Healthy Heart - 29 September 2015
Healthy Heart - 29 September 2015
Healthy Heart - 29 September 2015
Keep it
2 healthy heart
and protection
Be in the know
HERE are the recommended
screenings and tests you should
undergo at least every two years
beginning at the age of 20 (every
Whats healthy?
Blood pressure
Measures the force created by
blood pushing against arterial
Pulse check
Measures heart beats per
18.5 to 24.9
More than 25: overweight
More than 30: obese
Waist circumference
An assessment of body fat
calculated by measuring around
the waist.
A blood test to determine how
much cholesterol is in the
A blood test measuring the
amount of glucose, or blood
sugar, in the bloodstream.
Source: Health & Beauty 2014 in collaboration with National Heart Institute.
A happy heart leads to a long, happy life.
THE heart is essentially a pump
that keeps all systems functioning
smoothly, beating an average of 70
times per minute. This adds up to
approximately 2.5 million times in
the average human lifetime.
This is no easy task but it is one
we can facilitate with proper heart
care. It is common knowledge that
the key to a long, happy life is a
healthy heart, but are we doing
enough to keep our hearts
functioning optimally?
Statistics indicate we are not.
According to the National Heart
Institute (IJN), cardiovascular
disease continues to be the
primary cause of death in Malaysia
throughout 1990 to 2010, it
accounted for 25% of all medically
certified deaths and was 2.5 times
If you are overweight and
spend most of your time behind
a desk, it may be time to make
some changes for the sake of
your heart. A sedentary lifestyle
is one of the top risk factors of
heart disease in the modern day.
Physical activity is beneficial
in so many ways it improves
blood and oxygen circulation,
lowers blood pressure, reduces
body fat and strengthens the
heart and cardiovascular
The type of exercises you do
should be tailored to your
lifestyle and preferences, but
Heart-healthy habits
a healthy
Plaque develops with high
levels of LDL (low-density
lipoprotein, also known as bad
cholestrol) in the blood.
On the other hand, HDL
(high-density lipoprotein) helps
remove excess cholesterol from
the bloodstream. Foods rich in
omega-3 fatty acids such as fish
are effective in improving your
HDL to LDL ratio.
Plant sterols found in fruits,
vegetables, legumes and
wholegrains are known to lower
cholesterol and subsequently,
the risk of heart disease.
You can also prepare meals in
a healthier way through
steaming, grilling or roasting
instead of frying. These methods
retain the nutrients of food
without compromising their
A healthy diet with five
different fruit and vegetable
servings per day alone can
provide major protection against
heart disease, says Dr Ho Chon
Hoo, cardiothoracic surgeon and
resident consultant at Regency
Specialist Hospital.
Dr Ho also advises to not skip
meals, eat more calories early in
the day and less in the evening,
and limit intake of red meat,
baked goods and fried food.
Eat well,
live well.
4 healthy heart
Your heart is
in your hands
An older heart is at greater risk of cardiovascular diseases so it is
important to determine your heart age and make the necesary
lifestyle changes if needed.
Calculating wellness
AS we age, the risk of developing
cardiovascular disease increases.
This risk is also affected by
dietary and lifestyle habits.
Eating foods of high cholesterol
and saturated fat content can
lead to heart complications as
excess cholesterol and fat clog up
the arteries.
Poor health condition can
cause your heart to age faster. An
older heart is at greater risk of
facing various complications as
its ability to function optimally
Discover, learn
Nestl Omega
Plus milk powder
contains plants
sterols that can
help lower
cholestrol levels.
Effective cholesterol
To maintain heart health, one
must first look at controlling
cholesterol levels. Excess
cholesterol and fatty deposits clog
up arteries a condition known as
coronary artery disease, which
places one at risk of heart attack
and stroke.
A good way to manage
cholesterol levels is to increase
your intake of plant sterols. Plant
sterols occur naturally in small
amounts in wholegrains, fruits,
vegetables, legumes, seeds and
other plants.
As they have similar molecular
structures as cholesterol, they are
able to block cholesterol from
being absorbed in the bloodstream.
The cholesterol-lowering
properties of plant sterols are
globally recognised today, with
researchers having spent
significant time studying its
properties and efficacy over the
last 50 years.
