Lachesis Summary

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Central Picture:
Because of this essence, the Lachesis patient having an inner stimulation or agitation,
finds expression either through the physical symptoms or through behavior or speech.
The mind is full of ideas and the patient cannot bear to keep them back (talkativeness).
The emotions are extremely passionate and the patient will express them with often
frightening intensity. Physically there is an inner excessive sensitivity to stimuli which is
expressed as pulsations, hemorrhage, flushes, and discharges. He works hard, he
competes intensely, he loves jealously. These characteristics are often seen in LachesisJealousy, Loquacity or Chattiness, and in the supressed Introverted types, we observe
an Inferiority patient with a a hidden envy and a critical tendency toward almost
everyone around him. In this suppressed state the patient may develop crippling anxieties
and phobias.
Keynote Characteristics:
- Intolerance to tight collars, turtlenecks, necklaces. Averse to being touched on the
throat. Great sensitiveness to touch or pressure.
-Asthma after jealousy or strong emotions.
- Sleeps on right side, impossible on left. Starts up in sleep as if suffocating. Sleep apnea.
- Left-sided symptoms. Symptoms begin on the left and move to the right.
- Climacteric ailments: hemorrhoids, hemorrhages; hot flushes and hot perspiration.
- General aggravation: during sleep or upon waking; sleeps into the aggravation; before
the menstrual period; at menopause, or during pregnancy; from suppressed discharges; in
the spring and in the fall; from suppressed sexual expression.
-General amelioration as soon as (or after) the flow begins.
- Purplish discoloration (the face, skin lesions, boils, hemorrhoids) with a full, plethoric
or bursting appearance.
-Hypertension. Hypertensive crisis. Cerebral accidents
- Lachesis vs. Sabadilla. In tonsillitis and diphtheria, swelling of tonsils begins on left
side and extends to the right same as Sabadilla. The pains are aggravated by hot drinks in
Lachesis while the condition tends to worsen by cold drinks in the Sabadilla patient.
- Lachesis vs. Gelsemium. Both patients display trembling, not from fright or excitement,
but from extreme weakness. Both also have great trembling of the tongue on trying to
protrude it. With both remedies the whole body trembles; but with LACHESIS the
patient feels faint, as if she must sink right down. This great prostration is both mental
and physical, and she does not improve from rest or sleep as Gelsemium does, but on the

- Lachesis vs. Lycopodium. In both, there is an urging or rather a pressing down, in the
rectum, but it is worse when he attempts a stool; hurts so that the patient stops. But
Lachesis is dominantly a left-sided remedy, as Lycopodium is a right-sided one.

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