Trima Accel The Art of Blood Collection

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Trima Accel

The art
of blood

CaridianBCT, Inc.
10810 W Collins Avenue
Lakewood, CO USA 80215
T +1 303.231.4357
F +1 303.231.4160

CaridianBCT Europe N.V.

Ikaroslaan 41
1930 Zaventem
T + 32.2.715.05.90
F + 32.2.721.07.70

2008 CaridianBCT, Inc. PN 306680-756

Automated Blood Collection System

Its the right choice for business

The Art of Blood Collection

The beauty is in the simplicity

You can continue to help those who need blood

products only as long as your business stays
healthy. An essential part of the art of blood
collection is doing it efficiently and productively.
Right from the start, when you make the
decision to use a Trima Accel Automated
Blood Collection System, you are using a
proven industry leader. Donors, center
operators and technicians prefer the Trima
Accel system, which reflects its ease of use,
efficiency and ability to improve the
financial results of your center.

The importance is in the result

For the people who deserve the best,

For the technology required to work smarter,
For the business to prosper and thrive,
The Trima Accel system is the system that
brings mastery to the art of blood collection

Few businesses directly impact the well-being

of our fellow humans as the collection and
distribution of vital blood and its components.
Doing it properly is a life-saving gift. Doing it
simply, effectively and efficiently is an art.

Quite simply more collection

options to maximize your operation
The CaridianBCT Trima Accel Automated Blood
Collection System is designed to give you the
flexibility and advanced technology to safely
collect more of the specific blood components
your center needs, in the easiest, most efficient
way possible. The Trima Accel system will help
you optimize procedures, improve inventory
and increase productivity.
To master the art of blood collection, there are

Three important reasons to

choose the Trima Accel system:
Its the right choice for people
Its the right choice for technology
Its the right choice for business

To learn more about the Trima Accel Automated

Blood Collection System, and its supporting
product catalog and information technology
systems, contact your nearest CaridianBCT
sales consultant.

The Trima Accel system means more

components from current donors
and greater efficiency for your center
Simple operation means fast run times and
more donors each day.
Flexible product collection maximizes
transfusion doses by collecting combinations
of platelets, plasma and red blood cells.
Single platform lets you collect components
based on daily inventory needs.
Collection based on total blood volume allows
you to increase the number of
components collected from each donor.
Low extra corporeal set volume reduces
donor deferrals.

Choose the most efficient

component yields
The Trima Accel system lets you meet the
growing demand for productive platelets by:
Collecting more platelets from eligible donors.
Qualifying more donors for double and triple

Optimize your inventory by

balancing holdings vs. needs
Streamline your operations:
Quick loading/unloading of tubing sets.
Single needle procedure is fast and easy
for donors.
Post-collection processing is done offline;
procedures are not slowed down.

Better staff utilization:

Easy-to-learn operation.
Lower overall staff-to-donor ratio.
More time with individual donors.

Mobile collections are easy

and productive:
Rolls easily and quick set up mean shorter
donor waits.
Shorter procedures let you schedule
more donations.
Fast run times allow you to collect more
components for inventory needs.

Leverage our Vista Information System

to maximize your center operations
Blood collection centers are becoming more complex
to operate every day. Utilizing the CaridianBCT Vista
Information System provides you with an industryspecific technology framework to streamline and
automate many key management processes.
The data and procedure records it maintains
can greatly help your center to:
Improve regulatory compliance while
reducing management overhead.
Ensure donor eligibility accurately.
Maximize the most desired product mix.
Aggregate and analyze process changes
and improvements.

The business benefits of the Trima Accel system

can improve your financial performance

Its the right choice for people

Total component management

In the field of blood collection, people are the

ultimate benefactors, the ultimate givers and
the ultimate professionals who bring the two
together. The Trima Accel system makes the
process better for all of them.

Component Collection Bags

The Trima Accel system is unique in its ability

to separate and automatically collect, in a single
platform, more transfusion doses of:

Touch-Screen Display

As donor numbers level off and the demand for

more, higher-quality platelet products increases,
the Trima Accel system provides answers for
bridging that gap.

Platelets (singles, doubles and triples)

Red blood cells (RBCs)
Double red blood cells (dRBCs)

CaridianBCT does more than provide an exceptional

system; we are your ongoing partner in the art of
blood collection. To enhance your productivity, every
the Trima Accel system implementation includes
CaridianBCT Outcome Review Reporting. Our
internal experts utilize the Trima Accel system data to
generate regular reports that track historical trending
and help improve your processes by answering such
questions as:

Are schedules arranged to deliver the most

productive procedure combinations?

Sealsafe (optional)
Front Panel

Five Pumps

To help you achieve even greater productivity

Outcome Review Reporting

Do our systems perform the desired number

of procedures per day?

IV Pole


Complement collection technology

with information technology

Collect 10% to 100% more

platelets than with other systems*

Are procedure configurations meeting

our inventory needs and aligned with
the donor population?