However, studies have also
shown that a daily intake of at
least 1.2g plant sterols is required
to be effective in blocking out
As they only exist in small
amounts in fruits and vegetables,
an easier alternative to ensure
plant sterol intake is to drink two
glasses of milk with added plant
6 healthy heart
Invisible wounds
According to Dr Nurashikin
Ibrahim, public health specialist
and head of the Mental Health Unit
in the Non-Communicable Disease
Section of the Disease Control
Division, Health Ministry, this is
why each and every one of us plays
a crucial role in guarding each
others mental health.
We can look out for each other
by checking up on loved ones and
being alert for signs of depression,
she says.
Dr Nurashikin goes on to say
that as members of society, we can
and should be able to recognise
those among us who require
assistance and help them seek such
assistance from professionals.
Displaying care and empathy can
also go a long way in making loved
ones feel better.
Learning to cope
Most of time, the source of
mental distress can be traced
to financial, work, school or
relationship stressors in everyday
This is because people handle
stress differently, and some are not
able to apply effective coping
Seeking professional
When the reality of your
situation begins to bog you down,
it can be extremely helpful to have
someone by your side.
If loved ones are not able to
perform this role, it is a good idea
tips to
1. Remind yourself to stay
calm before your stress level
2. Practise taking deep, slow
abdominal breaths you can
use this relaxing breathing
technique to manage stress and
anxiety anywhere and any
3. Say relax to yourself as a
verbal reminder to keep cool.
4. Draw on your spirituality
and religion; pray or meditate
if it can provide emotional
support and help provide relief.
5. Lightly massage neck and
shoulder muscles, which tend
to tense up under distress.
Besides relieving muscle
tension, this can also improve
blood circulation.
6. Take some time out to
listen to light, relaxing music or
any sound that make you feel
7. Participate in fun
recreational activities such as
having a picnic on a beautiful
day, swimming, hiking or
camping. Spending some time
in nature with loved ones, even
if for a little while, may lighten
your mood.
8. Exercise to release
endorphins (happy hormones)
while relieving muscle tension
and keeping yourself in shape.
9. Practise positive thinking
as much as you can. This
involves being able to remain
positive and optimistic while
facing adversity in negative
10. Talk to a confidante this
can be a close friend or family
member who is able to provide
support in your time of need.
11. Eat a healthy, balanced
diet as the saying goes, you
are what you eat.
12. Manage sleep wisely if
you are not getting enough
sleep at night, take a short nap
during the day.
Everyones business
Individuals are considered mentally fit if
they are able to realise their potential and
work productively as a contributing member
of society, while effectively coping with daily
stress, says Dr Nurashikin.
However, mental health disorders such
as depression can affect anyone at any point
of time as they are greatly influenced by
social factors. If unable to cope with stress in
their work or home environment, one can
appear responsive but begin to slump into a
depressive state that leaves them barely
For this reason, resilience is a large
part of combating mental disorders.
While schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
are clear-cut and require specific treatment,
less severe mental disorders such as
depression are treatable and can be
proactively prevented through effective
stress management.
Yet, NHMS 2011 showed approximately
340,000 Malaysian adults face depression.
Many more suffer without obtaining
assistance and support through proper
channels, or simply without having their
symptoms recognised.
Understanding this is crucial in forming
an inclusive perception towards patients
with mental disorders.
Moving on dignified
There are currently four mental
institutions and 45 general hospitals that
healthy heart 7
through understanding
Individuals are
considered mentally
fit if they are able
to realise their
potential and
work productively
as a contributing
member of society,
while effectively
coping with daily
Dr Nurashikin Ibrahim
Many adults who face depression can obtain assistance and support through readily available
channels such as clinics, non-governmental organisations and peer groups.
8 healthy heart
A detected high
total blood
cholesterol level
should prompt
you to look into
your compliance
to treatment, diet
and exercise.
The new AvoMeter range of
meters comes with these features:
l Auto-coding for glucose
function (non-coding); results in
five seconds
l Glucose strips that are stable
for six months after opening
healthy heart 9
Risk factors
Accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial wall leads to atherosclerosis (the hardening process of
the artery), which reduces blood flow. A rupture in narrowed arteries can lead to the formation of
blood clots, blocking the entire artery and causing a heart attack.
