Lsjamic Republic Of: 28 September 2015

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lsJamic Republic of


Permanent Mission to the United Nations

Statement by

H.E Dr. Hassan Rouhani

President of the Islamie Republie of Iran

at the General Debate of the General Assembly of the United Nations

28 September 2015

In the name of God, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful

Praise be to Allah, and peace and greetings to Prophet Mohammad and his true

Mr. President
I am speaking on behalf of a great nation who is mourning the loss of thousands of Muslim
pilgrims and hundreds of its citizens. Old, young, men and women who had come together in the
grand and global spiritual gathering of the Hajj, but unfortunately fell victim to the incompetence
and mismanagement of those in charge. Due to their unaccountability, even the missing cannot

be identified and the expeditious return of the bodies of the deceased to their mourning families
has been prevented. The scope of a calamity in which thousands of innocent people from the four
comers of the world have been killed and wounded is so broad that it cannot be dealt with as a
natural disaster or a local issue. The pain and emotional distress inflicted on millions of Muslims
is greater than what can be repaired merely through material calculations. Public opinion

demands that Saudi Arabian officials promptly fulfill their international obligations and grant
immediate consular access for the expeditious identification and return of the cherished bodies.
Moreover, it is necessary that the conditions are prepared for an independent and precise
investigation into the causes of this disaster and ways of preventing its repetition in the future.
Mr. President
Distinguished Secretary-General
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am speaking on behalf of a nation that, two years ago, again voted for constructive
engagement with the world and I can now proudly announce that "today, a new chapter has
started in Iran's relations with the world."
Two years ago, the people of Iran in a competitive election, with their votes gave me a
mandate for consolidating peace and constructive engagement with the world--whilst pursuing

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national rights, interests and security. This national will, manifested itself through a careful and

clear diplomatic effort which resulted in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the six world powers that was immediately turned into
an international instrument with the ratification of the United Nations Security Council. From the
"standpoint of international law, this instrument sets a strong precedent where, for the first time,
two sides rather than negotiating peace after war, engaged in dialogue and understanding before
the eruption of conflict.
At this point, I deem it necessary to recognize the role of all the negotiators, the leaders
and the heads of state and government of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia,

Germany, China and the Islamic Republic of Iran in achieving this agreement. We had decided
to bring about a new environment while maintaining our principles and we succeeded in doing
so. Where necessary we moved forward and where necessary we showed the courage for
flexibility; and, at each point, we made use of the full capacity of international law and
showcased the potentials of constructive dialogue. The key point regarding the success of
dialogue is the fact that any actor in the international system who pursues maximalist demands
and does not allow space for the other side cannot speak of peace, stability and development. As
in commerce and economic activity, where the interests of both parties should be taken into
account, in politics and international relations as well multilateralism and win-win solutions
should be the basis of engagement.
Mr. President,

The United Nations was established to sustain global peace and security after two world
wars. But unfortunately, it must be said that in most cases this important international institution
has not been successful or effective. This time, however, the United Nations made the right

Though, we protest the adoption of unfair resolutions against the Islamic Republic of Iran
and the imposition of sanctions against the Iranian nation and government as a result of
misunderstandings and sometimes overt hostilities of some countries, however, we believe, as an
old Iranian saying goes, "the sooner you stop harm, the more benefit you will reap". Today, is
the very day that harm is stopped.
Security Council Resolution 2231, despite some significant shortcomings, was an
important development and the basis for terminating sanctions imposing resolutions against Iran.
We consider as unfair the conduct of the Security Council in the past and insist that Iran, due to
the important fatwa of its leader and its defense doctrine, has never had the intention of
producing a nuclear weapon and, therebre, sanctions resoiut!ons against 1ran were unjust and

illegal. Sanctions by the SecuriPy Council and unilateral sanctions by some countries were based
on illusive and baseless allegations and created difficult conditions for our people. But these
sanctions never in any way affected the policy we adopted and the approach we took towards
negotiations. We proved in these negotiations that there is nothing on Iran's table other than
logic, reason and ethics, and where necessary, legitimate and decisive self-defense against any
kind of aggression.

Our seven countries and the European Union expended considerable time and diplomatic
capital in these negotiations and, therefore, they should exert their utmost effort to protect and
implement the agreement. We deem the compliance of all parties with their commitments as the
fundamental factor in the success of the implementation process of the negotiations.
Parallel to the implementation of the JCPOA, we also expect the nuclear-weapon states to
take necessary steps to fulfill their commitment of full nuclear disarmament based on Article 6 of
the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Furthermore, we expect them to play a positive role in the creation
of a "nuclear weapons-free Middle East" and not to allow the Zionist regime to remain the only
impediment in the way of realizing this important initiative.
Mr. President,

