First Division (G.R. No. 201092, January 15, 2014)
First Division (G.R. No. 201092, January 15, 2014)
First Division (G.R. No. 201092, January 15, 2014)
and intimidation, conspiring, confederating and mutually helping one another, did
then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with intent [to] gain and without
the knowledge and consent of the owner thereof, take, steal and carry away with
them one (1) tricycle with Plate No. TP-9198 valued at P120,500.00, belonging to
Jesus Lita and Sisinio Contridas, to the damage and prejudice of the said owners in
the said amount of P120,500.00; and that on the occasion or by reason of said
carnapping, the said accused, pursuant to their conspiracy and with intent to kill,
attack, assault and stab Jesus Lita, owner and driver of the said tricycle, hitting him
on the different parts of his body which directly caused his death.
Arraignment for the two criminal cases was jointly held on February 13, 2004
wherein appellant pleaded NOT GUILTY to both charges.[5]
As indicated in the Appellees Brief, the following narration constitutes the
prosecutions summation of this case:
On September 5, 2005, at around 8:30 in the evening, the victim Jesus Lita,
accompanied by his ten[-]year old son, Jefferson, went out aboard the formers
black Kawasaki tricycle. Upon reaching San Jose del Monte Elementary School,
appellant Joel Aquino together with Noynoy Almoguera a.k.a. Negro, Rodnal, Bing,
John Doe and Peter Doe boarded the tricycle. Noynoy Almoguera instructed the
victim to proceed to the nipa hut owned by appellant.
Upon reaching the said nipa hut, Jesus Lita, appellant and his companions had a
shabu session while Jefferson was watching TV. After using shabu, Noynoy
Almoguera demanded from the victim to pay Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00), but the
victim said that he had no money. Appellant shouted at the victim demanding him
to pay. Bing suggested to her companions that they leave the nipa hut. Thus, the
victim mounted his tricycle and started the engine. Noynoy Almoguera and John
Doe rode in the tricycle behind the victim while appellant and Rodnal rode in the
sidecar with Jefferson [sitting] at the toolbox of the tricycle. Inside the tricycle,
appellant pointed a knife at Jefferson while Noynoy Almoguera stabbed the victims
side. After the victim was stabbed, he was transferred inside the tricycle while
appellant drove the tricycle to his friends house where they again stabbed the
victim using the latters own knife. Then they loaded the victim to the tricycle and
drove to a grassy area where appellant and his companions dumped the body of the
victim. Thereafter, they returned to appellants residence. Jefferson told the sister of
appellant about the death of his father but the sister of appellant only told him to
The next day, Jefferson was brought to the jeepney terminal where he rode a
jeepney to get home. Jefferson told his mother, Ma. Theresa Calitisan-Lita, about
the death of his father.
In the meantime, SPO3 Servillano Lactao Cabading received a call from Barangay
Captain Danilo Rogelio of Barangay San Rafael IV, San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan
thru the two (2) way radio, that the body of a male person with several stab
wounds was found dead on a grassy area beside the road of the said barangay.
Immediately, SPO3 Cabading together with a police aide proceeded to the area.
Thereat, they found the dead body whom they identified thru his Drivers License in
his wallet as Jesus Lita, the victim. Also recovered were a big stainless ice pick
about 18 inches long including the handle and a tricycle key. The police officers
brought the body of the victim to the Sapang Palay District Hospital. Thereafter,
they proceeded to the address of the victim.
Ma. Theresa Calitisan-Lita and Jefferson were about to leave for the morgue when
they met SPO3 Cabading outside their residence. SPO3 Cabading informed Ma.
Theresa that the body of the victim was found in Barangay San Rafael IV. Jefferson
told SPO3 Cabading that he was with his father at the time of his death and he
brought the police officers to the place where his father was stabbed and to the hut
owned by appellant. Thereat, the police officers recovered a maroon colored knife
case and the sandals of the victim. Appellant was invited to the police station for
questioning but he refused alleging that he does not know anything about the
incident. The police officers were able to obtain a picture of appellant which was
shown to Jefferson and he positively identified the same as Akong one of those
who stabbed his father. Likewise, a video footage of Noynoy Almoguera alias
Negro was shown to Jefferson and he likewise identified the person in the video
footage as the same Negro who also stabbed his father.