High blood pressure damages arterial walls, causing arterial wall thickening and dysfunction. When
it has to pump against higher resistance and pressure, the heart becomes hypertrophic (enlarged).
Abdominal obesity and a predominance of visceral fat increase the rate of heart attack and
diabetes at the same time.
Smoking constricts blood vessels, thus damaging arterial lining, reducing blood flow to tissues and
finally blocking arteries.
Diabetics not only have two- to four-fold increased risk of heart attack, but also face higher
possibilities of death because of it.
Psychosocial stress
Stress increases cortisol and adrenaline levels, which correlates with increased damage to blood
vessels and arteries.
Dr Ho Chon Hoo
says coronary heart
disease is a very real
threat to Malaysians.
10 healthy heart
Look out
for signs
Besides chest pains, women may experience different heart attack symptoms from men.
Shared symptoms
Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or back
Pain or discomfort in the arms or shoulder
Persistent chest pain or discomfort
Shortness of breath
Symptoms in women
Unexplained fatigue
Stomach pain or abdominal pressure
Pain or discomfort in arms, back, neck or jaw
about 8km.
Occurences such as these involve
seemingly healthy people in everyday
environments, which showcase the
sometimes quiet severity of heart disease,
especially if it goes undetected.
Therefore, it is important to not only go
for screenings, but also be in the know about
your personal conditions and circumstances.
There are too many anomalies for heart
disease to have a set-in-stone guide or
manual, so the best you can do is be
prepared and knowledgable while making
the best choices for your overall health.
Myths vs facts
AS a health condition under much public
scrutiny, many myths surrounding heart
disease have become half-truths or
misconceptions throughout the years. Here
are some you should know and educate
others about:
Myth: I will know when Im having a
heart attack because I will have chest pain.
Fact: There are various different
symptoms, including pain or discomfort in
the jaw, neck and back, and women may
even have a different experience from
men. Refer to the table on this page to
check out these symptoms.
Myth: Diabetes wont threaten my heart
as long as I take medication.
Fact: The same risk factors that
contribute to diabetes onset, such as high
blood pressure and obesity, increase ones
risk of developing heart disease. Take your
diabetes medication, but also take extra
healthy heart 11
Everyone is affected
The combination of unhealthy
food that is available 24 hours a
day, sedentary lifestyles, smoking,
lack of sleep and stress has led
to an escalation of metabolic
syndrome and cardiovascular
cases in Malaysia.
younger people.
The youngest person we have
performed a coronary artery
bypass surgery on is 30 years old,
reveals Dr Lee.
Be in control
The best way to ensure your
heart is healthy is to take control of
your health. This means having a
healthy diet and an active lifestyle,
ceasing smoking and going for
regular medical checkups.
With an appropriate diet and
enough exercise, you can maintain
an ideal body weight, which will go
a long way in keeping not just your
12 healthy heart
Guests and performers joining in on the officiating of IJNs The Incredible Heart event.
Comprehensive cardiac
Some other activities held
throughout The Incredible Heart
event are colouring contests,
quit smoking clinics, as well as
massage, exercise, cooking and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) demonstrations.
These activities teach visitors
various ways they can better care
for their hearts, as IJN advocates
simple measures that have the
together to provide a
comprehensive, all-encompassing
range of services to care for the
hearts of Malaysians, including
preventive care and post-surgery
Our services are for everyone.
You can come to IJN for
consultation without a referral
(if your charges are not subject
to government subsidy) at any
time as our centre is publicly
accessible, says Dr Azhari.
The free screening programmes
encourage visitors from all walks
of life to get themselves checked
as a preventive measure.
For some, such as 35-year-old
Anu Rekha Ratnam, this was their
first time seeking basic health
screening. Although initially only
intending to visit a family member
at IJN, both Anu Rekha and her
husband ended up undergoing the
adult screening to check if they
were healthy.
Supplement sales representative
Carmen Yee shares that events
such as The Incredible Heart play
an important part in raising
awareness on nutrition and
healthcare among members of
the public of all ages.
With such attention and support
from the public, IJN continually
strives to not only care for
Malaysians, but to also educate
them on protecting themselves
in heart-healthy environments.
healthy heart 13
A lifelong commitment
lower doses.
Eating Biogrow Oat BG22 Oat
Bran Powder or Oat BG22 Crispy
Cereal, on the other hand, helps
lower your cholesterol naturally,
making it a part of your hearthealthy eating habits to provide
fibre and oat beta-glucan to
your body.
