Coastal Artillery Journal, 1923
Coastal Artillery Journal, 1923
Coastal Artillery Journal, 1923
1892 TO JUNE.
Vol. 58.
.. II U UIlIlIIlUlllllll
APRIL, 1923
'" (Frontispiece)
R. l\IrcKELSOX, C. A. C.
C. A. C.
A. C.
Again-The Work That Lies Ahead
:\lajor Boatwright Comments on Captain Phillips's Article
R. C.
:\'0. 9-A
No. 10
' .' .
IU .....
VA .. 3--15-23-1700.
Coast Artillery Journal
APRIL 1923
Vol. 58 No.4
I II.11111
11.111.111 1 11
111.11 11 11
E\Ter since attaining command rank some years ago, it has been my
Custom in taking over a command or in ha\"ing a considerable acquisition
take place, as at the beginning of the school year, to assemble the officers
for a mutual understanding of aims, ideals, and rules of operation. The
results have been so satisfactory that I think the procedure should be
considered as standard practice.
The school work is laid out and conducted with a view to fulfilling
the conditions imposed by the following items of doctrine.
Another way of stating this and one used by me constantly in discussing our aims is this-Soldier
First, Technician Afterwards.
It is all too true that many officers of our schools and for that matter
in our garrisons become so engrossed in the technique of their jobs
that the above fundamental maxim goes into the discard. My creed
is that for any branch of the service the acquirement of technique is
simple when the system of the individual has been impregnated with
the fundamental characteristics which must be possessed by a man if
he is properly to be called a soldier. Of course technique must be acquired to a certain extent during the acquirement of soldierly qualifications but the latter is the determining factor in considering the worth
of the man, be he commissioned or enlisted.
Is he a soldier? That is the paramount question as to his greatest
usefulness. If not a soldier all the technique in the world will not avail;
if a soldier, with ordinary opportunity he will have acquired ample
technique to play an important rele. This item of soldierly development
is considered so important that attention to it is my first duty in the
operation of this school. Subordinates look after the technical detaiIsmy duty in connection with technique except in the matter of policy is
secondary to that outlined above. The creed of the soldier from my
point of view is summed up in the following which I am pleased to
term his precepts. These will bear close analysis and it will be found
that all the cardinal principles are covered. They follmv; it will be
noted the precepts are ten in number-the parallel is readily appreciated.
(1) Be loyal ever. Loyalty is the keystone of the military arch.
(2) Salute with a gleam in your eye and a snap in your motions.
showing that you take pride in the military appearance of your
organization and in yourself as a soldier.
Time will not permit the analysis of all these today, some will be
considered now; others as the term progresses.
Everyone here knows what loyalty means and knows its bearing in
the premises. Yet how many preach and practice it continually in their
daily lives? Disloyalty may be practiced both in word and in deed and
often such word or deed is not meant as a disloyal action. And yet
with some men this unintentional disloyalty becomes a habit and passes
into a chronic state. Hmv often have you heard dissatisfaction expressed upon receipt of an order? How often criticism of the policy of
the Commanding Officer? All disloyal to a greater or less degree. Vnswerving loyalty absolutely prohibits such comments and criticism. It
is very easy I know and yet very harmful. An extreme instance of
loyalty may be cited in the action of a subordinate commander, who
announced at a gathering of his officers-"Now you must remember that
if the commanding officer says black is white, white it is." This is
metaphorical of course hut it embodies the idea in a bully manner.
Some day each of you ,..ill be a commanding officer and then is the time
for you to put your ideas into play. Xot until you anticipate and carry
out in letter and in spirit the orders of your commanding officer is your
soul filled with the spirit of loyalty.
Do not confound this idea with one that a subordinate should find
out what his commanding officer thinks and then recommend those ideas
when he believes them to be ,'-Tong. This is not loyalty; until a decision
is reached or properly announced a subordinate should give the best in
him 'with a yiew to the highest efficiency of the command, whether he is
or is not in agreement with his commanding officer. But when a de-
cision is made and properly announced there are no two sides to the
question. Your loyalty requires you to conform to the decision, independently of all other considerations; and further, it requires such conformity with cheerfulness and determination.
The acquirement of the
characteristic of disloyalty is well illustrated by the following quotation:
"Vice is a monster of so hideous mien,
To be hated needs but to b'e seen,
Yet seen too oft, familiar with his face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace."
junior comes to attention with life and action, and the salute of the
senior in return should show that he has experienced such thrill. One
of the most satisfying things that I have experienced in my whole service has been the fine rendition of the salute when I have been passing
through my area and ha\~e appreciated what the rendition of the salute
stood for.
c. Salutes are to be rendered in this command without reference
to distance and strictly in accordance with orders which have been
issued. Copies have been supplied; read them carefully and begin to
conform at once.
H you feel that the salute is irksome you have not the spirit of what
it means.
Precept 4. Never say No when asked if you can accomplish something.
The ~lJays and means may not be apparent but
you can find them
This involves the spirit of accomplishment-accomplishment
is the
crux of every situation.
You may not be able to accomplish everything
expected of you but if you have 100% spirit of accomplishment you
will do things which appeared utterly impossible when first presented.
The spirit of accomplishment will be referred to again as one of the
military trinity.
Precept 6. Be courteous always.
Courtesy is a foundation
stone of both military and civil life
This should be one of the simplest things of life and yet in the military service it is more often violated than any other precept. This
violation involves one of the saddest frailties of human nature--Iack of
consideration for a subordinate.
How familiar all of you are with
instances of extreme courtesy to superiors always, and terrible discourtesy to subordinates always. This lack of consideration is the
most serious defect in the military profession. It is so common that it
may be considered a rule rather than an exception and I call upon each
of you henceforth to make every effort to overcome this fault. Neither
reprove nor punish in anger. Never become excited nor raise the voice
in making corrections-very
easy to say but very hard to do. I twill
take much effort and strong determination to overcome this defect but
it must be done if you hope to function at anything like your possible
efficiency. Many a man has been made by courtesy and likewise many
ruined by discourtesy.
Precept 9. Live in peace and charity with the other members of
the command.
Dut}' first, self after&ards.
He who concentrates on self vill never be a soldier
Notice especially the \"'~ordsduty first, self afterwards.
Rather reversing matters as viewed by too many men, but fundamental in one
who has dedicated his life to public service and has grasped the idea
that success in life is measured by service to others and not by gain
to one's self. Working with and helping others involves another member of the military trinity, the spirit of cooperation. This great principle incorporating the idea of team work probably is referred to mo~e
often than any other item in modern military literature.
The spirit of cooperation, the spirit of the team, the spirit of service-wonderful
conceptions, beautiful ideas, synonymous terms; all
standing for what is most worth while in life.
An insight has thus been given into the code of the soldier and we
will now proceed to the other items of our Doctrine.
Hits per gun per minute tells the story in a few words; if you cannot
get hits and get them with facility, commanding a battery is no place
for you. We will teach you the fundamental principles involved in this
matter and how they are applied. This \vill qualify you to shoot the
battery; combine these principles 'with coolness, common sense, judgment and initiative and you will get hits per gun per minute. This is
a pretty large order but all the items enumerated are necessary to make
a cracker-jack battery commander.
This involves the items which should obtain if possible in the program for every day-and
while I advocate recreation in every day's
program the fact that work, play, exercise and sleep must be in the
proper proportion and in the proper order is the paramount consideration. The slogan is work first and play later; when you 'work, work
hard; and ,,,hen you play, play hard; and when you sleep, sleep hard;
but the work must be given first consideration.
It is to be regretted
that such is often not the case. Too much emphasis can not be laid
upon the importance of getting the necessary exercise and sleep, especially
when you work intensively and the major part of the ,,,ork requires
real mental effort.
I cannot too strongly emphasize that the maintenance of good
physical condition, through regular and systematic exercise, amounts to
more than fifty per cent of the game. No officer, with all the other
good qualities in the ,vorld, can be depended on to meet a great emergency
if he lacks an abundant reserve of physical stamina.
\Vhile at the school you should work intensively. As a rule the
idea of going to a school is more or less distasteful, but it should not be so.
\Ve proceed upon the principle here that the authorities and those of
you present in the course are working together to the common end
that you and the government shall receive a maximum return for the
expense involved in sending you here for the course of instruction.
do not operate in the manner of slave drivers but rather as helpers
and guides so that you may obtain maximum results in the time at
your disposal.
:L\.finimumrequirements are outlined in our programs and schedules,
but in completing these you have not done full duty to the government
nor to yourself in the event all of your time for vmrk is not occupied
on professional matters.
Expenditure of the government in sending
officers to schools is staggering; you are relieved from all administrath-e
and other duties with organizations and put upon your uwn responsibility
in a manner to profit as much as possible by your ,,,-orkunder exceptional
conditions. Thus, there is imposed a moral obligation to make the best
use of your opportumtles. Remember that this does not mean that
you spend all your time on the technical tasks of the course. This
latter is most important but as stated above you must take a proper
amount of recreation and spend the proper amount of time on matters
tending to breadth of vision and acquirement of general knowledge.
There is a good library covering professional subjects, and supplied with
fiction, and current periodicals. If perchance your allotted tasks do
not consume all of your time, take advantage of the opportunity for
general reading, an item in which officers in general are very deficient.
Keep in touch with what is going. on in the command. One of the
principal features of this school is the establishment of standards in
the units stationed here as an object lesson to you. Your course involves certain requirements-combine
the technique acquired in the
course with the conception of what maximum standards of organizations
are and your tour not only will have been valuable to you but will
have been an important factor in raising the standard of excellence
throughout the commands to which you may be assigned upon completion of your school work.
We have certain specified hours for work known as academic hours.
And when a particular hour is set it means that hour-not
a minute
before nor yet a minute after. No specific hours are required for evening
work, but Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings you
are not expected to spend in social and recreational activities. There is
no objection to going out to dinner or to the movies but anything in
these evenings which makes for late hours or prevents at least two
hours attention to matters bearing on your work is strictly taboo; it
is not necessary to go further into detail with men of your years and
There are some who think that you should be turned loose absolutely,
during the hours not specified as academic but, after years of experience under all systems, I know the present one most nearly meets all
conditions and may well be described as ,.mrking on a man's basis.
In no line of endeavor may men be turned loose. Proper guiding with
a light rein is a sine qua non, for the majority-and
a very tight rein
for a small minority. \Ye are the people v,,-howill tighten the rein as
soon as a member of that small minority shows himself. Anyone who
wants to be treated as a boy will be accommodated in every way, and
I am sorry to say it has been necessary in previous years to put even
some captains of considerable seryice on a boy's basis of reporting in
the evening for specific study hours-such cases are getting rarer and
rarer and I trust that none of you will be found on the wrong side
of the ledger.
License and freedom of action are often confused but if you proceed
along the line of my conception you will find all the freedom of action
desired by men of highest attainments and highest sensibilities. All
that is necessary is for you to catch the spirit of the place and the spirit
of our conceptions.
A few words as to your results. In times past and even now at some
educational institutions men are injuring their health in attempting to
obtain fictitious class standing. A man who does this is lacking in the
first requisite of a soldier-common sense. A man in danger of failing
who will not take any chance to keep from failing is not worth while.
Our rule is this-An Honest Day's Work every Day! There is no man
who does not know when he has done an honest day's work. If by
chance you are bright and get your tasks with much spare time and
do not then do some of the other things outlined you have not done
an honest day's work. Al1 absolute corollary is this, if you do an honest
day's work every day, you will come out in this class exactly in accordance with your talents as compared to the talents of others who are
doing the same thing; and, you will come out ahead of those who are
not doing their honest day's work every day. No man can ask more
of himself; no employer more of his employees. I do not decry class.
standing but I do decry fictitious class standing, and I do decry concentration along certain Jines with class standing as the objective.
You will be informed from time to time as to your work and you
will be helped to obtain the maximum profit to yourself, helped if you
want to be helped, forced if you want to be forced! It is entirely up
to you.
You must remember that school courses cannot take proper cognizance
of the principal factors in the make up of a commander, namely, leadership, initiative, and similar qualifications. It is not my custom to take
the highest scholastic man \';illynilly for an important job-such attainment simply draws attention to him for further investigation of all his.
The main items controlling our procedure have been outlined, the
details you will get from those immediately over you, however one
final word-I
am always available for information and advice. The
man next after yourself most interested in your work is your commanding officer.
Early in this talk I have given as the highest ambition of a soldier"To Command llen in Battle."
In attaining this ambition, a man
takes unto himself the greatest responsibility which may befall to any
man. I make the statement because the commander in battle has a
job to perform and his tools are the lives of men. That statement
needs neither extension nor elucidation. Kow I ask you hO\\- many
crimes have been committed by incompetent men in command? How
many additional crimes have been committed by those who have been
a party to putting incompetent men in position of command?
The third class is that in which the commander has imposed his will
in such a way as to cause the members of the command to know and
do his bidding with joy in their souls, they do their duty well because
they want to do it that way. They think straight, they see straight,
and they act straight.
The spirit of the commander is felt, whether
he is present or not. Type of commander, real leader; type of command, ideal; good discipline, high morale.
Ah, my friends that is the thing to strive for and I repeat you may
attain it only by constant endeavor, by preaching and practicing the
precepts of the soldier, and by applying the fundamentals of command,
daily keeping in the foreground common sense and the human touch.
Of course efficiency involves technique and while I do not belittle
technique I must impress upon you again that straight thinking, straight
seeing, and straight acting, come first.
All the principles of command and responsibilities attached thereto
apply to eyery unit from the Army down to the smallest group of the
military establishment.
The degree of application varies of course "with
the size of the unit but I ,,,ill make no differentiation for the principles
must be a part of every commander's being and the application made as
the circumstances demand.
You may have noted that I mentioned first organizing ability. I
do not mean that it is the most important characteristic of a leader
but I do think that it is so important that it should be discussed first.
You will hear from me in the course of the term reiteration of this
fact to the nth puwer; namely organization is the basis of success in
any undertaking.
