,
1919, in Murray City,
Ohio, to Albert and Almedia Koon. Helen was an
excellent student, graduating with honors from high
school, and loved learning
throughout her life.
She met her future husband, Kenneth C. Flee Sr.,
while working at Rayovac
in Lancaster, Ohio, and
they were married on May
21, 1941. They moved to
Madison in December of
1941, when Ken transferred to the Rayovac
home office. After raising
their three children, Helen
returned to the workforce
at the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, and later
worked in the Registrars
Office at the University of
During their years in
Madison, she was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Ken and
Helen moved to Stoughton in 1973 to enjoy their
retirement years. She
found great joy in volunteering at Stoughton Area
Senior Center. Helen was
a member of Wellspring
United Methodist Church,
Madison, for the past 12
years. She appreciated

Lonnie R. Hayne

Marshall Fields. He was

manager of the Schultz
Bros. store in Stoughton at
the time of the Main Street
Fire Sept. 24, 1966.While
in Stoughton he was active
in the Chamber of Commerce, Jaycees, led successful United Way drives, and
at the Methodist Church,
among other groups.
He is survived by his wife,
Edith (Dolney) Wagaman,
Lockport; two daughters,
Georgia and Judy Wagaman, both of Stoughton;
a sister-in-law, Alberta
Wagaman, Tipton, Iowa;
and several nephews and
He was preceded in his
death by his parents; siblings, Ruth Jennings, Lyle,
Richard, William, Myron,
and John; and his former
wife and mother of his
daughters, Patricia (Potter)
Wagaman, who died June
26, 2015, in Stoughton.
Funeral services and burial
were held in Jolieton Tuesday, Sept. 29.


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Helen E. Flee

Lonnie R. Hayne

Lonnie R. Hayne, age

75, passed away peacefully on Monday, Sept.
21, 2015. He was born on
Sept. 18, 1940, in rural
Holt County, Neb., to the
late Ralph and Ethel Herman Hayne.
Lonnie attended county
school and graduated from
Arlington, Neb., High
School as valedictorian.
He received his BS degree
in Business Administration from Dana College,
Blair, Neb., in 1962 and
a Masters degree in Economics from the University of Nebraska in 1964.
Lonnie met his wife,
Gloria Pedersen, at Dana
College. They were married June 22, 1963, in Oshkosh.
Lon spent his entire
career in public administration.The last 27 years

home visits from not only

Pastor Chris, but also
many other special friends
she made throughout her
membership there. Helen
enjoyed life through sewing, knitting, reading,
visiting with her family,
friends, and neighbors, and
learning new things on her
Helen is survived by her
son, Douglas (Marcia Nelson) Flee of Middleton;
daughter, Marilyn (Rick)
Groves, Anahuac, Texas;
daughter-in-law, Lois
Flee of Oregon; grandchildren, Laurie (Tom) Kelly,
Christine (Robin) Hampton, and Mason Schraufnagel; great-grandchildren, Charles Bachhuber,
Meaghan Kelly, Jared
Hampton, and Caitlin Kelly; and niece, Debby Koon
Garner. She was a good
friend and neighbor to
many, and will be missed
by all who knew and loved
Helen was preceded
in death by her husband,
Kenneth C. Flee Sr.;
brother, James Koon; son,
Kenneth C. Flee Jr.; and
grandson, Justin Schraufnagel.
A Memorial Service
will be held at Gunderson
Stoughton Funeral Home,
1358 Hwy 51 at Jackson
St., Stoughton, at 3 p.m.,
on Saturday, Oct. 10, with
Pastor Christine Bethke
presiding. A Celebration
of Helens Life will be
heldfrom 2 p.m. until the
time of the service on Saturday. In lieu of flowers,
memorials may be made
to Agrace HospiceCare
in Fitchburg. Online condolences may be made

Alaine Joanne

Alaine Joanne Johnson

Alaine Joanne Johnson,

83, died Thursday, Sept.
3, 2015, at her home in
Stoughton. She was born
Jan. 11, 1932, in the home
of friends, west of Phillips,
Wis., on the Winter, Wisconsin Road, the first child
of Dorothy and Otto Johnson.They moved to a farm
in Chippewa County when
she was nine years old.
At age 14 she was
employed as a mothers
helper to a wonderful family near Chippewa Falls
where she worked and
attended high school and
became a family member
in her second home. She
graduated from high
school and became secretary at a car dealership
for a time, then obtained
an Associate Degree from
Layton School of Art in
From then on she
worked professionally as

Edna Lawson

Gunderson Stoughton
Funeral & Cremation
1358 Hwy. 51

with the Department of

Public Instruction as budget analyst, fiscal supervisor, and senior accountant.
He retired in 2003.
Lonnie is survived
by his wife of 52 years,
Gloria; daughters, Lisa
Swenson of Rochester,
Minn., and Vicki Hayne of
Stoughton; grandchildren,
Mitchell, Megan, Andrew,
Christian, Matthew, and
Noah; sister, Sharon Suess
of Cave Creek, Ariz.; sisters-in-law, Shirley Hayne
and Lois Pedersen; and
nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in
death by son, Daniel Robert Hayne; twin brother,
Larry Hayne; and brothers-in-law, Leroy Pedersen
and Ron Suess.
Memorial services
were held on Monday,
Sept. 28, at Christ Lutheran Church. Memorials
may be made to Christ
Lutheran Church, American Heart Association, or
Diabetes Foundation. A
special thank you to Lonnies healthcare providers
at Stoughton Hospital and
St. Marys.
Please share your
memories at Cress
Cress Funeral Service
206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589

Edna Lawson Furreboe

Edna Lawson Furreboe,

77, died Saturday, Sept.
26, 2015, from complications related to Alzheimers disease.
Edna is preceded in
death by her husband, the
Rev. Robert J. Furreboe.
She is survived by her
children, Robert L. Furreboe, Elizabeth I. (Greg
Torkelson) Furreboe and
James A. (Tammy) Furreboe; grandchildren,
Erik and Tyler Furreboe,
and Jackson and Monroe
Edna Lawson Furreboe
was born May 16, 1938, to
parents, Ralph and Elisabeth Lawson, in Brooklyn, N.Y. She graduated
from Fort Hamilton High
School in 1955. She graduated from Packer Collegiate Institute in 1957.
Edna completed her nursing degree and received
her BS from Columbia
University in 1960.
Edna married Robert J.
Furreboe, her husband of
47 years, on Aug. 6, 1960,
in Brooklyn, N.Y. After
marrying, Edna and Bob

a photographer, first at
Toomey Studios and then
the University of Wisconsin until she retired. She
loved art; photography as
an art medium, and took
many awards for her photography and her beautiful
quilting, entering many
shows and competitions
in both mediums.She also
loved music and recently took up water painting.She made things beautiful.
She is survived by a sister, Bonnie Falkenberg;
nephew, Tim Falkenberg;
nieces, Pam Holdt and
Katarina Falkenberg
all of Washington State;
brother, Bob Johnson
(Patricia) of Terre Haute,
Ind.; and nephews, Bryan
Johnson of Nome, Alaska,
Eric Johnson (Weeing) of
Elmhurst, Ill., and niece
Sheila (Alan) Degener of
Juneau, Alaska; as well as
several great-nieces and
Preceeding her in
death were her parents; a
beloved younger brother,
Jim; brother-in-law, Reinhardt Falkenberg; and sister-in-law, Victoria Johnson.
The memorial service will be Oct. 10, at
11 a.m. at the Covenant
Lutheran Church, 1525
North Van Buren St. in
Stoughton. Memorial
gifts may be made to the
Stoughton Senior Center of Covenant Lutheran

moved to the Midwest.

Edna worked part-time
as a R.N. and raised their
three children. Her husband, Bob, worked as a
Lutheran pastor.
The family spent 16
years in Stoughton when
Bob served as pastor to
Christ Lutheran Church
there. They moved to
Arlington Heights, Ill.,
when Bob received a call
to serve as pastor at St.
Mark Lutheran Church in
Mt. Prospect, Ill.
Edna and Bob enjoyed
traveling and were active
members at Our Saviours Lutheran Church in
Arlington Heights. Edna
loved to sing and was a
member of the choir at
Our Saviours. Edna had
been a member in many
church circles and continued as a member in P.E.O.
She continued in two book
clubs and bridge groups as
long as she was able.
The memorial service
will be at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, preceded
by an hour and a half of
visitation at Our Saviours
Lutheran Church, 1234 N.
Arlington Heights Road,
Arlington Heights. There
will be a luncheon immediately following the services. Interment will be at
a later date in Greenwood
Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.
In lieu of flowers,
memorials may be made
to Our Saviours Lutheran
Church Mission Endowment Committee, Pastor
Bob and Edna Furreboe
Fund for Mission Support.
Arrangements by Friedrichs Funeral Home, 847255-7800 or friedrichsfh.

