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On completion of my Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication) fr

om North Maharashtra University, I started my career in telecommunication and ne
tworking sector. I crave to scout the upcoming latest versions or updates in the
telecommunication field which has provided me the opportunity to shape my caree
r in an ascending order of the technology. The decisions I have made in my caree
r over the past 7+ years have been mainly driven by my zeal to keep abreast of t
elecom technologies and my interest in telecommunication and networking. With th
is as my basis, I have always made a conscious effort to strive towards perfecti
on in whatever I have attempted and achieved.
I started my professional career with Bharti Airtel Service Ltd. as an Assistant
Officer. I worked in Installation and Fault repair for POTS that is Analog Phon
es and Broadband technology.
I had the exposure to the latest technology of that time; Digital Subscriber Lin
e (DSL), it is a technology that puts high speed digital data on standard two-co
nductor voice-grade telephone wiring. DSL signal can be "superimposed" on an exi
sting phone line because the frequencies DSL uses are far above the frequencies
used in voice conversations.
In Airtel I had chance to get familiar with installing of telecommunication hard
ware, configuring and integrating network and telecommunications technology with
computer software. E1/T1, ISDN BRI/PRI, DSLAM, networking connectivity through
fiber, splicing with help of OTR, copper wire connectivity, end to end connectiv
ity for broadband signal and voice signal. Team management; handling team of sit
e supervisors, technicians, wiremen. Customer dealing and liaison with local aut
horities for permission were the activities that enhanced my technical and perso
nal skills. I had the opportunity of team management, team building which helped
me to understand the power of team work. Target oriented project assigned to me
taught me to work in a confined time frame and achieve the success. I have stri
ved to learn something new each passing day. This learning approach made me gain
high degree skill, in varied/diverse aspects of the industry both technically &
Aware of the fact that I have to keep myself updated as along with the changing
technologies, I switched over to the world of Wi-Fi technology and joined with T
ikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. (Wireless Broadband Services). It was a new pla
ce, new people, new set-up and a new challenge to take on. The first and foremos
t challenging and learning experience was to understand Wi-Fi technology and est
ablish the network in a very small span of time. Working under pressure, achievi
ng set targets following 100% compliance and company norms, site survey for plan
ning the development of customer access communications network infrastructure, k
eeping the track of materials consumption on sites, inventories, equipment and i
nstruments, maintaining the documentation of communication policies, procedures,
guidelines and quality standards. Site audit, proper documentation of the same,
vendor audit and approving the bills of the site, these were the areas in which
I worked on and along with the technical growth I developed team management abi
lities. I was exposed to multiple domains Network, WAN, Server Management. I alw
ays made sure to learn something new each day and this helped me learn and under
stand the functionality and inter-dependence of the various domains in a Telecom
Following the demand in the telecommunication arena I decided to work on the boo
ming telecom technology that is VOIP; Voice over Internet Protocol. Hence I join
ed Orange Business Services as a CMD Specialist working on Cisco IP telephony fo
r World Bank Group. Starting my career with POTS Analog phone and DSL then grasp
ing knowledge of the Wireless communication and utilizing the 3G internet speed
through Wi-Fi, I was finally reached to the Digital mode of Communication; the c
heapest and high quality source of communication - IP telephony.
In Orange Business Services I learned IP telephony (Internet Protocol telephony)
technology that use the Internet Protocol's packet-switched connections to exch
ange voice, fax, and other forms of information that have traditionally been car
ried over the dedicated circuit-switched connections of the public switched tele

phone network (PSTN) which was used in Bharti Airtel from where I started my car
eer. Using the Internet, calls travel as packets of data on shared lines, avoidi
ng the tolls of the PSTN. Handle customer inquiries, complaints and service requ
ests. Act as the SPOC for the customer till the request is activated, locate res
ources for problem resolution and design best-option solutions. Managing Team on
shift basis, being a shift lead and high-volume workload within a deadline-driv
en environment. Handling Daily calls with the clients helpdesk to rectify the pen
ding cases was proposed by me. After daily calls reviewing the results and data
with the team, encapsulated the points on which we can work on to minimize such
issues in future in order to provide more resolute and impeccable service to the
Working with all the three different entities led me to enhance my skills in pro
ject management, fault analysis, technical competence, and capability for team w
ork. This is the perfect example of my carrier growth, from analog world of tele
communication to the very advanced Wi-Fi technology of communication and finally
to the latest IP telephony technology.

CCNA Voice, Cisco Id - CSCO12329925

ITIL Foundation 2011

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