Eyeryone knows this fundamental principle of life
but how fe,v really apply it always. Many of our maxims involye the
idea of organization.
Preparation of work for the event is organizing;
arranging in a logical and systematic order the items of a speech is
organizing. Organization is nothing more or less than the systematic
arrangement of seyeral parts so that they will work together as a unit.
I will not refer further to the other characteristics mentioned but
the question of decision needs additional comment. Being able to
arrive at a correct decision "withmore or less indefinite data is a wonderful
characteristic, and being able to do so quickly is not a secondary consideration. I must warn you howeyer, that haying arriyed at a decision
you must not stick to it through thick and thin; many a man has gone
on the rocks because he would not change a decision which ,vas wrong.
Xext in impossibility to the vacillating man who will not decide and
having decided is always changing his mind is the one who never makes
a mistake. Recognize and correct your own errors in exactly the same
manner that you do those of your subordinates.
Few items of command make so much for satisfaction to subordinates as that of prompt
+ Determination + Tact
Power to Command.
Analyze this and you will find the terms of that equation invoh-e
the characteristics enumerated and discussed earlier in this talk.
In conclusion I will enunciate 'what I am pleased to call the military
\vhich is included the essence of the talk today:
The Spirit
I consider so important an appreciation of these wonderful conceptions that if I accomplish nothing else as your commandant than impressing their full meaning on you, my sen-ice \,,-ill not have been 1ll
ROUTe or
HE above illustration mayor may not present the true conditions. The purpose of this picture in the beginning is to
show the attitude of the \\Titer in what is to follow. Fire
control consists of two problems; first, to reduce dispersion to a minimum,
and second, to keep the center of the zone of dispersion on the target.
The notes that follow concern the latter problem as applied to moving
In the use of Case IlIon
be fired at a predetermined time for which the data has been computed
and set. The method in general use provides for the computation of
the travel during time of flight in the plotting room, so that the gun
may be fired on uniform time intervals. It would appear to be more
practicable for the plotter to adopt a uniform prediction for his setforward point so that the splash will occur on a uniform time inten-al.
Since the gun commander has to fire his gun on a predetermined time
in either case; using a time of flight table, he could just as easily fire at
the proper time to place the time of impact on the. set-forward point.
It is believed that time can be more accurately measured from a stopwatch than distance corresponding to time can be measured on the
plotting ruler.
This simple change has no apparent disadvantages, yet it should
prove more accurate, will greatly simplify the plotting, and will furnish
the plotter with a positive check on his predictions of the set-forward
point, which should coincide with a subsequent plotted point. Having
the splash occur on th~ bell should also facilitate spotting. This in
itself is rather a minor point, but taken into consideration with what is
to follow is very essential.
now in use,
The statement is reiterated that we are not primarily concerned with the
determination of the true center of impact. We can also add that we
are not primarily concerned with the accuracy arrived at on the conclusion of a series. But what is of primary importance is that every
shot in the series be fired with the best probability of hitting.
Does not
the law of probability provide an absolute means whereby this can be
The following is quoted from Method of Least Squares by Mansfield
Merriman, Prof. of Civil Engineering, Lehigh University:
"Art.-27-The average or arithmetical mean has always been accepted and
used as the best rule for combining direct observations of equal precision
upon one and the same quantity.
This universal acceptance may be regarded
as sufficient to justify the axiom that it gives the most probable value,---for
after all as Laplace has said, the theory or probability is nothing but common
sense reduced to calculation.
If the measurements be but two in number, the
arithmetical mean is undoubtedly the most probable value; and for a greater
number, mankind, from the remotest antiquity, has been accustomed to regard
it as such.
It is characterYdic of the arithmetical mean that it renders the algebraic sum
of the residual errors zero."
any changing conditions without any fire control system other than a
spotting system. An observation balloon alone should furnish an
effective fire control for any battery.
4. These experiments show further that a rather crude system of
spotting can be used without any appreciable effect on the accuracy of
the results. For all practical purposes the deviations may be known
only to the nearest probable error, and in problems where only the
sense of the deviations are known, by assigning an average weight of
say one probable error, either positive or negative, to each deviation
very satisfactory results were obtained. This establishes our ballistic
curve in such a manner as to equalize the shorts and overs.
5. That this method gives a positive and continuous analysis of
any problem, at any time during the conduct of the problem, and renders a "post mortem" analysis superfluous.
All that has been said concerning range adjustment applies equally
as well to deflection adjustment.
These discussions and the conclusions
therefrom are intended only to be of a tentative nature.
It is hoped
that more extensive investigation and experiment will be conducted
along this line in order to prove or disprove these contentions. The
above notes are therefore, presented not so much for what value, if
any, they may contain, as for what possibilities they may indicate.
.. ;
N pursuance of the problem of fire direction for long range conditions, the following system was developed and tested in the
Coast Defenses of Long Island Sound with promising results.
Certain interesting departures from the standard method of obtaining
firing data and spotting were involved, i.e.:
there should be as many base lines available for the central plotting
system as there are targets.
In the test firing held at Fort Terry, N. Y., the central plotting
station was located at Fort H. G. Wright, a distance of some 16,000
yards from the battery.
A base line of about 12,000 yards was chosen
(Fort Michie to Fort Wright).
It may be noted that the target was at
times practically on the prolongation of the battery's standard base line
and consequently, with the use of standard facilities, action by that
battery on that target would have been precluded. The central plotting
system used a 3600 plotting board with an oriented grid superimposed
and transmitted the position of the target in terms of rectangular coordinates to the battery at Fort Terry.
.While the regular plotting board might have been used by removing
all arms except the gun arm, it was believed that the small scale of the
board would have imposed unnecessary strain on the plotter and men
who set the coordinates for the periodic determination of the position of
the target. It was considered advisable, therefor, to construct a new
plotting board of a larger scale (1 in. = 100 yards) having several in-
A sketch of this board and the entire equipment used in
its operation is shown in Fig. 1. This sketch represents only one section
of the fiE'ld of fire. The maze of linE's shown was clarified by the use
of colored inks. The bold rectangular lines represent the 1000 yard
Ft. H. G. Wright.
in this operation.
FIG. 2.
- - - - - - - -- - - -
-" - - - - - - -
Snape of.360
pIottif7{j emrt
used on
The de,'elopment and status of the method of spotting will not be
discussed in this article except in so far as it concerns thp. practice.
must be claimed without reservation that this method of spotting is in
its present development a success as a medium for spotting for all mortar
firing and for long range gun fire. The discussion of the method used
would require an involved treatise.
Consequently the discussion on the
FIG. 4.
matter of spotting will touch only upon the data receiwd from the
spotting section, and not upon the manner in which this section arrived
at these data.
Approximately one to three minutes after the fall of a
shot the battery was furnished ,,"ith the coordinates of the splash.
method was necessary, therefore, to find the lateral and longitudinal
relationship between the coordinates of the splash and those of the setforward point.
The problem was solved in this manner.
A replica of
the plotting board was used by the spotter. He was furnished with the
location of the set-forward point aimed at. This was done graphically.
After the set-forward point was located on the plotting board, and its
data transmitted to the operator of the range board and azimuth correction board, a sheet of card-board ten inches square (the size of the
grid) was placed on the plotting board in such a way that the edges
were parallel to the grid lines and its corner fell on the set-forward
point. See Fig. 4.
The intersection of the grid lines nearest the set-forward point and
the two edges of the card-board were marked (b-b/, Fig. 4) and the
letter of the grid square was written on the card-board. This cardboard was handed to the spotter who placed it on his board in the same
manner and located the set-forward point. This method obviated the
disconcerting noise incident to verbal transmission of data and also
made for fewer errors. By means of parallel rulers he drew a line through
the set-forward point parallel to the nearest radial line (azirr.;j(h from
directing point), this line representing the line of fire (a a', Fig. 4).
This procedure completed, he was ready for the coordinates of the
.splash from the spotting station. Having received these data he located
the coordinates of the splash in the same manner as setting off the coordinates of plotted points in plotting, and, by placing the T shaped
,scale shown in Fig. 4 in such a way that the long graduated edge lay
on the line of fire while the other fell on the position of the splash, he
was able to read off directly the lateral 'and longitudinal deviation of
the shot from the set-forward point. The sensing of the example in
Fig. 4 is 400 yards over and 150 yards left. The fact that the experimental method of spotting lends itself readily to determining the lateral
and longitudinal deviation from the set-forward point rather than from
the target is believed to be one of the most important incidental merits.
The rules of adjustment demand that the deviation used be the longitudinal distance between the splash and the point for which the gun
is laid. The target is rarely on the point for which the gun was laid.
In conclusion it may be said that the result of the entire test developed:
1. That the use of a central plotting system for long range fire
.direction makes available a number of othenvise unprovided base lines,
the best suited of 'I,vhichmay be selected for the problem in hand. Through
the development of special apparatus (slide rules, mechanical or electrical
predictors, etc.) for determining the firing data from the rectangular coordinates furnished by the central plotting system it is believed that
work in the plotting room may be made simpler and as a result more
t. That the improvised plotting board and the equipment incident
-to its operation lends itself readily to the use of rectangular coordinates.
It was more accurate than the 3600 plotting board due to its larger scale
and the fact that inherent shrinkage or stretching of paper containing
grids on the latter board destroys accurate location of grid lines, while
on the improvised board the range arcs and azimuth lines shrank Of
stretched with the paper. It was remarkably simple in operation.
- ".-
the opening of the spring practice the rifle enthusiast begins
to show unmistakable signs of the "trigger finger itch." After
each year's try-out you hear the same old resolutions, "Never
again," but somehow the new year brings forth the same old nuts, the
same reunion of some of the old timers, and the introduction of a score
of new faces.
The purpose of this annual try-out is to pick from among the competitors, the most promising timber for a representative team in the
National Team Match. It is expected that these competitors will have
had preliminary work outs on their home ranges, but every year many
who report have fired but a few rounds, and the great majority have
not fired at distances greater than 300 yards. This latter of course
is due to the lack of longer ranges, but can be overcome to a great extent
by the application of Dry Shooting and other training methods which I
will try to make clear.
It is a well known fact that few Coast Defenses have ranges greater
than 300 yards. This condition is a disadvantage, but not nearly as
serious as it would seem inasmuch as it may be overcome by application
of the proper training methods. Of course, one cannot do as well without long range practice as with it, but he can get wonderful results by
applying first, the dry shooting practice, and then, a system of intensive
training on the 200 and 300 yard ranges.
Dry Shooting, to the novice, simply means pulling the trigger on an
empty chamber, but to the experienced shot it means everything that
the same kind of shooting would mean in the biggest match of the
season. I ,,;ish to make myself clear because it is the utmost of importance that this practice be carried on with the earnestness of the
most careful shooting. One's active mind must not be hampered with
having to think out the minute details as these must come naturally,
in proper sequence and without effort. Dry shooting will develop this
There has been much discussion on this subject and I believe that
the majority will agree ,....
ith me that it is a most valuable method of
training. It has been my experience that, with proper coaching, a
moderately good shot ,....
ho will consistently drill dry shooting every day
for six or eight weeks before the outdoor period, can go on the range
and qualify as expert rifleman with very little difficulty. He acquires
self confidence and comes to the try-out well prepared to take advantage
of the intensive training which he has to undergo.
The best example of the value of dry shooting is to be found in the
record made by Sergeant Qtto Bentz, Coast Artillery Team for 1922.
Sergeant Bentz was also a member of the squad at the National Matches
in 1921, but did not make the final line-up. At that time he was a
left hand shooter, quite a handicap, especially at rapid fire. Sergeant
Bentz realized this and determined to switch over. All during t,he
indoor period following the 1921 match, Sergeant Bentz practiced dry
shooting in the squad room; he mastered the right hand operation of
the bolt, and came to the try-out in 1922 shooting from the right shoulder.
His shooting at the National Matches helped to put the Coast Artillery
Team on the map, for not only did he make the team, but he won the
National Individual Match against all comers; a most remarkable performance.
You may ask where you are to get this "proper coaching." The
answer is: detail for this purpose the officers and men who have attended
the try-outs. The Coast Artillery Corps has entered a team in the
National Matches every year since 1919 and the officers and men who
composed these teams are scattered throughout the Coast Defenses of
the United States and the Insular Possessions and are qualified to
carryon this instruction.
At last year's try-out, one day was set aside
to fire the Infantry Qualification Course and the 56 competitors fired
through the course, all qualifying as Expert Riflemen. This shoot was
held after about thirty days of practice and is an example of what can
be accomplished by consistent daily practice. Incidentally, these 56
competitors will be awarded the qualification of Expert Rifleman, by
Bulletin No.1, W.D. 1923, a reward for their hard work. This should
be an inducement to future candidates for it is probably the only way
in which a Coast Artilleryman may qualify as expert on the infantry
Course unless he attend the National Matches.
Dry Shooting should be accompanied with all the precision of outdoor practice; every motion that one would actually make were he
firing in the most important match of the season should be simulated;
and nothing should be slighted, as it would be better not to fire at all
than to do it in a haphazard manner. In the individual application of
the program laid down here let us assume that the shooter has a thorough knowledge of the rifle and how to use it, as laid down in Rifle
The J OURXAL is furnishing as a loose supplement to this issue a series
of six groups of miniature targets. These groups are intended to be used
at a distance of 25 feet from the eye. Placed at this distance they afford the proportions of rows of targets at the several ranges as follo1',s:
jazz with the rifle. It won't respond to that sort of treatment and will
surely develop bad habits which are difficult to break. Make it your
religion never to pull the trigger without carefully s-q-u-e-e-z-i-n-g and
then only when you have a perfect hold.
Practice rapid fire until it becomes mechanical. You won't have
time to think when it comes to the big match, so drill it until you have
perfect rhythm; count your shots and keep track of the time. (The
coach should call the time every ten seconds being careful not to confuse the shooter with the time 50 and 60. It is a good thing to call,
40, 45, 55, one minute, etc.) The same care must be taken in getting
into comfortable position, checking your sights, aiming and s-q-u-e-e-zi-n-g, and taking plenty of time for the first shot. The first shot should
not be fired in less than 5 seconds; 8 is a good average.