Obituaries continue on pages 14 and 16


October 1, 2015

Courier Hub




October 13, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. the City
Council of the City of Stoughton will
discuss and act upon a resolution introduced by the City Council of the City
of Stoughton on October 13, 2015. The
resolution proposes to discontinue an
unpaved alley abutting 722, 710, and 702
Clyde Street, 511 N. Harrison Street, and
518 Johnson Street. The meeting will
be held at the City of Stoughton Public
Safety Building, 321 S Fourth Street,
Stoughton, Wisconsin. A copy of the
resolution, including the map and legal
description of the unpaved alley proposed to be discontinued, are available
at the City Clerks office.
Lana Kropf
City Clerk
Published: September 17, 24 and
October 1, 2015


Overhead and
Underground Equipment
Installations for 2015
Project No. S11-15E
Specification No. 2078,

Stoughton Utilities will receive

sealed bids for Overhead and Underground Equipment Installation. Bids will
be received at the Stoughton Utilities
Office located at 600 S. Fourth Street,
Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589 until
10:00a.m. local time on the 8th day of
October, 2015, at which time all bids will
be publicly opened and read aloud.
The bids shall be addressed to:
Sean O Grady, Utilities Operations Superintendent
Stoughton Utilities
600 S. Fourth Street, P.O. Box 383
Stoughton, WI 53589
And shall be marked: Sealed Bid
Submitted by (bidders name)
Overhead and Underground Equipment Installations for 2015
Specification 2055, Volume XII
The work will consist of unit pricing
for all labor and/or materials, necessary
tools, expendable equipment, and utility
and transportation services required to
construct overhead and underground
electrical distribution facilities as specified.
The Contractor will be required to
pay not less than the prevailing wage
rates established by the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.
Bidding documents may be examined at or obtained from the office of the
consulting Engineer. The nonrefundable
fee for these documents will be $20 (for
an electronic copy) and/or $50 (for a
printed copy).
Forster Electrical Engineering, Inc.
550 N. Burr Oak Avenue
Oregon, Wisconsin 53575
No bid will be accepted unless accompanied by a certified check or bid
bond of at least five percent (5%) of the
bid amount, payable to the Owner.
Stoughton Utilities reserves the
right to reject any and all bids, to waive
irregularities and informalities there in
and to award the contract in the best interest of the Utility.
Published: September 17 and
October 1, 2015

October 5, 20156:30 p.m.

1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Approval of September meeting
4. Petition 10872 by Mark and Rhonda Wethal as amended and adopted
byDaneCountyto include:
a deed restriction on the A-4 lots
to prohibit non-farm development, and
a deed notice on the RH-2 zoned
lot identifying a non-conforming mineral
extraction site just south of Old Stage
This property is located at 3768 Old
Stage Rd.
Preliminary CSM for same property.
5. Petition 10873 by DCW Investments as amended and adopted
byDaneCountyto include:
a deed restriction to be recorded
on parcels 0519-352-9501-0, 0510-3528000-8, and 0510-351-8500-4, to prohibit
residential development on the A-1 Exclusive Agriculture zoned lands. The
housing density rights for the original
farm have been exhausted.
The property is located east of 3614
Old Stage Rd.
6. Petition 10901 by Matt Hamacher
to rezone 3.2 acres from A-1 Ex. to C-1,
and 6.6 acres from A-1 Ex. to RH-2, for
property located at 3279 State Highway
138 (Sec. 12). The purpose of the rezone
it to create one residential lot and one
commercial lot for a lawn care business.
Further discussion regarding any possible conditions on the C-1 rezone area
identified at the September meeting.
7. Preliminary Inquiry by Jean Nordlie regarding eligible split at3415 State
8. DaneCountyOrdinanceAmendment No. 16 Certification of Dane
County Farmland Preservation Zoning
Ordinance for minor changes to definitions, permitted and conditional uses
within the zoning districts to bring them
into compliance with Chapter 91, Wis.
9. Adjournment.
Dawn George, Clerk
Published:October 1, 2015

Board Meeting
October 6, 20156:30 p.m.

1. Accept Chairman Jeanette Walker Resignation.
2. Swear in New Town Chairman
Mark Porter.
3. Appearance by Dane Co. Sheriff
Dept. representative.
4. Constable Reports.
5. Racetrack matters as necessary:
Monthly report.
Schedule changes.
Preliminary discussion 2016
6. Frontier telephone cable replace-

ment in theGravesCemetery.
7. Public Comment for items not on
the agenda:
8. Planning Commission report.
9. Consent Agenda:
Minutes August meeting.
Treasurers Report.
Vouchers and Checks.
10. Correspondence.
DaneCountyMemo of Understanding for WisVote (formerly SVRS)
for 2016-2017.
11. Budget meetings.
12. Update on Road Work as necessary.
13. Discussion on 2016-2017 TRIP
14. Board reports from meetings attended as necessary.
15. Adjournment.
Dawn George, Clerk
Published:October 1, 2015



Please take notice that the following
retailers have applied for alcohol beverage licenses within the City of Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin. The Public Safety Committee met to consider
application recommendations to the
Common Council on Thursday, August
27, 2015. The City Council will consider
their applications at the Regular Council
Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October
13, 2015 at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter
as the matter may be heard
Class A (Cider Only) Liquor License for: Kwik Trip, INC d/b/a Kwik Trip
#738, Agent: Nichole Genthe, located at
1231 E Main St
Class A (Cider Only) Liquor License for: Kwik Trip, INC d/b/a Kwik Trip
#739, Agent: Sarah Pierce, located at
517 W Main St
Lana C Kropf
City Clerk
Published: October 1, 2015



Please take notice that the following retailers have applied for alcohol
beverage licenses within the City of
Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin.
The Public Safety Committee met to
consider application recommendations
to the Common Council on Wednesday,
September 23, 2015. The City Council
will consider their applications at the
Regular Council Meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 7 p.m. or
as soon thereafter as the matter may be
Class A (Cider Only) Liquor License for: Wal-Mart Stores East, LP
d/b/a Wal-Mart #1176, Agent: Phil Hamm,
located at 1800 HWY 51
Lana C Kropf
City Clerk
Published: October 1, 2015

Stoughton Area
School District
July 13, 2015

A regular meeting of the Board of

Education of the Stoughton Area School
District was called to order Monday, July
13, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative and Educational Services Center
Board Room by President, Liz Menzer.
Fergus, Yolibeth FitzGibbon, Joe Freye,
Wanda Grasse, Liz Menzer, Brett Schumacher, and Donna Tarpinian. Excused:
Scott Dirks and Allison Sorg.
Onsager distributed pictures from last
meetings exercise in the Fab Lab. He
also informed the board of professional
educator summer professional development work developing modules (Equity,
Behavior, Digital Influences, Partnerships, Literacy, Math ) for educators
to use as a professional development
1124 E. Academy St., alternative compensation comments; and, Jackie Harris, 2752 Aspen Road, alternative compensation comments.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was
made by Bev Fergus, seconded by Brett
Schumacher, and carried unanimously
to approve: the June 15, 2015 regular
meeting minutes; the June 10 July 8,
2015 check register and Pcard statement as presented; We would like to
say thank you to the following individuals and groups and move approval of
their donations to the District: $184.19
for high school track supplies from Jim
Brandt; $50.00 for high school athletic
supplies from Pro Image; $140.00 for
high school athletic supplies from Promotions by Yolanda; $3,000.00 for high
school science supplies from Herb Kohl
Education Foundation; $20.00 for high
school printing expenses from Cierra
Werslund; $500.00 for high school printing expenses from an anonymous donor; $50.00 for student supplies from
Level Up Fitness; $1,500.00 for Project LIST (Learning to Improve Teams)
from UW Madison; $200.00 for the high
school music computer lab from Karen
and Dale Knapp; $100.00 for a high
school madrigal costume from Janet
Finney; $300.00 for high school track
supplies from Stoughton Youth Running Club; $182.30 for student vision
screening supplies from Stoughton Lions Club; $200.00 for River Bluff sound
system receiver from an anonymous
donor; and, related budget adjustments
totaling $6,426.49; professional educator resignation for Susie Belzer, Erik
Love, Robin Stehle, and Amy Zlensky
effective immediately; and, permanent
professional educator contracts for
Seth Johnson, Angel Schroeder, Marie
Howard, Kelsey Dybevik, Joel Jarosky,
Travis Koch, Trevor Kramolis, and Sean
Blythe for the 2015-16 school year.
A. 803.00 Attendance Policy Revisions - Policy Committee Chair, Donna
Tarpinian reviewed the revisions to the
Attendance Policy. This policy will be
placed on the July 27 agenda for board
B. School Forest Update - Judy Singletary presented information regarding
the School Forest committee. A five year
forest management plan is being developed. Committee members have identified goals based on information from the
DNR and Foresters report: fall 2015
survey property and demarcate boundaries; 2015-16 continue Place Based
Education learning/reading; March 2016
- prairie grass controlled burn; 2016-17
- clearing areas of less desirable trees
to encourage planting/growing of desirable trees; summer 2017 - establish a
trail system; and, use and safety of the
four ponds on the property.
C. School Forest Offer to Purchase
- Dr. Onsager reviewed a recently received offer to purchase the School
Forest Property. Tim presented four

