Biodegradation Aspects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons A Review

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Biodegradation Aspects of Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons (PAHs): A Review
Impact Factor: 4.53 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.03.137 Source: PubMed





A.K. Haritash

Chandra Prakash Kaushik

Delhi Technological University

Guru Jambheshwar University of Science &





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Biodegradation aspects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): A review

A.K. Haritash , C.P. Kaushik
Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 7 February 2009
Received in revised form 30 March 2009
Accepted 30 March 2009
Available online 7 April 2009
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

a b s t r a c t
PAHs are aromatic hydrocarbons with two or more fused benzene rings with natural as well as
anthropogenic sources. They are widely distributed environmental contaminants that have detrimental biological effects, toxicity, mutagenecity and carcinogenicity. Due to their ubiquitous occurrence,
recalcitrance, bioaccumulation potential and carcinogenic activity, the PAHs have gathered signicant
environmental concern. Although PAH may undergo adsorption, volatilization, photolysis, and chemical
degradation, microbial degradation is the major degradation process. PAH degradation depends on the
environmental conditions, number and type of the microorganisms, nature and chemical structure of the
chemical compound being degraded. They are biodegraded/biotransformed into less complex metabolites, and through mineralization into inorganic minerals, H2 O, CO2 (aerobic) or CH4 (anaerobic) and
rate of biodegradation depends on pH, temperature, oxygen, microbial population, degree of acclimation, accessibility of nutrients, chemical structure of the compound, cellular transport properties, and
chemical partitioning in growth medium. A number of bacterial species are known to degrade PAHs and
most of them are isolated from contaminated soil or sediments. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomons
uoresens, Mycobacterium spp., Haemophilus spp., Rhodococcus spp., Paenibacillus spp. are some of the
commonly studied PAH-degrading bacteria. Lignolytic fungi too have the property of PAH degradation.
Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Bjerkandera adusta, and Pleurotus ostreatus are the common PAH-degrading
fungi. Enzymes involved in the degradation of PAHs are oxygenase, dehydrogenase and lignolytic enzymes.
Fungal lignolytic enzymes are lignin peroxidase, laccase, and manganese peroxidase. They are extracellular and catalyze radical formation by oxidation to destabilize bonds in a molecule. The biodegradation
of PAHs has been observed under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions and the rate can be enhanced by
physical/chemical pretreatment of contaminated soil. Addition of biosurfactant-producing bacteria and
light oils can increase the bioavailability of PAHs and metabolic potential of the bacterial community.
The supplementation of contaminated soils with compost materials can also enhance biodegradation
without long-term accumulation of extractable polar and more available intermediates. Wetlands, too,
have found an application in PAH removal from wastewater. The intensive biological activities in such
an ecosystem lead to a high rate of autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. Aquatic weeds Typha spp.
and Scirpus lacustris have been used in horizontalvertical macrophyte based wetlands to treat PAHs. An
integrated approach of physical, chemical, and biological degradation may be adopted to get synergistically enhanced removal rates and to treat/remediate the contaminated sites in an ecologically favorable
2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Microbial degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Algae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Delhi College of Engineering, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
Tel.: +91 9911710444.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.K. Haritash).
0304-3894/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A.K. Haritash, C.P. Kaushik / Journal of Hazardous Materials 169 (2009) 115


Enzymes in degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Oxygen: determining the path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Effect of substrate, pretreatment and amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Inhibition and co-metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
PAHs removal by composting, wetlands and phytoremediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Microbial genetic adaptations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1. Introduction
PAHs are aromatic hydrocarbons with two or more fused benzene rings. They are formed during the thermal decomposition
of organic molecules and their subsequent recombination. Incomplete combustion at high temperature (500800 C) or subjection
of organic material at low temperature (100300 C) for long periods result in PAH production. They occur as colorless, white/pale
yellow solids with low solubilities in water, high melting and boiling points and low vapour pressure (Table 1). With an increase
in molecular weight, their solubility in water decreases; melting
and boiling point increase and vapour pressure decreases [1,2]. The
chemical structures of some commonly studied PAHs are given
in Fig. 1. The common sources of PAHs in environment include
natural as well as anthropogenic. Natural sources are forest and
rangeland res, oil seeps, volcanic eruptions and exudates from
trees. Anthropogenic sources of PAH include burning of fossil fuel,
coal tar, wood, garbage, refuse, used lubricating oil and oil lters
[3], municipal solid waste incineration and petroleum spills and
discharge. They are ubiquitously present contaminants which are
toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic [4]. PAHs were, perhaps, the rst
recognized environmental carcinogens. They do not degrade easily
under natural conditions. Persistence increases with increase in the
molecular weight. They have gathered signicant concern because
of their presence in all components of environment, resistance
towards biodegradation, potential to bio-accumulate and carcinogenic activity. Though they are the chief pollutants of air [5], soil acts
as the ultimate depository of these chemicals. Their fate in environment includes volatilization, photo-oxidation, chemical oxidation,
adsorption on soil particles, leaching and microbial degradation [6].
The hazards associated with the PAHs can be overcome by the
use of conventional methods which involve removal, alteration, or
isolation of the pollutant. Such techniques involve excavation of
contaminated soil and its incineration or containment. These technologies are expensive, and in many cases transfer the pollutant
from one phase to another. On the other hand, bioremediation
is the tool to transform the compounds to less hazardous/nonhazardous forms with less input of chemicals, energy, and time
[7,8]. Although PAH may undergo adsorption, volatilization, photolysis, and chemical degradation, microbial degradation is the major
degradation process [9,10]. Microbes are known for their catabolic
activity in bioremediation, but changes in microbial communities are still unpredictable and the microbial community is still
termed as a black box [11]. The PAH-degrading microorganism
could be algae, bacteria, and fungi. It involves the breakdown of
organic compounds through biotransformation into less complex
metabolites, and through mineralization into inorganic minerals,
H2 O, CO2 (aerobic) or CH4 (anaerobic). The bioremediation of a
pollutant and its rate depends on the environmental conditions,
number and type of the microorganisms, nature and chemical
structure of the chemical compound being degraded. Thus, to
devise a bioremediation system, a number of factors are to be
counted for. Both bacteria and fungi have been extensively studied
for their ability to degrade xenobitics including PAHs. The extent