Dr. Richard Ivan Viray, medico-legal, who conducted an autopsy on the victim,
concluded that cause of death is Hemorrhagic Shock due to multiple stab wounds. [6]
However, appellant held a different version of the events of this case. In his
Appellants Brief, the succeeding account is entered:
[Appellant] denied the accusations against him. On September 6, 2002, he was
working as a laborer/mason in the construction of his uncles (Rene Cendana) house
located at Area C, Acacia Homes, Cavite, together with Paul Maglaque, Eman
Lozada, Raul Lozada and Lorenzo Cendana. They worked from 7:30 x x x in the
morning until 4:30 x x x in the afternoon, with lunch and merienda breaks from
11:30 x x x to 12:00 oclock noon and 3:00 oclock to 3:15 x x x in the afternoon,
respectively. After work, they just stayed in their barracks located within their
workplace. They would prepare their food and take supper at around 7:00 oclock to
7:30 x x x in the evening, after which, they would smoke cigarettes. They would go
to bed at around 8:00 oclock to 9:00 oclock in the evening.
He goes home to Sapang Palay, San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan every Saturday.
During Mondays, he would leave their house at around 4:00 oclock to 5:00 oclock
in the morning and would arrive at his workplace at around 8:00 oclock or 9:00
oclock in the morning.
[Appellant] does not know either Ma. Theresa Lita, his son Jefferson, or the victim
Jesus Lita. Also, he does not know a certain Noynoy Almoguera and alias Rodnal.
Likewise, he denied using illegal drugs (i.e., shabu).
[Appellant] knew SPO3 Cabading because the former had served as a police aide to
him since he was seventeen (17) years old. He had no misunderstanding with the
police officer. He cannot think of any reason why Ma. Theresa Lita and Jefferson
pointed to him as one of the perpetrators of the subject crimes.
Paul Maglague (Paul) corroborated [appellants] testimony. On September 6, 2002,
a Friday, [appellant] was working with him, together with Roldan Lozada and
Oweng Cendana, at Area C, Dasmarias, Cavite, in the construction of Boy
Cendanas house, Pauls brother-in-law. Paul was the cement mixer while
[appellant], being his partner, carries it to wherever it is needed. Their work ends at
5:00 oclock in the afternoon. After their work, they just stayed in their barracks
located within their workplace. [Appellant] was their cook. They usually sleep at
around 8:00 oclock to 9:00 oclock in the evening. They get their pay only during
Saturdays. Hence, they would go home to Bulacan every Saturday.
At around 6:00 oclock to 7:00 oclock in the evening of September 7, 2002, they
left Cavite and went to their respective homes in Bulacan.
On the night of September 5, 2002, [appellant] slept together with Paul and their
other co-workers inside their barracks. Paul woke up in the middle of the night to
urinate and was not able to see whether the accused was there, as there were no
lights in the place where they were sleeping. The following morning, [appellant]
was the one who cooked their food.[7] (Citations omitted.)
At the conclusion of trial, a guilty verdict was handed down by the trial court on
both criminal charges. The dispositive portion of the assailed September 18, 2009
Decision states:
WHEREFORE, in Criminal Case No. 483-M-2003, the Court finds the Accused JOEL
AQUINO alias Akong guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder and
hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua. The Court hereby
orders the accused JOEL AQUINO to pay the heirs of Jesus Lita, the expenses
incurred in his burial and funeral services in the total amount of Sixty Thousand
One Hundred (P60,100.00) Pesos as actual damages, the sum of Fifty Thousand
Why do you know that your father died on the early morning of September 6,
2002, in Sapang Palay, San Jose del Monte?
Because we left the house together at 8:30 in the evening, and my father
looked at the calendar.
