Canned Tuna Ranking - Release Date Version 21st Sep 2015 - Greenpeace

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The report evaluates tuna canneries in Indonesia and the Philippines and ranks them based on their sustainability practices. It finds that many tuna stocks are overfished and fishing methods are often destructive. Supply chain traceability and transparency is generally poor among the canneries.

The report finds that tuna stocks in the regions are declining, juvenile tuna make up a large percentage of catches, and fishing methods are often destructive, killing sea turtles and sharks. It also notes issues like illegal fishing and problems with labor practices.

The report notes that most canneries provide little information about the source of the tuna and fishing methods. Traceability throughout the supply chain is generally poor. It is also difficult for consumers to make informed choices about sustainable tuna options.

Tuna Cannery Ranking

Indonesia & Philippines

inside the


Scoring criteria


Illegal and
unreported fishing
losses worldwide are
between $10 bn and
$23.5 bn annually. 1


In Indonesia, around
19,443 tons (20-30%)
of tuna exports (e.g.)
to the US are illegal
and unreported. 2

Survey results

The Philippines
deploys 7,300 drifting
FADs annually while
the Indonesian fleet
deploys around 2,000
drifting FADs. 3


Written by:
James Mitchell
Special thanks to:
Arifsyah Nasution
Jacqueline Mandigma
Darmawi Musni
Mark Dia
Cat Dorey
Sarah King
Ephraim Batungbacal
Mardiyah Miller

Inside front cover (left to right)
Alex Hofford / Greenpeace
Greenpeace / Gavin Newman
Paul Hilton / Greenpeace
Pat Roque / Greenpeace
Christian slund / Greenpeace
Greenpeace / Pierre Gleizes
Alex Hofford / Greenpeace
Page 5
Christian slund / Greenpeace
Page 3 & 18
Virunan Chiddaycha
Published on September 2015

In the Philippines,
juveniles comprise as
much as 100% of the
catch in purse seines
and ring nets. 4

Be aware
before getting
a can opener.

Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines

Consumers in Southeast Asia typically choose their

canned tuna based on the brand or label on the can, and
tend to associate the product with the reputation of the
company or brand that distributes the product.

Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand are the major producers and
exporters of canned tuna. In 2013, world canned tuna exports
reached a staggering value at over USD $8.1 billion.

World Canned Tuna Export



















The belief that a trusted tuna brand is a responsible

steward of the ocean is reinforced by commercial
advertisements and the supermarkets placement of the
product on their shelves. But is this belief supported by
facts? Indeed, most populations of tuna are in decline,
some are at dangerously low levels, and those species
whose stocks are not yet overfished are usually caught
with damaging and wasteful methods that inadvertently
kill countless sea turtles, sharks, and other tuna (including
juveniles) in the process.
Unfortunately, most regional tuna brands provide a bare
minimum of information to consumers on where the
tuna comes from. It may inform the potential buyer that
the tuna is flake, chunk, or steak, and whether it is in
brine, water, or oil, but rarely does it inform the buyer
about what kind of tuna is in the can, whether it was
responsibly caught, and never does it provide assurance
that the workers in the fishing and processing sectors
were treated fairly. The sad truth is that many of these
brands dont have a handle on their own supply chains,
and cannot accurately trace the tuna from the fishing
vessel to the cannery to the consumer. Without such
information, how can consumers make informed choices
and therefore contribute to the sustainable sourcing of
tuna products?
Getting the tuna from the ocean to a can is a process
that lacks transparency, and is often fraught with
irresponsible (and sometimes illegal) fishing and labor
Fortunately, reform has already begun.
Responsible supermarkets and tuna brands are realizing
that when it comes to tuna, there are not plenty more
fish in the sea. Consumers are increasingly insisting on
only purchasing tuna from vessels that fish responsibly
and do not needlessly kill other non-targeted sea life. In
response, fishing vessels are changing their standards to
serve the end clients needs, that is, the supermarket and
tuna brand buyers who are listening to their consumers
and starting to put stronger sourcing policies in place.
As a way to try to eliminate illegally-caught fish from
their supply chains, some companies are dropping the
opaque process of at-sea transshipments. This practice
allows for fish laundering, a practice where illegallycaught tuna can be hidden and commingled with legallycaught tuna.
These first steps towards reform are commendable.
However, when there is not a clear chain of custody, there
is no way to assure that the responsible fishing vessels
are getting their tuna into the appropriate cans and
worse, consumers are left with no true way of knowing
that it is in fact rewarding the correct company with their
purchase. This critical link between the fishing vessels
and the final canned product is the processing sector,
or cannery.