Steps to a healthy
l Step 1
Consume foods rich in oat betaglucan over a long period of time
to ensure a consistent supply of at
least 3g of oat beta-glucan daily,
which is the recommended daily
intake for optimal cholesterollowering effects. This can be
achieved with a daily intake of two
scoops (about 18g) of Oat BG22 Oat
Bran Powder or one packet (30g) of
Oat BG22 Crispy Cereal.
Two scoops
of Biogrow
Oat BG22 Oat
Bran Powder
provides the
daily intake of
3g oat betaglucan.
l Step 2
Continue consuming oat betaglucans as its positive effects on
cholesterol levels are only effective
for as long as it is consumed.
However, ifyour lifestyle returns
to being unhealthy and diet lacks
oat beta-glucans, your cholesterol
levels can rise or fall beyond the
normal range.
l Step 3
Lead a healthy lifestyle. A high
cholesterol level is just one of the
risk factors of coronary heart
diseases. The effects of oat betaglucan on blood cholesterol levels
can be enhanced through a
balanced and varied diet, not
smoking, sufficient exercise and
body weight control.
Oat BG22 Oat Bran Powder is
now available in strawberry and
peach flavours. You can enjoy
14 healthy heart
healthy heart 15
Including Marigold HL Low Fat Milk with Plant Sterols in your daily diet gives you the vital nutrients
to help maintain good health.
Delicious and
nutritious milk
WORLD Heart Day is an annual event that
takes place on Sept 29 every year. It started
in 2000 with the aim of creating global
awareness about the severity of heart
disease and stroke as the worlds leading
causes of death.
Similarly, heart disease is also the leading
cause of death in Malaysia, according to The
Heart Foundation of Malaysia (Yayasan
Jantung Malaysia).
Risk factors for heart disease and stroke
include raised blood pressure, high
cholesterol and glucose levels, smoking,
inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables,
being overweight and physical inactivity.
While many people think of heart disease
as generally a mans problem, women do get
heart disease as well.
Based on data from the Health Ministry,
cardiovascular disease accounts for about
25% of all deaths among women, which is
almost 2.5 times more than that of deaths
due to all cancers combined.
As a woman gets older, it is more likely
she will get a heart disease, especially during
Furthermore, given that eating is
something of a national pastime, many
Malaysians are doing themselves harm by
regularly eating too much and exercising
too little.
This year, World Heart Days theme is
about creating heart-healthy environments.
The places in which we live, work and
play should not increase our risk of
cardiovascular diseases.
According to the World Health
Organization and the World Heart
Federation, at least 80% of premature deaths
are a result of a heart disease and stroke that
could have been avoided if the main risk
factors which are tobacco, an unhealthy
diet and physical inactivity were
Heart disease and stroke can be prevented
by making healthy changes such as having a
healthy diet, active lifestyle and not smoking.
Eating a healthy diet includes reducing
high intake of saturated and trans fat, sugar
and salt and eating a balanced diet rich in
fruits and vegetables.
As most of us would not completely stop
eating the foods we love, we should try to
reduce the portion of less healthy foods and
increase the portion of healthy foods.
For example, start eating and vegetables
as they contain lots of fibre, vitamins,
minerals and antioxidants.
Another easier way is to include two
Marigold HL Low
Fat Milk with Plant
Sterols contains
plant sterols esters
and only 1% fat.
16 healthy heart
Compact goodness
ONE-THIRD of Malaysians are
living with high cholesterol, which
is associated with an increased risk
of cardiovascular disease.
Consuming oat bran is known to
reduce cholesterol levels. However,
many are not aware that to achieve
the desired benefits, one would
need to consume one scoop of oat
bran powder twice daily for 30
consecutive days.
Kordels Malaysia realises that it
is a challenge for Malaysians to
consume oat bran powder twice
daily to achieve the recommended
3g beta-glucan intake due to
reasons such as lack of time and
oats unpleasant taste and texture.
However, with Kordels Active
Oat 35 One A Day, which is
formulated with PromOat BetaGlucan, all that is needed is one
sachet a day to enjoy the full
benefits of oat beta-glucan and its
cholesterol-lowering properties.
