Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional Sample
Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional Sample
Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional Sample
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T u e s d ay
Gods Masterpiece
For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
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Th u r s d a y
Pure Delight
They delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.
Psalm 1:2 NLT
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F r i d ay
A God-Fashioned Life
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirableif anything is excellent or
praiseworthyt hink about such things.
Philippians 4:8
astor Rick Warren says, The way you think determines the way
you feel, and the way you feel determines the way you act. If we
want to change any behavior, we must start by challenging unhealthy
perspectives. The Daniel Plan requires a new attitude. Being made
new like this begins when we challenge our distorted ways of thinking. We ask, Is that right? Does that fit with Gods Word and Gods
wisdom? Or did somebody somewhere tell me that, but it simply
isnt true?
Pastor Warren also says, We must make healthy choices to use
the resources God has given us, and the first healthy choice is to be
careful about what we think. So what are you thinking about today?
Think about what is truewhat is true about God, what is true
about your identity in Christ, and about the promises of God.
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S at u r d ay
Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit,
perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
2 Corinthians 7:1
hat contaminates the spirit? Anything that takes our eyes off
Christ. When Paul spoke of these things, he probably was
referring to sexual sin, but certainly our bodies need to be purified
from things we eat or drink that arent good for us, too. We need to
detox from all of it.
To detox means to rid ourselves of toxic substances. We detox
from artificial, manmade foods out of reverence for Godout of the
knowledge that God made our bodies and wants us to care for them.
We detox so that we can enjoy the abundance of foods God created
to nourish us. Detoxing is about abundance, not deprivation, because
the foods we are saying no to arent really foods at all.
As Dr. Mark Hyman says, The best thing you can do for your
health is to avoid factory-made science projects that havent been
made by God in nature. Emphasize bringing in the array of delicious,
replenishing foods that God made for your pleasure and well-being.
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S u n d ay
Ultimately Safe
My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not
hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight.
Daniel 6:22
aniel continued his habit of prayer to God even when prayer was
outlawed, so the king of Persia had him thrown into a den of
lions. God prevented the lions from killing Daniel in order to show
the king that God really was God and Daniel was his innocent servant.
God doesnt always shut the mouths of the lions. Sometimes bad
situations happen to his loyal servants. But nothing can ultimately
harm those who are faithful to him. We are safe from all enemies and
even from death because God will raise us from the dead. Knowing
this, we can face the lions with the same courage as Daniel.
The psalmist says, My heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my
body also will rest secure (Psalm 16:9). How bold and confident will
you be about your faith, knowing you are safe in his loving arms?
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M o n d ay
Identifying Passion
The Holy Spirit is given to each of us in a special way. That is for the good
of all.
1 Corinthians 12:7 NIrV
od has given us the Holy Spirit so we can make unique contributions to the world. You may not have one mission for your whole
life, and you dont need to know what God plans for you to do twenty
years from now. What you need to know is what God wants of you in
this season. How has God shaped you to contribute to his world here
and now?
God designed us to have passion. We are supposed to feel things.
Passion helps us move ahead, have energy, and persevere through
conflicts. We know we have passion when we lose track of time while
doing something. What are those things that you enjoy so much that
you forget the time?
If you dont know what youre passionate about, experiment with
different activities until you find one that lights you up. Frederick
Buechner said, The place God calls you to is the place where your
deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger meet.1
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T u e s d ay
Focus on Gods
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your
presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11
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W e d n e s d ay
Movement that
Feels Like Play
Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with
timbrel and harp.
Psalm 149:3
ow are you doing at discovering movement you enjoy, movement that feels like play to you? Theres a saying that goes, We
do not quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit
playing. We are designed to take joy in our bodies ability to move in
so many different ways. The ancient Israelites even praised God with
If youve been doing the same kind of movement for some time,
perhaps its time to bring some variety to your workouts. Fitness
expert Sean Foy says, Changing your scenery, meeting new people,
and trying something different can be just what you need to keep your
fitness routine fresh.
Youre not on this fitness journey alone. God is with you to keep
you steady and on track. Consider thanking and praising him as you
move your body. Ask him to help you discover movement you can feel
passionate about.
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Th u r s d a y
o you find it hard to believe the depth of Gods love? If its hard
for you to reach out in love to other people, it may be that you
are not secure in knowing that you are unconditionally loved. If you
are secure in Gods love for you, his acceptance can help you handle
the imperfect ways of other people. You can concentrate on loving
them and not worry too much if they dont make you feel deeply loved
in return.