The Trima Accel system allows you to collect more

platelets by:
Optimizing each procedure.
Collecting more single donor platelets
from each donor.
Qualifying more donors for double
and triple platelets.

Centrifuge/Filler (inside door)

Match components
to your centers needs
On a single platform, the Trima Accel system lets
you collect more components from each procedure
and more total components each day.
Collect red blood cells (RBCs) with platelets
and plasma concurrently.
Collect any combination of platelets, RBCs or
dRBCs including PPCs (plasma reduced platelet
Match collections to daily inventory needs.
Collect/separate leukoreduced or non-
leukoreduced RBCs, depending on needs.


* Antoon, M. A Prospective Comparison of Productivity Between Trima Accel, Trima Version 4

and Amicus Crescendo (Dual Needle=DN) with the Same Donors. Transfusion, 2003; 43 (Suppl.):
64A (paired study).
Bueno, JL. A Randomized Crossover Trial Comparing Three Plateletpheresis Machines.
Transfusion, 2005; 45 (8): 1373-81 (paired study).
Burgstaler, EA. Paired Comparison of Gambro Trima Accel vs. Fenwal Amicus Single Needle
Plateletpheresis. Transfusion, 2003; 43 (Suppl.): 15A (paired study).
Fontana, S. Prospective, Paired Crossover Comparison of Multiple, Single-Needle
Plateletpheresis Procedures. Transfusion, 2006; 46 (11): 2004-10 (paired study).
Gonzales-Bachs, A. Influence of Plateletpheresis Collection Performance on Blood Centre
Productivity. Transfusion, 2003; 43 (Suppl.): 44A.
**Investigational use in the U.S. and Canada; For sale outside the U.S. and Canada as part of
Version 5.2.

For detailed, online analysis of your run

information, add the Cadence System
This new technology automatically collects run
information directly from your Trima Accel system
and securely transfers it online directly to CaridianBCT.
Here, it is analyzed to provide insight into collecting
more product and to minimize Trima Accel system

Its the right choice for technology

You want a system to work with maximum
efficiency, to collect the right components
from the right donor at the right time. That
means the advanced technology to move
beyond simple whole blood collection.

How the Trima Accel system works

Return reservoir

1. Whole blood is drawn from the donor,

anticoagulated and directed to the centrifuge.



2. The whole blood is separated into components.

3. Desired components are collected.
4. Remaining components are returned
to the donor.



The Trima Accel system has the features you

need to collect more of exactly what you need.
Combined with insightful information systems,
you achieve Total Component Management.





The Trima Accel system is better

for patients

The Trima Accel system is better

for technicians

 ore single donor platelets limit exposure
to multiple donor complications.

System simplicity means quick set up, shorter

procedure times.*

 ore efficient donations mean more
life-saving products are available.

Spend more time with donors.

The system can be configured to match

donor blood types with needed products.

The Trima Accel system is better

for donors
Procedure times are 25% to 40% shorter than
Baxter Amicus Crescendo* or Haemonetics
Single needle procedures provide a more
comfortable donation experience than double
needle procedures.
System Safety Box automatically lets you know
which combinations of components donors can
safely donate.
More collected components allow donors to
help more people.
Mobile system adds to the donor convenience
of mobile drives.
* Bueno, JL. A Randomized Crossover Trial Comparing Three Plateletpheresis
Machines. Transfusion, 2005; 45 (8): 1373-81 (paired study).
Fontana, S. Prospective, Paired Crossover Comparison of Multiple, Single-Needle
Plateletpheresis Procedures. Transfusion, 2006; 46 (11): 2004-10 (paired study).

Donors prefer the Trima Accel system

to other systems by a wide margin*
Trima Accel System

Baxter Amicus Crescendo

Haemonetics MCS+

 ollection specs can be tailored to get more
of the needed components from every donor.

Pre-wheeled mobility means easy

movement onsite or to remote locations.
Platelets and plasma can be collected and
leukoreduced; no manual processing is required.
Complete system training and implementation
support deliver confidence on the job.

Bottom line apheresis donations safely help

more people, faster

61% preferred the Trima Accel system

Center for Excellence shows how

to exceed mobile collection goals

35% preferred the Baxter Amicus Crescendo

4% preferred the Haemonetics MCS



Percentage of Donors





Bottom line with a better donor experience,

you can attract and retain more regular donors

This two-day session provides a hands-on

demonstration of how facilities are successfully
using the Trima Accel system in fixed and mobile
settings to achieve higher collection efficiencies.

Bottom line easier to learn,

use and move for better results

* Trima Accel System Operators Manual, Baxter Amicus Crescendo Operators Manual.

Trima Accel
The art
of blood

CaridianBCT, Inc.
10810 W Collins Avenue
Lakewood, CO USA 80215
T +1 303.231.4357
F +1 303.231.4160

CaridianBCT Europe N.V.

Ikaroslaan 41
1930 Zaventem
T + 32.2.715.05.90
F + 32.2.721.07.70

2008 CaridianBCT, Inc. PN 306680-756

Automated Blood Collection System

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