The nuclear deal, which is a brilliant example of "victory over war", has managed to
disburse the clouds of hostility and perhaps even the specter of another war and extensive
tensions from the Middle East. The deal can and should herald a new era and lead to positive
outcomes regarding the establishment of sustainable peace and stability in the region. From our
point of view, the agreed-upon deal is not the final objective but a development which can and
should be the basis of further achievements to come. Considering the fact that this deal has
created an objective basis and set an appropriate model, it can serve as a basis for foundational
change in the region.
Our policy is to continue our peace-seeking efforts in the region based on the same winwin principle, and act in a way that would lead to all in the region and world benefitting from
these new conditions. This opportunity can be seized in order to look to the future and avoid
focusing on the past and rebuild our relationships with the countries in the region, particularly
with our neighbors, based on mutual respect and our common and collective interests.
Unfortunately, the Middle East and North Africa has turned into one of the world's most
turbulent regions. With the continuation and intensification of the current condition, the turmoil
can spread to other parts of the world. In today's interconnected and borderless world, countries
and regions encounter great difficulty in protecting their borders and preventing the spread of
insecurity and instability.
The gravest and most important threat to the world today is for terrorist organizations to
become terrorist states. We consider it unfortunate for national uprisings in our region to be
deviated by terrorists and for the destiny of nations to be determined by arms and terror rather
than ballot boxes.
We propose that the fight against terrorism be incorporated into a binding international
document and no country be allowed to use terrorism for the purpose of intervention in the
affairs of other countries. We are prepared to assist in the eradication of terrorism and in paving
the way for democracy, and ensuring that arms do not dictate the course of event in the region.
As we aided the establishment of democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are prepared to help
bring about democracy in Syria and also Yemen. We support the consolidation of power through

the vote of people rather than with arms. We defend the rule of the majority that respects the
rights of minorities.
Today, while safeguarding its historic and cultural heritage, Iran is looking to the future --not
only the distant future but also the near future with a bright outlook for cooperation and
coexistence. I say to all nations and governments: we will not forget the past, but we do not
wish to live in the past. We will not forget war and sanctions but we look to peace and
development. Through the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, we were not solely seeking a
nuclear deal. We want to suggest a new and constructive way to recreate the international order.
An order based on mutual respect, non-intervention in the internal affairs of others as well as on
sustained cooperation and co-existence between the members of the United Nations. To build a
peaceful future, we must learn our lessons from the bitter past. We know that the only way to
perpetuate peace is through development. Peace without development is merely a recess while
resentment and suspicion builds. However, peace alongside development lets anger and
resentment dissipate and be replaced with hope and respect for others. We have repeatedly said

that the only way to uproot terrorism in the Middle East is by targeting its underlying social,
economic and cultural causes.

Economic interactions may bring about lasting security, and transform the region into a
haven for peace and development. After the JCPOA, Iran will stand ready to show that the
practical path to security and stability is through the development that comes with economic

Iran, with all of its economic and cultural potential, is well positioned to become a hub
for export-oriented investment. Iran is also eager to show that we can all choose a lasting peace
based on development and shared interests that will lead to a sustainable security rather than a
volatile peace based on threats.
We hope to engage with our neighbors in a wide range of social and economic
cooperation, which will enable the achievement of political understanding and even foster
structural security cooperation. In the international system today, mutual economic ties are
deemed the foremost factors in facilitating political cooperation and reducing security-related
Mr. President,

In 2013, from this very stage, I called for combating violence and extremism.
Consequently, you, the representatives of the international community, unanimously gave it a
seal of endorsement and hence, the WAVE resolution came to be. The implementation of WAVE
requires weiiintended soiutions and the use of experiences gained in the realm of diplomacy, t

am pleased that by placing together the support for the JCPOA with the invaluable support for
WAVE, we may now devise a plan to resolve the problems of a shattered Middle East under the
claws of brutality and savagery.
With a view to fighting ignorance, dictatorship, poverty, corruption, terrorism, violence
and their social, political, cultural, economic and security impacts, I would like to invite the

whole world and especially the countries of my region to foml a 'joint comprehensive plan of
action' to create a "United Front Against Extremism and Violence".
This front must:
Create a collective and global movement to tackle regional problems in a serious manner

through dialogue;
Prevent the slaughter of innocent people and the bombardment of civilians, as we!l as, the
promotion of violence and killing of other human beings;
Provide for stability in cooperation with established central governments to maintain

- And once stability is established, build diplomacy and democratic governance in the
Middle East region.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Iraq, Syria and Yemen are all examples of crises being stoked through terror, extremism,
violence, bloodshed, invasion and the indifference of the international community. They are
similar examples displaying cases of displacement, homelessness and fleeing from the horrors of
war and bombardment. Their problems have persisted because the international community has
failed them and because of incorrect actions of newcomers to the region and naive trans-regional
actors. Consequently, the wave of destruction has gone beyond the Arab world and reached the
gates of Europe and the United States and has resulted in the destruction of the relics of civility
and precious works of ancient civilizations and, more broadly, has resulted in the death of
We must not forget that the roots of today's wars, destruction and terror, can be found in
the occupation, invasion and military intervention of yesterday. If we did not have the US
military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the US's unwarranted support for the inhumane
actions of the Zionist regime against the oppressed nation of Palestine, today the terrorists would
not have an excuse for the justification of their crimes.
Mr. President,

Despite the many problems in our region today, we believe in a promising future. We
have no doubt we can overcome the obstacles by wisdom and prudence as well as by the use of
new and powerful capacities, and by relying upon our civilizationa! roots and our serious resolve.
We, in light of divine revelation, have faith in humanity's bright future in which people live in
peace, tranquility and spirituality. We believe in the will of nations to pick the path of goodness
and purity. We believe that ultimate victory will be won by those with good-natured piety.
Thank you for your attention

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