options: accept the offer and sell the

property; counter the offer for a different
amount; officially deny the offer; and,
do nothing which nullifies the offer. This
item will be placed on the July 27 board
agenda for formal action. Members
asked Judy Singletary to investigate
weed prevention measures the district
can take to be respectful of neighboring
A. 2014-15 Fund 46 Transfer - A
motion was made by Donna Tarpinian,
seconded by Bev Fergus, and carried
unanimously to transfer $300,000.00
from fund 10 to fund 46 effective for the
2014-15 school year.
27, August 17; All Staff Back to School
Gathering at the high school, August 27,
8:00 a.m.; First Home Football Game,
Friday, August 21.
CONTEMPLATED EXECUTIVE SESSION - President Menzer stated a need
for executive session citing Wis. Stat.
19.82 (1), 19.85(1)(b)(c)(e)(f)(g) and
118.125 to discuss the professional
educator alternative compensation plan
and approve the June 1, 2015 executive
session minutes. A motion was made
by Donna Tarpinian, seconded by Brett
Schumacher, and carried on a roll call
vote (yes-Freye, Fergus, FtizGibbon,
Tarpinian, Schumacher, Menzer; NoGrasse) to move into executive session
at 7:55 p.m.
President Menzer called an executive session of the Stoughton Area
School District Board of Education to order at 8:00 p.m. citing Wis. Stat. 19.82
(1), 19.85(1)(b)(c)(e)(f)(g) and 118.125 to
discuss the professional educator alternative compensation plan and approve
the June 1, 2015 executive session
minutes. Present: Bev Fergus, Wanda
Grasse, Joe Freye, Brett Schumacher,
Donna Tarpinian, Liz Menzer, Yolibeth
FitzGibbon. Excused: Scott Dirks and
Allison Sorg. Also present: Judy Singletary, Erica Pickett, Becky Fjelstad and
Tim Onsager.
Board members discussed professional educator alternative compensation plans.
A motion was made by Joe Freye,
seconded by Yolibeth FitzGibbon, and
carried unanimously to approve the
June 1, 2015 executive session minutes
as presented.
A motion was made by Joe Freye,
seconded by Yolibeth FitzGibbon, and
carried to adjourn at 9:22 p.m.
Bev Fergus, Clerk
Published: October 1, 2015

Stoughton Area
School District
July 27, 2015

A regular meeting of the Board of

Education of the Stoughton Area School
District was called to order Monday, July
27, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative and Educational Services Center
Board Room by President, Liz Menzer.
Scott Dirks, Yolibeth FitzGibbon, Joe
Freye, Wanda Grasse, Liz Menzer, Brett
Schumacher, Allison Sorg, and Donna
Tarpinian. Excused: Bev Fergus.
Onsager reviewed elementary summer
reading programs: 85 Fox Prairie students receive books in the mail twice a
month and are also invited to summer
family reading events at the school;
Kegonsa hosts summer programs twice
a week with 32 participants K-3 and also
have 4th and 5th grade students as mentors; and, Sandhill hosts Camp Read
SMore and another 30 receive books
over the summer. A more detailed report
will be presented at a fall Board meeting.
125 S. Academy St., teacher evaluation comments; Shelly Anderson, 1556
Lincoln Ave., teacher evaluation comments; Amy Taebel, 2685 Rolling View
Dr., teacher evaluation comments; Ryan
Reischel, 1357 Heritage Ln., teacher
evaluation comments; Jack Bernfeld,
33 Nob Hill, Madison, teacher evaluation
comments; Mary Buchholz, 109 Cambridge Road, Madison, teacher evaluation comments; Nancy Beszhak, 4501
Deerwood Dr., Madison, teacher evaluation comments; and, Liz Donnelly, 5152
Unity Way, Madison, teacher evaluation
DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR/PRINCIPAL/STUDENT REPORTS: Dr. Onsager reported: band camp is taking place
this week, fall sports start next week,
first home football game will be August
21, 2015.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was
made by Donna Tarpinian, seconded by
Scott Dirks, and carried unanimously
to approve the July 13 regular meeting
and executive session minutes approve
the July 9-22, 2015 check register and P
card statement as presented; We would
like to say thank you to the following
group and approve their donation to the
District, $2035.00 for high school summer ice time from Power Play Hockey
Club and related budget adjustments;
professional educator resignations
for Doug Giese, Toni Giese, and Anne
Kubicki pending receipt of $300.00 liquidated damages each; and, approve a
permanent professional educator contract for Natalie Ergas for the 2015-16
school year.
A. Summer Excel Update - Excel
school principal, Chris Keenan presented an overview of the 2015 program:
opportunity to participate in engaging
topics not introduced during the regular
school year; provide opportunities to increase their language, reading and math
skills; 821 students; 74 staff; serve 4K8th grade (32 enrichment, 18 academic);
82% internal SASD
employees (100% academic teachers); 1,829 books checked out; 23 new
enrichment courses; 4 new literacy
courses; 8 new STEM classes; 4 new
social studies; and, 98% of parents

surveyed responded their childs experience was positive and matched their
childs interests.
A. 803.00 Attendance Policy Revisions - A motion was made by Scott
Dirks, seconded by Brett Schumacher,
and carried on a roll call vote (Dirks,
Tarpinian, Schumacher, Sorg, FitzGibbon, Freye, Grasse, Menzer) to approve
the revisions to 803.00 Attendance as
B. School Forest Offer to Purchase
- A motion was made by Scott Dirks, seconded by Joe Freye and carried unanimously to reject the offer to purchase
the school forest and inform the buyers
of the Boards decision. Board members
asked for citizen participation on the
School Forest committee and asked for
regular reporting to the Board through
the Facilities committee.
17, September 8 & 21; All Staff Back to
School Gathering at the high school, August 27, 8:00 a.m.; First Home Football
Game, Friday, August 21
CONTEMPLATED EXECUTIVE SESSION - President Menzer stated a need
for executive session citing Wis. Stat.
19.82 (1) and 19.85 (1)(c)(e) to discuss
negotiations for all represented and
non-represented groups. A motion was
made by Donna Tarpinian, seconded
by Yolibeth FitzGibbon and carried on a
roll call vote (Schumacher, Sorg, Dirks,
Freye, Grasse, FitzGibbon, Tarpinian,
Menzer) to move into executive session
at 8:14 p.m.
President Menzer called to order an
executive session of the Stoughton Area
School District Board of Education citing Wis. Stat. 19.82 (1) and 19.85 (1)
(c)(e) to discuss negotiations for all represented and non-represented groups at
8:25 p.m. in the upper conference room
of the Administration and Educational
Service Center, 320 North St. Present:
Dirks, FitzGibbon, Freye, Grasse, Menzer, Schumacher, Sorg and Tarpinian.
Also present: Tim Onsager.
Members discussed negotiations
for all represented and non-represented
A motion was made by Scott Dirks,
seconded by Wanda Grasse and carried
unanimously to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.
Allison Sorg, Deputy Clerk
Published: October 1, 2015