Traceability in the tuna chain of custody is often

compromised at the cannery. Unless careful and
transparent records are kept and rigorous protocols
are followed, canneries can combine various loads
and species of tuna together, creating a highly opaque
product and making it difficult for consumers to make
sustainable choices. This can have the terrible impact of
erasing the benefit of improved practices in other areas
of the tuna supply chain.
This is the major focus of this Cannery Ranking Report
for Indonesia and the Philippines. In 2013, the total
international production of tuna reached 7,318,381 tons.
Asia produced more than half at 4,769,508 tons. Thirtynine percent of Asias production came from Indonesian
and the Philippine fleets at 1,298,091 tons and 556,843
tons, respectively . 5
Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand are the major
producers and exporters of canned tuna. In 2013, world
canned tuna exports reached a staggering value at over
USD $8.1 billion.
Thailand is No. 1 with 32.63% share of the market,
Philippines is No. 4 with a 6.88% share, and Indonesia
has a 4.62% market share.6 (See Greenpeace Southeast
Asias forthcoming Canned Tuna Ranking Report for
Greenpeace believes that consumers play a key role in
preserving tuna resources for the enjoyment of future
generations. This cannery ranking informs consumers
about the practices of each tuna cannery, whose end
product is sold in grocery stores, and evaluates these
canneries based on key criteria such as traceability,
sustainability, and equity.
On Traceability, companies should be able to track their
tuna through all parts of the supply chain. Information
about exactly where and how the tuna was caught is key
to ensuring sourcing requirements are being met. 7
On Sustainability, companies should have a commitment
to selling sustainable and equitable tuna through a policy
with clear sourcing requirements to exclude tuna from
unhealthy stocks, destructive fisheries, and socially
irresponsible companies. 8
On Equity, companies should know who is catching
their tuna and how they are being treated. They should
also be committed to ensuring the wellbeing of workers
throughout their supply chains and actively working
against slavery at sea. 9
To gather this information, Greenpeace sent surveys to
nine tuna canneries in the Philippines and fourteen tuna
canneries in Indonesia. Greenpeace also conducted
online research into these companies and determined
their policies and practices.

Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines

Scoring Criteria





Is the tuna traceable from
sea to can to store shelf?
Are internal and independent
third-party audits conducted
to ensure that the information
is accurate?

What is the status of the
tuna species and how it was

Does the tuna come from
illegal, unreported and
unregulated (IUU) fishing?
Can the company ensure
that IUU fish does not enter
its supply chain? Also, does
the cannery receive tuna
that was transshipped at
sea (a risky practice that
can commingle legal and
illegally-caught seafood) or
does it conduct business
with companies that have a
record of prior prosecutions
related to the capture and
trade of fish?

Is the tuna coming from
socially responsible sources? Does the company
ensure the protection of
local workers and communities while providing a
fair return of profits in the
Southeast Asian region?
Does the company know
who is catching its tuna
and how it is being treated?
Is it committed to ensuring
the wellbeing of workers
throughout its supply chain,
including those working
at the cannery itself? Is it
actively working against
slavery at sea?

Detailed surveys were sent to each of the canneries profiled in this

report. The survey responses were evaluated and scored against
criteria in the following seven important topic areas:

Health of tuna stocks.

Does the tuna come from
stocks that are healthy and
not overfished or being
fished beyond their ability to
Fishing methods used.
Is the tuna caught using
methods that avoid catching
other marine life like sharks,
turtles, and baby tuna? Or is
it caught using indiscriminate
fishing methods such as
conventional longlines and
purse seines employing fish
aggregating devices (FADs)?