Learn the elevation and deflection rules and apply fictitious corrections for varying conditions. This is not so easy to do but with study
and concentration it can be accomplished with excellent results. Simulate hits on different parts of the target and then calculate the corrections necessary to bring you back to the bull's eye and make a record
of it in your score book with an accurate plot of the shot from which
the correction was made. Go over the score when it gets "cold" and
see how often you are wrong, or what is worse, if you pulled a "bone
head," and applied the correction in the wrong direction.
Make this your daily program, in the squad room, living room, or
on the parade ground. In this connection it should be made an infallible rule to carry the rifle with the bolt open and to work the bolt
back and forth several times before starting, in order to insure safety.
Keep a score book for every correction that you assume and become
familiar with corresponding values for these corrections. For every
shot "hold it and squeeze it" as though the whole National Team Match
depended upon the outcome.
Kuw ""vhenyou face the outdoor range you have something to build
upon. Put the most practice on the 200 and 300 yard slow and rapid
fire, then 300 slow fire prone. There is no better range upon which to
proye one's ability to hold than this latter one.
To polish off, take any old telescope or field glass (if you have a
good scope, 10-pmver say, so much the better) and fasten it to a solid
SUpport so that you can lie prone and watch the target. Obtain a
dear focus upon the target at 600 or 1000 yards, as closely as you can
estimate, then re-focus on an object about midway in a direct line,
being careful to retain enough definition at the target to be able to
distinguish a spotter (you should still be able to see the lines on the
ordinary target). This ""villthrow the target somewhat out of focus
and will make it appear blurred which is precisely what you ""vant,for
then you are enabled to see the changes where they have the most
effect upon the bullet, i.e., between you and the target.
I ~~
From 1775 to 1781 our fathers fought and won the War for Independence. The rustic militia, with the help of Lafayette and the French
Army, by means of the wonderful ability, daring and strategy of Washington, aided by the vacillation of Cornwallis, and relieved by European
complications, emerged victorious.
But, to quote from General Greene: "In 'Washington's principal
battles, Long Island, Brandy.vine and Germantown, he was either defeated or the result was inconclusive. This was not because they were
badly planned, but because the soldiers by whom they were fought,
while brave and patriotic, \vere deficient in training, experience and discipline,--\\'ere not as efficient instruments for accomplishing a specific
Purpose as were their opponents."
Our volunteer militia, based upon the idea that in time of war a
trained, well-equipped force would spring into immediate existence, was
as indigenously American as our representative form of government.
But such a force, even in the Revolution, even with the inducements
of bounties, land grants, and pensions, did not materialize; although the
total enlistments approximated 400,000, the maximium army in the
field never exceeded 35,000. Washington, granting always the patriotism and courage of his soldiers, pleaded after the Revolution for
no more "raw and undisciplined recruits," but for veteran soldiers, a
standing army, and a "well-regulated militia."
A sad commentary on our wasteful and expensive method of filibustering legislation is that Washington's policies were not carried into
effect until the Militia Act of 1903, and the National Defense Acts of
1916 and 1920.
Except possibly in its results, the War of 1812" cannot be regarded
as a military victory, even by the aforementioned average citizen.
The military campaigns were one succession of failures due to the untrained, undisciplined troops, "suddenly assembled without organization." The naval victories, together with the absorbtion of the British
in the Napoleonic Wars, brought the war to a finish, not with the help of,
but in spite of, the inexperienced volunteer army. Employing a total
of 460,000 men the army was out-guessed, out-manoeuvered, and outfought by a British Army which never totalled more than 17,000.
The Mexican War in 1847 proved conclusively the value of training.
General Taylor had at his command regular troops and volunteers with
nearly a year's training, and these experienced troops earned many
victories against forces vastly superior in numbers.
At the beginning of the Civil War the regular army consisted of but
16,000 officers and men. With the exception of a few regiments of
militia noted for their esprit de corps, our volunteer forces lacked training and discipline. Assuming that numbers meant victory, and that
patriotism and courage were of more value than military education and
discipline, the government made the mistake of seeking battle. The
result was Bull Run, a defeat of disastous results. Our total lack of
military preparation meant the continuance of the war for four bloody
years, forcing the government to the limit in the conscription of men,
money, and military reSOlIrces,forcing our brothers of the Confederacy
to accept defeat only after the grinding, wearing process of attrition.
In our own time, in the \Var with Spain, our dependence upon untrained troops has been again tested. In four months victory was
secured, but at the expense of thousands sick and dying in the camps
of Florida and Cuba, unused to the exigencies of camp life, removed from
a sedentary, urban life to the active occupation of belated army training, and burdened with a lack of cooperation in the administration of
the army. One benefit of the war with Spain \vas the adoption in
1903 of the Militia Act, directing that the organization, armament, and
discipline of the National Guard should be the same as that of the
regular army, and also providing for the amalgamation of these troops
in time of emergency into one homogeneous army.
In 1913 General Wood estimated that the regular army could supply
only 6 per cent of the force necessary to fight a war with a first-class
power, the National Guard an additional 19 per cent, leaving a balance
of 75 per cent necessary to secure from citizen soldiery, volunteers, and
a non-existent reserve. Secretary of War Stimson estimated at this
time the need of 460,000 mobile troops and 42,000 Coast Artillery as
the minimum number of first line troops necessary to repel an invasion,
together with a second line of reserve of 300,000. He wrote: "The
Constitution confers ample power upon Congress to raise citizen soldiery,
other than militia, for general military purposes, and all of our successful wars have been carried through by the aid of such volunteer soldiery,
raised and trained, under great disadvantage, after the outbreak of hostilities. "
In 1913 Lindley M. Garrison, then Secretary of 'Var wrote: "Much
remains to be done, to popularize the Army and to fix it in its proper
place in the estimation of the people
The Army is not a
luxury- it is a public necessity. The time has not yet come when a
nation can wisely disarm or slacken its efforts for preparedness in case
of war
It may truthfully be said that eternal vigilance is
the price which must be paid in order to obtain the desirable things of
life and to defend them."
General Hugh L. Scott later, as Chief of Staff, also pleaded for
training for all the citizens who would certainly be called out in time
of war: "To send men into battle who have not been given thorough
military training and discipline is not only a useless waste of our resources in men, but, to anyone who understands anything about the
realities of modern war, convicts the people of the country who are
responsible for such proceeding of criminal neglect."
Since 1862, when the Morrill Act was passed, allowing certain land
and money for the endowment, support and maintenance of state universities and agricultural colleges where military instruction would be
one of the subjects of instruction, Regular Army officers have been
detailed to this duty under Section 1225 of the Revised Statutes.
1913 the enforcement of the military instruction requirement was under
the Department of the Interior, and hence many abuses were propagated
under the name of military training, the courses varying in quality
from indifferent to excellent. In 1914 the \Var Department began coordinating the instruction at all these schools.
In 1915, Capt. E. Z. Steever developed a logical plan of training for
high schools 'which '.vas originally tried out in the schools of \Vyoming
and hence is known as the \Vyoming plan. The plan embraced the
preparation of the high school boy in military, moral, civic, business and
educational equipment, depending for its functioning upon the instructh-e leadership among boys. This plan appears excellent because it
introduces the military as only one of the necessary qualities of citizenship. This plan has been developed since that date in the Junior
R. O. T. C. and many of its recommendations should be adopted in
the C. M. T. C. with the youths that some of these camps have recruited.
In 1912 and 1913 General Wood suggested that it would be practicable to select from the graduating classes of the military colleges
where regular army officers were detailed at least 500 men each year
as provisional second lieutenants for one year, providing thereby a reserve of officers. "One thing is certain: we shall require many thousands
of officers, in addition to those of the regular establishment, as officers
of volunteers and reserves in case of war, and steps should be taken to
provide them in time of peace." The next year General Wood lowered
his ante to 400 provisionals, and repeated his insistent demand for
preparedness. He also recommended to the Militia that they should
train an adequate militia reserve.
The number of students receiving military instruction in schools
where officers were detailed grew from 17,835 in 1905 to 35,091 in 1916.
In 1915, 32,000 were receiving instruction, and 5,200 completed the
course of military training, out of a'total of 170,000 students at these
The total cost of training each student, ready for a potential
. reserve, did not exceed $1,000. In view of the advance that instruction
in the colleges had made, the Act of March 17, 1916 authorized the
foundation of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at the colleges,
universities and academies, throughout the country where military instruction was given. At the same time six weeks summer camps were
contemplated, giving a fruitful source for the obtaining of an excellent
civilian personnel for the Officers' Reserve Corps which was also founded under this act.
ACT OF 1916
On the sixth day of April, 1917, Congress declared "That the state
of \var benveen the United States and the Imperial German Government which has been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally
It can be said without fear of contradiction that this declaration
found the United States unprepared from a military, industrial, and
economic standpoint.
Congress, knowing this, began consideration of
plans for enlarging the military forces and the coordination of all the
industrial strength of the nation. A national spirit was soon built up,
thousands offering their services to the War Department immediately.
Secretary of War Baker wrote: "Without distinction of age, sex or occupation, without distinction of geographical location or sectional difference, the people arose with but one thought in their mind, that of
tendering themselves, their talents and their substance for the best use
the country could make of them in the emergency."
This body was 'created in 1903 and was expanded greatly during the
war. Without this body, General Scott states: "the confusion, delays
and disappointments of 1898 would have been repeated and magnified
in 1917." In the reorganization the General Staff was divided into
the '\iVarPlans branch, the Training and Instruction branch, the Legislation, Regulations, and Rules branch, and the Historical branch.
Major General Hugh L. Scott, General Tasker H. Bliss, Major General
John Biddle and General Peyton C. March each acted at various times
during the war as Chief of Staff. It is from their reports that much of
the material of this article has been gathered.
this nation of these training camps for officers. They disclosed an unsuspected source of military strength
These training camps
have taught us that, given a relatively small body of professional soldiers, the Nation has at hand an apparently inexhaustible body of
splendid material which can rapidly be made to supplement the regular
When the first camp was opened, the colleges,
military schools and high schools of the country poured out a stream of
young men whose minds had been trained in the class room and whose
bodies had been made supple and virile on the athletic field
They have taken their places in the training camps and are daily demonstrating the value of their education and the wonderful adaptability
of American youth."
An Officers' Training Camp was held for colored men at Fort Des
Moines, Ia., from June 18 to October 18,1917, and out of 1250 students
there were granted 639 commissions.
A third series of Officers' Training Camps was in operation from
January 5 to April 19, 1918, ~n which all applicants had to be enlisted
men of the army. About 10 per cent of the men entered from civilian
life, but they were of the draft age and had had previous military training. From these camps there were commissioned 11,657 second lieutenants on May 29th. From the first three camps in a year 57,307
officers had been commissioned.
The Coast Artillery had held a Third Camp at Fort Monroe from
January 6 to March 27 and had commissioned 243 students, and this
was followed by a Fourth Camp from April 6 to June 26, 1918 from
which 464 students were graduated as second lieutenants.
This totalled
an increase in four camps of 2,770 commissions in the Coast Artillery.
Va., and the Cavalry at Leon Springs, Tex. The Coast Artillery was
building up such a school at Fort Monroe, Va., having a three months'
course, with a capacity of 2400, one company of 125 men to complete
the course and graduate each week.
A total of 80,568 officers graduated from the four series of Officers'
Training Camps and the Central Officers Training Schools.
ACT OF 1920
The Defense Act, even with its acknowledged defects, has accomplished much toward clarifying our military policy. The old division
of the country into territorial and geographical departments has been
abandoned and the country has been divided into nine corps areas, each
an administrative and tactical unit. The bill provides for the initial
mobilization of approximately two million men organized in six field
armies and appropriate corps, army and G.H.Q. units. From each corps
area the Regular Army is expected to provide one division, the National
Guard two divisions, and the Organized Reserve three divisions and the
majority of special units. From the three separate units of the war one
army has been formed, the Army of the United States, and the Regulars,
the Guard, and the Reserves are all part of this one Army. The act
has provided the framework, the skeleton on ,vhich to build, and when
the handicap of decreased appropriations has been hurdled, ,ve shall
hope for tremendous advances. The only provisions for the training of
citizens under this act have been those for the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and Citizens' Military Training Camps, with some provision
for the yearly training of a small percentage of the Reserve OfficersAll these activities and the necessary training of the Regular Army
itself have been hampered and minimized by the tremendous drive
toward economy that the government has been making.
The Military Academy at West Point can supply only a small proportion of the necessary officers of the Army of the United States.
Most of its graduates go directly into the Regular Army, hence the
National Guard and the Organized Reserves must look elsewhere for
the trained personnel to fill the ranks of the junior officers. The Reserve Officers' Training Corps has been reorganized since the war and
has been successful not only in imparting military knowledge to the
students of our secondary schools and colleges, but has been successful
in graduating these men into the Reserve. Last June, 2,031 R.O.T.e.
graduates were granted commissions in the Reserve, and 569, due to
age or other reasons, were given certificates allowing them to apply for
a commission within five years. The Coast Artillery received 235 out
of this 2600 graduates.
In 1922 there were 237 senior units with an
enrollment of 51,742 and 106 junior units with an enrollment of 37,225,
with 816 active and retired officers detailed to this work. The summer
camps in 1922 were attended by 6,141 men for six weeks. The Coast
Artillery was represented by 19 senior units, an enrollment of 3,244
students, and a summer camp attendance of 338 at Fort Monroe, Va.,
and Fort Casey, Wash.
It is from this R.O.T.e. that the major portion of the reserve officers
in the future should come, college men, trained to think accurately and
quickly, men who will wield the baton of influence in their communities
in the next two decades, men whose minds are broader than Main
Street, men whose interest and avocation would be the development of
the Reserve. With the addition of the projected 5,000 graduates
annually, the Reserye Corps should have no fear as to the excellence of
its personnel.