Stoughton Area
School District
August 17, 2015

A regular meeting of the Board of

Education of the Stoughton Area School
District was called to order Monday,
August 17, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative and Educational Services
Center Board Room by Vice President,
Donna Tarpinian.
Dirks, Bev Fergus, Yolibeth FitzGibbon,
Joe Freye, Wanda Grasse, Brett Schumacher, Allison Sorg, and Donna Tarpinian. Excused: Liz Menzer (work related
out of state travel).
2685 Rollingview Rd., alternative compensation comments; Sandra Loftus,
2217 W. Milwaukee St., alternative compensation comments; Jackie Harris,
2752 Aspen Rd., alternative compensation comments; Jack Bernfeld, 1029
Spaight St., Madison, alternative compensation comments; Gina Millhouse,
316 W. Prospect St., alternative compensation comments; and, Wanda Grasse,
1857 Hawkinson Rd., request for alternative compensation agenda item denied.
Onsager reported the Washington St.
construction is about 2 months behind
and we are working to communicate
traffic plans to families; SHS FAB Lab
has been nominated for the Wisconsin
Innovation Award; August 25 our Educational Assistants will participate in a
mental health training to recognize mental health issues in our youth; August 27
all staff return and we will host Manny
Scott (original Freedom Rider) for all
staff gathering and breakout sessions
with staff and students. Dr. Onsager
then explained recent changes to the
alternative compensation model change
(5 year opt out).
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was
made by Bev Fergus, seconded by Scott
Dirks, and carried with Yolibeth Fitzgibbon and Wanda Grasse voting no to approve the July 27, 2015 regular meeting
and executive session minutes; approve
the July 23 - August 12, 2015 check register and Pcard statement as presented;
We would like to say thank you to the
following individuals and groups and
move approval of their donations to
the District: $750.00 for a buddy bench
at Sandhill school from an anonymous
donor; $500.00 for Vike Field improvements from Vike Investment Group LLC;
$500.00 for a high school scholarship
from Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.; $2,572.00
for FAB Lab supplies from Universal
Foundation Inc.; $105.75 for Kegonsa
student supplies from Carol and Joe
Kubale; Student supplies valued at
$4,750.00 from Stoughton Lions Stuff
the Bus project; and, related budget
adjustments totaling $4,427.75; approve
professional educator resignations
for Hedy Burke, Ruth Fazzini, Sarah
Quinn, and Lisa Buechner upon receipt
of $300.00 in liquidated damages each;
and, Judy Christensen
and Michael Dreyer upon receipt
of $600.00 in liquidated damages each;
and, approve permanent professional
educator contracts for Janette Shoemaker, Daniel Bock, Katrina Schmidt,
Anna Schwerke, Marit Hawkins, Rachel
Shields, and Julia Jero for the 2015-16
school year and a temporary professional educator contract for Randall Schaefer for the 2015-16 school year.
reported the Employee Relations Committee will begin negotiations with EAAs
and the SEA.

Ever get a
helping hand?

A. Summer Maintenance Projects
Update - Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, Calvin Merath presented a summer maintenance
update. Major projects include:
Sandhill & River Bluff bridge replacements, high school canopy & cladding,
and bus garage upgrade. High School
Projects: pneumatics/DDC removal, FAB
Lab ceiling/lights, cafetorium flooring,
clock upgrade, baseball and out building paint/reroof, concrete replacement,
fireproofing mechanical rooms, CNA
room refresh/paint/cabinets, marching
band lighting, athletic field overseeding
and lacrosse field repairs. River Bluff
projects: playground field overseed,
tetherball pole replacement, breakroom
cabinets, concrete replacement, and,
tile repairs/patching. Sandhill Projects:
new K-1 lunch room tables, north side
fencing, window sash replacements,
bleacher board and roller replacements,
concrete replacement and new playground mulch. Fox Prairie projects:
tree removal, concrete replacement and
curbing, break room circuitry upgrade,
and entry retaining wall. Kegonsa projects: multi-purpose room refresh, new
built in lunch tables, window repairs,
refill sand boxes, and, concrete replacement. AESC projects: board room/staff
development center refresh, digital
radios, concrete replacement, painting, community gym climbing wall, and
bleacher board replacement. All district
gym floors were recoated.
B. Central Registration Update Director of Business Services, Erica
Pickett provided an overview of central
August 13 & 18 at the high school,
families receive annual notices and
district handbook in their family folder
(over 2,000), student pictures taken,
schedules/classroom assignments distributed, buss information distributed,
new this year families could pay fees
ahead of time electronically through the
district website. Erica thanked Jenny
McKenna and all who worked to make
this two day event successful.
A. 2015-16 Academic Standards Annual Notice - A new state law requires
school boards to set student academic
standards annually. Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Judy Singletary
presented academic standards background information. A motion was made
by Bev Fergus, seconded by Scott Dirks,
and carried unanimously for the Stoughton Area School District Board of Education to adopt the following academic
standards for the 2015-16 school year:
Common Core Standards for Mathematics; Next Generation Science Standards
and Common Core Standards-Disciplinary Literacy in Science and Technical
Subjects; National Standards for Social
Studies; College, Career, and Civic Life
(C3) Framework; Common Core Standards-Disciplinary Literacy in History
and Social Studies; National Core Arts
Standards; National Physical Education
Standards/SHAPE America; and, Career
and Technical Education Wisconsin
State Standards.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Allison Sorg moved to request alternative
compensation be placed on the next
board meeting agenda. Wanda Grasse
seconded. The motion passed on a roll
call vote (Freye, Grasse, Fergus, Sorg,
Fitzgibbon, Schumacher - yes, Tarpinian
and Dirks - no). Regular Board Meetings,
Tuesday, September 8 & Monday, September 21; Viking Football home opener
- Friday, August 21, Collins Field 5:30
p.m. to sell tickets, greet community,
staff, students and alumni; All Staff Back
to School Gathering, Thursday, August
27, SHS auditorium 8:00 a.m.; Elementary Open Houses, Monday, August
31, 5:00 6:30 p.m.; River Bluff Open
House, Monday, August 31, 4:30 6:00
p.m.; SHS Open House, Wednesday,
September 2, 5:00 7:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Scott Dirks,
seconded by Wanda Grasse, and carried
unanimously to adjourn at 8:23 p.m.
Bev Fergus, Clerk
Published: October 1, 2015

terprise Drive, P.O. Box 930427, Verona,

Dane County, WI 53593-0427.
Managing Editor: Jim Ferolie, 133
Enterprise Drive, P.O. Box 930427, Verona, Dane County, WI 53593-0427.
Name of Owners: Woodward Communications, Inc.; Woodward Communications, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership
Plan and Trust; F. Robert Woodward, Jr.
Trust III, F. Robert Woodward, Thomas
Woodward; 801 Bluff St., P.O. Box 688,
Dubuque, IA 52004-0688.
Known Bondholders, Mortgagees,
and Other Security Holders Owning
or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total
Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other
Full Name/Complete Mailing Address: Bank of America, 317 6th Avenue,
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Tax Status: Has not changed during
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Publication title: The Stoughton
Courier Hub
Issue date for circulation data below: 9/24/15
Total number of copies (Net press
run): Average number of copies each
issue during preceding 12 months:
2488. Number copies of single issue
published nearest to filing date: 2438.
Paid Circulation (By Mail and outside
the Mail) Mailed Outside-County Paid
Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541
(Include paid distribution above nominal
rate, advertisers proof and exchange
copies) during preceding 12 months:
121; nearest to filing date: 109. Mailed
In-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on
PS Form 3541 (Include paid distribution
above nominal rate, advertisers proof
and exchange copies) during preceding 12 months: 1951; nearest to filing
date: 1907. Paid Distribution Outside
the Mails Including Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid Distribution
Outside USPS during preceding 12
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Mail Through the USPS (e.g. First-Class
Mail) during preceding 12 months: 0;
nearest to filing date: 0. Total Paid Distribution: 2403; nearest to filing date: 2353.
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Free or Nominal Rate Distribution during
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Total Distribution during preceding
12 months: 2403; nearest to filing date:
Copies not distributed during preceding 12 months: 85; nearest to filing
date: 85.
Total average during preceding 12
months: 2488; nearest to filing date:
2438. Percent Paid during preceding 12
months: 100 percent; nearest to filing
date: 100 percent.
Publication of Statement of Ownership: If the publication is a general publication, publication of this statement is
required. Will be printed in the 10/1/15
issue of this publication.
(signed) David Enstad,
General Manager
I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information
on this form or who omits material or
information requested on the form may
be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil
sanctions (including civil penalties).
Published: October 1, 2015



Publication Title: The Stoughton

Courier Hub, Publication No. 614-600.
Date of Filing: 10/1/15
Issue Frequency: Weekly. Number
of issues published annually: 52. Annual
subscription price: $37.00 in Dane/Rock
counties; $45.00 elsewhere.
Complete mailing address of
known office of publication: 135 W. Main
Street, #102, Stoughton, Dane County,
WI 53589; Contact Person: David Enstad
(608) 845-9559.
Complete mailing address of headquarters or general business office of
the publishers: 133 Enterprise Drive,
P.O. Box 930427, Verona, Dane County,
WI 53593-0427.
Name of publisher: David Enstad,
133 Enterprise Drive, P.O. Box 930427,
Verona, Dane County, WI 53593-0427.
Name of Editor: Jim Ferolie, 133 En-

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Stoughton Courier Hub
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722, 710, AND 702 CLYDE

Why not give one?