Sourcing Policy
Does the company have
a written sustainability
and equitability policy with
clearly defined canned tuna
sourcing requirements?
Does the company have
a clear commitment and
implementation strategy
on sustainability? Does
it source from suppliers
that catch endangered or
vulnerable species or from
areas which are known
to be overfished? Is the
company working towards a
time bound goal of avoiding
unselective or destructive
fishing methods?

Transparency and
Customer Information
Is the company increasing
transparency and promoting
informed customer choices? How easy is it for end
customers to know what
is in the can? Can it find
additional product information easily?

Driving Change
Does the company support
or invest in the development
of more sustainable and
equitable fishing or processing? Does the company
avoid sourcing tuna caught
in proposed and existing
marine reserves? Is the company proactive in improving
the industry, lessening its
impact, and addressing the
challenges our oceans face?

Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines

Survey results

Philippine Tuna Canning Industry

Indonesian Tuna Canning Industry

Catch from Philippines domestic vessels is

largely processed by Philippines-based canneries
(around 130,000 MT), with the remaining catch
exported to Thailand and Vietnam. The Philippines
domestic fleet was significantly hampered by the
loss of access to Indonesia waters in 2007, as
well as closure of several Western & Central
Pacific Ocean (WCPO) high seas areas. In 2009,
annual production was ~220,000 MT (daily
processing capacity 850 MT/day); a reduction
from a peak in 2006/07 of 250,000 MT. 10

In 2010, there were at least thirteen canneries in

operation with an estimated annual throughput of
around 100,000 MT. The supply of raw material
to Indonesian canners is almost fully sourced
from local vessels. Canned tuna production is
predominantly for export, with minimal local
demand. Canned product is exported to a wide
range of markets including the EU, US, Japan
and the Middle East. The industry is currently
revitalizing canneries in Bitung. 12

The majority of Philippines cannery production is

exported, mostly to the EU and US markets (10.4
million cases (83,604 MT) in 2009), with around
10% of canned tuna consumed locally. Production
in domestic Philippine canneries seems unlikely to
expand due to raw material supply problems (i.e.
declining domestic catches and reduced access
to Indonesian waters).11

An increasing volume of catch is processed locally

by tuna canneries (~90,000 MT/year). Catch is
also exported to Thailand and Vietnam-based
processors. Indonesia remains an important
middle-level supplier of raw material to WCPO
canneries and its own growing domestic canning
industry. 13

Canneries were ranked according to the answers

it provided on the survey (as well as according
to any information that it provided to the general
public). Canneries were ranked along a good/
fair/poor metric. Of the seven canneries which
responded, only one has a fair score while six
received poor scores. All of the ones that did not



respond ( Number 9- 14 ) received poor scores,

as it did not provide enough public information
about their policies and practices to provide any
substantial scores. Not a single brand received
a good score, demonstrating the substantial
amount of work yet that still needs to be done.


Overall Rating

Century Canning Corp.


PT Delta Pasific Indotuna


PT Samudra Mandiri Sentosa


Philbest Canning Corp.


Ocean Canning Corp.


PT Sinar Pure Foods International


Celebes Canning Corp.


Cv Pasific Harvest


PT Bali Maya Permai Food Canning Industry



Alliance Select Foods International



PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur



Cdo Foodsphere



Permex Producers And Exporters Corp.



Seatrade Canning Corp



PT Rd Pacific International



PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia



PT Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia



PT Juifa International Foods



PT Carvinna Trijaya Makmur



PT Deho Canning Co.



PT Maya Muncar



Bigfish Foods Corporation


( Rising star )

( Bluefin badge of shame )

Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines

PT. Delta
Pasific Indotuna
PT. Delta Pasific Indotuna (known as DELPI) started
commercial production on January 2007. 17 Its
cannery processes 50 MT raw fish/day. 18 Brands
include Aloha, Al-Omdah, Bona, Darin 19 Al-Sayad,
Al-Tayeb, Annuras, Arabian Sea, Family, Faylaka,
Food Island, Moon Sona, Safari skipjack and Safari


General Comments
The cannery made several claims about its traceability
and seafood policy, but it could not provide any
supporting documentation to inform