and rate of biodegradation depends on many factors including

pH, temperature, oxygen, microbial population, degree of acclimation, accessibility of nutrients, chemical structure of the compound,
cellular transport properties, and chemical partitioning in growth
medium [12].
2. Microbial degradation
2.1. Bacteria
Bacteria are the class of microorganisms actively involved in the
degradation of organic pollutants from contaminated sites. A number of bacterial species are known to degrade PAHs. Most of them,
representing biodegradation efciency, are isolated from contaminated soil or sediments. Long-term petrochemical waste discharge
harbours bacteria capable of degrading PAH to a considerable
extent. Among the PAH in petrochemical waste, Benzo(a)pyrene
is considered as the most carcinogenic and toxic. Studies have
shown that bacteria can degrade BaP when grown on an alternative carbon source in liquid culture experiments. Ye et al. [13]
observed a 5% decrease in BaP concentration after 168 h during
incubations with Sphingomonas paucimobilis strain EPA 505. They
also observed that resting cells of S. paucimobilis strain EPA 505
grown on nutrient agar supplemented with glucose, result in signicant evolution of 14 CO2 (28%) indicating hydroxylation and ring
cleavage of the 7,8,9,10-benzo ring. Aitken et al. [14] isolated 11
strains from a variety of contaminated sites (oil, motor oil, wood
treatment, and renery) with the ability to degrade BaP. The organisms were identied as at least three species of Pseudomonas, as well
as Agrobacterium, Bacillus, Burkholderia and Sphingomonas species.
BaP has been reported to be degraded by other bacteria including
Rhodococcus sp., Mycobacterium, and mixed culture of Pseudomonas
and Flavobacterium species [1517]. Heitkamp et al. [18] described
a bacterial isolate which was able to mineralize pyrene. Romero
et al. [19] isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa from a stream heavily polluted by a petroleum renery. The species was found to be
actively growing over high dosages of phenanthrene with complete
removal of the pollutant in a period of 30 days. Rehmann et al.
[20] isolated a Mycobacterium spp., strain KR2 from a PAH contaminated soil of a gaswork plant, which was able to utilize pyrene
as sole source of carbon and energy. The isolate metabolized up
to 60% of the pyrene added (0.5 mg ml1 ) within 8 days at 20 C.
Cis-4,5-pyrene dihydrodiol, 4-5-phenanthrene dicarboxylic acid, 1hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, 2-carboxybenzaldehyde, phthalic acid,
and protocatechuic acid were identied as degradation products
and a degradation pathway for pyrene was also suggested (Fig. 2).
Yuan et al. [21] isolated six gram negative strains of bacteria
from a petrochemical waste disposing site having the capacity
of degrading acenaphthene, uorene, phenanthrene, anthracene,
and pyrene by 70100% in a period of 40 days of initial treatment. Two of the six strains isolated were Pseudomons uoresens
and Haemophilus spp., the rod-shaped bacteria. Dean-Ross et al.
[22] isolated two bacterial strains (Mycobacterium avescens and
Rhodococcus spp.) from sediments of River Grand Calumet from two

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Table 1
Physicalchemical properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs).
S. No.



C20 H12
C14 H10
C20 H12
C20 H12
C16 H10
C10 H8
C14 H10
C22 H12
C16 H10

CAS registry No.a


B.Pt. ( C)a

M.Pt. ( C)a

V.P. (Pa at 25 C)

5.2 10
1 103
6.7 105
4 107
1.2 103
2 102
6 108
6.0 104

Aqueous solubility (mg/l)b




IARCc group


different locations. Both the bacteria were found to be capable of

PAH degradation with the initial reaction rates of 0.044 mg l1 for
the Ks for pyrene mineralization by M. avescens and 0.470 g l1
for the Ks for anthracene mineralization by Rhodococcus species.
The study also proposed the degradation pathway of uoranthene. In both strains, metabolism of uoranthene occurred on the
fused ring of uoranthene molecule, producing 9-uorenone-1carboxylic acid.

There has been growing concern over the mounting concentration of PAHs in marine environment. Mangrove sediments,
important estuarine wetlands are closely tied to human activities
and are subjected to PAH contamination. Bacteria isolated from the
mangrove sediments are known to degrade phenanthrene from 42%
to 78% with different degradation potential depending upon the
different sediments [23]. Romero et al. [19] studied phenanthrene
degradation by microorganisms isolated from a contaminated

Fig. 1. Chemical structures of some commonly studied PAHs.

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A.K. Haritash, C.P. Kaushik / Journal of Hazardous Materials 169 (2009) 115

decreased to 3% of the original value. Daane et al. [24] isolated and

characterized PAH-degrading bacteria associated with the rhizosphere of salt marsh plants. They categorized the isolated bacteria
into three main bacterial groupsgram-negative pseudomonas;
gram-positive, non-spore forming nocardioforms; and the grampositive, spore-forming group, Paenibacillus. They observed that
phenanthrene-enriched isolates are able to utilize a greater number of PAHs than are the naphthalene-enriched isolates. Later, they
established that bacteria belonging to genus Paenibacillus, isolated
from the petroleum-contaminated sediment and salt marsh rhizosphere can use naphthalene or phenanthrene as sole carbon source
and can degrade the PAHs [25]. Verrhiest et al. [26] studied interaction between a PAH mixture and microbial communities in natural
freshwater sediment. They observed that benzo(k)uoranthene
concentration in the sediment was stable for over 28 days, whereas
phenanthrene and uoranthene remained from 3% to 6%. The study
showed that (a) PAH induce perturbations in the microbial communities in terms of density and metabolism, (b) indigenous bacteria
might be use for toxicity assessment, and (c) native microorganisms of sediments seem to have a high capacity of PAH degradation,
depending on the physicochemical properties and the availability
of substances present.
2.2. Fungi

Fig. 2. Proposed degradation of Pyrene by Mycobacterium sp. Strain KR2 [20].

stream. Rhodotorula glutinis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the

prevailing microorganisms utilizing phenanthrene. Cells of these
microorganisms were inoculated in liquid mineral basal medium
and almost complete phenanthrene transformation was observed
in the experiment during the 1-month incubation period, for both
microorganisms. It was seen that R. glutinis was as active as P.
aeruginosa at growing on phenanthrene; the aromatic hydrocarbon
degradation correlated directly to microbial density and biomass
increase [19]. A study carried out for decontamination of soil polluted with PAHs by means of mixed microbial culture of the bacteria
from the genera Acenitobacter and Klebsiella showed that within
6 months a signicant reduction of 98% of the total PAH content
took place. The concentration of the PAHs with three and four rings
decreased to 0.5% of the original content in the soil. The concentration of most ve to seven ring PAHs with carcinogenic properties

Several fungi are known to have the property of degradation

of persistent pollutants. Cutright studied the kinetics involved in
PAH degradation by the fungi Cunninghamella echinulata var. elegans and suggested that for a rst order reaction-system the rate
of change in contaminant concentration is proportional to the concentration of contaminant in soil and the time prediction tool in
degradation is dependent on the microorganisms, the contaminant type and its concentration [27]. The microbial degradation by
lignolytic fungi has been intensively studied during the past few
years [28] and due to the irregular structure of lignin, lignolytic
fungi produce extracellular enzymes with very low substrate
specicity, making them suitable for degradation of different compounds. The lignolytic system consists of three main enzyme groups
with lignin peroxidase, manganese dependent peroxidase, phenoloxidases (lacases, tyrosinases), and H2 O2 -producing enzymes.
Experiments with puried enzymes proved that lignolytic enzymes
are able to degrade PAHs [29]. It has been observed that lignolytic
enzymes perform a one electron radical oxidation, producing cation
radicals from contaminants followed by appearance of quinines
[30]. A study by Clemente et al. [31] investigated degradation
of PAH by thirteen deuteromycete ligninolytic fungal strains and
found that the degree of dedradation varies with a variation of
lignolytic enzymes. Maximum degradation of naphthalene (69%)
was observed by the strain 984 having Mn-peroxidase activity,
followed by strain 870 (17%) showing lignin peroxidase and laccase activities. Phenanthrene degradation of 12% was observed
with strain 870 with Mn-peroxidase and laccase activities. A
good level of degradation of anthracene (65%) was observed by
the strain 710. Recently, soil fungi have been studied regarding
their ability to degrade Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
and produce ligninolytic enzymes under microaerobic and verylow-oxygen conditions [32]. Low-molecular-weight PAHs (23
rings) were found to be degraded most extensively by Aspergillus
sp., Trichocladium canadense, and Fusarium oxysporum. For highmolecular-weight PAHs (47 rings), maximum degradation has
been observed by T. canadense, Aspergillus sp., Verticillium sp., and
Achremonium sp. Such studies have found that fungi have a great
capability to degrade a broad range of PAHs under low-oxygen conditions.
The monooxygenase system of cytochrom P-450 generating
epoxides may also be involved in degradation. The epoxides can be