Provide respite for a
youth in foster care.
Community Care Resources, Inc.
A Wisconsin Child Placing Agency



October 1, 2015


Courier Hub

John Arthur Schnell,

John Arthur Schnell, Jr.
passed away surrounded
by family on Thursday,
Sept. 24, 2015. He was
born on May 28, 1956, in
Waukesha as a very special
child of John and Phyllis
(Johnson) Schnell.
John grew up in Pewaukee, where he lived
until mothers death in
1991.John then moved to
McFarland and later on to
He is preceded in death
by his Mother and Father.
He is loved by his sister,

Patricia (James) Jacobus;

nephews, Brian (Sabrina)
and Scott Jacobus; greatnephew, Stevie; and many
John worked at the
Madison Area Rehabilitation Center (MARC)
since 1994. John really
loved theMARC staff and
making money working
there. He received residential assistance through
Community Living Connections with many wonderful staff.
John participated in
many area activities
throughout his life. John
liked boating, swimming,

Submit obituaries online:

143 Notices

350 Motorcycles

SOCIAL SECURITY Disability Benefits.

Unable to work? Denied benefits? We
can help. Win or pay nothing. Contact Bill
Gordon & Associates at 800-960-0307 to
start your application today! (wcan)

TOP CASH paid! For old motorcycles,

1900-1980. Dead or alive! 920-371-0494

WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications

review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous
people are ready to take your money!
TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to
file a complaint regarding an ad, please
contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800422-7128 (wcan)

ATV & SIDE-BY-SIDE Headquarters.

Huge blow-out pricing. Youth ATV's starting @ $699 plus FSD. Over 100 Honda/
CF Moto at liquidation $$ 866-955-2628
www.americanmarina.com (wcan)

150 Places To Go

355 Recreational Vehicles

360 Trailers
For boat, ATV, sled or pontoons. 2 or
4 Place/Open or Enclosed. American
Marine, Shawano
866-955-2628 www.americanmarina.
com (wcan)

402 Help Wanted, General

squash, gourds, strawmaze,
wagonride, small animals to view.
Opening 9/19-Halloween. Closed
Wednesdays. Open daily 9am-5pm,
weekends 9am-6pm. 127 County
Road N, Edgerton. 608-751-9334.
Directions: Go 8 miles southeast on
Cty Rd N toward Edgerton.

163 Training Schools

in just 10 Saturdays!
Fan us on Facebook! Next class begins
1/2/16. Call 920-730-1112 Appleton. WI
approved. (wcan)

340 Autos
2007 TOYOTA Solara convertible, very
good condition, 90k miles, all options
incl. GPS/leather seats, $8,800. 608345-9598
DONATE YOUR Car, Truck or Boat
to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-Day
Vacation. Tax Deductible.
Free Towing. All paperwork taken care
of! 800-856-5491 (wcan)

342 Boats & Accessories

BOAT & Pontoon Blowout - (new/used)
Over 400 to choose from @ the guaranteed best lowest price. American Marine
& Motorsports www.americanmarina.
com, 866-955-2628 (wcan)

ADMIN ASSISTANT - For appointment

coordination, event/meeting planning,
make travel arrangements, pick-up dry
cleaning, banking. Send resume to:
[email protected] and text 414-3761418 for follow-up.
BADGER STATE Drilling has an immediate opening for a driller/driller's assistant.
CDL preferred. Must pass DOT physical.
CLEANING HELP NEEDED IN OREGON, WI. Part-time evenings, MondayFriday. 4-hour shifts. NO WEEKENDS.
General cleaning: vacuuming, dusting,
mopping, bathrooms, etc. Apply Diversified Building Maintenance 1105 Touson
Dr., Janesville, WI 53545, or call 608752-9465.
KK LAWN & SPORT in Oregon
is looking for a part-time/full-time
mechanic. Stop in to apply or call 608835-0100.
for full-time dishwasher, full-time cook.
Apply in person:
355 E Main, Stoughton.
OFFICE ASSISTANT needed Part-time.
Duties include answering phones, typing
reports, filing, etc. Should have good
computer/phone skills. Positive attitude,
good personality and accuracy a MUST.
This is a fast paced environment. Contact
Brenda @ McCann's Underground. 608835-3124.

camping, eating out,

music, Fishing Has No
Boundaries and watching
The Food Network.
Funeral Services will
be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at MARC,
935 Page St., Stoughton,withPastor Brad Van
Fossen and Pastor Rafael
Cubilette officiating followed by a meal. Visitation will be from 2:30 p.m.
to 4 p.m. Oct. 3, 2015, at
MARC. In Lieu of flowers,
make donations to MARC,
Community Living Connections or Fishing Has No


LEAD EARLY CHILDHOOD PROFESSIONAL. Immediate part-time availability
in infant/toddler classroom, leading to
full-time. Low teacher/child ratio creates
calm, harmonious environment. All certifications are a must, level-7 on The Registry is prefered. Call Jessica: 608-8737997; email: [email protected]
for more information and application.
TAXI DRIVERS. Must be friendly, reliable, have clean driving record. Must be
at least 23-years-old. 608-669-6727.

431 Education
LA PETITE Academy in Belleville is
hiring for lead childcare teachers. Competetive wages/benefits. Please call 608424-6319 for more information.

436 Office Administration &

BOOKKEEPER NEEDED. First Lutheran Church, Stoughton. Part-time, 14
hours/week. Flexible daytime hours. 608873-7761.

437 Customer Service & Retail

OREGON COMMUNITY Bank located at
733 N. Main St, Oregon, seeks a detailoriented person to fill the position of fulltime teller. The job will require working
Monday through Friday with some
Saturday shifts and hours may vary
between 8a.m. and 7p.m. Prior banking
experience a plus. Excellent benefits.
Please send resume to Dan Behrend at
[email protected].

449 Driver, Shipping

& Warehousing
DRIVERS: $1250 guaranteed minimum
weekly pay! Home Weekends! Excellent
benefits! Dedicated out & back runs.
Required: CDL-A w/tank&haz. 2 yrs exp,
good MVR. Call 855-206-6362
DRIVERS: CDL $76,800 Top Pay! $1250
per week minimum pay. Dedicated customer/outback runs. Home multiple times
during week & weekends. Benefits avail.
2 yrs exp, X&T endorsements required.
Family owned company. Call 855-2066362.
DRIVERS: LOCAL Windsor P&D Openings. Excellent pay, comprehensive benefits & more! CDL-A w/ X&T, 1 yr. exp
req., (EOE/AA) Old Dominion Freight
Line. Call Curt Vogel: 877-343-8115.

Richie Nelson

(608) 212-4086


Due to recent growth and acquisitions we are selling the following items at auction:
Semi Tractors - Fuel and LP Trucks - Tender Trucks - Sprayers - Flatbed
trucks Cab and Chassis - Pickups and Vans - Loaders, Cranes, Tractor and
Forklifts - NH3 and liquid equipment - Tanks , Trailers , Flatbeds - Seed Treater Remote Items at Wautoma, Amherst Junction & Jefferson, WI
Terms: Cash or Check

Go to: www.BurnsAuctionService.com for complete list and photos.


Family Owned - Serving the Stoughton Area 50+ Years

Frontier-Servco FS, Seller


Herb Burns, Auctioneer 309-337-1572Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #2888

Increase Your sales opportunitiesreach over 1.2 million households!

Advertise in our Wisconsin Advertising Network System.
For information call 845-9559 or 873-6671.
SAWMILLS from only $4,397.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with
your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In Stock, ready
to ship! FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800578-1363 Ext.300N (CNOW)

516 Cleaning Services

602 Antiques & Collectibles

Pamela Pam Smith



Pamela Pam Klaas

Smith, age 52 of Stoughton, was called to Heaven
on Sept. 22, 2015. She
was born Aug. 8, 1963, to
Edwin and Patricia Klaas.