As a compromise for a national system of universal military training, Congress pwyided, under section 47d of the National Defense Act
that: "The Secretary of War is authorized to maintain, upon military
reserva_tions, or elsewhere, schools or camps for the military instruction
or training, with a view to their appointment as reserve officers or noncommissioned officers, of such warrant officers, enlisted men and civilians
as may be selected upon their own application" to attend. The Secretary is further authorized to use equipment, to furnish uniforms, subsistence and transportation, to prescribe the courses of instrnction, to
fix the periods, to prescribe the rules and regulations and to employ
officers for the instruction and administration of these camps.
The first of these Citizens' Military Training Camps were held in
1921 at twelve different cantonments, each for a period of one month.
Applications were received from 40,679 citizens, 11,202 were authorized
to attend and 9,973 completed the course. These 1921 courses were
"Red" or basic courses and included infantry drill, rifle marksmanship,
guard duty, camping and marching, care of equipment, personal hygiene,
military courtesy, athletic contests and military ceremonies.
Attendance, of course, is voluntary, each applicant taking only the
oath "to support the Constitution of the United States, obey those in
authority and follow the rules and regulations to the best of my ability."
There has been until 1923 no obligation of any kind to continue in the
military service after leaving the camp. However, from 1923 on, applicants for the advanced courses, the Whites and the Blues, will be
placed under such obligation, "to indicate their willingness to serve, at
some future time, an enlistment in the Army of the United States."
This ruling does not apply to candidates for the Red course, nor to
those who attended camp in 1921 or 1922.
This question of a lack of military status other than that of citizens,
of the candidates, and the lack of ability to punish for violations of
the Articles of War, may prove troublesome at some future camps, but
so far has caused no friction. Candidates, upon becoming bored, or
overworked by too much K.P., or from dissatisfaction with conditions
h.ave requested or been requested to depart from camp for the convenience of the government. Such cases have been few and have not
exceeded more than 3 per cent of those in attendance, the great majority of the remainder being intensely enthusiastic about the work.
The average age of the men at the 1921 camps was 187'2years, and
that of the 1922 camps 19 years. It is readily seen that the e.M.T.e.
is building for the next two decades, and not necessarily for the present.
In the summer of 1922, 22,000 men attended these camps held at
29 different places during July and August. In the Third Corps Area
camps were held at Camp Meade for the Infantry, Field Artillery,
Cavalry and Medical Corps, at Camp Holabird for the Quartermaster
Corps, at Camp Humphreys for the Engineers, at Langley Field for the
Air Service and at Fort Monroe for the Coast Artillery.
At the close of the camp the Camp Meade regiment paraded up
Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington and were reviewed and complimented by President Harding. The President has said regarding these
camps, "I hope to see established during my administration a comprehensive system of volunteer military training for at least 100,000 men
each year."
As a utilitarian measure it is hoped that many of the candidates will
complete the Red, White and Blue courses and become candidates for
commissions in the Reserve. This offers an opportunity for men unable to attend the R.O.T.e., for financial or educational reasons, to
become officers. This particular phase of the training should not be
emphasized in the recruiting as it becomes embarrassing to refuse advancement to those candidates who have satisfactorily completed the
course. Certainly, in the Coast Artillery, an officer must be a technician
as well as a drill master, he must know the essentials of gunnery, orientation, materiel, adjustment of fire and tactics before he is qualified to
accept a commission, and it would be almost impossible to include
these subjects and train a man from a raw citizen to a finished soldier
in three camps, each of one month. That is, a candidate must have
more than the month's training in each of three years to be ready for
a commission, he must have correspondence or extension courses in the
theoretical subjects even before becoming an officer. The new lieutenants
who have just been taken into the Regular Army have not been required
to know these subjects, it is true, but they will receive this professional
training immediately in some school, and wiil not have to wait, like the
reserves, for the training to be given them piecemeal.
To obviate partially this difficulty, and to equalize more nearly the
R.O.T.e. and e.M.T.e. courses, a Basic Red course will be given for
all elementary candidates, regardless of choice of Corps, in 1923. This
basic course will provide preliminary training, including physical development, athletics, school of the soldier, squad and company, rifle marksmanship, camp sanitation, personal hygiene, military courtesy, the
meaning of discipline and studies in citizenship.
Next year, following this course, there will be an Advanced Red
course in the different branches of the Army, the candidates to have
as far as possible their choice of corps. Graduation from this course
will mean that a man is qualified to perform the duties of a private in
the reserve.
It should be emphasized that the e.M.T.e. must be democratic, it
must be a cross-section of American life, to include all strata from the
son of the coal miner of Mauch Chunk of the first generation, to the son
of the twenty-fifth generation of F.F.V's of Richmond, of "which there
is no other else but." True, all of these can not qualify for a commission through the e.M.T.e.,
and hence this phase should not be
paramount. The e.M.T.e. is not to train officers, it is to train a complete citizen soldiery.
During the summer of 1922 the Coast Artillery had its first experience with this new movement, the e.M.T.e.
The Third Corps camp
Was held at Fort Monroe, Va., where 280 men were given the rudiments
of infantry and artillery drill. It was the writer's privilege to have
command of one of the three companies in the camp. Without any
"And then we have the hombre from the "heart of Maryland" who lost his
baggage, "one black suitcase, sir, and a musical instrument, for which I paid good
money, which is in a box which looks like a hencoop."
VI'e looked for that baggage
for hours, and finaIIy heard a wailing that sounded like the last dying gasps of
a champion bag-piper. No such luck. It was our candidate of the lost baggage,
.a mammoth accordion in a young hen-house. It is suggested that the Post Band,
the reveiIIe bugler, a trombonist who is learning the scales in the next barracks,
.and our accordionist, be aIIowed to rope off the arena on the sands of Fort Monroe
.and fight it out to a finish with their instruments, the winner to be given the green
end of an "Eastern Sho' watermillion."
"But the duties of a company commander have their spare periods,-here
is only 11 o'clock, taps is blowing, and even I can quit for the day."
Mich.; in the Seventh Corps Area at Fort Snelling, Minn.; Fort DesMoines, Iowa, Fort Leavenworth, Kas.; in the Eighth Corps Area at
Camp Travis, Tex., Fort Sill, Okla., Fort Logan, Colo., and Fort Hua-.
chuca, Ariz.; and in the Ninth Corps Area at Del Monte, Calif., CampLewis, Wash., Fort Douglas, Utah, Fort Scott, Calif., and Fort Worden.
Among specific recommendations for the C. M. T. e. that the writer
has made personally or has seen stated are:
1. That the course leading to a commission be lengthened. This is
in order to equalize the requirements in the R.O.T.e. and the e.M.T.e.
Most of this criticism comes from officers having experience with the
R.O.T.e., as the trained college men feel rightly that anyone asking
for a commission certainly should have as much training as themselves. Also, no man eligible for training in the R.O.T.e. should be
given a commission from the e.M.T.e. previous to his graduation or
severance from the college, as this creates inequalities and jealousies.
2. That the officers on recruiting duty for the e.M.T.e. should
emphasize the serious side of Army camp life as well as the pleasurable
side. There is plenty of pleasure, but the serious side is paramount.
3. That the candidates in the Blue course, when their numbers
permit, be segregated and given more theoretical training, be made to
study a longer period. \~Then the Blues are with the Reds they are
only super-Reds, and are satisfied with being merely better than the
Reds. The Blues are candidates for commission,; and should be given
a course leading up to one, probably similar to the course given the
candidates during the war, to include gunnery, orientation and kindred
4. That a normal program be adopted with a definite rest and
sport period each afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock, and that the program
be followed absolutely with no "trick formations."
Extra formations.
at the behest of every known officer from a State Governor to the publicity officer, were the bane of a company commander's existence at
Fort Monroe last summer. In this vein it might be stated that a
fewer number of reviews might be appreciated.
5. That the normal program should include demonstrations by the
Coast Artillery troops, a practice march by the whole camp, and target
practice. These were beneficial to all concerned.
6. That the number of necessary subjects for the 'Whites be minimized and the course be intensified, definite problems being given for
the study hour period each evening. The whole of the afternoon period.
from 1 to 3, should be given for this White work, while the Reds are
on the musketry work and elementary'lectures which the Whites have
had when they were Reds.
"The physical benefits derived from the active, healthful, outdoor, life of a
"The acqlLiring of habits of discipline, obedience, order, self-control and command, with their resultant gain in business effidency.
"The training imparted to the young men in military m:lnoeuYers, tactics,
care of troops, camp sanitation, and rifle practice, resulting in their better preparation to discharge their military duty to their country should it eyer have to.
call upon them in time of need, thereby saying the great "\vastein valuable liyes
and money which has always occurred at the beginning of previous wars due to.
the ignorance in such matters of the newly created officers and men.
"The benefit to the country in the fostering of a patriotic spirit without which
a nation soon loses its virility and falls into decay, also the dissemination among
the citizens of the country by the return of the students who attended the camp
of a more thorough knowledge of military policy. the true military history of
our country and its military needs, all necessary to the complete education of a
well-equipped citizen in order that he may himself form just and true opinions
on military topics.
"The result is not militarism, but to make proyision in some degree to meet
a vital need confronting us as a warlike, but unmilitary people, desiring peace,
to the end that peace and prosperity may be preserved through the only safeprecaution,-more thorough preparation and equipment to resist any ('!Tort to
break such a peace."
If the previous pages have in any way clarified the history, development, results obtained or aspirations of the training of our citizen
SOldiery the "labor is not in vain." The need for Economy in the
administration of our government is great, but the need for adequate
training of our unlimited potential of citizen soldiery is greater; the
need for the protection of our democracy is fundamental, but the adoption
of a policy of universal military training is necessary.
Greene, Major-General
Van Tyne, C. H. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIO:>f. Harper's 1905.
Upton, Maj.-General
'Yar Dept., Ko. 290, 1912.
\Yar Dept. 1921, THE ~ATIO:>fALDEFE:>fSE ACT, approved June 3,1916, with
'amendments up to June 30, 1921.
\Yar Dept. 1922, V. S. Army Training ::VIanual Ko. 2, STUDIES IN CITIZENSHIP
War Dept. SPEC. REG. 44(b) 1921-1922. REGULATIONS FOR C.M.T.C.
Y{ar Dept.
ANNUAL REPORTS, vol. 1 part 1. 1912-1920.
Coast Artillery Journal, Oct. 1922. THE CITIZENS IVIrLITARYTRAINING CA:>rp
HERE has been a long felt need in the Coast Artillery Corps.
for a plotting board on which base lines or base end stations
could be changed easily, quickly and without interruption of
firing. It was also desired that the board have rapid relocating ability.
Simplicity, accuracy, speed of operation and ruggedness of construction
,';ere requisites. The assignment to Coast Artillery since the World
\Var, of railway and certain tractor artillery units has accentuated this.
need of flexibility and the advent of fixed and mobile long range armament, has complicated it. Standardization of fire control methods and
equipment has been rendered doubly necessary under the National
Defense Act for the adequate training of Coast Artillery National
Guard, Reserve and R. O. T. C. units, wherever situated.
It is the purpose of this article to describe to the service a plottingboard which possesses all of the primary requisites mentioned above.
The belief is held, and will be discussed subsequent to a description of
the board, that it will fit into the eventual long range fire control policy,
and that it will lend itself also, to standardization of methods and equipment for all of the far flung units of the Coast Artillery Corps of the.
Army of the United States.
The Cloke Plotting and Relocating Board was designed by Colonel
Harold E. Cloke, C. A. c., in 1913, when that officer, then a Major,.
was stationed at Fort Flagler in the Coast Defenses of Puget Sound._
He originally designed this board as a Fire Commander's Identification.
Board while at Fort Williams, Maine, in 1911.
The principle upon which the board is designed and operates is quite
different from that of the generally known, manual plotting boards ..
The chief difference consists in making the target, the point about which
the primary and secondary range arms pivot. If the reader ,,,ill refer
to Figure 1, which is a Whistler-Hearn board converted to the Clokeprinciple, and there yisualize himself as an armsetter, the solution bythis board of the various triangles, which contain for vertices, guns (or
other points for which relocation is needed), base end stations, and
target, can be more readily seen. The primary armsetter, as he sets,
the primary arm in a given azimuth from primary station to the target,
is setting the fiducial edge of the primary arm as a ray from this pointas set on the azimuth circle, through the primary station's instrument,
to the target.
Figuratively, the armsetter is sitting far to the rear of
the observing instrument and he moves on the arc of a circle until his
eye is in a ray, from his eye through the axis of the observing instrument to the target.
If the reader then will consider the setting of the
secondary arm on an azimuth which represents an analogous ray from
his eye through the axis of the secondary station's observing instrument
to the target he will see that the board contains the two sides of a triangle which come from the target to the base end stations.
The target
FIG. 1.
is the apex of this triangle and is represented by the point (at the bottom
of the figure) about which the arms are pivoted.
Since the arms are
set on true azimuths one element of the triangle, to wit, the angle as if
measured at the target between base end stations, is solved. As an aid
to understanding
this description consider that the platen (Fig. 3)
which appears on the center of the board in Fig. 1 has not yet been placed
in that position.
If a line whose true azimuth and length corresponds to that of the
base line can be interposed between these two lines (or arms), which
have just been set on the board, it can fit exactly in only one position.
\Vhen that fit or position is obtained the triangle whose vertices are
target, primary station, secondary station, is solved, and all the elements
of the triangle, i.e., the three sides and three angles, are in plain view
on the plotting board.