You said you were with your father. Do you know where were you going at that
And what mode of transportation did you take, as you said, you were going to
the house of Akong?
Kawasaki, sir.
Black, sir.
While on your way to the residence of Akong, could you please tell us if there
was any unusual incident that took place?
Yes, sir.
How many?
If you will see those three (3) persons again, can you still identify them?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Witness pointed to accused Joel Aquino inside the courtroom.
Who else?
Now, prior to the stabbing incident and you were able to recognize the three,
one of them you identified here inside the courtroom. What was Joel Aquino
doing when you first saw him?
Yes, sir.
You said a while ago that you and your father were only the one[s] on board
the tricycle. Why was he, that Joel, now inside the tricycle?
You are referring to Aquino together with his two (2) companions?
Yes, sir.
Where in particular did these three (3) persons ride in your tricycle?
Joel Aquino was inside the sidecar of our tricycle while the other two (2) rode at
the back of my father.
You are sitting side by side with Aquino? Is that what you mean?
No, sir.
What else?
Nothing else.
What about the two (2) companions, what did they do, if any?
Did you see what part of the body of your father was stabbed?
Witness pointing to the right side of his stomach.
Yes, sir.
And did you come to know where did Joel Aquino proceed?
How far was that house of Aquino from the place where your father was
Yes, sir.
What did Aquino and these two (2) persons do to your father when you reached
his house?
Did you come to know who was that friend where your father was brought?
My father was already dying and they went back to him and stabbed him
several times.
Yes, sir.
Do you mean to say that Aquino at that time stabbed your father?
Yes, sir.
Did you see what kind of weapon did these three (3) persons use in stabbing
your father?
Akong po.
That Akong was the friend of the three (3) persons to where these three (3)
persons brought your father?
No, sir.
Yes, sir.
While they were boarding my father to the tricycle, Akong pointed his knife at
my stomach.
Were the three (3) persons able to board your father inside your tricycle?
Yes, sir.
And what did the three (3) persons do after your father was already inside the
After they started the motorcycle, they drove the tricycle and threw away my
Did you see the act of these three (3) persons throwing your father away from
the tricycle?
Yes, sir.
How far were you from them when they threw your father?
And after your father was thrown away, what did the three (3) persons do?
In the face of this serious accusation, appellant puts forward the defense of alibi.
We have held that for the defense of alibi to prosper, the accused must prove not
only that he was at some other place at the time of the commission of the crime,
but also that it was physically impossible for him to be at the locus delicti or within
its immediate vicinity.[16] These requirements of time and place must be strictly
met. A review of the evidence presented by appellant reveals that it falls short of
the standard set by jurisprudence. Appellant failed to establish by clear and
convincing evidence that it was physically impossible for him to be at San Jose Del
Monte City, Bulacan when Jesus was murdered. His own testimony revealed that
the distance between the locus delicti and Dasmarias City, Cavite is only a four to
five hour regular commute.[17] Thus, it would not be physically impossible for him
to make the round trip between those two points from dusk till dawn of September
5-6, 2002 and still have more than enough time to participate in the events
surrounding the murder of Jesus.
Furthermore, the only person that could corroborate appellants alibi is his friend
and former co-worker, Paul Maglaque. However, we have consistently assigned less
probative weight to a defense of alibi when it is corroborated by friends and
relatives since we have established in jurisprudence that, in order for corroboration
to be credible, the same must be offered preferably by disinterested witnesses. [18]
Clearly, due to his friendship with appellant, Maglaque cannot be considered as a
disinterested witness.
Nevertheless, it is jurisprudentially settled that positive identification prevails over
alibi since the latter can easily be fabricated and is inherently unreliable. [19] It is
likewise settled that where there is nothing to indicate that a witness for the
prosecution was actuated by improper motive, the presumption is that he was not
so actuated and his testimony is entitled to full faith and credit. [20] In the case at
bar, no allegation was made nor proven to show that Jefferson had any ill motive to
falsely testify against appellant.