She leaves behind her

husband Randy, daughter
Savanna and son Sawyer,
along with a loving extended family and many wonderful friends.
As an RN, Pam devoted
her work-life to the care of
those afflicted with mental
illness. She worked at Journey Mental Health for over
23 years and was respected
and loved by her co-workers who she also counted as
friends. She loved spending
time with family, and was a
devoted Mother and Wife.
Pam loved all things
nature as was evidenced by
the beautiful gardens and
hummingbird sanctuaries
she created. She was passionate about helping others
any way she could.
A Mass of Christian

Pamela Pam Smith

Cress Funeral Home

206 W. Prospect
Stoughton, WI 53589

TUESDAY, Oct. 6, 2015 9:30 am

Located: 814 Lewellen St., Marshall, WI 53559


Drivers: CDL A or B to transfer vehicles from area body plants

to various locations throughout U.S. -No forced dispatch- Run
as much as you want!! Safety Incentives. Apply online at www.
mamotransportation.com under Careers or call- 1-800-5013783. (CNOW)
& REGIONAL RUNS! Dedicated Fleet, Top Pay, New Assigned
Equipment, Monthly Bonuses Up to $66,000 Per Ye ar!!
www.drive4marten.com (CNOW)


forced-air warming blanket was used during the surgery,
between 2010 and present time, you may be entitled to
compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535ATTENTION TRUCK RECRUITERS: RECRUIT an applicant
5727 (CNOW)
in over 179 Wisconsin newspapers! Only $300/week. Call this
paper or 800-227-7636 www.cnaads.com (CNOW)
$5000 SIGN ON! Get Home Every Week, 5 State Regional
Run , $65-$75K Annually, Excellent Benefit Plan. CALL TODAY
888-409-6033 www.Drive4Red.com (class CDL A required) Fall Close Out - Prices Slashed Archwall & Straight Wall Steel
Buildings 60x80, 80x100, 100x150 Factory Direct Pricing
Call - 1.844.297.8335 (CNOW)


Experienced cleaning lady can help.
Hourly rate. Refences available. 608835-7424.

548 Home Improvement

Light Construction Remodeling
No job too small
Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all
your basement needs! Waterproofing.
Finishing. Structural repairs. Humidity
and mold control. Free Estimates! Call
800-991-1602 (wcan)


"Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"
Customer Appreciation Week!
Oct 05-11. 20% Discount!
Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF
200 Dealers in 400 Booths
Third floor furniture, locked cases
Location: 239 Whitney St
Columbus, WI 53925

606 Articles For Sale

Packages starting at $19.99/mo. Free
3-months of HBO, Starz, Showtime &
Cinemax. Free Genie HD/DVR Upgrades!
2015 NFL Sunday Ticket included with
select Packages. New Customers Only.
IV Support Holdings LLC- An authorized
DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply.
Call for details 800-918-1046 (wcan)


"Honey Do List"
Gutter cleaning and covers
No job too small
35 + Years Professional
Arthur Hallinan

612 Bicycles

RECOVER PAINTING currently offering

winter discounts on all painting, drywall
and carpentry. Recover urges you to join
in the fight against cancer, as a portion of
every job is donated to cancer research.
Free estimates, fully insured, over 20
years of experience. Call 608-270-0440.
Professional, Interior,
Exterior, Repairs.
Free Estimates. Insured.

CNA FULL-TIME Oregon Manor is

accepting applications for full time day
shift. Oregon Manor is committed to
providing a work environment where
passionate people have the knowledge,
tools, opportunity and freedom to make
a difference in the lives of our residents.
We offer competitive wages and
benefits. Qualified candidates will need
a current WI CNA license. Come join our
team of professional caregivers just 7
easy miles off the Beltline. Please apply
on line at:
www.oregonmanor.biz EOE

646 Fireplaces,
Furnaces/Wood, Fuel

554 Landscaping, Lawn,

Tree & Garden Work

DRY OAK and Cherry Firewood For

Sale. Contact Dave at 608-445-6423 or
Pete 608-712-3223

FULL SERVICE Landscape Company,

renovation, patios, walls, snow removal
and much more. Call for FREE ESTIMATE! Nostra Terra 608-695-1742 or

MAGNUM 75 Pellet Stove. Great cond.

Whole house/shop, multi-fuel (corn/pellet). Heats up to 40 hrs/time. new $3500,
asking $1400 or offer Call L/M 920-9231027 (wcan)
Hardwood. Volume discount. Will
deliver. 608-609-1181

Shredded Garden Mix
Shredded Bark
Decorative Stone
Pick-up or Delivered
Limerock Delivery
Ag Lime Spreading
5995 Cty D, Oregon, WI

648 Food & Drink

EMERGENCIES CAN strike at any time.
Wise food storage makes it easy to prepare with tasty, easy-to-cook meals that
have a 25-year shelf life. Free sample.
Call: 800-986-3458 (wcan)

652 Garage Sales

560 Professional Services

A PLACE for Mom. The nation's largest
senior living referral service. Contact our
trusted, local experts today! Our service
is FREE/no obligation. Call 1-800-9303021 (wcan)

576 Special Services

Persons/Vehicles, People Locator,
Homicide, Arson, etc. Joy's Private
Detective Agency, 608-712-6286 or

1301 NYGAARD, Stoughton. Oodles of

infant to boys 8 clothing and toys. See
Craigslist for details.
1342 MONSON Rd., between Oregon/
Stoughton off Hwy 138. Multi-Family
Sale, Oct. 1-3, Thurs 1-5pm, Fri 8am5pm, Sat 8-??. Furniture, adult Halloween
costumes, entertainment center, working console stereo, LP records/8tracks,
couch, tables, antique sewing machine
and MORE!
145 W. Lincoln St., Oregon - Keenan
Estate Sale. Oct 3, 9am-2pm. Furniture, piano, lamps, wall shelves, desks,
decorative and Christmas items, CASH

586 TV, VCR &

Electronics Repair
DISH NETWORK. Get more for less!
Starting at $19.99/mo (for 12 mos.). PLUS
Bundle & Save (fast internet for $15 more/
month) Call now 800-374-3940 (wcan)

2006 TIMBER Lake Rd, Oregon (corner

MM/Schneider Dr), Oct 1, 2 & 3, 9-5.
Antiques, arts/crafts, craft tote, DVDs,
LOTS of kid's stuff (furniture/toys/clothes
6-8), luggage, Ladies Medium-3X, bedding/linens/kitchen. Miscellaneous.


Wisconsin Management Company is an

equal opportunity provider and employer.

Call for a FREE application

A Better Way
of Living


Cress Funeral Service

206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589
4374 OLD Stage Rd, Brooklyn. 10/110/2. 9:00-5:00. Large Garage Sale.
Tools, collectibles, antiques. Check
5529 MARSH Rd, McFarland.
Group of Stampin' Up! demonstrators
selling retired
stamps and scrapbook supplies.
Saturday, Oct 3rd, 8am-2pm.
909 PARKVIEW, Stoughton. Great Deals
- Antiques, guitar w/amp, violin, car stereo system, convertible crib, bed frames,
lighting, furniture, sporting good. Thursday 5-9, Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-1
GARAGE SALE w/HANDMADE JEWELRY. 1940 W Milwaukee St, Stoughton.
10/3-4 10am-2pm.
OREGON. 667 N. Oak. 10/1-10/3. 8-5(?)
HUGE VARIETY. See craigslist.
REIKI - Learn ancient japanese culture
Reiki. Cost $75. www.selenesmysticmoon.com. 608-921-8393
10/2 7am-5pm, 10/3 7am-12pm. Toro
Snowblower, 7.5 hp Johnson outboard,
stackable washer/dryer, freestanding gas
fireplace, beer mirrors, platform scale,
books, household, garden, more!
ROAD. 10/1-2 8am-5pm, 10/3 8am-1pm.
Vintage. Collectibles. Parents' household
estate. Mom's cupboard. Crafting. Tools.

666 Medical & Health Supplies

The affordable solution to your
stairs. **Limited time $250 off your
stairlift purchase!**. Buy direct and
save. Please call 800-598-6714 for
free DVD and brochure. (wcan)
CPAP/BIPAP SUPPLIES at little or no
cost from Allied Medical Supply Network.
Fresh supplies delivered right to your
door. Insurance may cover all costs. 800995-0831 (wcan)
SAFE STEP Walk-in tub. Alert for
Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal.
Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less than 4 inch step-in.
Wide door. Anti-slip floors. American
made. Installation included. Call 800940-3411 for $750 off. (wcan)
GOT AN older car, boat or RV?
Do the humane thing. Donate it to the
Humane Society. Call 800-990-7816

676 Plants & Flowers

3'-12' EVERGREEN & Shade Trees.
Pick Up or Delivery! Planting available!
Detlor Tree Farms
715-335-4444 (wcan)

688 Sporting Goods &

Rod and Gun Club, Argyle, WI, October
3, 2015. Activites include trap, skeet,
sporting clays, clinics, fun hunts and a
banquet featuring keynote speaker Dex
Young of Hunting with Hank, Upland
Days and Dash & Dez in the Uplands TV
series, For more information and tickets
go to Birddog Jamboree on Facebook
and find the link to EVENTBRITE.COM
or call Harvey at 608-214-6108 or Jeff
at 608-558-5416 or Sharon at 6262806-2066
GUN SHOW Oct 10, 11. Sat 8-5, Sun
8-3; 500+ tables; Adm $5.
Fond Du Lac Fairground.
www.centralwisconsingun.org (wcan)

211 E. Main Stoughton

Park Vernon Apartments has 1 & 2 bdrms.

apartments immediately available!
Small pets welcome!