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most abundant fungi in polluted environments are yeasts [40,41]

and they can oxidize PAH with alternative carbon sources. The rate
of degradation of phenanthrene by Rhodotorula glutinis, yeast isolated from contaminated stream was found to be almost equal to
the degradation by bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa [19].
2.3. Algae

Fig. 3. Fungal degradation pathway of Phenanthrene using Irpex lacteus [33].

rearranged into hydroxyl derivatives or they may be hydrolyzed to

vicinal dihydrodiols. Cajthaml et al. [33] studied fungal degradation
products of PAHs by lignolytic fungus Irpex lacteus and found that
the major degradation products of anthracene and phenanthrene
were anthraquinone and phenanthrene-9,10-dihydrodiol, respectively (Fig. 3). The study also proposed the pathway for degradation
of anthracene and phenanthrene [33].
White-rot fungi (WRF) can degrade a wide range of organopollutants and the degradative activity is because of the lignin-degrading
systems of these fungi. Boyle et al. [34] found that white-rot fungi
growing in soil did not degrade signicant amounts of PAHs. However, in liquid culture they degraded many PAHs. The effect of
nutrient nitrogen was also assessed because nitrogen sources are
frequently added during bioremediation, but nitrogen can inhibit
the lignin-degrading system of WRF [35]. Addition of soil, sawdust,
or ground alfalfa inhibited formation of the polar metabolites, but
had little effect on mineralization. Degradation of Benzo(a)pyrene
by WRF in liquid medium was faster by fungi that had been
exposed to PAHs, suggesting that the degaradative system was
inducible. Degradation in soil was increased by some surfactants,
these increasing the B(a)P concentration in the soil moisture. The
responsible factors for increased degradation could be increased
accessibility of B(a)P to degaradative system or induction of WRF
degaradative system [34]. Among hundreds of WRF displaying lignolytic activity, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Bjerkandera adusta,
and Pleurotus ostreatus have been extensively studied. Intermediate
compounds as quinones, hydroxyl- and dihydroxy-PAH have been
isolated in degradation experiments, but it is not clear whether they
accumulate as dead-end products. Accumulation of PAH-quinones
was reported in liquid cultures of P. chrysosporium and B. adusta
[36,37] and in soil by P. ostreatus [38]. Eggen and Majcherczyk concluded that in aged soil contaminated with creosote, P. ostreatus
removed Benzo(a)pyrene most extensively in rst month [39]. The

Degradation of PAHs requires a consortium of microorganisms and algae is no exception. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic
photoautotrophic marine algae (i.e. cyanobacteria, green algae,
and diatoms) are known to metabolize naphthalene to a series
of metabolites [4244], though there are indications that cishydroxylation of naphthalene by cyanobacteria, Oscillatoria and
Agmenellum spp. involve pathways similar to fungus [4246]. BaP
is known to be transformed to diols, and quinones by marine algae
in a period of 56 days. Warshawsky et al. found that Selenastrum capricornutum, a freshwater green alga metabolizes BaP to
cis-dihydrodiols using a dioxygenase enzyme system as found in
heterotrophic prokaryotes. It was observed that S. capricornutum
produced 11,12-dihydrodiol under gold light and 9,10-dihydrodiol
under white light. With increasing light energy from gold to
white to UV-A in PAH-absorbing region, BaP quinone production increased. The study also concluded that only green algae
almost completely metabolized BaP to dihydrodiols, whereas yellow algae and blue green algae failed in metabolizing the PAH.
Higher doses of PAHs prove phytotoxic to algae [47,48]. Certain
algae have been reported to enhance the removal uoranthene
and pyrene when present with bacteria. Borde et al. [49] rst
reported case of photosynthesis-enhanced biodegradation of toxic
aromatic pollutants by algalbacterial microcosms in a one-stage
treatment. The potential of algalbacterial microcosms for the
biodegradation of salicylate, phenol and phenanthrene was studied.
Pseudomonas migulae and Sphingomonas yanoikuyae were studied
for phenanthrene degradation. The green alga Chlorella sorokiniana was cultivated in the presence of the pollutants at different
concentrations, showing increasing inhibitory effects in the order
salicylate < phenol < phenanthrene. A substantial removal (>85%)
was recorded only in the systems inoculated with both algae and
bacteria and incubated under continuous lighting. Such studies
have demonstrated synergistic relationships in the algalbacterial
microcosms. Recently different microalgal species have been
reported to degrade uoranthene and pyrene [50]. The study of
uoranthene, pyrene, and a mixture of uoranthene and pyrene
by Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus platydiscus, Scenedesmus quadricauda, and Selenastrum capricornutum has shown that removal is
algal species-specic and toxicant-dependent. PAHs removal in 7
days of treatment was 78% and 48%, respectively by S. capricornutum
and C. vulgaris. The removal efciency of uoranthene and pyrene
in a mixture higher than the respective single compound, suggesting that the presence of one PAH stimulated the removal of the
other PAH. A heterotrophic green microalgal strain Prototheca zopi
immobilized in polyurethane foam has also been reported to help
accumulation of mixture of PAHs in the matix [51], whereas the free
living cells of the alga can reduce PAHs and n-alkanes [52]. Hong
et al. [53] studied the accumulation and biodegradation of phenanthrene and uoranthene by the algae enriched from a mangrove
aquatic ecosystem. The isolated microalgal species S. costatum and
Nitzschia sp. were capable of accumulating and degrading the two
typical PAHs simultaneously. The accumulation and degradation
abilities of Nitzschia sp. were higher than those of S. costatum.
Degradation of uoranthene by the two algal species was slower,
indicating its recalcitrance. The microalgal species also showed
comparable or higher efciency in the removal of the mixture than
phenanthrene or uoranthene singly, suggesting that the presence
of one PAH stimulated the degradation of the other. The studies and

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results obtained show that alga is suitable for PAH bioremediation