Century Canning
About 60% of Century Tunas products are sold
abroad while 40% are sold locally. (General Tuna
Corporation serves as the export arm of Century
Pacific Food, Inc.) Current capacity is about 200
MT/day with annual production estimated at
85,000 MT. 14 Its tuna processing plant is located
in General Santos City in Mindanao. The company
provides canned tuna under the Century Tuna,
555, Blue Bay, Fresca, and Lucky 7 brands. It also
produces private-label canned tuna and pouched
tuna for export to overseas markets, including
North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the
Middle East,15 and supplies Chicken of the Sea
and Bumblebee in the U.S. 16
General Comments
Century Tuna has been receptive to our inquiries,
and was the only cannery profiled that (barely)
made a passing grade. Its website contains
information that supports certain sections of the
survey questionnaire, and it has publicly posted its
procurement policy online. It is the only company
which submitted the catch certificate and captains
statement which indicated basic

its responses to the survey. The cannery did not

identify any third-party auditors, and simply pointed
to generalized oversight from Indonesian government
agencies. It did not provide us with a copy of their
internal tuna procurement policy.
Like most canned tuna products, there was no
mention on the labels of the specific type of tuna in
the cans. The company processes skipjack, yellowfin,
and bigeye tuna, primarily caught with purse seine
nets. It does not process FAD-free product, but it
has begun to process a negligible amount of poleand-line product.

information needed to determine traceability. It also
demonstrated that it had been audited by a thirdparty.
In addition to skipjack, Century Tuna indicated
that it is also processing yellowfin and bigeye in its
canning facility, which is problematic. It indicated
that frozen yellowfin and bigeye tunas are delivered
to the canning facility in batches and it is difficult to
segregate each by species. Century believes that
segregation by species is the responsibility of the
fishing vessel. In reality, it is both the responsibility
of the fishing vessel and the processing cannery.
Century Tuna also has a handline caught brand
which is a more sustainable method for catching
yellowfin tuna. If Century Tuna could ensure that
the species information and catch method is
provided on the label for its handline caught brand
(as well as its other products), it could set the
example for other brands to follow. Century Tuna
should consider increasing its processing of more
sustainable methods, such as pole-and-line or
FAD-free skipjack.

PT. Samudra
Mandiri Sentosa
PT Samudra Mandiri Sentosa started in the
year 2012 by acquiring one of the largest tuna
canneries in the eastern part of Indonesia with a
daily capacity of 150 MT. It is supported by massive
fishing fleets and mostly focuses on pole and line
caught Tuna. 21 Its domestic brand is Ikan Tuna 22
while exports brands include J.King, Island Sun,
Ruby, GFS, California Girl, Celebrity, Early Dawn,
Empress, Andrea, Island Delight, Cameco, Sea
Best and Jack Pot. 23
General Comments
Samudra Mandiri Sentosa is a relatively new
company. One of its key strengths is its active
involvement in the promotion of pole and line as a
sustainable way of fishing. It owns a pole and line
fleet and is also getting supply from local pole and

line fishers. While this company is ahead in terms of

sustainable methods of fishing, it does not yet have
an internal or third party traceability audit. It has the
highest percentage of pole line caught skipjack
and yellowfin at 30% and is also getting supply
from handline caught yellowfin and albacore. The
company seems determined to procure supply
from locally caught tuna in Indonesia. The company
has an anemic sustainability policy published
online. While this is a respectable start, and the
company deserves credit for being transparent,
this short document outlines few commitments.
With improvements to its tuna procurement policy,
more public documentation of its efforts, robust
third party audits, and tighter controls to avoid
processing IUU product, this company could
lead the shift to sustainable fishing practices in

Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines




Philbest Canning

Pt. Sinar Pure Foods


Philbest Canning Corporation is one of the 50
business units under the RD Corporation. Its
annual production is estimated at 40,000 MT. 24
PhilBest Canning Corp. engages in the processing
and export of canned tuna products to the US,
Europe, Middle East, and Japan, as well as
domestic markets. 25 Its local canned tuna brands
are Philbest Tuna and Dolly.
General Comments
Information posted on its website does not tell
consumers the tuna species or the type of fishing
gear used. It was unclear whether the third party
auditor identified on the survey evaluates any
criteria beyond food safety, and the company did

not provide any supporting documents on this

issue or others. Its seafood procurement policy is
unavailable to the public. The company processes
skipjack tuna for roughly three-quarters of its
overall volume, and the remainder is made up of
yellowfin, bigeye, and other small tuna. Philbest
does not have any plans to shift to more sustainable
species, though it should identify ways to do so.
To its credit, roughly half of its catch is FAD-free.
However, there are some concerns as to whether it
is practicing true segregability standards within the
cannery, or simply commingling FAD-caught and
FAD-free product across its product line.

PT Sinar Pure Foods International is a tuna
canning company producing quality canned tuna.
Its products are 100% for export market, with fish
meal and fish oil as by-products. The company
uses skipjack or yellowfin tuna which is produced
into three types of canned tuna products; solids,
chunks and flakes. 27 It also exports to markets
worldwide.28 Local brands include Frabelle,
Isabella, Marina and Pantai Manado while export
brands include Linda.



Ocean Canning

Celebes Canning

Ocean Canning is a Filipino owned corporation
which sells all of its products abroad. Current
capacity is about 100 MT/day with annual
production estimated at 15,000 MT. 26
General Comments
Ocean Canning does not have its own website.
Thus, it is very difficult to check its survey responses
against any public claims. It has also provided no

documents to substantiate their claims indicated

in the survey. It has not yet submitted catch
certificates and the captains statements. Ocean
Canning processes skipjack and yellowfin, but
there is very little information beyond that, and no
information on catch method. The cannery must
publicly post its tuna procurement policy, enact
tough traceability measures to avoid IUU product,
and seek independent, third-party auditors.

Celebes Canning is a Filipino-owned corporation
which supplies markets abroad. Current capacity
is about 80 MT/day with annual production
estimated at 10,000 MT. 29
General Comments
Celebes Canning also does not have its own
website, and it is difficult to correlate its survey
information with publicly available information. It

General Comments
Sinar Pure Foods was unable to respond to
clarifications on unanswered sections. The
company has no internal or third party auditors.
While it was able to identify the species used in
the production line, it has not indicated the type
of fishing gear used. There was also minimum
information on the label and few product details
on the website. The company needs to stop
selling yellowfin tuna, or at least ensure that it is
sourced from a more sustainable fishing method
like handline or free school (FAD-free) purse seine,
and immediately implement measures to more
effectively trace product to avoid inadvertently
processing IUU seafood.

has provided no documents to substantiate their

claims indicated in the survey, and have not yet
submitted catch certificate and the captains
statements. The company sells purse-seine (FADcaught) skipjack and yellowfin, and should strongly
consider changing to a more sustainable fishing
method, such as either pole-and-line or FAD-free.
It lacks a robust traceability system, does not have
any independent third-party auditors, and should
publicly post its tuna procurement policy online.


Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines

The following tuna canneries did not participate in the survey process
and have all failed in the ranking. All information was gathered via
external online research. None of them have an external sustainable
seafood policy, and it is unknown, though not expected, whether it
has a robust traceability system and take measures to ensure that
IUU tuna and labor abuse are not present in the supply chain. Few
make any effort to provide sustainability-related information to their


PT. Balimaya Permai
Food Canning Industry
PT. Bali Maya Permai Food Canning Industry
began operating in 1978 as a producer of canned
seafood, and produces more than 80 tons of fish
every day. 34 Brands include J.King solid white



CV. Pasific

Alliance Select Foods

International, Inc.