$560 all utilities included!

Eligibility includes Seniors 62 (or better) or those with
a disability. Some income restrictions apply and rent
assistance may be available!

Burial was held on Saturday, Sept. 26, at St. Ann

Catholic Church in Stoughton. Private burial took
place in St. Ann Catholic
The family would like
to thank Journey Mental
Health and Agrace HospiceCare for all their support.
In lieu of flowers, donations
can be made to an educational fund set up for her
children at Home Savings
Bank, attention: Sandy, 400
W. Main St., Stoughton,
WI, 53589.
Please share your
memories at Cress

672 Pets



Beautiful 2BR/1Bath.
Organized closets.
900 sq. ft.
Book shelves.
Large kitchen.
Laundry on site.
Deck. $795.
Available 10/1/15.

WE BUY Boats/RVs/Pontoons/Sled/
ATVs & Motorcycles! "Cash Paid" now.
American Marine & Motorsports Super
Center, Shawano 866-955-2628 www.
americanmarina.com (wcan)

692 Electronics
DIRECTV'S BIG DEAL special. Only
$19.99 per month. Free premium channels HBO, Starz, Cinemax and Showtime
for 3 months & FREE receiver upgrade!
NFL 2015 Season included. Call now!
800-320-2429 (wcan)

705 Rentals
Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $725 per month, includes
heat, water, and sewer.
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575
STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct.
Large 2-BR apts available now.
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood
laminate flooring.
$775-$825/mo. 608-831-4035.
STOUGHTON- 525 W South St, Upper.
No Pets/Smoking. Heat included, stove,
refrigerator. $800/mo. 1st and last
months' rent. Available 10/1. Eveningscall 608-745-8403.
Appliances included, A/C, garage, W/D
hook-up. No pets/smoking. Available
Oct 1st. $585/month.
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath
All appliances including W/D
FF Laundry C/A Basement
Attached garage. $910/Month No
pets. No smoking. 835-8806
VERONA 2 bdrm, heat incl, lease, no
pets, available now. $695/mo. 608-8456591

720 Apartments
OREGON 2BR 1BA apartments
available. On-site or in unit laundry,
patio, D/W, A/C. Off street parking,
garages available to rent.
From $740/mo. Details at
608-255-7100 or


Monday FOR THE Stoughton Courier Hub
10x10 through 10x40, plus
14x40 with 14' door for
RV & Boats.
Come & go as you please.
6x10 thru 10x25
Market Street/Burr Oak Street
in Oregon
Call 608-206-2347

740 Houses For Rent

furnished 2BR house.
Lease from October 15-May 15.
$875+utilities. No smoking, no pets.
Security deposit & references.
815-895-9205 or 815-751-8711.

750 Storage Spaces For Rent

10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
Security Lights-24/7 access
Credit Cards Accepted
CALL (608)444-2900
Cars/Boats/Large RVs, Storage/Sensitive Documents. 25'x60' (1500 Sq. Ft)
w/12'x14' overhead power door. Security
Lights, Cameras. Heated and Air-Conditioned. 2861 Commerce Park Drive,
Fitchburg. 608-658-8871/608-575-5173.
Located behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Convenient Dry Secure
Lighted with access 24/7
Bank Cards Accepted
Off North Hwy 51 on
Oak Opening Dr. behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Call: 608-509-8904
Convenient location behind
Stoughton Lumber.
Clean-Dry Units
5x10 thru 12x25
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.

230 ACRES Langlade Co. WI

$149,500 Published Reserve.
Great hunting land. $650/acre.
Info & to bid now online
sterlingauctionservices.com. WRA
Sterling Strathe #2429 (wcan)

830 Resort Property For Sale

801 Office Space For Rent

Sq. Ft. w/12'x14' overhead power door.
Zoned light industrial/business incubator/
start-up company/laboratory. Heated &
air-conditioned. Security lights, cameras.
Broad-band internet available. Will build
to suit office/work areas. Nice brick front
w/metal sides and doors, six windows.
2861 Commerce Park Drive, Fitchburg.


Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.

860 Misc. Residential For Sale


16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Evansville, WI

Apply online:
[email protected]
Apply in Person:E-mail:
5501 Femrite
Drive Madison, WI

Apply in Person: 5501 Femrite Drive Madison, WI

More than 100 openings!
1st Shift, $10-12/hr.

Celerity Stafng Solutions is hiring seasonal help to work

at NAFA, Inc. located in Stoughton. We offer a hassle free
hiring process including remote orientation. Jobs start in
early November and last through spring. Complete our
online application or call our ofce for more info. Ability
to speak English is NOT required. Sign up today!

608-825-3013 608-238-3410adno=431542-01


Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.

980 Machinery & Tools

170HP/2WD/8387 hours. New radial tires
on back. Duals for back are bias tires,
dual PTO. $9000 obo.
FARMI 3PT logging winch's, Valby PTO
chippers, skidsteer, woodsplitters, log
loader, trailers, replacement grapple rotators 866-638-7885 threeriversforestry.
com (wcan)


990 Farm: Service &

and these attachments. Concrete
breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
By the day, week, or month.
Carter & Gruenewald Co.
4417 Hwy 92
Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411

2001 W. BROADWAY, MADISON, WI 53713.

OFFICE (608) 222-0217 FAX (608) 222-0645


Positions Available in
Call: 608-255-1511
and Verona
E-mail: [email protected]


3. Rural, wooded, desirable lot within 1
mile of town. 8+ acres. No deed restrictions. Verona Schools. MLS#1758398
$267,500. Mary Ruth Marks, 608-5137490. Bunbury & Associates Realtors.

TIM NOLAN Arena Horse Sales - Fall

Roundup & Colors of the Sun Sale.
October 17, 2015. Tack 9am - Horses
noon. Consignments start Fri - 10/16
9am-7pm & on Sat. 10/17 @ 9am. No
call in consignments. N11474 State Hwy
110, Marion, WI (wcan)

Deadline to apply: October 8th.

Full/Part TimePositions
Positions Available
Excellent Wages
Wages Paid Training
CDL Program
Paid Training
Bonus (If Applicable)
Positions Available in
Signing Bonus (If Applicable)
Madison and Verona

845 Houses For Sale

970 Horses

The Stoughton Area School District is

accepting applications for a District Night
Custodian responsible for set-up/takedown of events, cleaning, and maintaining
facilities. Twelve-month position with
benefits. $15.75 per hour plus $.35 night
differential. View job description and
apply online via WECAN (Support Staff) at

CRANDON WI: For sale by owner: 40

acres wooded high land. Borders public
land. Excellent hunting. $69,900. More
land available. 715-478-2085 (wcan)

BIG VACANT Lake Lot 147ft frtg. on

Lower Post Lake. $100k Buy Now! Make
building plans over winter. 1136 acres
all rec water. Langlade Co. Broker 715216-0838 postlakerealestate.com (wcan)


In Oregon facing 15th hole
on golfcourse
Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
Security System
Conference rooms available
Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
Marty 608-835-3628



55+. 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $695 per month. Includes
heat, water and sewer. Professionally
managed. Located at
300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI
53589 608-877-9388
apartments in Verona for persons 62+
and/or handicapped/disabled. This is
for the waiting list. Rent starts at $443
and includes major appliances, off-street
parking, water and sewer, garbage pickup and SNOW REMOVAL. Call 888-2375710 for more details. This institution is
an Equal Housing Opportunity provider
and employer.

820 Misc. Investment

Property For Sale


10x10 - 10x15
10x20 - 12x30
24 / 7 Access
Security Lights & Cameras
Credit Cards Accepted
1128 Union Road
Oregon, WI
Located on the corner of
Union Road & Lincoln Road




Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.

Tuesday, October 6 10 am-3 pm

2001 W. Broadway, Madison WI

On site interviews.
Bring your resume but not necessary.
Positions thru out Madison and surrounding areas,
many on bus routes.
Great part time, evening ofce cleaning positions.
Openings for General Cleaners, Supervisors, Project
Floor Care Workers.
Pay varies on position and experience.

Injection Molding - Press Operator

First & Second Shift
A Press Operator is responsible for the
production, finishing and packaging of
small plastic parts.
The Successful Press Operator will
require attention to detail and dependable
We offer competitive starting wages and
excellent benefits after 60 days.
Please stop at our corporate office to
complete an application.
Equal Opportunity Employer


If you cannot make it to our open interview day, you can

also apply online at www.programmedcleaning.com.
Call (608) 222-0217 if you have any questions.