Meditate on this truth: Gods love for you is more solid than a
mountain. Mountains are slowly worn down by rain, wind, sun, and
snow, but nothing wears down Gods love. No earthquake will shake
his love. Nothing bad youve done, no personality quirk or limitation
of yours can undermine his absolute delight in you just the way you
are. Let his love enrich your life and the lives of those around you.
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F r i d ay
Eyes on Jesus
Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith.
And he is the one who completes the journey of faith.
Hebrews 12:2 NIrV
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S at u r d ay
hen the proverb says, Guard your heart, it means Guard the
part of you where your deepest, most fundamental thoughts
and beliefs are stored. Thats what the heart signified in ancient
Hebrew culture. The reason for guarding these deepest thoughts is
because they determine how you feel, what you do, and therefore,
how your life goes. If your deepest attitudes are distorted, your life
will reflect that. But if the deep beliefs that motivate you are true and
good, your life will flourish.
We are usually most interested in God changing our circumstances, taking away our suffering. But God is most interested in
changing our hearts and actions. Thats because who you are and will
be for all eternity is shaped primarily not by what happens to you, but
by how you respond to what happens to you. And how you respond is
shaped by what you think deep down in your heart. So feed your heart
plenty of true, good, and lovely things (Philippians 4:8), and guard
what goes on in it.
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M o n d ay
hink of a time in your life when you had joy, the kind that comes
from knowing the Father loves you, Jesus died for you, and the
Holy Spirit lives inside you. Where is that joy today? Has it been stolen by daily hassles or a loss? If so, God wants to restore your joy. It
may not happen at the snap of a finger, but you can discover joy in God
even when life is far from perfect.
The first step in recovering joy is believing that God wants you
to have it. The next step is asking for it. Why not make that prayer the
desire of your heart, something you take to God regularly?
The third step is to draw near to him. There is so much joy in
sitting before him, letting him love you in spite of circumstances,
experiencing anew the gift of his presence in your life.
The fourth step is to choose to set your mind on things that foster
joy. What people, activities, websites, books, and entertainment foster
joy in you, and which ones deplete your joy? Take your pick.
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F r i d ay
ver feel like everything is against you? Or like you are stuck in
negative thought patterns? One pattern to watch out for is overgeneralization. This usually involves words like always, never, every
time, or everyone. These thoughts make a situation out to be worse
than it really is.
For instance, I have always struggled with health issues; it will
never change or Every time I get stressed, I fall into bad patterns.
Are these thoughts accurate? Do you know it will never change? Do
you have to fall into bad patterns every time, without exception? Of
course not. Overgeneralizations make you believe you have no control over your actions and that you are incapable of changing them.
If you tend to think in overgeneralizations, write them down and
challenge them. Then turn your heart to what you know is true: the
power of the Holy Spirit is within you.
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S u n d ay
the Future
If you say, The Lord is my refuge, and you make the Most High your
dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.
Psalm 91:910
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M o n d ay
hen Adam ate the forbidden fruit and the Lord questioned
him about it, he immediately blamed Eve rather than taking
responsibility for his actions. We do this too sometimes, blaming
others for the problems in our lives.
My unhealthy habits are my parents fault; this is how they
raised me.
Im overweight because of my genetics.
The reason Im stuck in this bad mood is because you keep picking at me.
Blaming will never get us anywhere. It makes us the victims of
other people or circumstances, as though we cant do anything to
change the situation. In reality, though, there is something we can do.
The first step out of the blame game is to question the blaming
thought. Is this truly 100 percent the fault of the other person, my
genetics, or my circumstances? How have I contributed to this situation? How would God enable me to do something differently? He is
eager to empower us to break free from old patterns.
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T u e s d ay
Joy Despite
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are
no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Habakkuk 3:1718
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Th u r s d a y
Cultivating Stillness
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10
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The Gift of
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is
Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:1618
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S u n d ay
Encourage One
Encourage one another and build each other up.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
o you want a relationship to turn toward a more positive direction? Write down at least three things you are grateful for about
the other person. Then put one of those things in a note or text, and
send it to the person. Or say it face to face. The other person will
likely respond with happy surprise to being thanked. Even if he or she
doesnt, youve still done something good.
Afterward, watch for more things you are grateful for in that
person. Instead of noticing the negative part of an interaction, draw
your attention to the positive, and thank the person for it. You will
feel better about yourself, bless the other person, and revolutionize
the relationship.
Try the same thing in your small group, if you have one: send texts
of thanks to group members. Be specific about what you appreciate.
You dont have to be the group leader to become the official encourager. Think how uplifted people will be to have someone in their lives
who says thank you.
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M o n d ay
Persistent Prayer
When Daniel learned that the decree had been published... Three times a
day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as
he had done before.
Daniel 6:10
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