PromOat Beta-Glucan is a
concentrated form of soluble fibre
made from 100% non-genetically
modified Swedish oats.
It is developed by Tate & Lyle
from Sweden, a global leader in
wellness innovation that invests
heavily in innovation and research
to develop ingredients that can be
incorporated into great-tasting
foods to help consumers meet their
MANY of us spend long hours in
the office, leading to little or no
work-life balance.
Whether you are busy, cannot
afford a gym membership or just
lazy, there are always ways to get
some exercise done where there
is a will, there is a way.
The biggest problem faced by
most of us is that we lack
motivation to initiate working out.
No doubt, it is a challenge to wake
up early and head to the gym
before work and relax after work
at home.
Here are some tips to get
l Set small goals Just like
most things, it is good to start with
baby steps. Give yourself small
tasks such as brisk walking for
a minute and then sprinting for
the next 30 seconds. Gradually
increase the duration. The same
technique can be applied to weight
Once you become fitter, consider
signing up for a marathon or lifting
competition and work towards it.
Unique properties
Here are some features of
PromOat Beta-Glucan that make
it different from other oat betaglucan:
l Clean-label ingredient The
extraction method of PromOat
Beta-Glucan from oat bran is
l Rich in beta-glucan (up to
35%) The level of oat beta-glucan
in PromOat Beta-Glucan is
significantly higher compared to
other oat and oat bran products
as it is produced with minimal
l Proven cholesterol-lowering
properties PromOat Beta-Glucan
has a high molecular weight
similar to native oat beta-glucan,
which makes it highly viscous,
thereby retaining cholesterollowering properties and other
functional benefits.
l No grittiness PromOat
Beta-Glucan has a smooth texture
as insoluble fibre is removed
enjoy the full benefits of oat betaglucan as it can help you achieve
50% of your daily recommended
dietary fibre intake (20g to 30g).
This article is brought to you by
an in-house pharmacist at Cambert
(M) Sdn Bhd.
Tips to begin
Start with small goals and keep yourself motivated when exercising to stay healthy.
healthy heart 17
fatty acid
DUE to increasing consumer awareness
about the health risks associated with
high-fat and high-cholesterol foods as
well as products with high sugar and salt
content, Opceden is responding to the
rapidly growing demand for pure and highly
concentrated omega-3 supplementation.
To provide an added nutritional
formulation for healthy ageing, Opceden
Omega-3 Fish Oil 500/250 is now available.
Omega-3 marine essential fatty acids have
extensive health benefits. Marine sources of
omega-3 are particularly important because
omega-3 fish oil comprises polyunsaturated,
essential fatty acids that cannot be
synthesised by the human body and must be
obtained from food or supplements.
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid) are the two key
essential fatty acids in omega-3.
Studies have shown that EPA and DHA are
important for proper development, including
neuronal, retinal and immune function.
EPA and DHA may affect many aspects
of body function. They have been linked
to promising results in maintaining a
healthy body.
Opceden Omega-3 Fish Oil 500/250s fish
oil is molecularly distilled, which means it is
contaminant-free and mercury-free.
Opceden Omega-3 Fish Oil 500/250
provides 75% omega-3 in a 1000mg soft gel
(500mg of EPA and 250mg of DHA).
Eating a sufficient amount of omega-3
fatty acids promotes general health and
18 healthy heart
Oat endosperm
is the largerst section and middle layer. It
serves as the main energy source of the plant
in the form of carbohydrate and protein.
Oat bran
contains the greatest amount of
beta glucan. It is also a rich source
of B vitamins and nutrients,
including trace minerals.
Oat germ
is the heart and smallest part of the kernel. It
is loaded with nutrients such as B vitamins,
vitamin E, trace minerals and
This results in a
reduction of both total 5.
and LDL cholesterol
Bile acids
Antitumour, antimicrobial
and immune potential Oat bran
the worldsNo.1 killer with
17.3 million deaths per year
and by 2030, the numbers are
expected to increase to 23
million (sourced from www.
You can lower the risks by
quitting smoking, eating
healthily and doing regular
physical activities.
One of the easiest physical
activities to do is a brisk walk for
30 minutes a day, three times or
more per week.
It is the most popular choice,
whether you choose to do it
outdoors or on a treadmill,
because anybody can do it on
any given day without requiring
special skills.