CNAs and LPNs

Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center is a 110-bed skilled-care
facility located in Stoughton, WI. We offer rehabilitative and restorative
care to meet each individuals need for long-term or short-term
residency. Respite Services, Hospice Care, and a 27-bed Alzheimers
care unit are also offered as supportive alternatives to residents and
families with special needs.
Skaalen has the following openings:
CNAs pm shift 24 hours per week, night shift 24 hours and 32
hours per week.
LPNs pm shift 24 hours per week.
Skaalen offers a full benefit package that includes medical and dental
insurance, 7 paid holidays and personal holidays, sick time, vacation
time, 403b pension plan, and company-paid life insurance along
with short-term disability. Skaalen also offers voluntary benefits that
include Flex Spending and supplemental policies through AFLAC,
vision, additional life insurance for you and your family and long-term
disability. Available to all staff is the onsite fitness center, companysponsored recognition dinners, employee cookouts and more.
The successful candidate will possess a current license or certification
and be in good standing on the Wisconsin State Registry. Submit
resumes/applications to:

Barb Kroda, RN
Director of Nursing
Skaalen Nursing Rehabilitation Center
400 N. Morris St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-5651
Ext. 210
Equal Opportunity Employer
Smoke Free/Tobacco free Campus


WAUPACA GUN Show Oct.2 & 3. Waupaca Ale House, 201 Forxfire Dr. Fri
3pm-8pm, Sat. 8am-4pm. Adm. $5. Suysell-trade-browse. Gun Buyer Shows,
608-548-4867 (wcan)


Courier Hub

Skilled Tradespeople Wanted

Join Epics facilities team where your expertise will keep our one-of-a-kind campus
running smoothly and help us improve healthcare. Maintaining the function and
appearance of our 5.5 million square foot facility will stretch you technically and
require that you think creatively to solve the unique challenges our campus presents.
You will identify areas that need your attention, prioritize tasks, and troubleshoot
issues as they arise.
HVAC Technician First Shift
You will work on a wide variety of project- and maintenance-based tasks on our HVAC
system, including monitoring the operation of our system, and troubleshooting issues,
as well as maintaining and repairing mechanical equipment. You will also be involved in
the maintenance of our geothermal system.
Plumber Second Shift
You will work to maintain our plumbing fixtures, install and repair pipes and fittings, and
keep our systems running smoothly. You will also perform preventative maintenance
and repair work and resolve unplanned issues as they arise.
As a member of our dynamic team, youll work in a state-of-of-the-art, air conditioned
facility, enjoy consistent, full-time hours, earn competitive wages, and receive benefits
befitting a leading software company (401k match, great health insurance, life
insurance, performance bonuses and stock appreciation rights).
To be considered, please inquire online at careers.epic.com

STOCK YOUR pond or lake now! Order

early. All varieties of fish & minnows.
Aeration systems. roeselerfishfarm.com
920-696-3090 (wcan)

Only 6 miles South of
Verona on Hwy PB.
Variety of sizes available now.
Call 608-424-6530 or



BOAT w/15-horsepower, 4-stroke Mercury motor. 3-bench seats, 2-swivel seats
camol. 1-deep-cycle battery, motor electric start. Fish-finder, duck-blind frame.
W/trailer. $2500 OBO. 608-873-3054.

October 1, 2015




October 1, 2015

Courier Hub


Violet Hoff Anderson

Violet Hoff Anderson Barry

Violet Hoff Anderson

Barry, age 86, passed away
peacefully following a brief
illness on Saturday, Sept.
26, 2015. She was born
in Thayer, Mo., on March
12, 1929, the daughter of
Luther and Violet Campbell.
In 1947 Violet married
Robert C. Hoff.They resided in Stoughton where they
had two daughters, Sheila
and Vicki.Violet had a love
of children and not only
raised her own but many
nieces and nephews as well
as many foster children.
In the early 1970s Violet married Art Anderson.
They lived on the Anderson family farm near Utica.
Together they enjoyed road
trips and antiquing, and
their combined family.
In the 1980s Violet married Ora Barry.They lived
in Stoughton and enjoyed
fishing and travelling.
Violet worked for many

years as a cook and waitress at the N & I90 Truck

Stop.Following her retirement she enjoyed working Friday Night fish fry
and other events at the
Stoughton VFW Post
328. Violet had a passion
for home renovations and
couldnt wait to complete
the next one.
She is survived by her
daughters, Shelia King
(Roger Bailey), and Vicki
Stauffacher (Kent Smith);
five grandchildren; six
great-grandchildren; sister,
Betty (Ernie) Skalitzky;
many nieces and nephews,
especially Judy Rabe, who
was very close to Violets
heart; many extended relatives, including step-children, and step-grandchildren; and her best friend of
60 years, Fern Larsen.
She was preceded in
death by her parents; husbands, Robert Hoff, Art
Anderson, and Ora Barry;
and three brothers, Leroy
(Carol), Floyd, and Lester.
Funeral services were
held on Wednesday, Sept.
30,at Cress Funeral Home
in Stoughton. Burial took
place in Highland Memory
A special thank you to
the staffs of Golden Living
Center, and Rainbow Hospice.
Please share your memories of Violet at: Cress
Cress Funeral Service
206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589

The library is in
the shape of a
tent to represent
a Girl Scout activity, and has the
Girl Scout logo
and the Troop
Crest painted on

Photos submitted

Girl Scouts library

Girl Scout Troop 2797, under the direction
of leaders Kelli Krcma and Britt PaquetteFankhauser, bridged to Cadettes on Sept. 7.
They also completed their Bronze Award, which
was to build and install a Little Free Library at
Anderson Avenue Park. The girls spent nearly 30
hours building the library from May to August. It
will be an official Little Free Library, with a charter number and noted on the LFLs website.

Coalition: Group aims to educate people on voting laws

Continued from page 1
documents and even register them if necessary.
The key speaker at Saturdays event will be Ingrid
Rothe, co-leader of the
Dane County Voter ID
Coalition and vice president
of the League of Women
Voters of Dane County. She
will review changes in Wisconsins voting laws and
provide guidance on how
to get involved as a voting
The Stoughton Action
Coalition will discuss
how best to inform people about the changes in

Find out more

More information on Saturdays event or
the coalition can be found on the web at
stoughtonactioncoalition.org, or on Facebook at
voting requirements and
how to get people to register to vote. Members plan
to meet monthly at local
eateries with the purpose
of promoting social justice and the common good
through education, advocacy and direct involvement
in government.

Springman said the impetus

behind creating the coalition was to find a better
way to get people together
around a range of issues.
We thought lets create something thats nonpolitical, thats inviting and
open-ended and that didnt
care if youre Democrat,
Republican, Independent,

Libertarian or Green or
whatever, he said. We
decided to meet at eateries
instead of public buildings
to create a different atmosphere. Some of the towns
around us have pretty active
civic groups and they meet
in restaurants or coffeehouses.
The coalitions next
event will be Nov. 7 and
will focus on testing in the
public schools.
Springman said theres a
core group of about eight
city residents involved in
planning topics and finding locations for upcoming

presents our 7th Annual

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Expo 9am-Noon Lunch & Entertainment to follow

Stoughton Wellness & Athletic Center 2300 US Highway 51-138 Stoughton, WI
Does your business serve the senior community? Booth reservations now being accepted.
To reserve your spot or to get more information, please contact us at 845-9559

Come to our Annual

Senior Expo and learn about:
Senior Living
Hearing Specialists
Health Care Trusts & Wills
Insurance Senior Resources
& More!

2015 Senior Expo Sponsors


Current 2015 Senior Expo Exhibitors

ADRC of Dane County, American Parkinsons Disease, Aster Retirement Community,

Azura Memory Care, Catholic Charities Adult Day Center, Champion Windows & Sun Rooms of Madison,
Cress Funeral & Cremation Service, Dane County SOS Senior Council, David F. Grams & Associates, S.C.,
Edgerton Hospital, Evansville Manor (The Heights), Four Winds Manor, Greenspire Apartments,
Gunderson Funeral & Cremation Care, Ho-Chunk Gaming, Home Health United, Humana Market POINT,
Inc., iCare, KT Cleaning & Errand Services, LINCARE, McFarland State Bank, McGlynn Pharmacy, Miracle
Ear, Oakwood Lutheran Senior Ministries, Nazareth Health & Rehabilitation Center,
Rosewood Apartments, St. Marys Care Center, Sienna Crest Assisted Living, Stoughton Hospital,
Stoughton Meadows, Stoughton Senior Center, Skaalen Retirement Services, Style Carpet LLC,
Sylvan Crossings,The Cottages of Williamstown Bay, WPS Health Insurance
& Zounds Hearing of Madison. Current exhibitor list subject to change

Curious about our Senior Expo? Check out the video from last year at www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF44YBOcYOY


Is it time to start thinking about

your parents as they age?

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