Soil Chemistry Which Influences Potential P Loss: Gordon Rajendram, Kyle Devey and Samuel Unda

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Gordon Rajendram, Kyle Devey and Samuel Unda

Hill Laboratories, 1 Clyde St, Hamilton
Email: [email protected]

Previous studies have found dissolved reactive P (DRP) in drainage flow to be strongly
related to calcium chloride extractable DRP in soil. The test 0.01 M CaCl2-P can be used as
an environmental test to identify soils at risk.
The objective of this study was to identify soils that were potentially at risk of losing P via
subsurface drainage. This was achieved by using soil tests or markers that could predict the
potential release of P from soil to soil solution.
Fifteen hundred soils were tested for 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P, Olsen-P, P Retention (PR)
and carbon (C) on <2 mm fraction of dried soil. Relationships between 0.01 M CaCl2
extractable P and the other tests were established.
Concentrations of 0.01 M CaCl2-P ranged from 0 to 2 mg/L with the majority less than 0.1
mg/L (58%). There is an indication that soil type (or chemical species that is consistent
within soil type) plays an important role in P release to solution. Low PR soils (< 40%) have
potential to have high 0.01 M CaCl2 P values. High values of 0.01 M CaCl2 - P can lead to
large amounts of P lost into subsurface flow or drainage.

The potential P-loss pathways can be described by overland flow (usually considered
primary) and subsurface flow. Phosphate via these pathways is lost through particulate bound
P and water-soluble forms of P: including both inorganic and organic forms of P. The
amount of nutrient lost via subsurface flow is related to amount of rainfall and drainage
(Rajendram et al., 1998).
It is generally accepted that eutrophication is accelerated when P concentrations exceed 0.015
mg/L in waterways (Hedley et al., 2002; Sharpley et al., 1996). Phosphorus loss from farms
contributes to P levels in waterways such streams, rivers and lakes. The concentration in soil
solution is typically an order of magnitude higher than DRP in waterways. It can be
calculated that for a concentration of 0.015 mg/L P with 400 mm drainage, equates to only
0.1 Kg of P loss ha/year. Economically this is not a problem for the farmer, however it shows
that small amounts of P lost from soil can cause large problems in the surrounding
General consensus once held that phosphorus was not lost from soils from subsurface
drainage. However, Hogg and Cooper (1964) found that P leached from a low phosphate
retentive soil: Te Kopuru Sand (Northland). Jenny Edwards (1997) in her PhD study,
similarly found very high losses (> 8 Kg/ha/year) on Wharekohe soils particularly as P levels

built up. Another study found elevated levels of P at 1 metre depth on pumice soils at
Rerawhikaitu, which is part of a lake catchment (Ghani et al., 2005). These studies all
showed that sub-surface P loss does occur.
McDowell and Sharpley (2001) found a relationship (Equation 1) between DRP in drainage
water (subsurface P-loss) and soil 0.01 M CaCl2-P (1:5 soil:solution ratio, with 30 min
DRP = 0.8 x 0.01 M CaCl2-P


Studies have shown a change point (a change in the relationship) between various available P
tests (example Olsen-P) and CaCl2-P could be established (Condron and McDowell, 2003;
McDowell and Condron, 1999). It was speculated that PR was related to this change point.
Models were generated which tried to predict 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P from an available P
test and PR. Two are shown below for New Zealand soils (Equations 2 and 3).
Hedley et al. (2002):
CaCl2-P = 0.11 + 0.054 e(0.015 OP) - 0.002 PR + 97 e(-0.299 . PR)


McDowell & Condron (2004):

DRP = 0.069 (Olsen P / PR) + 0.007


The objective of this study was to identify soils that were potentially at risk of losing P via
subsurface drainage. The relationship between soil tests and the potential release of P from
soil to soil solution was also investigated.

To estimate potential risk of phosphate loss from New Zealand soils, 1500 soils from
different sites around New Zealand were analysed for 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P, PR and
Olsen-P. A more in-depth study was also done on 500 soils where there was knowledge of
the soil type and carbon (organic matter levels).
Soils were sampled to a depth of 7.5 cm, dried (at < 40C) and ground (to < 2 mm) before
Olsen P was measured using the MAF, Soil Fertility Service Lab method to determine the
levels of plant available phosphate in New Zealand soils. The method employs a NaHCO3
extraction method developed by Olsen et al., (1954), where the phosphate concentration in
the extract is determined by a phospho-molybdate method proposed by Watanabe and Olsen
(1965) and Murphy and Riley (1962). Olsen-P was determined on a volume basis where 5
mL of soil (using a calibrated scoop) is extracted with 100 mL of 0.5 M NaHCO3 and
reported as Olsen-P mg/L.