and it acts co-metabolically with bacteria.
3. Enzymes in degradation
Enzymes involved in the degradation of PAHs are oxygenase,
dehydrogenase and lignolytic enzymes. Fungal lignolytic enzymes
are lignin peroxidase, laccase, and manganese peroxidase. They are
extracellular and catalyze radical formation by oxidation to destabilize bonds in a molecule [54,55]. Laccase and Mn-dependent
peroxidase are present abundantly in spent mushroom compost
(SMC), whereas the production of ligninase is reported to be
low and addition of SMC enhances the rate of PAH-degradation.
Bogan and Lamar found that the disappearance of PAHs showed
a strong correlation with the ionization potentials (IPs) [56].
The IP values, referring to the energy required to remove an
electron and to form a cation radical are 8.12 for naphthalene,
8.03 for phenanthrene, 7.21 for benzo(a)pyrene, and 7.31 for
benzo(g,h,i)perylene [57]. A one-electron oxidation of PAHs can
take place by peroxidases (IP 7.35 eV), laccase (IP 7.45 eV), Mndependent peroxidase (IP 8.19 eV), and ligninase (IP 7.55 eV)
[57,58]. These enzymes are active at different temperatures. Most
of the enzymes have optimum activity at mesophilic temperatures
and it decreases with very high and low temperatures. Some of
the enzymes are reported to be active even at extremes of temperatures. Only laccase activity is detected at 5 C. The optimum
temperature is 45 C for laccase, but its activity drops to 30% at
5 C while 31% activity is found at 75 C. On the other hand, the
activity of Mn-dependent peroxidase is high even at 75 C. Farnet
et al. [59] reported that the activity of laccase of fungus Marasmius quercophilus is optimal at 80 C. Enzymes also show substrate
specicity but lignolytic enzymes are non-specic acting on phenolic and non-phenolic organic compounds via the generation
of cation radicals after one electron oxidation [60,61]. Pleurotus
laccase produces hydroxyl radicals [62] while Mn-dependent peroxidase of fungus Nematoloma forwardii degrades a broad spectrum
of PAHs and aliphatic substances directly to carbon-di-oxide and
polar ssion products [29]. A generalized degradation pathway of
PAHs has been proposed in different studies. A phthalic derivative is produced as one of the ring ssion products of PAHs by
white rot fungi and bacteria [58,63]. The derivatization of phthalate results into carbon-di-oxide or highly polar metabolites and the
lignolytic enzymes and ozonation/photocatalytic oxidation act by
free radical attack on the organopollutants [64]. Thus, the intermediates of these three methods are ring opening phthalic derivatives
and aliphatics such as pentadecane, hexadecane, and nonadecane
A higher dose of PAHs in the substrate may also affect the
activity/rate of microbial degradation. Verrhiest et al. [26] while
studying the interaction between a PAH mixture and microbial
communities in natural freshwater sediment established that PAH
dose has no effect on the microbial community in sediments up to
a range of 30 mg PAH/kg. The PAHs had an effect at higher concentration owing to partial inhibition of the leucineaminopeptidase
activity. The b-glucosidase activity was stimulated by the organic
pollutants at the same concentration. Schutzendubel et al. [65]
found that during only 3 days of incubation, Bjerkandera adusta
removed 56% and 38% of Fluorene and anthracene, while Pleurotus ostreatus degraded 43% and 60% of these compounds; other
PAH were degraded to a lower extent. Except for anthracene in cultures of P. ostreatus, all PAH were removed uniformly during the
cultivation time but Fluorene and anthracene were degraded faster
than other PAH. The fungi produced valuable activity of manganesedependent peroxidase but laccase was secreted only by P. ostreatus
and was strongly induced by the addition of milled wood. The
production of the oxidative enzymes did not correlate directly to

the metabolism of PAH. Both fungi showed a very low activity

of LiP during the whole incubation period; the enzyme was not
induced by milled wood. P. ostreatus in the BSM (basic medium)
medium showed activity of MnP only at the end of cultivation. The
addition of wood inhibited production of the enzyme in younger
cultures and increased the activity after 27 days. Laccase activity
was detected only in cultures of P. ostreatus. The rst maximum
of activity was reached after 22 days in BSM cultures and BSMW
(basic medium with milled wood) cultures, respectively. In cultures
of both fungi, only a very low and no signicant cresolase activity
of the tyrosinase could be detected. In the case of P. ostreatus, the
highest level of anthracene elimination was observed in 12-dayold cultures (62%). A second maximum in removal of anthracene
was detected after 39 days (18%). Fluorene was degraded to a
high degree in a 7-day-old culture (42%) and was practically uniformly removed over the whole cultivation time. Other PAHs were
degraded at an almost constant rate during the 48 days of cultivation (1 12%). Cultures supplemented with milled wood showed
much lower degradation values: only anthracene (max 23% after 17
days), uorene (19 30%) and partially phenanthrene (0 8%) were
A limitation of essential co-substrates for the monitored
enzymes could be a factor confounding a clear correlation between
the degradation of PAH and the secretion of oxidative enzymes. Similar to the role of H2 O2 and manganese availability, co-substrates
for the mediated oxidation by laccase could be essential in observing a clear correlation of PAH degradation and enzyme activity
[66,67]. In the growth phase of fungi and in the absence of necessary extracellular enzymes and/or co-substrates, the degradation of
PAH could take place preferentially by aromatic compound uptake.
High oxidative potential generated by extracellular enzymes in later
stages can enhance PAH degradation or displace the previous mechanism.
4. Oxygen: determining the path
The biodegradation of PAHs has been observed under both
aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The microbial communities in
contaminated sediments and soils exist under anaerobic conditions
and biotransformation of pollutants is observed under such conditions. The anaerobic biodegradation of PAHs is a slow process, and
its biochemical mechanism has not yet been elucidated [68,69].
These pathways initiate the biodegradation of PAHs by introducing both atoms of molecular oxygen into the aromatic nucleus, the
reaction being catalyzed by a multicomponent dioxygenase which
consists of a reductase, a ferredoxin and an ironsulfur protein [70].
Studies have shown that two- and three-ring PAHs can be degraded
anaerobically [69,71,72], but there is lack of evidences if it is true for
PAHs with more than three rings. PAHs are known to dissipate under
nitrate- and sulfate-reducing conditions. A study by Ambrosoli et al.
[73] reported anaerobic PAH degradation in soil by a mixed bacterial consortium under denitrifying conditions and concluded that
anaerobic biodegradation of uorene, phenanthrene and pyrene,
seems to be possible both through fermentative and respiratory
metabolism, provided that low molecular weight co-metabolites
and suitable electron acceptors (nitrate) are present.
Recently, novel anaerobic biotransformation pathways of uorene and phenanthrene by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) have
been proposed (Fig. 4) [74]. The SRB was enriched from anaerobic swine wastewater sludge and it could biotransform 88% of
uorene and 65% of phenanthrene in a 21 days period of incubation. It was observed that sulfate reduction was coupled with
biotransformation of uorene and phenanthrene. Fluorene and
phenanthrene were biotransformed through a sequence of hydration and hydrolysis reactions followed by decarboxylation with
the formation of p-cresol (only in the phenanthrene system) and

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Fig. 4. Proposed anaerobic biotransformation pathway of phenanthrene by sulfate-reducing bacteria [74].

phenol. PAH degradation has also been observed in sediments

derived from freshwater aquifers coupled to Fe (III) reduction
[75]. There have been several studies on anaerobic degradation of
naphthalene as compared to other PAHs. The rate and extent of
PAH degradation is correlated with the number of benzene rings
and the presence/absence of side chains [76]. Though the anaerobic degradation is comparatively a slower process and is limited
by several other factors, it has the advantage of being adopted
in natural environments and cannot be overlooked. The sulfatereducing bacteria were found to be involved in degradation of
phenanthrene under anaerobic conditions [77]. Later, it was added
that sulfate reducing bacteria constitute a major microbial component in two-to four-ring PAH degradation, but the methanogen
and vanomycin microbial populations are also involved [78]. The
addition of microbial inhibitors like bromoethanesulfonic acid
(BESA) (a selective methanogen inhibitor), molybdate (a selective sulfate-reducing bacteria inhibitor), or vanomycin (a selective
eubacteria inhibitor) delayed PAH degradation. However, it was
inhibited by the addition of humic acid, di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
(DEHP), nonylphenol, or heavy metals. Another study reported that
the anaerobic degradation of PAH was enhanced by the addition
of acetate, lactate, pyruvate, sodium chloride, cellulose, or zerovalent iron [79]. The biodegradation process of hydrocarbons, under
anaerobic and reducing conditions, can be hypothesized into three
major steps. Initially high concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons
is partly degraded under nitrate and sulfate-reducing conditions to
form low molecular weight organic acids as metabolic intermediates. Organic acids act as ligands complexing insoluble Fe (III) oxides
in the aquifer and mobilizing Fe (III). Finally, the mobilized Fe (III) is
available for iron reducing bacteria and intensies the degradation
of aromatic hydrocarbons [80].
Microbial community in the contaminated sediments appears
to be adapted for PAH oxidation in situ as 14 C-labelled PAH was
oxidized to 14 CO2 without a lag. In contrast, there is little, if any
anaerobic, PAH oxidation in sediments without prior hydrocarbon
contamination. Sediments not polluted with high levels of hydrocarbons can readily be adapted for rapid anaerobic PAH oxidation
once they are exposed to PAH. The emergence of the capacity
for anaerobic PAH oxidation is accompanied by an increase in
anaerobic PAH degraders. This suggests that the appropriate PAHdegrading microorganisms are present, albeit in low numbers, even
in sediments that are only exposed to low PAH inputs. If PAH con-