Neglectir.g for the moment a description of
how the platen operates, notice in Fig. 1 the solution shown. The
knife like edge of the master key, representing the vertical axis of the
primary station's observing instrument, is shown cutting the fiducial
edge of the primary arm; the distance from the target to the primary
station is shown on the range scale of the primary arm opposite the
vertical edge of the master key. The center of the fitting shown on
the secondary arm (known as the sliding box) is the vertical axis of the
secondary station's observing instrument; it is shown on the figure as a
point rather than a master key and it is about this point that the platen
pivots. The distance from this point, or secondary station, to the
target is shown on the range scale which is imbedded along the middle
line of the secondary arm. To allow for the dimensions of the sliding
box the range scale is offset in the direction of prolongation of the arm
through the azimuth circle, a distance equal to the distance from this
point to the edge of the sliding box below which the range scale comes
into view. Since the length of base line is known to be the distance
between this center of the sliding box and the vertical edge of the master
key, and, since the three interior angles are the azimuth differences
between the base line and primary and secondary arm settings, all
element of the basic triangles are solved.
The elements of all the triangles containing the base end stations
and the points such as directing point, guns, lighthouses and what not,
for which relocation is desired, are previously computed. These data
are on record in practically every emplacement book. Their locations
are accurately plotted on the platen with reference to the base line,
usually by polar coordinates from the secondary station. When the
basic triangle is solved on the board as previously described, then because the base end stations are properly located with respeCt to the
target the points for which relocation is desired appear in their true
positions with respect to the target also. Their relocation-range
azimuth to the target, is accomplished by placing an ordinary plotter's
targ on the point desired, bringing up to the targ the fiducial edge of
the primary arm and reading the range and azimuth shown on primary
range scale and azimuth circle respectively.
Xow, if a hole whose center is the plotted location of a gun or directing
point, be drilled through the platen; and if a push button having a
spring to keep the point of the push button off the table be inserted,
a record of this relocation can be transferred to the paper surface of
the plotting board by pressing the push button and obtaining a prick
in the paper. Successive positions of these points, determined by the
same method of tracking a target used on other boards, will represent
a plot of the target's track in which successive positions of the gun \"ith
reference to the target are secured rather than successive positions of
the target with reference to the gun. The course and speed of a moving
target 'sill be accurately represented, predicted and set forward points
located in the usual manner and firing data obtained by use of the
primary arm and targ in exactly the same manner as on other boards
except that one less arm will be required.
In Figures 1 and 2, the only differences are in types of platen, types
of azimuth circles, and the size of the board.
Figure 1 is a WhistlerHearn Board converted to the Cloke principle.
Figure 2 is a model of
a Cloke board.
The essential parts of the board are marked on both the figures.
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base line through the field of fire. The board can of course be used for
all around fire by changes in orientation as will appear later. The
table shown in Figure 1 is believed to be the better.
There are two types of azimuth circles. That shown in Figure 1 is
an ingenious and economical conversion of a Whistler-Hearn azimuth
circle. The zinc azimuth circle of the Whistler-Hearn board was removed. About 36 brass plates were made. Each of these slid easily
in the groove which formerly contained the zinc azimuth circle. About
ten degrees appeared on each brass plate and the numbering on the
plates was consecutive from 0 to 359. The board was thus equipped
with a single continuous azimuth circle. It will be referred to hereafter
as a sectional azimuth circle. The required sections are slid into one
end of the azimuth circle groove; those not required are slipped out of
the other end. The sections not in use are kept in their respective
receptacles in the box shown in Figure 3. It should be noted that the
actual position of the figures on the sections does not affect accuracy
in plotting. The accuracy of a plot depends on the distance between
the lines etched across the azimuth circle. These are permanent and
must be exactly one degree apart. The figures so long as they are consecutive, are merely indices to the etched lines.
The azimuth circle in Figure 2 is known as the chain azimuth circle.
The chain in the board shown is made from a standard bicycle chain.
It is continuous, runs over sprocket wheels, and lies in two grooves
beneath the table. These grooves lie beneath the azimuth circle plate
at the outer circumscription of the field of fire, and continue under the
left side of the board toward the pivot of the board-or
the target.
The extra length of the grooves is to allow the length required for an
endless chain which would cover 360 degrees. The sprocket wheels are
adjustable so that the chain can be tightened or slackened in the event
of expansion or contraction of the table. The chain can be moved through
360 degrees in ten seconds by turning a crank which is attached to one
of the sprocket wheels. There are 360 links and the numbers 0 to 359
inclusive are marked on the chain, one to each link. None of the parts
are visible in Figure 2 except that on close inspection of Figure 2 the
numbers on some of the links may be seen appearing in the holes of
the azimuth circle plate.
The sectional azimuth circle is 'what will result where \Vhistler-Hearn
boards are converted. Either type of azimuth circle lends itself to the
flexibility of the Cloke design. The chain azimuth circle is a permanent
fixture of the board. It cannot be lost unless the board is lost and the
azimuth numbering is already in its proper order. The sectional azimuth
circle must be guarded against loss and care exercised to see that the
sections are fed into the azimuth circle groove in the right sequence.
The chain azimuth circle is considered eminently satisfactory.
The primary arm in construction is a length of T-section metal.
The horizontal flanges of the tee are machined to fiducial edges and the
vertical flange gives rigidity to the arm. Range graduations, 30 to the
inch, are cut into each fiducial edge. Between the fiducial edges and
the vertical flange, the horizontal flanges are slotted. Thin metal
strips are made to fit each slot. Hundreds of yards of range are marked
on the strips; they slide easily in or out of the slot, serve as indices to
the range graduations and the scale of the board is altered by changing
them as desired. A prolongation of each fiducial edge toward the
dzimuth circle passes through the zero of its respective subscale. Each
subscale is marked for each five one-hundredth part of one degree by
which the nearest hundredth may be interpolated so that the pri,mary
arm may be set in accurate azimuth and locked in that position by a
suitable clamp. The subscale not in use can be blanked readily by the
insertion of a small brass plate over its graduations.
A prolongation of
each fiducial edge toward the yoke passes through the center of its
respective hole as drilled in a fitting attached to the end of the primary
arm. When either hole is fitted to the pivot, which is a part of the
upper prong of the yoke, a vertical line through the center of the pivot
will pass through the corresponding pivot center of the secondary arm.
This vertical line will pass through the center of the target, and will lie
in the same plane as the fiducial edge being used. The mechanical
accuracy of the board depends to a large extent upon this relation.
Looking toward the azimuth circle the right fiducial edge of the primary
drm is used for a right hand base line situation; the left edge for the
left hand situation.
It is these edges which are engaged by the master
key or primary station. This arm then is universal and the only primary
or gun arm required. A right hand situation is shown in Fig. 1. A
left hand situation is shown in Fig. 2.
The secondary arm is a length of metal of rectangular cross section.
It lies flat on the board. The edges of the arm which are perpendicular
to the board must be machined to parallel planes; they form a track
or guide for the sliding box and platen. The center line of the arm
contains the ray from the secondary station to the target.
Inlaid on
this center line is a range scale similar to those on the primary arm.
The center line passes through the zero of a similar subscale to those
used on the primary arm. A suitable clamp permits an accurate setting
of this arm in azimuth, and because both the arm and the clamp terminate at the inner side of the azimuth circle the primary arm will
pass readily over the secondary arm when desired for relocation work.
The center line passes through the center of a hole which fits over a
pivot mounted on the lower prong of the yoke. (This pivot is not in
view and comes from the under side of the table into the lower surface
of the secondary arm.) Since the centers of the pivots of primary
and secondary arms are in the same vertical line, it will be seen that
this line represents the intersection of vertical planes containing the
fiducial edge of the primary arm and the center line of the secondary
arm. The secondary arm terminates in a flange or stop against which
the end of the sliding box comes to rest; the distance from this stop to
the secondary arm pivot is equal to the distance from the center of the
sliding box, to the edge of the sliding box which lies toward the target.
The secondary arm is universal and the only secondary arm required
by the board.
The yoke is a very heavy, U shaped metal casting bolted to a metal
plate which is on the under surface of the table. The prongs of the U
are set parallel to the plane of the table top. Near the end of each
prong a pivot is fitted. The vertical line containing these pivot centers
is a perpendicular to the table's surface and is the exact center of the
azimuth circle of the plotting board.
The sliding box is rectangular in plan, is either built up or cast, and
is channel shaped underneath.
It fits over and slides along the secondary arm. To insure a perfect fit of the box to the paralleled edges
of the secondary arm a metal strip or gib is inserted between one edge
of the secondary arm and the respective flange of the channel recess.
Adjusting screws run through the flange of the channel into the gib.
The long axis of the sliding box is parallel to and lies in the same vertical plane as the center line of the secondary arm. On this axis at
each edge of the upper surface of the sliding box is bevelled a fiducial
edge for reading the range scale imbedded along the center line of the
secondary arm. On the upper surface of the sliding box is a pivot the
center of which lies on the long axis exactly halfway between the bevelled
edges just mentioned. This point represents the secondary station.
The platen pivots about this point. When the sliding box is withdrawn
to the center of the board (the target position), and the edge of the
box rests against the stop or flange in which the secondary arm terminates, then the center of the sliding box pivot must lie in the vertical
line which contains the pivot centers of primary and secondary arms,
because the distance at which the terminal flange is placed from the
secondary arm pivot is equal to the distance from the box pivot center
to the box fiducial edge which is resting against the flange. When the
box is in this position the fiducial edge of the box which lies toward
the azimuth circle will read zero range on the scale imbedded in the
secondary arm. A very efficient clamp is a fitting on the box. By
means of this clamp the platen's orientation is maintained while the
box is being slid along the secondary arm. The position occupied by
the sliding box and platen, in which the pivot center of the box lies
at the target, or in the vertical line containing the pivot centers of the
primary and secondary arms, will be referred to hereafter as "the orienting position." When the sliding box is in this position the motion of
the secondary arm, a5 it is moved to various directions on the board
in setting azimuths, will not affect the orientation of the platen so long
FIG. 5.
FIG. 3.
as the platen rotates freely about the sliding box pivot. The platen is
clamped to the sliding box after the secondary armsetter calls "set."
The sliding box can be changed from the right hand to the left hand
situation by simply picking it up, reversing its long axis through 180
degrees, and then setting it down on the secondary arm again.
There are two types of platens. The universal platen is shown in
Figure 3; it also appears in Figure 1. A fixed platen is shown in Fignre
2. Another kind of fixed platen is shown in Figure 4. The universal
platen is a permanent feature of all Cloke boards. The fixed platens
are made up locally to fit particular situations. These situations can
be set upon the universal platen also.
The universal platen is made from a flat sheet of metal as shown in
Figure 3. One end of the platen is semicircular in shape. A hole is
drilled at the center of this semicircle, or a recess is drilled in the under
side of the plate at this point. When the platen is assembled to the
sliding box this hole or recess fits over the pivot mentioned above and
the secondary station is thus located on the platen. When a recess is
used a punch mark is made on the top of the platen to indicate the
exact position of the secondary station. A slot is cut to any convenient
length out of the long a.xisof the platen. The edges of the slot are made
parallel. A point moving on the center line of this slot,-or the long
axis of the platen-will
move in continuation of a straight line from
the secondary station. This then is any battery base line. A fitting
is inserted in the slot. By means of securing screws the fitting can be
fastened at any desired position along the battery base line or long
axis. A hole is drilled through the fitting having its center on the
long axis or base line. Into this hole fits the master key representing
the primary station.
It should be apparent then that the lel).gth of
any base line can be set to the scale of the board by a measurement
of the distance between the pivot center of the platen (secondary station) to the center of the hole for the master key (primary station).
There is another fitting with securing screws mounted in the slot of the
long axis of the platen. Its purpose is that of a guide for a lateral
slot which is set perpendicular to the slot of the long axis. Mounted
in this lateral slot is a metal square called the gun plate. The metal
plate has securing screws for fastening it to the lateral slot. The lateral
slot then, can be moyed in and out along a perpendicular to the long
.axis of the platen, and can also be moyed (>vith its fitting in the long
axis slot) along the long axis to any desired position. The gun plate can be
moyed to any desired position on the lateral slot. The position of each
gun of a battery can be plotted by polar coordinates on the gun plate.
In a corner of the gun plate a push button is fitted. This can be set,
by use of polar coordinates, for the battery directing point. \Vhen the
button is pushed a prick is made in the table surface. The receptacles
for push button and master key are usually contained in metal blocks
whose depth equals that of the sliding box and is such that the surface
of the platen will be parallel to the table surface. A three point support for the platen is thus secured-pivot, master key and push button.
The platen shown in Figure 2 is of the fixed type. To construct it
the battery situation as to base end stations, guns, etc., is plotted to
the desired scale on a sheet of paper. This is a pattern then for the
platen. This plotted situation, or a part of a map on appropriate
scale, is either pasted on a flat sheet of metal or the locations are transferred to the metal surface by punch marks. The metal plate is then
cut away to the shape desired. A hole is drilled at the plotted position
of the secondary. This is the platen pivot on the sliding box. A hole
is drilled for the master key at the plotted position of the primary station. Another hole is drilled for the battery directing point, or gun if
desired, and a push button fitted to obtain a track on the table for
o .
CloOK!!: P\.O,TfNC
eo", ...d
long axis of the platen is the base line normally assigned to the battery.
GI is the gun in its position relative to this base line. The base line of
another battery, B'z-B"z is shown in its proper relation, as to azimuth
and length, to the first base line; Gz represents the identical gun used
with the first base line, and is shown in its proper position with respect
to the second pair of base end stations. A similar situation is shown
for a third base line B/a-B"a (an emergency installation), and Ga is the
same gun in the same permanent emplacement as GI and Gz. If the
board is oriented, the master key in B'I, a push button in GI and observations taken from base e~d stations B/I-B"I on a fixed point, the
sDlution of this triangulation by the board will be shown by a prick in
the table surface. If the orientation of the platen or board is not changed,
the master key pulled out of BI and placed in Bz', and the push button
changed from GI to Gz, the solution by the board of the observations
from the second pair of base end stations on the same fixed point as
before, will be identical with the first solution. The mark on the table
surface for all three solutions will be the same point. This platen demands flexible communications, but when these are available the change
in situation is accomplished on the board in about five seconds.
The use of platens of the fixed type is especially advantageous to
fixed armament.