Phosphate Retention (PR) was determined by shaking the soil with a buffered phosphate
solution for 16 hours. The amount of phosphate remaining in solution was determined
colorimetrically at 420 nm (Blakemore et al., 1980).
Calcium chloride (0.01 M) extractable P was measured with 4 g soil sample to 20 ml of
solution and shaking for 30 minutes at 185 rpm, and determined colorimetrically using the
phospho-molybdate method.
Results and Discussion
The results from the 1500 soils analysed for 0.01M CaCl2-P show that most soils (58 %) had
a concentration less than 0.1 mg/L extractable P (Figure 1 & Table 1).

Figure 1 & Table 1: Population of 0.01 M CaCl2 P for 1500 soils

from around New Zealand

0.01M CaCl2 P

0 2.0





Forty-seven samples were also analysed for 0.01 M CaCl2-P in quadruplet. Using these
samples we can calculate the uncertainty in the test (95% confidence interval) at varying
concentrations of 0.01 M CaCl2-P. Table 2 shows the results of this investigation.

Table 2: Uncertainty of measurement for varying 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable

P concentrations.

Detection Limit
Confidence Limit

Average Value
Maximum Value
0.5 mg/L
(0.16 mg/L)
(2.0 mg/L)





Using the median, maximum and eutrophication values, an estimate of how much P kg/ ha/ yr
and the associated cost can be calculated. Table 3 shows the results of these calculations.

Table 3: Calculations of amounts of P lost and cost from different

0.01 M CaCl2-P values.
0.01 M CaCl2 - P

Potentially Lost
(Kg P / ha / yr)

Potential Cost
for 100 ha Farm



~ $ 20

(Average Value)


~ $ 250

(Maximum Value)


~ $ 3,000

* Estimated using 400 mm of drainage calculated average from 10 years drainage data from
Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton (pers. comm. Mike Sprosen, AgResearch, Hamilton).
Estimated using single super phosphate (SSP) at $345 per tonne.

The estimated P loss values are very similar to that found by McDowell et al., (2003). It is
clear from the calculations that the amounts of P lost are very small especially when
compared to the amount of P applied as fertiliser (typically ~70 Kg P / ha / yr on dairy
farms). Economically these losses are not a concern; however, from an environmental point
of view, these small losses can have a big impact. The average loss was approximately 10
times the eutrophication level.
The difference between the median and average values, show that the potential heavy
polluters skew the mean. Therefore, the soils where appreciable amounts of P may be lost
need to be targeted or managed in order to reduce the losses from these soils.
In order to build relationships between 0.01 M CaCl2-P and routinely performed soil tests, PR
and Olsen P was compared against 0.01 M CaCl2-P. Figure 2 shows the relationship between
0.01 M CaCl2-P and PR, while dividing the samples into different Olsen-P groupings (shown
by colour).

Figure 2: Relationship between 0.01 M CaCl2- P, Phosphate Retention & Olsen-P

At higher levels of PR (> 40%) there was (in general) low values of extractable 0.01 M
CaCl2-P even in the soils which contained high Olsen-P concentrations. Below 40% PR there
was a potential for higher 0.01 M CaCl2-P values. There was also an indication that Olsen-P
explained some of the variation between PR and 0.01M CaCl2-P when soils had low PR
status. This is developed in Figure 3, where the Olsen-P groupings are refined to 0 to 20, 20
to 40 and > 40 mg/L Olsen-P values and known peat samples are removed as they were later
found to have a different relationship.

Figure 3: Relationship between 0.01 M CaCl2- P, Phosphate Retention & Olsen-P

Despite the low correlation coefficients (R2 of 0.31 to 0.47), there does appear to be a
relationship. However, it is clear that Olsen-P and PR cannot completely describe the 0.01 M
CaCl2-P values measured. It was speculated that sample type (or a species consistent within a
soil type) was playing an important role. Figure 4 shows the relationships with splitting the
samples into four soil groups (sedimentary, ash, pumice and peat).