With regard to appellants argument that Jefferson would surely have also been
killed by his fathers murderers had he indeed witnessed the crime, we can only
surmise and speculate on this point. Whatever may be the killers motivation to
spare Jeffersons life remains a mystery. Nonetheless, it does not adversely affect
what has been clearly established in this case and that is the cold-blooded murder
of Jesus by a group of assailants which includes herein appellant.
According to jurisprudence, to be convicted of murder, the following must be
established: (1) a person was killed; (2) the accused killed him; (3) the killing was
with the attendance of any of the qualifying circumstances under Article 248 of the
Revised Penal Code; and (4) the killing neither constitutes parricide nor infanticide.
respect to the penalty of life imprisonment for carnapping originally imposed by the
trial court. Life imprisonment has long been replaced with the penalty of reclusion
perpetua to death by virtue of Republic Act No. 7659. Furthermore, the said
penalty is applicable only to the special complex crime of carnapping with homicide
which is not obtaining in this case. Jurisprudence tells us that to prove the special
complex crime of carnapping with homicide, there must be proof not only of the
essential elements of carnapping, but also that it was the original criminal design of
the culprit and the killing was perpetrated in the course of the commission of the
carnapping or on the occasion thereof.[26] The appellate court correctly observed
that the killing of Jesus cannot qualify the carnapping into a special complex crime
because the carnapping was merely an afterthought when the victims death was
already fait accompli. Thus, appellant is guilty only of simple carnapping.
It is enshrined in jurisprudence that when death occurs due to a crime, the
following damages may be awarded: (1) civil indemnity ex delicto for the death of
the victim; (2) actual or compensatory damages; (3) moral damages; (4)
exemplary damages; and (5) temperate damages.[27]
There being no aggravating circumstance since, as discussed earlier, abuse of
superior strength is absorbed in the qualifying circumstance of treachery, the award
of P75,000.00 as moral damages should be decreased to P50,000.00. Such an
amount is granted even in the absence of proof of mental and emotional suffering
of the victims heirs.[28]
Pursuant to current jurisprudence, the award of civil indemnity in the amount of
P75,000.00[29] and exemplary damages in the amount of P30,000.00 [30] is correct.
The amount of actual damages duly proven in court in the sum of P60,100.00 is
likewise upheld. Finally, we impose interest at the rate of 6% per annum on all
damages from the date of finality of this ruling until fully paid. [31]
With regard to appellants conviction for simple carnapping, we affirm the penalty of
imprisonment imposed by the Court of Appeals which is fourteen (14) years and
eight (8) months, as minimum, to seventeen (17) years and four (4) months, as
maximum. Likewise, we uphold the order upon appellant to pay the sum of
P65,875.00 representing the total amount of the installment payments made on the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision dated July 29, 2011 of the Court
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 04265, affirming the conviction of appellant Joel
Aquino y Cendana alias Akong in Criminal Cases No. 483-M-2003 and 484-M2003, is hereby AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATIONS that:
(1) The amount of moral damages to be paid by appellant Joel Aquino y Cendana
Id. at 79-82.
Id. at 54-55.
Rollo, p. 18.
People v. Basallo, G.R. No. 182457, January 30, 2013, 689 SCRA 616, 644.
People v. Zapuiz, G.R. No. 199713, February 20, 2013, 691 SCRA 510, 520.
People v. Peteluna, G.R. No. 187048, January 23, 2013, 689 SCRA 190, 196197.
People v. Rarugal, G.R. No. 188603, January 16, 2013, 688 SCRA 646, 656.
Rollo, p. 13.
People v. Cabtalan, G.R. No. 175980, February 15, 2012, 666 SCRA 174, 195.
In all cases in which the law prescribes a penalty composed of two indivisible
penalties the following rules shall be observed in the application thereof:
2. When there are neither mitigating nor aggravating circumstances in the
commission of the deed, the lesser penalty shall be applied.
People v. Mallari, G.R. No. 179041, April 1, 2013, 694 SCRA 284, 296.