When time is available, they can be used to advantage by railway artillery as well. The universal platen, a fixture of
all Cloke plotting boards, can be used in fixed defenses for situations
not considered by fixed platens but is especially advantageous to railway and tractor artillery whose battery positions are frequently changed.
The master key is cut from a piece of tool steel and fits snugly in
the hole in a platen which designates the primary station. It is so
designed that its knife like vertical edge is at the exact center of the
hole and this edge then represents the vertical axis of the primary
station's observing instrument.
The key revolves freely about the
vertical axis and is cut to quadrant shape so that only one point---on
the vertical axis-can cut the fiducial edge of the primary arm. It
may be fitted with a push button at its center if desired.
The base line stop is a block of metal provided with set screws and
is designed to slide in the slots shown on the plotting boards as arcs
of a circle. After the platen is oriented the base line stop is brought
against an edge of the platen and clamped in place. It is a reference
then to which the edge of the platen is brought when the platen is returned to the orienting position, after each plot.
To orient the board by any of the follO\ving methods, the master
key must first be set in its proper position. On the fixed platens it is
simply inserted in the hole for the primary station. On the universal
platen, the key is placed in the fitting in the long axis of the platen.
The platen is mounted on the sliding box and brought to the orienting
position. The fiducial edge of the primary arm is brought against the
master key. The master key and its fitting are moved along the slot
of the platen until the vertical edge of the master key is opposite the
range graduation on the primary arm which equals the length of the
base line. The fitting and master key are then locked in place by
secunng screws.
Anyone of three methods can be followed to complete the orientation. The preferred method is:
1. For the left hand base line, turn the azimuth chain by means of
a crank underneath the board until the number corresponding to the
nearest whole degree of the base line azimuth appears in an opening in
the azimuth circle plate near the left end of the board (to the left of
a line from the yoke to the azimuth circle). Or, slide the sectional
azimuth circle about in its groove until the, desired degree number
appears near the left end of the board.
2. Bring sliding box and platen to the orienting position and release the clamp mounted on the sliding box so that the platen can move
freely about its pivot.
3. Set the left fiducial edge of the primary arm at the exact azimuth
of the base line and clamp.
4. Swing the platen about its pivot until the vertical axis of the
master key rests against the left fiducial edge of the primary arm. The
edge of the sliding box must be against the stop or flange on the end
of the secondary arm.
5. Slide the left hand base line stop in its slot or guide until it
rests against the left edge of the platen and clamp it in that position.
The board is now oriented ..
For a right hand base line the method is similar. The right edge
of the primary arm is used, the sliding box is reversed on its long axis
180 degrees from the position just described, the nearest whole degree of
the base line azimuth appears at the right end of the board and the
right hand base line stop is used. A left hand base line situation IS
shown in Figure 2.
The second method for orienting is as follows:
1. Set the chain azimuth circle, or sectional azimuth circle, about
as before, but set it so that the normal to the base lIne will approximately
bisect the board, for convenience in plotting.
2. Set the primary arm and secondary arm at the azimuths, from
their respectiye observing stations to some datum point, and clamp.
3. \Yith the platen mounted on the sliding box, but not clamped
thereto, slide the box and platen along the secondary arm until the
fiducial edge of the sliding box reads the knmvn range from the secondary
station to the datum. Holding the sliding box at this range revoh-e
the platen about its pivot until the master key cuts the edge of the
primary arm at the range from the primary station to the datum.
should be noted that the master key can cut the primary arm at two
places, but the place to be chosen must be that for which the range
to the datum has been obtained. Trigonometrically; two sides, and the
angle opposite one side, are given.
4. Clamp the platen to the sliding box.
5. Slide the platen and box back to the orienting position with the
platen firmly clamped as in 4.
6. Bring the base line stop against the edge of the platen' and clamp
it firmly. The board is now oriented.
If the primary arm is now brought up to the edge of the master key
it should read the azimuth of the base line.
The third method is a solution of an equilateral triangle.
1. Set the chain or sectional azimuth circle as in the first step of
the second method.
2. Set and clamp the primary and secondary arms at azimuths
which are exactly 60 degrees apart-or
30 degrees either side of the
. base line normal.
3. Move the sliding box and platen along the secondary arm to
the range equalling the length of the base line. Holding the box in
this position, revolve the platen about its pivot until the master key
<:omesagainst the primary arm. The range thus intercepted on the
primary arm should equal the base line's length.
4. Clamp the platen to the sliding box; withdraw platen and box
to the orienting position.
5. Bring the base line stop to the edge of the platen and clamp
firmly. The board is then oriented.
This indicated ease in orienting the plotting board lends itself to a
method which will decrease the time, usually required, to begin fire
with railway and tractor artillery occupying a new position. This
method considers firing on moving targets rather than map firing.
Accurate orientation, while desirable, is not an essential to accurate
firing data. The essentials are: a meander line between base end stations, run while the second station is being selected and communications
installed; a measurement of the base line to an accuracy of 1 foot in
2,000; and a measurement of the angles and distances from either base
end station to the gun sights. A guess can be made as to the true
azimuth of the base line. The observing instruments, gun sights, and
Cloke board, can be set on azimuths corresponding to the assumed
azimuth of the base line and accurate range and direction of fire obtained. Some time later, \,'hen accurate orientation data have been
secured, the plotting board is reoriented by simply shifting the azimuth
circle and base line stop, and the assumed orientation of gun sights
and obsen-ing instruments is changed to conform. There is nothing
inaccurate in this method and it is used frequently in transit traverses.
There are two methods used in plotting; the direct method and the
offset method. Four men are required for sen-ice plotting, primary
For Vertical Base Primary, the general method is the same as for
Vertical Base Secondary.
The designation right hand base line, left
hand base line, primary station or secondary station is purely arbitrary
and so are the definitions for these terms. The primary station is just
as good a secondary station as the defined secondary station is. In
this solution then, the primary station is placed at the pivot of the sliding box, the back azimuth of the horizontal base line is used, or for that
matter an azimuth is assumed, the gun is located with respect to this
horizontal base line and station, and, after orientation of the platen and
board, plotting is done exactly as described for vertical base secondary.
It should be noted that a right hand base line can be made to appear
on this plotting board as though it were a left hand base line. This is
in accordance with the description for Vertical Base Primary.
So far
in this article, the generally known terms have been used and descriptions have been consistent with the definitions of those terms to avoid
confusion. It is perfectly practicable, just as accurate, and many times
preferable to place the primary station at the pivot on the secondary
arm and, after setting the master key in the secondary station, locate
the gun, etc., with respect to these locations of base end stations.
back azimuth of the base line is used, the board oriented, and plotting
and relocating done as described up to this point. The azimuths.
being sent from the actual primary station are set on the secondary
arm. Those from the secondary station are set on the primary arm.
A great many instances of special situations which have been solved
by the board, could be described to prove more conclusively the board's
accuracy, simplicity and complete flexibility. The foregoing description should clearly establish these points, however, and it is desired to
discuss from now on the adaptability of the board to the missions of
all coast arti.llery armament; its applicability to standardization
methods and training, especially for isolated National Guard, Reserve
and R. O. T. C. units; its superiority to all other manual plotting boards;
and the probability that it can be)ncluded successfully in the long range
fire control solution.
The normal missions of all Coast Artillery weapons except anti,aircraft and trench mortars include fire on waterborne targets. Such
usage for fixed defense and railway artillery units is prescribed. That
the lSS-mm G.P.F., which is a short and medium range gun, can adopt
this mission has been conclusively demonstrated at Fort Eustis and in
Hawaii. Accounts of the Fort Eustis target practices were published
in recent issues of the COASTARTILLERYJOURNAL. A pilot mount ot
the S-inch howitzer is being made on a modification of traversing ability
which will probably permit the use of this cannon against naval targets
at short range.
The devising of uniform methods for the training of Coast Artillery
National Guard, Reserve, and R. O. T. C. units in conformance with
the National Defense act has been difficult. This is especially so in
the case of organizations at places remote from the seaboard and it is
understood that lSS-mm G.P.F's and certain items of fire control equipment will be issued to many of these units. This action will make for
,standardization of training methods and equipment.
The assumption
can therefore be made that in the near future all of the diverse units
of Coast Artillery, with the exceptions noted, can be united in a system
of fire control which will closely parallel that in use in fixed defenses
at present.
The advent of long range armament has made necessary a fire control system adaptable to long ranges. It is the writer's belief that no
,sweeping change in our present fire control methods will be found necessary to accommodate the long range solution. It is conceivable that
some modification in methods and equipment will be introduced but as
far as can be foreseen the basis of our complete fire control system as
it changes from long to medium to short range will be the system now
used in fixed defenses.
I t is proposed to show that the Cloke Plotting and Relocating Board
possesses the flexibility necessary to attain a high degree of standardization and that it is a considerable improvement on all manual plotting
boards now in use. Its adaptability to the following uses will be considered:
credo If, for the sake of illustration, the probability of a hit at a certain range is assumed to be 10%, it has been found that the reduction
in this probability, due to plotter's errors, and the predicting interval,
on sinuous courses amounted roughly to 25%. It is desired to emphasize that this probability is not the chance that the target will be
in the 50% zone of dispersion, nor that the shot would fall more than
one probable error from the target. The statements just advanced are
conservative and will, so it is believed, obtain throughout short and
medium ranges.
The writer is conversant with the general features of the plan which
prompted the Panama experiment, and no attempt is being made herein
to minimize the importance of the development of a long range fire
control policy. The communications and fire control materiel of coast
defenses must admit of their use at long range, as well as short, and it
is realized that any advocated change in materiel, should be capable of
incorporation in a long range fire control policy. A sweeping change in
the standard system has been proposed to accommodate long ranges.
This suggested change is, however, concerned primarily with certain
principles of command, and the communications necessary for their
. functioning. It provides for the relocation of data referred to a common
directing point. It does not preclude the adoption of the Cloke board,
and the only device of which the writer has knowledge which possesses
such flexibility as to be capable of use as a relocating device, under the
proposed change, and be capable also of plotting as part of the present
position finding system, if t~need
arises, is the Cloke plotting board.
It is not believed that any fire control policy should be adopted which
does not provide a positive means for each battery in fixed defenses to
ilo its own position finding in certain contingencies. Nor is it believed
that any instruction policy is sound which does not finally equip a
battery officer with the ability to fire his guns when the only means of
position finding left to him are the guns themselves. The Proceedings
of the Joint Army and Navy Board (Joint Army and Navy Action in
Coast Defense) is established doctrine. In principle it requires a positive
defense at short range, and its extension to the longer ranges. The
installation of long range armament is in step with that doctrine, in
that it precludes the probability of the leisurely attack of important
centers, defended by present fixed defenses, by hostile vessels lying just
out of range. It is therefore believed that a system of standard fire
control, based upon manual plotting boards and terrestrial observing
stations, is still sound in principle and necessary for training and service.
The Cloke board is not only adaptable to this system but is an important
impr01;ement on the present equipment.
It is not believed in view of
the existence of the Cloke board that the plotting phase of the present
fire control system in fixed defenses is sufficit;ntly well cared for by the
types of boards now in use. The expense involved will probably limit
the installation of Cloke boards to replacement purposes.
(c) Coastal operations where no fixed defense exist, and it is pract1.cable to get railway artillery units into positions. for seaward firing.
That is to say, the use of railway artillery in accordance with the principles of W.P.D. Document No.1 and the Joint Army and Navy Board
on Seacoast Defense.
(d) Land operations with field armies, when railway artillery can
be used against moving or fixed targets commensurable with the power
of this class of artillery.
The theory and operation of the plotting board as set forth above
were thoroughly explained to these officers. No mechanical interferences
were found. It was apparent that more finished construction and
elimination of some defects from a mechanical engineering viewpoint,
would ensue if arsenal personnel made the drawings and parts, and this
was arranged for. It was the opinion of all the officers present that
this plotting board was thoroughly adaptable to all the missions of
railway artillery, and that it met them better than any other type of
manual plotting board.
When the mission of this artillery as an adjunct to fixed defenses is
considered it is apparent that the ar~uments advanced for use of the
Cloke board by fixed defenses will apply with equal force to railway
units. Considering those missions which include qperations coastwise,
contiguous to forts, and with field armies, the need of this plotting
board is more apparent.
There will not be time available for arsenal
or local machine shop alteration of a 110 degree or Whistler-Hearn
board, and these units must be equipped with a flexible, manual plotting
and may be included in the board in the event of its issue as organization
equipment. In the meantime these problems are handled by conversion
of data in the plotting room.
O. T. C.
In the fire control of long range batteries a relocating device may be
necessary. The Cloke board is a suitable device. Within certain ranges
this board will have an order of accuracy comparable with computing
devices now undergoing test. Its use in long range fire control will permit the use of an ordinary manual plotting board in emergency.
The Cloke board is an improvement over any manual plotting board.
It is simpler, more accurate, possesses a high degree of flexibility, is
suitable for all types of artillery, and is cheaper to manufacture than
110 degree or Whistler-Hearn boards.
It may be made entirely new, or by conversion of Whistler-Hearn or
110 degree boards.
The efficiency of our present fire control system can be greatly increased by the adoption of the Cloke board, and this adoption will be
an important step in the direction of increased flexibility and standardization.
National Guard, Reserve and R. O. T. C. training should be based
primarily, on fire control methods using terrestrial observing stations
and manual plotting boards.
For the present, considering the state of development of long range
fire control, manual plotting boards in conjunction with terrestrial observing stations give an acceptable solution of the fire control problem
for heavy artillery within the maximum limits of visibility. This system is acceptable in principle and its use in training gives an excellent
foundation for artillery firing in action.
A careful re-examination of what \vas said in January renders necessary the admisson that the criticism just quoted is sound.
\Vhile of
course the idea which was intended to be conveyed is limited to the
conviction that for those elements of combined training and coordination of the larger units of Coast Artillery tactical command, the foreign
service garrisons nmv afford the only practical laboratory for concrete
experiment and experience, yet it vms certainly not intended to infer
that the function of independent and constructive thought need lie
dormant in those serving in the United States, with regard to the development of Coast Artillery technique, any more than in the development of Anti-Aircraft Defense or of efficient administrative method.