centrations increase, these organisms can respond with an increase

in their activity. Thus, it seems likely that most harbor sediments
will develop the capacity for anaerobic PAH degradation when high
levels of PAHs are introduced into the sediments as the result
of petroleum contamination. Therefore, if the introduction of the
PAHs can be subsequently reduced, the sediments may be capable of signicant self-purication, even under anaerobic conditions
Pure cultures of several anaerobic nitrate-reducing [82,83]
and sulfate-reducing [84] bacteria, capable of degrading PAHs,
have been identied. Most of the bacteria are from the genus
Pseudomonas. The Pseudomonas genus comprises many aerobic
naphthalene-degrading bacteria and accounts for 86.9% of the
hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms found in gasoline contaminated aquifers [85]. Phylogenetic analysis of the PAH-degrading
sulfur-reducing bacteria revealed that the organism belonged to
the Desulfobacterium genus closely related (96.9% sequence identity) to the strain mXyS 1 which has the ability to grow by anaerobic
m-xylene degradation [86].
From all the studies carried out to date with different aromatic
compounds, such as phenols, cresols, anilines, benzoates, toluene,
benzene, xylenes, nitroaromatic and chlorinated compounds, and
many others, it can be concluded that anaerobic bacteria follow
a strategy that is similar to that of aerobic bacteria [87]. First,
the diverse aromatic compounds are transformed into a few central intermediates. Subsequently, the aromatic ring is activated
and cleaved, and the resulting non-cyclic compounds are converted into central metabolites. Under anaerobic conditions, the
major intermediates are benzoate (or benzoyl-CoA) and, to a lesser
extent, resorcinol and phloroglucinol [87,88]. Reactions involved in
the channelling processes that lead to the central intermediates
include carboxylations, decarboxylations, hydroxylations, reductions, reductive dehydroxylations, deaminations, dechtorinations,
aryl ether cleavages, and lyase reactions. The aromatic central intermediates are reductively attacked, as proposed by Evans in 1977
[89], and cleaved by hydrolysis. The resulting non-cyclic products
are transformed by p-oxidation to central metabolites.
5. Effect of substrate, pretreatment and amendments
The organic pollutants which are in prolonged contact of the
soil are bound to the soil particles and show reduced bioavailability

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towards biodegradation. The phenomenon is known as sequestration. The phenomenon of contaminant sequestration has recently
been a topic of discussion due to the anticipated impact of this process. Since the particles are inaccessible to the solution phase and
are partially immobilized, they pose less risk/threat to the environment and human health and their remediation carries unnecessary
economic burden with minimal health and safety benets [90].
Several mechanisms have been proposed to describe sequestration of contaminants into/onto organic matter. Different studies
[91,92] explain that the interaction of the contaminant molecule
and soil particle begins with the partitioning of the molecule
into/onto humic acid or fulvic acid polymer layers present at the
surface of soil particle. Later, the molecule diffuses into the threedimensional micropores of the particles which are present in the
humin core of the particle and partially inaccessible to the solution phase by the overlying layer of polymeric humic acid and
fulvic acid [93]. The outer layer of the core is lipophilic and, therefore, binds the organic pollutant strongly rendering it recalcitrant
[94]. Later it was concluded that organic matter content is not the
only factor responsible for sequestration. Cation exchange capacity (CEC), micropore volume, soil texture, and surface area, too,
play a role in it [95]. Studies have also been reported in contradiction to the earlier model of sequestration. White et al. found that
extraction of soluble organic matter (humic acid and fulvic acid),
leaving humin, increased the extent of PAH sequestration [96]. A
study by Bogan and Sullivan, demonstrated that addition of fulvic acid or a material rich in fulvic acid can result in higher rate
of contaminant degradation [90]. It concluded that the sequestration of contaminant molecule is primarily because of the humin
fraction. The members of genus Mycobacterium are widely used
in bioremediation of aged contaminated sites. It has been established that mycobacteria have exceptionally lipophilic surfaces
which makes them suitable organisms for the uptake of bound
pollutants from the soil particles. They are also known to have
good catabolic efciency towards PAHs up to ve benzene rings
The biological degradation/extraction of a pollutant can be
enhanced by physical/chemical pretreatment of contaminated soil.
The slow rate of degradation in soil is primarily due to the slow rate
of desorption of contaminants from soil particles and not due to
the slow rate of degradation by the microorganisms. The reasons
for slow desorption are slow diffusion of contaminants through
the pore liquid and through the soil organic matter. In order to
increase the rate of diffusion, the soil is subjected to thermal or
chemical treatment prior to the microbial remediation. An increase
in temperature can decrease the soilwater partition coefcient
and as a result, dissolution of contaminants in water is observed.
The partition-coefcient of PAHs decreases by 2030% for every
10 rise in temperature between 5 and 45 C [100,101]. Apart from
it, the mass transfer within the soil increases with increase in
temperature. The mass transfer depends on the effective diffusion
coefcient, which is proportional to the diffusion coefcient and
inversely proportional to the partition coefcient [102,103]. The diffusion coefcient of water increases by 45 times with an increase
in temperature from 20 to 120 C and results in about 150 times
increase in the effective diffusion coefcient. Bonten et al. [104]
studied the effects of short-term heating on subsequent biodegradation of PAHs. Heating at 120 C for 1 h increased the degree of
degradation after 21 days of an aged PAH contamination from 9.5%
to 27%. Lower temperatures resulted in smaller increases. Chemical
pretreatment for organic soil contaminants is addition of an organic
solvent which increases the rate of mass transfer of hydrophobic
compounds in soil. Such an increase in the rate of mass transfer may
lead to redistribution of contaminants from sites exhibiting slow
desorption rate to those exhibiting a fast one. The most prominent
effect of soaking with an organic solvent is a change in partition