With the latest NordicTrack C2
treadmill, you can now exercise
at the comfort and convenience
of your own home to maintain a
healthier heart.
Additional features of the C2
treadmill are:
l 20 preset workout
Conduct the training you want
with built-in workouts designed
by a certified personal trainer to
help you achieve your fitness
goals. Choose from calorie-burn,
intensity, incline and speed
The NordicTrack
C2 treadmill.
healthy heart 19
a button.
l iFit compatible
The revolutionary interactive
training programme iFit
technology helps you get more
out of each workout. Track your
progress, replicate real-life runs
with Google Maps, train with
Jillian Michaels programme and
customise your workouts to
specific goals with the iFit
(This feature requires the iFit
wireless module that is sold
The NordicTrack C2 treadmill offers many features to assist you in your workouts.
20 healthy heart
Reducing the
cardiovascular marker
The level of C-reactive protein
(CRP) in the body is another
indicator for cardiovascular
diseases and a high concentration
of CRP in your blood increases the
risk of coronary heart diseases.
Exercising and eating healthy
meals rich in varieties of fibre
have been proven to decrease
CRP concentrations in blood.
Not only that, fibre helps to
Pectin and lignin, which are found in carrots, red beetroots and
tomatoes, help to prevent build-up of cholesterol plaque.
Healthy barley
beta-glucan juice
JoyAmaze Hartwll contains
healthy heart 21
GLOBALLY, cardiovascular
disease is the leading cause of
morbidity and mortality, yet
about 80% of heart diseases
and stroke can be prevented by
positive lifestyle changes such
as having a healthy diet,
exercise and abstinence from
High cholesterol is one of the
major risk factors leading to
heart diseases, heart attacks or
According to international
guidelines, dietary intervention
is the cornerstone of therapy
for dyslipidaemia, a condition
characterised by an abnormal
amount of lipids (such as
cholesterol and/or fat) in the
A healthy diet also plays
an important role when
cholesterol medication has
already been initiated since it
has other beneficial effects
beyond influencing lipid
International organisations
such as American Heart
Association, World Heart
Federation, British Heart
Foundation and Australian
Heart Foundation recommend
the consumption of foods
containing plant sterol as part
of a cholesterol-lowering diet.
Benefits of plant
Plant sterols are found
naturally in everyday foods
such as vegetable oils, nuts,
seeds, grain products, fruit
and vegetables.
The average daily intake of
plant sterols from regular foods
is about 0.3g per day. The
optimal intake of plant sterols
required for significant
cholesterol-lowering effect is
2g per day.
To reach the recommended
intake, large quantities of the
right regular foods would need
to be consumed.
The key benefit of plant
sterols lies in their ability to
reduce the absorption of both
dietary and endogenous such
as cholesterol produced in the
liver sources of cholesterol in
the blood.
Consuming 2g of plant sterols
a day reduces the absorption of
cholesterol by 30% to 40%. The
unabsorbed cholesterol passes
through the digestive system
and is excreted.
As a result, total blood
cholesterol and LDL
(low-density lipoprotein)
or bad cholesterol level in the
Vitamode ReduSterol is a
heart-healthy drink containing
plant sterols derived from
vegetables that have been
proven to effectively lower
blood cholesterol levels.
Unlike bland-tasting oatmeal
or oat bran powder, Vitamode
ReduSterol gives you a
refreshingly delicious and
authentic taste that you can
enjoy daily.
This new drink comes
in single-serve sachets that
offer convenience and easy
preparation, ideal for
individuals who are constantly
on the move.
Vitamode ReduSterol does
not contain preservatives or
artificial colourings. It is also
suitable for vegetarians and
those intolerant to lactose.
This all-natural drink can be
enjoyed hot or cold, depending
on the preference of different
The US Food and Drug
Administration has issued an
approved health claim for plant
sterol: foods containing at least
0.4g of plant sterols per serving,
eaten twice daily as part of a
diet low in saturated fat and
cholesterol, may reduce the risk
of heart diseases.
A serving (one sachet) of
Vitamode ReduSterol provides
1g of plant sterols.
Vitamode ReduSterol offers
a safe and drug-free way to
reduce cholesterol. Just one to
two sachets daily can reduce
LDL cholesterol by up to 10%.
