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2.The Device Thyristor( S.
3.Thyristor Applications
4.Electric Drives
5.Speed Control of D.C. Motors
6.Speed Control of A.C. Motors
7.Full Wave Phase Controller
8.Full Wave Phase Controller

Human habit to remain unsatisfied and their desire for

improvement has led to the introduction of the solid-state device
thyristor, which has revolutionised concept of control. It is a
solid-state power control device.
The initial developments in power control schemes were
based on variable tap-changing transformers, series and shunt
regulators of resistors and reactors, which produce a change in
the applied voltage, and there by vary the power. Further
magnetic power controllers, square loop materials, rotary
converters are developed, which will have so many drawbacks
such as power wastage and low efficiency.

These drawbacks overcome by mercury arc converters

and thyratrons. Further thyratrons were replaced by power
switching devices such as THYRISTORS . A thyristor has
characteristics similar to a thyratron tube. But from the construction
view point, the way for development of multi layer (PNPN)
devices is known as Thyristor.
Bell laboratories in USA were the first to fabricate a
silicon-based semi conductor device called Thyristor. Its first
proto type was introduced by General Electrical Company (USA)
in 1957. These THYRISTORS were playing vital role in power
electronics, because of their advantages over earlier devices
like thyratrons and etc.

1. High efficiency due to low loss in Thyristor.

2. Compact size and absence of special foundations.
3. Long life and reduced maintenance due to absence of
moving parts.
4. Flexibility in operation due to digital controls.
5. Thyristor power converters have made possible the speed
control of

synchronous motors, which had otherwise been

of the constant speed type.

6. Lower acoustic noise compared to electromagnetic controllers,
E.g.: Relays and conductors

7. The D.C motors can be driven from AC supply with a

Thyristorpower converter interposed.
8. Further dynamic response compared to electromechanical
9. By thyristor convertors, we can employ closed loop methods
of control both for speed and torque control.
10. High reliability of the Thyristor convertor system.

1. They generate harmonics. These harmonics adversely effect

the performance of the loads connected to them.
2. The thyristorised controllers have no short time over loading
capacity and therefore must be rated for maximum loading
3. The thyristorised controllers for A.C. to D.C or A.C to A.C.
power conversion can operate at low power factors under
some conditions. Special measures are then required for
correcting the line power factor.
4. Regeneration of power is difficult in Thyristor convertor
5. These are thermally limited.
Anyhow, the advantages of these thyristors largely out
weight the disadvantages, so they play vital role in power

S. C.R
The name THYRISTOR is derived by a combination of
the capital letters from THYRatron and transISTOR. This means
that Thyristor is a solid state device like a transistor and has a
similar characteristics to that of a thyratron tube.
Thyristor is the name of a large family and includes the
following devices:
1. S.C.R

: Silicon Controlled Rectifier

3. S.C.S

: Silicon Controlled Switch

4. L.A.S.C.S

: light Activated Silicon Controlled Switch

5. L.A.S.C.R

: light Activated S.C.R.

6. P.U.T.

: Programable Unijunction Transistor

7. L.A.P.U.T.

: light Activated P.U.T.

9. S.U.S

: Silicon Unilateral Switch

10. S.B.S.

: Silicon Bilateral Switch

11. A.S.B.S

: Asymmetrical SBS

12. LAS

: light Activated Switch.

Of these twelve devices, SCR and Triac are the most

important among other thyristors
The thyristor is four layers, three-junction
P-N-P-N semiconductor switching device. It has three terminals
namely Anode, Cathode and Gate.

Basically a Thyristor consists of four layers of alternate P

type and N type Silicon Semiconductors forming three junctions
as shown in figure.
The threaded portion is for the purpose of tightening
the thyristor to the frame or heat sink with the help of a nut.
Gate (G) terminal is usually kept near the cathode terminal
as shown in figure.. The terminal connected to outer P-region
is called Anode (A). The terminal connected to outer N-region
is called cathode (K) and that connected to inner P-region .is
called the Gate (G).

The internal construction of SCR is shown in Fig. The

most important part of the device is the PNP silicon pellet
formed by diffusion techniques. The upper N-region is made by
alloying gold-antimony into the P-type silicon. This completes
the PNPN structure.
The molybdenum disk on the top and bottom are included
to minimize the thermal expansion and mechanical stresses on
the complete assembly.
The Gate or control electrode consists of a small Aluminum
wire, which is connected to the top P-layer of the silicon pellet.
This is an ohmic contact and not a rectifying junction. Control
of the device is accomplished by applying a signal to the top
PN junction that is between the gate and cathode leads. The
wide base regions in the S.C.R necessary to achieve low alphas
are compactable with high voltage so that it is inherently a
higher voltage device.

The Thyristor has 3 modes of operation namely:

1. Reverse blocking mode
2. Forward blocking mode
3. Forward conduction mode

When cathode is made positive with respect to Anode the

junction J1 and J3 are reverse biased while junction J2 is
forward biased. The device behaves in the same manner as
that of two diodes connected in series with reverse voltage
applied across them. A small reverse leakage current flows.
This is the reverse blocking mode of off state of the thyristor.
This is shown in Fig.

With the anode potential maintained positive with respect

to the cathode junctions J1 and J3 are forward biased and
junction J2 is reverse biased. The reverse bias on junction J2
limits forward current at the value of forward leakage current.
They thyristor is then said to be in forward blocking or OFF

With forward bias voltage a thyristor can be made to

conduct by the following four techniques.

Any increase of the anode voltage in the absence of gate

signal causes avalanche breakdown of junction J2 at a voltage
called forward break over voltage. At this voltage the thyristor
changes its characteristics of having a high voltage across it

with a low leakage current to a low voltage across it with a

large forward current whose value is limited mainly by load
impedance. This is the ON state of thyristor. The forward
break over voltage is usually greater than the reverse break
over voltage.
If the anode circuit voltage is now reduced, since the reverse
biased junction J2 no longer exists due to the movement of
carriers thyristor will continue to stay on. Only when the forward
current falls below a certain specific low value, thyristor will go to
blocking state. The value of current below which thyristor goes to
the blocking state is called holding or sustaining current.

To turn on the thyristor, a desired positive voltage is

applied at the gate to cathode terminals. The layer at the gate
is flooded by electrons from the cathode and it looses its
identity as a layer. Once the thyristor is on, the gate current is
no longer required for the device to remain in conduction, so
a gate pulse is enough. However if the gate current is reduced
to zero before the rising of a node current reaches a value,
called the latching current the thyristor will turn off again. So
the gate pulse width should be chosen to ensure that the anode
current exceeds latching current before it is removed. The
thyristor cannot be turned off unless the gate signal is removed
and the forward current falls below the holding current value.


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