Emphatically, so long as we know that there are real Coast Artillery
problems yet to be solved, every Coast Artilleryman, wherever he may
our own concern. This re-emphasis on the importance of initial preparation of fire amounts to a very salutary harking back to the point of
view prevailing in the Coast Artillery before the War. Even without
observation, the Coast Artillery must not admit its inability to deliver
fire which will be effective, at least in denying the use of channels passing
a coast fort to a hostile naval force.
We are now sufficiently removed from the conditions immediately
engendered by the World War to be able to recognize the following
facts. Before the War Coast Artillery doctrine, with regard to the
technique of fire, placed the primary emphasis and confidence in the
necessity for careful initial preparation of fire, with the concrete belief
that if the fire were prepared with sufficient accuracy, effect on the
target would be bound to follow. On the contrary, the attitude engendered by War experience was to the effect that successful conduct
of fire depended primarily upon effective observation and successful adjustment.
There developed a marked tendency to repudiate the importance of ballistic corrections in the initial preparation of fire and at
the same time the whole pre-war technical doctrine.
In this world, thought, like history, moves in 'cycles. We have now
arrived at a point where we should be able to recognize and utilize the
valuable elements of both pre-war thought and post-war thought.
Having in mind the comment above quoted and a sound estimate of
the tactical conditions which should determine our technical doctrine, is
it not fair to say that we should have the utmost regard both for the
most painstaking preparation of fire, with all that it includes in the
analysis of all the former performance of a battery, the meticulous adjustment of all instruments and devices, the accurate determination of
ballistic corrections, including firing of trial shots wherever possible, and
as well, the subsequent control during the action of the center of impact by a simple and adequate method of fire adjustment?
In order
to open fire at the maximum rate and with maximum volume, careful
preparation is necessary if effect is to be expected within the first e-w
salvos. Moreover, effect on moving targets as a result of careful preparation is to be expected only within the first few salvos. Subsequently,
when the great speed of the target has changed its range and azimuth
so as' to modify the original ballistic conditions, and 'when through the
expected resort to a zig-zag course, unavoidable errors of prediction
have operated to shift the center of impact off the target, the necessity
for adjustment develops increasingly as the action continues. With
such a point of viev..-, may we not harmonize logically the doctrines prevailing in the Coast Artillery just before the \Var and just after the
In order to arri\-e at a practical solution of the problem of Coast
Artillery fire in which we may have confidence, it is necessary that
suggested methods should be tested under conditions im-olving the
oyer the extensive experimental work necessary to perfect any new type of artillery,
It is conceded that the existing antiaircraft artillery materiel, including guns,
mounts, ammunition and fire control apparatus, is susceptible of great improve~
ment. This fact was recognized during the war and early in 1919 the work of
improving this materiel was initiated.
Below is a brief summary of the progress.
to date.
a. Pilot models of 3-inch and 4.7-inch antiaircraft guns have been completed
and tests carried far enough to determine that these models are superior to older
materiel and that still further improvements could be realized. New designs are
being made to incorporate the desirable changes. The 3-inch gun will be given
the greatest mohility consistent with the limit of weight and the necessary stability
when fired while the 4.7-inch gun will probably be movable rather than mobile.
b. Ammunition.
The neeessity for redueing the time of flight of antiaireraft
projeetiles is evident. This may be aeeomplished by high initial velocity and the
correct design of the projeetile. The latter offers no partieular problem, but
there are praetieal difficulties in seeuring a high muzzle veloelty. The great angle
of elevation, 80 required hy antiaireraft artillery neeessitates high gun trunnions
and consequently to secure the neeessary stability the weight increases very rapidly
with increase in velocity for a given weight of projectile.
These problems can be
solved and an initial velocity of 4000 f.s. or greater secured but the design of a
fuse which will Vlithstand the acceleration requisite for Auch a velocity and yet be
seasonably aceurate presents a problem whieh has not yet been solved notwithrtanding the fact that every effort has been made to develop such a fuse or to
purehase the designs of one from some other eountry. An experimental lot of
fuses which promise to meet our requirements has been ordered but definite eonelusion as to the suitability of this type eannot be reached until after a thorough
c. Searchlights.
The 60-inch searchlight with its power unit and transporting
yehicle is satisfaetory.
d. Sound Locating Apparatus.
The dimeulty of finding an airplane with a
searchlight is so great that the necessity for some apparatus to locate the plane
\vith sufficient accuracy to permit the light to pick it up has long been recognized.
Such an apparatus will probably be based on sound location. Several such devices
were in use during the .World \\Tar and other types have been proposed since. So
far as is known none of the existing deyices are sufficiently accurate. Two Coast
Artillery officers have been sent to a University to study this problem.
e. Fire Control. The present Antiaircraft Artillery file control system is not
satisfactory principally because of
(a) the time which is required to get data to the guns,
(b) the difficulty of identifying a target when firing on a large formation.
(c) too much delicate apparatus is required on the carriage, and
(d) it is not adapted to accurate night firing.
It appears that these difficulties can be overcome by an instrument which will
require only one observer to follow the target and which will automatically compute firing data. Two types of instruments to accomplish this haye been designed
and will be manufactured for test. The latest models of antiaircraft guns are
designed for normal ise of Case III firing with a simple emergency system for
Usein case the central instrument cannot be operated.
f. ;lI[achine guns. Recognizing the limitatiorts of the .30 caliber machine gun
in attack of low flying planes a .50 caliber antiaircraft machine gun has been manufactured and is now undergoing service test. This gun is unquestionably more
effective than the lighter type but the desirabliity of eyen a header gun is recognized and a 37-mm is proposed. This will be practically a machine gun but will
Useexplosive tracer projectiles.
Turret Emplacement.
The old type of major caliber seacoast emplacement is not satisfactory for
'16-inch guns because
(1) it does not afford protection from modern ship's fire
(2) it is not protected from air attack and one effective hit might put the
entire battery out of action, and
(3) the expense is too great.
The present type of emplacement for 16-inch guns was adopted because
(1) it minimizes the effect of a hit either by a high explosive projectile or a bomb.
(2) it is less conspicuous as a naval target than any other proposed type, and
(3) it is the most economical.
The average cost for a tvm-gun battery v.-ith this type of emplacement is~esti= mated as follows:
2 guns and mounts
Emplacement and mounting .. ,
materiel for the Coast Artillery will be welcome from any member of the corps or of
the service at large.
These communications,
with models or drawings of devices
proposed may be sent direct to the Coast Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, Virginia,
and will receive careful consideration."JOURNAL
Training Regulations, Coast Artillery Corps, Tactics and Techniqueof Antiaircraft Artillery in Antiaircraft Defense.
Training Regulations, Coast Artillery Corps, Tactics and Technique.
of :\Iachine Guns in Antiaircraft Defense.
Training Regulations, Coast Artillery Corps, Tactics and Technique
of Searchlights and Listening De'vices in Antiaircraft Defense.
.Training Regulations, Coast Artillery Corps, Intelligence Service and.
Commun:cation Xets in Antiaircraft Defense.
Training Regulations, Coast Artillery Corps, lIse of Obstructions,.
D~gouts and Camouflage in Antiaircraft Defense.
(III) Its greatest use will be in training officers in fire control methods, while
its yalue in training gunners, range details, etc., is problematical.
The Coast Artillery Board made the following recommendations to the
Chief of Coast Artillery in regard to meteorological instruments for antiaircraft
(a) The issue of a set of meteorological instruments to each regiment and
Reparate battalion of antiaircraft troops. These instruments to be considered
as being issued for seryice tests with a yiew to determining desirability of furniRhing such instruments as a part of the equipment of each separate battalion
or regiment. Detailed report on these instruments to be submitted by organization commanders to Chief of Coast Artillery after one season's training.
(~) Proposed drill regulations for the Corrector Brocq with Range Indicator
were submitted to the Board for remark and recommendation.
A careful study
was made of these regulations and reyised and corrected regulations were submitted to the Chief of Coast Artillery with the recommendation that they be
published in a bulletin, Antiaircraft Series, O.C.C.A., as a guide for the use of
the Brocq unit.
.1. Reference is had to paragraph -1, d, of the Coast Artillery Board notes
appearing in the January, 1923, issue of the COASTARTILLERY
in reference
to recommendationR submitted regarding range drum graduations.
Problems haye
arisen incidental to the assignment of different types and weights of projectiles
to batteries of the same caliber. In this connection the following was the recommendation of the Chief of Coast Artillery:
a. The Chief of Coast Artillery recommends the following policies in reference to range scale graduations on old types of armament.
The range drums
will be gra<;luated with three scales whereyer this is
scale for the standard weight of projectile with the graduations
in yards:
2nd.- The subcaliber scale with the graduations in yards.
3rd.- The thicd scale should show eleyation in multiples of J for clinometer
The seryice range scale for the standard weight of projectile for any gi\'en caliber is to be retained on all guns in batteries where any high explosiye ammunition has been allocated where there are standard weight projectile,> in the same
coaRt defense.
The method of using these standard range scale graduations when a lighter
projectile. e.g., the high explosiye shell, is to be fired, will be utilized a range relation table to be prepared by the Coast Artillery Board. (These tables will be
furnished the batteries concerned as a matter of routine.)
b. The Ordnance Committee approyed the recommendations of the Chief of
Coast Artillery and proposed that the necessary steps be taken to carry the recommendations into effect at the earliest practicable date.
5. The Coast Artillery Board recommended to the Chief of Coast Artillery
that paragraph 20 of Coast Artillery :\Iemorandum Xo. 1, recently issued, be
changed, the next time the memorandum is re,ised.
This paragraph has referenee to leaying pressure plugs in a gun or mortar during a series of shots. Repeated firings with a set of eopper pressure cylinders ordinarily results in pressure
indication which is higher than the maximum of the series. It was theref(\T"p'
suggested that when the memorandum is next reyised that an explanatory nt-._
be added to this paragraph to the effect that lea-dng in of pressure plugs during
a series of firings giyes some indication of pressures but the pressure indicated
eannot be taken as an essentially correct measure.
to TWO TAVERNS, and will connect there to the new Brig C P when established'
After the advance of B Btry a new Bn CP will be established at the end of the
road just east of WOLF HILL. The Bn Signal Officer will ascertain from Hdqrs
301st F A Brig as soon as possible the location of the Forward Communication
Center on the Artillery Axis of Communication to be established on BALTIMORE
TURNPIKE, and will tie in the new Bn CP to the FCC.
"The 2nd Platoon Bn Comb Tn after the advance will establish a new rear
echelon in the ravine just southwest of RJ 452. The Bn Surgeon will be prepared to move the Bn Aid Station to this point. When I give orders for A Btry
to cease firing and form march order, the remainder of the Bn Comb Tn and rear
echelon will join A Btry's present position. load all ammunition and form march
order head of column at RJ MEYER facing south just off the road in order, Bn
Hdqrs, Bn Comb Tn, light column Btry A, heavy column Btry A.
"New Bn CP will open upon notification from me, the old Bn CP closing
at the same time, commumcation from the old position to the new through the
Artillery Axis of Communication."
Maj A then starts with the reconnaissance party above indicated, following
the designated route as nearly as possible to the front line, noting necessary detours and arrangements that can be foreseen on account of the damaged condition of the road, and at each RJ and cn designating a Scout who on the day
or the attack will be designated a~ a guide at that point for B Btry. Maj A and
party then proceed to the Bn OP at 357.2-746.9, from which he can see all of the
road beyond the front line and can indicate the proposed Btry position in the
woods and the new OP and CPo Upon his return to the Bn CP he approves
the firing schedule which appears below.
Firing Schedule No. 21
1st Bn 701st Art
A (2 Plat) RJ 570
Rate of Fire
On the day of the attack, upon receipt of the message that \YOLF HILL has
been taken, he directs B Btry to proceed as rapidly as possible to the new position. He directs the Cpt of A Btry to take charge of the old Bn CP until his
return or the new Bn CP is opened and then starts immediately with the Cpt
of B Btry and Bn and Btry reconnaissance party over the road, leaving the designated guides, personally inspecting the new Btry position which he approves,
establishing the new Bn CP and OP, and directing the orienteur officer to tie in
the new Btry position. He then retraces the route of march until he meets the
advancing Btry, accompanying it for the remainder of its march and being ready
to meet any emergency condition<; which obstruct its advance.
2nd Requirement:
See attached sketch, to be placed over Gettysburg Sheet of 3-inch map.
~ ~
AXXEX to F. O. 7, Gp C, AA.
1st Bn
901st Art
Btry XII
Btry XIY
Btry XYl
On 5 May Maj A was informed that D day :was 7 May, and H hour 5 AM.
1st Requirement:
Maj A's actions and orders prior to D day, particularly with regard to preparations for the move forward. He finds that only 7 mortars can go into position on GRANITE HILL siding.
~_~_1l1l'.I"lll.UIIIIII'.'111111'1111111111111"lllllll'11111.111.111.11 ,1111111111'11.11111'1.1111111111111111111111"'11'11111111111111'1'
IJ__lll .. .-_
_ln 1.lnt
..:llltomobile BIlle Book, 1928. "Standard Road Guide of America." Volume Two .
Automobile Blue Books, Inc. Chicago, 1923. 746 p. 97;1;" x 531".
Flexible fabrikoid binding. Price, 53.00.
One of the surest signs of approaching spring is the arrival of a new edition of
this v~aluablebook. It brings the "Lure of the open road" to everyone who glances
over its pages, and a glance at the large map promises new tripe; over unknown
roads, under its safe and sure guidance.