coefcient. The soilsolvent partition coefcient decreases exponentially with an increase in acetone concentration [105,106]. A
4:1 acetonewater mixture can desorb more than 95% of all the
PAHs present within an hour [107]. Bonten et al. [104] studied that
soaking of the contaminated sludge in 4:1 (v/v) acetonewater mixture increased the degree of degradation from 9.5% to 20.4% as a
result of dissolution of PAHs. Another chemical technique is the
oxidation with ozone or hydrogen peroxide in combination with
UV-radiation. Usual chemical methods involve a heavy input of
chemicals and formation of harmful residues, whereas UV-ozone
treatment produces no signicant toxic products and it can destroy
more than 90% of PAHs [108].
Introduction of a group of natural microbial strains or a genetically engineered variant to treat contaminated soil is termed
bioaugmentation and it can enhance the rate of degradation.
Addition of biosurfactant-producing microbes can enhance the
bioavailability of PAHs. Addition of biosurfactant-producing bacteria (i.e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and addition of light oils can
increase the bioavailability of PAHs and metabolic potential of
the bacterial community. Addition of oils includes the inorganic
nutrients and bacterial strains capable of degrading PAHs cometabolically (i.e. Sphingomonas paucimobilis) [109]. Surfactant
compounds produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa can increase the
concentration of PAHs in the aqueous phase of the system. Increases
in aqueous concentrations are generally in direct proportion to the
amount of surfactant present. Inclusion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
surfactant in the land farm operation can increase the accessibility
of PAHs to soil bacteria [110].
Addition of a carbon source as a nutrient in contaminated soil is
known to enhance the rate of pollutant degradation by stimulating
the growth of microorganisms responsible, termed as biostimulation. It has been suggested that the addition of carbon in the
form of pyruvate stimulates the microbial growth and enhances
the rate of PAH degradation [111]. It did not show diauxic growth
and accelerated the adaptation of P. putida G7 to naphthalene and
enhanced the rate of in situ bioremediation. Mushroom compost
and spent mushroom compost (SMC) are also applied in treating organopollutant contaminated sites [112,113]. Addition of SMC
results in enhanced PAH-degrading efciency (82%) as compared to
the removal by sorption on immobilized SMC (46%). It is observed
that the addition of SMC to the contaminated medium reduced
the toxicity, added enzymes, microorganisms, and nutrients for the
microorganisms involved in degradation of PAHs [114]. In a study
by Guerin [115], polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated
soil from a creosoting plant was remediated using an ex situ land
treatment process. The process involved soil mixing, aeration, and
fertilizer addition. The indigenous PAH utilizing microorganisms
were shown to increase during the treatment process, indicating
that biostimulation was effective. The most extensive degradation
was apparent with the 2- and 3-ring PAH, with decreases of 97% and
82%, respectively. The higher molecular weight 3- and 4-ring PAHs
were degraded at slower rates, with reductions of 45% and 51%,
respectively. Six-ring PAHs were degraded the least with average
reductions of 35%.
Laboratory experiments have shown that the rate of biodegradation is more in liquid medium under constant steering than in
soil/medium with soil added in it. The difference is due to the tendency of PAH particles to adsorb on soil particles and this renders
reduced availability to microorganisms [21]. It has been observed
that soils amended with municipal and petroleum sludge have
higher rate of PAH degradation than the rate in soil alone. Since, the
sludge is rich in number of microorganisms and level of different
nutrients, they favour vigorous growth of microbes and enhanced
biodegradation rates. The decrease in nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate content in the medium accounted for the consumption as
nutrients during biodegradation.

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Biodegradation of phenanthrene is also affected by the salinity of

degradation medium. Bacteria isolated from mangrove sediments
can degrade phenanthrene [23] and it was observed that bacterial
growth is directly proportional to the phenanthrene concentration. But, the rate of degradation of PAH was low in the medium
with high salinity and it was more in medium with less salinity. The inhibition due to salinity was more when bacteria were
present individually and the effect was reduced when mixed culture of all the bacteria was used. It was also reported that the
addition of glucose, as a carbon source, reduced the inhibition by
6. Inhibition and co-metabolism
Most of the studies have concentrated on specic biodegradation rates with single substrate system under aerobic conditions.
Since PAHs are present in mixtures, the effect of substrate interaction in biodegradation is important in understanding the fate
of PAHs. Some studies have presented the evidence that substrate
interaction affect the biodegradation of PAHs by pure and mixed
cultures. Sometimes, high molecular weight PAHs after low molecular weight PAHs have been utilized/degraded [109], while high
concentration of naphthalene may have inhibited degradation of
other PAHs due to toxicity [116]. Stringfellow and Aitken found competitive inhibition of phenanthrene degradation by naphthalene,
methylnaphthalene, and uorene in binary mixtures using two
pure cultures [117]. They concluded that the occurrence of competitive inhibition observed with two different pseudomonas species
might be common among PAH-degrading organisms. The presence
of phenanthrene is reported to inhibit degradation of pyrene [118].
In studies with pure denitrifying isolates, the presence of naphthalene enhanced both phenanthrene and pyrene degradation,
whereas phenanthrene apparently inhibited pyrene degradation,
though the observations were not conrmed with metabolite analysis. Bacterial degradation of anthracene by Rhodococcus spp. and
pyrene degradation by M. avescens has also been reported to be
inhibited by the presence of uoranthene in the medium [22].
Sometimes specic strains of microorganisms may also cause inhibition. The effect of surfactant-like compounds, produced by the
microorganisms, when growing on aromatic hydrocarbons, solubilizes the PAH and leads to an increase in concentration in the
medium. It could also, at times, cause inhibition of the degradation process [119,120]. Some of the studies have reported no
effect of substrate on degradation. Tsai et al. [74] reported that
uorene and phenanthrene can be degraded by sulfate-reducing
bacteria without any inhibition. The degradation rates of uorene
and phenanthrene in the single compound systems were 0.136
and 0.09 d1 , respectively. When both uorene and phenanthrene
were spiked into the system, the k1 of uorene and phenanthrene
were reduced to 0.098 and 0.072 d1 , respectively. The rate of
uorene and phenanthrene degradation was higher in the single
compound system compared to the mixed one. The reason for
the inhibition of microbial activity was attributed to high concentration of total PAHs. However, other studies have reported
even the stimulation of degradation of PAHs when present in
mixtures. The biodegradation of PAHs in varying mixture combinations by pure culture of Pseudomonas putida strain KBM-1
under aerobic conditions showed that the presence of naphthalene
(2-ringed PAH) stimulated phenanthrene (3-ringed PAH) degradation 5-fold and pyrene (4-ringed PAH) degradation 2-fold. Findings
which report co-metabolism have also been made. Yuan et al.
[21] reported that the degradation efciency of microorganisms
is more vigorous when acenaphthene, uorene, phenanthrene,
anthracene, and pyrene are present simultaneously compared to
the rate of degradation when the PAHs are present individually
because the presence of all ve compounds provides more carbon

source, or cross acclimation may enhance the rate of biodegradation.

7. Kinetics
The properties of soil determine the activity of its microora
which is responsible for the degradation of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs). Moreover, soil properties inuence the
strength of the interactions between the PAHs and individual
soil components. The introduction of sewage sludge into the soil
changes these properties which, in turn, changes environmental
conditions [121]. The range and rate of changes in the content of
individual PAHs determined on the basis of the half-lives exhibited
that they depend on the properties of sewage sludge and sewage
sludge dose. Apart from direct microbiological degradation, losses
resulting from leaching and volatilization, part of PAHs can be converted to bound residues [122], and some part may have been
sequestered into inaccessible microsites in the soilsewage sludge
matrix through aging [95]. Though a lot of work has been done on
bioremediation of contaminated soils and the dissipation of PAHs
from them, the study of kinetics involved during the process is still
in infancy. Cutright [27] undertook a study to determine the specic degradation rates for the bioremediation of PAH-contaminated
soils. The kinetics associated with the fungi Cunninghamella echinulata in conjunction with different nutrient supplements was
investigated. It was observed that for a rst order kinetics system, the rate of change in contaminant was proportional to its
concentration in soil. The prediction of time for bioremediation of
contaminated soil is dependent on the microorganisms, contaminant type and its concentration. Further, the development of more
accurate kinetic model requires the monitoring of biomass, respiration studies, and study of interactions of different organisms
between them. Though bioremediation has high rate of success, but
the kinetics is still not fully understood and the kinetics become
more complicated when fungi are used for bioremediation. As
explained in earlier section, the different enzymes involved in fungal degradation have optimal activity at different temperatures and
some of them are active even at very high or low temperatures.
Thus, monitoring the kinetics for different fungal strains is difcult but majority of them have good degradation capacities in a
mesophilic range. The degradation rate can be enhanced by pretreatment at a high temperature which results in volatilization
and decrease in the soilwater partition coefcient, as a result
which dissolution of contaminants increases enhancing the rate
of degradation. As far as molecular weight of PAH is concerned,
a limited number of bacteria have been identied that can grow
in pure cultures on PAHs with ve or more aromatic rings (high
molecular weight (HMW) PAHs) because the high retention of
these compounds by the solid soil phase results in very low masstransfer rates of HMW-PAHs to the bacterial cells to match the basic
metabolic requirements cells. Thus, the degradation rate of HMWPAHs is slow [123]. An important factor for the PAH-degradation
activity of bacteria is the pH of soil. The shift of the pH from 5.2 to
7.0 can signicantly enhance the rate of PAH degradation by strain
BA 2 [124]. Neutralization of soil is generally favorable for the degradation of mineral oil components by bacteria [125]. However, a pH
of 5.2 should not lead to total inhibition of activity. Maximum PAH
oxidation rates and optimum specic bacterial growth are obtained
near pH 7.0 and 30 C [126].
8. PAHs removal by composting, wetlands and
There are several microorganisms which can degrade a variety of contaminants and even the supplements. It has been