Pasific Harvest was established in 1993 and

has a manufacturing capacity of 200 tons of fish
per day. 30 Its canned tuna are sourced from the
following species: Thunnus albacares, Thunnus
obesus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus maccoyii,
and caught from Bali Strait, Java Sea, or Hindia
Ocean. 31 Shamefully, the company sells Southern

Bluefin tuna (T. maccoyii); no company should ever

do. According to the IUCN Red List, this species is
critically endangered and there has been an 85.4%
decline in spawning stock biomass over the past
36 years from 1973 to 2009. 32 The companys
brands include Imperial, Al Sayad, Apetitoso, Al
Madina, Vitae d Oro and Fiesta del Mar. 33

Alliance Select Foods International, Inc. is a

publicly listed company formerly known as Alliance
Tuna International, Inc. 36 All of its tuna products
are exported and sold abroad. Current capacity
is about 150 MT/day with annual production
estimated at 30,000 MT. 37 The cannery claims that
it sells food products from naturally sustainable

tuna, Deep Blue chunk light tuna, Amrocia albacore

tuna, Ruby white tuna albacore and Express chunk
light tuna. 35

sources using globally acknowledged sustainable

practices but does not provide any information
on what it means this term. To its credit, some of
its tuna is pole and line caught from the Western
Central Pacific Ocean, but there is no information
on the overall volume of this tuna that it processes
at the cannery.


Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines




PT. Avila
Prima Intra Makmur

Permex Producers and

Exporters Corporation

PT Avila Prima Intra Makmur is a cannery that

has various certifications in place, but none that
pertain to seafood sustainability. 38 Its local brand
is Lotus39 while export brands include Deep Blue,
King tuna, Ruby, Andrea, Polar and Duet which are
exported to USA, Europe, Asia and Africa. 40

Permex P&E is a Filipino company owned by an

international private company. 90% of its products
are sold abroad (primarily Europe) and 10% are
sold locally. Current capacity is about 120 MT of




Canning Corporation

CDO Foodservice develops, manufactures, and

supplies value-added products for foodservice
customers in the Philippines. It provides food
products to some of the countrys largest fast food
chains, restaurants and commissaries. 41 Local

brands of its tuna include San Marino Tuna Flakes,

San Marino Corned Tuna, San Marino Tuna Paella,
San Marino Tuna Fillet, CDO Seaquest Tuna and
San Marino Tuna Embotido. 42

Seatrade Canning is a Filipino owned by

corporation. All of its products are sold abroad.
Current capacity is about 80 MT/day with annual
production estimated at 15,000 MT . 44

tuna per day with annual production estimated

at 25,000 MT. 43 Its canned tuna brands includes
Permex Tuna Flakes and brines and Paradiso


Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines




PT. Rd
Pacific International

PT. Banyuwangi
Cannery Indonesia

PT. RD Pacific International (PT RDPI) started

its commercial operations in 2009. PT. RDPI
is structured as a fully integrated company.
The company was granted licenses to fish the
archipelagic waters of Indonesia, with the presence
of its own fishing fleet, dockyard and seaport.
Canning activity started in 2014 which has the

initial capacity to process 50 MT of tuna raw

materials per day. 45 Greenpeace hopes that the
company views its high level of vertical integration
from fishing vessel to cannery as an advantage
and capitalizes on its potential to have a legitimate
and verifiable chain of custody, with sustainability
criteria to boot.

PT. Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia was established

in 1995. The cannery has a total capacity of 200
tons of fish per day. 48 Brands include Pacific
Harvest, Segum, Al Sayad, Almamlaka, Imar, Al



PT. Aneka Tuna


PT. Juifa International


PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia was established in

October 1991, as a joint venture company
between Itochu Corporation and Hagoromo Foods
Corporation, and specializes in the production and
sale of canned tuna. It processes the domestic
tuna brand Sunbell, 46 and its export brands are

Hagoromo, Sun, Sun Bell, Wadi Jaref, Al Jabal Al

Akhdar, Clover Leaf, Lucky Star, and JFC. 47

PT Juifa International Foods Co. manufactures,

distributes and exports canned seafood primarily
for the US market. The company is a former
subsidiary of Thai Union Frozen Products Public
Co. Ltd. 50

Faras Al Arabi, Golden Fi, Al Madina, Apetitoso,

Kobe, Al Yemenia, Americana, Vitae de Oro and
Fiesta del Mar. 49


Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines




PT. Carvinna Trijaya


Maya Muncar

PT. Carvinna Trijaya Makmur was established in

2011. The company specializes in manufacturing
precooked tuna loins for local and international
companies as well as its own range of tuna
products. 51 It also provides fresh raw materials

for pre cooked loins with a current capacity of 50

tons daily. Local brands include Carvinna Tuna,
Carvinna Yellowfin, Carvinna Skipjack, and TKS
tuna. 52

PT Maya Muncar was established in 1978. Its

brand Maya Tuna is distributed locally in Indonesia
and also abroad. 53



PT. Deho Canning


Bigfish Foods

There is no company website or any other publiclyavailable information on this cannery.