Close checking with the similar volume for the previous year reveals careful
correction, re-editing, and revision. One important change, which i~ an improvement over the former system, has been the discontinuing of the "Places of Interest"
section, in the center of the book. and the placing of that information as footnotes,
immediately under the route in which each place is most prominently mentioned,
with cross references from every other route which touches the place. Excellent
city maps are placed in the same cOll':enient manner. These are of value if it is
desired to depart from the usual route thru a city, but are not necessary if one is
passing thru on a trip, as the arrangement of the route instructions are such that
one has only to take right and left turns as given to follow the most tortuous route
thru the largest city, without the necessity of asking information from passers-by.
Tlie make-up of the book is fully up to the standard.
The paper is thin, but
opaque, the 746 pages, \\ith covers, measuring but 131 inches in thickness, while
the weight is less than two pounds. The publishers furnish a "Blue Book Holder"
made to match the book, with a celluloid face, which is im-aluable in \\ind and rain.
The pages can be turned without removing the book from the holder, and it is so
designed that it may be hung on the robe rail or laid on the driver's lap without
All in all, if you have a car you must hm;e the Blue Book to enjoy a trip or a
tour to its fullest extent, and if you look over the book for any length of time you
will not be satisfied until you have the car.
\Yars result primarily from the conflicting interests and policies of states, but
in the past, some imperfectly organized governments have plunged their countries
into war. Accordingly it is of interest to examine the Xationrrl policies of some of
the leading powers, and their forms of Government.
The author of this little
volume discusses briefly the system of government and the Xational Policies of
the United States. Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Germany, Spain and Central
Ameriea. He shows the territorial gains made by the Allied Powers during the
\Yar, and shows briefly why the League of Xntions cannot prevent wars.
The n'hite Heart of JIlojal'e. Bv Edna B. Perkins. Boni and Liveright.
York. 1922. 5%" x 9,r. 229 pp. Price, 33.00.
The author, in The 'White Heart of M~ojave describes in part her journey across
Death Yalley, "As descended into the valley and came along the edge of the
morass a feeling of deep lassitude and inertia gradually crept over us.
It pressed
upon us like a weight that never, never could be lifted. \Ye stared down at the
sand with unseeing eyes and went on beeause we were in the habit of going on."
And toward the end of her narrative she writes, "The desert shook us awake.
\Ye had come looking for mysteries and terrible fascinations and found only the
mystery of the old outdoors.
* * * Dust clouds roll over the edge of :\lojave
as America goes by. Some travelers look at her curiously, some look longingly,
some shudder, some pass with the window shades pulled down. All the time she
is singing on her rosy mountain-tops and in her deep, hot valleys where the blaze
of the sun is white.
The White Heart of _1fojaz e reads like fiction and yet is but the account of a
journey of two women, not weather- ....ise explorers, but just folks who longed for
something beyond the walls and solid roofs of houses. These two women journeyed
not only through :\lojave, and across Death Yalley itself, but passed on up into
the Panamints, these mountains "with their feet in the burning heat of Death
Yalley and their heads in the snow, awful, magnificent universe along,
inexpressively fearful and beautiful."
General Capello was in command of the II Army during the great AustroGerman offensive of October 1917, which resulted in the Italian catastrophe of
Caporetto. Brought before a Board of Inquiry, the General was held responsible
for the low morale of his troops; for failure to estimate promptly the threat endangering the extreme left wing of his Army; for not properly supporting the defensive ideas of the supreme Command, particularly as regards the posting of the
Artillery and the dispositions for counter-preparation of fire.
These findings naturally reflected on his honor as a citizen and soldier and his
uignity as a man and it was to vindicate himself that he wrote this book.
The 5 chapters of the book go into the technical details of his dispositions and
the handling of his Army, his statements being generally supported by a very
extensive appendix. In the concluding chapter the General expresses the positive
statement that the Board was instructed to make him the scapegoat and he pleads
for a trial by a competent court, where the charges may be properly considered
and the guaranties of human justice duly safeguarded.
The Balkan Peninsula.
By Ferdinand Schevill. Harcourt, Brace and Company.
New York. 1922.' 5Y2" x 8Y2". 558 pp .. (with maps). Cloth. Price,
This book deals with the history of the Balkan Peninsula, or Balkania as the
:author calls it for brevity, from the early migratory period to the plesent day.
Professor Schevill in preparing his book realizes that Balkania was the stage
on which the World \Yar was set, and that it may be the stage for other world
wars if its present problems drift towards further disorder. It is an excellently
prepared history of the conflict between European and Asiatic civilization.
A Neglected Era. By Edith Ross Braley.
1922. 5P4" x 7Y2". 280 pp.
New York.
In conformity with its contemplated use as a text book, the subject matter is
supplemented by an appendix affording a detailed chronology, outline summaries
and bibliographical references.
A distinctive value in the study of this book which can not be over-emphasized
is its potential usefulness as a collateral reference in the study of the history of
Persia, Egypt. Greece and Rome during the years paralleled by its contents.
Ancient Man.
By Hendrik Van Loon.
1922. 4';!i' x 6}2". 208 pages.
This little book, attractively bound in blue leather, with flexible covers, is
dedicated to and intended for children about ten years old. It begins with a
chapter on prehistoric man, and in its seventeen chapters traces briefly man's
progress from his primitive beginning, up through the Stone Age, to the time of
Rome and Greece. Space is devoted to Egypt, Assyria and Babylon, and the
older civilizations, to some of the Old Testament heroes of the Bible, and to the
early deyelopment of the written language. It is simply and attractively written
and" ill be found entertaining by both young and old.
Beasts, Men and Gods. By Ferdinand Ossendowski. (Omcier d'Academie Francaise). E. P. Dutton and Company. ::\fewYork. 1922. 5}2" x 8;!i".
325 pp. Cloth. Price, 33.00.
Dr. Ossendowski, a Polish professor, was living in the town of Krasnoyarsk
at the outbreak of the Russian Revolution. He is sought after by assassins and
undertakes to get out of Russia by going overland to India. His plans are frustrated however and he only gets as far South as Tibet where he is forced to retrace his steps almost three-quarters of his entire journey and then flees East
where he makes his escape into Manchuria.
This astounding Odyssey of wild adventure is told with deadly sincerity and
modest precision. The adventurl:'s of fiction are flat and commonplace in comparison.
The Radio Pathfinder.
By Richard H. Ranger. Doubleday, Page and Co.
Garden City, N. Y. 1922. 5" x 7". 155 pp. Profusely Illustrated.
Price, 31.50.
Of the popular sciences, psychoanalysis and radioitis are the most prevalent.
For obvious reasons the radio fans are in the majority.
In this group whose
number is legion, are not a few inquiring minds. whose never fading hope is to
find. in this ever flowing stream of publications on radio, the right kind of book.
The author of "The Radio Pathfinder" tells us his book is really the royal
road to understanding of the basic principles of radio telegraphy and telephony.
His purpose is to give the amateur radio enthusiast a fundamental knowledge
of how radio works and why.
:\1r. Ranger's little book contains the answers to the following questions:
What is this radio broadcasting? "'hat happens at the radio transmitting station? \\"hat happens at the receiving station? How does this sound get from
the transmitting station to the receiving station? \\"hat equipment should I
start with? How can I put up an aerial? \\'hat regulations must I observe?
\\'hat are the various parts of the set and how do they work? These questions
he answers in simple, layman's language, calling to his aid a vast army of genii.
the little electrons-these willing messengers who do the necessary work at the
radio transmitting station to start the music on its way, and which at the receiving
station are ready to reproduce this into entertainment to be enjoyed by the radiofan and his friends.
Xew York.
'Yhen the noyelty of radio broadcasting has worn off, what? True it will
. haye then lost its popular appeal but it will continue to be not the least contribution to science and business. A large element in our population is at present
suffering from radio-phobia and many printing presses are turning out prescriptions in the form of popular books, and still more manufacturers, are making
medicine in the form of new sets and accessories. And although folks generally
may soon recoyer from this obsession, the radio amateur will still continue "puttering" and deyeloping.
It is to meet the demands of this body of amateurs that 'The Book of Badio"
was written.
The author is one of the pioneer radio amateurs of this country,
and he continues to be as ardent a radio enthusiast as he was in the beginning.
He is therefore peculiarly fitted to present the subject of popular radio, the information he giyes being authentic and up to the minute. The book is all a
radio amateur could dcsire.
Radio Phone Rcccil'ing.
Co. 1\ew York.
The radiophane anxious to fill his one-foot bookshelf will find it difficult to
resist purchasing this practical book for eyerybody, written by specialists.
Professor :\1. 1. Pupin writes the introduction; Dr. A. 1\. Goldsmith of the
College of the City of ::\ew York, Chapter 1. "How Radio Telephoning is Accomplished;" Dr. Erich Hausmann of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Chapter
II. "Tuning the Simple Beceiying Circuit," F. E. Canayaciol, instructor in electrical engineering. also of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Chapter III.
"Beceiying the 'Yayes by Crystal Detectors," Professor J. 1\. Morecroft of Columbia 'Cniyersity, Chapter IY, 'The Yacuum Tube;" R. D. Gibson and P. C. Hoernel.
engineers, Chapter Y, "Amplifying the Music or Speech;" Professor L. A. Hazeltine of Steyens Institute of Technology, Chapter YI, "Hegeneratiye and Heterodyne Reception;" and J. Y. L. Hogan, engineer, Chapter YII, "Badio Telephone
The authors haye produced a satisfactory exposition of the operation of a
transmitting and receiying system without the use of mathematical formulas
and complicated physical concepts. By simple eyeryday analogies, with few
technical words, and repetition of the more important ideas, the authors haye
succeeded in presenting a text that may be easily comprehended by the layman.
the noyice, and the amateur radio enthusiast.
Radio Reception.
B,! H. J. ::\Iarx and A. Yan ::\Iuffiing.
::\ew York. 1922. 5" x 73'2'" 2..11 pp. 130 Ill.
G. P. Putnam's
Beginning with the elements of electricity and magnetism, cOYeringthe applieation of these elementary principles to radio reception, the reader is then made
to understand how sounds can be reproduced at will at a receiying station thousands of miles away, by a study of ~waYemotions and their characteristics.
Haying shown that the simplest method of transmitting electrical wayes through
the ether is by a high frequency alternating current, and the fact that this alternating current will not operate the phone receiyers so as to giye audible sound
wayes, the simplest form of apparatus for the rectiftcation of this high frequency
alternating current, namely the crystal detector. is explained. The electron
theory is discussed as well as the principle of the operation of yaeuum tube detectors. Then follow chapters on receiyers and loud speakers, condensers and resistances. tuning and tuning apparatus, amplifying circuits, antenna and ground.
hatteril's, miscellaneous apparatus, and don'ts. An appendix is deyoted to radio
formulae, caleula.,tion of tuning apparatus, and hook-up diagrams.
Traite de Xonwgraphie.
By ]\[auriee D'Ocagnr.
1921. 6:''2// x 10/1 .. 18;) pp.
Gauthier-Yillars et Cie.
Professor D'Oeagne has recently published the second edition, reyised and
enlarged, of his work on Komography .
-\lthough nomograms are coming into more general use in engineering as ...
as in ballistics and gunnery, there are some who are not familiar with the general
. theory of this graphical representation of equations of any number of yariables,
the object being to replace certain numerical computations by readings made on
The author deyotes much space to the deyelopment of the theory of construction of nomograms, and illustrates his text with many praC'tieal applications
from engineering and gunnery.
Professor D'Ocagne is recognized as being largely responsible for the pref'ent
deyeJopment of this labor saying deyice. His book may therefore he said to
be the leading authority on this important subject.
An exC'ellent work in English on alignment charts is Dr. Likpa's "Graphieal
and :\Iechanieal Computations."
The 20th Century Guide for Diesel Opnators.
By Julius Hosenbloom and Oryille
R. Sawley. \Yestern Technical Book Co. Seattle. 1922. 5%/1 x \)/1.
6:n pp. Price, 310.00.
In this important, because simply written and practiC'al, guide the Diesel
operator will ftnd much that will help clear up many disputable points. Incidentally he will the better appreciate the growing importance of this comparativcly new prime moyer. The book is full of practical adyice which up to reeently
had not been put in a form ayailable for the use of the Diesel operator .
-\ glance at the headings of the sixteen chapters will suggest the authors' plan
in preparing this text for the needs of those engaged in the operation of Diesel
engines. Technical Terms as Applied to Diesel :\lachinery; Theory; :\Iiscellaneous
Formulas; Principles of Diesel Operation; Liquid Substances; Questions and
Answers on Diesel Operation; Fuel Feed and Ignition; Principles of Construction;
Auxiliary :\lachinery and Accessories; Detailed Description of Diesel Engines;
Diesel Electric Propulsion; Low Compression Oil Engine; Compressors; Pumps;
Batteries; U. S. Hules for Licensing of Engineers on :\lotorships, Lloyd's Rules.
Extract from Rules American Bureau of Shipping.
The authors haye not oyerlooked the little details in building up this treatise.
)'lany elaborated points may seem unimportant. but the authon' haye held to
their plan of a "Practical Book for operators, schools, libraries. and those inter-
New York.
New York.
Professor ::\'lcAdie's 'IVind and lI'eather spans a long period in the history of
meteorology, for he begins with a descriptive of the tower of winds in Athens,
completed twenty centuries ago, and ends with a study of the path of the snow
storm of January 1922, when 26 inches fell in the city of 'Washington, in a period
of twenty hours.
This tower of 'winds built by the Greeks and still standing, served as a public
time-piece and to tell the seasonal position of the sun, the eight walls of the temple
being provided with dials, the position of the shadows of the marker indicating the
seasonal adyance or retreat of the sun as it moved north from the time of the winter
solstice and then south after the summer solstice. These old Athenians did what
we failed to do-gave distinctive names to the "inds, representing figuratiyely
the characteristics of ,the weather as the wind blew from each of the eight cardinal
The author giyes the general reader a brief description of the ten types-of
storms, classifying them according to the place of origin, discussing their paths and
speed and disclosing the important fact that they allleaye the United States in the
yicinity of ~ew England.
This little yolume is not a treatise on meteorology nor a handbook of forecasting,
but a popular exposition of some salient features of the we3ther map an(the forecasting of storms.