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observed that the addition of straw, compost, manure, etc.

helps to enhance degradation by improving soil texture, oxygen transfer, and providing energy to the microbial population.
Wischmann and Steinhart [127] reported that in unamended
soil, only aromatics with up to three fused benzene rings were
degraded, whereas soil supplementation with compost helped
to enhance elimination of all compounds monitored. Substantial
residues after 15 weeks were only found for benzo(a)anthracene,
chrysene, and benzo(a)pyrene, with 11%, 19%, and 54% respectively. Accumulation of ketonic and quinonic degradation products
such as 9-uorenone, anthracene-9,10-dione, 2-methylanthracene9,10-dione, and benz(a)anthracene-7,12-dione was observed in
unamended soil material. In mixtures with compost, shortterm concentration maxima of such products correlated well
with enhanced contaminant elimination. They concluded that
supplementation of contaminated soils with compost materials
can enhance biodegradation without long-term accumulation of
extractable polar and more available intermediates. Wong et al.
[128] studied the amendment of pig manure with soil spiked with
PAHs. The increase in pig manure amendment can enhance the
amount of soluble organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus which
in turn increases the number of thermophilic, mesophilic and PAHdegrading bacteria in early stage of composting. Amendment of
pig manure is benecial to PAH removal during composting and
removal efciency increased up to 90%. Pig manure application at a
dose of 25% is reported to have maximum removal of phenanthrene
and anthracene. The 3-ring PAHs can be reduced during composting and maximum degradation takes place in rst 3 weeks with a
removal rate up to 95%, whereas 4-ring PAHs are degraded at a much
slower rate with a reduction of 90% after 5 weeks of composting.
The slow degradation rate might be due to high molecular weight
and organic carbon partition coefcient [129]. Furthermore, significant degradation of pyrene occurs after most of the 3-ring PAHs
have been removed [130].
Phytoremediation is dened as the use of green plants to
remove pollutants from the environment to render them harmless. Plants can take the pollutants up and accumulate them in
roots of foliage. It is an in situ, solar energy regulated technique,
which minimises environmental disturbance and reduces costs
[131]. Moreover, it particularly suits to the treatment of large areas
of surface contamination, when other methods may not be as
effective. Apart from it, large number of microorganisms is associated with rhizosphere which results in microbial degradation and
co-metabolism [131]. Several species of grass such as Agropyron
smithii, Bouteloua gracilis, Cyanodon dactylon, Elymus Canadensis,
Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Melilotus ofcinalis, etc. are
also known to degrade PAHs [132,133]. Results of an investigation indicated that grasses and legumes enhance the removal of
PAHs from contaminated soils by. The plants included the legume
alfalfa and three grasses: tall fescue, sudangrass, and switchgrass.
Pyrene and anthracene were used as PAH contaminants. Planted
soils had signicantly lower concentrations of the PAHs than the
unplanted soils, with 3040% more degradation in the planted soils
[134]. A mix of eight prairie grasses was studied in sandy loam
soils to determine the degradation of four PAHs (benzo[a]pyrene,
benzo[a]anthracene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, and chrysene) stimulated by plant growth. The grasses included big bluestem, little
bluestem, Indiangrass, switchgrass, Canada wild-rye, side oats
grama, blue grama, and western wheatgrass. PAH disappearance
was consistently greater in planted units compared to unplanted
controls, indicating that phytoremediation enhanced the removal
of these compounds from contaminated soil. The biodegradation was greatest for benzo[a]anthracene followed by chrysene,
benzo[a]pyrene, and nally dibenzo[a,h]anthracene. This ranking
correlated with the water solubility of the PAH compounds; i.e.,
the more water-soluble the compound the greater its disappear-

ance from the soil [135]. Soil planted with ryegrass was observed to
lose a greater amount of a mixture of hydrocarbons than soil that
was unplanted. The hydrocarbon mixture included n-alkanes (C10,
C14C18, C22, C24), as well as pristane, hexadecane, phenanthrene,
anthracene, uoranthene, and pyrene. After 22 weeks, the initial
extractable hydrocarbon concentration of 4330 mg total hydrocarbon per kg soil decreased to less than 120 mg per kg soil (97%
reduction) in planted soils, but to only 790 mg per kg soil (82%
reduction) in unplanted soil. Larger microbial numbers and activity
in the planted versus unplanted soil led the authors to conclude that
plant roots enhanced biodegradation of the hydrocarbons by stimulating the soil microbes [136]. Another indirect role that plants
play in the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons is the release
of enzymes from roots. These enzymes are capable of transforming organic contaminants by catalyzing chemical reactions in soil.
Ref. [137] identied plant enzymes as the causative agents in the
transformation of contaminants mixed with sediment and soil. The
identied enzyme systems included dehalogenase, nitroreductase,
peroxidase, and laccase. These ndings suggest that plant enzymes
may have signicant spatial effects extending beyond the plant
itself and temporal effects continuing after the plant has died [138].
The phytoremediation potential of two cold-hardy plants, Arctared
red fescue and annual ryegrass, planted together in soil contaminated with either crude oil or diesel has also been examined [139].
Results indicated that contaminated soils planted with the two
species had signicantly lower concentrations of total petroleum
hydrocarbon (TPH) compared to unplanted controls. The initial
crude oil concentration for planted treatments and unplanted controls was approximately 6200 mg TPH per kg soil, while the initial
diesel concentration was approximately 8350 mg TPH per kg. After
640 days, crude oil contaminated soil planted with both species had
1400 mg TPH per kg soil (77% reduction), while the unplanted control contained 2500 mg TPH per kg soil (60% reduction). Likewise,
diesel-contaminated soil planted with both species had 700 mg TPH
per kg soil (92% reduction) after 640 days compared to 2200 mg
TPH per kg soil (74% reduction) for the unplanted control. Rasmussen and Olsen [140] studied the efciency of orchard grass
(Dactylis glomerata) towards PAH-removal. The study reported that
a soil/sand mixture vegetated with orchard grass exhibited high
treatment efciency with an input from the microbial catabolic
degradation by plant exudates.
Wetlands, too, have found an application in PAH removal from
wastewater. Specic macrophytes, microora and microfauna are
the characteristic feature of wetlands. The intensive biological activities in such an ecosystem lead to a high rate of autotrophic and
heterotrophic processes. Aquatic weeds Typha spp. and Scirpus
lacustris have been used in horizontalvertical macrophyte based
wetlands to treat phenanthrene [141]. The removal of phenanthrene is found to be greater than 99.9%. During the degradation
of phenanthrene, 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid (HNA) has been identied as an initial conversion product. HNA is a naphthalene
derivative and originates from phenanthrene. The occurrence of
HNA as an intermediate metabolite in phenanthrene degradation
indicates the presence of bacterial microora. Pilot-scale wetlands
have been used for the treatment of PAH-contaminated water
[142], particularly uoranthene, and the possible role of fungi
in these ecosystems has been investigated. Giraud et al. isolated
40 fungal species from a contaminated wetland and a control
wetland [142]. They reported that uoranthene was degraded efciently by 33 species while only 2 species were able to remove
anthracene over 70%. The most frequently isolated species were
Absidia cylindrospora, Mucor hiemalis, Aspergillus fumigatus, Cladosporium cladosporoides, Fusarium solani, and Trichoderma viride.
No PAHs were detected when analyzing the efuent water of the
constructed wetland. An analysis of microbial population showed
an increase in fungal population in the contaminated system when