Bigfish Foods Corporation started a fishing Industry

in Tabuelan, Cebu under Maritime Registration of
CB Fishing and currently operates a commercial
fishing in General Santos City. It also purchases
tuna in the Central Visayas. The company next

expanded as a manufacturing Industry through

its processed seafoods by supplying nationwide
to hotels, resorts, food caterers, hospitals, ships,
canteens, and restaurants. It now also exports
product. 54


Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Whats inside the can ?

Tuna Cannery Ranking - Indonesia and Philippines

It is important that tuna canneries strengthen their
standards on traceability, sustainability, and equity
in order to protect the health of our oceans and the
safety of people who provide tuna to consumers.
In particular, canneries are a lynchpin in the chain
of custody of tuna from the point of capture to
the shelves of retailers. Good traceability from the
point of capture to the cannery door can be lost if
adequate processes are not in place to ensure that
this traceability continues as the tuna is processed
and leaves the cannery.

2. Work with closely with suppliers and buyers

to ensure these standards are met.

Canneries must help drive improvements to

the traceability of canned tuna by ensuring:

Canneries must provide transparency

through labelling and public information so
customers know:

1. No tuna enters the cannery unless it has

strong traceability back to the vessel and
point of capture.
2. There are good processes in place to
separate tuna by supplier, species, and
fishing method, with a low risk of mixing.
3. All tuna that leaves the factory is properly
labelled with the minimum of the full species
name (common and scientific), stock, catch
method, date of catch and cannery name.
Other traceability information must be
available to 3rd party auditors.
Canneries must help drive improvements to
the sustainability and equity of canned tuna
by ensuring they:
1. Develop clear publicly available standards
for all tuna entering and leaving the
cannery. These should be publicly available
and contain clear goals and timelines for

3. Measure the success of implementation with

regular internal and independent, third-party
4. Regularly report on their goals and
implementation to their suppliers, customers,
and the public.

1. What species of tuna is in the can

(common and scientific name, e.g. skipjack
Katsuwonus pelamis)
2. Where it came from (stock and ocean area
e.g. Indian Ocean or Western Central Pacific
3. How it was caught (e.g. Purse seine caught
in free schools or on FADs)
4. When it was caught (Date of fishing trip)
5. Which vessel caught it (Fishing vessel name)
6. Who owns the vessel (Fishing company)
7. What has been done to ensure the tuna was
caught legally and did not involve human
trafficking or slavery. 55




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Delta Pacific Indotuna Website
Delta Pacific Indotuna Website
Delta Pacific Indotuna Website
Delta Pacific Indotuna Website
Samudra Mandiri Sentosa Website
Samudra Mandiri Sentosa Website
Samudra Mandiri Sentosa Website
Hamilton, A. et al. 2011
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Sinar Pure Foods Website
Sinar Pure Foods Website
Hamilton, A. et al. 2011
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Bali Maya Permai Website
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Avila Prima Intra Makmur Website
Avila Prima Intra Makmur Website
Avila Prima Intra Makmur Website
CDO Foodsphere Website
CDO Foodsphere Website
Hamilton, A. et al. 2011
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RD Website.
Aneka Tuna Indonesia Website
Aneka Tuna Indonesia Website
Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia Website
Banyuwangi Cannery Indonesia Website
Bloomberg Business. Company overview of Juifa International Foods.
Carvinna Trijaya Makmur Website.
Carvinna Trijaya Makmur Website.
Maya Website.
Bigfish Seafoods Products Website.
Greenpeace International. 2014. Slavery and Labour Abuse in the Fishing Sector. Greenpeace guidance for the seafood industry and government http://

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