Vitamode ReduSterol is
suitable for those with high
cholesterol levels and heart
health concerns.
It is available at selected
clinics, hospitals and
pharmacies in Malaysia.
This article is brought to you
by Medispec (M) Sdn Bhd.
22 healthy heart
Staying healthy
while flying
DEPENDING on medical conditions
and specific cases, certain
individuals are advised not to
fly long distances so as not to
jeopardise their health.
At the same time, there are a
number of individuals who may be
wary about flying as they are afraid
of putting their lives at risk.
The thought of encountering a
medical emergency 40,000 feet
(12,192m) in the air is enough to put
some people off flying entirely.
In most circumstances, however,
it is usually all right to board a longdistance flight once you receive the
approval of your doctor, obtain the
required medication and take the
necessary precautions during the
Insulin dependency
and daily medication
Diabetics and those with low
glucose levels who require
insulin shots do not need to skip
their daily dose of medication.
There should not be any
problems in bringing your
medication, including syringes,
in your carry-on luggage if you
notify security personnel about
your medical supplies and
possess the appropriate
healthy heart 23
the switch
BROWN rice is a natural grain
that is gluten, sugar and
cholesterol free.
The hull is still intact on the
grain, which includes the bran
and germ that store plenty of
nutrients such as protein,
natural fibre, calcium,
potassium, vitamin B complex,
plant-based fats and many
other vitamins and minerals.
As a result, brown rice is
recognised as wholesome
rice, providing you with a
comprehensive diet.
Brown rice contains three
important parts that provide
the following benefits:
l Rice bran Contains high
amounts of soluble dietary fibre,
vitamin B complex, protein,
polyunsaturated lipids, and
minerals such as iron, calcium,
magnesium and chromium that
make brown rice superior in
nutritional value to polished
white rice.
It also has phytonutrients
such as inositol and oryzanol
that keep the cholesterol level in
the body in check.
l Endosperm Provides
energy from its high
carbohydrate contents (>75%)
to meet the bodys daily
l Embryo (germ) Contains
similar vitamins, lipids, minerals
and phytonutrients as rice bran.
In addition, it has zinc that is
important for the reproductive
system and vitamin E
(tocopherol) that can prevent
stroke and heart diseases.
Serba Wangi Sdn Bhd first
launched ecoBrowns rice in
Its rice is 100% vacuum
treated and sealed in various
retail packaging sizes 500g,
1kg, 2kg and 5kg.
ecoBrowns rice is produced
entirely from freshly harvested
and fully ripened paddy within
the major granary regions
of Malaysia.
ecoBrowns Premiere
Brown Rice Vermicelli.
24 healthy heart
Next-generation omega-3
OMEGA-3 fatty acids are essential
nutrients for good health because
they assist in basic cell functioning,
cell repair and growth, and other
body functions.
However, omega-3 fatty acids
cannot be produced in the human
body and must be obtained
through food or supplements. To
keep your heart healthy,
nutrition experts have been
recommending krill a new
generation of omega-3
Krill oil is a relatively
new but highly promising
discovery in the field of
health supplements. It is
extracted from tiny, shrimplike crustaceans that live in
the ocean and feed on
microscopic algae.
Krill occupy one of the lowest
levels of the marine food chain
but, despite their small size, serve
as a food source for a variety of
Antarctic marine life, including
whales, seals and penguins.
Krill oil is rich in omega-3 fatty
acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Krill oil omega-3 is thought to
assimilate into the bodys cells
better than other sources of
Antioxidant properties
Krill oil omega-3 is attached to the phospholipids EPA and DHA that are
better assimilated into the bodys cells.
Euphausia superba.
Antarctic krill are so low in the
food chain and live in the cleanest
waters on earth that they are
virtually free of contaminants.
Astaxanthin, an antioxidant
inherent to krill oil, naturally
preserves their omega-3 fatty acid
Supplementation with krill
oil is generally well tolerated
and safe when taken as per the
recommended dosage.
Krill oil supplementation assists
l Supporting healthy functioning
of the bodys processes
l Improving quality of life
l Providing antioxidant properties
l Helping to keep cells healthy
While krill oil may offer health
benefits, you should not take krill
oil if you are allergic to shellfish or
on blood-thinning medications.
Check with your doctor before
taking any supplements, including
krill oil.
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