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Fig. 5. Proposed pathway for microbial catabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [158].

compared to a control pilot wetland. Most of the fungi isolated

from the wetland degraded PAH efciently under lab conditions
too. Some of the fungal species were reported to have inducible
degradative capacities, since their ability to degrade the PAH
increased with the increase in degree of contamination. The studies
till date suggest that phytoremediation is an emergent and novel
technique for contaminant removal and can be adopted in combination with microorganisms to maximize the rate of removal. Finally,
phytoremediation may be applied with relative ease using existing
agricultural practices at contaminated sites [143].
9. Microbial genetic adaptations
The biodegradation of PAH has been extensively studied and
many microbial strains have been isolated for their ability to
metabolise PAH with varying degradation rates. Pre-exposure of a
microbial community to hydrocarbons, either from anthropogenic
sources or from natural sources is important in determining the
rate of PAH degradation. This phenomenon, which results in an
increase in the hydrocarbon-oxidizing potential of the community
on pre-exposure to high doses of contaminant, is known as adaptation. Several studies have reported adaptation and increase in
degradation rate on PAH. Caparello and LaRock [144] studied mineralization of hexadecane and degradation of n-alkane mixtures
by bacteria in several surface water and sand samples and concluded that areas with greater hydrocarbon burdens had higher
hydrocarbon-oxidizing activity. Sayler et al. [145] showed that
exposure of freshwater sediments to a synthetic oil accelerated
the rate of polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mineralization. Induction and depression of enzymes, genetic changes, and selective
enrichment have been dened as three mechanisms for adaptation of microbial communities to chemical contaminants [125]. The
primary genetic mechanism for the adaptation of the microbial
community is the amplication of genes which are involved in the
metabolism of the chemical contaminant by selective enrichment
and gene transfer [146]. Monitoring of adaptation to hydrocar-

bons has been made possible by the development of DNA probes

specic for the genes encoding hydrocarbon-catabolic pathways.
Colony hybridization technique has shown a correlation between
the enhanced rates of PAH mineralization in oil-contaminated
sediments and an increase in the number of colonies containing
DNA sequences which hybridized to TOL (toluate oxidation) and
NAH (naphthalene oxidation) plasmid probes [147]. The catabolic
pathway in Pseudomonas putida G7 states that the rst enzyme
is a dioxygenase, which converts the aromatic hydrocarbon to
the cis-dihydrodiol. The dioxygenases responsible for the aerobic oxidation of lower molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons
have many similarities, suggesting that they have a common evolutionary origin [148,149]. Genes encoding the dioxygenases of
such compounds have been cloned and sequenced, such as those
belonging to the TOL and NAH families [150,151]. On the other
hand, there is little information about bacterial genes encoding
proteins for the degradation of higher molecular weight PAH,
including phenanthrene, anthracene, pyrene and uoranthene.
The highly homologous naphthalene degradation genes of the
respective nah, pah, ndo and dox operons in some soil pseudomonads are also involved in transformation of phenanthrene
and anthracene [151153]. The cloned PAH catabolizing genes from
non-pseudomonads is reported in Comamonas testosteroni strains
that have the ability to degrade naphthalene, phenanthrene, and
anthracene [154].
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and DNA hybridization have
also proved useful in detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation genes in different soil bacteria [155]. Different
strains of Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Gordona, Sphingomonas,
Rhodococcus and Xanthomonas which degrade polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH) have been characterized for genes encoding
degradation enzymes for PAH. Genomic DNA from these strains
was hybridized with a fragment of ndoB, coding for the large iron
sulfur protein of the naphthalene dioxygenase from Pseudomonas
putida. A group of seven naphthalene-degrading Pseudomonas
strains showed strong hybridization with the ndoB probe, and ve

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Gordona, Mycobacterium, Rhodococcus and Pseudomonas strains

able to degrade higher molecular weight PAH showed weaker
hybridization signals [155]. This suggests a molecular relationship
between genes coding for PAH catabolism in various PAH-degrading
bacterial taxa, which could be used to evaluate the PAH-degradation
potential of mixed populations. The expansion of the DNA probe
method to the detection of genes encoding the catabolism of other
classes of hydrocarbons, detection of specic RNAs, and recombinant DNA technology can help develop bacterial and fungal strains
with improved capability for hydrocarbon metabolism and suitability as seed organisms for the metabolism of PAHs.
10. Conclusion
Bioremediation is the tool to transform the compounds to
less hazardous/non-hazardous forms with less input of chemicals,
energy, and time. It is an approach to degrade/remove pollutants in
an eco-friendly manner. PAH-contaminated sites can be remediated
using the microorganismsalgae, bacteria, and fungi individually
or in combination [158] (Fig. 5). The bioremediation of a pollutant
and the rate at which it is achieved depends on the environmental conditions, number and type of the microorganisms, nature
and chemical structure of the chemical compound being degraded.
Thus, to devise a bioremediation system, several factors are responsible which need to be addressed and explored. There are a number
of bacterial species isolated from different environments and capable of degrading PAHs. Acclimatization of these species can serve
as a key for enhanced degradation. The induction of degradation
capacity by exposing the microbes to higher levels of pollutants
may, at times, result in genetic adaptability/changes responsible
for higher rate of removal. The major group of fungi responsible
for PAH-degradation is of white rot fungi. They have a battery of
enzymes lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase which converts PAH to less harmful and simpler forms. Many algal species
have got the property to biotransform the pollutants to less hazardous ones. Apart from it, some plants can also degrade the PAHs.
A universal, consistent, and efcient system can be devised by
simultaneous application of all the microorganisms to get synergistically enhanced rates. Pretreatment of the medium or addition
of supplements should be promoted to increase the availability
and to regulate the degradation kinetics. Monitoring and regulation of the environmental factors in specic areas can help the
plants/microorganisms sustain even in adverse environments. An
integrated approach of physical, chemical, and biological degradation should be adopted to treat/remediate the contaminated sites
in an ecologically favorable process. The emission/disposal of PAH
containing waste should be reduced/avoided and its reuse and
recovery should be promoted. Control at the source can signicantly
reduce harmful levels in environment and the strategies involved
in mitigation and remediation.
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