Figure 4: Relationship between 0.01 M CaCl2- P, Phosphate Retention,

Olsen-P and Soil Type

For the Ash, Peat and Pumice soil groups, the relationships between PR and 0.01 M CaCl2-P
appear well defined (R2 = 0.6 - 0.7). The Peat soils show a different trend to the other soil
types. The sedimentary soil type appears not to have as well defined relationship as the other
soil groups, this is probably due to there being many more soil orders within the sedimentary
group, compared to the others (Ash having; 3, Pumice; 1, Peat; 1, Sedimentary; 10). Further
splitting the samples into these soil orders may give much better relationships.
An alternative way to look at the relationships between the three variables is plotting 0.01 M
CaCl2-P against Olsen-P while grouping the samples into PR groups by colour (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Relationship between 0.01 M CaCl2- P and Olsen P

The graphs again show that in general, high PR (>60%) soils have a very low slope between
Olsen-P and 0.01 M CaCl2-P, when the PR decreases, the slope of the relationships appear to
increase. However, the two variables cannot adequately describe 0.01 M CaCl2-P by
themselves, especially at low PR (<30%).
Phosphate Retention of less than 40% has a high potential for more 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable
P to come into solution.
There is an indication that soil type (or chemical species, that is consistent within soil type)
plays an important role in P release to solution. There are also unknown factors within this
study which we do not have information, such as fertiliser history (type, rate and time since
last application).
There is the potential for 0.01 M CaCl2-P to be a soil-P environmental test to identify soils
which are at risk of losing P via drainage to the environment.
Future research: Finding the links to improve previous models (soil type / soil order, fertiliser
history) and evaluating other chemistry that could influence P-loss in soils.
Ministry of Science and Innovation (MSI) for partially funding this project.
Blakemore, L.C., Searle, P.L., Daly, B.K. 1980. Methods for chemical analysis of soils. New
Zealand soil bureau scientific report 80.
Condron, L. M., McDowell, R., 2003. Phosphorus transfer in agroecosystems. Currie L.D. et
al. (Eds.). Occasional Report 17, Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University,
New Zealand. 75-87.

Edwards, J.K. 1997. PhD thesis, Massey University. The fate of fertiliser phosphorus in
Wharekohe podzols.
Ghani A., Perrott K., Hawke M., Kear M., McGowan A. 2005. Assesment of P leaching risks
from agricultural land around Rotorua lakes. Rotorua Lakes Symposium September,
Hedley, M.J., Hill, R., Hill, G. 2002. Soil tests and environmental codes of practice.
Occasional Report, Proceedings of the workshop: Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre,
Massey University, New Zealand. 363-371.
Hogg, D., Cooper, M. 1964. Laboratory studies on losses of phosphorous, sulphur and
potassium from Te Kopuru Sand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.7:364-74.
McDowell, R., Condron, L. M. 1999. Developing a predictor for phosphorus loss from soil.
Currie L.D. et al. (Eds.). Occasional Report 12, Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre,
Massey University, New Zealand. 153-164.
McDowell, R., Condron, L. M. 2004. Estimating phosphorus loss from New Zealand
grassland soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 47; 137-145.
McDowell, R.W., Sharpley, A.N. 2001. Approximating P release from soils to surface runoff
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Murphy J., Riley J.P. 1962. A Modified single solution method for the determination of
phosphate in natural waters. Analytical Chemistry.
Olsen S.R., Cole C.V., Watanabe F.S., Deon L.A. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorous
in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate, U.S Department of Agriculture, Circular
Rajendram G.S., Ledgard S.F., Monaghan R.M., Sprosen M.S., Ouyang L., 1998. Effect of
rate of nitrogen fertiliser on cation and anion leaching under intensively grazed dairy
pasture. In: Occasional report No. 11. L D Currie and P Loganathan (Eds), pp. 67-73.
Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North.
Roberts A.H.C., Morton J. D. 2009. Fertiliser Use on New Zealand Dairy Farms, New
Zealand Fertiliser Manufacturers Association. pp. 37.
Sharpley, A.N., Daniel, T.C., Sims, J.T. and Pote D.H. 1996. Determining environmentally
sound soil phosphorous levels. J. Soil Water Conservation. 51;160-166.
Watanabe, F.A., Olsen, S.R. 1965. Test of an ascorbic acid method for determining
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